People rarely look the way you expect them to, even when you’ve seen pictures.
The first thirty seconds in a person’s presence are the most important.
If you’re having trouble perceiving and projecting, focus on projecting.
Necessary ingredients for a successful projection: giggles; bare legs; shyness.
The goal is to be both irresistible and invisible.
When you succeed, a certain sharpness will go out of his eyes.
Some powerful men actually call their beauties “Beauty.”
Counter to reputation, there is a deep camaraderie among beauties.
If your Designated Mate is widely feared, the beauties at the house party where you’ve gone undercover to meet him will be especially kind.
Kindness feels good, even when it’s based on a false notion of your identity and purpose.
Posing as a beauty means not reading what you would like to read on a rocky shore in the South of France.
Sunlight on bare skin can be as nourishing as food.
Even a powerful man will be briefly self-conscious when he first disrobes to his bathing suit.
It is technically impossible for a man to look better in a Speedo than in swim trunks.
If you love someone with dark skin, white skin looks drained of something vital.
When you know that a person is violent and ruthless, you will see violent ruthlessness in such basic things as his swim stroke.
“What are you doing?” from your Designated Mate amid choppy waves after he has followed you into the sea may or may not betray suspicion.
Your reply—“Swimming”—may or may not be perceived as sarcasm.
“Shall we swim together toward those rocks?” may or may not be a question.
“All that way?” will, if spoken correctly, sound ingenuous.
“We’ll have privacy there” may sound unexpectedly ominous.
A hundred feet of blue-black Mediterranean will allow you ample time to deliver a strong self-lecture.
At such moments, it may be useful to explicitly recall your training:
“You will be infiltrating the lives of criminals.
“You will be in constant danger.
“Some of you will not survive, but those who do will be heroes.
“A few of you will save lives and even change the course of history.
“We ask of you an impossible combination of traits: ironclad scruples and a willingness to violate them;
“An abiding love for your country and a willingness to consort with individuals who are working actively to destroy it;
“The instincts and intuition of experts, and the blank records and true freshness of ingénues.
“You will each perform this service only once, after which you will return to your lives.
“We cannot promise that your lives will be exactly the same when you go back to them.”
Eagerness and pliability can be expressed even in the way you climb from the sea onto chalky yellow rocks.
“You’re a very fast swimmer,” uttered by a man who is still submerged, may not be intended as praise.
Giggling is sometimes better than answering.
“You are a lovely girl” may be meant straightforwardly.
Ditto “I want to fuck you now.”
“Well? What do you think about that?” suggests a preference for direct verbal responses over giggling.
“I like it” must be uttered with enough gusto to compensate for a lack of declarative color.
“You don’t sound sure” indicates insufficient gusto.
“I’m <EM>not</EM> sure” is acceptable only when followed, coyly, with “You’ll have to convince me.”
Throwing back your head and closing your eyes allows you to give the appearance of sexual readiness while concealing revulsion.
Being alone with a violent and ruthless man, surrounded by water, can make the shore seem very far away.
You may feel solidarity, at such a time, with the beauties just visible there in their bright bikinis.
You may appreciate, at such a time, why you aren’t being paid for this work.
Your voluntary service is the highest form of patriotism.
Remind yourself that you aren’t being paid when he climbs out of the water and lumbers toward you.
Remind yourself that you aren’t being paid when he leads you behind a boulder and pulls you onto his lap.
The Dissociation Technique is like a parachute—you must pull the cord at the correct time.
Too soon, and you may hinder your ability to function at a crucial moment;
Too late, and you will be lodged too deeply inside the action to wriggle free.
You will be tempted to pull the cord when he surrounds you with arms whose bulky strength reminds you, fleetingly, of your husband’s.
You will be tempted to pull it when you feel him start to move against you from below.
You will be tempted to pull it when his smell envelops you: metallic, like a warm hand clutching pennies.
The directive “Relax” suggests that your discomfort is palpable.
“No one can see us” suggests that your discomfort has been understood as fear of physical exposure.
“Relax, relax,” uttered in rhythmic, throaty tones, suggests that your discomfort is not unwelcome.
Begin the Dissociation Technique only when physical violation is imminent.
Close your eyes and slowly count backward from ten.
With each number, imagine yourself rising out of your body and moving one step farther away from it.
By eight, you should be hovering just outside your skin.
By five, you should be floating a foot or two above your body, feeling only vague anxiety over what is about to happen to it.
By three, you should feel fully detached from your physical self.
By two, your body should be able to act and react without your participation.
By one, your mind should drift so free that you lose track of what is happening below.
White clouds spin and curl.
A blue sky is as depthless as the sea.
The sound of waves against rocks existed millennia before there were creatures who could hear it.
Spurs and gashes of stone narrate a violence that the earth itself has long forgotten.
Your mind will rejoin your body when it is safe to do so.
Return to your body carefully, as if you were reëntering your home after a hurricane.
Resist the impulse to reconstruct what has just happened.
Focus instead on gauging your Designated Mate’s reaction to the new intimacy between you.
In some men, intimacy will prompt a more callous, indifferent attitude.
In others, intimacy may awaken problematic curiosity about you.
“Where did you learn to swim like that?,” uttered lazily, while supine, with two fingers in your hair, indicates curiosity.
Tell the truth without precision.
“I grew up near a lake” is both true and vague.
“Where was the lake?” conveys dissatisfaction with your vagueness.
“Columbia County, New York” suggests precision while avoiding it.
“Manhattan?” betrays unfamiliarity with the geography of New York State.
Never contradict your Designated Mate.
“Where did <EM>you</EM> grow up?,” asked of a man who has just asked you the same thing, is known as “mirroring.”
Mirror your Designated Mate’s attitudes, interests, desires, and tastes.
Your goal is to become part of his atmosphere: a source of comfort and ease.
Only then will he drop his guard when you are near.
Only then will he have significant conversations within your earshot.
Only then will he leave his possessions in a porous and unattended state.
Only then can you begin to gather information systematically.
“Come. Let’s go back,” uttered brusquely, suggests that your Designated Mate has no more wish to talk about himself than you do.
Avoid the temptation to analyze his moods and whims.
Salt water has a cleansing effect.
You will see knowledge of your new intimacy with your Designated Mate in the eyes of every beauty on shore.
“We saved lunch for you” may or may not be an allusion to the reason for your absence.
Cold fish is unappealing, even when served in a good lemon sauce.
Be friendly to other beauties, but not solicitous.
When you are in conversation with a beauty, it is essential that you be perceived as no more or less than she is.
Be truthful about every aspect of your life except marriage (if any).
If married, say that you and your spouse have divorced, to give an impression of unfettered freedom.
“Oh, that’s sad!” suggests that the beauty you’re chatting with would like to marry. you’re chatting with would like to marry.
If your Designated Mate abruptly veers toward the villa, follow him.
Taking his hand and smiling congenially can create a sense of low-key accompaniment.
An abstracted smile in return, as if he’d forgotten who you are, may be a sign of pressing concerns.
The concerns of your Designated Mate are your concerns.
The room assigned to a powerful man will be more lavish than the one you slept in while awaiting his arrival.
Never look for hidden cameras: the fact that you’re looking will give you away.
Determine whether your Designated Mate seeks physical intimacy; if not, feign the wish for a nap.
Your pretense of sleep will allow him to feel that he is alone.
Curling up under bedclothes, even those belonging to an enemy subject, may be soothing.
You’re more likely to hear his handset vibrate if your eyes are closed.
A door sliding open signals his wish to take the call on the balcony.
Your Designated Mate’s important conversations will take place outdoors.
If you are within earshot of his conversation, record it.
Since beauties carry neither pocketbooks nor timepieces, you cannot credibly transport recording devices.
A microphone has been implanted just beyond the first turn of your right ear canal.
Activate the microphone by pressing the triangle of cartilage across your ear opening.
You will hear a faint whine as recording begins.
In extreme quiet, or to a person whose head is adjacent to yours, this whine may be audible.
Should the whine be detected, swat your ear as if to deflect a mosquito, hitting the on/off cartilage to deactivate the mike.
You need not identify or comprehend the language your subject is using.
Your job is proximity; if you are near your Designated Mate, recording his private speech, you are succeeding.
Profanity sounds the same in every language.
An angry subject will guard his words less carefully.
If your subject is angry, you may leave your camouflage position and move as close to him as possible to improve recording quality.
You may feel afraid as you do this.
Your pounding heartbeat will not be recorded.
If your Designated Mate is standing on a balcony, hover in the doorway just behind him.
If he pivots and discovers you, pretend that you were on the verge of approaching him.
Anger usually trumps suspicion.
If your subject brushes past you and storms out of the room, slamming the door, you have eluded detection.
If your Designated Mate leaves your company a second time, don’t follow him again.
Deactivate your ear mike and resume your “nap.”
A moment of repose may be a good time to reassure your loved ones.
Nuanced communication is too easily monitored by the enemy.
Your Subcutaneous Pulse System issues pings so generic that detection would reveal neither source nor intent.
A button is embedded behind the inside ligament of your right knee (if right-handed).
Depress twice to indicate to loved ones that you are well and thinking of them.
You may send this signal only once each day.
A continuous depression of the button indicates an emergency.
You will debate, each day, the best time to send your signal.
You will reflect on the fact that your husband, coming from a culture of tribal allegiance, understands and applauds your patriotism.
You will reflect on the enclosed and joyful life that the two of you have shared since graduate school.
You will reflect on the fact that America is your husband’s chosen country, and that he loves it.
You will reflect on the fact that your husband’s rise to prominence would have been unimaginable in any other nation.
You will reflect on your joint conviction that your service had to be undertaken before you had children.
You will reflect on the fact that you are thirty-three, and have spent your professional life fomenting musical trends.
You will reflect on the fact that you must return home the same person you were when you left.
You will reflect on the fact that you’ve been guaranteed you will <EM>not</EM> be the same person.
You will reflect on the fact that you had stopped being that person even before leaving.
You will reflect on the fact that too much reflection is pointless.
You will reflect on the fact that these “instructions” are becoming less and less instructive.
Your Field Instructions, stored in a chip beneath your hairline, will serve as both a mission log and a guide for others undertaking this work.
Pressing your left thumb (if right-handed) against your left middle fingertip begins recording.
For clearest results, mentally speak the thought, as if talking to yourself.
Always filter your observations and experience through the lens of their didactic value.
Your training is ongoing; you must learn from each step you take.
When your mission is complete, you may view the results of the download before adding your Field Instructions to your mission file.
Where stray or personal thoughts have intruded, you may delete them.
Pretend sleep can lead to actual sleep.
Sleep is restorative in almost every circumstance.
The sound of showering likely indicates the return of your Designated Mate.
As a beauty, you will be expected to return to your room and change clothes often; a fresh appearance at mealtimes is essential.
The goal is to be a lovely, innocuous, evolving surprise.
A crisp white sundress against tanned skin is widely viewed as attractive.
Avoid overbright colors; they are attention-seeking and hinder camouflage.
White is not, technically speaking, a bright color.
White is, nevertheless, bright.
Gold spike-heeled sandals may compromise your ability to run or jump, but they look good on tanned feet.
Thirty-three is still young enough to register as “young.”
Registering as “young” is especially welcome to those who may not register as “young” much longer.
If your Designated Mate leads you to dinner with an arm at your waist, assume that your attire change was successful.
When men begin serious talk, beauties are left to themselves.
“How long have you been divorced?” suggests the wish to resume a prior conversation.
“A few months,” when untrue, should be uttered without eye contact.
“What was he like, your husband?” may be answered honestly.
“From Africa. Kenya” will satisfy your wish to talk about your husband.
“Black?,” with eyebrows raised, may indicate racism.
“Yes. Black,” in measured tones, should deliver a gentle reprimand.
“How black?” suggests that it did not.
“Very black” is somewhat less gentle, especially when accompanied by a pointed stare.
“Nice” hints at personal experience.
“Yes. It is nice” contradicts one’s alleged divorce. “Was nice” is a reasonable correction.
“But not nice enough?,” with laughter, indicates friendly intimacy. Especially when followed by “Or too nice!”
House-party hosts are universally eager to make guests eat.
For most beauties, the lure of food is a hazard; as a beauty of limited tenure, you may eat what you want.
Squab can be consumed by ripping the bird apart with your hands and sucking the meat from the bones.
A stunned expression reveals that your host expected the use of utensils.
A host who caters to violent guests will understand implicitly the need for discretion.
The adjacency of your host’s chair to your own may presage a confidence.
If your job is to appear simpleminded, a confidence may mean that you have failed.
Everyone should brush his teeth before dinner.
Turning your ear toward your host’s mouth will prevent you from having to smell the breath coming from it.
Ears must be kept clean at all times.
If your host warns you that your Designated Mate may pose an immediate danger to you, assume that your Designated Mate has left the room.
Going to the rest room is the most efficient means of self-jettisoning.
Never betray urgency, not even in an empty hallway.
If you have no idea in which direction your Designated Mate has gone, hold still.
If you find yourself hovering beside a pair of glass doors, you may open them and step outside.
Nights in the South of France are a strange, dark, piercing blue.
A bright moon can astonish, no matter how many times you have seen it.
If you were a child who loved the moon, looking at the moon will forever remind you of childhood.
Fatherless girls may invest the moon with a certain paternal promise.
Everyone has a father.
A vague story like “Your father died before you were born” may satisfy a curious child for an unlikely number of years.
The truth of your paternity, discovered in adulthood, will make the lie seem retroactively ludicrous.
Publicists occasionally have flings with their movie-star clients.
Discovering that you are a movie star’s daughter is not necessarily a comfort.
It is especially not a comfort when the star in question has seven other children from three different marriages.
Discovering that you are a movie star’s daughter may prompt you to watch upward of sixty movies, dating from the beginning of his career.
You may think, watching said movies, You don’t know about me, but I am here.
You may think, watching said movies, I’m invisible to you, but I am here.
A sudden reconfiguration of your past can change the fit and feel of your adulthood.
It may cleave you, irreparably, from the mother whose single goal has been your happiness.
If your husband has transformed greatly in his own life, he will understand your transformation.
Avoid excessive self-reflection; your job is to look out, not in.
“There you are,” whispered from behind by your Designated Mate, suggests that he has been looking for you.
Holding still can sometimes prove more effective than actively searching.
“Come,” uttered softly, may communicate a renewed wish for intimate contact.
The moon’s calm face can make you feel, in advance, that you are understood and forgiven.
The sea is audible against the rocks well before you see it.
Even at night, the Mediterranean is more blue than black.
If you wish to avoid physical intimacy, the sight of a speedboat will bring relief, despite the myriad new problems it presents.
If no words are exchanged between your Designated Mate and the speedboat’s captain, their meeting was likely prearranged.
A man known for his cruelty may still show great care in guiding his beauty into a rocking speedboat.
He may interpret her hesitation to board as a fear of falling in.
Resist the impulse to ask where you are going.
Try, when anxious, to summon up a goofy giggle.
Locate your Personal Calming Source and use it.
If your Personal Calming Source is the moon, be grateful that it is dark and that the moon is especially bright.
Reflect on the many reasons you can’t yet die:
You need to see your husband.
You need to have children.
You need to tell the movie star that he has an eighth child, and that she is a hero.
The moon may appear to move, but really it is you who are moving.
At high velocity, a speedboat slams along the tops of waves.
Fear and excitement are sometimes indistinguishable.
When the captain of a boat adjusts his course in response to commands from your Designated Mate, he may not know where he is taking you.
If your Designated Mate keeps looking up, he’s probably using the stars for navigation.
The Mediterranean is vast enough to have once seemed infinite.
A beauty should require no more context than the presence of her Designated Mate.
A beauty must appear to enjoy any journey he initiates.
Simulate said enjoyment by putting an affectionate arm around him and nestling your head close to his.
A beauty whose head is aligned with her Designated Mate’s can share in his navigation and thus calculate the route.
At night, far from shore, stars pulse with a strength that is impossible to conceive of in the proximity of light.
Your whereabouts will never be a mystery; you will be visible at all times as a dot of light on the screens of those watching over you.
You are one of hundreds, each a potential hero.
Technology has afforded ordinary people a chance to glow in the cosmos of human achievement.
Your lack of espionage and language training is what makes your record clean and neutral.
You are an ordinary person undertaking an extraordinary task.
You need not be remarkable for your credentials or skill sets, only for your bravery and equilibrium.
Knowing that you are one of hundreds shouldn’t feel belittling.
In the new heroism, the goal is to merge with something larger than yourself.
In the new heroism, the goal is to throw off generations of self-involvement.
In the new heroism, the goal is to renounce the American fixation with being seen and recognized.
In the new heroism, the goal is to dig beneath your shiny persona.
You’ll be surprised by what lies under it: a rich, deep crawl space of possibilities.
Some liken this discovery to a dream in which a familiar home acquires new wings and rooms.
The power of individual magnetism is nothing against the power of combined selfless effort.
You may accomplish astonishing personal feats, but citizen agents rarely seek individual credit.
They liken the need for personal glory to cigarette addiction: a habit that feels life-sustaining even as it kills you.
Childish attention-seeking is usually satisfied at the expense of real power.
An enemy of the state could not have connived a better way to declaw and distract us.
Now our notorious narcissism is our camouflage.
After a juddering ride of several hours, you may not notice at first that the boat is approaching a shore.
A single lighted structure stands out strongly on a deserted coastline.
Silence after a roaring motor is a sound of its own.
The speedboat’s immediate departure signals that you won’t be making a return trip anytime soon.
Knowing your latitude and longitude is not the same as knowing where you are.
A new remote and unfamiliar place can make the prior remote and unfamiliar place seem like home.
Imagining yourself as a dot of light on a screen is oddly reassuring.
Because your husband is a visionary in the realm of national security, he occasionally has access to that screen.
If it calms you to imagine your husband tracking your dot of light, then imagine it.
Do not, however, close your eyes while ascending a rocky path in darkness.
At Latitude X, Longitude Y, the flora is dry and crumbles under your feet.
A voice overhead suggests that your arrival was expected and observed.
An empty shore is not necessarily unpatrolled.
The best patrols are imperceptible.
A formal handshake between your new host and your Designated Mate implies that this is their first meeting.
A formal handshake followed by a complex and stylized hand gesture implies a shared allegiance.
So does the immediate use of a language you don’t recognize.
In certain rich, powerful men, physical slightness will seem a source of strength.
The failure of your new host to acknowledge you may indicate that women do not register in his field of vision.
Being invisible means that you won’t be closely watched.
Your job is to be forgotten yet still present.
A white, sparkling villa amid so much scrabbly darkness will appear miragelike.
A man to whom women are invisible may still have many beauties in his domain.
These neglected beauties will vie for his scant attention.
Among neglected beauties, there is often an alpha beauty who assumes leadership.
As you enter the house, her cool scrutiny will ripple through the other beauties and surround you.
The sensation will remind you of going as a child with your mother to visit families with two parents and multiple children.
At first, the knot of unfamiliar kids would seem impenetrable.
You would wish, keenly, that you had a sibling who could be your ally.
Feeling at the mercy of those around you prompted a seismic internal response.
The will to dominate was deeper than yourself.
You were never childish, even as a child.
Your unchildishness is something your husband has always loved in you.
Once the new children were under your control, it was crushing to leave their midst.
A small table and chairs carved into a spindly clifftop promontory are doubtless designed for private conversation.
If your Designated Mate brings you with him to this place, it may mean that he feels less than perfectly at ease with your new host.
When your new host dismisses his own alpha beauty, important business may be under way.
An alpha beauty will not tolerate her own exclusion if another beauty is included.
If your new host makes a motion of dismissal at you, look to your Designated Mate.
Take orders from no one but your Designated Mate.
If your Designated Mate keeps an arm around you in the face of your new host’s dismissal, you have become the object of a power play.
If your new host moves close to your face and speaks directly into it, he is likely testing your ignorance of his language.
If your Designated Mate stiffens beside you, your new host’s words are probably offensive.
When you become an object of contention, try to neutralize the conflict.
A giggle and a look of incomprehension are a beauty’s most reliable tools.
If the men relax into their chairs, neutralization has been successful.
Your new host has insulted you and, by extension, your Designated Mate.
Your Designated Mate has prevailed in his claim that you’re too harmless to bother sending away.
Congratulate yourself on preserving your adjacency and activate your ear mike.
In the presence of business conversation, project an utter lack of interest or curiosity.
Notice where you are at all times.
On a high, narrow promontory at Latitude X, Longitude Y, the ocean and heavens shimmer in all directions.
There will be moments in your mission, perhaps very few, when you’ll sense the imminence of critical information.
It may come in the form of a rush of joy.
This joy may arise from your discovery that the moon, hard and radiant, is still aloft.
It may arise from the knowledge that, when your task is complete, you will return to the husband you adore.
It may arise from the extremity of the natural beauty around you, and the recognition that you are alive in this moment.
It may arise from your knowledge that you have accomplished every goal you’ve set for yourself since childhood.
It may arise from the knowledge that at long last you’ve found a goal worthy of your considerable energies.
It may arise from the knowledge that, by accomplishing this goal, you’ll have helped to perpetuate American life as you know it.
A wave of joy can make it difficult to sit still.
Beware of internal states—positive or negative—that obscure what is happening around you.
When two subjects begin making sketches, concrete planning may have commenced.
The camera implanted in your left eye is operated by pressing your left tear duct.
In poor light, a flash may be activated by pressing the outside tip of your left eyebrow.
When using the flash, always cover your non-camera eye to shield it from temporary blindness occasioned by the flash.
Never deploy flash photography in the presence of other people.
Springing from your seat with a gasp and peering toward the house will focus the attention of others in that direction.
Having heard something inaudible to others puts you in an immediate position of authority.
“What? What did you hear?,” uttered close to your face by your Designated Mate, means that your diversion was successful.
Wait until their eagerness to know verges on anger, evidenced by the shaking of your shoulders.
Then tell them, faintly, “I heard screaming.”
Men with a history of violence live in fear of retribution.
Your new host will be the first to depart in the direction of alleged screaming.
Your Designated Mate’s glance toward the dock, far below, may reveal that his interests are not fully aligned with your new host’s.
His attention to his handset may portend that your diversion has run amok, undermining the transaction you meant to capture.
Among the violent, there is always a plan for escape.
It is reasonable to hope that a backlit screen will distract its user from a camera flash at some slight distance.
Move close to the sketches you wish to photograph, allowing them to fill your field of vision.
Hold very still.
A flash is far more dramatic in total darkness.
An epithet in another language, followed by “What the fuck was that?,” means you overestimated your Designated Mate’s handset absorption.
A bright, throbbing total blindness means that you neglected to cover your non-camera eye.
Distance yourself from agency in the flash by crying out, truthfully, “I can’t see!”
It is hard to safely navigate a clifftop promontory at high speed while blind.
It is hard to defer said navigation when your Designated Mate is forcefully yanking your hand.
A distant buzz presages an approaching speedboat.
Cooler air and a downward slope indicate that you are now below the cliff’s edge.
Trying to negotiate a crumbling wooded path in a state of blindness (and heels) will soon lead to tripping and collapsing.
Receding downhill footfalls indicate that you’ve overtaxed your limited value to your Designated Mate.
A sense of helpless disorientation may prevent you from doing much more than sitting there in the dirt.
Variegation in the textures around you is a first sign that your temporary blindness has begun to fade.
Temporary blindness sharpens one’s appreciation for not being blind.
In the aftermath of blindness, the accretion of objects around you may have an almost sensual quality.
A boat departing at high speed will send a vibration trembling up through the soil.
The knowledge that you are alone, without your Designated Mate, will settle upon you slowly and coldly.
Each new phase of aloneness reveals that you were previously less alone than you thought.
This more profound isolation may register, at first, as paralysis.
If it soothes you to lie back in the dirt, then lie back.
The moon shines everywhere.
The moon can seem as expressive as a face.
Human beings are fiercely, primordially resilient.
In uneasy times, draw on the resilience you carry inside you.
Recall that the mythical feats you loved to read about as a child are puny beside the accomplishments of human beings on earth.
The presence of another person can be sensed, even when not directly perceived.
The discovery of another person at close range, when you thought you were alone, may occasion fear.
Leaping from a supine into a standing posture will induce a head rush.
“I see you. Come out” must be uttered calmly, from the Readiness Position.
If you show fear, make sure that it isn’t the fear you actually feel.
When you’ve expected a man, the appearance of a woman may be shocking.
Despite all that you know and are, you may experience that shock as a relief.
“Why are you here?,” uttered by your new host’s alpha beauty, is likely hostile.
Respond to abstract questions on the most literal level: “He left without me.”
“Bastard,” muttered bitterly, suggests familiarity with the phenomenon of being left behind.
Sympathy from an unexpected source can prompt a swell of emotion.
Measure the potential liability of shedding tears before you let them fall.
The perfumed arm of a beauty may pour strength and hope directly into your skin.
A lavish clifftop villa may look even more miragelike on a second approach.
Sustaining an atmosphere of luxury in a remote place requires an enormous amount of money.
So does coördinated violence.
Your job is to follow money to its source.
A powerful man whose associate has fled the premises after a false alarm is unlikely to be cheerful.
The reappearance of the vanished associate’s stranded beauty will likely startle him.
Astonishment is satisfying to witness on any face.
“Where the fuck did he go?” is remarkably easy to decipher, even in a language you don’t recognize.
A shrug is comprehensible to everyone.
An alpha beauty’s complete indifference to the consternation of her mate may mean that he’s easily moved to consternation.
It may also mean that he’s not her mate.
As a beauty, you will sometimes be expected to change hands.
Generally, you will pass from the hands of a less powerful man to those of a more powerful man.
Greater proximity to the source of money and control is progress.
Your job is identical regardless of whose hands you are in.
If your vulnerability and helplessness have drawn the interest of an enemy subject, accentuate them.
Scraped and dirty legs may accentuate your vulnerability to the point of disgust.
They might get you a hot shower, though.
Homes of the violent rich have excellent first-aid cabinets.
If, after tending to your scrapes, you are shown to a bathing area with a stone-encrusted waterfall, assume you won’t be alone for long.
The fact that a man has ignored and then insulted you does not mean that he won’t want to fuck you.
Slim, powerful men often move with catlike swiftness.
Begin your countdown early—as he lowers himself into the tub.
By the time he seizes your arm, you should be at five.
By the time your forehead is jammed against a rock, you should perceive your body only vaguely, from above.
If you feel, on returning to your body, that much time has passed, don’t dwell on how much.
If your limbs are sore and your forehead scraped and raw, don’t dwell on why.
When you emerge from a warm, churning bath where you’ve spent an indeterminate period of time, expect to feel shaky and weak.
Remind yourself that you are receiving no payment, in currency or kind, for this or any act you have engaged in.
These acts are forms of sacrifice.
An abundance of diaphanous bathrobes suggests that the occupants of this bathroom are often female.
A soiled and tattered white sundress can seem oddly precious when it’s all you have.
Keep with you the things that matter—you won’t come back for them later.
The stationing of a male attendant outside the bathroom means that you haven’t been forgotten.
If he shows you to a tiny room containing a very large bed, your utility to your new host may not have been exhausted.
A tray containing a meat pie, grapes, and a pitcher of water suggests that visits such as yours are routine.
At times, you may wish to avoid the moon.
At times, the moon may appear like a surveillance device, tracking your movements.
The ability to sleep in stressful conditions is essential to this work.
Sleep whenever you can safely do so.
Your abrupt awakening may feel like a reaction to a sound.
In moments of extreme solitude, you may believe you’ve heard your name.
We reassure ourselves by summoning, in our dreams, those we love and miss.
Having awakened to find them absent, we may be left with a sense of having spoken with them.
Even the most secure houses achieve, in deep night, a state of relative unconsciousness.
A beauty in a diaphanous lavender bathrobe can go anywhere, as long as she appears to be delivering herself to someone.
A universal principle of home construction makes it possible to guess which door will lead to the master bedroom.
Linen closets, with doors closed, can resemble master bedrooms.
So can bathrooms.
Bare feet are virtually soundless on a stone floor.
Even a slim, catlike man may snore.
When trespassing in a sleeping man’s bedroom, go straight to his bed, as if you were seeking him out.
An alpha beauty who has appeared to have no tie to your new host may turn out to be his intimate, after all.
Their sleeping entanglement may contradict everything you have witnessed between them.
A small crib near the bed may indicate the presence of a baby.
Avoid indulging your own amazement; it wastes time.
Master bedrooms in lavish homes often divide into “his” and “hers” areas.
A beauty’s closet is unmistakable, like a quiver of bright arrows.
The closet of a slight, catlike man will usually be compact.
Having penetrated a man’s personal space, immediately seek out his Sweet Spot.
The Sweet Spot is where he empties his pockets at the end of the day and stores the essentials he needs to begin the next.
The Sweet Spot of a secretive, catlike man will most often be inside a cupboard or a drawer.
When you find it, consider using a Data Surge to capture the contents of his handset.
A Data Surge must be deployed with extreme caution, and only if you feel confident of an exceptional yield.
The quantity of information captured will require an enormous amount of manpower to tease apart.
Its transmission will register on any monitoring device.
We can guarantee its effectiveness only once.
Reach between your right fourth and pinky toes (if right-handed) and remove the Data Plug from your Universal Port.
Attached to the plug is a cable with a connection pin at one end for insertion into the handset’s data port.
Sit on the floor, away from sharp surfaces, and brace your back against a wall.
A red ribbon has been tucked inside your Universal Port; enclose this in one of your palms.
Spread apart your toes and gently reinsert the plug, now fused to your subject’s handset, into your Universal Port.
You will feel the surge as the data flood your body.
The surge may contain feeling, memory, heat, cold, longing, pain, even joy.
Although the data are alien, the memories dislodged will be your own:
Peeling an orange for your husband in bed on a Sunday, sunlight splashing the sheets;
The smoky earthen smell of the fur of your childhood cat;
The flavor of the peppermints your mother kept for you inside her desk.
The impact of a Data Surge may prompt unconsciousness or short-term memory loss.
The purpose of the red ribbon is to orient you; if you awaken to find yourself clutching one, look to your foot.
When your body is quiet, unplug the handset and return it to its original location.
A Data Surge leaves a ringing in your ears that may obscure the sound of another person’s arrival.
A face that brought you relief once may trigger relief a second time.
When an alpha beauty accosts you at high volume in an unfamiliar language, it may mean she’s too sleepy to remember who you are.
It may also mean she’s calling someone else.
Beauty status will not excuse, for another beauty, your appearance where you are not supposed to be.
Should you be perceived as an enemy, prepare to defend yourself at the first sign of physical encroachment.
Your new host lunging at you, shouting, “What the fuck are you doing?,” constitutes physical encroachment.
Thrust your elbow upward into the tender socket underneath his jaw, sending him backward onto the floor.
The wails of a newborn will lure its mother away from almost anything, including the physical travails of her mate.
A man disabled by an elbow blow will have little reaction to infant cries.
At the revelation of martial-arts expertise, a man who has perceived you as merely a beauty will recalculate your identity and purpose.
Watch his eyes: he’ll be measuring the distance to his nearest firearm.
An immediate exit is advisable.
A slim, catlike man may well rebound before a hasty exit can be made.
Obstructing the path of a violent man to his firearm will nearly always result in another encroachment.
Kicking him in the foreneck, even barefoot, will temporarily occlude his windpipe.
The alpha beauty of a violent man will know where his firearm is kept, and how to use it.
A woman holding a gun and a baby no longer qualifies as a beauty.
No beauty is really a beauty.
Disabling a gun holder is likely to hurt the baby she is holding, too.
When self-preservation requires that you harm the innocent, we can provide no more than guidelines.
As Americans, we value human rights above all else and cannot sanction their violation.
When someone threatens <EM>our</EM> human rights, however, a wider leeway becomes necessary.
Follow your instincts while bearing in mind that we must, and will, hew to our principles.
A woman holding a thrashing baby in one arm may have trouble aiming a firearm with the other.
Bullets do actually whistle in an enclosed space.
If a person has shot at you and missed, incapacitate her before she can fire again.
We are most reluctant to hurt those who remind us of ourselves.
A lag time exists between getting shot and knowing that you have been shot.
Assuming there is no artery involvement, wounds to the upper limbs are preferable.
Bony, tendony body parts bleed less, but are harder to reconstruct if shattered.
The right shoulder is a bony, tendony part.
When shots have been fired in a powerful man’s home, you have minutes, if not seconds, before the arrival of security.
Your physical person is our Black Box; without it, we have no record of what has happened on your mission.
It is imperative that you remove yourself from enemy possession.
When you find yourself cornered and outnumbered, you may unleash, as a last resort, your Primal Roar.
The Primal Roar is the human equivalent of an explosion, a sound that combines screaming, shrieking, and howling.
The Roar must be accompanied by facial contortions and frenetic body movement, suggesting a feral, unhinged state.
The Primal Roar must transform you from a beauty into a monster.
The goal is to horrify your opponent, the way trusted figures, turned evil, are horrifying in movies and in nightmares.
Deploy your camera flash repeatedly while Roaring.
When approached by a howling, spasmodic, flashing monster, most women holding newborns will step aside.
Discontinue Roaring the instant you’re free from immediate danger.
Those stampeding to the aid of a powerful man will barely notice a dishevelled beauty they pass in a hallway.
If you’re lucky, this will buy you time to flee his house.
Resume your beauty role while running: smooth your hair and cover your bleeding wound with the sundress scrunched in your pocket.
The fact that you can’t hear alarms doesn’t mean you haven’t set them off.
After violence in a closed room, cool night air will have a clarifying effect.
Get to the bottom of a hill any way you can, including sliding and rolling.
In residences of the violent rich, there will be at least one guard at each port of egress.
In deep night, if you are extremely lucky (and quiet), that guard will be asleep.
Assume, as well as you can, the air of a beauty larkishly gambolling.
If running barefoot onto a dock transports you back to your childhood, pain may be making you hallucinate.
Lying with girlfriends on a still-warm dock in upstate New York, watching shooting stars, is a sensation you remember after many years.
Hindsight creates the illusion that your life has led you inevitably to the present moment.
It’s easier to believe in a foregone conclusion than to accept that our lives are governed by chance.
Showing up for a robotics course by accident, because of a classroom mixup, is chance.
Finding an empty seat beside a boy with very dark skin and beautiful hands is chance.
When someone has become essential to you, you will marvel that you could have lain on a warm dock and not have known him yet.
Expect reimmersion in your old life to be difficult.
Experience leaves a mark, regardless of the reasons and principles behind it.
What our citizen agents most often require is simply for time to pass.
Our counsellors are available around the clock for the first two weeks of your reimmersion and during business hours thereafter.
We ask that you allow our Therapeutic Agents, rather than those in the general population, to address your needs.
Secrecy is the basis of what we do, and we require your extreme discretion.
Even preternatural swimming strength cannot propel you across a blue-black sea.
Staring with yearning ferocity from the end of a dock cannot propel you across a blue-black sea.
When your body has been granted exceptional powers, it is jarring to encounter a gulf between your desires and your abilities.
For millennia, engineers have empowered human beings to accomplish mythical feats.
Your husband is an engineer.
Children raised among wild animals learn to detect irregular movements in their landscape.
That particular awareness, coupled with scientific genius, has made your husband a national-security hero.
Intimacy with another human can allow you to scrutinize your surroundings as he would.
Along a rocky, moonlit shore, the irregular movement is the one that is lurching in time with the water beneath an overhang of brush.
A speedboat has most likely been hidden by your new host as a means of emergency escape.
The key will be inside it.
Slither between branches and board the boat; untie it and lower its motor into the water.
Be grateful for the lakes in upstate New York where you learned to pilot motorboats.
Fluff up your hair with your functional arm and essay a wide, carefree smile.
A smile is like a shield; it freezes your face into a mask of muscle that you can hide behind.
A smile is like a door that is both open and closed.
Turn the key and gun the motor once before aiming into the blue-black sea and jamming the accelerator.
Wave and giggle loudly at the stunned, sleepy guard.
Steer in a zigzag motion until you are out of gunshot range.
The exultation of escape will be followed almost immediately by a crushing onslaught of pain.
The house, its occupants, even the gunshots will seem like phantoms beside this clanging immediacy.
If the pain makes thought impossible, concentrate solely on navigation.
Only in specific Geographic Hotspots can we intervene.
While navigating toward a Hotspot, indicate an emergency by pressing the button behind your knee for sixty continuous seconds.
You must remain conscious.
If it helps, imagine yourself in the arms of your husband.
If it helps, imagine yourself in your apartment, where his grandfather’s hunting knife is displayed inside a Plexiglas box.
If it helps, imagine harvesting the small tomatoes you grow on your fire escape in summer.
If it helps, imagine that the contents of the Data Surge will help thwart an attack in which thousands of American lives would have been lost.
Even without enhancements, you can pilot a boat in a semi-conscious state.
Human beings are superhuman.
Let the moon and the stars direct you.
When you reach the approximate location of a Hotspot, cut the engine.
You will be in total darkness, in total silence.
If you wish, you may lie down at the bottom of the boat.
The fact that you feel like you’re dying doesn’t mean that you will die.
Remember that, should you die, your body will yield a crucial trove of information.
Remember that, should you die, your Field Instructions will provide a record of your mission and lessons for those who follow.
Remember that, should you die, you will have triumphed merely by delivering your physical person into our hands.
The boat’s movement on the sea will remind you of a cradle.
You’ll recall your mother rocking you in her arms when you were a baby.
You’ll recall that she has always loved you fiercely and entirely.
You’ll discover that you have forgiven her.
You’ll understand that she concealed your paternity out of faith that her own inexhaustible love would be enough.
The wish to tell your mother that you forgive her is yet another reason you must make it home alive.
You will not be able to wait, but you will have to wait.
We can’t tell you in advance what direction relief will come from.
We can only reassure you that we have never yet failed to recover a citizen agent, dead or alive, who managed to reach a Hotspot.
Hotspots are not hot.
Even a warm night turns frigid at the bottom of a wet boat.
The stars are always there, scattered and blinking.
Looking up at the sky from below can feel like floating, suspended, and looking down.
The universe will seem to hang beneath you in its milky glittering mystery.
Only when you notice a woman like yourself, crumpled and bleeding at the bottom of a boat, will you realize what has happened.
You’ve deployed the Dissociation Technique without meaning to.
There is no harm in this.
Released from pain, you can waft free in the night sky.
Released from pain, you can enact the fantasy of flying that you nurtured as a child.
Keep your body in view at all times; if your mind loses track of your body, it may be hard—even impossible—to reunite the two.
As you waft free in the night sky, you may notice a steady rhythmic churning in the gusting wind.
Helicopter noise is inherently menacing.
A helicopter without lights is like a mixture of bat, bird, and monstrous insect.
Resist the urge to flee this apparition; it has come to save you.
Know that in returning to your body you are consenting to be racked, once again, by physical pain.
Know that in returning to your body you are consenting to undertake a jarring reimmersion into an altered life.
Some citizen agents have chosen not to return.
They have left their bodies behind, and now they shimmer sublimely in the heavens.
In the new heroism, the goal is to transcend individual life, with its petty pains and loves, in favor of the dazzling collective.
You may picture the pulsing stars as the heroic spirits of former agent beauties.
You may imagine Heaven as a vast screen crowded with their dots of light.
If you wish to return to your body, it is essential that you reach it before the helicopter does.
If it helps, count backward.
By eight, you should be close enough to see your bare and dirty feet.
By five, you should be close enough to see the bloody dress wrapped around your shoulder.
By three, you should be close enough to see the dimples you were praised for as a child.
By two, you should hear the shallow bleating of your breath.
Having returned to your body, witness the chopper’s slow, throbbing descent.
It may appear to be the instrument of a purely mechanical realm.
It may look as if it had come to wipe you out.
It may be hard to believe that there are human beings inside it.
You won’t know for sure until you see them crouching above you, their faces taut with hope, ready to jump.