Marek Hłasko pozostawił po sobie nie tylko spuściznę literacką, obejmującą opowiadania i powieści, ale również barwną legendę, intrygującą zarówno starszych czytelników, jak i młodsze pokolenie, dla których polska rzeczywistość lat pięćdziesiątych, stanowiąca osnowę jego utworów, jest już tylko odległą historią. O Pięknych dwudziestoletnich , wydanych w 1966 roku nakładem Instytutu Literackiego w Paryżu, sam autor powiedział, że jest to raczej parodia niż autobiografia. Marek Hłasko opisuje w tej książce swoje życie w Polsce i na emigracji. Pojawiają się w niej nazwiska powszechnie znane i nikomu nic nie mówiące, Hłasko bowiem pisze o ludziach, których kochał, z którymi pił, i o tych , z...
Рассказы, образующие как бы трилогию со сквозными персонажами о жизни — вернее, о выживании — иммигрантов в Израиле в период становления государства. Грустный «плутовской роман». /Компиляция/.
В книге «Опечатанный вагон» собраны в единое целое произведения авторов, принадлежащих разным эпохам, живущим или жившим в разных странах и пишущим на разных языках — русском, идише, иврите, английском, польском, французском и немецком. Эта книга позволит нам и будущим поколениям читателей познакомиться с обстановкой и событиями времен Катастрофы, понять настроения и ощущения людей, которых она коснулась, и вместе с пережившими ее евреями и их детьми и внуками взглянуть на Катастрофу в перспективе прошедших лет.
Rebel author Marek Hlasko was considered the James Dean of the Communist Bloc. In this gripping novel, Robert and Jacob are two down-and-out Polish con men living in Israel in the 1950s. They plan to run a scam on an American widow visiting the country. Robert, who masterminds the scheme, and Jacob, who acts it out, are tough, desperate men, exiled from their native land and adrift in the hot, nasty underworld of Tel Aviv. Robert arranges for Jacob to run into the woman, who has enough trouble with her young son to keep her occupied all day. Her heart is open though, and the men are hoping her wallet is too. What follows is a story of love, deception, cruelty and shame, as Jacob pretends to...
"Blowtorch of a novel. . matchless and prescient." — Publishers Weekly "Spokesman for those who were angry and beat. . turbulent, temperamental, and tortured." — The New York Times "A self-taught writer with an uncanny gift for narrative and dialogue. . a born rebel and troublemaker of immense charm." — Roman Polanski In this novel of breathtaking tension and sweltering love, two desperate friends on the edge of the law — one of them tough and gutsy, the other small and scared — travel to the southern Israeli city of Eilat to find work. There, Dov Ben Dov, the handsome native Israeli with a reputation for causing trouble, and Israel, his sidekick, stay with Ben Dov's recently...
“History has no use for witnesses. ”When Marek Hłasko sent this novel to publishers in Poland in the mid-1950s, it was uniformly rejected. When he asked why, he was told: “This Poland doesn’t exist.” Long out of print, The Graveyard is Hłasko’s portrait of a system built on such denial and willful blindness. Factory worker Franciszek Kowalski is on his way home one evening after drinking with an old friend from the People’s Army when he unthinkingly yells some insults at a policeman. His outburst is taken as criticism of the government, and he is arrested and then expelled from the Party. Kowalski attempts to rehabilitate himself by gathering testimonies from the men he had...