'The Doctor will see you now.'
The moment Ray Santana heard Orsino saythe words, he knew he was going to die, and die horribly.
Ten hours or so had passed since hisadhesive tape blindfold had been ripped away. Ten hours of being gagged andlashed to a high-backed chair — his head and chin taped so tightly, soexpertly, that he could not move at all. Ten hours of listening to the mariachibands and singers in the street above and knowing that for all the good theywould do him, the revelers might as well be celebrating their Fiesta de Nogaleson Mars. Ten hours without seeing any movement except the comings and goings ofa huge roach.
The roach was an inch and a half long.Maybe two. It padded out of a crack in the mildewed basement wall and made itsway, in no particular hurry, to the floor. Ray followed the insect with hiseyes until it left his field of vision, and waited for its return. For a time,he wondered about roaches — how they had sex, whether they chose one mate forlife. For a time, he pictured his own family — Eliza singing as she whippedtogether her incredible paella. . Ray Jr. diving headfirst into third. For atime he thought about his life before Eliza — the Road Warriors, the drugs …his decision to leave the gang and try college. . the irony of his ending upas an undercover agent for the DEA.
Now, after ten meticulously careful yearson the job, he was about to meet The Doctor. And soon — very soon, he suspected- he would be dead.
For no reason that he could understand,things had blown completely apart. The end of nearly three years of work was athand, and it was time to put together federal indictments and call in thetroops. His cover was as deep, as airtight as it had ever been. The meeting toturn his evidence over to Sean Garvey from the home office had been set up withPriority One precautions — four hours of steady movement, half a dozen decoysand back-checkers, and a route along which it was impossible to be followed.But suddenly, Alacante's men were all over them. And in seconds, just likethat, it was over. Not one shot in defense, not one punch. Just. . over.Garvey had been hauled away to God only knew where, and Ray had beenblindfolded, crammed in the trunk of a Mercedes, and driven back into town.After an hour, he was dragged to the cellar of a house and then through a long,damp tunnel to this basement.
Ray wondered if The Doctor had alreadybeen to see Garvey.
Ol' Garves might hold off for a littlewhile in naming names, Ray figured. But underneath his slick veneer, he was awimp. The first sight of his own blood, the first hit of real pain — theelectric cattle prod or knife or vise or whatever the hell they used — and hewould be spilling his guts. He would give up every fucking name he could thinkof, believing in his heart of hearts that if he didn't cause Alacante's peopletoo much trouble, they might let him live. Wrong!
'. . Tijuana?. . Oh, that would be aguy named Gonzales. He's had a little fruit stand downtown for the past threeyears, but he's really a U.S. Fed. . Vera Cruz? Yeah, I know that guy, too.. '
Another half hour passed. Possibly longer.Santana closed his eyes and wished he could just will himself dead. Or at leastasleep. The air in the basement was stagnant and heavy with mold. Sucking it inthrough his nostrils took so much effort that sleep was impossible. How ironic.After three years, he had amassed enough information for several dozen majorindictments. His only real failure was not pinpointing the famous AlacantePipeline — the tunnel connecting one or more houses in Nogales, Arizona, withcounterparts in Nogales, Mexico. Now, unless he was sorely mistaken, he had notonly found the Pipeline, he had actually been dragged through it. Eliza wasright, as usual. He should have gotten out while he could — started up thelandscaping business he was always talking about, and left the heroics to thecrazies. Now. .
There was a scraping noise behind him — aportion of the wall was being swung aside. Seconds later, Orsino came intoview. An Alacante lieutenant and a remorseless killer, Orsino had survived ashotgun blast that had left him without half of his lower lip and jaw. Whatremained of his mouth was all on the right side of his face. Ray wondered ifperhaps Orsino liked it that way.
'It is time,' he growled, with theinflated pride of a small man thrust into the company of a legend. 'Time foryou to meet The Doctor.'
An average-looking man in his earlyforties, medium height, stepped forward. His face was remarkable only for howcompletely
Ray's knuckles blanched as he clutched thearm of the chair.
'My name is Perchek. Dr. Anton Perchek,'the man said.
Santana's stomach tightened. Bile shot upinto his throat. The name was a death sentence.
'I can tell from your expression that myname is one you recognize,' Perchek said, favoring Ray with an enigmatic smile.'That's good. That's very good.'
Ray's mouth had gone dry. Anton Perchek,M.D., Soviet-born and — trained, had long ago left his native country. Now, hebelonged to no country and to every country. A true son of the world. For overthe years, The Doctor had built a reputation for being the best in the world atwhat he did, which was to keep torture subjects alive, awake, and responsive.He was seldom without employment. Sri Lanka, Bosnia, Paraguay, Iraq, SouthAfrica, Haiti — wherever there was conflict or political repression, there wasa demand for his services. There were even rumors — unsubstantiated — that he did occasional jobs for the CIA. A U.S. federal grand jury hadindicted Perchek in absentia for complicity in the deaths of several Americanundercover operatives, two of whom Ray knew well.
'So, Senor Santana,' he said, his Spanishunaccented but sterile. 'Would you prefer I address you in English?' He waitedfor a response. Then he turned and noticed the adhesive tape pulled tightlyacross Ray's mouth. He chuckled at his own oversight. 'My apologies, SenorSantana. Senor Orsino?'
His half mouth twisted in what might havebeen a grin, Orsino stepped forward and viciously tore the tape off — firstfrom across Ray's face, then from under his chin.
'So,' Perchek asked again. 'Spanish orEnglish? What will it be?'
Ray flexed the tightness and spasm out ofhis jaw. 'Your Spanish is better than mine,' he said.
'I've been led to believe your MexicanSpanish is quite good, actually — especially for someone from the Bronx. Butvery well. English it will be.'
His English, with perhaps the slightestBritish tinge, was no less fluent than his Spanish. Ray suspected that the mancould have conversed in any number of languages.
'I speak twelve others, actually,' hesaid, as if reading Santana's mind. 'Although my Arabic and Swahili may begetting a bit rusty.'
His average face smiled down at Ray. Butin that moment, Ray noticed something that wasn't the least bit average. It wasthe man's eyes. The irises were as pale as any he had ever seen — almosttranslucent.
'I don't know what this is all about.' Rayforced out the words.
The ice-blue eyes sparked. Otherwise, Perchek's demeanor remained unchanged.
'Then we shall help you learn,' he said.
He handed Orsino a length of twine andmotioned to the light fixture overhead. Once the twine was secured and danglingdown, Perchek turned to his valise. He produced a plastic bottle of intravenoussolution, connected it to a plastic infusion tube, and suspended it from thetwine.
'Zero point nine percent sodium chloride,'he said, pulling on a pair of rubber gloves. 'Normal saline.'
He tightened a latex tourniquet just aboveSantana's left elbow, waited a few seconds for the veins to distend, and thenslipped in an intravenous catheter with the ease of one who had performed themaneuver hundreds of times. Next he wrapped a blood pressure cuff around theother arm and secured it in place.
'Listen to me,' Ray said, struggling for atone of calm and reason. 'Orsino, you've got to listen. I was setting up thatFed, Garvey. He was about to sell me some information on the new DEA strategyagainst Alacante.'
'You are lying,' Orsino said.
'No, it's the truth.'
'We shall see what is the truth and whatis not,' Perchek said, drawing up a slightly turbid solution into a largesyringe. He inserted the long needle through a rubber port into the infusiontubing, and taped the syringe to Ray's forearm. 'We shall see very soon. Mr.Orsino?'
Orsino knelt, positioning himself so thathis face was just a foot or so from Ray's. Santana mentally recoiled from theman's breath, heavy with the odor of cigarettes and garlic, and stared withrevulsion at the yellowed half rows of teeth.
'Names,' Orsino said, a small bubble ofspittle forming at the good side of his mouth. 'The Mexican undercover agents.All of them.'
Ray looked past the man to where Perchekstood. He wondered what awaited him within the tattered valise. Truth serum,perhaps. Reputedly, Perchek usually left the dirty work to his employers. Hisjob was to use his drugs to keep subjects alive and awake. But it seemed hardto believe the crass, slow-witted Orsino would have the patience and skillrequired to do an effective job of inflicting just the right increments ofpain.
'I don't know any of them, Orsino,' Raysaid. 'You've got to believe that.'
During his year of training with theagency, there were a number of classes the cadets had shared with their CIAcounterparts. One of them was formally entitled Dealing with HostileInterrogation. The trainees referred to it as Torture 101. The instructor, aformer fighter pilot named Joe Dash, had spent four years in a Vietcong prisoncamp. He had no eyes.
'We want those names,' Orsino said. 'Iswear, I don't know any of them. You've got to believe me.'
Orsino reached out a meaty hand andsqueezed Ray's cheeks so tightly their insides touched. 'I'm glad you didn'ttell us,' he rasped. He stepped back. Immediately, Ray was transfixed by theice blue eyes.
'Do you know any chemistry at all, Mr.Santana?' Perchek asked. 'No matter. You may be interested to know the chemicalname for the contents of that syringe. It is four-chloryl, four-hydroxy,trimethyl, six-fluorodimethyl carbamate. Actually, there are two chemical sidechains as well, so the name is even longer.'
'I'm impressed,' Ray said.
'The short chemical name is hyconidolhydrochloride. A chemist friend did the synthesis, but my own research producedthe concept.'
'You see, Mr. Santana, at the end of everypain nerve in the human body is a chemical transmitter that connects it withthe next nerve and fires it off. The impulse shoots up that nerve, and anotherjet of transmitter connects it with the next. Et cetera, et cetera. Eventually — quite rapidly, actually — the message is transmitted from the point of injuryto the pain center of the brain and. . ouch!'
'Nicely put.'
Santana already knew where Perchek washeading. He was sure his understanding showed in his eyes.
'Hyconidol almost matches, atom for atom,the pain fiber neurotransmitter chemical. That means I can fire those nervesoff all at once and at will. Every single one of them. Think of it, Mr.Santana. No injury… no mess … no blood. Just pain. Pure pain. Except in thework I do, hyconidol has absolutely no clinical value. But if we ever do marketit, I thought an appropriate name for it might be Agonyl. It's incrediblestuff, if I do say so myself. A small injection? A little tingle. A larger one?Well, I'm sure you get the picture.'
Ray's mouth had become desert dry. Thepounding within his chest was so forceful that he felt certain The Doctor couldsee it.
Perchek's thumb tightened on the plunger.
'I think we'll start with somethingmodest,' he said. 'Equivalent, perhaps, to nothing more than a little coolbreeze over the cavities in your teeth.'
The last voice Ray heard before theinjection was Joe Dash's.
6 Years Later
For twelve years, the Jade Dragon on theUpper West Side of Manhattan had prided itself on exceptional food at veryreasonable prices. As a result, on an average weekday its 175-seat capacityturned over twice, and on weekends as many as five times. Tonight, a warmFriday in June, the wait for a table was half an hour.
Seated in his customary spot, Ron Farrellwas commenting to his wife Susan and their friends Jack and Anita Harmon on howthe place had grown since he and Susan had first eaten there almost a decadeago. Now, although they had moved three times, they made a point of coming tothe Jade Dragon alone or with friends every other Friday, almost likeclockwork.
They were nearly done with a meal that theHarmons had proclaimed as good as any Chinese food they had ever eaten when Ronstopped in mid-sentence and began rubbing his abdomen. With no warning, severecramps had begun knotting his gut, accompanied almost immediately by waves ofnausea. He felt sweat break out beneath his arms and over his face. His visionblurred.
'Ronnie? Are you all right?' his wifeasked.
Farrell took several slow, deep breaths.He had always handled pain well. But this ache seemed to be worsening.
'I don't feel well,' he managed. 'I've.. I've just gotten this pain, right here.'
'It couldn't be what you ate,' Susan said.'We all shared the same — '
Susan's face suddenly went ashen. Beads ofperspiration sprang out across her forehead. Then, without another word, shelurched sideways and vomited on the floor.
Standing by the kitchen door of thecrowded restaurant, the young assistant chef watched the commotion grow as one byone; the four customers at table 11 became violently ill. Finally, he reenteredthe massive kitchen and made his way nonchalantly to the pay phone installedfor the use of the hired help. The number he dialed was handwritten on athree-by-five file card.
'Yes?' the man's voice at the other endsaid.
'Xia Wei Zen here.'
The chef read carefully the words printedon the card.
'There are four leaves on the clover.'
'Very good. You know where to go afteryour shift. The man in the black car will take the empty vial from you inexchange for the rest of what you are now owed.'
The man hung up without waiting for areply.
Xia Wei Zen glanced about to ensure no onewas watching, and then returned to his station. Work would not be nearly sotaxing for the rest of his shift. For one thing, there was a good deal of moneyawaiting him. And for another, there would be many fewer orders coming in fromthe dining room tonight.
The call came into the emergency room ofGood Samaritan Hospital at 9:47. Four Priority Two patients were beingtransported by rescue squad from a Chinese restaurant twenty blocks away.Preliminary diagnosis was acute food poisoning.
It was a typically busy Friday night. Thenurses and residents of the large teaching hospital were already three hoursbehind. The twenty available treatment rooms were full, as was the waitingroom. The air was heavy with the odors of perspiration, antiseptic, and blood.All around were the sounds of illness, misery, and pain — moans, babies crying,uncontrollable coughing.
'Ever eat at a place called the JadeDragon?' the nurse who took the call from the rescue squad asked. 'I think so,'the charge nurse answered. 'Well, next time you might want to consider Italian.One rescue is on the way in with two probable food poisonings. Two more will be leaving shortly. Altogether, two men, two women, all in theirforties, all on IVs, all vomiting.'
'Vital signs?'
'The numbers are okay for the moment. Butaccording to the crew on the scene, none of them are looking all that good.'
'Fun and games times four.'
'Where do you want them?'
'What do we have?'
'Seven can be cleared if you can talk Dr.Grateful Dead, or whatever the hell his name is, into writing a fewprescriptions.'
'Perfect. Put whoever looks worst in thereand the rest in the hall. We'll move them into rooms as we can. Might as wellorder routine labs and an EKG on each of them, too.'
'Chop chop.'
Ron Farrell grunted in pain as his litterwas set on the emergency bay platform and telescoped up into transportposition. He was on his side in a fetal position. The pain boring into hisstomach was unremitting. Jack Harmon, who had quickly become even sicker than Susan,had been transported in the ambulance with him. Now, Ron saw him wave weakly asthe two of them were wheeled through the automatic doors and into the commotionand fluorescent glare of the intake area.
The minutes that followed were a blur ofquestions, needles, spasms of pain, and examinations from people dressed insurgical scrubs. Ron was wheeled to a small room with open shelves of suppliesand a suction bottle on the wall. The staff had addressed him courteouslyenough, but it was clear that everyone was harried. Ron's personal physicianwasn't affiliated with Good Samaritan, as far as he knew. There was reallynothing he could think of to do except wait for the medication he had beenpromised to take the pain away.
You are feeling better, yes?' a man'svoice said in a thick foreign accent that Ron could not identify.
Still in the fetal position that gave himthe least discomfort, Ron blinked his eyes open, and looked up. The man,dressed in blue surgical scrubs like most of the ER staff, smiled down at him.The overhead light, eclipsed by his head, formed a bright halo around him anddarkened his face.
'I am Dr. Kozlansky,' he said. 'It appearsyou and the others have developed food poisoning.'
'Goddamn jade Dragon. Is my wife allright?'
'Oh yes. Oh yes, I assure you, she is mostfine.'
'Great. Listen, Doc, my stomach's killingme. Can you give me something for this pain?'
'That is exactly why I am here,' he said.
The physician produced a syringe half fullof clear liquid and emptied it into the intravenous line.
'Thanks, Doc,' Farrell said.
'You may wish to wait and thank me when.. when we see how this works.'
'Okay, have it your — '
Farrell was suddenly unable to speak.There was a horrible, consuming emptiness within his chest. And he knew in thatmoment that his heart had stopped beating.
The man continued smiling down at himbenignly.
'You are feeling better, yes?' he asked.
Ron felt his arms and legs begin to shakeuncontrollably. His back arched until only his heels and the back of his headtouched the bed. His teeth jack-hammered together. Then his consciousness beganto fade. His thought became more disjointed. His dreadful fear lessened andthen finally vanished. His body dropped lifelessly back on to the bed.
For a full minute the man stood therewatching. Then he slipped the syringe into his pocket.
'I'm afraid I must leave you now,' hewhispered in a voice free of any accent. 'Please try to get some rest.'
1Year Later
Harry Corbett was on his fifteenth lap aroundthe indoor track when he first sensed the pain in his chest. The track, abalcony just under an eighth of a mile around, was on the top floor of the GreyBuilding of the Manhattan Medical Center. Ten feet below it was a modestlyequipped gym with weights, the usual machines, heavy bags, and some mats. Thefitness center, unique in the city, was exclusively for the hospital staff andemployees. It had been created through the legacy of Dr. George Pollock, acardiologist who had twice swum the English Channel. Pollock's death, at ageninety, had resulted from his falling off a ladder while cleaning the guttersof his country home.
At the moment of his awareness of thepain, Harry was actually thinking about Pollock and about what it would be liketo live until ninety. He slowed a bit and rotated his shoulders. The painpersisted. It wasn't much — maybe two on the scale of one to ten thatphysicians used. But it was there. Reluctant to stop running, Harry swallowedand massaged his upper abdomen. The discomfort was impossible to localize. Onemoment it seemed to be beneath his breastbone, the next in the middle of hisback. He slowed a bit more, down from an eight-minutes-per-mile pace to aboutten-and-a-half. The ache was in his left chest now. . no, it was gone. .no, not gone, somewhere between his right nipple and clavicle.
He slowed still more. Then, finally, hestopped. He bent forward, his hands on his thighs. It wasn't angina, he toldhimself. Nothing about the character of the pain said cardiac. He understoodhis body, and he certainly understood pain. This pain was no big deal. And ifit wasn't his heart, he really didn't give a damn where it was coming from.
Harry knew his logic was flawed — diagnostic deduction he would never, ever apply to a patient. But like mostphysicians with physical symptoms, his denial was more powerful than any logic.
Steve Josephson, jogging in the oppositedirection, lumbered toward him.
'Hey, you okay?' he asked.
Still staring down at the banked corktrack, Harry took a deep breath. The pain was gone, just like that. Gone. Hewaited a few seconds to be sure. Nothing. The smidgen of remaining doubtdisappeared. Definitely not the ticker, he told himself again.
'Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Steve,' he said.'You go ahead and finish.'
'Hey, you're the zealot who goaded me intothis jogging nonsense in the first place,' Josephson said. 'I'll take anyexcuse I can get to stop.'
He was sweating more profusely than Harry,although he had probably run half as far. Like Harry, Steve Josephson was ageneral practitioner — 'family medicine specialists,' the bureaucrats haddecided to name them. They were in solo practice, but shared night and weekendcoverage with four other GPs. It was just after six-thirty in the morning — earlier than usual for their run. But this would be a busy and important day.
At eight, following morning rounds and anemergency meeting of the family medicine department, the entire MMC staff wouldbe convening in the amphitheater. After months of interviews and investigation,the task force charged with determining whether or not to reduce the privilegesof GPs in the hospital was ready to present its findings. From the rumors Harryhad tapped into, the recommendations of the Sidonis committee would be harsh — the professional equivalent of castration.
With a portion of Harry's income and asignificant chunk of his professional respect on the line, the impendingpresentation was reason enough for the ulcers or muscle spasms, or whatever thehell had caused the strange ache. And even the committee report was not theforemost concern on his mind.
'We've been running together three or fourtimes a week for almost a year,' Josephson said, 'and I've never seen you stopbefore your five miles were up.'
'Well, Stephen, it just goes to showthere's a first time for everything.'
'I understand. Is Evie going in tomorrow?'
'The day after. Ben Dunleavy's herneurosurgeon. He talks about clipping her cerebral aneurysm as if he wasremoving a wart or something. But I guess it's what he does.'
They moved off the track as the only otherrunners in the gym approached.
'How's she holding up?' Josephson asked.
Harry shrugged. 'All things considered,she seems pretty calm about it. But she can be pretty closed in about herfeelings.'
'Well, tell her Cindy and I wish her well,and that I'll stop by to see her as soon as that berry is clipped.'
'Thanks,' Harry said. 'I'm sure she'llappreciate hearing that.'
In fact, he doubted that she would. Aswarm, bright, and caring as Steve Josephson was, Evie could never get past hisobesity.
'Did you ever listen to him breathe?' shehad once asked as Harry was extolling his virtues as a physician. 'I felt likeI was trying to converse with a bull in heat. And those white, narrow-strappedtees he wears beneath his white dress shirts — pulleese …'
'So, then,' Josephson said as they enteredthe locker room, 'before we shower, why don't you tell me what
'I already — '
'Harry, I was halfway around the trackfrom you and I could see the color drain from your face.'
'It was nothing.'
'You know, I spent years learning how toask non-leading questions. Don't make me regress.'
For the purpose of insurance applicationforms or the occasional prescription, Harry and Josephson served as oneanother's physician. And although each persistently urged the other to schedulea complete physical, neither of them had. The closest they had come was anagreement made just after Harry's forty-ninth birthday. Harry, alreadyobsessive about diet and exercise, had promised to get a checkup and a cardiacstress test. Steve, six years younger but fifty pounds heavier, had agreed tohave a physical, start jogging, and join Weight Watchers. But except forJosephson's grudging sessions on the track, neither had followed through.
'I had a little indigestion,' Harryconceded. 'That's all. It came. It bothered me for a minute. It left.'
'Indigestion, huh. By indigestion do youperhaps mean chest pain?'
'Steve, I'd tell you if I had chest pain.You know I would.'
'Slight correction. I know you
Although Harry rarely talked about it,over the years almost everyone at the hospital had heard some version of theevents at Nha-trang, or had actually composed one themselves. In the stories,the number of wounded he had saved before being severely wounded himself hadranged from three — which was in fact the number for which he had beendecorated — to twenty. He once even overheard a patient boast that his doctorhad killed a hundred Vietcong while rescuing an equal number of GIs.
'Stephen, I am no hero. Far from it. If Ithought the pain was anything, anything at all, I'd tell you.' Josephson wasunconvinced.
'You owe me a stress test. When do youturn fifty?'
'Two weeks.'
'And when's the date of that familycurse?'
'Oh, come on.'
'Harry, you're the one who told me aboutit. Now, when is it?'
'September. September first.'
'You've got four weeks.'
'I … Okay, okay. As soon as Evie'ssituation is straightened out I'll set one up with the exercise lab. Promise.'
'I'm serious.'
'You know, in spite of what everyone saysabout you, I always thought that.'
Harry stripped and headed for the showers.He knew that Steve Josephson, in spite of himself, was staring at the patchworkof scars on his back. Thirty-one pieces of shrapnel, half a kidney, and a rib.The design left by their removal would have blended into the pages of a RandMcNally road atlas. Harry flashed on the incredible sensation of Evie'sbreasts gliding slowly over the healed wounds in what she used to call herpatriotic duty to a war hero.
He cranked up the hot water until he wasenveloped in steam. Two weeks until fifty.
He thought about the day halfway throughhis convalescence when he had made the decision to withdraw from his residencyin surgery and devote his professional life to general practice. Something hadhappened to him over his year and a half in Nam. He no longer had any desire tobe center stage. Not that he minded the drama and intensity of the operatingroom. In fact, even now he truly enjoyed his time there. But in the end, he hadrealized, he simply wanted to be a family doc.
Well, lately things weren't making muchsense at all. The big answers were just as elusive as ever. More so. Hismarriage was shaky. The kids he had always wanted just never happened. Thefinancial security that he had expected would gradually develop over the yearswas tied to a brand of medicine he was not willing to practice. He neverallowed his office to become a medical mill. He never sent a collection agencyafter anyone. He never refused anyone care because the patient couldn't pay. Henever moved to the suburbs. He never went back for the training that would havemade him a sub-specialist. The result was a car that was seven years old and aretirement fund that would last indefinitely — as long as he didn't try toretire.
Now, his professional stature was beinghauled up on the block, his wife was facing a neurosurgeon's scalpel, and justfour weeks from the first of September, his fifty-first year, he hadexperienced pain in his chest.
The hastily called family medicinedepartmental meeting accomplished little. Each physician who spoke during theemotional forty-five-minute session seemed to have different information aboutwhat the findings of the Sidonis committee were going to be. In the end, nomotions were passed, no actions of protest approved. Aside from presenting aunified front at the amphitheater, there was nothing to do until the specificsof the task force's recommendations were known.
'Harry, you didn't say a word in there,'Steve Josephson said as they left.
'There was nothing to say.'
'Sidonis and his vigilantes are on a witchhunt, and you know it. Everyone's scared. You could have calmed them down.You're. . you're sort of the leader of the pack. The unofficial kahuna.'
'A kind way of saying I'm older than mostof the others.'
'That's hardly what I mean. I deliverbabies. Sandy Porter strips veins and does other stuff in the OR. The Kornetskybrothers are better in the CCU than most of the cardiologists. Almost every oneof us does some procedure or activity that might be taken away today. You'reabout the only one who does all of them.'
'So? Steve, what are we going to do?Challenge the specialists to a medical Olympics?'
'Oh, this is crazy. Harry, I don't knowwhat's come over you lately. I just hope it's not permanent.'
Harry started to respond that he didn'tknow what Josephson was talking about. Instead, he mumbled an apology. He hadnever been a fiery orator, but over the years his directness and commonsenseapproach to resolving conflicts had earned him respect in the hospital. And hecertainly had never backed away from a fight. He could have —
The crisis at MMC was the direct result ofthe hospital being named as codefendant in three successive malpractice suitsover a period of a few months. All three suits involved GPs. Harry felt theepidemic of litigation was nothing more than coincidence. In the new medicalorder of sue first, ask questions later, similar numbers could probably beproduced to show that specialists were equally vulnerable. But the medicalstaff had panicked and the Committee on Non-Specialty Practice had beencreated. Caspar Sidonis, a charismatic, widely known cardiac surgeon, had beenmade its chairman.
Sidonis and Harry had never hit it off,although Harry never really understood why. Now they were on opposite sides ofthe table, playing a high-stakes game for a pot that was of value only to theGPs. And Sidonis held all the cards.
'Steve, I'm sorry,' Harry said again asthey turned down the passageway that cut through the emergency room, 'I guess I
The corridor, a shortcut from the roomwhere their meeting was held to the amphitheater, was closed to the public butnot to hospital staff. Today, the ER was humming. The rooms to either side ofthem were all occupied. Major surgery, minor surgery, orthopedics, ENT,pediatrics, minor medical, major medical, cardiac.
'Each one a story,' Harry said as theywalked through.
'Yeah,' Steve mumbled. 'Well, after todaywe better get used to having to read the Cliffs Notes.'
A nurse rushed past them from behind andinto one of the two cardiac rooms.
'Give him another three of morphine,' theyheard a resident say as they neared the room.
'How much Lasix has he gotten?'
'Eighty, Doctor
'This is V. tach. I'm almost certain ofit.'
'His pressure's dropping, Doctor.'
'Dammit! Someone was supposed to havecalled cardiology.'
'I put a page in for them. They haven'tanswered.'
The two GPs stopped at the doorway. Thepatient, a husky black man, probably in his early seventies, was in extremis,sitting nearly upright on the litter, gasping for breath. Loud gurgling wellingup from within his chest accompanied each inhalation. His heart rate was nearlyone hundred and seventy. The young resident managing the case was a decentenough doctor, but he had developed a reputation for losing his cool indifficult situations.
'What is his pressure?' he asked.
'Maybe seventy, Doctor. It's quite hard tohear.'
There was undisguised urgency in thenurse's voice.
Her repeated use of the resident's titlewas a demand that
he do something.
'We can't wait for cardiology,' he said.'Get ready to shock him. Someone please page cardiology again. Janice, I wantthree hundred joules.'
Steve Josephson, his eyes wide, lookedover at Harry.
'Pulmonary edema,' Josephson said.
'Right you are,' Harry replied.
'But that's not V. tach on the monitor.'
'I agree. Plain old garden variety sinustachycardia, I would say. Due to the stress of the situation.'
'We can't let him shock that.'
Harry hesitated for just a moment, thennodded. The two of them moved to the bedside.
'Sam, that's sinus tach.' Harry whispered softlyenough so that no one but the resident could hear. 'Try to shock that and youmight kill him.'
The resident looked first at the monitorand then at the nurses and technicians surrounding his patient. In seconds hisexpression went from confusion to anger to embarrassment, and finally torelief.
'You want to take over?' he askedsuddenly. 'Please, go ahead.'
Without answering. Harry picked up a toweland dried the perspiration that was pouring off the patient's brow. He glancedat the plastic identification bracelet.
'Mr. Miller, I'm Dr. Corbett. Squeeze myhand if you understand. Good. You're going to be okay, but you've got to tryand breathe slower. I know it's hard and I know you're frightened right now,but you can do it. We're going to help you. EKG, Steve?'
'Maybe a small anterior MI,' Josephsonsaid. 'He's beating too fast to tell for sure.'
'Fifty percent. If he's not a smoker, hisblood is concentrated big time.'
They looked over at the resident, whoshook his head. 'Lifetime nonsmoker,' he said. 'But what's his red blood cellconcentration got to do with all this?'
Harry's exam disclosed no ankle swellingand no other signs of excessive fluid. Heart failure, from whatever cause, wasproducing back pressure throughout the pulmonary circulation. Serum, thenoncellular part of blood, was being forced through the blood vessel walls andinto the man's lungs. As a result of the serum shift, the red blood cells, toolarge to pass through the vessel walls, were becoming sludge. Harry checked theman's pupils for the constriction that would signal marked narcotic effect. Thepupils were small, but not yet pinpoint.
'Three more of morphine,' he said. 'Pleaseget me a phlebotomy bag. We're going to take some blood off him. Get ready tointubate him if we have to.' He toweled the man off again. 'Mr. Miller, you'redoing great. Try to slow it down just a little bit more.'
'Excuse me,' the resident whispered,astonished, 'but you're going to take
'We are.'
'But. . but nobody does that anymore.'
'You're doing better and better, Mr.Miller,' Harry said. He turned to the resident. 'No one does this anymore, huh?Well, we do, Sam,' he said. 'Especially when someone's hematocrit is aselevated as this man's. Just because a method's not high-tech doesn't mean itsuseless. Trying to get fluid off him with diuretics often isn't as effective aswhat we're about to do. And in someone whose blood is already thisconcentrated, diuretics are quite a bit more dangerous. Any fluid you get offwith diuretics will just concentrate his red cells even more. If those redcells get thick enough, sooner or later a vessel could clot off. Pressure,please?'
'Holding at eighty. Easier to hear,' thenurse said.
Harry nodded to Steve Josephson, who insertedthe large phlebotomy needle into a vein with a dexterity belied by his thickfingers. Instantly, a column of blood glided down the tubing and began to fillthe plastic collection bottle.
The reversal of Clayton Miller's pulmonaryedema was spectacular.
'I … I'm breathing … a … little.. better. .,' he managed after just a minute or so.
'What do you think, Steve? Another hundredcc's?'
'If his pressure stays up, I would saymaybe even two hundred.'
Harry adjusted the needle slightly, andthe flow of blood increased. For another minute, there was only silence.
'Oh my God,' Miller said suddenly, fillinghis lungs with a long, grateful swallow. 'Oh my God, I'm better. . muchbetter.'
He was still breathless, but much less so.The cardiac pattern on the monitor had slowed to one hundred. The shape of thecomplexes now appeared quite normal. Two nurses exchanged looks of exuberantrelief. The resident stepped between the two GPs.
'This is incredible,' he said. 'I don'tknow what to say. Mr. Miller, Dr. Corbett and Dr. Josephson really came throughfor you — for me, too.'
The older man managed a weak thumbs up.'Listen,' the resident went on, 'I heard about that committee they formed toalter your privileges. If you need me to write them about what went on herethis morning, I'll be happy to.'
'It may be a little late for that,' Harrysaid, 'but why don't you drop Dr. Sidonis a note just the same. He mightactually read it, as long as it starts with the greeting "YourGrace."'
There was a soft noise behind them. Thethree of them looked toward the doorway just as a stony-faced Caspar Sidonisturned and stalked off toward the amphitheater.
'Green Dolphin Street.' The Wes Montgomeryarrangement. The tune started up in Harry's head almost as soon as he hadsettled into a seat in the last row of the amphitheater. 'Green DolphinStreet.' Harry tapped out a riff with his fingers on the metal armrest. Heloved music of all kinds, but he was a fanatic for jazz. He had played basssince junior high school and still sat in with a combo when he had the time.Over the years, he had come to appreciate that 'Green Dolphin Street' tended topop into his head when he was keyed up — tense, but ready for action. He hadhummed it heading into organic chemistry exams, and later on throughout hisfamily practice-boards. And of course, during the war, it seemed he was alwayslistening to it either on tape or in his imagination. Now, for the first timein a hell of a while, it was back.
'Full house, Harry,' Doug Atwater said,gesturing toward the rapidly filling amphitheater. 'You'd think they weregiving away free stethoscopes.'
MMC was the largest of the three hospitalscontracting with the Manhattan Health Cooperative. As the vice presidentresponsible for marketing and development of the rapidly expanding HMO, Atwaterhad an office at each of them. He had come to the company six or seven yearsbefore from someplace in the Midwest. There were many, including Harry, whobelieved that without Atwater's creative energy and business sense, theCooperative and its hospitals might well have gone under some time ago.Instead, Manhattan Health had captured a decent share of the market and becomea real force in the business. Like Harry, Atwater was a devoted jazz fan,although he didn't play himself. The two of them managed to hit a club everythree or four months. And from time to time Doug would stop by C.C.'s Cellarwhen Harry was sitting in with the combo that regularly played there.
'Did Sidonis or anyone on his committeespeak to you about all this?' Atwater asked.
'Of course. Dan Twersky, the psychiatrist, got assigned to interview me. You know him? He couldn't havebeen more pompous or condescending if he had tried. He wanted to know how MarvLorello could have sewn up that guy's thumb so badly. I told him that as far asI could tell, Marv didn't sew up anything badly. Twersky asked why Lorellodidn't call in a hand surgeon. I told him that all anyone could do was clean upthe gash and suture it closed. The most skillful hand surgeon in the worldmight easily have gotten the same unfortunate result Marv did. Sometimescirculation to a wound isn't all it should be, and there is some tissue loss.He said I sounded a bit defensive of GPs. I told him that a thousandtimes out of a thousand I would choose to repair that cut without calling in ahand surgeon, and that nine hundred and ninety nine of those times the twohalves would heal perfectly. Twersky just sat there and smiled. It was an
Atwater reached over to give him asupportive pat on the shoulder.
'Harry, you're a hell of a doctor,' hesaid, 'and nothing Sidonis or his committee can do is going to change that.'
Steve Josephson maneuvered down the row,nodded a greeting to Atwater, and settled into the seat next to Harry.
'They just took Clayton Miller up to theunit,' he said. 'The man's doing great. A save of the highest order. After youleft, once his breathing was back near normal, he started talking baseballnonstop. He was a pro — a teammate of Satchel Paige in the Negro baseballleagues. And get this: apparently his son works for the Yankees. He says thatany time you or I want tickets, we've got 'em.'
'My kind of patient,' Harry said.
'What gives?' Atwater asked.
Harry deferred to Josephson, who detailedthe event with all the drama of a fighter pilot recounting a dogfight. Atwaterlistened, enthralled.
'Too bad Sidonis doesn't know what youdid,' he said.
'He does. I don't think he's impressedenough to call off the vigilantes, though. In fact, I don't think he'simpressed at all.'
'Well, just the same, you guys are reallysomething. I listen to you and I honestly wish I could be on the front linesinstead of sitting up there pushing pencils. Say, Harry, what's the story withEvie?'
'She's coming in later this week. Probablythe day after tomorrow.'
Atwater pulled out a black memo book andwrote down Evie's name and
'She's a hell of a gal,' he said. 'I knowshe'll do great.'
Evie's headaches, which she had firstattributed to allergies, then to stress from her job, and finally to stressfrom Harry, had proven to be caused by something far more structural andvirulent. Harry spent several frustrating weeks trying to convince her to see adoctor and get a CT scan. Finally, she ended up on the neuro ward, with thickspeech and a weak right arm. The tests revealed a large berry aneurysm on heranterior cerebral artery, which had bled and then sealed over. Evie was lucky.Rapidly, her neurologic symptoms had resolved. A period of rest coupled withserial CTs was her neuro-surgeon's recommendation. Now, it was time for thebulge in the vessel wall to be repaired.
'Harry,' Atwater said, 'be sure and let meknow if there's anything Anneke or I can do to help the two of you out.'
Doug's smile was mischievous. When he andHarry went out to hear music, he invariably showed up with a date — always adifferent one, and each, it seemed, younger and more attractive than the last.
'She's half Swedish and half German,' heexplained. He thought for a moment, and then added, 'I guess it's the top halfthat's Swedish.'
'Hail, Caesar, we who are about to diesalute you,' Steve Josephson said, gesturing toward the small stage at thelower end of the amphitheater. Caspar Sidonis had just taken his place at themicrophoned table in the center of his six-member committee.
'Could I have your attention, please,'Sidonis said, tapping at his microphone. 'Let's get started. We have a gooddeal of important material to cover. . Please, would you all take your seats…'
'If people keep talking, I wonder if he'llstart throwing things like he does in the OR,' Josephson whispered to Harry.'I've heard he's had enough complaints filed by scrub nurses to fill the phonebook. The hospital doesn't do anything about his tantrums because they'reafraid he'll take his act somewhere else. The guy brings in millions ofdollars.'
'Whatever Caspar wants, Caspar gets,'Harry sang to the 'Lola' tune.
'I don't have very good vibes about thisat all, Harry.'
'I can't think of any reason you should.'
Caspar Sidonis, in his early forties, hada matinee idol's good looks, which he augmented by being impeccably andexpensively dressed at all times. He had been first in his class at Harvard Medand never, ever let anyone forget it. He had also won MMC's tennis and squashchampionships several years running, and was rumored to have been a collegiateboxing champion.
'Green Dolphin Street' intensified inHarry's head. Funk or no funk, he did not want to be told what he could andcould not do as a physician — not by HMOs, not by insurance companies, andespecially not by a pompous, overblown, crank-'em-through super-technician likeSidonis. He glanced around the hall at the other GPs, thinking about all thoseyears of study, the countless hours of continuing-ed courses, their willingnessto endure the low prestige and even lower reimbursement that went with being afamily practitioner. They deserved to be rewarded, not restricted.
'Harry, for chrissakes, say something.They're crucifying you.'
Doug Atwater, seated to Harry's right,clenched his fist in frustration as, one by one, the Sidonis committee'srecommendations were presented to the medical staff. To Harry's left, SteveJosephson was shaking his head in disbelief. He had tried arguing against thefirst of the committee's proposals, which required that a board-certifiedobstetrician be present for all deliveries. Josephson had once made headlineswhen, as a passenger stuck in a disabled subway car, he had successfullydelivered the twins of one of the other passengers. Now, it seemed possiblethat deliveries in such situations would be the only ones he would be allowedto perform.
The vote, despite Josephson's emotionalarguments and well-publicized heroics, was nearly unanimous. Only the three GPswho still did deliveries voted
'There goes the new refrigerator,' Harrysaid.
The next resolution, requiring GPs to turnover their Coronary Care Unit patients to a cardiologist or internist, passedeasily. The cardiologist who had taken over Clayton Miller's care was one ofthe few dissenters who wasn't a GP. Then came the vote to limit surgicalparticipation by GPs to first assisting only. Again Sidonis's committeeprevailed.
'History will refer to this next one asthe Marv Lorello Proviso,' Harry whispered as discussion began on the last ofthe committee's proposals.
'It is recommended,' Sidonis began,adjusting the Ben Franklin reading glasses that Harry sensed he wore more forhis image than for his vision, 'that all suturing done in the Manhattan MedicalCenter emergency ward by a non-surgical specialist be approved in advance bythe senior emergency physician on duty.'
The murmur around the amphitheatersuggested that many were surprised by this final, and perhaps most humiliatingproposal. Harry had had advance warning, but the words stung nevertheless.
'There have been,' Sidonis went on, 'anumber of cases reported to our complaint committee, and to our liabilitycarrier, in which improper technique was used or faulty judgment displayed bycertain non-specialists. Mrs. Brenner of our risk-management office has assuredme that developing some sort of internal pretreatment screening policy couldsignificantly reduce the number of claims against our non-specialty staffmembers.'
He glanced vaguely in Marv Lorello'sdirection, and several dozen pairs of eyes followed. Lorello had joined thestaff just a few years before after serving three years on a reservation in theIndian Health Service. He had impressive academic credentials and a refreshingidealism about practicing medicine. The malpractice suit — his first — and thesubsequent fallout from it had hurt him deeply. Harry did his best to remainexternally placid. But 'Green Dolphin Street' was playing on, up-tempo now andlouder.
Then suddenly, the music stopped. It tookseveral seconds before Harry realized he was on his feet, his six-one frame thecenter of attention of everyone in the amphitheater. He cleared his throat. Thefaces stared up at him, waiting.
'If it's all right with the chairman,' heheard himself saying, 'I… um … I guess there are a few things I need to getoff my chest before we vote on this last — and for the family practitioners,most degrading — proposal of this commission.' He paused for objections andhalf felt Sidonis was about to voice one. The silence, however, was total.'Okay. Thanks. It's not my intention to belittle anyone's specialty by implyingthat someone with less training might be able to do exactly what it is they do.But I do want to stress that we generalists are well trained to do
'Most of us can handle being treated withthe sort of disdain I've heard expressed here today.' He looked pointedlyacross the auditorium toward Sidonis. The impressive silence continued. Not acough. Not a clearing of a throat. Not a creaking of a seat. 'We can handle itbecause we believe in the specialty of medicine we have chosen. Now, we'vebecome something of a convenience to the insurance companies and HMOs. Theycall us primary care physicians. By that they mean medical traffic cops,screening the mundane and insignificant complaints so that the much moreexpensive specialists won't have to deal with them. And that's okay. Most of ushave adjusted to that new order, too. Just as we'll adjust to first assistingon simple appendectomies and other operations we have performed dozens of timesourselves, or turning our coronary care patients over to someone they don'tknow.
'But this — ' Harry gestured to the hugescreen behind Sidonis, on which was displayed the last of the committee'srecommendations. 'This I simply cannot accept. You know, we doctorspersistently lay the blame for the malpractice crisis on lawyers. There are toomany lawyers. The contingency system is wrong. The way they advertise isinflammatory. Well, that may be so. But that is hardly the whole story.Patients don't know us anymore. We don't portray ourselves as partners in thebusiness of keeping them healthy. Instead, most of us come across as just whatwe are — specialists, interested only in making sure that the body part we havebecome expert at works properly. Hey, lady, I'm sorry you have to get toBrooklyn, I never drive past Forty-second Street. Well, I know how to suture.I've sutured wounds you wouldn't believe in situations you wouldn't believe.I'm damn good at it. So is Dr. Josephson, here, and Marv Lorello, and every oneof the rest of us who chooses to sew up our patients when they cut themselves.I don't need to be told what I can and cannot fix. None of us does.
'So I say,
Harry hesitated and then sank to his seat.The heavy silence continued. Finally, Steve Josephson reached over and took hishand.
'Thank you,' he said hoarsely. 'Thanks fortrying.' Then, from across the amphitheater, the applause began. It spreadquickly around the hall until nearly everyone had joined in. Then they werestanding. Several of them cheered out loud. Others rapped on the woodenseatbacks in front of them. Caspar Sidonis sat rigidly in his seat, crimsonbeneath his perpetual tan. The other members of the committee shifteduncomfortably.
'It appears there is a great deal ofsentiment surrounding this proposal,' Sidonis said after he had finally managedto reestablish his authority. 'I would suggest that perhaps we should tablefurther discussion until our committee can meet again with the risk-managementpeople and reconsider this issue.'
'No, let's vote!' someone shouted out.
'How about another vote on all thoseproposals,' another yelled.
Suddenly the entire medical staff seemedto be talking and arguing at the same time. Sidonis, bewildered and unsure ofhow to handle the situation, looked about for help. He was bailed out by thechief of the medical staff, a burly orthopedic surgeon who had twice been anAil-American linebacker at Penn State.
'Okay, everyone, cool it!' he barked out.'That's it. Thanks. I want to thank Dr. Sidonis and his committee for a jobwell done. It seems this last issue is controversial enough that we ought tosit on it for a while. I know this whole business of who does what is not easy,and would like to praise the staff for its courage and the nonspecialtypractitioners for their understanding.' Two physicians booed. 'Come on, growup,' the chief snapped. 'We gave Dr. Sidonis and his committee a mandate, andthey have lived up to it. Now, I think we owe them a round of applause.'
Grudgingly, the staff complied. Thesession ended with a word of praise for the hard work of the Sidonis committee,and a plea for understanding and unity among the staff.
'You primary care physicians are still thefoundation of our medical delivery system,' he said. 'Never forget that.'
Harry accepted the handshakes andcongratulations of Doug Atwater, Steve Josephson, and a number of the otherstaff members. But he knew that while he had helped the GPs save face, theirloss of stature was severe. The groundswell of support following his speech hadnot changed that. He worked his way free and headed down toward the exit by theamphitheater stage. He was nearly there when Caspar Sidonis stepped in front ofhim. For a moment, Harry thought the former boxer was going to take a swing athim.
'Enjoy your little show while you can,Corbett,' he said. 'It's not going to make a bit of difference around here. You'vealways been a wiseass. But this time you've picked the wrong person to fuckwith.'
He whirled and stalked away.
'Asking you over for tea?' Doug Atwaterasked.
Harry recovered and forced a smile.
'There's something going on with that guyand me.
Something beneath the surface that I don'teven know about,' he said.
'Forget about him,' Doug replied. 'Comeon. Let me buy you a Coke. You're a hell of a guy Harry. A hell of a guy.'
It was midmorning when Harry finisheddictating two discharge summaries and left the hospital for the six-block walkto his office on West 116th Street. The day was cloudless and just cool enoughto be invigorating. Still, despite the weather, he sensed the return of thepersistent flatness that had been dogging him for months. It was a feelingunlike anything he had ever experienced before — even during his year of painand disability. And his failure to simply will it away was becomingincreasingly frustrating. Distracted, Harry stepped on to Lexington Avenueagainst the light and narrowly missed walking into a Federal Express truck.
The cabby, dropping off a fare, waved tohim from across the street. It took a moment, but Harry recognized the husbandof one of his obstetrics patients — one of his
The man grinned and gave an A-okay sign.
'You need a ride anyplace?'
'No. No, I don't, Mr. Romero. Thanksanyway.'
The man smiled and drove off.
The brief exchange gave Harry a boost. Hestarted walking again, picking up his pace just a little.
The canary yellow Mercedes convertible wasparked by the hydrant in front of the building where Harry had a ground-flooroffice. Phil Corbett was grinning at him from behind the wheel.
'Shit,' Harry whispered.
It wasn't that he disliked his youngerbrother. Quite the contrary. It was just that Phil was harder for him to takeon some days than on others. And today was one of those days.
'A mint condition vintage 220SL withsixteen thousand miles on her,' Phil said, motioning him in. 'I just picked herup at my midtown showroom. Do you have any idea what this baby's worth?'
Phil's formal education had ended onemonth into community college, when he gave up trying to compete with Harry andjoined the Navy. Three years later he was back in civilian clothes, sellingcars. The profession was tailor-made for his ingenuous smile, unclutteredpsyche, and perpetual optimism. Five years after his first sale, he bought outthe owner of the agency. After that, he began to expand. Now, six agencieslater, he had two daughters and a son in private school, a lovely wife whocouldn't spend what he made even if she wanted to, and a three handicap at oneof the most exclusive country clubs in New Jersey. He also had no troubledealing with life's big questions. He never asked them.
'Eight hundred and seventy-three thousand,four hundred and ninety-two dollars and seventy-three cents,' Harry said. 'Plustax, destination, and dealer preparation charges. You been to see Mom?'
'Tomorrow. How do you know how much thiscost?'
'I don't. That's my total lifetime grossincome. I went down to the home last Tuesday. She didn't know who I was.'
'I guess that's the upside of having all thosestrokes.'
'Very funny.'
Phil studied his older brother.
'Harry, you okay? You look terrible.'
'Thank you.'
'Well, you do. Bags under your eyes. Thatthumbnail chewed down again.'
'I've got a lot on my mind, Phil.' Heglanced at his watch. 'Listen, I've only got a couple of minutes before I'vegot to see patients.'
'So what are you so worried about? Evie?When's she going to have that operation?'
'In a few days.'
'She'll do fine. She's made out of… um… ah … steel.'
'Don't start, Phil.'
'I didn't say anything bad.'
'You were about to.'
'Why should I have anything bad to sayabout my sister-in-law? She calls and asks me to help her talk my brother intoaccepting this pharmaceutical-house job he's been offered. I tell her that eventhough it's a grand-sounding title, and maybe more money, I think my brotherought to decide for himself if he wants to give up his medical practice to pushpills and design magazine ads. She calls me a selfish bastard who's threatenedby my brother's moving up in the world. And she says maybe a dozen words to mesince. Why should I have anything bad to say about her?'
'She was right, Phil. I should have takenthe position.'
'Harry, you see people when they're sickand you help them get well. Do you know how wonderful that is?'
'It's not enough anymore.'
'Hey, you're forty-nine. I'm forty-four.It's my turn for a midlife crisis. You're supposed to be through yoursalready.'
'Well, I'm not. I don't know, Phil, it'slike … I spent too much time just accepting things as they were in my life. Ididn't set enough goals or something. Now it seems like I don't have anything,to push against. I should have taken that job. At least there would have beensome new challenges.'
'You're doing fine, Harry. It's thatbirthday coming up that has you rattled. The big five — '
'That's okay, Phil. You don't have to sayit.'
Harry had discussed the Corbett curse withhis brother, but only once. Phil's dismissal of the theory was as emphatic asit was predictable. On a September first their paternal grandfather, just a fewmonths past his seventieth birthday, had dropped dead of a coronary.Twenty-five years later —
'But physically you're feeling all right,Harry,' Phil said. 'Right?'
'Sure. Sure, Phil, I'm fine. It's probablyjust that I haven't had a two-week vacation in almost three years, my car isfalling apart, and — '
'Hey, believe it or not, that's actuallyone of the reasons I stopped by. I have a great deal for you on a new C220.Dealer's cost. Not the dealer's cost we tell everyone we're selling to them at.The
'Okay, okay. You said you needed achallenge, that's all.'
Harry opened the door of the roadster andstepped out on to the pavement.
'Give my love to Gail and the kids,' hesaid.
'I'm worried about you, Harry. You'reusually very funny. And even more important, you usually think I'm funny.'
'You're not funny today, Phil.'
'Give me another chance. How about lunchsometime next week?'
'Let's see what happens with Evie.'
'Okay. And don't worry, Harry. If youreally need it, I'm sure something will come along for you to push against.'
After twenty-one admissions to ParksideHospital, Joe Bevins could close his eyes and tell time by the sounds andsmells coming from the hallway outside his room. He even knew some of thenurses and aides by their footsteps — especially on Pavilion 5. More often thannot, he was able to get the admissions people to send him there. The staff onthat floor was the kindest in the hospital and knew the most about caring forchronic renal failure patients who were on dialysis. He also liked the rooms onthe south end of the floor best of any in the hospital — the rooms with viewsof the park and, in the distance, the Empire State Building.
It wasn't a great life, having to getplugged in at the dialysis center three times a week, and having to be rushedto Parkside every time his circulation broke down, or an infection developed,or his blood sugar got too far out of whack, or his heart rhythm becameirregular, or his prostate gland swelled up so that he couldn't pee. But atseventy-one, with diabetes and nonfunctioning kidneys, it was a case of beggarscan't be choosers.
Outside his door, two litters rattled by,returning patients from physical therapy. One of them, a lonely old gal with nofamily, had lost both her legs to gangrene. Now, they were just keeping heraround until a nursing home bed became available.
He sensed the presence at his door evenbefore he heard the man clear his throat. When he turned, a white-coated labtech was standing there, adjusting the stoppered tubes in his square, metalbasket.
'You must be new here,' Joe said.
'I am. But don't worry. I've been doingthis sort of work for a long time.'
The man, somewhere in his forties, smiledat him. He had a nice enough face, Joe decided — not a face he took to all thatmuch, but not one that looked burnt-out or callous either.
'What are you here to draw?' he asked.
Joe's doctors almost always told him whattests they had ordered. They knew he liked to know. All three specialists hadbeen by on rounds that morning, and none had said anything about blood work.
'This is an HTB-R29 antibody titer,' theman said matter-of-factly, setting his basket on the bedside table. 'There's aninfection going around the hospital. Everyone with kidney or lung problems isbeing tested.'
'Oh.' The technician had an accent of somesort. It wasn't very marked, and it wasn't one Joe could place. But it wasthere. 'Where're you from?' he asked.
The man smiled at him as he prepared histubes and needle. The blue plastic name tag pinned on his coat read
'You mean originally?' the man responded.'Australia originally. But I've been here in the U.S. since I was a child. Youhave a very astute ear, Mr. Bevins.'
'I taught English before I got sick.'
'Aha. I see,' Turner said, glancingswiftly at the door, which he had partially closed on his way in. 'Well, then,shall we get on with this?'
'Just be careful of my shunt.'
Turner lifted Joe's right forearm, andgently ran his fingers over the dialysis shunt — the firm, distended vesselcreated by joining an artery and vein. His fingers were long and finelymanicured, and Joe had the passing thought that the man played piano, andplayed it well.
'We'll use your other arm,' Turner said.He tightened a latex tourniquet three inches above Joe's elbow, and took muchless time than most technicians did to locate a suitable vein. 'You seem totake all this in stride. I like that,' he said as he gloved, then swabbed theskin over the vein with alcohol.
'All those doctors don't keep me alive,'Joe said. 'My attitude does.'
'I believe you. I'm going to use a smallbutterfly IV needle. It's much gentler on your vein.'
Before Joe could respond, the fine needle,attached to a thin, clear-plastic catheter, was in. Blood pushed into thecatheter. Turner attached a syringe to the end of the catheter and injected asmall amount of clear liquid.
'This is just to clear the line,' he said.
He waited for perhaps fifteen seconds.Then he drew a syringeful of blood, pulled the tiny needle out, and held thesmall puncture site firmly.
'Perfect. Just perfect,' he said. 'Are youokay?'
Joe was certain he had said the words, buthe heard nothing. The man standing beside his bed kept smiling down at himbenevolently, all the while keeping pressure on the spot where the butterflyneedle had been.
Turner released his arm, and placed theused needle and tube in the metal basket.
'Good day, Mr. Bevins,' he said. 'You'vebeen most cooperative.'
With the first icy fingers of panicbeginning to take hold, Joe watched as the man turned and left the room. Hefelt strange, detached, floating. The air in the room was becoming thick andheavy. Something was happening to him. Something horrible. He called out forhelp, but again there was no sound. He tried to turn his head, to find the callbutton. From the corner of his eye, he could see the cord, hanging down towardthe floor. He was paralyzed — unable to move or even to take in a breath. Thecall button was no more than three feet away. He strained to move his handtoward it, but his arm was lifeless. The air grew heavier still, and Joe felthis consciousness beginning to go. He was dying, drowning in air. And there wasabsolutely nothing he could do about it. Nothing at all.
The pattern on the drop ceiling blurred,then darkened, then faded to black. And with the deepening darkness, Joe'spanic began to fade.
From beyond the nearly closed door to hisroom, he heard the sound of the cart from dietary being wheeled to the kitchenat the far end of the hallway. Next he caught the aroma of food.
And after twenty-one hospitalizations atParkside, most of them on Pavilion 5, he knew that it was exactlyeleven-fifteen.
Seven of the ten chairs in Harry's waitingroom were occupied, although three of them were taken by the grandchildren ofMabel Espinoza. Mabel, an octogenarian, graced him with the smile that noamount of pain or personal tragedy had ever erased for long. She had high bloodpressure, vascular disease, hypo-thyroidism, fluid retention, a love affairwith rich foods, and chronic gastritis. For years, Harry had been holding hertogether with the medical equivalent of spit and baling wire. Somehow, thetherapeutic legerdemain continued to work. And because of it, Mabel had beenable to care for the grandchildren, and her daughter had been able to keep herjob.
Harry reminded himself that there were noMabel Espinozas connected with the position of Director of Physician Relationsat Hollins/McCue Pharmaceuticals.
Mary Tobin, Harry's officemanager-cum-receptionist, oversaw the waiting room from her glass-enclosedcubicle. She was a stout black woman, a grandmother many times over, and hadbeen with Harry since his third year of practice. She was notably outspokenregarding those subjects on which she had an opinion, and she had an opinion onmost subjects.
'How did the meeting go?' she asked as heentered her small fiefdom to check the appointment book.
'That bad, huh.'
'Let's just say that all these yearsyou've been working for a baritone, and from now on you'll be working for atenor,' Harry said.
Mary Tobin grinned at the image.
'What do they know? You'll make do, Dr.C.,' she said. 'You've been through tough times before, and you always find theright path.'
'Keep telling me that. Any calls I need todeal with?'
'Just your wife. She called a half an hourago.'
'Is she okay?'
'I think so. She'd like you to call her atthe office.'
Harry headed past his three examiningrooms to his office. In addition to Mary Tobin, he had a young nursepractitioner named Sara Keene who had been with him for four years, and amedical aide who must have been the twentieth he had hired from the nearbyvocational tech. One of that group he had fired for stealing. The rest had leftto have babies, or more often, for better pay. Sara looked up from her desk andwaved as he passed.
'I heard about the meeting, Dr. C.,' shecalled out cheerily. 'Don't worry.'
'If one more person tells me not to worry,I'm going to start worrying,' he said.
His personal office was a large space atthe very back of the once elegant apartment building. In addition to an oldwalnut desk and chairs, it contained a Trotter treadmill which he had used forcardiac stress tests until the associated malpractice premiums made performingthe tests prohibitively expensive. Now, he used the mill for exercise. Thewalls of the office, once paneled with what Evie called 'Elks Club pine', hadbeen Sheetrocked over at her request and painted white. They held the usualarray of laminated diplomas, certifications, and testimonials, plus somethingonly a few other physicians could put on their walls — a silver star fromVietnam. There were also three original oils Evie had picked out, allcontemporary, all abstract, and none that Harry would have chosen had he beenleft to his own tastes. But the majority of his patients seemed to like them.
There were three pictures in frames on thedesk. One was of Harry and his parents at his medical school graduation; onewas of Phil, Gail, and their kids; and one was of Evie. It was ablack-and-white, head-and-shoulders publicity shot, taken by one of the city'sforemost photographers. There were several dozen snapshots of her in his deskthat Harry would have preferred in the frame, but Evie had insisted on theportrait. Now, as he settled in his chair, Harry cradled the frame in his handsand studied her fine, high cheekbones, her sensual mouth, and the darkintensity in her eyes. The photo was taken just before their wedding nine yearsago. Evie, twenty-nine at the time, was then, and remained, the most beautifulwoman he had ever known.
He picked up the phone and dialed hernumber at
'Evelyn DellaRosa, please,' he said,setting her likeness back in its spot. 'It's her husband.'
Evie had been the consumer editor for thestruggling monthly for five years. Harry knew it was an unpleasant comedown forher from the network television reporting job she had once held. But he admiredher tenacity and her commitment to making it back into the spotlight. In fact,he knew something good was going on in her professional life. She wouldn't tellhim what, but for her even to mention that she was working on a story with bigpotential was unusual.
It was three minutes before she came onthe line.
'Sorry to keep you waiting, Harry,' shesaid. 'I had this technician ready to blow the whistle on the dog lab in thebasement of a building owned by InSkin Cosmetics, and the bastard just wimpedout.'
'Are you all right?'
'If you mean do I spend one minute out ofevery hour not thinking about this damn balloon in my head, the answer is, I'mfine.'
'They had that meeting at the hospital.'
'The Sidonis committee report.'
'Oh. . oh, yes. . How did it go?'
'Let's just say I should have taken thatjob with Hollins/McCue.'
'Dawn breaks on Marblehead.'
'Please, Evie. I admitted it. What morecan I say?'
He knew there was, in fact, nothing hecould say that wouldn't make matters worse. His decision a little over a yearago to turn down the offer had nearly been the final nail in the coffin oftheir marriage. In fact, considering that he could count on one hand the numberof times they had made love since then, the fallout was probably continuing.
'I got a call from Dr. Dunleavy's office alittle while ago,' she said.
'A bed on the neurosurgical floor andoperating room time have become available. He wants me to come in tomorrowafternoon and be operated on Thursday morning.'
'The sooner the better.'
'As long as it's not
'Evie, come on.'
'Listen, I know I had promised to come hearyou play at the club tonight, but I don't want to now.'
'That's fine. It's no big deal. I don'thave to play.'
He took care to keep any hurt from hisvoice. Throughout their dating and the early years of their marriage she hadloved his music, loved hearing him play. Now, he couldn't recall the last time.He had been looking forward to this small step back toward the life they hadonce shared. But he did understand.
'Harry, I need to talk to you,' Evie saidsuddenly.
'Can you come home early enough for us togo out to dinner?'
'Of course. What gives?'
'I'll. . I'll talk to you tonight,okay?'
'Should I be worried?'
'Harry, please. Tonight?'
'All right. Evie, I love you.'
There was a pause.
'I know you do, Harry,' she said.
Kevin Loomis, first vice president of theCrown Health and Casualty Insurance Company, slipped a folder of notes into hisbriefcase, straightened his desk, and checked his calendar for the followingday. He was a meticulous worker and never left for the evening without tying upas many loose ends as possible. He buzzed his secretary and turned on a mentalstopwatch. In six seconds she was in his office.
'Yes, Mr. Loomis?'
Brenda was fabulous — smart, organized,loyal, and an absolute knockout. She was a legacy to him from Burt Dreiser, nowthe president and CEO of the company. Kevin suspected she and Dreiser hadsomething going outside the office. But it really didn't matter. Dreiser hadbumped him up to the corner office over a number of others who had moreseniority and, in some cases, more qualifications than he did. And as far asKevin was concerned, if Dreiser was sleeping with Brenda Wallace, more power tohim.
'Do we have anything else we need to takecare of?' he asked. 'I'm just getting set to leave for the day.'
'Second and fourth Tuesdays. I know,' shesaid, a smile in her eyes. 'I wish you well.'
The poker game. For years, Dreiser, whowas a legendary workaholic, had uncharacteristically left the office at fouro'clock on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. Some sort ofexplanation seemed called for. Brenda was far too efficient and observant notto wonder. The poker game fit the bill perfectly. Now, Kevin had taken over notonly Dreiser's former title, office, and secretary, but, as far as BrendaWallace was concerned, his seat at the high-stakes card game as well. Secondand fourth Tuesdays. Four o'clock. In fact, Dreiser had made a point ofcorroborating the poker story to Kevin's wife, Nancy. The necessary rite ofpassage up the corporate ladder comfortably explained her husband'stwice-monthly overnights in the city. The avowed secrecy surrounding the game'slocation explained the need for her to communicate with him by beeper only.
'I've won maybe once in the four monthsI've been playing,' Kevin told Brenda dryly. 'I think that might be why Burtinvited me into the game in the first place. He could tell I was a greenhorn.Listen, seeing as how Oak Hills has decided to renew with us, I think we oughtto do something for them. You have the names of the members of the school boardand the head of the union. Send them each some champagne. Better still, make itchocolates. Godiva. About a hundred dollars worth for each should do fine. Putsomething nice on the cards.'
'Right away, Mr. Loomis.'
She left after favoring him with a smilethat would have melted block ice. His successes were hers, and the Oak Hillsschool system renewal was a triumph. The system was huge, one of the largest onLong Island. And by and large its teachers were young and healthy.
The Oak Hills coup was meaningful onanother level as well. Kevin's first four months as Burt's replacement on TheRoundtable had been marked by controversy. A troubling situation had developedthat had resulted in the group's moving their meetings from the Camelot Hotelto the Garfield Suites, and the situation had involved Kevin. But in truth,nothing that had happened was his fault. Hopefully, the others saw it that way,too. He had no idea what would happen if they didn't.
He picked up his briefcase and overnightbag and took some time to survey the panorama of the city, the river, and thecountryside beyond. Kevin Loomis, Jr., had risen from gofer to first vicepresident, from a gerbil-village corkboard cubicle to a corner office. Hisparents, had they lived, would have been proud — damn proud — of the way he hadturned out. He swallowed against the fullness in his throat that memories ofthem always seemed to bring. Then he headed out toward the elevator bank. Histransformation to Sir Tristram, Knight of The Roundtable, had begun.
The Garfield Suites was on Fulton, a blockand a half from the World Trade Center. The cab ride downtown from the CrownBuilding took twenty minutes. Kevin rode quietly, staring out at the passingcity, but seeing little. The remarkable changes in his life could not have comeabout much more abruptly had he won the lottery. To be sure, he was good — verygood — at what he did, which for years had been to sell insurance. He had beena member of the industry's Million Dollar Roundtable for sales five yearsrunning, a branch manager, and then a successful department head at the homeoffice. For a relatively young man from the far wrong side of Newark, thosewere accomplishments enough. But suddenly, Burt Dreiser had started invitinghim out to lunch, and soon after that, to dinner.
By the time Kevin had agreed to become SirTristram, replacing Burt Dreiser as Crown's representative, he realized that healready knew too much to refuse and remain employed. His rewards for acceptingthe appointment were the promotion, a generous raise, and an annual bonus ofone hundred thousand dollars or one percent of what The Roundtable saved ormade that year for Crown, whichever was higher. The deal was, Dreiser assuredhim, on a par with that accorded the other knights.
Following the recent scare, a number ofsteps had been instituted by the knights to protect their small organizationand its members. Adhering to one of them, Kevin paid off the cabby at Gold andBeekman and made a two-block detour to the Garfield Suites, cutting through astore, and doubling back once as well. Certain he was not being followed, heentered the hotel lobby. His reservation, under the name George Trist, wasalready paid for. Anyone trying to backtrack from that name to the source ofpayment would find only a dummy business account with a set of directors who hadlong ago died. Sir Galahad, in charge of security, did his job well. He wasparanoid about details. And after the undercover reporter had been discovered,he had become, if possible, even more obsessive.
Across the lobby, Kevin saw Sir Percivalewaiting for the elevator. Percivale was with Comprehensive Neighborhood HealthCare, the largest managed care operation in the state. Kevin knew that muchabout the man, but no more. Not his name, not his title at CNHC. Burt told himnot to worry about such things — it had been three years before
He crossed to the registration desk. Thesecrecy, the code names, the nature of their projects. . Kevin thoroughlyenjoyed the intrigue and mystery that surrounded their small society. Andgradually, he was learning to cope with the less appealing aspects of it aswell — some of the methods employed to achieve their goals and, of course, theconstant risk of discovery.
Number 2314 was a two-room suite with adecent view of the World Trade Center. Kevin stopped in the living room andtwisted open a Heineken from the ample supply in the refrigerator. Then hestripped off his tie and laid his suit coat over the back of a chair. He hadjust kicked off his shoes when he tensed. He was not alone. Someone was in thebedroom. He was absolutely certain. He took a step toward the hallway door.There were house phones by the elevator. He could call Galahad or hotelsecurity.
'Hello?' a feminine voice called out.'Anybody out there?'
Kevin crossed to the bedroom doorway. Thewoman, in her early twenties if that, stood by the edge of the king-size bed.She had obviously been sleeping, and now was brushing out her waist-length,jet-black hair. She wore a bit too much makeup for Kevin's taste, but in everyother regard she was perfect. Her Asian features, her slender body, her high,full breasts, her legs. Perfect. Her emerald dress was wet-suit tight, slit upthe right side to her hip.
'Who are you?' he demanded.
She set the brush down, smoothed the frontof her dress, and moistened her lips before she spoke.
'My name is Kelly.'
'Who sent you here?'
'I … I don't understand.'
Kevin glared at her. After what happenedwith the reporter, surely this was either a joke or some sort of test.
'Where did you come from? That's a simpleenough question. How did you get in here? That's another simple question.
Fear sparked in the woman's dark eyes.
'A man met me outside the door and let mein. Each of us was given a room number to wait at. I … I'm here to please youin any way that you want.'
'Just sit down there and stay there,'Kevin said, motioning to the bed. 'No!' he snapped as she reached behind herback for her zipper. 'Just sit.'
He stalked to the living room, slammingthe bedroom door behind him.
According to Burt Dreiser, the women hadbeen part of second and fourth Tuesdays for most of The Roundtable's six-yearexistence. Lancelot, who had been there from the beginning, was responsible forthem. And until two months ago, there had never been a problem. Those knightswho wanted sex had it. Those who wanted nothing more than a massage or a lovelycompanion for dinner got that. The escort service Lancelot employed was one ofthe most upscale and discreet in the city. But somehow, they had beenpenetrated — not by a cop, but by a reporter.
Kevin snatched up the phone.
'Mr. Lance's room, please.'
Lancelot, Pat Harper of Northeast Life andCasualty, was the only member of The Roundtable whom Kevin had met beforejoining. In stature and appearance, Harper was anything but a Lancelot with anexpansive gut, ruddy complexion, fat cigar, and high-pitched laugh that werefar closer to Dickens than to Camelot. Kevin had once played in the samefoursome with him during an industry-sponsored charity gold tournament and hadbeen beaten by a dozen strokes. Harper had a wife and three or four grown kids.Beyond that fact, Kevin knew nothing of the man except, of course, that heliked young, beautiful women.
'Lancelot, this is Tristram,' Kevin said.'I thought we decided no more women.
'Ah, Kelly. . What do you think of her?A ten and a half, don't you agree?'
'Yes, except she's not supposed to behere.'
'Oh, lighten up, my friend. Life is tooshort. We decided no more women from the
The name the reporter had used wasDesiree. She had spent two Tuesdays with Sir Gawaine and two with Kevin. Theowner of the escort service had learned of Desiree's duplicity from one of theother women, whom the reporter had tried to interview and who was certain thatthe impostor had recorded her sessions with her two clients. At Galahad'sinsistence, the escort company was terminated immediately, and Roundtablemeetings were moved.
During the tense questioning that followedthe discovery, Kevin learned a bit about Gawaine, the last member admitted tothe group before he was. From the very beginning, Kevin had found the man'sbutton-down composure and varsity club accent threatening. Gawaine seemed tofit right in with the others, while Kevin's hardscrabble Newark upbringing madehim an instant outsider. Now Kevin knew that he and Gawaine had at least onething in common: both were contented family men who had never wanted orreceived more than a massage and some conversation from their escorts.
Apparently, however, Lancelot had beengiven the green light to start up again with a new service. Kevin was about totell the guy that no more women were to be sent to his room. But he rememberedone of Burt Dreiser's warnings about The Roundtable.
'So much is at stake,' Dreiser had said,'that nobody trusts anybody. The best thing you can do is not to stand out inany way. Look and act like everyone else, and you'll do fine.'
Kevin had drawn the conformity line atscrewing the women Lancelot brought in. But he had never mentioned that toanyone. In fact, if he and Gawaine hadn't been asked during Galahad'sinvestigation whether or not they were actually having sex with Desiree, no onein the group would have known.
'Listen, Lance,' he said now. 'Don't takeit personally. Kelly's beautiful. I'm very pleased with her. I was just makingsure there weren't any problems. That's all.'
He set the receiver down and returned tothe bedroom. Kelly, slowly stroking her thick mane of ebony hair, smiled up athim from the bed.
'Is everything okay?' she asked.
The sight of her sitting there, her rightleg exposed to the hip, sent an uncontrollable surge of blood to Kevin's groin.
'Everything's fine,' he said. 'Listen. Howabout calling room service and ordering dinner. Get anything you want foryourself. I'll have a filet. Medium rare. And then maybe a massage. Are yougood at that?'
'I am very good at that,' she said.
Harry had lived in Manhattan for much ofhis adult life, but until today he had never been in Tiffany's. With MaryTobin's help, he had freed up the last hour and a half to makeearlier-than-usual rounds at the hospital and head home. The idea of doingsomething special for Evie had been his. The suggestion to do it at Tiffany'shad been Mary's.
Now, silently humming Joe Kincaid'srendition of 'Moon River', Harry tried for George Peppard's
'This tennis bracelet is quite charming,'she said. 'It has alternating beautifully matched rubies and diamonds, each aneighth of a carat.'
'My wife doesn't play tennis too often.. Um. . how much is it, though?'
'Thirty-six hundred, sir.'
Eventually, he settled on a half-caratdiamond pendant flanked by two small rubies. Evie loved precious stones. Withthe help, Harry suspected, of her ex-husband and ex-suitors, she had amassed asizable collection by the time he started dating her.
'I want to sell every piece I have,' shesaid, soon after they were married, 'so we can buy a camper and drive acrossthe country.'
Harry knew that Evie had never beencamping in her life and suspected that she would not be too enamored of blackflies and blackened burgers. The declaration was part of her commitment tomoving her life out of the fast lane and into whatever lane she perceived himto be traveling. Eventually, though, she stopped talking about the simple lifeand put her jewels into a safe-deposit box. They never did go camping.
There were two apartments on the sixthfloor. The narrow hallway between them always seemed imbued with Evie — possibly some combination of her perfume, shampoo, and makeup. As usual the,scent evoked powerful impressions of her. But this evening Harry was toodistracted to pay much attention. He knocked once and then used his key.
'Harry?' she called out from the bedroom.
'I'll be right out.'
From her tone, he knew she was on thephone.
Harry set the Tiffany's box on thedining-room table and paced idly. The apartment was immaculate, brightened byseveral vases of fresh-cut flowers — Evie's trademark. An Eric Clapton albumwas playing on the CD player. Clapton was one of Harry's favorites. He wonderedif Evie's playing it now was significant.
'You want a drink?' he asked.
'I have a vodka and tonic on the kitchencounter. Just add a little ice for me. .'
She must be off the phone.
'. . I'll be out in a minute. I madereservations at the SeaGrill if that's okay.'
Harry tried unsuccessfully to readsomething — anything — into her voice.
She emerged from the bedroom wearing blackslacks and a red silk blouse. The colors looked smashing on her. Then again,most colors did. She kissed him on the cheek — nearly an air kiss.
'Was it hard getting away from theoffice?' she asked, retrieving her drink.
'Not really. Mary cleared my schedule andcanceled me out with the band. She can do anything she sets her mind to.'
'How's she doing?'
Harry couldn't remember when Evie had lastasked about his office staff- or, for that matter, the guys in the band or hisco-workers.
'The arthritis in her hips is pretty bad.But in general she's doing fine. Are
'As well as can be expected, I guess.'
She sipped her drink. Harry gave up tryingto see behind the small talk and instead handed her the necklace. She seemedgenuinely charmed and impressed by the gift and immediately replaced the goldchain she was wearing with it.
'This is really very sweet of you,' shesaid, glancing again at the card.
'I just wanted to be sure you know thateverything's going to be okay.'
Her smile was enigmatic, but there wasunmistakable sadness in her eyes.
'You always tell me that things have ahabit of working out the way they're supposed to.'
'That's me. Harry Corbett, mild-manneredGP by day, impenetrable philosopher by night.'
'Well, I think this time you've got itright, impenetrable one. Things do have a way of working out.'
She gazed out the window, absentlyfingering the pendant. The early evening light glowed against her pale skin andhighlighted her flawless profile. She was, if anything, even more strikinglylovely than she had been when they first met.
'You. . um. . said you needed tospeak with me.'
Even as he heard his voice saying thewords, Harry cursed himself for not having more restraint. If she felt ready tosay something, she would have said it.
She glanced at him and then turned back tothe window. 'I–I just wanted to spend some time talking together tonight,'she said. 'After all, medical science may have broken through the envelope, butbrain surgery is still brain surgery.'
'I understand,' Harry said. But in truth,he was not at all certain that he did. 'So. . are — are you hungry?'
'I will be by the time we get there.'
'Want to walk?' The question was almostrhetorical. Evie was invariably in too great a rush to get wherever she wasgoing to walk.
'Let's do that,' she said suddenly. 'Let'swalk. Harry, this is a beautiful necklace. I'm really very touched.'
Harry searched for the cynicism he hadgrown used to from her but found none. His fantasies about a return to the lifethey had once had began to simmer. Evie had already turned and started towardthe bedroom when he realized the phone was ringing.
'I'll get it,' she called out, hurryingdown the hall. 'I want to get my purse anyhow.'
Harry shrugged and, still feeling uneasy,went to the kitchen and set his glass in the sink. Through the eight Bosespeakers mounted throughout the apartment, Eric Clapton was reminding him thatnobody knows you when you're down and out.
Down in the hall in the bedroom, her handcupped over the mouthpiece of the phone, Evie was holding a brief, hushedconversation.
'No. . no, I haven't told him about usyet,' she said. 'But I'm going to.'
She set the receiver down and held thediamond pendant up where she could see it.
'At least I
Galahad. . Gawaine. . Merlin. .Tristram. . they arrived at the nineteenth-floor conference room atprescribed times, in prescribed order, and by prescribed routes. Galahad hadchosen the hotel and meeting room and set up the protocol. He had also checkedthe room for listening devices and cameras.
Although the women from the escort servicewere hired to stay the night, Kevin Loomis — Sir Tristram — had sent Kelly awayan hour or so before he left his room. He loved his wife and was satisfied withtheir sex life. But every man had his limits. Nancy did not like givingbackrubs as much as she liked receiving them. Five minutes of uninspiredkneading was about the best effort she could muster. But Kelly was tireless,and the sweet-smelling oils she produced from her bag would have pleased apotentate. Spending an entire night with her would have stretched his willpowerbeyond the breaking point.
Now, reasonably relaxed from the perks ofpower, Kevin checked the time, dialed Merlin's room, and allowed the phone toring six times. Certain that Merlin had left, he took the elevator to thesecond floor, then a different elevator up to the eighteenth. The securitymeasures seemed excessive to him, but they did heighten the sense of alwaysbeing on the edge of danger and discovery, and from games of highway chicken inhigh school to several dozen jumps in his thirties with a skydiving club, Kevinhad always been drawn to that feeling.
He took the stairs to the final story,checked the corridor, and slipped inside room 1902, the Stuyvesant Suite. Threeother knights were already there, seated at places marked with their Roundtablenames on small gold plaques. They greeted him with businesslike smiles andnods. Percivale, Lancelot, and Kay arrived next, exactly three minutes apart.
Except for Galahad's having taken absolutecontrol over security, there was no leader of the knights. They took turnschairing the meetings, which began at seven-thirty and continued until therewas no more business to transact. In Tristram's four months with the group, twosessions had already gone well past midnight. Both of them had focused on thesecurity breach by the reporter calling herself Desiree. For an exhaustingthree hours, the knights had grilled Kevin and Gawaine, dissecting theirrecollected conversations with the woman word by word.
Throughout the questioning, Galahad, asprime inquisitor, had never been antagonistic. But there was a coldness abouthim, a professionalism, that Kevin found unnerving. Even more disconcerting wasKevin's feeling that the interrogation focused much more on him than onGawaine, who radiated self-assuredness, entitlement, and breeding. Kevin hadkept himself on red alert during the session and felt indescribable relief whenit was over. Tonight, at some point, Galahad would bring them up to date on hisinvestigation of the woman. Kevin hoped it would be the last he ever heard ofthe matter.
He surveyed the group as the men settledin and readied their notes. At thirty-seven, he was probably the youngest, withGawaine a close second. Lancelot, Pat Harper, was probably the oldest — mid-to-late fifties, he guessed. Every one of the men was accustomed to power andstatus. Less than half a year ago, Kevin was nothing more than the employee ofa Roundtable member. Now he was their comrade in arms. And he felt certain thatin time, as they came to know his resourcefulness and commitment, they wouldcome to accept him as their equal.
'Okay, campers,' Merlin said. 'Let's getstarted.'
Merlin, who was leading the Augustmeetings, was in his forties and prosperously endomorphic. He was intelligentand insightful, but his flippant sense of humor seemed to Kevin to be out ofplace given the seriousness of the business of The Roundtable. If anything wenthaywire, each of them risked disgrace, unemployment, fines, even prison. And whilethe CEOs of their companies certainly knew of the existence of their smallsociety, there was no proof whatsoever of that connection.
'Any comments, anecdotes, new jokes, orbawdy stories before we begin?' Merlin continued. 'Okay, then. Finances first.Lancelot?'
Lancelot put aside the unlit panatela hewas chewing, cleared his throat, and distributed computer printouts around thetable from the top of a small stack. Such printouts were the foundation onwhich The Roundtable was built.
'Our private account currently stands atjust under two hundred and sixty-two thousand dollars,' he began. 'That meanswe're going to need fifty thousand dollars per member company to bring us backover the six-hundred-thousand-dollar operating capital we have agreed on. Everyone'sstayed pretty much within his budget except Percivale. You'll have a report onthat, yes?'
There was a silent, tense exchange betweenthe two men, which Kevin was in a perfect spot to observe. Clearly Percivale,the man from Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Care, did not enjoy beingsingled out. This was Tristram's eighth Roundtable session, but he was only nowgetting a handle on the various knights. The one most respected, and perhapsmost feared, was Galahad, an officer with a managed care company. Percivale, onthe other hand, seemed to have less influence and carry less responsibilitythan the rest.
If there was a clique, the insiders seemedto be Galahad, Lancelot, Merlin, and possibly Kay, a wizard with numbers whowas the group's actuarial expert. Tristram and Gawaine, still undermiscroscopic scrutiny, were regarded as fraternity pledges. And Percivale,though tolerated, seemed like an outsider. Kevin had once asked his sponsor,Burt Dreiser, whether or not there was an inner circle of knights on TheRoundtable. Dreiser's reply had been a reassuring pat on the back and anenigmatic reminder that total trust takes time.
'I've put the figures together from thepast two months,' Lancelot went on. 'They are excellent, as you'll see foryourselves. Perhaps the most significant statistic, provided courtesy of SirKay, is that the average age of our companies' subscribers now is four pointone years
The knights acknowledged approval of theinformation by tapping their pens on the table. Kevin did not know the exactfigure, but he did know that each of those years translated into tens ofmillions of dollars in payout savings annually. The trick was to avoid groupsubscribers who were slow to terminate their older employees, or worse, thosewho actually hired people over forty. Weeding out such groups was a skill TheRoundtable had mastered.
One by one, the other knights made theirreports. Gawaine was applauded for obtaining the names of at least 80 percentof the women in southern New York State who had had abnormal PAP tests in thepast year. The tests, even those showing only minimal inflammation and nosuspicious precancerous cells, would be used to label as a preexistingcondition any cervical cancer occurring within the twelve months allowed bystate law, or to exclude those women from coverage altogether. Other insurers,or perhaps Medicaid, might take them on, but that was their problem.
Percivale distributed a printout givingupdated information on the benefits managers of the largest 250 businesses andunions in the area — not only such data as income, marital status, education,automobile make, home value, and religious affiliation, but also hobbies, alcoholconsumption, cocaine and marijuana use, sexual preferences, and a grade on aone-to-ten scale of 'approachability.' The knights voted to court seven of themanagers aggressively.
Merlin called on Sir Tristram next. Kevin,still self-conscious in the spotlight, felt he stammered far too much in hispresentation. His area of responsibility, political action, had been BurtDreiser's. The insurance industry already had strong lobbies in bothWashington, D.C., and Albany, so Dreiser had concentrated his efforts on a fewkey state legislators, the insurance commissioner, and one of his deputies. Inmost cases, the only leverage needed was money. But the commissioner had been aharder nut to crack. It took Dreiser's private investigator nearly six monthsto get decent photos of the man — videos, actually — sharing his hunting cabinwith a seventeen-year-old summer intern from Oneonta.
'The information Merlin presented at thelast meeting proved correct,' Kevin reported now. 'The commissioner
Kevin had no idea how The Roundtable wouldhandle matters if the commissioner decided to call their bluff. According toBurt Dreiser, such a situation had never arisen. The secret, he said, wasmeticulous research and preparation — that and never making a request that wastoo far beyond the previous one.
There were nods of approval from aroundthe table. Kevin tried for the matter-of-fact expression with which the olderknights acknowledged success. Despite the Desiree debacle, their regard for himwas clearly on the rise. And he loved it. Next to Nancy's saying she'd marryhim, Dreiser's offer of a seat at The Roundtable was the most significant eventin Kevin's life. The fact that the group was breaking the law meant little tohim. In a highly competitive industry, the strong grew stronger, and the weakwere doomed. Collaboration among corporations, while technically illegal, madeperfect business sense.
'Okay, brethren,' Merlin said. 'Any othercomments on Tristram's information? Suggestions? Good enough. Excellent job,Tristram. Excellent. Now, if there's no further business, let's have an updatefrom Galahad.'
The security chief cleared his throat, seta portable tape player on the table, and took over the meeting. Kevin hopedthat his expression at that moment did not reflect the anxiety he was feelingat having the subject of Desiree come up again.
'Let me bring all of you up to speed onour mysterious escort. Lancelot has spent a good deal of time interviewing PageProctor, the woman who runs the escort service. My own man has spoken with severalof Proctor's employees. We've been trying to identify this Desiree, but so farwith no luck. She never gave Proctor a phone number. Instead, she called in oncertain nights to see if work was available for her. Somehow, she learned thatProctor had found out she was a reporter. She didn't call in for almost amonth. Then, last week, she called to see if Proctor would grant her anexclusive interview. Unfortunately, Page lost her cool completely and cost us achance to find out who Desiree is. The only thing she did right was to recordthe conversation. Here's a portion of it.'
He switched on the tape player.
'. .
'She goes on,' Galahad said, 'but that'sthe gist of it. All the woman ever admits is that she's working on a storyabout escort services. She didn't mention us or the insurance industry once toPage. We've checked with people at the local TV stations, newspapers andmagazines, and even a friend at
'I was certain you would have found outwho she is by now,' Percivale said nervously. 'Do you think we're safe?'
'What options do we have?' Lancelot chimedin. 'How can we buy her off if we can't find her?'
'First of all,' Kay said, 'we don't haveany idea whether she even knows about us. Second, we're not going to allowanyone to blackmail us. That is inevitably a losing proposition.'
Kay had aristocratic features and a gentlebut persuasive voice. From the expressions around the table, it was clear hisopinion carried weight.
Galahad shrugged. 'Tristram and Gawaineswear she didn't ask more than a few passing questions about their line ofwork. But neither of them has recordings of their sessions, and you can betthis woman does. My sense is that she's probably telling the truth when shesays she's working on an escort service story and nothing more. But obviously Ican't be certain.'
'I don't see how she could have any harddata on us,' Kay said, before Galahad could answer. 'My guess is the wholething's a coincidence.'
'Even so, maybe we should hold off meetingfor a while,' Percivale offered. 'In fact, I move we suspend operations for twomonths.'
No one bothered commenting on the motion.Merlin handled the vote, which was initially six to zero in favor of continuingon the second and fourth Tuesdays. Percivale at first abstained and then madethe decision unanimous.
'So, we're done, then,' Merlin said.'Galahad, do you intend to keep trying to find out who this reporter is?'
'I do. We've come too far to allow anyoneto threaten our work.'
'Just don't do anything too rash,' Merlinsaid. He smiled and added, 'At least, not until you're certain none of ourcompanies is carrying a policy on her.'
Harry had seen and experienced enough ofwhat could go wrong in hospitals to fear ever being a patient in one. Each day,every day, thousands of patients were cared for at hospitals in and aroundManhattan. Most physicians, nurses, aides, and technicians were dedicated,competent, and focused. But invariably, on any given day, some weren't. Therewere simply too many patients, too many illnesses, and too many caregivers withhuman frailties for the system ever to be perfect.
Over his twenty-five years in medicine,Harry had confronted or heard about all manner of disasters, many of thembeyond anything he could have imagined. Orange juice given intravenously by anurse who had misunderstood a physician's telephoned orders and was toointimidated to call back and question them. A lethal dose of medicationadministered to a child because a harried physician omitted a decimal point.B-positive blood inadvertently finding its way into the bloodstream of anA-negative patient. Then there were the countless IVs that emptied far morerapidly than they were supposed to, the bedrails carelessly left down, and theunanticipated psychoses in response to tranquilizers or sleeping medication.
Along with the preventable disasters werethe so-called complications — the documented
With such thoughts refusing relegation tothe back of his mind, Harry made his way through the corridors of MMC to theneurosurgical unit on Alexander 9. It was five past eight in the evening.Visitors were streaming toward the exits. He had hoped to make it up to thefloor earlier, but a long-standing patient of his had been brought to the ERvomiting blood. Now, having stabilized the man's bleeding ulcer, he had finallybeen able to sign out to the doc on call.
Earlier in the day, he had met Evie at themain lobby and walked with her to the admissions office. He offered to staywith her during the pre-admission ritual, but she declined. She seemedpreoccupied and distracted, just as she had the night before. Certainly thesurgery was on her mind. But there was something else. Harry felt certain ofit.
The evening before, they had walked fromtheir apartment to the SeaGrill in virtual silence. Although they talked someduring dinner, only one topic of substance was discussed. Evie made him promiseto fight any attempt to prolong her life if there was brain damage of any kind.And as they were walking back to the co-op, she apologized for not having putthe energy back into their marriage that she might have. There was abittersweet finality to the way she said it. Harry acknowledged the apology,but could not read its significance.
Alexander 9, an 'L' with fifteen rooms oneach arm, was in transition from evening to night. The corridors were emptyexcept for a nurse's aide wheeling a patient back from the lounge and a janitorreadying his large, metal-enclosed floor buffer. The nurse's station was midwaybetween the elevators and Evie's room. An attractive, redheaded nurse withhigh-gloss crimson nail polish was seated behind the counter writing notes.Harry had never seen her before.
'Hi, I'm Dr. Corbett,' he said.
'I know,' the woman said. 'Your wife'sdoing fine.'
'That's great. I spoke to her on the phonea while ago and she sounded okay, except she was a little distressed about herroommate.'
The nurse's face wrinkled in distaste.'She's not the only one. We've all just about had it up to here with MauraHughes. I really think there ought to be a hefty tax on alcohol to pay for themedical treatment of people like her. Don't you?'
'I don't understand.'
'Alcoholics. Oh, I thought your wife toldyou. Her roommate, Maura's, in the DTs. Unfortunately, there are no other emptybeds on the floor.'
'Evie said she wasn't too bad.'
'As long as the Librium is working sheisn't. She came to the floor from the OR three days ago. She was on a bigbender and fell down the stairs of her building and fractured her skull. The CTscan showed a collection of subdural blood, so she had to have it drained. Shedid great until yesterday when she suddenly began complaining about the spiderscrawling along the ceiling and the ants under her sheet.'
'That certainly sounds like the DTs.'
'Oh, it is. Believe me. She's disruptedthe whole floor. Those people are so self-centered and inconsiderate. Theynever stop to think of the consequences of their drinking, if you know what Imean.'
Harry had heard enough. Where had thiswoman been for the last fifteen years?
'Sorry to get here after visitors' hours,'he said, 'but I had a man in the ER with a GI bleed. Is it okay if I visit withEvie for a while?'
'Sure. If Maura-the-moaner gets to be toomuch for you, we'll just tighten her restraints and move her into the hall. Asa matter of fact, she's due to have a visitor soon, too. Her brother called alittle while ago. He's a policeman, of all things. He doesn't get off duty fora while and he wanted to see her. I almost told him to bring in a whip and achair.'
'Well, Miss' — he checked her name tag — 'Jilson, I appreciate your bending the rules for me.'
'Anytime. Your wife is very beautiful, Dr.Corbett.'
'Yes. . yes, thank you.' Harry hurriedaway from the woman and down the hall to room 928.
'. . so they're just mean to me. Meanand nasty. They don't like me because they think this goddamn floor is clean asa whistle and I keep pointing out the bugs that are crawling everywhere. God, Ihate bugs. I hate them. Stuck-up, snobbish, know-it-alls …'
Several doors from the room, Harry couldhear Maura Hughes's steady stream of babble. He had treated every form ofalcohol withdrawal during his residency at Bellevue and over his years ofprivate practice in one of the more indigent areas of the city. DTs — deliriumtremens — while at times amusing, was potentially lethal: heart rate up,respiration up, core temperature up, nervous system irritability marked, fluidloss through perspiration and hyperventilation intense, fluid intake minimal tonone. He had seen studies showing a mortality rate from DTs as high as 25percent. And Maura Hughes was three days post craniotomy as well. She was amedical time bomb, the last roommate he would have chosen for Evie.
Harry glanced down the hall at thejanitor, placidly working his buffer from wall to wall. He had on a Walkman andwas bobbing his head in time to the music, totally oblivious to thelife-and-death dramas being played out all around him. Harry wondered what itmust be like to have a shiny floor be the extent of one's professionalresponsibility.
Evie had the bed next to the windows andfarthest from the door. The curtain separating the two beds was pulled. Harryglanced at Maura Hughes as he passed. She was restrained to the bed with acloth Posy harness. Her wrists were secured to the bedrails by broad leatherstraps. She wasn't old. He could tell that much about her, but little more.Below her turban bandage, dense, violet bruises enveloped both of her eyes andran down to the corners of her mouth. Her oxygen prongs had dislodged from hernose and were ventilating her left ear. Her cracked, arid lips were drawn backin a strange, twisted rictus. Harry's first impression was that she wassnarling at him. Then he realized that she was smiling.
'Hi,' he said. 'I'm Evie's husband,Harry.'
'Double, double, toil and trouble, fireburn and cauldron bubble,' she replied.
Harry managed a smile of his own andstepped beyond the curtain. Evie accepted his kiss on her forehead withoutreaction.
'She knows Shakespeare,' he whispered.
'Actually, she knows a lot of things. It'sjust that the insects and snakes and spiders keep getting in the way.'
'The creepy crawlies. It would be sort ofhumorous if the insects and such weren't so damn real to her. She should bethrough this in another day or so.'
'Ouch! Get off my sheet, you filthy bug!Hey, will someone please come over and help me!'
'Go say something,' Evie urged. 'Try andcalm her down.'
Harry walked back around the curtain.
'You're too late, Gene,' Maura said tohim. 'It bit me and it's gone.'
'Sorry.' Harry realized now that she waseven younger than he had originally thought — possibly in her mid-thirties. 'Myname's Harry. Not Gene.'
'Well, you look like Gene Hackman.'
'Thanks. I like Gene Hackman.'
'So do I. I thought you were an actor.'
'I'm not. Why would you think that?'
'Your pin.'
For a moment, Harry had no idea what thewoman meant. Then he remembered the pin his niece — Phil's oldest daughter,Jennifer — had given him. It was a tiny depiction of comic and tragic faces — aprize she had won for drama at school. A year or so ago he had helped her placeit on the lapel of this particular sports coat, and there it had remained. Herarely even thought about it being there. Maura Hughes had identified it fromeight feet away.
'I'm impressed that you saw this,' hesaid.
'I notice things.'
Suddenly she began squirming and fightingher restraints.
'Dammit, Gene,' she snapped, 'do you haveany Southern Comfort on you or not? You promised and — Shit, Gene, watch out!Right there on the wall by your head. What is that? A scorpion? A shrimp?'
In spite of himself, Harry glanced at thewall.
'Try and get some rest,' he said.
He returned to his wife, who was lyingalmost flat in bed, staring up at the ceiling.
'There are no empty beds on the wholefloor,' he said instead. 'No place to move either of you. If the nurses can'tmedicate her anymore, perhaps they can give you something.'
'I don't want anything,' she said, withoutturning her gaze from the ceiling. 'I want my brain functioning at maximumcapacity right up until the last possible moment.'
'I understand. You're going to do fine.'It was then Harry saw the IV — a bag of 5 percent dextrose in water, hangingfrom a ceiling hook nestled in the dividing curtain, delivering tiny dropletsthrough flow-control tubing. 'When did that go in?'
'A few hours ago.'
'I didn't even notice it. I wonder whythey put it in tonight and not in the OR tomorrow. Do you know who ordered it?'
'The anesthesiologist, I think the IVnurse said.'
'What difference does it make?'
'None, I guess.'
A prolonged, uncomfortable silencefollowed.
'Look, Harry,' she said suddenly, 'I thinkI need to be alone.'
The words hit him like a slap. He staredat her, uncertain how to respond.
'Could you please tell me what's goingon?' he said finally.
'Nothing's going on. I … I just have alot on my mind.' She took a deep breath. Her tension seemed to ease a bit.'Look, they said I could eat until midnight. I'll tell you what. I'm dying foran extra-thick chocolate malt from Alphano's. Pick me up one, then we'll talk.Okay?'
Alphano's Ice Cream Emporium was twoblocks beyond their co-op — a fifteen-minute drive from the hospital if thetraffic was reasonable. But Harry felt grateful to have something — anything — to contribute.
'Done,' he said, rising. 'I'll be backwithin the hour. And we don't have to talk. I'll be happy just to hang with youfor a while.'
He bent to kiss her but again there was noresponse. He settled for another peck on her forehead.
'Gene, Gene, lean and mean. Keep him looseand keep him clean,' Maura Hughes sang as he passed.
Out in the hall, the buffer man hadstopped his work and was kneeling down, Walkman still in place, scowling at themotor of his machine when Harry walked by. Harry felt strangely pleased to seethat the man's life wasn't so uncomplicated after all.
Farther down the hall, the nurse, SueJilson, smiled up at him as he approached.
'Leaving so soon?'
'My wife asked for a milk shake that'sonly made at a place on West Ninetieth. I can be back by nine-thirty, if that'sokay.'
'No problem.'
'Would you like one?'
'Thanks, but no thanks. I made a deal withmy jeans to keep fitting in them. How's the moaner?'
'Agitated and a bit disoriented. She couldprobably use some more medication if it's ordered.'
'I'll check. There's nothing any of uslike better than sedating Maura.'
'Thanks. See you in an hour.'
Harry drove to the West Side through a mistyrain and fairly heavy traffic. The line in Alphano's was longer than usual, theservice slow enough to be irritating. He ordered an extra-thick chocolate malt.Then, wondering if Maura Hughes might be lured out of orbit, he ordered asecond one. If she couldn't handle it, he would make the sacrifice.
It was nine-thirty by the time he left theice-cream parlor, and close to ten when he reentered the hospital. Aftervisitors' hours, only the main entrance was open. Harry crossed the desertedlobby and flashed his plastic ID at the security guard, whose desk blocked themain corridor to the hospital.
'I've got to have you sign in, Doc,' theman said. 'After nine.'
Harry scribbled his name and destination.The guard glanced at it.
'Alexander Nine,' he said. 'You going upthere for the Code Ninety-nine?'
At that instant, the overhead page beganurgently summoning Dr. Richard Cohen to Alexander 928.
Harry hurried toward the elevators.Something had happened to Maura Hughes, he was thinking. She hadn't looked thatgreat when he left, but she certainly hadn't seemed in imminent danger. Thensuddenly he remembered that Richard Cohen was a member of the sameneurosurgical group as Ben Dunleavy, Evie's neurosurgeon. Cohen was undoubtedlycovering for the night. Gripped by an intense foreboding, Harry kept jabbing atthe elevator call button until one of the doors slid open. The ride up toAlexander 9 took an eternity.
Room 928 was halfway down the far arm ofthe 'L.' The nurse's station and near corridor were deserted. Harry set downthe bag from Alphano's and sprinted down the hallway, his heart pounding in histhroat. It took only a moment after he rounded the corner to have his worstfears confirmed. There were half a dozen nurses and med students standing outsideroom 928, craning to catch a glimpse of the action. Maura Hughes, stillrestrained in her bed, had been pulled to the far side of the corridor.Standing beside her, stroking her hand, was a young, uniformed policeman.
Harry raced past them all and into theroom.
The scene was one he had witnessed orparticipated in hundreds of times over the years. The monitors, the lines, thecrash cart, the defibrillator, the nurses, physicians, and technicians movinggrimly from equipment to bedside and back like a platoon of army ants. Onlythis time, at the center of the controlled chaos, intubated through her noseand being ventilated by a rubber bag, was his wife. The cardiac monitor showeda regular rhythm. Every ten seconds or so, though, her arms extended to the maximumand rotated inward, turning her palms away from her body in an eerily unnaturalposition.
'When did this happen?' he asked.
The neurosurgical resident who was runningthe resuscitation looked up.
'This is Dr. Corbett, her husband,' thenurse explained.
'Oh, sorry,' the resident said. 'Heraneurysm appears to have ruptured. Dr. Cohen is covering for Dr. Dunleavy. Ijust got word that he's on the way up.'
'What happened?' Harry asked. 'I left herjust a little over an hour ago and she was fine.'
Sue Jilson shook her head.
'About half an hour after you left I wentin to medicate Maura. I heard a moan from behind the curtain. When I looked,your wife had vomited and was barely conscious. The initial blood pressurereading I got was three hundred over one-fifty. One pupil was already largerthan the other.'
Harry stared down at Evie, his mindunwilling to connect what he was seeing with what he knew of cerebralhemorrhaging. He reached down and gently lifted her eyelids. Both of her pupilswere so wide that almost no iris color could be seen. He felt numb, dreamlike.It was already over.
Dr. Richard Cohen rushed into the room. Healready knew the patient's history, he breathlessly told the resident. Theresident gave him a capsule summary of the past thirty-eight minutes.
'You've done everything right,' Cohen saidas he examined the inside of Evie's eyes with an ophthalmoscope.
He quickly checked her reflexes andresponse to pain. Then he used the end of his reflex hammer to firmly stroke anarc along the soles of her feet from heel to great toe. The Babinski reflex — the great toe pulling up instead of curling down — was a grave, grave sign thather cerebral cortex, the thinking part of her brain, was no longer influencingthe movements of her body. Harry watched, stunned.
'We'll get a CT scan,' Cohen said grimly,'but in all honesty, I don't think we can get her to the OR. The brain swellingis enormous. Both of her optic discs are showing severe papilledema.'
'She. . she doesn't want any heroicmeasures,' Harry heard himself saying.
'Arterial line's in,' another residentcalled out. 'Her systolic is still two-ninety.'
'That's very strange,' Cohen said. 'We'vegiven her a huge amount of antihypertensives already, but her pressure hasn'tbudged.'
'But wouldn't you expect her pressure tobe up like this with a large hemorrhage?' Harry asked.
Temporarily, maybe. Most CNS bleeds dohave a period of marked rise. But they almost always respond to conventionaltreatment, and the residents have already gone well beyond that.'
'Oh, God,' Harry whispered, still feelingdetached and unreal.
'We'll keep trying to get her pressuredown,' the neurosurgeon said. 'And we'll get a CT to document what we alreadyknow. Meanwhile, Harry, difficult as it is under these circumstances, there'ssomething you should be thinking about.'
'I understand,' Harry murmured.
Evie was a young, completely healthywoman, whose only organic problem was her aneurysm. At the moment, she was thesort of prize coveted by every organ transplant specialist — a source of lifeor sight for any number of people.
'Let's get the scan and then I'll let youknow,' Harry said. 'Meanwhile, go ahead and begin tissue typing.'
After half an hour, the battle to controlEvie's astronomical blood pressure was finally won. But everyone involved inthe case knew that the war had already been lost. Harry stood helplessly by thedoor as the respiratory technician adjusted the controls on the ventilator thatwas now Evie's only link to life. There were IVs in both her arms and tubesinto her stomach, bladder, and lungs. Every minute or two, in response tonothing in particular, her entire body would tighten and extend into a decerebrateposture. This nightmarish scene was one he had witnessed many times in hisprofessional life and in Nam. But emotionally he had never become very adept atdealing with it.
There was inevitably a part of himunwilling to accept the simple truth that it was over.
'No, thank you,' he replied to a nurse whooffered him coffee. 'I … I've got to call Evie's folks.'
He glanced at the corridor behind him.Maura Hughes seemed calmer. Her brother, a carrottop with a face too youthfulfor the uniform he wore, continued stroking her hand as he watched theunfolding horror in room 928. It was quarter of eleven. The CT scanner would befree in five minutes. Blood samples had been sent off to the lab for tissuetyping. On the way back from the CT scan, assuming nothing had come up thatwould send her to the operating room; Evie would get the first of what would probablybe a series of electroencephalograms. Two flat or near flat EEGs twelve hoursapart were considered to be the electro-physiologic equivalent of death. Harryreached up unaware and brushed aside a tear that had worked its way to the topof one cheek.
'Corbett, what in the hell is going onhere?'
Still half-dazed, Harry turned toward thevoice. Caspar Sidonis stood several feet away, hands on hips, his expressionpinched and angry.
'I don't know what you're talking about,'Harry managed. 'But right now I'm a little busy. You see, my — '
'I'm talking about Evie, dammit!' Sidonissnapped. 'Oh, never mind.'
He pushed past Harry and into the room.Richard Cohen, the neurosurgeon, was again checking Evie's eyes. Sue Jilson wason the other side of the bed adjusting the IV.
'Dick, what happened here?' Sidonis asked.
'Oh, hi, Caspar. This woman a patient ofyours?'
'No. She's. . she's a close friend.'
'Well, her husband is right over th — '
'I don't want to hear from him, Dick. Iwant to hear from you. Tell me what happened.'
It was a demand, not a request. Cohen,taken aback by the physician's aggressiveness, quickly regained his composure.
'You know she was pre-op for repair of aberry?'
'Yes, yes. Of course I know.'
'Well, a little while ago, Sue Jilson,here, came in and found her unresponsive, with one blown pupil and a systolicpressure of over three hundred. We've thrown the whole pharmacy at her andwe've still had a bitch of a time getting her pressure down to one-thirty,where it is now. Meanwhile, her other pupil's blown. She has bilateralpapilledema indicative of massive intracranial pressure, and she's posturing.'
'Jesus.' Sidonis looked shaken.
From the doorway, Harry watched, stunned,as the cardiac surgeon reached down and took one of Evie's hands gently in his.Then, with his other hand, he caressed her cheek. Richard Cohen looked onnonplussed. Sue Jilson was wide-eyed.
'Dick, does she have any chance at all?'Sidonis asked.
To any physician, let alone one ofSidonis's pedigree, the answer to the question was inescapable. Theneurosurgeon looked at him queerly.
'I … um … I don't think so, Caspar,'he said. 'We're waiting to take her down for a CT and an EEG.'
'Was he in here with her?' Sidonisgestured toward the doorway.
It was only now that Harry shook off hisown reluctant fascination with what was transpiring and moved into the room. Asfar as he knew, Sidonis and Evie might have met in passing at some staff partyor other. But certainly she had never spoken of the man.
'Caspar, do you know my wife?'
Sidonis whirled like a startled cat. 'Youknow damn well I do. Were you in here with her before. . before thishappened?'
'Of course I was with her. She's my wife.Now, just what in the hell — '
'Dick, was anyone else in here after him?'
'I said, was anyone else in here with Evieafter Corbett?' Sidonis was nearly shouting.
'Caspar, calm down. Calm down,' Cohensaid. 'Let's go out in the hall and talk.'
'Leaving the respiratory technicianbehind, the three physicians left the room, followed by Sue Jilson.
'Now, what's this all about?' Cohenwhispered. 'Does this have something to do with the meeting this morning?'
Sidonis's fury was barely under control.He spoke loudly, without regard for Maura Hughes, her brother, or the tworesidents standing nearby.
'All I asked was whether anyone else cameinto this room between the time Corbett — excuse me,
'I think I can answer that question,' SueJilson said. 'There was no one else. Dr. Corbett didn't leave untileight-forty-seven. That's in my notes. The only way on to the hall after eightis through the elevators and past the nurse's station. Officer Hughes — that'sMaura's brother, the man with her over there — arrived on the floor aroundnine-thirty, but we were already in with Mrs. Corbett. You can check with AliceBroglio, the other nurse on the floor, but I'm sure she'll confirm what I'vesaid.'
'I knew it.' Sidonis's fists wereclenched.
'Caspar, will you please tell us what thisis all about,' Cohen demanded.
'Ask him.'
'I have no idea what's going on,' Harrysaid.
'Bullshit,' Sidonis snapped. 'Evie wasleaving you to be with me, and you know it. She told you so last night at therestaurant she took you to. The SeaGrill. See, I even know the place. Now, whatdid you do to her?'
'You son of a bitch — '
Harry's burst of anger and hatred wasalmost immediately washed away by a consuming despair. There was no reason forhim to doubt what he was hearing. Evie and goddamn Caspar Sidonis. Suddenly, somuch made sense. The months and months of coolness and distance. The odd hoursshe kept. The trips out of town. The excuses for avoiding sex. Yesterday'scryptic call.
'Give me a minute, will you?' he said tothe respiratory technician. 'I'll call you if there's any problem.'
He turned off the bright overhead light,pulled a chair to Evie's bedside, and sat down. Beside him, the ventilatorwhirred softly, then delivered a jet of oxygen-enriched air into Evie's lungs,paused, then whirred again. It had been nearly ten years since they first met.
'Dammit, Evie,' he said softly, 'whycouldn't you at least have talked to me? Told me what was going on? Whycouldn't you have given us a
He reached through the bedrail and tookher hand. It had been stupid and naive to believe she could become a differentperson — or even that she truly wanted to.
A hand settled gently on his shoulder.
'Harry, are you okay?'
Doug Atwater looked down at him withconcern.
'Huh? Oh hi, Doug. Actually, no. No, I'mnot okay at all.'
'What's with Sidonis? He's over at thenurse's station right now, phoning the medical examiner and the police. I askedhim what was going on, and he just glared at me. For a moment I thought he wasgoing to tell me to go screw myself.'
Harry shook his head. This was anightmare.
'Doug, I don't know what's going on.Evie's aneurysm has blown. She's not going to make it.'
'Oh, God.'
'Sidonis just announced that he's beensleeping with her and that she was going to leave me for him. He thinks shetold me so last night, but she didn't.'
'Oh, Harry. I'm so sorry, pal.'
'Yeah. What are you doing here at thishour anyway?'
'Anneke and I were at a film. I just stoppedby to pick up some papers, and the guard downstairs told me what was going on.I left Anneke in my office and came up here. Why is Sidonis calling thepolice?'
Harry loosened his grasp and moved awayfrom the bed. The thought of Caspar Sidonis touching his wife was at oncesaddening and repulsive.
'I was the last one in with her. He mustthink. . actually, I don't give a shit what he thinks.'
He left the room with Doug Atwater closebehind. Transportation had just arrived to bring Evie down for her scan.Richard Cohen looked at Harry and shrugged.
'Harry, Caspar's gone to call the ME andthe police. He's sure you gave your wife something to cause her pressure toskyrocket — some sort of pressor drug. I think maybe I should call Bob Lord andOwen, let them know what's going on.'
Lord was the chief of the medical staff.Owen Erdman was president of the hospital.
'Call anybody you want,' Harry said. 'Thisis ridiculous.'
'I'll call Owen,' Atwater offered. 'IsSidonis crazy or what, Richard?'
'I don't know about crazy,' theneurosurgeon replied, 'but he's definitely furious. Harry, he says he spoke toyour wife just as you two were leaving the house last night, and that she sworeshe was going to tell you about the two of them.'
'She didn't tell me anything.'
'Well, listen. We've got to get going.I'll call Lord from X ray. Stick around here, will you? As soon as I've seenthe CT I'll be back up to speak to you. The EEG tech is on the way in, but shelives in the Bronx.'
With the respiratory technician breathingfor Evie with a rubber Ambu bag, the transportation worker guided her bedtoward the elevator. Cohen and Sue Jilson followed, along with the tworesidents who had remained nearby at Cohen's request.
Doug Atwater glanced over at Maura Hughes.
'Evie's roommate,' Harry explained. 'Thecop's her brother. She's in the DTs.'
'In the DTs right now?'
'I think they've got her pretty heavilymedicated. Doug, I just don't believe this is happening.'
Atwater led Harry over to a molded plasticchair and motioned him to sit.
You going to stay here in the hospital?'he asked, lowering to one knee.
'I … I guess so. At least until thestudies are all back. Cohen wants my permission to have Evie donate her organs.I'm probably going to have to decide before morning.'
'Oh, shit.'
Atwater knew them as a couple about aswell as anyone at the hospital did. He had been a dinner guest at their hometwice, and had double-dated with them on at least two other occasions, althoughthe, last time was probably two or three years ago. He was charming, out-going,and at times — especially when he had had a few drinks — extremely witty. Morethan once, Evie had spoken of fixing him up with one or another of her friends.However, Harry recalled now, as their marriage deteriorated she had stoppedsuggesting a fix-up, and instead frequently encouraged him to join Doug for a'boy's night out.'
'I thought Sidonis was married,' Harrysaid.
'Not as long as I've been here. He has akid or two somewhere. I know that much. But mostly he's married to the OR, plushis stockbroker, his publicity agent, and of course his mirror. I had evenheard rumors he was gay.'
Harry laughed bitterly.
'Guess not,' he said.
'Listen, Harry, I'd better go call Owen. Ineed to check on Anneke, too. Do you want me to say something to Sido — nevermind. Here he comes.'
Sidonis bore down on them.
'The medical examiner's called the lab andordered some blood samples on Evie,' he announced triumphantly. 'And there's aDetective Dickinson on his way over. He'd like it if you could stay until hegets here.'
'I'm not going anyplace. But I havenothing to say to him or anyone else you bring in.'
'Caspar,' Doug said, 'why are you doingthis?'
Sidonis eyed the executive suspicously.Clearly, he had placed Atwater among the enemy.
'You really don't know?' he said finally.'Evie and I have been seeing each other for over a year. Last night she toldHarry she was leaving him. Tonight she checks in here with perfectly normalblood pressure, and not one symptom of her aneurysm for a month. He goes intoher room, she's fine. He leaves, and not half an hour later her bloodpressure's three hundred plus and her aneurysm has blown. Wouldn't you besuspicious?'
Atwater held the surgeon's gaze.
'If I didn't know Harry Corbett I mightbe,' he said. 'But you're way off base. And if what you say is true about youand this man's wife, someone ought to kick the shit out of you for busting uptheir marriage. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to phone Owen Erdman andlet him know what you've been up to. Harry, I'll be back a little later. Becool.'
'Now just a second,' Sidonis protested,hurrying after him. 'If you're calling Erdman I want to talk with him.
He was still railing when he and DougAtwater disappeared around the corner of the hallway. Suddenly, the corridorwas silent.
'Um. . excuse me.'
'Huh?' Harry looked around. Maura Hughes'sbrother, still by her bedside, cleared his throat and self-consciously smoothedhis uniform shirt. Harry noticed the three stripes on his immaculate uniform. Asergeant, then.
'I'm Tom Hughes,' he said, his speech freeof all but a hint of New York. 'Maura's my sister.'
'Hi,' Harry said flatly. He feltembarrassed that the policeman had been witness to Sidonis's outburst anddisclosure. But in truth, not that much.
'I … um. . I'm sorry for what you'vebeen going through.'
'Maura says you've been very kind to her.'He looked back at where his sister lay. She was asleep and snoring somewhatunnaturally. 'I guess the sedation has kicked in.'
'It would seem so.'
'Look, I don't mean to butt in, butstanding where I've been, it was impossible for me not to hear.'
Harry felt suddenly awkward sitting. Healso felt incapable of maintaining a conversation — even one as superficial as this.He stood up and pushed the plastic chair away with the toe of his shoe. Hestill hadn't called Evie's family. Maybe he should call Steve Josephson aswell. In anticipation of Evie's surgery, he had already canceled his morningpatients and signed out to Steve until one. Maybe he should call and make itthe whole day.
'Look, I'm sorry for blabbering on likethis,' Hughes said. 'I know you've got a lot on your mind and the weight of theworld on your shoulders. But there's something I really need to tell you.'
Harry hesitated, then crossed thecorridor.
'That doctor,' Hughes went on in a nearwhisper, 'the dark-haired one, the one who claims — '
'Yes, yes, I know who you mean. Sidonis.'
'Well, Dr. Sidonis seems to be making abig deal over the report from the nurse that you were the last one in with yourwife before she got so — '
'Well, you weren't.'
'You weren't the last one. There was a manin with her shortly after you left. A doctor, in fact.'
'Are you sure?'
Tom Hughes thought for a few secondsbefore he responded.
'Pretty sure,' he said finally. 'No, makethat very sure.'
'But. . but how do you know that?'
Again the policeman hesitated, his gazefixed on one of the bed wheels. When he looked at Harry again, his expressionwas sheepish.
'My sister told me so,' he said.
'I'm sure she doesn't look it to you rightnow, but Maura really is a very special, very talented, very
After just a few minutes of conversationwith Tom Hughes, several things had become quite clear to Harry: althoughyoung, Hughes was very intelligent and as sharp as any policeman he had evermet; and despite his older sister's obvious problems, he was absolutely devotedto her. He was also convinced that the man she claimed to have seen enter herhospital room had actually been there.
'A doctor in a white clinic coat came inshortly after you left,' Hughes related to Harry. 'Maura was apparentlyhollering at the time — she said something to me about the nurses never payingany attention to her unless she makes noise. The doctor smiled at her, strokedher forehead, leaned over, and whispered to her to just relax. Then he wentaround the curtain, spoke with your wife for a short while, and left. He was inhis thirties or early forties, five foot eight or so, with brown hair closelycut, unusually dark brown eyes, a large diamond ring on the little finger ofhis left hand, and a blue and green clip-on tie.'
'A clip-on? How could she know that?'
'I'm telling you, drunk or sober, or evenin the DTs, my sister is a remarkable woman. She's an artist, a painter, andshe has an incredible eye for detail.'
Harry recalled the quickness with whichshe had spotted his lapel pin.
'Well, maybe some doctor came up the backway, or slipped past the nurses.'
'Slipped past the nurses maybe,' Tom said.'But not came up the back way. The door is locked and alarmed after eight. Thenurse warned me about that when I called to ask if I could come in latetonight. Anyone who comes on or off any floor in this building after eight hasto come by elevator and check in at the nurse's station.'
'I guess I knew that,' Harry said. 'I meanI've only worked here for a decade or two. Why didn't you say something aboutthis mystery doc to Sidonis or the nurses?'
'The way things were going down, therereally wasn't much chance for me to say anything to anyone. Besides, they'renot very fond of my sister here on Alexander Nine. I hardly think they wouldgive much credence to anything she has to say — especially if it conflicts withwhat
'I think you're probably right.'
It was after eleven now. Rather thandisturb the overextended staff on Alexander 9, the two of them had wheeledMaura back to her spot in room 928. Fifteen minutes later, the call Harrydreaded had come from neurosurgeon Richard Cohen. Evie was still in the CTscanner, but the initial images were as bad as they had feared. The hemorrhagewas massive. The rapid swelling and pressure had forced a portion of her brainthrough the bony ridge at the base of her skull, totally and irreversiblycutting off circulation to her cerebral cortex — the gray matter responsiblefor all thought. Surgery was no longer even a long-shot possibility. All thatremained was a series of EEGs. . and a decision.
As Maura Hughes continued her stertorous,unnatural sleep, Harry sat opposite her brother in the dimly lit room. As muchas he wanted to be alone to sort out what had transpired with Sidonis and todeal with the decision he would shortly be asked to make, he was grateful forthe man's company.
'No one's been able to explain to me whatthe DTs is, or why my sister got it,' Hughes said. 'She definitely was on abender when she fell, but I know a lot of people who are much heavier drinkersthan she is and never seem to get into trouble.'
'Most alcoholics coming off alcohol justget the shakes and some intestinal stuff,' Harry explained. 'There are tworeally frightening things they
'But Maura's pretty damn lucid about somethings — even while she's seeing the bugs and such.'
'All I can say is, that is not unusual.The mix of fantasy and reality is unexplainable. You know, I take care of afairly large number of alcoholics in my practice. Many of them have been soberfor years, some of them against monstrous odds. If you and she would like, I canhave one or two of them stop by and speak with her.'
'You mean AA?'
'I've tried to get her to go to AA. Butshe never would go. Too much pride, I guess.'
'Maybe you should take some videos orPolaroids of her right now.'
Tom Hughes grinned at the suggestion.
'Maybe I should at that,' he said. 'Dr.Corbett, do you mind if I ask you a little about what's going on between youand that other doctor?'
'Sidonis?' Harry shrugged. 'I think you'veheard most of it already. He claims my wife has been having an affair with him,and that she planned to leave me for him. He thinks she told me all about itlast night at the restaurant we went to. He even knew the name of the place.Now that I look back on our evening, I think Evie actually wanted to tell me.But she never did.'
'So you believe him? I mean, there
Harry looked down at the floor andswallowed at the fullness that had again begun building in his throat.
'No,' he said finally. 'I believe him.'
'And he thinks that because of what youknew, you gave something to your wife to … to what?'
'To send her blood pressure up high enoughto cause her cerebral aneurysm to rupture.'
'God. Are there such drugs?'
'A number of them, actually. They'recalled pressors. We use them to treat shock, which essentially is dangerously
'So this stuff — this pressor medication — is what? Injected? Or is it a pill, or a liquid of some sort?'
Harry smiled grimly.
'No, no,' he said. 'Not by mouth. Thepatients who need a medication like that are in too much trouble to takeanything be — '
'What is it? … Dr. Corbett?'
Harry was on his feet.
'Maybe nothing,' he said. 'But it justoccurred to me. Evie had an IV in her arm. D-five-W — five percent sugar water.It was what we call a KO infusion. Keep open. Just fast enough to keep theplastic catheter in her vein from clotting off.'
'It seemed a little unusual to me that sheshould have one in place the night before her surgery, especially when she hadbeen so stable for so long. I even asked her who ordered it. She thought it wasthe anesthesiologist. But usually they establish their IVs in the OR.' Heheaded out of the room. 'If anyone calls, I'm at the nurse's station. I'll beback in a few minutes.'
The order in Evie's chart read:
'I don't know what you're talking about,Dr. Corbett,' he said in a clipped Indian accent. 'I always insert my IVs inthe operating room. Why should I wish to do otherwise?'
'I … I don't know,' Harry mumbled. Heset the receiver down as the anesthesiologist was asking if there were anyother questions he could answer.
Harry sat on the edge of the counter andcarefully reviewed Evie's chart. She had arrived on Alexander 9 at one-thirty.At four-thirty the anesthesiologist had come up, examined her, and writtenpreoperative orders. At six-thirty someone claiming to be that anesthesiologisthad called the floor nurse and ordered a keep open dextrose infusion to be putin place. The nurse had notified the intravenous nurse on duty for thehospital. At six-fifty, the IV nurse's notes stated, she had placed an 18-gaugeangiocath in Evie's left hand. A few hours later, at least according to Maura Hughes,a physician had entered their room. And a short time after that, Evie'saneurysm had burst — either as a result of,
Now, Caspar Sidonis was accusing Harry ofthe intravenous injection of some sort of pressor that had caused thecatastrophe. Was it possible Harry was being set up by Sidonis? The physiciandescribed by Maura — real or figment — bore no resemblance to the arrogantcardiac surgeon, who was significantly taller than five eight and had thick,jet hair and a mustache.
Maura Hughes was awake and thrashingabout.
'Right after you left she started moaninglike she was in pain or maybe having a nightmare,' Tom explained. 'Thensuddenly, like a shot, she woke up. She's all over the place right now,fighting the restraints and hallucinating even worse than she was before.'
'Go ahead and ring for the nurse,' Harrysaid. Noting that Maura was drenched in sweat, he toweled her face off andassured himself that her IV was open and running. She looked stressed, but notin danger. 'It's probably just the sedation wearing off. None of the medicinewe use actually changes what's going on in a DT patient's head. All it does isblunt their reaction to it. I'll check her over.'
'Gene, Gene, don't be mean,' Maura sang,thrashing against her restraints. She smiled up at him and suddenly adopted aDixie accent that would have made Scarlett O'Hara proud. 'I swear on mymother's grave, darlin', if you'd just get these fuckin' bugs off me I'd be allright. I'd be fine.'
Using his own stethoscope and pocketophthalmoscope, Harry did as good an exam as possible under the circumstances.Maura neither helped him nor fought him. Instead, she kept up a constant verbalstream as she tried to brush away the crawlies. The nurse checked in over theintercom. She was in the conference room getting the change-of-shift report.Unless there was real trouble, she would be in after they were done.
'I don't find anything to worry about,'Harry said to Tom. 'I think we're just seeing what her condition is likewithout the mask of tranquiliz-'
'Hey, I'm looking for someone namedSidonis. Dr. Cash Sidonis. Something like that.'
Harry and Tom turned toward the door. Asallow, balding man in a polyester suit stood appraising them. He was holding afrayed, spiral-bound, stenographer's notepad from which he had read Sidonis'sname. His small, sunken eyes were enveloped in shadow. From six feet away Harrycould smell a two — or three-pack-a-day tobacco habit.
'Lieutenant Dickinson!' Tom exclaimed.
Squinting, the man bobbed his finger atTom, trying to place him.
'The Yalie, right?'
Tom grimaced.
'Yes, I guess you could call me that. I'mTom Hughes. This is Dr. Harry Corbett. Harry, this is Lieutenant AlbertDickinson. He's a detective in the two-eight. They have an opening for adetective there that I've interviewed for. He was on the panel.'
You and about half the force,' Dickinsonsaid, none too kindly. 'I wouldn't count on nothing if I was you. Thecompetition is fierce.
His hoarse laugh dissolved into a hackingcough. Tom remained outwardly unfazed. Harry wondered if the man's abominablerudeness was some sort of test.
'They call anyone they think graduatedfrom college a Yalie,' Tom explained pleasantly enough. 'In my case, not thatit matters, it happens to be true.'
'Corbett, huh,' Dickinson said. 'You'rethe guy Sidonis's complaining about. After I talk to him, I want to talk toyou. Bastard must have some clout to have them send me here on a night likethis. Some fucking clout.'
'Dammit, get off me!' Maura shouted.'Boogery little ants. Get off! I'm sick of this!'
Dickinson glanced over at herdispassionately. 'Whozis?' he said, jerking his head toward the bed.
'She's. . um. . she's my sisterMaura,' Tom said, forcing himself to stand just a bit straighter.
Harry noticed that one of Tom's fists — the one out of Dickinson's line of sight — was clenched. Dickinson peered at Mauraagain. In ten seconds his assessment was complete. Maura Hughes was a hopelessdrunk.
'Hey, do you two know why the Irish gotthe whiskey and the A-rabs got the oil?' he asked suddenly. 'Give up? It'sbecuz the Irish got to pick first.'
He was launching into another mucous laughwhen Maura spat at him. From eight or so feet away she missed by only a foot.
'Bitch,' Dickinson muttered, checking tobe sure he hadn't been spattered.
'Pinhead,' Maura shot back.
The night-shift nurse interrupted via theintercom.
'Is there a Detective Dickinson in theroom? If there is, you were supposed to check in at the nurse's station beforegoing into any patient room. Also, Dr. Sidonis is here to see you. He's in theconference room by the nurse's station.'
Dickinson looked at Harry. 'Don't go away,Corbett,' he said. 'You neither, Yalie.'
He shoved his notebook in his suit-coatpocket and left the room. Tom waited until he was certain the man was out ofearshot.
'This is not going to be fun,' he said.'Dickinson is totally burnt-out. He wouldn't go an extra inch to help his ownmother.'
'But he's on a panel that picks who'sgoing to make detective.'
'NYPD logic all the way. I've been toldI'm the leading candidate to get the promotion, but as you just heard, younever know. I really could've done without this little encounter with AlbertD.'
'It's not your fault. Look, don't worryabout him. Albert'll annoy you with a few questions from the detective's how-tomanual just to have something to put on his report. Then, when he realizesthere isn't any reason to suspect foul play, he'll leave and spend the nexthour or two at Dunkin' Donuts.'
'But there is,' Harry said.
'Is what?'
'Reason to suspect foul play.'
Harry recounted in detail for Tom Hugheshis call to the anesthesiologist and his review of Evie's chart. He was justfinishing when Evie was wheeled back in. Shaken by the sight of her, Harryrealized that he had already begun to think of her, of their life together, inthe past tense. To all intents, the woman he had been married to for nine yearswas dead.
'The EEG showed a little activity,'Richard Cohen reported as she was being reconnected to the monitoring andrespiratory systems, 'but not much. Certainly not enough to keep the variousteams from moving forward if you give the word. As you know, time is prettycrucial here. Organs do begin to break down.'
'I know,' Harry said. 'When do you plan todo a second EEG?'
'Ten in the morning.'
Harry looked down at his wife. Over histwenty-five years as an M.D., he had shared every conceivable experienceinvolving death and bereavement. But none of those experiences prepared him forthis. A few short hours ago, she was the most important person in his life. Afew short hours ago, Sidonis or not, they still had the chance to turn theirmarriage around, to make it work again. But suddenly, it was over. And now, hewas being asked to validate Evie's death by authorizing the donation of hervital organs. He had always been supportive to families in such situations.When he needed them, the right words had come. But he had never had to make thedecision himself.
'Leave the papers at the nurse's station,'he heard himself say. 'I'll sign them before I leave. But I want to see her inthe morning before anyone moves ahead with this.'
'I'll see to it.'
Cohen thanked him, murmured a brief,somewhat uncomfortable condolence, and left the room. Moments later, heradjustments on the ventilator completed, the respiratory technician followed.Sue Jilson checked Evie's blood pressure and monitor pattern, and then turnedto Harry.
'The CT tech took this off your wife,' shesaid coolly, handing Harry the diamond pendant from Tiffany's. 'I didn't seeany sense in putting it back on her.'
Harry looked at her stonily.
'I do,' he said.
He hooked the necklace back in place. Whenhe turned around again, he and Tom Hughes were alone with the two patients.Maura continued her almost nonstop prattle, pausing only to pick tormentors offthe bedclothes. The ventilator connected to Evie again was whirring softly asit provided oxygen to organs that were now of value only when consideredindividually.
Tom turned off the overhead light, leavingonly the dim over-the-bed fluorescents.
'I'm really sorry for everything you'regoing through,' he said.
Harry glanced over at his wife.
'Thanks,' Harry managed to say.
'If you want to talk some more about it, Ihave the time, and I'm not at all tired.'
'In the hall, maybe,' Harry said. 'Not inhere.'
They dragged their chairs outside thedoor. The corridor was dimly lit and silent, save for the white noise of nightin the hospital.
'You don't have to keep talking about yourwife if it's too hard for you,' Hughes said.
'It actually might help.'
'Okay. Just don't be embarrassed to tellme to shut up. I confess that as a cop, what little you've told me so far hasme intrigued. What do you think is going on?'
'I have no idea. There's probably astupid, simple explanation for everything. The nurse who took the telephoneorder got the anesthesiologist's name wrong. . Some M.D. friend of ours wason the floor seeing another patient and stopped by to see Evie — '
Harry considered the request, thenfollowed him in.
Hughes began pacing deliberately aroundfirst Maura's bed, then Evie's, checking the wails, the light switches, and thebeds themselves. Maura watched him curiously.
'Rather than assume the most benignexplanation,' Tom said, continuing his inspection, 'for the moment let's assumethe worst. Some doctor — or perhaps someone planning to pose as a doctor — called in an order to have an IV started in your wife's arm and gave the realanesthesiologist-on-duty's name. Later, he entered this room, unseen by thenurses, spoke to my sister, then administered a pressor drug to your wife. Thenhe left the floor, again managing to avoid being spotted by anyone. We need amotive for why he would have done such a thing, and an explanation as to how hecould have made it on and off the floor without being spotted.'
'Dickinson made it in here without beingseen.'
'One way, he did. The nurses were in theirchange of shift report when he came on the floor. But having
'So what are you looking for now?'
'Places where our mystery doctor mighthave left a fingerprint or two. Too bad we don't have prints of every M.D. onthe — '
'Okay, Dr. Corbett,' Albert Dickinson cutin. 'I guess is time you and I had a little talk.' The detective, leaningagainst the doorjamb, sighed wearily. 'I'm required to tell you that you havethe right to remain silent, but that anything you choose to say may and will beused against you in a court of law. You — '
'Wait a minute,' Tom said. 'Why are youreading him Miranda? Is he being arrested?'
'Not yet, but he will be. I just thoughtI'd get through the formalities.'
'Lieutenant Dickinson,' Hughes went on,'there are some things you don't know about what's gone on here.'
'You wanna know what I
'Lieutenant, another doctor came in to seeMrs. Corbett after Harry left here tonight,' Tom Hughes said.
'There was no one. The next person to comeon this floor after Dr. Corbett left here was you. And by that time, Mrs.Corbett was already on the chute. I checked with the nurses. They have allvisitors logged.'
'Well, the nurses are wrong. Someone washere. A white male in his forties wearing a white clinic coat. Five eight,brown hair, brown eyes.'
'Who says?'
Tom's expression suggested that he wasexpecting the question but still had found no easy way around having to answerit.
'My sister,' he said boldly. 'The manspoke to her, then went around the curtain to Mrs. Corbett, and then left. Itwas soon after that her aneurysm ruptured.'
Dickinson smirked. 'Is that what you saw,little lady?'
'Pinhead. You know, you should firewhoever made you that toupee. I could paint a piece of lettuce with shoe polishand have it look more realistic'
Dickinson smiled blandly but it was clearhe had been skewered. Harry realized only then that the man
'Why don't you have another drink, littlelady,' Dickinson said.
'Maura,' Tom pleaded, 'would you pleasestop with the wisecracks and just tell the detective what you saw?'
Maura brushed at something on her shoulderbut said nothing.
'Don't bother,' Harry said. 'I don't thinkthe detective is going to pay much attention. Come on, Lieutenant. Let's getthis over with.'
'Lieutenant Dickinson,' Tom asked, 'do youthink it would be worthwhile calling someone over from forensics?'
'For what?'
'Maybe the doctor who was here left someprints.'
'Fingerprint a hospital room, huh. Soundslike a great idea to me, Yalie. I mean there couldn't have been more than, oh,one or two hundred people in here over the last day.'
'Almost everyone who's been in this room,including the doctors, has a set of fingerprints on file with hospitalsecurity,' Harry said. 'It's been hospital policy for years, ever since aconvicted child molester lied on his application and got a job as an orderly onthe pediatric unit.'
'Great. I'm sure forensics will bethrilled to come out on a night like this because a woman in the goddamn DTsclaims she saw someone that not a single other person on this whole floor saw.'
'I'm telling you, I know my sister, and Iknow that there was someone here.'
'And I'm telling you, spiders and ants andgiant snakes don't leave fingerprints. Now, Corbett, let's get this over.You'll feel much better when you get everything off your chest. .'
It was well after midnight by the timeHarry finished responding to Albert Dickinson's unemotional and uninspiredinterrogation. The detective had clearly made up his mind that the scenario fedto him by Caspar Sidonis was the correct one. Harry, unwilling to allow hiswife to run off with another man, had administered a blood-pressure-raisingagent to her. Her death would appear to be due to the rupture of her aneurysm,and no questions would be asked. Now, samples of her blood were being sent to thestate lab for analysis. If any unusual substances were found, especially onesrelated to raising blood pressure, there was a good chance that a warrant wouldbe issued for Harry's arrest.
'Motive, method, opportunity,' Dickinsonsaid. 'Right now, all we're missing is the method.'
Harry saw no point in telling the hostiledetective about the telephone order to start an IV on Evie. Pramod Baraswattiwould undoubtedly check with the floor first thing in the morning. An incidentreport would be filed, and sooner or later, word would trickle back toDickinson. His conclusion would, of course, be that Harry had made the callhimself, setting up a port for his lethal injection.
He followed Harry back to the room.
'Yalie, I want a cop here as long as she'salive and he's on the floor.'
'She's already been pronounced clinicallydead,' Hughes said.
'Look, are you gonna make me send someoneelse in here, or are you gonna show us that you're a fucking team player?'
'Some team,' Hughes muttered.
'What did you say?'
'I said I'll stay here and protect her.'
'That's what I thought. I've already toldthe nurses that I don't want him alone with her as long as she's alive.'
'But — '
'Is that clear?'
'Sure, Lieutenant.'
Harry followed Dickinson down the hall andwatched until the elevator doors closed behind him.
'He gone?' Hughes asked when Harryreturned.
'For now. He says that as soon as anythingshows up in Evie's blood, I'll be arrested.'
'Do you think something will?'
Harry rubbed at the persistent stinging inhis eyes.
'I don't know what the hell to think,' hesaid. 'What an asshole that man is. I mean, the least he could have done wascall someone in for the fingerprints. I agree it's a long shot, but it's a noshot at
'We don't need him,' Tom said, leadingHarry back toward the elevators.
'We've got the Dweeb. He's on his way upright now.'
At almost that moment, the elevator doorsglided open and a slight, almost frail-looking black man emerged. He waswearing a Detroit Tigers jacket and a Detroit Lions cap, and was carrying abriefcase in one hand and a large fishing-tackle box in the other.
'Did he see you?' Tom asked.
'Nope. Walked right past me, too. I swear,Albert wouldn't see a corpse if it was hanging from his ceiling.'
'I appreciate this. I really do,' Tomsaid. 'Harry Corbett, meet Lonnie Sims, also known as the Dweeb.'
Sims set his tackle box down and shookHarry's hand with a linebacker's grip.
'He's with us,' Tom said to thenight-shift nurse as they hurried past her. 'Another detective.' They enteredroom 928. 'Lonnie and I were classmates at NYU when I got my master's incriminology,' he explained. 'He's the best crime-scene man that school's everproduced. And he loves doing fingerprints.'
'That's true, my man,' Sims said, settinghis tackle box on a chair and snapping it open. 'That's true.'
'One of my friends, Doug Atwater, has alot of clout here,' Harry said. 'Actually, Tom, you probably saw him. He washere a while ago.'
'Tall, good looking, sort of blondishhair?'
'That's him. Anyhow, I think he'll be ableto get the print records from security or personnel, or wherever they're kept.'
'Great,' Sims said, slipping on rubbergloves and handing a pair to both Tom and Harry. 'I have some people at the FBIlab in D.C. who can help us, too. Now, we're going to play a little actinggame. Tom, do what you can to have your sister direct us, and try not to touchanything, especially those metal bed railings. Harry, you're going to play themysterious stranger. Don't you touch anything either.'
'Okay.' Harry glanced past Maura's bed towhere Evie lay. Even her decerebrate posturing had stopped now. She had led atleast one secret life with Caspar Sidonis. Had there been others? Had one ofthem led to her death? He headed toward the doorway to begin his part in theperformance. One thing seemed almost certain to him. The laboratory studies ofEvie's blood, which could take days or even weeks to complete, were going toturn up something. And sometime tomorrow, Evie would be gone and her roomscrubbed down. If they were going to have any chance at picking up thefingerprints of Doctor X, it had to be done now.
'Tell me,' he said, 'why do they call youDweeb?'
Lonnie Sims glanced over at Tom.
'He. . um … he did pretty well ingrad school,' Hughes explained. 'In fact, pretty well doesn't really cover it.The truth is, if they had curved the grades in our class, only Dweeb, here,would have passed.'
By the time Harry left the hospital, thefirst hint of dawn was washing over the city. The session with Lonnie Sims hadtaken over two hours. And as far as Harry could tell, the man was, asadvertised, a genius.
The thumb's the ticket,' the Dweeb toldhim. 'That sneaky, opposable thumb. Most forensic so-called experts dust on topof things. The key is to dust under them. Show me a lab man with floor dirtground into the knees of his trousers, and I'll show you a man who knows whathe's about.'
With Maura's help, he guided Harry or Tomslow-motion through half a dozen possible scenarios, watchingtheir movementsclosely and calling out, 'Freeze!' whenever he wanted to check a spot forprints. The mystery Doc had not worn rubber gloves, Maura assured them. Simsdusted beneath the Formica tray tables and along the underside of the bedrails.He did the door handles and the light pulls, both sides of the headboards andfootboards of both beds, and even the fixtures in the bathroom. He used specialpowders and an infrared light, magnifiers and a tiny, state-of-the-art camera.He lifted about fifty prints — some quite clear, some badly smudged.
In the end, he told them, if Doug Atwatercould arrange access to the hospital's personnel fingerprint files, anythingwas possible. By the time Sims folded his tackle box, closed his briefcase, andaccompanied Tom Hughes off of Alexander 9, it was three A.M. Harry called Philand Evie's family. Then he sat by Evie's bedside in the darkened room for atime, his thoughts focused on nothing. . and everything.
'You take care now, Gene,' Maura said as heheaded out of the room.
Harry had thought she was asleep. Only nowdid he realize she was quite awake and had been keeping quiet for him — for thetime that might be his last alone with his wife. Perhaps her sedation hadkicked in, he reasoned. Perhaps the horrors of her DTs were abating. Or perhapsshe had just enough willpower to hold them off for a while.
'I will,' he said. 'You take care, too,Maura. And thanks for your help tonight.'
On the way off the floor, he stopped atthe nurse's station and signed permission for Evie's organs to be taken. Thenotion that somewhere, someone was about to receive the heart they haddesperately been praying for did help ease the profound sadness he was feeling.But nothing helped lessen his confusion — or his sense of foreboding.
The streets were virtually deserted.Emotionally drained, Harry drove home peering through a film of gritty fatigue.He parked in the indoor garage a block from his apartment. As usual RockyMartino, the co-op's night doorman, was asleep in a worn leather chair in clearview of anyone who chose to look through the glass front doors of the building.Although he would never admit it, Rocky was well past sixty. He would also notadmit to drinking more than was healthy, or to drinking on the job, althoughmost of the residents knew he did both. Firing him had been on the agenda ofvirtually every co-op meeting for as long as Harry had been part of thebuilding. But since nothing of consequence had ever happened during Rocky'sshift, and because he was a sweet guy, no action had ever been taken. Harrydebated knocking on the glass, or even ringing the ancient doorbell. Finally,he took out his keys. With the first touch of metal on metal, Rocky was on hisfeet.
'Doc, you scared the crap out of me,' hesaid, opening the inside door. 'I thought everyone in the building was tuckedin for the night. When did you go out?'
'What do you mean?'
'Well, I didn't see you go out after thatChinese food you ordered was delivered.'
Harry felt his pulse jump.
'You sure it was me the food was for?'
'Of course I'm sure.'
'Did you buzz me before you sent thedelivery man up?' he asked.
'I … um … I think I did.'
'And did the guy go right out?'
Rocky was clearly beginning to panic. Hewas also clearly about to lie.
'Sure,' he said. 'He went right up andcame right down.'
Harry headed for the elevator.
'Rocky, what time was that?'
'I don't know, Doc. Ten, maybe. Eleven.Why?'
Harry stepped into the elevator and heldthe door open.
'Because, Rocky,' he said, more testilythan he had meant, 'I haven't been home all night, and I didn't order anyChinese food.'
The apartment door was locked, but thatmeant nothing. They had a police lock, but he and Evie never bothered using itunless they were home. Once, when Evie had locked her keys inside, the superhad gotten her in with a credit card. Harry thought about calling the policewithout going inside. But he was exhausted and the cops might take hours to getthere.
He opened the door slowly, expectingdarkness. Lights were on in the foyer and, it appeared, in every room as well.Even from where he stood, he could see that the place had been ransacked. Heconsidered the possiblity that the intruder was still inside. A sane personwould definitely retreat to the lobby and call the police from there. But atthat moment, Harry was feeling anything but sane. He stalked down the hall halfhoping the man would jump out at him. He desperately needed someone to hit.
The apartment was empty, the carnageextensive. Every painting had been removed from the wall, every drawer openedand emptied. The mattresses had been moved and all the contents of all theclosets thrown on to them. Even the rugs had been lifted. It was as if theintruder was searching for a safe. If so, he had to be disappointed. They keptlittle cash in the apartment, and Evie's most precious jewels — by far theirmost extravagant possessions — were in a safe-deposit box. Still, it seemedthat a number of the most valuable portable items they owned had been taken.Evie's jewel box had been emptied. Her mink coat was gone, as was their silver,some crystal, and several small pieces of art, including a Picasso drawing Eviehad taken from her first marriage that was worth maybe fifteen thousanddollars.
But it was in the small study that themost thorough work had been done. The desk drawers had been emptied and thecontents screened and quite carefully set in a pile by one wall. The drawersthemselves had been broken apart, the seat of the desk chair slashed. Everybook from the floor-to-ceiling shelves had been opened, examined, and tossedaside. There was something wrong, Harry thought, pushing some of the mess asidewith his foot. This was a robbery, all right, but a robbery with a purpose.
He wandered into the kitchen. That roomhad been ransacked as rudely and thoroughly as the rest of the place. Hesurveyed the wreckage for several minutes before noticing the four unopenedwhite cartons on the table. Each contained a Chinese dish, now cold. Set atopone of them, in a stapled waxpaper holder, was a fortune cookie. Harry's firstimpulse was to heave it and the rest of the food against a wall. Instead hecracked it open.
It was almost eight when Harry finallyleft the wreckage of his apartment and took the crosstown bus back to thehospital. The two policemen who had been sent in response to his call had triedfor a few fingerprints, but in the main, their crime-scene check wasuninspired. A robbery in a Manhattan apartment was clearly of little moreinterest to them than a derelict shaking the coins in his cardboard cup atpassersby on the street.
The officers' conclusion, arrived at aftera half hour, was that this was a run-of-the-mill B and E by a professionalthief who might or might not have known Harry would be staying late at thehospital. They brushed aside Harry's concern that the thief had another agenda,and told him that the best he could hope for was that some of the stolen itemssurfaced at a pawnshop or fence known to the police. Meanwhile, Harry would bedoing the smart thing to get what he could from his insurance company, replacewhatever he wanted to, and bank any money left over.
Harry crossed the MMC lobby and headeddown the corridor toward the Alexander Building elevators. All around him, itwas business as usual. He wondered how many hundreds, even thousands offamilies he had passed over the years who were heading into the hospital justas he was today, to see a spouse or child or parent for the last time. His lifewith Evie had been strained and emotionally barren for a long time. But untillast night, he had never completely stopped believing that they would somehowmake it back to the way it once had been between them.
As he passed the nurse's station onAlexander 9, he was aware of the sideways glances and changes in conversations.No doubt the tale of Caspar Sidonis's accusation had already reached theoutermost branches of the hospital grapevine. He had never enjoyed being thesubject of gossip, negative or positive. Now, he shuddered to think of thedistortions the Sidonis story had undergone from one retelling to the next; thesimple truth was bad enough. He also knew that unless explanations surfaced forthe telephone order that established Evie's IV and for Maura Hughes's mysterydoc, there would be more tales to come. Many more.
Evie's parents, Carmine and DorothyDellaRosa, were seated silently at Evie's bedside. A retired postman and anadministrative secretary, married well over forty years, they were pillars ofthe Catholic church in their small New Jersey town. They were also as ordinaryand reserved as their daughter was vibrant and spectacular. Evie was their onlychild.
Harry shook hands with Carmine and kissedDorothy on the cheek. The couple had always been cordial enough toward him, butcould not at their most open ever be considered warm.
'We think Evelyn moved her arms,' Dorothysaid.
'She might have. There are reflexes thatcause muscles to contract. They don't really mean anything though, Dorothy. Ican't let you think they do.' Harry gestured to Maura's bed, which was emptyand freshly made. 'Where's the woman who was here?'
'Down the hall in a new room, poor soul,'Dorothy responded. 'The nurses said a bed just came open. They didn't want herdisturbing these. . these moments.'
Harry knew that unless he asked CarmineDellaRosa a direct question, and then only one he was uniquely qualified toanswer, Carmine would let his wife do the speaking for the two of them. Harryhad decided against sharing news of the break-in. Sooner or later he might haveto, but at the moment they were already upset enough by the tragedy and byHarry's decision to have Evie's organs donated.
On the bed beside them, Evie laypeacefully. Her eyes were taped shut, and she remained attached to a ventilatorand IV. But the treatments to reduce brain swelling — hyperventilation to lowerher carbon dioxide level and raise her blood pH, and diuretics to inducedehydration — had been stopped. A second set of required tests — cerebralblood-flow scan, EEG, and attempts at making her breathe spontaneously — hadall confirmed the diagnosis of functional brain death.
Now, there was only the matter of sayinggood-bye and having an attending physician pronounce her officially dead. Thenthe people from the New York Regional Transplant Services would take over. Hetook Evie's hand and held it for a time, wondering if the DellaRosas had heardanything yet of Caspar Sidonis. Before long they would. With the cause ofEvie's death clearly established as a ruptured aneurysm, there was no need forthe medical examiner to demand an autopsy — especially with multiple organdonations at stake. But he had ordered extensive toxicology studies.
'Father Moore just left,' Dorothy said.
'I'm sorry I missed him.'
'He administered the Sacrament of the Sickto Evelyn.'
Evie had not considered herself a Catholicfor years and had made no attempt to have her first marriage annulled. Butneither of her parents would ever admit to the fact.
'I'm just not sure this organ business isthe right thing to do. Evelyn was so … so beautiful.'
'It's the right thing, Dorothy. Evie willbe just as beautiful when this is all over —
'Yes. I … I suppose so. Um. . aboutthe funeral?'
Harry sensed what she wanted him to say.
'Would you like to make arrangements?' heasked.
'Thank you. I would.'
'Anything you do in that regard will beokay. The funeral people you decide to use can call and make arrangements withthe hospital.'
'Do you know if Evelyn has an address bookof some sort?'
'Oh, yes. As a matter of fact, she has ithere. I'll call you later if you want and go through the names with you.'
'That won't be necessary. I have friendswho will call all the numbers. That way anyone who wants to come can do so. Ourchurch isn't that large, but we don't have that much family, so there should beroom. You'll speak to people here?'
'Of course.'
Harry took Evie's purse from beneath herbedside table. She had left her wallet at home, but insisted on bringing in hermakeup, some money, and her address book. He withdrew the small, leather-boundbook and quickly flipped through it. The names were carefully done in Evie'smeticulous block print. Many of them conjured up immediate, vivid memories ofthe happier years of their marriage. He was about to hand the book over when henoticed two small pieces of paper taped inside the back cover. On each was aname, address, and what looked like a social security number. Curious, Harryremoved the slips and dropped them into his jacket pocket, taking pains toshield his movements from Dorothy. Oblivious, she took the address book andthanked him. Then she led her husband back to the bedside and out the door.
'She was such a beautiful girl,' Harryheard her say.
Harry waited until he was certain theDellaRosas would not be returning for any reason. Then he opened Evie's purseagain. In addition to some eye shadow, lipstick, blush, and a twenty-dollarbill, there was a gray rabbit's-foot key chain with three keys on it. Two weredoor keys of some sort, fairly new. Harry checked them against the co-op keyson his own ring. No match. The third was for a mailbox. He was about to examinethe two slips of paper when Ben Dunleavy swept into the room.
Evie's neurosurgeon was respectedthroughout the hospital, but he was also feared for his volatility andintolerance. The decision to delay repair of Evie's aneurysm, although made onsound clinical grounds and decent data, had been his. Now, before he couldoperate on his patient, she was dead.
'Harry,' he said.
His handshake and tone were cooler thanthey should have been given the circumstances. Sidonis had obviously gotten tohim.
'You here to pronounce Evie?'
The neurosurgeon nodded and looked down ather. With no more drama than that, it was done. Harry glanced at the wallclock. Nine-twelve A.M. and thirty-five seconds. Officially, Evie was dead.
'Needless to say, I'm really sorry thishas happened,' Dunleavy said. 'It's been years since I opted to do anythingother than a delayed repair of an aneurysm like hers. Evie is my firstfatality. I've only had two patients even rebleed before I could get them tothe OR, and both of them did fine.'
Harry could read between the lines of whatthe man was saying. He saw no sense in not cutting to the chase.
'Ben, Sidonis may have been having anaffair with Evie. I don't know. But he's wrong about what he's accusing me of
Dunleavy's gaze was dispassionate.
'I hope so, Harry,' he said. 'Let me knowif there's anything else I can do.'
He was gone before Harry could evenrespond. First the nursing staff, now Dunleavy. Even without hard evidence,there were already some unwilling to give him the benefit of the doubt. Harryfelt an unpleasant tightening in his gut. There was going to be trouble.
He sat down in the bedside chair vacatedby Dorothy and took the two pieces of paper from his pocket. They were scraps,one torn from the border of a magazine page, one from a sheet of stationery.Each had a man's name, address, phone number, date of birth, and SocialSecurity number, written in Evie's hand, but hastily. The first was JamesStallings, forty-two years old, with an Upper East Side address. The second, athirty-seven-year-old from Queens, was someone named Kevin Loomis.
Harry put the slips in his wallet and therabbit's foot and keys in his pocket. Then he checked the purse one last timeand dropped it into the wastebasket. Finally, he bent over Evie's body andkissed her gently on the forehead.
'I'm sorry, kid,' he whispered. 'I'm sorryabout everything.'
He brushed her cheek with the back of hishand and left the room. He was nearing the elevators when, from somewhere downthe hall behind him, he heard a familiar voice cry out, 'Hey, will someoneplease get in here! Get in here and get these damn bugs off of me!'
'He winked at me, Sherry. I swear he did.'
Gowned and masked, nurse MarianneRodriguez peered down into the radiant warmer where tiny Sherman O'Banion hadspent virtually every moment of his two and a half weeks on earth. The neonatalintensive care unit at New York Children's Hospital was the finest inManhattan, and it was currently filled to capacity — thirty newborns ranging inbirth weight from just over a pound to ten. Sherman, born at twenty-five weeks,weighed one pound five ounces. His mother was a housewife, staying at home tocare for two other children. His father worked the night shift on the assemblyline of a factory. Considering his birth weight and other problems, Sherman wasdoing pretty well.
'Don't you wonder what some of thesepeanuts are going to grow up to be?' Sherry Hiller asked.
'I'll bet Sherm plays football. Have youseen his daddy?'
The infant, in his pod, looked like avisitor from another planet. There were tubes, wires, and auxiliary machinesall around him. He was draped in Saran Wrap to conserve his body heat. A panelof phototherapy lights shone on him to lessen jaundice. Tiny eye shieldsprotected him from the ultraviolet rays. A ventilator controlled hisrespiratory rate and volume. Sensors on his abdomen and legs measuredtemperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen concentration. An intravenous lineplaced in a tiny vein on his head provided fluid and antibiotics. A tube intohis stomach through his nose delivered formula.
Marianne moved about the warmer, notingdown the infant's temperature, heart rate, and color. His oxygen levels wererunning a bit low, and his dusky color, lab values, and exam had indicated asignificant heart defect that would probably have to be surgically correctedbefore long. But Marianne wasn't all that concerned. She had been an NICU nursefor six years and had seen any number of infants worse off than ShermanO'Banion make it out of the hospital in great shape. Of course, there wereothers who were not so fortunate. Blindness from a number of factors, cerebralpalsy, mental retardation, multiple surgical procedures, death — either suddenfrom cardiac arrest or prolonged from infection — and eventual learningdisabilities were complications that every NICU nurse had to deal with, if notaccept.
There was a tap on the glass from theformula room. Marianne looked over. The woman bringing the specially preparedformulas up from dietary waved at her cheerily with the fingers of arubber-gloved hand. Marianne had never seen the dietary worker before — or atleast felt fairly certain she hadn't. Per protocol, the woman wore a haircover, mask, and surgical gown. Only her stout frame and her dark brown eyeswere apparent. The chestnut eyes had a special spark to them, and Marianne hadthe sense that this was a cheerful person. She motioned for her to set out theformulas on the counter. The nurses would be in to pick them up. The woman noddedher understanding, did as was requested, and left the NICU.
Marianne returned to her duties, pausingto check each piece of equipment. To do her job right required almost as muchmechanical aptitude as medical. But each type of apparatus was backed by a teamof specially trained technicians and, in some instances, an entire department.The cost, short-term and long-range, of neonatal intensive care was astounding.Someone had once told Marianne the actual numbers, which were something likenine thousand dollars a day for difficult cases. One infant, whose mother hadabandoned her in a Dumpster, had remained in the New York Children's NICU foralmost nine months before succumbing to infection. There was a memorial servicefor the child. Only her nurses and a few M.D.s attended. The cost of keepingher alive for those months had been over a million and a half dollars.
'Okay, Sherm,' Marianne said, 'it's chowtime.'
'Bring Jessica's gruel in when you come,will you?' Sherry Hiller asked.
'Sure thing. Does anything need to beadded?'
The formulas were in labeled bottlescalled Grad-u-feeders — a one-day supply for each of the infants. Some of thefeeders contained supplemented mother's milk. Others were prepared fromscratch. Each was sealed with a tamper-resistant seal that was essentiallyextra-sticky cellophane tape. Marianne gloved before handling the bottles.Then, breaking the seals, she unscrewed the cover of Sherman's bottles andinserted the glucose supplement that had been ordered by the neonatologist.Next she resealed all but one bottle, using a roll of the tamper-resistantsealer that she picked up from the counter. As usual, she wondered why thedepartment bothered with the tape when it was so easily accessible to so manypeople. She checked and double-checked the labels and placed all but one ofJessica Saunders's and Sherman O'Banion's formula bottles in the refrigerator.Then she returned to the warmers.
'How do you handle a hungry man?' she sangas she administered the newborn's feeding down his tube. 'The
She held the formula over the infant untilit had drained in completely.
'Marianne, could you do Jessica for me?'Sherry asked. 'Little Moonface Logan's monitor alarm keeps going off. I thinkthe leads are loose. I want to replace them all.'
'Sure thing,' Marianne said again.
Marianne was focused on delivering formulato the tiny girl when she heard the alarm from one of the nearby cardiacmonitors. For half a minute, she ignored it, certain that it was coming fromthe loose leads on the infant they called Moonface. The alarm persisted.
'Sher, that's Moonface, isn't it?' shesaid, without looking up.
For a moment, there was only thecontinuing drone of the alarm.
'Holy shit!' Sherry cried suddenly.'Marianne, it's Sherman.'
Sherman's cardiac monitor was showing anabsolutely flat line. Marianne detached the feeding bottle and hurried back tohis warmer. The two-week-old's chest rose and fell in response to hismechanical ventilation. He looked as he always did, except that his dusky colorhad deepened considerably. Now the oxygen saturation alarm was sounding aswell. Marianne checked the leads. None loose. She slipped her stethoscope on tothe infant's chest. Nothing. Not a beat. Quickly, she sped up the ventilatoryrate and began cardiac compression.
'He's coded, Sher,' she said withcontrolled urgency. 'Call it for me and get Laura over here. Damn it all.'
In less than a minute, the resuscitationof Sherman O'Banion was manned by neonatologist Laura Pressman, two pediatricresidents, and two nurses. Marianne delivered meds as they were called for, butshe had a sinking, ominous feeling from the very beginning. Sherman's heartrate had gone from an acceptable 130 straight down to zero. No slowing, noirregular beats. It was the equivalent of a car decelerating from sixty to zeroby hitting a brick wall. Clearly, something within the infant's defective hearthad blown — possibly a muscle band, or one of the fragile dividing walls.Continuing the external cardiac compressions, the NICU team began administeringmedications. Epinephrine. . atropine. . more epi. . bicarbonate. Theyworked on the baby for more than half an hour. But with each passing minute,Marianne became more convinced of the hopelessness of the situation. Finally,Laura Pressman stopped her cardiac compressions. She stepped back from theradiant warmer, looked about at the staff, and shook her head. 'I'm sorry,' shesaid. 'You all did a great job.' Marianne Rodriguez accepted a consoling hugand a few words from Sherry Hiller. Then, battling back the tears she knewwould come sooner or later, she set about disconnecting Sherman O'Banion'stubes and wires. The radiant warmer would be wheeled away and replaced with afreshly cleaned one. And before long, another newborn would be brought in.
Six stories below the NICU, in thesubbasement, the stout dietary worker, her mask, gown, and hair cover still inplace, knocked on the door of a little-used staff men's room, waited, thenslipped inside, locked the door, and turned on the light.
The cardiac toxin she had used was sopowerful that only a miscroscopic amount had been needed. Even if ShermanO'Banion's formula was analyzed, which it almost certainly would not be, no onewould know what to look for, and nothing would be found.
The canvas gym bag was concealed beneath amound of used paper towels in the tall trash basket. Ten minutes later, a manemerged from the restroom carrying the gym bag. In it were the surgical gown,hair cover, and surgical mask, as well, as a pillow, a woman's wig, and acontact lens case. The man had close-cropped brown hair and was dressed injeans, a loose sweatshirt, and well-worn Nikes. His height, weight, and generalappearance were quite unremarkable.
St. Anne's was filled to overflowing forEvie's funeral. Outside, the day was as gray and somber as the mood within thechapel. Evelyn DellaRosa, vibrant, beauty-queen lovely, gifted as a writer andreporter, suddenly dead at age thirty-eight. There were few in attendance whoweren't reflecting on the transience of life and the vagaries of illness andchance.
The hundred-and-fifty-year-oldwhite-shingled church fronted on the picturesque village green of Sharpston,the northern New Jersey town where Evie was raised and where her parents stilllived. Today, Harry observed, it held a remarkable collection of people — really quite a tribute to Evie. But with each arrival, Harry felt as though heknew his wife less. In addition to relatives, a number of Harry's friends fromthe hospital, and neighbors from the co-op, there were co-workers from themagazine and various artists and patrons of the arts. There were folks from thestation and network where Evie had not worked in over ten years, and a numberof people whom Harry did not know at all. Shortly before the service, Evie'sfirst husband, John Cox, now a network VP, walked in with a gorgeous youngwoman. As far as Harry knew, Evie hadn't spoken to her ex since shortly aftertheir extremely hostile divorce was finalized. Yet here he was.
The days of mourning following Evie'sdeath had been marred by visits from Albert Dickinson to Harry's neighbors inthe co-op, to his co-workers at the hospital, and to Carmine and DorothyDellaRosa. Dorothy had called Harry as soon as the policeman left, and hadasked about Caspar Sidonis.
'Dorothy, I don't know if this man Sidonisis telling the truth or not,' Harry had said. 'And frankly, I don't care. Iloved Evie, and I'm sure she loved me. Even if she was involved with this otherman, which I strongly doubt, I'm sure we would have worked things out in time.'
'Oh, my,' was all Dorothy could think ofto say.
As the service was about to commence,Harry glanced back and spotted Caspar Sidonis slipping into the last row. Thesight of the man brought a strange mixture of anger and embarrassment.
'Sidonis just walked in,' he whispered toJulia Ransome, the literary agent who was Evie's closest friend in the city.
'Do you really care?' she asked withoutbothering to look back.
Harry thought about it. Perhaps it was hernature as a literary agent, but Julia always had a way of slicing to theessence of any situation.
'No,' he said finally. 'To tell you thetruth, I guess I really don't.'
From the moment he turned away from Evie'sbody and walked out of her hospital room, Harry had been trying to sort out hisfeelings. He thought about moving, about just leaving his practice and takingoff, perhaps starting over again in one of those eternally warm, low-crimeEdens the medical classifieds were always extolling. But just as he ultimatelycould not trade in his patients for the Hollins/McCue pharmaceutical job, heknew he would not leave them now. Not that Albert Dickinson would let him leaveanyway.
Evie's casket rested on a draped standsurrounded by flowers. At the center of a wreath of white roses was a blowup ofthe same flawless, sterile, professionally done portrait that she had allowedon Harry's desk. There would be no burial. The day her obituary appeared in the
Harry sat in the first row, between Juliaand Evie's parents. His brother Phil, Gail, and their three children were justto Julia's right. Doug Atwater sat directly behind him. Harry felt gratefulthat none of them could read his thoughts, which, at that moment, weredominated by the wish that this whole thing would just be over so that he couldreturn home. With the help of his associate Steve Josephson, Steve's wife, anda cleaning service, the apartment was pretty much back to normal, minus a fewshattered drawers and the missing valuables. Now, all he wanted was to spend anight or two sitting in on bass with the combo at C.C.'s Cellar, and then losehimself in his practice and patients.
The mass was dignified and reasonablybrief. Harry had been offered the option of speaking, but had declined. Thepriest, who had known Evie since childhood, did his best to make sense of herdeath, but Harry heard only snatches of what he said. He was preoccupied withtrying to make sense out of her
'You okay?' Julia whispered as the priestwas concluding his eulogy.
'Not really,' he responded. 'Listen,Julia, are you free for a drink tonight? There's some things going on I'd liketo talk to you about.'
Although he and Evie had occasionally spenta social evening with Julia and her husband, he had never been alone with her.She was several years older than Evie, slim, attractive, and sharplyintelligent. Her agency was one of the more successful in Manhattan. She wasworking on her third marriage.
Julia considered his request. Some minuteslater, during Holy Communion, she leaned over and whispered, 'Nine o'clock atAmbrosia's.'
He nodded. 'Thank you.'
Although Phil, Julia, and Doug Atwatereach offered to stay with him, Harry remained alone in the sanctuary until ithad emptied.
'Is there anything I can do?'
Father Francis Moore spoke softly, butHarry was startled nonetheless.
'No. No thanks, Father. I was justthinking.'
'I understand.'
Harry turned and headed out. The oldpriest walked alongside him, a Bible cradled in one hand.
'You will be going over to theDellaRosas?' he asked.
'Yes. For a while anyhow. I'm prettyworn-out.'
There was no way he could avoid going tohis in-laws, but he was determined to head back to the city as soon as possible.
'I understand,' Father Moore said again.'Although we haven't met before today, Dorothy and Carmine speak very highly ofyou. They say you're a very gentle, kind man.'
'Thank you,' Harry said.
They left the church with Harry a few feetahead of the priest. Several pockets of people were standing around somedistance away, talking or waiting for their rides. Harry had just reached thebottom of the stairs when Caspar Sidonis stalked over and confronted him.
'You killed her, you bastard,' he rasped,his whisper harsh and menacing. 'You know it and I know it. And pretty sooneveryone's going to know it. You couldn't stand to lose her so you killed her.'
It had been thirty-three years since Harryhad last thrown a punch at someone's face. That time he had barely grazed thecheek of the bully who had been baiting him. The larger boy's retribution hadbeen swift and memorable. This time, Harry's punch, thrown from a much betterangle and with much more anger and authority behind it, was more effective. Itconnected solidly with the side of Sidonis's nose, sending the surgeon spinningonto his back in some low, rain-soaked shrubbery. Blood instantly spurted fromboth his nostrils.
Shocked, Father Francis Moore dropped hisBible. Harry calmly picked it up, wiped it on his trousers, and handed it back.
'I guess I'm not so gentle after all,Father,' he said.
Ambrosia's was an eternally packed,upscale bistro on Lexington near Seventy-ninth. Harry spent an hour at theoffice reviewing patient lab reports and catching up on paperwork before takinga cab to the club. The drizzle that had dominated most of the day was gone, andthe dense overcast had begun to dissolve. The city seemed scrubbed and renewed.It was before nine, but Julia Ransome was already there, nursing a drink at oneof the tall, black acrylic tables opposite the bar. It was relatively early byManhattan standards, even for a Thursday, but the bar was already three deep.
Julia exchanged pecks on the cheek withhim. She was wearing a black silk blouse and an Indian print vest, and lookedvery much at home among the beautiful people.
'Who'd you have to pay off to get thistable?' Harry asked, sliding on to the stool opposite hers.
'Donny, the bartender over there, has beenwriting a novel for the last ten years or so,' she said, smiling. 'I promisedto read it when he finishes. In the meantime, I call ahead and he puts one ortwo of his pals on these stools until I get here. It's one of the perks ofbeing a book agent. My seamstress has a first novel in progress, too. So doesthe plumber I can get at ten minutes' notice anytime, day or night. The trickis being able to tell which people haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of everfinishing their book. Once in a while I'm wrong. When that happens I just haveto read it and then set about finding a new mechanic or dentist or whatever.'
'Well, I appreciate your meeting me likethis.'
'If you think for one moment that Iwouldn't have, I obviously haven't done a good job of letting you know you'reone of my favorite people.'
'I mean it, Harry.' Julia finished herdrink and motioned the waitress over with a minute shake of her head. 'Youdrinking tonight?'
'Bourbon neat. Might as well make it adouble.'
'Whoa. Double bourbon neat. Now there's aside of you I've never known.'
'Don't worry. If I actually finish itthey'll have to haul me out of here in a wheelbarrow.' He waited until thewaitress had returned with their drinks and left. 'Julia,' he said then,'please tell me about Evie.'
The agent studied her glass. 'What do youwant to know?'
'At this point, almost anything you chooseto share would probably be news to me. The surgeon I pointed out to you todayat the church — the one who claims Evie was in love with him — is convinced Igave her something, a drug, that caused her aneurysm to rupture. He's wrongabout it being me, but I'm not sure he's wrong about the rest of his theory..' Harry reviewed the nightmarish evening on Alexander 9, his conversation withthe anesthesiologist, and his conclusions. 'Julia,' he said, 'I had no ideaEvie was involved with another man, even though for a year or so she wasn'tparticularly involved with me. I just thought she might have shared some otherthings with you that. . that I didn't know about.'
In the silence that followed, Harry feltcertain Julia was going to deny any knowledge of what he was talking about.Suddenly, though, the woman looked up at him and nodded.
'You were outmatched from the beginning,Harry,' she said. 'You may have been able to handle the Vietcong' — she gavehim a quick, ironic smile — 'but you didn't have a chance against EvieDellaRosa. She and I have known each other since she lived with me one summerduring college. That's almost twenty years. She was an exciting, intriguing personin many ways, and God knows I'll miss her. But over all those years, I've neverknown her to be content. Whatever she had —
'Yes, I did.'
'What did Evie tell you about theirbreakup?'
'That she caught him having affairs, andthat when she confronted him, he got her fired from the news staff andblackballed throughout the industry.'
'Does that jibe with his showing up at herfuneral today?'
'No. I have to say I was surprised to seehim.'
'John Cox was crazy about Evie.
'Was she at all happy with me?'
'For a time — maybe a year or two. Harry,Evie needed to be in the spotlight. She needed to be at the center of theaction. Part of her fought that need — that's why she married you, I think.Stability. But the stronger pull was clearly winning out.'
'Did you know about Sidonis?'
'Nope. Not about him or any other menduring your marriage — if there were any. I'm not sure that sort of thing wasever important enough for Evie to talk about. Or maybe she didn't trust me thatmuch.'
'I know she was dissatisfied with her jobon the magazine, but — '
'I've had the impression lately that shewas working on something special.'
'I think you're right.'
'Do you know what it was?'
Julia shook her head.
'I tried to get her to tell me about itthe last time we were together. All she would say was that it was big stuff,and that the producers of
Harry stared off at a wall across theclub. On it, artfully done, was a six-foot-high neon sculpture of a woman'sprofile and hand. She had a twenties look and was smoking a glowing cigarettein a foot-long holder. Although Evie smoked only rarely, something about therendering reminded him of her. He suspected it would be a long time beforethings didn't.
'No further questions, Your Honor,' hesaid, finishing his bourbon. 'I really appreciate your coming to meet with melike this, Julia.'
'Nonsense. You're a terrific guy. Andwhether she appreciated it or not, Evie was lucky to have you. Harry, do youreally think someone purposely killed her?'
'I don't know what to think. The chemicalanalysis of her blood should be completed within a few weeks — sooner if thepolice detective who wants to mount my scalp on his lodge pole has his way. I'mconcerned about what might happen if one of the tests is positive, but I'm alsowondering whether I'll trust the results if they're negative.'
'So you believe that woman, Evie'sroommate?'
Harry studied the neon smoker as heconsidered the question. Two days after Evie's death he had gone back up toAlexander 9, but Maura Hughes had been sent home. 'Shaky as hell, but notchasing any spiders,' was the way one of the nurses described how Maura hadlooked upon discharge. Harry was sure that the real reason for the rapiddischarge was the refusal of her insurance carrier to cover any more days. Atypical scenario. Companies were shortening stays and refusing coverage withalmost as much vigor as they were denying any responsibility for theconsequences of their policies.
'Harry?' Julia was looking at himcuriously. 'I asked you a question about Evie's roommate in the hospital. Youseemed like you were about to answer, and then you sort of drifted off.'
Harry glanced down at his empty glass.Years of virtual abstinence had reduced him to amateur status as a drinker. Heknew that being easily distracted was the first clue that if he wasn't tightyet, he soon would be.
'Yes, I believe her,' he said. 'A doctor,or someone posing as a doctor, came into that room after I left. A short timeafter his visit Evie's aneurysm burst. I think he injected something into thatIV. You know, maybe that story Evie was working on has something to do with whathappened. I wish to hell I knew what it was all about.'
'Did you check her office?'
'At the magazine?'
'No, the one in the Village.'
'She was renting an office — you know,workspace — someplace in Greenwich Village. Didn't you know that?'
'I … um. . no. No, I didn't know thateither. Do you know where it was?'
'No idea.'
Harry brushed his hand over the pocketwhere he was carrying Evie's rabbit's foot and keys.
'Julia, I need to find that place,' hesaid.
She looked at him with concern.
'You need to go home and get some sleep,Harry. That place'll be there tomorrow. Besides, if you don't know where it is,finding it may not be so easy. She doesn't have a phone there. That's as muchas I remember of what she said about it.'
'Thanks,' Harry said. 'Julia, who in thehell was she?'
The book agent set a twenty and a tenbeneath her glass and guided him out of the bar into the cool night air.
'Harry, if you asked ten different peoplein Evie's life that question, you'd get ten completely different answers. Itwould be like the proverbial blind men trying to describe an elephant bywhatever part they happen to be feeling.
Harry knew that she lived in almostprecisely the opposite direction from his apartment.
'Hey, listen,' he said. 'Don't worry aboutme. I need to walk for a bit to clear some of this Old Grand-Dad out of myhead. I'll get some rest. I promise.'
They waited until he had flagged down ataxi for her, then embraced.
'Call if you need me,' Julia said. 'Anddon't drive yourself too crazy trying to see any more than the rest of theblind men.'
Harry watched as the cab disappearedaround the corner, then headed slowly downtown.
Harry ambled down Lexington toFifty-eighth and then across toward Central Park South. He loved walking thecity at any hour, but especially at night. That he was in no particular hurrywas just as well. The double bourbon was definitely slowing him down. For atime, he considered simply writing the whole night off by stopping in anotherbar or two. But he wanted to think through what Julia Ransome had told him, andhe had never been much of a thinker when he was tight.
During his eighteen months in Nam, he hadbecome something of a functional alcoholic, often drinking to excess as a meansof coping with the horrors of his job. In that regard he was not much differentfrom many of the other officers. Fortunately, he had been able to practicallystop drinking after the war; and even more fortunately, he had never given into the urge to numb his feelings with narcotics. For many of those docs andmedics who did, the war was still raging, and would be until they died.
He was crossing by the fountain in frontof the Plaza when he glanced down Fifth Avenue. The offices of
The guard at the desk in the lobby of thetastefully refurbished building put aside his
'Dr. DellaRosa, we're all so sorry aboutEvie. I'm Chuck Gerhardt, layout.'
The man, in his early thirties withthinning, closely cut hair, had on tight black jeans and a black turtleneck.The abstract metal-and-glass sculpture suspended from his neck by a heavy chainreminded Harry of a tuba. His tepid handshake could not have cost him more thana calorie.
'Pleased to meet you,' Harry said. 'Andthanks for your condolences. I can't believe she's gone.'
'You're lucky I was here,' Gerhardt said.'First thing next week we put the rag to bed, and I have a ton of work to do.We call it
'I'm sorry you couldn't make it. It was abeautiful service. And I apologize for disturbing you this way.'
'Hey, no problem. I just can't believeEvie's gone. She was the best, Dr. DellaRosa. She'd give you the shirt off herback.'
'I know,' Harry said. The irony of theman's metaphor was not lost on him. 'Look, I haven't been able to sit stillsince the funeral. I was just walking around the city and I decided to come in,see if I could get Evie's things.'
Chuck Gerhardt looked at him strangely.
'Dr. DellaRosa, I'm certain the man yousent did that already, yesterday. No, no, the day before. I remember because — '
'Did you see this man?' Harry felt everymuscle in his body tense.
'Only for a moment. I happened to be bythe front desk when he came. Kathy — the receptionist — took him down to Evie'soffice. What's wrong?'
'Oh, nothing,' Harry said, feigning suddenunderstanding. 'I know what happened. It was my partner at work. His gym's justa few blocks from here. He volunteered to come by for me a few days ago. Witheverything that's been going on I just forgot. Okay if I just go down thereanyhow?'
'The end of that hall, right?'
'No. . um. . her office is down thatcorridor there. It has been for a couple of years.'
'Yes, yes, of course. I haven't been herefor a while.'
Evie's name was still on the blond oakdoor. Harry went inside knowing the gesture was fruitless. He was right. Theoffice had been picked clean. Nothing on or in the desk, nothing in the filecabinet, nothing on the walls. The books that had been in her small bookcasewere neatly stacked in one corner. Harry had no doubt that every single volumehad been checked for papers or hollowed-out compartments. What little doubt hehad about the break-in at the apartment vanished. The robbery there was nothingmore than a smoke screen to cover a thorough search.
Just in case, he checked the underside ofeach shelf, as well as the bottom of all three desk drawers. Nothing. Thewastebasket was empty. Harry tried to imagine how anyone could have simplywalked into the office and stripped it so thoroughly. The story presented tothe receptionist had to have been convincing and smoothly told. The man,himself, must have been iceberg cool. This was no amateur.
'Anything I can do to help?'
Chuck Gerhardt stood by the doorway,smiling understandingly.
Harry's weak, bewildered smile was totallygenuine.
'No. Thanks, though. Thanks foreverything.'
Gerhardt set three ten-dollar bills on thedesk.
'I owed this to Evie,' he said. 'Now Iguess I owe it to you.'
'Nonsense. Please keep it. If she thoughtenough of you to lend it, I'm sure she'd be happy to have it end at that.'
'Oh, it wasn't a loan. She had a friend inthe Village who works on unusual jewelry. This chain came undone and themedallion fell on the marble in the foyer downstairs. It broke into severalpieces. I got it in Germany on a very special holiday with a very specialfriend. I thought it was a total loss, but Evie's jeweler saved the day.'
'Chuck, do you by any chance know who thisjeweler is?'
'Well, Evie never really told me, but hiscard was taped inside the box that the medallion came back in. I'm almostcertain I kept it. Come on down to my office.'
Harry followed Gerhardt to a large studiothat was cluttered with the tools and products of his trade. The layoutdesigner rummaged through his desk for a time, then triumphantly surfaced witha business card.
'Now you can feel perfectly comfortableabout keeping the money, Chuck,' he said, patting the man on the back. 'You'veearned it.'
Harry stopped by a money machine for somecash, and then took a cab down to the Village. The jewelry and antiques shop ofPaladin Thorvald was just off Bleecker Street, a couple of blocks from theBowery. It was nearly one in the morning, but here as in many areas ofManhattan there were still a fair number of people about — some, of course, theubiquitous shadow people, waiting for their portion of the night to begin.
Harry had no clear plan other than to showEvie's picture to anyone who would look. If he had no luck, he would go homefor a few hours of sleep, and then begin again first thing in the morning.Speed mattered. Whoever had searched the apartment and Evie's office wasresourceful and desperate enough to commit murder. And to make matters muchworse, Albert Dickinson was out there just waiting for a positive coroner'sreport before pouncing on his only suspect, one H. Corbett.
Thorvald's was a small shop on the firstfloor of a dingy, yellow brick building. There were iron bars in front of thesingle plate glass window, and a small sign announcing that business hours werenine A.M. to seven P.M. Harry peered inside. A single shaded bulb illuminated acollection that seemed largely to have crossed the line separating antiquesfrom junk. Hardly Evie's kind of stuff. There was no chance she would have goneout of her way to visit this particular shop, Harry felt certain of that. Heroffice had to be someplace nearby.
He tried her photo three times oncustomers leaving a nearby convenience store, and then on the clerk. The clerk,Pakistani or Indian, recognized Evie as a frequent customer, but had no ideawhere she lived. He only worked the shift from eleven on. Harry couldn'timagine his wife walking these streets alone at night. At least before today hecouldn't. As he made his way from one block to the next, he sensed the shadowpeople getting a bead on him and moving closer. He was either a John or a mark — possibly both. Before long someone was going to make a move on him. He glancedat his watch. It was stupid to have come down here at such an hour. Now,checking over his shoulder several times each block, he looped back towardThorvald's. Two passersby had never seen Evie, and two more hurried away whenhe approached. He decided to catch a cab and head on home. As he passed theantique store, he looked in again through the bars. A large, bearded man in aloose shirt or caftan was moving about at the rear of the shop.
Harry rapped on the window. The manglanced up, then pointed to his watch and waved him off. Harry knocked again.This time he held up Evie's photo and two twenties. The man hesitated, thenshuffled over. In his ornately embroidered caftan, with a full beard, thickponytail, and single, heavy, gold earring, he looked like a cross between Ericthe Red and Ivan the Terrible. But his face, while it might have frightened ayoung child, was kind and reassuring. He peered through the window at thephoto. Harry could see the recognition in his expression and quickly pointed tohis wedding ring, the photo, himself, and finally to the bills. PaladinThorvald hesitated, then shrugged, deactivated some sort of alarm system, andopened the door.
'You're Desiree's husband?' he asked afterHarry had introduced himself. 'I never had any idea she was married, let aloneto a doctor.'
Harry flashed on the many hours he andEvie had spent choosing her engagement diamond, and then their wedding bands.The news that she was wandering about the Village late at night using the nameDesiree and wearing no ring would recently have surprised him much more than itdid now.
'I assure you, Mr. Thorvald. I
Although Thorvald did step back a fewpaces to allow him in, Harry could tell that the man had misgivings. He decidedthat there was no reason to hold back anything except that Evie's death wasbeing investigated as a possible homicide. He handed over the two twenties.
'Here, keep these no matter what,' hesaid.
Thorvald did not have to hear that offertwice. He shoved the bills into the deep pocket of his caftan and listenedimpassively to Harry's story.
'So, exactly what is it you want to know?'he asked when Harry finished. He still sounded wary.
'If you can tell me where she lived, thatwould be wonderful.'
'Lots of different kinds of people live inthe Village for lots of different reasons. One of 'em's a respect for privacywe have around here that doesn't exist in a lot of places. Live and let live,if you know what I mean. If Desiree was your wife, and if she didn't tell youabout her place here, she must have had her reasons.
Harry did not have to try very hard toproduce the urgency in his voice.
'Mr. Thorvald, please. Evie's dead. Shewas thirty-eight years old and she's dead. We had a home, friends, plans forthe future. I need to know who Desiree was. Regardless of what she calledherself, she was my wife. I'm certain I have the keys to her place. Please.Just point me to the right building and I'm out of here. I won't ask any moreof you. Just that.'
Thorvald stroked his beard and stared downat his sandaled feet.
'Two doors down,' he said finally. 'Newlypainted red enamel door. Second floor, I think she once said. I'm not sure.I've never been in the building myself.'
'Thanks. I know you didn't really want totell me,' Harry said. 'I won't bother you again.'
Paladin Thorvald studied Harry's face.
'I'm sorry your wife's dead,' he said.
Two small panes of glass were set high inthe red enamel door. Harry stood on his tiptoes and peered inside. The frontentryway was deserted. He glanced about to ensure that the shadow people werestill at bay, and then withdrew the rabbit's-foot and keys. Within him thesliver of a notion remained that somehow he had started from a misconceptionand built a secret life for Evie around it. That last bit of hope vanished asthe first of her keys turned in the lock.
He slipped inside and closed the red doorbehind him. The small, poorly lit foyer, while not fetid, would certainly havebenefited from a cleaning. There was a small, scarred table for magazines, tworows of mailboxes servicing about twenty-five units, and two columns ofbuzzers. Harry scanned the names on the boxes, each a first initial/last namedone on a black plastic strip with a labeler. A few names were added withtaped-on pieces of paper. None of the initials were D., and none of the nameswere familiar. But apartment 2F had no name at all. The mailbox key on Evie'sring fit that lock. The box was empty. Suddenly, there was a soft scrapingagainst the outside door behind him. Harry whirled. His pulse, already onalert, was jackhammering. No one was peering through the window, but almostcertainly someone had been.
Harry briefly considered checking thestreet, but thought better of it. Whoever had been outside the door wasprobably no one he wanted to deal with. All that mattered was getting up. toapartment 2F.
The first floor consisted of a dim,stucco-walled corridor lined by several apartment doors. An uncarpetedstaircase was off to one side, narrow enough to make Harry wonder how people onthe floors above could get a couch or refrigerator into their places. Therewas, as far as he could tell, no elevator. Still unnerved by the notion thatsomeone had been watching him, he ascended the staircase quietly andcautiously.
Apartment 2F was at the rear of thebuilding. Harry approached, trying to picture Evie walking down the same hall.Standing by the door, he listened. There was only silence. He knocked softly.Then knocked again. Nothing. Finally, his pulse once more making itself known,Harry inserted the second key into the lock, turned it, and stepped inside theworld of the woman who called herself Desiree.
The apartment was totally dark. Harry usedthe glow from the corridor lights to locate a lamp, turned it on and quicklyclosed the hallway door behind him.
The small, sparsely furnished living roomwas a stark contrast to their immaculate, impeccably decorated coop uptown. Itwas clearly a busy writer's retreat. Cardboard folders and small stacks ofmanuscript pages were set out on the threadbare carpet. Each was labeled, thetitles suggesting to Harry that more than one project was going on. There wasan electric typewriter on a folding table, and next to it a discount-housecomputer desk with a PC and laser printer. Off to one side, on the floor, werea TV, a VCR and seven or eight videos, a half-filled wine rack, a cassetteplayer and two dozen tapes. There was also a telephone. Harry listened to thedial tone for a moment and then set the receiver back down. There was no numberon it. It seemed likely that some people had access to the line. But that groupclearly did not include Evie's best friend, Julia.
Harry checked the front closet, which wasempty, and then the kitchen. There was a supply of diet soda, a Brauncoffee-maker, and a microwave. The cupboards were stocked with snack foods andcanned goods, and the freezer had a supply of frozen dinners and half a dozendifferent flavors of Ben
Next to the kitchen was a small bathroomwith a shower stall, but no tub. The shampoo was Evie's brand, and the mixedscent of powders and soaps reminded him of her. There was a mirrored medicinecabinet over the sink. Harry watched himself reach for it. He looked like hell — tired, drawn, and in need of a shave. He wondered if Gene Hackman ever lookedthis bad. Inside the cabinet were a number of unmarked bottles of pills. Harryrecognized Valium, Seconol, and some type of amphetamine. He suspected theothers contained various sorts of painkillers. The prescription labels had beentorn off all of them. There was also a small bottle of white powder. Harry tooksome on a moistened finger and rubbed it over a spot on his gums. The immediatenumbness it produced meant it almost certainly was cocaine. Evie had nevershown even the slightest interest in drugs, and Harry could not remember heraccepting so much as a hit of marijuana if it was offered to her at a party.
Desiree's drug use had to have beenrecreational, or at most intermittent. Double identity or not, if she wasstrung out on drugs, Harry would have noticed.
He opened the single drawer in the vanityand stared down in utter dismay at its contents. There was nothing in the smalldrawer but condoms — perhaps fifteen different styles and brands in boxes andindividual packets — some common and storebought, some from exotic specialtyhouses. Harry picked up one of the packets. It was labeled
There was barely space in the singlebedroom for a narrow dresser and a neatly made queen-size bed. Double, louveredclosets filled all of one wall. Harry checked beneath the bed and then pulledapart one set of the closet doors. The evening dresses — fourteen of them — were elegant, sexy, and far from inexpensive. On the floor beneath them were anumber of pairs of dress shoes, all from the upscale shops Evie frequented.Behind the other set of doors was a collection of nightgowns, peignoirs, teddies,and other extremely provocative bedroom apparel. The hardly subtle collectionwas not very appealing to Harry. He was much more aroused by the feel of Evie'sbody beneath a flannel nightshirt, or even a plain cotton T. Perhaps his tastewas the reason she rarely wore the few lacy garments she had at home. Orperhaps Evie's ways were simply different from Desiree's. Bewildered and moresaddened now than angry, Harry returned to the living room and the writingsthat had very likely cost Evie her life.
Betweenthe Sheets
ThePower and Extraordinary Influence of the SexualUnderground in America
Harry set the folder down and openedanother marked
Harry picked up one of the videos. It waslabeled simply
Harry watched in morbid fascination as awoman with large, youthful breasts and the perfect, muscled body of a teenagerallowed herself to be undressed by a man whose body was not nearly so wellmaintained. Calling him 'Senator,' she teased, rubbed, dared, cajoled, andfinally loved him into the promise to drop his support of another stiff tax ontobacco products. The woman was incredibly sexy, alluring and skilled — so muchso that the senator did not last more than two minutes once their actuallovemaking commenced.
The electronic blurring of faces andvoices made it impossible to identify the man, and Harry wondered if, in fact,the tape was the genuine article or something Desiree had staged.
He checked the time. It was nearly two.Silently, he thanked his profession for providing him with the hour-to-hour oreven minute-to-minute self-control necessary to make it through an all-nighterfollowed by a full day of work. He would stay here until dawn, then stop by theapartment to shower and change before heading to the hospital for rounds. Assoon as he could clear out his office schedule, he would return.
He scanned the folders and loose papers,trying to decide how best to get organized. One small pile caught his eye. Itwas, perhaps, five or ten pages, bound by a single rubber band. The labeltucked beneath the elastic was written in Evie's hand on a yellow Post-it. Itread
Harry froze. There was a sound in thehallway outside the door. He was certain of it. Someone was pressed up againstthe door, listening. He set the papers down where they had been, tiptoed to oneof the windows, and carefully raised the shade. There was a fire escape, andbelow that an alley. But the window and the one next to it were protected by agrate of iron bars secured with a padlock. Harry returned to the table where hehad set down Evie's keys and was soundlessly picking through them when therewere two gentle taps on the door. He moved a few steps forward, then stopped.There was a second pair of raps, this time more insistent. He looked about himat Desiree's papers. There was no way he could hide everything.
'Who is it?' he heard himself rasp. Hemoved closer to hear the reply.
'It's Thorvald. Paladin Thorvald,' the mansaid in a forced whisper. 'I got to speak to you.'
'How did you get in here?'
'Please, it's very important.'
Harry glanced about him again. Then, witha shrug, he undid the dead bolt. As soon as he turned the knob, two men in darkwindbreakers barged in. One was tall and built like a professional wrestler.The other was much shorter but cinder-block chunky. Both had nylon stockingspulled over their faces.
'I lied,' the taller one growled, shovingHarry back into the apartment.
Harry's reaction was pure reflex. Heslammed his fist into the center of the taller man's face, sending him reelingback heavily against the wall by the door. Then he lashed out with his foot atthe other one, connecting solidly with the side of his knee. The man dropped onto his side, cursing. Harry charged past him toward the open doorway, but thetaller man whipped his leg across, sending him sprawling into the hall.
'Help!' Harry cried, scrambling to hisfeet.
Before he could push off, the huge mantackled him by the ankles. Harry cried out again as he struggled to freehimself. He was a hundred and eighty pounds, but the gargantuan man handled himlike a puppet. His face, beneath the stocking mask, was smeared with blood.
'Get the stuff out, for chrissakes!' hesnapped, dragging Harry back into the apartment. 'This guy's fucking crazy!'
Harry freed one foot and snapped it upagainst the man's jaw. His grip loosened just enough for Harry to break freeonce again. The stockier man, unsteady but on his feet, tried pinning Harry'sarms to his sides. But Harry was possessed. He drove his elbow viciously intothe man's throat, following through in a dervishlike three-sixty turn thatwould have made Baryshnikov proud. Once again the blocky man went down.
Harry stumbled as he headed toward thedoor. The hesitation was just enough for the giant to get hold of him again.But Harry's arms were still free. As he braced himself and twisted to take aroundhouse swing, excruciating pain shot through his chest and around to hisback. It was the same electroshock sensation he had experienced on the track atthe hospital, but magnitudes more severe. He felt his knees buckle. His visionblurred. And in an instant, both men were on him, pinning him to the carpet.
'The stuff,' one snapped.
'Okay, okay, I've got it. I've got it.'
Through the sweaty, dull haze ofintolerable pain, Harry smelled the sickly sweet aroma of chloroform. A momentlater, a cloth soaked with the rapidly acting anesthetic was pressed tightlyover his nose and mouth. The dreadful ache in his chest kept him from all buttoken resistance. And in fact, as his consciousness began to fade, he sensedsome relief that the pain was fading as well. He fought for a time the only wayhe could, by refusing to inhale. But with several hundred pounds pressing downon him, his tenacity was short lived.
The questions floated through the pitchblackness like feathers, brushing against Harry's consciousness, then driftingaway.
The voice, a man's, was soft, patient, andnot at all demanding. But Harry felt powerless to resist answering. Thequestions, droning over and over, were interspersed with slow, thick answers ina voice that was his, and yet was not a human voice at all.
Harry was flat on his back, somehow tiedto a bed. Cotton batting had been taped tightly over each eye. He could movehis hands, but not his arms; his feet, but not his legs; his head, but not hisshoulders.
'Let me up,' he heard himself growl.
'When I am convinced you have told meeverything that you have to tell me, you will be freed. May I please have somemore Pentothal?'
Harry's brain had begun to clear. Thehorrible pain in his chest was gone, and he hadn't died — at least he didn'tthink so.
'Just hold still, Harry. Stop trying tomove your arm. You'll feel much better in a moment.'
The voice of his inquisitor was culturedand intelligent — not that of either of the men who had assaulted him. Theother two were there, though. Harry could hear them breathing. He tried topicture the three of them standing by the bed, staring down at him.
'I'll need even more than that,' thecultured voice said, 'and fill half of that syringe with that ketamine overthere. I don't believe he has anything more to tell us, but we shall see.'
Harry sensed the movement by his left arm,and suddenly knew there was an intravenous line there.
A pleasant warmth washed over thedarkness. Harry felt himself beginning to drift. And once again, the questionsand his own answers began to float past him.
From the depths of a warm, impenetrably dark sea, Harrysensed himself rise. His head felt swollen, his chest was a balloon. Bubblesswirled about him as bit by bit, word by word, his encounter with the two thugsand subsequent inquisition by the man with the soft voice drew into focus inhis mind. He was tied to a bed and. .
Finally, he was able to look around. Hewas in Desiree's bedroom. He was fully clothed, although his shoes were on thefloor by the bed. His watch was gone. There was a small, closed puncture woundon the skin inside his left elbow — almost certainly an intravenous site.Except for the furniture, the room was empty. No clothes in the closet. Noperfume on the bureau. Nothing. The bathroom and living room had been similarlyswept of Evie's belongings. The computer was gone, the bathroom vanity draweremptied of its depressing contents. The medicine cabinet was bare. Evie's keyshad been taken, although his own keys and wallet were on the table.
Harry sank on to the couch, aware now of apounding headache that he suspected would not be gone soon. He picked up thetelephone and called his office. Mary Tobin was immensely relieved to hear fromhim.
'Dr. Corbett, I've called everywhere,' shesaid. 'Even the police.'
'What time is it?'
'The time, Mary.'
'Noon. Almost noon. Where on earth areyou?'
'I'll explain when I see you. I need to gohome. I won't be in until three. Can you juggle people? I'll make up the timeSaturday.'
'Are you okay?'
'Let's just say I've been better. I'llspeak to you later.' Harry retrieved his shoes, made one final, fruitless checkof the apartment, and headed home. The answers had been right there in hishands. By not being more careful, he had blown the chance to save himself. Buthe did have much more insight into just who Evie DellaRosa really was. And healso had a voice … a gentle, cultured voice with just the hint of a Britishaccent.
Although it was only five in the morning,Kevin Loomis was already dressed for work. He made his way quietly to thekitchen and eased the door closed. Just because he couldn't sleep was no reasonto wake Nancy or the kids. He had crawled into bed after midnight and had notdrifted off for at least another hour. That made a total of about ten hours ofreal sleep in the days since he had first noticed the picture of EvelynDellaRosa in the
He nuked a cup of yesterday's coffee inthe microwave and took it down to his basement office, a tiny space he had setup amid the boxes, out-of-season sporting equipment, heating ducts, and cinderblocks. He hadn't spent much time there since his promotion but it was still agood place to hide out and think. Besides, he thought now, it wouldn't be toomuch longer before the makeshift study that had served him so well was a thingof his past. Their house, a small three-bedroom on a tree-lined street inQueens, had a
New job, new car, new house, newassociates, new secrets … it was all happening so fast. Maybe that was whatwas bothering him. Not the business with Desiree or Kelly or The Roundtable,but the business with Kevin Loomis. No matter how hard he tried to feelotherwise, he couldn't shake the sensation that somehow he was in over hishead.
'Most of the knights have been inexecutive positions for years,' Burt Dreiser had said on the day he finallymade the offer that had so changed Kevin's life. 'And they've forged a uniquebond as members of The Roundtable. At first you're going to feel intimidated bythem. But you needn't be. I've been watching you work around here for a longtime now, and I would never have tapped you to take my place if I didn't havecomplete confidence in you. As long as you believe in what The Roundtablestands for — as long as you believe that our cause justifies our approach tosolving problems — that's all that matters.'
Kevin couldn't recall his preciseresponse, but it had obviously been the right one. It had also been the truth.Throughout his life he had often cut corners — legal, moral, and otherwise — for things he wanted or causes he believed in. There was nothing about TheRoundtable or its various programs that he couldn't accept, especially with somuch at stake for his company and himself. Everything would be perfect,absolutely perfect, if only he just felt a little more at ease with the wholething.
He smoothed Evelyn DellaRosa's obituary onhis desk and reread it. Consumer editor for
. .
Died suddenly.
He wondered if he should say anything toGalahad and the others. Perhaps. At the next meeting, he decided. Perhaps heshould.
'What difference does it make?' he askedhimself out loud.
Even if Desiree
Wasn't that what Galahad said? It wasdefinitely something like that, he thought. And what had Merlin responded?
Not an exact quote, perhaps, but closeenough. Even at the time, Kevin had felt there was something creepy aboutMerlin's comment. Not the words, but the inflection, maybe. . and theexpression on his face. It was as if he and Galahad were enjoying an insidejoke.
Kevin was badly startled when the phone beganringing. He snatched up the receiver.
'Kevin, Burt here. Hope I didn't wake you.Listen, something's come up that I think we should talk about. Nothing serious,and nothing for you to worry about. But I wonder if you could meet me at myboat at, say, seven-thirty?'
The boat. The only place Dreiser felttruly safe and secure. It had to be Roundtable business.
'Of course,' Kevin said. He cleared sometension from his throat. 'I'll leave in just a few minutes.'
He put the DellaRosa obituary in anenvelope and pushed it into the recesses of his desk drawer. Then he wentupstairs, left a note on the kitchen table for Nancy and the kids, and headedfor the garage.
'Hey, hotshot, did you forget something?'
Nancy called to him from the doorway. Shewas holding his briefcase in one hand and a bag of pistachios — his mostenduring vice — in the other. She was dressed in the beige silk robe he hadgiven her for Christmas. Early morning sunlight, dappled by the maples acrossthe street, shone on her in a most appealing way. They had met in ninth gradeat a church picnic and had fallen for one another immediately. Nancy Sealy wasbeautiful then; and now, twenty-four years and three kids later, Nancy SealyLoomis was beautiful still. Suddenly, the vision of her was intruded upon bythe image of Kelly, naked astride his thighs, stroking him patiently, expertly.For a moment, just as it had that night, his entire world consisted of herglistening, coal-black pubic hair. He had let her lick him some and even takehim inside her mouth for a while — there was no red-blooded man on earth whocould have said no to that. But just as with Desiree, he had drawn the line atintercourse. And for that restraint he remained grateful.
Accepting the briefcase and nuts, hekissed his wife on the cheek, then on the lips, then on the lips again — thistime more passionately.
'Hey, is this an invitation?' she asked,nibbling at his ear. 'Because if it is, I can call the office and tell Martythat — '
'Honey, I can't. I've got a meeting with Burt.I'll try to get home early, though. Better yet, I'll call. Maybe we can meet atthe Starlight Motel.'
Nancy brightened immediately at the idea.
'You mean that?'
Meeting Kevin at a motel for sex had beenher oft-expressed fantasy since the one time in college when they had actuallydone it.
'I'll call early this afternoon,' he said.'If it's possible, we'll do it.'
He kissed her once more and trotted to hisLexus. That was the last time with Kelly or any other escort, he vowed. He wasfaithful, but he wasn't goddamn Saint Francis. Sooner or later, if he keptplaying with fire, he was going to get burned. He would discuss his decisionwith Burt — that was just a courtesy, given all the man had done for him. Buthe had made up his mind. Lancelot would have to invite one less girl to theparty or else do two himself. Sir Tristram was out of
He cut through the neighborhood and headedtoward the Midtown Tunnel. Dreiser's boat, a magnificent forty-foot Bertram,was moored at a yacht club near the Seventy-ninth Street Boat Basin on theHudson River side. Forty-second Street all the way across, then up the WestSide Highway, he decided. At the last minute, he changed his mind and took theFDR. He could cross over at Seventy-second through Central Park. If he gotlucky and made it there with a lot of time to spare, his laptop was on the backseat, and he had a ton of paperwork to catch up on. The portable computer hadcost Crown $4500 — more than he had made in six months when he was juststarting out.
He slipped a Sinatra disc into the CDplayer and closed the windows. The custom-made sound system had twelve speakersand a twelve-band equalizer.
Traffic in town was lighter than usual.Kevin made the dock with almost half an hour to spare. Still, Burt was alreadyon his boat, having breakfast on the stern deck. He was a handsome fifty-one,with graying dark hair and patrician features.
'I stayed in town last night,' heexplained, motioning Kevin to help himself to coffee and juice.
'If you have to stay in town,' Kevin said,motioning across the Hudson, 'this is the way to do it.'
'Your house go through yet?'
'Today or tomorrow, I think.'
'Port Chester, right?'
'Port Chester's got some nice sections.Very nice sections.'
'The house is beautiful. Nancy'll becrushed if the deal falls through.'
'Let me know if any problems do come up.I'm pretty good at finding ways to solve problems.'
'Thank you.'
Dreiser flipped what was left of hisEnglish muffin over the stern. A seagull snagged it in midair.
'So, what's going on with you and TheRoundtable?' he asked suddenly.
Kevin felt the color drain from his face.
'I don't know what you mean.'
'Kevin, I was brought into The Roundtablefive years ago, shortly after it was formed. After I accepted the chairmanshipof Crown it became necessary for me to distance myself from the group. Ouragreed-upon understanding is that should The Roundtable ever be investigated,the company CEOs would have to deny any knowledge of it. The knights wantedsimply to eliminate my seat. Maybe look into bringing in someone from anothercompany. I can't tell you how strongly I had to argue for them to allow me tochoose a replacement from within Crown.'
'I'm glad you succeeded.'
'You should be. Let me give you an idea ofwhat belonging to The Roundtable means to us. A year or so ago one of theknights got real bad food poisoning at some damn Chinese restaurant and thenhad a coronary at the hospital and died. His company CEO wasn't allowed torecommend a replacement. There had been some problems with the man. Theknights, myself included, felt he lacked commitment to what we were trying toaccomplish. Nobody trusted him. If he hadn't died, he probably would havegotten kicked off The Roundtable before too long. That would have been a first.But unless he changed his ways and his attitude, it would have happened. As aresult of losing their representation, his company, Mutual Cooperative Health,lost something like nineteen million this past year. Nineteen million is a hitI don't want Crown ever to have to take.'
'Kevin, as I have told you many times,these men are very careful and very suspicious. This thing with that magazinereporter — what's her name?'
'She called herself Desiree, but I believeher real name might be DellaRosa. She-'
'Yes, well, that thing with the reporterupset some people. They worried about what you might have said to her.'
'I didn't say — '
Dreiser raised a hand.
'Kevin, please. Let me finish.'
'Sorry,' Kevin mumbled.
'It was no big deal, but you were the newkid on the block. They didn't know you, so of course, they didn't completelytrust you. That's understandable, yes?'
'Okay. The operative word here is trust.Kevin if these men don't feel comfortable with you, they don't trust you. Andif they don't trust you, you're out. And for all I know, Crown may be out, too.That would hurt us, Kevin. Nineteen or twenty million a year, and God only knowshow much more in the years to come, would hurt us badly.'
'I understand.'
'Then why in the hell did you callLancelot to complain about the girl he sent you?' Dreiser's voice raised just abit.
Kevin was stunned that such a full reporthad been given to his CEO. He stopped himself at the last instant from makingsome sort of excuse or explanation. There was one thing and one thing only thatBurt Dreiser wanted to hear at this point.
'It was a misunderstanding,' he said. 'Itwon't happen again.'
'Excellent. Excellent.' Dreiser clenchedhis fist for emphasis and pumped it in the air. 'Kevin, I don't care what inthe hell you do with those girls once they're in your room. But the more theother knights feel you're one of the gang, the quicker you actually will be. Itmay seem trivial to you. But believe me, when it comes to this group, nothingthat goes on is trivial. There is just too much at stake.'
'I understand.'
'Good. You'll be fine, just fine, as longas you never forget what's on the line.'
Six days after Evie's funeral, and exactlyone day before his fiftieth birthday, Harry Corbett realized he was no longer apotential suspect in a probable murder case. He was the only suspect in adefinite one.
The morning had begun like all of theothers since Evie's death, with Harry trying to appear focused and businesslikewhile his thoughts were swirling like a tornado. Although he felt almostcertain that the man who had drugged and then interrogated him that night wasresponsible for Evie's death, there seemed to be absolutely nothing he could doabout it. After leaving the apartment, he had stopped by Paladin Thorvald'sshop. The two thugs who had attacked him had used Thorvald's name. But thejeweler knew nothing about them and his manner suggested that he was becomingincreasingly suspicious of Harry's sanity. Harry sensed that before long,Thorvald would have company in that boat.
From Thorvald's shop he had gone to thelocal police station. He made it inside the front door. Then, knowing what layahead, he left and started for home. A block away, he screwed up his courage,prepared for yet another onslaught on his self-esteem, and went back to thestation. With no keys to Desiree's apartment, all he could do was file a reportand wait an hour and a half for the officer to locate the building manager.Apartment 2F had been leased to one Crystal Glass, with six months rent paid inadvance in cash. Harry wondered if Crystal Glass was another of Evie'spersonalities or merely a display of her wit. He hoped against hope thatsomething in the apartment might have been overlooked that would at least raisethe possibility that he might not be a head case. But there was nothing.Absolutely nothing.
'Be sure to check with us if you get anyfurther information, Dr. Corbett,' the investigating officer said, earning a9.5 on the 10-point patronization scale.
'Sure thing,' Harry responded.
The two intruders at the apartment had tohave been following him, he reasoned.
When Albert Dickinson arrived at hisoffice to announce the new evidence that elevated his status to sole suspect,Harry was just completing a cardiac treadmill test on a seventy-six-year-oldretired printer named Daniel Gerstein. Gerstein, a cantankerous survivor of theNazi camps, adamantly refused to see any other doctor for the stress test toevaluate his persistent chest pain, so Harry had temporarily abandoned hispolicy of not doing them. His patient had sailed through the protocol with nosymptoms and no changes on his cardiogram. Degenerative arthritis of the ribcage and shoulders, Harry told him. Gerstein demanded a more impressive diagnosisand the feel-good medicine his friends all got from
As he watched the elderly man's heart rateclimb without any abnormality on the monitor screen, Harry wondered if his ownstress test would look nearly so good. The chest pain he had experienced inEvie's apartment
What was really happening, he decided, wasthat his family history — the Corbett curse he had created — had given him anabnormally high cardiac awareness. The minor aches and pains most people wouldsimply ignore were gaining heightened significance in his mind. His brother hadto have had some chest discomfort from time to time. There wasn't a soul whodidn't. Yet Phil wasn't running around checking calendars and callingcardiologists. It was because he didn't believe for one second that hisgenetics had doomed him to an early coronary.
That was when Mary Tobin's voice crackledthrough his intercom announcing that he had two visitors, an Officer Graham anda Detective Dickinson.
Dickinson directed Officer Graham, who wasin uniform, to one of the chairs Harry offered, but remained standing himself,pacing as he talked. He still reeked of cigarettes and was dressed in whatlooked to Harry to be the same ill-fitting polyester suit he had had on at thehospital.
'So, Doc,' Dickinson began, surveying thediplomas and artwork, 'I told you that night in the hospital I'd be back. Andhere I am.'
'Here you are,' Harry echoed sardonically.
'That's a pretty full waiting room youhave out there. You always that busy?'
'Lieutenant, do you think you could comeback after five? A lot of those people out there have gone to a good deal ofinconvenience to make it in for their appointments. I try to be on time.'
'I wish my doctor cared so much aboutbeing on time. Dr. McNally on Central Park West. You know him?'
'I don't. Lieutenant, how long is thisgoing to take?'
'That depends.'
'On what?'
'On you, Doc. Does the name' — he pulledout his spiral-bound pad and read the word a syllable at a time — 'me-tar-am-i-nolmean anything to you?'
Harry felt his heart sink. The faintglimmer of hope that Evie's blood analysis might be negative had just vanished.
'And you know what it does?'
'Yes, I know what it does. Lieutenant, getto the point.'
'You keep any of this me-tar-am-i-nolaround?'
'It's almost never used by anyone anymore.I don't keep it around. I never have. Now would you say what you have to sayand leave? I have patients to — '
Dickinson whirled on him.
'I'll say what I have to say when I amfucking good and ready,' he snapped, his fists clenched. 'If you can't do whatmy fucking doctor does, which is to keep everyone sitting around until he feelslike seeing them, then call your receptionist out there and have her send themall home.'
'Get out of here,' Harry said. 'Now.'
'Or what? Or you'll call the cops?'Dickinson sighed, ostensibly to calm himself. 'Look, Doc. Let's try to worktogether on this thing. It will be better for everyone that way.'
Harry snatched up the phone to call theprecinct house. Then he hesitated, set the receiver back down, and sank back inhis chair.
'What do you want?' he asked.
'I want you to own up to what you did toyour wife.'
'Doc, I know you did it, you know you didit, anyone who knows anything about this case knows you did it. Now all youhave to do is admit it.'
'I didn't do anything. Did Evie haveAramine in her blood?'
Dickinson smiled condescendingly.
'Only enough to blow the tops off theheads of the whole New York Giants football team. The ME says no one but anM.D. or someone in the pharmaceutical business would have known about thisstuff. Now come on, Doc. How about it?'
'I didn't kill her.' This time it wasHarry's turn to sigh. As unsubstantiated as his information was, at this pointthere was no sense in keeping it from Dickinson. 'She was killed by a man Ibelieve is a doctor. Probably the man Maura Hughes saw come into the room. Eviewas working on a story that was making someone very worried. All I know is thatit had to do with high-priced call girls and very important people. She waskilled to keep her from finishing it. The night after her funeral I found thestuff she had been working on in an apartment in the Village.'
'And this doctor and two of his thugs brokein on me before I could read much of it.' Sooner or later he would have todisclose the nature of Evie's alter ego and her writing. But he wasn't readyyet.
'How do you know he's a doctor?'
'I don't know for sure. I just think he isbecause he knows his way around hospitals and drugs. He put an IV in my arm inthe apartment, then he drugged me with some pretty sophisticated stuff andquestioned me for several hours. Finally, he cleaned out the apartmentcompletely and left.'
'Leaving you alive after you had seen hisface?'
'I … I never did see his face. Or theother two for that matter.' He noted the cynicism in Dickinson's expressionturn to incredulity. 'The two thugs wore stocking masks,' he explained. 'By thetime the doctor or whatever he is came on the scene my eyes were taped over.Maura Hughes is the only one I know of who saw his face.'
It had not taken long for Harry toappreciate why the mysterious physician had let him live. Under the influenceof the potent hypnotic chemicals he had told everything he knew, which wasessentially nothing. The man knew he had been interrupted before he got morethan a glance at Evie's material. And there was nothing in what he had read orseen that would incriminate anyone. No names, no dates, no places. If the M.D.had faith in his methods — and there was every reason to believe he was expertat such interrogations — he knew Harry posed no threat to him.
But now Harry understood that there wasanother, more logical reason he had been left alive. If Caspar Sidonis had notstormed in with his anger and suspicion, no one would have questioned thatEvie's death was due to natural causes. Hemorrhage at any stage of the game wasa well-accepted complication of berry aneurysms. The medical examiner wouldhave signed her off without a second thought. Instead, at Sidonis's insistence,a thorough analysis of her blood was being performed. The Aramine was bound tobe identified, and Harry would be available to take the blame. His murder ordisappearance now would only ensure an intensified investigation of Evie'scase. He had been spared death at the hands of the gladiators in favor of amore protracted demise from the lions.
'So tell me, Doc,' Dickinson asked, 'howdo you know this guy from the apartment is the same man who killed your wife?'
'I don't — at least not for certain. Now,would you please go?'
'I have a warrant to search this officefor that drug, Doc. Your condo, too.'
'Oh, this is ridiculous! If I had donewhat you say, I certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to keep a batch of Araminearound.'
'Doc, you were stupid enough to kill yourwife and think you could get away with it. That's more than stupid enough tokeep a batch of Aramine around. See, Graham? I told you. These M.D.s never giveanyone credit for having any brains. That's why they always fuck up, and that'swhy they always get caught.'
The young officer shifted uncomfortably inhis seat and looked away.
'You're going to search this office whileI'm seeing patients?'
'We don't have to if you just tell us thetruth. Look, I know about your wife's affair with Super Doc. I know she wasplanning on leaving you. I know about the tidy little insurance policy youstand to cash in. I know about the drug you used. And I know you were the lastone to see her alive. Now how about it, Doc. Maybe it was just a spur of themoment thing. She was a beautiful woman. You couldn't stand the thought oflosing her. Suddenly you pass by the medication room. You think about thataneurysm of hers. Next thing you know the drug is in your hand. . Seconddegree. That's what you'd get. Nothing more. Second degree's not that big adeal, Doc. You could be out in five years. Maybe even get off entirely, youfind yourself a good lawyer.'
Dickinson studied the citation framedalongside the silver star.
'Lieutenant, tell me something,' he said.'If you know all this about me, and you're so certain I murdered my wife, whyhaven't you come here with a warrant for my arrest?'
'A warrant. Some judge or magistrate orwhatever has refused to issue a warrant for you to arrest me for murder unlessyou find I've got a secret stash of Aramine. Isn't that true?'
Dickinson's expression — the tightnessaround his mouth — said that he had been nicked.
'What if it is?' he said. 'In two weeksthe grand jury sits. And I guarantee you that with the evidence I have topresent them, they won't have any problem handing down an indictment. Graham,let's get started.'
'Wait a minute, Officer.' On the offensiveat last, Harry had no intention of letting up. 'Lieutenant, there's more, isn'tthere? Is it Maura Hughes? Your magistrate believed her claim about someoneelse being in the room after me. That's it, isn't it?'
'You killed that woman, Corbett.'
'They believed her, didn't they?'
'Not her,' Dickinson said, barely able totemper his frustration and anger. 'Her goddamn Yalie brother. That asshole wentover my head. Filed a report. Cooked his own friggin' goose is what he did.Believe me, Charles Manson will get that goddamn detective slot before he does.And don't think for a moment they bought his story, neither. He just made themdecide to wait until a few things could be checked out, that's all. And as foryour drunken sot witness, her brother won't be able to take the stand in herplace. And as soon as anyone gets a look at her and hears what she's like,there's not a soul who'll believe she saw anything except spiders and flies.Now, are you going to let us do our work?'
'Do I have a choice?'
'No, Corbett. You don't have a fuckingchoice. You're a smug bastard. I hate smug bastards. And you killed your wife.I hate people who do that, too. It's just begun between us, Doc. Mark my words.I'm going to put the screws to you like you were a dime-store Erector set. Andsooner or later you're going to fuck up. Count on it. Come on, Graham. Let'sget started.'
It took two hours for Dickinson and Grahamto finish their room-by-room search of the office. Harry waited a few minutesuntil he was certain the detective wasn't going to return. Then he took a cupof tepid coffee and a bagel back to his office, fished out the slip of paperfrom his wallet, and called Maura Hughes. She answered on the sixth ring.
'Miss Hughes, it's Harry Corbett, Evie'shusband. Remember?'
'I remember.'
Though her words weren't slurred, hervoice was husky, and her speech seemed a bit thick. Harry wasn't sure whethershe was drinking again.
'How are you feeling?' he tried.
'I've been better.'
'But I've been worse.'
He waited for more unsolicitedconversation, but quickly realized there would be none. 'Have the police beento see you?'
'Well, they just left my office, and I thinkthey might be contacting you soon. They found a drug in Evie's blood. She wasmurdered.' There was silence on the other end. 'That Lieutenant Dickinson iscertain I did it. I think it must have been the doctor you saw.' Still silence.'Miss Hughes, are you still there?'
'It's Maura. I'm still here.'
'Are you okay?'
'You mean am I drinking?'
Harry pictured the woman in her robe atthe kitchen table of a small, dingy apartment, staring at a half-filled glassand a half-empty bottle of Southern Comfort. The image brought a heavy sadnessto his throat.
'Yes, I guess I did mean that,' he said.'Sorry. It's none of my business. Listen, I want to get together with you. It'svery important to me.'
'That cop, Dickinson, is on a mission tonail me for Evie's murder. He just left here after searching my office forhours while all my patients watched. In fact, there were moments when the onlything that kept me from hitting him over the head with a chair was rememberingwhat you called him. Pinhead.'
'I remember.'
'Well, the only reason they haven'tarrested me so far is that someone — a judge or DA, or maybe one of Dickinson'ssuperiors — is worried that the man your brother reported you saw was actuallythere.'
'He was.'
'I know. That's why I need to see you.Somehow, I've got to find out who he is, and you're the only one who's seenhim.'
There was a prolonged silence.
'When did you want to see me?' she saidfinally.
'I don't know. Tonight?'
'Tomorrow, then.' He considered addingthat it would be his birthday — his fiftieth birthday — but decided against it.'Maura, listen,' he said, 'if you're embarrassed about drinking, please don'tbe.'
'Seven-thirty,' she replied, 'You have mynumber, so I assume you know where I live.'
'I do. Thanks, Maura.'
'And Dr. Corbett?'
'I can't remember the last time I caredenough about what I did to be embarrassed about it. But since you keep asking,the truth is that if it sounds like I've been drinking it's because I just gotup from a nap. I haven't had a drink since the day I was operated on.'
'Hey, that's great.'
'But I was about to.'
Please — don't!' Harry did not have toforce desperation into the words. Again there was prolonged silence.
'I suppose I can keep it together at leastuntil tomorrow night. I think maybe I really don't want to drink. Maybe I'mjust bored.'
'Your brother said you were a painter.Have you been able to paint any since you've been home?'
'Not really. I haven't done much ofanything except hang around here, take naps, feel sorry for myself, and thinkabout drinking.'
'Well, listen, maybe tomorrow night wecould go out for dinner. You're the main reason I'm still a free man. I couldpick your brain, and you could get away from your place for a while.'
If she was as depressed as she sounded, heknew there was no possibility she would agree. He could feel her choosing theway to tell him so.
'Do I have to get dressed up?' she askedsuddenly.
'Not unless you want to. When I'm not atwork, jeans is as dressy as I ever get.'
'In that case, sure,' Maura said. 'I'dlike that.'
At midnight, when he officially turnedfifty, Harry celebrated with a glass of champagne and a bag of Famous Amoschocolate chip cookies. He hadn't gotten cancer or been run over by a busduring the past three hundred and sixty-five days, but all things considered,his fiftieth year had been a pretty lousy one. And his fifty-first was notbeginning with a great deal of promise. He indulged his self-pity for a time byflipping through his and Evie's wedding album, and then read himself to sleepwith half a page of his most dependable soporific,
At 5:45, when his clock radio kicked in,he had already been awake for nearly an hour and was finishing the set of MarineCorps calisthenics he did on the days when he didn't run. He had always been anathlete of sorts — Little League baseball, cross-country, and some organizedbasketball in college. He lacked the natural ability to be a star in any sport,but his competitive fire had made him a fairly consistent winner. For the pastdecade, though, what intensity he still possessed was focused on holding hisground against the passing years. Now, as he grunted past sixty bent-kneesit-ups on the way to seventy-five, he found he was drawing strength from hisconsuming dislike for Albert Dickinson.
The previous evening, Harry had arrived athome to find the detective there, along with a new uniformed policeman. He wasquestioning Armand Rojas, the day-shift doorman, but stopped as soon as Harryappeared at the door, and produced a warrant to search the apartment. Following the Chinese-food deliveryman fiasco with Rocky, Harry had tippedboth doormen handsomely and implored them to be on their toes. Still, hewondered, as the two policemen followed him into the apartment to begin theirsearch, if the mystery physician had somehow gotten in there again to plant afew vials of Aramine. His other concern was that Dickinson himself might find away to do it.
To Harry's profound relief, theone-and-a-half-hour inspection unearthed nothing. But with each fruitlessminute, Dickinson became more annoyed — and more determined. By the time he andthe other cop had left, he had reiterated in a variety of colorful and profaneways his threat to put the screws to Harry.
There was a small, enclosed terrace offthe master bedroom. It had a view of the midsection of another apartmentbuilding, and might have been considered a solarium if it ever receivedanything more than token sunlight. Evie had had many plans for the room whenthey first moved into the apartment, but soon lost interest in them. There weresimilar terraces all the way up the building. Those on the upper floors hadexpansive views and hours of direct sunlight. Over time, the room came tosymbolize those things she felt were second-rate in their life, and sheabsolutely never went out there.
Eventually, Harry had replaced the table,chairs, and small sofa with his exercise mat, stationary bicycle, weights, anda twelve-inch TV. Now, he turned on the early morning news and began a sequenceof lifts with ten-pound barbells, aimed at maintaining strength in the musclesin his back — muscles that had been surgically repaired after being shredded atNha-trang. The lead story this morning was about the cascading rumors of sexualimpropriety that continued to plague the president and undermine hiseffectiveness. The second story dealt with the Republican filibuster that hadall but damned the strict caps on health-insurance premiums demanded by theadministration's health-care package. The third story was about Evie's murder.
'Evelyn DellaRosa, consumer editor at
Harry set the weights aside and sank toone knee as the details of the medical examiner's findings were presented in TVshorthand. Behind the reporter flashed first a photo of MMC, then a close-up ofa vial labeled
'According to police sources, the onlysuspect currently under investigation in DellaRosa's murder is her husband, ageneral practitioner on the staff of the hospital in which she was slain.Reportedly, Dr. Corbett, who was awarded the silver star for bravery inVietnam, was his wife's last visitor before her fatal hemorrhage. Police claimthe couple was having marital difficulties. No other details are available atthis time
Harry buried his face in his hands.Weariness and perspiration burned in his eyes. As promised, Dickinson was offand running. And aside from remaining as composed as possible before theeruption that was about to occur, there wasn't a goddamn thing Harry could doabout it. At that moment, the phone began ringing. It was Rocky Martino, thenight doorman. A film crew from Channel 11 had just shown up in the lobby, andthe reporter was demanding to see Harry about the murder of his wife.
'Tell them there will be no interviews,'he said, 'and don't say anything to them yourself. Nothing at all. Can I getout of the building through that metal door in the furnace room?. . Great.Rocky, believe me, I didn't do anything to hurt Evie. . Thank you. Thank youfor saying that. Now remember, no matter how much you want to help me, don'tsay anything at all to anyone.'
Seconds after he had hung up, the phonewas ringing again. This time it was his brother. Before Evie's funeral, Harryhad shared with Phil a good deal of what had transpired at the hospital withSidonis and Dickinson. Phil had offered then to put him in touch with atop-notch attorney, but Harry had decided to wait.
'You been watching TV?' Phil asked.
'You okay?'
'Would you be?'
'When did you know for sure about thatdrug being in Evie?'
'Yesterday afternoon. They came andsearched the office for it. Then last night they searched my apartment.'
'I take it they didn't find anything.Harry, you should have called me when the cops showed up at your office. Youhave rights. You should have let me call my friend Mel. He's an animal. Mostobnoxious son of a bitch I've ever known. I mean that as a compliment, ofcourse. You want me to call him now?'
'How do you know him, Phil?'
'How do you think? He's bought a newMercedes from me every year since I went into the business. This year it's a600 SEL — the big one. Black. That's the first thing you gotta check when youget a lawyer. Not his law school or his bar exam score. The car he drives.Course, he'd cost you. You're probably looking at a twenty — ortwenty-five-thousand-dollar retainer.'
Harry was shocked. 'Let me think about it,okay?'
'Don't take too long. Oh, and Harry — '
'Happy birthday.'
Mary Tobin was the next to call. Harry hadmade the front page of two papers. He assured her he'd be in for a full day atthe office and told her not to argue with anyone who wanted to cancel anappointment or even change doctors. Rocky, then Phil, now Mary — and it wasjust half past six. He said a silent thanks to Evie for insisting their numberbe unlisted.
He stripped out of his sweats and waswaiting for the shower water to heat up when the phone again began ringing.This time, he decided, the machine could answer it. He hovered close enough tohear the caller.
'Hello, you have reached the phone of Evieand Harry. .'
The voice was Evie's. It was bothbittersweet and somewhat ghoulish to hear her speaking this way. Before he leftfor work, he told himself, he had to remember to record a new greeting.
'Dr. Corbett, Samuel Rennick speaking. I'mchief counsel for the hospital. If you're screening calls, could you pleasepick up …'
Harry leaned against the bathroom doorframe. Steam from the shower had begun to fill the small room.
'. . Okay, then. I guess I'll leave amessage and then try to reach you at the hospital. .' The lawyer pausedagain. It was as if he knew Harry was listening. '. . Dr. Erdman would liketo meet with you about the developments this morning. His office, ten o'clock.If there's a problem with that time, please call his secretary. Dr. Erdman hasasked that I be there, as well as Dr. Lord from the medical staff, Dr.Josephson, who is acting chief of your department, and Mr. Atwater fromManhattan Health. I'll be at Dr. Erdman's office beginning at eight. You canreach me there if need be. Thank you.'
Owen Erdman, a highly political,Harvard-educated-and-trained endocrinologist, had been president of MMC fornearly a decade, during which time he had overseen the physical transformationof a shabby institution and a turnaround of its shaky reputation. The jewel inthe crown of his reformation had been the affiliation with Manhattan Health.But Harry knew that with the new federal health policies, alliances between caregiverswere as fragile as spring ice, and an allegiance meant something only so longas it was profitable. Any piece of negative publicity for MMC had to beworrisome to the CEO.
Harry had heard via the hospital grapevinethat his minor victory against the edicts of the Sidonis committee did not sitwell with Erdman. Now he was responsible for more soot falling on the man'shouse. Harry showered quickly and then called his brother.
'Phil, I've decided to take you up on youroffer about that lawyer,' he said.
'Smart move, bro.'
'If so, it will be the first one I've madein a while.'
Attorney Mel Wetstone's retainer, 'markeddown twenty-five percent because Phil's such a good friend,' was indeed $20,000against an hourly rate of $350. And here the President was, Harry thought,knocking himself out and pitting brother against brother across the country toeffect
Harry decided to borrow the $20,000against his pension plan, rather than wipe out a large portion of his savings.He met with his new lawyer in the family medicine conference room on theseventh floor of the Alexander Building at MMC. Wetstone was a prosperousfortyish, a dozen or so pounds overweight, with thinning dark hair that lookedas if it had been surgically augmented. There was a slight wheeze to hisbreathing. Hard-pressed at times to forget that the meter was running at $350an hour, Harry reviewed his complete story in detail for the first time,including the encounter in the Village with his apparent nemesis. Wetstone wasa sympathetic listener and only rarely interrupted the narrative with aquestion.
'So,' Wetstone said after Harry hadfinished, 'what it boils down to is that you didn't do anything wrong, andpeople think you did. In my business that's the norm. My job will be to keepanyone from hurting you. Now, what do you think this meeting at ten is allabout?'
'I don't know for certain. I've taken somestands on issues lately that haven't been too popular with the administration.Now I'm publicly giving them a black eye. I don't think they'd just boot me offthe staff at this point, although I guess they could. More likely they'll wantto ask me to take a voluntary leave from the hospital until the situation isironed out.'
'You want to do that?'
'No. Of course not.'
'Then that'll be our goal. You told me whothis Erdman is, and I know Sam Rennick. Who are the other guys?'
'Bob Lord is the chief of staff. He's anorthopedic surgeon. He resents that I led the fight to continue to allow GPs toput simple, nondisplaced fractures in casts without referring our patients to aspecialist. He's very much into who's got the power and who doesn't, and Ithink he's pretty tight with the surgeon Evie was involved with. I can'timagine him siding with me on anything. Josephson and Atwater are a differentstory. They're about the best friends I have around here. Steve — that'sJosephson — is the acting head of the family medicine department until GraceSegal gets back from a maternity leave. Atwater and I are both jazz nuts. We goto clubs together once in a while, and sometimes he comes to hear me play.'
Harry expected the usual questions, like
'I want to see if I can speak with SamRennick before we go in there,' he said. 'I left a message for him to call mypager, but he hasn't.'
'You said you knew him. Perhaps he'safraid of you.'
Wetstone grinned, but his small, dark eyeswere cold — all business.
'I don't know,' he said, 'but he shouldbe.'
There were fifteen floors in the AlexanderBuilding. The elevator down was nearly full when it reached the seventh floor.By the time it reached the lobby, it was packed. A sign on the wall of the carwarned passengers to guard their valuables against pickpockets. After thousandsof trips, Harry had already reflexively shifted his wallet from his hip pocketto the front. He thought about what it would be like to work in a scrubbedlittle rural hospital with no crushes of people and no pickpocket warnings. Hedoubted that there was a single scrubbed little rural hospital this side ofBora Bora that would take him, should he be removed from the MMC staff.
The conference room adjacent to OwenErdman's office featured a long, highly polished cherrywood table with roundedcorners and an inlay of the MMC crest at the center. The twelve matching,high-backed chairs each had an identical crest in miniature inlaid at the top.Harry had been in the room once some years before, but was certain the remarkableset had not been there. He tried briefly to guess its value, then gave up whenhe realized he had absolutely no reference point.
Steve Josephson, Doug Atwater, and theorthopedist Bob Lord were there when Harry and Wetstone arrived.
'How're you doing?' Steve asked.
Harry answered with a
'Do you have any idea who could have beenresponsible for doing this to Evie?' Doug asked.
'Not really,' Harry said, careful to stop there.
Wetstone had cautioned him against sharinghis theory with anyone, even his allies.
'Remember that party game of Telephone weused to play as kids?' the attorney had asked. 'Well, take it from the voice ofexperience. No matter how well-meaning people are, the moment words are out ofyour mouth and into their ears, the original version begins to change.'
Despite Wetstone's caveat, Harry would nothave hesitated to share the details of Evie's secret life with either Josephsonor Atwater had Bob Lord not been there. Instead, there was an uncomfortableminute and a half of silence before Erdman and the hospital counsel entered theroom. With them was a trim, businesslike woman introduced as Ms. Hinkle, thehospital's head of public relations. Harry shook her hand and felt as if he hadgrasped a Popsicle.
'Dr. Corbett,' Sam Rennick began, 'wewondered if you might start by reviewing the events — as you see them — fromthe night of your wife's death.'
'Now just a minute, Sam,' Wetstonerejoined immediately. 'I thought we decided on what the ground rules were goingto be here. .'
Feeling strangely distant and distracted,Harry listened as two attorneys whom he had not even known before today debatedhis situation. From time to time, one of the others at the table spoke up. Heeven heard himself once or twice. But the voices seemed distorted, the meaningof their words often lost. The whole situation was just too surreal. Instead ofbeing keen and focused, Harry's thoughts were drifting. He tried to imagine howmany hours — hundreds of hours, perhaps — he was now destined to spend in onetype of legal proceeding or another. He had been thrust through the lookingglass into a world where anything — however illogical or bizarre — waspossible.
Inexplicably, with the discussion of hisprofessional future raging about him, he found himself thinking about a patientof his, a teenager named Melinda Olivera, whose severe mononucleosis he hadrecently diagnosed and treated so aggressively that within a day, she was ableto attend her junior prom. Doctoring had always seemed so straightforward tohim. A patient shows up sick and you do the best you can to fix them up. Now,suddenly, there were lawyers and administrators and public-relations directors.
'I absolutely disagree.' Doug Atwater'ssharp words pierced Harry's mental fog. Harry had no idea what was beingdiscussed. 'I have already reviewed matters with the CEO at Manhattan Health,and he has spoken with the medical director and several other key personnel. Therehas never been even one complaint about Dr. Corbett — his manner of practice,his fees, or his conduct. We see no reason why he shouldn't continue to be onManhattan Health's role of providers.'
'But what will the public think if-'
Doug cut Ms. Hinkle short.
'Please, I don't mean to be rude, Barbara,but what we need is some sort of strong statement from the hospital that Dr.Corbett has been formally charged with nothing as yet, and we at this hospital. .'
Harry heard little of what followed, butnot because his mind was wandering. He had reached inside the right-hand pocketof his sports jacket for a pen. There was none. What he felt instead were twoobjects he knew had not been there when he put the jacket on that morning. Infact, he knew they had not even been in his possession. Slowly, he clenched hisfist around them and brought them out on to his lap.
'It's agreed, then,' Mel Wetstone wassaying. 'The hospital's posture will be one of support for a respected staffmember who has not been convicted of or even charged with a crime. For hispart, Dr. Corbett will refrain from any public statements without clearing themwith Ms. Hinkle. And his admitting and treatment privileges at this hospitalwill remain intact. Does that sound okay with you, Dr. Corbett?. . Dr.Corbett?'
'Huh? Oh, yes. Thank you all. That'sexcellent.'
He barely managed to pull his attentionfrom his hand, now open on his lap. On his palm lay his watch and Evie'srabbit's-foot key chain and keys, gone when he awoke in, Desiree's apartment.At some point that morning, perhaps in the crowded elevator, Evie's murdererhad been standing behind him, or maybe even right next to him. The keys weremeant as a reminder of how vulnerable he was — a warning to be very carefulwhat he said and to whom. But there was also another possibility, heacknowledged, even more disturbing and chilling — the' possiblity that he wasnothing more to his wife's murderer than sport, a pawn in some macabre game.
'Pardon?' Wetstone asked.
'Excuse me?' Harry replied, againrealizing he had drifted.
'Harry, you just said something like,"I'm not going to be that easy." What did that mean?'
'Oh, nothing,' Harry said, slipping thewatch and keys back into his pocket. 'Nothing important.'
CoronerRules Manhattan
Reporter'sDeath a Homicide
Kevin Loomis stared at the headline in the
Kevin read through the article. His handswere shaking so hard he had to keep the paper pressed to the table. At the lastmeeting, Desiree had been more or less dismissed as not a serious threat to TheRoundtable. Then, just a few days later, she had been murdered in her hospitalbed. Her doctor husband was a suspect, but no arrest had been made.
Kevin felt squeamish. Throughout the rideto the city, he tried to convince himself that he was reacting this way becauseof the intimacy, however artificial, that he had shared with the woman not solong ago. The newspapers — and by now he had read the account in all of them — toldof marital problems. The
Kevin did not remember making even one ofthe turns that took him from his driveway to the Crown Building in midtownManhattan. He parked in the underground space with his name stenciled in blueon the wall and took the elevator up to his office on the thirty-first floor.Brenda Wallace was waiting for him, barely able to contain her enthusiasm asshe told him the news.
'Your wife called a few minutes ago, Mr.Loomis,' she said, breathless with excitement. 'She said the people buying yourhouse have gotten their mortgage and the bank has approved the deal for yournew house in Port Chester.'
Standing in the doorway behind her, BurtDreiser gave Kevin a wink and a thumbs up. His expression left no doubt that hehad played a role in expediting the sale.
'I'm pretty good at finding ways to solveproblems,' he had said that day on his boat.
'The closing's scheduled for Wednesday,'Brenda gushed on. 'Mrs. Loomis says you can call her at the office if you want.She'll be there until five. She also said to tell you that the house is reallyno big deal, and you don't have to go through with it, but that next to the dayyou two got married, this is the happiest day of her life.'
Maura Hughes's apartment was on the UpperWest Side, half a block from Morningside Park. Harry walked there from theoffice, hoping that Maura had been able to honor her promise to stay sober.Practicing in a fairly indigent area, he had encountered the disease ofalcoholism in its most virulent, lethal form, as well as in its many otherguises. It would be no exaggeration to say that he had seen even more tragedycaused by the bottle than he had seen in eighteen months in Nam. And it washardly reassuring to have his future bound to a woman who had almost lost herlife to drinking. Even sober, her credibility was thin. If she started drinkingagain, it was nonexistent.
With Maura's claims of a mystery doctorand no physical evidence connecting Harry to the Aramine injection, Dickinsonhad been denied an arrest warrant. But Mel Wetstone supported the detective'sassertion that based on the impressive circumstantial evidence, a grand jurywould produce an indictment. The attorney seemed aroused by the prospect ofdefending Harry in what might well become a trial of Von Bulow proportions.Sex, adultery, insurance money, a beautiful reporter's secret life,prostitution, arcane poisons, physicians.
He passed a florist, debated picking up anassortment, then quickly rejected the notion. Flowers were too reminiscent ofthe hospital and too open to misinterpretation. Not that Maura Hughes hadseemed the least bit interested in him as anything other than a source ofSouthern Comfort. But he had, over the years, endured unpleasant experienceswith patients of both sexes who had misread the meaning of his commitment. Inone case it was a concerned after-hours telephone call to a woman whoseinfatuation with him he had completely missed. Another was an extendedlate-night conversation at a young man's hospital bedside.
Harry finally settled on a box ofchocolate-covered mints. If Maura was typical of someone newly sober, herdesire for alcohol had been sublimated at least in part by a craving forsweets. The homes improved measurably as he approached Maura's block. Theapartment buildings had doormen, and a number of the brownstones were wellmaintained. It was nearing seven-thirty, but the evening was warm, cloudless,and quite light. Harry paused by a playground where a group of kids — black andwhite — were playing pickup basketball on a scarred blacktop court. They weremostly in their early teens and had no concept of teamwork, but their skillsmade them a joy to watch. He breathed in the energy of the city and felt someof the tension begin to ease from what had been an absolutely horrible day. Theonly bright spots were Doug Atwater's successful efforts to keep him, at leastfor the time being, on the active staff at the hospital, and the almostcontinuous calls and gestures of support from his patients.
Although he had no idea what to expectfrom Maura Hughes, he realized that he was looking forward to her company. He hadplayed bass with the guys at C.C.'s once since Evie's death, but most of hisevenings had been spent alone.
Her house was a neat four-story brownstonewith six broad cement stairs rising from the sidewalk to an ornate mahoganydoor. There was a floor at street level, with no outside entryway and windowsprotected by heavy wrought-iron grates. Harry suspected this basement apartmentwas Maura's. He was surprised to find that of the three bells, the topmost onewas hers. He identified himself through an intercom, and she buzzed him in.
'Head of the stairs,' she said.
Her voice sounded sharp and animated — ahopeful sign. Harry mounted the stairs feeling some relief. As much as heneeded company, having to babysit an actively drinking alcoholic was not the wayhe wanted to spend his free time. Maura was standing in the doorway to herapartment. His image of her from the hospital was of someone quite short.Actually, she was tall, five-nine or — ten, with a regal bearing and a willowybody that looked perfect in sneakers, worn jeans, and an oversized cottonshirt. She wore a white turban and no jewelry other than a pair of largehanging earrings — colorful chips of enamel delicately wired to one another sothat they changed like a kaleidoscope with every movement of her head. Shelooked somewhat drawn and ill at ease. Her hand, thin and smooth, was cool.Except for the headdress, there was no way Harry could connect the lithe,unaffectedly elegant woman with the restless, wild-eyed patient he had known.
He handed her the mints. She thanked himwith a thin smile that had more sadness than mirth.
'Come in. Come in, please,' she said.
'Those earrings are really beautiful.'
'Thanks. I made them.'
Harry followed her into an expansiveliving room — a bright and airy square, perhaps thirty feet on a side. Thenarrow oak flooring was urethaned to a high gloss and scattered with Orientalarea rugs. The ceilings were high, with recessed, indirect lighting that had tohave been designed by a specialist in the craft. This was hardly the dingy,depressing two-room walk-up he had envisioned.
'Surprised?' Maura said, reading hisexpression.
Harry gestured to the walls, which werefilled with wonderful paintings. The canvases were generally large and mostlyoils or some kind of acrylic. But there were also watercolors and a fewcollages. Some, primarily portraits, were sad and starkly realistic. But therest were abstract — dynamic worlds of color and shape, of meticulousorganization and absolute chaos. Harry had never been a student of art, but hehad always been affected by it. What he was sensing now was a remarkablevibrancy and an intense, overwhelming anger.
'These are incredible,' he said, walkingslowly about the room.
'I don't paint like that anymore. Not thatI don't want to.'
'These are all yours?'
'Even drunks can do things,' she saidcoolly.
'Hey, I'm sorry if it sounded like that'swhat I meant. It's not. These paintings are really striking.'
'Thanks. You want something? A Coke? Somewine?'
'Coke would be great.'
Harry stopped himself at the last momentfrom commenting on the danger of keeping alcohol in the house. He followed herto the kitchen, which was small, but designed for someone who cared aboutcooking. To the left of it, he could see another huge room — a studio withseveral easels, stacks of canvases, and a large skylight. In the far corner,beneath a racked floor-to-ceiling bookcase and surrounded by ferns and variouspalms, was Maura's bed.
'Look, I–I'm sorry if I seem tense ornervous,' she said, her back to him as she filled two glasses. 'It's just thatI am. I probably should have called and canceled.'
She handed him his glass, led him backinto the living room, and motioned him to a sofa opposite her chair. On theglass-top end table to her left was the
'I guess if I was having a murder suspectover for a Coke, I'd be a little nervous, too,' he said.
'I hope you know that isn't it. You and Iboth know you didn't give that drug to your wife.'
'What then?'
'Dr. Corbett, just why are you here?'
'Look, please. My name's Harry. Once Ileave the office, I stop being Dr. Corbett.'
'And have you?'
'Have I what?'
'Left the office. Dr. Corbett. . Harry.. my brother told me what you said to him about your being some sort ofexpert on alcoholism, and about how you have people who will help me and takeme to AA meetings and all. If you're here to save my soul, I think I can saveboth of us a long, uncomfortable evening. My soul is in the mood to be pickled,not saved.'
'Hey, I don't know exactly what I said toyour brother, but I'm not an expert on anything, except maybe taking care ofsick people.'
'Then that's not why you're here? You'renot here to ensure that I don't drink?'
'I didn't say that either. Tell mesomething. If you believed I was coming over to save your soul, as you put it,why did you say yes?'
'Because yesterday, deep down inside, Ireally didn't want to drink. Today, I do.'
Harry could feel walls going up. Either hehad somehow gotten off on the wrong foot or she was determined to put himthere. If he tried to lie to her now about his motives, she would know. If hetold her the truth or tried to lecture her in any way, he would probably beback at the playground watching basketball before his Coke was warm.
'Maura, I'm here because I'm in trouble,'he said finally. 'There's a cop out to crucify me, my hospital's looking for away to drop me from the staff, and you're the only one who knows anything thatmight help me. I don't have any idea who you saw walk past you to Evie'sbedside, or why he killed her. But the other night he could have killed me aswell, and he didn't. I think he didn't because he's certain that sooner orlater the police are going to arrest me. He let me go because he doesn'tbelieve I have any cards to play. But I do — two of them, actually. I've heardhis voice and you've seen his face.'
'And you think that if I'm drinking I'llbe of no use to you.'
'I think that the last time you drank youalmost died. I don't want you to die.'
She studied his face.
'I really want to drink,' she said.
'I know you do,' he replied with genuineempathy. 'I really want to run away from all this. Someplace unbearably warmwhere they use shells for currency and haven't heard of malpractice suits orHMOs or grand juries. But I'm not going to.'
Maura opened the box of chocolate-coveredmints, slid one onto her tongue, and closed her eyes as it dissolved in hermouth.
'You knew about the sweets things, didn'tyou,' she said.
Harry sensed a letup in the wallconstruction.
'That doesn't make me an expert.'
She savored another mint.
'Ten or eleven thousand calories a day inbonbons and Life Saves and Kit Kats, and I haven't gained an ounce. Go figure.'
'You're lucky. I just look at that stuffand my belt lets itself out a notch — go figure.'
Maura said the words in unison with himand then almost laughed.
'Harry, I'm sorry for giving you such ahard time,' she said finally. 'I suppose you know that right now you're theonly thing standing between me and the bottle of Southern Comfort I have in thekitchen.'
'The only thing standing between you andthat bottle is you, Maura. If knowing that makes me an expert, then maybe I amone after all.'
In the silence that followed, Harry feltthe topmost bricks come off the wall.
'What do you think of this turban?' she askedsuddenly. 'I'm very self-conscious about having so little hair. I tried a wig,but it looked ridiculous.'
'Like Dickinson.'
'Albert Dickinson. You cut him to shredsby telling him that his toupee looked like a piece of lettuce. Remember?'
Harry could tell from her expression thatshe did not.
'Oh, yes,' she said with no conviction.'You think the turban's ugly. I can tell. Do you think I should take it off?'
'I think you should do whatever you wantto.'
'You still want to go out for dinner?'
'Of course.'
'Even with a flaky, bald chick who keepspopping Peanut M amp;M's and Raisinets?'
'Try me.'
She swept the turban off and tossed itacross the room. Her reddish-blond hair had grown back a bit, although the scarfrom her operation still showed.
'You're staring,' she said.
Harry knew he was, though not for thereason she was thinking. With the headdress gone, it was as if he was seeingher face for the first time. The swelling and bruises that had so disfiguredher were gone. Her skin was smooth and beautifully pale, with a faint, naturalblush and a few freckles highlighting her high, sculpted cheeks. Her eyes, arich ocean green, seemed possessed of their own intrinsic light. And her mouthwas wide and sensual. Harry felt his own mouth go dry.
'I … um … I don't think you need theturban,' he managed.
'Okay, the turban's history. If you'restill up for dinner, I'm a nut for Indian food.'
'I'm up for it and I know a place.'
He glanced around the room and realizedthat two and possibly three of the stark portraits were of Maura herself. Theywere skillfully done. No one could dispute that. And there was certainly aconstancy in her vision of herself. But as far as he was concerned, none ofthem captured even a trace of the allure and gentle mystery of the womansitting across from him.
'You know,' she said, 'you really are anice guy. I'd like to help you if I can.'
She took a tan windbreaker from the backof a chair and slipped it on. 'Harry, did anyone ever tell you that you looklike — wait a minute, I'll think of who. . Oh, I know, Gene Hackman. I thinkyou look a little like Gene Hackman.'
Harry looked at her curiously, uncertainof how to respond. Her expression was too matter-of-fact.
'I … um. . yes. One person did tellme I looked like him.'
'Your wife?'
'No. No, it was someone else. Maura, Imeant to wait until after dinner to discuss the mystery doc, but could you tellme a bit of what he looked like — how you described him to your brother?'
She seemed about to respond. Then her eyesnarrowed. Harry could feel as much as see her confusion.
'You know,' she said. 'I remember someonecoming into the room. At least I think I do. But that's all.'
'You mean you can't picture his face?'
She looked at him sadly and then shook herhead.
'Harry, I didn't realize it until rightnow, but no. I can't picture a thing from that night. Not a goddamn thing.'
'Watch that kid shoot,' Harry said, asthey stood by the high chain-link fence that surrounded the basketball court.'The little one with the Knicks shirt.'
The teenager, smaller and quicker thananyone else in the game, obliged by sinking an off-balance jump shot fromtwenty feet.
'Nice call,' Maura said.
They watched for a few more minutes andthen headed down Manhattan Avenue toward Central Park.
'You sure you want to walk all the way tothe restaurant?' Harry asked.
'I know it's hard to believe, but before Idid my half gainer with a full twist down those stairs, I was a fairly decentrunner.'
'We walk.'
Harry shared details of his own ongoingstruggle to stay in shape.
'You know, you're being very patient notgrilling me about that doctor from the hospital,' she said.
'We can talk about it later.'
'I feel terrible, but I really can'tremember what he looked like. I haven't thought about the hospital much, mostlybecause I didn't want to. Now I want to, but it's like. . like my brain isSwiss cheese. Some things, some conversations are crystal clear. Others. .?'
'Just out of curiosity, do you rememberyour brother's friend, Lonnie? He was in the room that night. His nickname isthe Dweeb.'
'He's black, right?'
'Exactly,' Harry said excitedly. 'Do youremember what he was wearing? What he did that night?'
'He had a hat on. A cap. .'
'Good. That's right. What else?'
She gazed up at a building, then shook herhead sadly.
'Nothing. I'm sorry, Harry. I really am.It's like trying to remember who sat next to me in the third grade. I know Iwas there, and I can pull up some hazy pictures, even the dress my teacher usedto wear. But no real detail.'
Harry recalled how quickly she had noticedJennifer's pin and Dickinson's hairpiece, how rapidly she had reacted duringthe Dweeb's role-playing scenarios. The specialized area of her cerebral cortexresponsible for awareness had been functioning well that night — perhaps evenmore sharply than usual. But her ability to file information, or at least toretrieve it, had clearly been damaged — badly damaged, it appeared.
'It's not surprising, I suppose,' he said,hoping his concern and disappointment weren't too obvious. 'The concussion, thesurgery, the alcohol, the withdrawal, the medications — considering all that, Ithink you've done pretty damn well.'
'I'm sorry,' she said again. 'I'll keeptrying. If something comes back to me, you'll be the first to know.'
'Thanks. Hey, enough. I call for a changein the subject. Let's talk about art.'
'And war heroes.'
Over the years, in most social situations,Harry seldom carried the conversation.
'So,' she said when he had finished,'who's
'I'm getting one,' he said too quickly.
She stopped, took his arms, and turned himtoward her. Concern shadowed her face.
Harry had no idea how long he stared intoher emerald eyes before he responded.
'With all that's going on, I won't saywhen. But I promise.'
The light changed. They crossed Columbusand were half a block from Central Park when she said, 'I think you should knowthat my performance this evening notwithstanding, I have a steel-trap memoryfor things that people promise me. And I can be an incredible nag when I wantto be.'
'I have a feeling you can be an incredibleanything when you want to be.'
Harry was totally surprised to hear thewords spoken in his voice.
'That's a nice thing to say, Harry,' sheresponded. 'Especially considering that at this point, you've known me longerin the DTs than out.'
'Tell me, what tipped you over the edge?'
'You mean drinking?'
She laughed.
'You think there has to be some tragedy,some horrid, dark event in my past that sent me reeling into the bottle?'
'I … um … I guess that's what Iassumed, yes.'
'Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you.There's certainly a lot in my past that I wish had never happened. But nosingle cataclysmic tragedy. In fact, if anything, alcohol was a godsend — atleast for a while.'
Maura talked of her upbringing bywell-to-do parents — her summers at riding camps, her years in boarding school,and finally her abbreviated enrollment at Sarah Lawrence. By then, rebellionagainst her parents' lifestyle and hypocrisy had opened a gap between them thatwould never be bridged.
'Eventually, my. . my father sufferedsome big financial reverses and my mother left him. He died in a car crash.. somewhere outside of Los Angeles — far from sober, in case you were wondering… A woman in the car with him was also killed.'
When she spoke of her father, Harrynoticed a striking change in her expression and her voice. The muscles aroundher jaw tightened. Her speech became strained and halting. An opaque shadeseemed to descend over her eyes — a protective membrane, shielding herfeelings.
'What about your mother?' he asked,anxious to help her off the subject.
'Mother's still alive. But neither Tom norI ever hear from her except every other Christmas or so. I doubt she's sobervery often either. Probably because my parents never even spoke of suchmatters, for as long as I can remember I've been acutely sensitive to things inthe world that were tragic or unjust.'
She told of spending several years tryingto write the great American novel, including two years on a Navajo reservationin Arizona. But her writing lacked fire, and her experiences with the Navajosand others who were poor and oppressed only seemed to heighten her sense ofimpotence. It was as if the harder she struggled to have her life make sense,the less it did.
'One day, not so much for answers as fortherapy, I dusted off my paint box and stretched a few canvases. I had takensome lessons in high school, but never got into it. This time, from the verybeginning, painting felt right to me. I wasn't bad either, but nobody seemed tonotice my work. Then a wonderful thing happened to me — Southern Comfort. I discoveredthat drinking freed something up inside me — or maybe smoothed the rough edgesoff. I don't know. But I do know that the more I drank, the better I painted.'
'Or at least
'No. You may not want to believe it, but Ireally
'You never got treatment from an alcoholcounselor or tried AA?'
'For what? There were always reasons Idrank — relationships that were in the dumper, injustices, bad reviews,professional snubs. I saw a therapist for a while. She said I just had anartist's temperament and passion. And besides, I always sincerely believed Icould quit whenever I wanted to. Now, after what's happened to me, I'm not sosure.'
'That's a start.
'Realizing that you may not be able toquit any time you want to. .'
The restaurant Harry had recommended wason Ninety-third near Lexington. They entered Central Park at Ninety-seventh. Itwas eight-forty-five, but there was a fair amount of lingering daylight. Theytook a paved footpath down to the reservoir. The air was warm and still, thewater mirror-smooth.
'I really love this city,' Harry said.'Especially the park.'
'Do you often walk through here at night?'
The walkway around the reservoir, as faras they could see through the gathering dusk, was deserted.
'This isn't what I would consider nightyet, but the answer is yes. I don't tempt fate by bushwhacking, but the roadsare safe enough here.' He skimmed a small stone across the water. 'Ta da.Thirteen skips. A new world record.'
'How come I only counted eight?'
'I can see I'm going to have trouble withyou.'
Enjoying the quiet comfort they were feelingwith one another, they headed up a wooded path toward the road. The lastvestiges of daylight had given way to evening.
'Listen, Harry,' she said. 'I've beenthinking, and I want to propose a deal. You think I should be going to analcohol counselor or AA. I think you should be seeing a heart specialist tohave that pain of yours checked out. The deal is this: you agree to face up toyour problem, and I'll agree to face up to mine.'
'I already promised you I'd do it.'
'I'm talking about soon. If you want, I'llgo to one of those meetings tomorrow.'
'Believe me, it's not angina I've beenhaving. I
'Deal or not?'
They stopped and looked at one another. Harryswallowed at the dryness that had recurred in his throat.
'Deal,' he said. 'Provided you agree notto take a drink of any sort of booze without calling me first and giving me achance to dissuade you.'
'Deal.' Her smile was warm and hopeful.Then suddenly, her expression changed. Her eyes widened. 'Harry!' she cried,staring over his shoulder.
'Not a word, neither of you!' the manbehind Harry growled.
Harry recognized the voice immediately. Itbelonged to the larger of the two men from Desiree's apartment. Harry startedto turn, but the thug, several inches taller, locked an arm under his neck andthrust a gun into his ribs. Maura instinctively whirled to run and collidedwith the man's partner, who had come charging down the path from the road,cutting off any attempt to escape in that direction. The spot they had chosenwas totally hidden from the road above and from the reservoir below. Mauracried out as the shorter, stocky one grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm highbehind her back. Then he forced her off the path and up the hillside into thedense woods. Harry's captor shoved him rudely after her.
'No sucker punches this time, asshole,' hesnarled.
Harry tripped on a thick tree root, butthe giant's grip across his neck kept him from falling. After twenty yards, theunderbrush and steepness of the hill made it impossible to continue. It wasmuch darker than it had been on the path.
'Okay, down on your knees, both of you,'the taller man ordered.
He dropped Harry with a sharp kick to theback of the knee. Maura, her hand bent up nearly to the back of her neck, waspowerless to resist.
'Nice body,' the thug said as he forcedher, face down, on to the ground. 'Real nice.' He kneeled on the small of herback.
'Shut up and just do what you have to do,'the other rasped.
'Leave her alone,' Harry pleaded. 'She'sno threat to anyone. She doesn't remember a thing. Nothing. You've got tobelieve me.'
'Shut up, dammit!'
Something solid — the man's fist or therevolver butt, padded somehow — slammed down on a spot just behind Harry'sright ear. Pain and a searing white light burst through his head. He pitchedforward and landed heavily, air exploding from his lungs.
'No! Please don-!'
Through a semiconscious haze, Harry heardMaura cry out. Then suddenly her words were cut off, replaced by a dreadfulgurgling. He could feel her kicking, her feet flailing desperately against theground beside his face. He lifted his head. His vision was blurred, but throughthe darkness he could see the man with the cinder-block build straddling Maurafrom behind, his beefy hands tight around her throat, pulling her head up as hestrangled her, bowing her back.
'No!' Harry cried, his voice only a harsh,impotent whisper. 'No, don't!'
He struggled to push himself up, but thebehemoth standing beside him drove him back down with a foot between hisshoulder blades.
Suddenly, the man on top of Maura grunted,pitched forward and to one side, then toppled like a stuffed toy down the hilltoward the reservoir. At virtually the same instant, the taller man cried outin pain and spun to the ground clutching his right arm. Instinctively, herolled over twice and scrambled for cover behind a large oak. Harry's head wasclearing rapidly, but he still could not figure out what was going on. Then hesaw the man's gun lying six feet away. He crawled unsteadily toward it,expecting the giant to beat him there. Instead, the man, still holding his arm,lurched to his feet and stumbled off through the brush.
Harry snatched up the revolver and thencrawled to where Maura lay. She was face down and very still, but she wasbreathing. He turned her over gently and cradled her head in his free hand.
'Maura, it's okay,' he whispered into herear. 'It's Harry. You're all right.'
His senses keyed, his finger tight on thetrigger of the revolver, he peered into the darkness, straining to see movementor a silhouette. The noise of his assailant's escape faded, replaced by asilence as dense as the darkness in the grove.
Harry checked the carotid pulses on bothsides of Maura's neck. They were bounding and sharp. His own pulse wasbludgeoning the inside of his head. Maura's eyes were open now, and she wassobbing softly. Harry continued scanning the woods. He set the gun on his legand caressed the side of her face.
'He was strangling me,' she said, tryingto clear the hoarseness from her throat. 'I couldn't breathe.'
'I know. Easy does it. You're okay now.'
'Wh-what happened?'
'I'm not sure. I think both men were shot,but I didn't hear any gunfire. Are you all right?'
'As soon as I stop shaking I will be. Ithappened so fast.'
'They work for that doctor you saw. Ithink they wanted to kill you and leave me alive, trying to convince the policethat I didn't do it.'
He helped her sit up, but continued tosupport her with an arm around her shoulder.
'Is someone out there?' she whispered,gesturing toward the darkness.
Again they listened. Again there was onlysilence. Holding the revolver loosely, he helped her to her feet. The throbbingin his head persisted, along with some dizziness. A mild concussion, hedecided. Nothing more. He touched the bruise behind his ear and winced from thepain. But there was virtually no swelling — no support for his story that theyhad been mugged. The two thugs knew what they were doing. Professionals. Butsomeone out here had beaten them both.
He and Maura helped one another down thesteep slope. The path, dark but still somewhat lighter than the woods, wasempty. Harry again rested his finger on the trigger of the revolver as theysearched slowly along the treeline.
'I was certain the bastard fell this way,'Harry said.
'Maybe he was just wounded, like the otherone.'
'He didn't roll that way, but maybe.'
'I'm not sure I like it here in the parkanymore,' she said.
'I think leaving may not be such a badidea myself.'
At that moment, she pointed at the base ofa tree several feet up the slope. An arm protruded from behind it, the limphand dangling palm up. They swung a wide arc and then approached the tree fromabove. The man who had so nearly strangled Maura to death was wedged againstthe trunk. He wore dark jeans and a black turtleneck. The side of his face waspressed into the damp soil. His visible eye was wide open, staring sightlesslyup the hill.
'Here,' Harry said, pointing to a spot inthe upper middle of the man's back. 'Look.'
Maura bent down and could just discern thedime-sized hole and expanding disc of blood.
'What should we do?' she asked.
Harry felt the man's jeans for a wallet,but knew there would be none.
'I didn't hear any gunshot,' he saidagain. 'Did you?'
'No, but I was busy listening to thepearly gates creaking open.'
'I think whoever shot these guys had asilencer.'
'Professional killers use silencers.Maura, I think we should get the hell out of here.'
Maura rubbed at her neck.
'I'm with you,' she said.
The discovery of a man shot to death inCentral Park made the late-night news and the morning papers. Police locatedthe body at ten P.M. following an anonymous phone tip from a male caller. The victimcarried no wallet and as yet had not been identified. Preliminary impressionwas robbery, but police were not ruling out the possibility that the shootingwas an execution.
Harry entered the hospital for morningrounds, his thoughts in their now-usual state of disarray. The mysterysurrounding Evie's death remained as murky as ever. And now other unansweredquestions had darkened the picture even more. Who had been down there on thepath in Central Park, silenced revolver in hand, ready and quite able to kill?Could the arrival of their savior have possibly been a coincidence? Was he someanticrime vigilante? No explanation made much sense.
A few things, very few, seemed apparent.Harry remained convinced that his life was not in jeopardy — he was being keptaround to deflect responsibility for Evie's murder. Maura's continued survivalwas not nearly so assured, though. Maybe Albert Dickinson gave her eyewitnessaccount no credence whatsoever, but clearly the murderer did.
Throughout the night she had said littleof her ordeal. But Harry shuddered at the thought of what it must have beenlike for her, a killer's hands tightening around her throat, her spine bowednear the breaking point.
After leaving the park, the two of themhad gone to Harry's apartment. Maura's place, they decided, was simply toovulnerable. And although Rocky, the night doorman, was hardly the sort ofprotection that would put one's mind at ease, he was better than nothing. Maurawas certain that by filing a formal report supporting her story, her brotherhad already put his future in the department in jeopardy. This time around sheinsisted that he not be involved — at least not in any official capacity. Harrydid not completely agree, but with all she had endured, there was no way he wasgoing to try and change her mind. He reported the Central Park body to 911 froma pay phone. For the time being, Tom Hughes would be left out of it.
Once in the apartment they settled on tothe sofa in the small, oak-paneled den and turned on the television. Maura,physically drained, said little. She sipped herbal tea, nibbled some shortbreadcookies, and stared at the screen. In just over an hour, the first news reportappeared on Channel 2, announcing the homicide near the reservoir in Central Park.
'Okay, Harry,' she said when the briefreport was complete, 'I think I'm ready. Could you please tell me what's goingon?'
'I wish I knew,' he responded.
He told her about the bewildering,depressing discoveries he had made in Evie's Greenwich Village apartment. Hetold her what he remembered of the doctor with the cultured accent, and of thetwo men with him who had then assaulted them in the park. Maura listenedwithout interruption.
'So, it's all about sex,' she said when hehad finished.
'In a way, I guess you could say that,yes. Somewhere in her — what would you call it? research? — Evie apparentlycrossed the wrong person. Whoever it was murdered her — or more likely
'And to eliminating the only eyewitness aswell,' Maura added. 'Harry. . Evie sounds like such a sad, mixed-up soul.'
'Believe me when I tell you she didn'tcome across that way.'
'What about children? Didn't you want themwhen you got married?'
'Oh, very much.'
'But she didn't?'
'She used to say she did, but — notreally. Look, I know it sounds like I should have gotten out of the marriageyears ago, or never gotten into it in the first place. But believe it or not,taken on a day-to-day basis, it really wasn't that bad. We were like a lot ofcouples. We got up, went to work, had a reasonable amount of money, hadfriends, went on an occasional vacation, bought some nice things, made love — at least in the beginning. I took care of my patients, played my music, did myworkouts, jogged through the park. I guess I just didn't look at it all tooclosely.'
'I understand. I think everyone who's in abad marriage is guilty of wearing blinders — sometimes for a long while.' Sheleaned back and closed her eyes. 'There's still plenty of time, Harry.'
'For what?'
She yawned and stretched. 'For whatever…'
Hours later, damp with sweat, Harry awokefrom a dream he had experienced many times before. It was a Nha-trang dream,viewed along the barrel of Harry's gun. Beyond the end of the barrel, a youngVietcong soldier is raising his weapon. His face and expression are indeliblein Harry's mind. Eyes widening in fear, he tries to level his semiautomatic.Harry's gun discharges. The youth's chest burst open like a ripe melon. He ishurled backward into oblivion. Moments later another soldier, even younger thanthe first, steps into view at the end of the barrel. He spots Harry and thewounded man on the ground beside him. He raises his weapon. Harry's gundischarges once again. .
The television flickered across thedarkened room, its volume barely audible. Maura Hughes, covered with a woolenthrow, lay sleeping beside him, her head resting on his lap. Harry clicked offthe set and sat in the near blackness, gently stroking her face and herdownlike new hair. Not once during the entire evening had she made excuses forherself or her life, or tried to rationalize her drinking. Not once had shewhined about the deadly situation into which she had been thrust. She might nothave medals as proof, but in her own way, Maura Hughes was pretty damn heroic.And Harry felt drawn to her in a most powerful way. He shifted his legs. Shemoaned softly, then rolled onto her back and looked up at him.
'Mmmm. Am I keeping you up?' she askeddreamily.
'No. Lately I've spent more nights on thissofa than in bed. Why don't you go on into the guest room and get some realsleep?'
'Is staying out here like this analternative?'
'If you want.'
Heavy-lidded, she smiled up at him, thenrolled back on to her side.
'I want,' she murmured. .
Harry had three patients in the hospital.The first, a four-year-old girl with asthma, was ready for discharge. Harrywrote out detailed instructions for the mother, who was scarcely more than achild herself. But no amount of information or reassurance seemed to be enoughto calm her. Finally, Harry took a business card from his wallet.
'Here, Naomi,' he said, writing on theback of the card. 'This is my home phone number. If there's any problem withKeesha, you don't even have to call the answering service unless I'm not home.But she's going to do fine.'
The teen slipped the card into the pocketof her jeans, then finally accepted the discharge and Harry's efforts by givinghim a hug.
The second patient, an elderly man, had beentransferred back to Harry from a cardiologist following an uneventful three-daystay in the CCU. He was a toothless old gent who had been pleasantly confusedfor as long as Harry had been his doctor, now fifteen or so years. With socialservices and the visiting nurses teaming up on his case, there was a goodchance he'd be back in his own place within the week. He patted Harry on theback, called him Dr. Carson, and told him to keep trying and he would be a verygood doctor some day.
Harry smiled sadly at the thought of howtypical, how utterly humdrum normal, rounds like today's once were. Now, as hemoved through the hospital, he was aware of the stares, and the pointedfingers, and the whispers.
He took the elevator to the fifth floor ofthe Alexander Building. The car was the very same one in which he had riddendown with Mel Wetstone. That time, Evie's killer had been one of the crowdpacked in with them. This time, he was alone.
The final patient he had to see was inAlexander 505 — a thirty-three-year-old architect named Andy Barlow. Barlow hadbeen HIV-positive for two years and was now battling
Andy Barlow, oxygen prongs in place, didnot look as good as Harry would have wished. His color was sallow and somewhatdusky, his lips more purplish than they should have been. He sat propped up atan eighty-degree angle, quietly working to get air into his lungs. Still, hemanaged a smile.
'Hey, Doc,' he said, the words punctuatedwith coughs.
'Hi, yourself.'
Harry pulled up a chair and sat, flippingthrough the pages in Barlow's chart. The reports — blood count, oxygen levels,chemistries, chest film — actually looked better than the patient did. Theywere reason to be at least a little encouraged.
'What's the news?' Barlow asked.
'Well, the returns from these key upstateprecincts say we're winning,' Harry said.
'Tell that to my lungs.'
That bad?'
'Actually not,' Andy said, and paused forbreath. 'My breathing's a bit easier and I'm not coughing nearly as much.' Hecoughed again several times and then laughed at himself. 'As usual, the manspeaketh too soon.'
Harry examined his throat, chest, heart,and abdomen.
'Not bad,' he said, now genuinelyencouraged. 'How's your head?'
Andy shrugged. 'I think being HIV-positivefor a couple of years has helped a bit in getting ready for this, but I'm stillpissed and. . and a little frightened.'
'Me, too,' Harry said.
'I know. And I appreciate your saying it.'
Andy Barlow wasn't the first patient withAIDS Harry had cared for, or even the tenth. Healthy habits, exercise,preventive medications, and aggressive treatment of infections had made asignificant contribution to the quality and quantity of each of their lives.But a number of them had already died. This lung infection marked Barlow'sfirst step on a new road. The questions of whether and when he would developthe full-blown disease had been answered. Now, physician and patient had toreorder their priorities and their expectations. Harry feigned another chestexam until he was fairly certain his own emotions were under control.
'You know,' Andy said, 'don't take thispersonally, but I don't think I fear dying as much as I fear being sick all thetime. I've spent so much time in hospitals with my friends, I just dreadbecoming one of them.'
'I understand. Well, I promise you I'mgoing to do everything I can to get you out of here pronto and to keep you out.And as far as getting sick over and over goes, I know nothing I say can takeaway that worry. Just try to focus on the truth that today is what you have — it'sall that any of us have. The only thing you can do is try to live it to thefullest.'
'Keep reminding me.'
'I will if you want me to. Now listen. Ireally do think the IV Bactrim has turned the tide. Your film's a littlebetter, and so's your blood count.'
'Good, because I'm one of the principledesigners of the renovations on the Claridge Performing Arts Center, and I wantto be at the opening production on the twenty-first.'
'Ten days? Hey, no problem, mon. With mystethoscope tied behind my back, even.'
'You have my word.'
Andy, an IV in his right hand, reached outand grasped Harry's right hand with his left.
Harry squeezed his hand, then turnedquickly and left the room. This was a situation he would never get used to orinured to. And in truth, he never wanted to be.
He returned to the nurse's station andwrote some orders for intensified respiratory therapy on Andy Barlow. Nearby,two nurses were chatting with the unit secretary. He had known each of themcordially for some time, in one case many years. Now, none of the three brokefrom their conversation to acknowledge him. He flagged the new orders and setthe three-ring notebook chart on the secretary's desk.
'Just a few new orders,' he said.
'Thank you, Doctor,' the woman repliedwithout looking over. 'I'll take care of it.'
Harry gave momentary thought to forcing aconfrontation with the group — a plea against being judged prematurely. Hedecided against it. Constitutional guarantees notwithstanding, he knew that inmany minds he was guilty until proven otherwise. As long as his situationremained unresolved, there would be coolness and distance and silence. Andthere wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.
He trotted down to the first floor and outof the hospital. The morning was cloudless and warm, and with twenty minutesbefore his first office patient he could actually walk slowly enough toappreciate it. He wondered how Maura was doing. By the time he had left forwork, the reality of her situation had begun to sink in for her. She seemedirritable — deflated and distracted. And although she didn't say so, Harrysensed she was thinking about how much easier everything would be with a drink.They had decided that she would return to her apartment with a friend of hers,pack some things, and move into Harry's place for a few days. Meanwhile, shecould decide about calling her brother. When she did move back to her ownplace, Harry offered to hire a security guard.
'Until when?' she asked.
Harry didn't try arguing with her on thatpoint. Especially since she was right. If someone, particularly a professional,wanted badly enough to kill her, she would have to go into the deepest hiding,or else sooner or later she would be dead. It was that simple.
There was one person seated in the waitingroom of Harry's office when he arrived, a man he had never seen before. Hisface, hollow-eyed and gaunt, spoke of hard times. His black, graying hair wasclose-cut, and there was nervous tension about him that Harry could almostfeel. He had on faded jeans, worn sneakers, and a navy-blue windbreaker with aYankees logo on one breast. Harry nodded a greeting before heading into MaryTobin's cubicle. The man responded with a thin smile.
'Who's our friend?' Harry whispered,studying the appointment book, which showed a number of cancellations and noname written in this time slot.
'His name is Walter Concepcion. He'sunemployed and has no insurance.'
'What else is new.'
'He's been having headaches.'
'Who referred him?'
'Believe it or not, he says he read aboutyou in the papers.'
'Doctor suspected of murdering his wife — what better recommendation could any patient want?'
'Well,' Mary said, 'you've never turnedany patient away that I could remember, so I took the liberty of having himfill out a registration sheet and questionnaire.'
'Fine. It doesn't exactly look like we'regoing to get buried in an avalanche of appointments.'
'Oh, we'll be all right. Tell me, though.How're you doing?'
'I go to bed confused, I wake upconfused,' he said instead.
'That doesn't make you any different fromthe rest of us,' Mary said, smiling. 'You just hang in there an' the answerswill come.'
She looked as strained and tired as he hadever seen her. Yet here she was with anxious callers to assuage, cancellationsto accept without comment, reporters to fend off, and she was concerned withhow
He picked up the clipboard with the healthquestionnaire his new patient had filled out. Walter Concepcion was forty-five,with no phone, a next-of-kin — his brother in Los Angeles, and an address inSpanish Harlem. As Mary had warned, he had no health insurance. But he did listan occupation —
'I was a licensed PI,' Concepcion explainedin response to Harry's question. 'But I got in a little trouble a few yearsback and they pulled my ticket.' His New York accent, without a hint of Latino,suggested he was U.S. born. 'Next March I'm eligible to get it back. I still dosome jobs for people, but under the table, if you know what I mean.'
The tension Harry had sensed in thewaiting room was physically apparent in an intermittent tic of the muscles onthe right side of Concepcion's face, and in his fingers, which seemed to be inalmost constant motion.
'The trouble you got into,' Harry said.'Drugs?'
Without hesitation, Concepcion nodded.'Cocaine. Crack, actually. I thought I could handle it.'
'No one can.'
'You got that right. I been clean foralmost three years now, though. No drugs, no booze, no wine. Nothing. Not thatI deserve a medal or anything, but I've gotten my act back together.'
'Well, Mr. Concepcion, I have about twentyminutes before my next patient is due,' Harry said. 'Headaches are among thehardest symptoms to diagnose correctly, but I'll do my best. You may have tocome back another time or two.'
That's okay with me, Doc, as long as I canstretch out my payments. I'm not broke, but I do have to balance who gets what,if you now what I mean.'
'No problem,' Harry said. 'Why don't yougo on down to room two on the left. I'll take a brief history and examine youthere.'
Concepcion rose and left the room just asHarry's private line began ringing.
The private line, direct to the backoffice, enabled Harry to make calls without tying up an office line. It also ensuredthat emergency calls from the hospital wouldn't encounter a busy signal.
'Dr. Corbett,' he said, flipping through asmall stack of mail, mostly junk, that Mary had left on his desk.
'I am very upset with you, Doctor,' thefamiliar, slightly accented voice said. 'Very upset.'
Harry tensed. Even if he could somehowalert Mary, there was no extension to this line at the front desk.
'Who are you?' he demanded.
'The man you trapped and killed somercilessly last night meant a great deal to me.'
The words were spoken without emotion.
'Listen, I didn't trap anyone. Your goonstried to kill us. I'm not sorry someone saved our lives. But I have no idea whodid it.'
'I think you're lying, Dr. Corbett. Iblame myself for not considering that you might have arranged to have yourselffollowed. But I think you'll see that it was an unfortunate, foolish thing foryou to do. Very unfortunate and very foolish.'
'Who are you? Why are you doing this? Whydid you kill Evie?'
'You have become a great inconvenience tome, Dr. Corbett,' the soft voice went on. 'And I intend to do something aboutit. It would make things much easier for any number of people if you would justfind some clever, painless way to take your own life.'
'Go to hell.'
'Dead or in prison for life. I am afraidthose are now the only options available to you. If you don't wish to killyourself now, I promise you will before I am through. The man you arranged tohave gunned down last night was a close associate of mine. He will be avenged.'
'Why can't you just leave us alone? I haveno idea who you are, and neither does Maura Hughes. She doesn't remember onething from her time in the hospital. Nothing.'
'Ah, would that I could believe that. Now,then, we come back to the dual issue of your punishment and your suicide — bothof which I consider essential. To show you how serious I am about this, I havechosen that young gentleman you were speaking to not so long ago. Barlow isit?'
'You bastard! Don't you touch him!'
'A nice enough fellow, it seems, but mostunfortunate in having you for his physician.'
'Consider your options, Dr. Corbett. IVmorphine is totally painless. Any number of sleeping pills would do the trickfor you as well. So would carbon monoxide. Falling from a great height wouldprovide a wonderful rush I would think, and would only hurt for a moment. Abullet upward through the palate would probably hurt even less.'
'Please,' Harry begged. 'Please give metime. Give me time to decide.'
'Oh, you have all the time you want.'
'Thank you. Thank you very much.'
'But I'm afraid Mr. Barlow has no time atall. Good day, Doctor.'
'Nooo!' Harry bellowed as the dial toneintervened. 'Damn you, no!'
Harry looked up at that moment andrealized that Walter Concepcion was standing just outside his door.
'I … I just wanted to know if I shouldget changed,' he said, embarrassed.
Mary Tobin, responding to Harry's shout,came rushing past him and into the office.
'Call Alexander Five,' he ordered. 'Tellthem to get someone into room five-oh-five now. Andrew Barlow. Roomfive-oh-five. I'm on my way over.'
'Yes, Doctor,' Mary Tobin said.
'Mr. Concepcion, you'll have to come backanother time.'
Without waiting for a response, Harrybolted past the bewildered man, out of the office, and across the sunlit street.It was six blocks to the Manhattan Medical Center.
In this part of the city, people were notthat surprised to see a man dressed in loafers and a suit sprinting along thesidewalk, dodging pedestrians. Harry felt as if he was running throughmolasses. The morning was already nearing eighty and quite humid. Passersbymoved aside and a few turned to watch. But most of them were looking past Harryto see who was chasing him. Harry knew he had a faster gear, but with the chestpain still unresolved, he was reluctant to use it. As it was, he felt somesharp jabs inside his left chest. And he wondered, with each block, when thedebilitating, bandlike discomfort was going to take hold.
By the time he reached the hospital, hewas carrying his suit coat and using one sleeve to mop sweat off his face. Hedashed through the main doors, anticipating that the overhead page would becalling out a Code 99 on Alexander 5. There was no such announcement, nor hadthe pager hooked to his belt gone off. The lobby was crowded as usual. Out ofdeference to the hospital and the patients, Harry slowed to a rapid walk downthe main corridor to the Alexander Building cutoff. At certain times of theday, taking the elevator might have been faster than the stairs. But Harrynever gave it a thought. Grateful for his regular workouts on the track, hetook the stairs two at a time. Again, there was some discomfort in his chest,but nothing major, nothing that definitely said cardiac. Muscular orgastrointestinal, Harry decided, filing the conclusion away.
The Code 99 cart was parked outside thedoorway to room 505. Harry cursed out loud as he hurried toward it. He was justa few feet away when he realized that the cover had not been removed from thecart. The two nurses who had so blatantly snubbed him just an hour ago werestanding nearby, chatting. They looked over at him, and he could feel as muchas see their disdain. 'What's going on?' he asked.
Harry stepped past them and into the room.Steve Josephson, stethoscope in place, was standing on the far side of the bed,hunched over Andy Barlow, examining his chest and back. The young architect,with his oxygen running almost wide open at six liters a minute, looked aboutthe same to Harry as he had on rounds — sick but in no mortal distress.
'Stuff at both lung bases,' Josephsonmuttered to himself. He glanced up and noticed Harry. 'Hey, there you are,' hesaid. 'I was on the floor finishing rounds when the nurses grabbed me.Apparently your office nurse called and said there was an emergency with Mr.Barlow, here.'
Harry approached the bed, aware that acluster of people — nurses, the ward secretary, and a couple of residents — were now filling the doorway. He knew that no matter what he said, hiscredibility, already greatly diminished around the hospital, would soon beextinct. He had been set up by a maniac, and quite masterfully at that.
'I got a call on the private line in myoffice,' Harry said, in a near whisper that he hoped would not be audible tothe gallery. 'The man on the phone implied that' — he looked at his patient andmeasured his words carefully — 'that he might be planning to harm Andrew, here,in some way.'
'But why?' Barlow asked, the question nearlylost in a spasm of coughing.
Harry turned to the crowd.
'Look, could someone please close thedoor?' he asked.
No one in the group moved. Harry stalkedover to do it himself. The head nurse, Corinne Donnelly, stepped inside.
'I'll allow you to close the door,' shesaid. 'But I intend to stay and hear exactly what explanation you have to offerfor this.'
Donnelly, about Harry's age, had once senta close friend to him for medical care. Now, she eyed him challengingly, almostbegging for a confrontation.
'Come on in,' Harry said wearily.
The nurse nodded people away from the doorand then closed it behind her. Steve Josephson rested his considerable bulkagainst the wall. Harry turned to his patient.
'Andy, we haven't spoken about this, but Iassume you know about my wife's death and some of the newspaper and TV reportsabout me.'
'I do. I didn't believe them.'
The two sentences again sent Barlow into aracking cough. Harry wondered what this scene was costing him in stamina.
'You're right not to believe the papers,'Harry said. 'I didn't do anything to harm my wife. But whoever did administerthat lethal injection is very angry with me — I. . I'm not sure I know why.Apparently he's decided to hurt me by threatening my patients.'
Steve Josephson said, 'You mean thatbecause this guy has some sort of grudge against you, he's killed Evie, and nowwants to hurt your patients?'
'I think there are other reasons he killedEvie. I think he was threatened by some research she was doing. But as far asAndy goes, the answer is yes. I know it sounds crazy, Steve, but — '
'It doesn't
Harry looked down at his patient.
'Whatever you have to say, you can sayright here.'
'Okay, have it your way, Doctor. I intendto call the nursing director right now and ask her to speak with both Dr.Erdman and Dr. Lord immediately. I don't believe your story one bit — aboutyour wife or about this mystery caller. I don't know what's going on, what'swrong with you, but I do know that recently you've changed drastically. Maybeit's some sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome — something to do with thewar. Or maybe it has to do with your wife and Dr. Sidonis. Whatever it is, youneed to get help before anyone else gets hurt. And for everyone's sake, youshould voluntarily take yourself off the admitting staff of this hospital untilthe truth comes out. This young man has enough problems without being put injeopardy by his own physician.'
Harry looked over at his longtime friend.Josephson shifted uncomfortably and stared down at the floor. In the prolongedsilence, they could hear some scraping from the other side of the door. Thestaff was still there, undoubtedly pressing in to hear what was going on.Corinne Donnelly moved to put a stop to the eavesdropping, but Harry motionedfor her to stay put.
'That's okay,' he said. 'Mrs. Donnelly,you're right. I need to do whatever I can to keep my patients from beingendangered by this. . this sadistic lunatic. But there's no reason tobelieve that taking myself off the staff will accomplish that. Closing mypractice would be like admitting that I've done something wrong, and I haven't.I'm sorry, but I intend to stay on and see this thing through.'
'Not if I have anything to say about it,'the nurse snapped.
She turned and stalked from the room,nearly colliding with the assembly pressed against the door.
'Harry, I'm behind you one hundredpercent,' Josephson said. 'Just let me know if there's anything I can do. I'llsee you later, Mr. Barlow. I hope you know that you couldn't have a betterdoc.'
Josephson shook hands with Andy, thenpatted Harry on the arm and left, closing the door behind him.
'Looks like we've both got some toughtimes ahead of us,' Barlow said.
His breathing was more labored than it hadbeen. Harry could see that he was exhausted and desperately in need of rest.Stress was dangerous for a man in Andy's condition. Harry felt at once angryand impotent. He was being manipulated like a puppet by a madman who thrived oninflicting pain.
'Andy, I'm sorry,' he said.
'Hey, what can you do?'
'I'll call here later on to check onthings if it's okay with you.'
'Thanks. . Hey, Doc?'
The young man with newly diagnosed AIDSreached out for the second time that morning and took Harry's hand.
'Everything's going to be all right,' hesaid.
'Yeah, I know it will.'
Harry turned and hurried from the room,nearly colliding in the hall with a bronze-skinned man dressed in surgicalscrubs, carrying the metal basket of the intravenous service.
'Oh, excuse me, please,' the man said, ina dense Indian accent.
Harry muttered that it was no problem.Aware that backs had turned and all activity had gone freeze-frame as soon ashe neared the nurse's station, he left the floor as quickly as possible. Onceback at his office, he would call Doug Atwater at Manhattan Health to begindrumming up support should Corinne Donnelly or anyone else try to have himremoved from the staff. A call to Mel Wetstone might be in order as well.
As he headed back down the stairs, Harryfound himself wondering what might have happened if, instead of shooting thetwo men in Central Park, the unseen gunman had captured them and turned themover to the police. Maybe the whole nightmare would have been over by now.Instead, Evie's killer had decided that Harry would pay for that shooting.
He entered the main corridor, againsensing the stares and whispers.
Five floors above, the male nurse from theintravenous service strolled unnoticed into room 505 and readied his equipmentby the bedside. He wore the headdress and beard of a Sikh. Andrew Barlowglanced up at him sleepily.
'Everything okay?' Andy asked.
'Oh, yes, everything is fine, just fine,'the man said in staccato English. He peered down at Andrew's IV site throughtortoiseshell glasses. 'Just a routine check. No needles. No new IV.'
'Oh, good.'
Andrew smiled weakly and drifted off.
The nurse, whose MMC name tag identifiedhim as Sanjay Samar, R.N., checked the bag of glucose and the plastic infusiontubing. Then he injected a small amount of liquid through the rubber port.
'Just to clear line,' he said softly.
'Mm-hm,' Andrew murmured without openinghis eyes.
Sanjay was putting his metal basket backin order when he noticed a patch of white skin just inside his elbow. In thefuture, he thought, when he used that particular skin dye, he would have to bemore careful. He left the room and walked purposefully to the stairway that wasfarthest from the nurse's station. His expression was all business, but beneathhis spectacles and his dark brown contact lenses, his pale blue eyes weresparkling.
'All right, Doc, let's start all overagain.'
'From where?'
'From the fucking beginning, that's fromwhere.'
Albert Dickinson, his rumpled shirt indesperate need of dry cleaning, stubbed out one Pall Mall as he prepared tolight another. The ashtray was full-to-overflowing. The small interrogationroom reeked of years of tobacco, stale coffee, and body odor. Harry shifteduncomfortably in the slat-back wooden chair and wondered if he should back offon saying anything else without calling Mel Wetstone. But the truth was he haddone nothing wrong. And aside from his intimate involvement in last night'sCentral Park murder, he had nothing to hide. Still, his troubles were piling uprapidly. And now a young man he cared very much for was dead.
Approximately twenty minutes after Harryleft room 505, a nurse's aide found Andrew Barlow lying peacefully in bedwithout any pulse or respirations. A brief attempt at resuscitation by thenurses and residents was called off because of fixed, dilated pupils and anabsolutely straight-line EKG. Although morning was the busiest, most hectictime of day in the hospital, with any number of technicians, physicians,students, maintenance people, aides, transportation workers, and nurses comingand going, none of the staff on Alexander 5 recalled seeing anyone enter orleave Barlow's room after Harry.
After receiving the news, Harry canceledwhat few patients he had left to see and returned, numb and dreamlike, to thehospital. Andy Barlow lay on his back in the semidarkness, a sheet drawn up tohis chin. His face already reflected the early mottling of death. Harry wantedto scream, to bellow like the wounded animal he was. He wanted to destroy theroom, to rip attachments from the wall, to snatch up a chair and hurl itthrough the plate glass window. Instead, he sat alone by the bedside, AndyBarlow's hand in his, and wept.
Before he left the floor, he placed threephone calls. The first was to inform Owen Erdman that he would be calling backlater that day to set up an appointment as soon as possible. The second callwas to Andy's family, and the third was to Albert Dickinson.
'If you think being the one to notify metakes you off my list,' Dickinson said now, 'you're crazy.' He thought for amoment and then added. 'But that's just the point, isn't it.'
'That you're crazy.'
Dickinson could not charge him with anycrime until an autopsy proved that Andy had died of something other thannatural causes. But even a negative autopsy would leave unanswered questions.After all, the young architect was officially listed by the hospital as beingin guarded condition, and the nurses to whom Dickinson had spoken testifiedthat Harry's false alarm had doubtless added immeasurable stress to an alreadydifficult situation.
'It wasn't a false alarm,' Harry said,with exaggerated patience. 'My office manager heard the call.'
'Correction, sir. She heard the phone
'Well, there was a patient of mine there,too. Standing in the hall right outside my door. He heard some of theconversation. Some of my half of it, anyway.'
'Well, I guess that convinces me.'
'Don't be snide.'
'Then don't keep throwing ridiculousstories at me like I'm some sort of fucking retard.'
'The man's name was Concepcion. WalterConcepcion.
Harry reviewed the little he had learnedabout his new patient — former private detective, now unemployed, recoveringcrack cocaine addict, chronic headaches, nervous tic. Just the sort ofcorroborating witness Dickinson would expect him to come up with — one thatwould fit in nicely alongside DT-ing alcoholic Maura Hughes. Bookends.
'Get me this Walter whatsizname's addressand I'll speak to him,' Dickinson said.
'Listen,' Harry responded, 'just tell meone thing. What would I have to gain by faking such a phone call? Why would Ido it?'
'Let me think. . Why would you fake aphone call from the man you say killed your wife, announcing that now he hasdecided for no particular reason to knock off some poor faggot who was going todie anyway? Gee, beats me.'
'I didn't kill my wife. I didn't make upthe phone call. Are you done with me?'
You know, it could be this guy just diedof heart failure or something,' Dickinson went on, loosening his tie. 'I mean,if I was lying there in guarded condition with AIDS and pneumonia and my doctorcame bursting into my room screaming that someone was trying to kill me, Imight just croak, too.'
Harry sighed.
'Look, Lieutenant. I called you and toldyou about Andy's death. I waited around while you and your man questionedeveryone on the floor. I came down here to the station without calling alawyer. I've sat here for an hour and a half answering questions that I'veanswered two or three times already. I've listened to your insults and yourinnuendos and your accusations, and I haven't given you a hard time in any way.Right at this moment, I'm feeling incredibly bad about what happened to AndyBarlow. I really liked him, and I was working like hell to get him through hispneumonia. I think he was murdered by the same man who murdered Evie. But thatman wasn't me. If you have any questions I haven't heard before, ask them.Otherwise, I want to go home.'
'If that autopsy's positive, you're myman,' Dickinson said.
'And if it's negative, you're still myman.'
'That's your problem.'
Dickinson moved to stub out ahalf-finished Pall Mall, realized what he was doing, and instead flicked theash in Harry's general direction before taking another drag. Harry took hissuit coat from the back of his chair and headed for the door.
'You haven't arrested me for Evie's murderbecause you couldn't find a DA who thought you had a good enough case. Andthey're right, I didn't do it.'
'Tell that to the grand jury, Doc. I'vegot a week's pay says they're about to come down on you like a ton of bricks.'
'You know how to find me,' Harry said.
It was after three when Harry returned tohis office. The waiting room was empty. Behind the glass of the reception area,Mary Tobin looked forlorn.
'We had already canceled and rescheduledMrs. Gonsalves and the Silverman kids once before today,' she said. 'DoraGonsalves was okay about it, but Mrs. Silverman was upset. She called just afew minutes ago to ask that her family's records be sent over to Dr. Lorello.'
'Marv's a good guy. He'll take good careof them.'
'You're not upset?'
'Of course I'm upset, Mary. But what am Isupposed to do?'
'I don't know. Oh, Lord, I'm sorry, Dr. C.I guess this is all starting to get to me.'
'Me, too.'
'It's terrible about Andy Barlow.'
Harry crumpled a blank intake form andclenched his fist around it.
'The bastard who killed him is going topay,' he said. 'I swear he is.' He threw the balled paper at the waste-basketand missed by two feet. 'I had to call Andy's folks at Delaware and tell them.I hate that part of the job anytime, but I hate having to do it over the phonethe most.'
Mary stood up and embraced her boss. Herfamily had seen more than its share of tragedy over the years, and she knew howto comfort and console. There was a special warmth in her wide girth thatreminded Harry of his own mother before her recurrent strokes and weight lossof seventy or eighty pounds. He prolonged the hug for a few extra seconds.
'I'm afraid I have another piece of badnews,' she said as he drew away. 'Sara quit.'
Harry felt himself sink. His nursepractitioner had been part of the office for over four years. She was bright,anxious to learn, and quite willing to handle most medical problems the way hewould have. His patients loved her, and she actually generated a bit more moneyfor the office than her salary. He glanced down the hall, but could tell thather office was dark.
'What happened?' he asked.
'All this stuff has been really getting toher. I think her husband's been putting pressure on her, too. She went homesick today, but she said she'll finish the week — two if you really want.'
'One will be okay,' Harry said,distracted. 'I'll talk to her tomorrow.'
'Next week. Wednesday, I think. He triedexplaining to me what he overheard from your end of that call from. . fromthat man. I think he was embarrassed and upset about not just turning aroundand walking away.'
'I'm actually glad he didn't. Do we haveany phone number for him?'
'We do. He didn't put one on hisquestionnaire, but he left one later. I think the phone's in the hallway of arooming house of some kind.'
'Copy it and his address for me, will youplease? I might try and get in touch with him.'
At that moment, the private line in theback office began ringing. Harry tensed.
'Quick, Mary,' he said, whisperingalthough there was no one around to hear, 'follow me in case it's him.'
They hurried down the hall to the office.He motioned her to a spot where they could share the receiver. The phone was inits fourth ring when he snatched it up.
'Dr. Corbett,' he said.
'Harry, hey, I'm glad I found you. It'sDoug.'
Harry covered the mouthpiece.
'It's Doug Atwater,' he said, obviouslydisappointed. 'The killer hasn't made any mistakes yet. I guess it was wishfulthinking, expecting him to make one now.' He waited until Mary had left, thentook his hand off the mouthpiece. 'Hi, Doug,' he said.
Atwater was just about the only personaffiliated with the hospital that he could deal with hearing from at thispoint.
'Harry, I just got a call from Owenwanting to know if I had heard from you. He told me about that poor guy onAlexander Five. It's terrible. Just terrible. And I know you aren't responsiblein any way.'
'Doug, there's a madman loose in thehospital. He killed Evie, and now he's trying to hurt me any way he can.'
'Owen told me that's what you believe isgoing on.'
'Hey, there's no need to bite my head off.This is the first time you've said a thing to me about any madman in thehospital.'
'Harry, the nursing service has beenbugging Owen that you were supposed to have called and taken yourself off thestaff. Is that so?'
'No, it's not. Doug, I've spent twentyyears establishing myself as a doctor. I'm not going to just chuck it now.Besides, if I don't hang in there and fight, they're never going to find theguy who's doing this. As things stand, finding him is my only chance.'
'You coming in to talk with Owen aboutthis?' Atwater asked.
'Yes. I was going to do it a couple ofhours ago, but I've been tied up with one of the detectives. Oh, you know theguy — Dickinson, that same one from when Evie died.'
'Oh, no. That guy's an idiot. Does hethink you're responsible for this man's death, too?'
'Of course.'
'Oh, shit, Harry. I'm sorry. Listen, isthere anything I can do?'
'I wish there were.'
'You don't have any idea who's doing thisto you?'
'Not a clue.'
There was an uncomfortable silence.
'You know, Harry,' Atwater said finally,'maybe you
'You don't believe me either, do you. Ican tell from your tone of voice.'
'Harry, you've got to be reasonable. Thereare other sides to this thing.'
'Thanks for calling, Doug. Every singleone of you might vote to throw me out, but I'm not quitting.'
Harry set the receiver down withoutwaiting for a reply and sank into his chair. His long-standing friend andpossibly his last ally at the hospital had just bailed out. Atwater lacked theauthority to get him lifted from the staff at the hospital, but he couldsuspend him as a provider for the Manhattan Health HMO. Manhattan Healthpatients probably represented 40 or 50 percent of his practice. Without them,it was doubtful he could stay in business for long.
Mary Tobin returned to his office doorwayand announced that she had done as much as she could and was leaving for theday to run some errands. Harry thanked her, told her with too little convictionnot to worry, and watched as she left the office. Tomorrow he would share thenews of the body blow that Atwater seemed poised to deliver. He had no desireto heap more worry on her today than he had already.
He scanned his desk and the floor aroundit for any charts that needed dictating. There were none. He dialed Maura'sapartment number and then his own, but got answering machines in both places.
Harry told each machine that he would behome by four. Then he called Owen Erdman and set up yet another appointment todiscuss his future at Manhattan Medical Center. Finally, he straightened hisdesk, set his feet up on one corner, closed his eyes, and tried desperately tothink of something, anything, he could do to cut through the insanity that wassmothering him. The ringing phone nearly startled him out of the chair. Onceagain, it was his private line. He lifted the receiver, but said nothing. Inthe brief silence that followed, Harry knew.
'The autopsy on your patient will benegative,' the unmistakable voice said.
'How do you know?'
'I have access to a neurotoxin so powerfuland so shortlived that by the time it kills, it has already begun disappearingfrom the body. The final metabolism of the poison actually occurs after death.And here we have the temerity to call the Indians in the Amazon basin
Harry could feel the killer's arroganceand enormous ego. Having witnessed the unspeakable consequences of angeringhim, he chose his words carefully.
'What do you want from me?'
'Closure. That's all. Same as before. I'dprefer you did it with a note — ideally with a note admitting to theill-advised administration of — what was it you used? — oh, yes, Aramine. Theill-advised administration of Aramine to your wife. You will at last be atpeace. And I will have my closure.'
'I'm no threat to you at all,' Harrycountered. 'No one is. I can't even get anyone to believe that you exist.'
Harry's thoughts were suddenly racing. Theman was insane, true, but he was also smart. Why was he taking a chance likethis, calling Harry in the office when anyone might overhear his confession?All Harry needed was one reliable ally with firsthand knowledge, just one. Heknew about the private line, and apparently, he also knew there was no wayHarry could signal one of his office staff to pick up an extension. But howcould he know that someone wasn't standing by, listening as Mary Tobin had whenDoug Atwater called? He was bold and arrogant, but he was certainly notcareless.
'Listen, a delivery man just came downfrom one of the upstairs offices,' Harry said. 'I just have to give him apackage. If you have anything further to say to me, stay on. I'll be rightback.'
He set the receiver on his desk andsprinted down the hall to the front door. There was a pay phone on the otherside of the street, two buildings down.
Harry charged from the building into thelate afternoon glare, narrowly avoiding a yellow cab as he raced across thestreet. The half kiosk housing the pay phone was deserted. But it hadn't been.The receiver dangled down, swinging to and fro like a pendulum. The white handkerchiefresting on the small metal counter promised that there would be nofingerprints. Harry raced to Fifth Avenue, the nearest corner. Pedestriantraffic was heavy. He scanned the street, searching for someone who looked outof place or interested in him. Nothing. Carla Dejesus, the elderly proprietorof a small variety store, stopped sweeping the sidewalk by her shop and waved.Harry waved back, walked over, and asked if she had seen anyone unusual oranyone running down the street. She had seen no one.
He wanted to scream — to lash out and hitsomething, anything. But his sanity was already in doubt in too many quarters.
'I'm going to find you, you bastard,' hemurmured as he continued straining to see anything out of the ordinary.'Whatever it takes, I'm going to find you.'
He returned to lock up the office. Onimpulse, he tried calling his apartment again. Maura answered on the firstring. It wasn't until he heard her voice that he fully realized how worried hehad been about her.
'Maura, hi, it's Harry,' he said.
'How're you doing, Mr. Doctor?'
Her speech was too fluid, too singsong.His spirits, already low, sunk even further.
'Maura, are you drinking?' he said.
The ensuing pause was answer enough.
'Not enough to matter,' she said flatly.
'Maura, please,' he said, battling to keepboth his fear for her and his anger in check. 'Please stop. Stop now. I needyou. Evie's killer thinks I paid to have someone follow us last night. Hethinks I'm responsible for the death of his man. To pay me back, a few hoursago he killed one of my patients — a thirty-three-year-old guy. He just waltzedinto his room and killed him. Then he called here to boast about it. He …'Harry had to stop speaking to compose himself. Maura said nothing. 'Listen,' hefinally managed. 'You're. . you're the only friend I have right now. I don'teven know what to do. The bastard said he wasn't going to stop hurting me or mypatients until I … until I kill myself
For another ten seconds the line wasquiet.
'Harry, why don't you come on home,' shesaid.
'What are you going to do?'
'Well, for starters, I'm going to take ashower.'
Harry gave a silent prayer of thanks.
'Heavy on the cold,' he said.
Harry had dealt with enough activelydrinking alcoholics to know that no promise — especially the one not to drinkanymore — meant much. He took a cab across town expecting the worst. As far ashe was concerned, Maura had to bear some responsibility for starting up again.But he also believed that she had been discharged prematurely following heroperation at MMC — not necessarily prematurely for her surgery, or even for theDTs, but certainly for her alcoholism. She needed more time in the hospital — someone to develop a workable treatment plan. She would have benefited fromsocial services intervention, some psychotherapy, perhaps a visit or two frompeople from AA, and quite possibly an inpatient stay at an alcoholism unit aswell. Once upon a time, that was the way it had been done. But now, even if herphysician knew this approach would give her the best shot at recovery, herinsurance carrier dictated otherwise.
There were codes in the company's databasefor each and every disease, injury, and condition that anyone might be likelyto have, everything from leprosy to blackwater fever. There were codes that setlimits for hospital stays, procedures, and allowable payments. But there was nocode that took into account the complexity of any individual or his or herreaction to illness — no code named 'Maura Hughes,' or 'Harry Corbett.'
Harry paid off the cabby, thought aboutpicking up another box of candy — she might crave the sugar — then simplyshrugged and crossed the street to his building. He felt beaten and sore. Whatfight remained within him was fueled by rage and frustration. Andy Barlowhadn't wanted to die. In the time he had left he had wanted to design buildingsand go to concerts and be with his friends. If Maura Hughes wanted toself-destruct, to drink until her liver or her stomach or her brain gave out,there really wasn't a damn thing Harry Corbett — or anyone else, for thatmatter — could do about it.
Maura was waiting just inside the door tothe apartment. There was an overnight bag at her feet.
'I've decided to go home,' she said.
Harry felt a spark of anger.
'Why?' he asked. 'Because you drank? Orbecause you want to drink some more?'
'Both, probably. Harry, let's not debateit, okay? I'm just not any good to either of us, and I don't see where a fewmore drinks is going to make a bit of difference.'
'Well, it will.'
Harry wanted to shout at her. To remindher in the harshest terms that she had control of things. Andy Barlow did not.Instead, he took a calming breath and held her by the arms. Her eyes were stillclear and focused. She had almost certainly not had any more to drink sincethey spoke on the phone. There was still a slim chance to stop it right there.
'Let's go in and talk,' he said. 'Just fora while.'
'Harry, please. I'm not playing any headgames with you. I'm not wallowing in self-pity, and I'm not trying to get youto beg me not to drink.'
'I didn't think you were. Listen, we'rejust having a lousy time of it — both of us. I know you feel bad about notremembering what that bastard looked like. I wish you could remember, too. Butif you can't, you can't. It really isn't that important. What is important isthat you're the only one who absolutely knows the truth about me and Evie. I'mcounting on you to help keep me from coming unglued. And I think I can do thesame for you. Now please, just come on back inside.'
For a few silent seconds, she stared up athim.
'Anybody ever tell you that you look likeGene Hackman?' she said finally.
Harry was shaken. Then he noticed themischief in her eyes.
'Well,' he said, 'now that you mention it. .'
They sat on the sofa in the den, drinkingcoffee and trying to make sense of the events that were battering their lives.They had made very little when, an hour later, Harry's pager summoned him tocall his answering service. Maura had agreed that she was not handling heralcoholism very effectively, but did not agree that she needed a couple ofweeks or more as an inpatient at a rehab — especially not with Harry footingthe bill, as he had offered to do.
'Anything else,' she said. 'Anything butthe lockup.'
Harry suggested she might speak withMurphy Oates, the piano player in the house band at C.C.'s Cellar. Oates, oncea serious drunk and heroin addict, had been clean and sober for over a decade,though he rarely spoke about it.
'I'll be happy to speak with your friend,'Maura bargained. 'And whatever he tells me to do, I'll do … except get putaway in some nut ward.'
'He's probably at the club,' Harry said.
'It doesn't open for another couple ofhours, but there'll be some musicians there, playing or just hanging out. Thisis actually the time I like it there the most. It's dark and quiet and. .well, sort of like a womb. You know, I just remembered that Andy Barlow oncecame in there to hear me play. .'
Harry's thoughts again entered thedarkened hospital room on Alexander 5 and locked on the thin face staringlifelessly at the ceiling. From the moment he had heard Maura's thick speech onthe phone, he had been holding on by the thinnest of threads. Now, he felt thatthread snap, and himself begin to slide down a sheer glass wall.
'. . The lunatic admitted it, Maura,' hesaid, pacing across the room and back. 'He just called up and admitted killingAndy like. . like he was admitting he stole the morning paper off my frontstoop. And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Not one goddamnthing. What am I supposed to do? I'm like a toy for him. Jump, Harry. Rollover. Play dead. How am I ever going to stop this? Who's next?'
'Harry, let's go,' Maura said suddenly,taking his hand. 'Let's get out of here right now. The club might do you somegood, too.'
'I don't know,' he said. 'Listen, let mefind out what this page is all about. Then we can decide what we want to do.'
Harry dialed his answering service. He wasn'ton for his coverage group, so the call had to be something they couldn't dealwith. The answering service operator, usually chatty and ebullient, soundedformal and cool. Apparently, she had joined the ranks of those certain thatHarry was guilty of murdering his wife. It seemed as if word about him wasspreading like toxic fog.
'Dr. Corbett, you got a call from a Mr.Walter Concepcion,' she said, making no effort to pronounce the name theSpanish way. 'He said that he's a patient of yours, but that this isn't amedical problem. He said that no one else but you can help.'
Harry scratched down the number, checkedthat it was the same as the one Mary had given him at the office, and dialed. Awoman answered on the fifth ring.
Over his two decades of medical practiceon the fringe of Spanish Harlem, he had evolved about a second grader's fluencyin the language, although his accent was closer to preschool.
He heard her set the phone down andenvisioned a woman in a print house dress walking to the foot of a flight ofwell-worn oak stairs.
'Mr. Concepcion, it's Dr. Corbett.'
'Oh, hey, thanks for calling back soquickly, Doc,' he said. 'Your office gal told me about what happened after thatcall came in. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. I … I was calling tosee if there might be a time for me to speak with you about it.'
'Actually, I was going to call you.'
He glanced over at Maura and motioned thathe wouldn't be long. He wanted to get to know Walter Concepcion better beforeturning his phone number over to Albert Dickinson. He also wanted to preparethe man for the sort of degrading grilling he could expect from the detective.But another thought had occurred to him as well. Concepcion spoke proudly ofhaving kicked a drug and alcohol habit. On external appearances alone he wasn'texactly a ringing endorsement for abstinence. But he was intelligent in astreetwise sort of way, and did seem to take his recovery seriously. If MurphyOates wasn't at the club, Concepcion might be another voice of hope for Maura.
'Would you be free in, say, an hour?'Harry asked, guessing that the one-time detective would probably be free almostany hour.
'Just say where, Doc, and I'll get there.'
Harry hesitated a moment and then gave himthe address of the club.
C.C.'s Cellar was a 120-seathole-in-the-wall on Fifty-sixth Street west of Ninth Avenue. The scarred brickwalls were covered with signed, black-framed photos of jazz greats, many ofwhom had spent their entire lives in obscurity, enmeshed in a vicious cycle ofpoverty, addiction, and pain. C.C., Carl Cataldo, had died years before, andhad left the club to his niece, Jackie. As far as Harry could tell, except fora few more photos on the walls and a state-of-the-art speaker system, not muchhad changed in the place since Carl opened it decades ago.
There were four people in the dimly litmain room when he and Maura arrived. Jackie, expansive in a stained whiteapron, was getting ready behind the bar. A gnarled old janitor who had beenwith the place since day one was sweeping out the small private-party room. Twomusicians, both guitarists, were trading licks on the stage. One of them calledto Harry.
'Hey, Doc, how about comin' up an'knockin' out a little bass line for us.'
'Later, maybe, Billy.'
'Hey, whenever, my man.'
'Any idea where Murphy is?'
The man shook his head and then ran offseveral incredibly melodic bars of 'I Remember You.' Except for expressinggrief about Harry's loss, no one at the club had even hinted by word or mannerthat they were upset by the publicity surrounding him. They trusted his music,they trusted him. It was that simple. And in a city of eight million or so,this was the only spot where he felt truly safe and accepted.
'Go ahead and play if you want to,' Maurasaid, sipping soda water. 'I'll be fine.'
'Thanks, but I don't think so. I thought Imight want to when we left the apartment, but right now I just want to sit withyou and. . Maura, he simply walked past everyone on Alexander Five, intoAndy's room, and then out again. How could he have done that without a singleperson noticing? Not one.'
'How did he just walk into our room thenight he killed Evie? He knows how to move around hospitals. That's all thereis to it. If you were evil enough and set your mind to it, you could do it justas well. There's so much stress and tension in hospitals that I'll bet most peoplewho work there are totally focused on not making mistakes. There are probablytimes when you could march an elephant through the halls and no one wouldnotice. The guy just knows how to do it.'
'I guess.'
'Harry, I wish I could say something tohelp. I really do.'
'You can, dammit. You can say you won'tpick up a drink again.'
Her eyes sparkled at his curtness. It wasthe first time he had spoken to her that sharply.
'I'll try my best,' she said. 'How'sthat?'
'It'll do for now.'
She stared into her glass.
'So,' she said, brightly, 'tell me aboutthis guy who's meeting us here. You said he's a private detective?'
'Was. He got into trouble with booze andcocaine. I don't know what he did to lose his license, but now he's trying toget it back.'
'Well, I think that may be him overthere.'
Walter Concepcion was getting a soda waterfrom Jackie, who nodded towards where they were sitting. He was wearing alightweight plaid sports jacket and looked more businesslike than he had in Harry'soffice. Harry studied him as he approached the table, wondering what sort ofimpression he might make on Albert Dickinson. He moved well enough, and carriedhimself like someone who had once had some athletic ability. But even dressedup, he still looked wasted and chronically ill. Dickinson would never believehis claim that he had been off crack for years. Harry introduced him to Maura.
'Three soda waters on the perfectpitcher-of-beer day,' Concepcion said, motioning to their three drinks. 'Could itbe that I'm not the only one on the wagon?'
Harry was impressed.
'I didn't say a thing,' he said to Maura.'You heard the whole conversation.'
'Harry's just patronizing us,' sheexplained. 'I'm the lush.'
'In that case, here's to us lushes.'
'I like this guy,' Maura said, joining inthe toast.
After five minutes of conversation, Harryknew that his office assessment of the man had been way off. Despite his sallowcomplexion and the persistent tic at the corner of his mouth, Concepcion wasengaging and intelligent. He was born and raised in New York, but had traveledextensively in the service, and then on his own.
He spoke easily and even humorously of hisdrinking days and his virulent addiction to crack cocaine. But the intensity inhis eyes left no doubt that this was serious business to him. At the height ofhis career, he was commanding thousand-dollar-a-day fees and was in continuousdemand. His professional downfall came when he traded his gun to an undercovercop for some crack. At the time, it didn't matter to him — nothing matteredexcept his next fix. But recovery had changed all that.
'I go mostly to NA,' Concepcion toldMaura, when bringing up the subject seemed right. 'You know, NarcoticsAnonymous. But I'll be happy to go with you to an AA meeting if you want. NA,AA, Hershey Bars Anonymous — they're all the same as far as I'm concerned.'
'The sooner the better, I guess,' Maurasaid.
Jackie brought over some pretzels andanother round of sodas. The two guitars had been joined by Hal Jewell, a full-timedrummer who reminded Harry of Buddy Rich, and a sax player named Brisby, whowas a partner in one of the most successful black law firms in the city. Theywere working through a classy ballad in D that Harry had never heard before.Three quarters of an hour had gone by, and between the music and the pleasantsurprise that was Walter Concepcion, he had managed to smooth off a bit of theragged pain he was feeling.
The ballad was captivating, especiallywith the acoustics of the near-empty room. They listened in silence untilBrisby's last, melancholy note had faded away. Then Concepcion cleared histhroat and turned to Harry.
'Dr. Corbett, I … um. . there'ssomething I need to tell you. I do have headaches like I told you in the office- bad ones that no one's been able to help me with. But that was only one ofthe reasons I came to see you.'
'I hope you're not angry about this. Ifyou are, I guess I'd understand.'
'Go on.'
'I was going to tell you at the office,but you got that phone call and ran out before I could. Doc, I read about youin the papers. In fact, I've read absolutely everything I could get my hands onabout what happened to you and your wife at the hospital. I've been satisfiedby it. I even talked to a friend's sister who's a nurse there. She … ah …told me about the argument you had with that surgeon, what's his name?'
Harry momentarily debated ending theconversation right there. But over the past hour Concepcion had come across asanything but a head case. And there was nothing threatening or obsessive in histone or expression now.
'Sidonis,' he said. 'Caspar Sidonis.'
'Yeah, him. I — ' He looked down at hishands. 'I even know about you, Maura, assuming you're the Maura from Mrs.Corbett's room. Not that much, really. But enough to know that not too manypeople at the hospital believe you.'
'Walter, maybe you'd better get to thepoint,' Harry said.
'The point is, I need work. I know I don'tlook it, but I'm good at what I used to do. Damn good. You claim you didn't killyour wife. Maura claims someone else was in the room after you. I want to helpfigure out who that person was. If I help, you pay me. If I don't, you're onlyout expense money.'
Harry stared across at him. He hadn't oncethought about trying to hire someone to help him out. The idea certainly hadmerit, he acknowledged now. But Walter Concepcion hardly seemed the idealchoice. He felt a sympathetic pang as he pictured the man in his rooming house,rummaging through his small closet for his best clothes in hopes of landing ajob.
I don't know,' he said.
'Walter, tell me something,' Maura said.'From what you've read, what do you think about all this?'
Concepcion rubbed thoughtfully at thestubble on his chin.
'Well, we're not talking about a jealoushusband or even an amateur here,' he said. 'That's for sure. We're dealing witha psychopathic, sociopathic professional killer — a man without a conscience.So I guess the most important thing I could say is that I don't believe Dr.Corbett fits that profile at all. And therefore I don't believe he did it.'
'You're right there,' Harry said.
'I also don't believe you hired the manwho did.'
'Right again. Walter, I just don't know.'
Harry was drawn to a connection withConcepcion's experience and street smarts, to say nothing of the value ofhaving another hand on board who was committed to proving he wasn't a murderer.But he was reluctant to strike a deal with a man about whom he knew so little.Maura saved him the trouble.
'It's a deal,' she said.
'Harry, you want to say yes and you knowit. We're dead in the water. We don't have even the glimmer of an idea of whatto do next. Walter can help us. I feel it in my bones.'
'I really think I can, Dr. Corbett.'
Harry took another fifteen seconds, purelyfor appearances.
'If you're going to be working for me, youmight as well call me Harry,' he said.
'You won't regret this,' Concepcion said.'I promise.'
He reached over and shook Harry's hand.His fingers were bony and gnarled, but his grip was surprisingly firm.
For the next half hour, Harry went overthe case in detail. Concepcion listened intently and interrupted from time totime to clarify a point.
'This technician who took thefingerprints, has he heard anything at all?'. . 'Did you suspect your wife washaving an affair at any time?'. . 'The two names you found in her addressbook, have you learned anything about them?'. . 'Do you have any idea whoyour wife worked for?'
By the time Harry finished, they had beenat the club for over two hours. The first few customers had started to stragglein.
'Well, what do you think?' he asked.
Concepcion twisted the small gold band hewore on the middle finger of his right hand.
'I think we've got to do what we can tofind out who this Desiree was working for. That's where I'm going to start.'
'Good luck,' Harry said, genuinelyimpressed with the logic of the idea. 'What can we do in the meantime?'
'We need to get at that face Maura haslocked away somewhere in her brain.'
'You mean by hypnosis?'
'It's a thought.'
Harry rubbed at his eyes.
'Maura, I feel really stupid for notsuggesting that.'
You've had a few things on your mind,' shesaid. 'Listen, Harry. I'll try anything. Maybe we can throw in a few extrabucks and whoever hypnotizes me can convince my subconscious that SouthernComfort tastes like borscht or Diet Dr Pepper or something. Do you know anyonewho might do it?'
'Actually, I do,' Harry said. 'I knowsomeone quite well. His name's Pavel Nemec. You may have heard of him as TheHungarian.'
'The court of last resort for smokers,' Mauraexclaimed. 'I've heard there's a waiting time of six months to see him.'
'I took care of his son once. I have hishome number back at the apartment. If it's humanly possible, he'll see ustomorrow.'
Concepcion whistled.
'You must have done something prettyspecial for his kid.'
'Not really,' Harry murmured. 'But Pavelthinks I did.' He turned to Concepcion. 'Okay then, Walter, we're in business.'
'Um, almost.' Concepcion looked at himwarily. 'I'm going to need some money for my expenses, and some more to buyinformation when I need to. Don't worry, I'll keep an accounting and receipts.'
'Just how much are we talking about here?'
'For expenses, maybe five hundred.'
'And for the other, the information?'
'I dunno. Maybe a thousand.'
'Fifteen hundred dollars!' Harryexclaimed. 'I thought you said no results, no pay.'
'I told you, Harry, I'm a professional. Iknow what it takes to get information. How much do you think that guy got paidto kill your wife?'
'Okay, okay. Point made. Stop by my officetomorrow morning and I'll have the cash for you.'
'Great. You won't regret this.'
'You said that fifteen hundred dollarsago.'
Concepcion stood and shook hands with eachof them.
'Maura, we'll hit a meeting tomorrow orthe next day. I promise.'
'Great. I'm ready for it.'
He turned to go, and then turned back.
'Oh, Harry?'
'What now?'
'If you've got it, I could really use asmall advance on that expense money.'
Harry handed over a twenty, then another.
'Why do I feel like I just swam into awhirlpool?' he said.
Concepcion just grinned in his engagingway and headed off.
'Have I been had?' Harry asked.
Maura shook her head.
'Hardly. You've been leading too sheltereda life,' she said. 'Everybody's got to eat. I trust him. Besides, he's alreadycome up with two good ideas we didn't.'
'I would have thought of the hypnotist,'Harry grumbled.
Impatient for The Roundtable to convene,Kevin Loomis lay facedown on the king-size bed in his room at the GarfieldSuites. It had been a week since he learned that Evelyn DellaRosa had beenmurdered. Any number of times over those days, he had considered trying totrack down Sir Gawaine to see if the man agreed she was Desiree. But if he wasdiscovered by anyone in the group probing into the identity of a fellow knight,it would probably be over for him. For the moment, his plan was to keep hismouth shut on the matter and hope that Gawaine brought it up.
The young beauty who called herself Kellyknelt astride Kevin's buttocks, kneading the tension from the muscles in hislower back. Her silk Oriental dress — red this night and adorned with gold lame- lay over the chair, alongside her black lace panties. Kevin watched herreflection in the mirror across the room, her high, firm breasts, her small,dark nipples, the perfect curves of her hips and ass.
'Is Kelly your real name?' he asked.
Her saw her smile in the mirror and feltfoolish knowing he was hardly the first to ask that question.
'If you wish it to be, it is,' she repliedsoftly, patiently.
Kevin closed his eyes and found himselffeeling vaguely queasy. Massaging him was this most gorgeous woman, ready, ifhe should wish it, to take him inside her in the most intimate ways imaginable,yet forbidden to share even her first name with him. Was
'I'm going to take a shower,' he said,rolling over.
Kelly bent down and kissed his cock, whichimmediately started to harden.
'You want me to come with you?'
'No,' he said, too sharply.
'Filet medium rare,' she said. 'Iremember.'
As soon as Kevin entered the StuyvesantSuite, he made eye contact with Gawaine. From the man's dress and manner,Loomis had always believed he had a prep school and possibly even Ivy Leaguebackground. Tonight, his smooth manner seemed frayed, his smile a little tense.
The seven high-backed chairs circling thetable were set about four feet apart. Tristram's gold nameplate had been placedin its customary spot between Kay and Lancelot. Gawaine moved his seat, whichwas almost opposite Kevin's.
Kevin caught his eye, nodded a greeting,then approached.
'How're you doing?' he asked.
Can't complain,' Gawaine said.
'Lancelot's sent me a Chinese girl thistime. Eleven on a scale of ten, he calls her. He might be right. I think he'strying to make up for that Desiree fiasco.'
'Yeah, probably.'
Gawaine smiled uncomfortably and pulledout his chair.
Before Kevin could test him again, themeeting was convened by Merlin.
Galahad's financial report showed that thegroup's contributions had put their operating capital back over the agreed-upon$600,000. Kevin had no idea how that baseline figure was arrived at, or, forthat matter, how any of their rules had been adopted. No minutes were everkept, no record of votes, no paperwork of any kind. But everyone seemed to knowexactly where projects stood and what was expected of each of them.
Kay spoke first, reporting on one of threemajor new programs that would be discussed tonight. He sounded quite eager toreport that the votes were now in place to pass legislation permittingcompanies to run genetic panels on all prospective employees. First formalpsychological exams and profiles, then AIDS screening, and now, finally,genetic testing. They all knew that the total package might not do one trulypositive thing for the companies involved. But it would save those companies'health-insurance carriers tens if not hundreds of millions.
'There'll be the usual court challenges,'Kay explained. 'But I think we have control of this one. I would guess it'll bea year before it's enacted, challenged, and upheld — maybe a bit longer if thelabor unions latch onto any half-decent lawyers. But we
'The quicker the better,' Lancelot said.'As far as I'm concerned, we ought to make genetic screening a requirement forentering
There was laughter from around the table.Loomis faked his and noted that Gawaine's smile looked perfunctory.
Kay received a round of appreciative pentaps for his work. Percivale clapped out loud.
If nobody else mentioned Desiree, hedecided, he was not going to be the one to break the ice.
Gawaine was called upon next to give thegroup an update on their newest endeavor — legislation that would enable thehealth insurers to decide what treatment was appropriate and not appropriatefor patients with terminal illnesses. Kevin continued to watch him closely,noting how he shuffled papers and fidgeted with a pencil as he spoke. SirButtondown was uncharacteristically nervous. No doubt about it.
'Please note,' Gawaine said, 'that I referto patients with terminal illnesses rather than terminally ill patients. Oncewe are allowed to define what illnesses can be considered terminal, we plan toturn our attention to determining when the treatment for those conditions is nolonger cost effective. We need the right to cut off coverage for those patientswho are taking up costly hospital beds and specialist care when there isultimately no hope for them. Of course, the sooner in that process we can stepin, the better. The legislative climate is excellent right now. Tristram hasbrought the commissioner back into the fold, so he won't be a problem. We'vebeen nibbling at this thing for years, convincing the legislators and thepublic that since we're footing the bills, we should make the treatmentdecisions. Now it appears that we are ready to take a much bigger bite.Lancelot, do you want to go on to your part?'
Lancelot set his half-smoked cigar asideand cleared his throat. He never actually lit up a cigar during a Roundtablesession, but he was rarely without his prop. He gave Gawaine a puckish grin andan A-okay sign. Tristram noted that Gawaine barely responded.
'The neat part of this program,' Lancelotexplained, 'is a network of facilities we are calling palliative centers — PCs.These are the places where patients we determine to be terminally ill can besent for inexpensive, barebones care. The ultimate hospice — something on thecontinuum after a hospital and a nursing home, but much less expensive to runthan either. No treatments, no IVs, no therapy of any kind. Pain medicationonly, administered around the clock in a totally humane way. And the best partis that we are moving ahead with designing these PCs and even setting up thecorporations that will eventually run them. In some cases, we're actuallypurchasing the facilities that will one day house them.'
There was half an hour of discussion onthe palliative centers, and then Merlin took over.
'This has been a hell of a meeting,' hecheered. 'A hell of a meeting. Well, I'm pleased to say that the news from myfront is good, too. We've implemented the employment modification program on alimited basis, and tonight I'm prepared to present the results and projectednumbers on the first ten cases. The policyholder in each of these cases hasbeen terminated from employment. Some have found new employment with companiesdoing business with insurers other than Roundtable members. Others continue asallowed by law to pay their premiums themselves for eighteen months. Still othersnow qualify for Medicaid. But in most of these cases, we're already out of theloop as their insurers. Off the hook, so to speak.'
Loomis could not remember anything calledthe employment modification program. Apparently, Merlin was using The Roundtable'smoney and influence to arrange the firing of costly policyholders. If so, itwas the first time that specific individuals had been targeted by the group. Hescanned his copy of the printout Merlin had passed around. At the top was theheading 'Qualifications' — the factors used by the computer to select cases.Below that were ten names, and beside each of them was an insurance carrier, adiagnosis, and a dollar amount. The smallest amount was $200,000, the largest$1.7 million. The fourth of the ten names was a Crown Health and Casualtysubscriber.
4. DeSenza, Elizabeth Ryan Crown
Head Injury
Kevin stared at the name, struggling tokeep his expression bland. Beth DeSenza was a production line worker at a largegarment factory just outside the city. Her son, Ryan, had suffered a freakcardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage after being hit in the chest with abaseball. Thanks to her company's comprehensive insurance coverage, Ryan was a patientin the most highly regarded — and most expensive — brain injury rehabilitationhospital in the area. Kevin had engineered the coverage agreement with herunion. Beth was the only policyholder in all his years with Crown who had takenthe trouble to find out his name and to write and thank him for his role inproviding care for her child. She included a picture of Ryan before theaccident, bat poised, smiling self-consciously from beneath a baseball cap thatseemed two sizes too big.
Nancy had taken the note and had it mattedand framed. Now, Beth's coverage for her son, at least at the level provided byCrown, was over. The individual-policy premium was extremely expensive — almostcertainly too expensive for her to continue the coverage even for the periodallowed by state law. Tristram felt ill.
'. . From early indications,' Merlin wassaying, 'provided the program is not overutilized, once we get up to speed ourcompanies can realize a comfortable ongoing saving of three to six milliondollars a month. Not exactly a bonanza, but hardly chicken feed.'
There were appreciative pen taps fromaround the table.
'I was just wondering why the companiesholding the policies weren't consulted about these individuals before they wereterminated.'
There was a deathly silence in the room.
'Tristram, I don't believe I understandwhat you mean,' Merlin said finally.
His tone and expression werenonjudgmental, yet Kevin felt his pulse pounding in his ears. Everything seemedto be happening in freeze-frame. The six faces fixed on him were like those ina wax museum — imbued with expression, but not with life.
Then suddenly, his gaze was drawn tomovement. Gawaine, sitting across from him, was shaking his head ever soslightly. His eyes, locked on Kevin's, blazed. Loomis watched his lips move andheard the unspoken word as if it had been shouted into his ear.
With the others focused on him, Loomisfelt certain he was the only one who had picked up on the warning.
'I … um. . I'm sorry,' he said. 'WhatI meant to ask was why you hadn't checked with each of us for more names.'
'Ah, I see,' Merlin responded. 'Thank youfor clarifying that. I did misunderstand.'
'Perhaps I can answer your question,Tristram,' Kay said, 'since I designed the program to select the clients. Thedecisions, purely business, are made by computer to keep them as rational anddispassionate as possible. As you can see from the list of factors considered,a great deal of data is evaluated before a selection is made. Each time,thousands upon thousands of policyholders are screened. This process would bevirtually impossible for any of us to do on a regular basis, and certainly notwith the accuracy of a computer.'
The knights' attention had shifted to Kay,except for Gawaine, whose gaze remained fixed on Kevin. His face was tight andwaxen. The unspoken warning continued flashing from his eyes.
'I understand,' Tristram said, forcing asmile. 'I understand completely.'
The Roundtable meeting concluded withoutfurther incident. The knights left the Stuyvesant Suite in the inverse order oftheir arrival. Kevin considered trying to waylay Gawaine and demand anexplanation. But he did not know the man's room number, and the danger ofdiscovery in hanging too close to the meeting room was too great. Instead, hereturned to his own room, his feelings roiling.
Kelly, wearing only her panties, lay onthe bed watching a movie, eating grapes left over from dinner. She seemedcompletely at ease.
Kevin tossed her dress across her lap.
Go,' he said.
'But you have me until morning.'
He took a fifty from his wallet and set itin her hand.
'I won't tell anyone and I don't want youto. Just be careful leaving. I'll see you next time.'
Kelly tossed the dress aside, stood on hertiptoes and kissed him hungrily. He cupped her breast in his hand. Her nippleinstantly swelled to his touch. Her smooth, lean body melted into his.
'I want you,' she whispered.
For a frozen minute his thoughts were onlyof her. He had not yet given in and made love with her. But he knew he wasdrawing closer with every moment they were together. Perhaps that was what hereally needed, he began thinking. Not to face the demons that were suddenlytormenting him, but to escape them.
'I want you,' she moaned again. Still onher tiptoes, she took his swollen cock and worked it between her thighs. 'Iwant you inside me so much.'
He took her by the shoulders and forcedher to arm's length. She was part of them — an extension of The Roundtable. Oneof the shadow names. The piece she was about to take from him would bind himeven more tightly to the society. Perhaps she was even to be rewarded forgetting him to fuck her.
'Get out,' he snapped. 'Right now.'
The hurt on her face seemed genuine. Kevinalmost laughed out loud at her skill. She dropped her dress on over her headand turned to allow him to zip it up.
'Next time?' she asked.
'We'll see. Now please, go.'
Kevin waited several seconds after thedoor had locked behind her and then splashed an inch of bourbon into a tumblerand gulped it down. Until he had read Beth DeSenza's name on Merlin's printout,none of The Roundtable's programs had ever presented even the slightest moraldilemma for him. But they were programs that largely involved laws and thepeople who made them. The insurance commissioner was a pompous, politicallymotivated bastard — fair game in Kevin's view. The corporate sabotage madeperfect sense given the dog-eat-dog climate of the insurance business. But thiswas different. This was a flesh and blood person. He could handle standing backbehind the lines, lobbing shells down on the enemy. But this was hand-to-handcombat. And suddenly, the enemy had eyes.
Kevin was in over his head. He knew itnow. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it — except to adjust. Theprice of a ticket on this ride was a twelve-room house and a secure future forhimself and his family. He had paid the fare. Now he had no choice but to hangon and make the best of it. The next time Kelly asked, he would be ready for.. whatever.
He had poured another two fingers when thephone began ringing.
'Tristram,' he said.
'It's Gawaine,' the knight whispered. 'Canyou talk?'
'Yes, I'm alone.'
'You sent your girl home?'
'Jesus. You are asking for trouble. Mine'sin the other room.'
'What's going on? Why did you stop me atthe meeting?'
'I know your name. Do you know mine?'
'It's Stallings. Jim Stallings. I'm a vicepresident with the Manhattan offices of Interstate Health Care.'
Kevin knew the gargantuan managed carecompany well. He had once interviewed for a sales job with them.
'Go on,' he said.
'Loomis, we've got to talk. Tomorrow, noonsharp. Can you make it?'
'I can, but — '
'Battery Park. The benches on the Hudsonside. Just be damn sure you're not followed.'
'But — '
'Please, Loomis. Wait until tomorrow atnoon, and be careful.'
'One thing,' Kevin said quickly. 'Did yousee the picture of that woman DellaRosa?'
'Of course I did.'
'And do you think it's Desiree?'
'I never had any doubt about it. It was
Kevin listened to the dial tone forseveral seconds. Then he set the receiver down and walked to the window.Fourteen stories below, scant early-morning traffic flowed in slow motion alonglargely deserted streets. A cab pulled up and stopped directly beneath hiswindow. A woman wearing a tight iridescent red dress hurried out and climbedinside. The lady without a name.
The cab rolled to the corner and thenturned uptown. Kevin sensed that he had seen the girl, stroked her magnificent,taut body, for the last time. He glanced at his watch. Eleven hours. Elevenhours until Battery Park.
At three-thirty in the morning, Maura gaveup trying to sleep and tiptoed from the small guest room to the den. Throughhis partially open door, she could see Harry asleep in the master bedroom. Fora time after they returned from C.C.'s Cellar, she thought he might ask her tojoin him there. He liked her. That seemed clear. But there were reasons — plenty of them — why he would want to keep some distance between them. Keyamong them was that she had given into her frustration and her demons and hadbeen drinking that afternoon.
It was just as well, she thought. Shewasn't ready for an emotional entanglement any more than he was. Still, shecouldn't remember the last time a man's looks had turned her on so. And moreimportant, he was one of the kindest, most decent men she had ever met. Itwould have been nice just to curl up in his arms for a night and let the chipsfall where they may.
She turned on the den light and ran herfinger over the volumes in the bookcase, searching for something light — verylight. Then again, she thought, perhaps heavy would be better. She pulled out athin paperback of poems by Lord Byron.
She scanned the shelves once more andfinally settled on a coffee-table book on Ireland. In six hours she and Harrywere scheduled to meet with Pavel Nemec. Maura desperately wanted the sessionto work out. Connecting with the face that was locked in her subconscious wouldjust about balance her humiliation at having fallen off the wagon. She hadnever been hypnotized before and had no idea whether being sleepless for theentire preceding night would be a plus or a minus. On the other hand, if thelegendary Hungarian was as incredible as his reputation, it probably didn'tmatter.
As Harry had predicted, the moment Nemecheard his request, a time slot had been cleared out for them.
'Exactly what
'Ricard? Nothing, really. I just did aroutine physical for music camp,' he said. 'He plays the French horn.'
'And I found a little lump that I didn'tlike beneath one arm.'
'Hodgkin's disease, actually. Thank God itwas in an early stage. It's been about six years now, so he's considered acure.'
He said it all so matter-of-factly, likeshe might talk about mixing paints. But Maura knew about school physicals andcamp physicals and such. She had had enough of them to know that most doctorsdid nothing but listen to your heart. But Harry hadn't dealt with Pavel Nemec'sson in such a cursory way. Harry had been. . Harry.
Maura reflected on what he had told her ofthe drama swirling around him at the hospital — the call from his friendAtwater asking him to remove himself from the staff; the hearing that was beingarranged to decide whether or not he would be allowed to continue to practicethere.
Harry Corbett didn't deserve that sort oftreatment, she thought angrily. She brushed her fingers across her feathery newhair and along the still-sensitive margins of her craniotomy scar. He alsodidn't deserve the treatment
'No more,' she muttered, knowing that shehad failed to honor the same pledge many times before. 'That's it, lady. Notone more drop.'
She flipped through a few pages of Irishcountryside and felt her eyelids grow heavy. She wondered what it would feellike to be hypnotized — if it would feel like anything at all. O'Brien's Toweratop the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare blurred, then faded.
The aroma of brewing coffee worked its wayinto her consciousness. She opened her eyes a slit.
Pale morning light filtered into the denfrom between buildings. Harry sat on the easy chair beside the sofa. He wasdressed in gray sweats with a towel draped around his neck, and had obviouslyjust finished a workout. His dark hair glistened with sweat, and the color inhis cheeks made his rugged good looks just that much more appealing.
Maura reached over dreamily and squeezedhis hand.
'What time is it?' she said.
'After seven. We still have a while if youwant to doze off again. I'm just being selfish by waking you up like this.'
'Then I'll be even more selfish and stayawake.'
'How do you feel?'
She knew it was the only word he reallywanted to hear.
'You ready to have your brain probed byThe Hungarian?'
'I am. He had just better be set to boldlygo where no man has gone before.'
'He's a wizard — at least that's what I'vebeen told. Hey, listen. Evie's three-hundred-dollar coffee-maker is hard atwork in the kitchen. The first thing she did after the wedding was to give awaymy Mr. Coffee. Hers goes to the gourmet shop by itself, mixes the perfectblend, then grinds, brews, and samples it.'
'With that build-up, I'm all taste buds.'
'How do you take it?'
'After yesterday you have to ask?'
Harry smiled.
'Black it is,' he said.
Maura had never paid a great deal ofattention to her looks. One ex-lover had said that was because she had neverhad to. Today, though, she took a bit more time than usual getting ready — alittle makeup, the enamel earrings Harry liked, and a cotton dress instead ofher trademark jeans.
She felt keyed up at the prospect of whatlay ahead — frightened that the session would be a bust, but almost equallyapprehensive about other possibilities. Over the two and a half years of herdownward spiral she had been a blackout drinker, with little regard for theplaces she went or the company she kept. Now she wondered just how selectivePavel Nemec could be in unlocking her memory. Most of what was hidden away inher subconscious might as well stay right where it was.
Nemec lived and worked at an address onthe Upper East Side. Before going there, she and Harry took a cab to hisoffice, stopping at her place to pick up an artist's sketch pad, some pencils,and some pastels, and at his bank to withdraw fifteen hundred dollars.
'I've canceled another half day at theoffice and gotten someone to make rounds on my patients in the hospital,' hetold her. 'Most of my practice is pretty loyal, I think. But I'm reallybeginning to put some of them to the test.'
She nodded sympathetically. 'This is theday,' she said. 'This is the day it all begins to turn around. Trust me. Hey,speaking of turning around, turn this way a bit. I want to try something.'
He did as she asked, and in less than twoblocks she had sketched a passable likeness of him. By the time they reachedthe office, the drawing was quite good.
'That's amazing,' he said.
'I can do better. But at least this tellsme I can do it at all. It's been a while. I actually once spent a summer inItaly doing sketches and caricatures for the tourists on the Piazza Navona.'
Walter Concepcion was already in thewaiting room, chatting with the woman behind the reception desk, whom Mauralearned was Mary Tobin. Maura was glad to see him again. Today he wore a blackT-shirt, and she noticed that his arms were sinewy and more muscular than shewould have expected. He had a tattoo over his left deltoid, artfully done, of askull with a serpent slithering out of one eye.
'They called from Dr. Erdman's office atthe hospital,' Mary said. 'The meeting is scheduled for ten tomorrow morning inthe conference room next to his office.'
Harry sighed.
'I guess you'll have to call my morningappointments and cancel them again.'
'I already did.'
'This is getting ridiculous. You know,maybe we should just close up shop for a while.'
The older woman's eyes flashed.
'You do,' she said, 'and I'm gonna find meone of those bamboo canes. You know, the ones that take flesh off with thesecond stroke. .'
'Okay, okay. We'll see what happenstomorrow.'
'Fine. I called your attorney to tell himthe time. He wants you to call him later today, but he said he'll be there.'
'At three hundred fifty an hour, whyshouldn't he be?'
'Nothing, Mary. Nothing. I'm just in myirritable idiot mode is all. It never lasts long.'
'Thank goodness,' she said.
Harry handed Concepcion the money in anenvelope. It was clear to Maura that Harry still had doubts about the man. Butshe had absolutely none. Walter had already given them a place to start — thefirst steps of a counterattack.
'Okay, we're in business,' Concepcionsaid, pocketing the envelope. 'And don't worry, Harry. Every dollar of thiswill be accounted for on paper — receipts and all. I actually think we got offto a running start last night. After I got home I called about forty escortservices. My line to them was that a woman named Desiree had given me the nightof my life when I was last in town six months ago. Unfortunately for me, afriend had made the arrangements, and I had no way of getting hold of him forthe name of the escort service. Money was no problem, but only if it was forDesiree. Three of the services made it sound as if they knew her. They saidthey'd try to get in touch with her and I should call back. A fourth one,Elegance, said she wasn't working for them anymore. That's the one I'm homingin on.'
'Why that one?' Maura asked.
'Because the woman I spoke to initiallygave me vague answers about Desiree. She took my number and said I'd be called.About an hour later, a different woman called. She said her name was Page. Ithink she runs the business. We played cat and mouse for a time. I mentionedmoney as often as I could. She denied knowing anyone named Desiree as often asshe could. Finally I told her that I knew Desiree was dead, and I just wantedsome information about her. I offered her five hundred dollars just to talkwith me in person for half an hour. Not one minute more. And she didn't have toanswer any questions about Desiree that she didn't want to. I was sure she wasgoing to say no. But when she said again that she didn't know Desiree, I knew Ihad her. We're meeting tomorrow morning.'
'That sounds promising,' Maura said.
'It sounds like we're about to be takenfor five hundred bucks,' Harry muttered.
'You just hang in there with me, boss,'Walter replied, the tic at the corner of his mouth firing off several times.'You don't seem to know it yet, but what you got here is the detective bargainof the century. Just keep in touch. Maybe we can get together tomorrow nightand compare notes. By the way, Maura, I'll check on an AA meeting for us to goto then if you still want to.'
'I'm ready.
'You have my number at home,' Harry said.'Call anytime if you learn something.' He hesitated and then added, 'Walter,I'm sorry to be giving you a hard time. I'll try not to.'
Concepcion pinched his own forearm.
'Hey, skin as thick as rhino hide, man,'he said. 'Besides, I haven't done anything yet except cost you money. When I doproduce, and I will, I expect you to get off my case.'
He shook hands with them both, waved toMary Tobin, and headed out.
'Come on,' Harry said. 'We can catch a cabon Fifth.'
'Okay,' Maura said, battling a sudden,inexplicable case of nerves, 'let's do it.' She started toward the door andthen turned back. 'Cross your fingers, Mary,' she said. 'We're off to see thewizard.'
The discreet brass placard above the bellread:
P. Nemec Behavior Modification
Pavel Nemec greeted them warmly and servedthem tea and cakes in the oak-paneled Victorian waiting room of his office. Heand Harry spent some time catching up on Nemec's family and on Harry's lifeover the years since they had last spoken. He was in his early sixties, Mauraguessed, graying and very slight, but fit. She found him charming andunpretentious.
Even so, the free-floating anxiety thathad begun to take hold of her in Harry's office intensified. Maura had tried sohard to reconnect with the face of the man in the white clinic coat. But theharder she tried, the flimsier the memories became. Now, she wondered whetherthe DTs, and the surgery, and the drugs had distorted reality so much for herthat the man, in fact, never did exist.
Her hands were shaking ever so slightly.She abandoned trying to hold her teacup and instead sat quietly as Harryexplained their situation. Nemec also listened intently. But midway throughHarry's account, he stood and began pacing slowly behind her chair, pausingtwice to rest his hands gently on her shoulders. Then suddenly he bent down,his lips close to her ear.
'There's nothing to be frightened about,Maurie,' he whispered. 'Nothing.'
Maura was startled.
Harry stopped talking. Maura becameacutely aware of the traffic noises from the street. It was happening, sherealized. No couch, no watch-on-a-chain, no New Age music, no gimmicks at all.Pavel Nemec was at work — right here, right now.
He moved around to face her and placed hisfingertips on her temples. Her face had closed now, but her mind was racing.Images and faces cascaded through her thoughts like a video on rapid search.Faces from her childhood — teachers, playmates, Tom, Mother. . houses androoms, rural scenes and city streets. She connected easily with some of thepictures, not at all with others. . Then suddenly, one scene began repeatingitself over and over. It was her father, a drink sloshing in his hand, turningtowards her. His rheumy eyes were cold with contempt. His words were thick andslurred. Spittle sprayed from his mouth as he railed at her.
'Easy, Maurie,' Nemec said with gentlefirmness. 'He will never, ever speak to you like that again. . He was sick.That's all … You never deserved to be spoken to like that. He just couldn'thelp it.' Nemec cupped his calming hands behind her ears. 'You did your best toplease him. . He hated himself too much to show love for anyone. . Henever thought about what he was doing to you. . You can let it go now, Maura. . You can let it go forever …'
The swirling images began to recede. Mauraknew her eyes were closed, but she could see the mystic in his gray cardigan,pacing in front of her. Her apprehension was gone now — the shroud ofself-loathing that had blanketed her life for so long had lifted, leaving herwith an incredible sense of peace. All those times her father had crushed herpride, belittled her. Even news of his death couldn't kill the terrible seedshe had sown. Throughout her life, each time success was in her grasp, herpathological self-doubt would lead her to find some way to sabotage and destroyit.
Now, finally, she knew that it had neverbeen her. Not once. She never deserved what Arthur Hughes had done to her. And,like Pavel said, he could never hurt her again.
Her eyes still closed, she saw Nemec moveto the table and retrieve her sketch pad and charcoal. Then she felt him set iton her lap.
Harry would later tell her that she hadnever opened her eyes until the detailed sketch was complete. He would describethe eerie way the charcoal in her hand darted over the paper, the disjointedbut absolutely unified process by which the man's face took shape. He wouldtell her about the moment, as she was still shading and shadowing him with hercharcoal stick and finger, when he recognized him.
Maura stretched her arms and worked herneck around. She felt relaxed and refreshed, as if she had just stepped from awarm spa. She knew that she had produced a drawing of the man who had murderedEvie DellaRosa. She also knew that Pavel Nemec had helped her in ways notherapist or counselor ever had. There were flaws in her perception of herself- gaping flaws for which she had never been responsible, flaws that keptdriving her self-destructive behavior, flaws that made her time and again breakthe promises she made to herself.
She opened her eyes and looked down at therendering. Then she drew in the man's clip-on tie and shaded it green with goldaccents. Pavel Nemec was back in his chair, casually sipping tea.
'How'd you do that?' she asked.
He smiled at her kindly and shrugged.
'My encounters with clients are not alwaysthis successful. Some days it is like walking through a dense fog for me. Somedays, like today, I can see with incredible clarity. I believe you've beenwaiting for me for some time, Maura. Possibly years.'
'You did something about my drinking,didn't you?'
'No, but you did. And most forcefully, Imight add.'
She held up the drawing for Harry. Tearsglistened in her eyes.
'I did it,' she said.
'I guess you did. It's amazinglyaccurate.'
'How do you know?'
'Because I saw him. The exact man youdrew. He was right outside your room the whole time I was there, just waitingfor the chance to finish what he had started when he ordered Evie's IV.'
'Outside the room?'
'Buffing the floors, listening to aWalkman — the sort of person you look at over and over without actually seeinghim. The nurses never saw him come on the floor after I left because he didn't.He was already there. He left before I returned.'
'Are you sure?' Maura asked.
Harry studied the drawing for just a fewseconds.
'I've never been more certain of anythingin my life,' he said. 'You two make a hell of a team.'
Maura crossed to the unassuming little manand kissed him on the cheek.
'You don't know the half of it,' she said.
The day was New York City hot. By latemorning, waves of steaming air were rising off the pavement and children wereopening hydrants. Kevin Loomis left his air-conditioned midtown office atten-thirty for a circuitous trip to Battery Park, a waterfront oasis on thesouthernmost tip of the island at the convergence of the Hudson and EastRivers. In response to James Stallings's warning against being followed, he hadcarefully planned every step of the journey.
Earlier that morning, Kevin had endured aforty-five minute meeting of Burt Dreiser's eight-member executive planningstaff. And although nothing unusual happened during the session, he feltconstantly conspicuous and read double meanings into almost everything Dreisersaid or did. By the time he checked out with Brenda Wallace and left for whathe said was a long-scheduled meeting and lunch, he was perspiring for reasonsthat had nothing to do with the weather.
Evelyn DellaRosa had been murdered, andJames Stallings, the other knight who had been with her, was terrified.
Loomis crossed the street against thelight, dodging a succession of infuriated cabbies. He then entered a small customhaberdashery. There were seldom more than one or two customers in the shop at atime, and at this moment, only the proprietor was there. Since joining TheRoundtable, Kevin had become a regular in the place. The fitting area was inback, next to an alley door. Kevin ordered a $150 shirt, allowed himself to bemeasured, and then made an excuse for leaving through the rear exit. Next hetook a cab ride to the East Side and walked several blocks to an IRT station,ducking frequently into doorways to check the street behind him. The BatteryPark stop was at the end of the line. He arrived there with ten minutes tospare.
Still anxious about the possibility ofbeing followed or watched, he strolled casually past a tarmac playground,pausing for a minute against the high, chain-link fence. There were twenty orso children on the swings, climbing bars, riding seesaws, laughing andshrieking with delight. Kevin thought about his own kids and about the lifethey were about to enter — a fabulous home with a bedroom for each of them andland enough for a huge swing set and possibly even a pool someday, a cleansuburban community with top-notch schools, and a limitless future.
Sunlight glared off the water. To thesouth, the Statue of Liberty stood tall against the sweltering heat. Kevinglanced about again and headed north on to the grassy mall. It was exactlynoon. Carrying his suit coat now, he passed half a dozen benches, each oneoccupied. Office workers eating take-out lunches; a bag lady asleep on anewspaper pillow; two young mothers lolling their sleeping infants instrollers; teen lovers nestled together, oblivious to all but one another.
'Loomis. Over here.'
Stallings, also holding his suit coat inhis hand, beckoned to him from the shadow of a century-old maple. His briefcasewas on the ground between his feet. The tension Kevin had picked up in the manat the Roundtable meeting was even more evident today. He glanced aboutnervously and constantly moistened his lips with his tongue.
'You sure you weren't followed?' he asked.
'I'm sure. Who are you worried about?'
'Any of them — Lancelot, Kay, Galahad,Merlin. Or someone they hired. Shit, Loomis, I don't know what to do. I justcan't believe this is happening.'
The man's apprehension was contagious.Without even knowing what was going on, Loomis felt his pulse begin to race.
'Hey, you've got to calm down,' he said.'You want to walk?'
'No. No, this is a good spot. Let's sitdown right here. Keep your back against the tree and a sharp eye out for anyonewho might be paying too much attention to us.'
Dark circles enveloped Stalling's eyes,and his pale skin was covered with a sheen of sweat. He had the look of ahunted animal.
'Lancelot came to see me a couple of daysago,' he began when they had settled on the grass at the base of the tree. 'Hisname's Pat Harper. Do you know him outside The Roundtable?'
'Northeast Life. I played golf with himonce.'. 'Well, he picked me up after work and took me for a ride up intoConnecticut. He drives a Rolls.'
'That fits. I really don't know anythingabout him, except that his cigars made me queasy and he's a much better golferthan I am. For that matter, I don't know anything about any of the knights.'
'Neither do I. The secrecy's on purpose.They really don't care if we find out who they are, but they want it to seemlike a big deal. They're really into this mystique thing.'
'You keep saying "they." Who doyou mean?'
'All of them, even Percivale, I think.They're on one side of the fence. You and I are on the other. For a while Ithought it was only me — that even though you joined after I did, you were oneof them. You always seemed so confident, so tuned into everything that wasgoing on. But listening to the way they grilled you about Desiree, I started tohave the feeling that you were an outsider, too. Then, hearing you last night,I felt almost certain of it.'
'All I can tell you,' Kevin said, 'is thatthe only contact I've had with The Roundtable or the knights has been at ourmeetings. I speak to my boss, of course. He's the one who picked me to succeedhim. But that's all. And we never talk about The Roundtable at work — only onhis boat.'
Stallings gazed out at the river and tooka deep, slow breath. It was as if he was getting set to dive from a cliff.
'Did your boss ever tell you they werekilling people?' he asked suddenly.
Kevin pushed back and stared at the man,half expecting to see a
'Hey, easy does it, Jim,' Kevin said,forcing calm into his voice. 'I'm sure it's not what you think.'
Stallings laughed mirthlessly.
'It's exactly what I think. Lancelotstarted by telling me how pleased everyone was with the work I was doing — especially the legislation I drafted on the terminal-care project. He said thatbecause The Roundtable's business was so unorthodox — that was the word heused,
Stallings again glanced furtively about.Then he snapped open his briefcase, withdrew a computer printout, and passed itto Kevin. It was a list of 'qualifications' very similar to the ones Merlin hadpresented at the meeting — the factors that had led to Beth DeSenza's beingselected by microchip to lose her job. Only
'You know about the future-cost analyses,right?' Stallings asked.
'That's what Merlin was talking about — the estimate of what any illness will cost the industry over its entirecourse.'
'Exactly. Well, this program here has afuture-cost minimum of five hundred thousand dollars. Lancelot wants me to runit through our data banks each week and come up with two or three names. AIDS,cancer, chronic heart problems, mental illness, multiple trauma, blooddiseases, cystic fibrosis, even babies born under a certain weight.'
'There's certainly no shortage ofconditions that'll cost half a million over time.'
'Much more than that, actually. A million,even two. Things like bone marrow replacements and liver transplants. Atwenty-five-year-old mental patient who can't make it outside of a hospitalwill be in seven figures before he's thirty-five. And his life expectancy isn'tmuch different than normal.'
'What happens to the names you come upwith?'
Stallings bit at his lower lip.
'I am to hand-deliver them to each of theother knights — not including you, apparently, I guess you're still onprobation. Then I am to transfer into a Swiss bank account an amount equalingtwenty-five percent of the total that person's care would cost my company.Lancelot explained that the funds I transfer will come from payouts to a set ofnonexistent patients. He seemed very proud of the system, which he says istried and true, and foolproof. Those were his exact words:
'Then what happens to the patients?'
Sir Gawaine shrugged helplessly.
'They die,' he said.
'You mean they're murdered in thehospital?'
'Lancelot never used that word. My companywould achieve a net savings — that's just how he put it, "netsavings" — of around a million and a half to two million a month.'
'Oh, I just don't believe that. Surelythere must be some other explanation.'
'Go ahead and try to come up with one. Idid. How else is that kind of money going to be saved?'
'And all the rest of them are doing this,too?'
'As far as I know.'
'This is crazy. How can they do it? Howcould they keep getting away with it over and over again?'
Stallings dropped the printout back intohis briefcase, snapped it shut, and adjusted each of the combination wheels.
'I don't know. But I kept thinking aboutthat DellaRosa woman. I think whoever injected her with that stuff must be theone who. .'
His voice trailed away. He stared off at adistant freighter. Not far from where they were sitting, a teenage girl intight shorts and a tank top Rollerbladed past, hand-in-hand with a tall, ganglyboy.
'Did you ask Lancelot about DellaRosa?'
'I mentioned her. But he claimed that ifshe and Desiree were the same person, he surely would have known it. I askedwho handled matters in the hospital, and how they did it. All he said was, thatwasn't his department.'
'There's got to be something youmisunderstood.'
'Kevin, did they promise you an additionalbonus of one percent of everything your company saves through your work withThe Roundtable?'
'Me, too. Well, Lancelot took specialpains to point out what one percent of a million five to two million a monthcomes to. He also pointed out things we all know — that the cost of caring forcritically ill and terminally ill patients has spiraled out of control, thatall our companies are being battered as never before, and that health carereforms, what with premium caps and all, is only making matters worse. He saidthat the money being saved by our efforts meant more jobs and better servicesthroughout the industry. At one point, he listed a bunch of conditions likeAIDS, metastic cancer, and muscular dystrophy. "Truthfully, now," hesaid, "to all intents and purposes, considering that doctors haveabsolutely no treatments available to cure any of these diseases, when thediagnosis is made, these people are as good as dead. Right?"
'And you want to know the worst part,Loomis? The worst part is that as he talked on, I found myself burying into thewhole thing! Dollars and cents, profit and loss,
'I knew one of the women on that list ofhis.'
Stallings nodded. 'That's why I keptsignaling you to stop. Kevin, these people mean business. We were on our wayback to the city when I asked Lancelot what would happen if I decided not toparticipate in this program. He said that he really didn't believe anythingwould happen. He explained that only one knight had ever refused to participate- Sir Lionel. That was about a year ago. But before The Roundtable could decidewhether or not he'd be allowed to continue with them, he got some sort of foodpoisoning and died.'
'Oh God,' Kevin groaned. 'I know all aboutthat guy. When he died, his company lost its seat on The Roundtable completely.In fact, it was probably given to you. My boss used him to illustrate what Iwould cost our company and myself if I was ever removed and not replaced. ButJim, Lionel didn't die from food poisoning. It was from a coronary
'Go ahead, say it. Just like EvelynDellaRosa and heaven only knows about how many other patients with expensivediseases.'
Kevin felt ill.
'Did Lancelot make it sound like Lionel'sdeath was something they engineered? I mean, did he say it like a threat?'
'I don't know for sure. He's got thissmile that's impossible to read.'
Kevin nodded. He'd had the same responseto Pat Harper.
'Well, he just kept smiling through thewhole Lionel story. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it gave me thecreeps. I didn't know what to say to him.'
'So how was it left?'
Stallings looked away again.
'I have until tomorrow night to come upwith the first set of names and transfer the funds.'
'Oh, no. And who gets the money? Theknights? The guy who. . who does it?'
'I don't know. But if you multiply my twoor three clients by two or three for each of the others, that's a hell of a lotof money.'
'And every one of those people just. .dies?'
'They're all pretty sick. And there are somany hospitals and patients in the city that apparently no one really thinksabout there being anything out of the ordinary going on … Loomis, what are wegoing to do?'
'Listen, maybe the whole thing is justsome sort of loyalty test,' Kevin offered desperately.
'You know you don't believe that.'
'Jim, I don't know anything. Why couldn'tyou just blow the whistle?'
'On what? On who? I have no proof ofanything. Not even the name of a single patient. Besides, if The Roundtabledoes get exposed, I go down along with the rest of you. What about my family,my kids?'
'Well, what then? Show up at the meetingand just beg them to stop?'
'It's a possibility.'
'What about Sir Lionel and his foodpoisoning?'
'That's why I decided to chance sharingall this with you. If there are two of us, I think as long as we sticktogether, we might be able to convince the rest of them to stop.'
'I need to think about this.'
'Just don't take too long. I only haveuntil tomorrow to give them the names and. . and I don't think I can do it.'He checked the time. 'Listen, I'm due back at the office in a few minutes.Please, Loomis, please. Don't say a word to anyone until we talk again. Okay?'
'I promise.'
'Not to your boss, not to your wife, notto anyone.'
Stallings was genuinely terrified. And ifhe was right about The Roundtable, Kevin had no trouble understanding why.
'I'll call you before tomorrow night,'Stallings said. They exchanged business cards, and each wrote his home phonenumber on the back. 'And Kevin, please wait five or ten minutes after I gobefore you start back.'
'I'll be in touch.'
Sir Gawaine took his briefcase and headedoff toward the subway station. Kevin stood there, numb and unseeing, his mindunwilling to sort through what had just been shared with him, except toacknowledge that if the situation was as Stallings believed, the possibilitiesopen to them were all unacceptable.
'Mister! Hey, mister!'
Kevin turned, startled. Two youths inshorts and Yankee caps stood on the sidewalk. They looked about ten — his sonNicky's age. Each wore a basketball glove.
'Yes, what is it?'
'Our ball, mister. It's right by yourfoot. Could you throw it to us?'
Kevin picked up the scuffed, grass-stainedhardball and tossed it back. The taller of the two boys snagged it easily, in away Kevin had watched Nicky catch a thousand of his throws.
'Thanks, mister,' the youth called. 'Nicearm. Nice arm.'
The night was warm and extremely muggy — the sort of night that invariably brought out the most vivid versions of thedream. He lay facedown on a sheet that was already drenched. His fists weretightly clenched and every muscle in his body was taut. At some level, he knewthat it was all in his past, that he was only reliving the hideous experiencein his mind.
But as always, he was powerless to wakehimself.
'. . Hyconidol almost matches, atom foratom, the pain fiber neurotransmitter chemical. That means I can fire thosenerves off all at once and at will. Every single one of them. Think of it, Mr.Santana. No injury … no mess … no blood. Just pain. Pure pain. Except inthe work I do, hyconidol has absolutely no clinical value. But if we ever domarket it, I thought an appropriate name for it might be Agonyl. It'sincredible stuff, if I do say so myself. A small injection? A little tingle. Alarger one? Well, I'm sure you get the picture.'
Ray's mouth becomes desert dry. Thepounding within his chest is so forceful that he feels certain The Doctor cansee it.
Perchek's thumb tightens on the plunger.
'I think we'll start with somethingmodest,' he says, 'equivalent, perhaps, to nothing more than a little coolbreeze over the cavities in your teeth. Our interest is in the identities ofthe Mexican undercover agents, Mr. Santana. Mr. Orsino will write down anynames you choose to give. And I should warn you. Some of the names we wish youto give us we already know. It would be most unpleasant for you should we catchyou attempting any sort of stall or deception.'
'Go fuck yourselves. How's that for astall or deception?'
The Doctor merely smiles.
The last voice Ray hears before theinjection is Joe Dash's.
The plunger of the syringe is depressedjust a bit.
In less than half a minute, Rayexperiences a mild vibration throughout his body, as if a low-grate electriccurrent has been turned on. His scalp tightens. The muscles in his face twitch.He rubs his fingertips together, trying to rid them of an unpleasant numbness.Perchek, meanwhile, has taken a handheld stopwatch from his valise.
'I would expect that miniscule dose tolast one minute and twenty seconds,' he said. 'Higher doses persist somewhatlonger. Although in this business, for you, time will become quite relative. Afew seconds will seem like an hour. A minute like a lifetime. Have you somenames for us?'
'Cary Grant, Mick Jagger, Marilyn Monroe.. '
Perchek shrugs and depresses the plungeronce more. The sensation doubles in intensity and quadruples in unpleasantness.This time, the pain is more burning than electric. Hot knives cut into Ray'shands and feet, into his abdomen, groin, and lower back. Sweat bathes him withthe suddenness of a summer thunderstorm, stinging his eyes, soaking hisT-shirt.
'Just a slightly higher dose and we'llhold it at that level for a while,' Perchek says, checking Ray's blood pressureand pulse. 'We're in no particular hurry, are we, Mr. Orsino?'
From outside, above and just beyond thewalls of the chamber, Ray can hear the revelry of the Fiesta de Nogales. Thefireworks and the music. The noisy celebration will go on throughout the night.It is doubtful he will be alive by the time it ends.
The Doctor is right. For Santana, the hourthat follows is an eternity. Twice he nearly passes out from the pain. Eachtime, Perchek uses a shot of some sort and an increase in the IV infusion tobring him around for the next series of injections. Ray becomes used to thesound of his own screaming. Somewhere along the way he wets himself. In betweeninjections, his muscles now continue to spasm uncontrollably. Several times hegroans out names. Perchek glances over at Orsino, who shakes his head. Ray'spunishment for lying is an increase in the dosage. His response, morescreaming.
. .
His head lolls back. His vision blurs.Staring at the light from the bare bulb overhead no longer bothers his eyes. Itis as if the hideous pain has dulled his sight. Sweat continues pouring fromhis body. His nervous system is shattered, his mind ready to snap. He has togive them a name they can verify — something, anything to stop Perchek'schemical onslaught, even for a little while. He has done his best to drag outJoe Dash's first two stages. Now, his resistance is gone. He has to give themsomething that will stop the pain.
'You bastard!' he screeches as the dose isincreased once more. 'You fucking bastard! Okay. Okay. No more. I'll-'
He is cut short by the tunnel door behindhim scraping open. Through a dense haze, he hears a man's breathless voice.
'Anton, there are government troopsoutside!' the man exclaims in perfect English. 'Dozens of them. I think theyhave Alacante. U.S. agents just raided the Arizona house, too. The tunnelentrance is still closed, but it's only a matter of time before they find it.They're after you, Anton. I don't know how they found out, but they know you'rehere.'
'Orsino, is there another way out ofhere?' Perchek asks.
'Through that door, Doctor. There's ashort tunnel to a house across the street. Alacante had it built.'
'Listen,' the voice says, 'I've got to getback before they find the main tunnel and me in it.'
'I am grateful for the warning, myfriend.'
'You know how to reach me if there'sanything I can do.'
The tunnel door scrapes shut. There are afew seconds of echoing footsteps, then silence. But in those moments, Ray'sclouded mind locks in on the voice.
'Garvey, you bastard!. . You son of abitch!' he shrieks, remembering the moment he and his boss had been hauled offby Alacante's men.
'Mr. Santana, it appears our business mustcome to a premature closure,' Perchek says.
From somewhere on the floor above themcomes the sound of a door being smashed in. Then there is gunfire.
'Doctor, I think we should go,' Orsinosays.
'You are right, Mr. Orsino,' Perchekreplies. 'But only up to a point.'
His back turned, he reaches into hisvalise. When he turns back, he is holding a snub-nosed revolver. Before Orsinocan react, he is shot through the bull's eye that is his half mouth. His headsnaps back. He spins full-circle in a graceless pirouette, then crumples to thedusty floor.
The shooting upstairs has stopped. Thefootsteps are closer now, and they can hear voices. The Doctor levels theautomatic at the center of Santana's forehead. Ray clenches his teeth andforces his eyes to remain open for the last moment he will ever see anything.Then, with the smile Ray has come both to fear and loathe, Perchek lowers therevolver, steps forward, and empties the still nearly full syringe into theintravenous line.
'Don't worry,' he says. 'You should diefrom this dose long before it has its full effect.'
He whirls, steps over Orsino's corpse, andhurries toward the escape tunnel.
A moment later his nervous system explodesin a volcano of pain. He shrieks again and again. He thrashes his head about.He bites through his lip and hurls himself sideways on to the floor. The agony,in every nerve, every fiber of his body, intensifies.
Soaked in sweat, Walter Concepcion sat boltupright in bed. After more than seven years, he had almost become inured to thenightmare. But some journeys back to the basement sessions with The Doctor werestill worse than others. And this one — his first in the weeks since arrivingin Manhattan from his home in Tennessee — had been a motherfucker.
It was the pain that had brought on theflashback. It usually was. The electric nerve pain that had been part of hislife for almost every moment of the seven years since The Doctor emptied thesyringe into his body. Ray wiped off his forehead and face with the sheet andfumbled through the bedside table drawer for the Bible he had hollowed out tohold his Percodans. He could stand to have everything he owned in the rentedroom ripped off, even his gun. But not his Percodans. His doc at homeunderstood. After years of neurologic consultations, psychotherapy, AA, NA, andhospitalizations, the man had given up trying for a cure, and now just wrotethe scripts. The local pharmacist understood, too, and just filled them. Tothose men and the others who knew the whole story, Ray was a legend. The manwho had captured Anton Perchek.
Santana had brought along enough pills tolast a month, provided the chronic pain didn't get any worse than it had been.He had no desire to take to the street for drugs, but he would if he had to.Anton Perchek was alive and plying his miserable trade in New York. And therewas no way Ray was leaving the city until the man was dead.
He had heard from Harry about thesuccessful session with the hypnotist. Next, Maura would be meeting with thecriminologist her brother knew. Together, they would make computer renderingsof her drawing in a variety of disguises. Those drawings would be put up inhospitals throughout the city. Santana's plan was simple. Keep jabbing at TheDoctor. Irritate him enough, and sooner or later, he would do something rash.Sooner or later, he would make a mistake.
He tossed two Percodans into the back ofhis throat and washed them down with a glass of water. Then he set out clothesfor his meeting with Page. He would wear his sports jacket so that he couldconceal the shoulder holster and his.38. He didn't expect trouble, but heanticipated it. Since his betrayal and capture in Nogales, he alwaysanticipated it.
He reached beneath the pillow, withdrewhis pistol, and unscrewed the silencer. It was bulky, and although it hadworked just fine that evening in Central Park, it tended to cut down onaccuracy. Besides, he thought, when he finally stood face-to-face with AntonPerchek, when he finally leveled the.38 at a spot between his eyes and pulledthe trigger, he wanted The Doctor to hear the sound.
This hearing isn't going to be pleasant,'Mel Wetstone said to Harry as they drove across town to the hospital. 'But Ipromise you we are not going to take any bullshit from these people.'
He had picked Harry up in the MercedesPhilip had sold him — the one that Phil claimed defined the man as an attorney.The four doors as well as the trunk had electronic closing mechanisms, and therear couch —
'Did Sam Rennick say what they were goingfor?' he asked.
'Sam plays things pretty close to thevest, but it was clear that he isn't willing to concede any of the points we'vepresented to him — not the sketch from Ms. Hughes, not the floor buffer theory,not the call to your office from the killer. They want you off the staff untilthe case is resolved.'
'Can they do that?'
'Probably. There are a few spots in thehospital bylaws where the language about who can do what to whom is vague — purposely vague, we think. The bottom line is that if they vote you out — andbelieve me, we've got some cards to play before they do — we can try for aninjunction. But we'd better get a damn sympathetic judge. A far better ideawould be to beat them back right here and now. That's what I intend to do.'
Harry stared out the sun-sensitive windowat the passing scene. He had no desire to be booted from the MMC staff. For onething, his patients were his emotional and financial life-blood; for another,being barred from practice in the hospital would make it that much harder toput the pressure on the killer. And they had enough progress since connectingwith Walter Concepcion to believe that before long, some sort of strategy forputting pressure on him might actually evolve.
Maura was on her way to meet with herbrother's friend, Lonnie Sims. The Dweeb had access to the latest in thegraphics suspects. Together they would enhance Maura's sketch and addphotographic quality, coloring, and detail. The result would be, essentially, afull-color mug shot, front and side views. They would then add and subtract,mix and match, until they had similar photos of the man with his appearancealtered.
When Harry and his lawyer entered theexecutive conference room for the second time since Evie's death, theatmosphere was distinctly more formal — and more threatening. Recordingmicrophones had been placed at several spots around the massive table. Theplayers from the first drama were all there already, along with a number ofnotable newcomers including members of the hospital board of trustees, thedepartment heads who made up the medical staff executive committee, the headnurses from Alexander 9 and Alexander 5, Caspar Sidonis, and a legalstenographer. There was also a man sitting beside the hospital attorney whomHarry did not know — a rough-hewn man in an ill-fitting blue suit.
Steve Josephson squeezed Harry's hand ashe passed. Doug Atwater smiled uncomfortably and came over.
'Harry,' he whispered, 'I'm glad I gotthis chance to talk with you. I hope you understand that the other day I wasonly suggesting what I thought would be best for you. Obviously, I upset you,and I'm sorry for that. I wanted to be sure you know that I'm behind you ahundred percent in this thing.'
Half a dozen snide responses sped throughHarry's head. None of them made it to his mouth. Atwater didn't deserve it. Overthe years he had been most supportive of Harry and his struggles to keep familypractice a respected option. Suggesting that Harry take a voluntary leave fromthe hospital was the only way he could think of to avoid the hearing that wasabout to take place — a hearing in which Harry seemed destined to be humiliatedand ultimately swept aside.
'I understand, Doug,' he said. 'But Ihaven't done anything wrong, so I just can't go down without a fight.'
'In that case, give 'em hell, Harry.'Atwater grinned.
Sam Rennick reviewed the ground rules thathad been agreed upon by him and Mel Wetstone.
Witnesses would give a statement andanswer questions from first Rennick, then Wetstone. Harry would be permitted tospeak after each witness, but only to respond to questions from his lawyer, notto address any of the witnesses directly. When the hearing was concluded, thejoint hospital and medical staff executive committees would vote by secretballot whether to suspend Harry's admitting privileges or not.
'Before you begin, Mr. Rennick,' DougAtwater said, 'I would like it to go on record that the Manhattan HealthCooperative will abide by the ruling of this hearing.' He looked over at Harry.'Dr. Corbett's status as a physician provider for MHC will remain intact solong as he has admitting privileges at this hospital.'
Considering that the health plan was boundonly by its own laws in picking and removing physician providers, Atwater'sstatement amounted to an endorsement. His company could have made the resultsof this hearing essentially moot by simply cutting Harry from its rolls. It wasa move Harry had feared they might make. He was doubly glad, now, that he hadheld his temper with Doug.
The head nurse from Alexander 9 startedthings off by reading affidavits from both of the nurses who had been on dutythe night of Evie's death. There was no question in either of their minds that,except for Maura Hughes, Harry was the last one to see his wife before thelethal rupture of her aneurysm. Sue Jilson recounted in some detail Harry'srequest to leave the floor for a milk shake and then return. The hospitalattorney used his questions to pin down the nurse about the security setup onthe floor. Then he homed in on the clinical condition of Maura Hughes.
'She was about the most classic case ofthe DTs I've ever seen,' the woman said. 'She was restless and combative,sweating profusely, and disoriented most of the time. When she wasn't accusingthe staff of ignoring her, she was swatting at insects that weren't there. Shewas medicated almost the entire time she was on our service, and despite that,she was still one of the most disruptive patients we've had in a long time.'
Harry and Mel Wetstone exchanged glances.The hospital attorney knew Maura's sketch was about to be presented, and waseffectively destroying its credibility by painting such an unappealing pictureof her. It was the reason Harry had argued against having Maura attend thehearing to present her drawing herself. Mel had warned him what she might hear.
Wetstone cleared his throat, took a slowswallow of water, and favored the nurse with an icy smile.
'I'm sorry Ms. Hughes was so disruptive toyour neurosurgical floor,' he said.
'Thank you,' the nurse replied, completelymissing Wetstone's sarcasm.
'You don't have very warm feelings towardalcoholics, do you?'
'Does anyone?'
Wetstone allowed half a minute for theresponse to sink in around the room.
'As a matter of fact, yes. Some peopledo,' he said softly. 'The American Medical Association has formally classifiedalcoholism as a disease. The American Psychiatric Association has also. I hopeyou're not prejudiced against too many
The head nurse, beet red, folded her notesand stared off at a spot that would keep her from eye contact with anyone. Ifthe impact of her testimony hadn't been neutralized entirely, it had certainlybeen diminished. Wetstone turned to Harry.
'Dr. Corbett, have you been in touch withMaura Hughes since her discharge?'
'I have.'
'And how's she doing?'
'Quite well, actually. She hasn't had adrink since her surgery, and she's started back on her painting.'
The white lie was one they had agreed uponthe previous day.
'Oh, yes, she's an accomplished andwell-regarded artist, isn't she? You have a drawing of hers here with you?'
'A copy of it, yes. Miss Hughes hadtrouble recalling some of the details of the man's face, so we went to see ahypnotist.'
'That would be Dr. Pavel Nemec?'
The murmur around the room suggested thatThe Hungarian was known to most of those present.
'I'm not sure he's a doctor,' Harry said.'But yes. He had no trouble helping her reconnect with her memories. Onesession, about fifteen or twenty minutes, was all it took.'
'Mr. Rennick,' Wetstone said. 'Here is anotarized affidavit from Pavel Nemec attesting to his certainty that thedrawing you are about to see represents the face remembered by Maura Hughes — the man who came into room nine twenty-eight after Dr. Corbett left to get hiswife a milk shake.' He waited until everyone that mattered had a copy before hecontinued. 'Dr. Corbett, have you ever seen the man depicted in Ms. Hughesdrawing?'
'I have. He was dressed as a hospitalmaintenance man, buffing the floors outside room nine twenty-eight when Iarrived. When I left for the milk shakes, he was still there. When I came backwith them he was gone.'
'You're sure of this?'
'Positive. It's an extremely good likenessof him. Maura Hughes has an incredible eye for detail. She says she suspectsthat the tie was a clip-on because the knot was just too perfect.'
Several people laughed out loud.
'This is ridiculous,' Caspar Sidonismuttered, though loudly enough for everyone to hear.
'So what you're telling us, Dr. Corbett,'Wetstone said, 'is that this man-' He waved the drawing for emphasis. 'This manwaited for an opportune moment, put on a doctor's clinic coat taken from withinthe casing of his floor buffer, walked boldly into room nine twenty-eight, andinjected your wife with a killing dose of Aramine.'
'I believe that is exactly what he did.'
Many of the faces around the room wereexpressionless. But Harry's unofficial visual poll said that the majority stillhad strong doubts about him.
Without comment, Wetstone motioned that hewas done. Since the burden of proof was, in theory at least, on the hospital,Harry would not be cross-examined by the hospital attorney. It was one ofseveral procedural points Wetstone had won.
Sam Rennick next introduced the man in theill-fitting blue suit, Willard McDevitt, the head of maintenance for thehospital. McDevitt, in his fifties with a ruddy complexion and a nose thatappeared to have been broken more than once or twice, spoke with the force ofone convinced he was incapable of being wrong about anything. He reminded Harryof Bumpy Giannetti, the hulking bully who had stalked him after school andbeaten him up with biological regularity from grades seven through ten. Hewondered in passing if Bumpy would respect him now that he was the chiefsuspect in two murders.
'Mr. McDevitt, is the man in that drawinganyone you recognize?' Rennick asked, after establishing the man's credentials.
'Absolutely not. I never saw him before inmy life.' He looked haughtily over at Harry.
'And what about that industrial floorbuffer — the one Dr. Corbett claims the killer used that night?'
'Well, first of all let me say that ifthere was a buffer on Alexander Nine that night, it was one of mine. And if itwas one of mine, one of my men was runnin' it.'
'Could someone have brought one into thehospital?'
'Anything's possible. But those babiesweigh close to a quarter ton and are bigger 'n a clothes dryer. It's hard toimagine someone sneakin' one into the hospital without being noticed.'
'Could they have stolen one from yourdepartment?'
'Not unless it was at gunpoint. We have asign-out system I designed myself to prevent any unauthorized person from usin'any of our equipment. Even a wrench has to be accounted for. I don't think we'dexactly misplace a five-hundred-pound buffer.'
'Thank you, Mr. McDevitt.'
Rennick nodded toward Wetstone withoutactually looking at him. Harry saw the gesture and reflected cynically on thefoolishness of a profession in which sub-rosa byplay was an accepted, evenrehearsed, part of the practice. Then he noticed Caspar Sidonis exchangingwhispered comments with the trustee seated next to him, motioning towards Harryat the same time. The byplay in medicine might be more subtle than in law, butit was no less nasty.
'Mr. McDevitt,' Mel began, 'where are thefloor buffers kept?'
'Locked in a room in the subbasement — double-locked as a matter of fact. Only me an' Gus Gustavson, my head of floormaintenance, have the key. Every one of them buffers that's taken from thatroom has to be signed out by him or me.'
'I understand, Mr. McDevitt, I'd like toask you again whether you believe there is any way a man who was not in youremploy could get at one of those buffers?'
'Absolutely none.'
'What in the hell?' Willard McDevittexclaimed.
Wetstone nodded toward the buffer man andthe machine was shut off.
'Mr. McDevitt, do you know this man?'
'I do not.'
'Mr. Crawford, where did you get thatcontraption?'
'From the room marked
'And was it difficult for you to get?'
The blond man grinned.
'Piece of cake,' he said. 'I'll return itnow if that's okay.'
He spun the machine round and wheeled itout. Instantly, it seemed as if everyone was talking and gesturing at once.Harry noticed that several members of the medical staff were laughing. WillardMcDevitt looked as if he was going to charge Mel Wetstone. Instead, he listenedto some whispered words from the hospital attorney, shoved his chair back, andstalked out. For his part, Wetstone carefully avoided appearing smug, or evenpleased. He sat placidly, allowing his theatrics to hold sway. For the firsttime, Harry felt that the emotion in the room might be turning in his favor. IfRennick and his witness could be so wrong about the floor buffer, people had tobe thinking, maybe they could be wrong about other things as well.
'Now just a minute. Just one damn minute!'
Caspar Sidonis had clearly taken as muchas he could. He stood and strode to the head of the table. Owen Erdman, thehospital president, moved his chair aside for him.
'This man is a huckster,' Sidonis said,motioning toward Wetstone. 'A snake oil salesman. He's using misdirection andtricks to keep you from focusing on the important points in this case. And Sam,I'm afraid all you've done is make it that much easier for him. This isn't acourtroom, it's a hospital. We're not here to debate fine points of law. We'rehere to see to it that our thousands and thousands of patients — patients whocould take their business to any number of facilities — have the confidence inthe Manhattan Medical Center to continue coming here. We're meeting here todayto prevent our hospital from becoming the laughingstock of the city. We're hereto ensure that the medical school graduates, with every hospital in the countryto choose from, think enough of this place to apply for residency here.'
The man was good, damn good, Harryacknowledged. This was revenge for Evie and payback for the humiliation of theamphitheater all rolled into one. And most important, his force andeffectiveness sprang from his hatred of Harry and his consuming belief inHarry's guilt. Harry took another silent poll of the room. Already thingsdidn't look as promising as they had. Mel Wetstone seemed on the point ofrising to object to Sidonis's tirade, but he thought better of it and sank backin his chair. Trying to stop the powerful chief of cardiac surgery fromexpressing his opinion could only hurt them.
'I am not embarrassed to say that EvieDellaRosa and I were in love,' Sidonis went on. 'For years, she and HarryCorbett had had a marriage in name only. The night before she entered thishospital, the night before she was murdered, she told him about us. I know thatfor a fact. That gives him a motive. A two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollarinsurance policy gives him another. The nurses have already testified to hisopportunity. And certainly the method chosen was one only a physician wouldknow. Now, it's remotely possible that Dr. Corbett is as innocent as he claims.It's remotely possible that every crazy alternative explanation he has come upwith actually happened. But even his innocence does not change the fact thattwo of our patients with strong connections to him are dead. The newspapers arehaving a field day at our hospital's expense. The public confidence we haveworked so hard to build is plummeting.
'Harry Corbett owes this hospital therespect and consideration to remove himself from the staff until this wholematter is resolved one way or the other. Since he has refused to honor thatresponsibility, this group must take action. I promise you here and now, I willnot continue to practice at an institution without the gumption to stand up foritself and do what is right for its staff and patients. Thank you.'
Drained, or apparently so, Sidonis usedthe backs of chairs to help him return to his seat. Mel Wetstone inhaleddeeply, then let out a sigh. Harry felt flushed and self-conscious. Sidonis hadthreatened the hospital and the board of trustees with a massive blow to theirtwo most vulnerable areas: reputation and pocketbook.
There was a commotion outside the room.The doors burst open and Owen Erdman's staid secretary rushed in.
'I'm sorry, Dr. Erdman,' she saidbreathlessly. 'I tried to explain to them, but they wouldn't listen. Sandy'scalled security. They're on their way.'
She stepped aside as a small mob marchedinto the room. Leading the way was Mary Tobin, and close behind her was MarvLorello. Next came all the other members of the family medicine department,along with a number of Harry's patients, some with their children in tow.
'My name is Ms. Mabel Espinoza,' she said.Her Latino accent was dense, but no one ever had trouble understanding her. Shefaced the hearing with the stout dignity that had always made her one ofHarry's favorites. 'I am eighty-one years old. Dr. Corbett has cared for me andmy family for twenty years. I am alive today because he is such a wonderfuldoctor. Many others could say the same thing. When I am too sick, he comes tosee me at my home. When someone cannot pay, he is patient. I have signed thepetition. In less than one day, more than two hundred have signed. Thank you.'
'This was your Mary's idea,' Wetstonewhispered to Harry. 'I never thought she could do anything like this, though.'
Another woman stepped forward andintroduced herself as Doris Cummings, an elementary-school teacher in a Harlemschool. She read the petition, signed by 203 of Harry's patients, enumeratingthe reasons Harry was essential to their well-being and that of their families.
'. . If Dr. Corbett is removed from thestaff of the Manhattan Medical Center without absolute just cause,' thepetition concluded, 'we the undersigned intend to take our health care toanother hospital. If leaving the Manhattan Health HMO is necessary andpossible, we intend to do that as well. This man has been an important part ofour lives. We do not want to lose him.'
Marv Lorello whispered in Cummings's earand motioned toward Owen Erdman. Cummings circled the table and set thepetition in front of the hospital president. Across from Harry, a distinguishedwoman named Holden, who was a past president of the board of trustees, brushedaside a tear. Standing to her right Mary Tobin was beaming like a mother at herchild's graduation.
Next, Marv Lorello spoke on behalf of thedepartment of family medicine, describing Harry as an invaluable friend andpowerful example to those in the department, especially those newly inpractice. He read a statement signed by every member of the department, ineffect threatening to move their services to another facility if Harry shouldbe removed from the hospital staff without absolute, legally binding proof ofhis misconduct. He set the document on top of the petition in front of OwenErdman. Then the group trooped out of the hearing.
There was no further discussion. The votewas a formality, although two of the twelve submitting ballots did endorseHarry's removal from the staff. Caspar Sidonis left the room as soon as theresult was read.
'Dr. Corbett,' Erdman said coolly, 'thatwas an impressive show of regard for you. It would be tragic to learn that suchloyalty is not deserved. Have you anything further to say?'
'Only that I'm grateful for the vote. I
'Absolutely not!' Erdman snapped. 'Mystaff will discreetly distribute that sketch to our department heads. But wewill not lay ourselves open to the public suggestion that a murderer could justwaltz into our hospital, disguise himself behind one of our floor polishers, andmurder one of our patients. I demand your promise of cooperation in thisregard.'
Harry looked over at Mel Wetstone, whosimply shrugged and nodded.
'You have my word,' Harry said.
'In that case,' Erdman concluded, 'youhave our blessing to continue with your work.'
'Are you going home?' Wetstone asked asthey headed out of the hospital.
'No, I'm headed to the office. I thinkMary deserves a lunch.'
'Dinner at the Ritz would be more likeit.'
The thermometer, mounted on the wall justoutside the Battery Park IRT station, was in direct sunlight. Still,ninety-four degrees was ninety-four degrees. As he entered the station, dampand uncomfortable, his briefcase in one hand and his suit coat scrunched in theother, James Stallings cursed his penchant for dark dress shirts. He loved theway they looked on him, and the statement that they made among hiswhite-shirted colleagues. But on a day like today, wearing royal blue wassimply dumb.
But then again, he had been doing a lot ofdumb things lately.
The station was mobbed. Tourists fromEllis Island and the Statue of Liberty jostled with passengers off the StatenIsland ferry and a crowd of kids in their early teens wearing Camp CitysideT-shirts. Almost everyone was talking about the heat. Stallings shuffledthrough the turnstile behind two Cityside girls, who were giggling about a boybeing disallowed on their field trip. Caught up in their conversation,Stallings tried to piece together what it was the boy had done and where theywere all headed. But before they could, the teens took up with a dozen othercampers and moved like a jabbering phalanx down the broad stairs.
There was a train waiting at the platform.Battery Park was at the beginning of the run, so there were almost always emptyseats, even at rush hour. Today, though, it was standing room only. Fromsnatches of irritated conversation around him, Stallings discerned that therewas a delay of some sort. And of course, while the cars themselves wereair-conditioned, the platforms were not. Thick, steamy air billowed in with thepassengers and overwhelmed what little cooling the system was generating.Beneath his arms, Stallings's shirt was soaked through. He glanced out thewindow at the crowd still pouring down the stairs and across the concreteplatform. Loomis was supposed to wait ten minutes before heading back to Crown.It had probably been close to that already. Not that it really mattered if theyended up on the same train. Especially different cars. But Stallings, who hadnever been the nervous or paranoid type, was frightened —
Sir Lionel had posed something of a threatto The Roundtable, and he had died suddenly and mysteriously. A year or solater, Evelyn DellaRosa had been murdered in her hospital bed. She, too, hadcrossed paths with the society. The drug used to poison her
Meeting with Kevin Loomis was the rightthing to have done, he decided. Loomis seemed like an up-front, decent enough guy.Even though he remained noncommittal and maybe even unconvinced, as soon as hehad the chance to sort through everything, he would come around. And togetherthey would figure out something. They simply had to. Stallings wipedperspiration from his forehead with his shirtsleeve. The car was nearly packed.The heat oppressive. It was only a matter of time before someone passed out.
'Hey, watch it!' one of the passengerssnapped.
'Fuck you,' came the quick retort.
A gnarled old woman with a pronounced humpand an overfilled shopping bag worked her way between him and the seats andstopped with one of her heels resting solidly on Stallings's toes. Stallingsexcused himself and pulled his foot free. The crone glared up at him withreddened eyes and muttered something that he was grateful he couldn'tunderstand.
The doors glided shut and for a moment itseemed as if they had been condemned to a new brand of torture. But slowly,almost reluctantly, the train began to move. Stallings was taller than most ofthose standing in the car. Clutching his briefcase and his hopelessly wrinkledsuit coat in his left hand, he was able to keep his balance in part by holdingon to the bar over the old lady's head, and in part by the force of thosepressing around him. He commuted to work from the Upper East Side on the IRT,and so was an inveterate and extremely tolerant rider. But this was about asbad as he could ever remember. To make matters even worse, the train waslurching mercilessly — perhaps responding to an effort by the driver to make upfor lost time.
A minute out of the station, the oldlady's heel again came down on his foot. This time Stallings nudged her away,earning another glare and another epithet. Moments later, a particularlyvicious lurch threw a crush of people against him. He felt a sharp sting in hisright flank, just above his belt. A bee? A spider? He reached down with hisright hand and rubbed at the spot. The stinging sensation was already almostgone. His shirt was still tucked in all around. His hand was still off the barwhen a tight curve pitched him against the passengers behind him.
'Hang on to something, for chrissake,'someone cried as he was pushed back upright.
'Idiot,' someone else added.
'Sorry,' Stallings muttered, still tryingto make sense of having been stung in such a way. He had been stung before, anynumber of times, by both bees and spiders. He wasn't allergic to either. Butwhatever had bitten him this time had done so right through his shirt.
The train slowed as they entered the CityHall station. The crush of passengers intensified as some tried to make theirway to the doors.
'Excuse me,' a woman said, trying to getpast Stallings. 'Sir?'
Stallings couldn't respond. His heart hadstarted pumping wildly. His pulse was resonating in his ears like artilleryfire. He felt a terrifying nausea and dizziness taking hold. Sweat cascadeddown his face. The car lights blurred, and then began spinning, faster andfaster. His chest felt empty, as if his lungs and heart had been torn out. Heneeded desperately to lie down.
'Hey, what are you doing?' someoneshouted.
His hand had slipped off the steel bar.
'Hey, buddy …'
Stallings felt his knees buckling. Hishead lolled back.
'Hey, back away, back away! He's passingout!'
Stallings knew he was on the floor, hisarms and legs jerking uncontrollably. Feet hit against him as people tried toback away. He sensed himself bite through his lip, but felt no pain. A flood ofwords reached him as distant echoes through a long, metal tunnel.
'He's having a seizure'. . 'Getsomething in his mouth'. . 'Roll him over! Roll him over on his side!'. .'I'm a paramedic. Move aside, everyone. Move aside'. . 'Somebody dosomething' … 'I am, lady, just back off. . 'Get a cop. .'
The words became more disconnected, moregarbled. Stallings felt the people kneeling around him, touching him, but hewas powerless to react. He knew he was losing consciousness. Blood flowed fromhis lip on to his royal-blue shirt. He sensed his bladder give way. The blurredimages faded to blackness. The voices and sounds died away. .
All but one of the tangle of people werefocused on Stallings. This one, a nondescript man in a print sports shirt,reached between two would-be rescuers and grasped the handle of Stallings'sbriefcase. Then, ever so slowly, he slid it free of the crowd. He smiledinwardly at the image of Sir Gawaine utilizing one evasive tactic after anotherto avoid being followed to Battery Park, never realizing that thestate-of-the-art bugs Galahad routinely placed in each knight's room had madetailing him quite unnecessary.
The car doors were open now, and peoplewere pushing and jamming to get out on to the platform. The man withStallings's briefcase moved calmly with the flow. The syringe in his pocketwould be tossed into a sewer within a block. The cardiotoxin he had emptiedinto Stallings was one of his favorite weapons — a drug virtually unknownoutside of the lower Amazon, so potent that the poison remaining along thebarrel of the syringe would probably still be enough to kill. The thirty-gaugeneedle attached to the syringe was so fine it could pass through a pore, makingthe puncture wound essentially invisible. And even if the injection hadproduced a tiny droplet of blood, the man's dark blue shirt would have made itvirtually impossible to notice. Just another statistic — another heat-relateddeath.
Anton Perchek exited the station just asthe two policemen were rushing in.
'Take your time, gentlemen,' he whispered.'Believe me, there is no need to rush.'
The mood in Harry's apartment wasdecidedly upbeat. Walter Concepcion and Maura arrived within a few minutes ofeach other, both with good news.
Harry needed it. After the hearing, as hewas getting out of Mel Wetstone's Mercedes in front of his office, he hadexperienced another bout of chest pain — more sharp than dull or squeezing,moving from deep in his back through to the middle of his breastbone. The wholeepisode didn't last long — maybe three or four minutes, and it wasn't all thatsevere. But it was the worst pain he had had in a while. By the time he hadgiven Mary Tobin a quick kiss of gratitude and hurried to the medicationcabinet to try a nitroglycerine pill, the pain was subsiding. If it was angina,he told himself again, it certainly wasn't a text-book case.
Still, Maura was going to keep her part oftheir bargain by going to an AA meeting with Concepcion. The least he could dowas schedule a stress test. He went back to his desk, dialed the office numberof a cardiologist friend, and actually let the phone ring once before he hungup. He would keep the nitroglycerine in his pocket, he decided, and take it atthe first sign of chest pain. If it worked, if the pain subsided, there was a fairlystrong likelihood that the problem was his heart. Then he would call thecardiologist. Meanwhile, he told himself, the stress test could wait.
Harry gave Maura and Concepcion a vividaccount of the hearing at the hospital — especially the near catastrophicspeech by Caspar Sidonis, and the remarkable performances by Mel Wetstone andMary Tobin.
'This Sidonis,' Concepcion said when hehad finished, 'does he know about your wife — I mean, the research she wasdoing?'
'I don't think so. I haven't shared what Iknow about her other life with anyone except the police. Telling Sidonis seemedto serve no purpose. I doubt he would believe it anyway.'
'He sounds like he could be a dangerousenemy. I would recommend you to stay as far away from him as possible. Will hefollow through on his threat to quit?'
'I doubt it, but you never know. He makesit sound like he could just walk out of MMC and hang up his shingle at anotherhospital. But he has a huge research lab, and when you're in themillion-plus-a-year category, which I'm sure he is, things are seldom thatsimple. There's no hospital in the city without a chief of cardiac surgery. AndI doubt any of them would be too pleased to have ol' Caspar decide to horn inon their territory.'
Maura next told of how Lonnie Sims hadhelped her produce a series of photo-quality pictures of the man she had seen.There was the original, and three other front-and-side views — one with glassesand a beard, one with a mustache and blond hair, another with blue eyes andlong dark hair. Sims had reduced them all in size and placed them on a singlelegal-size sheet along with an empty box for the addition of other information.He then printed out ten copies for her.
'Should have done one as a woman,'Concepcion said studying the images.
'Nothing. Just babbling. This guy seemslike he can almost walk through walls in hospitals, so I was wondering whathe'd look like as a nurse.'
'Actually, Lonnie tried out a number offeminine wigs and makeup of various kinds. That opened up dozens ofcombinations and possibilities. The pictures would have been awfully small ifwe had tried to print too many. Plus, we felt it might be too confusingfor anyone looking at a set of fifteen or twenty composites to focus in on oneof them.'
'Good point,' Concepcion said. 'We'll geta batch of color Xeroxes and put them up on every floor in the hospital. Maybein other hospitals, too.'
'We can't,' Harry said.
He reviewed his clash with Owen Erdman andhis agreement that Erdman alone would supervise distribution of the drawings,and then only privately to department heads.
'It won't work,' Concepcion said, moreagitated than Harry had ever seen him.
'What do you mean?'
'There's not much chance that someone'sjust going to look at these posters and say, "Ah ha! That's our man rightover there." It happens that way sometimes, but not often. What we'rereally trying to do is annoy The Doctor, upset him to the point where he doessomething careless — jab and run, jab and run until he doesn't care aboutanything except getting even with you.'
'You talk as if you know him,' Harry said.
The tic at the corner of Concepcion'smouth fired off several times.
'I don't know
'I'm sorry, but I can't do it, Walter. Igave the hospital president my word. My position's shaky enough around thatplace without pushing my luck with him. He's famous for his temper. In a weekor so, we can try approaching him again. But not now.'
'Whatever you say, Doc.'
Concepcion studied one of the posters fora few seconds.
'Maura, this is really quite amazing,' hesaid, slipping it into a battered leather portfolio.
She looked at him curiously.
'How do you know?'
'Hey, I may be a little rough around theedges,' he responded cheerily, 'but I know good artwork when I see it.'
'Thanks,' she said, shrugging off hermomentary concern. 'We'll know just how amazing a likeness that is when we seethe guy looking out at us from behind a set of bars.'
It seemed to Maura as if a shadow hadpassed over Concepcion's face — as if he had quite suddenly drifted off to somefaraway place. He took a long drink of the lemonade Harry had made for them.When he set his glass down, the shadow was gone. His grin was broad andengaging.
'So, then,
'Hey, are you going to be okay with this?'
Harry shrugged. 'Go ahead.'
'Okay. Anyhow, this Page is very angrybecause some wealthy, powerful people pulled out of a contract with her whenthey found out Desiree was a reporter. What happened was Desiree triedinterviewing some of the other girls and one of them ratted on her. Pagethought that by firing Desiree she'd get rewarded. Instead, she and Elegancegot canceled. She ended up losing a hell of a lot of money. She seemed angryenough to talk about the men involved, but she also seemed really frightened ofthem. Apparently two of them paid her a visit and gave her the third degreeabout Desiree. I couldn't get her to tell me anything about them at first. So Ikept sweetening the pot until she did. . Harry, I'm … ah. . I'm afraidthe fifteen hundred's gone.'
'All of it?'
'It was kind of a do-or-die situation.She'd had a few drinks, and was just on the edge. I figured that if I didn'tnudge her over with a good offer, I might lose her for good.'
'Well, five hundred of that's yours,'Harry said.
'Harry!' Maura exclaimed.
'Sorry, sorry. Go on, Walter. I trust you.Really I do.'
'She didn't know any of the men's namesexcept someone named Lance. I guess that's his last name. He paid her in cashand let her know if a girl was unsatisfactory for whatever reason. The girls,seven of her very best, went to the Camelot Hotel twice a month and stayed thenight. She didn't know for certain what the men were doing there, but fromthings her girls told her from time to time, she thought some of them might havebeen in the insurance business.'
'That's all she said. It isn't that much,but it certainly got my attention. I was thinking I could approach some of thechambermaids at the Camelot. Chambermaids in hotels know everything, and inthis city half of them are Latino. Maybe I can learn who some of the guys are,and we can go from there.'
'I don't think that's going to benecessary,' Harry said, remembering one of the few lines of Desiree's writinghe had gotten the chance to read. 'I think Evie might have already named acouple of them for us.'
He had copied the two names he found inEvie's address book and kept the copy in his wallet. The original was wedgedinto the toe of an old pair of sneakers in the hall closet. Now, he smoothedthe names on the table, called information, and then dialed the New York PublicLibrary. He was looking for a reference-room librarian named Stephanie Barnes.Barnes had been one of his first medical assistants, and one of the few wholeft the office to go back to school rather than to have babies or to make moremoney than he could afford to pay. Harry had given her a nice bonus to helpwith her first year. Now, happily married, with a master's degree in library science,she had both the babies and more money than he could afford to pay.
Over the years of their continuingfriendship, she had taught Harry something that he had already long suspected — that a resourceful, imaginative reference-room librarian could find out almostanything.
'Stephanie, I have two names along withaddresses and even Social Security numbers,' he said, after accepting hercondolences about Evie and assuring her that he had nothing to do with herdeath. 'I think both men might be involved with the insurance business in someway. I want any information you can dig up on either of them, especially wherethey work and what they do. Tomorrow would be okay if you're too busy, but Iwas actually thinking more in the line of the next hour or so.'
Stephanie told him not to expect anything,but it was just thirty minutes later when she called back.
'Bingo!' Harry said after he took down theinformation. 'Walter, you've done it again. James Stallings, vice president ofInterstate Health Care. Kevin Loomis, first vice president of Crown Health andCasualty. They both seem to be stars on the rise, too. Loomis had two years ata community college in New Jersey, and was just a sales agent until a couple ofyears ago. Now he's big stuff. I'm not sure what he's doing living at Queenswith what he must be making. Stallings is private school all the way — St.Stephen's, Dartmouth, and Wharton business school. He's won a ton of awards forperformance in the company and the industry.'
'Do you want me to look up the companyphone numbers?' Maura asked.
Harry tapped his pages of notes.
'You obviously haven't had any experiencewith people like my friend Stephanie. Office and home phone numbers for both.'
'Which one are you going to try first?'
Harry looked over at Concepcion.
'Why, the award-winning executive, ofcourse,' Walter said. 'Is it worth talking through how you're going to approachhim?'
'I think I might be better improvising,'Harry said. He dialed the number for the Manhattan office of Interstate HealthCare and asked for James Stallings. In a few moments, Stallings's secretarycame on the line.
'Mr. Stallings's office.'
'Hi,' Harry said. 'I'm trying to reach JimStallings. My name's Collins, Harrison Collins. I was a classmate of Jim's atDartmouth. I'm with the selection committee for next year's graduation. Jim'sname has been submitted for a distinguished alumnus award, and I need to goover some details with him.'
Harry got two thumbs up from his smallaudience. There was an unnaturally long pause before his secretary responded.
'I'm sorry, Mr. Collins,' she said. 'Mr.Stallings isn't able to take your call.'
'Well, when should I call back?'
Again, there was an uncomfortable longpause.
'What was this about again?'
'An award. Dartmouth is giving Mr. Stallingsan award.'
'Mr. Collins, I'm afraid Mr. Stallings isill. Quite ill. He. . he's in the intensive care unit at Memorial Hospital.'
'Oh that's terrible. Will he, I mean, ishe going to be all right?'
'I can't tell you any more than thatwithout permission. I'm sorry.'
Harry reviewed the conversation for Mauraand Concepcion, and then used his title and knowledge of hospital procedure toget through to a nurse in the Memorial Hospital ICU. His conversation with thewoman lasted only a minute. He slowly set the receiver down.
'Stallings had a cardiac arrest on the subway this afternoon,' he said. 'He's on a ventilator, essentiallybrain-dead. She couldn't tell me any more than that.'
'How old was he?' Maura asked.
Harry glanced at his notes.
'Not exactly cardiac arrest age,'Concepcion said.
'What do you think?'
'I don't like it. I don't like it at all.I think you should call that other one. What's his name?'
Harry was already dialing Crown Health andCasualty.
'Loomis,' he said. 'Kevin Loomis.'
Harry modified the tale he told toLoomis's secretary. Harrison Collins was with the Executive of the Yearcommittee of the American Insurance Association. Loomis was to be one ofthree nominees for this year's award. Harry knew the lie sounded good even ashe said it. In a few seconds, Loomis was on the line.
'What can I do for you, Mr. Collins?' hesaid.
'Are you the only one on this line?' Harryasked.
'Can you talk safely?'
'Of course I can. What's this all about?'
'Mr. Loomis, my name isn't Collins, it'sCorbett. Dr. Harry Corbett. Do you know who I am?'
'I read the papers.'
'This is about my wife, Mr. Loomis. Mylate wife Evelyn.'
'Why are you calling me?'
'Mr. Loomis, in trying to clear myself ofcharges that I murdered my wife, I've been investigating her life. I've learnedthat she worked for the Elegance escort service. I know she saw you and JamesStallings as clients at the Camelot Hotel.'
'That's nonsense. I've never been to theCamelot Hotel, I don't know your wife, and I don't know anyone named Stallings.Now, I'm very busy and-'
'Your name, address, and Social Securitynumber were on the note in my wife's possession when she died. So wereStallings's. It seemed to me she must have got them from your driver's licenses.Now, you can talk to me or talk to the police.'
'Dr. Corbett, I don't like peoplethreatening me. I don't know you and I don't know your wife. I'm going to hangup now. Don't call me again.'
'Mr. Loomis, I just hung up from talkingwith a nurse in the Memorial Hospital ICU. James Stallings had some sort ofcardiac arrest today. He's unconscious and on a respirator, but he's nevergoing to wake up again. He's brain-dead. Irreversibly brain-dead.'
The prolonged silence was a positiveresponse.
'I don't know Stallings, and I havenothing more to say to you.'
'My number is 870-3400 in Manhattan. Callme anytime, but make it soon. I have a feeling we need to talk.'
Kevin Loomis hung up without responding.
'He's going to check on what I told himabout Stallings,' Harry told the others. 'After that I think I'll be hearingfrom him.'
'One way or the other,' Maura respondedwarily. 'For all we know, he may have been the one who hired Evie's killer.'
Each patient was allowed two visitors inthe Memorial Hospital ICU. When Kevin Loomis arrived there at two-fifteen thefollowing afternoon, James Stallings already had his quota. He was directed toa small family room with overstuffed furniture, a selection of religious andinspirational reading material, and a television that was turned to the cartoonchannel.
Visiting hours were from noon until eight,but this was Kevin's first opportunity to get to the hospital since receivingthe call from Harry Corbett. As soon as he had hung up on Corbett, Kevin hadcalled Memorial. Patient information could tell him nothing more than thatJames Stallings was a patient in the ICU, and that his condition was critical.He dialed Stallings's office at Interstate Health, hoping to learn more, buthung up as soon as the secretary asked his name. Badly shaken, he managed tomake it through an hour-long meeting at work — a meeting in which Burt Dreisersat directly across the table, smiling at him benevolently.
After the meeting, Kevin had barely hadtime to make it home for Julie's dance recital. He would have preferred to havebeen assigned to Nicky's Little League game, but his deal with Nancy was thatthey would alternate. Now, with little Brian scheduled to begin various lessonsas soon as they were settled in Port Chester, the formula would have to berevamped.
By the time he caught up with Nancy, itwas almost nine. The kids were finally all in their rooms. With Kevin havingspent the previous night at the Garfield Suites, it had been a day and a halfsince he and Nancy had said more than a few words to one another. She hadpicked up on his uncharacteristic tenseness and asked about it. He made noattempt to disagree. Work had been unusually heavy, he said. When she asked howhe had made out in his poker game, he chose the 'won a few dollars' lie. Thenshe ran down two days' worth of family news, and began flirting with him,stroking the inside of his leg. It had been a couple of weeks since they hadmade love — since before the previous Roundtable meeting, in fact. But thisjust wasn't going to be the night. He begged off, citing a splitting headache,exhaustion, and a phone call he had to make to Burt. He forced himself not tolook at her hurt and concern, and shuffled down to his basement office. Therehe called Memorial Hospital once again.
'Excuse me.'
Kevin had been staring unseeing at a BugsBunny classic. A woman stood in the doorway of the family room. She was talland slender with sandy hair cut short. Her narrow face was attractive, andmight have been beautiful were it not for the dark circles under her eyes.
'You're here to see Jim Stallings?'
'I am, yes.'
The woman stepped forward and extended herhand.
'I'm Vicki Stallings. Jim's wife.'
Kevin stood.
'Kevin Loomis. I'm with Crown Health. I… I play cards with Jim.'
'Oh, then you saw him just the nightbefore. . before this happened. Did he seem all right?'
'Perfectly normal.'
'He was in the subway when he collapsed,'she said, talking as much to herself as to Kevin. 'City Hall station. Hissecretary said he had some sort of appointment downtown, but she had no ideawhat. How did you say you knew Jim?'
'I … um … I play cards in the samegame he does.'
'Oh, yes. You just said that, didn't you.I can't seem to keep a thought in my head. I assume he lost again,' she said,desperately distraught, but still trying for civility. 'Jim never was veryinterested in card games, or very good at them from what I could tell. But hewould never miss that game. I gather it was as much about business as aboutpoker.'
Kevin felt strange hearing the lie fromsomeone else's wife.
'I'm really sorry about what's happened,'he said. 'I couldn't get any information from the hospital other than that hiscondition was critical. Is he … I mean, does he. .'
Vicky Stallings shook her head and thensuddenly and rapidly unraveled. Kevin stood by awkwardly until she had regainedsome control. Her sobbing let up. Embarrassed, she apologized. He told herthere was nothing to apologize for.
'My sister just left,' she managed. 'Why don'tyou go on in there alone. I'll be by in just a bit. Jim hasn't mentioned you,but he kept that poker game pretty much to himself. It's very good of you tocome.'
'I'm sorry this has happened,' Kevin saidagain.
For as long as he could remember, Kevinhad had an intense aversion to hospitals. He disliked intensive care units evenmore. He checked in with the nurse at the desk and was directed to cubicle 3, aglass-enclosed box with drapes partially blocking the windows. The patient inthe cubicle bore scant resemblance to the urbane executive who had sat acrossfrom him through nearly five months of Roundtable meetings. Tape across hispuffy face held tubes in place through his nose and mouth. Beside the bed, alarge respirator hissed and whirred, its display flashing like some obsceneelectronic game. Stallings's lips — what Kevin could see of them — wereswollen, cracked, and bruised. His eyes were taped shut. Periodically, everymuscle in his body seemed to go into spasm, with his rigid arms twisting inwarduntil his palms faced away from his sides. Overhead, the monitor screendisplayed a heart rhythm that was quite regular. Kevin knew the innocentpattern was deceiving.
Kevin pictured Evelyn DellaRosa as shownin the newspapers and as he remembered her. Such a remarkable looking woman — so classically stunning. Was this how she ended up, too? Tubes coming out ofevery body orifice? Puffed and brain-dead on artificial ventilation, alive onlyuntil some doctor finally strolled in and simply pulled the plug? Was this whatwas in store for Kevin Loomis as well?
He moved closer to the bedside.
Was there any way Stallings's cardiacarrest on the IRT could have been a coincidence. The man was incrediblystressed over the situation with The Roundtable. It was a hundred degrees onthe subway platform and not much better in the cars. And what if he was unluckyenough to get one of the old un-air-conditioned ones? Perhaps some pre-existingcondition caused his heart to just crap out. On the other hand, perhaps theywere being watched all the time at Battery Park. Perhaps Stallings hadrecognized someone from The Roundtable in the subway. Perhaps they had donesomething to him.
'Thank you for being so patient, Mr.Loomis.'
Vicky Stallings had washed her face andput on a bit of makeup.
'It's Kevin,' he said. 'This is so sad. Dohis doctors have any idea what could have happened?'
'I'd be happy to talk with you, Kevin,'she whispered. 'But I would prefer doing it in the family room. It's doubtfulJim can hear, but there's always the chance.'
'I understand.'
They returned to the small room. Wile E.Coyote was lashing himself to a huge rocket just as the Road Runner wasflashing past. Kevin reached up and flicked the set off.
'You don't have to talk about this with meif it's too painful,' he said.
'There's not much to say, actually. Thedoctors have said there's no hope. They estimate his heart stopped for eight ornine minutes. People were doing CPR, but I guess it wasn't enough. The rescuesquad finally got him going.'
'Was he, I mean, did he have any heartproblems before?'
Kevin sensed how desperate he was hopingfor a positive answer.
'Kevin, Jim ran last year's New YorkMarathon in three and a half hours. About six months ago he took out a largeinsurance policy. They required a stress test. Jim said he did so well that thedoctor who performed it eventually had to stop the test to go on to the nextpatient.'
'He always looked fit to me,' he said.
'The doctors say that maybe it was hispotassium dropping due to the heat and sweating. Apparently the heart is verysensitive to potassium. It depends on what he was doing for the hour or sobefore. .'
Vicky Stallings's voice once more grewstrained. Kevin could see that she was precariously close to coming apartagain. In fact, he was rather close himself. Stallings's death was nocoincidence, any more than Evelyn DellaRosa's or the knight named Sir Lionel'swas a coincidence. Somehow, they had followed Stallings, or perhaps even Kevin,to Battery Park. Then somehow they had gotten to him. Now, he was a vegetable.The unflappable Sir Gawaine. Kevin wondered if he, too, had gone out and boughta new house as soon as his appointment to The Roundtable was a fact.
Kevin wanted to scream. He made a pretenceof glancing at his watch. Vicky Stallings saved him any embarrassment.
'I really appreciate your coming likethis, Kevin,' she said, again reaching out to shake his hand. 'And who knows?It will take a miracle, but there have been miracles before. Many of them.'
'I'll be praying for him,' Kevin said,backing out of the room. He felt light-headed and desperately wanted a drink.
Kevin stopped in the first bar he passed,downed a couple of quick vodka tonics and then returned to Crown. BrendaWallace had some letters for him to sign and a list of calls to return. Hewatched her move about her office, tanned and lithe and utterly sensual. BurtDreiser had the corner office, the yacht,
He finished his work and sat for a time,staring out at the city. Then he picked up the phone and called George Illych,the underwriter at Crown who had handled all of his policies.
'George, Kevin Loomis is here. How goesit?'
'Hey, fine, Kevin. What can I do for you?'
Kevin pictured George Illych leaning backin his chair, looking longingly at his beloved Winstons. A jovial, overweightbilliard and golf hustler, Illych smoked two packs a day and was one of thepoorest insurance risks Kevin knew.
'Nancy and I have just bought a house inPort Chester.'
'Hey great, that's great. First the bigpromotion, then the big house.'
'Then the big coverage. George, I'vedecided, with the new house and my income up near $300,000 counting bonuses,that I want a bit more coverage.'
'Hey, no problem. What did we write for you recently?'
'A million. That was four months ago. Myphysical's still good, yes?'
'Up to six months. How much do you havetotal?'
'This million would make it three and ahalf.'
'All to Nancy?'
'Hey, pal, no problem. I'll have thepaperwork up to you within a couple of days.'
'Perfect. Thanks, George.'
'How about shooting a little pool afterwork sometime soon?'
'Pool against you? I couldn't afford it,George.'
'Hey, wait a minute. You just became thethree-and-a-half-million-dollar man.'
'That's only if I'm dead, George.' Oh,yeah. You've got a point there.'
Half an hour later Brenda Wallace stoppedby to say goodnight. Kevin quickly stacked the papers he had been working onand slid them inside his desk drawer. There was nothing further, he toldBrenda. She gave him one of her most dazzling smiles before heading home.
Kevin opened his briefcase and took out anewspaper clipping about Evelyn DellaRosa. He was looking at her picture whenhe dialed Harry Corbett's line.
'Corbett, this is the man you calledearlier,' he said to Harry's answering machine. 'I want to talk to you. Be hometomorrow morning at nine. I'll call.'
He set the articles back in his briefcaseand then tossed the drawings he had been making in on top of them. They were aseries of diagrams and sketches of the basement of his house in Queens, mostparticularly emphasizing the position of the washing machine, dryer, bulkheadentryway, and especially the electrical power source.
It was nearly midnight when Harry heardMaura's soft knock on his partially open bedroom door. He was lying on hisback, wide awake, trying to will himself to sleep. But he was still far too keyedup. Things were continuing to break for them, as they had since the momentMaura convinced him to hire Walter Concepcion. Now the insurance executiveKevin Loomis had left a message on his answering machine. He wanted to talk. Inthe morning he was going to call. Bit by bit the circle was closing. Step byminuscule step, they were drawing closer to Evie and Andy Barlow's killer.
'Come on in, I'm awake,' he said.
'I just wanted to see if I could talk youinto some tea, and maybe a little company.'
Wearing loose cotton pants and a tank top,she stood in the doorway, framed by the light behind her. If her goal at thatmoment was to look alluring and incredibly sexy, she has succeeded admirably.Harry pushed himself up and motioned her to a spot on the bed a fairly safedistance away.
'No tea, thanks, but a little companywould be fine.'
'Harry, I've decided to go home tomorrow,'she said suddenly.
He tried to mask his surprise and hurt.
'You don't have to do that.'
'I know. But sooner or later I do. It'snot to get away from anything here. I hope you know that. It's just that all ofa sudden, my head is full of the paintings I want to do. They're flashingthrough my brain like comets.'
'That's terrific. But I don't think it'ssafe yet.'
'Not from the killer, I agree. But thatdanger's here, too. It'll be everywhere I go until we nail him. What I am safefrom now is the booze. That was the big worry for me — even more dangerous thanthe killer. The AA meeting tonight made me even more certain. I'm not takinganything for granted, and I'm going to keep going to the meetings, but I
She sat with her legs tucked underneathher. Her body was silhouetted by the hall light. Harry tried to remember thelast time he had held Evie — the last time they had sex. The last time he hadreally cared. He sensed the stirrings in his body. Over the past days he hadmanaged to overcome them.
'I don't need space, and I don't want youto go,' he said.
She moved closer. He breathed in the scentof her and knew that whatever resistance he had been clinging to was gone.
'You don't know me, Harry,' she said. 'I'mtough. I've been known to eat nice, kind men like you for breakfast and spitout the seeds.'
He backed away and peered at her.
'That sounds like something you heard in amovie.'
'It is, actually. I think it might havebeen Garbo. But I've sort of always wanted to try the line out myself.Unfortunately, though, it's true. I can't remember the last lover I cared aboutas anything more than some sort of perverse validation that I was a worthwhileperson.'
'Even with no hair?'
'You have plenty. Besides, that minimalistcoif just lets me focus more on the rest of you.'
He drew her toward him and gently cuppedher breast. She made a soft, excited sound, pressed his hand in more tightly,and nestled her head against his chest.
'Harry, I've wanted you to want me since Ifirst saw you walking up the stairs to my place. Now I really am frightened.We're both going through so much — we've had so much hurt.'
'Maura, we don't have to make love. We canjust lie here and hold one another.'
She slid her hand down his shorts.
'Don't let me talk you out of this,' shesaid.
Propped against the headboard, he kissedher lightly on her lips, on her neck, on her throat. She knelt astride him andpulled off his T-shirt. Then, with his lips just inches from her breasts, sheswept off her tank top and threw it aside. Instantly his mouth was on her,sucking her, caressing her nipple with his tongue.
'Making love sober is going to be a hellof an experience for me.'
'We don't have to do it tonight.'
'Shut up … Harry, listen, though. Ireally don't feel right making love with you unless it's safe. It's been quitea while for me, I think. But you know how us blackout drinkers are.'
'Don't worry. Evie was the condom queen.The latest box is in the drawer by the bed. It's been there for months. I don'tthink it's even been opened.'
'Well, it's about to be.'
They kissed, gently, longingly. He workedhis hand inside her pants over her buttocks, farther and farther, until hecould touch her new dampness. Instantly, she was wet. She let him stroke herthat way for as long as she could stand. Then she slid down him, pulling hisshorts free and running her lips and tongue over him again and again.
'Go slow, Maura,' he begged. 'I'm reallyout of practice and I want this to last.'
'Where does it say you only get one try?'she murmured, moving up to his lips and helping him slide her pants down.
Completely nude, with wonderfully whiteskin and only the shortest, soft bristles of hair on her head, she was thesexiest woman he had ever been with. She lay stretched out on her belly now,toes pointed. He knelt beside her and ran his hand down her long, silky body,pausing to stroke her buttocks again and again. Then he rolled gently on top ofher, kneading the muscles in her back, spreading her legs apart with his knees.He was so aroused, so large, he ached. He kissed the inside of her thighs andtouched between her legs. She was ready, too — incredibly ready.
'Please, Harry,' she moaned. 'Not thisway. I want to look at you this first time. I want to see your face. I want tosee your wonderful face.'
He kissed her behind the neck and helpedher roll over. She drew her knees up and took him in her hand. For severalmagical suspended seconds they remained that way, their eyes fixed on one another.
'Keep looking at me,' she whispered as sheguided him inside her. 'Baby, please, keep your eyes open. Just a littlelonger. Keep your eyes open and see how happy this makes me. See how much Ilove doing this with you.'
The light of morning was filtering throughthe blinds when the phone began ringing. Harry couldn't remember when they hadfinally drifted off to sleep, but he knew it couldn't have been very long ago.They had made love, then rested, then made love, then showered and ate, andthen made love again.
'If this is you at fifty,' Maura hadgasped at one point, 'I'm sure glad I didn't meet you when you weretwenty-five.'
'You would have been eleven,' he said.
'That's just the point.'
An hour later, as she lay beside him, shegently touched the patchwork of scars covering his back. He had already toldher about Nha-trang.
'Hey, you can tell me the real story now,'she said. 'I'll certainly understand. What was her name?'
The ringing persisted. He reached acrossher for the phone just as she was beginning to stir. The digital display on hisclock radio read 7:50.
'Harry, it's Doug. Sorry to wake you.'
'Hey, I've been up for hours.'
Maura, now almost fully awake, reachedplayfully under the sheet to touch him. He pushed her hand aside, stifling alaugh.
'Harry, what in the hell is going on?'Atwater asked.
From the tension in Doug's voice, it wasclear he was not referring to what was going on at that moment in Harry'sbedroom.
'With what?' Harry asked.
'With those posters, dammit. Harry,please, we're friends. Don't play games with me.'
Harry was wide awake now, sitting boltupright. Maura, sensing trouble, was up, too.
'Doug, you have to believe me, I don'tknow what you're talking about.'
'There are posters on every bulletin boardin the hospital, and in at least two other hospitals we know of. Posters witheight versions of that drawing of the man you think killed your wife. Owen isfurious, Harry.'
Harry groaned and put his hand over thereceiver.
'The posters are up all over the hospital,godammit. It's got to be Concepcion.' He returned to Atwater. 'Doug, I swear,it was a guy I hired to help us out who did it. I told him not to, butapparently he did it anyway. Is it just the pictures? I mean, does the postersay anything?'
'Of course it does, Harry. Listen, I'm notan idiot. Don't treat me like-'
'Doug, please, what does it say?'
Harry could hear Atwater sigh, trying tocompose himself.
'It says that this man is wanted for themurder of Evelyn DellaRosa, and that anyone with information should contact youat the number I just dialed. There's a fifty-thousand-dollar reward forinformation leading to his arrest and conviction.'
'How much?'
'Fifty thousand.'
'Fifty thousand?'
'Harry, Owen is berserk about this.'
'Tell him I'm sorry. I'll be calling toexplain and I'll take every one of them down.'
'It's more than just this hospital, Harry.University has called, and St. Bart's. I suspect there may be others.'
'I'll take care of it, Doug. I'll takecare of them all.'
'Who's the guy who did this?'
'No one you know. Listen, thanks, Doug.Thanks for calling me.' He set the receiver down. 'No one I know either,' hemuttered. 'Maura can you get hold of your brother?'
'I think so.'
'I want to know if there was ever alicensed detective in New York named Walter Concepcion.'
The call from Kevin Loomis came preciselyon time, at nine o'clock. By that time, three other calls had come in as well.One was from a maintenance worker at MMC, one from University Hospital, and onefrom Bellevue. Each of them reported seeing the man in the poster. Two of themwanted an advance on the reward before giving any information. Harry found anotebook in the study and began keeping a log. He also began letting hismachine screen calls.
'Goddamn Concepcion,' he said after eachof the calls. 'Goddamn Concepcion.'
Loomis, calling from a pay phone, wouldsay only that he was willing for the two of them to meet. He sounded tense, butnot excessively so.
'Be at the southeast corner of theintersection of Third Avenue and Fifty-first at eleven o'clock tonight,' hesaid. 'Wear a baseball cap. I'll pick you up.'
He hung up before Harry could ask anyquestions.
Over the next half an hour, there were twomore calls with tips and inquiries about the reward. Maura answered both.Neither seemed that promising.
'We're going to have to develop a systemfor evaluating these,' she said. 'I suppose we should say that if the callercan point the man out to us we're interested. Otherwise, thanks, but nothanks.'
'Maura, I don't
'Hey, first things first,' she said.'Don't you remember hearing the speaker say that at the AA meeting last night?'
'God, I've created a monster.'
The third call was from Tom Hughes. Hewould keep looking, but as far as he could tell, there had never been alicensed private eye in Manhattan or any city in New York State named WalterConcepcion. Harry slammed down the receiver, then snatched it up and calledConcepcion's rooming house. Walter himself answered.
'Concepcion, I want to know who the hellyou are, and why you've stabbed me in the back like this.'
For fifteen seconds there was silence.
'Your place or mine,' Concepcion saidfinally.
'. . I couldn't see the man's facebecause of the way I was tied up, but even through the drugs and the pain, Irecognized his voice. It was my boss, Sean Garvey. He was what we called afloater — sort of part CIA, part DEA, part above it all. It was his job tocoordinate our side of the undercover operation in northern Mexico. But he soldme out, and brought in his friend Perchek to work on me. .'
When the man Harry had known as WalterConcepcion arrived at the apartment, Harry immediately lost control. Withoutwaiting for any explanation, he spun Concepcion against the hallway wall andwas so close to striking him that Maura had to restrain him. Now, he and Maurasat together on the sofa in his living room, listening in stunned silence asRay Santana took them through his three years as an undercover Drug EnforcementAgency operative in Mexico, then his capture, and his torture at the hands ofAnton Perchek.
'. . After Garvey left the cellar,Orsino, one of the drug lord's lieutenants, told Perchek about an escape tunnelleading to a house across the street. With the festival going on in Nogales,and crowds of people all over the city, they would have a perfect chance toslip away from the Mexican police. Poor Orsino obviously didn't appreciate whohe was dealing with. It wasn't by accident that no pictures or reliable descriptionsof The Doctor existed. Perchek pulled a pistol from his medical bag and just ascalmly as you please, shot him through the mouth. Then he pointed the gun atme. But he was furious with me because I hadn't broken. It was the ultimateinsult to him. He wanted me to die, but not a quick death. Instead of shootingme, he emptied the whole syringeful of hyconidol into me.'
'Oh, God,' Maura said.
Santana shuddered.
'It was horrible. Indescribably horrible.But it was also a mistake. I didn't die…'
Fascinated, Harry studied the man as hecontinued. Santana's voice was animated enough, but there was a blankness inhis eyes — a strange, detached distance. Outwardly, he was telling his story,but in his mind, Harry realized, he was living it.
'. . Ray. . for God's sake, Ray. Comeon.'
A man's urgent voice pries into Santana'sconsciousness. Ray fights to stay within the darkness. Finally, though, hegroans, opens his eyes a bit, and strains to focus on the face behind thewords. His body feels as if it has been worked over with a baseball bat. He ison his back on the grimy cellar floor, a makeshift pillow beneath his head.
'Ray, it's me, Vargas. Ray, where is he?Where's Perchek? Come on, Ray. We've lost a lot of time.'
The face comes into focus. Joaquin Vargas.One of Alacante's most trusted lieutenants. One of the men Ray was preparing tohave arrested. Vargas — Mexican undercover all the time!
'Vargas … I never thought you-'
'Never mind that. Where's Perchek?'
With great effort, Ray pushed himself up.His head is clearing rapidly. Apparently, The Doctor does not know his reveredpain drug as intimately as he thinks. Or maybe he just doesn't know RaySantana.
'How long have you been here with me?'Santana asks.
'Half an hour. Maybe a little more. You'vebeen out like a fish on ice. At first, we thought you were dead.'
'He went out a tunnel somewhere overthere. It goes to the house across the street.'
'The tunnel.' Vargas orders.
Immediately, three uniformed policemenrace that way.
'They don't know what he looks like,' Raysays. 'I do. I need a gun.'
'Ray, you're too-'
'I'm fine. Joaquin, you have no idea whatthe bastard did to me. Please. Give me your gun.'
Reluctantly, Vargas hands over hisrevolver — a nine millimeter Smith amp; Wesson. Ray cradles the gun and patsthe Mexican on the arm.
'You sure as hell had me fooled,' he says.
Without waiting for a reply, Ray hurriesup the stairs. If the streets are as Garvey has warned, crawling with policechecking out any and all gringos, there is still a chance Perchek hasn't founda safe way out.
It is nearly six P.M. Long, late-afternoonshadows stretch down the main street, where a small parade is wending its waytoward the plaza. The crowd along the sidewalks is modest — probably in a lullbetween the afternoon and evening festivities. But a number of thosecelebrating are wearing costumes. . and masks. Chances are, Perchek isbehind one of them, possibly in the midst of the parade. Or perhaps he isheaded out of town by now. But policemen are everywhere, knocking on doors,checking alleys, and blocking the main exits from town. There is still achance.
Ray is more wobbly from his ordeal than hewishes to admit. But each step feels more assured than the last. And he knowsthat when and if he does need the strength, it will be there. He starts tofollow the parade. But after a few yards, one of Vargas's men calls to him. Thepoliceman is approaching with a thin, agitated man who is gesticulating wildlyand chattering nonstop. The man is naked save for a pair of red silk bikinibriefs.
'Mr. Santana,' the officer says, 'we foundthis man bound and gagged with adhesive tape in an alley two blocks in thatdirection. He says that not ten minutes ago a gringo put a gun to his head,took his costume, and tied him up. We're looking for a clown with a redpolka-dot suit, mask, and bright orange hair. From this fellow's description, Idoubt he'll be hard to spot. Only ten minutes ago. There's no way he can escapeus. We're closing in on the plaza.'
Ray voices his approval, but he sensessomething is wrong. Anton Perchek had shot Orsino to death without a flicker ofhesitation. An ally of his.
He slips the Smith amp; Wesson beneathhis belt and heads away from the plaza toward the alley where the clown wasfound. A tangled ball of adhesive tape shows him the exact spot. The alley isdeserted. With firecrackers going off every few minutes, there is no way agunshot would ever have been noticed. Yet the man is alive.
Not at all certain what he is searchingfor, Santana makes his way around the tawdry block. Then quickly around thenext one. And the next. Litter from the fiesta is everywhere. A number ofcelebrants lie in doorways or between trash barrels in deep, alcohol-inducedsiesta. One of them, somewhat removed from any others, catches Santana's eye.It is a young woman with a rather pretty face, perhaps in her early twenties.She is sleeping on her side, her back pressed against a building, covered tothe neck with a tattered Mexican blanket. Ray approaches. But five yards beforehe reaches her, he knows she is dead.
He pulls back the blanket. She is dressedonly in a pair of white cotton panties, and she is pregnant — perhaps sevenmonths, perhaps eight. A single bullet hole stares up at him obscenely from aspot just above her engorged left nipple. The blood that has oozed from it hasalready clotted. Santana bets that The Doctor had the woman's clothes hiddenaway even before he took the clown's.
Driven by a jet of adrenaline, his legsare suddenly responsive. He pulls the revolver free as he sprints toward themain street. A juggler in a skeleton's costume and mask is entertaining a crowdof fifty or so. Shielded by the corner of a building, Ray studies the crowd andthen turns his attention to the street. Everyone seems to be involved inconversation, in commerce with one of the street vendors, or watching thejuggler.
Then suddenly he sees her. Across thestreet and a block away. She is walking slowly, unobtrusively, away from thecrowd — away from him. What strikes him, though, is her very unobtrusiveness.Her feet are bare, her head covered by a shawl. An unremarkable pedestrian in avery remarkable scene.
Santana moves ahead, keeping the crowdbetween himself and the woman. If it is Perchek, taking him will not be easy.There are dozens of potential hostages around, and scores of potential victimsshould any sort of shooting erupt.
He remains in the shadows of the buildingfor as long as he can. Then he breaks across the street and dashes toward thewoman from directly behind her. At the last possible moment, she sensesmovement and begins to turn around. But Ray, his gun drawn, is alreadyairborne. His shoulder slams into her back, sending her sprawling on to therutted dirt street. The moment he impacts with her — the instant he feels thebulk and the tightened muscles — Ray knows it is Perchek.
Shrieking in Russian, The Doctor spins tohis back, struggling to free the gun in his right hand. But the loose maternitydress slows him, and Santana is ready for the move. He pins Perchek's wristwith his left hand, and simultaneously thrusts the Smith amp; Wesson up intothe soft flesh beneath his chin.
'Drop it!' he barks. 'Drop it now or it'syour fucking head, Perchek. I mean it!'
The Doctor's ice blue eyes sear him. Hismouth is twisted in a snarling rictus of hate. Then, slowly, ever so slowly,Anton Perchek releases his weapon and lets it drop from his fingertip. .
Harry worked his neck around and realizedhe hadn't moved a muscle for some time. Across from him, Ray Santana saggedvisibly, exhausted from recounting the ordeal that should have killed him.Without speaking, Maura went to the kitchen and returned with coffee. Nobodyspoke until she had poured three cups.
'Can you tell us what happened afterthat?' Harry said.
'Nothing good. Perchek's injection didn'tkill me, but over the last seven years I often wish it had. Somethingirreversible happened to the pain fibers in my nervous system. They fire offwith no cause. Sometimes a little. Sometimes absolute hell.'
'I assume you've seen doctors.'
'Without the chemical Perchek used, theydidn't even know where to begin. Most of them thought I was crazy. You know howdoctors are about things they didn't learn in some textbook. They thought I wasjust after drugs or a government pension. Finally, I took a medical dischargefrom the agency and got one hundred percent disability. I go to AA and NAperiodically, but the pain always wins out. Fortunately, I have a doctor andpharmacist at home in Tennessee who understand. So getting Percodanprescriptions is no problem.'
'And your family?' Maura asked.
Santana shrugged sadly.
'My wife — Eliza — tried to understandwhat had happened to me and what I was going through. But with no encouragementor insight from any of the doctors, she finally gave up. Last year she gotmarried to a teacher from Knoxville.'
'And your son?'
'He's at the university. From time totime, when he can, he calls. I haven't seen him in a while.'
'This is very sad,' Maura said.
'I was managing — at least until a fewweeks ago I was. About a year after Perchek was locked up in the Mexicanfederal penitentiary just outside of Tampico, I got word that he was dead,killed in a helicopter crash during an escape attempt. I didn't trust the report.In Mexico, if you have enough money, you can make just about anything happen — or appear to happen. There had been an explosion over water, I was told. Thechopper blew up, there were several reliable witnesses. What was fished out ofthe Atlantic was identified as Perchek through dental X rays.'
'You sound as if you weren't convinced.'
'Let's just say that what I wanted tobelieve and what I believed in my heart were not the same thing.'
But how did you end up here?' Harry asked.
'I got a call from an old friend inforensics at the bureau in D.C. That expert of yours, Mr. Sims, had sent down anumber of prints for identification. One of them, a thumbprint, matchedPerchek's with about ninety-five percent certainty. I wasn't that surprised — especially when I learned it had been lifted from the room of a woman who hadbeen murdered in a hospital. I came here and began making plans to get close toyou. My friend in D.C. promised to give me a little time before identifying theprint for Sims.'
'But why didn't you tell us who you were?'
'Well, the truth is I wasn't sure whatside you were on. I thought maybe you had hired Perchek to kill your wife. Iwasn't even a hundred percent certain after that night in Central Park.'
Harry groaned.
'That was you. You shot that man.'
'You look upset.'
'I am upset.'
'I saved Maura's life. Maybe yours, too.'
'If you had taken those men in instead ofkilling one, Andy Barlow might still be alive.'
Now it was Santana who lashed out.
'Harry, don't be an ass. We're dealing withkillers, here. Not college professors, not social workers — killers. Got that?These people don't stand around and let someone
'You're dangerous, Santana,' Harry snappedback. 'A walking stick of dynamite with a short fuse. You don't really care whogets blown away as long as Anton Perchek goes along with them.'
'You've got that right, brother.'
'Well, I might get booted out of myhospital because of what you've done,
'Come on, Harry,' Santana said. 'You mightget reprimanded, but you won't get kicked out. Your lawyer's too good. Listen,we'll go take the posters down. They've been up most of the night now, and thatmeans they've already succeeded in rankling Perchek, which is pretty much whatI wanted them to do.'
Maura had heard enough.
'Listen, you two,' she snapped. 'Sit downand shut up for a minute, both of you. I don't care how you feel about oneanother, but neither of you operating alone has much chance of getting thisPerchek. Harry, you're a doctor, not a cop. And Ray, you can't get insidehospitals, and that's where your man is. You two need one another. Face it.'
Harry glared at Santana. Maura stalkedacross the room and stood over him, hands on hips.
'Do you guys want me to make you shakehands like we used to do after fights in junior high school? Okay, then. Westick together, and we try to clear things with one another before we do them.Deal?'
'Deal,' the two men grumbled.
'Well, come on, then,' Maura cut in beforethey could get started again. 'We've got some posters to take down.'
A small crowd clustered around thebulletin board outside the MMC surgical suite. There were nurses, technicians,and physicians, including an anesthesiologist, an ENT specialist, and Caspar Sidonis.Everyone, it seemed, was talking at once about the posters that had appearedovernight throughout the hospital.
'You know,' one of the nurses said,pointing to the rendering of Perchek with a beard, 'I actually think I've seenthis guy.'
'Janine,' another nurse said, 'since youkicked Billy out last year you've seen most of the guys in the city.'
'Not funny,' Janine said.
'I agree, Janine,' Sidonis said. 'Andneither is this. . this latest humiliation for our hospital.' At the firstwords from the cardiac surgical chief, all extraneous conversation stopped.'Everyone in the hospital knows that Harry Corbett killed his wife. He couldn'tstand the thought of losing her and so he killed her. It's as simple as that.These drawings are just a smoke screen, a misdirection play. The man isabsolutely certifiable, and so is the woman who drew these. They are theproduct of an alcoholic's distorted mind, and nothing more. You'll all see.I've had it up to here with Corbett and the way he's manipulating everyone inthis place. Fifty-thousand-dollar reward, indeed.'
Embarrassed by the surgeon's ramblingoutburst and the stories they all knew about his involvement with the murderedwoman, the crowd quickly dispersed. As Sidonis turned to go, he nearly collidedwith a man in a full-length lab coat, whose photo badge identified him asHeinrich Hauser, a research professor from the department of endocrinology.
'I agree with you completely, Doctor,'Hauser said in a dense German accent. 'This Corbett makes trouble foreveryone.'
'Thank you, Doctor,' Sidonis replied.
He glanced at the man, who was four orfive inches shorter than he was, with gray-white, crew-cut hair, thick glasses,and yellowed teeth. The teeth disgusted Sidonis. Instinctively, he backed away,fearing a blast of bad breath. He had not seen the man before that he couldremember, but he seldom took notice of anyone with whom he didn't haveimportant business.
'Have a good day, now,' Hauser said.
'Yes. You, too.' Sidonis paused and lookedat the man once more. 'Have we met?'
The man's ocher smile prompted Sidonis tolook away.
'I don't think so, Doctor,' he said. 'Butperhaps we shall meet again sometime.'
By nightfall the three-day heat wave hadyielded to a pleasant summer rain. Harry left the apartment at ten-thirty andtook a cab to the East Side. As instructed, he was wearing a baseball-style cap- the only one he could find in the apartment. It was Evie's from herWashington days, navy blue with
Harry had been loudly rebuked by OwenErdman for breaking their agreement and putting up the posters. But as Santanahad predicted, he did not appear to be in danger of losing his staff privilegesso long as they were taken down promptly. Harry would do MMC. Santana and theman he had hired to help cover every hospital in the city would take care ofthe six others they had done so far.
When they had left Harry's apartment,there was still a good deal of tension lingering between the two of them. Harryfelt he could no longer trust Ray Santana to act in anyone's interest but hisown. To his credit, Santana did not dispute that point. But he maintained thatany sacrifice, by anyone, that resulted in The Doctor's death would have beenworth it.
They briefly considered bringing AlbertDickinson up to speed on the developments in the case. But neither of them werein favor of doing that. The chances of getting anything helpful from him weresignificantly lower than the chances of his causing more trouble for them.Perchek was arrogant and fearless, but he was not foolish. Dickinson would morethan likely end up driving him underground — perhaps the worst thing that couldhappen. Since it was still not at all clear what The Doctor was doing inManhattan or how he came to kill Evie, there was no way of predicting how longhe would stick around.
While Harry and Santana were off to teardown posters, Maura stayed at the apartment to screen phone calls. There was asteady flow of them now at about two or three an hour. Most of the calls wereclearly cranks. But some sounded interesting. Maura dutifully logged each oneand promised to get back to the caller.
With fifteen minutes to go before he wasto meet Kevin Loomis, Harry paid the cabby off at Park and Fifty-first andwalked the remaining blocks. Although he wasn't particularly worried aboutbeing followed, he had not forgotten his experience in Desiree's apartment. Hecut down to Forty-ninth and back, pausing in several doorways to survey thestreet.
Traffic was light, and the intersection ofFifty-first and Third was nearly deserted. With Evie's U.S. Senate cap pulledlow over his eyes, Harry leaned against a light post and waited. At exactly11:05, a Yellow cab pulled up. The front passenger door swung open.
'Get in, Doctor,' the driver said, hisvoice like number thirty-six sandpaper.
'You Loomis?' Harry asked as the cabpulled away and headed uptown.
'Nope.' The driver said nothing more untilthey neared Fifth Avenue at Fifty-seventy. 'As soon as I'm across Fifth, jumpout and hurry up to the corner of Sixtieth. You'll be picked up there. I'vealready been paid, so just get out quickly and go.'
He slowed until the light was just aboutto turn red, then spurted across the intersection just ahead of the oncomingFifth Avenue traffic. The maneuver drew an angry volley of horn blasts, but ensuredthat no car could make it through behind them. Harry hurried up Fifty toSixtieth. As soon as he reached the corner, a black Lexus rolled up. The dooropened and Harry jumped in while the car was still moving. The driver, agood-looking man about forty, swung on to Central Park South and accelerated.
'Kevin Loomis,' he said. 'Sorry for thecloak-and-dagger stuff. I'm not even sure it'll do any good. Stallings and Itook every precaution we could think of when we went to meet at Battery Park,but somehow they still managed to follow one or both of us. Stallings was onthe way back to his office from our meeting when he had his cardiac arrest.'
'Who are
'You mean like the Million DollarRoundtable?'
'More like the Hundred Million DollarRoundtable. . I'm part of it.'
They turned on to the West Side Highwayand headed uptown. Harry listened in near disbelief as Kevin Loomis describedthe secret society and his recent involvement with it. Harry liked the manimmediately — the hard edge to his speech, the street-smart toughnessunderlying the newly acquired executive's manners. If The Roundtable was aselite and exclusive as Loomis depicted, it was a bit difficult to imagine himbelonging.
As he listened, there were two things thatstruck Harry almost from the beginning. The first was the secrecy and mistrust — and how little Loomis had been allowed to know about the other knights. Itsounded more like a covert government operation than an old-boys club. Thesecond was something about the man, himself. Clearly Loomis was saddened bywhat had happened — to Evie
'As far as your wife goes,' Loomis said,'I'm just guessing at what might have happened. I'm assuming you had nothing todo with her death.'
'Our marriage was on the rocks, just likethe newspapers said. But I would never have harmed her.'
'The people on The Roundtable are terriblyparanoid. They were worried that Desiree was investigating them.'
'She wasn't,' Harry said. 'She was writinga book and preparing a tabloid TV report on the power of sex in business andpolitics.' He reviewed the night he had spent in Desiree's apartment, omittingany mention of The Doctor. 'Her involvement with your group was primarilyresearch,' he concluded. 'She probably went through your wallets when she hadthe chance. She figured out you were in the insurance business, but that wasall she knew. I don't think she had the faintest notion what you were meetingfor.'
'Well, apparently The Roundtable didn'tbuy that. I was there for the discussion, and there was not even a hint thatthey planned to track her down and kill her. But now I'm sure they did. I haveno idea who actually injected her with that chemical. I would imagine it's thesame guy who carries out the terminations of policy-holders who cost ourcompany too much money. Hell, for all I know, there may even be more than oneof them.'
Harry decided to wait until he knew a bitmore about Loomis and his motives before sharing the news of Anton Perchek.They entered the Bronx on the Henry Hudson Parkway and continued driving awayfrom Manhattan, toward Van Cortland Park. Harry remained uneasy about Loomis'saffect, and wondered if the man was lying or perhaps holding something back.
'Kevin,' he said, 'why have you decided totell me all this? I mean, you're part of it. If The Roundtable is destroyed,there's a good chance you'll suffer, too.'
'There are a few reasons, actually. I'veread a lot about you, and I don't like what they're doing to you — they'redestroying your life. You won a medal for getting shot up in Nam. I was tooyoung to fight, but my older brother Michael lost a leg there. Also, the wholething's getting to be too much for me. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm no angel.Far from it. I could do most of what The Roundtable wanted and not bat an eye.But I draw the line at killing people, no matter how sick they are or how muchthey're going to cost us. I intend to turn state's evidence and make some sortof deal with the DA's office — that is, if I ever get my hands on anyevidence.'
'What do you mean?'
'There's nothing on paper. Nothing at all.Stallings was the only one who might have backed me up. I'll go ahead anyway — tell the same story I just told you and name what names I can. But I suspectthe lawyers for the other knights will cut me to shreds.'
'Maybe not. You know, all along I've had atheory about why whoever killed Evie seemed to be going out of their way
'Exactly. You said your wife's killer hasbeen trying to get you to kill yourself. That would have been the clincher. Idon't know about Stallings, but I would have immediately stopped suspecting TheRoundtable.'
Harry turned to Loomis.
'What you're doing takes a lot of guts,'he said. 'When you do go to the authorities, I'll be right there with you, ifthat's any comfort.'
'Thanks. But from what I've read in thepapers, I'm not sure that would be a plus. The cops really hate you.'
Harry smiled.
'Touche. Kevin, listen. I'm thinking aboutsomething pretty far-out that might help us. Could you go over the criteria youremember from that sheet Stallings gave you?'
'I can do better than that.'
He handed over the printout of Merlin'sprogram — the criteria that had cost Beth DeSenza her job. Then he looped on tothe Mosholu Parkway, heading back toward the Major Deegan Expressway and thecity.
'How many companies are involved?' Harryasked.
'Probably five — that's not counting mycompany or Stallings's. I know two of them for sure — ComprehensiveNeighborhood Health and Northeast Life and Casualty. What companies the otherthree represent, I don't know yet, although I might be able to find out if Ireally work at it.'
'Don't do anything to ruffle anyone'sfeathers. These guys clearly don't have much patience with people who upsetthem.' Harry studied the criteria. 'The lowest projected cost to qualify fortermination was — what again? Half a million?'
Harry rolled up the printout and tapped itagainst his fist. His idea was beginning to take shape.
'Kevin, I really appreciate that you'vecome to me before going to the DA,' he said. 'Now I've got something to show
He handed over a folded copy of theposter. Kevin glanced at it, then pulled off into the breakdown lane and turnedon the interior light.
'Never saw him before,' he said after halfa minute.
'He's the man who killed Evie. We haveproof. I saw him outside her room just before the injection. Her roommate sawhim
'And you think he's involved with TheRoundtable?'
'I do. I think he's the one who carriesout these. . these terminations.'
Kevin handed back the poster and swung thecar on to the highway. For a time they rode in silence.
'You've got to nail that guy,' Kevin said.
'I have a thought,' Harry said. 'You saidtwo of the companies involved were Comprehensive Neighborhood Health andNortheast Life and Casualty. I don't have many patients with Comprehensive, butI do have quite a few covered by Northeast Life. Suppose I admitted one to myhospital and made up a diagnosis that would qualify him for termination underthis protocol?'
'Could you do that?'
'I think so. The real question is whetheryour knight from Northeast Casualty would bite. What's his name?'
'Pat Harper. He's Lancelot, the one whomade Stallings the offer to join the inner circle.'
'So if anyone's actively involved in thisthing, it would be him. That's good.'
'But you're suggesting taking a patientand deliberately exposing him to this Anton Perchek? Who would do such athing?'
'Actually,' Harry said, 'I have someone inmind who would be happy to. Only he's not exactly a patient of mine. Could youtake me to my office? It's on 116th near Fifth.'
'Sure. I knew it was right to contactyou.'
Once again, Loomis's words and the way hespoke them made Harry feel uneasy. Not once had he talked about the implicationsfor him and his family of what he was doing. In fact, not once had he spoken ofhis family at all. He had chosen to contact Harry before going to the DA. Why?
Suddenly Harry knew. What had beentroubling him so about the man was that he sounded detached, as if the eventshe described had happened to someone else entirely. He had chosen to speak withHarry before seeking out the DA because he never had any intention of going tothe authorities. In fact, he had no intention of seeing this thing through. Allat once a good deal about this strange ride made sense. Loomis's calmness. Hislack of fear. Loomis was an insurance executive. Harry suspected that his deathwould leave his family well provided for,
'You okay?' Harry asked as they approachedthe lights of the city.
'Huh? Oh, sure. I'm still worried aboutwhat's going to happen. But I feel much more hopeful after talking to you.'
'Good. We
'I know.'
The sadness in his voice was unmistakablenow.
'Kevin, you said you knew about me and thewar.'
'What I read in the papers.'
'The platoon I was with was ambushed. Wewere caught in a vicious firefight, with mortar shells dropping on us from anearby hill. Most of our kids were killed or badly hurt. I managed to dragthree of them to the medevac chopper. That's what I got the decoration for — asif I even knew what I was doing at that point. Then a shell exploded rightbehind me. I think it hit a mine, because it seemed like half the jungle blewup. I have no idea who dragged me out of there. It was about a week before Iwoke up. They had taken what metal and other debris they could out of my back,along with part of one kidney. I spent several months in a rehab hospital. Thepain was wicked, and for a long time I thought I might not walk.'
'But you did.'
'That's sort of the point. About threemonths into my rehab, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I snuck off in mywheelchair with a revolver tucked under the sheet. For half an hour — oh hell,I really don't even know how long — I sat in the woods with this gun in mymouth and my finger on the trigger.'
'Why didn't you pull it?'
Harry shrugged.
'I guess I just decided it wasn't my job.'
They had crossed the river into the citynow, and were heading toward Harry's office.
'Good for you.'
'Hopeless is a relative term, Kevin. JamesStallings is pretty much hopeless. You aren't. Think about that, will you?'
For a moment it seemed Kevin was about tosay something, but instead he just nodded and focused on the road. Harry felthe had gone as far as he could in counseling a man he did not know. At least hehad made his point. They rode in silence until Loomis pulled up at Harry'soffice.
'Is there anything else I should know beforeI go about creating a worm for Sir Lancelot to bite on?'
'Just follow the protocol,' Loomis said.'I wish you luck;
Harry stepped out on to the street. Therain had stopped, but the humidity was still close to 100 percent.
'I'd like about a week before you go tothe DA,' he said. 'If we're going to pull this off, publicity would reallyhurt.'
'No problem. I'll check with you first,anyway.'
'Thanks. And Kevin?'
'Do everyone a favor and see this onethrough.'
Loomis looked at him without making eyecontact.
'Yeah, sure,' he said. 'Thanks.'
It was the middle of the night beforeHarry found what he was looking for — a male patient, age thirty-five tofifty-five, whose insurance carrier was Northeast Life and Casualty. MaxGarabedian, a forty-eight-year-old school custodian. Garabedian, who wascompulsive about his work and his body, was something of a hypochondriac. Butin the main, he was healthy. And that was what Harry needed to know. There wasonly one way his scheme could work, and countless ways in which it could gohaywire. But barring a freak accident, having Max Garabedian show up in somehospital when he was already an inpatient at MMC would not be one of them.
Harry considered calling Garabedian toexplain what he was about to do. But if the man agreed, he would be open tocharges of insurance fraud.
Now there were only two problems: comingup with an appropriately dire condition, and convincing Ray Santana to becomethe bait.
Harry stepped off the elevator on to Grey2 and headed directly for the chart rack next to the nurse's station. He wastrying to be unobtrusive, but he knew that every nurse, aide, and secretary onthe floor was aware of his arrival. He was also trying to appear nonchalant,although he felt more and more like he was on night patrol in the jungle. Itwas his third day of making rounds on the patient in room 218, the manregistered as Max Garabedian. In order to clear his name from one felony, hewas willfully committing another, probably
It had taken two days of intense workbefore Harry was set to admit Ray Santana to the Manhattan Medical Center. Thediagnosis he had chosen for his creation was acute lymphocytic leukemia,complicated by a low white-blood-cell level and bacterial endocarditis — aserious, potentially lethal infection of the heart valves. To up the ante forSir Lancelot's insurance company, he added a code and special note implyingthat Garabedian was being evaluated for total body radiation and a bone marrowtransplant.
To test the case, Kevin Loomis had run thedata through the computers of Crown Health and Casualty. The projected cost oftreating Max Garabedian's illnesses over the 2.2 years he was projected to haveleft to live was $697,000. A bone marrow transplant would add $266,000 to theequation, partly by increasing his life expectancy 13.6 years. If Lancelot wasusing The Roundtable's selection program, Max Garabedian would light up on theNortheast Life computers like a flare.
Harry opened Garabedian's record andreviewed the notes and laboratory reports he had inserted there, including adictation he had done using the name of the chief of hematology. He had signedthe note himself and intercepted the copy as it was being placed in thehematologist's cubby. Such maneuvers were necessary to keep the nurses andchart reviewers from becoming suspicious. But each move carried with it thedanger of discovery, and Harry was definitely feeling the strain. He had beensleeping only four or five hours a night, had absolutely no appetite, and haddeveloped a nasty, dry cough that he felt certain was nothing more than nerves.
And to heighten the tension, there had beenabsolutely no sign that The Roundtable or The Doctor was nibbling at the bait.
Harry wrote a lengthy, problem-orientedprogress note in the chart. As had been the case during the first two days ofrounds, no one spoke to him unless he addressed them directly. It was just aswell. The less anyone asked him, the less he would have to lie. And lying wassomething he had never done very smoothly.
To discourage hospital personnel fromvisiting Max's room, Harry also added 'probable tuberculosis' to the mix — allin all, enough pathology to give even the most intrepid caregiver pause. GivenRay Santana's gaunt appearance, sallow complexion, and chronic five o'clockshadow, Harry knew that hospital personnel would have no trouble connecting himwith his frightening inventory of diagnoses.
Garabedian, whom Harry had labeled in hisadmission history 'a successful commodities trader' was admitted to anisolation room. Throughout his hospitalization, he would be tended to by hisown special-duty nurses. The night-shift 'nurse' was a private detective namedPaula Underhill. The day and evening shifts were being covered by Maura,wearing glasses and a brunette wig. As Garabedian would be on precautions, both'nurses' would be required to wear surgical masks and gowns. Of course, AntonPerchek would be masked and gowned as well. But both Maura and Santana feltthey would still be able to pick him out. And Paula Underhill, a witty,Brooklyn-born black belt in Kenpo karate, was more than willing to try.
Having special-duty nurses also helpedsolve one of the thornier problems Harry had tackled: laboratory tests. Heordered blood work each day, but none of it included Ray's white-blood-cellcount, which would have been normal. But with Garabedian having his own nurses,the nurses on the floor would almost certainly follow his laboratory tests lessclosely, if at all. The trick had been to create a patient requiring aninsufferable amount of work, and then to provide the regular staff with thesalvation of a private nurse. Harry did insert fabricated admission bloodcounts from his office to the inpatient chart and decided he could improviseand produce more lab work depending on what he was hearing from the staff. Hewas hearing nothing.
Most of the other details were simple towork out — at least in theory. The intravenous line would be taped to Ray'sskin and wrapped in gauze. IV medications would be run into the gauze or intothe sink. Oral medications would be discarded immediately or squirreled awaybeneath Ray's tongue until they could be. And of course, Percodan or Demerolwould be ordered every three to four hours as needed for pain.
The final hurdle was Ray's absoluteinsistence on having his gun close at hand. Both the private detective, who wascarrying a gun of her own, and Maura, who was not, agreed to help him concealthe weapon if needed.
Harry finished his note by indicating thatGarabedian's condition was improving slightly, but that another ten to fourteendays of hospitalization were anticipated. His goal was to fabricate as manycomplications as possible. Northeast Life and Casualty, like most insurers inthe brave new medical world, had a team of peer reviewers that checked therecords of hospitalized patients, poised to terminate benefits if the databasesaid it was time for 'the diagnosis' to be treated at home.
Outside room 218 was a steel cart with thegloves, gowns, and masks required for infectious-disease isolation. Harryprepared himself and entered the room, closing the door tightly behind him.Maura was in a chair, sketching in an artist's pad. Ray was propped in bedwatching
'Any problems?' Harry asked.
'He wants me to give him a bed bath,'Maura said.
'Hey, I got one a couple of times a dayfrom the nurses the last time I was in hospital,' Ray whined. 'Just because I'mnot sick is no reason I shouldn't get tender loving care.'
'No bed baths,' Harry said, 'but I willwrite orders for three enemas a day instead.'
'And to think, I was embarrassed even toask for one.'
'I assume there haven't been anysightings.'
'Not even of a nurse. It's like they thinkthe plague is in here.'
'They do. Maura, anything I can do foryou?'
'Just find a way to have you-know-who makean appearance.'
Harry motioned to Ray's pillow.
'No problem keeping that concealed?'
'Not as long as my nurse, here, keepsvolunteering to do things so the people out there don't have to. They'vealready thanked her so many times, I wouldn't be surprised if they took up acollection for her. Any progress in the outside world?'
'The calls have slowed down, but they'restill coming in. One lab tech from Good Samaritan swears our man was a baldingmedical resident from Poland. A nurse from University Hospital is certain he'san orderly there, only with dark hair and an earring.'
'He probably was both,' Santana said. 'Ifwe could ever pinpoint what days he was spotted in those hospitals, I'd betwe'd find a death or two in patients insured by The Roundtable companies.'
'Well, if what we're doing here doesn'twork, I promise I'll help you put those posters back up. By that time, I'llhave nothing to lose.'
'True enough. But if something goes wronghere and we get caught, I'd be surprised if they'd even let you back in thishospital as a patient.'
'But hey, amigo, we've got our system downpat,' Harry said with comic bravado. 'What on earth could possibly go wrong?'
All day Ray Santana had been having a moredifficult time than usual with pain, primarily behind his eyes and in hisfingertips. He had received a Percodan at ten in the morning and required ashot of Demerol five hours later. Finally, fifteen minutes after the shot, hedrifted off into a fitful sleep. A powerful antibiotic, ordered to treat hisheart-valve infection, was dripping from a plastic IV bottle into the thickgauze bandage wrapped around his arm.
Maura was washing her face in preparationfor her sixth eight-hour shift in three days, and her second one in a row. Shefelt tired, but still keyed up. Their trap had been a long shot from the verybeginning. But it hadn't collapsed around them yet.
Santana was beginning to breathe moredeeply and regularly as Maura settled down in her chair with the latest
'. . The hospital has three rooms withthe reverse ventilation necessary for proper infectious-disease isolation,' hewas saying. 'The new wing will be connected through this floor, and willprovide three more. That will make this hospital number one in the city in theevent of an infectious epidemic …
Maura, her concentration split between themagazine and the lecture, did not realize that Santana was suddenly awake, upon one elbow, rubbing at his eyes.
'Maura,' he rasped, 'can you see him?'
'Can I see who?'
'The man, dammit! The man who's talking!'
His eyes were wild from the drug, hismouth cotton-dry.
'. . But you say the cost per day ofthese rooms is now more than double a standard room?' a second voice was asking.
'Yes, but compared with what's charged atmedical centers comparable to this one, that's still a bargain. Now, if youladies and gentlemen will follow me this way, I'll show you the latest in..'
Santana was sitting bolt upright now, thepillow on his lap shielding his gun. Panicked, Maura threw her magazine asideand moved toward him. Ray, perspiring profusely now, was clumsily trying todisengage himself from the bedclothes and IV line at the same time.
'Open the door!' he demanded in a gravellywhisper. 'Open it now!'
'Please, tell me what's going on.'
'Dammit, Maura, hurry! Open the fuckingdoor!'
Santana was on his feet now, stillshielding his pistol. Maura swung the door open. About ten yards down the hall,amidst the usual midday crowd of nurses, patients, and visitors, a group of tenor eleven well-dressed men and women were moving slowly away from them.
'Excuse me,' Maura called out to them.'Excuse me, please.'
The speaker stopped and the group turnedin unison. For several frozen seconds, they stood there as Santana peered outat them from beside his bed. Maura scanned the group, too. But at that distanceshe was unable to determine which of them, if any, was Anton Perchek.
'You son of a bitch!' Santana suddenlyyelled, raising his gun. 'You fucking son of a bitch!'
Instantly, there was screaming and chaosin the hallway as the business people and perhaps a dozen others dove for coveror turned to run.
The IV line pulled away from the plasticbottle as Santana bolted toward the door. The portable pole on which it hungclattered to the floor. He stumbled over it and lurched against Maura, knockingher to one knee and momentarily losing his balance at the same time.
'You son of a bitch!' he hollered again.
The IV line dangling from beneath the bandageon his arm, he braced himself against the doorway, leveled his gun, and firedthe length of the hallway. The shot reverberated like a cannon blast. Everyonewho was still standing dove to the floor. The screaming intensified. Scramblingto her feet behind Santana, Maura saw the glass that was covering a largefloral print at the very far end of the hallway shatter from the bullet.Several feet to the right of the picture, three of the businessmen jammedthrough the door to the stairway. Waving his gun wildly with his IV linesnapping like a whip, Santana sprinted barefoot after the men, down a gauntletof screaming, terrified visitors, staff, and patients.
'Call security!' someone shouted.
'Get him!' someone else yelled.
Several men had gotten to their feet andwere running — though with some caution — after Ray, who had now reached theend of the corridor and exploded through the stairway door. Another gunshotechoed back through Grey 2, then another.
Maura stripped off her gown and mask. Heronly thought was to get away before anyone remembered her and started askingher questions. She was wearing a store-bought nurse's uniform and ashoulder-length wig. While the action and attention were still fixed on the farend of the hallway, she moved quickly in the opposite direction, to thestairway past the elevators. Once on the stairs, she raced down to the firstfloor, then took a calming breath and stepped into the main corridor of thehospital. She had gone less than ten feet when two uniformed security mencharged past her and up the stairs. Moments later, two NYPD officers, one ofthem shouting into a radio, ran past, heading for the far end of the hospital.
The response to the crisis was rapid andwell coordinated. Maura felt certain that it would be only a few minutes beforeRay Santana was captured … or worse. She found herself hoping that before hewas taken or killed, he at least got a clean shot at The Doctor.
Battling to maintain her composure, shestrolled through the crowded front lobby. There was a mounting electricity inthe air, along with an urgent exodus through the main doors, as word spread ofa crazed gunman loose in the hospital.
'Not another one,' she heard someone sayas she exited with the crush into bright late-afternoon sunlight. 'It seemslike every time you turn around some wacko is shooting up a post office orhospital.'
With police sirens blaring, Maura walkedaway from the medical center. In less than a block, half a dozen cruisers hadscreamed past her. Loudspeakers were blaring, and a number of uniformedpolicemen were sprinting toward the street circumscribing the medical center.
She was two blocks from the hospital whenshe finally felt safe stopping to call Harry. She phoned the office first. MaryTobin was there, and Harry had had no further patients and had left for homehalf an hour before. He had told her he would be in the hospital at five,making evening rounds on his two in-patients.
'Mary, there's been some trouble at thehospital,' Maura said. 'I can't explain right now, but I suspect before toolong you'll get some details if you turn on the news. I think you ought toclose the office as soon as possible and go home.'
Mary was too wise, and had been throughtoo much in the past weeks, to ask for clarification.
'Whatever you say, child,' she said.
'Thanks for understanding,' Maura said.'Now, I've got to call Harry. Oh, by the way, the Max Garabedian you'll hearthem talking about on the news is Ray Santana.'
'Ray — I mean Walter Concepcion. We'll getback to you as soon as we can, Mary. Please go home. Get out of there now.'
Maura fished out another quarter andcalled the apartment. The machine answered.
'Harry, please it's me, Maura,' she said.'Harry, if you're listening, please pick up … Harry? …'
She was about to hang up when he came onthe line.
'Maura hi. Sorry to make you do that. I'mstill screening calls. But listen, we've had a break. Maybe a big one. I'll beheading into the hospital in just a few minutes to tell you and Ray about it.'
'Harry,' she said. 'I don't think I'd dothat if I were you. .'
By the time Maura reached the apartment,news bulletins of the crazed gunman at the Manhattan Medical Center werealready blanketing the airways. Max J. Garabedian, a forty-eight-year-old stockbroker,had quite suddenly charged from his hospital room wildly firing a gun down thehallway. Details were sketchy, but as yet no injuries had been reported. AndGarabedian, who was wearing blue pajamas and no shoes at the time, remained atlarge.
Furious at Santana, and as close to panicas Maura had ever seen him, Harry paced from one end of the apartment to theother, speaking as much to himself as to her.
'I shouldn't have trusted him. As soon ashe put those damn posters up I should have brushed him off like — like … Ihope he's okay. But right now I want to strangle him. I absolutely want tostrangle him … It must have been Perchek out there to upset him so. But whydidn't
The fiasco at the hospital wasn't the onlyserious development Harry had to deal with. He had only a short time left inwhich to make a decision that would cost him twenty-five thousand dollars — almost every bit of savings he had. Santana's meltdown had forced him into acorner. The police were certain to arrive at the apartment before long. If hewas going to accept the deal offered by a stranger on the phone, he had to makepreparations and leave before they came.
'Please sit, honey,' she said. 'Just for acouple of minutes. Sit and try to relax a little.'
She turned back to Channel 11. The reportswere varying widely from station to station, most of which were still rushingcrews over to the hospital. But Channel 11 and one other station had alreadyannounced that Garabedian's physician was Dr. Harry Corbett, still the chiefsuspect in the bizarre murder of his wife, Evelyn DellaRosa who had also been apatient at MMC.
Harry was concerned for what the real MaxGarabedian was about to go through. He had tried calling the school custodianat home, but got no answer. Almost certainly, the man was still at his job,although Harry had no idea at which school. Maura tried calling the Departmentof Education, but got no response there either.
'Only four-thirty and no one's there,' shesaid. 'No wonder so many kids in this town can't read.'
'I don't know what to do,' Harry said, forperhaps the tenth time. 'That guy is expecting me in New Jersey at nine. Thebank closes in another hour and fifteen minutes.' He started pacing again.'We've got to start moving and moving fast. The longer I wait, the more likelyit is the people at the bank will have learned that I'm in the news again. Asit is, I'm not sure how happy they're going to be about forking overtwenty-five thousand in cash. No matter what we decide, I've got to go and getthat money now. Then I don't think we can come back here.'
The call that had upped the ante bytwenty-five thousand dollars had come to the apartment around the same time RaySantana was shooting up Grey 2. When Harry arrived home from the office therewere two messages on his machine, neither of them any more promising than theseveral dozen others they had logged over the past four days. Thinking thatthis call might be the change-of-shift check-in from Maura, Harry preempted themachine.
'Is this Dr. Harry Corbett?'
The voice was a man's, youngish tomiddle-aged, with an accent Harry couldn't place with certainty — possiblyGerman or Swiss.
'It is, Harry said.
'I am calling about the man in your posterand the fifty-thousand-dollar reward.'
Harry made a face and wished he had leftthe answering machine to do its job. Instead, he opened the log notebook andwrote in the time of the call.
'Go ahead,' he said. 'What hospital areyou with?'
'I am with no hospital,' the man said. 'Ilearned about the flyers and your reward from my employer.'
'And who is that?'
'The man in the poster. His initials areA.P. I will not speak his name over the phone. But you may already know it.'
Harry stiffened at the mention of TheDoctor's initials and immediately wondered if the caller could be Perchek,himself. But the voice was just too different from The Doctor's. Harry trieddesperately to think of any reason why he should deny knowing who Anton Perchekwas.
'Who are you?' he finally said.
'I handle security at his mansion and workas one of his bodyguards when he needs me to do so. I am on a pay phone rightnow. If you know A.P. at all, you know that he would not hesitate to kill me onthe spot for making this call.'
Harry had opened the spiral-bound notebookand was writing down as much of what the man was saying as possible.
'Go on,' he said.
'I wish to meet with you tonight and tomake an exchange. My information for your money.'
'How much money?'
'I do not intend to remain in this area oreven in this country after we meet. The Doctor and I have had some problemsbetween us. I have reason to believe he intends to kill me. I will settle forhalf of what you have offered. Twenty-five thousand in cash.'
'I don't have it.'
'Then get it. I will not negotiate anylower than that. Twenty-five thousand or no deal. In exchange, I will give youthe location of The Doctor's mansion and a recent photo of him taken withouthis knowledge. I will also tell you what security he has at the mansion. Thereyou will find proof of his role in the death of your wife, and other evidenceagainst him as well. How you handle that evidence will be up to you.'
'Dr. Corbett, I have no time for this. Ihave preparations of my own to make. Nine o'clock tonight. If you know TheDoctor, you know why I do not trust anyone. You must do exactly as I say or wewill both lose out. Now, here is what you are to do. .'
Harry's bank was open until six thatnight. He had a total of $29,350 in his savings account, plus another five thousandor so in checking. He also had no personal connection whatsoever with anyone atthe bank. Cursing himself for not making more money, and for not having takenthe Hollins/McCue job, and for not going into ophthalmology, and for evertrusting Ray Santana, Harry took his savings and checkbooks and, with Maura,slipped out the rear basement door. They hurried to his garage for the BMW,stopped briefly at a newsstand, and then drove to his bank. With no idea howmuch space twenty-five thousand dollars would take up, especially in bill sizesof one hundred dollars or less, as the caller demanded, Harry had dumped out abriefcase and brought it along.
He entered the bank half an hour beforeclosing time. It was a moderately large branch and was still servicing a linewaiting to see the six tellers. Twenty-five thousand was more cash than he hadever handled at one time. Was it conceivable the bank wouldn't have that muchon hand?
Outside, Maura sat behind the wheel ofHarry's BMW, the driver of the getaway car. The ground rules Perchek's securitychief had laid down were that Harry was to bring the money to a landfill on theNew Jersey side of the Hudson, not far from the city of Fort Lee. He was tocome alone and to arrive at exactly nine P.M. The directions to the spot wereminutely detailed. The landfill was a dump site at the end of a winding dirtand gravel road. Harry was to drive to the center of the clearing, flash hislights four times, and wait beside the driver's-side door. The caller insistedon knowing the make and plate number of his car. If any other vehicleapproached the landfill, whether it had anything to do with Harry or not, themeeting would be off. . forever.
'The money means a lot to me,' the callerhad said, 'but not enough to die for.'
'How do I know this isn't a trap?' Harrysaid.
'What kind of trap? To what end? If myemployer wanted to kill you, you would be dead. It is that simple. If you knowhim at all, surely you know that. You are much more important to him alive.Besides, he delights in inflicting pain. The permanence and peace of death arehis enemy.'
Harry fought off an involuntary chill.
'I'll have a gun.'
'You would be foolish if you didn't. I canassure you I will.'
'I want a chance to inspect what you havebefore I turn over the money.'
'You will have five minutes. .'
The young teller studied Harry'swithdrawal slip for fifteen seconds. Then she verified his balance and lookedthrough the Plexiglas cage at him, smiling.
'How will you want this?' she said.
This was New York City, Harry remindedhimself, not some boondocks village. A twenty-five-thousand-dollar cashwithdrawal was everything to him, but probably not so uncommon to any of thesepeople.
'Hundreds or less,' he said, knowing thatthere was no sense trying for an air of nonchalance when she had his bankbalance on the screen right in front of her.
'Did you bring something to carry themoney in?' she asked, 'or would you like one of our bags?'
'I have a briefcase.'
He held it up for her to see. Herexpression made it clear that she knew he was not one of the do-it-all-the-timepeople.
'I'll need to get authorization from Mr.Kinchley,' she said.
She left her post and headed out frombehind the cages to the desks where the junior officers sat. Harry followed herwith his eyes and saw her approach a nattily dressed man in his late thirtieswith a sailor's tan and a chiseled jaw.
He risked a glance out the front window.Maura was parked directly across the street. She was wearing dark glasses and awhite, floppy-brimmed hat, which was bobbing animatedly — probably to somethingon the radio. The sight of her that way brought Harry a smile in spite of thetenseness of his situation.
Their relationship was being forged in theintense heat of the events that had drawn them together. But in just a shorttime, they had become friends in a way he and Evie never had. And thatfriendship, in turn, had given their lovemaking an openness and mutual caringthat had never existed in his marriage.
Now, reluctantly, he was testing thatfriendship. Despite the mysterious caller's quite credible story, and his useof Perchek's initials, neither Harry nor Maura was at all comfortable with whathe was being asked to do. Still, as the caller had said, they could think of noreason Perchek would want to lure him into a trap. It couldn't be for themoney. Surely, twenty-five thousand dollars was nothing more than petty cash tothe man.
It seemed as if there was nothing he coulddo but follow the instructions to the letter and hope for the best. But whenMaura noticed the phone Evie had installed in the BMW, she had the germ of anidea. And soon after that, they had a plan. There were three elements essentialto their strategy, and Maura possessed them all: another car, a cellular phone,and the courage and willingness to put herself in harm's way. They had stoppedby a newsstand and bought a detailed street map of the area surrounding FortLee. On it, the landfill was nothing more than a blank spot near the river, twoblocks square, surrounded by suburban streets. As soon as possible, Maura wouldpick up her car and her phone. She would then drive someplace near the landfilland, without being seen, find her way to a spot where she could hide and watchthe field. At eight-twenty, after he had left the garage, she would call him.She would check in once again after he had reached the New Jersey side. Ifthere was no sign of a trap, he could proceed to the landfill with moreconfidence. If problems did develop, she would have the phone to call for help.They had a gun, the one Harry had taken from the killer in Central Park. Afterarguing for Harry to keep it, she finally agreed that it made more sense forher to have it.
'Sir, I'm sorry for the delay.'
Harry spun around to the teller's cage andthen realized that the young woman was standing next to him.
'Oh, yes. No problem.'
He held his breath and clenched his fiststo keep his hands from shaking. It was already nearing rush hour. If the bankcame through, Maura would still have a tough enough time getting across theGeorge Washington Bridge, finding a place to leave her car, and then locating aback way into the landfill. If they had to deal with Phil, whether or not hecame through with the money, it would be nearly impossible for her to get therein time.
'If you'll come with me, sir, Mr. Kinchleywill have your money.'
'That would be fine,' he said, smilingcalmly, his pulse hammering in his ears.
Kevin Loomis sat alone in his basementoffice, photographs of his family and his life with Nancy spread out on hisdesk beneath a checklist he had drawn up. Every item on the list had been takencare of now. The insurance policies were absolutely airtight as long as therewas no suspicion that his death was a suicide. Suicide would cost him — wouldcost
He had put careful thought into the guestlist he had drawn up for the barbecue dinner party they were giving thefollowing night. The guests, fourteen in all, included the most respected,successful, influential, and community-conscious people they knew. Their pastorand his wife, Nancy's boss and his wife, the lawyer who was head of the localLittle League association, the president of the Rotary Club. Nancy thought it abit strange that Kevin had chosen to invite only two of their more fun-lovingbeer-drinking friends, but she accepted Kevin's explanation that he wanted tothank some people before the move to Port Chester.
In fact, he wanted guests who would mosteffectively and eloquently vouch for his cheerfulness and his hospitality rightup until the moment of the accident, as well as to the fact that he had 'had afew.' Two of them would accompany him down to the basement. The two he plannedto pick were men at whose homes he had done minor repair work in the past, astore manager and the pastor. They would be on the stairs, their flashlightbeams fixed on the water gushing from the detached washing machine hose. Theywould attest to Kevin having the skills necessary to take care of the emergencyand would report on his movements through the inches-deep water on the concretefloor. The moment Kevin's hand came down on the shorted wire of the dryer wouldremain forever fixed in their minds. But what the hell. They were friends whowould do anything for Nancy. And he was paying a far greater price.
The children were accounted for as well.Nicky and Julie were going to spend the night with friends. Brian would be withNancy's parents. It was strange to think that tomorrow afternoon, when he sent themoff, he would be looking at each of them for the last time. They would have atough time of it, but not nearly as tough as if their family became destituteand their father went to prison.
He stacked the photos up and reviewed eachone for a final time. Then he wrapped them with a rubber band and set them in adrawer. The lists he tore up and threw in a plastic bag full of trash, which hewould put in the barrels in the garage. Finally, he went once more to thewasher and dryer to check on his handiwork. The twine that ran from theloosened hose out the basement window was in place. One pull and the hose wouldcome free. Cutting the twine off and discarding it would be his next to lastact on earth. The last would be innocently setting his hand on the back of thedryer.
Kevin knew that Harry Corbett suspectedwhat he was planning to do. There was nothing subtle about the Vietnam story hehad told that night in the car. And in fact, he had thought a great deal aboutwhat Corbett was trying to tell him, that his situation wasn't hopeless. Thatwas all well and good for Corbett to say. He didn't have three kids to providefor.
Kevin had spoken with him several timessince then and had been careful to sound upbeat and positive. He did notbelieve Corbett intended to act on his concerns. What was there for him to do,anyway? A little more than twenty-four hours and it would all be over.
Kevin inspected the setup he had createdaround the washing machine and dryer. The police would come over and file somesort of report. But there was no way anyone could prove this wasn't anaccident. Absolutely none.
He sighed the relief of a man who had justcompleted a job and done it well. Tonight he would have a wonderful dinner withhis family. And later on, he would make love to Nancy, as he had never madelove before.
The late summer heat wave that had beenblamed for brownouts, accidents, and deaths throughout the city had finallybroken. The early evening temperature was in the mid-sixties, with a decentbreeze and the threat of rain. Harry dropped Maura at her car at exactly sixand then returned to the parking-space condominium to await his eight-fifteendeparture. The BMW's dashboard clock had been out of commission for years, andneither he nor Evie had ever bothered to get it fixed, so he was using hisCasio to keep track of time. He was nearing the garage when Maura called tocheck in, test her cellular phone, and report that traffic from her apartmentto the bridge was only moderate. Her next call would be the one at eight-twentythat they had prearranged.
'This is it, Harry,' she said. 'You'llsee. By ten o'clock tonight we'll be ready to go to the police. They'll have tobelieve us this time. Just hang in there.'
Harry parked in his spot and walked out ofthe garage. A police cruiser was moving slowly along, half a block away,perhaps looking for him, perhaps not. Thanks to Ray Santana, there was nowabsolutely no place where he could safely go. He returned to the BMW, flippedon the radio again, and waited.
WINS, the all-news station, was stillbroadcasting updates every ten minutes or so on the bizarre developmentssurrounding the gunman at Manhattan Medical Center. The real Max Garabedian hadbeen taken into police custody, questioned, and released. He had returned tohis 103rd Street apartment and was refusing to speak to the press untiladvised to do so by his attorney. In a prepared statement, read by his lawyer,Garabedian denied knowing anything of the man admitted to Manhattan MedicalCenter under his name. He denied having any relationship with Harry other thanpatient/physician, but called Harry 'an intelligent, dedicated doctor,' andexpressed his determination to hold off any judgment until the truth came out.
Harry gave passing thought to trying tocall Garabedian from his car phone. But this was no time for him to be doinganything at all except sitting and waiting until eight-fifteen.
There was more. Ray Santana had not beencaught. Authorities were at a loss to explain how a gunman in pajamas with noshoes or socks could have made it out of the hospital with security police anddozens of NYPD officers ringing the place. The broadcaster, clearly losing abattle with self-restraint, opined that this was New York, after all. Maybe theoddly clad fugitive had simply stepped on to the streets of Manhattan andblended in.
At seven o'clock, MMC public-relationsdirector Barbara Hinkle held a news conference, excerpted on WINS. The hospitalshe said, was grateful no one had been hurt in the unfortunate incident.Hospital officials would have nothing further to say until a preliminaryinvestigation into the near-calamity was completed. She did add that hospitalauthorities as yet had had no luck reaching Dr. Harry Corbett, the physicianwho admitted the gunman to Grey 218.
'I am sure you all know,' she said, 'thatDr. Corbett has been under a great strain lately as a result of the tragicdeath of his wife. I have been told he has been under a physician's care forhis grief reaction, as well as for some post-traumatic stress issues related tohis heroic service in Vietnam …'
'Hospital Barbie speaks with forkedtongue,' Harry said aloud.
Clearly, MMC's spin doctors had alreadymet and decided on their strategy for dealing with the collective disastersbrought down on their house by Dr. Harry Corbett — post-traumatic stress. Harrywondered what name they would come up with if anyone ever demanded to know whohis shrink was.
'. . We at the hospital are speculatingthat Dr. Corbett borrowed the name of Max Garabedian in order to hospitalizesomeone he cared about who was very ill but without health insurance,' Hinklewent on, 'possibly a fellow Vietnam veteran. The plan backfired when hispatient went haywire.'
'Nice,' Harry said. 'Not bad.'
The rest of Hinkle's press conferenceadded nothing of substance except that nursing officials were looking into theidentities and backgrounds of the special-duty nurses brought into the hospitalby the gunman.
For forty minutes, nothing new wasbroadcast. Then, with just half an hour to go before Harry was to leave, one ofthe many mysteries connected with the case was reported solved. An electriciandoing work on the heating system of the hospital had been found by amaintenance man, bound and gagged in the subbasement. He had been robbed atgunpoint by a man answering the fugitive's description. His clothes and shoeswere taken, along with twenty-five dollars from his wallet. The wallet was thenreturned to him. Police were checking it for fingerprints, as well as thehospital room where the gunman was a patient for three days.
'He was nervous and scared, I think,' theelectrician said. 'But he was decent enough to me. He gave me back my walletbecause he said he knows what a hassle it is getting a new driver's license. Hedidn't hurt me. But I think maybe he would have if I didn't do as he asked..'
Harry checked the time. Eight-ten. Outsidethe garage, dusk was gradually yielding to night. The lights, of the city wereon. He started the BMW and slowly, ever so slowly, rolled down the ramp to theexit. Finally, at exactly eight-fifteen, he shut off the radio and pulled outon to the street. The game was afoot.
Harry drove past one block, then another.He didn't feel all that nervous, but his hands were white on the wheel. Heglanced at his watch. It was twenty past.
'Yes,' he said.
'Harry, I'm in a tree,' Maura whisperedwith breathless excitement. 'I'm up a fucking tree in the woods next to a dump.Do you believe it? If I had known there was a man around like you who could getme to climb trees at garbage dumps at night in New Jersey with a gun in myfanny pack, I never would have bothered drinking.'
'Well, I'm in no place that exotic,' Harrysaid, whispering although there was no need to. 'Ninety-sixth, heading for theparkway. Is anyone there yet?'
'Not a soul. I found a great place toleave the car and a perfect place to hide.'
'And you're sure no one saw you?'
'Positive. Are you being followed?'
'I can't tell yet.'
'It doesn't make any difference whetherthey do or not. Listen, Harry, I think I see a car coming up the road. I'llcall you again at ten to nine unless he's standing too close to this tree.'
'You're doing great, Maura. Are you warmenough? I think it's going to rain soon.'
'Hey, I'm fine. I told you. Tonight's thenight.'
With one eye on the road ahead and one onthe rearview mirror, Harry swung on to the Henry Hudson Parkway. Several carsbehind, he caught sight of a dark sedan, which he felt fairly certain had beenwith him from the beginning. Maura was right, though. It really didn't matterwhether the caller had someone tailing him or not. He was going to follow instructionsto the letter. Maura was their ace in the hole.
By the time he had crossed the GeorgeWashington Bridge, a misty rain had begun to fall. Harry found windshieldwipers annoying and had always postponed turning them on until he absolutelyhad to. This time he switched them on at the first droplets. If things cameunraveled tonight, it wasn't going to be because he did something pigheaded orstupid.
Once on the New Jersey side of the river,he consulted the directions. After two miles he swung off the main road into adensely built, working-class neighborhood. The streets were tree-lined, and thesmall yards of the clapboard houses were strewn with balls, Big Wheels, andother trappings of new families. The sedan followed several blocks behind, itslights off. Harry felt certain he could see two people silhouetted inside. Heeasily located the corner where he had been instructed to stop and wait for oneminute. He was pulling away when the phone buzzed. Maura was several minutesearly. And Harry knew as he was reaching for the receiver that there wastrouble.
'Harry, stop right now!' she said in apanic-driven whisper. 'This place is crawling with police. A dozen of them.Maybe more. Their cruisers are out of sight, and you wouldn't know a thing waswrong. But they're here.'
His blood suddenly ice, Harry glanced inthe mirror. The sedan was still there, about two or three blocks back. Heshifted into gear and began slowly rolling down the street.
'Go on,' he said.
'Harry, your friend Dickinson's here. Atone point he was about ten feet from this tree. Now he's strolling aroundchecking that everyone's in place.'
'You're sure?'
'I'm sure. He's working with somelieutenant who seems to be from the local police. He's very excited about beinghere to nail you. From what I could hear, someone called and tipped off thepolice that you had demanded a meeting at this place, that you have a body withyou, and will pay twenty-five thousand dollars for this guy to get it athousand miles from here and bury it where it will never be dug up. The mansaid you were crazy. That you killed people for fun. He wanted nothing to dowith you, except have you in jail where you couldn't hurt him. You've got toget out of here, Harry.'
His mind whirling, Harry began slowly toaccelerate.
'Just stay out of sight until it's safe togo home,' he said. 'Then go to my apartment. I'll be in touch.'
He heard her telling him to be careful ashe set the receiver down. Then he glanced at the directions he had writtendown. In one more block, he would go left or straight instead of turning rightas instructed. It would take the men in the sedan several seconds to realize hewas diverging from the plan. Three or four seconds at the most. That was all hehad. His best bet was to try and get back to the highway. He sped up to aroundforty.
In the same instant Harry understood whatwas happening, he cut his lights, swung a sharp left, and hit the gas. He madea sliding right, then another left. The siren was on behind him now, and hecould see the blue strobe through the trees. The streets, baked to bone-dry foralmost two weeks, were slick with rain and oil. He skidded into another turn,on to a street that was a long straightaway to the main road. The speedometerwas nearing eighty. He had always been a laid-back driver and rarely drove thisfast even on a turnpike. A couple backing out of their drive to go to thestore, a kid on her bicycle — there were any number of possibilities fordisaster now. Undoubtedly, the men in the unmarked cruiser had called forbackup as well.
He tried desperately to think thingsthrough. The best he could do was to acknowledge that the situation wasabsolutely horrible. He was racing around rain-soaked streets in a neighborhoodthat was completely foreign to him, at night, in a seven-year-old car, almostcertainly with a body in the trunk.
He was closing fast on a main road.Assuming it was the one he had taken in, it was a four-laner with no divider.The sedan was on the straightaway now, no more than three blocks behind andgaining. Harry was about to brake so that he could turn into the northboundlane. But at the last moment, he saw a small gap in the traffic each way. Heslammed down the accelerator and barreled across all four lanes. A tractortrailer was coming from each direction. In a cacophony of air brakes,screeching tires, and horns, they both swerved, skidding in a ponderousgrotesque pas de deux. The cruiser had no choice but to stop and back away fromthe potentially deadly dance. There was a street directly across from the oneHarry had come up. He shot down it. Slowing a bit, he glanced behind him justas one of the trailers, in excruciating slow motion, toppled on to its side.
In the distance, he could hear sirens — many of them. He swung into a side street, and then halfway up the driveway ofa darkened house. The sirens were getting louder. He stepped quietly out of thecar, expecting at any moment to have all the lights in the house go on at once,or else to be attacked by a rottweiler. He glanced about. He had no idea at allwhere he was, except that the river was somewhere in the direction the housewas facing. Just past the garage, he could see woods beyond the backyard, tothe west. With luck he could make it there. Then he would have to see. Hesnapped open the briefcase and stuffed what he thought was about seven thousanddollars into his pockets. He was wearing slacks and dress shoes — the perfectoutfit for impressing the people at the bank, but not much good for runningfrom the police. Unfortunately, at this moment, he would have to make do.
He took the key and inserted it in thetrunk. Part of him wanted just to leave it closed and run. He dreadedconfronting this part of the nightmare Perchek had conjured up for him. Later,wherever he was, he could find out from the news bulletins what was inside. Asiren sounded from close by, and moments later a squad car raced down thestreet, its strobes flashing. Harry threw himself into the shadows. The net wasclosing. He had little time left. He turned the key, hesitated again, and thenthrew the trunk open.
Hot air, heavy with the stench of bloodand death, immediately wafted up into his face. Below him, crammed into thesmallish trunk, lay Caspar Sidonis. His perfect face was waxen, his hair mattedwith blood from entry and exit bullet holes just above his ears.
Bile washed up into Harry's throat. Hehesitated, actually trying to think of something he should be doing. Then,swallowing back the burning acid, he quietly lowered the trunk.
'Poor bastard,' he whispered.
A second cruiser, this one with no lightsor siren, made its way past, checking every house and driveway on the otherside of the street with a spotlight. Harry again ducked into the shadows. Hisside of the street would be next. With a final glance at the trunk, he movedquickly into the backyard and scaled a five-foot chain-link fence. As he leaptto the ground, he experienced a breath-catching pain in his chest, explodingfrom just beneath his sternum up into his jaws and ears. He stumbled, then fellto the rain-soaked, mossy ground. Instantly, he was drenched, both from therain and from his own sudden perspiration.
The sirens seemed to be all around himnow. He crawled deeper into the woods and then pulled himself upright on thetrunk of a tree. The pain was leveling off. He battled back a wave of nauseawithout getting sick. Then he closed his eyes and took several calming breaths.Giving up was a very real possibility. Surely someone would believe he had beenset up. Mel Wetstone had worked near miracles already. Perhaps he could pullthis one off as well.
No. The thought of being taken prisoner,of jail, of Albert Dickinson, was more than he could stand.
From a hundred yards behind him, he couldhear voices. They had found the car. The pain was much less now. Almost gone.With the jungle survival training he had had in Vietnam and several thousanddollars in cash, at least he had a slim chance of escaping. He stuffed themoney deeper in his pockets and pushed off from the tree. Then, keeping low andmoving as quietly as possible, he began an awkward jog through the dense woods.
High Hills, in elegant Short Hills, NewJersey, was an expansive fifteen-room colonial with a coach house and pool onthree rolling acres. Built and christened by a liquor baron in 1920, it hadkept its name through four subsequent masters. Phil Corbett, the latest in theline, had been living in the estate with his family for almost three years. Hedisliked the pretentiousness of house names and was constantly threatening toreplace the
When the phone began ringing at ten-thirtyon the night of August 30, Phil was eight hundred dollars up and studying apossible royal flush. The once-a-month, six-man game rotated from house tohouse, but the participants enjoyed playing at High Hill the most. Shortlyafter moving in, Phil had converted the music room into a soundproof,walnut-paneled, Wild West card room, complete with honky-tonk background music,sawdust on the floor, an overhead fan, Cuban cheroots, and brass spittoons.Stakes in the game were high enough to make it interesting. But there wasn'tone of the players who couldn't comfortably absorb a five-thousand-dollar ding.
Earlier in the evening, several of the menhad mentioned the latest news blitz involving Phil's older brother. Two of themMatt McCann and Ziggy White, both millionaires who had never finished college,had grown up with Phil in Montclair, and had known Harry fairly well.
'Talk about your big-time comedown,' Mattsaid. 'Remember how we all used to idolize Harry? He was the scholar who wasgoing to go to college. We were the little shits who were going to go to jail.'
'But what about all this nonsense at thehospital? This post-traumatic stress?'
'Harry has about as much post-traumaticstress as you do. Someone's out to get him. That's what he tells me, and that'swhat I believe.'
'I hope you're right,' Ziggy said. 'Ialways liked Harry a lot. But you know, even Dillinger had a brother.'
'He's not Dillinger, Ziggy. .'
The ringing persisted — five, six, seventimes. Phil's agreement with Gail was that if she was in the house on pokernight, she would answer all phone calls. But tonight, she had gone to themovies with friends. Phil studied his ten, jack, queen, king of diamonds, andthen glared over at the phone, trying to will it to cease. Finally, he slappedhis cards down.
'You gentlemen'll have to wait a minutefor me to take your money,' he said rising. 'But I'd advise you all to fold.I'm working on a straight flush.'
'Yeah, sure,' someone muttered.
'Phil, it's me. Are you alone?'
Phil had no trouble picking up the urgencyin his brother's voice.
'Ah, no. No, I'm not.'
'Change phones, please.'
Phil put the call on hold.
'I was lying about the straight flush,' hesaid, burying his cards at the bottom of the deck. 'You guys play on without mefor a while.'
In twenty minutes, Phil was back, his faceheavy with concern.
'There's been some problems with mybrother,' he said. 'I'm afraid we're going to have to call it a night.'
'Anything we can do?' White asked.
'Actually, there is. I'd like it if youand Matt could stay behind. The rest of you just head home as quickly aspossible. We'll settle up tomorrow. And if any of you want to, feel free to saya prayer for Harry. He's in it pretty deep right now and he's going to need allthe help he can get.'
'Phil, you be careful, now,' one of theother three men said. 'No one wants to believe somebody in their family couldget into big-time trouble, but it happens.'
'I know, Stan. Thanks. I'd like you toforget I got that call just now, but in the end, that's up to you.'
The three men exchanged concerned glances.Then, without further question, they hurried for their cars. Ziggy White andMatt McCann remained behind. A few moments after the last car had left, apolice cruiser, lights flashing, came up the drive.
'Matt, I'm going to need you to stay andwatch the kids until Gail gets home,' Phil said. 'Maybe around eleven-thirty.Ziggy, I'm going to speak with these guys. Then I have to get out of herewithout being followed. Any ideas?'
During their school years, White had beena daredevil among daredevils — always diving in from the highest rock orshoplifting some unneeded item from the most theft-conscious store. He had goneon to make a small fortune as an options trader. Now, he mulled over theproblem for just a few seconds.
'No sweat,' he said, excitedly. 'Matt'llhide while the cops are here. You make it clear your wife is out and you'rebabysitting. I'll walk them out and have a chat with them by the squad car.Meanwhile, you slip out the back. Take a flashlight, but only use it whenyou're certain it's safe. Go through your backyard and then across that littlebrook you have back there. If they're going to stake you out, they'll have towait somewhere past the end of the driveway. I'll leave when they do and headout like I'm going home, but I'll turn off at Maitland. I'll meet you right bythe Griffins' driveway. They're in England until after Labor Day. You knowwhere that is, right? Okay. You can drop me off someplace near my house andkeep the car as long as you need it.'
Harry knelt in the dense undergrowth justbeyond the soft shoulder of a rural two-lane road. The night wasn't thatchilly, but he was soaked through and shivering. Thank God Phil had been home.Thank God he hadn't hesitated in agreeing to help. Now, if he would only showup. Accessory to murder was nothing he wanted to expose his brother to. Butuntil he found Anton Perchek and a way to bring him down, staying free was theonly realistic chance he had.
The biggest problem, since he didn't knowexactly where he was calling Phil from, and Phil didn't know the Fort Lee areawell at all, was finding a way to meet up. It was finally left to Harry tochoose the right person to bribe into driving him to a spot they both knew — alittle-traveled roadway that swung past a power substation not far from theirchildhood home in Montclair. It was the place where Harry first took hisyounger brother to introduce him to beer and cigarettes, only to find that Philwas already well acquainted with both.
The lucky man Harry selected was amotorcyclist on a Harley chopper. Harry watched from the woods beside a servicestation as the biker lumbered into the restroom and called him over as soon ashe came out. The man was well tattooed and grizzly bear huge — as unlikely tobe frightened off by Harry as he was to be tight with the police. The fare forthe half-hour ride was agreed upon in seconds — a thousand dollars. Over hisyears in medicine, Harry had seen the ravages of bike accidents often enough tohave developed a healthy fear of ever riding on what the ER docs cynicallyreferred to as 'donorcycles.' But the biker, whose name was Claude, was worththe risk. Harry donned the spare Panzer Division helmet, hunched as low as theraised passenger seat would allow, clenched his teeth, and wrapped his armsaround the bear.
'Hey, if you're gonna get that friendly, Iwant another hundred,' the biker said, laughing.
'You don't speed and I won't get fresh,'Harry replied.
Within the first mile or two, they hadpassed four police cars heading in the opposite direction.
'You must be some hot stuff,' Claudecalled over his shoulder.
'Parking tickets,' Harry yelled back.
During the half hour Harry had beencrouched in the bushes by the substation, six cars had passed, one of them aMontclair police cruiser. Now, as he wiped a muddy hand across his forehead, hewondered what his next move should be. If there was any workable optionavailable to him, any at all, his mind hadn't settled on it yet. On the plusside, he had miraculously made it through the trap Perchek had set for him inFort Lee. Still, by the time the forty-minute ride was over, Harry's teeth werechattering mercilessly. He tipped the biker with a hundred-dollar bill ascasually as if it were a one and accepted a death's-head pin in return. Now, asthe fear that he and Phil had somehow miscommunicated took hold, he wished hehad kept Claude around.
There were bends in the road about fiftyyards in either direction from where Harry was concealed. The headlights ofapproaching cars reflected off the trees several seconds before they actuallycame into sight. Each time, as soon as he heard the engine noises or saw thereflected light, he flattened down in the shallow swale beside the road. Andeach time he got a bit filthier and, if possible, a bit more sodden.
Through the darkness and the persistentdrizzle, he heard engine noise to his left. Moments later, reflected lightshimmered high off the trees. A
'Harry? You out there?'
Before he could even reply, Harry had towork the immense tension from his muscles and his jaw. He worried in passingabout the second car, but at this point he had to trust that Phil knew what hewas doing.
'Right here, bro,' he said.
He pushed himself to his feet and made anineffectual stab at brushing some mud off. Phil met him at the front of the RV,which Harry could see now was a Winnebago.
'You okay?'
'Soaked, scared to death. Is that the sameas okay?'
'Well, believe it or not, I have a warm-upsuit inside that'll fit you.'
'Who's in the car?'
'It's Ziggy White. Remember him?'
'The one who used to bet people he coulddrive a mile blindfolded?'
'I didn't want him to come with me, but heinsisted. He can't get enough of living on the edge — you'd think being anoptions trader would do it. Besides, he says he'll never forget that you oncekept Bumpy Giannetti from beating the snot out of him.'
'Thank Ziggy for me,' Harry said as Philhelped him up the step. 'But tell him that if that's really the case, Iprobably just showed up at the right moment and presented Bumpy with a punchingbag less likely to hit back.'
The interior of the Winnebago was as grandas any hotel Harry had ever stayed in.
'This is incredible,' he said, strippingoff his shirt. 'Is this yours?'
'For the time being, it's yours. TheLuxor. Thirty-seven feet of everything you could ever ask for in a motor home.Two TVs with a dish on the roof, fax, phone, bar, ice maker, stereo system,washer/dryer, driver
'Phil, I … thanks. Thanks a lot. This isperfect. How much does it-'
'Hey,' Phil said, stopping him with araised hand. 'If you have to ask, you really don't want to know.'
Harry toweled off and pulled the stacks ofsoggy bills from his pockets.
'You neglected to mention theall-important microwave,' he said.
'Just don't do them all at once.' Philtossed over the black Nike warm-up suit. 'I don't think I could stand thethought of all that cash vaporizing in my RV. The fridge is pretty well stockedand there are some clothes in the closet that I think will fit you. Just becareful and don't stay in one place too long. Is there anything else you need?'
Harry thought for a moment, then took apen and paper from the small mahogany writing desk and dashed off a note toMaura.
'The doorman at my co-op will take this upto her,' he said. 'Then I want you to back off and keep out of this. You'vedone way more than enough.'
Phil slipped the letter into his pocket.
'We've had a funny life, Harry,' he said.'I won't deny that over the years, especially after you won those medals inVietnam, I pushed myself in business because I wanted to beat you out atsomething.'
'Well, you did.'
'So what? The point is it was always justsomething inside me. You never did or said anything to make me feel I had totop you. What difference does it make anyhow? It's not a contest. It never hasbeen. It's our lives. You're my only brother, Harry. I don't want to lose you.'
Harry stared at his brother through thedim light. It was the first time he had ever heard Phil talk this way. Heleaned against the soft, leather headrest of the passenger seat.
'Remember that day in front of my officewhen you told me not to worry, that something would come along for me to pushagainst? Well, something has, Phil. A monster. His name's Anton Perchek. He'san M.D. And I'm not going to stop pushing against him until he's finished or Iam.' He wrote the name down and passed it over. 'If anything happens to me,this is the man who killed Evie. He also killed Caspar Sidonis, Andy Barlow,one of my favorite patients, and God only knows how many other people. The Fedsknow who he is, but they might not admit it. I think he did some torture workfor the CIA. He's supposed to have died years ago, but they have a fingerprintof his taken from Evie's hospital room.
'I had stopped caring, Phil. I don't knowwhy — maybe turning fifty, maybe Evie, maybe that goddamn family curse I'vebeen so wrapped up in. But I care now, Phil. Thanks to that bastard, Perchek,things matter to me again. That woman, Maura, the one the note is for, she'svery special. I want the chance to get to know her better. Maybe get marriedagain someday- if not to her, then to someone like her. Maybe have a kid or twoso
'I'll spoil the hell out of them. Do youknow where you're going from here?'
'I do, but I don't want you to know.You're already going to have to lie to the police because of me.'
'You know how to get hold of me.'
'I do. Don't worry, Phil. I'm gonna winthis one.'
'I know. I know you are. Well. . um.. we'd better get going.'
'Thank Ziggy for me. And give my love toGail and the kids.'
For a few seconds, the brothers stood insilence by the door. Then, for the first time since the death of their father,they embraced.
Rocky Martino, the night doorman atHarry's apartment building, had more than enough reason for having an extra nipor two. It had been the longest, most stressful night of his life. In the spaceof just a few hours, half of Manhattan seemed to have descended on him,everyone looking for Harry Corbett. The Manhattan police, the New Jerseypolice, even the FBI — something about moving a body across state lines. Crewsfrom several TV stations and some radio people as well had come by and spokenwith him. But all he could tell any of them was that he had no idea when HarryCorbett had left the building or when he would be back.
The one thing that he did not tell any ofthe news people, but he did tell the police, was that Maura Hughes had comeback to the apartment at ten-thirty and was still there. Two officers had goneup and spoken to her for over an hour.
Early on, Rocky knew that he was in overhis head and had the presence of mind to call down Shirley Bowditch, thepresident of the co-op association. She had handled everything. Now, at last,he was alone. He went to the maintenance closet just behind the door to thecellar. On the bottom shelf, in the base of a locked tool box, was his supplyof nips. He selected an ounce of Absolut and downed it in a single gulp. Theraspy burning brought warm, familiar tears to his eyes. When he returned to thelobby, a tall, broad-shouldered man in a sports coat was tapping on the glass,holding up a police badge. Rocky buzzed him in. The huge man introduced himselfand the branch he was with, but whatever he said didn't register. Rocky toldhim his name.
'We need your help,' the policeman said.'How long are you going to be on duty?'
'Noon,' Rocky said. 'I work midnight untilnoon. Armand Rojas, the other doorman and I decid-'
'Good. Good, Rocky. Now listen up. There'sa woman up in Harry Corbett's apartment. Her name is Maura Hughes.'
'If she goes by cab to meet up with him,we want to be driving her.' He guided Rocky to the street and pointed at a cabparked half a block away. 'When you want a cab for her, just point at that one.We'll do the rest.'
'O-Okay,' Rocky said, intimidated by theman's size and brusqueness.
The giant fished out a bill from hiswallet and handed it over. It was fifty.
'Do this right, Rocky, and not a word toanyone, and there'll be another one of these in it for you.'
Rocky took the bill and watched until thepoliceman had disappeared from sight. Then he headed back to the tool kit. Hewould do what the man asked because he was frightened of what would happen ifhe didn't, and because he wanted the other fifty. The guy who had gone upstairsan hour before with an envelope for Maura had only given him twenty. Hepolished off another vodka. He liked Harry Corbett, and was sorry he was insuch trouble. But hell, it wasn't Rocky Martino's fault.
He returned to the lobby. It was almostfive in the morning. He had new money in his pocket and a glow in his gut aswarm as sunrise. Outside, half a block away, the cab stood waiting. He lickedhis lips and thought about the sudden windfall, soon to be increased by anotherfifty bucks. No one could criticize him for cooperating with the police. No oneat all.
Four o'clock. . five. . five-thirty. . The phone in Harry's apartment continued ringing almost incessantly. Thebizarre events surrounding the gunman at Manhattan Medical Center, followed bythe execution-style slaying of Caspar Sidonis, had thrust him into the centerof the media spotlight. Maura sat alone in the den, watching the story evolveon local and national TV as she used the answering machine to screen calls. TheSimpson and Tonya Harding cases had dominated the airwaves more, but not bythat much. Stations were breaking for updates every five or ten minutes, andone was rehashing the events continuously. Footage of Sidonis's life and manyaccomplishments was beginning to appear.
Maura was emotionally and physicallyexhausted. But she was far too keyed up and worried about Harry to sleep.Tucked between the pillows of the sofa was the note that a man named White haddelivered just a few hours before.
White would say nothing to her except thatHarry was unharmed and safe. An hour later, Albert Dickinson had come up to seeher. Guns drawn, he and another policeman had searched the apartment. Despitethe other officer, Dickinson was as abrasive and disrespectful as he had beenin the hospital. He had no patience for hearing any stories from her aboutHarry Corbett's innocence, Anton Perchek, or anyone else. All he wanted to knowwas where he could find his man.
'Miss Hughes, do you know the penalties inthis state for aiding and abetting a fugitive wanted for murder?' he asked. 'Ifyou know where Corbett is, and you don't tell us, I promise that you will spendmost of the rest of life in prison.'
'I can't imagine a prison that could beany more unpleasant than this conversation,' Maura said, smiling sweetly.
'Being a wiseass must be generic. I'mpleased to tell you we just gave that detective's job away to someone who wasmore of a team player and less of a wiseass than your Yalie brother.'
'Lieutenant, if you're going to smoke,you'll have to do it outside.'
Maura pointed to the sixth-story windowrather than the door. For a frozen moment, she thought Dickinson was going tostrike her. Finally, with a
Now, she sat back and watched reruns ofthe interviews with MMC officials, nurses, police, the electrician victimizedby the gunman, and Max Garabedian. The only news was the old news that thebogus Garabedian had been neither apprehended nor identified, but thatfingerprints lifted from the hospital room were being analyzed.
She was pleased that at no time during thedifficult, stressful night had she felt the urge to drink. But she also knewthat she needed to sleep. She set the alarm for 8:30, turned off the ringer onall the phones in the apartment, and positioned the answering machine not farfrom her head. If Harry did call with a change of plans, she at least wanted achance to hear his message. Finally, she picked up one of the phones.
'You guys get some rest,' she said. Thenshe slammed the receiver back down.
At eight A.M., a message from the producerof
She dressed in jeans, sneakers, and aplaid button-down shirt, and then selected a deep cloth bag from a collectionof them in Evie's closet. She dropped in her wallet, the dark wig she had wornin the hospital, and a white shirt in case she needed to change her look. Then,just in case, she threw in a shirt, jeans, and sneakers for Harry. It wasdoubtful he was going to be returning to the apartment in any hurry. Therevolver she kept strapped in front of her in her leather fanny pack. Thesecurity of having it at hand felt greater than the fear of being arrested forcarrying an unlicensed handgun.
She took the stairs down six flights,startling Rocky Martino when she came through the stairway door behind him. Hebolted to his feet and stepped back, but not before Maura caught a strong whiffof alcohol. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands slightly tremulous, but hemade a laudable stab at decorum.
'Miss Hughes, you gave me a bit of afright,' he said, moistening his lips with his tongue. 'What can I do for you?'
Maura wondered how many times she had doneas ineffectual job at covering up her intoxication as Rocky was doing, all thewhile thinking, as he probably was, that she was pulling it off.
'Could you please call me a cab?' shesaid, fumbling through the bag for her wallet.
'Yes, ma'am,' Martino said. 'No problem.Any word from Dr. Corbett?'
'No, Rocky. Nothing.'
'Well, my fingers are crossed that he'sokay.'
He stepped back from the desk. Withexaggerated broad-based steps, he shuffled outside and waved up the street.Moments later, a cab pulled up. Maura handed Rocky a one, hesitated, and thengave him a five as well.
'Take a break and have breakfast on me,Rocky,' she said.
He jammed the bills in his pants.
'Oh, I will, ma'am. I will.'
Something about his smile made Maura feeluneasy. She hurried past him into the cab.
'The UN,' she ordered, immediately lookingbehind them as they pulled away. 'I'll tell you how I want you to go. Don'tworry if it's not the most direct way. I'll pay.'
The cabby nodded.
If there was someone following them, theywere damn good. Within a block, Maura was convinced that the street behind themwas clear. It was possible that someone was driving in front of them with aradio, but she could take care of that soon enough. They passed a newsstand.She could see Harry's photo on every front page.
They were on Broadway now, heading south.She counted off three more blocks.
'Turn right here,' she ordered. The cabcontinued going straight. She rapped on the Plexiglas shield. 'Hey, I said,turn right here.'
The cab made a sharp left, heading for thepark. Halfway down the block, it began to slow. Maura stopped pounding on thePlexiglas. Desperately, she tried to figure out what was happening. She thoughtabout the gun in the pack strapped around her waist, but she sensed that whatshe needed was just to get the hell out of this cab. She reached for the doorjust as the electronic locks snapped open. The cab was still rolling. Suddenly,her door was snatched open. A man jumped in almost on top of her. He was agiant, perhaps six-six, and broad across the shoulders. He shoved her asidewith one hand as if she were a doll. Her head struck the window, just behind herhealed incision. Without a word of instruction, the driver accelerated, cuttingback west, toward the Hudson.
Maura recognized the behemoth immediately.He was Perchek's thug — the survivor from the pack. Snarling, she leapt at him,pounding at his face with her right hand as she tried to unzip the fanny packwith her left. Her first blow, with her fist, caught him on the bone just abovehis eye. He cried out, pawing at it with one hand, lashing out at her with theother. She ducked under his first blow and felt her hand inside the pack closeon the grip of the revolver. In one motion, she pulled it out, jammed themuzzle into his ribs, and fired.
Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. Theone chance she might have had was gone. The killer snatched the gun away andslapped her viciously across the face. Her lip split and tore against herteeth. Her head snapped back against the window. Then she pitched face-forwardalmost on to his lap.
'Safety, safety,' he teased, his voicesurprisingly high-pitched. 'We mustn't try to shoot our little gun until werelease the safety.'
He grabbed her by the neck and pulled herupright. She spit at him, spattering his shirt and face with blood. He wipedoff his cheek with the back of his hand, slowly, furiously. And then he hit heragain, as forcefully as the first time. Now, she was limp. He pushed her downto her knees and roughly pressed her face on to the seat.
'We're looking for your pal Corbett,' hesaid.
'I don't know,' Maura managed. Her facewas throbbing and his grip on her neck was hurting as well. But she wasdetermined not to give him the pleasure of making her cry. 'I don't know wherehe is or even if he's alive.'
The killer pulled Harry's shirt out of herbag. He jerked her face up to show her.
'Sure you don't,' he said.
'Even if I did know where he was, I'dnever tell you.'
He pressed her face back into the seat.
'The Doctor will be pleased to hear that,'he said.
The most sought-after fugitive in New Yorkcarefully maneuvered the huge Winnebago Luxor through the streets of Manhattan,trying not to attract any unnecessary attention. He was sticking as much aspossible to the broad, north-south avenues, terrified of turning on to acrosstown street that was narrowed with trucks or construction. Spending mostof his life in the city, where his car often remained in the parking garage forweeks at a time, his driving was rusty. Backing up the BMW often presented achallenge. Backing the motor home out of a narrow city street lined on bothsides with cars would be potential disaster. His picture was all over theplace. A fender bender, a cop, an arrest. It would probably be that simple.
It was ten minutes of ten. Harry waseasing his way down Columbus Avenue, trying to time it so that he turned on toFifty-sixth at exactly ten. Once he had Maura, they could get out of the cityand find a place to stop and sort things out. There were those who knew, or atleast
Together, he and Maura would be able tofigure out something — especially if they were somehow able to locate Ray.Santana had contributed mightily to the mess he was in, but he certainly hadn'tcaused it. Now, if he could be brought together with Loomis, a breakthrough wasquite possible.
He turned on to Fifty-sixth Street.Gratefully, there were no delivery trucks, road crews, or double parkers. Butthere was also no Maura. The front of C.C.'s was deserted, and the place lookedto be locked up. Harry slowed and considered stopping to check the door. But aninsistent horn from behind saved him the trouble of making a decision. He droveup Amsterdam for a few blocks, then swung over to Columbus and made anotherpass. Nothing. He tried calling her apartment and his, but got answeringmachines in both places. There was no answer at C.C.'s. Finally, he paged Phil.
'Hey, Harry,' Phil said. 'Good to hearfrom you. I think I caught some little item about you on the news orsomeplace.'
'Very funny. How are Gail and the kidsholding up?'
'Let's just say we're all having to defendthe family name a bit. How're you doing?'
'Thanks to you, I'm still on the loose.Phil, that note I gave you set up a meeting with Maura. But so far she hasn'tshowed. Are you sure it was delivered?'
'Positive. I spoke to Ziggy this morning.He put it in her hand personally at about three A.M.'
'Anything I can do?'
'Not for now. You've done more than enoughalready. Phil, thanks, I'll be in touch.'
'Just take good care of my baby, there.I've been promising Gail a weekend away in her. Now that you've gotten firstdibs, I'm going to have to deliver.'
Harry cruised around his loop for almostan hour, careful to widen or shorten it each time. No Maura. Something wasdefinitely wrong. He got Kevin Loomis's home phone number from information andtried him there. Daddy was at the store getting ice for a party, a childinformed him. Mommy was in the bathroom. Harry said he'd call back in an hour.
It was nearly eleven — almost two hoursbefore the second scheduled try at connecting outside C.C.'s. Harry would bethere, but he felt almost certain that Maura would not.
The only option he had, it seemed, was totry and find Ray Santana. He had no desire to put Mary Tobin at risk, but hereally had no choice. Besides, he thought smiling, in any match between theauthorities and Mary, his sympathies would have to go out to the cops. Hereached her at home. As he expected, she was anxious to do whatever she couldto help him and had an enormous extended family who were willing to help out aswell.
'My son-in-law, Darryl, is the only onewho has bad-mouthed you,' she said. 'He'll be back home just as soon as theyfinish the X rays and the stitches. An' that's just from my daughter. He'llstill have to deal with me.'
It took almost forty-five minutes for herto get Walter Concepcion's address and number and make it back home. As soon asshe entered the office, the two policemen who were staking out the place hadbarged in and questioned her.
'We're going to get him,' one of them hadsaid. 'Just don't you be helping him when we do.'
'I've got twenty-one grandchildren andseven great-grandchildren, young man,' Mary replied. 'I'm sure you'll be a bighit with your family and fellow officers when you haul me off to jail.'
At precisely noon, she called Harry withConcepcion's number and address and a report of her conversation with police.He called immediately and got no answer. Then, when he was a block away fromthe rooming house, he tried again. This time, Santana picked up. Three minuteslater, he loped out of the house and jumped into the passenger seat. Harry knewthe moment he saw the man that his anger had gone. He was merely grateful thatwhere there had been one, now there were two. He swung on to the Harlem RiverDrive, heading north.
'Now this is my idea of a getaway car,'Santana said. Ray was well past needing a shave and looked as wasted and hyperas Harry had ever seen him.
'It's a loaner from my brother. I'm gladyou got away. Are you all right? You don't look so hot.'
'Just the usual, only more of it thanusual. I screwed up at the hospital. I'm really sorry.'
'Was it Perchek you saw?'
'No, not Perchek. It was Garvey, Harry.Sean Garvey, the bastard who served me up to Perchek. I was lying there halfasleep when I heard his voice outside the door. It's been seven years, but Iknew in two seconds that it was him. Our eyes met and he recognized me, too.I'm certain of it. He was with a bunch of people in suits. He's lightened hishair and had some sort of stuff done to his face, but it was him. By the time Ireached the doorway of my room, he was pulling away from me. I … lost my cooland fired at him. The rest I guess you know.'
'Do you have any idea who Garvey is now?What he might be doing at a hospital in New York?'
'None. After Nogales, he disappeared,almost into thin air. He either had some powerful friends in high places, or hehad the goods on them. I pulled every string I could to find him. Nothing. Norecords he ever worked for the government. No Social Security number. No taxreturns. Nothing. Witness relocation times fifty. I called in ever marker Icould think of around the agency and the CIA. Zip. You have coffee in here?'
Harry motioned the thermos. Santana pouredhimself a cup and then flipped on the nine-inch television bolted on a swivelatop the passenger-side dash. The reporter was updating developments in thedual manhunt for Dr. Harry Corbett and a man tentatively identified as RaymondSantana, a former DEA undercover agent, whose fingerprints were among thosetaken from Grey 218.
'So much for the element of surprise,' Raysaid. 'It was only a matter of time. You think Maura's in trouble?'
'That body in your trunk sounds like Perchek'swork. Do you suppose he's got her?'
Harry shook his head. 'I don't want tothink about it.'
'First this Roundtable, then Perchek, andnow goddamn Sean Garvey to boot. This is really the mother lode, Harry.'
'Where do you think we should start?. .Ray? …'
Santana, eyes narrowed, was peering at thescreen from just a few inches away.
'Douglas Atwater, vice president ofManhattan Health. You know him, Harry?'
'I know him well. He's one of my fewenduring supporters at the hospital.'
'He's on this station live, right now,issuing a plea for you to give yourself up before anyone gets hurt.'
'Well,' Santana said, 'your enduringsupporter at the hospital is also the man I tried to kill yesterday.'
'In the flesh.'
It made no sense for them to remain in thecity and there were a number of good reasons not to. With Harry driving, he andSantana left Manhattan and headed north on Route 684 toward the NewYork-Connecticut border. Their mood was grim. Maura had not shown up at C.C.'sat one, and it seemed fairly certain now that Perchek, not the police, had her.
'You know,' Harry said, 'the more I thinkabout Atwater, the stupider I feel.'
'What do you mean?'
Santana, his feet up on the dash, hadturned off the TV. He was gazing out the side window at an approaching bank ofstorm clouds.
'Getting an IV into Evie and injecting herwith Aramine took some planning,' Harry explained. 'Whoever did it had to knowthat she was coming into the hospital that day. And I didn't know myself untiltwenty-four hours before. Doug was one of the few people besides me who wasaware that her admission date had changed.'
'When did he start working for yourhospital?'
'He doesn't work for the hospital exactly,he works for the managed care outfit that has a contract with the hospital.'
'It's a far cry from some ol' doc ridingup in his buggy with his black bag, I'll tell you that much. Anyhow, Doug'sbeen around for about five or six years, I think.'
'Sounds right. Someone high up in theagency did a hell of a job making him disappear — a new life, a new face, andno records that he ever existed. Garvey probably brought his pal Anton up toNew York as soon as he was settled in his new position with the
'Maybe The Doctor just wanted to settledown.'
'Sure, that's it. He's in semi-retirement.Just five or six killings a week.'
'Well, what do we do now?'
'I've been thinking that maybe we shouldgive ol' Garves a call,' Santana said. 'Things are unraveling for him justabout as fast as they're unraveling for us. Garvey knows I'm around now. Anduntil I'm
'But we have no proof of anything or wewould have gone to the police. They must know that, too.'
'I agree. That gives them a chance to stayin business, but only if you're in jail or dead and I'm successfully bought offor dead.'
'What about Maura?'
Santana shook his head, his expressiongrave.
'Assuming they have her, she's abargaining chip so long as we're around, and a loose end as soon as we're not.'
'Let me call him,' Harry said angrily. 'Iwant to thank him for being such a devoted friend all these years.'
'Just be cool.'
He pulled into a rest area and dialedAtwater's office at MMC.
'Whom should I say is calling, please?'Atwater's secretary asked.
Harry hesitated for a moment, then said,'It's Dr. Mingus. Dr. Charles Mingus.'
Mingus, one of Harry's idols, wasacknowledged by many, including Atwater, to be the greatest jazz bass playerever. He had been dead for fifteen or twenty years. It took just a few secondsfor Atwater to come on the line.
'Harry, is that you?' he said.
'Hi, Doug. Okay to talk?'
'Absolutely. Dr. Charles Mingus. Clever.Very clever. You are a trip, Harry.'
'I saw you on the tube a little while ago.Thanks for worrying about me.'
'Hey, I'm just glad to hear your voice,pal. I'm glad you're all right. Where the heck are you anyway?'
'Oh, around. I'm trying to find MauraHughes, Doug. I thought maybe you'd know where she was.'
'That was some damn good drawing she did,wasn't it, Harry?'
'Does Perchek have her?'
'Perchek. Perchek. Now there's a name thatdoesn't ring any bells with me at all. Gee, I'm sorry about your friend Maura.I only met her that one time at the hospital, but I'll wager she's a beautifulwoman when she's sober and not all banged up, and has a full head of hair. Nota looker like Evie was, mind you, but then again, who is?'
Harry put his hand over the mouthpiece.'He's got her,' he whispered. He took his hand away. 'What do you want for her,Doug?'
'Harry, aren't you paying attention? Isaid I only met her that one time at the hospital.'
'I know where Ray Santana is, Doug. That'sthe trade. Santana for Maura.'
'Now this is without a doubt the craziestconversation I've ever had. First someone named Perchek, whom I've never heardof, then someone named Santana, whom I've also never heard of.'
'Doug, I really care about that woman. Idon't want her hurt. Just tell me what you want.'
'You know, ever since that fake patient ofyours took a shot at me, I've been wondering why in the heck you went to suchtrouble to put him in the hospital in the first place?'
Again, Harry covered the mouthpiece. 'He'snibbling,' he whispered. 'Okay, Doug, listen. Let's not fuck around with eachother. You deliver Maura Hughes to me unharmed, and I'll not only pinpointSantana for you, I'll tell you all I know about The Roundtable, which of yourknights are close to blowing the whistle on the whole operation, and exactlywhat they have on you.'
This time there was no immediate response.'Then what do you plan to do?' Atwater asked. 'I'm getting out. I've got it all set up — tickets, passport, money, safe destination. The works. ButI'm not leaving without Maura.'
'God, Harry. You've got it that bad, huh?Take it from me, none of them are worth it — except the next one.'
'Without her, I don't care what happens tome, and I don't leave. That means you don't get Santana and The Roundtablecollapses around your ears. If we
'Not a chance, Doug. I'm frantic, but I'mnot stupid.'
'I should say you're not. Okay, pal, haveyou got something to write with?'
'I'm ready.'
Atwater gave him a number in the 201 area- the northern New Jersey area that included Fort Lee.
'Call me tonight at nine,' he said. 'We'lltalk.'
'Nine it is. Now listen, Doug. I don'thave much left to lose. If Perchek hurts Maura Hughes, I swear I'm going tokill you both.'
'Hey, Harry, easy on the hot sauce,brother. We'll talk, and then we'll see what we can do.'
'Nine o'clock.' Harry hung up.
'Bravo. Bravo,' Santana said, applauding.'That was one hell of a performance.'
Harry's eyes were flint.
'It was even better than you think,' hesaid. 'I know exactly where she is.'
It was raining steadily when they crossedthe Tappan Zee Bridge heading for New Jersey. The digital clock on theWinnebago dashboard read 7:06 P.M. A small digital calendar mounted right nextto it read
August 31 — Corbett curse minus one.
Harry concentrated on the road ahead asSantana prepared himself. Harry knew he might drop dead on September 1st, ashad his grandfather at seventy and his father, to all intents, at sixty. Butthe chances of his being killed tonight were far, far greater. Still, Santanawas a professional, Harry had been under fire before in his life, and they werenot going after Maura unprepared. Before crossing the bridge, they had leftthe' highway and searched until they found an army-navy store. Ray spent halfan hour inside and emerged with a rifle, two knapsacks full of equipment, and areceipt for $1123.37. The stock in the place was limited, but the big-ticketitems — the rifle, telescopic sight, and binoculars — he pronounced as'adequate.'
'Did you really kill a guy in the war likethe papers said?' Santana asked, inspecting the rifle as they pulled away.
'It's nothing I'm proud of.'
'That's okay. Killing a person issomething that once you've done it, you know you can do it. That's all thatmatters to me.'
'I'm filled with hate, Ray. It wouldn't bethat hard for me to kill either of them.'
'One less thing for me to worry about.'
Harry had never been inside Doug Atwater'shouse, but he had seen it from the water and from the land. Three years before,Harry had rented a yacht for a surprise party for Evie's birthday. The boat washuge — large enough to hold the combo from the club and about forty guests,with room to spare. It was chartered for a circumnavigation of ManhattanIsland, and was by far the most extravagant thing Harry had ever done. Buttheir marriage was already crumbling over his conservative lifestyle, and hewas desperate to make a statement. That evening was the last time he couldremember Evie seeming truly happy.
Atwater had shown up for the affair withhis usual gorgeous
'That's Dougie's!' she exclaimed. 'That'sDougie's house. See that deck? We had mimosas out there this morning. Youwouldn't believe the view. Have you ever been there?'
In fact, until that moment Harry had knownonly that Atwater lived in an elegant penthouse on East Forty-ninth Street.They had met there several times when he and Evie had gone out with Atwater andhis date. Curious about the house, he glanced back across at the New York sideof the river and fixed a couple of landmarks in his mind. Later in the evening,the captain used his navigational charts to pinpoint the spot exactly. It wasnot very far from Fort Lee. Harry had considered mentioning the house toAtwater, but now he felt certain that he never had. He and Atwater werefriendly, but obviously not that close, because Harry had never been invitedover.
A month or two later, after visiting hismother in the nursing home, Harry had found himself just a few miles from wherehe thought the house to be. It was surprisingly easy to find — a sprawling,California-style mansion at the crest of a rising, tree-lined driveway at leasta hundred yards long. The massive wrought-iron gate at the end of the drive wasclosed. A six-foot-high, fieldstone-in-cement wall stretched along the roadwayin both directions, giving the impression that the entire property wasenclosed. He did not consider dropping in.
But tonight, he and Santana would pay acall.
'Pull off at the next rest area,' Santanasaid. 'You need to get ready, and I need to check this sight out.'
Despite his gaunt physical appearance andnervous tics, Ray had always seemed somewhat cocky and self-assured. Butfollowing Harry's conversation with Sean Garvey, he had become withdrawn andsubdued. The tic at the corner of his mouth had diminished until it was just afaint suggestion, and his hands were rock steady. Harry bet that this wasexactly the way Santana had looked as he crouched, aimed, and fired that nightin Central Park.
He pulled off into a sparsely occupiedrest stop. Santana tossed him a black turtleneck, ammo vest, and watch cap, anda small jar of black greasepaint labeled
'Don't forget the backs of your hands,' hesaid as he left the camper cradling the rifle in a canvas wrap.
Outside, the rain had begun fallingharder. To the east, in the distance, lightning glinted off the blackening sky.
Harry set the clothes beside his seat.
Kevin Loomis glanced up at the clock andtried to imagine what the mounting flood in the basement was looking like. Rainhad forced the barbecue indoors, but it really didn't matter. Everything wasmoving along as he had planned. It wouldn't be long now.
It had been about thirty minutes since heleft the party through the backdoor, ostensibly to get a scorecard from hisgolfbag in the garage. He grabbed the card, which he had set by the garagedoor, then cut around the side of the house to dislodge the washing machinehose. His setup worked even better than he expected. One tug on the heavy twinehad pulled the hose free, and the twine had slipped off so that he was able topull it through the basement window. Now, there were about ten minutes leftbefore he would 'discover' the disaster.
He made his way through the guests,trading stories, laughing at jokes, and doing a fairly effective job of gettingdrunk. It was strange knowing when the exact moment of one's death was going tooccur. What if he had known from the very beginning? Would he have doneanything differently? The question was rhetorical. He would always have joinedThe Roundtable, as he understood it to be. And the moment he entered his firstRoundtable meeting, he was one of them. From then on, nothing he did wouldchange a thing.
He had said goodbye to each of the kids inhis own way and had managed half-decent sex with Nancy before tension overwhelmedhim. Now, he stood in the kitchen and glanced over at the drawer where he hadplaced the flashlights. Just a few more minutes. Suddenly, he realized thephone was ringing. His first thought was that something had happened to one ofthe kids. He snatched it up.
'Kevin Loomis?'
'It's Harry. Harry Corbett. How're youdoing?'
'Fine. We're having a party here, though.I really can't talk.'
'That's okay. You can just listen. I won'ttake long. The murder they want me for, the surgeon. .?'
From the doorway, Nancy asked with bodylanguage if the call was anything for her to be concerned with. Kevin shook hishead.
'It's Atwater, Kevin,' Harry went on.'Doug Atwater from Manhattan Health. He's the knight behind the killings,behind that Dr. Perchek I told you about.'
'I suspected as much. Atwater's Galahad,the knight in charge of security. I saw him earlier today on the news.'
'The others in your group may haveparticipated, but I believe he's the mastermind. We're going after him and Perchekright now.'
'Good luck.'
'Kevin, I'm calling to beg you to see thisthing through. If we get them, we're going to need you to testify against them.If we fail, all those patients at risk are going to need you even more.'
'I … I don't know what you're talkingabout,' Kevin said. 'Of course I'm going to see this through. I wish you lucktonight. I've got to go now.'
'Kevin, please be strong. You have toomuch to lose. We all do.'
Kevin set the receiver down withoutreplying.
'Hey, Fred,' he called to one of the twomen he had selected, 'we've got no water pressure all of a sudden. What do youthink?'
The man shrugged.
'Guess we ought to check the basement,' hesaid.
Kevin allowed him to open the basementdoor and try the light.
'Bulb's out,' the man said. 'Or else thepower down there's dead.'
From below, they could clearly hear thesound of gushing water. Kevin handed him a flashlight and then called overReverend Pete Peterson and handed him one as well. His pulse was beginning torace.
'It looks like a great flood down there,'he said. 'Unfortunately, my waders are right in the middle of it. You guys hangon the stairway and follow me with your lights. I'll see what I can see.'
He led the two men down to the basementand stepped into foot and a half of water. 'It's the washing machine hose,' hecalled out from the blackness. 'It's snapped off. Keep your lights on it.'
All those things in life that had seemedso damn important at the time … all meaningless. .
'Just be careful,' Peterson said.
Kevin jammed the hose back on to itshousing.
'See,' he said, 'no problem. No problem atall.'
Sir Tristram, Knight of The Roundtable,took a single deep breath and then set his hand down the back of the dryer. Hisbody stiffened. Sparks shot from his legs at the waterline. His heart went intoimmediate standstill. The muscles in his hand, in a viselike spasm, tightenedaround the frayed wire. He had been dead for fifteen seconds by the time theweight of his body pulled him free of the wire and allowed him to drop into thewater.
'Green Dolphin Street.'
They were still a ways from Atwater'smansion when Harry began hearing the tune in his head. He tapped out the rhythmon the steering wheel and bobbed his head to the bass line.
'What are you doing?' Santana asked.
'Listening to music. It's a tune that popsinto my brain when I'm keyed. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm tense until Ihear it.'
Santana studied him. From within the blackgreasepaint, his eyes were glowing discs of pearl.
'Keep listening,' he said finally.
They drove toward the Hudson until theyfound the narrow, winding roadway that paralleled the Palisades. Harry cut theheadlights and slowed down. There were no cars on either side, moving orparked. The houses, each overlooking the Hudson from a majestic height, werewidely spaced and nestled in the woods a good distance from the road. Throughthe rain and the gloom, it was impossible to make out much more than lightsfrom any of them.
'You still think you know where we are?'Santana asked.
'I'm not as certain as I was a littlewhile ago,' Harry said, peering through the Winnebago windshield, which wasbeing squeegeed by wiper blades as big as hockey sticks. 'Maybe that's why thedamn tune in my head keeps getting louder.'
'Maybe it's time to stop listening. How'reyou even going to know we're there?'
'I'm looking for that wall I told youabout. That stone wall.'
At almost the moment he said the word, theysaw it — fieldstone set in cement, two feet thick, running along the road asfar as they could see. To their right, a six-foot-high chain-link fenceextended from the wall toward the cliffs. Harry pulled as far off the road ashe could, cut the engine, and gestured toward the fence.
'I would guess there's another one likethis on the other side, and then the cliffs in the back. So the place iscompletely enclosed.'
'A big corral,' Santana said. 'What betterplace for a gunfight?'
Peering down the road, they could justmake out the main gate, perhaps fifty yards away. Santana used a hoodedflashlight and set out their equipment, which included a snub-nosed revolverand the silenced semiautomatic that Harry knew had killed the gunman in thepark. In addition, there was a rope, adhesive tape, switchblade knives, wirecutters, wire, Swiss Army knives, powerful flashlights, and several boxes ofammunition. Santana handed Harry the revolver and some bullets.
'The safety's here,' he said. 'Flip it offafter you load it. Then just point and shoot.'
'Just point and shoot,' Harry echoed. 'Theultimate Kodak moment.'
'Load up your rucksack and be ready.'
Santana took the binoculars and the rifle,switched off the interior lights of the RV, then opened the door and slippedout. Harry watched, impressed, as the former DEA undercover agent moved quicklyand silently into the wall and scaled it in a heartbeat. He lay flattened onthe top, scanning the property. Then, after a few minutes, he was back.
'The house is pretty well lit and not thatfar away. I can actually see into some of the windows. There's one guard in alittle house by the gate. I didn't see anyone else.'
'Any dogs?'
'Not that I could see.'
'Shouldn't we have brought some big T-bonesteaks just in case?'
'You mean like they do in the movies?'
'Harry, any attack dog that's worth itssalt knows the difference between the kind of meat that just lies there and thekind of fresh meat it gets to hunt down and kill. We see a dog, we shoot it.That's too simple for the movies, but it's damn efficient. Now, here's what Ithink we should do. I'm going back up on the wall, about halfway down. When Iflash one time, call the house and demand to speak to Maura. That way we'llknow for certain she's there. Hopefully I'll see her through one of thewindows. If not, we'll just have to get close enough to figure out where sheis. If I flash twice, come along. Three times, there's trouble of some kind. Inthat case, hop up on the wall right over here, and be ready to use that gun.Lock the doors and leave the key wedged under the right rear tire. Questions?'
'You ready?'
'I am. Ray, I guess there is one thing.'
'Go ahead.'
'Please don't take this wrong. I've got ascore to settle with these people too. A big score. I just want to remind youto … to keep your cool.'
Santana's response was not what Harryexpected. He glared at him in an unsettling, frightening way. The tic by hiseye and at the corner of his mouth intensified.
'Okay, you asked, now you listen,' hesnapped. 'I've lived in pain every second of every minute of every hour ofevery fucking day since that bastard shot that stuff into my body.
Harry felt himself recoil from the man'sfury. It took some time for him to regain his composure. Finally, he reachedout and rested his hand on Santana's arm.
'Sorry, Ray,' he said. 'We'll get them. Ipromise you we will.'
Santana left and quickly flattened himselfagainst the wall. The rain had let up considerably, and the gate was easier tosee. Harry peered at it for a second or two. When he looked back, Santana wasagain atop the wall. A moment later, his light flashed once. Harry checked thetime, 9:08, and dialed the number Atwater had given him. Atwater answered onthe second ring.
'Dr. Mingus?' Atwater said.
'It is.'
'Tell me again what you have for me.'
'I want proof that Maura's okay.'
'Tell me what you have.'
'Santana is staying at the rooming housein Spanish Harlem. I'll tell you the address and the name he's using when youlet Maura leave.'
'How did he find me up here?'
'Perchek left a thumbprint in Evie's room.Someone at the bureau told Santana. He's pledged the guy to secrecy. No oneelse knows about it except him and me — not even the crime guy who lifted theprint in the first place.'
'How'll I prove you're telling me thetruth?'
'Doug, I don't give a shit about you, whatyou prove or don't prove. Every cop in New York is looking for me. Once I haveMaura, I'm out of here. That's all I care about. Now, where is she?'
'Who have you been in touch with on TheRoundtable?'
'Two men. Jim Stallings is one. Now he'sdead. The other one I'll name as soon as I speak to Maura. He's told me all theother names.'
'Give me one.'
'Someone named Loomis. I can't rememberhis first name, but I have it written down.'
'He's not the other one you've spoken to?'
'No. Now, no more delay. I can't stay herethat long.'
'Call this number back in exactly fiveminutes.'
Harry hung up and waited in the dark. Upahead, he could barely make out the shadow that was Santana, pressed on the topof the wall. The rain had all but stopped now. The country air wafting throughthe open passenger-side door was scrubbed and sweet. The songs of peepers andcrickets filled the heavy silence. Harry ran his fingers over the greasepaintcoating the backs of his hands.
'All right,' Atwater said as soon as heheard Harry's voice. 'You have thirty seconds. I'm standing right next to her,listening on a portable phone. Don't upset me.'
'Maura, it's me. Are you okay?'
'Harry. I've been so worried about you.I'm all right. They. . they made me drink bourbon. I fought it, but theymade me. Then they gave that up and shot me some drug to make me tell themwhere you were. But I couldn't tell them what I didn't know.'
Her voice sounded strained, but strong.
'Maura, just be tough. I have everythingwe need to get us out of the country.'
There was the briefest hesitation, thenshe quickly covered up her confusion.
'I didn't think you could pull it alltogether so quickly,' she said. 'I'm ready.'
Her extension clicked off.
'Okay, Harry. Call this number again infive more minutes and we deal.'
'Make it half an hour. I can't stay whereI am any longer.'
'Who's the other man on The Roundtable you'vespoke to?'
'Harper. Pat Harper. Northeast Life andCasualty.'
Kevin Loomis had said the man's name justonce, but it had been easy for Harry to remember. A girl named Pat Harper hadbeen his first crush in junior high. Dropping Harper's name now was perfect. IfHarry didn't make it through the night, at least Loomis would be safe fromreprisal.
'Okay. Thirty minutes,' Atwater said.
Harry listened to the dial tone and triedto imagine what was transpiring behind the wall. For two minutes, there was onlyblackness up ahead. Then Santana's light flashed twice. It was time.
Harry slipped on the rucksack and snappedthe revolver into a holster on his belt. Keeping low, he flattened himselfagainst the wall and moved along it until he reached Santana, who was standingon the road side.
'They're not keeping her in the house,' hewhispered. 'Someone, I think it was Garvey, left by a side door and walkednorth. In a minute or so, he came back with her. Then they went back again andGarvey returned alone. Now, he's back in the house.'
'Where to first?'
'The guard by the gate. If there's goingto be any shooting, try and let me do it. My gun doesn't make any noise.'
'I remember.'
Santana set the rifle by the wall.
'It looks like it's all going to beclose-in work,' he said. 'Maybe I can get a refund for this.'
The fieldstones offered easy purchase forscaling the wall. Together, they reached the top, lowered themselves halfwaydown the other side, and dropped to the sodden ground. Harry found himselfanticipating pain in his chest before he hit. In fact, he did experience abrief jab, though not nearly as bad as when he jumped the backyard fence inFort Lee. If this was as bad as it got tonight, he could handle it easily.
Guns drawn, they inched up on the smallgatehouse. There was a dark, four-door sedan parked beside it. Through thesmall side window of the house, they could see the guard talking on the phone.
'If this is a check-in call, we're inluck,' Santana whispered. 'One less thing to go wrong. Have some two-inchadhesive tape ready.'
He motioned Harry to the far side of thegatehouse door, then tapped lightly on it once and flattened himself againstthe wall. The door opened cautiously. Gun drawn, the guard stepped out. Harryhadn't time to fully appreciate Santana's moves before it was over. Ray broughthis pistol down sharply on the man's wrist. The guard's hand went limp and thegun dropped as if it had suddenly become electrified. Before he could even cryout, Ray was on him, a hand tightly across his mouth, his leg around the backof his calf. The takedown was quick and silent. Ray came down straddling theman's chest with the muzzle of his silenced revolver jammed between his teeth.
'Not a sound!' Ray growled. 'Understand?'
The man nodded. Keeping the silencer inhis mouth, Ray rolled him on to his side and motioned Harry to tie his handsbehind him. Then he again rolled him to his back. He pulled his gun out andpressed it under the guard's jaw.
'Okay, where's the girl?'
The man stared up at Ray's blackened face.Harry could see him assessing the benefits and dangers of trying to lie. Theinternal debate lasted only seconds.
'Guest house. . down the path to theleft. .'
'Is Perchek with her?'
The mention of The Doctor's name brought aflash of fear to the guard's eyes. He hesitated, then nodded.
'How many men?' Ray waited for a response,and then set the silencer muzzle squarely on the man's left eye. 'How many?'
'One with P-Perchek in the cottage,' hestammered. 'Two in the house.'
'Plus Garvey?'
'Yes. Two plus him.'
'Put a bandana in his mouth and tape it intightly,' Santana whispered to Harry. 'Wrap the tape all the way around hishead twice. Then tie his ankles.'
Harry did so efficiently, and togetherthey dragged the man ten yards to a tree and tied him there. Santana checkedinside the gatehouse.
'The gate release is right inside thedoor,' he said. 'The door beside the gate is unlocked.' He glanced at hiswatch. 'We've got about twenty minutes. Let's go get her.'
They stayed close to the wall, which metthe chain-link fence on the far side of the property in a copse of low shrubs.Up the hill and to their right was the main house, with lights shining throughevery window and spots illuminating the front walk. Fifty yards or more to theleft of the main house, shining through a small wood, were more lights.
'There,' Harry whispered, pointing.
Ray nodded and led the way. They reachedthe trees and moved through them carefully, keeping low. The guest house, aminiature version of the mansion, was itself spectacular. It was almost allglass, built on steel girders that thrust up from the cliff so that its deckwas cantilevered out perhaps a hundred feet above the Hudson. Harry peered overthe precipice. There was a shoreline of boulders extending out ten or fifteenfeet from the base of the cliff. And directly across the still, black river,glittering like the Milky Way, was Manhattan.
Against the cliff, beneath the main floor,was a set of rooms not visible from the front of the guest house. Through onewindow, which was barred, they could see Maura alternately sitting on the edgeof a bed and pacing. She appeared worn and tired, but reasonably steady.Santana put a finger to his lips and pointed towards the house. Moving closer, theypeered in through a massive picture window. The expansive space — living room,dining room, and kitchen — was tent-shaped, gleaming hardwood and glass with acedar ceiling and a center pole fifteen feet high. French doors opened on tothe deck, and half a dozen large windows offered stunning views of the city. Aguard, his weapon in a shoulder holster, was pouring coffee. Behind him,reading at a table, sat The Doctor.
At the sight of him, an unnatural,guttural noise emerged from Santana's throat — the sound of hatred. He pickedup a shot-put-size rock and motioned with his gun for Harry to follow him. Theystopped just outside the glass door.
'Me first,' he whispered.
Before Harry could respond, Santana heftedthe rock and hurled it face-high through the door. The thick glass explodedinward. Ray was inside at almost the instant the rock hit the floor.
'Don't!' he barked as the gunman reachedfor his weapon.
Harry stepped through the empty door frameand took the man's gun. Anton Perchek, who had not even lowered his book,looked up first at him, then at Santana. His smile was one of bemusement. Theirises of his eyes were so pale as to appear almost white. His pupils werewide, black holes in the snow. There was not a hint of fear in the man thatHarry could see — or of any emotion at all, for that matter.
'Down on your face!' Santana ordered thegunman.
When the man hesitated, Ray dropped himwith a pistol butt behind the ear, all the while keeping his attention fixed onPerchek. The gunman was moaning but awake as Harry bound him with the techniquehe had perfected on the gatekeeper. Santana pulled a chair away from the table.With his silenced revolver still aimed at Perchek, he helped Harry lift thesemiconscious man into the chair. Harry tied him there. Then he stepped back,closer to Santana.
The Doctor eyed the two of them curiously.He was certainly the man Harry had seen outside of Evie's room, the man Maurahad drawn. But in some ways he wasn't. He looked like all of the computerrenderings, but none of them. He would have fit in perfectly behind the counterof a convenience store or piloting a jet. He was nobody and everybody. When hespoke, his voice was mellow, hypnotic, and totally devoid of emotion.
'Well, Ray. It's been a while, hasn't it,'he said. Santana pushed the table away from Perchek with his foot. Even throughthe black greasepaint, Harry could see the tension in his face. Clearly,Perchek sensed it, too.
'You don't look so good, Ray,' he said, asSantana was taping his wrists to the wrought-iron arms of the chair. 'Themuscle wasting in those hands. That twitch by your eye. What is it — drugs?Some sort of disease?'
Harry noticed that The Doctor's arms,especially his forearms, were thickly muscled. His biceps stretched the sleevesof his sky blue polo shirt. Santana checked him for a weapon, but found none.
'The key to Maura's room,' Ray demanded.
Perchek shrugged as if the business wastoo mundane for him to bother with.
'No key,' he said. 'Just a dead bolt inthis side.'
Santana motioned Harry down the shortflight of stairs. In half a minute he was back with her. She was hollow-eyedfrom strain and her lip was swollen and crusted with blood, but otherwise sheseemed unharmed.
'The big guy hit her when they kidnappedher,' Harry explained.
'Anything else?' Santana asked.
'Except for forcing the booze down me,they haven't really hurt me. I managed to spit a lot of it out, and after theyleft me alone I made myself throw up. I was drunk for a while, but I'm sobernow. They thought I'd start begging them for more, but I hated the feeling andeven the taste.'
Harry put his arm around her and held hertightly.
Santana glared down at Perchek.
'Who in the agency helped Garvey disappearso cleanly?' he asked.
Perchek continued smiling at him benignly.
'Ray, you look terrible. Absolutelyterrible.' His speech was as sterile as his eyes. 'You know, I keep thinkingthat back in Nogales I never had the chance to give you the antidote for myhyconidol. That's what's wrong with you, isn't it? My Lord, Ray, what anoversight. I am so sorry. So truly sorry.'
'Shut up and tell me who sent Garvey outwith a new identity.'
'There is an antidote, you know. And adamn effective one it is, too. The biochemical process is quite simple,actually. It's called competitive inhibition. The antidote just floods thebloodstream and replaces those nasty little molecules that have been locked onto those nerve endings of yours all these years, and
Santana listened as if transfixed. Perchekwas soothing, seductive, hypnotic — and totally believable. Harry wanted to saysomething, anything to break the spell of The Doctor's rhetoric. Instead, hetoo stood motionless. It was Santana's pain.
'. . Well, now you don't have to hurtanymore, Ray. Those horrible pain flashes you keep having? I can make them goaway for good. I promise you. No more need for narcotics. You'll feel thedifference in only a few minutes, Ray. Just think of it. No more pain everagain. Guaranteed. You can keep me tied up while you try it. Then you canleave. I promise no one will touch you. All I want is him.' He nodded towardHarry. 'In exchange for the antidote, all I want is half an hour with him.'
Perchek looked over at Harry and for thefirst time, Harry could see emotion in the man's eyes — a consuming,contemptuous loathing, focused directly and completely on him. Harry glancedback at Santana and saw a flicker of uncertainty. Perchek saw it, too, and wasagain smiling benignly.
Santana set his pistol on the table. Thenhe whirled and stretched two-inch-wide adhesive tape tightly across TheDoctor's mouth. Next he pulled out a contraption from his pocket — an arcanemetal frame with five finger rests and pointed screws over each. Perchekstiffened momentarily, but made no move to resist as Ray locked the fingers andthumb of his right hand in place.
'I don't have a pain drug,' he said, 'butI do have this thing I've been hanging on to for years. A friend brought itback from China. I'll bet you've used something like it yourself from time totime. First nail, then flesh, then bone, then through the other side. Eightfingers, two thumbs, millimeter by millimeter. I've been saving it, and Ididn't even know why. . until now.'
He tightened the screws down so that eachnail blanched. Perchek reacted not at all.
'Ray, don't let him make you into
'You don't understand, Harry,' Santanasaid icily. '
Harry started to protest, but he knew itwould serve no purpose. He took Maura by the arm.
'We'll be right outside,' he said. 'Weonly have about ten minutes before Garvey starts wondering why I haven'tcalled.'
They left as Santana was tightening thefirst screw.
'Who did Garvey own at the agency?' heasked. 'Who's protecting him now?'
Perchek smiled beneath the tape. Santanatightened the screw through the nail. Blood spurted out around the metal.Perchek stared ahead.
'Pain or answers,' Santana said. 'You'vegot a choice to make.'
'No, Ray. It's you who have the choice..'
Sean Garvey spoke to him from just outsidethe front door. He held a gun to Harry's head. They stepped into the room. Thehuge thug followed, roughly dragging Maura by the arm, then shoving her to thefloor. His gun was leveled directly at Ray.
'. . And you don't have a lot of time.'
'Raymond, you were careless seven yearsago,' Garvey said. 'And you were careless tonight.' Still holding his revolverto Harry's temple, he shuffled sideways away from the front door, until his backwas to the river. 'My man big Jerry, here, called the gatehouse to set up agolf game with his pal. And what do you know? No answer. Now then, get thatthing off Dr. Perchek's hand.'
Santana didn't move. 'You son of a bitch,'he said. 'How many of our guys did you get killed? How did you get paid? By thescalp?'
Ray glanced towards the door. It was onlythe slightest movement, but Harry caught it. So did Garvey.
'Don't try to pull that shit with me,' hesaid. 'There's no one out there, and you know it. Face it, Raymond. You tried,you lost. Now take that off Anton's hand.'
Santana again glanced towards the door — just a flick of his eyes. Then he reached over and loosened the screw. Perchekflexed his finger and the device clattered to the oak floor.
'A lot of the guys you sold out hadfamilies,' Ray said. 'Kids that had to grow up without a father. We worked forshit pay and took crazy risks because we believed in what we were doing. We alltrusted you. And you just handed us over one by one. I can understand him.' Hegestured toward The Doctor. 'He works for the highest bidder, whoever ithappens to be. He's a machine. But you. . you're something worse. You'rescum — a soulless, gutless traitor.'
'The tape,' Garvey snapped. 'Take it offhis mouth.' Santana complied, though not at all gently. 'You should have stayedback in Kentucky, or wherever the hell you were, Raymond. Everyone would havebeen much better off. Now we've got to run some sort of damage control in orderto keep my pet project up and running.'
'Is that why you broke Perchek out ofprison? To work for The Roundtable?'
'Let's just say that as soon as I got thehang of my new career in the health insurance business, I appreciated thepossibilities. Now, however, I need to find out who among my knights needs tobe taught a lesson in loyalty. Fortunately for us, I believe our friend Dr.Corbett can come up with that information. And coincidentally, we have just theman here who can help him do it. You will help, won't you Anton?'
Perchek smiled. 'It will be a pleasure.'
'So move aside there, Raymond. Big Jerrywill untie The Doctor. Harry, would you be so kind as to crawl over and takeDr. Perchek's place in that chair?'
Garvey placed his gun barrel at the baseof Harry's skull and forced him down to his hands and knees. Slowly, Harrymoved across to Maura, still on the floor. His eyes were fixed on Santana, whoremained crouched beside Perchek.
For the third time, Ray glanced minutely,almost inadvertently, toward the front door. Harry found himself beginning tobelieve there actually
'Jerry, I'm sure our friend Raymond isrunning a scam, but just take a quick look outside, will you? Then untie thegood doctor.'
Harry heard the motion behind him as Jerrymoved to the front door.
Then suddenly, snarling with rage andhatred, Santana sprang from his crouch and charged his one-time boss. Garveyshot him at point-blank range — once, then again. Jerry whirled quickly andtwice fired into him from behind. But Santana's unearthly cry only grew louder.He collided chest high with Garvey, driving him backward through the screendoor and out on to the deck. Jerry lunged toward them, but Harry could see hewas too late. Santana, silent now, had his nemesis in a death grip. His legswere churning like a halfback's even though life had already left his body.Garvey hit the top of the waist-high guardrail just as Ray pushed off, and thetwo men flipped over the railing like toys. Garvey's scream filled the night.Then it stopped with the suddenness of a guillotine.
Jerry was staring at the spot where thetwo men had vanished when Perchek cried out his name. He spun around just asHarry dove from his knees for the corner of the table where Santana had placedhis gun. Harry grasped the butt of the pistol at the moment the killer fired.The edge of the table shattered. Harry rolled, then rolled again as a shotslammed into the floor behind him. There was pain in his chest, but he was farbeyond reacting to it. Then suddenly, he was on his belly, sighting down thebarrel of his gun at the chest of the man who was preparing to kill him. It washis recurring Nha-trang dream. This time, though, there was no youthful Asianface, no loud report echoing in his ears — only a soft spitting sound and aflash of flame. The front of the behemoth's neck blew apart, just above hisjersey. He flew backward, exploding through the plate glass window and on tothe deck.
Harry scrambled to his feet, prepared tofire again. But there was no need. The man lay motionless, blood spurting fromhis severed carotid artery. In just a few seconds, the spurting became atrickle. Maura raced to Harry's side. He slipped off his rucksack and took outa powerful flashlight. Together, they peered over the railing of the deck.Santana and Garvey, their bodies shattered, lay on the rocks a hundred feetbelow.
'Oh, Ray,' Harry murmured.
Maura quickly turned away.
'At least Ray's pain is finally over,' shesaid, stepping clear of the huge corpse, stretched out on a bier of brokenglass just a few feet away. 'He told me in the hospital that he didn't think hecould go on much longer. When he got the call about Perchek's fingerprint, he'dbeen thinking more and more about suicide.'
Out of Maura's line of sight, Harry bracedhimself on the railing until the boring pain beneath his breastbone began tosubside.
'Perchek injected him with thathyconidol,' he said finally. 'Ray hated him. But Garvey was the one he reallywanted. Garvey was the one who handed him and the other undercover agents over.Listen, we ought to get out of here before the other guys at the main housecome over. We can call the police from my RV.' He left the railing and followedMaura back inside. 'Okay, Perchek, let's go. Mess with me in any way, and Iswear I'll kill you.'
'I can see that you are very good atthat,' The Doctor said.
Harry replaced the adhesive tape gag, cutthe rope binding him to the chair, and forced him facedown on the floor. Onceagain he noted that Perchek was powerfully built, especially through theshoulders and arms. And even with his revolver pressed against the man's spine,Harry still felt at risk.
'Tightly,' he said as Maura tied Perchek'shands behind him. 'Make sure his hands are relaxed. I don't want even a littleslack. Then take that gun on the floor over there. Be sure the safety is-'
'I know. I know.'
Harry pulled Perchek to his feet andforced him through the door. Across the room, bound and gagged, the guardwatched them go.
'Down this way, along the fence,' Harryordered in a whisper. 'Maura, keep your eyes out for the other two guys.'
They moved carefully through rain-soakedbushes and shrubs. Ten yards. Twenty. The fieldstone wall was easy to see now.
'There!' Maura whispered urgently.
She pointed at a figure moving stealthilytoward them across the lawn, gun drawn. Harry pulled the adhesive tape fromPerchek's mouth.
'Tell him to stop right there,' he said.Perchek said nothing. Harry jammed the muzzle into the base of his neck.
'Dammit, do as I say, or I swear I'll killyou right now!'
'It's me, Perchek. Don't come any closer.The good doctor has a gun in my back.'
'Where's Doug?' the guard called back.
'Dead. Now just stay where you are.'
'No, back away!' Harry yelled. 'Back awaynow! But stay on the grass where I can see you. Maura, we're going to head forthe gate. There's one more of them somewhere, so keep looking.'
They crossed the lawn. Harry held the ropebinding Perchek's wrist in one hand and Santana's silenced pistol in the other.Maura kept her revolver poised to fire.
'You'd best kill me,' Perchek said.
'Shut up.'
'Santana didn't take advantage of theopportunity when he had it, and look how he ended up.'
They had reached the gate. Harry checkedinside the guard house. No one.
'Keep close,' he whispered. 'Is that guystill out on the lawn?'
'Still there,' she said.
He held his breath, pulled Perchek closer,and guided him through the ornate wrought-iron pedestrian gate, adjacent to themassive main gate. The Winnebago was right where they had left it, fifty yardsdown the road.
'Maura, that mobile home is ours. The keyis under the right rear tire. You drive, I'll stay with him. It looks imposing,but there's no trick to driving it. Just turn it on and go. Until we get there,keep your eye behind us. Shoot anything that moves.'
'Last chance,' Perchek said.
Harry did not bother responding. Hisattention was fixed on the huge mobile home, now no more than thirty feet away.
'Everything still okay back there?'
'No problem,' Maura said.
'Were almost there.'
They were at the corner of the wall now,less than ten feet from the RV. It appeared undisturbed.
'Okay. You go for the key. I'll coveryou.'
Harry pressed back against the side of theWinnebago. Maura ducked past him, ran to the rear tire, and swept her handbeneath it. Again, Harry held his breath.
'Got it,' she said.
She hurried back to the door on thepassenger side, opened it, and clambered across into the driver's seat. Harryguided The Doctor over to the step.
'Okay, Perchek. Step up and get on to thatcouch over there,' he said.
At that moment, a gunshot cracked fromsomewhere atop the wall near the gate and a bullet slammed into the metal byHarry's face. Before he could react, a second shot tore through his upper arm.He cried out and reeled back against the side of the RV clutching the wound.The gun dropped from his hand. It took only a second for Perchek, his handsstill tightly bound behind him, to sprint off toward the gate. Another bulletsnapped into the side of the Winnebago. Maura jumped to the ground, but Perchekwas already diving to safety through the pedestrian gate. She fired three timestoward the wall, but the shadow on top of it had disappeared.
'I'm okay,' Harry said. 'Get up there andstart this thing. I can make it.'
He followed her into the Winnebago andslammed the door behind him. Seconds later, Maura pulled away. He tore away thesleeve of his turtleneck. The bullet had hit the meat part of his deltoid andexited only an inch or so lateral to where it went in. Blood was oozingsteadily from the wounds, but it was venous bleeding, not arterial. He couldmove his fingers and his elbow, although there was a good deal of pain — enoughto think the shaft of the humerus might have been hit as well. He wrapped thesleeve around the wounds and used his teeth and free hand to tie it as tightlyas he could stand. As Maura sped past the massive gate, the headlights of thesedan that had been parked there flicked on. Harry cursed himself for notthinking to shoot out a tire as they walked past it.
They're coming after us,' he said.
'Where should I go?'
'The river's off to the right. Stay onthis road and look for a left you can make.'
'Harry, this thing is huge.'
'Just take it up to as fast as you canhandle it and then go a little faster.' He snatched up the phone and dialed911. 'This is Dr. Harry Corbett! I'm wanted by the police. Right now we'redriving along the Palisades in a Winnebago motor home, being chased by men whowant to kill us. We're-'
The window beside Maura exploded inward,showering her with glass. Reflexively, she ducked, then poked her head up andaccelerated through forty.
'You all right?'
'Cut on my arm and my face, but I'm okay.'
Tires and brakes screeched as she snappedthe wheel to the left. They skidded on the wet pavement, then felt a bump andheard the crunch of metal against metal. The lurch sent cabinets flying open.The fax machine snapped off its stand and shattered against the wall. Pots,pans, and canned goods clattered out on to the carpet and bounced off the teakdining table.
'Can you put your seat belt on?'
'I can't let go of the wheel.'
Harry dropped the phone, picked up Maura'sgun, and raced to the driver's-side window in the lounge.
'I don't see them!' he cried. 'Maybe youknocked them off the-'
The window behind him shattered. Hewhirled and fired three shots just as Maura pulled the wheel sharply to theright. He lost his balance and cried out as his wounded arm struck a counter.The collision with the sedan was louder and more forceful this time. The heavysedan was much faster, but hardly a match for the Luxor in close-in battle.
'I'm okay. There are three of them, Ithink! Perchek's in the back seat! I'm sure of that!'
He had to holler now to be heard over therush of wind and the roar of the two engines. They were heading down a fairlysteep hill.
'Harry, I can barely stay on the road!'
'Is there any way you can make a left onto a side street?'
'I'm going fifty-five! I'd have to slow toten! I just hope this road doesn't turn too sharply, or we're going to tipover!'
'Hang in there! You're doing great!'
The sedan pulled alongside them again.This time, the center window on the driver's side was shot in. Harry bracedhimself and pulled the trigger of his revolver, but got only an impotent click.The pursuers inched forward.
'Watch it, Maura!' he cried.
A shot came through the vacant windowbeside her and spiderwebbed half the windshield. She whipped the wheel to theleft. Only the pressure from the sedan kept them from flipping. Harry scrambledinto the passenger seat, fumbled for the seat belt with his wounded arm, andthen gave up trying. If she didn't have one on, he didn't want one either.
'Harry, they're in front of us, trying tocut us off!' she yelled. 'I can hardly see through this windshield! Harry,watch out! The road's gone! They're in front of us!'
The sedan had spun against the grille ofthe Winnebago, beneath the massive windshield. It was being pushed sideways,plowing through a forest of saplings and low bushes at fifty miles an hour.Trees snapped like firecrackers as the Winnebago barreled forward, brakesscreeching. Several larger trees flashed past, their branches whipping throughthe empty windows. Again and again, the wheel spun out of Maura's grasp. Eachtime she managed to steady it. Then suddenly, the dense young woods fell away.A ten-yard stretch of wild grass ended in blackness. Ahead of them were thelights of Manhattan. Well below them was the Hudson.
'Harry! Harry!' Maura cried, bracingherself. 'We're going over!'
The sedan and motor home hurled off theedge of the precipice together. Harry grabbed the edge of his seat, stiffenedhis legs, and watched through the cracked windshield in numb horror as the cartumbled away from them and hit the water just beneath them. The Winnebago nosedslightly downward as it passed over the spot where the sedan had splashed down.It hammered into the ebony water with dizzying force, striking it first withthe front bumper. Instantly, the windshield collapsed inward, and the massivedual airbags filled. Chilly water flooded the cabin.
Harry snapped forward and collided withthe dash at the instant the airbag drove him back into the seat. The pain inhis chest, which had never fully abated, exploded through him once more.
'Maura!' he cried.
The river poured in with force, fillingthe Winnebago in seconds. Still tilted forward, the huge RV glided downward,beneath the surface. Harry, battling the rushing water, the airbag, and thepain in his arm and chest, inhaled deeply and clawed his way toward thedriver's seat, expecting at any moment to connect with Maura's body. The murkyriver pushed him backward toward the sitting area. He kicked off his sneakersand struggled to calm and orient himself. The blackness was total.
His movements grew weaker, more futile.The pain in his chest grew worse. Water seeped down his throat.
Darkness closed in.
Reluctantly, Harry surrendered to it. Hisarms grew heavy. The dreadful ache beneath his breastbone began to fade. Then,at the instant his consciousness vanished, he felt a hand take hold of the backof his shirt.
Harry's first awareness was the smell — the unmistakable amalgam of cleaning solutions, antiseptic, laundry starch, andhuman illness. It was an aroma as familiar to him as his own room. He was in ahospital, cranked up in bed at a forty-five degree angle.
Piece by piece, image by image, thenightmare began returning to him. He was dead. Had to be. The godawfulsensation of muddy river water filling his mouth and lungs — it had to havebeen fatal.
'Dr. Corbett? Dr. Corbett, open youreyes.'
A woman's voice. Harry did not respondimmediately, although he sensed that he would. Instead, he tested his limbs.First his legs, then his left arm, and finally his right. There was no movementthere.
'Maura. .'
He murmured the word, then said it again,louder.
'Who's Maura?' the woman asked.
Harry opened his eyes fully and turned tothe voice. A young woman with short, sandy hair and an attractive, intelligentface looked down at him. She had on a white clinic coat with a blue name tagthat read
'Maura Hughes is the woman who was withme,' Harry said, his senses clearing rapidly.
'Do you know anything else about theaccident?' he asked.
'Nothing at all except that you were in acamper and you flew off a thirty-foot cliff into the Hudson.'
'Some camper,' Harry said. 'Where am Inow?'
'You're in the coronary care unit ofUniversity Hospital in Manhattan. I'm Dr. Zane, one of the cardiac fellows. Youwere brought here by chopper last night. Apparently we were the closestfacility to the accident with an available cardiac bed.'
'What day is it?'
'The first?'
'The first of September. Yes.'
'Have I had a coronary?'
'Maybe. We don't know for sure. Iunderstand you are a physician?'
'A GP, yes.'
'Okay, then. You've been shot through yourupper arm. The humerus has been chipped, but it's intact. They wanted toexplore the wound last night, but they couldn't because your EKG is abnormal.It's showing ST segment changes suggesting acute posterior wall injury. Yourcardiac enzymes are slightly elevated as well, so there definitely has beensome minor cardiac muscle damage already.'
'So I've had a coronary?'
'With a balloon?'
'Or a bypass.'
Harry quickly reviewed his family historyand his months of intermittent symptoms. The physician took notes, stopping himfrom time to time to clarify a point. She was quite obviously bright, but moreimportant to Harry, she was also kind, attentive, and careful not to show himhow rushed she was.
'Are you having any pain now?' she asked.
'No. I never have had pain when I'm atrest. Mostly I tend to get it when I run hard or jump.'
'Well, we've decided against bloodthinners and clot dissolvers because of the gunshot wound and the possibilityof internal injuries we don't know about yet. You
She motioned to the plastic bags draininginto his left hand. The nitro drip was running piggyback through a long,slender needle inserted through the rubber infusion port of the primary line — sugar water, which was keeping the vein open.
'No problem,' Harry said, wondering how hemight best go about finding out where Maura was and how she was doing.
'We'd like to do a cardiac catheterizationon you as soon as possible,' Zane said.
'Do whatever you have to.'
She handed him a clipboard — the operativepermit.
'There are a number of potential problemswith this procedure listed on page two. I am required to inform you of them oneat a time.'
'Don't bother,' Harry said, signing. 'I'vealready been dead once, and it didn't feel all that bad. Do you think I couldmake a phone call or two?'
'First let me listen to your heart andlungs. Then there's someone here to see you.
Curious, Harry let himself be examined.Then Carole Zane promised to meet him in the cardiac cath lab as soon aspossible and turned toward the door. Harry followed her with his eyes. Onlythen did he notice the uniformed policeman seated just across from hisglass-enclosed cubicle, facing him.
'Dr. Zane?'
She turned back.
'What's that policeman doing here?'
She smiled at him patiently.
'Well, from what I've been told, you areunder arrest. I'll see you downstairs.'
Harry electronically cranked himself upanother few degrees and searched about for a phone. If he was under arrest,then Phil had to be in trouble as well. Undoubtedly the police had alreadytraced the Winnebago to him.
'One call, Corbett. Just like you were injail.'
Albert Dickinson walked into the room andstopped at the foot of the bed. He was wearing his usual suit and smelled as ifhe had just smoked an entire pack of cigarettes at once. Harry felt a mix ofanger and disgust at the sight of him.
'Have you gotten people out to DougAtwater's house?' he asked.
'The New Jersey police are working on it.'
'Maybe you should just wait until someoneburns the place down. Do you know anything about Maura?'
'She's not in the DTs yet, if that's whatyou mean.'
'You snide bastard. Isn't there anykindness inside you at all?'
'Not towards murderers or drunks. No, notmuch.'
'You're going to feel very dumb when thetruth comes out. Now what about Maura?'
'She's in Newark City Hospital. Hurt, butnot badly. From what I hear, she's the one who saved you. Apparently she wentup to the surface, couldn't find you, and then dived back down. The docs tellme you were on your way out when she pulled you to shore. Apparently you werehaving a coronary.'
'So they say. What about the sedan thatwent over with us?'
'They're hauling that up right now.'
'Any survivors?'
Dickinson shook his head.
'How many were in there?'
'Dunno. I'll be looking into that and intowho they were later today. I'm going to wait until after you're taken care ofto get a statement from you, so you'll have some time to put together a realdoozy. Your file in the office is already three inches thick with fairy tales.I ought to tell you that we know where that monster mobile home came from. TheJersey police will be paying your brother a visit as soon as our DA tells themwe want to press aiding and abetting charges, which we do.'
Harry adjusted the oxygen prongs in hisnose and wondered if the detective was trying to provoke him on purpose just tosee what a full-blown coronary looked like.
A nurse came in with a syringe.
'What's that?' Harry asked.
'Just some Demerol to keep you relaxedduring your catheterization. The cath lab people will be up for you in aminute.'
'No medicine, please,' Harry said. 'I'llbe calm. I promise.'
'Okay,' the nurse replied. 'But I'll haveto notify Dr. Zane.'
'This man is under arrest, Miss,'Dickinson said. 'If he goes anywhere, an officer must go with him.'
The nurse's expression suggested that shewas not nearly as taken with Dickinson's importance as he would have liked.Harry asked her for the phone.
'One call,' Dickinson reminded him.
Harry swallowed back a dozen or socomments on the policeman and his ancestry. Then he called his brother collect.Phil had just heard about the accident and was getting set to drive to thehospital. As Harry would have predicted, he made light of the loss of theelegant mobile home.
'Hey, that was going to be yourfiftieth-birthday present anyway, Harry. I was just waiting to have itwrapped.'
He was, however, concerned about Harry'scardiac situation.
'Sounds like you just worried about thatcurse and worried about it until it came true,' he said.
'Maybe so.'
Phil promised to find out what he couldabout Maura and to see Harry in a couple of hours. Moments later, a gurney waswheeled in by a stoop-shouldered man with horn-rimmed glasses and a grayingmustache. He was wearing surgical scrubs beneath a loose surgical gown. Hetransferred Harry's IV bags to a pole on the gurney and then grabbed the sheetbeneath Harry's head. Two nurses on opposite sides of the bed grasped the samesheet at hip level.
'Hey, don't just stand there,' one of themsaid to Dickinson. 'Grab this sheet beneath his feet and help us lift him.'
Dickinson complied, but looked revolted.
'Okay,' the other nurse said. 'One, two,three.'
The four of them swung Harry on to thegurney as if he were weightless. The landing caused a twinge in his upper armand perhaps something, real or imagined, in his chest.
'How long is this going to take?'Dickinson asked.
The nurse shrugged.
'One to two hours,' she said, setting aportable cardiac monitor/defibrillator between Harry's feet. 'Depends on whatthey find and what they do. He may end up in the OR for a bypass.'
The nurses hooked a small oxygen tank toHarry's prongs and floated a sheet on to him. Then Dickinson followed thestretcher and one of the nurses out of the room.
'Take a break,' he said to the uniformedpolicemen. 'I'll go down with him. I'll call you up here in half an hour andtell you what's what.'
With the nurse on one side of the gurneyand Dickinson on the other, Harry was wheeled to the elevator. The monitorbetween his feet silently charted out his heartbeats. Facing cardiac surgery,he felt detached, surreal, and very mortal. But in truth, he had felt that waymost of the time since the night he walked back on to Alexander 9 with a milkshake for Evie. The gurney was pushed on to the elevator by the man from thecath lab. Dickinson and the nurse squeezed in alongside it. There was a secondset of doors beyond Harry's feet, opposite the one through which they hadentered. Harry heard the doors behind him glide close. He heard a key beinginserted in the control panel so that their trip could be made with no stops.
'Hey,' the nurse said, 'what are youdoing? The cath lab's on the eighth floor, not the subbasement.'
At that moment, her expression turned toterror. Dickinson, looking with wide-eyed surprise at the old man from the cathlab, was fumbling inside his coat for his gun when Harry heard the soft spit ofa silenced revolver from just beside his ear. The nurse spun 180 degrees,slammed into the metal door, and dropped. Dickinson, clearly beaten, loweredhis hand in a gesture of surrender. The silenced revolver spit again andcreated an instant hole in the white shirt over his left breast. For twohorrified seconds he stared at the wound. A halo of crimson appeared around thehole. He looked at Harry, his expression a mix of astonishment and utterdismay. Then his eyes rolled up and without a word, he crumpled to the floor.
Harry was too shocked and horrified tospeak. The heart rate on the screen between his feet was one seventy. Heexpected any moment to see the beating stop entirely.
'I told you you should have killed me whenyou had the chance,' Anton Perchek said dispassionately. 'Now, you must getready for your great escape.'
The elevator stopped at the subbasement,but Perchek kept the doors from opening.
'You'll never make it,' Harry said.
'I made it this far, didn't I?' Perchekboasted. 'A brief stop for some things at my Manhattan apartment, and I arrivedhere to begin preparation just a few hours after you did. They couldn't havechosen a better hospital for my purposes. I have several different excellent IDbadges from here. And having handled a number of cases here for The Roundtable,I know my way around the place pretty well.'
'You're insane.'
'So, then, Doctor. We must get a move on.I have a laundry hamper waiting just outside the door. It's Saturday so thelaundry is almost deserted. A little IV Pentothal for you and we should be ableto roll right past the pressing machines and out of this place.'
'Why don't you just kill me?' Harry asked.
The Doctor circled around the gurney sothat Harry could see the loathing in his eyes. . and the glee.
'Oh, Harry, the idea is not to
Harry cast about for something, anything,he could use as a weapon. There was not going to be any abduction and torture.It was going to end for them right here, right now. He fixed on the
The sling was loose enough to allow somemovement. Shielded by the sheet, he slid his right hand across his body. Thepain in his shoulder grew more intense with every millimeter, but he ignoredit. Finally, his fingers closed on the only weapon he could think of — theone-and-a-half-inch needle in his IV hookup. Carefully, he eased it free fromthe infusion port and shifted it to his left hand.
Perchek released the door behind Harry'shead.
'There's our hamper, right where I leftit,' he said, setting the silenced revolver down as he pulled the gurney outfar enough to drop the side rail. 'Now, just the right amount of Pentothaland-'
At that moment, the nurse crumpled on thefloor moaned loudly. Perchek turned.
He gripped the needle tightly and drove itto the hilt in the soft spot just below The Doctor's right ear. Perchekbellowed with pain and surprise, and reeled backward, pawing the spot. Harrypushed himself off the stretcher and swung backhand as hard as he could,connecting with Perchek's left cheek and sending him sprawling to the concretefloor next to the hamper. Then he whirled and hit
He was on a long cement walk in thecavernous hospital power plant. The temperature was over one hundred, and thenoise level was deafening — machinery whirring and rumbling above the constantchurning of circulating water. Harry pulled off his sling and threw it aside ashe ran awkwardly away from the elevator, expecting at any moment to be shot inthe back. To his right was a safety railing, and fifteen feet below that wasthe massive turbine — a gray monolith, rising out of a concrete slab. Thepulsating, high-energy drone it emitted bludgeoned Harry's chest like aheavyweight's fist.
To his left, reaching seventy-feet towarda grimy, glass-paneled ceiling, were the boilers — foreboding giants, radiatingheat and energy. Thirty yards straight ahead and up a short staircase was theglass-enclosed control booth. Inside, his back to Harry, a large man in a tanjumpsuit and yellow hard hat was watching TV.
'Help!' Harry screamed. 'Help me!'
His cry was swallowed by the noise. Hestumbled on, sweat already cascading down his face and stinging his eyes. Theunremitting pulsations from the turbine were making him intensely nauseous. Heglanced back just as a bullet ricocheted off the steel column by his ear.Perchek had crawled over the gurney and now knelt at the head of the corridor,taking aim once more. Harry dove on to his belly, sending pain screaming fromhis shoulder and throughout his chest. The bullet missed by inches, stinginghis cheek with concrete spray. Fifty feet ahead of him were the stairs to thecontrol room, which he now realized had to be soundproof.
Then, to his right, just a dozen or sofeet away, he noticed the stairway down to the turbine floor. He scrambledforward on his left hand and knees. His right arm would bear no weight at all.The heat was intense, the air heavy and stagnant. The pain in his chest wasunremitting. He half tumbled down the steel steps, scrambled across theconcrete, and took cover behind the massive turbine. Ground zero. The droningvibration cut through his body like a chain saw.
Fifteen feet above him, on the corridorfrom the elevator, Perchek leaned over the metal railing, searching. Staying onto kill him was a foolish choice, but clearly The Doctor's pride and hatred hadtriumphed over logic.
Crouching behind the turbine, Harrycircled, trying to keep out of Perchek's line of sight. Behind him was anothersafety railing, and beyond that another drop-off to a lower level. The entirewindowless, three-tiered power plant was as vast as a cathedral. He could hearwater flowing below — probably being pumped in from the river to cool the steamfrom the boilers after it had passed through the turbine. Harry wondered if theconduit returning water to the river was large enough to carry a man out.
Perchek had already moved over to coverthe stairs up to the corridor. The stairs down to the lowest level werevirtually a continuation of those. There was no chance Harry could make iteither way. He continued inching to his left, trying to keep the hideousturbine between him and The Doctor. But at that moment, Perchek spotted him.Harry fell back as the revolver again spit flame. A piece of pipe directly overhis head split open. With a freight train roar, steam under immense pressurespewed out, instantly flooding the whole area and billowing thirty feet upwardto the ceiling. The temperature rose rapidly. The hot, wet air was painful tobreathe. Hell.
Harry knew he was cut off from eitherstaircase. But now, the swirling cloud of steam had completely engulfed theturbine. He pushed through the dense mist on his belly and slipped between thesafety rail. The twelve — or thirteen-foot drop to the lowest level looked likea hundred. But there was no choice. Painfully, clinging to the rail with hisone good hand, he lowered himself over the edge. He hung there for a moment,then dropped to the concrete floor, rolling gracelessly as he hit. Pain shot upfrom his feet through his chest, taking his breath away. It was severalfrightening seconds before he realized that he could still move.
He was at the very bottom of the hospitalnow. Beneath the concrete floor were the water tunnels, crawl space, and earth.The massive pedestal supporting the turbine extended upward from the ground,through the floor to the level Harry had just left. Ahead of him, flush withthe concrete, was a steel grate. Harry crawled over and inspected it. It wasfour feet by three, placed to allow access into a concrete tunnel, which was abouteight feet across. At the base of the tunnel, five feet below where Harryknelt, a stream flowed rapidly, discharging spent coolant water from the powerplant to the river. Beside him, a control post with four buttons permitted the waterto be stopped to service the system in either direction:
On the turbine floor above him, steamcontinued hissing out. Perchek was up there somewhere, undoubtedly guarding thestairway, Harry's only way out. But now, he realized, The Doctor had anotherproblem. Soon, dropping steam pressure had to set off an alarm. The engineer inthe control room would have to look down and see what was going on. Any saneman would flee right now.
But Anton Perchek was hardly sane.
Harry tried the grate. It was heavy, butmovable. With two good arms, it would have been rather easy. He kept glancingup at the stairs, expecting any moment to see Perchek step down from the cloud.The dreadful ache beneath his breastbone shot up into his jaws and ears. Inch byagonizing inch, he slid the grate aside. He estimated the rushing water belowto be three feet deep. Not much cushion. He was weak, dizzy, and drenched withsweat — probably having a full-blown coronary. There was little chance he couldsurvive dropping into the pitch-black tunnel to follow the outflow to theriver. It would be better to try and hide behind the turbine pedestal. Anyminute, someone had to come down.
He crawled over to the concrete base ofthe pedestal just as Perchek stepped out of the billowing steam and down thestairs. Harry crouched low, out of sight at least for the moment. Beside himwas a rolling metal cart, loaded with tools. He tried hefting a hammer with hisleft hand. It was a worthy weapon, but he doubted he would be able to use iteffectively. Still, it was something. Perchek scanned the area and peered intothe tunnel. The open gate was a giveaway that Harry had been there. But it wasalso a source of confusion for Perchek. He had to make a decision.
Harry gripped the' hammer and watched asThe Doctor crouched by the opening, debating whether or not to jump in. Thepain in Harry's chest was making it hard to breathe and even harder toconcentrate. Then Perchek stood and turned away from the grate, again searchingthe room. Harry cursed softly. He had to do something — maybe attack, maybe tryto sneak back up the stairs. Again, Perchek knelt and peered into the tunnel.
Suddenly, before he fully realized what hewas doing, Harry was on his feet, charging toward The Doctor with every ounceof strength he had left, leaning on the tool cart as he pushed it ahead of him.The hissing steam and machinery rumble covered the sound of the wheels. Percheksensed something and turned, but too late. The cart slammed into his shoulder,sending him over the edge and splashing into the water below. Harry collapsedto the concrete, gasping and perilously close to unconsciousness. Below him, hecould see The Doctor on his hands and knees, groping in the black water for hisgun.
Harry forced himself to move. He kneltbeside the grate and, with agonizing slowness, pushed it back into position.Perchek looked up as the grate clanged into place. For the first time, Harrythought he could see panic on the man's face. Then he remembered the controlpanel. If he could close the outflow, the water would deepen and the gun wouldbe harder to find. Anything that would buy even a little time was worth trying.With great effort he rolled over, reached up, and pushed the button. Fromsomewhere beneath him came the vibration of gears engaging. He slumped facedownon the concrete floor, unable to move, barely able to breathe. The lightsdimmed. The intense noise began to fade.
Time passed. A minute? An hour?
Then suddenly, the grate by Harry's facebegan to move. He opened his eyes and through a gray haze saw Perchek's fingerswrapped around the metal, thrusting upward in short bursts again and again.With the outflow closed, the rising water had floated him upward. His leveragewas poor, but he was easily powerful enough to move the grate aside. In just afew seconds he would be out. Battling the darkness and the pain, Harry forcedhimself to one elbow. Then, with agonizing slowness, he toppled over on to hisback, across the grate. Unable to move, he lay there, arms spread, as Perchek'sfingers tore frantically at his scalp and his neck, and pulled at his shirt.
'Corbett, get off! Get off!'
'Go … to … hell. .'
The Doctor's panicked words were cut off.His movements grew more feeble.
Harry felt the soothing coolness of waterwelling up around him, flowing out over the floor. The fingers clutching themetal beneath his head slipped away. Minutes passed. The water continued risingaround him, now touching his neck, now his ears.
All at once, the cacophony of machines andsteam stopped.
A hand gently shook his shoulder. Hepeered up through the haze. The engineer knelt beside him — yellow hard hat,kind brown eyes behind protective glasses. .
'Are you crazy being down here like this,fella?' he said. 'Why, it's a wonder you didn't get yourself killed.'
The block print on the single day calendardirectly opposite his bed was the first thing Harry saw when he opened hiseyes.
He was back in an ICU room, though not theone he had been in before. He had on an oxygen mask and was hooked up with theusual array of lines, wires, and tubes. But he felt remarkably well. Dr. CaroleZane was standing at his bedside.
'Take a deep breath, Dr. Corbett,' shesaid. 'You must take deep breaths.'
Harry had cared for enough of his patientsafter their coronary bypass surgeries to know that for two or three days, thepain from the sternum being split and wired back together, was intense. Still,deep lung-clearing breaths were essential. He did as his doctor asked. Therewas a sharp jab in his left side, but no discomfort in his sternum. None atall. He moved his legs. There was no pain in either of them. One of them had tohave been operated on to remove the vein for his bypass. He ran his hand overthe inside of his thighs. No bandages. Then he touched his chest. The skin overhis sternum was shaved, but intact.
'What's going on?' he asked.
'What do you mean?'
'The bypass — how did you do it without anincision here?'
She looked at him curiously, thenunderstood.
'Dr. Corbett, I'm afraid we might have gonea little too heavy on the anesthesia and pain meds. I've told you what happenedseveral times. You didn't have a bypass. And if your coronary arteriograms areany indication, you never will. Don't you remember seeing them?'
Harry shook his head. Carole Zane smiledher patient smile and turned to someone else in the room. Suddenly Mauraappeared beside her. She had a blackened left eye and small bandages by herbrow and on her cheek. But she still looked radiant.
'Hi, Doc,' she said. 'Remember me?'
'Hey, I think so. The one who saved mylife in the Winnebago, right? I'm glad you're okay.'
'Discharged early this morning. Tenstitches, but not much else. Harry, you didn't have a bypass operation. There'snothing wrong with your heart. Nothing at all.'
He stared up at her, confused.
'I don't understand. The pain, the EKG-'
She held up a clear plastic baggie. Insidewas a reddish brown spike, four inches long.
'They took this out of you, Harry,' shesaid. 'It's bamboo, so it never showed up on any X rays. It's been deep in yourback since the war, gradually working its way forward. The point was right upagainst the back side of your heart.'
'Once we saw the perfectly normalarteriograms we did a CT scan,' Carole Zane explained. 'And there it was.Taking it out was relatively easy.'
'So much for the curse,' Maura said.
'Except that being terminally dumb is acurse, too. So I still have one to worry about.'
'I spoke with your brother and with mine,too. Tom's at Atwater's place right now, and so is your lawyer. Tom saysthey've found a whole roomful of stuff from The Roundtable, including tapes andfinancial records.'
'Perchek has a place in Manhattansomewhere,' Harry said. 'I think that's where he keeps the disguises and IDbadges, and the poisons he used. If we can find that place, maybe we'll turn upthe Aramine he used on Evie.'
'Is this Perchek the man who killed thepoliceman in the elevator?' Dr. Zane asked.
'And the nurse.'
'No. Not the nurse. She spent most of thenight in surgery, but she's doing fairly well right now. I hear she's going tobe okay.'
'God, that's good news.'
'They found a man floating directlybeneath you in the power plant,' Zane said. 'Was that him?'
Harry nodded and smiled beneath his oxygenmask. He was thinking about Ray Santana.
'I think we'd better let him rest for awhile,' Zane said.
She squeezed his hand reassuringly,adjusted his monitor leads, and then left the room.
Maura lifted up the mask and kissed him onthe lips.
'Bamboo,' he said.
'Bamboo,' she echoed. She stroked his foreheadand kissed him again. 'Hey,' she exclaimed, 'Anybody ever tell you that youlook like Gene Hackman?'