Найдено: 5

Universal: A Guide to the Cosmos


An awe-inspiring, unforgettable journey of scientific exploration from Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, the international bestselling authors of Why Does E=MC2? and The Quantum Universe, with 55 black-&-white and 45 full-color pages featuring photographs, diagrams, maps, tables, and graphs We dare to imagine a time before the Big Bang, when the entire universe was compressed into a space smaller than an atom. And now, as Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw show, we can do more than imagine: we can understand. Universal takes us on an epic journey of scientific exploration. It reveals how we can all come to grips with some of the most fundamental questions about our Earth, Sun, and solar system--and...

The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen


In The Quantum Universe, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw approach the world of quantum mechanics in the same way they did in Why Does E=mc2? and make fundamental scientific principles accessible;and fascinating to everyone. The subatomic realm has a reputation for weirdness, spawning any number of profound misunderstandings, journeys into Eastern mysticism, and woolly pronouncements on the interconnectedness of all things. Cox and Forshaw's contention? There is no need for quantum mechanics to be viewed this way. There is a lot of mileage in the 'weirdness' of the quantum world, and it often leads to confusion and, frankly, bad science. The Quantum Universe cuts through the Wu Li and asks...

Why Does E=mc²? (And Why Should We Care?)


The most accessible, entertaining, and enlightening explanation of the best-known physics equation in the world, as rendered by two of today’s leading scientists. Professor Brian Cox and Professor Jeff Forshaw go on a journey to the frontier of 21st century science to consider the real meaning behind the iconic sequence of symbols that make up Einstein’s most famous equation, E=mc2. Breaking down the symbols themselves, they pose a series of questions: What is energy? What is mass? What has the speed of light got to do with energy and mass? In answering these questions, they take us to the site of one of the largest scientific experiments ever conducted. Lying beneath the city of Geneva,...

Почему E=mc²? И почему это должно нас волновать


Эта книга поможет понять теорию относительности и проникнуть в смысл самого известного в мире уравнения. Своей теорией пространства и времени Эйнштейн заложил фундамент, на котором зиждется вся современная физика. Пытаясь постичь природу, физики и сегодня создают теории, которые иногда в корне меняют нашу жизнь. О том, как они это делают, рассказывается в этой книге. Книга будет полезна всем, кто интересуется устройством мира.

Квантовая вселенная. Как устроено то, что мы не можем увидеть


В этой книге авторитетные ученые Брайан Кокс и Джефф Форшоу знакомят читателей с квантовой механикой – фундаментальной моделью устройства мира. Они рассказывают, какие наблюдения привели физиков к квантовой теории, как она разрабатывалась и почему ученые, несмотря на всю ее странность, так в ней уверены. Книга предназначена для всех, кому интересны квантовая физика и устройство Вселенной. На русском языке публикуется впервые.