Mundane Astrology


Mundane Astrology has been much neglected by students. It is hoped that this little publication will draw their attention to this important branch of the science, for, after all, Nations, Countries and Cities are more important than Individuals. Contents: Mundane Astrology; The Planetary and Zodiacal Signs and Symbols; The Twelve Mundane Houses, their Power and Significations; The Significations of the Planets; The Essential and Accidental Dignities of the Planets; The Mundane Maps; How to Erect the Mundane Maps for Foreign Parts; Concerning the 1st House and the Planets therein; How to judge the Mundane Map; Example of a Mundane Map; Eclipses; The effects of Solar Eclipses; The effects of Lunar Eclipses; Planetary Conjunctions; Earthquakes; Comets; The parts of the World affected by the Signs of the Zodiac.


Mundane Astrology has been much neglected by students. It is hoped that this little publication will draw their attention to this important branch of the science, for, after all, Nations, Countries and Cities are more important than Individuals.

Up to the present very little has been written on the subject since Ramsey published his “Astrology Restored” in the seventeenth century.

Mundane Astrology is a difficult subject, seeing that every District town or City is under a different Zodiacal influence, If this particular influence were known, it would be an easy matter to forecast the fate of any place.

Our lack of knowledge of the exact place or locality governed by each degree of the Zodiac is the cause of the many failures in the Predictions relating to Mundane Events.




Mundane Astrology is that branch of the Science which treats of the influence of the Zodiac and Planets upon Nations, countries, cities and divisions of the earth, and is the art of foretelling the chief events which will come to pass therein.

A figure of the heavens is erected for certain times-to be afterwards explained-and for the particular places for which the forecasts are required, and the longitudes and declinations of the planets computed therefor, exactly in the same manner as in the erection of an ordinary horoscope.

As in Natal Astrology, different influences are ascribed to the planets and the twelve divisions of the heavens, and to make forecasts from the various figures of the heavens is not a very difficult task.

The student should bear in mind the various testimonies of good and evil shown, and thus may read the good or evil

fortune of any particular nation or kingdom, the possibility of peace or war, health or sickness, dearth or plenty, in any particular part of the world for which the forecasts are required.

In addition to this, the transits of the planets through the several signs of the Zodiac have also to be considered, and the general condition of the various countries and peoples ruled by the different signs can then be ascertained.

A horoscope or figure of the heavens for the moment of the Sun’s entry into the sign Aries is taken as the basis or groundwork for all predictions, and this, together with similar figures for the entry of the Sun into the sings Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, corresponding to the commencement of each season, has the chief influence in determining the various forecasts to be made.

A figure of the heavens is also to be cast for each new and full moon during the year, also for all Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and all Conjunctions of the major planets, which are ♂, ♃, ♄, ♅ and ♆.

Some of these are subsidiary to the Ingresses-as the figures for the Sun’s entry into the four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called-but the Eclipses and great conjunctions which are those formed by the major planets are dealt with separately, and have a very powerful and important influence on the destinies of Nations.

All of these are explained in the following chapters, which are expressly written for the student, and with careful study and investigation of the various rules and instructions given, accurate and reliable forecasts may be made with ease.



The first step in the study of Mundane Astrology is a knowledge of the names and symbols of the planetary bodies and zodiacal signs.

1. The planets are nine in number and their names and symbols are as follows:-

☉ Sol. ♀ Venus. ♄ Saturn.
☽ Luna. ♂ Mars. ♅ Uranus.
☿ Mercury. ♃ Jupiter. ♆ Neptune.

2. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are named and symbolised as follows:-

♈ Aries. ♌ Leo. ♐ Sagittarius.
♉ Taurus. ♍ Virgo. ♑ Capricorn.
♊ Gemini. ♎ Libra. ♒ Aquarius.
♋ Cancer. ♏ Scorpio. ♓ Pisces.

3. The following groups or divisions of the zodiacal signs should be committed to memory, as it is a very important factor.

Fiery. ♈ ♌ ♐ Cardinal. ♈ ♋ ♎ ♑
Airy. ♊ ♎ ♒ Fixed. ♉ ♌ ♏ ♒
Earthy. ♉ ♍ ♑ Common. ♊ ♍ ♐ ♓
Watery. ♋ ♏ ♓

The Planetary aspects and their symbols are as follows:-

☌ Conjunction. When two planets are in the same longitude.

P Parallel. When two planets are the same distance north or south of the Equator.

∠ Semi-square. A distance of 45° apart.

✻ Sextile. When two planets are sixty degrees apart.

☐ Square. Three signs or 90° apart.

△ Trines. 120° or four signs apart.

# Sesquiquadrate. 135° or four and a half signs distant.

☍ Opposition. 180° or six signs distant.

The student should bear in mind that all these aspects are of different strengths. The conjunction and the opposition are the most powerful, then the parallel, followed by the square, trine and sextile of about equal power, then the semi-square and sesquiquadrate.

The orbs of the aspects, or the number of degrees from an exact aspect, in which a planet will act upon another, requires very careful handling in Mundane Astrology, as only very close aspects should be considered. The orbs of the planets, ☿, ♀, ♂, ♃, ♄, ♅ and ♆ when forming the major aspects, ☌, ✻, ☐, △ and ☍, may be reckoned as 5°. They are to be measured thus. Suppose Venus is forming a conjunction of Mars, then when Venus gets to within five degrees of Mars, the aspect will begin to operate, and will last until Venus is five degrees past it. The same with the other planets. The Sun and Moon have larger orbs. Eight degrees may be allowed the Sun and Moon.

For the minor aspects, smaller orbs should be allowed. For the Planets 2°, and for the Sun and Moon 3°. It is a very difficult subject to deal with, but the above may be taken as practically correct.

For the parallel, one degree either way should be allowed for the Sun, Moon and Planets. Thus, if the Sun is in 12° north declination, and Jupiter in 17° [Ed — maybe typo.] north, then they are in parallel and will remain in this aspect until the difference of their declinations amounts to more than a degree.

For the cusps of the mundane houses, observe the following rule. Find the number of degrees between one house and the next and divide it by three, and reckon this one third as the orb of the cusp of the house. Thus if the twelfth house is Aquarius 13°, and the Ascendant Aries 0°, find the difference between these two degrees, which is 47°, and one third of this is nearly 16°, so when a planet gets within 16 degrees of Aries 0°, it is to be reckoned as in the ascendant, or first house.



In dealing with this, the same rules must be applied as in delineating a horoscope, for where the latter applies to an individual, in Mundane Astrology it refers to a nation, and it therefore follows that the same mode of procedure must be applied, but in a more extended form.

The influence of the twelve mundane houses in connection with national affairs is as follows:-

The first house.-The common people, public health, general conditions of the country, and state of home affairs generally.

The second house.-National Exchequer, Revenue, Stock Exchange, Banks, Commercial affairs and trade.

The third house.-Railways and matters to do with them, traffic returns, stocks and shares; telegraph, telephone and postal affairs, locomotions and means of transit, motors, omnibuses, and the like; Books, newspapers and literary concerns.

The fourth house.-The weather, agriculture, crops and landed interest; mines, public buildings; and the opposition part to the Government.

The fifth house.-Theatres, music halls and places of amusement, children, education, birth-rate, schools, morals and betting.

The sixth house.-Sickness, public health, Army and Navy, Warships; Working classes generally.

The seventh house.- Foreign affairs, and relations with other Powers. War and international disputes. Marriages, divorces, foreign trade.

The eighth house.-Mortality, death-rate, suicides. Privy council.

The ninth house.-Law courts, judges, clergy, religion, Colonial trade and affairs, Commercial powers, Science, Shipping, and matters to do therewith.

The tenth house.-The King, Royalty, Government, Ruling Powers, Aristocracy, Nobility and Society.

The eleventh house.-Parliament, House of Commons, Legislation.

The twelfth house.-Prisons, Workhouses, Hospitals, Asylums, Reformatories, Charitable Institutions; Crime, Murders, Criminals, Spies and Secret Foes.

NOTE.-The strongest houses are the first, tenth, seventh and fourth, then the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh, and lastly, the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth. The first, third and ninth are termed the intellectual houses, because the first represents the minds of the people, the third has to do with newspapers and the like, and ninth represents the religious attitude of the people.



The Sun, Moon and planets have a special significance in Mundane Astrology, as they represent certain classes of the community in every nation and country. It is very essential that these should be carefully committed to memory.

The following are the different classes and particular matters ruled over by the planets:-

The Sun represents the King, Nobles, magistrates, judges and all persons in Authority and of Distinction, Cabinet ministers, and the like. The Moon denotes the common people, women generally, crowds, and all matters of a common or public nature.

Mercury governs the literary world, newspapers, publishers, ambassadors, trade and commerce, and the intellectual world.

Venus has rule over the female sex, artists, musicians, marriage, children, and births.

Mars denotes soldiers, surgeons, noted military and naval men, war, disputes, fire and incendiarism.

Jupiter rules the religious and judicial world, divines, judges, lawyers, bankers, merchants, etc.

Saturn has chief influence over elderly people, land-owners, farmers, mines, coal, and the produce of the earth.

Uranus has special influence over railways, societies and associations, gas and water companies, civic bodies, strikes, rioting, and the like. Aerial navigation and scientific discoveries come also under this planet’s rule, also explorations, anarchy and nihilism.

Neptune rules Socialism, suffragettes, the smart set, plots, sedition, fraud and swindling, all illicit undertakings, bogus companies, and all the lower and more degrading forms of vice and wickedness.

NOTE.-The particular house position of the planets must be taken into chief account in judging the above. For example: Neptune in the tenth would show socialistic agitation against the King and Government. The same planet in the twelfth would represent scandals and unpleasant events in connection with Institutions. It is essential that the house influence and planetary influence should be combined. This will be explained later on.



The essential and accidental dignities of the planets is a point of much importance in Mundane Astrology.

The signs are distributed among the planets in the following order, and a planet is said to “ rule over “ a sign.

and ♏ are the houses of
“ ♎ “ “
“ ♍ “ “
“ ♓ “ “
“ ♒ “ “
is the house of the Sun
“   “    Moon

These signs are called the houses or mansions of the planets, because when a planet is placed in a sign it rules over, it is very powerful, and is then “ essentially dignified. ”

The rulership of the signs by the planets is brought into use very considerably, in Mundane matters, for when Aries rises Mars is the ruler of the figure, and the position and aspects of this planet would show the general condition of the people and country at any particular time. The same with the other houses, but particular attention is to be paid to this point when there are no planets in the house under consideration.

There are certain other signs in which the planets are found to be very powerful, though not to the same degree as when in their own houses. These are called the exaltations of the planets and are as follows.

The Sun is exalted in the sign Aries.

The Moon “ “ Taurus.

Jupiter “ “ Cancer.

Mercury “ “ Virgo.

Saturn “ “ Libra.

Mars “ “ Capricorn.

Venus “ “ Pisces.

Uranus is powerful in the Airy Signs, ♊, ♎, ♒.

Neptune is chiefly powerful in ♓.

NOTE.-The signs opposite to those in which the planets have their exaltation are those of their “fall,” and then they are especially weak in power. The planets are also said to be in their “detriment,” when they are placed in the signs opposite to those which are their houses or mansions.

The accidental dignities consist of the position of the planets in respect to the angles of the figure. The first, tenth, seventh and fourth houses of the Map of the heavens are termed angular, and any planet placed in one of these houses is said to be “accidentally dignified.”



The several horoscopes or figures of the heavens which are to be erected for various times during the year, and from which prognostics are made with regard to different nations of the world, are termed the “Mundane Maps” and comprise the following.

1. Quarterly figures. These are maps erected for the times of the entry of the Sun into the four cardinal signs of the Zodiac, viz., Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Each of these figures, which are termed “Ingresses,” rules for a certain specific period according to the sign which is rising at the moment of the Sun’s ingress into each sign. If a Cardinal sign rises, the figure has rule for three months only; if a fixed sign rises, then it influences the whole of the entire twelve months following; if a common sign rises, then it has influence for the ensuing six months.

2. Lunations. These are figures of the heavens erected for each New and Full Moon during the year. They are judged in a twofold way: — first according to the planetary positions and aspects in the figure for each New and Full Moon, and secondly by referring the planetary positions at the moment of each New and Full Moon to the previous quarterly figure. The quarterly figures are, as it were, the hour hand of the clock, while the lunations act as the minute hand. As to whether the

New Moon or Full Moon is stronger, is a matter of experience, but it is generally considered that if a New Moon fall nearest to the Sun’s entry into Aries, the each succeeding New Moon during the year is considered, but if a Full Moon fall nearest to this particular ingress, then the succeeding Full Moons should have preference. Their period of influence is only on month.

3. Solar eclipses. These are figures erected for the time of New Moon at any particular Solar eclipse. They should not be calculated for the time of Central eclipse, but for the exact moment of New Moon. These figures are very important. They have a specific influence of their own lasting for as many years as the eclipse is hours in length. Their effects are most powerful in those countries where the eclipse is actually visible, and also in those countries and cities ruled over buy the sign in which the eclipse falls. Certain specific effects are attributed to the action of Solar eclipses in the thirty-six decanates of the Zodiac, and these are given in detail in a later chapter.

4. Lunar eclipses. These are figures erected for the time of Lunar eclipses, which are in reality Full Moons, and the exact moment of Full Moon is taken, not that of the middle of the eclipse. These figures are important, but less so than Solar eclipses, and they have a period of action extending over as many months as the eclipse is hours in duration. Their effects, like Solar eclipses, are chiefly to be observed in those countries the eclipse is visible, and in those places ruled by the sign in which the eclipse falls. A list of the specific effects of each Lunar eclipse in the various decanates of the Zodiac is given is a later chapter.

5. The conjunctions and oppositions of the planets Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. These are figures erected for the time of the conjunctions and oppositions of the these planets; and the house and sign position of such conjunctions and oppositions are to be noted. They are extremely important configurations, as their effects are very pronounced and lasting. They will be dealt with specially in a later chapter.



As the subject of Mundane Astrology is principally intended for more advanced students, it is not intended to go into the matter of casting horoscopes and placing the planets therein, as these rules can be learned from the “Guide to Astrology,” or the “Key.”

Once the student can erect a map of the heavens for Greenwich the process of computing a figure for foreign countries is a very simple process, and it is particularly with this in view that the following simple rules and instructions are given.

Now as it is usually the practice, when making forecasts for the different countries of the world, to first cast the Mundane map for Greenwich and compute the planets’ places for this particular time, it follows that all other maps required for places other than Greenwich can be found by merely adding or subtracting the difference in time between Greenwich and the place required.

The rule is a very simple one and merely consists of finding the longitude of the place required, and turning it into time at the rate of one hour for every fifteen degrees, or four minutes for every degree.

If the place is in West longitude subtract this time from the Right Ascension of the Meridian at the Greenwich Map, and if East add the time. The result will give the Right Ascension of the Meridian for the place required.

Then with this Right Ascension, and a Table of Houses for the latitude of the place, erect the Mundane map in the same way as you would an ordinary horoscope.

The planets’ places will be the same in every map. That is to say, whatever the planetary longitudes and declinations are in the Mundane map for Greenwich, they will be exactly the same for all parts of the world.

As two illustrations of this simple method of erecting the Mundane maps for different parts of the world, we will take the Sun’s ingress into Aries for March 21st, 1911. This takes place at 5h. 54m. 30s. P.M. on that day at Greenwich. We will then compute the same ingresses for Washington, in West Longitude, and Calcutta, East Longitude. Washington is 77°4’ W., equal to 5h. 8m. 16s., and Calcutta is 88°24’E., equal to 5h. 53m. 56s.

On casting the map for Greenwich we find that the Right Ascension of the Meridian, commonly known as the Sidereal Time, is 5h. 47m. 1s., and with the Tables of Houses for the latitude of Greenwich, the figure is erected. The planets’ places are computed for the time of the Ingress. Now to erect the horoscope for Washington we must subtract from the Greenwich Sidereal Time the difference in time between the two places, viz., 5h 8m. 16s. as Washington is in West Long., and this gives 0h. 38m. 45s. This is the Sidereal Time at the moment of the Sun’s Ingress into Aries at Washington.

The latitude of Washington is 38° 55’ N., and with a Table of Houses for this degree we erect the figure of the heavens. The planets’ places will be taken from the map for Greenwich without any alteration.

To erect the same map for Calcutta we add the difference in time between that place and Greenwich, it being in East Longitude, and with the Sidereal Time thus found, and Table of Houses for the Latitude of the place, we erect the map in the usual way, taking the planets’ places from the Greenwich map as before. The Sidereal Time at Greenwich for the moment of Ingress is 5h. 47m. 1s., and to this we add 5h. 53m. 36s., the difference between Calcutta and Greenwich, and the result is 11h. 40m. 37s., and with a Table of Houses for 22° 33’ N. (the Latitude of Calcutta) we erect a map.

The following tabular figure shows the Sidereal Times, and cusps of the houses, for the three figures used, and the planetary longitudes thereat.

Place. M.C.- 11th. 12th. Ascend. 1. 2nd. 3rd.
Greenwich 27°♊ 2' 3° ♌ 4° ♍ 27° ♍ 42' 21° ♎ 21°♏
Washington 10° ♈ 32' 17° ♉ 24° ♊ 25° ♋ 25' 17° ♌ 11° ♍
Calcutta 24° ♍ 43' 26° ♎ 23° ♏ 16° ♐ 20' 18° ♑ 21° ♒

Planetary Positions.

Long. 0° ♈ 0' 15° ♐39’  1° ♈ 3’  27° ♈ 17’  5° ♒ 42’
Dec. 0° N. 0’ 25° S. 44’ 0° S. 37’ 10°N. 15’  19° S. 51’
Long. 13° ♏ 53 4° ♉ 46’ 28° ♑ 33’ 18° ♋ 48’
Dec. 14° S. 44’ 11° N. 2’ 20° S. 58’ 21° N. 31’

NOTE.-The student should very carefully follow these simple instructions, for once the figure for Greenwich is obtained, all maps for different parts of the world can be immediately found by the simple addition or subtraction of the difference in time of the required place and Greenwich from the Sidereal time of the Greenwich figure.



THE first house is the most important of the twelve, for in every mundane map it represents the People, the general condition of the country, state of affairs in the country, and in a general sense the public health.

If a planet is therein, its position and aspects should be carefully noted, but if no planet is placed therein, then the position and aspects of the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house should be considered. This applies to all the twelve houses.

If a benefic be in the first house, it denotes that the general condition of the country and people will be good, that affairs will improve, and things generally connected with the internal condition of the nation will be satisfactory. If well aspected, or essentially dignified, the good will be all the more marked, but if afflicted, then the benefit will be lessened, and in that particular matter denoted by the house ruled over by the afflicting planet.

If a malefic is in the Ascendent or ruling over it, then much trouble is shown in the country, things being unsettled, health of the people bad. If afflicted by other planets the evil will be more marked, but if well aspected, the troubles will be mitigated to some extent.

The following are the general influences of Lunations and the planets in the houses, either at Lunations or Solar Ingresses.

The New Moon falling in the ascendant shows many changes in the country, much activity, and if well aspected many benefits to the community at large, according to the position of the planets making such good aspects. If afflicted it denotes much unrest and discontent, ill-health among the people, and affairs generally will be unsatisfactory. The position and aspects of the afflicting planets should be noted.

The Sun in the first house, well aspected, denotes a prosperous time for the country, many benefits to the people, improvement in affairs and success generally. If afflicted, it creates disturbances between master and man, and afflicts the health of the community.

The Moon in the first house, well aspected, denotes activity and changes among the people, some improvements to women and children, and slight benefits of a public nature. If much afflicted will cause illness, unrest, and discontent.

Mercury.-This planet when well aspected produces much activity, increase of trade and work, new enterprises among the people, and generally inclines to study and intellectual gain to the community. If afflicted, it shows much discontent, personal attacks, libel actions and much recrimination in the popular press.

Venus well aspected denotes a peaceful time, content and success in the country, improvement of work connected with the female sex. If badly aspected it shows want, vice and misery, trouble to the feminine part of the community, and indicates crimes against women and children.

Mars.-This planet is generally evil, bringing discontent among the people, strikes, riots, fires and incendiarism, crime and ill-health. If well aspected it shows military activity, a warlike tone among the people, and a general forceful and aggressive tendency.

Jupiter.-This is one of the most favourable significations. It brings prosperity and success in the land, plenty of work, is good for trade, and brings numerous benefits to the community at large. If afflicted it is not so good, and will affect the interests of the people according to the position of the afflicting planets. Thus if the affliction came from the seventh house it would disturb the peace of the country; if from the tenth house, through the Government, etc.

Saturn.-This is a very evil position, and unless favourably aspected produces much distress, discontent, want of work, loss of trade, poverty and general ill-health. If well aspected it will produce a steady progressive attitude among the people, more earnestness and perseverance, but it rarely produces much good.

Uranus.-This is another evil influence denoting strikes, rioting, violence, anarchy, turbulence among the people and outrages against authority. It is usually connected with strikes, assassinations, risings against authority, and all kings of rebellion and violent disturbances of the peace. If well aspected, it conduces to an inquiring attitude among the people, a desire for reforms, etc.

Neptune.-This is an unpleasant influence. It brings much agitation among the people, secret propaganda, socialism, vice, crime, suicides, and the like. It has the effects of turning things upside down, and causing much underhand and treacherous behaviour among the people.

If afflicted, it brings fraud and swindling, vice and immorality.

NOTE.-Special regard must be taken as to the strength or weakness of each planet, also the house where the affliction comes from, as this will show the nature of such affliction. The same with regard to the benefic aspects.



The second house of the Mundane Map has special reference to the financial condition of the Nation, the revenue, national exchequer, stock exchange, banks,

commerce and trade. At the Sun’s entry into Aries it affects the Budget in Parliament. Any planet that may be in the house, or the planet which rules the sign on the cusp of the house, whether a malefic or benefic, is the significator of the national wealth for the period of time ruled by the figure.

If the ruler of the second house be therein, or in its own sign, well placed and aspected, then the period will be favourable for the nation’s wealth. If a malefic be therein, then the period will be unsatisfactory.

The lunation falling in the second house depends upon the aspects thereto. It will produce changes in financial affairs, but if well aspected shows increased revenue, improvement in the national exchequer, and a more prosperous time for stocks and shares, especially gilt-edged securities. If evilly aspected, it will cause heavy national expenditure, financial and bank failures, and losses on the Stock Exchange.

The Sun in the second house, well aspected, is favourable for the revenue, denoting increase of receipts, and a brighter outlook generally for the money market. If afflicted it denotes great waste of public revenue, increase of taxation, and heavy expenditure.

The Moon in the second house shows great fluctuation in the revenue and on the money market, in stocks and shares, but if well aspected shows an increase of receipts in the Exchequer, and improvement in the financial conditions of the country.

Mercury in the second house denotes changes in financial affairs, and, if well aspected, gains in trade and commerce, benefits to the revenue thereby. If badly aspected, it shows losses through fraud and theft, and a good deal of sharp practice in the money market.

Venus in the second shows increase of receipts, and if well aspected will denote many benefits to the nation in a financial way. If evilly aspected, it denotes heavy losses, waste of the nation’s finances, and is bad for banks and commercial affairs.

Mars in the second house shows losses on the Stock Exchange, panics, bank failures, and, though not denoting a diminution of the national revenue, denotes an enormous expenditure and waste of public money. Military affairs will require large amounts of money, and the revenue will be seriously affected in this way.

Jupiter in the second is the best influence, denoting a large increase of receipts, improvement in the national finances, success in banking and commercial operations, and may denote a lessening of taxation. If afflicted, it shows heavy expenditure, bank failures, and panics on the Stock Exchange. One the worst aspects to Jupiter is a square or opposition of Mars, especially in financial affairs.

Saturn in the second house is very evil, denoting a poor revenue, decrease of receipts, financial stagnation, depression in securities and financial circles, and general want of activity in all money matters. If afflicted, it will make the evil much greater, and cause heavy depreciation of securities, but if well aspected it gives a steadying tone to the money market.

Uranus in the second shows unexpected losses and equally as unexpected gains to the national revenue, according as the planet may be badly aspected or the reverse. It denotes financial crashes, strange and unlooked-for occurrences in the stock and share market, and much uneasiness generally in financial circles.

Neptune in the second denotes fraud and dishonesty, losses to the revenue through illicit undertakings, theft, sharp practices, and everything underhand and secret. If evilly aspected it acts more forcibly.



THE third house rules over railways, postal, telegraphic and telephonic services, and all matters connected therewith, such as railway stocks and shares, traffic returns, etc.; it has also to do with all forms of locomotion, buses, motors, and the like, also books, newspapers and literary undertakings. The same rules are to be applied here as in dealing with the other houses, viz., that the planet in the house has chief influence, and when no planet is therein, the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house is to be considered.

The Lunation falling in the third house denotes much activity in all matters ruled over by the house, and shows many benefits and successful undertakings connected therewith, but if afflicted it denotes much trouble therein, danger of accidents, and losses in ventures with publishers, and the like.

The Sun in this house benefits the heads of departments, but if afflicted denotes illness and probably death among notable people connected with the third house affairs.

The matters ruled by the house in which the afflicting planet is situated should be carefully considered in this respect.

The Moon in the third benefits workers in railways and postal affairs, and if well aspected will improve their condition, wages, and prospects, If afflicted, it shows much discontent among employees, unrest and agitation, danger of accidents and falling off of receipts.

Mercury in the third benefits traffic returns if well aspected, shows an active period and increased facilities for traveling. It is especially beneficial for postal affairs, publishing concerns, newspapers, and the like. If much afflicted it denotes falling off of returns, discontent in the postal service, failure of publishers, and causes a good deal of discontent. It may also cause illness or death of noted writers, or people connected with third house affairs.

Venus in this house is favourable, denoting improved returns, better condition of workers, etc. If afflicted, it denotes discontent, illness and death of noted writers or artists, more likely of the novelist type. It may also cause crime on railways and many unpleasant events in connection with third house matters. Mars in this house has particular relation to railways and denotes accents and fires, heavy expenses, losses, depreciation of railway securities, and if much afflicted causes discontent and agitation among employees. It is a very evil position, and when much afflicted brings serious accidents not only on railways, but also in other forms of locomotion. It will adversely affect publishing concerns,

Jupiter in the third is favourable for railways, and traffic returns will increase. The wages and conditions of workers will improve. It will cause busy times in literary and publishing circles, and many improvements in postal affairs. It denotes many benefits in all matters coming under the rule of the third house. If much afflicted, it shows heavy expenses, losses. And troubles in the working and management of affairs to do with locomotion.

Saturn in this house denotes much discontent among employees, depreciation of trade, falling off of receipts in railways and postal matters, accidents, and a general unsatisfactory state of affairs in all third house matters. If much afflicted the evil is augmented, but if well aspected it has no very appreciable effect, and the evil shown is not much ameliorated. It is sure to cause illness and death among prominent people connected with publishing or literary affairs.

Uranus in the third house has particular reference to railways, telephonic and telegraphic affairs, motors, and the like. It shows accidents on the railways, explosions, extraordinary occurrences.

Strikes and insubordination among employees, thefts and disputes. It will bring many troubles in postal matters, and disturbs third house affairs generally.

Neptune in the third denotes much agitation among employees, plots and secret movements, socialistic projects, crime and fraud, losses in trade, and falling off of returns. Cases of fraud and swindling will come to light.



The fourth house is another important division of the Mundane Map, and has rule over the land; and in connection with this we must take into consideration agriculture, crops, mines, minerals, the landed interests, mining royalties, etc. It also governs the Opposition party to the Government. The cusp of this house is taken specially into account in making prognostications regarding earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.

The Lunation falling in this house will bring into prominence the matters governed thereby. If well aspected it will strengthen the hands of the Opposition, and the Government will lose by-elections, and suffer loss of prestige. It will also benefit agriculture, crops, and the landed interest generally. If evilly aspected it shows bad weather, shortage of crops, and much trouble in agricultural matters. A Lunation falling in a fixed sign exactly on the cusp of the fourth house is a sign of a disastrous earthquake in whatever part of the world this position may occur.

The Sun in the fourth is favourable for the landed interest, and shows benefits to agriculture, and the like. If badly aspected it will bring much trouble to the Government, loss of elections, and many difficult questions to deal with. It will then be evil for agriculture and matters to do with the land. The Moon in the fourth, well aspected, benefits agriculture, but brings changeable weather. If evilly aspected shows shortage of crops, mining troubles, and is very evil for matters signified y the fourth house. Mercury in this house is not a very important position, unless well aspected, when it shows much activity in agriculture. If badly aspected it denotes discontent among miners, and an unfavourable time for agriculture.

Venus in the fourth is favourable, denoting fine weather, good crops, and success in agricultural matters generally. If much afflicted it denotes damp and unseasonable weather, and will adversely affect crops, and matters to do with the land. Mars in this house is unfortunate, denoting troubles for the Government, fires in public buildings, mining disasters and earthquakes. It will adversely affect land and agriculture generally. Building operations, and the property market, will suffer. If much afflicted the evil is greatly augmented.

Jupiter in the fourth benefits the land, landlords, agriculture, crops, and brings favourable weather. If much afflicted, and in a fixed sign, it may cause mining disasters and earthquakes, especially in those places where it is exactly on the cusp of the fourth house.

Saturn in the fourth brings obstacles and difficulties to the Government, and the affairs of the nation will not proceed smoothly. It causes bad weather for crops, and adversely affects agricultural matters. It denotes mining disasters, earthquakes, and depreciates the value of land, and disturbs property. If afflicted, the evil is very considerably increased. Uranus in the fourth is an especially evil influence, denoting serious trouble to water companies, and causes mining disasters, and explosions in public buildings. It is evil for the Government, bringing difficulties to them.

Land, mining royalties, and the taxation of land values are likely to be a source of much trouble under this influence.

Neptune in this house is a doubtful influence, but being malefic will cause trouble in all fourth house matters. It has special reference to all forms of socialistic agitation in respect to taxation of landlords, ground values, mining royalties, and the like, and if much afflicted will cause considerable trouble to the Government.



The fifth house has relation to theatres, music halls, children, education, the birth-rate, schools and places of amusement.

The Lunation falling in the fifth house will bring matters connected with these affairs to the front. If well aspected it shows benefits, and if evilly aspected the reverse.

The Sun in the fifth is favourable for educational matters, children, and theatres generally. If evilly aspected it denotes losses to places of amusement, heavy expenses, and illness and death of noted theatrical artists.

The Moon in the fifth, well aspected, shows that the people generally will be inclined to amusements. It will benefit theatres, and increase their receipts. If evilly aspected, it denotes trouble to women and children, immorality, and much crime against children, cases of ill-treatment being brought to light.

Mercury in the fifth shows activity in theatrical circles, new plays, and ventures; is good for educational matters and those which affect children and their welfare. If afflicted, shows theatrical law-suits, disputes over educational matters, and adversely affects the interests of schools and the like.

Venus in the fifth, well aspected, tends to increase the birth-rate; is favourable for girls and women; benefits theatres, and denotes honours to prominent actors. If afflicted, it denotes much vice and immorality, cases of cruelty to women and children, criminal assaults, and similar disgusting outrages.

Mars in the fifth brings troubles to theatres, such as fires and disturbances; illness and deaths of actors and singers; much crime against women and children; fires and accidents in schools and to pleasure parties. If afflicted, the evil is much increased.

Jupiter in the fifth benefits all matters coming under the rule of this house, increases the birth-rate and is favourable for schools and education, causes losses and heavy expenses to theatrical concerns, and failure in speculative adventures.

Saturn in the fifth house lowers the birth-rate, shows much trouble to women and children, illness and high mortality from disease, great depressing in theatrical circles, and deaths and indisposition among noted people in that profession. If much afflicted it in creases the evil, and causes crime against women and children, and much vice, distress and immorality.

Uranus in the fifth causes explosions in theatres, schools and places of amusement; adversely affects educational matters, and produces much disputation therein. Many unlooked-for occurrences will take place. It also denotes disaster to children and pleasure parties.

Neptune in the fifth house denotes much vice and immorality, increase of illegitimacy, scandals in theatrical circles, crime against women and children, disturbs educational affairs, and denotes a great increase in betting and gambling.



The sixth house has special reference to the public health and general condition of the working classes and servants. It also governs the national service, Army and Navy, the Soldiers and Sailors, Battleships, etc.

The nature of the sickness affecting the country generally can be deduced from the planets in this house, or ruling over it according to the parts of the body ruled by such sign, etc.

The Lunation falling in the sixth house, if well aspected augurs well the affairs governed by this house, but, if evilly aspected, disturbs these affairs. The health of the people will suffer, and much discontent will be shown among the working classes generally.

The Sun in the sixth is favourable for health and the working classes. If afflicted, it shows discontent and much sickness. The Navy will suffer. Some prominent servant of the State may die.

The Moon in the sixth shows much sickness among the populace, discontent and dissatisfaction. It causes disorder in the Navy, and unless well aspected is not a good position.

Mercury in the sixth house denotes activity among the lower classes, a desire for mental improvement generally. If afflicted, it shows discontent, thieving and crime, increase of insanity, and much disorder generally.

Venus in this house is favourable for the lower classes and the Navy, improves their condition. If afflicted, shows much vice, want and misery, and causes much illness thereby.

Mars in the sixth is a very evil position, denoting much feverish and inflammatory disease among the people, according to the nature of the sign in which Mars in placed. It also denotes fires and accidents on warships, and insubordination among sailors. If well aspected the effects are mitigated, and in regard to naval affairs denotes some demonstration or naval review.

Jupiter in the sixth benefits the public health, improves the condition of the working classes, and also shows benefits to the Navy. If afflicted, heavy expenditure in naval and military affairs.

Saturn in the sixth house is a very evil position, denoting much ill-health among the populace, of the nature shown by the sign occupied by Saturn, also discontent and dissatisfaction among the lower classes and in the Navy. If afflicted, the evils are more prominent and severe.

Uranus in the sixth denotes many peculiar disorders among the people, according to the sign Uranus is in; explosions on warships, insubordination among sailors, mutiny, etc. It denotes serious accidents, explosions attended with loss of life and limb.

Neptune in the sixth shows much vice and immorality among the lower classes, socialistic propaganda doing mischievous work therein. It also affect the Navy in the same seditious manner, and conduces to much unrest among sailors. It affects the health of the community through an increase of illicit habits, drug-taking, opium-smoking, etc. It also tends to produce scandals in naval and military circles.



The seventh house is a very important one, for it governs all matters relating to foreign countries, disputes, war, international affairs, and all matters which arise in the dealings of one country with another.

It has also relation to marriages, divorces, and matters of a public nature.

A Lunation falling in the seventh house is important, as the aspects thereto should be considered. If good, better relations with Foreign Powers, but if evilly aspected, disputes and complications.

The Sun in the seventh house will act in a similar manner, and the aspects to the Sun must be considered.

The Moon in the seventh is favourable, denoting an increase in the marriage rate, public ceremonies, and honours to women. If afflicted, it denotes trouble in foreign affairs, scandals in home life, divorces, and many unpleasant episodes in public life.

Mercury in the seventh denotes much activity in foreign affairs, and, if well aspected, treaties, commercial agreements, and successful negotiations with other Powers. Diplomacy gains, and success attends the foreign policy of the nation. If afflicted, it shows double-dealing with other Powers, diplomatic blunders, breaking of treaties, commercial and trade disputes with foreign countries, and general disagreement in international affairs.

Venus in the seventh augurs well for peace and prosperity in foreign trade, increases the marriage rate, denotes many marriages in high life. If badly aspected, it shows many public scandals, divorces, crime against women, and unpleasant and offensive episodes.

Mars in the seventh is a very powerful influence. It shows grave danger of international disputes, disagreement with other Powers, unsatisfactory condition of foreign relations, and danger of war. In all cases where war is denoted from this position, the direction from which the enemy will come is shown from the position of Mars, Aries being East, Cancer North, Libra West, and Capricorn South, the other signs pointing to the points of the compass between the four cardinal points. It will also show by the sign in which Mars is in, which country is opposed to the nation, according to the country ruled by the sign. (See Chapter 28.)

Jupiter in the seventh is favourable for foreign relations, and all matters connected with the seventh house. The marriage rate will increase, and many notable alliances will occur. If much afflicted, it will occasion disputes with other Powers in connection with financial and trade questions.

Saturn in the seventh is a very unfavourable position for foreign affairs, and presages much trouble and difficulty in dealings with other Powers.

Depression in foreign trade, and, if Venus afflicts, scandals, divorces, and crimes against women, Next to Mars it is the most evil influence in relation to international affairs, and is sure to cause long and grievous difficulties in relations with other countries, especially those ruled by the sign in which Saturn is placed.

Uranus in the seventh is another troublesome position in regard to foreign affairs, producing awkward and unexpected complications of a serious nature. It also causes much agitation against the country, and, if afflicted by Venus, will bring a crop of unsavoury scandals, divorces and law-suits.

Neptune in the seventh denotes treachery and double-dealing on the part of Foreign Powers. It warns a nation to be on guard against plots, and schemes, secret attacks, and the like. It denotes also scandals, divorces, crime and immorality in married life, and many unpleasant and disgusting episodes in the law-courts.



The eighth house has special reference to death, mortality, and all matters to do therewith. It also governs the Privy Council.

The Lunation falling in this house is important, depending upon the houses ruled by the Luminaries, and the planetary aspects thereto. When evilly aspected, it denotes deaths in high circles and amongst notable people, especially females. When well aspected, it signifies gains to the nation, through death duties, and the like.

The Sun in the eighth house denotes deaths among important people, Royalty, nobility, and the upper ten. If well aspected, success to the nation.

The Moon in the eighth house shows much mortality among common people, especially women, and, if much afflicted, panics, resulting in many deaths.

Mercury in the eighth house, afflicted, denotes deaths in literary and publishing circles, and among children and young people. It shows activity and changes in the Privy Council. When well aspected, legislation affecting death duties and like.

Venus in the eighth house denotes gains to the Exchequer through death duties, but if afflicted, will cause many deaths among females, artistic and musical people, and notable ladies of the land. Care should be taken to observe the house ruled over by Venus.

Mars in the eighth house is an evil testimony, denoting many sudden and terrible deaths, by fire, accidents, and crime. It denotes deaths of military, naval, and medical men, notable people in the iron and steel industry, and those connected with trades to do with fire. In an eclipse it has a very unfavourable signification.

Jupiter in the eighth benefits the nation through gains to the Exchequer by death duties, and, if afflicted, denotes deaths among Royalty, nobles, legal and religious people, magistrates, bankers, and financiers.

Saturn in this house is another evil position, denoting much mortality among elderly people, noted characters, prominent men of the day, and those who hold or have held important positions in the Government of the country.

Uranus in the eighth denotes many sudden deaths, by accident, explosion, electricity, heat, suicide, and in many strange and unaccountable ways.

Neptune in this house is also an evil position, denoting much mortality through drowning, poison, drug-taking, deaths from misadventure, and overdoses of sleeping potions. It causes an increase of insanity, and deaths by suicide.



The ninth house has rule over a large number of subjects, and a very great deal depends upon the planets placed in this house, as to which of the different subjects are affected.

The chief matters governed by the ninth house are religion and the clergy; law courts, legal matters, and those connected therewith; shipping, colonial affairs and trade, science, invention, etc.

The Lunation falling in the ninth house will bring into activity all these matters. If well aspected, benefits will accrue, but if evilly aspected, note the position of the aspecting planet, as this will show in what direction the evil will come. If Jupiter, then in connection religion or commerce; if Mars, disputes in shipping or mercantile affairs.

The Sun in the ninth is a beneficial position when well aspected and improves the condition of all things connected with this house. When evilly aspected, it shows disputes and troubles therein according to the position of the aspecting planet.

The Moon in the ninth denotes changes in ninth house affairs. If well aspected, improvement and benefits, but if evilly aspected, not the position of the aspecting planet, and judge accordingly.

Mercury in the ninth denotes activity in commercial and legal affairs, and legislation affecting these matters; it denotes activity in publishing, scientific and inventive circles. If afflicted, disputes over trade and commerce, important legal cases, libel, forgery and the like. Much personal recrimination in the press.

Venus in the ninth is a favourable position, denoting peaceful relations with the colonies, extension of commercial powers and improvement of trade. If afflicted, it is evil for these affairs, bringing unpleasant cases in the law courts, criminal proceedings, scandals in religious and legal circles. Mars in the ninth causes disputes in religious and legal affairs, fires and accidents to shipping, deaths among noted men of the legal, clerical, and shipping world. It denotes trouble in colonial affairs, and affects their trade and commerce.

Jupiter in the ninth is favourable for religious and commercial affairs, colonial matter, shipping, and the like. Improvement is shown, development in trade and commerce and much success generally in all matters signified by the ninth house. If afflicted, it causes disputes in religion, financial troubles, and heavy expenses.

Saturn in the ninth is bad for shipping, and denotes disasters to vessels, collisions, and many deaths thereby. Strikes in shipping circles. Much trouble in the religious and legal world, deaths of notable men of these professions and much illness in the same callings. All matters connected with the ninth house will be under a cloud when Saturn is placed therein, and, if afflicted, the evil will be much increased.

Uranus in the ninth shows explosions, and accidents on ships, fires, strikes and disputes between master and man in shipping circles; sudden and unexpected troubles in the colonies. If well aspected, it shows remarkable scientific discoveries, new inventions, and the like.

Neptune in the ninth denotes scandals in religious and legal circles, criminal proceedings, fraud in trade and commerce. Strange doings will be reported in the religious world, and exposures of mediums and spiritualistic impostors. If well aspected, it is good for the occult and mystical, and psychic discoveries.



The tenth house has special reference to the King, or ruler of the Country, President, Czar, Viceroy, Governor-General, according to whatever country is concerned. It rules also the Government, Royalty, nobility and the upper ten, National honour and reputation.

It is a most important house, probably the most important of all, and the planetary positions should be very carefully noted. An eclipse falling in the tenth house, whether solar or lunar, is generally attended with disastrous results.

The Lunation therein, well aspected, denotes honour to the King and country, strengthens the hands of the Government, and enables the ruling authorities to hold their own. But if afflicted, it denotes illness and sometimes death among Royalty and the nobility, serious troubles to the Government, and loss of national honour and repute. An eclipse in the midheaven is a sign of the defeat of the Government.

The Sun in the tenth house, well aspected, is favourable for the King, denoting popularity. It also benefits the Government, but if afflicted it denotes illness and death in Royal circles, among the nobility and upper ten, also difficulties to the Government and danger of defeat.

The Moon in the tenth, well aspected, will make the King and Government popular, and benefit the Ruling Powers, but if much afflicted shows scandals in high life, unpopularity of the Government. Some eminent lady will suffer.

Mercury in the tenth, well aspected, points to activity in high life and Government circles, travelling by Royalty, but if afflicted, denotes many difficulties, disgrace to public officials, and scandals in high places.

Venus in the tenth shows many public functions, Royal ceremonials, marriages in high life, but, if afflicted, illness and death of ladies of title, or among Royalty, also scandals and disgraceful occurrences among the upper ten.

Mars in the tenth is an evil position, more so if afflicted, as it often points to war, especially if ruling the seventh house. It shows illness and death in Royal circles and high life, much trouble to the Government, and many difficulties for them to contend with. If well aspected by the Sun or Moon, it shows military activity, and in the event of actual warfare, denotes victory.

Jupiter in the tenth is favourable for the Government, increases the National honour and dignity, and denotes that the affairs of the country will proceed smoothly and satisfactorily. If afflicted, it shows financial difficulties, and probably the death of notable people.

Saturn in the tenth is an evil position, for it denotes disgrace, disasters, and many misfortunes and troubles to Royalty, the Government, prominent people, and those in Authority. Deaths of eminent people, illness and death among Royalty, especially if Saturn afflicts the Sun.

Uranus in the tenth shows sudden and unexpected developments in Government circles, which will require careful management, or defeat and resignation will ensue. It denotes attacks against Royalty, outrages; if much afflicted, it generally causes great troubles in tenth house affairs.

Neptune in the tenth is an evil influence, pointing to socialistic agitation against the King and Government, scandals among the Smart Set, disgrace to notable people, and many episodes of a nature which reflect but little credit on the Nobility.



THE eleventh house has special reference to Parliament, the House of Commons, parliamentary debates, legislation, and to members of the House.

When a benefic is placed in this house, it shows that parliamentary affairs will proceed smoothly and satisfactorily; but if a malefic be placed therein, it will tend to trouble, and the illness and deaths of members.

The Lunation falling in the eleventh house shows changes, and parliamentary activity. If well aspected, it will bring beneficial legislation according to the house in which the aspecting planet is placed; but if afflicted, it denotes disputes and difficulties in accordance with the position of the aspecting planet.

The Sun placed in the eleventh house shows a dignified attitude, beneficial legislation, mostly affecting Imperial interests, and success in the work of Parliament. If afflicted, it will bring indisposition and the deaths of members, and many difficulties and troubles.

The Moon in the eleventh house is not an important influence. If afflicted, it shows changes in the Cabinet, dissensions and disagreements among members, also sickness or indisposition.

Mercury in the eleventh house, well aspected, shows an active and busy time in Parliament, legislation affecting trade, commerce and education; but, if badly aspected, it shows embittered discussions, personal recriminations, arguments and disputes.

Venus in the eleventh is favourable for legislation affecting women and their affairs, and produces marriages among parliamentary members, and a quiet time in the House. If afflicted, it shows bereavements to members, unpleasant episodes and debates, and may cause scandal in parliamentary circles.

Mars in the eleventh house will bring much trouble and irritation in parliamentary circles, illness and death among members, quarrels, disputes and party splits; while matters concerning the military, arms, and ammunitions of war, will cause a good deal of discussion. If Mars is well aspected by the Sun, it shows beneficial alterations in regard to the Army and Navy, and improvement in the National services.

Jupiter in this house is an especially favourable influence, denoting democratic legislation, and shows that affairs connected with trade, finance and commerce will improve. If afflicted, it will bring religious and financial disputes, depreciation of Government securities, and danger of an adverse vote.

Saturn in the eleventh is not a favourable influence unless well aspected. It brings many difficulties in the affairs of the country, illness and death among members, dissensions and party splits, and in all probability changes in Ministerial circles. If badly aspected, it shows danger of an adverse vote in the Commons, resignation of the Ministry, and many obstacles and difficulties to the Government.

Uranus in the eleventh house will produce extraordinary difficulties and complications in parliamentary circles, sudden and unexpected developments which will require very careful consideration on the part of Ministers. It shows a good deal of unruliness in debates, and danger of accidents to members.

Neptune in this house denotes socialistic agitation, secret plots and underhand work among members, some scandals and unpleasant occurrences, and the introduction of socialistic legislation in the Commons.



The twelfth house has special signification concerning prisons, workhouses, hospitals, asylums, reformatories, charitable institutions, crime, criminals, spies and secret foes.

If the malefics are therein, and much afflicted, there will be an increase of crime, burglaries and murder. The amount of trouble depends upon the affliction, for if the benefics are there and unafflicted, they will bring benefits to hospitals and institutions, and a decrease of crime generally. The Lunation falling in the twelfth house, and afflicted, points to much crime in the country, trouble in connection with prisons, hospitals and workhouses; but if well aspected, it shows benefits to public institutions, and may produce changes, probably of a legislative nature, concerning their working or management.

The Sun in the twelfth, badly aspected, will cause trouble in workhouses and similar institutions, and disgrace to officials. If well aspected, it shows an improved state of affairs in the management of these institutions, and some honour or success to the chief officials.

The Moon in the twelfth house, and much afflicted, points to an increase of pauperism, much illness amongst the common people, and will produce scandals in connection with hospitals and charitable institutions. Crime against women and children will be frequent.

Mercury in the twelfth house, and well aspected, points to activity in public institutions, legislative changes, alterations in the Poor Law; but, if badly aspected, shows some scandals, probably libels, and a good deal of discussion in the public press respecting their management. It also denotes a good deal of thieving, forgery, and crime against children.

Venus in this house, if well aspected, shows many benefits to public institutions, increase of subscriptions, benefits through donations and legacies, and a more favourable outlook in regard to their financial position. If afflicted, it is likely to produce scandals, waste of public money, and also denotes crime against women and children.

Mars in the twelfth is a very evil position, denoting a great increase of crime, murders, incendiarism, violence, and may also produce fires in workhouses and public institutions, as well as unruly behaviour on the part of inmates, The greater affliction in this case, the worse will the effects be.

Jupiter in the twelfth house is a favourable position for workhouses and public institutions, and will bring them many benefits, increased subscriptions, gifts, donations and legacies, shows improvement in the conditions governing these institutions, and benefits of a social nature affecting their welfare. If afflicted, it points to heavy expenses, extravagance, and troubles to officials.

Saturn in the twelfth is a very unfortunate position, denoting much crime, public discussion on the treatment of inmates in public institutions, depression in the finances of hospitals, and also points to disgrace or loss of repute to officials.

Uranus in the twelfth house, and well aspected, brings reforms in the administration of public institutions; but, if afflicted, is likely to cause much crime, fires, explosions, incendiarism and insubordination in workhouses and similar institutions.

Neptune in the twelfth points to scandals in connection with the administration of the Poor Law, hospitals and institutions, and shows the introduction of socialistic methods in connection with the treatment of paupers. Many unpleasant occurrences of a fraudulent nature will occur under this position.



Having given in the previous twelve chapters the influence of each Lunation falling in each house, and the planetary positions at the times of the various New Moons and Ingresses, we now give a few simple rules and instructions for judging the various events which are likely to occur.

It is essential to note in this particular matter that the figures for the four Ingresses should be first erected, and those for the New Moons afterwards, these latter being subsidiary to the figures of the Sun’s entering the four Cardinal signs., The first figure to be erected is that of the Sun entering the sign Aries, for this is the radical figure, or ground work, of the Astrological year.

First of all, it should be noted what kind of sign is rising, for if a fixed sign rise, then this figure will have rule for the entire twelve months following. If a Common sign be rising, it will rule for six months, and if a Cardinal sign rise, its influence will exhaust itself during the three months ensuing. It therefore follows that if a Fixed sign rises at the moment of the Sun’s entry into

Aries, all the other quarterly figures are secondary in influence to this first figure.

First of all, consider the house in which the Ingress takes place, and note the planetary aspects to the Sun at this time. All matters governed by that house will come prominently into operation during the period ruled over by this Ingress, and the effects will be good or evil according to the aspects and house and position of the aspecting planet.

Then deal with the first house. Note the planets rising therein, and also observe the position of the planet ruling the rising sign, for this planet is the lord or ruler for the year, and according to its position and aspects, so will its effects be prominent during the stated period. If a malefic, evil effects, but if a benefic, an improved state of affairs generally may be expected.

After this take the houses in rotation. Note particularly the planets therein and the aspects they receive, and judge according thereto.

In judging the effects of New Moons, in addition to the prognostics to be arrived at from the place of such New Moon and from the planetary positions in the various houses, it should be carefully noted that the place of every New Moon should be referred back to the figure for the previous Ingress, and the planetary positions at such New Moon should also be carefully compared with the Meridian, Ascendant and planetary positions at such previous Solar Ingress.

Where the Sun’s Ingress into Aries has rule for a longer period than three months, all other Solar Ingresses occurring with that period will have a secondary influence to such Ingress into Aries, and that of New

Moons following within such period, in addition to being referred to the previous quarterly figure, should also be referred back to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries.

For example:-If the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries only rules for three months, then the New Moons formed within that period are to be referred back to such figure. If it has rule for six months, then the New Moons occurring in the Sun’s entry into Cancer are first of all to be referred to this latter figure, and then finally to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries. If it should have rule over a whole twelve months, then each lunation should be referred first of all to the quarterly figure preceding it, and finally to the original figure which has rule over the twelve months.

A further method of prognostication can be made from quarterly figures, and this will give the particular day or dates upon which various events shown in such figure are likely to occur. This is done by watching the transits of the planets, including the Sun, over the places and aspects of the positions at the time of Ingress.

For example:-Suppose the Sun, should be in the seventh house, denoting that Foreign affairs will be prominent during a particular quarter, not, during the period which the figure has rule over, what aspects are formed by the planets thereto; for instance should Mars pass the place of the Sun, then it would denote serious troubles in Foreign relations, or if the Sun or Moon be in the tenth house, and Mars should transit such place, then it would denote illness or death of Royalty or notable people on the days when such transit occurred. The place of each New Moon should also be observed in the quarterly figure in a like manner.



Mundane Map for the Sun’s entry into Aries

0h. 3m. 10s. p.m., March 21st, 1910.

R.A.M.C. 23h. 55m. 40s.

Declinations. ♂ 22°18′ N.
☉ 0° 0' N. ♃ 2° 51' S.
☽ 22°10′ N. ♄ 6°48′ N.
☿ 7°40′ S. ♅ 21°41′ S.
♀ 10°36′ S. ♆ 21°45′ N.

The ingress takes place in the tenth house, and the Sun being in good aspect to Mars denotes a strong Government, increase of popularity to the King, and a favourable time for nobility. The Moon ruling the Ascendant, and in sextile aspect with Jupiter, will bring many benefits to the people, but, as the Moon is in parallel with Mars, there will be a martial tendency, and some unrest in the land. The financial state of the country will improve, for the Moon is on the cusp of the second house, in sextile to Jupiter. Exchequer returns will be above average, but, as the Moon is in parallel with Mars, there will be heavy expenditure in Military affairs. Mercury ruling the third house, and placed in the ninth, in trine with Neptune, will benefit railways and the post office, and some alteration will be likely in relation to Colonial postage. Jupiter in the fourth benefits the landed interests and agriculture, and the weather will be propitious for crops. Mars ruling the fifth house, in parallel to the Moon, is not good for children, denoting much mortality; wile fires are likely in theatres and music-halls. Jupiter ruling the sixth, shows that the general health of the people will be good. Uranus on the cusp of the seventh house, in square to Saturn in the tenth, denotes unexpected troubles in foreign affairs, and

the Government (tenth house) must be careful or serious complications will arise. Venus in the eighth house is an indication of mortality among females, and ruling the eleventh house (Commons) may bring matters to do with the death duties to the front. Mercury in the ninth is favourable for Colonial trade and Commerce, and shows scientific discoveries and new inventions. Mercury in trine to Neptune will make psychic matters very prominent. The Sun’s position, close to the meridian, we have already noticed, but on this point we further say that, whatever difficulties the Government may have to meet arising from the other positions in the figure, they will triumph over them, particularly as Mars is in sextile to the Sun. Mars in the eleventh in this figure is a contradictory position, for while it shows much disputation, fiery speeches and wrangling in the Commons, it indicates much discussion on military affairs, and success in military projects, as Mars has the sextile of the Sun. Neptune may be considered as rising in this map, and shows much agitation among certain classes of the community, increase of Socialism, and unrest.



Solar and Lunar eclipses are prominent features in Mundane Astrology, for they indicate most important and far-reaching events, and their period of influence extends over some considerable time. The figure for each solar eclipse should be erected for the time of the ecliptic conjunction of the luminaries, and that for each lunar eclipse, for the ecliptic opposition, and not for the time of central eclipse. The times of the ecliptic conjunction and opposition are those of the New and Full Moon.

Eclipses have most effect in those countries where they are visible, and more especially where they are on the meridian at the moment of central eclipse. They also affect the countries and cities ruled by the signs in which they are placed.

In eclipses of the Moon, it has been found that the effects commence almost immediately, but in those of the Sun it has been generally observed that some months elapse before the greatest effects appear, and also that the greater or lesser effects of each eclipse will be in proportion to the magnitude of such eclipse, or, in other words, the more total the eclipse the more powerfully will it operate upon the earth and its inhabitants. Also, that eclipses which are invisible are found to have no peculiar or perceptible influence over that region, city, or country in which they are invisible.

The united observations of Astrologers in every age and every clime confirms this opinion, and the student himself can easily prove it.

In Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, we find the following rules laid down in regard to eclipses.

“In all eclipses of the Sun and Moon and especially in such as are fully visible, the place in the Zodiac where the eclipse happens is to be noted; and it must be seen what countries are in familiarity with that place… and, in like manner, it must be observed what cities are under the influence of the sign in which the eclipse happens, either by means of the Ascendant and the situation of the Luminaries at the time of their foundation… Whatever countries or cities shall be thus found in familiarity with the ecliptical place will all be comprehended in the event, which will, however, principally attach to all those parts which may be connected with the identical sign of the eclipse, and in which it may be visible while above the earth. ”

Further it has been found that the effects of eclipses falling in the Fixed signs (♉, ♌, ♏, and ♒) will have a very lasting effect; those that are formed in Cardinal signs (♈, ♋, ♎, and ♑) will be brief and soon over, while those that are formed in Common signs (♊, ♍, ♐ and ♓) will commence sooner, and last longer, but that their effects will be liable to interruption, that is to say, they will continue, for a time, suddenly cease, and then commence again.

Now as regards the effects of eclipses, the sign position is first to be taken into account.

1. Eclipses in Fiery signs. These threaten the destruction of cattle and sheep, exile or imprisonment or murder of some king or notable person, or great ruler. Much discontent and dissension among the people. Movements of armies, fighting, fires, fevers, pestilence, and scarcity of the fruits of the earth, especially in those regions affected by the eclipse.

2. Eclipses in Earthy signs. These foreshadow a scarcity of corn and products of the earth by drought, and cause earthquakes, mining disasters, and great agricultural depression.

3. Eclipses in Airy signs. Famine, sickness, pestilence, and tempests and stormy winds hurtful to mankind.

4. Eclipses in Watery signs. These denote much mortality among the common people, great destruction of fowls and fishes, and such things as live in or near the sea.

The strength of the planet ruling the sign in which the eclipse falls should be considered, and its position in the figure of such eclipse duly noted, for the significations of this planet will principally appear.

Thus, if Mars rule over the sign in which the eclipse falls, and is placed in the eighth house of the figure, it will denote some grievous calamity, causing many sudden and terrible deaths: if in the sixth house much sickness, if in the third many terrible railway accidents. The same with the other malefics. When the benefics rule over the place of the eclipse, the effects are better, but much depends upon the strength of the ruling planet.

The effects of eclipses are spread over a long period in proportion to the duration of the eclipse. If a solar eclipse, then the effects will last as many years as the eclipse is hours in duration. Thus the total eclipse of November 1st, 1910, lasts 4h. 35m., equal to four years seven months. If a lunar eclipse, then the effects will last for as many months as the eclipse is hours long. The lunar eclipse of November 16th, 1910, lasts for 3h. 14m., equal to three months seven days. It is not altogether certain whether this period of duration means from the date of the eclipse, or from the commencement of its effects, but it is more probably the latter.

Several rules are given in regard to this matter, and experience alone can best decide which are correct. Cardan says, “To know when the effects of an eclipse will begin to be felt, take the distance of the rising of the luminary to the middle of the eclipse, or from the middle of the eclipse to the next rising of the luminary in hours and minutes. The proportion of time the length of day may bear to the year in the case of a Solar eclipse, and the proportion of time the night may bear to the year in a Lunar eclipse, will show the proportion of the year due to the interval obtained. ” Ptolemy says:

1. If the eclipse falls in the eastern horizon, the effects will manifest themselves about the next four months, and most strongly will operate during the first third of such period.

2. If it falls in the midheaven, the events thereof will begin to appear from the fourth to the eighth month following the eclipse, and the chief effects will happen during the second or middle part of that period.

3. If falling in the western horizon, the effects will appear from the eighth to the twelfth month, following the eclipse, and the chief effects will be felt in the last part of that period.

The most reliable rule, as far as experience goes, is to calculate the time of Sunrise or Sunset from the middle of the eclipse, and reckon this time at the rate of one day for every four minutes, or 24 hours to the year.

In the next two chapters are given the effects of solar and lunar eclipses when falling the three decanates of each sign. These observations have been handed down to us, and have been found to be very reliable, if not entirely so.

It should be observed here that a decanate is the third part of a sign, and consists of ten degrees. The first decanate of a sign extends from 0° to 10°, the second from 10° to 20°, and the third from 20° to the end of the sign.



The following are the principal effects of Solar eclipses when falling in the decanates of each sign.


First decanate. -War, tumults, seditions and controversies, motion of armies, and an inclination of the air to excessive drought.

Second decanate.-Imprisonment and sadness of some king, and danger of death to him; the corruption of trees bearing fruit, and of things growing on the earth.

Third decanate.-Grief and sadness to mortals, death of some great woman, and destruction of cattle.


First decanate. -Afflicts trade and business, and destroys corn and food crops.

Second decanate.-Causes danger to travellers, and to women in childbirth.

Third decanate. -Brings pestilence and famine.


First decanate.-Dissension and strife among clergy and religious denominations; also causes hatred, neglect and contempt for the laws of God and man.

Second decanate. -Causes piracies, thefts and murders.

Third decanate. -Death of some king, and many troubles to the country.


First decanate.-Disturbs the air, and causes great changes and alterations in the weather.

Second decanate.-Dries up rivers and fountains, and stirs up incontinency and wantonness among women.

Third decanate.-Sedition, pestilence and much disease.


First decanate.-Denotes the death of some famous prince, and scarcity of corn.

Second decanate. -Many troubles, anxieties to kings, princes, and great men.

Third decanate.-Profanation of hold places, churches, and sacred edifices: captivity, besieging and ransacking of towns.


First decanate. -It denotes great calamity, and death of some king.

Second decanate.-Famine, pestilence and sedition.

Third decanate. -Great troubles and adversity, probably imprisonment to painters, poets, and to those who live by their wits.


First decanate.-Corrupts the air, causes pestilence, and a scarcity and dearness of corn.

Second decanate.-It portends the death of a great king, sedition and famine.

Third decanate.-Trouble to the nobility and detriment to their estates.


First decanate. -Causes war, tumults, slaughter, captivity and treason.

Second decanate. -Mischief to some peace-loving king.

Third decanate.-The rise of a tyrant, and idleness and slothfulness of the former king, hateful to all.


First decanate. -Much dissension and hatred among men.

Second decanate. -Deaths of camels, and such cattle as chew the cud.

Third decanate. -Variously affects horses and armies.


First decanate. -Unhappiness to great men, the transmigration of some king, and the rebellion of nobles and common people.

Second decanate.-Causes military riots, and the mutiny of soldiers against their officers.

Third decanate.-It induces the tumultuary motion of some king, and causes famines.


First decanate. -It causes public grief and sorrow.

Second decanate.-Public robberies, thefts, rapes, earthquakes and famine.

Third decanate.-The death and slaughter of sheep and beasts of the field.


First decanate. -Dries up rivers and makes the sea-coast unfortunate.

Second decanate. -Causes the death of some famous and excellent man; the destruction of fish, tidal waves and inundations.

Third decanate.-Sedition, cruelty, fierceness and in-humanity of soldiers.



The following are the principal effects of Lunar eclipses when falling in the decanates of each sign.


First decanate.-Fevers, incendiarism, firing of woods and forests, and dryness of the air.

Second decanate.-Pestilence.

Third decanate.-Causes abortive births, incommodities, and dangers to women.


First decanate. -Death and diseases among cattle.

Second decanate.-Death of some queen, and a scarcity of seeds, and barrenness of the earth.

Third decanate.-Chief effects will be manifest among snakes and creeping things, which will perish by the million.


First decanate. -Threatens incursions and rapines or enemies.

Second decanate.-Brings sudden motion of armies, and the solicitation of private and public bodies.

Third decanate. -Causes death of some illustrious and renowned man.


First decanate. -Excites and stirs up wars.

Second decanate.-Causes grievous exactions, intolerable tributes, taxes and such like burdens.

Third decanate. -Brings death to the female sex; sudden destruction and miseries.


First decanate. -Brings the sudden infirmity of some king; or the death of a great man.

Second decanate.-Journey of the king, and mutation of things.

Third decanate.-Stirs up the people and armies to new attempts at sedition and insurrection.


First decanate. -Causes sickness and infirmities to the king, and various seditions and discords among men.

Second decanate.-Brings damage to councilors and scribes, and the like.

Third decanate. -Causes diseases among human beings.


First decanate. -Provokes furious storms of hail.

Second decanate.-Pernicious to everyone.

Third decanate.-Threatens the death of some renowned and illustrious man.


First decanate. -It portends horrible thunders and lightnings and perhaps an earthquake.

Second decanate.-It dries up olives and fruits, and the air is contagent with fevers and pestilence.

Third decanate.-Brings the same, also sharp sicknesses, with many seditions, quarrels and slaughters.


First decanate. -Brings thefts and rapines.

Second decanate. -Brings destruction to horses and mules.

Third decanate. -Causes pestilence and many evils among mankind.


First decanate.-Causes conspiracies among men, and shows the lamentable murder of some excellent man.

Second decanate.-Brings frequent incursions and assaults of soldiers, robberies and captivities.

Third decanate. -Causes the death of some king, and also sedition.


First decanate. -Shows sickness of some king.

Second decanate. -It universally damages the seeds of the earth.

Third decanate. -Causes a change in all things.


First decanate. -Brings sorrow to the priests and to religious houses.

Second decanate. -Brings death to some great and illustrious person.

Third decanate.-Threatens robberies and promiscuous assaults and rapines, both on sea and land.



The conjunctions of the superior planets, especially those of Jupiter and Saturn, deserve particular and careful notice in this part of predictive Astrology. Their observed effects on the affairs of nations, individuals, kings and governments, form a striking feature of Mundane Astrology.

The chief conjunctions are those of Mars and Jupiter, and Mars and Saturn; Jupiter and Saturn, and Saturn and Uranus. The first occurs every twenty-seven months, the second about every two years, the third every twenty years, and the last about every forty-five years. They produce serious troubles in the countries ruled by the signs in which the conjunction takes place, and their effects last until the same two planets form their next conjunction.

The conjunctions of Mars and Jupiter produce financial and religious troubles, and seriously affect the peace of the country ruled by the sign in which they are placed.

The conjunctions of Saturn and Mars are more serious, and produce war, rioting, murder, danger to the kings and governments of the countries ruled by the sign in which they are placed. Illustrations of this are shown by the conjunctions in Aquarius, which rules Russia and causes the Russo-Japanese War, then the same conjunction in Pisces, which brought about the assassination of the King and Crown Prince of Portugal, which country is ruled by Pisces. The last conjunction occurred on December 29th, 1909, in Aries, the sign ruling England, and serious troubles may be looked for during the time it has rule, which will be to the 16th August, 1911, when they form their next conjunction. Under the influence of this conjunction King Edward VII died, and serious difficulties arose in Parliament in connection with the House of Lords.

The most important conjunction, however, is that of Jupiter and Saturn, which is known as the Great Mutation. These conjunctions are periodical, and happen once in a bout twenty years, they take place regularly in each of the twelve signs, in a retrograde order, at a distance of a trine from each other. For example, in January, 1842, the conjunction took place in Capricorn, in 1861 it fell in Virgo, in 1881 in Taurus, and in 1901 again in Capricorn, and so on, each conjunction being three degrees in advance of the last, until, after ten conjunctions have taken place, each of which will fall in the three signs forming the Earthy triplicity, it passes into the Airy triplicity and begins a series of ten conjunctions, commencing in Libra, then in Gemini, and the in Aquarius.

After going through the four triplicities in this manner, the whole series of conjunctions starts again, and the exact period of this process through the four triplicities is 724 years.

Those conjunctions which commence in the first degrees of Aries are the most important, and they have only happened eight times since the known history of the world began to be written. Many important events are derived from these mutations, and especially in the countries ruled by whatever sign they fall in.

The first conjunction falling in each triplicity, which is known as the “Great Mutation,” has a very important and lasting effect, and when the places of other conjunctions, eclipses, and lunations which occur after it fall thereon, or in opposition thereto, grave effects are sure to follow.

The influence of each mutation is spread over a period of just under two hundred years, and the effects are slow in operation and are brought into effects by the different eclipses, transits, etc., which fall thereon during such period.

The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus, and that of Uranus and Neptune, are generally connected with serious pestilence and famines, extending over a period of several years. The last conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio caused many deaths through plague in India. Very little notice seems to have been taken of these conjunctions, but they are generally connected with serious evils, according to the sign in which they occur.



The prediction of earthquakes in different parts of the world is one of the most interesting subjects in Mundane Astrology.

It has been ascertained that earthquakes are caused by the action of eclipses, and through the position of planets in the four fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, and more especially Taurus and Scorpio.

The following rules have been laid down by various writers, to which we have supplemented some notes and comments.

1. Earthquakes generally follow close on the heels of eclipses and especially in those countries where the eclipse falls on the meridian or nadir. Also if there be

any planets in fixed signs at the moment of eclipse, then earthquakes will occur in those parts of the world where such planets are either rising, setting, culminating, or on the nadir. Thus, if, at an eclipse, the planet Saturn should be in a fixed sign, and distant 45 degrees from the meridian, then earthquakes will occur in that part of the world which is the same distance from Greenwich, east or west, according to the position of Saturn.

2. At the period of the earthquake many aspects will be found between the planets at the time, but specially the planets will form numerous aspects with the previous eclipse and the planets places at such time. Thus an eclipse may presignify an earthquake, but it will not come to pass until it is aspected by some planet, or numerous aspects are formed by the planets to the place of the eclipse.

3. Earthquakes happen more frequently when there are planets, especially Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, in the signs Taurus and Scorpio.

4. Earthquakes also happen in those localities where great conjunctions of the planets fall on the cusp of the fourth house. For example, a map should be erected for the time of the great conjunctions of the planets, and whenever such conjunction falls on the nadir, or cusp of the fourth house, an earthquake is sure to occur.

5. The planet Jupiter when in Taurus or Scorpio, and in conjunction, opposition and parallel with Mercury, is one of the most prolific sources of earthquakes.

6. Observe the planets’ places at each quarterly figure, and at the New Moon nearest such Ingress, and note in what part of the world the malefics are placed on the cusp of the fourth house. In this locality seismic disturbances will occur.

7. Earthquakes generally happen when there are many planets on or near the four cardinal points, i.e., the first degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

8. The countries and localities in which earthquakes will happen can be known in two ways. First, by reference to the signs ruling the different countries and cities, and secondly, by noting the actual longitude in which eclipses, planetary conjunctions, and positions at the four Ingresses, are vertical to the meridian or on the nadir. The signs in which such eclipses, conjunctions, etc., occur should also be noted.

9. Earthquakes may also occur near the perihelion of great comets, that is, at the time when comets are nearest the Sun or Earth.

A few illustrations of the action of eclipses, and planetary conjunctions, in causing earthquakes, are here given, as examples for students to follow.

A great earthquake occurred in Syria on August 13th, 1822; it was preceded by an eclipse of the Moon on August 3rd. The Moon at such eclipse was in 10° 2’ K in square to Saturn in 9° 49’ B, and on the day of the disaster Saturn was in exact square to the place of the eclipse.

On June 27th, 1886, Mars and Jupiter were in conjunction in Virgo 29° 50’, and at Charletown, U.S.A., at the moment of conjunction, these planets were on the cusp of the fourth house. A serious earthquake occurred practically annihilating the town.

On October 31st, 1893, Mars and Saturn were conjoined in Libra 12° 28’, and, at Kuchan in Persia, this conjunction fell exactly on the cusp of the fourth house, and a serious earthquake followed, killing over 12,000 people.

At the annular eclipse of the Sun on November 11th, 1901, Jupiter and Saturn were on the Lower Meridian at St. Pierre, Martinique, and six months afterwards occurred a dreadful calamity when the whole city was out by the eruption of Mont Pelee.

Numerous instances can be recorded of the action of Solar and Lunar eclipses, great conjunctions, etc., in causing earthquakes, but the few mentioned will suffice to show their actions.


“The hour arrived, and it became A wandering mass of shapeless flame — A pathless comet, and a curse, The menace of the universe. ”

The influence of comets on the affairs of the world is a fact which has been handed down from remote generations, and it has been found that, at the times when large comets made their appearances, great calamities have fallen upon the world in the shape of violent earthquakes, pestilences and famine. For instance, with respect to the great comet of Halley, whose return occurred in the present year, 1910, it was found that from about two years previous to its approach earthquakes and electrical storms were frequent. According to the Astrologer Cardan, the rising or first appearance of these phenomena should be considered, whether presenting themselves at the time of eclipses or at any other time. They incite heated and turbulent dispositions in the atmosphere and in the conditions of men. It is said that the comet first appearing in the East signifies the rising of some eminent law-giver; in the midheaven, of some eminent king; but generally serious troubles when in the West. In Cardinal signs they denote the death of great men, in Fixed signs foreign wars and invasion, and in Common signs sedition and pestilence. Their position in regard to the twelve houses should also be considered, as they seriously affect the matters and things ruled over by such houses. Thus in the ninth house, scandal or detriment to religion, in the tenth or twelfth, pestilence or scarcity of corn; in the eighth house, many sudden and terrible deaths. The part of the Zodiac in which they first appear should also be noted; for the countries ruled over by such signs will suffer many serious troubles.

We are also told by great writers that “comets and fiery swords and such like signs are wont to be fore-runners of great changes in the world.” History records the fact that a comet in the form of a sword hung over

Jerusalem for a whole year, previous to the destruction of that city by the Romans. An illustration in later days is recorded in the case of the late Russo-Japanese war; for one of the comets of 1903 was discovered and appeared in the sign Aquarius; and we are informed by an old author on Astrology that comets appearing in the sign Aquarius presignify war and bloodshed, and that the events presignified usually became apparent when the Sun arrives at the degree influenced by the appearance of the comet; and it is remarkable to note that the Russo-Japanese war broke out within a week of the time when the Sun passed this particular degree in the following February.



IT has been observed by Astrologers, from remote periods, that the twelve signs of the Zodiac have a familiarity with various regions of the earth, and Ptolemy in his Tetrabiblos discourses at some length on this particular subject.

Great changes and transformations have taken place in the world since then, and although modern experience

bears out what Ptolemy wrote, the know world is much larger than it was then, and additional countries have sprung into existence, necessitating a re-adjustment of the zodiacal rulership of the different parts of the world.

The following is the list of countries and places ruled by the twelve signs, and has been obtained from the most authoritative sources, and may be considered as correct.


Countries. -England, Denmark, Germany, Lesser Poland, Burgundy, Palestine, Syria, Japan.

Towns and Cities.-Birmingham, Oldham, Leicester, Blackburn, Florence, Naples, Verona, Padua, Marseilles, Cracow, Saragossa, Utrecht, Capua, Brunswick.


Countries. -Ireland, Persia, Poland, Asia Minor, Georgia, Caucasus, Grecian Archipelago, Cyprus, White Russia.

Towns and Cities.-Dublin, Leipsic, Mantua, Parma, Palermo, Rhodes, St. Louis, Aston-under-Lyne.


Countries. -United States, Belgium, Brabant, Lombardy, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, West of England, Armenia, Tripoli, Flanders, Wales.

Towns and Cities.-London (17° 54’), Plymouth, Melbourne (10° 29’), Bruges, Cordova, Metz, Nuremberg, Versailles, Louvaine, San Francisco, Wolverhampton, Wednesbury.


Countries. -Scotland, Holland, Zealand, N. and W. Africa, Isle of Mauritius, Paraguay.

Towns and Cities.-Tunis, Algiers, Amsterdam, St. Andrews, York, Venice, Berne, Lubeck, Magdeburg, Milan, Cadiz, New York, Manchester, Stockholm, Contantinople, Genoa, Deptford, Rochdale.


Countries. -France, Italy, Bohemia, Sicily, Chaldea to Bassorah, N. of Roumania, Apulia, The Alps, and parts near Sidon and Tyre.

Towns and Cities.-Rome, Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Philadelphia, Prague, Ravenna, Taunton, Damascus, Chicago (1st decanate), Blackpool.


Countries.-Turkey, Switzerland, West Indies, Assyria, Mesopotamia from the Tigris to the Euphrates, Crete, Croatia, Silesia, Babylonia, the Morea, Thessaly, Kurdestan, parts of Greece, about Lavadia, Virginia, Brazil.

Towns and Cities.-Jerusalem, Corinth, Paris (29°), Lyons, Toulouse, Cheltenham, Reading, Heidelberg, Norwich, Boston, U.S.A., Los Angelos, Maidstone, Strasburg, Brindisi, Bury, Todmorden.


Countries. -Austria, Indo-China, China, Tibet, Borders of Caspian, Upper Egypt, Savoy, N. China, Livonia, Burma, Argentina.

Towns and Cities. -Antwerp (21°), Charleston, Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza, Spires, Vienna, Lisbon, Johannesburg (27), Copenhagen (1), Middleton, Leeds, Nottingham.


Countries. -Algeria, Barbary, Bavaria, Cappadocia, Judea, Jutland, Morocco, Norway, N. Syria, Transvaal, Catalonia, Queensland.

Towns and Cities.-Fez, Valentia, Frankfort on Oder, Dover, Liverpool, Messina (18), Worthing (7), E. Grinstead, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Cincinnati, Hull, Milwaukee (7), St. John’s, Newfoundland (2), Halifax, Stockport, Newcastle, Glossop.


Countries. -Arabia, Australia, Felix, Cape Finisterre, Dalmatia, Hungary, Istria, Moravia, Sclavonia, Spain, Tuscany, Moravia, Provence in France, Madagascar.

Towns and Cities.-Avignon, Buda, Cologne, Narbonne, Rottenburg, Nottingham, Sheffield, Stuttgart, Sunderland, Taranto, Toledo, W. Bromwich, Bradford.


Countries. -India, Chorrassan, Circan, Maraccan, Punjab, Afghanistan, Thrace, Macedonia, Morea, Illyria, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Hesse, S.W. Saxony, Styria, Romandiola, Mecklenburg, Mexico, Lithuania, Orkney Islands.

Towns and Cities. -Oxford, Port Said, Prato in Tuscany, Brandeburg, Tortona, Constanz, Brussels, Fayence in Provence, Keighley.


Countries. -Arabia, the Stony, Prussia, Red Russia, Pt. Poland, Sweden, Circassia, Tartary, Lithuania, West-phalia, Wallachia, Piedmont, Abyssinia.

Towns and Cities.-Brighton, Bremen, Ingolstadt, Satzburg, Trent, Hamburg, Salisbury.


Countries.-Portugal, Calabria, Galicia, Normandy, Nubia, Sahara desert.

Towns and Cities.-Alexandria, Ratisbon, Worms, Seville, Compostella, Bournemouth, Farnham, Tiverton, Christchurch, Cowes, Regensburg, Grimsby, Southport, Lancaster, King’s Lynn, Preston.

Many predictions can be obtained by watching the progress of the planets through the different signs. Serious troubles are always shown in those countries ruled by whatever sign Mars or Saturn is passing through, the former causing fires, incendiarism, and insurrections. Cities governed by the signs these two planets are passing through are likely to be much disturbed, especially when the planet transits the exact degree ruling such city, as in the case of London, ruled by Gemini 17° 54’. In some cases the actual degree ruling certain cities is given, so that more exact prognostics may be made.

Uranus passing through the sign ruling any particular country will cause insurrections, strikes and rioting among the people, and generally disposes to Anarchist or Nihilistic outrages. The element of reform by either peaceful or violent means is resorted to. Witness the events occurring in India during the past few years, due to this planet being in the sign Capricorn, which rules India.

When benefics are passing through the different signs, many benefits will fall on the different countries and places ruled by such signs. Improvement of trade, advantageous changes in the Government, and general benefits to the country.

When the exact degree of a city is known, the degree on its meridian can also be computed. In the case of

London Aquarius 12° is the meridian, and it has been frequently observed that the transits of Mars over this degree have been marked with some serious fire or accident in the City.

The conjunctions of the major planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, in the different signs should also be noted, as these are most important, and prominent events are likely to follow such configurations.