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The Search For Magic

Pandora's Closet


Nineteen original tales of the pandora legend-as no one has ever imagine it before. When Pandora's Box was opened, so the ancient tale goes, all the evils that would beset humanity were released into the world. When the box was all but empty, the only thing that remained was hope. Now some of fantasy's finest writers have taken on the task of opening Pandora's closet. It is naturally chock full of an assortment of items, including a ring that can bring its wearer infinite health, a special helmet found in the most unlikely of places, a mysterious box that holds a legendary piece of cloth, and a red hoodie that transforms a woman's world. These stories are of items claimed by people, but...



Seventeen original stories about the 'city of cats' Set in a world that exists on the same plane as humans, yet is hidden from us, Catopolis introduces readers to an assortment of cats, ranging from a feline Seer who must take destiny into her own paws to defeat a dictatorial tomcat thug…to a black cat who can call upon the powers of the 'big cats' to wage a war against evil…to a cat who would be king…to the ins and outs of cat politics and the perils of using mice as ballots…to a cat burglar looking for a musical treasure for his 'boss.'