Milepost 291


When massive solar flares wipe out the technological infrastructure and kills billions, Rachel Wheeler sets out across the Appalachian Mountain wilderness in search of her notorious grandfather’s survival compound.

Rachel is separated from her traveling companions and is captured by Zapheads, violent mutants who are gathering in packs and collecting dead bodies while mimicking human behaviors. Then she undergoes startling changes herself, as her friends are hunted by a rogue military platoon that wants to impose its own law and order in the world of After.

Can Rachel and her fellow survivors make the dangerous journey to Milepost 291 and evade the Zapheads long enough to form a new society and preserve the human race?


The end of the world had taught Rachel Wheeler many lessons, but the most recent one was this:

Running for your life was a bitch when you only had one leg.

She tightened the moist, stained bandana that kept the worst of the leaking to a minimum, then hobbled forward another ten feet. The wild dog that had bitten her could have inflicted any number of infections, but it wasn’t like she could hobble into the ER and have modern medicine deal with it. In After, there were no insurance plans.

She leaned against a tree, its rough bark rubbing her spine as she sneaked a look down the forested slope. The Blue Ridge Mountains were sheathed in October’s mellow gold, but the leaves were steadily raining down in the breeze as the forest braced for winter’s sleep.

She couldn’t see them, but she could hear them. Their footfalls were heavy in the crisp leaves, as if the Zapheads had no awareness of the noise they were making. Stephen was higher up the ridge, making better time than she was, but the boy had stopped to wait for her.

Little dude better start listening if he wants to make it out of this alive.

But she could understand his hesitation. Without her, he’d be all alone, lost in the woods with no food, no destination, and no way to fend off the Zaps. They’d made it two weeks since the gas-station explosion, hoping DeVontay Jones would catch up to them. But now Stephen believed he was dead, and Rachel’s little motivational speeches were becoming more hollow and halfhearted by the hour.

Not that it would be a problem for much longer, because this was looking like her final hour.

They’d not seen a Zaphead for two days, ever since leaving the highway and taking the Old Turnpike Road, a winding dotted line on the map that promised few houses and even fewer murderous mutants. The bite wound on Rachel’s left calf had gotten steadily worse, passing from mere red irritation to a festering purple mess. The stuff coming out of it now was more pus than blood, and although she’d packed it with antibiotic ointment she’d found in an abandoned farmhouse, the infection had now caused a mild fever.

And a fiery volcano of agony with each step.

She’d lost the pistol DeVontay had given her, but she’d found another in the house they’d slept in two nights before. It was heavy and shiny and had probably never been fired. The bullets in the revolver’s chamber were fatter than what she was used to, so she assumed it would pack a hefty kick. But she hadn’t had a chance for target practice.

Until now.

She fished it from her pack and leaned more heavily against the tree, taking some of the weight off her injured leg. If she fired the gun, Zapheads would come from miles around. The weapon was a last resort. Five down, and the last bullet for herself.

No. She’d never kill herself. She’d already faced that demon. And she’d promised to live for Chelsea, the younger sister she’d lost to drowning. Stephen was counting on her, too.

And DeVontay’s out there somewhere…

“Rachel!” came an insistent whisper.

She squinted through the trees above for Stephen. Finally she spotted him in a golden copse of poplar saplings, his brown jacket blending in with the fall foliage. “I told you to keep moving.”

“I got scared.”

“Grandpa Wheeler’s camp can’t be too far. Find the parkway and walk until you see Milepost 291.”

He scanned the woods below, his face pale. “What if they’re on the parkway?”

He meant the Zapheads. They didn’t talk of them much, Rachel reinforcing the idyllic life they’d have once they reached the Wheeler Compound, and Stephen only too eager to buy into the fantasy after the horrible death of his mother.

“Okay,” she whispered. “I’m coming.”

She gave one last glance down the slope. Branches moved, and then a figure shambled out into the open. It was partially nude, long hair and grime rendering it sexless. It didn’t seem to be moving toward them, but that didn’t mean anything. Zapheads had senses that operated beyond the human plane, like a cat’s range of night vision or a dog’s sense of smell. Rachel had wondered if Zapheads were telepathic, but she’d been too frightened to test the theory. But she was positive they were changing—becoming something different with each passing day.

She slipped her revolver back into the pack, not letting Stephen see it. She left the pack open in case she needed to retrieve the weapon quickly. The Zaphead was at least a hundred yards away, already lost among the thick gray trunks of poplar and birch, as she took a step and grimaced at the pain. Her lips twitched upward into a faint smile so that Stephen wouldn’t worry.

“Coming,” she repeated.

Stephen turned back uphill and started walking. His green backpack was perched high on his shoulders, the weight adjusted for balance. The boy had toughened up considerably since his first days with Rachel. Of course, DeVontay deserved a great deal of the credit for that, but she was proud nonetheless. These days, you counted whatever small victories you could.

Rachel kept moving, only limping when Stephen wasn’t looking, and soon they moved among large gray boulders pocked with moss. There were fewer trees here, the rocky soil making a graveyard of the ridge line. Juice leaked from Rachel’s wound and dripped down her leg, soaking her wool sock. She could smell it—a rancid, sweet stench that both sickened and scared her.

They didn’t talk, Stephen keeping a brisk pace and not letting her lag too far behind. His backpack bobbed as he marched onward, and he didn’t slow until the ridge leveled off. A second wave of mountains rose beyond them to the northwest, grayer from lack of leaves, the evening’s shadow already passing across their faces.

A few tin roofs were visible among the trees of the surrounding hillsides, and the little town of Black Rock lay fifteen miles off their path. There, she would be able to find antibiotics and proper dressing for her wounds, but she didn’t want to detour that far from the direct path to Milepost 291.

“Can we stop a sec?” Rachel asked with a gasp, unable to fully hide the whine in her voice. She realized she’d subconsciously passed the baton of leadership to Stephen. Considering he was only ten, that was a little pathetic.

Stephen studied her and nodded. She bit back a groan as she sat on a rock and straightened her injured leg.

“What do we do when it gets dark?” he asked.

“We can crawl into some of these big rocks, like over there where there’s a cleft.”

“It’ll be cold.”

The sun gilded the clouds and poured red lava over the tops of the mountains as it set in the west. This was all the sun’s fault in the first place—starting with its heating of the primordial soup, sparking the bacterial activity that led to evolution, and then capping off the job by spitting its toxic solar flares across the sky. Those rays had sent their electromagnetic currents into the brains of living creatures, disrupting the wiring and killing billions. Those deaths had been merciful compared to what had happened to the Zapheads, but the few survivors had it even worse—vastly outnumbered, their world shattered, and their future offering little hope.

“Maybe cold isn’t so bad,” she said.

At least half an hour of daylight remained, but Rachel needed to take the weight off her leg. She stooped and picked up a fallen limb, testing its strength. It bent under her weight but didn’t snap. The makeshift crutch could stand to be a little shorter, but if she broke it, the noise might alert the Zapheads that shambled through the forest. So she tucked the thicker end inside her elbow and angled it against her shoulder and spider-walked forward.

The granite shelves were gray-rimmed and smooth, caught in the epochal upheaval and slide of geology. Seeing the massive rocks as grit in the hourglass of time, Rachel understood how foolish her perception of Before had been: a world where school counselors could quietly make a difference in the life of a child, where the stock market always rose, where civilization marched inexorably toward enlightenment and peace. The turbulent physics of the universe put that deception to rest in a flash.

“How’s DeVontay going to find us?” Stephen asked. “We’re way far off the map.”

“He’s smart. He’ll figure it out.”

“Maybe we should have left him a trail of breadcrumbs, like in ‘Hansel and Gretel.’”

“What if Zapheads like bread?”

“They’re probably too dumb to walk in a straight line. You saw how they burned themselves to death at that gas station.”

Those images had seared themselves into Rachel’s brain forever. After one had touched the flames, the others followed, eventually immolating themselves in a massive bonfire of human barbecue. The oily stench still clung to the lining of Rachel’s nasal passages. They said scent was the most evocative of the senses, and Rachel wished she could flush that memory out in a trail of snot and disgust.

“They’re like children,” Rachel said. “Monkey see, monkey do.”

“Maybe we can teach them to not kill us.”

Rachel wanted to lay some counselor hoodoo on him, bullshit phrases like “Celebrate diversity” and “Live and let live,” but she was too tired. “That might be a big job. The best thing we can do is get to Milepost 291. Grandpa will know how to deal with it, and there may be other people there. And DeVontay knows we’re heading that way.”

Ahead of them, so large that it created a clearing, was a massive protrusion of stone, rising like a temple. The sun spilled across the top of it, where scrub vegetation and lichen clung in patches. A black shadow beneath it suggested an opening that might be deep enough to shelter them for the night.

“Let’s try that,” she said, pointing at the cleft with her crutch.

“Looks spooky,” Stephen said. “Why don’t we look for a house?”

“We’re about to hit the national park. There won’t be any houses, but we might get lucky and run into a ranger station or camp site.”

“Unless Zapheads are there, and then it won’t be so lucky.”

A covey of birds erupted from the nearby treetops, chirping and squawking. As they fell into a pattern and headed east, their cries were mimicked from the forest floor.

The Zapheads are doing birdcalls.

The sounds were far enough away to not signal an immediate threat, but they were chilling nonetheless. Rachel wondered if the birds were in seasonal migration, or if the electromagnetic storms had disrupted whatever directional sense drove them to warmer climates each winter.

“That’s creepy,” Stephen said as the birds faded into the dusk and the Zapheads fell silent again.

“At least we know where they are,” she said.

Stephen slowed as they ascended the hill to the cave, letting Rachel pass him. The bite wound was leaking more heavily, and the fluid had turned darker. Maybe they should have risked Black Rock after all. She could have found a pharmacy and maybe some other survivors. But after their encounter with the rogue soldiers in Taylorsville, Rachel wasn’t optimistic about the odds of a warm welcome. Those who’d assumed an idyllic utopia of peaceful co-existence as the fate of the human race now had evidence of that big fat lie.

“Think of it as camping out,” Rachel said. “Lots of families come to the mountains to get a taste of the great outdoors.”

“But we’re not a family.”

Rachel thought they were much tighter than a family—they were fellow survivors. “We’re just happy campers. How’s that?”

He tried a smile that wasn’t very happy. “I guess so.”

Because of the weight, they hadn’t carried any bedding aside from thin blankets wadded into their packs, along with a few cans of food, energy bars, bottled water, a few hand tools, and a first-aid kit. Stephen had ditched the comic books for Lemony Snicket, and Rachel had helped him with some of the longer words. It was the closest she could get to her old life as a school counselor, although she’d had plenty of chances to serve as doomsday psychoanalyst.

Close to the cave, the moist, cool air struck them. It smelled of ancient forest dirt. Rachel wondered if they would actually get any sleep. They’d have to huddle together for warmth, and Rachel would drowse restlessly because of the Zapheads in the forest. But first they would eat their cold rations and she’d tackle the soggy dressings on her leg.

Can’t wait to sit down for a while. This pretending to be brave and strong is getting old.

The cave was only about ten feet deep, the rock sloping back to create a wedge of dark space. A couple of boulders created a sense of fortifications at the opening. “Home sweet home,” Rachel said, shucking her backpack and leaning against one of the boulders.

“We’ve got enough light to read,” Stephen said.

“But no glow sticks, ‘kay? Once it’s dark, no sneaking.”

Stephen groaned a little. They’d found a box of toy glow sticks in a convenience store, although Rachel insisted they save them for emergencies only. She hated to take away his one escape from the bleak reality of After, but she didn’t want any wandering Zapheads to see the stray light. Stephen took off his backpack and knelt in the dirt to open it.

“What’s on the menu?” Rachel said, unwrapping her bandage and letting the blood flow to the wound. The slit she’d cut in her jeans allowed her to see the damaged flesh. It looked green around the scalloped edges, and she wondered again if the dog might have been carrying some new sort of disease. After all, if the solar storms had altered many forms of life, why wouldn’t they mutate bacteria?

Zombie herpes. Just my luck.

She didn’t want to dwell on it. The Zapheads were bad enough, but at least they were large enough to detect and avoid. All things considered, it could be worse. And she didn’t want to dwell on that, either.

“What’s for dinner?” she asked Stephen, who was rummaging in his pack.

“Clif bars. You want chocolate chip or vanilla yogurt?”

“Two wonderful flavors of hippie goodness.” She heard the crackle of wrappers and figured Stephen had made the decision for her.

“What’s that?” Stephen said.

“What’s what?”

The crackling grew more vigorous. Stephen looked over at the boulder across from Rachel. A large gray-speckled shape was coiled on the stone, its blunt, diamond-shaped head tucked against its body, tail lifted and quivering in the air.


“Snake!” Stephen shrieked, flinging the snack food away and nearly tripping over his backpack as he fled past Rachel. She reached out to grab him but nearly fell herself as pain flared up her leg.

“Snake!” Stephen shouted again, and the word was echoed in the distance as Zapheads heard the boy’s panic.

The snake was probably out of striking distance, but Rachel was in no shape to flee or dodge if it rose to bite her. She grabbed her makeshift crutch and swung it like a baseball bat, nearly losing her balance. The wood connected with the snake’s body and knocked it into the dark crevices of the cave. She didn’t know whether she’d killed it, but she wasn’t going to risk recovering Stephen’s pack.

She called after him but he kept running and was quickly swallowed by the trees. He shouted “Snaaaake!” as he ran.

Without stopping to wrap her wound, she grabbed her pack and limped after him. The sun was dying beyond the hills and would soon leave the world in darkness. And she wasn’t sure Zapheads ever slept.

And she also discovered a new phobia of her own: Zapheads across the forest repeating “Snake! Snake! Snaaaake!”


Jorge wasn’t sure what time it was, and therefore couldn’t tell how many days he’d been imprisoned in the cell with Franklin Wheeler.

The military bunker’s strands of weak lights burned constantly, supporting Franklin’s belief that they were wired to solar panels. Once they’d heard a gas-powered generator humming, and the bunker had reeked of exhaust, a reprieve from the stench of the metal bucket they were forced to use as a latrine. While Franklin sprawled on the bottom bunk, Jorge paced, worrying over his wife and daughter.

“Better get some rest,” Franklin mumbled without opening his eyes. “They’re going to have to let us out of here sooner or later.”

“I need to find my family.”

“Rosa is a strong woman. She’ll be all right.”

Jorge couldn’t tell if the elderly man was just trying to comfort him. Rosa had worked hard at Franklin’s survivalist compound, digging in the garden and tending the goats. Even little Marina had helped. But after Jorge had rescued a young mother, Cathy, and her Zaphead baby, Franklin had become paranoid and aloof, seeing the infant as a threat. Jorge wondered if Franklin was right—that the Zapheads somehow sensed the baby’s presence and attacked the compound.

The problem with that theory was there had been no sign of a struggle. Jorge and Franklin had been away on a scouting mission and had returned to find the compound empty. They were attempting to track the others when the sadistic Sarge and his troops surrounded and captured the two of them, and they’d been confined in this cramped, dim cell ever since. Two weeks of stale air, military meals from cans and pouches, and taunting soldiers who issued veiled threats.

“If they’re out there, these Glory Boys will probably find them,” Franklin said. He sat up and removed one of his filthy socks to rub the sole of his foot.

“That’s what I am afraid of. These men are animals.”

“Worse than Zapheads? Hell, maybe we’ve all changed for the worse. My feet smell like rotten bacon.”

Jorge heard a scuffing noise in the corridor outside the cell. He pressed his face against the steel grate and saw a soldier in green camouflage gear. The man was carrying a tray.

“Must be dinner time,” Franklin said.

The unshaven soldier stopped at a door across the corridor, where a captured Zaphead was confined. “Hey, Sparky, rise and shine,” the soldier shouted at the Zaphead, and then dumped the tray’s contents through the grate. “You better eat before the rats get it.”

“I request to see your commanding officer,” Jorge said to the soldier.

The soldier turned, his uniform unkempt and eyes bloodshot. “You ain’t in no position to make demands. This ain’t Mexico.”

Franklin flung his sock to the concrete floor and padded to the door. “Listen here, Private Shitheel, this is still a free country. Maybe you’ve heard of a thing called the Fourth Amendment, if you weren’t too busy in grade school smearing boogers under desk and eating paste.”

The soldier banged the tin tray against the grate, causing Jorge to flinch, but Franklin held his ground.

“I’ll string you up by your leathery old balls,” the soldier said.

“Come on in,” Franklin said, pushing up the sleeves of his filthy long john shirt. “Make my apocalypse.”

The soldier glowered a moment and then retreated back down the corridor as Franklin snickered.

“That’s not helpful,” Jorge said.

“Sure as heck helped me feel better.”

“We need to figure a way out of here. Maybe if we negotiate.”

“You heard the president. We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

“Your president is probably a Zaphead now.”

“Son of a bitch was never too bright in the first place. Might be an upgrade.”

“You can stay and wage your ideological battles, but I have a family out there.”

Franklin frowned and nodded. “Yeah, the end times are easier when you go it alone. And my Rachel is on her way to the milepost. She’ll never find me in here.”

Jorge wasn’t sure the man’s granddaughter was foolish enough to head for the isolated mountains, assuming she’d even survived the solar storms. The Wheelerville compound was like a holy land, a mythic destination that demanded a great degree of faith. If Rachel Wheeler was alive, would she risk traveling through a land of violent mutants?

The soldier came back down the corridor, accompanied by two comrades with rifles. “Step back,” he bellowed, and slid a key in the door lock.

After pushing the door open, he waved Jorge and Franklin out of the cell. “Sarge wants to see you.”

“Let me put my boots back on,” Franklin said.

One of the soldiers motioned with his rifle barrel. “You won’t be needing them.”

Jorge was eager to exit the cell and work the soreness off his limbs, but Franklin dawdled, annoying the impatient soldiers. “Get your ass out here, old man,” one said.

“I march to my own drummer, and my drummer says I don’t go barefoot,” he said. He took his time putting on his boots, smiling a little.

The soldiers marched them down the corridor, and Jorge checked out the bunks and storage rooms that lined each side. The bunker appeared sparsely populated. He saw only one other soldier, wearing a khaki T-shirt and boxer shorts while sorting through cans on a shelf. They reached a steel door at the end of the corridor and the two armed soldiers stood guard while the unshaven soldier waved Jorge and Franklin through.

Franklin’s eyes flicked to one of the guns and Jorge thought the old man might go for it, but the soldier put his finger on the trigger and smiled. Franklin shuffled into the room, where Sarge sat behind a metal desk smoking a cigar. His face was craggy and deeply angled, as if a stone mason had shaped it with a trowel and left in the middle of the job for a coffee break. Eyes like tarnished nickels stared out at his captives, opaque and hiding any thoughts that might lay behind them.

“That cigar’s real smart in a bunker,” Franklin said. “Bet you’re failing to meet the government standard for indoor air quality in the workplace.”

“I’m the government now,” Sarge said. “Sure, there might be other bunkers like this one. Maybe even our beloved president is playing a hand of poker and drinking beer in one as we speak. I’ve heard rumors there are serious bunkers out in Colorado where they have entire armored divisions and even planes in shielded bunkers, where the electromagnetic pulse wouldn’t have affected them. Maybe even the Russians and Chinese are already rolling this way. But as far as I’m concerned, what you see is the only country left in the world.”

“Lucky for you the bunker was shielded,” Franklin said. “But I doubt you had enough brains to fry anyway.”

The unshaven soldier balled his fists and stepped aggressively toward Franklin, but Sarge waved him off. “Still playing Last American Patriot? Good, because Uncle Sam has a job for you.” He glared at Jorge. “I doubt you’re American, but we’ll throw you in as a bonus.”

Jorge kept his face impassive, although the anger boiled in his gut. He’d have to stay calm if he wanted to escape and find Rosa and Marina. These men could play their machismo games until the sun burned them all to ash. This wasn’t his war.

Sarge walked around the desk, crushing out his cigar on its scarred metal surface. “You wanna fight for freedom, Wheeler?”

“That’s the difference between us,” Franklin said. “You fight for it, but I just live it.”

“‘Live free or die,’ huh? Well, we’ll see how the Zapheads feel about that.”

He passed between them, close enough that Jorge could smell the oniony stench of his sweat. He motioned to the soldiers and one of them jabbed the barrel of his rifle into Jorge’s back. They all followed Sarge back down the corridor until they came to a double set of metal doors. The unshaven soldier slid back a large deadbolt and swung them open, and bright sunset blinded Jorge.

After the long confinement, the rush of fresh air was almost dizzying. The trees had lost more of their leaves, and autumn’s decay was evident, but there was life in the hills and streams and breeze. Jorge didn’t have time to enjoy it, though, because the soldiers shoved them toward a makeshift camp. More soldiers were gathered around a fenced pen, but as they drew closer Jorge could see that it was actually a pit, with barbed wire ringing its upper rim.

The soldiers cheered and hooted, some of them bare-chested despite the October chill. A few campfires flickered, and blackened chunks of meat dangled from metal poles over them. Metal pots and tin cans sat on firestones, and trash littered the ground. A couple of halogen spotlights hung from trees, extension cords winding back into the bunker, but they were dark.

At the camp’s perimeter, sentries stood alert, watching the darkening forest. The bunker’s doors were set against a rocky hillside, and several soldiers perched on guard atop the ridge. More soldiers were undoubtedly scouting the woods. Altogether there were dozens of people in Sarge’s platoon, all males.

Jorge wondered what had happened to the women. And what might happen to Rosa and Marina.

The soldiers around the pit parted so Franklin and Jorge could be led to the edge. The pit was about fifteen feet deep and appeared to be a natural ravine that was blocked on one end with a massive pile of stones. The bottom of the depression was dark, but Jorge could see several figures milling around in the mud.

“Live free or die,” Sarge said. Someone switched on a handheld Maglight and shined the beam into the pit. Three disheveled, glittering-eyed faces peered up at the light.


Two were male, one about Jorge’s age and the other a decade older, both in good shape aside from their soiled and ragged clothes. The younger one was missing a shoe and his bare foot was bloody, but they’d obviously been eating something to maintain their strength. Jorge swallowed hard and glanced at the cooking meat. The last Zaphead he’d encountered had shown no signs of menace, but perhaps they’d discovered an endless and convenient supply of protein.

The third Zaphead appeared to be the star of the show, as the Maglight tended to fixate on her. She was college-aged, with a dark complexion and wild black hair. She wore only a pair of frilly panties but showed no embarrassment or even awareness of her exposed skin. Her full breasts swayed as she peered up at the raucous spectators and she swiveled like a performer in a strip club as soldiers shouted encouragement and taunts. Although the Zapheads couldn’t be heard, their lips moved as they tried to make sense of the sounds above them.

“The boys are a little riled up,” Sarge said. “Thought we’d give them a little show, and it doesn’t look like the USO is going to chopper in Lady Gaga.”

“Did your ‘boys’ strip down that woman?” Franklin said with evident disgust.

“That ain’t a woman, that’s a Zaphead. She’s a hottie, but they’re all afraid to stick it in there. Might get some kinda zombie rot.”

“Well, I sure as hell ain’t volunteering.”

Sarge smirked. “I want to entertain them, not give them any more nightmares than they already got.” He pointed to a gap in the barbed wire. “Go.”

Jorge now understood. Sarge wanted him and Franklin to climb down the rocks to where the Zapheads were. In ancient Roman culture, Christians had been thrown to the lions for the amusement of the crowd, and Sarge had adapted the hobby to fit the times. Jorge had long admired American culture—the vibrant society from before the solar storms, anyway, not anything he’d witnessed since—but he’d always considered the country too aggressive and decadent. Little surprise that the military represented the most extreme flaws of its people, since power begat arrogance.

The soldiers crowded around behind them and one said, “Party time.”

Someone shoved Jorge forward and he had to steady himself so he didn’t tumble into the barbed wire. Franklin was right behind him and he’d have to descend the stack of rocks or be flung to the bottom.

“Think of it as a research project,” Sarge said. “We’ve been killing them but maybe we need to figure out what makes them tick. Had one of our guys cutting on them but as far as we can tell, there’s no physical difference besides their weird eyes. So it’s something going on inside their skulls.”

“Do we not get a weapon?” Jorge asked.

A couple of the soldiers laughed. One held up a pistol and said, “Well, it’s not that we don’t trust you, but what if a Zap takes it away and figures out how to use it?”

“This war has three sides,” Franklin said. “How many bunkers like yours are spread out across this great land? Five? A hundred? I wouldn’t be surprised if President Zaphead was holed up somewhere happy as clam at the chance to play dictator. But I bet you and your kind will end up killing each other off before long.”

“Maybe so,” Sarge said, fishing a cigar from his shirt pocket and nodding toward the pit. “But I bet we kill off their kind first. And your kind, too.”

“Get down there,” said the unshaven soldier, who appeared to be second-in-command. He jabbed Jorge in the back again.

Franklin pushed past Jorge to the opening in the barbed wire. “Can’t smell any worse down there than it does up here with you bunch of assholes.”

The Maglight and cheers followed his progress. Jorge thought about running, but getting shot wouldn’t help Rosa and Marina. Plus he felt a strange loyalty to Franklin Wheeler. The stubborn old man had gone against his instincts and helped the Jiminez family. With a last glance around at the wild, sweating faces, Jorge scrambled over the edge, clinging to the rocks as he descended.

The Zapheads moved to one side of the pit, pressing their backs against the dirt. Franklin crouched in a defensive posture, but Jorge just waited for their reaction. Their odor carried a faint metallic tinge over the stink, and it mixed with the swampy air of the pit. Someone hurled a stone from above and it thunked off the arm of one of the Zaphead men.

The stricken Zaphead didn’t make a sound but erupted into a flailing fit, and the other two Zapheads broke into a similar frenzy. Their rage didn’t seem directed at Jorge and Franklin, but the soldiers hooted gleefully from above anyway. More stones rained down, a couple of them bouncing off Jorge’s shoulders. The three Zapheads went berserk, waving their arms. The nearly naked female was struck on the bare belly by a rock, and her body drew back from the impact but she didn’t wince or cry out.

“Don’t move,” Jorge said.

“The faster we get this over with, the faster we’re out of here.” Franklin balled his fists and headed for the Zapheads. They didn’t seem to notice him at first, but one of the men spun and elbowed Franklin in the chest.

“Damn you!” Franklin grunted, as the soldiers let out a cheer. Shouts of “Smack her around” and “Kick some Zap ass, grandpa!” emerged from the chatter above them, as well as what sounded like men placing bets.

Jorge tried to grab Franklin but the old man shrugged him off and swung at the closest Zaphead. His fist pounded into the man’s temple, dropping him to his knees. A stray rock bounced down from above, hitting Franklin on the cheek and drawing blood.

He stooped and grabbed the rock and flung it wildly back up at the soldiers, who laughed. Then the Zapheads bent and grabbed rocks and made awkward tosses. The one Franklin had punched stood and wobbled toward Franklin, his fists clenched.

“Come on, shitterhawk,” Franklin said, his eyes bright and wild.

The macho aggression of the soldiers lent the air an electrical charge. The Zapheads seemed to feed off the energy, growing more frenetic in their flailing. The pit wasn’t large enough to allow evasion, and they struck Jorge as he tried to dodge. Now he was scared—they were out of control, mindless, dangerous, their eyes glittering like bomb bursts.

The older Zaphead wrestled a wedge of stone from the wall of the pit and raised it over his head. Franklin charged and lowered his shoulder into the Zaphead’s gut. The Zaphead grunted as air exploded from his lungs. The impact carried both of them into the scantily clad female, who danced away and slammed into Jorge. Her bare skin repulsed him, and the heat of her body was a perversion of eroticism. He looked into her eyes for any sign of understanding, but the only thing there were the mad yellow sparks, made even more brilliant by the Maglight shining down from above.

“Give it to her, Taco!” one of the soldiers yelled. Sarge’s boisterous laugh rained down on him, antagonizing Jorge even more. As Franklin wrestled with the Zaphead he’d knocked the ground, the woman and the second Zaphead closed in on Jorge. The claustrophobia sent a jolt of panic coursing through him, and he lunged forward to escape.

The woman raked at his face, her dirty nails drawing blood. He clenched his fist to punch her but old-world chivalry gave him pause. Then the other Zaphead slammed his spine just below his shoulder blades and his lower body went numb. As he dropped to his knees, fear rolled over him like dark water on a shipwrecked man.

“Jesus, Jorge, get off your ass and fight back,” Franklin yelled, knocking the woman aside and grabbing the Zaphead by his shirt. He yanked down on the man’s torso, lifting his leg at the same time so that his knee drove into the Zaphead’s face. Blood spurted from the victim’s nose and mouth, and he spat a tooth onto the ground.

The soldiers cheered at the site of blood. Jorge looked over at the first Zaphead Franklin had attacked, who was now rolling slowly to his feet. Franklin took two giant steps and kicked the Zaphead in the belly.

“Surely you can handle the woman,” Franklin said. “If you ever want to see your family again, it starts here.”

Rosa had shot a Zaphead to protect Jorge. A kind and gentle woman, she’d been horrified at her actions, but she’d also done what was necessary to protect her family. Could Jorge do any less?

Jorge let his fear morph into rage and he lashed out with his fists. The soldiers bellowed and cheered, more stones rained down, and the Maglight cut dizzying arcs around the dark pit. Jorge had seen videos of rave dances, and this tableau had the same kinetic mania, only with a soundtrack of demented rooting rather than throbbing techno music. His fist smacked against soft skin, and he wasn’t sure who he was striking, but he punched again into yielding flesh. The woman whimpered and the yellow sparks in her eyes danced madly. She crouched like a tigress, her fingers curled like claws, lips peeled back in a sneer.

Jorge was struck from behind and his legs gave away. The damp dirt jammed into his mouth and nose, its ancient decay clotting his senses. He shook the descending gray veil from his head and kicked backward, connecting with the Zaphead, but the woman was on him, her naked body wrapping obscenely around him as she bit at his neck. He tried to buck her off like a bronco tossing a rodeo cowgirl, but she clung tight.

He rolled instead, so that she was beneath him, and then drove an elbow into her stomach and crawled free. At the edge of the pit’s shadows, Franklin grappled with the bloody Zaphead.

“Okay, we’re done here,” Sarge shouted, and that must have been a command, because the words were followed by the crack of several rifles.

A stray bullet pinged around the stones of the pit as the three Zapheads fell. Jorge wiped cold sweat from his face as he looked down at the woman. Her eyes were open but they no longer glittered, just reflected the muted light like a dying planet slipping away from its star.

Franklin rubbed his raw knuckles and squinted up into the lights and the crowd of soldiers ringing the rim of the pit. “Who’s next, assholes?”

A rope dropped down the side of the pit. “Guess you passed the audition,” Sarge said.


Rachel limped through the forest, straining her ears for any sounds of leaves scuffing from Stephen’s footfalls.

The boy must have a snake phobia, or perhaps his post-traumatic stress had merely been sleeping beneath the surface and waiting for a chance to erupt. But with dusk settling in, the dark forest offered even more horrors than a venomous snake could.

She was afraid to call out in case any Zapheads were nearby. Rachel wondered if the Zapheads could smell her—the infection in her leg, her sweat, the watermelon-scented shampoo she’d used by a creek in a futile attempt at normalcy. At least the Zapheads had quit yelling. Although the noise allowed her to track their locations and movements, she preferred the silence, even if the calm was only an illusion.

A branch snapped somewhere ahead.

She crouched low and leaned against a tree, peering into the darkness. She heard a soft female voice: “Do you see it?”

That doesn’t sound like a Zaphead.

Rachel waited, guessing the speaker was maybe fifty feet away. Another female said, “Over there.”

The gunshot was like a thunderclap in the night calm of the forest and a whine overhead clipped through branches and leaves. Rachel instinctively ducked lower. In the brightness of the muzzle flash she’d made out a small collection of silhouettes among the tree trunks. Two adults and a child. One of the adults, the one not pointing the rifle, carried a bulky bundle.

“Did you hit it?” said the first voice.

Zapheads didn’t use guns, as far as she knew. And they didn’t speak in sentences.

“Who’s there?” said one of the women.

Definitely not a Zap.

“Rachel,” she answered. “Don’t shoot. I’m…normal.”

Which also didn’t sound like something a Zaphead would say, so she was probably safe. Still, she kept the tree between her and the rifle.

“What are you doing out here in the dark?” asked the woman.

“Looking for a boy. Have you seen him?”

“You know what’s out here, don’t you?”

“Zapheads.” Rachel walked toward the group. She sensed more than saw one of the women pull the child protectively close. She thought for a moment it might be Stephen, but this child was shorter, and Stephen would have called out. “They heard the shot. They’ll be coming.”

As she drew closer, Rachel saw a soft radiance emanating from the bundle of blankets held by the woman. Rachel dug two of the glow sticks from her backpack and broke them, casting a circle of sickly green light that was barely bright enough to reveal the group. One of the women was probably early thirties, hugging a girl slightly older than Stephen. Judging by their similar straight black hair and nut-brown skin, Rachel judged them to be mother and daughter. It was this woman who held the rifle, its barrel now pointed at the sky but held with an easy confidence, as if the woman could bring it to bear in a heartbeat.

The other woman hugged her bundle to her chest. She was Rachel’s age, maybe two years younger. She was blonde and dirty-faced, a long red scratch across one cheek. She looked scared and tired and brittle, as if a sudden wind might cause her to collapse in a heap of bones.

“Do you have a camp?” Rachel asked the woman holding the rifle, who was obviously their leader.

“We came from one,” the woman said. Her tone was neither welcoming nor threatening, as if she were feeling out Rachel’s potential for danger. “But we had to leave.”

“We were about to bed down in a cave, but Stephen—he’s the little boy I’m looking for—saw a snake and ran. Now he’s lost.”

“They have him now,” said the blonde woman carrying the bundle.

“I haven’t seen any lately,” Rachel said, assuming she was referring to Zapheads.

“They have him,” the woman repeated with cold conviction.

“Well, then I’ll just have to get him back.”

Rachel had no idea which way to go. She was also reluctant to leave the group of females. Besides Stephen, she hadn’t seen a human since they’d split with DeVontay two weeks ago. She didn’t want to think about him; he’d sacrificed himself to lure away Zapheads so she and Stephen could escape. He was probably dead, despite what she’d told Stephen.

Stephen might be dead, too.

No. She’d lost her sister and she wasn’t going to lose Stephen. “Where are you guys from?”

“Up on the mountain,” said the woman with the rifle. She spoke clipped, clear English but her accent was Spanish.

“That’s where I’m headed. As soon as I find Stephen.” Her leg was killing her, but Rachel didn’t dare sit down. She flicked the light among the surrounding trees, checking for the reflection of glittering eyes.

“Milepost 291,” said the blonde woman.

“What?” Rachel couldn’t believe it, even though the location couldn’t have been more than fifteen or twenty miles away.

“A compound. We were holed up there, but…” The woman clasped the bundle more snugly to her chest. “Joey told us to leave.”

The bundle wriggled and emitted a soft cry.

A baby?

But if this woman was telling Rachel the baby was talking to them, then perhaps they’d been affected by the solar storms. While billions had been killed and others mutated into becoming Zapheads, the intense electromagnetic field fluctuations could have caused a wide range of effects on the human brain. It wasn’t like anybody was studying this stuff in a lab, and she’d had little opportunity to observe them. She’d been too busy surviving.

“This compound,” Rachel asked, scanning the forest around them once more. “Was Franklin Wheeler there?”

“Mr. Wheeler,” said the woman with the rifle. “Yes. He saved us.”

He survived!

Rachel’s heart started pumping faster, and the pain in her leg surged in giant waves. And she realized that her hope had been only that—she expected him to be dead and the compound a fantasy land. “Can you show me how to get there?”

“No!” shouted the woman with the baby. “Joey told us to leave. Bad things are happening.”

A regular little Nostradamus there. That’s a pretty safe prediction.

Rachel addressed the woman with the rifle, who now seemed like the sane one of the bunch. “Franklin’s my grandfather. I’m trying to find him.”

“He wasn’t there when we left,” the little girl said. “The baby made us go.”

“Go,” the baby said.

Rachel wasn’t sure she’d heard correctly. The bundle thrashed and a small arm poked out, pale fist balled in indignation. “Go,” the baby repeated.

Judging from the size of the arm, the infant couldn’t have been more than six months old. No way should it be able to speak. Then the fingers splayed curled. The baby seemed to be waving them downhill into darkness.

The haggard young mother stepped outside the yellow perimeter of the glow stick’s haze. The woman with the rifle nudged her daughter to follow.

“Wait,” Rachel said. “That’s crazy. Babies can’t talk.”

The mother turned, and the bundled shifted. In its folds was a scattering of small bright sparks.

Its eyes.

“You don’t understand,” the mother said.

You’re right about that.

The Spanish woman said, almost in apology, “We have to follow. You are welcome to come with us.”

“Not without Stephen.”

The woman nodded and glanced at her own daughter as if she understood. Her dark eyes were solemn but determined, and Rachel saw she would make whatever sacrifice was necessary in order to survive.

“How far is the compound?” Rachel asked her.

“I don’t know. Maybe fifteen or twenty miles. Top of the mountain.”

“The Zapheads are here,” the mother said. “We have to go.”

“Go,” the baby blurted. They did.

As the group shuffled downhill, kicking up the scent of mud and pine, Rachel almost shouted after them. Instead, she shoved the glow sticks in her pocket and waited for her eyes to adjust to the faint haze of starlight leaking through the bare forest canopy. They’d come from her grandfather’s compound, and he was still alive. She figured her odds were better with Franklin Wheeler than with a group of delusional women who thought a baby was bossing them around.

Or maybe she was growing delirious herself. The infection in her leg might be poisoning her nervous system, slowing her reaction time and disrupting her senses. She didn’t like feeling helpless, but walking twenty more miles on her own was a demoralizing challenge. She listened until the group was lost in darkness, their footfalls faded, and then she continued up the slope in the direction Stephen had fled.


It was Stephen, somewhere in the darkness above. She almost yelled back but was afraid Zapheads might hear. Instead, she hobbled faster, stumbling over a damp, fallen log.

Stephen didn’t sound panicky, although he must have been terribly frightened. He repeated her name, almost in a whisper.

Coming, honey. Just hang on tight.

She guided herself from trunk to trunk, judging distance by the branches overhead, which were like black bones etched against the gray sky. The only sound besides her feet in the muddy leaves was the wind whining through the forest.

“Rachel,” he said again, and she saw his silhouette among a cluster of large boulders. She was surprised he’d venture near them after the encounter with the snake.

“It’s me,” she said.

She pulled the dimming glow sticks from her pocket and held them in the air.

Only it wasn’t Stephen.

It was a young girl, barely teen-aged, and her eyes glittered in the glare of the flashlight beam.

“Rachel,” she said, perfectly imitating Stephen.

Shadows separated themselves from the surrounding trees and walked toward her.

“Rachel,” they said. “Rachel.”

And their eyes winked and danced like a thousand radioactive fireflies.


Morning was probably the worst of it.

Dreams had become a refuge for Campbell Grimes, and the sweetest ones were of all the mundane things that now seemed so rare and beautiful. They were already distant artifacts of a lost culture even though it had only been two months since the solar storms.

Alien archaeologists of the future might one day make sense of the civilization that left behind little but a thin layer of poisoned plastic, but it was unlikely they would learn of Campbell’s drawings, addiction to Diet Coke and videogames, his casual obsession with Kate Upton, or his collegiate flirtation with Buddhism. The facts of his life weren’t his body-mass index and date of birth, but the wildly colorful fantasies and ideals that echoed in the boned curves of his skull.

Upon awakening, a shutter was drawn down over the past and the hellish light of After dragged him into its spotlight. He’d been dreaming again of Catawba Lake where his family had spent their summers. He’d been upstairs in their waterfront home, looking down on the neighbor’s dock, where a new ski boat was tethered. But the boat was the least eye-catching of John Hampton’s treasures—his wife Tamara wore that crown. She lay sprawled on a lounge chair in her bikini, skin glistening like oiled amber, the wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses adding just enough concealment that Campbell could objectify her without feeling too creepy.

He’d never masturbated during his little peep shows, but they’d given him an electric thrill all the same. And in his dream, she’d been flipping back a strand of golden hair that the lake breeze kept pushing across her face. The sun dappled the water, the ski boat bobbed, the muddy duckweed drifted, and her elegant arm lifted and nudged, lifted and nudged, fingers splayed, lips pursed, and she turned her head slightly and the sunglasses were aimed directly at the window where Campbell sat—

He awoke with heart pounding, a guilty erection throbbing inside his trousers. He’d had no relief in After, and he certainly wasn’t going to toss one off lying here on the carpeted floor of the farmhouse, surrounded by Zapheads. They were lying all around him, some snoring lightly, others awake and waiting for him to rise and shine, a phrase they’d learned from the professor.

Unlike the professor, Campbell had stopped sleeping in the bed because the Zapheads inevitably rolled into the sagging middle of the mattress during the night, creating a suffocating pile. He wasn’t even sure they actually slept in the usual sense—they might just have been imitating sleep as they imitated everything else.

Another day in paradise.

Dawn painted the windows yellow. From downstairs came the clatter of silverware and cookware. The house had no electricity, since the solar storms erased the power plants, but the stove ran off propane and there must have been gallons still stored in the tank. The home’s original owners had died at the dinner table during the apocalypse, and the Zapheads learned all about place settings from the grisly tableau.

Campbell did not look forward to breakfast, because the corpses were still around the table, and the Zapheads grew violently agitated whenever Campbell or the professor tried to remove them.

Campbell rose as silently as he could, but his activity was instantly imitated by three or four Zapheads, including a young girl in a sundress whose eyes burned like lava. Campbell had to urinate, and there was no chance for privacy, so he stepped over the rows of prone Zapheads until he reached the door.

The professor rolled over in his sleep, unconsciously flinging an arm over a wild-haired male who must have been in his sixties. The Zap mirrored the movement, and they snuggled like an old married couple. Campbell fought down the bile that threatened to crawl up his throat. The professor had grown too comfortable here, accepting his fate.

“Good morning,” said the little blonde girl, and the phrase was immediately repeated by the other Zaps, even some who were still lying on the floor. There must have been two dozen in the room, and the air was sour with their stench. The professor had yet to teach them about hygiene, changes of clothes, and even basic waste elimination.

“Good morning,” Campbell said. Just as the Zapheads had become like intelligent mockingbirds, they also expected Campbell to echo their behavior. He didn’t want to risk disturbing them, because the rest of the professor’s group had been killed in fits of rage. Since then, Campbell had remained subdued, because he was afraid the Zapheads would interpret them incorrectly and erupt in sudden violence. He had no way of knowing how their scrambled wiring might interpret any action or sound.

Campbell walked into the hall, his filthy socks muting his footsteps. Several Zapheads sat leaning against the wall just as they had been positioned at sunset. When he passed, they rose silently and followed him, along with the three Zapheads from the bedroom. The perverse parade continued down the stairs and out the back door. When Campbell unzipped his fly, all of the Zapheads imitated him. The females seemed startled to discover they didn’t have penises, but they urinated anyway, staining their clothes.

Campbell gazed at the forest at the edge of the pasture, and beyond it to the swell of mountains in the northwest. He thought of Rachel Wheeler and the compound at Milepost 291 she’d portrayed as a promised land. She’d offered few details, but her fervor had been persuasive. Especially when compared to all the other alternatives.

As he often did, he considered making a run for it, but Zapheads were already up and milling about in the knee-high grass surrounding the farmhouse. Only one cow remained, and the Zapheads were as fascinated by its behavior as they were with Campbell’s and the professor’s. The animal had grown used to their presence and chewed contentedly. Campbell wished he was as successful at ignoring them.

Why couldn’t the Big Zap have given me Mad Cow Disease?

He returned to the farmhouse, followed by the Zapheads. He held his palm over his face to suppress the smell of decomposing corpses inside. The Zapheads mimicked the movement, even though the odor didn’t seem to bother them. Perhaps they had no awareness of morality, and thus the corrupted rot carried no association with their own coming deaths.

The professor was already sitting at the table. “Good morning,” he said, with surprisingly good cheer considering he sat among four corpses and a room full of deranged mutants.

“Good morning,” Campbell said, and the farmhouse was filled with shouts of Zapheads repeating the words. A broad-faced woman whose gray eyes glittering with iridescent golden flecks moved in front of him as he approached the table, screeching “Good morning good morning good morning.” The phrase echoed in a seemingly endless loop.

“Fuck you,” Campbell said, and broad-faced woman segued from “Good morning” to “Fuck you” without taking a breath. As the chant rose around them, the professor grinned at Campbell and pulled out a chair for him. Campbell sat beside him and the room grew quiet. The silence spread throughout the house.

Each plate on the table was swimming with pork-and-beans. The farmhouse’s human owners, propped up in chairs and decaying in grotesque shades of green and purple, had apparently stockpiled only one type of canned food. The chickens couldn’t lay enough eggs to feed the whole congregation of fifty or so Zapheads that inhabited the farm, and the early frosts had devastated the garden. Soon they would all need meat.

“I’m going to kill myself,” Campbell said under his breath, so only the professor could hear. They’d learned that if they murmured, the Zapheads would also murmur and therefore not be able to hear the conversation.

The professor lifted his plate and lapped at the sauce. By unspoken agreement, they avoided silverware because they didn’t want the Zapheads to all simultaneously brandish sharp implements.

When those Zapheads who were close enough to the table also lifted plates and slurped, the professor said, “Not again. When are they going to learn some manners?”

“Seriously. You may like having your own little group of lab monkeys to play with, but I’m going nuts.”

The professor wiped the reddish-brown sauce from his lips with the back of his shirt sleeve. “If we can teach them how to hunt and gather, we’ll make it through the winter. They’re progressing. I’ve even observed some signs of initiative in a few of them.”

“Great. Creative new ways to kill and maim survivors.”

“We don’t even know how many survivors are left. For all we know, we’re the last two standing.”

Campbell pushed his plate away even though he’d only eaten half his portion. A stringy-haired Zaphead across the table glared at him as if Campbell had committed a hideous sin. The Zaphead was about his father’s age, with dark stubble and dirt-filled wrinkles on his cheeks.

Burn in hell, shitface. Campbell thought about shouting the insult at the top of his lungs, but he might start giggling, and then he would go mad during the Zaphead laugh track. But wasn’t madness preferable to acceptance of this new normal?

“So what’s your exit strategy?” Campbell asked as the professor swallowed the last of his beans.

“There’s no exit. I’m making the best of it. I’ve been here nearly three weeks and they haven’t killed me yet.”

Campbell couldn’t believe the man was serious. “You’re doing a good job of making them think you’re Jesus, but that didn’t end so well for him, if you’ll recall.”

“They’re learning, and if we can teach them not to make the same mistakes as the human race, then maybe we really can achieve those crazy ideals of peace, love, and harmony.”

And here I was thinking I’d feathered the cuckoo’s nest. But you’ve definitely been cracking some eggs. This is your brain, this is your brain on Zapheads. Any questions?

“Don’t you think maybe it’s a little arrogant to presume we know what’s best?” Campbell said. “There’s no blueprint for this.”

The professor grinned, bean sauce shiny on his chin. “Then we get to draw our own blueprint.” He nodded at one of the Zapheads, a twentyish woman with the ragged dark bangs of a Goth hairstyle and full lips, a small silver skull dangling by a chain from one ear lobe. “I think she likes me.”

Campbell shoved his plate away. The rotted corpses of the farmhouse’s original occupants said nothing. In some ways, they were the most stable and tangible facts of this new world. All else was postmodern surrealism.

And a new history waiting to be written.

“They’re all yours,” Campbell said, spreading his arms. “All God’s children.”

“God’s children!” said a grimy-faced woman and the Zap Goth in unison.

“God’s children!” shouted another Zaphead, and soon the room—and then the farmhouse—was filled with their shouts.


“You really trust these guys, Sarge?” said the unshaven soldier.

Franklin Wheeler didn’t like the beady-eyed little bastard, but he kept his mouth shut and his face impassive. They’d outfitted him with a camouflage combat uniform, but he’d kept his boots. Jorge looked uncomfortable in his own gear, constantly fidgeting with the top button of his shirt as if not sure whether to undo it. Neither of them would have passed muster in the old days, but Sarge was apparently eager to take what he could get in order to expand his empire.

“I trust them about as far as a bullet can reach,” Sarge said. “But they’re you’re problem now, Hayes.”

Hayes, the unshaven soldier, muttered under his breath.

“What’s that, soldier?”

“Yes, sir,” Hayes responded, none too crisply.

Franklin smirked. The chain of command has got a few weak links.

“Check out Sector 12, where they spotted the enemy yesterday. Report back here at twelve-hundred hours,” Sarge said. “No prisoners, no casualties.”

Franklin and Jorge were part of a reconnaissance patrol led by Hayes. The other three soldiers in the patrol were as sullen as Hayes, smoking cigarettes and eyeing Franklin warily. One, sporting a dark complexion and wearing a soiled red bandana around his neck, cleared his throat and spat, the wet wad landing inches from Franklin’s boot. Franklin gave him a smirking salute.

“I don’t like this,” Jorge whispered.

“I don’t, either, but it’s your best chance of finding your family again.”

“Don’t be acting sneaky,” Bandana Boy said, patting his rifle. “I got no problem at all killing a couple of civilians.”

“Move out,” Hayes bellowed, waving the soldiers out of the camp. By Franklin’s estimation, Sarge had about fifty soldiers under his command, and there might have been others out on patrol. Sarge was right: he might be one of the most powerful men left in the world.

“What are we looking for?” Franklin asked Hayes, falling in behind the patrol leader as they headed into the morning forest.


“Yeah, but what are we going to do when we find them?”

Hayes made a pointing motion with his finger, as if it were a pistol. “Bang.”

“Why don’t me and Jorge get guns?”

“Sarge says you have to prove yourselves. Just because you helped kill some Zaps doesn’t mean we can trust you. I hear you’re a big anti-government type.”

“Ain’t a government left to stand against,” Franklin said. “The way I look at, we’re all free men. Death is the ultimate democracy.”

“Sarge has other ideas.”

Franklin sensed resentment in the man and decided to feed it a little. “How many bunkers you think are out there? How many men like Sarge have some troops to boss around?”

“That’s classified information.”

“That means you’re either too dumb to know or nobody trusts you enough to tell you.” Ignoring Hayes’s dismissive grunt, Franklin added, “My guess is maybe thirty or forty at most. Probably a few here in the Blue Ridge, the Unegama Wilderness Area, most of the national parks, and whatever luxury hideaways Congress built for itself. And I’ll bet every one of them has a Sarge, a little Hitler type who’s going to run things his way.”

“Sarge is watching out for us,” Hayes said.

Somebody better be, because you sure as hell ain’t.

Hayes was barely paying attention to their surroundings, even though they were heading downhill where the forest was thinning out. They came to a logging road, and Hayes slowed to allow the other stragglers to catch up. Jorge had walked solemnly, staying alert, obviously looking for any sign that his wife and daughter might have passed this way. Franklin was pretty sure they’d never see them alive again, but he didn’t see any reason to express that opinion to Jorge.

“We’re coming up on the development,” Hayes called back from the point. He slid his semi-automatic rifle strap down his shoulder until he was cradling the weapon across his waist. “One of our scouts reported some funny noises down here yesterday.”

Below the road, the morning sun caught the metal rooftops of half a dozen houses. They were obscenely large, with timber construction made to resemble log cabins, with lots of glass. No smoke came from the chimneys, despite the cold. Franklin figured them for second homes, the kind rich folks from Florida might visit twice between Memorial Day and Labor Day while writing the vacations off on their taxes. He hoped every one of those assholes had been blasted to hell and their bodies were rotting away on their silk sheets.

Hayes waved Bandana Boy over and told the other two soldiers to sneak down and approach from the west. Bandana Boy looked a little too eager for action, but Franklin figured if Zapheads attacked, at least he and Jorge wouldn’t draw much attention. These cowboys would blow away anything that moved, human or not.

The first house had a new SUV parked out front, although tree sap had spotted its silver finish. A riding lawn mower was parked beneath the porch, and a blue vinyl tarp covered a stack of firewood. The curtains were drawn in the windows.

“Okay, Jimbo, you take point,” Hayes said, motioning Bandana Boy up the porch steps. Franklin and Jorge followed while Hayes waited with his weapon ready.

Bandana Boy tried the door handle. Finding it locked, he reared back and drove the bottom of his foot into the glass. The sudden shattering was bright and loud in the morning silence. “That’ll wake ‘em up,” Bandana Boy said.

“And let every goddamned Zaphead within thirty miles know where we are, genius.”

“What, you wanted me to look for a key?”

Hayes waved him inside. “Shut up and get.”

Bandana Boy stepped inside the house, crunching glass underneath his boots. Franklin ducked inside after him, looking around for the kitchen. At the very least, he wanted a butcher knife. While Bandana Boy did a quick check of the downstairs rooms, Jorge collected a fireplace poker and gave it a test swing. Hayes stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up. “Anybody home?” he shouted.

The house featured a musty odor, as if it had been shut up for months, but rank fecal rot dominated the air.

Bandana Boy returned to the hall and motioned to Hayes, who followed him through a door. Franklin’s curiosity got the best of him and he had to see. What he discovered was Bandana Boy pointing into the toilet, and the aroma gave away its contents.

“Somebody’s been here,” whispered Hayes.

“Or maybe they were just caught with their pants down when the Big Zap came,” Franklin said. “Maybe a Zapper out there who forgot to wipe.”

“No,” Hayes said. “Too fresh. If it was that old, you wouldn’t be able to smell it.”

Bandana Boy pointed to the second floor above and Hayes nodded. “You guys stay close behind us,” Hayes said to Franklin. “Not that I give a damn, but Sarge has taken a liking to you.”

“Yeah, I’m a regular poster child of the apocalypse,” Franklin said.

Hayes didn’t remark on Jorge’s metal fireplace poker, but Bandana Boy stood erect and alert, eager to pull the trigger. “Okay,” Hayes said, waving them up the stairs. “Be ready for anything.”

Upstairs, Bandana Boy opened the first door on the right. There he found the “anything” of which Hayes had just spoken. He whistled and uttered a low, “Holy hell.”

Franklin couldn’t resist closing in behind Hayes for a look. The room was littered with cellophane food wrappers, tin cans, crushed plastic bottles, and a stench that made the downstairs bathroom refreshing. A bed pushed near the window was heaped with blankets. On the dresser beside it was a makeshift kitchen, with a Sterno burner, a blackened metal coffee pot, and an Igloo cooler.

Bandana Boy waded through the trash and looked around. “Got us a squatter.”

“No Zapper did this, that’s for sure,” Hayes said.

“Must have heard us coming and hid somewhere.”

Hayes poked the bundle of blankets with the tip of his rifle. “As much noise as you were making, no wonder.” He waved Bandana Boy out of the room. “Search it.”

“Why don’t you leave them be?” Franklin said. “They ain’t a threat to you.”

Hayes narrowed his eyes. “You heard Sarge. No prisoners.”

Bandana Boy pushed out the door between Franklin and Jorge, heading down the hall. He kicked open doors one by one, each time crouching and sweeping the barrel of his rifle in front of him. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” he called like a child.

If this is the best of the best, it’s a wonder the U.S. military didn’t go to shit a decade ago.

Franklin turned to go downstairs, but Hayes blocked his way. “You’re on duty, Wheeler.”

Bandana Boy slammed open the last door at the end of the hall, pointed his rifle into the room, and said to Hayes, “Jackpot.”


They hadn’t hurt Rachel, but she didn’t dare risk provoking them.

The Zapheads had closed around her in the darkness, grabbing at her hair, pulling and squeezing her flesh. One of them touched the pulsing bite wound on her thigh and she yelped in pain, causing an eruption of mimicked yelps that sound like a pack of wolves. She couldn’t count them in the dark, but they numbered at least half a dozen. Their eyes swam like glints of fire thrown off a grinding wheel.

At full strength, she would have made a run for it. But she doubted she would have made it ten steps before they dragged her down and—then what?

The ones behind her nudged her forward, gently bumping her with their bodies. They were herding her. She soon realized they were guiding her downhill, ninety degrees from the way she’d come, although she couldn’t be sure in the darkness. She’d long since lost her way.

They fanned out around her, leaving her only one direction. She stepped, staggered, slid, and limped down the slope, all the while nearly surrounded by the Zapheads. Their eerie silence was broken only by the times they echoed her panting and gasping as exhaustion set in. She’d lost all sense of time as well, and when the blackness eased to gray, she saw that the forest had thinned to scrub vegetation.

Once she edged to one side, too weak and hurting to make a serious run for it, but the Zapheads closed ranks, their grim, blank faces made all the more horrible by the bright, animated forges of their eyes. She wondered what they would do if she stopped to retrieve the revolver from her backpack, but even if she succeeded in securing the weapon, she only had six shots, and now with the dawn light she could count eleven of them.

They were all ages, a cross-culture of former humans: a couple of teens like the girl who’d mimicked Stephen, three middle-aged women, a fierce-looking man in a ragged delivery uniform, an overweight young man whose balance and grace seemed almost uncanny, and a wiry old woman who looked like she could walk a thousand miles with neither bread nor water. A nude, dark-skinned man hovered close behind her, muscular as an athlete, his presence like obsidian tar. The others, besides their filthy and ragged clothing and their dancing eyes, were as ordinary as any customers she might have once found in a supermarket line.

Throughout the seemingly endless night, she worried about Stephen. Without his backpack, he had no basic supplies, charcoal-filtered water pump, or food. Was he out in the woods, lost and frantic in his solitude? Had Zapheads found him and taken him captive as well? Or had he met some other horrible fate in the wilderness?

As the sun burned away the lingering morning mist, the strange group emerged onto a mountain valley. The scrub gave way to a barbed-wire fence, and beyond that was knee-high golden grass that would have been cut and baled as hay weeks ago if the world hadn’t ended. Lower in the valley, a two-story white farmhouse and a tin-roofed barn stood among other small structures and a rectangle of dirt that had once been a garden. Small figures moved in the driveway and yard—people!—and she nearly called out for help.

But Rachel’s heart sank as she realized they moved with the same stilted yet oddly balletic movements as her escorts. Zapheads, dozens of them, milled around the house and barn. The Zapheads closed around her, forcing her against the fence. If she didn’t cross, they would crush her against the strands of barbed steel. She lifted the top strand and stretched her wounded leg in the gap above the middle strand, afraid to put any weight on it. Something broke loose beneath the bandage and a smelly, dark juice leaked from beneath the cloth.

She groaned in pain and revulsion. The Zaps around her immediately began groaning as well, their calls like the mooing of cattle in a slaughterhouse. Rachel forced herself through the opening and rolled to the ground, flattening the brittle, damp grass.

The Zapheads were on the other side of the fence. This was her chance.

Rachel bolted to the left, following the fence line even though the route was uphill, because the forest was nearer on that side. She didn’t have any plan besides putting distance between herself and the odd mutants. Her leg throbbed with each jarring step, and her heart hammered against the inside of her rib cage. The dewy grass soaked her jeans in seconds. She thought about peeling her backpack to shed weight, but if she reached the woods—when she escaped—she would need the food, blanket, first aid kit, tools, and weapon to survive.

At first the sound in her ears thundered in sync with her racing heartbeat, but then she realized the noise wasn’t in her head. She glanced to the left and the nude black Zaphead was running beside her, keeping pace on the other side of the fence. While Rachel was slowed by having to wade through tall grass, the Zaphead was totally oblivious to the branches and thorns on his side of the fence. The others trailed behind him, the sound of snapping vegetation reveling that they trailed them both by thirty or forty feet.

Unable to endure the Zaphead beside her, Rachel veered down the slope of the pasture even though that path brought her nearer to the farmhouse and the Zaps below. One of them must have seen her, because a small, dark figure headed up the hill toward her. As if all the Zapheads below were of one mind, they turned in her direction and closed in. Rachel spun to try another direction, but no avenues remained—the Zapheads behind her had crossed the fence and approached in a line, fanning out to enclose her again.

Frustrated, on the verge of tears, Rachel dropped to her knees in the damp grass and slung her backpack from her shoulder. With the gun, at least she’d buy a little more time. Or end her time on this planet if the madness became too unbearable.

She dug into the backpack’s main compartment, sure she’d laid the gun on top, along with the medicine for her wound. But it wasn’t there. Whimpering, she turned the backpack upside down and shook it. She clawed through its contents, hearing the moist swish switch of approaching legs.

No gun. But where would it—


She wasn’t sure why he would have taken it, but she was glad he had a means of protection. She and DeVontay had let him fire both the pistol and rifle, to introduce him to the weapons with the intention of training him as they progressed in their journey. But right now she craved its ability to kill from afar.

The only other weapon was a pocketknife. She dug her thumbnail into the groove of the blade to flip it open, aware of the Zapheads looming all around her. She crawled with the blade open, the knife in one fist, mud soaking into her clothes, bits of grass seed and chaff in her teeth, hoping that if she stayed low they wouldn’t see her.

Without warning a hand grabbed her shoulder and she swept the knife up in an arc.

“Rachel,” the man said, stepping back.

She held the knife before her, ready to jab, confused. Had this Zaphead heard her name, too?

Then she recognized him.

The guy from Taylorsville.

And his eyes didn’t spark.


The man in the bedroom was maybe forty, and despite the mess he’d left in the bedroom and bathroom, he’d obviously taken some care of himself. His salt-and-pepper hair and mustache were neatly trimmed, and his cheeks were clean-shaven. Although his clothes were ill-fitting, they were free of wrinkles and tears. He was well-armed with a 12-gauge shotgun and two semi-automatic pistols. Franklin figured the guy had made the best of a bad situation.

A situation which had just gotten worse.

“Who are you?” Hayes asked him, his semiautomatic fixed on the man, whose own shotgun was pointed toward the ceiling. Bandana Boy also aimed at the man, although from a much closer distance. Franklin could tell Bandana Boy was just waiting for the man to twitch or cough.

“Nobody,” the man said in a low, flat voice.

“You’re under the jurisdiction of Milepost 291 and Sgt. Harold Schrader. We don’t allow nobodies on our territory.”

“Just trying to survive. I’m not hurting anybody.”

Franklin admired the man’s attitude: fearless, calm, and cautious. Hayes and Bandana Boy, on the other hand, acted more like doped-up members of a street gang than people trained by the U.S. military.

“We decide who does the hurting,” Bandana Boy said.

“Where do you get your supplies?” Hayes said.

The man rolled his eyes to the left, indicating some direction south. “Country store three miles down that way. A little community called Stonewall.”

“You expect us to believe you walk three miles for food? Why don’t you just stay near the store?”

“Safer here.”

Franklin wondered where Jorge had gone. The Mexican had managed to slip away with none of the others noticing. May as well make a run for it. You have a better chance on your own.

“Have you seen any Zaps around?” Hayes asked.

The man nodded, the butt of the shotgun locked against his hip.

“Care to elaborate?”

“Along the road, in the woods. None around here, though. That’s why I stay here.”

“You know what, Hayes?” Bandana Boy said, voice rising in excitement. “I think there’s somebody else here. I don’t think he could have carried all that food by himself, not that far. And there were tampons in the bathroom.”

The stranger’s fingers visibly whitened as they gripped the shotgun harder. Franklin took a couple of steps back, anticipating a showdown. “Go easy,” Franklin said. “We’re all on the same side here.”

“And which side is that, Wheeler?” Hayes said.

“Survival. The human side. You and Sarge can fight turf wars all you want, but we don’t know how many Zapheads are out there. Could be millions, for all we know.”

“Probably not millions,” the man said. “Not judging from the population density I’ve observed.”

The man glanced to the left again, and now Franklin realized he was looking at the closet door. Was someone in there? Should he warn Hayes? He eased a couple of steps toward the exit in case a shootout erupted.

“Doesn’t matter,” Hayes said. “We’ll kick their asses eventually, even if we have to go hand to hand.”

“Anybody with you?” Bandana Boy asked the man.

The man flinched just a little, and Franklin noticed the hesitation. “Just me.”

“Want to put down that shotgun real slow?”

“Put yours down first. This is my house.”

Franklin had to admit the man had balls, although he suspected Bandana Boy was about to deliver a rapid-fire castration.

“Hey,” Franklin said. “Sarge said no prisoners, but he didn’t say anything about recruits, did he? This fellow”—he glanced at the man—“What’s your name?”


“Robertson looks like he knows how to handle a weapon, and he sure knows how to improvise. If we’re fighting the Zaps, shouldn’t we better keep every fighter we can get?”

“Shut up,” Hayes said to Franklin. “I’m in command of this patrol.”

Sounds like somebody’s feeling his oats. A man on a power trip. I bet Sarge is sleeping with one eye open.

“Okay, no problem.” Robertson eased the shotgun onto the bed beside him. “If I wanted trouble, I would have shot you when you came through the door.”

A soft thump issued from the closet. Bandana Boy spun and unleashed a hail of semiautomatic fire, the report pummeling Franklin’s ears. Splinters and drywall dust exploded from the waist-high row of pockmarks as the room filled with the stench of gunpowder.

Robertson roared in rage and dug at his hip for a sidearm, but Hayes jutted his gun barrel into Robertson’s gut to stop him. Bandana Boy, almost dancing with sadistic joy, yanked the closet door open to count coup.

“Get him?” Hayes said, keeping his eyes and his weapon fixed on Robertson, who groaned in rage.


Franklin pushed past Hayes, who cussed under his breath. Robertson rose from the bed and took a step toward the closet, but Hayes drove the tip of his rifle into his gut hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs. Then Franklin saw her and understood why Robertson had been so well armed. She was probably fourteen, maybe fifteen, huddled in blankets so that only her face was showing. Her blue eyes were wide and frightened, and blonde wisps of hair curved around her cheeks. If she hadn’t been bundled up on the floor, Bandana Boy’s bullets would have ripped her to shreds.

“Get back,” Franklin said to Bandana Boy, stepping in front of him and kneeling to the girl. He didn’t see any blood, but she could have been struck by shrapnel. “Are you okay, honey?”

She stared past him at Robertson, whom Franklin assumed was her dad. Her mouth opened but no words came out.

She’s probably in shock.

“What’s your name?” Franklin asked. A hot ring of metal pressed into his neck, scorching his flesh, and he slapped away the gun muzzle that had inflicted the pain.

“She’s mine,” Bandana Boy said. “Finder’s keepers.”

Robertson let out a roar of anguish and leapt for Bandana Boy, but Hayes swung the butt of his rifle into the back of the charging man’s skull. The crack was so loud that it surely caused a concussion, and the man flopped heavily to the floor.

“Daddy!” the girl wailed, and crawled out of the blankets toward him.

“Get out,” Bandana Boy said to Franklin, pressing the gun against his neck a second time. Franklin balled his fists, stood, and eyed the shotgun on the bed, but Hayes shook his head to deter him.

“Been way too long for Jimbo,” Hayes said. “I wouldn’t mess with a man who’s been deprived.”

“She’s just a child,” Franklin said.

“Not for much longer.” Bandana Boy grabbed her by the back of her jacket and yanked her to her feet. She kicked and screamed, and he snickered wetly in response.

“Get out of here,” Hayes said to Franklin. “If you behave, maybe you can have a turn later. If you got anything that still works, that is.”

Both men erupted into animalistic laughter, and Bandana Boy shoved Robertson’s shotgun to the floor and flung the girl onto the bed. He leaned his own rile against the headboard, climbed atop the girl, and straddled her, loosening his belt buckle. Robertson’s head oozed a dark thread of blood, and his splayed fingers twitched.

Lord, I don’t ask for much, but please let him be dead so he doesn’t have to hear what’s coming next.

“Better hurry,” Hayes said to Bandana Boy. “The others probably heard the shots and they’ll be coming around before long.” To Franklin, he said, “Now get out of here, you old goat, unless you want to watch a real man in action.”

Franklin turned as if to leave the room and saw Jorge in the hall, just outside the door. From the angle, neither Hayes nor Bandana Boy could see him. Jorge gave a slow nod, his dark face nearly rippling with barely suppressed rage. Franklin could imagine these pigs treating Jorge’s daughter Marina in the same manner. And so, apparently, could Jorge, judging by the tight grip he held on the fire poker.

Franklin walked back to the closet, eliciting a sharp command from Hayes. “Stop it, you bastard.”

“Thought I saw something,” Franklin said, rubbing at the burn on his neck. The girl whimpered and slapped at Bandana Boy, who only laughed at her struggles as he tried to undress.

Jorge burst into the room, swinging the poker in a two-handed grip as if it were a baseball bat. The metal bar thwacked Hayes across the back of the skull, cracking bone and jolting the semiautomatic from his hands. Franklin dove for the shotgun, joints shrieking in agony, and he came up with it just as Bandana Boy realized the party was over.

“Don’t do it,” Franklin said, but the man glanced at him and then Jorge, a sinister smirk crossing his face.

“You ain’t got the balls,” Bandana Boy said, going for his rifle. Franklin pulled the trigger and painted the walls with the top of his head. The girl screamed beneath him as the corpse wobbled for a moment and collapsed, the soggy bandana dropping to the floor with nothing left to hold it in place.


“You’ve got a fever,” Campbell whispered in Rachel’s ear.

Despite the anxiety of the circumstances, collecting her from amid the circle of curious Zapheads, he was struck by the clean scent of her hair and skin. Her odor emanating from her leg, though…

Campbell was afraid to lay her on the table, especially with the Zaps huddled around, watching intently. He didn’t trust the bedroom, either, not considering the atrocities they’d committed on Pamela, so he carried her to the living room.

“Where are we?” Rachel said.

“Where are we?” a doddering, toothless old Zaphead said. Immediately other Zapheads took up the phrase, cacophonous at first but rapidly falling into a uniform, deafening chorus.

“Shhh,” Campbell whispered as he carried her through the hallway to the living room. “Don’t say anything.”

Soon the echo died away to murmurs, and the Zapheads crowded around as he laid her on the couch. Their cries must have summoned the professor, because his boots drummed down the stairs, followed by whatever group of Zaps he’d been attempting to teach.

“You…you’re living with them?” Rachel whispered.

“I wouldn’t call it a life, but it still beats the alternative.”

The professor entered the living room, and Campbell was startled at the change in him. He’d draped a filthy sheet around his shoulders like some mad Roman emperor and he appeared to be naked beneath. The Zapheads that followed him into the room were nude, including the young Goth Zap he’d been eyeing, and Campbell turned his head away in disgust and shock. He couldn’t even admire them on a physical level, like a farmer might appreciate a prize heifer, because they were so alien and threatening.

Holy Christ, I wonder what the professor is teaching them up there.

Rachel looked wildly around, her breath coming in panicked gasps, no doubt having a hard time processing an entire houseful of Zapheads. “Let me out!” she shouted, trying to sit up.

The Zapheads immediately repeated the phrase, with various inflections and cadences, until once again they built into a massive chorus that seemed to shake the walls. The professor flung open his makeshift robe, raised his arms in the air, and then brought his hands under his chin, palms together. The Zapheads followed suit, and the professor waited until every head was bowed and every eye closed.

Campbell clamped a hand over Rachel’s mouth and restrained her, and soon she grew exhausted and lay back down, muttering “Sweet Jesus” over and over. The professor eased through the ring of nearly-catatonic Zapheads surrounding the couch, kneeling beside Campbell.

“I like your new fashion move,” Campbell murmured.

“Clothes are an ego attachment of the old ways,” the professor said.

Campbell wasn’t ready for a philosophical debate. If the professor saw himself as some sort of New Age cult leader of the damned, well, at least it gave him a purpose. That was more than Campbell had going. Except now he had a chance to help someone. A real person, not these parroting, sociopathic mockeries of human beings.

“How long has your leg been like this?” Campbell asked Rachel as he removed the bandage from her leg. His nose crinkled at the odor of rancid flesh.

“Two weeks.”

“Infection’s bad. You’ve got a fever, too.”

“Got some antibiotics in my backpack—”

“Which is out in the field,” Campbell said.

“Too late for medicine,” the professor said, keeping his voice low so that it was disguised by the background murmuring of the Zapheads. “Gangrene has set in.”

“Gangrene?” Rachel said. “No, I’ll be fine. Just need to walk it off.”

“You’re not walking anywhere,” the professor said. “You’re home now.”

Rachel raised her voice. “What the hell—” and the murmurs rose and fell, now discordant as unease rippled among the four dozen or so Zapheads crammed into the living room. Campbell put his finger to his lips and she finished in a whisper. “I’m not home. I’m headed for Milepost 291. And I have to find Stephen.”

“That little boy that was with you in Taylorsville?” Campbell wondered if she was delirious. The infection was likely poisoning her whole system. The boy could be dead and she might be in denial.

“He’s in the woods all alone,” she whispered.

“You won’t be any good to him if you die,” the professor said, examining her leaky wound. The flesh around the gash was gray, while bubbling pustules cratered up from the raw opening.

“We need to remove her pants,” the professor said.

Campbell glanced around at the looming faces and their strange, glittering eyes, lips working as they mumbled. “No way are we getting a knife out in this crowd. They see you cutting her pants away and who knows how they’ll interpret it?”

“If they wanted to kill me, they would have killed me in the woods,” Rachel said. “I told you, my leg’s fine.”

With a lurch of effort, she propelled herself upward, attempting to stand. The sudden motion triggered silence among the Zapheads. Before anyone could react, her leg gave way and she collapsed back onto the couch. The Zapheads flailed and swayed in imitation of her movement, each of them falling to the floor. The scene would have been comic if it hadn’t been so unnatural and bizarre.

The professor slid his makeshift robe from his shoulders and draped the sheet over Rachel. “We’ll fix you,” he whispered.

Naked, the professor turned to the Zapheads and crouched low, and then stood, motioning them up with his hands. They stood in unison, focusing on him instead of Rachel. The Zap woman Campbell thought might be the professor’s love interest moved to his side and pressed her nude flesh against his.

Campbell put a hand on Rachel’s forehead, and then stroked her hair to comfort her. Then he untied her boots and removed them. The professor and Campbell rolled up the sheet so her wound was exposed while most of her body remained covered.

“What do you think?” Campbell whispered, so low that even Rachel couldn’t hear.

The professor’s gray eyes were solemn but glinted with a mad inner knowledge. “We’ll have to amputate.”

“Shit,” Campbell said. “No way.”

“What are you two talking about?” Rachel said, woozily. Exhaustion must have finally hit her like a midnight tide rolling in.

“She’ll either lose her leg or her life,” the professor said.

“You’re not a doctor.”

“No, but I’m a scientist. I know necrotic flesh when I see it, and I know what blood poisoning can do if it reaches the heart.”

Campbell nodded at the Zapheads. “What about them? You think they’ll just watch like it’s the Packers and Bears teeing off on Monday night football? The first cut and they might go wild. There won’t be enough of her left to fill a chili bowl.”

“Hey,” Rachel called out, apparently unaware of the professor’s diagnosis. “Just get me fixed so I can find Stephen.”

“Hey,” repeated four dozen Zaphead voices. “Hey hey hey.”

Campbell smelled the wound once more, then headed for the kitchen to get a knife.


“Looks like we’re soldiers now,” Jorge said, standing sentry by the front door.

“Oh, hell no,” Franklin said, checking the magazine of the semiautomatic he’d taken from Hayes. “They’re solders. We’re freedom fighters.”

Robertson had regained consciousness but was in no shape to fight off the rest of the squad. But Franklin wasn’t even sure the other soldiers had heard the gunfire; otherwise, they would have come barging in minutes ago. Still, he wasn’t going to leave the young lady and her dad until he was sure they were safe.

At least as safe as anyone could be in After.

“Does it bother you?” Jorge asked, scanning the yard and the surrounding houses.

“Does what bother me?”


“You know I treat my goats and chickens like royalty. But those things…” Franklin spat in disgust. “They’re lower than animals. Lower than Zaps, even.”

“I am ashamed,” Jorge said. “Not for killing them, but because I no longer feel any regret. Or anything.”

“You ought to feel like a goddamned hero,” Franklin said. “You probably saved that girl’s life. If not her life, at least whatever chance she had at a future.”

“If that would have been Marina, I would hope someone would do the same.”

“You’re worried sick about your family, aren’t you?”

“Some things are in God’s hands.”

“Well, it was God’s hands that just got yours bloody, so I’d put plenty of salt on that wafer before I swallowed it.” Franklin checked the living-room window, and then looked in the kitchen. “They’re stocked with food and supplies.”

“Do we take them with us?”

“They’re better off staying put. They’ve got a system that works, and Zapheads haven’t bothered them. They’re making it.”

A muted thunderclap erupted in the distance, followed by a staccato burst of noise.

“The rest of the patrol,” Jorge said.

“Sounds like they’re a good ways down the mountain. I’ll bet they didn’t even hear our little party.”

“Then what are they shooting at?”

“Probably each other. Most survival preppers believe you have to sacrifice your morality, because helping others makes you weak. When you cross that attitude with whatever line of bullshit Sarge has been feeding them, you get a bunch of psychos with assault rifles playing Wild West.”

“It’s not the world I want to raise my family in,” Jorge said.

“I guess you can ask God why His hands screwed that one up,” Franklin said, slinging his weapon over his shoulder and going back through the house to check on Robertson and his daughter.

Robertson was conscious and alert, his head swathed in a folded pillowcase. He rested on the bed, propped against the headboard. His daughter wiped his face with a wet towel. Franklin and Jorge had piled the two bodies in the closet and shut the door. Franklin figured that was all the memorial crypt the assholes deserved, but the stench of decomposition would make the house unlivable in a day or two.

“How you feeling?” Franklin asked the injured man.

“Like I drank two quarts of bourbon, only without the giggles,” he said.

“I want to thank you,” the girl said, not meeting Franklin’s eyes. He figured she was still ashamed about what had almost happened to her, even though she had done nothing wrong. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when the wrong thing came along.

Guess that can be said for all of us.

“You two have done okay for yourselves so far,” Franklin said. “Goes to show that most of us are better off without people, because a big slice of the population will always be maniacs. Only now they don’t have to answer for their sins.”

Robertson put his arm around his daughter. He likewise probably felt shame for not protecting her well enough. “Strength in numbers, though. If you hadn’t been here—”

“Then they wouldn’t have been here. We’re all just making this up as we go along.”

“I was a fool,” the man continued. “I thought hiding was the best plan, laying low and hoarding, instead of looking for other survivors.”

“Well, no telling how many preppers are holed up in their private bunkers, ready to drink their own piss for the next twenty years. I don’t call that a ‘life’ for a free man.” The teen finally met his eyes and he gave a crooked smile. “Free woman, either.”

“But now we have more than just Zaps to worry about. We didn’t know if there was an army left, but we thought they’d be the good guys.”

“There ain’t any good guys anymore. Just the dead and the ones that wished they were, plus a few who finally got their chance to call the shots. And I don’t even know where you put the Zappers in that equation.”

Robertson waved off his daughter’s nursing, although he winced in pain with the motion. “What should we do?”

“There’s a whole squad of these goons holed up in a bunker on the parkway.” Franklin nodded at the closet. “When these two don’t come back, they’ll send out another patrol.”

“Maybe we should all stick together.”

The girl’s eyes brightened with hope, as if loneliness was even more unbearable than the fear and uncertainty, but she sobered at Franklin’s stony expression.

“Jorge’s going to be looking for his family,” Franklin said. “And I need to get back to my compound. I’m expecting company, and the place isn’t built for a tribe. Nothing personal.”

Robertson shrugged. “Yeah. I guess when you come down to it, we’re all on our own.”

Franklin headed for the door, but the teen raced from the bedside and blocked his way. She stared him down with defiant blue eyes. “Shay,” she said. “My name is Shay.”

“Good to meet you, Shay.”

“You can’t just leave him. That would make you no better than that rapist scum.”

“Shay!” Robertson said, with a mixture of pride and annoyance. “These men saved our lives. They don’t owe us anything.”

“Don’t do it for us,” Shay said, still locked on Franklin’s face so he couldn’t glance away. “Do it so they don’t win.”

Franklin sighed. “How long will it take you to pack?”


As Campbell entered the kitchen, three Zapheads followed him like fleshy shadows.

He slid open the drawer beside the filthy sink and studied the utensils. What sort of blade was best for performing an amputation? All he had was memories of old war movies, where the field surgeons performed their grisly work with cleavers and hacksaws. Would a serrated blade do the job effectively, or should he go for the finest honed edge for a cleaner cut?

Hoping to fool the attentive Zapheads, Campbell flung several utensils to the floor. Then he knelt to gather them, and the Zapheads immediately followed suit. While they were focused on their mission, Campbell tossed one of the utensils in the sink. The Zapheads raised a clatter while doing the same.

Campbell repeated the game, and when they stooped to the floor a second time, he slipped a long butcher knife out of the drawer and tucked it inside the waistband of his jeans against his hip, tugging his shirt to cover the handle.

Don’t we boil water and gather towels, or is that for births? Either way, we definitely need antiseptic.

He hadn’t explored the kitchen much, preferring to let the professor prepare their simple meals. The professor enjoyed teaching these human mockingbirds, although they seemed to have little need for nourishment. But now Campbell opened cabinets, knowing the three Zapheads would imitate him. The first contained tin cans of pork-and-beans, boxes of dried grain and noodles, and some home-canned vegetables, as well as a bag of flour that had been ripped open and left amid piles of white powder.

The second cabinet contained spices, a can of lard, and some cookware, but it was the upper shelf that held what Campbell was seeking. He climbed onto the counter to reach the bottles, but he was satisfied with the Smirnoff vodka, 100 proof and stronger than the sealed bottles of rum and whiskey. The master of the farmhouse apparently liked a nip now and again, but the relative inaccessibility of the liquor hinted at a casual drinker rather than a full-blown alcoholic.

The bottle made him think of his friend Pete, who’d been killed by a sniper in Taylorsville. At least Pete had left this world in a state of delirious numbness, a condition that had marked most of his waking days as well. With any luck, the vodka would dull the agony Rachel would soon be facing, as well as kill a few of the murderous germs that would be teeming over their brutal operation.

And if the gore and screams get too intense, I might need some liquid amnesia myself.

On impulse, Campbell took the two full bottles of liquor from the cabinet. He twisted the lid from the whiskey to break the seal, and then tightened it again. Concealing the tip of the bottle with his fingers, he held it to his mouth, tilted, and swallowed loudly. Then he deftly removed the cap and passed the bottle to the nearest Zaphead, a bug-eyed man who looked like he’d lost his spectacles. The man jammed the bottle into his mouth and drank deeply, spilling sweet amber liquid from the corners of his mouth.

Campbell was sure the Zaphead would retch, but it took several deep tugs from the bottle and then popped the opening free with a damp sloosh. The next Zaphead eagerly took a turn, and Campbell left the room as they fought over the bottle.

Killing, sexual torture, boozing. Pretty soon they’ll have all our human sins down pat.

In the living room, the professor stood over Rachel, who was still semiconscious on the sofa. The Zapheads knelt around them like some sort of corrupt manger scene, and Campbell realized for the first time that the professor might be consciously imitating the Jesus in the picture upstairs—since Taylorsville, he’d let his beard grow out and his hair had grown long and wavy.

Was the professor intentionally tricking the Zapheads into subservience, or was he going as mad as an Old Testament prophet? Whatever the reason, the Zapheads were all too happy to clasp their hands in silent prayer, creating a creepy tableau that almost made Campbell erupt in insane laughter. But Rachel’s pale, clammy face and the corrupted state of her leg wound kept him distressingly present and focused.

We might die here, but until then, I’m fighting the good fight. I’ve got to believe we’re better than this.

He gave the bottle of vodka to the professor, who nodded in acknowledgement. Campbell eased the knife from its hiding place, shivering at the blade sliding along his bare skin. He knelt before Rachel, pretending to pray like the other Zapheads, but then dug the tip of the knife beneath the ripped fabric around the wound.

“No,” the professor whispered. “Take them off.”

Campbell tucked the knife between the sofa cushions and reached for the button of Rachel’s jeans. Although she was incoherent with fever, Campbell flushed with anxiety and embarrassment. This seemed too personal of an invasion, even for the purpose of delivering medical care. But he unsnapped her jeans and loosened the zipper and then began working her jeans down her legs, grateful that she was wearing underwear. Blue panties.

Careful not to disturb her wound more than necessary, he peeled her jeans free of her legs. He reached for the vodka, intending to douse her upper calf with the liquor. He didn’t see how the professor intended to penetrate the thick gristle and tendons around her knee, assuming that was where he’d sever the leg. Campbell wiped sweat from his forehead, wondering if the professor was as knowledgeable about human physiology as he claimed.

The sheet rose and fell with Rachel’s labored, restless breathing. Campbell was sure she’d go into shock as soon as the blade penetrated. He might go into shock himself.

“What about the blood?” Campbell whispered.

“What about it?”

Campbell nodded at the assembled Zapheads, who were bowed in creepy reverence. “What if they…get ideas?”

“We just have to be quick and clean.”

Campbell didn’t see how a makeshift surgery with kitchenware could be either of those things. The professor’s eyes glowed with a confident serenity that did nothing to soothe Campbell’s anxiety. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be in the room when the Zapheads witnessed the carnage, but he couldn’t abandon Rachel. Somebody had to hold her down.

“You sure we have to do this?” Campbell said. “Can’t we wait and see if it gets better.”

“She wouldn’t make it to sunrise tomorrow,” the professor said, totally comfortable with his nudity as he stood like some cult leader preparing for a ritual sacrifice.

“Okay, then. Let’s get this over with.”

Campbell splashed vodka over the open wound and around the area where the professor intended to make the first incision. Rachel moaned at the sting of pain but didn’t fully awaken. He wondered if he should pour a little in her mouth, and then decided no amount of alcohol could dull the pain ahead.

The professor massaged the area around the wound, causing glistening, yellowish pus to break and run. A few of the supplicant Zapheads grew restless and several pairs of eyes opened, their strange glittering increasing Campbell’s anxiety.

“Hurry,” Campbell said, although he wasn’t sure how you could rush the nightmare to come.

“I need to determine where the flesh is healthy,” the professor said.

“If you don’t start cutting, you’re soon going to have about twenty eager little helpers. And unlike you, I don’t think they studied biology in college. They studied on the dead people upstairs, maybe, but Rachel’s still in one piece.”

“Let’s do it.” The professor slipped the butcher knife from the couch cushions, still rubbing the infected area with his left hand. The blade seemed ridiculously unsuited for the task, and Campbell wondered once again if the professor had gone absolutely mad from his confinement.

Campbell had never felt so helpless. He didn’t know enough to challenge the professor’s decision—hell, he’d barely been a C student in science—but Rachel undoubtedly was headed for a horrible death if they did nothing. But before the professor could bring the blade to bear, the nearest Zaphead unclasped her hands and laid them on Rachel’s injured leg. The Zaphead beside her followed suit, and the others nearest the sofa shifted forward and reached out their own hands.

They rubbed her skin in imitation of the professor’s massaging motion, and Rachel’s flesh quivered with the attention. More pus ran free, now tinged pink with blood. The Zapheads were no longer praying, instead gathering closer and closer to the sofa.

Campbell felt trapped by the crowd, but he refused to release Rachel’s wrists. He was atop her torso, applying enough weight to hold her down without crushing her, and Rachel’s uneven, labored breath whisked past his ear.

“For God’s sake, put the knife away,” Campbell hissed at the professor.

The Zapheads crowded in so that the professor had difficulty keeping a hand near the wound. More Zapheads reached in, rubbing and stroking her bare leg with all the fervency they’d recently expressed in their mockery of prayer. They muttered in unison, but those weren’t words issuing from their throats. The sounds melded and flattened out into a single sonic vibration, almost like the mantra of meditating monks.

Campbell pushed at the nearest hands, almost in tears. How long before they began digging into the wound and tugging bits of rotten meat away?

“Give me the knife!” Campbell yelled at the professor, who had backed away from the bizarre scene. Campbell planned to launch himself into the pack and chop, slice, and hew his way back to sanity, although he was aware the violence would be met with a like response.

But before the professor could react, Campbell saw something even more utterly remarkable and strangely horrific—the flesh at the edges of Rachel’s wound turned from greenish-red to bright pink, and the pustules began to dry and shrink. The fecund, spoiled aroma of the wound dissipated. As the many hands stroked and smoothed, the wound began to close.

The Zapheads were healing her with their touch.


Wonder if this is how runaway slaves felt.

DeVontay Jones had been on the run for weeks, ever since he’d lured away the Zapheads that had been closing in on their camp. The ploy allowed Rachel and little Stephen to escape, but he wasn’t sure he’d made the right decision. Abandoning them might have left them more vulnerable, and splitting up might have lowered each of their chances for survival.

But he hadn’t been thinking much of his own survival, not as he’d raced through the woods, noisily kicking up dry leaves and snapping branches to draw the attention of his pursuers. He’d barely been able to make out their forms in the darkness. If not for the glittering of their eyes, he wouldn’t have known they’d followed him, because they moved as silently as sharks in the ocean of the night.

At times he was sure they would all rush him and tear him to pieces, but only minutes later he’d just as deeply believed they had given up pursuit. The rifle had provided little comfort. The pairs of eyes seemed to greatly outnumber his supply of bullets. So he kept moving, sweaty and breathless in the October night, until he’d led the Zapheads miles away from Rachel and Stephen.

He’d wondered if the strange, luminous quality of the Zapheads’ eyes gave them enhanced night vision. Maybe they’d mutated into highly efficient killing machines, although their reluctance to attack him didn’t seem to fit the bloodthirsty behavior they’d exhibited in the immediate aftermath of the solar storms.

When dawn broke, there’d been no sign of them, although he circled round and found multiple sets of footprints. Still, he’d been afraid to backtrack to the camp, in case Rachel had disobeyed his command to flee. In the end, he’d kept moving, planning to circle around the forest heading northwest until he found a paved road that would lead him on to Milepost 291.

A day after parting with Rachel and Stephen, he’d heard a great explosion in the distance, followed by a plume of black, oily smoke rising over the distant gray ridges. DeVontay had worked his way toward it, following a creek that soon swelled into a rushing river, but the passage was slow amid the boulders and lush vegetation on the stream banks. He’d often had to wade in the icy water, and once he’d slipped and soaked his clothes and gear. Worse, he’d lost his grip on the rifle and it had been swept away in the churning rapids.

Defenseless, he’d made his way to the site of the fire, discovering the scorched shell of a gas station and a number of desiccated corpses in the ruins. He also saw the pages from comic books torn out and stuffed under windshield wipers, a message from Stephen meant to show that he and Rachel had made it this far.

But his heart sank when he found Rachel’s blackened backpack among the charcoal and ashes. He was sure they’d both died there, probably fighting off a Zaphead attack. Rachel might even have deliberately started the fire to save them from whatever horrible fate the Zapheads would have rendered.

DeVontay had been savagely dejected—not only had he developed a deep attraction to Rachel, he’d grown to revel in his role of protector. For the first time in his life, he’d found a true purpose, one that he’d fully committed himself to and one which seemed greater than himself. To lose that purpose—even in a world already hopelessly lost forever—seemed more than any man should have to bear.

As a child growing up in South Philly, he’d fought his way through his teens. In the city of Rocky and the Liberty Bell, you didn’t back down. When he wouldn’t join the neighborhood gang, he endured a set of brass knuckles to the eye, turning it to jelly. Even after he was fitted with a glass prosthetic, he still refused to abandon the streets. Most of the kids who had attacked him wound up dead or in jail.

So instead of giving up, he worked his way toward the Blue Ridge Parkway and Milepost 291, even though it had become something of a mythical promised land. He walked days and hid nights, and even when he didn’t see any Zapheads, he sensed their presence, shapes moving just beyond the perimeter of his vision, soft scurrying like rodents, and occasional throaty vocalizations that might have been birds but were too strange to name.

DeVontay spent three days in the bay of a volunteer fire department, a rotted corpse in the office, the big red engines and pumpers already losing their shine. He’d raided the EMT truck and found some hand tools, and he slept in the truck’s cab at night, one arm around an ax handle. He used the ax to bust into a house, but it reeked like a mausoleum and he couldn’t bring himself to raid its kitchen or look for firearms.

After ten days, the Zapheads had closed in again, no longer bothering to conceal themselves. He cracked once from the strain, yelling “Bring it on, you fucking Zappers,” but they maintained their distance, muttering “You fucking Zappers” back at him from a dozen voices. Once, finding Highway 321 again, he found his route blocked by a line of Zapheads standing shoulder to shoulder, half of them naked despite the cool autumn air, old men, children, young women.

He waved the ax at them, threatening to hack his way past, but in the end, their placid faces and sparking eyes had frightened him too much and he’d altered his route. He was no longer heading northwest, but figured he could circle around once he eluded the Zapheads. It was two weeks before he realized they were herding him, like a wolf pack culling a sick deer.

He’d come upon a little community on the banks of a river not far off Highway 321, with an auto repair shop, a Baptist church, a shabby convenience store with its gas pumps removed, and an outdoors outfitters featuring fishing gear, kayaks, and rental bicycles. A narrow, sagging sign by the road said in hand-painted letters, “WELCOME TO STONEWALL, POPULATION NOT NEAR ENOUGH.”A sodden, fly-blown body was splayed beneath the hood of a Buick, a mechanic whose brain had been short-circuited in the middle of changing out spark plugs.

Two ravaged corpses on the church steps looked to have been victims of violent assault, and DeVontay figured they’d been killed by Zapheads while seeking sanctuary. Judging from the stench, more bodies lay behind the arched white doors. A few Victorian-style houses lined the gravel road, with more of them barely visible on the wooded hillsides.

Now, he had to decide whether to hole up in Stonewall for a few days or somehow outmaneuver the Zapheads, who seemed to have swelled in number. He recognized a few that had been following him for days, but other faces were new, as if the Zapheads were swapping out reinforcements. And it finally sunk in that while he’d seen dozens of Zapheads, he’d yet to encounter another living human since parting from Rachel and Stephen.

The door to the convenience store stood open. The body of an old man was propped on a stool behind the counter, so relaxed and natural that at first glance DeVontay thought the shopkeeper was alive, patiently waiting for the next customer. Then he saw the moist fungal splotches on the man’s livid and bloated flesh, and the rot of decomposition pierced his nostrils. The place had been ransacked, and much of the damage appeared to be destructive vandalism.

Most of the snacks and candy were spoiled or stomped into moldering clumps, but he found a few cans of Vienna sausages, a long pack of stale peanuts, and some soggy Fruit Roll-Ups. He filled his pockets and then saw a box of Slim Jims. His chest squeezed in pain at the memory of Stephen’s growing fondness for the greasy snacks. He jammed a few sticks in his back pocket, figuring they contained enough preservatives to last until the next apocalypse, and was turning to leave when he saw the woman standing just inside the door.

She was a Zaphead, with the trademark speckled eyes and filthy clothes. She’d lost a shoe somewhere, and her blouse was missing several buttons. She was maybe thirty, with wild tangles of brown hair, and her mouth was stained with some sort of dark, gummy substance.

Jesus Henry Christ, are these things drinking BLOOD now? Or munching down on the flesh of dead people?

DeVontay was upset at himself for letting his guard down. The Zapheads had been keeping their distance, and he’d assumed they had no interest in attacking him. Indeed, they barely seemed to acknowledge his existence at all, though they clearly kept track of his movements and cut him off whenever he sought a direction toward the mountains.

He’d left the ax leaning against the counter, and he wondered if he would be able to reach it before the woman…did whatever she was going to do.

In the dusty street outside he saw more of them approaching, unhurried and almost solemn. It was their creeping silence that was most unnerving—if only they screeched and howled, he could have dealt with them, swinging the ax into their skulls one by one until he dropped from exhaustion.

He held out one of the snacks for the woman. “Go ahead,” he said. “Snap into a Slim Jim.”

“Slim Jim?” she said, then repeated it with a different inflection, like a stoned hip-hop artist relishing the rhyme. “Slim Jim, Slim Jim, Slimmmm Jimmmm.”

He made an underhanded toss. She repeated the motion as the snack bounced off her chest. Several Zapheads crowded the entrance, including an overweight man and a girl as dark as he was. Even if he reached the ax, he didn’t think he’d hew his way past them before other Zaps closed in. Beside the shattered glass of the reach-in drink cooler was a little hallway leading to the rest rooms. The hallway ended at a back door featuring an emergency bar.

Won’t have to worry about setting off an alarm, at least. But will it open?

He had little choice. He scooped up some little hard bricks of chewing gum and flung them at the woman, and then he fled down the hall. The back door opened with a kick. More Zapheads watched from the riverbank, but he didn’t wait to see what they’d do. He sprinted to the outfitter’s, wrestled with the door for a moment before realizing the weight of a corpse was causing resistance, and then shoved his way inside.

One corner of the store held camping gear, and a long glass counter displayed several rows of hunting knives. He drove a boot into the front of the case, shattering the thick glass, and selected the largest blade he could find. He clipped its holster to his belt loop and searched among the merchandise for other weapons.

Through the window he saw more Zapheads coming from the forest, closing in on the shop. He rummaged through the outdoor gear, grabbed a backpack from a peg on the wall, and stuffed it with a mess kit, first aid supplies, a compass, and some cans of Sterno. He saw no guns, but he collected a hunting bow from a display and shoved some arrows in his backpack, then slung the bow and backpack over one shoulder.

It was when he spied the rows of kayaks in their skeletal metal berths that he got an idea.

Pulling one from its rack, he tossed a paddle in the shell and dragged it to the door. The Zapheads had resumed their position surrounding him, although now they were at least a hundred feet away. Just enough distance if he moved fast enough…

DeVontay dragged the kayak over the corpse in the doorway, tugging it by a short rope tethered to its helm. He clutched the knife handle in his other hand, although he left the weapon holstered. The river was barely fifty feet from the outfitter’s shop, and a timber-framed landing was built into the bank, featuring a stone-covered incline that led to the rippling water. He shoved the kayak into the current, nearly lost his balance while scrambling aboard, and then he worked the paddle toward deeper water.

The river was maybe fifty yards across and only a few feet deep, but it quickly narrowed into a boulder-strewn, churning waterway. The water flowed downhill, of course, and would carry him away from his destination, but he wasn’t so sure he cared about Milepost 291 anymore. That had been Rachel’s hallowed destination, not his, and now that she was gone, the objective seemed foolish.

Putting distance between him and his glittery-eyed stalkers was a more immediate goal. He propelled the kayak forward with long, powerful strokes, the bottom occasionally scraping on rocks. Zapheads came closer to the water to watch, and he fought a deep desire to laugh at them.

“What’s wrong?” he shouted. “Don’t you know how to swim?”

“Swim,” one of them said, a little girl who looked about Stephen’s age.

“Swim,” said an older Zaphead, waving his arms in imitation of the paddle strokes. Others took up the cry of “Swim” until it resonated like the cries of a crazed flock of birds. They came from the woods and from around the houses, dozens, maybe even hundreds.

One waded into the river, then another, and ahead of him, DeVontay saw more of them entering the water. He stroked with aching muscles and frantic breath, sure they would tip over the kayak and pull him under.

He didn’t want to put down the paddle and try shooting arrows at them. Because he only had one eye, he had poor depth perception. Rachel hadn’t realized what an awful shot he was with the rifle, and given the turbulence of the water, he needed both hands to keep the kayak straight.

The bottom had deepened as the channel narrowed, and the Zapheads were soon up to their necks. They made no move to swim or paddle, and so were pushed off their feet by the current. The first one went under and didn’t come back up.

More and more heads disappeared beneath the silvery-green water, and more Zapheads pressed their way into the water, like lemmings going over a cliff. When the young girl’s expressionless face vanished in the froth, a cold horror settled inside DeVontay’s sweating body. They were drowning.

He soon quit watching, instead focusing on the rocks and eddies ahead, choosing which gaps and rapids seemed to offer the safest passage.

He wondered if the river was large enough to hold all the Zapheads in the world, and if anyone—or any God—would mourn their extinction if such a lucky event came to pass.


Franklin Wheeler had been preparing for Doomsday for much of his adult life, but never in his wildest fantasies would he have planned for this scenario.

No, in his dream of a post-collapse world, he would be sitting in his little cabin on the ridge, the woodstove crackling, a kettle of water atop it for his dandelion-root tea. He’d never really planned to live alone, but the others in his fantasy had always been slightly amorphous and faceless—however, he’d always hoped Rachel would be the one family member who would appreciate his foresight and preparation. Instead, he’d ended up with an unlikely group of strangers, a reluctant leader instead of a libertarian loner.

Ah, hell with it, libertarians can’t really exist, because we all depend on one another. We’re all interconnected, one big hippie flower-power hallucination, or maybe God’s twisted little jigsaw puzzle.

“How’s it going back there?” he called to Robertson and Shay. Robertson’s bandaged head made him look like a mummy, but his eyes were alert and he kept up with the rest of the group.

“We’re good,” Shay answered for them. She’d taken Hayes’s field jacket as a trophy, although it was far too large for her and she had to roll up the sleeves. Her father had given her Hayes’ sidearm and holster. The belt had been too large for her slim waist, so she wore it over one shoulder like a bandolier. Franklin hoped her father had taught her about guns, because if they encountered one of Sarge’s patrols or a pack of pissed-off Zapheads, there wouldn’t be much time for target practice.

Franklin and Jorge carried the AR-15s of the two dead soldiers, but neither was all that comfortable with the semiautomatic weapons. Franklin figured what they lacked in accuracy, they made up for in sheer firepower. Robertson stubbornly carried the shotgun, claiming it was a better choice for close fighting. Considering what it had done to Bandana Boy’s head, Franklin couldn’t disagree.

They’d taken the packs from the two soldiers, filling them with the provisions Robertson had collected. Jorge had wanted to check the surrounding houses, but Robertson said they were already cleaned out. As they walked along the gravel road away from the last shots they’d heard, Franklin checked the angle of the afternoon sun to gauge their direction.

“What’s the plan?” Jorge asked Franklin.

“We’ll make a big sweep to the east and circle around to the parkway, then back to my compound. With luck, we’ll avoid Sarge’s troops.”

Jorge’s eyes were dark and serious. “I can’t go back until I find my family.”

“I know. I’m hoping we’ll see some sign of them.”

“How many more of us are left?” Robertson asked. “You guys are the first people we’ve seen in weeks, and if the Army has only a few dozen troops near the parkway, then I’m guessing the Zapheads outnumber us a hundred to one.”

“Yeah, but they haven’t figured out how to use guns yet,” Franklin said. “If we all got on the same team, we’d wipe them out in no time.”

“And then we’d turn on each other,” Jorge said. “You think your military will grow tired of killing once they get a taste for it?”

Another shot sounded in the distance, and the reverberation off the wooded slopes made its origin difficult to place. Franklin hoped they weren’t walking right into the middle of a Zaphead hunt. If they encountered an army patrol, they’d have to explain what happened to their two companions. And Sarge had specifically ordered them not to collect “prisoners,” so Robertson might be killed on the spot. And young Shay’s fate might end up the same as the one Bandana Boy and Hayes had planned for her.

“That’s Grandfather Mountain,” Franklin said, pointing to the dark, angular profile to the west. “Sarge’s bunker is somewhere maybe half a mile from the base of it, and my compound is another mile north. We could make it before nightfall.”

“And then what?” Jorge said. “They know where the compound is. Once they discover what happened to their friends, they would come for us.”

“We’d be ready for them.”

“Three against fifty?” Robertson said.

“Four,” Shay said, hooking her thumbs into the belt and pushing so that the sidearm flopped in its holster.

“Normally, I believe in ‘Live and let live,’ but I don’t think we have that option anymore,” Franklin said, ignoring the girl’s belligerent pose.

“I can’t simply hide on a hill while my family is in danger,” Jorge said.

Your family’s probably dead, amigo. But Franklin understood Jorge’s clinging to hope. He himself still believed Rachel was out there somewhere, despite all evidence suggesting otherwise. “Your family is just as likely to find their way back to the compound as you are to find them wandering around in the woods somewhere. I just hope to God they aren’t hanging around that woman and her Zap baby.”

“Zap baby?” Robertson said.

“This woman we rescued. We didn’t know it, but she had a baby that had been...” He glanced at Shay before he decided on the word. “…affected.”

“Do you think that had something to do with why they left your camp? Sounds to me like that’s the safest place this side of the Mississippi, if you don’t count the military bunker.”

“The bunker’s not safe,” Franklin said. “It might protect you from the evil all around you, but not the enemy within. But you’ve seen the way the Zaps are starting to congregate. In the beginning, they were random, solitary, and vicious. Now you hardly ever see one by itself.”

“Franklin believes either the Zapheads were drawn to the compound because of the baby, or the mother for some reason thought she had to take the child to the Zapheads,” Jorge said.

Franklin glanced around the woods, swiveling the barrel of his AR-15 back and forth. He didn’t like being out in the open, but the road allowed them to make better time. Sarge’s soldiers had lost whatever discipline they might have built during their service and were likely to choose the easiest route over stealth and concealment.

The Zapheads, however, were another matter.

The afternoon sun was sliding toward evening, and the birds fell silent as they passed. At times Franklin lost sight of Grandfather Mountain’s peak, but he kept his sense of direction enough to guide them east. The gravel road turned to asphalt, with driveways and houses becoming more frequent. If anyone saw them from behind curtained windows, no one called to them, and Franklin was in no mood for a door-to-door search. He’d seen enough corpses for one day.

The group reached a bend where the road took a sharp slant downward, affording a view of the valley below. While much of the vista was wooded, the pavement followed an undulating river, with open pastures lining both sides. Farmhouses were nestled here and there among the high weeds, the sun glinting off the tin roofs of barns and outbuildings.

“Look,” Jorge said, pointing.

“Smoke,” Shay said. “From that chimney.”

Franklin shaded his eyes and scanned the valley. He’d refused to be fitted for glasses and hadn’t been to a doctor since they’d tried to put him on blood-pressure medicine a decade ago. Now he couldn’t help but feel weak and ancient.

I can’t see and I can’t fight worth a damn, but at least I can offer experience. But maybe even experience is worthless when you’re dealing with something that’s never happened before.

“Somebody’s got a fire going,” Robertson said. “And I’d bet a jar of jelly beans it’s not a Zaphead.”

Jorge broke into a run and Franklin called after him. “Might be some of Sarge’s boys.”

“And it might be Marina and Rosa,” he said, not slowing.

After Jorge was out of sight, Franklin said, “He’s going in the wrong direction.”

“What if it’s more survivors?’ Shay said. “We have to help them.”

“Maybe they don’t need help. Maybe they’re just fine on their own.”

Shay shot him an accusing glare. “Just like we were, right?”

“Look, we can’t save the whole damned world. I’ve got a plan to get through the winter, and the compound can sustain half a dozen at most.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about overpopulation,” Robertson said. “Seems to me your compound loses more people than it gains.”

“Shit,” Franklin said. He’d constructed the compound with the idea that he’d have companions, but he’d also been prepared to live alone if necessary. Now the idea of huddling in his little cabin while the snows piled up, with Zapheads walking through the land he once loved, make his guts twist.

He’d taught Rachel that a human being had to stand up for what was right and had to fight for the things worth fighting for, and he’d been all too ready to hide away and avoid the biggest war the human race had ever known—the battle for survival of the species.

Robertson didn’t wait for Franklin’s response. “Come on, honey,” he said to Shay, adjusting his bandage and lowering the shotgun so that it rested across the crook of his elbow. He followed after Jorge.

I’m probably going to live to regret this. On the bright side, I’m probably not going to live all that much longer anyway.

He checked the clip on his AR-15 and fell in behind them, taking one last look around to make sure they had no unexpected company.


“Not even a scar,” the professor whispered, staring down at Rachel’s bare leg.

Campbell pressed a gentle hand against her forehead. “Her fever’s breaking, too.”

The Zapheads, still almost reverently gathered around her, applied their palms to her body in imitation of Campbell’s action, touching her legs, abdomen, cheeks, and breasts. She stirred a little from her torpid state, her bare skin shrinking with goose pimples from the cool air.

Campbell tugged the hem of the sheet from her upper thighs and spread it over her legs so she was completely covered except for her head. “We should get her more blankets. It’ll be dark soon, and nights are getting chilly. You might want to get some clothes on yourself.”

“You watch her,” the professor said. “I’ll go upstairs and get one of the quilts.”

“Not the one with the blood on it,” Campbell said.

“We wrapped Pamela in that one, remember?”

A number of the Zapheads followed the professor, mumbling and muttering, seemingly unaware they had just performed a miracle. Campbell wasn’t religious, but he was well aware of the prophecy of Jesus’ return. What if Jesus came back to Earth not as a single man, but as a whole tribe?

No, there has to be a reasonable explanation.

Although, he had to admit, that one was as reasonable as any other, under the circumstances.

The Zapheads around him had remained calm since Rachel’s arrival. Campbell had noticed—and mentioned to the professor—that the Zapheads in general had become less aggressive over time. He didn’t know whether it was because they were used to the two humans in their midst or some change was still occurring in their neural systems. But he and the professor were still alive, kept almost as pets, and the Zapheads had healed Rachel.

Not wanting the Zapheads to handle Rachel anymore, he forced himself to step away from the sofa. The Zapheads followed suit. Taking a page from the professor’s playbook, he closed his eyes, bowed his head, and clasped his hands together in prayer. When he opened his eyes ten seconds later, all the Zapheads had returned to kneeling on the floor.

The Catholic Church would have killed for this kind of power. But maybe they did.

Once the Zapheads settled back into their routine, with even their breathing hushed and steady, Campbell took the time to look over Rachel more carefully. He told himself it was because he wanted to verify she had no other wounds, but most of it was desperate desire for a human connection.

She was even more attractive than he remembered. In Taylorsville, he’d mostly seen her in the dark or by the flickering light of huge, destructive bonfires. She’d obviously spent little time on personal hygiene—the sheer act of survival was a higher priority to survivors—but she had a natural tan complexion, thick lashes, curving lips, and a shapely form. Despite her greasy hair and dirt-scuffed face, she appeared almost radiant instead of green-tinged and near death. The recovery had taken less than an hour.

When the professor returned, another sheet draped around his shoulders and a bundled blanket in his arms, the praying Zapheads emerged from their quiescent state. The ones that had followed the professor mingled with them and they moved around aimlessly, some leaving the living room and others bumping into walls.

As they spread the blanket over Rachel, Campbell mumbled, “So, any theories?”

The professor shook his head. “Unless you believe in voodoo, I’m guessing it’s something taking place at a quantum level. In the same way an intense magnetic pull can wipe out the data on a hard drive, maybe the Zapheads store up some kind of electrical energy they can distribute in a controlled way.”

“Like human batteries?”

“Something like that. There used to be a departmental secretary at UNC-Greensboro who could heal carpal tunnel and muscle sprains. She joked that she was a witch, but she was always secretive about it, afraid people really might think she was peculiar and ostracize her. She would rub her hands together and then wave one hand over the affected area as if she were tugging out invisible stitches.”

“Like reiki, maybe? I’ve seen them wave their hands over people like they’re moving energy around. Sort of like acupuncture without the needles.”

“This woman never touched the flesh of her patient, but the injury would begin healing almost immediately. She even cured my carpal tunnel that way. I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened to me.”

“But a muscle sprain is one thing. This was a life-threatening wound. And it healed in minutes.”

The professor frowned. “I’m just a teacher, not a philosopher.”

“Not all that long ago, you wanted to play surgeon,” Campbell said.

“We’ll just have to see how she does. We don’t know if her blood is poisoned from infection.”

“They wanted her to live. That’s what’s scary. We’ve been fighting them, killing them, hiding from them when they’ll let us. But when they had a chance to let one of us die, they invoked some sort of inner power to save her.”

“You’re overlooking something very important,” the professor said, glancing around at the Zapheads who milled aimlessly through the house.

“What, that they didn’t dig their fingers in her rotten bits and eat it like chili?”

“They acted together. Without speaking, or making any kind of signal that I could see.”

“They were copying you. The way you were rubbing your hand on her.”

“I think it was more than that.”

Campbell studied the strange, glittery-eyed mutants around him—his housemates, his new tribe, his jailers. Despite all the days he’d been forced to endure their presence, they seemed even more grotesque now than when they were wantonly destroying all things in their path.

Even creepier, he was losing his perception of what life had been like Before. He was losing all sense of normalcy and the great psychological security blanket of civilization, and this was becoming his reality.

“Don’t tell me these starry-eyed fucks are telepathic,” Campbell said.

“I am not sure that’s the right word for it,” the professor said. “You see how they copy our phonetics and tone. Clearly they don’t have a grasp of language, at least not human language. If they could truly read minds, they’d have already absorbed the sum of our knowledge and memories.”

“Damn, don’t tell me they know about that Penthouse magazine I accidentally left in my mom’s sewing room. Or the Zapheads I killed in Taylorsville.”

The professor’s face took on that vacant, rapt look again, as if falling back into his messiah complex—the spiritual leader of the strangely changed, the Christ of After.

“Or perhaps what we think we know is useless to them,” he said.

Stuff it in a psycho fortune cookie.

Rachel stirred, and Campbell knelt by her side. As for what he did next, he couldn’t be sure whether he was trying to comfort her or comfort himself.

But he wanted something solid in a wobbly, watery, illusory world.

He took her hand and held it, watching the blanket rise and fall with her breathing until the sound of her exhalation became a wind of hope, drowning out the mad mumbling of the Zaphead hordes.


The river widened and grew shallow, and DeVontay’s kayak scraped bottom.

He soon found himself spending more time climbing out of the boat and wading than he did paddling. But at least he’d left the Zapheads behind.

Much of the flood plain featured ragged grass meadows, with a few cows and horses foraging between autumnal tree lines. Houses were set here and there along the banks, built on stilts or higher out of the flood plain, and a narrow paved road meandered alongside the waterway. DeVontay imagined that was the route used by the bicyclists who rented from the outfitters. He wondered if he should have taken a bike instead of the kayak, but something about being out in the water made him feel safer.

Not likely a Zapper is going to pop up and drag me under like an alligator.

He thought about going ashore and checking out some of the houses, maybe finding a secure place to hole up for the night, but he was reluctant to risk encountering any more mutants. He had enough food to make it another day before he’d have to forage again. Mostly he was too disheartened to step over any more dead bodies or smell the stench of a society gone by.

The kayak bottom out on some slick stones, and he stepped into shallow water to free it. At least here in the open air he could almost fool himself into believing he was on a recreational outing. Just a man against nature, a dark-skinned Daniel Boone with a glass eye and a thirst for adventure.

What if the Zapheads ARE nature? What if they’re the way we were meant to be? Maybe they’re normal and I’M the freak.

Exhausted by the sheer demands of survival, he’d given little contemplation to the solar storms and the larger forces that had swept across the planet. Without Rachel and Stephen, he wasn’t sure how much longer he wanted to fight.

If only he—

“Hey, you!”

DeVontay, knee deep in water, nearly lost his grip on the kayak. He shielded his hand over his eyes to block the late-afternoon sun reflecting off the water.

“Who’s there?” he said. The voice had come from the far shore, which was thick with wiry vegetation and shadows.

“You’re not a Zaphead, are you?”

It was a man’s voice, and DeVontay could barely make out a form in the murk. “I’m talking, aren’t I? You ever heard a Zaphead talk?”

“Depends on what you mean by talking.”

DeVontay stood in the cold water, unsure of what to do. His feet were numb and the river ahead boiled with shallow rapids. Even if he wanted to, he wasn’t sure the kayak would skid to the deeper pool below them, where the current seemed to swallow its anger and grow still.

And, of course, the unseen man might have a gun.

“What do you want?” DeVontay said.

Two middle-aged men stepped out from the brush. They were dressed in camouflage fatigue pants and plaid shirts, but little else about them suggested they were military. One wore a bright orange baseball cap and the other’s face was nearly hidden behind a scraggly mass of curly hair and aviator sunglasses. Both wielded firearms, and their rifles were pointed in DeVontay’s direction.

“Come over here, boy,” said the man in the orange cap.

Shit, are these rednecks trying to pull a “Deliverance”? The first humans I’ve seen in two weeks, and they have to be racist assholes.

“Some Zapheads back that way, and I want to get as far away as I can.” DeVontay nodded upstream toward the little community. “You know what Zapheads are?”

The bearded one cackled and the man in the orange cap said, “Everybody knows what Zapheads are, or else they’re dead.”

“I don’t have a gun.”

The bearded man aimed his weapon at DeVontay. “Then you better get your ass over here, hadn’t you?”

DeVontay glanced at the bow and arrows in the shell of the kayak. Even if he reached them before getting shot, he would never nail both of the armed men from thirty yards away. He could also duck into the water and swim downstream, but he didn’t think he could hold his breath long enough to get out of range. That was assuming the rapids ahead were even deep enough to conceal him.

“What do you want?” DeVontay said, stalling for time.

DeVontay heard a crack, then a small splash in front of him, followed by the keening whine. The sounds occurred almost simultaneously, so it was only after a small puff of blue-gray smoke wended from the man’s rifle barrel that he realized a shot had been fired.

He raised his arms, releasing the kayak, which slid downstream and turned sideways before scudding down the rapids.

“Get over here or this river’s gonna be running red,” said Orange Cap.

DeVontay slogged toward the bank, slipping once on the algae-coated stones and going to one knee. The rifle barrel tracked each step. By the time he reached the shore, he was soaked to the waist and chilled to the bone. Neither man made a move to help him out of the water, so he clawed his way up by grabbing fistfuls of slimy weeds.

When he stood on trembling legs, DeVontay found the tip of a rifle barrel against his nose.

“You normal?” asked the man with the sunglasses.

DeVontay risked a little defiance. “Are you?”

The man took off his sunglasses and shoved them in the pocket of his hunting vest, not lowering his weapon. “You traveling alone?”

“Yeah. You’re the first people I’ve seen in two weeks.”

“But I bet you seen a lot of Zaps.”

“Upriver. Dozens of them.”

“They’re ganging up,” said Orange Cap. DeVontay could now see that it bore a white T logo, for the University of Tennessee. “We were picking them off one at a time, a stray here and there, but lately, we’re trying to lay low.”

“What do you want with me, then?” DeVontay asked, glancing down the river where his goods floated on the green surface. “You made me lose my supplies.”

“You’re coming with us.”


“For one, because we said so,” said the bearded man. “For another, this is war, and you’re either with us or against us.”

“Who is ‘us’?”

“We got a little gang together. A few locals, a few oddballs like you. People who don’t want to go down without a fight.”

DeVontay unbuttoned his wet shirt. “I don’t want to fight. I want to run.”

“Ain’t nowhere left to run to. It’s all Zap country now. From sea to shining sea.”

How do you know? Got a satellite feed back at your camp? Or did the aliens beam it straight through your tinfoil skullcap?

“I’d rather take my chances on my own,” DeVontay said. “Besides, they didn’t attack me when they had the chance. They just kind of…monitored me.”

The bearded man plucked DeVontay’s knife from its holster and finally lowered his gun, but it was still pointed in DeVontay’s general direction. “Yeah, seems like they quit raging, burning, and murdering. But it feels like they’re up to something even creepier. Like they already know they’ve won.”

DeVontay didn’t like the idea that Zapheads were exhibiting signs of intelligence and organization, however rudimentary. But that theory didn’t jibe with their filthy clothes, eerie silence, and lack of purpose.

And were these two guys much better? Shooting at him, bossing him around?

He moved his right hand to dig in his pocket, causing both men to raise their weapons to his chest. He held up his other hand, palm open. “Easy. I don’t have any weapons.”

“Take ‘er slow,” warned Orange Cap.

DeVontay pulled out a couple of Slim Jims, which were protected from the water by their plastic wrappings. “This is all I have left after you made me lose my kayak.”

The bearded man turned and headed into the trees, motioning DeVontay to follow. “Better come with us then.”

DeVontay glanced wistfully downstream, where the kayak’s bow bobbed just above the surface as it tumbled along the rapids.

Should have taken a damned bike instead.

The bearded man fell in behind DeVontay, and soon they were through the weeds and knotty trees and following the narrow road.


Franklin finally caught up with Robertson and his daughter Shay where they waited behind a big Ford delivery van. The van was axle-deep in a ditch along the road, and no doubt a rotted corpse was slumped over the wheel.

“Where is he?” Franklin asked, trying to disguise his raspy panting.

“Circling the house,” Robertson said. “I guess he’s checking it out.”

“Finally getting some sense. Heroes don’t last long in After.”

“We all have to be heroes now,” Shay said, and Franklin couldn’t tell if she was putting him on or not. Her generation was weaned on Facebook and texting, and Franklin wasn’t sure they could string more than six words together.

Franklin peered around the van and studied the house whose chimney was leaking wood smoke. It was a one-story, brick ranch house. No movement in the yard, and the curtains were drawn. Two cars were parked out front and the garage door was open, but that meant nothing—the house’s original owners could have been preparing for a trip when the wave of cataclysmic solar flares swept across the planet.

Only two other houses were in sight, but Franklin didn’t draw much comfort from the area’s lack of population density. Even though fewer people meant fewer Zapheads, Franklin figured any survivors would have headed for safer territory by now—even though Robertson and Shay had fared pretty well since the storms.

Until the government happened.

“See him?” Robertson asked, cradling the shotgun and poking his head up just enough to peer through the van’s windows.

“I hope he’s not dumb enough to go up and knock,” Franklin said. “He might get a bullet in the throat.”

“You don’t think his wife and kid are still alive, do you?”

Franklin shook his head. “Doubt it. That little Zaphead baby was bad news. I knew it from the jump. I should have…”

“Should have what?” Shay asked after a moment.

He looked at her big blue eyes. She still had enough innocence for all of them, despite what those pig-assed soldiers had tried to do to her. But she would learn.

“Should have stayed with them,” Franklin finished. No need to tell her about the hard choices that were now necessary. Soon she’d be making choices of her own.

Then he saw Jorge, coming out of the trees on the far side of the house. He glanced up and down the road and apparently saw Robertson through the glass. He stuck up a thumb in an “all-clear” sign.

Franklin didn’t trust Jorge’s reconnaissance. The Mexican had handled himself well in their few skirmishes and at Sarge’s bunker, but the worry over his family was making him desperate. And desperate people made mistakes.

“You guys stay here,” Franklin said. “No use all of us getting shot.”

“I can sneak up and peek in the windows,” Shay said, her improvised bandolier sliding down her shoulder.

“No,” Robertson snapped.

“So I guess we’re not all heroes?” she responded.

Franklin’s weariness and annoyance brimmed over. “That’s the cheapest goddamned word in the dictionary. It’s one of those words that idiots die over. Same as ‘honor,’ ‘duty,’ and ‘courage.’ If we can get one thing right in After, let’s make sure we clean out some of the bullshit that clogged up the start of the Twenty-First Century.”

“Well, excuuuse me,” Shay said. “Grampa Grumpypants must not have had enough prunes in his oatmeal this morning.”

“Shay,” Robertson said, although he sounded like he was about to laugh.

“You don’t know who’s in there,” Franklin said. “Maybe some more of Sarge’s soldiers, ready to finish what your friends up there started.”

That shut her up, and Franklin’s rush of triumph quickly faded to shame. In Before, the kid’s biggest concerns were probably girly-haired boy bands, boys, boyfriends, and fake boys on the Internet. Now she walked among wolves in human clothing and Zapheads in human clothing. And it was his duty to protect her as best he could.

Goddamn it, we’re never going to get rid of those bullshit words.

“We’ll wait,” Robertson said. “If you need to run, we’ll cover you.”

Shay pulled the pistol out of its holster. It looked huge in her slender fingers.

“You know how to aim that thing?”

“Just like a video game,” she said. “But if I accidentally shoot you in the leg, maybe it’s because I’m just a girl.”

Franklin grinned. Maybe he’d underestimated her, or she’d toughened up more quickly than he’d acknowledged. Anybody that had survived two months of After deserved a medal.

Honor. We can’t get rid of honor, either. Shit.

“Okay,” Franklin said, rising over the hood of the van enough to indicate to Jorge he’d circle the house from the nearest side. Jorge waved in response.

Franklin felt exposed on the open road. Even if the occupants of the house weren’t watching, Sarge’s patrols could be anywhere. They might even have discovered the bodies of their comrades and connected it to the absence of Franklin and Jorge.

He gave one glance back at the van. Shay had crawled underneath it and lurked by the back wheel, gripping the pistol with both hands, its butt resting on the rough gravel. Robertson’s shotgun wouldn’t have the range to contribute much firepower, but perhaps the noise would create a distraction.

Franklin crouched and jogged, keeping one finger locked against the trigger guard of his semi-automatic. Maybe he should have gotten Sarge to train them a little, like real soldiers. Then he’d feel a little braver about charging into the unknown.

Courage. I’ll be goddamned if that one isn’t going to stick around, too.

Then all Franklin could think about was the house ahead of him, and strange eyes that might be tracking him even now. The property had no fence, and besides a few scraggly apple trees, the yard offered no concealment. He wondered if they should just yell and see if anyone answered.

But, as had happened with Robertson and the girl, Jorge’s family could have been captured. They might already have been savaged by Sarge’s psychopaths, in which case Franklin needed to be the first one inside, because Jorge would be useless with rage.

And if Zapheads were waiting behind the closed door, then Franklin was eager to empty the clip of the AR-15. He figured he had at least twenty rounds left. Unless they were the Zaphead Brady Bunch, he could handle them.

Jorge closed in on the house in tandem with Franklin. They were maybe forty yards from the front door. With luck, it would be unlocked and they could slip inside owning the element of surprise. Otherwise, they might have to kick the door in and be ready for all hell to break loose.

“You sure you want to do this?” Franklin said in a loud whisper across the yard.

“You can wait by the cars,” Jorge replied, leaning against a tree. “This is my battle.”

“Don’t start that with me. We’re a team now, whether we like it or not.”

“I thought you were a loner, a survivalist.”

“It was fun while it lasted, but I’ve given up on peace and quiet.” He lifted the rifle a little. “No wonder these jarheads get addicted to danger.”

“Me first,” Jorge said. “If Marina and Rosa are in there, I want their lives to be in my hands, and no one else’s.”

“I thought you were Catholic. Aren’t you going to leave it up to God?”

Jorge pointed his rifle to the sinking afternoon sun. “We’ve seen God at work, and almost everyone was sent to hell. Now it’s our turn.”

Without waiting for Franklin’s response, Jorge silently charged the door. Franklin swept his rifle barrel from window to window, expecting a shattering of glass and a hail of gunfire at any moment. But the curtains remained closed, and Jorge reached the porch and pressed himself against the bricks to one side of the door.

Then he reached out with one brown hand and tried the door knob. He nodded at Franklin, and then it turned, and revealing a wedge of darkness as the door swung open. Jorge stepped inside, and Franklin made his move toward the house.

But before he could reach the door, Jorge burst back outside and fell to his knees, flinging his rifle away. He retched and coughed, and then vomited the canned food they’d eaten at Robertson’s outpost.

Evidently seeing there was no immediate danger, Robertson and Shay approached from the van, but Jorge waved them back. “No…for the love of God…”

Franklin hadn’t loved God for decades, so he had no hesitation. He stepped through the door that Jorge left open. His heart skipped a beat and then crammed three beats into one. He took several steps inside to verify what his mind refused to register.

The living room was arranged with half a dozen human corpses. Fresh corpses, judging by the wet blood that still coated their nude bodies.

They were propped in a mockery of a Sunday afternoon family tableau, three of them on a sofa facing the big flat-screen television. An old man sat in an E-Z chair with an open newspaper in his lap, the pages soggy and red. Two hunched-over children sat cross-legged on the floor, a pile of mutilated dolls between them. The hearth held a mound of glowing embers, suggesting the fire had been built sometime that day.

What kind of sick fuck…

“Zapheads,” Robertson said from the doorway behind him.

“I don’t think so,” Franklin said. “Unless Zaps learned how to write.”

He pointed to the television. Smeared in dark, congealing blood across its black face were the words “Milepost 291.”


Rachel’s head throbbed like drumbeats in the distant jungle of her mind.

She opened her eyes to a gauzy and gray world that slowly came into focus. A sheet was pulled up to her chin, and a blanket spread over her lower legs. She was numb, unable to feel her limbs, and she wondered if she had died.

So much for going toward the light.

Then a hand squeezed hers, and she realized she was lying on her back. She tried to clench her fingers in return, but she didn’t have enough strength. She sensed movement around her, dim shapes circling like great, lumbering beasts. Every few seconds, one of the shapes blocked the source of the light and threw her in shadows again.

Her skin was cool, although a little moist and clammy. The fever had broken.

My leg…did someone say something about an infection…a knife?

Horror sluiced through her as she recalled images of that guy—Campbell—helping her across the meadow, followed by hordes of Zapheads. She vaguely remembered a two-story farmhouse, which is where she must be now. The window allowed the last of the evening light to suffuse the walls and reveal a deer-head trophy with dark glass eyes that made her think of DeVontay.

“Welcome back,” said a voice, from the man holding her hand.

She blinked her watering eyes and squinted at his face. He looked different somehow, and she wondered if the fever had affected her sight.

“How…” she rasped, realizing her throat was parched and lips cracked. She shivered. The room was chilly.

“Easy,” Campbell said, releasing her hand. He put a glass to her lips and she sipped at it. The water tasted metallic and stale, but she was thirsty enough to relish it like wine. After several painful swallows, she closed her mouth.

“Where?” she whispered.

Campbell was also whispering, which was odd since the shapes still orbited them. She was propped on a couch and could make out bookshelves, an entertainment center, and some hulking pieces of rustic furniture. The room smelled of old cobwebs and sweat, and she realized her own body reeked with sour tension.

But the sweet, rotted-meat smell that had clung to her for days was gone.

My leg… did they really cut it off?

She dug her left hand under the covers and along her body, which felt like an alien landscape. Then she found her bare leg and realized someone had removed her pants. She was relieved to discover she still wore underwear. Her fingers continued their slow crawl downward until she reached the wound.

“I’m one hell of a doctor,” Campbell said.

Several voices pitched in by repeating “Doctor!” a few times before falling silent again. Rachel realized the room was full of Zapheads.

Not just the room—their slow movements continued outside it, a steady pacing like pilgrims with no destination.

But her dismay at their presence was muted by the shock of discovering her leg had healed. The skin on her calf was flawless, with not even a scab or crease to mark what had been a pustule-ridden volcano in her flesh.

“My jeans,” she said.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t look. Me and the professor have been tending you. And we had a little…help.”

“How long have I been out?” Rachel felt as if she’d drifted for days, and even with modern health care she doubted the wound would have completely closed up in less than a month.

“Since noon.”


Campbell exhaled a sigh. “Been a long day.”

The blood now pulsed slowly through her body and feeling returned. She was amazed to be pain free. Even her headache had vanished. Aside from a weakness that enervated her into lethargy, she felt better than she had in weeks.

Since Taylorsville, before we killed those Zapheads…

“Who else is here?” she said, trying to lift her head but soon giving up.

Campbell adjusted a musty throw pillow beneath her neck. She could barely make out his face in the gloom of dusk. His face cheeks bore dark stubble and he sported deep, violet half-moons of flesh beneath his eyes, but he smiled at her. “You and me and the professor. And about fifty Zapheads.”

“Why haven’t they killed us?”

“You’ll have to ask them that. But do it quietly, or they’ll be yelling back at you for hours.”

Rachel was struck by an itching sensation where her infected gash had been. At first she chalked it up to a sign of healing, but then the feeling expanded. The flesh below her knee was trembling, almost like it was being massaged. By many hands.

“You had a knife,” she said, almost accusing him. “Where is it?”

“Shh,” he said. “Keep your voice down or it will be like a monkey house asylum in here. The knife is under the couch cushion. You’re lying on it.”

“You were going to cut me.”

“No, no… I mean, the professor… we were afraid the gangrene was going to reach your heart. We… he… wanted to amputate.”

“Are you fucking crazy?!?”

The room erupted with gleeful shrieks that thundered in the rooms beyond and reverberated on the floor above. “Fucking crazy! Fucking crazy! Fucking crazy!”

Rachel cupped her hands over her ears, but it was like the words were echoing inside the curved bone of her skull, over and over, becoming a nonsensical round of random syllables.

“Shh, shh,” Campbell hissed softly, stroking her hair. “It’s okay now.”

Even after the Zapheads died down, still engaged in their ceaseless patrol, Rachel heard the chorus in her head. Maybe the infection and fever had caused brain damage.

But brain-damaged people usually don’t contemplate brain damage. They think they’re normal.

“The professor thinks they’re learning from us,” Campbell said. “Imitating us. You didn’t meet him but he was with us back in Taylorsville. One of Arnoff’s gang.”

“Where are the rest of them?”

Campbell couldn’t meet her eyes. “They came here.”

“And the Zapheads attacked them?”

“It’s not like you think. The Zapheads have established this farmhouse as some kind of home base. There are more of them every day. They’re gathering into a tribe of sorts.”

It was almost dark now and all she could see of Campbell was the glint of his eyes behind his glasses. She couldn’t imagine spending the night in this house, not surrounded by all these Zapheads with their sinister motion and sudden outbursts. She was sure she’d go mad in her sleep, assuming she was even able to close her eyes.

But any nightmare would be more welcome than this disordered, topsy-turvy reality.

“How long have you been here?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. I lost track of the days. But I’d guess two or three weeks.”

“And you didn’t run? Try to escape?”

He shook his head, the movement barely visible. “No point. You saw how they herded you. It’s their world now. We’re just…tolerated.”

“No,” she said. “I’m still going to Milepost 291 and…” She gasped and struggled to sit up, but exhaustion pressed down on her like a stack of sodden blankets. “Stephen!”

“The boy? When I didn’t see him with you, I assumed he’d—”

“He’s out there somewhere, and I’ve got to find him.” Her eyes were hot with welling tears, but she was unable to lift herself from the couch.


She rubbed at her face. For a moment she wondered who Rachel was. The name was familiar, but Before had been so very long ago.

Campbell shook her gently by the shoulder until she turned to him. “Jesus Christ,” he whispered.


“Your eyes.”

“What are you talking about?”

He looked away. “Nothing. Better get some rest.”


They’d marched maybe two miles, following the road that ran along the river.

The men escorting DeVontay spoke little, and his attempts to figure out their intentions were met with sullen smirks. DeVontay’s clothes had dried a little, but the October air had turned brisk. Now, with night coming on, the temperature veered toward freezing and the wind rattled the brittle leaves that clung desperately to the swaying trees.

DeVontay didn’t know the date—such measured slices of civilization now seemed as buried in history as pharaohs and hourglasses—but Halloween was probably approaching. And the whole world was dressed up as ghosts of the humans who had once ruled this planet.

They’d passed a number of houses along the way, some of them ransacked, others half burned with only skeletal timbers remaining, but the two men had shown little interesting in scavenging. Nor did they seem overly concerned about being attacked, which led DeVontay to believe their group had established a cordon in which they felt safe.

At one point, the man in the orange cap waved at one of the houses, and a man with a pair of binoculars strung around his neck leaned out of an upper window and called, “You boys didn’t get zapped while you were out, did you?”

“I hooked up with your old lady,” Orange Cap yelled back. “But it wasn’t much of a zap.”

“If you find her, you can have her. Last I saw, she was trying to mash me into the ground. All two hundred and fifty pounds of her.”

“Jeez, Larson, if you couldn’t outrun that, it’s a wonder you survived this long,” said the man in the sunglasses behind DeVontay.

“A minute at a time,” Larson responded. “Looks like you got us some fresh meat.”

“Speaking of old ladies…don’t be getting any ideas.”

DeVontay wasn’t sure what to make of the exchange, but he decided to keep his mouth shut. They walked past the house and then turned up a narrow gravel driveway that sloped up into the hills. DeVontay wondered how many other lookouts they’d passed along the way that he hadn’t noticed.

The driveway ran through a copse of pine trees that shielded most of the remaining daylight, and then the road expanded into a great circle of bare dirt, with tractors, rusty trucks on cinder blocks, and farm equipment stacked around in a haphazard array. The perimeter was ringed with chain-link fence, coils of rusted barb wire atop it.

Several industrial outbuildings stood in the clearing, dim lights flickering behind their glass windows. Flames from a series of torches bobbed and flapped on the compound’s perimeter, spewing oily diesel smoke. The shadow of a man sitting on a truck hood separated from the larger darkness and came toward them, carrying an oil lantern whose light played across DeVontay’s feet.

Then the radiance slashed into his face and burned there for a moment, blinding his one good eye.

“Better shape than the last one you brought in,” the man said. His voice was hoarse with age, but he spoke with an air of command. “So you finally figured out it was smarter to walk them in instead of breaking one of their legs first.”

“He was in the river,” Orange Cap said. “On one of them little pointy boats.”

“A kayak,” DeVontay said.

“Ooh, we got us a smarty-pants here,” said the man with the lantern. He stepped close enough that DeVontay could smell the booze and cigarette tar on his breath, along with a sicker, sweeter aroma as if something was fermenting inside him. “If you’re so smart, why were you out there all by your lonesome?”

“I was with some friends but…” He didn’t want to give this yokel the satisfaction of his pain. It wasn’t fair that Rachel and Stephen were dead and these assholes were getting by, apparently adapting to After and even enjoying it.

The man with the lantern gave a dismissive wave. “But they died. Big fucking deal. Everybody dies. That’s what we do. The point is to make others die first.”

“Is he a keeper?” said the man behind DeVontay, who was still wearing his sunglasses despite the twilight gloom.

“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. For now, put in him in the Block.”

“This way,” grunted Orange Cap, motioning DeVontay toward a large Quonset hut with curved metal sides. At least they weren’t jabbing him in the back with their rifle barrels.

The building’s wide doors were made of thick planks and reinforced with several steel plates. Kerosene lanterns hung along the wall near the entrance, glumly illuminating a midway. The floor was packed dirt and shredded straw, and the distinct tang of old manure and fur hung heavy in the dusty air. Mixed with the odor was a coppery stench that seemed embedded in the walls.

As DeVontay’s vision adjusted, he could see that the midway was lined on both sides with a series of wire-mesh enclosures featuring crude wooden frames. A massive hook rigged to a pulley-and-chain system descended from the beams of the roof, and DeVontay realized the place had once been a slaughterhouse.

At least there’s no fresh blood on the ground.

As the two men guided him deeper into the building, DeVontay forced away fantasies of a redneck cannibal cult, gleefully cranking out their own down-home brand of human sausage. Despite the collapse of the food distribution network, plenty of canned goods remained, as well as the bounty of abandoned gardens and fruit trees. Hell, there were enough Slim Jims in the world to keep them all going another hundred years.

Low voices trickled out from the darkness beyond the building’s entrance, and the two men stopped at the edge of the kerosene lamp’s reach. DeVontay stopped with them, straining to make out the words. Something bustled behind a sagging stretch of wire, and then a milky face appeared. Before DeVontay could really make sense of the shape, it was gone.

What the hell?

“Go on,” said Orange Cap.

DeVontay didn’t budge. “Who is in there?”

“You’ll find out.”

DeVontay took one scuffing step forward, but the men stayed where they were, as if reluctant to touch the darkness. Or allow it to touch them.

DeVontay didn’t have much choice. Even if he somehow knocked over the two men and made it outside the building—a pen; it’s a PEN—he was sure a dozen rifles would be trained on him before he could escape the compound.

Besides, whatever was back there couldn’t be much worse than the world beyond these walls.

“Don’t I get a lamp?” DeVontay asked.

“You don’t need one,” said the man with the sunglasses. “Trust me. You don’t want to see.”

He didn’t want to smell, either, but he couldn’t escape it; despite the drafty tunnel of the midway, the stink of death and disease crowded him, seeming to smother the insides of his lungs like a corrupt coat of paint.

Then another face pressed against the grid of thick wires, and another.

Small faces.


“Hello?” DeVontay said.

A giggle leaked out from the darkness, followed by a scurrying like that of a nest of oversize rats. DeVontay thought of the expression the lookout had used: “Fresh meat.”

No. It’s just some scared kids. At least their eyes aren’t glittering.

The men had retreated to the entrance and one of the kerosene lamps was extinguished, casting the cavernous space even deeper into darkness.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” said Orange Cap. “Or anything else.”

The door banged shut behind him, and DeVontay was grateful for the one remaining lamp, even though its glow was already diminishing.

“Who’s there?” he asked.

Another giggle. The rattle and clatter of something hard, dry, and brittle, like bone.

No, like WOOD.

“I won’t hurt you,” DeVontay said.

The giggle rose by a notch into a gleeful cackle.

DeVontay thought about retreating back toward the lamp and huddling there until it sputtered away the last of its fuel. But if these men were holding others captive, there were likely beds, or least blankets. But why would they cage up a bunch of kids? Even in the best of times, kids were a burden, a drain on resources and a constant annoyance. Heartless men like these would have more readily killed the weakest instead of offering shelter, food, and compassion.

But how heartless are YOU, DeVontay? If they’re kids, they probably need some comfort and help.

DeVontay thought of Rachel. She wouldn’t hesitate. Even if it cost her life, she would offer everything she had to help the weak and innocent. “Hell with it,” he wheezed under his breath.

“Okay, guys,” he said, striding into the darkness toward the faces pressed against the mesh. “My name’s DeVontay, and it looks like we’re all getting to camp out tonight.”

“DeVontay?” came a small voice.

A familiar voice.


One of the little lesser shadows came out from the wire and sprinted toward him. “DeVontay!”

DeVontay’s heart soared despite the grim surroundings as he bent down and embraced the boy. “Hey, Little Man, I never thought I’d see you again!”

“What, did you your good eye get poked out, too?” the boy said.

DeVontay rubbed the boy’s greasy, matted hair. “Where’s your Panthers cap?”

“Lost it.”

“Where’s Rachel?”

“Lost her, too.”


Franklin, Jorge, Robertson, and Shay had walked half a mile away from the scene of the slaughter, and as the sun sank below the towering ridge, they decided to find a house for the night.

They chose a small cottage set back from the road, figuring Sarge’s soldiers were unlikely to check it out. The cottage had no vehicles out front and the landscaped yard, now overgrown and unkempt, was wide enough to allow them to see anyone approaching from the forest on either side. They were relieved to find the place empty. Franklin didn’t think any of them could stomach more corpses that day.

With the last of the fading light, Robertson and Franklin searched the house while Jorge and Shay put together a simple meal of tinned food from the kitchen. Franklin figured the cottage was a seasonal vacation home because the air was stale and smelled like mothballs. Despite the chilly night, he opened some of the windows, allowing fresh air to flow through.

Now, as they sat around the kitchen table in the glow of a fat holiday candle eating tuna fish and spinach, Franklin was the first to bring it up. “No way to tell if they were Zaps or not.”

“They were dirty,” Robertson said.

“All of us are dirty. I haven’t seen many survivors jumping in a mud puddle with a bar of soap.”

Shay self-consciously pushed a greasy strand of hair behind one ear. “Those two kids…who could do that to anybody, even a Zaphead?”

“The eyes,” Franklin said. “That old man’s eyes were open. But they didn’t have any sparks.”

“What’s that?” Robertson said.

“I forgot; you haven’t seen any Zappers up close. Their eyes have these glowing little specks in them. Not all the time, but they seem to get brighter when they get excited.”

Jorge pushed away his plate, which was still heaped with cold food. “If they’re dead, they would have no spark, right?”

“Okay, let’s say they were Zaps,” Franklin said. “That leaves a couple of possibilities. They were killed by Sarge’s soldiers, or maybe by some other crazy-assed group we don’t know about yet.”

“Or by other Zapheads,” Shay said. “They’re raging killers, right?”

“That would be just dandy. All we’d have to do is sit back and wait for them to wipe each other out. But that doesn’t explain the message written in blood. That’s the mark of a seriously deranged mind. An intelligent mind, but one without a conscience.”

“The fire in the fireplace,” Jorge said. “It couldn’t have been more than a few hours old. Would a Zaphead build a fire, or write, or leave the bodies arranged that way?”

“Those two soldiers who split off from the patrol. Maybe they didn’t head back to the bunker. Maybe they went rogue. Maybe they wanted to leave us a message.”

“Us?” said Robertson. “Do you think we’re the only people around here who aren’t in that army troop you told us about?”

“You know this area better than we do,” Franklin said.

“Yeah. I was a postal carrier. I didn’t do this route much, but I dropped mail at that house more than once. I don’t remember any kids there, though.”

“That may not have been a real family,” Jorge said. “The killers might have accumulated the people from different places.”

“That makes them even sicker,” Franklin said. He looked at the girl. “Sorry you have to hear all this.”

“Sorry the world ended,” she said without emotion. She’d found a can of Sprite somewhere and clutched it with both hands, like a sacred talisman delivered through a time machine. Franklin marveled that the four of them would never have had any reason to cross paths, much less sit down for a meal together. And now they depended upon one another.

“Who else would know about Milepost 291?” Jorge asked.

“Just our bunker buddies.” A wad of tuna fish got caught in his throat. “And Rachel, my granddaughter.”

Does this have something to do with her?

“She could have told someone,” Jorge said. “Maybe lots of people. If they thought your compound was safe, who knows how many people were heading there?”

“At least that would mean she’s alive,” Franklin said. He hadn’t fully believed it—much like Jorge’s desperate desire to find his family, Franklin had held on to Rachel’s arrival as a reason to hope.

“If bloodthirsty maniacs are on the loose, I’ve got first watch,” Robertson said, scooting his chair back and retrieving his shotgun as he stood. “Besides, this gourmet cooking is a little rich for my delicate constitution. I need to squat down for some quality time out in the woods.”

“Don’t step in nothing,” Franklin called as Robertson went out the back door.

“Gross,” Shay said. “Too much information.”

“No, this canned spinach is gross.” Franklin collected their plates and carried them to the sink. He started to scrape the scraps into the trash, and then realized how ridiculous that was. The cottage’s owners wouldn’t be up for vacation anytime soon. They were probably maggot meat by now.

He stacked the dishes and wiped his hands on a towel draped from a cabinet handle. “I’ll go close up and check the locks. You two figure out where we’re all sleeping.”

Franklin glanced out of each window as he shut it. The forest was sweet with autumn’s decay, the air moist with the promise of coming dew. The darkness was almost total, punctuated only by a high scattering of stars. Crickets and other insects chirruped in the loam.

Whoever would have thought Doomsday could be so peaceful?

But the pastoral view of the black ridges and the ceiling of speckled sky overhead was nothing but a veil. In its milieu were savage killers, Sarge and his ruthless troops, and mutants who seemed to be adapting to the new ground rules much faster than Franklin and his fellow human survivors.

“If you’re out there, Rachel, may God watch over you,” he whispered.

Rachel was religious, but when Franklin looked at the sky, he never sensed a greater power looking down. In a way, the apocalypse almost made it easier for him to believe. The Biblical prophecies had sure gotten things wrong, but Franklin could appreciate an omnipotent being who cared so little for His creations that He’d torch their asses with a wave of solar flares.

And then laugh at the remaining few fools who tried to pick up the pieces.

If God had truly made Man in his image, could they have expected any other outcome?

The cottage had only one bedroom, with a set of twin beds in it. Shay set a candle on the nightstand between the two beds, took off her shoes, and slid under the covers. “I’ll take next watch,” she said. “Tell my dad to wake me when it’s my turn.”

“Okay, hon,” Franklin said, although he was sure she’d be asleep in minutes. Teens needed their sleep, and he doubted he’d be able to nod off anyway, so he didn’t mind standing sentinel for half the night. It would give him time to think.

“You go ahead, Jorge,” Franklin said. “We’re all going to need our rest. Long walk tomorrow.”

Jorge tested the other mattress. “Better than those cots in the bunker.”

“You got that right, my man.”

Franklin bent to blow out the candle but Shay suddenly turned her face to him and said, “No. Please.”

The little flame likely wasn’t visible from outside, even if anyone were looking. She looked so frail, despite her tough talk and quick recovery from almost being raped. But what did he know about her thoughts and feelings? He had more than five decades on her. Most of his rough edges had been worn smooth, like a stone tumbled down an endless turbulent river. She was still sharp and raw, and most of her life—whether that ended up being a day or many years—would have a backdrop of death.

On impulse, he stooped down and kissed her on the forehead. “You’re a tough girl,” he said. “You remind me of Rachel.”

“You remind me of the janitor at our school.”

Franklin chuckled. “I hope he kept the toilets looking spiffy.”

“I wonder what happened to him.”

“He’s probably out there with a mop, waiting for school to start back. And if not, I’ll gladly take the job.”

Shay giggled and closed her eyes. She looked younger than ever.

“G’night,” he said to both of them.

He went out into the night air and found Robertson walking slowly around the edge of the yard. Robertson spotted him and waved. Franklin approached, listening for any signs of butchering killers who might want to make an artistic red tableau out of them.

“All tucked in,” Franklin said. “She’s a good girl.”

“I wish her mom was here,” Robertson said.

“I hate to ask, but what happened to her?”

In the dark, Franklin couldn’t make out Robertson’s face, but he thought the man was weeping. “She dropped right away, even before the Zaps started turning. You remember the news reports, saying some people might be more susceptible to the electromagnetic radiation. Well, she was one of them.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. At least she didn’t become a Zaphead. And she’s better off now than any of us.”

“I reckon you’re right there.”

“Who do you really think killed those people in the brick house?”

“Somebody who knows me, that’s for sure. And I have a feeling the next message is going to be in bigger letters.”


“She’s finally asleep,” Campbell whispered to the professor. “Or at least out of it.”

“The infection took its toll, even though the fever broke.” The professor was wearing another sheet, still naked despite the October chill. “She’ll probably be weak for a few days while she recovers.”

“I’m still not sure I believe it, even though I saw it with my own eyes.”

“They’re operating on some quantum level,” the professor said. “We can’t even hope to understand.”

“But we have to come up with an explanation. Or else we’ll have to call it a miracle.”

“In science, the simplest answer is often the correct one. And ‘miracle’ is just a good a word for it as any.”

The Zapheads still paced ceaselessly in the dark house. The only light in the living room was a candle burning low on the mantle, although the darkness was punctuated by the eerie constellations cast by the eyes of passing Zapheads. Campbell and the professor both sat on the floor beside the sofa. Campbell was shivering despite his extra blanket. The professor had to be freezing. “What about her eyes?”

“Maybe whatever transference of energy they performed somehow changed her,” the professor said. “If the electromagnetic pulse of the solar storms made them what they are, they might have disrupted or altered the electrical impulses of her brain. Maybe even her whole body at an atomic level.”

“The laying on of hands,” Campbell said. “I thought that was the domain of snake-handling charismatic preachers.”

“These are God’s creatures,” the professor said. “Performing God’s work.”

Campbell didn’t like the rapt wistfulness in the professor’s voice. Playing messiah to a bunch of mutants was one thing, but elevating them to messiahs was a whole extra level of weird.

And Campbell couldn’t bear it if things got any weirder.

“I’m getting out of here,” Campbell said, not sure if he could trust the professor. His allegiance might lie with the Zapheads now. “As soon as Rachel’s better, we’re heading for Milepost 291.”

The Zapheads quit their pacing, and Campbell wondered if they had somehow heard and comprehended, even though he was talking quietly.

“They sense a threat,” the professor said. “They’re quite intuitive. That’s why they react to our actions.”

“Like when they were ripping your friends to shreds? Arnoff and Pamela and Donnie might disagree with your analysis.”

“They weren’t my friends. We were just traveling together.”

“We’re all just traveling together. On one great big Starship Earth—”

The professor put his hand on Campbell’s shoulder. The outburst had caused the Zapheads to encircle them. Although they were not yet agitated, the tension in the air was electric, almost humming. Rachel moaned and stirred in her sleep.

“They won’t let you leave,” whispered the professor.

“I am not asking permission.”

“What if I won’t let you leave?”

“Just because you’ve been stuck here longer than me doesn’t make you the expert. I don’t think anyone knows anything about what’s happening.”

“You won’t leave.”

Campbell stood in the dark, and the Zapheads circled him.

“And you can’t take Rachel,” the professor said. “She is one of them now.”

Campbell could just make out her pale face. Her eyelids were twitching. Was she dreaming of Before? Or were new images and concepts forming due to the influence of the Zapheads’ healing?

The professor is a lost cause. But Rachel…if we can get away, maybe she won’t become one of them.

But Campbell was forced to admit to himself that he wouldn’t make it Milepost 291 without her. Even though she’d said she didn’t know the exact location of her grandfather’s compound, she knew the general area far better than he did. And he didn’t want to be alone for even a minute.

He’d have to wait for Rachel to fully recover. Making a reckless break now might throw the Zapheads into a frenzy, and the professor would thwart them however he could.

“Okay,” Campbell said, sitting back down. “You’re right.”

“I still think we can teach them,” the professor said. “We can build a better world, without all the mistakes of the past.”

“But who is going to judge the mistakes?”

“Evil men throughout history always seem to emerge when the conditions are ripe. But so do good men.”

Campbell nodded toward the dark silhouettes that milled restlessly around the living room. “What about these things? Do we call them ‘men’ now? And what about the women? They don’t have sex, so they won’t be breeding. They barely eat, yet they seem to maintain their vigor. If this is the top of the evolutionary food chain, I guess we’re going to end up sausage one way or another.”

“Keep your voice down.”

“Natives are getting restless, huh? I thought you could control them with one wave of your hand. Or a word of prayer.”

The Zapheads were muttering now, not repeating full words but rather fragments of syllables and sounds. Their feet thundered on the floor above, as if the ones upstairs could sense the agitation of their brethren below. Campbell no longer wanted to wait for a chance to escape. He was ready to get out of this sci-fi lunatic asylum.

“You are upsetting them,” the professor said. “Maybe they’re all connected somehow. Not telepathically, but empathically. That could explain their universal rage in the wake of the solar storms, when their human brains were wiped clean and a raw, primitive neural network was all that remained.”

“Whatever,” Campbell said, tugging Rachel’s hand. She blinked and the tiny luminous specks still swam in her eyes. “Wake up, Rachel, we’re getting out of here.”

“Whu…where are we?” she said.

At least she can speak in complete sentences. She hasn’t been completely zapped.

He wasn’t sure what he would have done if she’d repeated his words. He might have left her there and fled into the night.

“Can you stand?” he whispered to her. She nodded, still groggy.

“Stop this,” the professor said. “You can’t take her from them now.”

“They don’t own her. They don’t own me, either. You can stay if you want, but we’re out of here, one way or another.”

Kneeling, Campbell helped Rachel sit up. The professor loomed over them, calling out, “Campbell, don’t be like this. Think of the family.”

The man’s tone reminded Campbell of the infamous cult leader Jim Jones, who’d seduced hundreds of his People’s Temple members into drinking poisoned Kool-Aid. Campbell had watched a documentary on the tragedy, and Jones used the same imploring, nearly whining voice to hurry along the mass suicide.

“Think of what we can do if we stay and teach them,” the professor said.

“Can you stand?” Campbell whispered to Rachel. He was going to get her out of there even if he had to drag her.

She didn’t answer but instead gripped his shoulder and swung her legs off the sofa. The room seemed to fill with Zapheads. Their breath was like a rising wind, and broken bits of guttural sound rose from the depths of their throats. Campbell glanced around and saw at least two dozen, their strange lambent eyes pointed in his direction.

“Where are we going?” she asked, still drowsy but putting weight on her legs.

Campbell wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her stand. “Milepost 291.”

“Don’t betray us, brother,” the professor said.

“Why don’t you just stay cool? We’ll be out of here, and you can stay and play with your little cult until the end of time?”

Campbell flung one of her arms around his neck so she could support herself. “Don’t look at them,” Campbell said. “Just walk with me.”

He wasn’t sure the Zapheads would just let them leave. Their violent impulses had subsided, but they’d been acting with bizarrely possessive intentions. Rachel had literally been herded to the farmhouse, and the Zaps followed Campbell’s every move.

The first phalanx of Zapheads was only three feet in front of them, standing shoulder to shoulder. Their surreal eyes glinted like small pockets of alien hell.

Campbell ducked a little and pushed his way through them, supporting the groggy Rachel. He expected the Zapheads to block his way, or maybe even attack him. But he wasn’t afraid, not now, and he wondered if the professor was right about their empathy—maybe they reacted to rage or anger, but this new emotion of determination and defiance might be new to them. They hadn’t had any opportunities to learn a defense against it.

The first line of Zapheads grudgingly parted, and now he and Rachel were completely encircled by them. They pressed close, but they were more restless than frenzied. Rachel was likely not alert enough to register their presence, which Campbell took as a good sign. That meant she wouldn’t show fear.

“No,” the professor shouted.

The Zapheads immediately started repeating the word, which rippled like a mad mantra up the stairs and across the whole house, even outside. In the cacophony, Campbell scooted toward the hall, where more Zapheads paced back and forth.

“Campbell,” the professor said.

Campbell looked back over Rachel’s shoulder and saw a reflection of the candle off silver. The knife.

The professor waved the blade in the air, threatening him. “Put her down, or I’ll cut you.”

The phalanx of Zapheads closed ranks, creating a wall of living flesh between Campbell and the professor.

As the Zapheads endlessly echoed “No no no no no,” the professor shoved at them to reach Campbell and Rachel. Campbell turned and walked backwards, with Rachel leaning her weight on his shoulder. She was moving her legs now, regaining her balance, but they wouldn’t be able to outrun the professor.

“You’re upsetting them,” Campbell said, trying to use the professor’s own logic against him. But the professor was wide-eyed and open-mouthed, face contorted with rage, focused only on preserving his unnatural cult.

As he fought his way toward Campbell, the knife swept down and sliced into the biceps of a female Zaphead. The mutant didn’t utter a sound, but the repetitive voices all died away at once, throwing the house into an eerie silence broken only by the slight groaning of wood as the wind blew against the siding.

Then the injured Zaphead grabbed the professor’s arm, pulling him forward and causing him to lose his balance. Another grabbed at the knife, cutting his hand in several places before finally wrestling the weapon away from the professor. The smell of blood was rich in the air, along with that electrical burning odor, and more Zapheads pushed into the living room.

Campbell took advantage of the opening to lead Rachel down the hallway toward the kitchen. The professor’s scream was high and brittle, and with one last look, Campbell saw one of the Zapheads drive the knife into the professor’s back as others tore away his sheet and pawed at his naked body.

Thank God Rachel can’t understand what’s happening.

They passed a couple of Zapheads in the hall who staggered toward the living room as if animated by the violence. The back door was open in the kitchen, and Campbell made for it. He didn’t care about food or supplies. They could worry about that once they fled the farm.

And if they didn’t make it off the farm, food was the least of their worries.

The professor screamed again, and this time it actually rose into a shrill cackle of disturbed glee.

“Kill your messiah,” he wailed. “So it is written, and so—arggggh…GODDMAN IT…so it shall be.”

“So shall it be,” rang out a high female voice, almost blissful. The phrase was taken up by others, a deep bass here, an alto, and then rising into a repetitive chant.

Dude got exactly what he wanted. Finally found his true calling. Well, rest in pieces, you nutty piece of shit.

Outside, the grass was moist with dew and soon they were both soaked to the knees. Dark shapes moved past them in the night, all headed toward the farmhouse, ignoring the two staggering humans. Once, Rachel fell against him, nearly knocking them both to the ground, but he caught her and held her upright.

Their faces were close enough that he could look deep into the flickering furnaces of her eyes. He wondered what was happening behind them, and what Rachel would become by the time they reached Milepost 291.

He didn’t care at the moment. As their bare feet tracked across the high pastures, all he could think about was the looming concealment of the ebony forest and enough distance to drown out the professor’s agonized shrieks.


At first, DeVontay thought only a few children were lurking back in the dark pens.

But more and more small faces appeared, pressing against the wire and looking out.

“These are my friends,” Stephen said. “I guess you call them that. Rooster calls them something else.”


“The man who runs this camp,” came a female voice from the shadows.

She stepped out into the dim circle of light cast by the kerosene lamp. She was vaguely Asian-looking, although she could have been a Pacific Islander of some sort, with exotic almond-shaped eyes and straight dark hair. She was as filthy as any Zaphead, and she nervously glanced at the door.

“Hello. I’m DeVontay.”

“So you know Stephen?”

“We’re traveling buddies. We got separated two weeks back.”

“We thought you were dead,” Stephen whispered.

“I thought…” DeVontay forced a smile and rubbed Stephen’s frowsy head. “I thought you guys would already be at Milepost 291 waiting for me with a big cake and silly party hats. So where did you lose Rachel?”

“The other night. We were out in the woods and…” Stephen’s head tilted in shame and his shoulders shook with a sob. “I got scared and ran. I tried to be a little man like you told me.”

DeVontay knelt and gave him a hug. “Hey, hey, my man. We’re all scared these days. It’s okay.”

He wanted to know more but until he made sense of their current situation, he didn’t see any way he could find her or help her. He looked at the woman, who now clutched a kid at each hip. They were about eight or nine years old, with runny noses and dirty faces, and had slipped out of the darkness without a sound.

“Why is everybody hiding back in the dark?”

“When we hear the doors open, we hide.”

DeVontay let that sink in for a moment. “How many are in here?”

“Fourteen. Three of us are women, the rest are kids.”

The little boy at her left flank looked up with anger. “I’m not no kid.”

She patted his shoulder. “You’re right, James, we’ve all had to grow up fast.”

Apparently sensing the two armed men had gone and the door locked and bolted from the outside, others began to emerge into the light. They were all unkempt and sallow, as if suffering from lack of sunshine and poor nutrition. “How long have you been in here?” DeVontay asked the woman.

“Some of us have been here since the beginning,” she replied. “Rooster’s gang picked me up the day after the Zap. West Jefferson was packed with Zapheads so I got out of there. I was so relieved when I finally found some humans…”

“I was hiding in a sewer pipe,” James said, proud of his ingenuity. “When I saw men with guns, I thought they were the Homeland Security.”

Her face darkened and she bit her lip. “They’ve been collecting us.”

“They ain’t Homeland Security,” DeVontay said. “I don’t know what they are, but they shouldn’t be locking you up in here.”

The woman put a finger to her lips. “No need to scare the children.”

DeVontay nodded. “Okay,” he said to Stephen. “Why don’t you show me around, and then we’ll figure out what to do next?”

Stephen took DeVontay’s hand, and then James ran forward and took his other hand. The woman collected the kerosene lamp.

“They make us keep the lamps hanging by the door, in case they need to come inside,” she said. “They get really mad and don’t feed us if we take them. But I don’t think they’ll be back tonight.”

DeVontay’s anger rose but he suppressed it. The door was far too thick for him to break through, and the only windows appeared to be high narrow slits that were covered in wire mesh.

“What’s your name?” he asked the woman.


“You ain’t from around here, are you?”

“Are you? Just call me ‘Kiki.’”

“Zappers would love that name, they way they repeat everything.”

“She’s nice,” Stephen said. “She takes care of us.”

“That makes her an angel in my book.” DeVontay’s eyes adjusted to the dim interior and he could make out the big pens with open doors. Hay was strewn around on the floors and pushed into piles, with blankets spread on top of it. An older woman, maybe fifty, sat cross-legged on one with three toddlers sleeping around her. A feeding trough had been turned upside down to serve as a makeshift table, and plastic wrappers and Styrofoam containers littered the dusty floor around it. A plastic jug of water hung from a wire on one wall.

“This is the dining hall,” Kiki said. “No need to put on airs, we’re casual here.”

“Good to know,” DeVontay said.

“That’s Carole McLaughlin, totally Irish,” Kiki said, and the blue-eyed older woman gave a wave. Despite the trying conditions, she appeared tireless and young at heart. “You can meet all the kids later. It may take a few days for you to get everybody’s names straight.”

“I ain’t staying here a few days,” DeVontay said.

“That’s what the last guy said, too.” Kiki carried the lantern down the concourse to reveal other pens. The next resembled the first, except a young woman barely out of her teens waited by the opening. She was clad only in a bra and panties. DeVontay figured false modesty was the first thing to go when you were imprisoned and there were no men around.

“Your turn?” the woman said. She smelled of liquor.

“He’s not one of them,” Kiki said. “Not yet.”

She rolled her eyes up and down his body. “Too bad.” She turned and sauntered into the darkness and whatever comforts she may have had stowed away there.

“What’s that all about?” DeVontay asked Kiki, keeping his voice down so Stephen and James couldn’t hear.

“Guess.” She moved on to illuminate another pen. Two children slept on a bare mattress, curled against one another for warmth. They were covered with only a thin blanket despite the chill in the big unheated building. More kids slept on another mattress nearby.

“They’re keeping you guys here like animals,” DeVontay said. “Why?”

“You’ll have to ask Rooster, but I’ve got a good idea. You’re the third to come along. The first man refused to play their game, and they took him away.”

“Took him away?”

“I can’t say for sure what happened, but I heard a single gunshot.”

DeVontay wished Stephen hadn’t heard that. Bad enough to watch the world go to hell and mutant Zappers tear people from limb to limb, but to see humans reveal their worst natures when they should be working together—

He dug in his pocket and pulled out a couple of the Slim Jims he’d pillaged from the store. They were still dry inside their wrappers, or at least wet with only pork grease. “Stephen, why don’t you and James go round me up something to eat? I’ll be up front in a minute.”

“Don’t go back there,” Stephen said, staring bug-eyed at the darkness behind Kiki.

“I promise I won’t leave the light,” he said, giving the boys the Slim Jims.

“Race you!” James said, grabbing his treat and sprinting down the midway. Stephen bolted after him, momentarily just a boy again instead of a witness to the world’s horrible ending. After they were out of sight, DeVontay said to Kiki, “Look, I don’t know why they’re holding you guys prisoner, but we’re getting out of here. One way or another.”

“Don’t you think we haven’t tried? The second guy they put in here jumped them when they brought us dinner. They beat him to a pulp and we didn’t eat for two days.”

“So what’s their ‘game,’ if that’s the word you want to use for it?”

Kiki gave him a rueful smile. “We’re breeding stock. Rooster wants us to provide him with an army.”

“He can’t be for real.”

“You’ll find out.”

DeVontay looked past her into the darkest depths of the barn. “What’s back there that Stephen didn’t want me to see?”

“The bathroom. And we had to bury two children. Plus there are more dead in the very back, in what used to be the loading bay. Those are from the Zap, as far as I can tell.”

“They wouldn’t even take the bodies out?”

She shrugged. “Rooster.”

DeVontay shook his head. “When things go to shit, crazy fuckers sure seem to ascend to the throne, don’t they?”

“I’d better hang this lamp by the door in case they come to check on you.”

DeVontay clenched his fists. “I hope they do. I sure hope they do.”

After a quick meal of cellophane-wrapped snack foods that left him thirsty, DeVontay went to the pen where Stephen slept with James and another boy. The lamp flame burned low and then faded to nothing, leaving the building in darkness. A child cried softly somewhere deep in the building. DeVontay lay down but his mind raced too fast for sleep to dig in its hooks.

“DeVontay?” Stephen murmured.

“Yeah, Little Man?”

“Are you awake?”

“Yeah. What about you?”

“I’m glad you found me again.”

“I’ll find you no matter where you go. And we’re going to find Rachel, too, one way or another.”

Stephen yawned audibly. “I may have done something bad.”

DeVontay turned toward him in the dark. “What?”

“I told that man Rooster about Milepost 291. He was acting all friendly and asked me who I was with, and he gave me candy. He said he knew Franklin Wheeler. That’s Rachel’s grandpa, isn’t it?”

DeVontay thought about it. Rooster had his own fiefdom here. Maybe he saw Franklin Wheeler as a territorial threat, but the man seemed more interested in consolidating his power here. “Yeah. But you didn’t do anything wrong. Milepost 291 is like a whole other country.”

“Are we still going there?”

“As soon as we can, Little Man. Now stop talking and get some shut-eye.”


“Looks like the rain’s holding off,” Franklin said, checking out the gray skyline of morning. “We’re in luck.”

“First time I’ve heard the word ‘luck’ since summer,” Robertson said. “If you don’t count bad luck, that is.”

The group had arisen with the dawn, except for Jorge, who had taken the last watch. They gathered on the porch of the cottage, adjusting packs that bulged with the food they’d scavenged from the cupboards. Franklin had drawn out a crude map of the area, using Grandfather and Sugar mountains as landmarks. The Blue Ridge Parkway was far more sinuous than he’d depicted it, but as long as they headed north, they would eventually hit it, and then they could just count up the mileposts to figure out the rest of it.

“The way I figure it, we can cut across to Stonewall and hit the Appalachian Trail,” Franklin said. “That will add a few extra miles to the trip, and maybe even an extra day, but it lowers our chances of running into unwelcome company.”

“What’s in Stonewall?” Jorge asked. “All I know is the Tennessee side.”

“Then most of what you know is wrong,” Franklin said. “Folks over there still think they won the Civil War.”

“Wonder if they think they won this war?” Robertson asked.

“We aren’t going to war. We’re outsmarting it. Like Robertson said, Stonewall is just a little community in the foothills, nothing more than a few stores, a volunteer fire department, a produce stand, and such as that. We can swing around it or stop in if we need supplies.”

“The more stops, the more chance we’ll run into somebody,” Shay said. She’d taken advantage of the bathroom mirror to brush her hair and tie it back in a ponytail, which somehow made her look older. She rested one forearm on her holstered pistol, and she looked like she was getting comfortable with its presence. Franklin hoped they’d get a chance for target practice, if they could find a remote area where they could risk the noise.

“We don’t want to meet anybody,” Franklin said. “Chances are they’ll be marauders or soldiers.”

“And there is a chance they have seen my family,” Jorge said.

“We just can’t trust other people.” Franklin nodded at Shay. “We’ve already seen what we can expect.”

“I think you’re just—how do you say, paranoid?”

“And it’s kept me alive a lot longer than most everybody else in the world.”

“What kind of life is it to hide out like a hunted animal?” Jorge stepped off the porch and headed across the yard.

“Wrong way,” Franklin called after him.

“If you’re heading north away from people, then I am heading south. Where the people are.”

Robertson glanced at Shay and shook his head. “We owe him.”

They both followed Jorge. Franklin stomped one boot on the pine boards of the porch. “Goddamn it, hombre, you’re going to bust a vein in my head one of these days.”

Shay turned around and walked backwards as she goaded him. “I thought you lived longer than most.”

Franklin muttered a final “damn,” mostly for the benefit of the juncos and warblers that perched in the high trees. He debated heading back to his compound alone.

I owe it to Rachel. I should be there in case—WHEN—she finds it. Family first, that’s what I’ve always said.

Then why did it bug him so much that Jorge was putting his family ahead of his own safety? Because Franklin ultimately was a coward. He’d isolated himself from his family because he told himself he was sacrificing for them, planning for a future none of them hoped would ever arrive.

In truth, living by himself was easier than getting along with his fellow human beings. The disembodied voices of survivalists with ham radios made better company than somebody who might prove inconvenient and demanding.

He headed after the group, which had now reached the valley road and headed down where the houses were more congregated. I’m probably going to regret this. But at least I’ll be around to get in one last “I told you so.”

He caught up with them as Jorge was peering through the passenger window of a Chevy Suburban that had stalled in a ditch. The corpse at the wheel was so far gone even the flies had abandoned it.

“Keys are in it,” Jorge said. “Wouldn’t it be nice to drive into town?”

“Every bit of circuitry in that thing is fried,” Franklin said.

“I read that older vehicles, without electronic parts, would survive a nuclear attack,” Robertson said.

“When the U.S. government tested vehicles near a blast site, many of them did function after the detonation,” Franklin said. “Problem was they’d borrowed the vehicles and had to return them after the test, so they were afraid to put them too close to Ground Zero. When the Russians did a real test, none of the vehicles started. Just another case of science not being near as smart as people claimed.”

That made him think of something Rachel once said at the precocious age of eleven: “When you think about it, somebody has to be the world’s dumbest scientist, right?”

Amen to that, pumpkin.

“Why didn’t you put one in your shielded box at the compound?” Jorge asked.

“My Faraday cage. You saw how small mine was, and it cost me twenty thousand dollars, plus I had to haul the materials up that mountain. I should have stashed a motorcycle away, or at least some alternators and ignition parts, but, hell...none of us expected the end to get here so soon, even me.”

As they started back down the road, Shay said, “But couldn’t others have done it? Surely some survival wackos—no offense—stashed some wheels. Why aren’t we seeing or hearing any cars?”

“Our buddy Sarge back at the bunker had an electrical generator and other goodies like lights and radios stowed away. He believes the government had a huge shielded facility near D.C. stocked with helicopters, tanks, and other toys of mass control. Wouldn’t surprise me none, but I’d imagine the roads around big cities are all but blocked, and do you know how much fuel a chopper sucks down per mile? Even the asshole president—if he’s not a Zaphead now—would have a hard time justifying a joy ride.”

“I wish we had our horses,” Jorge said.

Shay’s eyes widened with delight. “You have horses?”

“We turned them loose at the compound so they could free range,” Franklin said. “Livestock requires a lot of upkeep. But I suppose your generation will be learning that soon enough. You can’t just look up everything on the Internet anymore.”

“You think it’s wise to be walking out here in the open?” Robertson asked.

Franklin shrugged. “Depends. If Zaps come out of the woods, it’s a good move. If somebody starts shooting at us from one of those houses, we’re total dumbasses.”

“I didn’t ask anyone to come,” Jorge said. “This is my duty. No one else’s.”

“We’re better off sticking together,” Franklin said.

Jorge shook his head. “I thought you said you weren’t going to play hero.”

“I’m playing the odds, that’s all. If some Zapper pops out of the bushes, I’m counting on you to serve as bait.”

Shay stopped. “Do you guys smell something?”

Franklin sniffed at his underarms. “Should have used some of that soap back at the cottage.”

“Smoke,” she said. “Greasy, not like wood smoke.”

Franklin turned his nose into the breeze. Smell was one of the first senses to fade with age, but even he could make it out—an acrid, pungent odor like fried wiring. Then they saw the smoke curling up in gray columns at the far end of the valley.

“Out of the road,” Franklin said, but they were already scrambling for cover among the pines that bordered the ditch and fence lines.

Robertson pulled out a pair of binoculars and thumbed them into focus. “Road’s blocked. Looks like somebody pushed some cars across it and started a fire.”

Franklin grabbed the binoculars and took a look for himself. “If I had to guess, I’d say somebody is sending us another message.”


“You sure you’re okay?” Campbell asked for maybe the tenth time.

Rachel was almost annoyed. They’d logged maybe three miles before dawn arrived, and even though she was holding him back at first, she soon regained her stamina and was practically dragging him through the woods. She’d not felt so much energy since the first panicky days of After, and her night vision was remarkable, like she’d drunk some radioactive carrot juice.

They had taken a path loosely parallel to Highway 321, through thin groves of ash, poplar, and hickory where the branches were high and the forest floor thick with falling leaves. Rachel figured they were maybe fifteen miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway. With some hard, steep walking, they could reach it by sunset. But she wasn’t leaving the foothills until she found Stephen.

Now, with the sun fully up, they were stopped for a breather by a creek. Campbell kept looking around for Zapheads, sweating despite the cool morning and the shade of the autumn trees.

“They’re not coming,” she said.

He squinted suspiciously at her. “How can you be so sure?”

“I would have heard them.” She cupped her hands in the creek and scooped some water toward her mouth.

“I wouldn’t drink that,” Campbell said, rubbing his bare feet. “Might be some nasty microbes. We’re only a few months past the Pollution Age.”

Rachel drank anyway. The water was swift and cold enough to hurt her teeth. It seemed as pure as anything left in the world, scrubbing over sand and rocks while cascading down from the high peaks. The taste had layers—tart, sweet, mineral.

“How’s your leg?” Campbell asked, for only the third time.

She unconsciously rubbed her calf where the dog had bitten her. She could barely remember the wound, and she wondered if the fever had inflicted a form of traumatic amnesia such as that reported by car crash victims. “Fine. Were you guys seriously going to chop it off?”

“The professor…he went a little soft in the head.”

“And you were just going to go along with it?”

“If you could have seen the rotten meat…Christ, if you could have smelled it.”

She nodded at his foot. The nail of the pinky toe had torn free, and a cut on the big toe oozed blood. “Maybe I should cut that off for you. Probably a sharp rock around here somewhere.”

He folded his foot under him so it was hidden from view. “I’m fine. But we ought to check one of these houses.”

“I don’t have time for shopping. I need to find Stephen.”

“What if he’s holed up somewhere? You’ll never find him if you just wander around the woods. Besides, what if he’s…”

“No. Don’t even think it. He should be able to make it a few days on his own. He grew up pretty fast.”

“And if the Zappers got him?”

This guy is a clod-head. It’s a miracle he’s lasted this long. Or maybe he’s just lucky the Zapheads took him in.

She stood, peering through the tree trunks. “I see a car over there. Probably a house with it.”

Her own feet were scraped and sore, but she refused to complain. She hopped from one moss-covered stone to the next to cross the creek. She lost her balance and nearly fell into the water.

Weird. That was just a baby step.

“Hey, wait up,” Campbell said behind her.

She broke into a run, the morning air sitting in her lungs like water. Branches tore at her clothes and skin, but a sudden exhilaration dulled her to the pain. She lost herself in the moment, the dizzy dappling of the sun through the golden and scarlet leaves, the high breeze rattling the branches and singing across the stony slopes, and the cool, fecund soil beneath her bare feet.

She broke into a clearing where the grass was ankle deep, and it took her a moment to realize it was a lawn. Or used to be. Now it was just a stretch of scrubby meadow leading to a small white house with black shutters, one that would have been more fitting in the suburbs than here in the remote mountains. A Ford pick-up was parked in the driveway, with a green Volvo sedan right beside it.

Campbell caught up with her while she was scanning the windows for any movement. “Looks dead,” she said.

“To coin a phrase.”

She started across the driveway, and Campbell followed, making little “ouch” noises under his breath. It was only then Rachel realized the gravel was piercing the soles of her feet.

Feet must be numb from all this walking.

“Should we call out?” Campbell said. “In case someone’s sitting behind the door with a shotgun?”

“Why would they shoot us? We have no weapon and nothing to steal.”

“Could be Zapheads in there.”

“No, I told you, none of them are around. They’re either back at the farmhouse or gathered in other packs. When’s the last time you’ve seen one wandering around solo?”

“I haven’t had much time to look, remember? I was kind of a prisoner.”

“Or a guest. They never hurt you, did they?”

“Jesus, Rachel. You heard the professor’s screams.”

“I don’t remember.”

“Taylorsville, then. Where they almost killed you?”

His voice annoyed her, as well as his reasoning. “I don’t care about them. I just want to find Stephen and get to Milepost 291.”

She looked through the Volvo window to make sure it was unoccupied and then opened the driver’s-side door.

“Electronic ignition is fried,” Campbell said. “Battery’s dead, too.”

She ignored him and flipped open the glove box, digging around until she found a map. As she unfolded it, Campbell warily looked around. With her finger, she traced a line from the highway to the foothills where she’d gotten separated from Stephen. “There,” she said.


“That little community. Stonewall. He probably would have headed that way, because he knew we were going north.”

“He’s just a kid. How would he know directions?”

She gave him a look as she folded the map. “DeVontay taught him how to use a compass and the position of the sun. What about you?”

He shrugged. “I dropped out of Boy Scouts. I’ve just been following the highway.”

“You were heading north, too?”

“After my buddy Pete got killed, I gave up on trying to reach my parents. Seems stupid anyway, when they’re either dead or zapped. I’d just as soon not know.”

“So you thought you’d just show up at Milepost 291 and be part of my grandfather’s tribe?”

“You think I have a plan? The professor kept talking me out of making a run for it, but mostly I was afraid. Not afraid that the Zapheads would kill me, but that I’d be out there all alone.”

She shoved the map in her back pocket and headed for the house. “We’re all alone now, even when we’re with somebody.”

Rachel debated knocking but instead just tried the handle. The door was unlocked and she stepped inside, bracing for the smell of weeks-old cadavers. Instead, the air was a homey kind of musty, redolent of dried flowers, soap, and clean linens. The living room held a padded sofa, a television, rows of books lining the walls, and an out-of-place oil painting of a seaport bay. White lace doilies were draped neatly over the sofa’s arms. The scene was so calm and domestic—so normal—that Rachel was struck by a wave of nostalgia for her childhood.

“You okay?” Campbell asked again.

She turned, enraged. “Damn it. All my friends are dead, I’ve lost DeVontay and Stephen, and I don’t even know if my grandfather is a Zaphead. I may as well be hunting for the Wizard of Oz or the Great Pumpkin. And now your fake concern is becoming a pain in the ass.”

Campbell didn’t flinch from her hostility. “I have my reasons for asking, Rachel.”

“Yeah, sure. Just don’t expect me to solve your loneliness for you.”

“It’s not that.”

“I don’t have time for games. Come on, let’s see if there’s anything here we can use.”

She was surprised at her hostility. She prided herself on controlling her emotions—as a counselor, she’d cultivated an even temperament. She glanced guiltily at him but he didn’t seem much affected by her criticism.

They found a well-stocked kitchen, although they didn’t bother opening the fridge. The cupboards held canned vegetables, dried grains, spaghetti noodles, and three vacuum-sealed quarts of milk, and the pantry yielded some raisins and dried apricots as well as bottles of apple juice. It was more food than they could carry and plenty enough to get them to Milepost 291.

In the hall closet, they found a backpack in which Rachel piled the food after Campbell slung the straps over his shoulders. They rifled through coats, shoes, golf clubs, and plastic bins full of knit caps and gloves. Apparently a family had lived here, because toys were scattered among the recreational gear and clothes.

“We’ll need this winter gear before long,” Campbell said, pulling a set of skis from the collection.

Rachel waved the ski pole like a fencing sword. “This might be more useful.”

Campbell tried on a worn leather jacket that was a little loose in the shoulders but otherwise comfortable. He added a black fedora taken from the top shelf and pushed his glasses up his nose. “How do you like the new me?”

“You look like a Starbucks barista, which should really boost your career prospects in After.” Rachel appropriated a sporty cotton jacket and found a pair of blue sneakers that looked only a size too large for her feet. “I’ll be checking the bedroom for socks. And don’t even think about those cowboy boots. You couldn’t outrun a turtle in those.”

“Yeah, they’d really show those coffee stains, too.”

That drew a smile from Rachel. She didn’t want to be so critical of him, but he seemed so crude and ungainly, so unrefined. So flawed.

What do you expect? He’s been crapping in the woods for two months. Just like you.

The door to the master bedroom was open, the queen-sized bed neatly made. Rachel checked a dresser drawer and found jewelry, several hundred dollars in folded cash, and an iPhone, all of which she ignored. The drawer below it held socks and she selected a thick wool pair. She sat on the bed to put them over her battered feet.

Campbell appeared in the doorway. “Find any guns?”

“Nothing. Must have been liberals.”

“Or else they took their guns with them.”

Rachel flopped back on the bed. “God, after sleeping on the ground for weeks, this feels so nice.”

Campbell stepped into the room. She looked up sharply. “Don’t get any ideas.”

“I want to show you something.” He went into the master bathroom and yanked apart the curtains, letting light fill the space.

She followed. “Checking the medicine cabinet for drugs?”

“Look in the mirror.”

She did. Her cheeks were streaked with dirt and small red scratches stretched across her forehead. Her hair was in wild, dark tangles. She grimaced at her teeth. They were a little yellowish. “Yeah, I could do with a makeover.”

“Your eyes,” he said.

She looked at them. They looked okay to her, maybe a little bloodshot. “What?”

“Those shimmering little flecks. Like a Zaphead.”

No. It’s just the light playing tricks.

“When they healed you, something happened. You changed.”

“Shut up.”

“That’s why I keep asking if you’re okay.”

She turned to flee the room but he caught her and held her, forcing her back toward the mirror. She kicked him and caught him in the ribs with a solid elbow, but he swiveled so she faced her reflection.

My eyes. Dear God, what happened to my eyes?

She started crying, and then wondered if Zapheads could cry. And then wondered if Zapheads could be aware of being a Zaphead. Campbell held her while she shook with sobs.

“You’ll be okay,” he whispered, stroking her hair.

Better than okay, she told herself. A million times better.


The slaughterhouse doors squealed open sometime after sunrise, although DeVontay had no idea of the time.

He’d slept poorly on a bundle of feed sacks stuffed with straw, the whimpers and cries of the children waking him repeatedly. Kiki must have spent most of the night tending and comforting them. Several times DeVontay decided he should get up and help her, but in the end he surrendered to exhaustion instead of guilt.

But when the sunlight poured through and men shouted in rough voices, he awoke with a start to find Stephen curled against his side. He sat up, blinking, and their words came through the haze of sleep.

“Boy, get up. Boss wants to see you.”

“I’m not a boy,” DeVontay said, staring up into the twin barrels of a sawed-off shotgun. It was held by one of the men who had escorted him to the compound, Orange Cap.

The man kicked his feet. “Move.”

DeVontay stood and peered into the dusty depths of the shed. A few children came staggering and squinting to the edge of the light. He didn’t see Kiki.

Orange Cap waved the shotgun to motion him outside. Stephen scrambled up beside him and took his hand, but Orange Cap tugged him from DeVontay’s grip.

“It’s okay,” DeVontay said, smiling at the boy. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

“What if they hurt you?”

“If the Zapheads couldn’t do it, I don’t think these guys can finish the job. Same goes for you. You’re tough, and don’t you forget it, Little Man.”

Stephen didn’t smile but his face relaxed in relief. “Okay,” he whispered.

“Aw, ain’t that touching?” said the man with the shotgun. The other guard, who’d waited by the door, was also armed, wielding a wicked-looking assault rifle.

As DeVontay entered the blinding sunshine, Orange Cap said, “So how was Angelique?”

“I guess she was okay, considering I don’t know who that is.”

“The young one. Unless you went for the old bitch. I had that, it’s like chewing rawhide.”

“Maybe he went for Island Girl,” said the other guard, spitting a thick brown stream of tobacco juice. “Gotta love them brown coconuts.”

“Shit,” said Orange Cap. “Ain’t nobody hit that yet. I got a feeling it hits back.”

DeVontay finally realized they were talking about sex, and he wondered if the slaughterhouse was run like some kind of brothel crossed with an orphanage.

The community seemed larger and busier than he’d noticed the day before, and the activity carried an undercurrent of anxiety and tension. A teenager groomed three horses that were tethered to a car bumper. A handful of men checked weapons piled in the back of a pickup truck. From somewhere came the smell of frying bacon and DeVontay wondered whether it was vacuum-sealed meat from a store or if the group had slaughtered a pig.

A man walked out of a shed, a police belt around his waist and a sidearm on his hip. He had wild dark hair, a faded rose tattoo on his neck, and a creased expression, like a rock-n-roller gone to seed. In his right hand, he gripped a carved walking stick. He tossed a cigarette to the ground and said to DeVontay, “So who were you with?”

DeVontay didn’t understand the question. “You must be Rooster.”

“Talk to me or I’ll pluck out that glass eye and shove it where you can see your own intestines.”

“You mean who was I with last night?” he answered.

“No, I meant your posse. Your tribe.”

“I’m traveling alone.”

“Nobody makes it on their own anymore. You would have been dead in the first week, dumb as you look.”

That drew a laugh from DeVontay’s escorts. DeVontay said, “I can take care of myself.”

“Well, I hope so, because we don’t carry any deadweight around here. If you can’t contribute, then you only have two options. Exile or Zaphead bait.”

“I’ll be happy to go.” He jerked his head toward the slaughterhouse. “Let the boy come with me.”

Rooster squinted and twisted his jaw. “I thought you traveled alone.”

“I do…but he’s no good to you. One more mouth to feed.”

“You must be DeVontay. He kept talking about you. Said you were going to show up soon and kick our asses. Then he said you were headed on to Milepost 291. You sure are a hero to him.”

Orange Cap shoved DeVontay. “No wonder you didn’t nail the women. You’re a pervert.”

DeVontay clenched his fists but realized a confrontation wouldn’t end well. He didn’t think the men would shoot him. However, a beating would lower his chances of escape.

“He was also talking about a ‘Rachel,’” Rooster said. “That your sweetheart?”

“Man, he’s such a pervert that he does them two at a time,” said the other guard, which drew a snicker from Orange Cap.

“I met them on the road, but we got separated,” he said. “I haven’t seen her in two weeks.”

“What about Franklin Wheeler? You ever heard of him?”

“I heard of him, but that’s about it.”

Rooster nodded. “That glass eye is fucking with me, but your good eye says you’re telling the truth. I like to keep up with the people in my territory.”

“I didn’t know this was yours,” DeVontay said. “Did you get elected or something?”

“I worked here,” Rooster said, waving the walking stick in an arc to indicate the compound. “Lots of cattle, holding pens, storage sheds, feed silos. We had to put up chain-link fences because the hippies would come in with video cameras and post on the Internet about how we were inhumane to the cattle. Same fucking hippies that probably stopped at McDonald’s on their way home. Too bad their cameras didn’t work when the Big Zap went down, or they would have seen plenty of inhumane treatment.

“I was one of the lucky ones. Only a few of the other workers were around that day. They all died except one, and I took him down pretty fast with a sledgehammer. After I figured out what was what, I saw this was the perfect place to ride it out. When I made some forays into Stonewall, I found other survivors, and they joined up. We’ve got thirty-one able-bodied men now.”

“And only three women?”

Rooster shrugged. “‘Survival of the fittest’ is a bitch.”

“But you’re keeping kids prisoner, too.”

“I like to think of it as ‘protective custody.’ If we’re going to rebuild this world, we’re eventually going to need a new generation.”

“That’s why we need breeders,” Orange Cap said.

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” DeVontay challenged. “Can’t get it up?”

That drew another hard shove from Orange Cap, but Rooster waved him off. “A warrior needs to save his strength and keep his mind focused. We’ve got plenty of enemies that require our energy.”

“Guess that means I’m not a warrior?”

“That depends. Is your loyalty with us or with the U.S. government?”

DeVontay looked around at the compound, where a man was ladling out some type of porridge onto ceramic plates set along the back of a flatbed truck. “I don’t see any government.”

“You’re not looking hard enough. They’re all over the place. One bunch of them, we already erased. A group that came up from the south.” Rooster pointed to a flapping tunic that was ripped and rippled with rusty blotches, fluttering gently from the exhaust pipe of a tractor. DeVontay noted the captain’s bars on the shoulders and wondered if it was the same officer who had captured him in Taylorsville.

Getting captured is turning into a real bad habit of mine.

“But there’s another platoon holed up near the Blue Ridge Parkway, camped on those slopes,” Rooster said. “They’re well-armed and they’ve been dipping down here into the valley more and more. Three days ago, they killed a couple of our men.”

“Maybe they mistook you for Zapheads,” DeVontay offered.

“Doesn’t matter. They’re a threat and they need to be cleaned out. Just like Wheeler. I heard rumors he set up a compound on the ridge. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s squirreled away enough explosives to blow us all to hell and gone.”

“I’d say the Zapheads are a bigger threat. They’re moving in packs now.”

“Sure, but they’re slow, not as aggressive as they were.” Rooster lit another cigarette. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be standing here. We haven’t lost anybody to Zappers in nearly a month.”

“And that was only Sam Duggers,” Orange Cap said. “No big loss.”

“Lots of Zapheads in Stonewall,” DeVontay said. “They nearly got me.”

“We didn’t see any,” Orange Cap said. “None of our scouts have, either.”

“None around,” Rooster said. “The army is our biggest threat. But one of our men saw an old man who fits Wheeler’s description. Crotchety old asshole with a beard like a possum. He was with three other people. He’s invading our turf, too.”

Shouts came from the main gate, and a man on horseback thundered into the compound. The horse galloped up to Rooster and the man swung out of the saddle before the animal had come to a compete stop. The rider was dusty and haggard, a rifle slung over his shoulder that nearly slid off as he regained his balance.

“Zaps,” the man gasped. “Lots of them. Heading this way.”


“Not looking good,” Franklin said, peering over the edge of the boulder on which he was laying.

He passed the binoculars to Jorge. They’d moved into the forest to avoid the open road, hoping to identify the source of the car fire. Black oily smoke still threaded into the sky, but it had thinned and the breeze carried the stink to the east. Franklin had seen three men in fatigues—Sarge’s soldiers, probably—cross the road beyond them, but he was more concerned about the silent figures trickling through the forest.

“What are Zaps doing here?” Robertson asked.

“Must have smelled the fire or heard the gunshots,” Franklin said. “They’re drawn to activity. I wouldn’t be surprised if the soldiers lured them here.”

“I can’t believe there’s so many of them,” Robertson said. “We hardly ever saw any before the troops rolled through. Two months of nothing, and now they’re everywhere.”

“Maybe there are more of them than anyone knew,” Jorge said.

“Or nobody’s left in the cities for them to kill,” Franklin said.

“Thanks, Mr. Optimistic,” Shay said, sitting on a rock with an oversize jacket draped around her shoulders.

“They’re not wandering around aimlessly,” Franklin said. “It’s like they’re searching for something.”

From the rocky overhang, Franklin counted at least a dozen Zapheads in the woods below them. They were unkempt, some of them half-naked, with tangled, greasy hair. They walked with a slight jerking motion between the trees, but they didn’t stagger. They were all headed in the same direction, toward the road and the burning cars, like penitents on a pilgrimage bound for some sacred shrine.

“So what do we do?” Robertson asked.

“Lay those guns on the ground, for one thing,” came a voice above them.

Franklin rolled onto his back and squinted against the sun. The silhouetted figure included the long barrel of a rifle. Another man stepped from behind a tree, his weapon leveled, and Franklin recognized them as the other two soldiers from their scouting mission.

“We thought you guys were dead,” Franklin said, with what he hoped was a tone of earnestness. His semiautomatic was laying on the rock beside him, and he just wasn’t skilled enough to sweep it up and cut them down like a movie hero. “We went looking for you.”

“Where are Jimbo and Hayes?” the silhouette asked. “The guys who were with you?”

“We…we got separated,” Franklin said.

“Then how did you end up with their rifles?”

Franklin couldn’t come up with a reasonable answer to that one. Jorge said, “They were killed by Zapheads.”

“Is that so?” said the second soldier, edging forward and kicking Jorge’s rifle away from him. Then he swung his barrel toward Robertson. “Don’t even think about going for that shotgun.”

The silhouette emerged from the sun’s backlighting and scowled down at Franklin. “I’d kill you right here but Sarge is going to want his pound of flesh, and I’m not dragging your fat ass back up the mountain.”

“What about the other two?” the second soldier asked his companion. “Girl’s pretty cute.”

“Leave ‘em for the Zaps. She wouldn’t last five minutes back at the bunker. Those assholes would tear her into a hundred pieces.”

Shay had transformed into the same shell-shocked condition she’d been in when Franklin had first encountered her. Robertson twitched restlessly but he made no move for his weapon. Franklin stood on weary legs. He was tired of all this bullshit. He wouldn’t mind if they just shot him now and saved him the trouble of getting tortured by Sarge.

Jorge, however, gave no sign of fear or panic. “Zapheads are all around us,” he said in a low voice. “If you shoot, they’ll swarm you.”

“We’ve got enough bullets for all of you,” the second soldier said. “Saves us the trouble of hunting them down.”

He leaned over to scoop up Robertson’s shotgun. Three roaring explosions echoed off the stones and tree trunks and smoke rose from the front of Shay’s jacket. Then her hand emerged from the inner folds, brandishing the pistol.

The second soldier cried out and tumbled off the rock ledge, his weapon clattering down the slope. The first soldier grunted in pain, a raw red breach in the flesh of his shoulder. But he managed to raise his semiautomatic and squeeze the trigger, stitching a line of bullets in front of him.

Shay sucked in her breath and dropped her pistol, clutching at a sudden bloom of blood on her throat. Robertson moaned her name and scooped her up as she fell, ignoring the two bullet wounds in his legs. Jorge was also hit, but he rolled toward his discarded weapon before the soldier could get a bead on him.

Franklin realized he had no chance to escape the next fusillade so he stepped backward and went off the ledge, falling ten feet before bouncing off a mossy stretch of stone pocked with scrub. An orange sunburst flooded the inside of his head as his skull bounced off rock. He rolled another five feet as a second hail of gunfire erupted, finally stopping his fall by jamming one leg into the branches of a tree.

His left shoulder and upper arm throbbed, and his head felt as if an army had goose-stepped on it during a long march. The pain brought a sudden tsunami of nausea. He spat and drew a deep, aching breath, wondering if he’d broken a rib. The shotgun fired on the ledge above him, and then a sudden silence descended. The bitter odor of gun smoke drifted down to him.

He tugged himself back up the ledge, gripping the stems of saplings and whatever crevices he could find in the stone. Robertson’s sob of “No, no, no” broke the hush, and somewhere a bird chirped, too smart or dumb to acknowledge the violence below. Dark spots swam before his eyes, and he closed them so he didn’t get dizzy and tumble down the ravine.

Jorge’s face appeared above him, reaching down with a trembling hand. Franklin grabbed it and Jorge encircled his wrist and dragged him back on the stone, the treetops careening wildly above him, the sunlit red and yellow leaves like the bottom of a kaleidoscope.

“Okay?” Jorge asked.

“I’ve had better days.”

Franklin turned his head and saw Robertson huddled over Shay, her limp head lolling in his embrace. Blood spattered both of them, and Robertson shook with sobs. At the edge of the rocks, both soldiers lay still.

“Is she…” Franklin whispered.

Jorge nodded, his face grave, and it was only then that Franklin saw the raw, jagged wound in Jorge’s side. Blood trickled from a gash in his shirt.

“If any more of them are around, they’ll have heard the shots,” Franklin said.

“I don’t think any of us is good for—what do they say in your crime movies?—a fast getaway.”

Franklin tilted his head toward Robertson. “I doubt if he’d leave her, anyway.”

“She got both of them. She saved our lives.”

Franklin could tell Jorge was thinking about his own daughter, and how it might have been her life lost to violence. Or maybe he had already accepted Marina was dead, even though he had yet to admit it to himself.

“Her dad trained her well.”

Robertson turned to them, bleary-eyed and mumbling incoherently. He kissed the top of Shay’s head and gently brushed the hair from her face. She was angelic in death, peaceful, all signs of trauma and horror fled forever. Franklin thought religion was a tool used for control, but he took a little comfort in the notion that she might be in a better place.

Wouldn’t be hard to find something better than this hell.

“Whyyyyy?” Robertson wailed.

It was a question Franklin had been asking for two months. Some of the nausea lifted, although his head still throbbed mightily. He reached up and touched a welt the size of a duck’s egg. He rolled onto his side, bracing for the pain as he attempted to stand and comfort Robertson.

Then he heard a faint sound, almost like the rush of wind building in intensity. But the leaves overhead were still.

“Where’s your rifle?” he asked Jorge, keeping his voice level.

The Zapheads came out of the trees, echoing Robertson’s plaintive “Whyyyyyy?” with a dozen or more voices.


Men with guns poured out of a storage shed, scattering along the fence lines and climbing onto roofs and rusting farm equipment. Rooster bellowed orders, waving his walking stick to direct men to their positions. The men didn’t seem to be well trained, certainly not when compared to the precision of a military squad, but they projected a deep eagerness to lock down on their triggers.

Several men mounted horses, their rifles slung over their saddles, and galloped off down the dirt road toward the main road. DeVontay admired the grace and power of the animals and wished he had such an easy means of escape.

As the compound erupted into action, DeVontay wondered if he’d be able to slip away while Rooster was distracted. But before he could make a decision, Rooster tapped him on the shoulder with the walking stick. “So are you with us or against us?”

DeVontay didn’t think he had the option of neutrality. At any rate, better to buy a little more time than get gunned down before he knew the lay of the land. “I’m in. What do you want me to do?”

Rooster squinted at him. “Cover up that glass eye a sec.”

DeVontay placed a palm over it.

“Do you swear allegiance to the Republic of Stonewall?”

Holy shit, is this guy some kind of redneck Hitler?

DeVontay was about to make a wisecrack but Rooster’s face was grim. He believed in his “country,” apparently. He also considered himself a flawless judge of character. People like that were dangerous, but also easy to fool because of their vanity.

DeVontay thought of Stephen in the dark, windowless building with the other children, frightened by all the chaos. “I swear.”

Somebody shouted at Rooster but he ignored the man, instead keeping his gaze on DeVontay as if mulling it over. Then he nodded. “Okay,” he said, pointing his walking stick—which apparently he used like a baton—to a man standing guard by an old school bus whose tires had long rotted away. “Go tell Hardison you’ve enlisted. We’ll talk after we kill some Zaps.”

Rooster turned away, giving commands to two men who perched on the top of a water tower. “See anything?”

One, wielding binoculars, answered, “Looks like a whole herd of the fuckers.”

“Don’t shoot until we’re in position. We don’t want to attract any more of them until we’re ready.”

DeVontay felt Rooster’s eyes on his back as he crossed the compound. Although a few of the armed men had hurried out of the main gate in the wake of the makeshift cavalry, most had fanned out around the perimeter. Even if a battle erupted, DeVontay wasn’t sure he’d be able to get Stephen and slip away without being seen.

Hardison, standing at the rear emergency door of the bus, scowled at DeVontay. He had an old scar on one cheek and a scrap of mustache that looked as if it still held some of his breakfast. “What’s the password?”

“Rooster didn’t give me a password. He just said to tell you I’ve enlisted.”

Hardison swung open the rear door.” That’s the password.”

Stacked on the floor of the bus were several piles of weapons, mostly rifles, along with a few shotguns and handguns. “You a peashooter man or a bazooka?” Hardison asked.

“Excuse me?”

“Pistol or a twelve-gauge?”

“Might as well have a shotgun,’ DeVontay said, shrugging. “With only one eye, my aim isn’t so good.”

Hardison dug in the pile and pulled out a Remington pump. “We’ll set you up with a twenty-gauge. That way if you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot, you’ll probably not end up dying.”

DeVontay worked the pump and saw that the chamber was empty. “Won’t shoot much of anything at this rate.”

Hardison cracked open a box of yellow plastic-coated shells and gave him a handful. “Four in the magazine and one in the chamber.”

DeVontay nodded as if that made sense. He started to shove a shell into the slot on the side of the gun and Hardison laughed. “Better turn that around.”

DeVontay shoved the shell in and slid the others into the magazine. He wondered if Hardison had intentionally limited his supply of ammunition. If DeVontay turned on them, he’d only be able to take down a few before they got him. Maybe this was some kind of test. Rooster certainly seemed psycho enough to play deadly games. His way of weeding out the weak so the new breed would be strong.

“Where do you want me?” DeVontay asked.

Before Hardison could answer, a gun fired in the distance. Hardison grinned and closed the bus door, a shotgun across his arm, a rifle slung on a strap across his back, and two pistols shoved in his belt. “Get a front-row seat. It’s show time.”

Hardison hurried to the front gate where Rooster stood in the bed of a pickup truck surveying the surrounding terrain. DeVontay slipped between the bus and a storage shed until he was out of their view. He couldn’t reach the slaughterhouse without being seen, and the door was barred with a big metal hasp lock. He wasn’t sure he could find another way inside, but at least Stephen and the others would be safe. The walls were thick enough to repel bullets and, even if the Zapheads overwhelmed the compound, they’d have a hard time breaking in.

But Stephen would have a tough time breaking OUT, as well.

A few more shots rang out in a staccato burst, maybe half a mile away in direction of the village. DeVontay circled the slaughterhouse and found more abandoned vehicles, along with processing equipment, a concrete loading dock, and piles of warped pallets. Large plastic barrels were stacked on their sides along the back of the slaughterhouse beside a sliding metal door. That door, like the front one, was fastened with a thick lock.

Someone shouted at him from the fence line. A chubby man standing sentinel on a weed-covered slope motioned him forward. He wore a battered fedora and the top half of his face was hidden by the shadow of the brim. DeVontay climbed the bank and the man said, “You must be new.”

“Enlisted this morning.”

The man leaned his rifle against the fence, pulled a pint bottle of whiskey from his coat pocket, and took a swig. He wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve and said, “You ever shot one of them?”

“Never had a reason.”

“You’ll get your reason soon. They’re all over the place.” He held out the whiskey bottle but DeVontay waved it away.

“Why are you here?” DeVontay scanned the trees beyond the fence, but all seemed quiet at the moment.

“I was a truck driver,” the man said. “Hauling cow shit one week, ground beef the next, tankers, fridge units, flatbeds, anything. This was one of my regular stops. That’s my rig outside the gate. It just stopped running that day, and I got out to check under the hood. Some meat packer ran toward me, waving a bloody cleaver and making weird noises.

“I thought it was a gag—these guys get a dark sense of humor from cutting up parts all day. I figured he’d say something like ‘Did you know it’s Friday the thirteenth?’ and all that, but I was pissed because of the truck breaking down. But when he got close enough, I saw something was wrong with his eyes—and the look on his face—and I got my ass back in the cab and quick. He knocked the door a few times with the cleaver, and by then I saw a few other workers come out of the slaughterhouse, chopping and slicing at each other.”

“And that’s when you realized everything had gone to hell?”

“The scientists on the news said to expect weird shit because of the sun storms, but nobody said nothing about no killing. But I figured they had to be connected. So I waited for a few of them to wipe each other out. I got my pistol out of the glove box and climbed into the sleeper to hide. By sunset, only one man was left, walking around outside the slaughterhouse calling for help.”

“Rooster,” DeVontay said, changing his mind and plucking the whiskey bottle from the man’s hand. He took a sip and the liquid burned like molten needles.

“He was calling out, so I figured he was okay. He told me everyone else was dead, and I went into the slaughterhouse and he was right. Fifteen corpses in there, another half a dozen out here. Some of them were guys I knew, teamsters and such. By then I figured out this was bigger than just Hillbilly Holler, North Carolina, and tried to get my wife on the radio and cell, but neither worked. I live in Kansas City, and I didn’t see much use in heading that way. So I stayed on with Rooster, and here we are.”

“You helped him build the community?” DeVontay mulled another shot of whiskey but decided he’d better keep alert.

“At first, but then he got more…excited about it than me and the others. I still don’t agree with all his crazy ideas—like keeping the women and kids separate—but I’m just biding my time and staying alive until I see the next move.”

You and me both, brother.

Another volley of gunfire erupted in the east, rumbling like heat lightning on a dry day. “That would be the cavalry,” the man said. “Rooster thinks it’s the Civil War all over again and he’s Robert E. Lee.”

“Does that mean he’s pro-slavery?”

“You’re still here, ain’t you?”

“So are you.”

The man toasted that remark with a hoist of the bottle, and the liquor glinted golden in the sunlight. “Well, if they get in, I don’t want to be trapped in here. That gate’s the only way or in or out.”

DeVontay had assumed the same thing, but he hadn’t scouted the entire perimeter yet. From his vantage point on the hill, he could see the center of the compound, the storage shed where the men bunked, and the black-stained diesel fuel tank on cinder blocks by the school bus. Hardison was nowhere to be seen, and DeVontay could only locate a few of the sentries, including the two on top of the water tower. “No retreat, huh?”

“Yeah,” the man said, taking last drink of whiskey and hurling the bottle into the weeds. “Like I said, Rooster’s a Confederate. Got that defeatist attitude.”

“And you’re going to sit here and die?”

“Hell, no.” He pointed his rifle barrel down the hill to a large metal bin by the loading dock. “They keep the tools in there. Why don’t you slip down and snag us a set of heavy-duty wire cutters just in case?”

DeVontay wondered if this was a test. As far as he could tell, all the compound’s occupants were sold on Rooster’s vision. “You’d leave?”

“I’m not from here,” the man said. “My family’s half a country away, in Missouri, if they’re still alive. All I got is what’s in my pockets and the chamber of this rifle. Nothing here for me to fight for.”

DeVontay figured he’d better pass the test before he declared his own intentions. “Our chances are better if we stick together.”

“You’ve been out there. You know the Zapheads outnumber us a hundred to one. Even with all our guns, they can soak up bullets until Doomsday and still keep coming.”

As if to punctuate those words, another volley erupted. It sounded closer than before. One of the men on the water tower shouted and settled into a firing position.

“Okay,” DeVontay said. “Cover my ass.”

“Only ‘til we’re out of here. Then you’re on your own.”

DeVontay studied the man’s smudged, weary face a moment and nodded. “Cool.”

He scrambled back down the hill the way he’d come. Rooster had done a masterful job of inspiring his little community of worker bees. The fence was solidly constructed and his armed forces seemed to follow his orders. But he’d skimped on the living conditions and basic needs like food and waste management. A secluded area near the loading dock buzzed with flies and a heap of dark-brown matter was strewn with rotted toilet paper.

A man ran by forty yards away, headed for the main gate. DeVontay hunched into what he hoped looked like a battle posture and continued to the metal bin. The bin’s lid was held in place with a lock, but it was a small one. DeVontay looked around, saw no one looking, and rammed the butt of his shotgun against the hasp. The stock split but the lock didn’t break. He swung again and the hasp loosened, and DeVontay was able to wedge the shotgun barrel in the gap and pry it loose.

He’d probably damaged the shotgun but he didn’t intend on firing it anyway. Inside the bin were rows of tools on narrow trays. He found the wire cutters, a thick pair with rubber handles, as well as a meatier version designed to sever bolts. He stuffed the wire cutters in his back pocket, laid his shotgun on the ground, and ran to the back of the slaughterhouse.

Gunfire had erupted on the opposite side of the compound, along the section of fence he had yet to see. Now shots clapped and spat in staccato bursts, and men yelled on the other side of the slaughterhouse. DeVontay brought the bolt cutter to bear on the lock holding down the rear door. It took three tries before he worked the heavy blades though the steel, but he was able to kick the lock away and slide up the door with a rumbling creak.

The rush of fetid air almost took his breath away. A single boot protruded from a lumpy pile that was covered with a vinyl tarp, and DeVontay realized the mound was decomposing bodies. He tugged the front collar of his shirt over his mouth and nose and stumbled into the dark depths of the building, calling Stephen’s name. When his eyes adjusted, he found the main corridor that led from the loading area.

“DeVontay!” Stephen’s voice came too him from the slaughterhouse’s interior.

“Can you see me?”

“Yes, we’re here,” said Kiki, her voice quavering.

“Zapheads are coming. Let’s get out of here.”

DeVontay heard shuffling in the dark and then Stephen stepped into the gray light of the loading area. DeVontay gave him a quick hug and led him to the loading dock. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.”

Stephen froze and looked up with imploring eyes. “What about the other kids?”

“Every man for himself.”

“But they’re not men. They’re kids.”

DeVontay remembered how Rachel and the others had saved him when he’d been captured in Taylorsville. If they gave up on one another, and After was now ruled by “Survival of the Fittest,” then what was the point? To survive for another day of selfishness?

But Stephen was his first responsibility. And the more people he tried to help, the higher the odds that Stephen wouldn’t make it.

Kiki stepped from the darkness, a child at each side. They all blinked as if they hadn’t seen the sun in weeks.

DeVontay glanced up at the man by the fence. The man’s rifle was aimed right at DeVontay.


The Zapheads swarmed over them before they had a chance to fight back.

Franklin closed his eyes, expecting to be ripped limb from limb, the pain in his head so intense that he almost welcomed death. His heart leapt into a syncopated gallop and he clawed at the surface of the rock, wondering if he should roll over the edge back into the ravine.

The Zapheads still repeated Robertson’s cry of “Why?” although they no longer drew it out, instead vocalizing different lengths as if they were playing multiple instruments in some mad orchestra.

But as the horde moved around them, he realized they weren’t attacking. He finally opened his eyes to find them gathered around the bodies of the two fallen soldiers, as well as Robertson and his dead daughter. Jorge sat stunned and unmoving, apparently unwilling to go for the weapon that lay on the ground ten feet away from him.

They’re ignoring us.

Three Zapheads scooped up one of the soldiers as if he were a sack of grain, struggling to hoist him onto their shoulders. Another Zaphead, a male with a long, stringy beard and creased face, moved in to help. They were all dirty and their clothes soiled and tattered, but they moved with more precision and coordination than the ones Franklin had previously encountered.

Robertson tightened his grip on his daughter as the Zapheads pulled at her. “Get away, you mutant fuckers,” he said, kicking at one of them. Robertson’s boot struck a skinny Zaphead in the shin and it stopped repeating “Why why why.”

Shouldn’t have done that, partner.

The Zaphead’s eyes swelled with radiance, glittering so bright that Franklin could see the change even in full sunlight. The Zaphead grabbed Robertson’s foot and twisted, causing Robertson to grunt in anguish. That immediately set the Zapheads off on a grunting spree, until they sounded like a colony of gorillas. Franklin’s gaze met Jorge’s, who then looked at the gun.

“No,” Franklin said, trying not to draw the attention of the Zapheads. But he had a bad feeling about attacking the Zapheads at close range, especially after seeing the response to Robertson’s kick. The Zaphead who held the boot now twisted it vigorously, nearly dragging Robertson fully to the ground.

Robertson kicked again with his other foot, and the blow knocked the Zaphead away. Two others, who had been lifting the other fallen soldier, turned their attention to Robertson. The Zapheads holding Shay’s corpse began to yank as if they were fighting over a rag doll. Robertson lashed out at one of them with a fist, landing a blow to the face. The woman’s cheek split and blood poured out.

At least their blood’s still red. As close to human as they get.

“Robertson,” Franklin said, repeating the name when the man didn’t answer. He raised his voice, which drew looks from a couple of the Zapheads. “Don’t fight back.”

But Robertson’s grief had melded into anger, and he used one arm to push at the Zapheads while the other encircled Shay’s body.

Franklin crawled toward Robertson, hoping to calm him down. One of the Zapheads stepped toward him—a middle-aged woman who looked like she might have been a lawyer in a former life, although her pants suit was frayed and her blouse missing its buttons—and he froze, waiting for her response. She stopped, too, watching him with sparking eyes.

Jorge finally moved, easing toward the rifle despite Franklin’s command. Maybe he had enough ammunition to take down the small group of them, but Franklin believed other Zaps were approaching through the woods, because he could hear their repetitive chatter. Gunfire would only bring more of them, and they’d never shoot their way past the entire Zaphead Nation that seemed to be boiling up from their holes and hiding places.

The Zapheads holding the first soldier dropped their burden onto the muddy forest floor and started for Robertson as well. Now half a dozen grabbed at him and Shay, with Robertson kicking and punching as best he could while still clinging to his blood-soaked daughter.

“Get away, get away,” he moaned, nearly blubbering. “Leave her alone.”

Franklin knew the grief of losing a child, although his losses had been emotional rather than physical, casualties of Franklin’s libertarian obsessions rather than gunplay. But he’d had time to assimilate the tide of pain, and Robertson’s had descended upon him in one shocking avalanche. Robertson kissed the top of her head even as he cursed at the former humans that clutched and tugged at her.

“Robertson, let her go,” Franklin said.

He looked at Franklin with red-rimmed, watery eyes. “She’s all I have.”

“She’s gone. Getting killed yourself won’t bring her back.”

“Don’t give a shit. They’re not taking her.”

Jorge sprang at the rifle and wrapped a hand around the stock, but before he could raise it, a Zaphead jumped on the gun and covered it with her body. A muffled roar erupted as the Zaphead shook, a spurt of blood gushing from the top of its skull.

The other Zapheads didn’t seem to realize one of their number had been killed, but they fell silent in the wake of the sudden noise. Incongruently, a crow cawed from somewhere in the treetops, and that inspired several of the Zapheads to caw in return.

As Jorge struggled to retrieve the weapon from beneath the fallen Zaphead, Robertson continued his fight. He was now on his feet, holding his daughter as if they were in a ballet. She sagged from the waist, lolling forward so that her blood-stained torso was pointed toward Franklin. Then she flopped forward so that her hair was over her face, nearly falling free of her father’s frantic grip.

The Zapheads moved in on all sides, finally succeeding in dragging her away. Robertson screamed and jumped on the back of the closest Zaphead, causing them both to fall flailing into the mud. The Zaphead was bigger and beefier than Robertson, and Franklin joined the fray with the intention of getting Robertson the hell out of there.

“She’s dead,” Franklin said, pulling on the back of his shirt. “You’re not. Come on.”

Robertson swung wildly and struck Franklin on the side of the head, awakening his slumbering concussion into a red, roaring dragon that caused his ears to ring. By the time Franklin returned to his senses, Robertson was locked in fierce combat with three Zapheads while two others bore Shay away from the rock ledge.

Jorge now grappled with two Zapheads, still trying to free the semiautomatic rifle. One of his unnatural adversaries, a young teen male clad in only a navy blue knit sweater and grungy boxer shorts, clawed at Jorge’s wounded side as if digging for entrails. Franklin decided they weren’t getting out of here alive after all.

Might as well go down fighting. I’d just as soon die from these sons of bitches as get shot by Sarge’s gang.

But he noticed a difference in the two separate struggles—where Robertson punched and kicked, Jorge wrestled and shoved.

And the Zapheads were returning those two physical responses in kind. The Zapheads around Robertson drove their fists at his head, but he managed to duck the awkward blows. It was like the Zapheads had never thrown a punch before and were learning on the spot. What they lacked in skill, they made up for in determination and quantity, and soon their fists were bouncing off Robertson’s neck and shoulders.

They also drove their shoes—or filthy bare feet if they wore no shoes—into Robertson’s legs. He couldn’t defend himself from all the angles of attack and soon fell under the fury of the mob.

But was it really fury? The Zapheads delivered their blows with an almost detached attitude, as if they were putting in time at a minimum-wage job. The earlier Zap attacks had been characterized by rampaging, chaotic violence, with frenetic movements and an almost mewling sound of pleasure rising from their throats.

Franklin decided Robertson was a goner and staggered over to help Jorge. “Stop fighting,” Franklin shouted. “Let your body go limp.”

Jorge scuffled a few seconds longer, but fell still when Franklin yelled his name. The Zapheads broke into a chorus of “Hor-hay, hor-hay” but they halted their attack. It only took them seconds to turn their attention to Robertson.

Franklin put his hands over his ears as Robertson’s grunts turned into yelps and then screams, and the mass of Zapheads atop him roiled like a sack of rats.


“I’m not a Zaphead,” Rachel said, checking the mirror again. “I don’t feel any different.”

Well, not MUCH different. My eyes have some weird flecks, and I’m a little light-headed, but I just fought off a serious infection and underwent a miracle cure at the hands of some bizarre mutants. There’s no medical textbook for this. Nobody knows how I’m supposed to feel.

“You’re acting almost the same as before, not that I know you all that well,” Campbell said, sitting on the bed so she wouldn’t suffer claustrophobia in the bathroom. “But something’s…off.”

“Maybe the part where these Zapheads healed me with their touch like a tribe of charismatic evangelicals? Sorry, I don’t believe Jesus came back to Earth in the form of a zillion dirty walking apes whose sins were cleansed by the sun.”

“The professor thought something mystical was occurring, which is why he saw himself as some sort of spiritual leader for them.”

“One thing history teaches us is that we always nail our spiritual leaders to the cross, either with actual nails or bullets.”

“Human history, maybe. We don’t have a Zaphead history yet.”

Rachel walked out of the bathroom into the brightness of the bedroom. “So they’ve gone from bloodthirsty murderers to missionary witch doctors in mere weeks?”

Campbell squinted at her like a husband who’d just been told of a fashion makeover but couldn’t quite tell where the money had gone. “I mean, maybe they didn’t infect you. Maybe there’s some sort of second wave of solar flares to zap the rest of us. It’s not like we have TV talking heads to warn us this time around.”

“Like we even listened the last time.” Rachel knew she was just babbling, but she didn’t want to confront the possibilities suggested by her symptoms. And her cruelty to Campbell was certainly a defense mechanism, and not a symptom of some kind of personality change. She hoped. “They warned us about satellite signals and transmission failures, but nobody said we’d be back in the Stone Age and the predators would look just like us only without the grooming.”

Campbell rubbed the bristles on his chin. “Speaking of which, do you think I should shave? I don’t want to get shot by one of these survivalist nutjobs I keep running into.”

“Nah, let it grow,” she said. “Maybe that’s why the Zapheads didn’t kill you back at the farmhouse.”

“I’ve been thinking about that, too. They kept me almost like a pet, even though they mutilated and killed the group who was there before me. And the professor lived with them even longer than I did.”

“You saw how that ended. Guess he wore out his welcome.”

“But they didn’t attack him until he turned violent. And they let you and me walk right out while they killed him. What do you think of that?”

Rachel’s stomach growled and she realized she hadn’t eaten since the previous day. That—hopefully—explained some of her dizziness. “I think I’m hungry. And that means I’m not a Zaphead because I’m not craving a rare, juicy human filet mignon.”

Campbell hopped off the bed and headed for the hall. “Well, I guess we can be glad they’re not zombies, or we’d be on the wrong side of the law of supply and demand. Come on, let’s break out the can opener.”

In the kitchen, they cracked two tins of tuna fish, a sleeve of stale Saltine crackers, and a bottle of grape juice, pouring it into glass jelly jars. “So it looks like we’re staying here until you get rested,” Campbell said, his words whistling around the dry crumbs.

“Overnight, maybe,” Rachel said. The tuna gave her a surge of energy and she already felt stronger. “But I’m eager to find Stephen and get to Milepost 291.”

“So let’s say your grandfather’s there, maybe some other people. What if they think you’re a Zaphead? Will he let you in?”

“Franklin believes in individualism and personal freedom. There’s not a racist bone in his body. He used to say that was the part of the collapse he was looking toward the most: when people were too busy surviving to mind other people’s business.”

“Yeah, but that was before there was a Zaphead race. His opinions might have changed in light of new information.”

“If we’re lucky enough to get there, you can ask him. From a safe distance.”

Campbell reached across the table and took her hand. “I’m glad this happened,” he said. “Not the solar flares or the Doomsday bullshit, but the fact that we made it.”

She drew her hand away and unconsciously wiped it on her pants. Campbell noticed and laughed. “I don’t think you’re contagious.”

“No, but maybe you are. Besides, all we’ve made it is so far. We’re alive today, and we have a goal, but other than that, I don’t see much hope for the long haul.”

“Hey, we’re doing okay for ourselves. Roof over our heads, full bellies, no credit card debt, and we can get an early jump on Christmas shopping.”

“I wasn’t just talking about my future. I meant for us, the survivors. The human race.”

Campbell shoved away from the table and peered out the window. “Well, we’re probably outnumbered a thousand to one, but this is still our planet. Top of the food chain until proven otherwise.”

“You think we have a divine right to rule the world? A manifest destiny? That God exploded all the matter in the universe just so creatures on a tiny speck at the edge of an obscure galaxy could believe themselves special? All we did with our knowledge and power in Before was stockpile weapons, starve the have-nots, and squabble over fossil fuels. Have you considered maybe God created the Zapheads precisely because He was sick and damned tired of us?”

Campbell nudged the living-room curtains together and asked, “Are you an atheist? You sure talk about God a lot.”

“I was a believer all my life. A devout Christian. And somewhere lately, I’ve lost it. It seemed so powerful before, so personal, that I never would have thought it could turn off like a light switch. And, I hate to say it, but it sucks to be alone again.”

“You’re not alone.”

“In my head I am. In my heart, too. You can be alone standing in a crowd of millions.”

Campbell found a guitar case leaning against the sofa and he opened it, pulling out an acoustic Gibson that gleamed in the penetrating sunlight. He gave it a soft strum and discordant twang filled the room, hurting Rachel’s ears.

As he sat on the sofa and began tuning the strings, Rachel said, “Please don’t tell me you’re going to play ‘Imagine.’”

“How about ‘Give Peace a Chance’?”

“How about ‘no.’”

Campbell coaxed a few chord changes out of the instrument, and the sweet resonance was welcome after all the screams, explosions, shouts, and groans of the past two months. Campbell opened his mouth and sang a few nonsense syllables: “Ooh-la-la, oh yeah.”

He repeated the musical bars and vocal phrases, and Rachel found herself humming along. Campbell had a strong baritone voice with just enough of a rasp to project authenticity and warmth. The aural intensity overwhelmed her, filled her with golden liquid, and she found herself singing along in harmony.

She swayed in pleasure, the rhythm rolling through her body until her fingers and lips tingled. The vibrations rising through her throat were almost sexual in their pleasure, and she surrendered to it.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah—”


“—oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah—”


She fell silent and blinked, looking around at the room that appeared to have been transformed. The walls shook with the echoes, the ceiling swelled into a dome, and the words “oh yeah” still skated across her tongue.

The guitar was on the couch and Campbell was a foot in front of her face, his eyes dark with concern. “I stopped playing two minutes ago.”


“He won’t shoot,” DeVontay said when Kiki asked about the guard by the fence aiming at him. “I’ve got something he needs.”

“He doesn’t look like the patient kind.”

“I’m his ticket out of here.”

“I hope you got a lot of those tickets.”

Kiki and DeVontay gathered the children in the loading area, still inside the slaughterhouse but in enough sunlight that they could all see one another. The gunshots rumbled around them, some far and some near, and the wide-eyed children trembled with each fresh volley.

“It’s like a war movie,” James said, miming a pistol with an extended finger and going “Blam blam blam, you’re dead!” at another kid, who burst into tears. Kiki chided James and Stephen hugged the crying boy until the sobs halted.

The other adults, Angelique and Carole, comforted the other children as best they could. There were ten children in all, ranging in age from a girl slightly older than Stephen to a toddler who was fortunately oblivious to the surrounding chaos, although his young lip quivered as if he might erupt into shrieks at any moment.

“We need to split up,” DeVontay told Kiki. “If we stay together, we’re going to be like one long line of Zaphead bait. If we break into three or four groups, it’s less likely Rooster will see us.”

“Wait a sec,” Angelique said. She’d barely taken time to dress, throwing on a man’s shirt which was too large and only half buttoned, so that her bra and panties showed. Her sallow legs gleamed in the sunlight and DeVontay wondered how long she’d been held captive. “I didn’t sign up for this shit.”

“You’re a grown-up,” Kiki said. “That means sometimes doing things you don’t want to do.”

“Okay, Mom,” Angelique said with sarcasm, even though Kiki was maybe five years older. “Don’t ground me or anything.”

Kiki’s brown eyes flashed with anger but DeVontay laid a restraining hand on her shoulder. “The kids,” he said. “We have to keep our cool.”

“You’re right,” she said, putting her arm around one of the children. “Okay, which way do we go?”

“I’m going this way,” Angelique said, strolling outside across the loading dock toward the main gate.

“Stop,” DeVontay barked at her. “If Rooster sees you, he’ll know we broke out.”

She turned and gave a mocking, seductive smirk. “If Rooster sees me, he’ll forget all about Zapheads. I’d rather be taken care of than stumble around out in the woods eating roots and berries. Been there, done there. I’d rather earn my keep on my back, the old-fashioned way.”

She hopped off the dock, her shirt tails blowing behind her as she sauntered away.

“Want me to stop her?” Kiki asked DeVontay.

“Nah, let her go. If we head out now, we’ll be gone before Rooster’s gang realizes it. Besides, she’d just bitch the whole time anyway.”

That drew a tired grin from Kiki. “Okay, what’s the plan?”

A minute later, they were traipsing up the bank like it was recess at a charter school, Kiki carrying the toddler and Carole shepherding the stragglers from the rear. The gunfire had eased off a little but was spread across a larger region, suggesting Rooster’s fighters had either gotten separated or else some of them had been killed by Zapheads. DeVontay and Stephen hurried ahead so that they reached the fence first, and the man in the fedora shook his head in disbelief.

“You’re even crazier than you look,” the man said, holding out his hand.

DeVontay passed the wire-cutters to him. “That’s good, because I’ve still got plenty of crazy that nobody’s ever seen.”

“Any Zaps out there?” Stephen asked, peering through the fence as he clung to the chain links.

“Haven’t seen a one,” the man answered, snipping links down in a row to create an opening. To DeVontay, he said, “What are you going to do with all these kids?”

“You ever heard of the Underground Railroad?”

“Escaped slaves and all that?”

“Yeah. Same thing, except all we got is the Little Red Caboose.”

Shouts erupted in the front of the compound, near the main gate. Shots rang out in unison, and DeVontay noticed the sentries atop the water tower were now gone. He had just enough of a view to see figures pouring through the gate, several staggering and falling as more gunfire erupted.

“Goddamn, we’ve been breached,” the man said, hurriedly digging into the links with the cutters.

“Hey,” Stephen said. “I see something.”

DeVontay followed Stephen’s pointing arm and saw motion in the trees. He hoped it was one of Rooster’s men, but when he saw the ragged clothes, he knew the Zapheads had likely surrounded the compound. A man howled in agony below them.

The gap in the fence was now wide enough for escape, but DeVontay was no longer sure that was the right move. The man peeled back the severed section of fence, looked at all the kids, and said to DeVontay, “Three seconds and I’m out of here. Three…two…one…”

“Go on,” Kiki said. “Heroes first.”

DeVontay stepped back and looked around, now unsure. Or maybe scared.

One of the boys slipped from Kiki’s grasp and scrambled through the opening. DeVontay snatched at him but missed, and then the kid bounced up and headed into the forest.

Stephen gave DeVontay an imploring look. “What if that was me?”

DeVontay shook his head in dismay. “Damn it,” he muttered, and squeezed through the gap in the fence, the jagged wires digging into his flesh like predator’s talons. Before he untangled himself, the boy screamed, and so did Kiki. A Zaphead emerged from the low branches and headed for the kid, not staggering, not hesitating, not hurrying, just taking care of business.

“Shoot it!” DeVontay yelled at the man.

“Are you crazy? They’ll swarm all over us.”

DeVontay grabbed for the man’s rifle but he stepped out of reach. Stephen beat the man on the back with his fists, saying, “Give him the gun.”

The kid’s scream caused DeVontay to turn back to the forest. Three more Zapheads appeared out of nowhere. The kid fled but he seemed to have lost his sense of direction in his panic. Instead of returning to the opening, he made a beeline for a point farther along the fence.

The Zapheads were on him in seconds, and he kicked and struggled as they lifted him off the ground. With gunfire clattering all around them now, DeVontay had a sense of a larger panic, movement just beyond his vision. Kiki ran along the opposite side of the fence and tried to climb it, ignoring DeVontay’s pleas for her to stop. She scrambled up several feet before she lost her grip and tumbled to the ground, landing awkwardly. DeVontay was still trying to free himself from the snags when she stood and limped forward to try again.

By then, the Zapheads had swept the boy into the forest, and only his muffled cries remained.

DeVontay shifted his rage to the man in the fedora. “I’m going to kill you.”

“To hell with you,” he said, backing away. “To hell with all of you. I told you it’s every man for himself, and I don’t give a shit if it’s kids or women or even granny there.”

The man galloped down the bank, nearly tumbling before regaining his footing, and soon he vanished around the side of the slaughterhouse. DeVontay finally freed himself and ran to Kiki, pulling her off the fence. “It’s no good,” he said. “He’s gone.”

She collapsed in his arms, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. He knew she was strong. She’d had to be, to take care of those kids in such horrible conditions, and now she wouldn’t even let herself break down.

“Let’s go,” he whispered. “That way wasn’t safe anyway.”

“I thought we were breaking into groups.”

“Plan B,” he said. “We’re going back to the slaughterhouse and wait it out.”

“What if the Zapheads take over the compound and never leave?”

“We’ll worry about that when the time comes. Right now, we don’t have a chance out here in the open.”

As they made their way back to the loading area, DeVontay cursed himself for his lack of leadership. Maybe it would have been better if I’d just skipped out with Stephen. We’d probably be clear of this place by now.

But as he watched Kiki patiently helping a barefoot young girl who winced with each step, he knew that would have been the cowardly approach.

Funny how it’s every man for himself, but the only real men I’ve met in After are women.


“You okay?” Franklin asked.

Jorge grunted, sitting cross-legged on the rocky promontory with his semiautomatic weapon across his lap. The Zapheads had carried off the corpses of the Robertson, Shay, and the two dead soldiers, as well as the dead Zaphead, and the auditory memory of their feet shuffling through the leaves still reverberated in Franklin’s skull.

Or maybe that was the concussion playing hell with his nerves.

Franklin examined the wound in Jorge’s side. “You’re lucky it passed right through without hitting any organs.”

“I don’t feel so lucky,” Jorge said.

Franklin collected Shay’s jacket, which was all that remained of her besides a few bloodspots, and tore it into strips. He wrapped a couple of strips around Jorge’s abdomen and cinched them into a bandage. The bleeding had already stopped, and if infection didn’t set in, the wound would probably cause more pain and inconvenience than health risk.

Below them, muted gunfire echoed up from the valley. Without binoculars, Franklin couldn’t tell where the battle was raging. All he could see was the river winding through the heart of the valley and occasional stretches of asphalt that ran parallel to it.

“Doesn’t sound like Sarge’s men,” Franklin said. “I don’t think they’d dip that far away from the ridges. And most of it doesn’t sound like semiautomatic fire. More like shotguns and small-caliber pistols.”

“Why didn’t you let me shoot them?” Jorge said, not listening.

“Because they would have killed you.”

“Maybe I should go after them.”

“What for? They’re all dead. If you get yourself killed on a wild goose chase, what do I tell your family?”

“My family’s dead, just like Robertson and Shay.”

“You have to keep hoping, hombre. Maybe we survived for a reason.”

“We survived because we’re cowards who wouldn’t fight back.”

Franklin rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers, wondering if he was hemorrhaging blood around his brain. Pressure might be building right now that could leave him blind or trigger a stroke or some type of seizure. That would be ironic—his central nervous system had proven immune to the mutating radiation of the solar flares but had succumbed to a little knock on the noggin.

“We can’t sit here and wait for dark,” Franklin said. “Sarge probably has patrols out after us, and the Zaps are liable to return. And I don’t particularly care to be caught in the middle. The way I see it, we can either find a house to hole up in, head on back to Milepost 291, or go down into the valley and see what’s going on. Personally, I’m getting a little tired of these war games. I’m ready to get back home.”

“Easy for you, since you have a home,” Jorge said. “This country is not even my home, not really. As much as I tried to fit in, teach my family to speak English first, I still don’t feel like I belong.”

“None of us belong anymore. May as well be here as anywhere.”

Franklin crawled well away from the ledge and leaned against a slender tree trunk, using it to help steady his legs as he stood. Aside from the painful rush of blood to his head and a moment of nausea, he felt well enough to walk.

“So, what’s your choice?” Franklin asked.

“Same as before. I’m not going anywhere until I find my family.”

Franklin nodded. “Milepost 291 will be there when you find them. Come on up, even if it’s winter or even spring. You’re always welcome.”

He limped into the forest, heading west, planning to backtrack toward Grandfather Mountain and find an abandoned house for the night, then continue his journey tomorrow.

“You’re forgetting something, hombre,” Jorge said.

Franklin turned with effort, fighting a wave of dizziness. “What?”

Jorge pointed to the several weapons lying on the ground. “Your gun.”

“No, I’m not doing that anymore. The Zapheads will kill anyone with a weapon, and I wouldn’t have any chance against a bunch of trained soldiers. From now on, I’m just counting on my wits, as sad as that sounds.”

Their eyes met, and Franklin realized he’d soon be alone for the first time since he’d met Jorge, Rosa, and Marina on a trail and invited them to stay at Wheelerville. Despite his long years spent in contented solitude, the thought of going solo now filled him with an indefinable fear. His vision of life after the apocalypse had never consisted of nights spent alone roasting wild game over a fire, or scrounging in the woods for nuts and berries like a naturalist.

No, the very reason he’d built his ridge top compound was because he expected company. Consciously, “company” had always meant Rachel, as well as any other family members who finally realized Franklin was right after all rather than a schizophrenic hermit. But he’d also prepared to cohabit with total strangers, and together find new ways of living that didn’t embrace the old structure that led to corruption, power struggles, and greed.

Wheelerville at Milepost 291 had been designed as more of a libertarian utopia than anything else. After all, Franklin hadn’t hoarded high-grade explosives or chemical weapons—partly because he didn’t want to draw any more government interest than necessary, but mostly because he wanted to live and let live, not kill or be killed. No, he’d focused on sustainable supplies of food, water, and heat, with just enough security measures to make would-be marauders think twice. Nobody could kill you for your resources if they didn’t even know you existed.

But he also hadn’t anticipated Zapheads. A mutated race of violent, mindless humans had never appeared on his list of end-of-the-world scenarios. He’d even toyed with the idea of zombie outbreaks, since certain branches of the government had wasted taxpayer money foolishly developing protocols for such events. But never in his wildest dreams would they ever be more than material to fill comic books.

“So you’re going to walk fifteen miles through Zapheads and murderous army soldiers and just hope you manage to avoid them?’ Jorge said.

“That’s the plan.”

Franklin continued into the forest, the afternoon sun burning through the dwindling canopy. Jorge called to him a final time. “And if I find Rosa and Marina and they want to come, what about Cathy and her baby?”

Franklin shuddered at the memory of the repulsive little creature with its intense, glittering eyes and the way it watched everything with a quiet cunning. He should have killed it while he had the chance, but something about its gaze—almost like it knew what Franklin was contemplating—had stayed his hand.

But he’d made a mistake. He never should have allowed the baby into his compound. He suspected it was the reason Jorge had lost his family, and then Sarge’s Army had captured him and Jorge while they were searching. And since then, the outcome had been more deaths, with each step leading him farther and farther from the idyllic life he’d spent years building.

Maybe he shouldn’t have allowed anyone into the compound. He’d likely be there now, tending his garden and goats, gathering firewood for winter, drawing on the solar panels to scan shortwave radio frequencies for other survivors.

Now it was time to fix his mistake. Even if it meant being alone.

“I said you’re invited,” Franklin said. “Nobody else but family. Human family.”

He limped into the woods toward home, his head throbbing with each heavy step.


After the group had gathered in the slaughterhouse’s loading area again, DeVontay and Stephen had yanked the bay door down into place. There was no way to fasten it from the inside now that the lock was broken, and DeVontay could only hope none of Rooster’s men tried to get inside. He didn’t think Zapheads had mastered the complexities of locks and doors, but tense minutes passed as gunfire boomed around the compound.

Now the shots fell only sporadically, along with the shouts and cries of men. DeVontay had no sense of passing time in the almost complete darkness, but he figured it had been four or five hours since their escape attempt. Aside from occasional whispered commands and Kiki’s and Carole’s comforting murmurs, the loading bay was filled with an eerie hum, as if the decomposing bodies under the tarp were radiating the last of their fading energy. The smell was corrupt and fecund, but no more so than the underlying scent of blood and decay that had permeated the slaughterhouse from its former commercial life.

DeVontay felt along the base of the bay door until he found Stephen’s hand. He took it and whispered, “Stay here. If the door shakes even the least little bit, you call me, okay?”

Stephen whispered back a parched, “’kay.”

DeVontay crawled along the filthy concrete floor until he reached the group. Children sniffled and whimpered, but the two women had done a remarkable job of calming them. A few seemed to be napping. They were gathered in a pile in the center of the loading area, and Carole was humming a soft lullaby in an Irish brogue.

Kiki must have heard him coming. “How much longer?”

“A little more. I want to be sure it’s dark when we move.”

“The children haven’t eaten since morning. They’ll need their strength.”

“I know where the men kept their living quarters. If the coast is clear, I’ll make a raid and come back. Then we’ll head out.”

“Do you think they’re all dead?” Carole asked.

“I doubt it,” DeVontay answered. “I’d bet some are, but most probably either fled or holed up in the buildings and vehicles. They can’t shoot or the Zapheads will know where they are. And that’s good, because that means the men probably won’t bother us.”

“What about the Zapheads?”

DeVontay wondered how much he should lie, and then decided they should know the risks. Better to be panicked than overconfident. “They’re everywhere. I saw a big pack of them in town yesterday, and they seem to have gathered even more since I was captured. Even if we make it out of the compound, it’s going to be a dangerous night.”

“Still less dangerous than staying here,” Kiki said. “If the Zapheads know about this compound, they’ll keep coming back.”

“Afraid so. They seem to be getting smarter.”

“And Rooster and his bunch seem to be getting dumber.”

One of the children bumped into DeVontay and reached a hand along his arm until little fingers touched DeVontay’s cheek. “You’re the man with the glass eye,” the small voice said.

DeVontay managed a chuckle. “The one and only. But it’s a magic eye. I can see how brave you are.”

“Really?” the voice said with barely suppressed glee.

“And it’s going to shine our way out of here, like a lighthouse on the beach. So don’t you worry about a thing.”

The little fingers left him and they were replaced by Kiki’s. She pulled him close and put her lips to his ear. “I can see how brave you are,” she whispered, and gave him a delicate kiss on the cheek as she pulled away.

DeVontay made his way back to the bay door and Stephen. “Okay,” he said. “We’re going to raise the door just a little bit so I can peek outside. But we have to be real slow and easy. No noise.”

The electrical chain drive that had formerly operated the door was still connected, which made manual opening a rigorous task. A forceful thrust would cause it to gather momentum and roll up mostly on its own, but eliciting only a crack was much more arduous. DeVontay skinned his knuckles working his fingers under the door, using one hand to pull the drive chain.

The door gave a juddering creak and DeVontay froze at the noise, but after thirty seconds of silence, he whispered, “Okay, Little Man, up about a foot.”

After they wrestled a suitable gap, DeVontay laid flat on his back, his cheek against the concrete. It was twilight outside, the insects in the forest already embarking on their nightly orchestra. He detected no movement, and the only light was that provided by the vanishing sun.

DeVontay reached through the gap and grabbed a wooden packing crate. He scooted it near the door and said, “Lift until we can jam this under.”

Once the door was leveraged into position, DeVontay let the weight rest on the crate, leaving a gap of about two feet. “If anybody comes, kick this crate out of the way and let the door drop.”

“Even if you’re outside?” Stephen said.

“No matter what.”

“Will you come back?”

DeVontay hoped his grin showed in the dim light. “We’re sticking together from now on.”

“No matter what?”

“You got it.” DeVontay rolled through the opening and rose to his feet, his scalp tingling as his senses heightened for signs of danger. He crept across the dock and peered around the side of the slaughterhouse. One corpse was sprawled on the dirt between the front gate and the old school bus, but DeVontay couldn’t tell whether it was a Zaphead. The door to the shed that the men had been using as living quarters was open, so DeVontay suspected it was unoccupied. By humans, at any rate.

He debated trying for the school bus to see if it contained any more firearms, but he decided gunfire would only draw attention. Besides, if their situation got to that point, they had no chance anyway. Likewise, the tool bin might offer something blunt and heavy he could use as a weapon, but he just couldn’t see himself defending a group of helpless children via hand-to-hand combat.

No, this would have to be a stealth mission.

Taking a deep breath, he crouched and dashed across the compound, expecting a bullet to strike him in the back at any second. But he reached the shelter of the school bus without incident, heading from the abandoned vehicle to a concrete block building with shattered windows that might once have served as an office. Without checking inside it, he eased around it and moved along the fence until he reached the storage shed.

DeVontay put his ear to the metal siding, listening for acoustic disturbances inside the building. After twenty seconds of hearing only the rapid thrush of his own pulse, he worked his way to the front, once more scanning the compound. A shot rang out, but it was easily two miles away, almost like a forlorn message from a lost outpost.

DeVontay entered the shed. The space was dark, but he was able to make out rows of makeshift bunks that ran along both walls, stacked ten beds high. He moved away from the door so that his silhouette wouldn’t make an easy target for anyone lurking inside.

Guiding his path by touch, he eased past the bunks until he bumped into a table. He ran his hands along the cool surface. It held tin cans, greasy dishes, cardboard boxes, and crinkling plastic bags. He didn’t know which of them contained food, but this was obviously a dining table.

Then he felt a cool cylindrical object with a lumpy, waxy top—a candle. Of course they wouldn’t sit in here in the dark. Excited, he felt around for matches, found a pack, and put one against the striking pad. Then he realized if he cast a light, anyone in the compound would be able to see the glowing outline of the shed door.

His eyes had adjusted well enough that he could walk between the rows of bunks and ease the door closed. It gave a rusty groan of protest but he managed, leaving a gap of a couple of inches in case he needed to make a fast exit.

Retracing his steps, DeVontay struck the match and applied it to the candle. The sudden burst of light revealed a messy array of food on the table: half-eaten cans of beans with flies buzzing around their rims, bags of moldy bread, oil-stained jars of peanut butter, and boxes of cellophane-wrapped individual snacks that looked to have been taken from a store, probably the same one in Stonewall that’d he raided.

He couldn’t help grinning when he found some Slim Jims among the candy bars and cheese crackers. Stephen will be happy.

No doubt the men had their own supplies stashed in their bunks or secured inside the shed, but they wouldn’t be able to carry much anyway. DeVontay yanked a gray wool blanket from one of the bunks, laid it on the floor, and collected a pile of edibles and drinks. He gathered the corners of the blanket and hoisted it like a hobo’s bundle, then blew out the candle and returned to the door.

He nudged it open wider with his foot and surveyed the compound again.

A dozen Zapheads walked in a line across the compound, heading for the corpse sprawled on the ground.


“I’m normal,” Rachel said, almost to herself.

“Anybody who has to keep reassuring themselves about that may have a problem,” Campbell said.

As darkness settled in around the house, Campbell had checked all the windows and door locks. Since Rachel’s strange catatonia from the music, they had spoken little. Rachel was frightened, but her anxiety only made her more defiant. And Campbell’s concern was beginning to grate her nerves.

Or is that another symptom of the change?

Campbell lit a pile of twisted newspaper under logs he’d stacked in the fireplace. His face was reddish-orange in the glow cast by the crackling flames. They’d agreed that the heat would be worth the risk since the smoke would be mostly hidden by darkness. The flickering fingers of light dancing on the walls suggested Neanderthals huddled in a cave, somehow both simple and safe.

“I have to…visit the woods,” she said, too embarrassed to leave her waste in the dysfunctional toilet.

“I’ll come with you,” he said.

“Only if you wait on the porch.”

“I’m just worried that you might freak out and run off.”

“Worry about yourself, not me.”

“Hey, you’re the one that was talking about our future. If we don’t stick together, we’ll never rebuild civilization and I won’t ever get to play video games again.”

“I think evolution took a U-turn,” Rachel said, unlocking the door and stepping into the cool night. She wondered for a moment if Campbell might slam and bolt the door behind her, but he followed her down the steps where she made him stand.

She went around the dead Volvo in the driveway, pulled down her pants, and squatted. As she urinated, she ran a palm along the site of her infected bite wound. No scab, no scar, no pain or itching. Just smooth, healthy flesh.

Above her the stars winked on, the belt of Orion stitched across the dome of darkness. The moon rose somewhere in the east, still just a faint smudge of haze below the horizon. The surrounding treetops hid many of the constellations, although most of the leaves had fallen to reveal the black sticks of branches. November would arrive soon, and with it the bone-jarring wind, snow, and bleakness that would prove far more challenging an opponent than Zapheads or trigger-happy militants.

She thought of Stephen and wondered where he was at that moment. She hoped he was somewhere safe and secure, hopefully with an adult to care for him. She didn’t want to consider the likely possibility of his death. She still blamed herself for allowing him to get lost. She considered offering a prayer for his safety but no words came, only resentment.

She finished and let the cool breeze dry her a moment before she pulled up her pants. Around her the forest was silent except for the faint flapping of stubborn leaves that didn’t know their time was up. Insects chittered in a piercing cadence so inviting that Rachel was afraid she’d start imitating the sound. She clapped her hand over her mouth as she walked back to the house, but the resonance roared in her ears, digging deeper and deeper until she thought her skull would burst.

By the time she reached the porch, she was so dizzy she almost fell into Campbell’s arms.

“Jesus,” Campbell said, supporting her weight and leading her up the steps. “Maybe you’re not as healed as we thought you were.”

Rachel didn’t want to tell him that the dizziness was not caused by anything inside her. No, it radiated from Out There, as if the insects were merely broadcasting a message that she would have heard clearly if she’d been tuned to the right frequency. She almost laughed.

I’m fine. I’m normal. I’m crazy. I’m a goddamned Zaphead.

Once inside, Campbell eased her onto the sofa in front of the fireplace. He checked her forehead for fever, but her body felt as if it was filled with ice water. The same tingling numbness she’d experienced during her fugue state swept over her again and she was afraid she was sliding into unconsciousness.

“You’re burning up, Rachel,” he said, rolling her sweater up her belly and tugging at its shoulders until it slipped past her neck and arms. He pulled a lace cotton comforter over her and she closed her eyes.

Campbell put a bottle of water to her lips and she sipped, even though the liquid tasted oily and unpalatable. Soon the roaring in her skull eased a bit, and she wondered if it was because they were now inside and out of range of the insect calls.

“I’m okay now,” Rachel said. She didn’t plan on getting into the habit of letting Campbell lay her down on couches and undress her.

“Which okay is that? The ‘I’m just a normal human being okay’ or the “I’m a freaking mutant but I’ll survive okay’?”

“Leave me alone,’ she said.

“I…I can’t.”

She couldn’t tolerate his clumsy schoolboy crush any longer. “Look, we’re not soul mates or anything. You may be glad all this happened, that the sun burned our world to toast, and that you caught me in a vulnerable state, but nothing’s going on here. You and me…that’s not a possible future.”

He groaned in annoyance. “You think that’s what this is about? Sure, I like you, but I’m more concerned about what you mean for all of us. Think about it. If you’re a Zaphead, or even a partial Zaphead—“

“A half-breed, right?”

“You should see your eyes when you get angry. They’re popping like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Don’t try to tell me that’s normal. But listen—if you can empathize with them, or function like them, then you can help us understand them. Maybe one day even communicate with them.”

“What makes you so sure I’m on your side? What if I turn out to be some kind of spy? What if they intentionally infected me somehow so that they could send me back to enemy lines? Maybe that’s why they let us escape when they attacked the professor.”

Campbell shook his head. “We don’t really know how they think, do we? All we’ve seen is larger patterns of organized behavior. But you…you’re bound to feel like they do, at least a little.”

“I’m trying not to think about that. I want to feel like me. I want to feel normal.”

“There’s no normal anymore. Not for any of us.”

Now that the dizzy spell and flush of heat had passed, Rachel was cold, and she drew the comforter higher up her shoulders. “I need to move closer to the fire.”

Campbell dragged some cushions from the other chairs and arranged them on the floor near the hearth. He left the room and returned shortly with a stack of blankets which he proceeded to spread out in a makeshift bed. Then he helped Rachel off the sofa until she was bundled and shivering, trying not to cry in front of him. She was way more scared than she wanted to admit.

He sat beside her and rested a tentative hand on the blankets. “Don’t freak out,” he said. “I’m not coming on to you or anything.”

“Why not? Afraid you’ll get Zap cooties?”

“No, I just want you to know you’re not alone.”

“Right, because now I’m your pet project. Now I have some value. If you can get me to a lab somewhere, maybe the Army scientists can crack open my skull and see what makes a Zaphead tick.”

“No,” Campbell said, stroking his hand slowly back and forth along her body. “Not because you’re a Zaphead. But because you’re Rachel.”

She couldn’t help laughing despite her fear. “You’re so dorky.”

“Schoolboy crushes do that to me.”

“What if I turn full Zap in the night and mutilate you?”

“I’ll take my chances.”

The crackling of the fire almost seemed like mirthful giggles, building inside her head, but Rachel didn’t fight them. Instead, she followed them deep inside her head until at some point they became soft echoes that faded until she was able to sleep.


Okay, I’ve already burned through Plan A and Plan B. Maybe I should just skip straight to Z.

DeVontay didn’t see any way to make it back to the slaughterhouse without being spotted by the Zapheads. Even if he crept along the fence line, at some point he’d have to cross to the loading dock. The only option was to hope they left the compound again before the children gave away their location. But he wasn’t sure Kiki and the others could stay quiet and wait for him if he was gone for hours. The Zapheads could be here all night—or even longer—as far as he knew.

A small group of them surrounded the fallen corpse and gathered it up, hoisting it aloft and heading back toward the gate. The others scattered around the compound, and DeVontay wondered whether they were collecting more bodies. He could almost understand them gathering their own dead—since they seemed to have some sort of telepathic link, or at least a hive consciousness—but he didn’t know why they’d want the human corpses.

If only he had some way to communicate with Kiki, a two-way radio or something, he could create a diversion by running through the gate and leading the Zapheads away. Then he could easily lose them in the forest and work his way back later. But with the group waiting for his return, he would have to reach them before the Zapheads got there.

Then he remembered Stephen telling him about his and Rachel’s escape, and how they’d accidentally set the gas station on fire. Stephen said the Zapheads had not only been drawn by the explosion and the flames, they actually begun hurling themselves into the fire. Stephen had related the tale with a mixture of glee and revulsion, the image of the scorched flesh leaving a strong imprint on him.

DeVontay pulled a musty sheet from one of the bunks and quietly rent it into several long strips. By the time he returned to the door, the Zapheads were out of sight. They’d been making a high-pitched keening noise, like insects, but now they were either silent or else their sounds had so easily blended in with the night’s that he couldn’t track their location.

Slipping through the door, he retraced his route along the fence line until he was again beside the fuel tank. The tank contained diesel, judging by its heavier aroma, so it wouldn’t create a spectacular explosion. But it would burn.

He rubbed one of the strips of cloth along the leaky bottom of the tank until it was soaked, and then repeated it with the other strips. Then he flipped open the tank lid so oxygen would feed the flames. The flap to the gas tank on the bus was locked, so he climbed under the vehicle and wound a fuel-sodden cloth around the tank hose a few times, then tied all the strips together until he had one long fuse connecting the diesel and gas tanks. Since the diesel was relatively slow-burning, he’d have plenty of time to get away.

Checking the compound one last time, he lit the center of the makeshift fuse and hurried back along the fence line to the shed. He could see the bright guttering flame of the fuse as it expanded in both directions. He slipped inside the shed, collected the bundle of food, and sped toward the loading dock.

Three Zapheads came out of the shadows toward him.

They didn’t hurry and they made no noise other than their high, sibilant squeaking. DeVontay considered dropping the bundle and heading in the other direction, but if he fled now, he doubted he’d be able to make his way back to the slaughterhouse. He heard a whoof and the diesel tank caught fire, yellow and red licking over the metal as if seeking a way inside. It wasn’t a pyrotechnical marvel, but it drew the attention of the Zapheads, and as they walked toward DeVontay, he saw the fire reflected in their eyes.

The Zaphead in the center was a male wearing only cargo shorts and hiking boots, apparently impervious to the night’s autumnal chill. Beside him was an older woman in a filthy skirt, the frailty of her human years apparently erased in this new condition of existence. On the other flank, a black woman walked with her head tilted back, her scuffed platform shoes causing her body to roll with each step.

DeVontay’s grip tightened on the bundle and he wondered if it would make an effective weapon if he swung it. He could also try just barreling through them like a fullback attempting to break through a defensive line near the end zone. But for the same reason he’d deliberately set down his shotgun earlier, he intended to avoid violence if possible.

If you fight, they win. He stood his ground, watching and waiting, as they came forward.

When they were ten feet away, he braced, but they weren’t reaching for him. Instead, their gazes were fixed at a point beyond him. It was almost as if he was invisible to them.

He shifted several trembling steps to the left, so that he was out of their direct route. He could smell them now, an aroma of sweat and ozone, and the fire glinted against their oily skin. His heart galloped and thudded against his rib cage, but he forced himself not to panic. Then they moved past him just as the flames roared up the side of the bus, the gas tank finally igniting.

DeVontay felt the rush of wind at his back as the flash illuminated the entire compound. Now he could see the silhouettes of other Zapheads, hurrying toward the source of the roaring pyre. He walked quickly but didn’t break stride, hoping to draw as little attention as possible. Once he reached the loading dock, he gave a long look back and saw the Zapheads were gathered around the burning hulk of the bus. They kept a small distance from the fire, clearly held rapt by its destructive beauty but unwilling to test that destruction themselves.

DeVontay jogged the rest of the way to the loading bay, calling Stephen’s name when he was close. When Stephen poked his head out of the gap beneath the door, DeVontay said, “Tell everybody to come on.”

Kids began crawling out of the gap and onto the loading dock, Stephen among them. “What took you so long?” Stephen asked.

DeVontay handed him a couple of Slim Jims. “Had some friends over for a cookout.”

Cool!” he said, starting to rip open the cellophane.

“Not yet,” DeVontay said. “We’ll eat once we’re safe.”

The fire wasn’t visible from the back of the slaughterhouse, but its glimmering caused shadows to dance along the fence line. The petroleum stench filled the air as smoke drifted around the building. Some of the kids coughed, and DeVontay wondered what would happen if the group encountered a pack of Zapheads on their way out. Would they be able to remain calm as DeVontay had done? Or would they panic and throw the Zapheads into a murderous frenzy?

When Kiki and Carole came outside with the last of the children, Kiki said to him, “Try the fence again?”

“It’s dark now. We should be able to sneak out.” DeVontay glanced from one round-faced child to the next. Even in the bad light, he could see how wide-eyed and vulnerable they all were. He grew more determined than ever to get them all out of there alive.

“You first, Little Man,” DeVontay said to Stephen, pointing up the slope to the gap in the fence.

“What about that other kid who went through and got grabbed by the Zappers?”

“I’ll be right behind you.”

He could tell by his large, brimming eyes and quivering lower lip that Stephen was frightened, but the boy wasn’t going to show it. He just nodded. Kiki cradled the youngest toddler, and DeVontay bent forward to peer at it. The tiny face gazed up at him with curiosity.

“Everybody ready?” he said.

“Yes, we are,” Kiki said firmly, taking a child by the hand. Carole did the same.

“All right,” he said. “Let’s all follow Stephen. Keep quiet, keep together, and no looking back.”

DeVontay fell in behind Stephen, the bundle of goodies swaying back and forth on his shoulders. Kiki encouraged the children forward, shushing James when he made a remark about kicking some Zaphead butt. As they emerged from the concealment of the slaughterhouse, DeVontay resisted the urge to look at the conflagration. His shadow in the firelight stretched ten feet long and gangly ahead of him.

In only a couple of minutes, they reached the fence, and only then did DeVontay look back. The group of Zapheads were larger, some of them still entering via the main gate. They were in various states of undress, the light of the flames coruscating across their bodies in waves. They might have been acolytes of some bizarre cult, gathering to worship the primitive transformation of matter to energy, with no knowledge of its science, serving mute witness to its awesome destructive power.

“Go on,” DeVontay said, rolling back the cut section of fence so the children could slip through the gap. “Careful and don’t scrape yourself on the jagged wire.”

Stephen again led the way, with Kiki the last to go through. DeVontay shoved his bundle though the gap before following. The dark, cold forest awaited them.


As darkness fell, Franklin wanted to find a house in which he could hole up for the night, but he realized he was near the boundary of the national park where homes were scarce.

That was a welcome sign, even though he might have to catch some shut-eye on the ground. He was hungry, but exhaustion was a bigger problem at the moment. He’d refreshed himself from the cold, clear springs that oozed from between granite boulders, water driven by incredible pressure from the depths of the ancient earth. As he’d ascended in elevation, the trees had grown thinner and barer, already succumbing to winter.

Once, he’d heard two men talking in the distance, and he’d pressed himself into a mossy cleft behind a rotted stump until the voices faded, then waited an extra half an hour just to be sure. They were most likely members of Sarge’s platoon—although it was possible other survivors had headed for high ground in the wake of the solar storms and subsequent collapse. He wasn’t willing to take that chance.

Just before sunset, gunfire had erupted somewhere in the mountains around him. He couldn’t pinpoint the location due to the echoes across the valley, but it was miles away from him and lasted less than a minute. He followed a muddy animal path, keeping Grandfather Mountain’s dark profile to his left as he climbed. Soon the path widened, and by the time the sun’s light had all but diminished, he realized he was on one of the Blue Ridge Parkway’s hiking trails.

Night travel was safe enough, since the stars and moon offered just enough light to distinguish the deeper blackness of the forest from the open trail. He kept alert for any noise or sudden flash of light, although many creatures seemed to move through the treetops and scurry across the hidden carpet of fallen leaves. After perhaps an hour, he carefully felt his way a few feet into the forest and lay down in what felt like a grove of ferns. Removing his jacket, he rolled it into a pillow and rested. Even though he shivered, he was grateful that the October air was too cold for mosquitoes.

He must have dozed for some time, although he had no way of judging how long. The night had shifted into a deeper, more mysterious mode, a time that still belonged to nature and was hostile to man. The insects hissed louder and bolder, the night predators clawed bark and rattled branches, and the creeks gurgled with a liquid menace. Franklin slipped into his jacket and found his way back to the trail, some of the weariness banished despite the damp ache in his bones.

He came upon some deer, a buck and two white-tailed does, and the animals didn’t bolt at his scent. The buck’s antlers had five or six points, a testament to age and strength, and it stared at Franklin as if daring him to come closer. Its eyes may have been tainted with solar sickness, or it might have just been reflecting the moon. Either way, Franklin waited until the small herd moved on before he continued.

Once, he came to a bend in the trail that opened into a vast expanse of mountain and sky, the quarter moon wedged above the craggy face of Grandfather Mountain. Mist hung like the smoke of primeval fires, veiling the canopy and wrapping shrouds around the rocky, gray peaks. It was a world that seemed to have completely forgotten the existence of human beings—indeed, a world that had never even known of their presence. Even as a longtime outdoor enthusiast, Franklin was humbled by the vast magic and beauty that made him feel simultaneously insignificant yet unequivocally distinct.

He wasn’t a religious man, although he’d pursued various spiritual paths in his youth before cynicism had driven him to become a survivalist. Now, imagining he might be the only living soul in the universe, he wondered if God approved of him, and whether he deserved any special dispensation. He’d never considered whether building a survivalist compound was a selfish act—he’d always told himself he was protecting the future of his family. But like the ascetic whose life of meditation hidden away in a Himalayan cave did little to make the world a better place, maybe Franklin’s idealism amounted to little more than intellectual masturbation, a monument in service to his ego.

It disturbed him to consider his years of work to be so meaningless, yet he couldn’t deny the essential truth. If his heart seized and he fell dead that moment, the compound might sit idle until some future doomsday reduced it to volcanic slag or the march of decades wore it down to black dirt. But he diverted himself from self-pity. He’d long considered that the trait of fools.

“I’m doing it for Rachel,” he said to the silent sky. “She’s still alive.”

Satisfied that he’d reached some sort of accord with whatever higher power might be listening, he continued up the trail.


Rachel heard her name as if across a vast gulf.

But it wasn’t until Campbell shook her awake that she realized she’d been asleep.

“Rachel,” Campbell said. “Are you okay?”

The question again irritated her. For all his explanation of how her echolalia was a Zaphead trait, he sure seemed to repeat that same phrase a lot.

“I was dreaming,” she said. “I can’t remember what, but I’d rather be there than here.”

“You were calling out. I was worried about you.”

The fire had burned low into a pile of deep red embers, giving the room a golden hue. Sometime in the night, Campbell had snuggled up against her back, spooning her with his arm around her waist. She had to admit, even through the blankets, his body heat was nice.

I must still be human after all. What a relief.

“Looks like I didn’t turn into a raging maniac and eat your liver in the night,” she said.

“So far, so good.” Apparently encouraged that she hadn’t wriggled away from his embrace, he scooted closer so that his face was near the back of her neck. His warm breath tickled her.

“So what was I calling out?” she asked, still drowsy.

“You were just saying ‘Why why why’ over and over again.”

“It was just a dream. Random brain sludge trying to form patterns.”

“But it might be important. If you have the least bit of Zaphead inside you, everything could be a clue.”

“Yes, Dr.—hey, you never told me your last name.”


“That’s some name.”

“Don’t try to change the subject.”

“I didn’t like the other one.”

“Look, even if we make it to your grandfather’s compound, at some point we’re going to have to deal with the Zaps. I don’t know if that means going for the military option or just co-existing, but the one luxury we won’t have is pretending they don’t exist.”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and they have a built-in burnout in their brain circuitry. An expiration date. We wake up on a Monday and they’re all dead.”

“And where do you fit into that? Do you become only half-dead?”

She rolled up on one elbow so that she faced him. “I just remembered the dream. We were…me and a bunch of people…were looking at this girl who was maybe fifteen. She had a couple of gaping holes in her chest, and her skin was pale and marbled. She was obviously dead. And we—”

“Who is this ‘we’?”

“I don’t know. Just all of us. Anyway, we started tearing this girl open, just dug our fingers into the wounds and peeling back. Trying to see what was inside her. Because we couldn’t figure out why she died.”

“Jesus. That’s what happened to the people at the farmhouse before I got there. The professor said the Zaps just took them apart like they were trying to make sense out of them. Like a kid pulling the legs off a granddaddy long-legs spider.”

Rachel shook her head. She didn’t want to remember any more. Because she was pretty sure the “we” with her in the dream were strangers. Zapheads. And the girl had been so young.

Worse, she hadn’t been the only one. There were piles of corpses, laid out in rows, dozens, maybe hundreds, in a big field. Some were long dead and rotted, like those who had died instantly in the solar storms while trapped inside their homes or vehicles. Others, like the teenaged girl, appeared freshly dead.

Still others showed signs of mutation—the filthy clothes and greasy, tangled hair common to Zapheads—and their bodies commingled in the same piles. The dream hadn’t offered the sense of scent, but Rachel had the impression of an overpowering odor of death and corruption rising from the charnel field.

She fought her way out of the blankets, pulling away from Campbell.

“Hey!” he said. “Where are you going?”

“I have to be with them.”

“I thought we were heading for Milepost 291.”

“No. This is…hard to explain.”

That strange tingle emanated through her body again, and she turned away so that Campbell couldn’t see her eyes. Because she knew they would be sparking like crazy. They almost cast their own light before her.

“Rachel, come back!”

She was nearly to the door when Campbell caught up with her. He wrapped his arms around her, dragging her back to the bed. She kicked and struggled, but he was too strong.

“Let me go,” she cried. “You don’t understand.”

“I understand you’re having weird thoughts, and the worst thing you can do is go running off in the middle of the night with no destination in mind.”

“Who says I have no destination?”

“You don’t even know where we are.”

“I know how to get there,” she said. It wasn’t far, and the psychic pull was like a beacon in the night—all she had to do was tune out her other senses and she could follow it. But she had no way to explain the signal to Campbell. Or even to herself, really. But she didn’t need explanations, because the tug was a compulsion, a force that hinted it could tear her apart bone by bone if she didn’t heed it.

She wrestled with him but he refused to release her. “Calm down,” he said. “You’re not going anywhere until you start making sense.”

“No! I’m one of them, not one of you.”

“That’s not true. You’re Rachel. What you were saying earlier—”

She elbowed him in the ribs and he flung her onto the sofa. She landed hard, nearly snapping her neck, and he jumped on her before she could scramble away. The sofa tilted over and banged against the floor, causing them to roll toward the kitchen. Rachel clawed at his face, drawing blood, and his sudden violence set off something inside her. Strength and rage surged through her, and she saw him not as a person but a black silhouette whose outline shimmered with the most hellish of fires.

“Your eyes!” the silhouette said, and she couldn’t help repeating the phrase as it overwhelmed her senses. Her rage intensified—now she wanted to smash the source of the noise, to wipe out its never-ending resonance.

She grabbed a kitchen chair and swung it wildly at the top of the silhouette, where the flames were brightest.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy!” it said, jumping back and only angering her more.

She raised the chair over her head and was about to bring it crashing down when the flames around the silhouette eased into a darker hue, their intensity fading. The silhouette was unmoving, the black of its form merging to cobalt blue.

“Easy, Rachel,” it said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”


She recognized the word and tried to say it. Then she said it three times.

“Yes, that’s right. That’s your name.”

Now the flames around the silhouette vanished altogether, and the cobalt blue took on shades of detail.

Only a man, not a monster.

She recognized him. Then she remembered his name. “Campbell?”

He nodded. He stood with his palms up, arms held apart to show he was no threat. “Sorry I threw you down. I didn’t know what to do.”

“I became one of them.”

“But you’re back now.”

“No. Not all the way. I don’t think I’ll ever be all the way back.”

That scared her more than she could say.

“Are you okay?” he asked yet again, helpless.

“No, I’m not.” He came to her and she welcomed his embrace.

She wondered if Zapheads could cry. At least she was still human enough to do that. It might be her last human act, but she was going to try her damnedest to flush every little glint and spark out of her eyes.


The progress was slow, but DeVontay wouldn’t let the group stop until they’d put the compound at least half a mile behind them.

After leading them through the forest for a while, he decided it would be safer to travel in the open rather than stumble through the dark trees. After consulting Kiki, the group headed downhill in the direction of the river road, although DeVontay planned to stay well away from Stonewall. Some of the children were nearly at the breaking point due to fear and exhaustion, but promises of food and rest kept them moving.

They emerged from the forest onto a rise of meadow that was part of a farm property. A house and a few outbuildings stood near the road, the river beyond them sparkling like a silver ribbon in the moonlight. The low mist lay across it and seeped up the banks so that the opposite shore was hidden. They wouldn’t be able to see anyone coming from a distance, but DeVontay reasoned the group would also be difficult to see.

“Okay, let’s eat.” He dropped the bundle and was busy spreading the blanket over the high weeds while Kiki and the others gathered around. The blanket wasn’t large enough to hold all of them, but Kiki set the youngest children on it as others dug through the food.

“Sweet!” James howled. “Scored me a Reese’s Cup.”

“Hush,” Kiki said. “Someone might hear us.”

Stephen stood away from the blanket with the “big kids,” chewing a Slim Jim. Carole opened a bottle of juice and had the kids pass it around. DeVontay waited until all the children had selected something before he snapped the tab on a can of Vienna sausages and ate them with his fingers.

“Those stink,” Kiki said, helping the toddler with a strip of gelled fruit.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t have time to find any caviar, anchovies, or pickled okra,” DeVontay said. “What are you eating?”

“An apple. A girl needs to watch her figure.”

“Maybe you can put together the ‘Running for Your Life Workout Plan’ after all this is over.”

“Like this will ever be over.”

“I didn’t realize you were a pessimist. Not after all the sacrifices you’ve made for the children. You have to believe they have some sort of future for you to act the way you do.”

She shook her head. “You just do the thing that needs to be done right now. That’s all.”

“Surely you had your chances to escape. Or do what Angelique did and play your way into Rooster’s good graces.”

“You didn’t have to come back for us. You could have gotten away and left us for the Zapheads.”

DeVontay didn’t tell her that he’d considered slipping away with Stephen and leaving the group to fend for itself. He didn’t really deserve it, but he enjoyed the admiration that came from being a hero. Especially when expressed by an attractive woman. “That’s not my style.”

“How come you didn’t keep your gun?

“Because I’m starting to think if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Not in some sort of Old Testament eye-for-an-eye thing, but because the Zaps seem to respond to violence. Like they tune in on it, absorb it, and reflect it.”

“That’s really weird.”

“Maybe,” DeVontay said. “I’ve been thinking about it. We assume they’ve somehow mutated so their brains are programmed to destroy us, but what if they’re actually just picking up on our own neurotransmitter signals? What if they’re responding to our emotions, even adopting them? A bunch of men with guns would throw them into a complete frenzy. They might not understand intellectually they can be killed, but they would feel the threat.”

“Like when they hear sounds and imitate them?”

“Sure. Maybe they’re learning. Back at the compound, when three of them were coming toward me, I didn’t try to run or fight, and they walked right past me as if I wasn’t there. Like they couldn’t even see me. They might operate on a wavelength we can’t begin to understand. We assume they want to kill us, but what if they’re only picking up on our fear? What if they smell it the way a predator smells prey?”

“Then we don’t have much of a chance,” Kiki said. “Because they scare the hell out of all of us.”

Stephen, who’d been playing with James, came over to them. “Are we going to sleep in that house down there?”

Kiki watched with interest, and DeVontay wondered whether he should consult her. He’d hoped to get farther away from the compound before the sun rose, but already children were yawning and a couple had curled up on the blanket to take naps. He was right about one thing: having the whole group tagging along had slowed their progress.

“What do you think?” DeVontay asked Kiki. “You know these kids better than I do.”

“It’s been hard on them.” She hugged the toddler close and kissed it on the head. “I don’t think they can go much further, and the more tired they get, the more likely things will go bad.”

DeVontay nodded. “Okay. Things have settled down a little. I haven’t heard a gun in maybe half an hour, and we haven’t seen any signs of the Zaps. That house looks better than trying to sleep out in the woods.”

“Maybe we should check it out first,” Stephen said.

“I need you here to guard the children.”

“Let the women do it. You might need some back-up.”

DeVontay grinned. Stephen was embarrassed about freaking out over the snake and getting separated from Rachel because of it, and now he seemed determined to show his bravery. There had been no sign of light or movement in the house, so DeVontay was confident it was empty. If he could build Stephen’s confidence, it would help all of them down the road.

“Give us twenty minutes,” DeVontay said to Kiki. “If we’re not back then, or if you hear gunshots or anything, take everybody back into the woods where we came out. Go deep enough that you can’t be seen from the road and wait until morning. Then keep heading north and keep the river on your right. Whatever you do, don’t head south to Stonewall, because I have a feeling the Zaps are gathered there.”

Kiki gripped his forearm and squeezed. “Just come back, okay?”

“That’s the plan. But you never know when you need Plan Z.”

DeVontay wondered if she’d give him another “hero’s kiss” but decided he didn’t want Stephen to see it. Especially since the boy probably thought Rachel was going to be DeVontay’s girlfriend. Stephen was too young to know how fast things could change when you were living from minute to minute.

DeVontay plucked out the last Vienna sausage and dropped it into his mouth, flinging the can into the weeds. “Hope you’re not an environmentalist,” he said to Kiki.

“Not any more. The environment’s doing better than we are.”

“That’s what I’m feeling. Save the humans before we worry about saving the whales.”

James was arguing with another boy about one of the candy bars in the bundle. DeVontay took the candy bar away and stuck it in his pocket, then said to James, “Stephen and I are going for a stroll, and you’re the man in charge until we get back. Think you can handle it?”

James dropped into a karate stance and delivered an air kick. “Hai-yah!”

DeVontay chuckled when the boy lost his balance and nearly fell over. “You’ll do fine.”

When he and Stephen were halfway to the house, pants damp from the weeds, Stephen said, “I wish I had a gun.”

“Everybody I’ve met that had a gun ended up dead.”

“Well, Rachel had a gun.”

“Look, I think she’s still out there somewhere—she’s tough and smart—but it might be a long time before we find her again. So the best thing we can do is keep moving until we get to Milepost 291 and find that compound.” DeVontay looked back up the hill, but the group was already lost in the darkness and thickening mist. “We’re just carrying a lot more baggage than I thought we would.”

“If we had a gun, Rooster wouldn’t have trapped us in that stinky old building. I would have shot him in the face.”

“Stephen, this isn’t some video game. These are people. They’re scared. And scared people don’t always act like they normally would.”

“Still woulda shot him.”

DeVontay fluffed Stephen’s hair. “I guess you’re scared, too. So am I.”

When they reached the edge of the yard, DeVontay had Stephen wait by a garden shed. “You know how to whistle?”

Stephen tried, but only a thin stream of hissing air came out.

“Okay, so much for secret signals. Let’s go.”

DeVontay made two complete circuits of the house, drawing closer with each step until DeVontay ended up peeking through each of the windows. “Looks good,” DeVontay whispered to the hiding Stephen.

He tried the back door and found it locked. He didn’t want to break the glass, so he tried the window beside it. It was unlatched, so he quietly slid up the lower half.

“Wait there,” he said to Stephen. “I’ll check it out and let you in.”

He crawled through the window, feeling his way in front of him, and decided he was entering the kitchen. He knocked over a jar of some kind and scattered utensils in a brittle clatter. Then he climbed off the counter and headed for the back door. A match struck a few feet in front of him.

In the bobbing orange orb of light, Rooster’s face was twisted with anger. The muzzle of his pistol seemed as big as a sewer pipe as it pointed at DeVontay’s chest.

“Eeeny meeny miney mo, catch a Zapper by his toe.”


Just before the match burned down to a tiny red dot, DeVontay saw other figures behind Rooster. He had the impression there were maybe three others, haggard and frantic-eyed. Then the light winked out and the room fell into darkness, with only the faint haze from the window providing illumination. Their breathing was loud and labored, as if they’d been running.

“You broke your word,” Rooster said. “You said you were one of us.”

“Everybody left,” DeVontay said, refusing to allow fear into his voice. “Zaps overran the compound. I didn’t see any reason to stay there and be killed.”

“That compound was all we had left.”

“Then why did you leave?” He couldn’t see Rooster’s face, but the barrel of his gun glinted in the weak light. It was still pointed at DeVontay.

“Maybe I should blow your brains out right here,” Rooster said. “Ain’t no room in this world for traitors.”

DeVontay would have welcomed death, but now he had not just Stephen but a whole group counting on him. In Before, when he’d been a kid in South Philly, he never belonged—not on sports teams, not in the street gangs, not even in his family. He could hardly accept this image of himself as someone who would sacrifice for others, but that’s exactly what he’d done, almost against his will.

Because you keep finding people worth fighting for.

And the best way he could help Stephen, Kiki, and the others would be to stall for time so they could escape. But what were their chances out there alone? Maybe he should tell Rooster about his group, so that they might provide protection and shelter. After all, Rooster had considered them valuable enough to feed and shelter, even if he’d treated them like human livestock.

But Rooster’s voice contained a dangerous edge, like that of a man walked to the end of a gangplank. If he’d been unhinged before, watching his utopian vision crumble might have snapped his last few tethers of reality.

“How many others got away?” DeVontay asked. “Maybe in the morning we can get them together and take back the compound.”

One of the unseen men said, “We’ve been watching the road. You didn’t come that way.”

“I came through the woods. Zaps were blocking the gate.”

“Where’s your gun?”

“Lost it.”

“What about the women and kids?”

“I…I don’t know. I guess they’re still there, if the Zapheads didn’t get them.”

“Bullshit,” Rooster said. “You wouldn’t have left them there.”

“Well, you did.” Goading Rooster was a dangerous game, but he’d already lost this hand anyway. His best chance was to bluff his way into an extra round.

“He was best buddies with one of those boys,” said a woman whose voice he recognized. Angelique’s. “Like he knew him from before the compound. He wouldn’t have left that boy there.”

DeVontay wondered if Stephen could hear the conversation. Hopefully the boy was already running back to Kiki and the others. But he was worried that Stephen would consider running a cowardly act. Maybe DeVontay had proven to be a worse role model than he thought.

“Shut up, Angelique,” Rooster said. “If you had stayed there like I told you, we’d know where everybody was.”

“If I had stayed, I’d probably be Zaphead bait by now,” she said. “But they were all alive when I left. And this guy was playing Clint Eastwood, trying to lead them to safety.”

Rooster lit another match, and this time the globe of light revealed Rooster’s sneering, mad face. “So where are they?”

“I guess they’re all dead,” DeVontay said. “When we hit the woods, Zaps were everywhere. When I heard the screams, I just started running.”

“So you were a hero and then you were chickenshit.” Rooster pushed the muzzle of his gun against DeVontay’s forehead just as the match extinguished. “Which are you now?”

“Chickenshit,” DeVontay said, without emotion. The afterimage of orange flares danced across his vision as darkness returned.

“Pop him, Rooster,” said an unseen man.

“Right, dumbass. This quiet, in the middle of the night, the Zapheads could hear the shot from miles around.”

“Just let me go,” DeVontay said “I’ll keep moving, and that will draw any Zaps that might be around. I’ve done it before.”

“Oh, want to play hero again? Well, I think you’re bullshitting instead of chickenshitting.”

“Shh,” said Angelique. “I heard something.”

They all fell silent, and DeVontay thought his heart might boom like a kettle drum in the small, dark kitchen. Because he’d heard something, too, and it sounded like Stephen’s voice.

Rooster moved past DeVontay and his silhouette filled the window as he looked out. “Don’t see nothing,” he whispered.

“If it’s Zapheads, you better not leave me again,” Angelique said.

“Quit your bitching,” Rooster said. “You’re getting to be more trouble than you’re worth. Washburn, get back there and check the other side of the house.”

A set of footsteps shuffled slowly through the house, fingers feeling along the wall. Washburn must have bumped into some furniture because he hissed a “Shit” before continuing.

“DeVontay!” Stephen loud-whispered from outside.

Be quiet, DeVontay silently pleaded, but it was too late.

“It’s one of the brats,” Angelique said.

Rooster jabbed his rifle into DeVontay’s side hard enough to bruise his ribs and whispered, “Open the door and tell him to come in.”

DeVontay felt behind him and eased his way along the counter. The back door featured a high, narrow pane of glass so he could locate it. He paused with his palm on the handle, but Rooster poked him again, this time in the spinal cord, and cinders of pain flew up the chimney of his central nervous system.

DeVontay opened the door and yelled, “Stephen, run!”

Then an avalanche of red and black shards rumbled down the slopes of his skull and his vision went gray. He fell to his knees, blood trickling down his scalp. Even while fighting for consciousness after the blow to his head, he had the presence of mind to grab Rooster’s legs as the man tried to step over him and go outside. Rooster cursed and tumbled down a flight of several wooden steps, and another man stepped up to the doorway and lifted his rifle.

DeVontay looked up, head reeling, and saw Stephen’s diminutive silhouette bobbing through the weeds as he fled back to the forest. The gray mist had nearly swallowed him already.

Good boy, DeVontay thought.

A muzzle flash above him was followed by a sudden thunderclap. Stephen dropped into the weeds and DeVontay’s heart squeezed in rage. He scissor-kicked with his legs and threw the gunman above him off balance.

Rooster shouted, “Don’t shoot, you idiot, the Zappers will be all over us.”

“You said to take them all down,” the man said, skipping away from DeVontay’s reach. “Anybody who runs is a traitor, you said.”

“You don’t need to kill them,” Rooster said, getting to his feet. “Come on. The little shit will lead us right to the others.”

DeVontay half-rolled and half-crawled down the rest of the steps until he was wallowing in the wet grass. Even though he could hardly tell up from down, he tried to rise.

A muddy boot pressed against his cheek. “New plan,” Rooster said. “We’re going to Milepost 291, and you’re leading the way. That son-of-a-bitch Franklin Wheeler probably has a paradise up there, from what I’ve heard.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” DeVontay said, his words muffled with his mouth pressed against the grass.

“The boy told us all about it. We need a new compound since the Zaps took ours.”

DeVontay hoped Kiki had followed his instructions and fled at the sound of the gunshot. But they wouldn’t get far, and they had little chance after that. “I won’t help you unless you take them all with you.”

“Deal.” Rooster yanked DeVontay to his feet and shoved him in the direction that Stephen had fled. “Stay awake, guys,” he called to his underlings. “Zaps might be on the prowl.”

DeVontay was relieved to see Stephen’s head rise up from the weeds, then duck down again. The shot must have missed. And Stephen was smart enough to stay out of sight. DeVontay just hoped the boy would obey the orders he’d given.

He’s just a boy. I can help the others more by staying with Rooster than by dying right now.

Or maybe that was justification imposed by his fear. Sacrificing for others had been thrust upon him, but martyrdom was a choice. And a role he wasn’t ready to accept. He headed up the meadow, Rooster right behind him.

Out in the hazy moonlight, the mist rising and collecting, he could see that Rooster had four others with him, including Angelique. That was a lot of firepower. Angelique whined about the wet and cold but Rooster told her to quit bitching.

“Let’s get there before the Zaps do,” Rooster said, shoving DeVontay forward.

“So how do you know Franklin Wheeler?” Stephen had likely told Rooster about Rachel and her connection to Franklin, but DeVontay hoped she was far away from these maniacs.

“Used to read his Internet posts. I tried to hook up with him, start a branch of the Patriot Party, but he played it like he was hot shit on a silver platter. Like he was too good for the rest of us freedom fighters.”

“I’m not even sure the compound exists. Feels like chasing a mirage to me.”

“Some of my men spotted him in the valley. We were trying to lure him in and take him out, but then the Zaps attacked.”

“With everybody dead, there’s room for all of us,” DeVontay said, peering into the mist. The forest was invisible now, and so was the house behind them. They slogged through the wet, cold smoke of the river valley that seemed to stretch forever in all directions.

“It’s a Zaphead world now, boy,” Rooster said. “But I’m going to get my piece of it. One way or another.”

“Just take care of these kids and I’ll take you to Milepost 291,” DeVontay said, moving faster, worried about Kiki, Stephen, and the others. “We’re all in it together. We’re all that’s left.”

“That’s the spirit,” Rooster said. “Live free or die.”


Oh no. I screwed up bad.

Stephen wasn’t supposed to yell at DeVontay. He was supposed to wait until DeVontay checked out the house, opened the door, and given the “all clear” signal. But waiting outside in the grass, he’d heard noises around him—the sloppy mush of footsteps, the creaking of wood, and the splash of things crawling up from the river. And the mist had thickened until he could barely see the house.

Then DeVontay didn’t open the door and tell him to come in. He’d told him to run. He’d even called Stephen by his name, not “Little Man” like he usually did, so DeVontay must be mad at him. And it sounded like somebody else was inside the house, talking. Then he’d heard the crack and dropped down, because it sounded like a gun.

Who were they shooting at? Zapheads?

He couldn’t see Kiki and James and the rest of the group. All he saw was the fog and the wet grass right in front of him. He might be surrounded by Zapheads right now and not even know it.

All he could do was head back in the direction where the group might be. The moonlight made a big haze overhead, so he could see just well enough to keep running. He was afraid to call out for Kiki because then the Zapheads might hear him.

If only DeVontay could tell him what to do. There must be a reason DeVontay couldn’t call out. He thought he heard people talking, so maybe others had been hiding in the house. Maybe they were scared of Zapheads.

His clothes were wet and he shivered, even though now he was sweating. He heard somebody yelling behind him. Maybe he should slow down and just duck into the grass until they passed. But if Zapheads were all around, they’d get him. He couldn’t stand to be alone. He’d barely made it after getting separated from Rachel—all because he was afraid of a stupid snake—and if he screwed up again because he was scared, DeVontay would probably call him Little Baby instead of Little Man.

“Do you see anything?” a man yelled. It wasn’t DeVontay. That meant DeVontay wasn’t alone right now, which was good news if there were Zapheads around, because DeVontay didn’t carry a gun.

But some of the men at the compound were bad. They were mean to the women and children, and the ones that had found Stephen wandering around in the woods made fun of him and wouldn’t let him eat until they stuck him in that stinky building with the other kids. He’d told Rooster about Milepost 291 because he wanted Rooster to think he was important, not just some stupid kid.

Stephen had to slow down because he couldn’t see well enough to run anymore. He wasn’t even sure he was heading back to the group. Maybe he was walking toward the road that ran alongside the river. DeVontay said Zapheads were more likely to see you if you were out in the open like that, which is why it was better to stick to the woods or else hide inside houses.

But most of the houses had dead people inside them that smelled like rotten old fruit. That was one reason DeVontay wanted to check out the house himself, even though he didn’t say so. DeVontay was trying to protect him.

Stephen remembered being trapped in the hotel room with his dead mom and what it was like to see her turn all pale and bloated and hear creepy gurgling noises come out of her throat. He loved her but was afraid to touch her or even look at her, and he felt ashamed of that. It was his mom, after all.

But DeVontay and Rachel had rescued him, and they’d been good to him. Almost like family. Maybe even better than family. Stephen told them he wanted to go to Mi’ssippi to find his dad, but in truth, he didn’t really want to see his dad. It just seemed like the thing you were supposed to do. Rachel and DeVontay talked about getting to their families, too, and that’s why they were headed to Milepost 291 in the first place.

Right now, both Milepost 291 and Mi’ssippi might as well be a million miles away, because he couldn’t even find Kiki and the others, and they were probably not even a mile away. He didn’t know how far a mile was. Probably as far as he could walk. But the mist sure made a mile seem a lot longer.

“I heard something,” a man hollered from the far end of the mist. “Over here.”

Stephen was almost glad because the man was moving farther away from him. That proved Stephen’s idea of running was better than just ducking down in the weeds and hiding, because they would have found him by now. If he could outsmart them, then DeVontay might not be as mad at him.

So he kept running, or at least jogging, even though he was breathing hard and his side hurt. He headed uphill, where the mist seemed way darker. He guessed the woods were beyond it, with the mist weaving in and out of the trees to make a wall. He could hide there until he figured out what to do. But being alone was too scary. And the group couldn’t be much farther away unless they were already in the woods.

Then he heard James nearby: “I can’t see anything!”

James was too dumb to stay quiet like he was supposed to. A couple of kids were crying. Little babies. They didn’t know that being afraid only made things worse. Kiki and Carole were telling them to hush and stick together, but they sounded scared, too.

Stephen wanted to yell at them. Why didn’t they hide in the woods like DeVontay told them? Didn’t anybody listen anymore? Did they get scared and do stupid stuff like Stephen did?

If only Rachel was here, Stephen would feel better. Kiki was smart and nice, and she did a good job caring for the kids, but she wasn’t tough like Rachel.

And why is Rachel not here? Because you got scared and did stupid stuff!

He changed his plans and headed toward the voices. The least Stephen could do to make up for his mistake would be to lead them all into the woods to safety. Then, when DeVontay got away from the rest of the men and found them, he’d tell Stephen what a good job he’d done. He’d call him a Brave Little Man. Something like that was worth the risk.

Some kid was bawling and sniffling, giving away their position even in the thick fog. Couldn’t Kiki slap a hand over the kid’s mouth? It was probably Jeremiah, that kid who kept farting because he needed a special diet. Between the farts and the whimpers, Jeremiah was a real downer. If Stephen had his choice, he’d have left Jeremiah in the big building.

But DeVontay said they were all in it together. Maybe DeVontay was just doing it so that Kiki would kiss him, but DeVontay was brave, so he probably really meant it.

Then he heard James almost right in front of him saying “I see somebody.” James wasn’t even smart enough to keep his voice down. James was almost Stephen’s age but no way would DeVontay ever call him Little Man.

“Shush, James, it’s me,” Stephen whispered.

Kiki called to him.

He pushed through the grass and there they were, the kids all whining and bawling and sniffling like scared brats, the blanket all tramped down and soggy, half the food gone. Kiki gave him a hug and asked him where DeVontay was, and he was ashamed to admit he didn’t know. But DeVontay would want him to lead the group now, not sit around feeling sorry for himself.

“Why didn’t you leave when you heard the shot?” Stephen asked.

“We thought it might be DeVontay,” Kiki said.

Stephen didn’t want to confess that he’d messed up. “He’s down there somewhere. He told me to come back and get everyone to hide in the woods.”

But that strange man’s voice came again, this time real, real close, and it said, “The woods ain’t safe for children.”


At least we’re all together again.

DeVontay could barely make out the dark jacket of the man in front of him, the one who’d spoken to Kiki, Carole, and the group of children. Rooster was at his back, still whispering the way he had as they’d followed Stephen up the meadow. Rooster had promised a new society they’d build in the shadow of the Zapheads, even bragged about taking back the compound, but he’d also veered from delusions of grandeur into sudden bouts of paranoid rage.

“Who’s there?” Kiki asked.

Rooster whispered in DeVontay’s ear. “Be cool. We don’t want to scare them.”

“It’s me,” DeVontay called out. “I met some people down there.”

“What kind of people?”

“One of them shot at me,” Stephen said.

“No,” Rooster said. “One of my men thought you were a Zap. Sneaking around in the weeds like that.”

Rooster pushed DeVontay toward the group and the mist parted a little. The kids looked miserable, shivering with the damp chill. They huddled against one another, Kiki covering them as best she could. Carole cradled the smallest toddler, who was mercifully asleep. Stephen stood apart from the group, his head down as if he expected DeVontay to yell at him.

Shapes moved in the mist, but DeVontay had only a vague sense of them. The wet, gray smoke around them had thickened until the visible world was barely thirty feet in diameter. The hidden moon suffused the ceiling of the sky with a lurid silver glow.

“Zaps are on the move,” Rooster said. “You should have stayed in the compound.”

“You abandoned us,” Kiki snapped. “All of you.”

“We could have counterattacked. But we got scattered around out here along the river road. I don’t know where the horseback riders are. So we need to find a safe place to regroup.”

“What about the house?” Kiki asked DeVontay.

“Rooster’s right,” DeVontay said. “We need to get out of the area.”

He wondered if Rooster planned to assume command of the group. If Rooster had a vision of a utopian society, with himself in the role of benevolent dictator, then the man had little to offer outside of the compound. Inside, he’d been able to impose martial law, but out here, even a few guns seemed futile against the new rulers of the planet.

But at least they could buy a little time and figure out their next move while appeasing Rooster.

“Sorry I yelled out,” Stephen said to him.

“It’s okay, Little Man. You did a good job getting back to the group.”

That drew a shy smile from the boy. Kiki seemed wary of Rooster, not trusting him after his treatment of them in the compound. But DeVontay urged her to gather the kids and get them moving. He collected the remaining rations, and then dumped the trash off the blanket. Carole calmed a little girl who was scared of the “men with guns.”

“I hear something, Rooster,” one of the fog-shrouded men said.

“Don’t shoot unless you see something,” Rooster replied. “Else we’ll be mowing each other down in the dark.”

“We need to get these kids to shelter soon,” Kiki said to him. “If that house is no good, we better find another one. They’ll all be sick.”

“Good news,” Rooster said to one of the kids. “We’re going to Milepost 291. All the candy you can eat, a swimming pool, and boxes and boxes of toys.”

The exhausted kid clapped her small hands in delight, but Stephen’s eyes narrowed. “There’s not any toys at Milepost 291.”

“Shh, Little Man,” DeVontay said. “Let’s just get there, and then we can worry about it.”

“Little Man.” Rooster chuckled. “Guess you two are real buddies, huh? Can I be your buddy, too? Since we’re all in it together now?”

Rooster reached out to high-five Stephen, but the boy stepped back, wary. Kiki and Carole had the children up and herded together, half-dragging a couple who were almost sleepwalking.

“Mind giving us a hand?” Kiki asked Angelique in a stern voice.

“Who made you Queen Bitch?”

“We’ll get out of here faster if you help, and that will give you more time to paint your nails.”

“Now, now, ladies,” Rooster said. “No fighting. Unless it’s Zapheads.”

DeVontay piled the remaining food back in the blanket and hoisted the bundle again, eager to get out of there. Despite the fog, he felt exposed and vulnerable. And he was convinced Zapheads didn’t rely solely on sight to track humans. They might be “watching” right now from just inside the veil of fog.

“Okay, Little Man, why don’t you and DeVontay go on ahead, and we’ll follow? I’ll have my men bring up the rear so the Zaps don’t sneak up on us.”

Stephen glanced at DeVontay, who nodded. Stephen had taken only three steps when Rooster reached out and snatched him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him close.

“What the hell?” DeVontay said, dropping the bundle.

“We have to move fast,” Rooster said. “That means leave the baggage behind.” He called out to his men. “Take care of them like I promised.”

The first shot blew open the skull of a young girl, followed immediately by several shrill screams. DeVontay spun around, searching for the killer in the dark, and several more shots rang out. A dark blotch erupted on Carole’s chest and she collapsed, and a couple more children fell.

DeVontay felt as if he were clawing his way up from a tar pit. Two more children had dropped before he realized what was happening, and his shout mixed with the screams and the gunfire. When he turned back to Stephen, Rooster had his gun pressed against Stephen’s head. “This ain’t no time to play hero,” Rooster said, his voice as cold as the deepest crack in space.

Kiki shrieked and tried to shield the few remaining children, and DeVontay watched in horror as a series of red holes appeared along her thighs. James took off running toward the forest, rapidly vanishing into the fog, but the other kids lay in a bloody, quivering, moaning pile of carnage.

DeVontay could barely breathe, and he briefly wondered if he’d been shot himself. But his wound was internal, in a place that would never heal and wasn’t merciful enough to kill him.

Kiki was still alive, rolled onto her side, reaching out to aid one of the mortally wounded children despite her own injuries. DeVontay took a step toward her but Rooster shook his head and said, “Not if you want Little Man to keep his skull.”

Angelique walked over to Rooster and slid a semiautomatic pistol from his holster, then stood over Kiki.

Kiki looked up with defiance flashing in her brown eyes, although her face twisted with pain. “Burn…in…hell.”

“I’ve wanted to do this for a while.” Angelique pointed the pistol at Kiki’s forehead. Kiki kept her eyes open, staring at her killer.

“No, please,” DeVontay begged, more to Rooster than Angelique.

Rooster laughed. “We could have left them alive, but you know how Zapheads are. Carrying off these bodies will slow them down. They like them better dead than alive, and it’s the neighborly thing to do.”

Angelique knelt over Kiki, her pretty features now sinister and ugly, like a demonic mask had been slipped over her head. She was clearly enjoying her power. But Kiki didn’t falter.

“Die,” Angelique said. “Die.”

“You hear that?” whispered the man who’d shot at Stephen from the house.

“All I hear is you flapping your jaws,” Rooster said.

Then DeVontay heard it, too, a repetitive sound that melded with the noise of the night crickets and the riverbank frogs, becoming steadily louder. At first it was like a low drumbeat, but then the rhythm took on distinct phonetic.

Die die die die die DIE DIE DIE…

The Zapheads came out of the mist from all sides.


“Die,” Rachel said.

“Huh?” Campbell had been asleep, and she repeated the word several more times before his drowsiness leaked away. He thought he heard a distant percussive sound, like popcorn popping, but it was drowned out by Rachel’s voice.

She rose from the bed and walked around the living room in the dim light of the embers. “Die die die die…”

“This isn’t good,” Campbell said, hurrying after her. She’d become increasingly detached, almost catatonic, since they’d fled the farmhouse. He’d hoped the symptoms were temporary, that whatever strange quantum-level healing the Zapheads had imparted would soon fade, but he could no longer lie to himself.

She was turning Zap.

He wondered if he should startle her back to awareness. He’d read that sleepwalkers were not supposed to be awakened. But there was no handbook for this sort of thing. So he simply followed in her wake as she paced around the room, repeating that horrible word over and over.

Once, he stepped in front of her, hoping she would recognize him and respond. But she only stared at him with eyes that glittered like the forge of the universe, two seething holes that spat the birth of stars or maybe struck the flint and steel of hell over and over.

And what scared Campbell even more than her condition was the idea that he’d lost her—that they could have grown together over time, become friends and eventually lovers. The two of them building a family and a new society.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of the Zapheads. Yeah, right. What a goddamned fool.

“Rachel,” he said, and she paused, the sparks dulling in her eyes.

“Die,” she said.

For a moment, he was frightened, because her face was as placid and emotionless as a robot’s, as if she could will him to die with the power of her mind. And that she wouldn’t suffer so much as a tinge of remorse.

He was afraid to restrain her, lest she launch into another violent rage. He repeated her name, hoping it would trigger some sort of memory of her former self. She cocked her head as if listening to something outside his range of hearing.

What if they’re calling her?

And what can I do about it?

Campbell believed they could use Rachel’s symptoms as a means to understanding the Zapheads, but that idea had been foolish as well. There was no inner struggle here, no rational human glibly controlling and conquering an unnatural mutation. The Zaphead won. Just like in the real world.

He wondered about the Zaphead sleeping inside him, and how it was some cosmic stroke of luck or maybe a simple genetic fluke that had prevented him from being affected by the radiation. What if he was the last surviving human in the world? His existential doubt would be God’s greatest private joke.

Rachel, now silent, stepped past him and walked toward the door with sliding, shuffling steps. She stopped before it and stared out through the black glass at the world beyond.

At the farmhouse while a captive of the Zapheads, Campbell had observed that Zapheads rarely used doors. Most of the time, doors were left open as the Zapheads traveled freely in and out. But apparently the professor had taught them how to work doorknobs, even though they had difficulty retaining the memory. They were like severe Alzheimer’s sufferers who had to rebuild their memories anew with each moment.

“Rachel, don’t do this,” Campbell said, standing behind her. Even her scent had changed, from a faintly attractive aroma of soap and clean, outdoorsy sweat to a bright, metallic odor.

She leaped forward and banged into the door. Her forehead bounced against the glass and she staggered back but didn’t fall. She flung herself forward again. This time the glass cracked but held in its frame. Rachel drew back to launch herself at it again, but this time Campbell grabbed her by the shoulders.

She shook him off with surprising strength and assaulted the door again. It rattled and a large shard of glass fell free. Campbell was afraid she’d cut herself to pieces and shatter her bones if she continued slamming against the door.

He called her name but she was oblivious. He could see her eyes reflected in the window, six billion stars winking and dying over and over again.

I can let her destroy herself or let her go.

He wedged his hand between her and the wood and grabbed the door handle. He twisted and yanked it backward, allowing fresh, cold air to pour in. But Rachel hurled herself again and the door slammed shut, the noise reverberating through the house. As she drew back once more, he tried again and this time managed to swing the door open while simultaneously lowering his shoulder and driving it into Rachel’s abdomen.

She was knocked off-balance but kept her feet, bumping into him so hard that he dropped to his knees. She shoved him aside and exited the house, fleeing into the night.

“Rachel!” he called after her, clasping his injured arm against his chest.

He heard her repeat “Rachel Rachel Rachel,” the sounds growing fainter with each second as she vanished into the forest.

Maybe her radiant eyes imparted night vision, but Campbell had no such characteristic. However, if he let her go now, he’d never see her again. And this might be his only chance to discover what strange force drew her into the night.

If I want to learn what makes Zapheads tick, I’d better roll with it.

He didn’t delude himself that he would be able to make any use of the knowledge. He didn’t anticipate sharing it with anyone. Even if he continued on to Milepost 291, the Zapheads were likely to keep changing as they had since the solar storms struck two months ago.

And what if he was one of the last survivors? What good would it do him to just keep living until his time ran out?

He grabbed the backpack he and Rachel had jammed with food and supplies, took a last look around the house and the warming glow of the fireplace, and then headed outside. The night wasn’t fully dark, since the moonlight painted a chrome swathe overhead.

A gap in the trees revealed mist in the valley below, like a thick, gray ocean that almost seemed solid enough to walk across. A mile or so away, a frothy red and orange swirl boiled underneath the fog, suggesting a distant fire.

Are the Zapheads destroying buildings again, like they did in the cities?

He moved as fast as he could in the direction Rachel had gone, adjusting the pack so the straps didn’t dig into his shoulders. Every thirty seconds, he would call Rachel’s name, and she would echo it. He tracked her using a clumsy game of “Marco Polo,” only instead of swimming in water, he clawed his way through the forest.

Rachel slowed enough for him to track her by her movements. She emerged from the forest onto a moonlit gravel road, heading downhill into the valley. He occasionally called to her, but she didn’t change pace or direction. A faint haze in the east suggested a hidden sun that would soon dawn on a world it had forever altered.

Campbell struggled to keep Rachel in sight. She walked with relentless precision, her feet skating over the gravel and mud and weeds as if powered by something outside her body. They passed more houses along the way, but Rachel took no notice of them, and Campbell only had the opportunity to give them cursory glances. No sign of life showed itself, and Campbell was sure he was the last soul in a Zaphead world.

But he hadn’t yet given up hope on Rachel. Perhaps this was a phase and she would soon burn through it like a fever destroying a virus, and he planned to be there when she returned to her senses. He could only imagine her gratitude toward him—that kind of loyalty was rare enough in Before, and nearly unfathomable in After, where humans practiced survival of the fittest even as they surrendered the top of the evolutionary chain.

The terrain leveled out somewhat and the mist burned away under the dawn, and they came to a paved road that ran along a river. The water was silver and green in the morning light, frothing where it tumbled over stones. The trees thinned as the land gave way to open pasture and meadow, farms and houses lining the waterway, vehicles stalled in the road or axle-deep in ditches, seat-belted corpses rotting inside them.

Invigorated with the false hope of a new day, Campbell burst into a jog until he caught up with Rachel. He spoke to her but she stared past him with wildly glittering eyes, focused on something outside his perception.

And then he saw the line of figures trailing out of the trees a few hundred yards down the road.


The screams rang in DeVontay’s head hours after the horrible sounds were swallowed by the mist.

So much for my goddamned magic eye. Never saw that coming.

The horrors had merged into one slow-motion nightmare: the children lying bloody and still on the ground, Angelique shooting Kiki in the head, Zapheads swarming out of the darkness on all sides as Rooster’s men desperately tried to fight them off.

DeVontay broke from his paralysis long enough to grab Stephen, yank him to the ground, and cover him until the bullets stopped flying. Angelique shot two Zapheads at point-blank range and then she was buried under a squirming army of them, kicking and cussing and finally squealing. The Zapheads imitated her words until her shrieks gave way to the nasty wet sounds of violence. DeVontay could have sworn her tendons and bones popped as they ripped at her body.

He covered Stephen’s mouth so the boy wouldn’t cry out. He hoped the Zapheads were too busy with their hostile prey to notice the two of them, but he couldn’t count on the fog to conceal them all night. So he whispered in Stephen’s ear, instructing him to crawl slowly toward the woods. “Whatever you do, don’t look up, and don’t look at any of the dead people.”

And so they had wriggled through the carnage around them, at one point crossing over the body of a young girl who lay on her belly, a large red hole in the back of her white sweater. Stephen whimpered and went rigid, but DeVontay coaxed him forward until the violence was lost in the fog and darkness behind them. But they didn’t move fast enough to escape the sounds and smells.

They reached the trees and DeVontay wanted nothing more than to break into a crazed run. But he could hear footsteps churning the damp leaves of the forest floor and realized more Zapheads had responded to the sound of gunfire, pilgrims trudging the sacred path to a temple of gore.

The best—and worst—thing to do was to wait in hiding, pressed low in the filthy weeds and rotted logs and fragrant evergreens. Stephen appeared to be in shock, and DeVontay whispered to him to keep him calm. But the words of encouragement were so hollow he almost laughed out loud. The boy had witnessed the true condition of the world, and no words would ever erase the wide-eyed confusion of the children as they were gunned down.

“My fault,” Stephen whispered.

“No, it’s not.”

“I ran back to them. I shoulda—“

“No, Little Man. If you feel guilty, then I have to feel guilty. Because I brought Rooster to the group. He promised to take care of you all.”

And I guess he did, in his way.

“Do you think anybody got away?” Stephen whispered, with a heartbreaking hint of hope.

DeVontay fed the lie for both of them. “Maybe. James ran pretty fast, and I couldn’t see everything.”

“How long do we wait here?”

“Until they’re done.”

The actual slaughter and subsequent battle had lasted maybe three minutes, but the Zapheads continued to march through the trees. At one point, with dawn approaching, DeVontay risked lifting his head to look out at the meadow. Figures moved in the cold steam of morning, like field medics gathering the casualties of war after an assault.

He saw bodies lifted and carried away, the Zapheads that had gleefully shouted “Die” now mute in mock solemnity. Or maybe the Zapheads had no sound to trigger them and thus derived no inspiration from the dead all around them. Most disturbing, several of the Zapheads were children themselves, in soiled and tattered clothes.

They carried the bodies downhill, past the farmhouse and across the road. As the mist evaporated under the yellow glare of dawn, DeVontay could see a mile’s worth of valley rolling up to mountain ridges on all sides, the river cutting through its heart like a twisted steel knife. Pastoral farms were scattered across the pastures and glades, fence lines dotted with old apple trees and towering red oaks, brown rectangles of gardens falling fallow with the first breaths of winter.

The beauty and peace of the landscape stood in stark contrast to the nightmarish shapes that marched across it. Dozens of Zapheads conveyed their grisly cargo across a bridge, forming a long parade that would march across DeVontay’s sleep for as long as he lived.

He recognized the clothing of some of the children, their frailer bodies supported by only two or three Zapheads each. But some of the dead were clearly Zapheads, victims of Rooster’s bullets who were carried with the same seeming indifference. His heart squeezed in anguish when he recognized Kiki borne aloft on the shoulders of four Zapheads, her head lolling and her long black hair waving gently back and forth.

“DeVontay!” Stephen called, louder than he should have.

One of the Zapheads turned and looked toward the woods.

DeVontay eased back into the foliage. The Zaphead took two steps toward him and then hesitated. It was a male, wearing the remains of a priest’s dark jacket and Roman collar, hair white and tufted, leather shoes scuffed. The face was wrinkled and splotchy, but the eyes didn’t exhibit the characteristic sparks of a Zaphead. It took DeVontay a moment to realize the priest must have been blind, the milky orbs containing no pupils.

But he was convinced the Zapheads had preternatural senses that allowed them to detect sound and motion at great distances, as well as a subtler perception that extended into the psychic. The professor had suggested they interpreted pulse rate, skin temperature, and adrenaline levels to determine threats and believed training them into pacifism was the best chance for the human race. But this priest had blood on his clothes and the professor’s disciples had turned on him like a pack of rabid Judases, so DeVontay took no chances.

He shushed Stephen and crawled backward, maintaining surveillance of the meadow while listening for footsteps in the forest. Only a few bodies remained, and a group of Zapheads lifted one of them. An orange baseball cap tumbled free and sat upturned in the dew-soaked weeds.

When he returned to Stephen, he whispered, “We’re leaving now.”

“Won’t they see us?” the boy said, still pale and shaken from the massacre.

“They don’t have to see us to find us. But you have to be calm, okay?”

Stephen nodded, not really listening.

“And be brave.” DeVontay gripped the boy’s shoulder and met his eyes. “You can do it, Little Man.”

They crawled for maybe fifty yards, moving away from the meadow. DeVontay didn’t want to head back toward the compound, which still spewed a plume of oily smoke, but he also didn’t want to veer too far away from the road. From his memory of the map, the road and the river both pointed toward the Blue Ridge Parkway, and Milepost 291 offered the last vestige of sanctuary and hope.

Once they’d left the Zapheads behind, they rose to their feet and crept silently along, although their passage disturbed birds that burst from the treetops in sudden flurries of cries and flapping wings. One of them flew directly into a tree trunk and fell dead. DeVontay wondered how many of the animals had been altered by the solar storms and whether their behaviors had been forever changed.

“I see some people,” Stephen said.

DeVontay realized his mind had been wandering, thinking about the larger world rather than the immediate problem before him. Such foolishness would get them both killed.

Through the trees, he could see the black, crumbling road and the foaming rapids of the river, as well as several stalled vehicles that looked like abandoned toys on a playground. Then he saw them, two figures on the asphalt, their shadows trailing behind them as they walked into the morning sun.

“Looks like more Zapheads,” DeVontay said. “Heading toward the others.”

“Then what are they doing alone? All the other Zapheads are together.”

“Maybe they’re late to the party.”

“But that one with the backpack doesn’t walk like a Zaphead. And why would a Zaphead carry a backpack, anyway?”

Good question. DeVontay wished he had a pair of binoculars. One appeared to be female, the other male, and their clothes were in too good of a condition to have been worn for two months.

Then the male, who tugged at the Zaphead as if to turn her around, lifted his head and DeVontay saw the flash of his eyeglasses. No Zaphead could have kept a pair of glasses for that long. What would a survivor being doing with a Zaphead?

“We need to help them,” Stephen said, with anxious urgency, grabbing DeVontay’s hand.

“It didn’t work out so well the last time we tried to help.”

Stephen squeezed his hand as hard as his slender fingers could, and he turned his tear-soaked face to DeVontay’s. “You told me to be brave. Don’t you have to be brave, too?”

One day I’ll learn to keep my damn mouth shut. Probably the day the Zaps are hauling me off to their graveyard paradise.

“Okay, we’ll check it out, but stay close to me, right?”

Stephen nodded and they headed to the edge of the forest. The adjoining stretch of pasture contained a herd of cattle and several horses, which looked sleek in the sun and had been turned out with bridles and reins, as if their riders were merely taking a break and had gotten fried before they could remove the harnessing. Life had changed little for the animals, and may have improved vastly, since their human owners had vanished.

“If they’re not Zapheads, what are they doing out in the open?” Stephen asked.

“Good question. Maybe we’ll ask them.”

They were close enough to call out to them, and DeVontay could hear the man’s voice, although he couldn’t make out the words. The syntax was in full sentences, though, unlike the clipped repetition of the Zapheads.

“He’s a human,” Stephen said, almost bolting across the pasture in his excitement.

“Sounds like it. Not sure about the other one.” DeVontay was relieved to see the man carried no weapon. The last thing he wanted was to get shot by someone he was trying to help. But if they kept walking, they would soon be discovered by the Zapheads.

“That woman…” Stephen said.

“She’s not saying anything.” DeVontay believed she was a Zaphead because of her behavior, but her appearance didn’t match. Had the man changed her clothes, maybe kept her as a pet of some kind? As a sex slave or walking Barbie doll?

No, she would have torn him to shreds. Zapheads would likely respond to sexual aggression in the same way they would other physical aggression.

“It’s Rachel!” Stephen said.

Her long, brown hair, too clean for a Doomsday world. Same build. The clothes didn’t match what she’d been wearing two weeks ago, but she would have had many opportunities to change.

“Can’t be,” he said, although he knew Stephen was right. His heart tugged in two directions at once: overjoyed to see her, but sickened that she had turned.

But how HAD she turned? The Zap wasn’t contagious, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Stephen grinned. “She’s just walking funny because of her hurt leg. The dog bite I told you about.”

Before DeVontay could stop him, Stephen slid under the barbed wire fence and darted across the pasture. The cows and horses turned to watch him, and DeVontay hoped those animals were the only witnesses.


Rachel heard the boy before she saw him.

He was running across a pasture toward them, waving his arm and shouting “Rachel! Rachel!”

She didn’t understand the word but was compelled to respond to its sound, and she repeated it softly. The boy’s movement captured her attention, his footfalls almost like thunder, grass swishing around his ankles as loud as crashing tidal waves. She became agitated.

A threat.

“Damn,” said the man beside her, the one who’d been following her forever. “It’s your friend. The boy you were looking for.”

Rachel didn’t comprehend the sentence, but then the man also repeated the “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel” until it filled her head and drove out the distant signal that pulsed like a beacon. She was supposed to go somewhere, but now she couldn’t remember, and she was confused.

“Rachel?” she said.

“Yes,” the man with her said, and she wished she’d destroyed him. Because now her head hurt and her serenity was shattered, and the single purpose had been disrupted. She couldn’t articulate these thoughts, but the sensation was of being yanked back from a sheer cliff, hanging out over dizzying heights with the wind rushing across her face and excoriating her ears.

But something about the boy tugged at her…a memory of him running toward her in that same fashion, only waving a sheaf of colorful papers in the air rather than his hand.

“Rachel, it’s me!” he said.

The word came to her, interrupting the echolalia of her own name: Stephen.

She didn’t know what the new word meant, but she involuntarily moved toward him, the sun stinging her eyes, the beacon signal fading.

Then the boy was close enough that she could see his face, round and red-cheeked, with dark brown, uneven bangs and a missing tooth. “Stephen?”

“Careful,” the man with her said, but Stephen didn’t hesitate. He scrambled through the fence onto the road and hugged her so hard she almost fell over.

After a moment, she returned the hug. His smell was familiar, and her serenity returned, but it was different than before, less focused and more resplendent with the smell of the river and the grass and the air and herds of clouds sliding across the blue curves of the sky’s high domed cathedral.

“You’re alive!” Stephen said, his arms tight around her waist.

“Yes…” She wasn’t sure what that meant, but she had no desire to repeat it. Her heart swelled with an unidentifiable warmth that frightened her at first, but she surrendered it into the serenity offered by her other senses.

“She’s…a little sick,” said the man, and now Rachel remembered. He was Campbell. She didn’t remember everything, not clearly, but she understood they had been together. Same as she had been with Stephen.

“DeVontay’s here,” Stephen said. Then he peered at her. “Your eyes. They look weird.”

“I’m okay,” she said, a phrase lodged in her head. She did feel okay, although her head ached a little and her legs were sore from walking.

Then she saw the man coming across the pasture, leading two horses by leather loops. He was dark-skinned, dressed in a familiar denim jacket, his black leather boots shiny from the dew. His eyes looked weird, too—at least, one of them did.

DeVontay put his foot against one of the fence posts and gave it a couple of kicks, and then pushed until it leaned to the ground. He led the horses over the wire, and they gracefully jumped until they stood in the weeds alongside the ditch, watching with curiosity and perhaps amusement.

“DeVontay,” she whispered.

“Rachel,” he said, as wary of her as she was of him. DeVontay looked at Campbell, who said something she couldn’t understand.

“You’re the guy from Taylorsville,” DeVontay said to him.

“She’s gone through some changes,” Campbell said.

“She’s sick, but she’s okay,” Stephen said with evident happiness. “She’s not a Zaphead.”

“What’s a Zaphead?” she asked.

That’s a Zaphead,” DeVontay said, pointing up the road.

Rachel turned and saw a small group of figures, still distant but obviously coming their way. She was struck by a desire to run toward them, but DeVontay’s voice pulled her away and broke the signal.

“We’d better get out of here,” he said. “Do you know how to ride?”

DeVontay helped Rachel astride the horse, holding the reins as she struggled to keep her balance as the animal swayed. Campbell started to climb up after her, but DeVontay said, “I’ll hold her. You take care of the boy.”

Rachel had ridden before, but she had no distinct memory of it. She gripped the animal’s flanks with her legs as best she could. DeVontay launched himself up onto the horse in front of her, and she had to wrap her arms around him to keep from toppling off. The shape of his body and his smell were familiar and comforting in a way that words couldn’t describe.

I’m Rachel. Why does it seem so new?

When Stephen and Campbell were likewise mounted, DeVontay guided their horse until its hooves clopped on the asphalt. They headed upriver, the jostling of the beast tossing them gently against each other. DeVontay wheeled the horse after a minute, and Rachel saw the group of figures had grown smaller against the horizon.

Then they turned once again toward the great gray ridges with slopes that burned with autumn colors gone to rust that hid the bones of winter beneath them.

“Where are we going?” she asked DeVontay.

He turned halfway so that his good eye was studying her. “Milepost 291. You ever heard of it?”

“No, but I can’t think of anywhere else to be.”

“Your eyes…they…”

He didn’t finish. He faced forward, gripped the reins, and urged the horse onward, Stephen and Campbell in their wake.

Rachel looked up at the sky. Thank you, God.

She didn’t know what those words meant, either, but they seemed old and familiar. That other signal, the high, brittle keening of a single purpose, faded altogether as they rounded a bend and passed lifeless cars and houses, and she soon forgot it.


Franklin’s knees were aching by the time the first gray hint of dawn teased the eastern sky. The moist air had soaked his clothes, but he was determined to push on. The trail had widened, with occasional wooden signs describing plant species and more landscaping features that suggested formal park development. When he saw the mossy picnic table, a surge of joy pushed through the tired chambers of his heart.

The terrain leveled somewhat, and he soon came to a restored cabin, the kind the park service had preserved in an attempt to show tourists the hardscrabble life of European settlers, although in truth their days had been less hectic than those of salaried corporate commuters of the late, great Twenty-First Century. The cabin was unlocked and abandoned, and even though the wide gaps in the logs seemed to draft colder air inside than out and the dirt floor was no softer than the forest carpet, he rested for a spell, knowing he’d soon arrive at the roadway.

Franklin reached the pavement just before dawn, a familiar stretch that bore abandoned cars with license plates hailing from many different states. Death had recognized neither boundaries nor luxury class, as a primer-spotted Ford Fiesta shared the automotive graveyard with a Mercedes, the occupants of both sharing the same speed of decomposition.

He took a risk by walking the parkway—he was much more exposed to Sarge’s patrols, since the road was easily viewed from the surrounding ridges—but now he was eager to finish his journey.

He came to Milepost 288 and rested again. For the final three miles, he stayed in the high weeds along the road, even though the grass was thick with dew. The sun was well up by the time he reached the concrete marker at Milepost 291 and looked up the mountain where Wheelerville was hidden among the trees and boulders.

He took the logging road that wound to the peak. Even though he’d cut several footpaths that were hardly noticeable to the casual hiker, he decided to stick with the relatively easier route he’d used to haul supplies and materials to his compound. Aside from the occasional beer can, there was no sign that civilization had ever touched this rocky series of switchbacks and rhododendron thickets. The air was rich with decaying leaves, muddy springs that smelled of salamanders, and the heavy sweetness of goldenrod and snakeroot.

If anyone had passed this way in the two weeks since he and Jorge had been away, there was no sign of their passage in the loam and black dirt. He moved quietly, like an animal, alert for both soldiers and Zapheads. He didn’t think Sarge would have spared the resources necessary to locate the compound, but Franklin would never sleep fully as long as they remained regional neighbors. On the other hand, any Zapheads would be more likely to encounter the bunker and its noisy occupants than Franklin’s hideaway.

He considered leaving some signs for Rachel, such as lining up rocks in formation or breaking branches in a detectable pattern, but he’d given her enough veiled clues about the compound’s location over the past couple of years. If she was out there, she would find it.


The compound looked much the same as when he’d left it, with the gate open in case Rosa and Marina returned. Goats milled around the compound, staying close to home even though Franklin had released them from the pen to forage. The chickens appeared fewer in number, likely thinned by hawks or foxes, but enough remained to provide eggs and meat for the winter. Fortunately, the animals had not broken through the fence to plunder the garden. The cabbages, broccoli, potatoes, collard greens, butternut squash, and other crops were vital for his survival.

Their survival.

Franklin had a feeling he wasn’t going to be alone when the icy winds and snow swept over the Appalachian Mountains from the northwest. This might be the last outpost of the human race, and he was more determined than ever to stand against the hostile forces of the world, whether man or mutant, nature or time.

He checked the cabin, saw it was much the same as he’d left it, and then grabbed his ax. He’d need plenty more firewood.

It was going to be a long winter.

THE END Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and I hope you’ll take a moment to write a review at Amazon. Your reviews help other readers find the books they like. Save the world from normal books!

Look for the other books in the series, After: First Light, After: The Shock, and After: The Echo.

After #4: Whiteout coming soon. Tao of Boo newsletter


Scott Nicholson is the international bestselling author of more than 20 thrillers, including the Solom supernatural series, The Home, McFall, Disintegration, Liquid Fear, Speed Dating with the Dead, and the After post-apocalyptic series. His books have appeared in the Kindle Top 100 more than a dozen times in five different countries. Visit his website at or his Amazon Author Central page.

Sign up for his Tao of Boo newsletter for giveaways and free books:



After: First Light

After: The Shock

After: The Echo

The Scarecrow (Solom #1)

The Narrow Gate (Solom #2)

The Home


Creative Spirit


The Red Church

Speed Dating with the Dead

The Skull Ring

Drummer Boy

The Harvest

Kiss Me or Die

Liquid Fear

Chronic Fear

Cursed (with J.R. Rain)

Bad Blood (with J.R. Rain & H.T. Night)

Ghost College (with J.R. Rain)

The Vampire Club (with J.R. Rain)

Spider Web (with J.R. Rain)

Meat Camp (with J.T. Warren)

October Girls

Crime Beat

The Dead Love Longer

Fangs In Vain

Burial to Follow

Story Collections




The First

Zombie Bits

Head Cases

Gateway Drug

Missing Pieces

These Things Happened

American Horror

Children’s Books

Bad Day for Balloons (with Sergio Castro)

If I Were Your Monster (with Lee Davis)

Too Many Witches (with Lee Davis)

Ida Claire (with Lee Davis)

Duncan the Punkin (with Sergio Castro)


Ethereal Messenger

Mystery Dance

Horror Movies: Three Screenplays

Ghost Box: Six Supernatural Thrillers

Scott Nicholson Library, Vol. 1

Scott Nicholson Library, Vol. 2

Scott Nicholson Library, Vol. 3

Scott Nicholson Library, Vol. 4

Box of Boo (Library, Vol. V)

Mad Stacks: Short Stories Box Set

Bad Stacks: Short Stories Box Set

Odd Stacks: Short Stories Box Set


Published by Haunted Computer Books

Scott’s Tao of Boo newsletter

Copyright ©2014 Scott Nicholson