Найдено: 59

The Ship Avenged


It's ten years later, and Joat, the eleven-year-old techno-demon from "The City Who Fought," is an adult herself, and by hook, crook, and blackmail (with an assist from Rand, her very own Artificial Intelligence), she's become one of the youngest commercial ship owners in human space. Using the good ship WYAL (for While You Ain't Looking) for various motley "transport" jobs, she has quickly gained a reputation as a trustworthy courier with a flexible approach to the rules. Which is why Centrals Worlds Security has recruited Joat and the WYAL to determine the present whereabouts of the Kolnari space raiders, with whom Joat has an old score to settle. But Belazair of the Kolnari has...

The City Who Fought


Simeon was a shell-person - the brain who ran Space Station SSS-900, on the fringes of human space. But things hadn't been going too well lately, and he was more than a little discontented. Though normally he enjoyed his work, these days it seemed boring. To make matters worse, his long-time parner had just retired and he was having a hard time adjusting to his newly assigned brawn - a strong-willed woman named Channa Hap, who seemed to feel it her duty to keep him in line. Simeon's love of wargaming would find unexpected uses when the brutal Kolnari attack the nearby colony planet, Bethel. Sheltering the colony's refugee's brought "the city" an invitation to serious trouble with...

Звёздный гамбит


«Звездный гамбит» — антология зарубежной фантастики и фэнтези разных авторов под одной обложкой! Содержание: Сироты (Р. Бюттнер) Хозяева космоса (Р. Вардеман) Фактор жизни (Д. Мини) Бортинженер (Д. Дуэн, С. Стирлинг — трилогия) Великое колесо (Б. Бейли) Одежды Кайана (Б. Бейли) Вернуть изобилие (К. Гринлэнд) Одиночка (К. Мориарти) Кодекс поведения (К. Смит) Полутьма (Э. Браун) Робот (А. Вишневский-Снерг) «От разбойника…» (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Нагая мишень (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Ангел смерти (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Оазис (А. Вишневский-Снерг) Боги войны (Ж. Клейн) Звездный гамбит (Ж. Клейн) Время не...

Война будущего

Грядущая буря

Грядущая буря

The Domination


The Draka series (dubbed The Domination in this collection) still requires a strong stomach--you'll find no shortage of blood and bullets or sex and violence here. But it's prudish to argue with Stirling's choices. A skilled writer and rigorous thinker, he's spun a compelling--not to mention plausible and well-researched--alternate history for earth: in this timeline, the Loyalists losers in the American Revolution set up shop in South Africa and then proceed to subjugate and industrialize the continent, eventually exporting their brutal system of slavery and conquest through WWI, WWII, and beyond to cover the better part of the globe. Page-turning, blood-pumping, realistic, and masterfully...

Терминатор 2. Инфильтратор


«Терминатор-2: Инфильтратор» — одновременно сиквел «Терминатор-2» и приквел к «Терминатор-3». Не просто увлекательная, но — ГОЛОВОКРУЖИТЕЛЬНАЯ книга, написанная С. М. Стирлингом — ведущим мастером «боевой фантастики»! Действие происходит в мире, созданном в кинофильме по сценарию Джеймса Камерона и Уильяма Уишера.

Space Inc (anthology)


Need a Job, Go to Mars… or the nearest space station or colony world. But what kind of career opportunities will you find on the ever-expanding frontiers of space? And how many alien beings will be vying for the same positions? To discover some of the possibilities, check out Space, Inc., and such entertaining and original tales as: “Attached Please Find My Novel”—Sometimes you found tomorrow’s best-sellers in the most unexpected places… “The Siren Stone”—Their mission was to blow up an asteroid before it could destroy a space station and its entire population, but nothing could prepare them for what they discovered when they rendezvoused with this giant piece of rock… “Come All...

Древний Марс


Новая антология из пятнадцати рассказов, опубликованная Джорджем Р.Р. Мартином и Гарнером Дозуа, знаменует Золотую Эру научной фантастики, эру повествований об инопланетных колонизациях и безрассудной храбрости. До появления мощных телескопов и космических зондов мы могли представлять себе нашу Солнечную систему населенной причудливыми созданиями и древними цивилизациями, не всегда дружелюбными к обитателям Земли. И среди всех планет, окружающих Солнце, только одна окружена аурой романтики, таинственности и приключений – Марс. Джеймс Кори, Майкл Муркок, Майк Резник, Говард Уолдроп, Йен Макдональд и другие в этой блестящей ретроантологии, которая возвращает нас назад на холодный, лишенный...