Найдено: 6

Правилото на знанието


ко можете да се срещнете с хора от миналото — кого бихте избрали? Шон Стрикленд е шокиран, когато внезапно е повикан в Кеймбридж да изнесе доклад върху времето и пространството — тема, която изучава от години. Но докато двамата с жена му пътуват в студената нощ към летището, колата им удря нещо, което изскача от храстите. От този момент животът на Шон се променя завинаги. Пред него бавно се разгръща мистерия, а ключът към нея се съдържа в един странен пакет… Шон разчупва печата и открива вързоп древни документи, написани на староеврейски, гръцки и арамейски. Сред тях обаче има и нещо друго — книга, останала херметично затворена в продължение на хилядолетия, но написана на чист английски. И...

Alien Sex: 19 Tales by the Masters of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy


Harlan Ellison, Richard Christian Matheson, Connie Willis, and many more contribute to a compelling psychological exploration of the many shades of love. An incubus disguised as a high school girl puts a disturbing spin on the teacher/student fantasy. An engineer creates a robot with unexpected consequences during the end of the world. A man becomes the pet of alien invaders. From stories of aliens in other worlds to those living among us, these tales will move you out of your comfort zone and open you up to experiencing something—or someone—completely different.

Black Heart, Ivory Bones


This sixth anthology in the adult fairy-tale series by acclaimed editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling presents another diverse collection of stories and poems loosely based on folklore traditions around the world. Readers familiar with previous books in the series will recognize the names of many regular contributors, including Tanith Lee, Jane Yolen, Esther Friesner, and Joyce Carol Oates, as well as works from Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, and others. Tanith Lee's "Rapunzel" opens the collection with a charmingly simple reconstruction of that classic fairy tale. Esther Friesner's "Big Hair" takes the same theme into the present with less cheerful results. Greg Costikyan considers the...

Секс с чужаками


«Секс с чужаками» — одна из наиболее ярких, сильных и смелых тематических нф-антологий рубежа 80-х — 90-х годов, с неординарными, провокативными рассказами, запоминающимися своим разнообразием. Чуть больше половины всех вещей были написаны специально для нее (Скотт Бейкер, К.У. Джетер, Лиза Таттл, Льюис Шайнер, Джефф Раймен, Пэт Мерфи и др.), остальные — репринтные (Х. Эллисон, Ф. Фармер, Дж. Типтри-мл., Ли Кеннеди, Конни Уиллис и др.). Также в книгу вошло эссе Ларри Нивена и предисловие Уильяма Гибсона.

Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex


This second volume of the Alien Sex anthology series brings together authors Neil Gaiman, Robert Silverberg, Samuel R. Delany, Joyce Carol Oates, Elizabeth Hand, and many others to explore the mysteries of sex, alien and human alike. From an alien spy who falls in love with one of the earthlings he’s monitoring, to a woman whose souvenir dream-catcher calls to her bedroom more than she bargained for, to a genetically engineered sex object aboard a space station, these thought-provoking tales of alien sex open up new worlds for fantastical exploration.

Sympathy for the Devil


An anthology of stories The Devil is known by many names: Serpent, Tempter, Beast, Adversary, Wanderer, Dragon, Rebel. His traps and machinations are the stuff of legends. His faces are legion. No matter what face the devil wears, Sympathy for the Devil has them all. Edited by Tim Pratt, Sympathy for the Devil collects the best Satanic short stories by Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Stephen King, Kage Baker, Charles Stross, Elizabeth Bear, Jay Lake, Kelly Link, China Mieville, Michael Chabon, and many others, revealing His Grand Infernal Majesty, in all his forms. Thirty-five stories, from classics to the cutting edge, exploring the many sides of Satan, Lucifer, the Lord of the Flies, the...