Найдено: 10

Военачальник (Машинный перевод)


Лара из королевства Кси и ее Военачальник, Кир из клана Кошки, прошли через многое вместе. Лара оставила свои земли и людей ради любви к нему. Она приняла свой путь и узнала о его народе. Вместе они столкнулись с чумой и мятежом - и, несмотря на все трудности, они познали счастье и радость. Теперь они сталкиваются со своей самой трудной задачей: Кир должен взять Лару в Сердце Равнин и представить ее как Военный трофей для воинов-жрецов. Она должна быть подвергнута проверке, допросу, осмотру, наблюдению, и должна получить благосклонность от воинов-жрецов и старейшин  кланов, прежде чем они подтвердят ее как настоящий Военный Трофей. Но в сердце Лары есть сомнения - для чего ей это нужно?...

Военная клятва


[i]Встречайте продолжение приключений Кира и Лары![/i] Лара, целительница и королева Кси, решила остаться с Киром и его народом. И вот военачальник и его избранница держат путь в Сердце Равнин, даже не подозревая, что судьба приготовила новые испытания их любви. Во время путешествия им попадается деревня, зараженная чумой, но Кир запрещает Ларе исцелить больных, чтобы не подвергать опасности армию. Но сможет ли Лара пройти мимо больного? И не обернется ли ее милосердие непростительной жестокостью для всех, кого она любит? Перевод сайта WorldSelena (http://worldselena.ru)

Военный трофей


Могли ли бы вы пожертвовать собой ради блага своего народа? Именно перед таким выбором оказалась принцесса Ксилара, дочь рода Кси. После смерти отца её королевство разграбливают таинственные иноземцы-завоеватели — люди Огненной земли. Ксилару не интересуют политика или интриги, и все своё время она посвятила врачебному ремеслу. Она не может отобрать трон у сводного брата или заключить мирный договор, но умеет исцелять раненых. Но на поле битвы умирают не только её соотечественники, но и враги. Совесть Ксилары не позволяет дать умереть чужеземным воинам, когда она может спасти их. Она учит их язык и обычаи, и пытается облегчить жизнь пленных. Но она никак не ожидала, что эти...



She must choose between her people and her freedom... Xylara is the Daughter of the Warrior King, Xyron. With her father dead and her incompetent half-brother on the throne, the kingdom is in danger of falling to the warring Firelanders. Before she was old enough for a marriage-of-alliance, Xylara was trained as a healer. She can’t usurp her brother or negotiate a peace--but she can heal the brave ones injured in battle. But not only her countrymen are wounded, and Xylara’s conscience won’t let Firelander warriors die when she can do something to save them. She learns their language and their customs and tries to make them as comfortable as possible, despite their prisoner-of-war...



Lara is the Warprize A powerful healer, she has sworn an oath of loyalty to Keir the Warlord, and his people. Now the Warlord and his chosen mate face enemies within the tribe and danger lurks on every hand as they journey toward Keir’s homeland. When they reach a village marked with the warnings of the plague, Keir forbids Lara to heal the sick, commanding that she not risk her own life. But both Lara and Kier are strong of will and neither will bend easily, even for love; and when Lara disobeys, she pays the price: both she and Kier are plague-struck... and so is their entire encampment. In the midst of the dying, Iften, a rival warrior, gathers his followers and challenges Keir for the...



Lara of Xy and her Warlord, Keir of the Cat, have been through much together. Lara abandoned her lands and people for love of him. She adopted his ways and learned of his tribe. Together they have faced plague and insurgency—and despite these struggles, they have known happiness and joy. Now they face their most arduous task: Keir must take Lara into the Heart of the Plains, and introduce her as the Warprize to the warrior-priests. She must be tested—questioned, examined, watched—and must find favor with the warrior-priests and the tribe’s elders before they will confirm her as a true Warprize. But in Lara’s heart there are doubts—for what if she is found wanting? Will Keir give up...

The Best Paranormal Crime Stories Ever Told


An anthology of stories Paranormal crime stories by bestselling fiction writers like Anne Perry, Michael Stackpole, Laura Resnick, and more. Paranormal crime stories by bestselling fiction writers like Kelley Armstrong, Anne Perry, Simon R. Green, Patricia Briggs, and more. A massive, monumental volume of paranormal crime fiction by bestselling authors. Gripping tales of mayhem include both novellas and short stories like 'Stalked by,' by Kelley Armstrong, 'The Judgment' by worldwide bestselling author Anne Perry, 'Appetite for Murder' by Simon R. Green, ', 'Road Dogs' by Norman Partridge, 'The Hex Is In' by Mike Resnick, 'Doppelgangster' by Laura Resnick, the chilling 'If Vanity Doesn't...

Chicks Kick Butt


Chicks are awesome—and never more so than when they are kicking some serious vampire/werewolf/demon/monster butt. Chicks Kick Butt is an anthology that features one of the best things about the urban fantasy genre: strong, independent, and intelligent heroines who are quite capable of solving their own problems and slaying their own dragons (or demons, as the case may be). Edited by Kerrie Hughes and Rachel Caine, Chicks Kick Butt features original stories from thirteen authors, eleven of whom are New York Times bestsellers.

Pandora's Closet


Nineteen original tales of the pandora legend-as no one has ever imagine it before. When Pandora's Box was opened, so the ancient tale goes, all the evils that would beset humanity were released into the world. When the box was all but empty, the only thing that remained was hope. Now some of fantasy's finest writers have taken on the task of opening Pandora's closet. It is naturally chock full of an assortment of items, including a ring that can bring its wearer infinite health, a special helmet found in the most unlikely of places, a mysterious box that holds a legendary piece of cloth, and a red hoodie that transforms a woman's world. These stories are of items claimed by people, but...



Seventeen original stories about the 'city of cats' Set in a world that exists on the same plane as humans, yet is hidden from us, Catopolis introduces readers to an assortment of cats, ranging from a feline Seer who must take destiny into her own paws to defeat a dictatorial tomcat thug…to a black cat who can call upon the powers of the 'big cats' to wage a war against evil…to a cat who would be king…to the ins and outs of cat politics and the perils of using mice as ballots…to a cat burglar looking for a musical treasure for his 'boss.'