В сборник вошли юмористические рассказы американца Брета Гарта и канадца Стивена Ликока – остроумные пародии на «Приключения Шерлока Холмса» и другие популярные произведения литературы конца XIX – начала XX века. Рассказы адаптированы (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь.
Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык и интересующихся английской культурой.
© ООО «Восточная книга», 2014
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Уважаемые читатели!
Перед вами – НЕ очередное учебное пособие на основе исковерканного (сокращенного, упрощенного и т. п.) авторского текста.
Перед вами прежде всего – интересная книга на иностранном языке, причем настоящем, «живом» языке, в оригинальном, авторском варианте.
От вас вовсе не требуется «сесть за стол и приступить к занятиям». Эту книгу можно читать где угодно, например, в метро или лежа на диване, отдыхая после работы. Потому что уникальность метода как раз и заключается в том, что запоминание иностранных слов и выражений происходит подспудно, за счет их повторяемости, без СПЕЦИАЛЬНОГО заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь.
Существует множество предрассудков на тему изучения иностранных языков. Что их могут учить только люди с определенным складом ума (особенно второй, третий язык и т. д.), что делать это нужно чуть ли не с пеленок и, самое главное, что в целом это сложное и довольно-таки нудное занятие.
Но ведь это не так! И успешное применение Метода чтения Ильи Франка в течение многих лет доказывает: начать читать интересные книги на иностранном языке может каждый!
на любом языке,
в любом возрасте,
а также с любым уровнем подготовки (начиная с «нулевого»)!
Сегодня наш Метод обучающего чтения – это более двухсот книг на пятидесяти языках мира. И сотни тысяч читателей, поверивших в свои силы!
Итак, «как это работает»?
Откройте, пожалуйста, любую страницу этой книги. Вы видите, что текст разбит на отрывки. Сначала идет адаптированный отрывок – текст с вкрапленным в него дословным русским переводом и небольшим лексико-грамматическим комментарием. Затем следует тот же текст, но уже неадаптированный, без подсказок.
Если вы только начали осваивать английский язык, то вам сначала нужно читать текст с подсказками, затем – тот же текст без подсказок. Если при этом вы забыли значение какого-либо слова, но в целом все понятно, то не обязательно искать это слово в отрывке с подсказками. Оно вам еще встретится. Смысл неадаптированного текста как раз в том, что какое-то время – пусть короткое – вы «плывете без доски». После того как вы прочитаете неадаптированный текст, нужно читать следующий, адаптированный. И так далее. Возвращаться назад – с целью повторения – НЕ НУЖНО! Просто продолжайте читать ДАЛЬШЕ.
Сначала на вас хлынет поток неизвестных слов и форм. Не бойтесь: вас же никто по ним не экзаменует! По мере чтения (пусть это произойдет хоть в середине или даже в конце книги) все «утрясется», и вы будете, пожалуй, удивляться: «Ну зачем опять дается перевод, зачем опять приводится исходная форма слова, все ведь и так понятно!» Когда наступает такой момент, «когда и так понятно», вы можете поступить наоборот: сначала читать неадаптированную часть, а потом заглядывать в адаптированную. Этот же способ чтения можно рекомендовать и тем, кто осваивает язык не «с нуля».
Язык по своей природе – средство, а не цель, поэтому он лучше всего усваивается не тогда, когда его специально учат, а когда им естественно пользуются – либо в живом общении, либо погрузившись в занимательное чтение. Тогда он учится сам собой, подспудно.
Для запоминания нужны не сонная, механическая зубрежка или вырабатывание каких-то навыков, а новизна впечатлений. Чем несколько раз повторять слово, лучше повстречать его в разных сочетаниях и в разных смысловых контекстах. Основная масса общеупотребительной лексики при том чтении, которое вам предлагается, запоминается без зубрежки, естественно – за счет повторяемости слов. Поэтому, прочитав текст, не нужно стараться заучить слова из него. «Пока не усвою, не пойду дальше» – этот принцип здесь не подходит. Чем интенсивнее вы будете читать, чем быстрее бежать вперед, тем лучше для вас. В данном случае, как ни странно, чем поверхностнее, чем расслабленнее, тем лучше. И тогда объем материала сделает свое дело, количество перейдет в качество. Таким образом, все, что требуется от вас, – это просто почитывать, думая не об иностранном языке, который по каким-либо причинам приходится учить, а о содержании книги!
Главная беда всех изучающих долгие годы один какой-либо язык в том, что они занимаются им понемножку, а не погружаются с головой. Язык – не математика, его надо не учить, к нему надо привыкать. Здесь дело не в логике и не в памяти, а в навыке. Он скорее похож в этом смысле на спорт, которым нужно заниматься в определенном режиме, так как в противном случае не будет результата. Если сразу и много читать, то свободное чтение по-английски – вопрос трех-четырех месяцев (начиная «с нуля»). А если учить помаленьку, то это только себя мучить и буксовать на месте. Язык в этом смысле похож на ледяную горку – на нее надо быстро взбежать! Пока не взбежите – будете скатываться. Если вы достигли такого момента, когда свободно читаете, то вы уже не потеряете этот навык и не забудете лексику, даже если возобновите чтение на этом языке лишь через несколько лет. А если не доучили – тогда все выветрится.
А что делать с грамматикой? Собственно, для понимания текста, снабженного такими подсказками, знание грамматики уже не нужно – и так все будет понятно. А затем происходит привыкание к определенным формам – и грамматика усваивается тоже подспудно. Ведь осваивают же язык люди, которые никогда не учили его грамматику, а просто попали в соответствующую языковую среду. Это говорится не к тому, чтобы вы держались подальше от грамматики (грамматика – очень интересная вещь, занимайтесь ею тоже), а к тому, что приступать к чтению данной книги можно и без грамматических познаний.
Эта книга поможет вам преодолеть важный барьер: вы наберете лексику и привыкнете к логике языка, сэкономив много времени и сил. Но, прочитав ее, не нужно останавливаться, продолжайте читать на иностранном языке (теперь уже действительно просто поглядывая в словарь)!
Отзывы и замечания присылайте, пожалуйста,
по электронному адресу frank@franklang.ru
Bret Harte / Брет Гарт
The Stolen Cigar Case[1]
(Дело об украденном портсигаре)
I found Hemlock Jones in the old Brook Street lodgings (я застал Хемлока Джонса в /нашей/ старой квартире на Брук-Стрит;
I found Hemlock Jones in the old Brook Street lodgings, musing before the fire. With the freedom of an old friend I at once threw myself in my usual familiar attitude at his feet, and gently caressed his boot. I was induced to do this for two reasons: one, that it enabled me to get a good look at his bent, concentrated face, and the other, that it seemed to indicate my reverence for his superhuman insight.
So absorbed was he even then, in tracking some mysterious clue (он так был поглощен поисками разгадки некой тайны;
“It is raining,” he said, without lifting his head (идет дождь, – сказал он, не поднимая головы: «без поднимания своей головы»).
“You have been out, then?” I said quickly (значит, вы выходили из дому? – быстро сказал =
“No. But I see that your umbrella is wet (нет, но я вижу, что ваш зонтик мокрый), and that your overcoat has drops of water on it (а на вашем пальто – капли воды).”
So absorbed was he even then, in tracking some mysterious clue, that he did not seem to notice me. But therein I was wrong – as I always was in my attempt to understand that powerful intellect.
“It is raining,” he said, without lifting his head.
“You have been out, then?” I said quickly.
“No. But I see that your umbrella is wet, and that your overcoat has drops of water on it.”
I sat aghast at his penetration (я пришел в ужас от его наблюдательности;
I listened (я прислушался). I could scarcely credit my ears (я едва мог поверить своим ушам), but there was the soft pattering of drops on the panes (но было /слышно/, как капли мягко стучат в оконные стекла). It was evident there was no deceiving this man (несомненно, не существовало ничего /такого, что могло бы/ обмануть этого человека;
I sat aghast at his penetration. After a pause he said carelessly, as if dismissing the subject: “Besides, I hear the rain on the window. Listen.”
I listened. I could scarcely credit my ears, but there was the soft pattering of drops on the panes. It was evident there was no deceiving this man!
“Have you been busy lately?” I asked, changing the subject (вы были заняты последнее время? – спросил я, меняя тему /разговора/). “What new problem – given up by Scotland Yard as inscrutable (какая новая загадка, признанная Скотленд-Ярдом неразрешимой;
He drew back his foot slightly (он слегка отодвинул ногу назад;
“Have you been busy lately?” I asked, changing the subject. “What new problem – given up by Scotland Yard as inscrutable – has occupied that gigantic intellect?”
He drew back his foot slightly, and seemed to hesitate ere he returned it to its original position. Then he answered wearily: “Mere trifles – nothing to speak of.
The Prince Kupoli has been here to get my advice (здесь побывал князь Куполи, чтобы получить мой совет) regarding the disappearance of certain rubies from the Kremlin (относительно исчезновения тех знаменитых рубинов из Кремля;
The Prince Kupoli has been here to get my advice regarding the disappearance of certain rubies from the Kremlin; the Rajah of Pootibad, after vainly beheading his entire bodyguard, has been obliged to seek my assistance to recover a jeweled sword. The Grand Duchess of Pretzel-Brauntswig is desirous of discovering where her husband was on the night of February 14; and last night” – he lowered his voice slightly – “a lodger in this very house, meeting me on the stairs, wanted to know why they didn’t answer his bell.”
I could not help smiling (я не мог сдержать улыбки) – until I saw a frown gathering on his inscrutable forehead (пока не увидел, как брови сдвигаются на его непроницаемом челе;
“Pray remember,” he said coldly (попрошу вас припомнить, – сказал он холодно;
I became dumb at once (я тут же заставил себя онеметь: «стал немым»;
I could not help smiling – until I saw a frown gathering on his inscrutable forehead.
“Pray remember,” he said coldly, “that it was through such an apparently trivial question that I found out Why Paul Ferroll Killed His Wife, and What Happened to Jones!”
I became dumb at once.
He paused for a moment (он помолчал с минуту;
He paused for a moment, and then suddenly changing back to his usual pitiless, analytical style, he said: “When I say these are trifles, they are so in comparison to an affair that is now before me. A crime has been committed, – and, singularly enough, against myself. You start,” he said. “You wonder who would have dared to attempt it. So did I; nevertheless, it has been done. I have been ROBBED!”
“YOU robbed! You, Hemlock Jones, the Terror of Peculators (вас обокрали! вас, Хемлока Джонса, Грозу растратчиков и воров;
“Yes! Listen (да! слушайте). I would confess it to no other (я бы не признался в этом никому другому). But YOU who have followed my career, who know my methods (но вам, который следил за моими успехами, которому известны мои методы;
“YOU robbed! You, Hemlock Jones, the Terror of Peculators!” I gasped in amazement, arising and gripping the table as I faced him.
“Yes! Listen. I would confess it to no other. But YOU who have followed my career, who know my methods; you, for whom I have partly lifted the veil that conceals my plans from ordinary humanity, —
you, who have for years rapturously accepted my confidences (вам, кто на протяжении /многих/ лет с восхищением принимал =
you, who have for years rapturously accepted my confidences, passionately admired my inductions and inferences, placed yourself at my beck and call, become my slave, groveled at my feet, given up your practice except those few unremunerative and rapidly decreasing patients to whom, in moments of abstraction over MY problems, you have administered strychnine for quinine and arsenic for Epsom salts; you, who have sacrificed anything and everybody to me, – YOU I make my confidant!”
I arose and embraced him warmly (я вскочил и сердечно его обнял;
“I have given up cigar smoking,” I said (я уже не курю сигар: «я бросил курение сигар», – сказал я).
“Why?” he asked (почему? – спросил он).
I hesitated, and perhaps colored (я замялся и, вероятно, покраснел;
I arose and embraced him warmly, yet he was already so engrossed in thought that at the same moment he mechanically placed his hand upon his watch chain as if to consult the time. “Sit down,” he said. “Have a cigar?”
“I have given up cigar smoking,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
I hesitated, and perhaps colored. I had really given it up because, with my diminished practice, it was too expensive.
I could afford only a pipe (я мог позволить себе только трубку). “I prefer a pipe,” I said laughingly (я предпочитаю трубку, – сказал я со смехом). “But tell me of this robbery (но поведайте мне о краже). What have you lost (что у вас пропало;
He arose, and planting himself before the fire with his hands under his coattails (он поднялся, встал перед камином, /заложив/ руки за фалды /сюртука/;
I could afford only a pipe. “I prefer a pipe,” I said laughingly. “But tell me of this robbery. What have you lost?”
He arose, and planting himself before the fire with his hands under his coattails, looked down upon me reflectively for a moment. “Do you remember the cigar case presented to me by the Turkish Ambassador for discovering the missing favorite of the Grand Vizier in the fifth chorus girl at the Hilarity Theatre? It was that one. I mean the cigar case. It was incrusted with diamonds.”
“And the largest one had been supplanted by paste,” I said (и самый крупный из них был подменен пастилой;
“Ah,” he said, with a reflective smile, “you know that (а, – сказал он с задумчивой улыбкой, – /значит/, вам это известно)?”
“You told me yourself (вы сами мне говорили). I remember considering it a proof of your extraordinary perception (я помню, как посчитал это /еще/ одним доказательством вашей необыкновенной проницательности). But, by Jove, you don’t mean to say you have lost it (но, Боже правый, вы же не хотите сказать, что лишились его;
He was silent for a moment (он помолчал с минуту;
“And the largest one had been supplanted by paste,” I said.
“Ah,” he said, with a reflective smile, “you know that?”
“You told me yourself. I remember considering it a proof of your extraordinary perception. But, by Jove, you don’t mean to say you have lost it?”
He was silent for a moment. “No; it has been stolen, it is true, but I shall still find it. And by myself alone!
In your profession, my dear fellow, when a member is seriously ill (в вашей профессии, мой дорогой друг, когда кто-то из /ее/ представителей серьезно болен;
“And where could you find better?” I said enthusiastically (и где можно было бы сыскать /руки/ лучше! – восторженно сказал =
“I shall remind you of that again,” he said lightly (мы еще к этому вернемся: «я напомню вам об этом снова», – небрежно сказал он;
In your profession, my dear fellow, when a member is seriously ill, he does not prescribe for himself, but calls in a brother doctor. Therein we differ. I shall take this matter in my own hands.”
“And where could you find better?” I said enthusiastically. “I should say the cigar case is as good as recovered already.”
“I shall remind you of that again,” he said lightly.
“And now, to show you my confidence in your judgment (а сейчас, чтобы показать вам свое доверие к вашему мнению;
He drew a memorandum book from his pocket (он вытащил из кармана записную книжку;
I could scarcely believe my senses (я едва мог поверить своим чувствам). He, the great Hemlock Jones, accepting suggestions from a humble individual like myself (он, великий Хемлок Джонс, принимал =
“And now, to show you my confidence in your judgment, in spite of my determination to pursue this alone, I am willing to listen to any suggestions from you.”
He drew a memorandum book from his pocket and, with a grave smile, took up his pencil.
I could scarcely believe my senses. He, the great Hemlock Jones, accepting suggestions from a humble individual like myself!
I kissed his hand reverently, and began in a joyous tone (я почтительно поцеловал ему руку и радостным голосом начал;
“First, I should advertise, offering a reward (для начала, я бы дал объявление, предложив награду;
I kissed his hand reverently, and began in a joyous tone:
“First, I should advertise, offering a reward; I should give the same intimation in hand-bills, distributed at the ’pubs’ and the pastry-cooks’. I should next visit the different pawnbrokers; I should give notice at the police station. I should examine the servants. I should thoroughly search the house and my own pockets. I speak relatively,” I added, with a laugh. “Of course I mean YOUR own.”
He gravely made an entry of these details (он с серьезным видом подробно /все/ записал;
“Perhaps,” I added, “you have already done this (/но/, возможно, – добавил я, – вы уже это проделали)?”
“Perhaps,” he returned enigmatically (возможно, – отвечал он загадочно;
He gravely made an entry of these details.
“Perhaps,” I added, “you have already done this?”
“Perhaps,” he returned enigmatically. “Now, my dear friend,” he continued, putting the note-book in his pocket and rising, “would you excuse me for a few moments? Make yourself perfectly at home until I return; there may be some things,” he added with a sweep of his hand toward his heterogeneously filled shelves, “that may interest you and while away the time.
There are pipes and tobacco in that corner (вон в том углу трубки и табак).”
Then nodding to me with the same inscrutable face he left the room (затем, кивнув мне с тем же непроницаемым лицом, он покинул комнату;
Left to myself I cast a cursory glance over his shelves (/пред/оставленный самому себе, я окинул беглым взглядом его полки;
There are pipes and tobacco in that corner.”
Then nodding to me with the same inscrutable face he left the room. I was too well accustomed to his methods to think much of his unceremonious withdrawal, and made no doubt he was off to investigate some clue which had suddenly occurred to his active intelligence.
Left to myself I cast a cursory glance over his shelves.
There were a number of small glass jars (там стояли: «находились» маленькие стеклянные баночки;
There were a number of small glass jars containing earthy substances, labeled “Pavement and Road Sweepings,” from the principal thoroughfares and suburbs of London, with the sub-directions “for identifying foot-tracks.” There were several other jars, labeled “Fluff from Omnibus and Road Car Seats,” “Cocoanut Fibre and Rope Strands from Mattings in Public Places,” “Cigarette Stumps and Match Ends from Floor of Palace Theatre, Row A, 1 to 50.”
Everywhere were evidences of this wonderful man’s system and perspicacity (повсюду присутствовали свидетельства методичности и проницательности этого удивительного человека;
I was thus engaged when I heard the slight creaking of a door (будучи занят таким образом, я /вдруг/ услышал, как легонько скрипнула дверь;
Everywhere were evidences of this wonderful man’s system and perspicacity.
I was thus engaged when I heard the slight creaking of a door, and I looked up as a stranger entered. He was a rough-looking man, with a shabby overcoat and a still more disreputable muffler around his throat and the lower part of his face. Considerably annoyed at his intrusion, I turned upon him rather sharply, when, with a mumbled, growling apology for mistaking the room, he shuffled out again and closed the door.
I followed him quickly to the landing (я быстро проследовал за ним на лестничную площадку) and saw that he disappeared down the stairs (и увидел, как, /спустившись/ по лестнице, он исчез внизу). With my mind full of the robbery (поскольку мозг мой был занят: «заполнен» кражей), the incident made a singular impression upon me (происшествие весьма меня обеспокоило;
I followed him quickly to the landing and saw that he disappeared down the stairs. With my mind full of the robbery, the incident made a singular impression upon me. I knew my friend’s habit of hasty absences from his room in his moments of deep inspiration; it was only too probable that, with his powerful intellect and magnificent perceptive genius concentrated on one subject, he should be careless of his own belongings, and no doubt even forget to take the ordinary precaution of locking up his drawers.
I tried one or two and found that I was right (я попробовал /открыть/ один-другой и обнаружил, что был прав), although for some reason I was unable to open one to its fullest extent (хотя почему-то мне не удалось: «я был неспособен» открыть один /из них/ полностью;
His absence was strangely prolonged (его отсутствие странным /образом/ затягивалось;
I tried one or two and found that I was right, although for some reason I was unable to open one to its fullest extent. The handles were sticky, as if some one had opened them with dirty fingers. Knowing Hemlock’s fastidious cleanliness, I resolved to inform him of this circumstance, but I forgot it, alas! until – but I am anticipating my story.
His absence was strangely prolonged.
I at last seated myself by the fire (наконец я уселся у камина), and lulled by warmth and the patter of the rain on the window, I fell asleep (и, убаюканный теплом и стуком дождя по оконному /стеклу/, я уснул;
I at last seated myself by the fire, and lulled by warmth and the patter of the rain on the window, I fell asleep. I may have dreamt, for during my sleep I had a vague semi-consciousness as of hands being softly pressed on my pockets – no doubt induced by the story of the robbery. When I came fully to my senses, I found Hemlock Jones sitting on the other side of the hearth, his deeply concentrated gaze fixed on the fire.
“I found you so comfortably asleep (я застал вас столь мирно спящим;
I rubbed my eyes (я протер глаза). “And what news?” I asked (и какие новости? – спросил я). “How have you succeeded (как ваши успехи;
“Better than I expected,” he said (лучше, чем я ожидал, – сказал он), “and I think,” he added, tapping his note-book (и полагаю, – добавил он, постукивая /пальцем/ по записной книжке), “I owe much to YOU (я многим обязан вам).”
Deeply gratified, I awaited more (весьма /этим/ довольный, я ждал продолжения: «ждал большего»;
“I found you so comfortably asleep that I could not bear to awaken you,” he said, with a smile.
I rubbed my eyes. “And what news?” I asked. “How have you succeeded?”
“Better than I expected,” he said, “and I think,” he added, tapping his note-book, “I owe much to YOU.”
Deeply gratified, I awaited more. But in vain. I ought to have remembered that in his moods Hemlock Jones was reticence itself.
I told him simply of the strange intrusion, but he only laughed (я рассказал ему о странном вторжении, но он только засмеялся).
Later, when I arose to go, he looked at me playfully (позже, когда я встал, чтобы уйти, он игриво поглядел на меня;
“For once you are at fault,” I said triumphantly (на этот раз вы ошиблись, – сказал я торжествующе;
I told him simply of the strange intrusion, but he only laughed.
Later, when I arose to go, he looked at me playfully. “If you were a married man,” he said, “I would advise you not to go home until you had brushed your sleeve. There are a few short brown sealskin hairs on the inner side of your forearm, just where they would have adhered if your arm had encircled a seal-skin coat with some pressure!”
“For once you are at fault,” I said triumphantly; “the hair is my own, as you will perceive; I have just had it cut at the hairdresser’s, and no doubt this arm projected beyond the apron.”
He frowned slightly (он слегка нахмурился), yet, nevertheless, on my turning to go he embraced me warmly (однако, когда я повернулся, чтобы уйти, все же тепло обнял меня;
He frowned slightly, yet, nevertheless, on my turning to go he embraced me warmly – a rare exhibition in that man of ice. He even helped me on with my overcoat and pulled out and smoothed down the flaps of my pockets. He was particular, too, in fitting my arm in my overcoat sleeve, shaking the sleeve down from the armhole to the cuff with his deft fingers. “Come again soon!” he said, clapping me on the back.
“At any and all times,” I said enthusiastically (в любое время, – сказал я восторженно;
“It is indeed,” he said, with his impenetrable smile (в самом деле, – сказал он с загадочной: «непроницаемой» улыбкой).
Nevertheless, I did not find him at home when I next called (однако я не застал его дома, когда в следующий раз зашел /к нему/;
“At any and all times,” I said enthusiastically; “I only ask ten minutes twice a day to eat a crust at my office, and four hours’ sleep at night, and the rest of my time is devoted to you always, as you know.”
“It is indeed,” he said, with his impenetrable smile.
Nevertheless, I did not find him at home when I next called. One afternoon, when nearing my own home, I met him in one of his favorite disguises, – a long blue swallow-tailed coat, striped cotton trousers, large turn-over collar, blacked face, and white hat, carrying a tambourine.
Of course to others the disguise was perfect (для других, конечно же, эта маскировка была безупречной), although it was known to myself, and I passed him (однако для меня – знакомой, и я прошел мимо) – according to an old understanding between us (согласно давней договоренности между нами;
Of course to others the disguise was perfect, although it was known to myself, and I passed him – according to an old understanding between us – without the slightest recognition, trusting to a later explanation. At another time, as I was making a professional visit to the wife of a publican at the East End, I saw him, in the disguise of a broken-down artisan, looking into the window of an adjacent pawnshop.
I was delighted to see that he was evidently following my suggestions (я был рад видеть, что он, несомненно, последовал моим советам;
Two days later I received a note appointing a meeting at his lodgings that night (двумя днями позднее я получил записку, в которой /он/ назначал встречу в его квартире в тот же вечер). That meeting, alas! was the one memorable occurrence of my life (та встреча – увы! – стала памятным событием в моей жизни), and the last meeting I ever had with Hemlock Jones (и последней встречей, которая когда-либо была у меня с Хемлоком Джонсом)! I will try to set it down calmly (я попытаюсь изложить все спокойно;
I was delighted to see that he was evidently following my suggestions, and in my joy I ventured to tip him a wink; it was abstractedly returned.
Two days later I received a note appointing a meeting at his lodgings that night. That meeting, alas! was the one memorable occurrence of my life, and the last meeting I ever had with Hemlock Jones! I will try to set it down calmly, though my pulses still throb with the recollection of it.
I found him standing before the fire, with that look upon his face (я застал его стоящим у камина с тем выражением на лице;
I found him standing before the fire, with that look upon his face which I had seen only once or twice in our acquaintance – a look which I may call an absolute concatenation of inductive and deductive ratiocination – from which all that was human, tender, or sympathetic was absolutely discharged. He was simply an icy algebraic symbol!
Indeed, his whole being was concentrated to that extent (и правда, все его существо было сосредоточено до такой степени;
After I had entered he locked the doors, fastened the windows (после того, как я вошел, он запер двери, окна;
Indeed, his whole being was concentrated to that extent that his clothes fitted loosely, and his head was absolutely so much reduced in size by his mental compression that his hat tipped back from his forehead and literally hung on his massive ears.
After I had entered he locked the doors, fastened the windows, and even placed a chair before the chimney.
As I watched these significant precautions with absorbing interest (пока я следил за этими серьезными мерами предосторожности с возрастающим интересом;
“Hand over that cigar case (давайте-ка /сюда/ этот портсигар;
Even in my bewilderment my reply was truthful, spontaneous, and involuntary (даже несмотря на замешательство, мой ответ был правдивым, спонтанным и непринужденным;
He smiled bitterly, and threw down his revolver (он горько усмехнулся и отшвырнул свой револьвер;
As I watched these significant precautions with absorbing interest, he suddenly drew a revolver and, presenting it to my temple, said in low, icy tones:
“Hand over that cigar case!”
Even in my bewilderment my reply was truthful, spontaneous, and involuntary. “I haven’t got it,” I said.
He smiled bitterly, and threw down his revolver. “I expected that reply! Then let me now confront you with something more awful, more deadly, more relentless and convincing than that mere lethal weapon, – the damning inductive and deductive proofs of your guilt!”
He drew from his pocket a roll of paper and a note-book (он вытащил из кармана рулон бумаги и записную книжку).
“But surely,” I gasped, “you are joking (но, конечно же, – у меня перехватило дыхание, – вы шутите;
“Silence! Sit down!” I obeyed (тихо! сядьте! – я повиновался).
“You have condemned yourself,” he went on pitilessly (вы сами выдали себя, – продолжал он безжалостно;
He drew from his pocket a roll of paper and a note-book.
“But surely,” I gasped, “you are joking! You could not for a moment believe” —
“Silence! Sit down!” I obeyed.
“You have condemned yourself,” he went on pitilessly. “Condemned yourself on my processes, – processes familiar to you, applauded by you, accepted by you for years! We will go back to the time when you first saw the cigar case. Your expressions,” he said in cold, deliberate tones, consulting his paper, “were, ’How beautiful! I wish it were mine.’
This was your first step in crime – and my first indication (это было вашим первым шагом к преступлению и первым сигналом для меня;
“But,” I burst out passionately, “I told you I had given up smoking cigars (но, – воскликнул я пылко, – я же говорил вам, что бросил курить сигары;
This was your first step in crime – and my first indication. From ‘I WISH it were mine’ to ‘I WILL have it mine,’ and the mere detail, ’HOW CAN I make it mine?’ the advance was obvious. Silence! But as in my methods it was necessary that there should be an overwhelming inducement to the crime, that unholy admiration of yours for the mere trinket itself was not enough. You are a smoker of cigars.”
“But,” I burst out passionately, “I told you I had given up smoking cigars.”
“Fool!” he said coldly, “that is the SECOND time you have committed yourself (глупец! – сказал он холодно, – вы во второй раз выдали себя;
“Fool!” he said coldly, “that is the SECOND time you have committed yourself. Of course you told me! What more natural than for you to blazon forth that prepared and unsolicited statement to PREVENT accusation. Yet, as I said before, even that wretched attempt to cover up your tracks was not enough. I still had to find that overwhelming, impelling motive necessary to affect a man like you. That motive I found in the strongest of all impulses – Love, I suppose you would call it,” he added bitterly, “that night you called!
You had brought the most conclusive proofs of it on your sleeve (вы принесли самые неопровержимые доказательства на своем рукаве;
“But – ” I almost screamed (но… – я почти кричал).
“Silence!” he thundered (молчите! – прогромыхал он;
You had brought the most conclusive proofs of it on your sleeve.”
“But – ” I almost screamed.
“Silence!” he thundered. “I know what you would say. You would say that even if you had embraced some Young Person in a sealskin coat, what had that to do with the robbery? Let me tell you, then, that that sealskin coat represented the quality and character of your fatal entanglement! You bartered your honor for it – that stolen cigar case was the purchaser of the sealskin coat!
“Silence (молчите)! Having thoroughly established your motive (до конца прояснив ваш мотив;
So overpowering was his penetration that (столь несокрушимой: «непреодолимой» была его проницательность), although I knew myself innocent (хотя я и знал о своей невиновности), I licked my lips with avidity to hear the further details (что я облизнул губы, алча услышать дальнейшие подробности;
“Silence! Having thoroughly established your motive, I now proceed to the commission of the crime itself. Ordinary people would have begun with that – with an attempt to discover the whereabouts of the missing object. These are not MY methods.”
So overpowering was his penetration that, although I knew myself innocent, I licked my lips with avidity to hear the further details of this lucid exposition of my crime.
“You committed that theft the night I showed you the cigar case (вы совершили кражу в тот же вечер, когда я показал вам портсигар), and after I had carelessly thrown it in that drawer (после того, как я небрежно бросил его вон в тот ящик стола;
“You committed that theft the night I showed you the cigar case, and after I had carelessly thrown it in that drawer. You were sitting in that chair, and I had arisen to take something from that shelf. In that instant you secured your booty without rising. Silence! Do you remember when I helped you on with your overcoat the other night? I was particular about fitting your arm in. While doing so I measured your arm with a spring tape measure, from the shoulder to the cuff. A later visit to your tailor confirmed that measurement.
It proved to be THE EXACT DISTANCE BETWEEN YOUR CHAIR AND THAT DRAWER (оказалось, что она равна расстоянию между вашим стулом и тем ящиком стола;
I sat stunned (ошеломленный, я сидел /не двигаясь/;
“The rest are mere corroborative details (все остальное – лишь подтверждающие /это/ детали)! You were again tampering with the drawer (вы вновь копались в этом ящике;
I sat stunned.
“The rest are mere corroborative details! You were again tampering with the drawer when I discovered you doing so! Do not start! The stranger that blundered into the room with a muffler on – was myself! More, I had placed a little soap on the drawer handles when I purposely left you alone. The soap was on your hand when I shook it at parting.
I softly felt your pockets, when you were asleep, for further developments (я аккуратно: «мягко» ощупал ваши карманы, когда вы спали, нет ли в них чего интересного: «для дальнейших событий»;
I softly felt your pockets, when you were asleep, for further developments. I embraced you when you left – that I might feel if you had the cigar case or any other articles hidden on your body. This confirmed me in the belief that you had already disposed of it in the manner and for the purpose I have shown you. As I still believed you capable of remorse and confession, I twice allowed you to see I was on your track: once in the garb of an itinerant negro minstrel, and the second time as a workman looking in the window of the pawnshop where you pledged your booty.”
“But,” I burst out, “if you had asked the pawnbroker (но, – вскричал я, – если бы вы спросили /самого/ ростовщика), you would have seen how unjust (то поняли бы, насколько несправедливы;
“Fool!” he hissed (глупец! – прошипел он), “that was one of YOUR suggestions – to search the pawnshops (это было одним из ваших предложений – искать в ломбардах)! Do you suppose I followed any of your suggestions, the suggestions of the thief (вы полагаете, я последовал вашим советам, советам вора)? On the contrary, they told me what to avoid (напротив, они указали мне, чего не нужно делать: «чего избегать»;
“And I suppose,” I said bitterly (как я полагаю, – сказал я с горечью), “you have not even searched your drawer (вы еще даже не обыскивали ящик своего стола)?”
“No,” he said calmly (нет, – сказал он спокойно).
I was for the first time really vexed (впервые я по-настоящему рассердился). I went to the nearest drawer and pulled it out sharply (я подошел к ближайшему ящику и резко его выдвинул). It stuck as it had before, leaving a part of the drawer unopened (он застрял, как и раньше, оставив часть ящика неоткрытой;
“But,” I burst out, “if you had asked the pawnbroker, you would have seen how unjust” —
“Fool!” he hissed, “that was one of YOUR suggestions – to search the pawnshops! Do you suppose I followed any of your suggestions, the suggestions of the thief? On the contrary, they told me what to avoid.”
“And I suppose,” I said bitterly, “you have not even searched your drawer?”
“No,” he said calmly.
I was for the first time really vexed. I went to the nearest drawer and pulled it out sharply. It stuck as it had before, leaving a part of the drawer unopened.
By working it, however, I discovered that it was impeded by some obstacle (однако, пытаясь его выдвинуть, я обнаружил, что этому мешает какой-то предмет;
But I was appalled at his expression (но меня потрясло выражение его лица;
By working it, however, I discovered that it was impeded by some obstacle that had slipped to the upper part of the drawer, and held it firmly fast. Inserting my hand, I pulled out the impeding object. It was the missing cigar case! I turned to him with a cry of joy.
But I was appalled at his expression. A look of contempt was now added to his acute, penetrating gaze. “I have been mistaken,” he said slowly; “I had not allowed for your weakness and cowardice!
I thought too highly of you even in your guilt (я был слишком высокого мнения о вас, даже /зная/ о вашем преступлении;
I thought too highly of you even in your guilt! But I see now why you tampered with that drawer the other night. By some inexplicable means – possibly another theft – you took the cigar case out of pawn and, like a whipped hound, restored it to me in this feeble, clumsy fashion. You thought to deceive me, Hemlock Jones! More, you thought to destroy my infallibility. Go! I give you your liberty.
I shall not summon the three policemen who wait in the adjoining room (я не стану звать тех трех полисменов, которые ожидают в соседней: «примыкающей» комнате) – but out of my sight forever (но – прочь с глаз моих навсегда;
As I stood once more dazed and petrified (пока я стоял потрясенный и остолбеневший;
I shall not summon the three policemen who wait in the adjoining room – but out of my sight forever!”
As I stood once more dazed and petrified, he took me firmly by the ear and led me into the hall, closing the door behind him. This reopened presently, wide enough to permit him to thrust out my hat, overcoat, umbrella, and overshoes, and then closed against me forever!
I never saw him again (больше я никогда его не видел). I am bound to say, however, that thereafter my business increased (должен сказать, однако, что с того времени мои дела пошли на лад;
I never saw him again. I am bound to say, however, that thereafter my business increased, I recovered much of my old practice, and a few of my patients recovered also. I became rich. I had a brougham and a house in the West End. But I often wondered, pondering on that wonderful man’s penetration and insight, if, in some lapse of consciousness, I had not really stolen his cigar case!
Stories Three
For Simla Reasons
(Причины /надо искать/ в Шимле)
Some people say that improbable things don’t necessarily happen in India (некоторые /люди/ говорят, будто в Индии невероятные вещи просто так не происходят;
Some people say that improbable things don’t necessarily happen in India – but these people never find improbabilities anywhere. This sounds clever, but you will at once perceive that it really means the opposite of what I intended to say. So we’ll drop it. What I am trying to tell you is that after Sparkley had that affair with Miss Millikens a singular change came over him.
He grew abstracted and solitary (он сделался рассеянным и /предпочитал/ уединение;
He grew abstracted and solitary, – holding dark seances with himself, – which was odd, as everybody knew he never cared a rap for the Millikens girl. It was even said that he was off his head – which is rhyme. But his reason was undoubtedly affected, for he had been heard to mutter incoherently at the Club, and, strangest of all, to answer questions THAT WERE NEVER ASKED!
This was so awkward in that Branch of the Civil Department (это явилось настолько странным для того отделения Министерства по Гражданским делам;
This was so awkward in that Branch of the Civil Department of which he was a high official – where the rule was exactly the reverse – that he was presently invalided on full pay! Then he disappeared. Clever people said it was because the Department was afraid he had still much to answer for; stupid people simply envied him.
Mrs. Awksby, whom everybody knew had been the cause of breaking off the match (миссис Оксби, которая, как все понимали: «как каждый понимал», была поводом разрыва между этой парой;
Mrs. Awksby, whom everybody knew had been the cause of breaking off the match, was now wild to know the reason of Sparkley’s retirement. She attacked heaven and earth, and even went a step higher – to the Viceroy. At the vice-regal ball I saw, behind the curtains of a window, her rolling violet-blue eyes with a singular glitter in them. It was the reflection of the Viceroy’s star, although the rest of his Excellency was hidden in the curtain.
I heard him saying (я слышал, как он говорил), “Come now! really, now, you are – you know you are (ну, будет! право же, ну, вы же… знаете ли, вы же…)!” in reply to her cooing questioning (в ответ на ее допытливое воркование: «воркующее расспрашивание»). Then she made a dash at me and captured me (тут она бросилась ко мне и поймала меня;
“What did you hear (что вы слышали)?”
“Nothing I should not have heard (ничего /такого/, что мне не нужно было бы слышать).”
“Don’t be like all the other men – you silly boy!” she answered (не будьте похожим на прочих мужчин, вы, глупый мальчишка). “I was only trying to find out something about Sparkley (я только пытаюсь разузнать что-нибудь о Спаркли;
I heard him saying, “Come now! really, now, you are – you know you are!” in reply to her cooing questioning. Then she made a dash at me and captured me.
“What did you hear?”
“Nothing I should not have heard.”
“Don’t be like all the other men – you silly boy!” she answered. “I was only trying to find out something about Sparkley. And I will find it out too,” she said, clinching her thin little hand.
“And what’s more,” she added, turning on me suddenly (и вот что еще, – добавила она, вдруг поворачиваясь ко мне), “YOU shall help me (вы поможете мне)!”
“I?” I said in surprise (я? – удивленно сказал я).
“Don’t pretend!” she said poutingly (не притворяйтесь! – сказала она, надув губки). “You’re too clever to believe he’s cut up over the Millikens (вы слишком умны, чтобы поверить, будто он так страдает из-за Миликенз;
“Oh! You have his address?” I said (о! у вас есть его адрес? – сказал =
“Certainly (конечно)! What did you expect I was behind the curtain with the Viceroy for (зачем же, вы полагаете, я была за портьерами с Вице-королем;
“And what’s more,” she added, turning on me suddenly, “YOU shall help me!”
“I?” I said in surprise.
“Don’t pretend!” she said poutingly. “You’re too clever to believe he’s cut up over the Millikens. No – it’s something awful or – another woman! Now, if I knew as much of India as you do – and wasn’t a woman, and could go where I liked – I’d go to Bungloore and find him.”
“Oh! You have his address?” I said.
“Certainly! What did you expect I was behind the curtain with the Viceroy for?” she said, opening her violet eyes innocently.
“It’s Bungloore – First Turning to the Right – At the End of the passage (это Банглур, Первый поворот направо, В конце прохода;
Bungloore – near Ghouli Pass – in the Jungle (Банглур, рядом с Гули-Пас, в Джунглях)! I knew the place, a spot of dank pestilence and mystery (я знал это место, обитель губительной сырости и тайны;
“You do not know WHAT I could do for a FRIEND (вы не знаете, что я смогла бы сделать ради друга),” she said sweetly, veiling her eyes in demure significance (сладким /голосом/ отвечала она, опуская ресницы со скромной многозначительностью;
“Oh, come off the roof!” I said bluntly (эй, бросьте это: «спуститесь с крыши», – резким тоном сказал я;
“It’s Bungloore – First Turning to the Right – At the End of the passage.”
Bungloore – near Ghouli Pass – in the Jungle! I knew the place, a spot of dank pestilence and mystery. “You never could have gone there,” I said.
“You do not know WHAT I could do for a FRIEND,” she said sweetly, veiling her eyes in demure significance.
“Oh, come off the roof!” I said bluntly.
She could be obedient when it was necessary (она умела уступать перед неизбежным: «могла быть послушной, когда это было неизбежно»;
I went to Bungloore, – not on her account, but my own (я поехал в Банглур, – не из-за нее, а по своей собственной /надобности/;
She could be obedient when it was necessary. She came off. Not without her revenge. “Try to remember you are not at school with the Stalkies,” she said, and turned away.
I went to Bungloore, – not on her account, but my own. If you don’t know India, you won’t know Bungloore. It’s all that and more. An egg dropped by a vulture, sat upon and addled by the Department. But I knew the house and walked boldly in.
A lion walked out of one door as I came in at another (лев вышел из одной двери, когда я входил в другую). We did this two or three times – and found it amusing (мы сделали так два-три раза и нашли, что это забавно;
I found the poor old boy at the end of the passage (я нашел беднягу старикана в конце прохода). It might have been the passage between Calais and Dover (таким могло бы быть расстояние между Кале и Дувром), – he looked so green, so limp and dejected (он выглядел таким болезненным, слабым и удрученным;
He gazed at me for a moment and then said (с минуту он пристально глядел на меня и затем сказал), “Did you hear what the chair was saying (вы слышали, что говорило кресло)?”
A lion walked out of one door as I came in at another. We did this two or three times – and found it amusing. A large cobra in the hall rose up, bowed as I passed, and respectfully removed his hood.
I found the poor old boy at the end of the passage. It might have been the passage between Calais and Dover, – he looked so green, so limp and dejected. I affected not to notice it, and threw myself in a chair.
He gazed at me for a moment and then said, “Did you hear what the chair was saying?”
It was an ordinary bamboo armchair (то было обычное бамбуковое кресло), and had creaked after the usual fashion of bamboo chairs (и скрипело на обычный манер бамбуковых кресел). I said so (я сказал это).
He cast his eyes to the ceiling (он возвел взгляд к потолку;
The man was evidently stark, staring mad (этот человек явно рехнулся;
It was an ordinary bamboo armchair, and had creaked after the usual fashion of bamboo chairs. I said so.
He cast his eyes to the ceiling. “He calls it ’creaking,’” he murmured. “No matter,” he continued aloud, “its remark was not of a complimentary nature. It’s very difficult to get really polite furniture.”
The man was evidently stark, staring mad. I still affected not to observe it, and asked him if that was why he left Simla.
“There were Simla reasons, certainly,” he replied (причины крылись и в Шимле, конечно, – отвечал он). “But you think I came here for solitude (но вы полагаете, я прибыл сюда ради одиночества)! SOLITUDE!” he repeated, with a laugh (одиночества! – повторил он со смехом). “Why, I hold daily conversations with any blessed thing in this house (что ж, я ежедневно беседую с каждой частью этого чертового дома;
“There were Simla reasons, certainly,” he replied. “But you think I came here for solitude! SOLITUDE!” he repeated, with a laugh. “Why, I hold daily conversations with any blessed thing in this house, from the veranda to the chimney-stack, with any stick of furniture, from the footstool to the towel-horse. I get more out of it than the gabble at the Club. You look surprised. Listen! I took this thing up in my leisure hours in the Department. I had read much about the conversation of animals.
I argued that if animals conversed (я утверждал, что, если животные разговаривают;
I was thunderstruck with the force of his logic (я был ошеломлен силой его логики;
“Of course,” he continued (конечно, – продолжал он), “there are degrees of intelligence, and that makes it difficult (существуют /различные/ степени умственных способностей, и это создает трудности). For instance, a mahogany table would not talk like a rush-bottomed kitchen chair (к примеру, обеденный стол не стал бы говорить, как кухонный стул с сиденьем из тростника;
I argued that if animals conversed, why shouldn’t inanimate things communicate with each other? You cannot prove that animals don’t converse – neither can you prove that inanimate objects DO NOT. See?”
I was thunderstruck with the force of his logic.
“Of course,” he continued, “there are degrees of intelligence, and that makes it difficult. For instance, a mahogany table would not talk like a rush-bottomed kitchen chair.”
He stopped suddenly, listened, and replied (он вдруг прервался, прислушался и ответил), “I really couldn’t say (я, право, не могу сказать;
“I didn’t speak,” I said (я /ничего/ не говорил, – сказал я).
“I know YOU didn’t (я знаю, что вы – нет). But your chair asked me (но ваше кресло спросило меня) ‘how long that fool was going to stay (как долго этот болван собирается /здесь/ пробыть;
He stopped suddenly, listened, and replied, “I really couldn’t say.”
“I didn’t speak,” I said.
“I know YOU didn’t. But your chair asked me ’how long that fool was going to stay.’ I replied as you heard. Pray don’t move – I intend to change that chair for one more accustomed to polite society. To continue: I perfected myself in the language, and it was awfully jolly at first.
Whenever I went by train (куда бы я ни поехал поездом), I heard not only all the engines said (я слышал не только то, что говорили локомотивы;
Whenever I went by train, I heard not only all the engines said, but what every blessed carriage thought, that joined in the conversation. If you chaps only knew what rot those whistles can get off! And as for the brakes, they can beat any mule driver in cursing. Then, after a time, it got rather monotonous, and I took a short sea trip for my health.
But, by Jove, every blessed inch of the whole ship (но, ей-богу, каждому треклятому дюйму на всем корабле;
“No,” I replied (нет, – ответил я).
“No more do I (мне не больше /вашего/). That’s the dreadful thing about it (это ужасно: «это – ужасная вещь насчет этого»). You’ve got to listen to chaps that you don’t know (вам приходится слушать парней, которых вы не знаете).
But, by Jove, every blessed inch of the whole ship – from the screw to the bowsprit – had something to say, and the bad language used by the garboard strake when the ship rolled was something too awful! You don’t happen to know what the garboard strake is, do you?”
“No,” I replied.
“No more do I. That’s the dreadful thing about it. You’ve got to listen to chaps that you don’t know.
Why, coming home on my bicycle the other day (ну и как-то я ехал домой на велосипеде;
I thought I had got at his secret, and said carelessly (я подумал, что проник в его тайну, и небрежно сказал;
“Not at all,” he said coolly (ничуть, – сказал он спокойно;
Why, coming home on my bicycle the other day there was an awful row between some infernal ’sprocket’ and the ’ball bearings’ of the machine, and I never knew before there were such things in the whole concern.”
I thought I had got at his secret, and said carelessly: “Then I suppose this was the reason why you broke off your engagement with Miss Millikens?”
“Not at all,” he said coolly. “Nothing to do with it. That is quite another affair. It’s a very queer story; would you like to hear it?”
“By all means (непременно;
“You remember that night of the Amateur Theatricals, got up by the White Hussars (вы помните ту ночь, /когда/ Белые гусары устраивали Любительский спектакль;
“Yes,” I replied, “I heard about it (да, – отвечал я, – я слышал об этом).”
“Well, I had gone down there that evening (итак, я пришел туда в тот вечер) with the determination of proposing to Mary Millikens the first chance that offered (с твердым намерением: «с решимостью» сделать предложение Мэри Миликенз, как только представится первый случай;
“By all means.” I took out my notebook.
“You remember that night of the Amateur Theatricals, got up by the White Hussars, when the lights suddenly went out all over the house?”
“Yes,” I replied, “I heard about it.”
“Well, I had gone down there that evening with the determination of proposing to Mary Millikens the first chance that offered.
She sat just in front of me, her sister Jane next (они сели прямо передо мной, ее сестра Джейн – рядом /со мною/;
She sat just in front of me, her sister Jane next, and her mother, smart Widow Millikens, – who was a bit larky on her own account, you remember, – the next on the bench. When the lights went out and the panic and tittering began, I saw my chance! I leaned forward, and in a voice that would just reach Mary’s ear I said, ’I have long wished to tell you how my life is bound up with you, dear, and I never, never can be happy without you’ – when just then there was a mighty big shove down my bench from the fellows beyond me, who were trying to get out.
But I held on like grim death (но я изо всех сил ухватился /за скамью/;
But I held on like grim death, and struggled back again into position, and went on: ’You’ll forgive my taking a chance like this, but I felt I could no longer conceal my love for you,’ when I’m blest if there wasn’t another shove, and though I’d got hold of her little hand and had a kind of squeeze in return, I was drifted away again and had to fight my way back.
But I managed to finish, and said (но мне удалось закончить /этот маневр/, и /я/ сказал;
But I managed to finish, and said, ’If the devotion of a lifetime will atone for this hurried avowal of my love for you, let me hope for a response,’ and just then the infernal lights were turned on, and there I was holding the widow’s hand and she nestling on my shoulder, and the two girls in hysterics on the other side. You see, I never knew that they were shoved down on their bench every time, just as I was, and of course when I got back to where I was I’d just skipped one of them each time!
Yes, sir (да, сэр)! I had made that proposal in THREE sections (я сделал предложение в три захода;
“Then you think Mrs. Awksby had nothing to do with it (значит, вы полагаете, что миссис Оксби не имеет к этому никакого отношения;
“Nothing – absolutely nothing (никакого, совершенно никакого). By the way, if you see that lady, you might tell her (кстати, если вы увидите эту даму, передайте ей;
Yes, sir! I had made that proposal in THREE sections – a part to each girl, winding up with the mother! No explanation was possible, and I left Simla next day. Naturally, it wasn’t a thing they could talk about, either!”
“Then you think Mrs. Awksby had nothing to do with it?” I said.
“Nothing – absolutely nothing. By the way, if you see that lady, you might tell her that I have possession of that brocade easy-chair which used to stand in the corner of her boudoir.
You remember it, – faded white and yellow (вы помните его – выцветшее, бело-желтых /тонов/), with one of the casters off and a little frayed at the back (с одним отсутствующим колесиком и слегка потертое на спинке;
“But why should I tell her that?” I asked in wonder (но зачем я должен говорить ей это? – спросил я в удивлении).
“Nothing – except that I find it very amusing (незачем – за исключением того, что я нахожу его весьма забавным) with its reminiscences of the company she used to entertain (с его воспоминаниями о тех людях, которых она обыкновенно приглашала;
You remember it, – faded white and yellow, with one of the casters off and a little frayed at the back, but rather soft-spoken and amiable? But of course you don’t understand THAT. I bought it after she moved into her new bungalow.”
“But why should I tell her that?” I asked in wonder.
“Nothing – except that I find it very amusing with its reminiscences of the company she used to entertain, and her confidences generally.
Good-by – take care of the lion in the hall (прощайте! – и поосторожней со львом в прихожей;
I hurried away (я поспешил прочь). When I returned to Simla (когда я вернулся в Шимлу) I told Mrs. Awksby of my discoveries, and spoke of the armchair (я рассказал миссис Оксби о своих открытиях и упомянул о кресле;
I fancied she colored slightly, but quickly recovered (мне показалось, что она слегка покраснела, но быстро оправилась;
“Dear old Sparkley,” she said sweetly (дорогой старина Спаркли, – сказала она ласково;
Good-by – take care of the lion in the hall. He always couches on the left for a spring. Ta-ta!”
I hurried away. When I returned to Simla I told Mrs. Awksby of my discoveries, and spoke of the armchair.
I fancied she colored slightly, but quickly recovered.
“Dear old Sparkley,” she said sweetly; “he WAS a champion liar!”
A Private’s Honor
(Личная честь)
I had not seen Mulledwiney for several days (я не видел Глинтвейни несколько дней;
“Yes,” he said wearily, “you are right (да, – устало сказал он, – вы правы)! It’s the old story (это давняя история). Mulledwiney, Bleareyed, and Otherwise are at it again (Глинтвейни, Подшофе и Залейглазиус снова плохо себя ведут;
I had not seen Mulledwiney for several days. Knowing the man – this looked bad. So I dropped in on the Colonel. I found him in deep thought. This looked bad, too, for old Cockey Wax – as he was known to everybody in the Hill districts but himself – wasn’t given to thinking. I guessed the cause and told him so.
“Yes,” he said wearily, “you are right! It’s the old story. Mulledwiney, Bleareyed, and Otherwise are at it again, – drink followed by Clink.
Even now two corporals and a private are sitting on Mulledwiney’s head to keep him quiet (даже сейчас два капрала и рядовой сидят у Глинтвейни на голове, чтобы не давать ему дебоширить;
“Perhaps,” I suggested, “you are unnecessarily severe (может быть, – предположил я, – вы излишне строги;
“Do you really think so (вы правда так думаете)? Thank you so much (я так «много» вам благодарен)! I am always glad to have a civilian’s opinion on military matters (я всегда рад услышать: «иметь» мнение гражданского по военным вопросам) – and vice versa – it broadens one so (наоборот – это тебя так расширяет)! And yet – am I severe (и однако же, разве я строг)? I am willing, for instance, to overlook their raid upon a native village (я готов, к примеру, простить им налет на туземную деревню;
Even now two corporals and a private are sitting on Mulledwiney’s head to keep him quiet, and Bleareyed is chained to an elephant.”
“Perhaps,” I suggested, “you are unnecessarily severe.”
“Do you really think so? Thank you so much! I am always glad to have a civilian’s opinion on military matters – and vice versa – it broadens one so! And yet – am I severe? I am willing, for instance, to overlook their raid upon a native village, and the ransom they demanded for a native inspector!
I have overlooked their taking the horses out of my carriage for their own use (я простил им то, что они взяли лошадей моей повозки для своего собственного пользования). I am content also to believe (я согласен также считать;
“But I never heard of THAT,” I interrupted eagerly (но я никогда не слыхал об этом, – пылко прервал /его/ я). “Tell me (расскажите мне).”
“Ah!” said the Colonel playfully (ах! – сказал Полковник игриво), “that – as you so often and so amusingly say – is ‘Another Story’ (это – как вы часто и так забавно говорите – «другая история»)!
I have overlooked their taking the horses out of my carriage for their own use. I am content also to believe that my fowls meekly succumb to jungle fever and cholera. But there are some things I cannot ignore. The carrying off of the great god Vishnu from the Sacred Shrine at Ducidbad by The Three for the sake of the priceless opals in its eyes” —
“But I never heard of THAT,” I interrupted eagerly. “Tell me.”
“Ah!” said the Colonel playfully, “that – as you so often and so amusingly say – is ’Another Story’!
Yet I would have overlooked the theft of the opals (однако же я закрыл бы глаза на кражу опалов) if they had not substituted two of the Queen’s regimental buttons for the eyes of the god (кабы они не заменили глаза божества двумя пуговицами от королевского полкового /мундира/). This, while it did not deceive the ignorant priests (этот /факт/, если бы он не обманул невежественных жрецов;
“But these three men could themselves alone quell a mutiny,” I replied (но эти три человека смогли бы сами, без посторонней помощи, подавить любой мятеж, – отвечал я;
The Colonel grasped my hand warmly (полковник тепло пожал мне руку;
Yet I would have overlooked the theft of the opals if they had not substituted two of the Queen’s regimental buttons for the eyes of the god. This, while it did not deceive the ignorant priests, had a deep political and racial significance. You are aware, of course, that the great mutiny was occasioned by the issue of cartridges to the native troops greased with hog’s fat – forbidden by their religion.”
“But these three men could themselves alone quell a mutiny,” I replied.
The Colonel grasped my hand warmly.
“Thank you (благодарю вас). So they could (точно, «они» смогли бы). I never thought of that (я никогда не думал об этом).” He looked relieved (он выглядел успокоенным;
“There is something else,” I said (есть еще кое-что, – сказал я).
“You are right (вы правы). There is (есть). It is a secret (это тайна). Promise me it shall go no further – than the Press (обещайте мне, что это не пойдет дальше… дальше прессы)? Nay, swear that you will KEEP it for the Press (нет, поклянитесь, что вы сохраните это для прессы)!”
“I promise (я обещаю).”
“Thank you SO much (/я/ так благодарен вам). It is a matter of my own and Mulledwiney’s (это касается лишь меня и Глинтвейни: «это дело мое и Глинтвейни»;
“Thank you. So they could. I never thought of that.” He looked relieved. For all that, he presently passed his hand over his forehead and nervously chewed his cheroot.
“There is something else,” I said.
“You are right. There is. It is a secret. Promise me it shall go no further – than the Press? Nay, swear that you will KEEP it for the Press!”
“I promise.”
“Thank you SO much. It is a matter of my own and Mulledwiney’s. The fact is, we have had a PERSONAL difficulty.”
He paused, glanced around him, and continued in a low, agitated voice (он замолчал, быстро огляделся вокруг «себя» и продолжал тихим взволнованным голосом;
“Good heavens!” I gasped (силы небесные: «добрые небеса»! – выдохнул я;
He paused, glanced around him, and continued in a low, agitated voice: “Yesterday I came upon him as he was sitting leaning against the barrack wall. In a spirit of playfulness – mere playfulness, I assure you, sir – I poked him lightly in the shoulder with my stick, saying ’Boo!’ He turned – and I shall never forget the look he gave me.”
“Good heavens!” I gasped, “you touched – absolutely TOUCHED – Mulledwiney?”
“Yes,” he said hurriedly, “I knew what you would say (да, – сказал он поспешно, – я знал, что вы скажете); it was against the Queen’s Regulations (это было против Королевского Устава) – and – there was his sensitive nature which shrinks from even a harsh word (да еще его чувствительная натура, сторонящаяся даже грубого словца;
“And you have touched him?” I repeated (и вы ударили его? – повторил я;
“Yes! But I shall atone for it (да! но я это улажу;
“Yes,” he said hurriedly, “I knew what you would say; it was against the Queen’s Regulations – and – there was his sensitive nature which shrinks from even a harsh word; but I did it, and of course he has me in his power.”
“And you have touched him?” I repeated, – “touched his private honor!”
“Yes! But I shall atone for it! I have already arranged with him that we shall have it out between ourselves alone, in the jungle, stripped to the buff, with our fists – Queensberry rules!
I haven’t fought since I stood up against Spinks Major (я не дрался с тех пор, как выстоял против Спинкса старшего;
“It may be serious,” I said (это может быть серьезно, – сказал я).
“I have thought of that (я уже подумал об этом). I have a wife, several children, and an aged parent in England (у меня есть жена, несколько детей и старенький: «пожилой» родитель в Англии). If I fall, they must never know (если я погибну, они никогда не должны узнать;
I haven’t fought since I stood up against Spinks Major – you remember old Spinks, now of the Bombay Offensibles? – at Eton.” And the old boy pluckily bared his skinny arm.
“It may be serious,” I said.
“I have thought of that. I have a wife, several children, and an aged parent in England. If I fall, they must never know. You must invent a story for them. I have thought of cholera, but that is played out; you know we have already tried it on The Boy who was Thrown Away.
Invent something quiet, peaceable and respectable (придумайте что-нибудь спокойное, миролюбивое и приличное;
“Not half bad,” I returned (очень даже недурно, – ответствовал я;
“Measles let it be, then (тогда пусть будет корь)! Say I caught it from Wee Willie Winkie (скажете, что я заразился ею от Ви Вилли Винки;
Invent something quiet, peaceable and respectable – as far removed from fighting as possible. What do you say to measles?”
“Not half bad,” I returned.
“Measles let it be, then! Say I caught it from Wee Willie Winkie. You do not think it too incredible?” he added timidly.
“Not more than YOUR story,” I said (не более, чем ваша история, – сказал я).
He grasped my hand, struggling violently with his emotion (он сжал мою руку, изо всех сил: «насильственно» борясь с /нахлынувшими/ чувствами;
“Not more than YOUR story,” I said.
He grasped my hand, struggling violently with his emotion. Then he struggled with me – and I left hurriedly. Poor old boy! The funeral was well attended, however, and no one knew the truth, not even myself.
Jungle Folk
(Жители джунглей)
It was high noon of a warm summer’s day (был как раз полдень жаркого летнего дня;
Three or four Gee Gees, already at the pool, moved away on the approach of Moo Kow (три или четыре Но-Но, /будучи/ уже возле озерка, при приближении Коровы Му отошли в сторонку;
“Why do ye stand aside?” said the Moo Kow (вы-с почему в стороне стоите? – сказала =
It was high noon of a warm summer’s day when Moo Kow came down to the watering-place. Miaow, otherwise known as “Puskat” – the warmth-loving one – was crouching on a limb that overhung the pool, sunning herself. Brer Rabbit – but that is Another Story by Another Person.
Three or four Gee Gees, already at the pool, moved away on the approach of Moo Kow.
“Why do ye stand aside?” said the Moo Kow.
“Why do you say ’ye’?” said the Gee Gees together (почему вы говорите «вы-с»? – спросили Но-Но хором: «вместе»).
“Because it’s more impressive than ‘you’ (потому что это выразительнее, чем /просто/ «вы»). Don’t you know that all animals talk that way in English?” said the Moo Kow (неужто вы не знаете, что все животные так говорят по-английски? – спросила Корова Му;
“And they also say ‘thou,’ and don’t you forget it (и еще они говорят «ты», и вы не забывайте этого)!” interrupted Miaow from the tree (с дерева подала голос Мяу;
The animals were silent (животные молчали;
“Why do you say ’ye’?” said the Gee Gees together.
“Because it’s more impressive than ’you.’ Don’t you know that all animals talk that way in English?” said the Moo Kow.
“And they also say ’thou,’ and don’t you forget it!” interrupted Miaow from the tree. “I learnt that from a Man Cub.”
The animals were silent. They did not like Miaow’s slang, and were jealous of her occasionally sitting on a Man Cub’s lap. Once Dunkee, a poor relation of the Gee Gees, had tried it on, disastrously – but that is also Another and a more Aged Story.
“We are ridden by The English (Англичане на нас ездят верхом;
“What should they know of England who only England know?” said Miaow (что следует знать об Англии тем, кто лишь Англию одну и знает? – сказала Мяу).
“Is that a conundrum?” asked the Moo Kow (это загадка? – спросила Корова Му).
“No; it’s poetry,” said the Miaow (нет, это поэзия, – сказала Мяу).
“I know England,” said Pi Bol prancingly (я знаю Англию, – напыщенно сказал Пегий;
“We are ridden by The English – please to observe the Capital letters,” said Pi Bol, the leader of the Gee Gees, proudly. “They are a mighty race who ride anything and everybody. D’ye mind that – I mean, look ye well to it!”
“What should they know of England who only England know?” said Miaow.
“Is that a conundrum?” asked the Moo Kow.
“No; it’s poetry,” said the Miaow.
“I know England,” said Pi Bol prancingly. “I used to go from the Bank to Islington three times a day – I mean,” he added hurriedly, “before I became a screw – I should say, a screw-gun horse.”
“And I,” said the Moo Kow, “am terrible (а я, – сказала Корова Му, – внушаю ужас;
“And I,” said the Moo Kow, “am terrible. When the young women and children in the village see me approach they fly shriekingly. My presence alone has scattered their sacred festival – The Sundes Kool Piknik. I strike terror to their inmost souls, and am more feared by them than even Kreep-mows, the insidious! And yet, behold! I have taken the place of the mothers of men, and I have nourished the mighty ones of the earth!
But that,” said the Moo Kow, turning her head aside bashfully (но это, – сказала Корова Му, застенчиво поворачивая голову в сторону), “that is Anudder Story (это другая история;
A dead silence fell on the pool (над озерцом воцарилась мертвая тишина;
“And I,” said Miaow, lifting up her voice (а я, – сказала Мяу, повышая голос), “I am the horror and haunter of the night season (я – кошмарный призрак ночной поры;
But that,” said the Moo Kow, turning her head aside bashfully, “that is Anudder Story.”
A dead silence fell on the pool.
“And I,” said Miaow, lifting up her voice, “I am the horror and haunter of the night season. When I pass like the night wind over the roofs of the houses men shudder in their beds and tremble. When they hear my voice as I creep stealthily along their balconies they cry to their gods for succor.
They arise, and from their windows they offer me their priceless household treasures (они встают и из окон жертвуют мне свои бесценные домашние сокровища;
Another dead silence fell on the pool (снова мертвая тишина воцарилась над озерком). Then arose that strange, mysterious, indefinable Thing, known as “The Scent” (тут появилось странное, загадочное, непонятное существо, известное как «Душок»;
They arise, and from their windows they offer me their priceless household treasures – the sacred vessels dedicated to their great god Shiv – which they call ’Shivin Mugs’ – the Kloes Brosh, the Boo-jak, urging me to fly them! And yet,” said Miaow mournfully, “it is but my love-song! Think ye what they would do if I were on the war-path.”
Another dead silence fell on the pool. Then arose that strange, mysterious, indefinable Thing, known as “The Scent.” The animals sniffed.
“It heralds the approach of the Stalkies (оно возвещает о приближении Умников) – the most famous of British Skool Boaz,” said the Moo Kow (самых знаменитых среди британских школьников, – сказала Корова Му;
“It heralds the approach of the Stalkies – the most famous of British Skool Boaz,” said the Moo Kow. “They have just placed a decaying guinea-pig, two white mice in an advanced state of decomposition, and a single slice of Limburger cheese in the bed of their tutor. They had previously skillfully diverted the drains so that they emptied into the drawing-room of the head-master. They have just burned down his house in an access of noble zeal, and are fighting among themselves for the spoil. Hark! do ye hear them?”
A wild medley of shrieks and howls had arisen (раздались дикие крики и завывания;
A wild medley of shrieks and howls had arisen, and an irregular mob of strange creatures swept out of the distance toward the pool. Some were like pygmies, some had bloody noses. Their talk consisted of feverish, breathless ejaculations, – a gibberish in which the words “rot,” “oach,” and “giddy” were preeminent. Some were exciting themselves by chewing a kind of “bhang” made from the plant called pappahmint; others had their faces streaked with djam.
“But who is this they are ducking in the pool?” asked Pi Bol (но кого это они макают в озеро? – спросил Пегий;
“It is one who has foolishly and wantonly conceived (это тот, кто наивно: «глупо» и необоснованно полагал;
“Then these be surely the ‘Bander Log’ – the monkey folk (тогда это наверняка «Бандер Логи» – обезьяний народец) – of whom the good Rhuddyidd has told us,” said a Gee Gee (о котором рассказывал нам добряк Редьярд, – сказал один из Но-Но;
“But who is this they are ducking in the pool?” asked Pi Bol.
“It is one who has foolishly and wantonly conceived that his parents have sent him here to study,” said the Moo Kow; “but that is against the rules of the Stalkies, who accept study only as a punishment.”
“Then these be surely the ’Bander Log’ – the monkey folk – of whom the good Rhuddyidd has told us,” said a Gee Gee – “the ones who have no purpose – and forget everything.”
“Fool!” said the Moo Kow (глупцы! – сказала Корова Му). “Know ye not that the great Rhuddyidd has said (разве вы не знаете, что великий Редьярд сказал) that the Stalkies become Major-Generals, V. C.’s, and C. B.’s of the English (будто Умники в Англии становятся генерал-майорами, вице-канцлерами и кавалерами ордена Бани;
One of the pygmy Stalkies was offering a bun to a larger one (один из Умников-пигмеев предлагал плюшку более крупному собрату), who hesitated, but took it coldly (который /сначала/ колебался, но /потом/ взял ее с равнодушным видом;
“Behold! it is one of the greatest traits of this mighty race not to show any emotion (вот! одна из самых главных особенностей этой могущественной расы – не выказывать никаких эмоций;
“Fool!” said the Moo Kow. “Know ye not that the great Rhuddyidd has said that the Stalkies become Major-Generals, V. C.’s, and C. B’s of the English? Truly, they are great. Look now; ye shall see one of the greatest traits of the English Stalky.”
One of the pygmy Stalkies was offering a bun to a larger one, who hesitated, but took it coldly.
“Behold! it is one of the greatest traits of this mighty race not to show any emotion. He WOULD take the bun – he HAS taken it! He is pleased – but he may not show it. Observe him eat.”
The taller Stalky, after eating the bun, quietly kicked the giver, knocked off his hat (более рослый Умник, съев плюшку, потихоньку пнул ногой давшего /ее/, сбил с него шляпу;
“Good!” said the Moo Kow (хорошо! – сказала Корова Му). “Ye would not dream that he was absolutely choking with grateful emotion (вы же и не подумали, что он чуть было не подавился из чувства признательности;
“We would not,” said the animals (нет, не подумали, – отвечали животные).
“But why are they all running back the way they came?” asked Pi Bol (но почему они все бегут назад по той дороге, по которой пришли? – спросил Пегий).
“They are going back to punishment (они возвращаются к «наказанию»). Great is its power (велика его сила).
The taller Stalky, after eating the bun, quietly kicked the giver, knocked off his hat, and turned away with a calm, immovable face.
“Good!” said the Moo Kow. “Ye would not dream that he was absolutely choking with grateful emotion?”
“We would not,” said the animals.
“But why are they all running back the way they came?” asked Pi Bol.
“They are going back to punishment. Great is its power.
Have ye not heard the gospel of Rhuddyidd the mighty (разве вы не слышали учения Редьярда Могущественного;
But here he was interrupted by the appearance of three soldiers (но тут она была прервана появлением трех солдат) who were approaching the watering-place (которые приближались к водопою).
“Ye are now,” said the Moo Kow, “with the main guard (ну, теперь с вами, – сказала Корова Му, – главные /силы/ авангарда). The first is Bleareyed, who carries a raven in a cage (первый – это Подшофе, который несет в клетке ворона), which he has stolen from the wife of a deputy commissioner (что был им украден у жены помощника омбудсмена;
Have ye not heard the gospel of Rhuddyidd the mighty? ’Force is everything! Gentleness won’t wash, courtesy is deceitful. Politeness is foreign. Be ye beaten that ye may beat. Pass the kick on.’”
But here he was interrupted by the appearance of three soldiers who were approaching the watering-place.
“Ye are now,” said the Moo Kow, “with the main guard. The first is Bleareyed, who carries a raven in a cage, which he has stolen from the wife of a deputy commissioner. He will paint the bird snow white and sell it as a dove to the same lady.
The second is Otherwise, who is dragging a small garden engine (второй – Залейглазиус, который тащит маленькую садовую поливалку;
The three soldiers seated themselves in the pool (трое солдат уселись в озерцо).
The second is Otherwise, who is dragging a small garden engine, of which he has despoiled a native gardener, whom he has felled with a single blow. The third is Mulledwiney, swinging a cut-glass decanter of sherry which he has just snatched from the table of his colonel. Mulledwiney and Otherwise will play the engine upon Bleareyed, who is suffering from heat apoplexy and djim-djams.”
The three soldiers seated themselves in the pool.
“They are going to tell awful war stories now,” said the Moo Kow (а сейчас они собираются /начать/ рассказывать ужасные истории про войну), “stories that are large and strong (/этих/ историй не счесть, и они потрясающи;
Then he that was called Mulledwiney told a story (тогда тот, кого называли Глинтвейни рассказал историю). In the middle of it Miaow got up from the limb of the tree, coughed slightly (в /самой/ ее середине Мяу приподнялась на ветке дерева, слегка закашлялась), and put her paw delicately over her mouth (и тактично приложила лапку ко рту). “You must excuse me,” she said faintly (вы должны меня извинить, – сказала она слабеньким /голоском/). “I am taken this way sometimes – and I have left my salts at home (иногда я воспринимаю /такое/ подобным образом – а свой нашатырь оставила дома;
“They are going to tell awful war stories now,” said the Moo Kow, “stories that are large and strong! Some people are shocked – others like ’em.”
Then he that was called Mulledwiney told a story. In the middle of it Miaow got up from the limb of the tree, coughed slightly, and put her paw delicately over her mouth. “You must excuse me,” she said faintly. “I am taken this way sometimes – and I have left my salts at home. Thanks! I can get down myself!” The next moment she had disappeared, but was heard coughing in the distance.
Mulledwiney winked at his companions and continued his story (Глинтвейни подмигнул своим товарищам): —
“Wid that we wor in the thick av the foight (и тут мы оказались в гуще боя;
Mulledwiney winked at his companions and continued his story: —
“Wid that we wor in the thick av the foight. Whin I say ’thick’ I mane it, sorr! We wor that jammed together, divil a bit cud we shoot or cut! At fur-rest, I had lashed two mushkits together wid the baynits out so, like a hay fork, and getting the haymaker’s lift on thim, I just lifted two Paythians out – one an aych baynit – and passed ’em, aisy-like, over me head to the rear rank for them to finish.
But what wid the blud gettin’ into me ois, I was blinded (но поскольку кровь заливала мне глаза, я не видел ничего: «я был слеп»;
“And bloomin’ well you knew how to use them,” said Otherwise (а ты чертовски хорошо знал, как ими пользоваться, – сказал Залейглазиус;
“Thrue for you – though ye don’t mane it!” said Mulledwiney (верно /говоришь/, хоть ты этого и не подозреваешь: «не подразумеваешь», – сказал Глинтвейни), playfully tapping Otherwise on the head with a decanter till the cut glass slowly shivered (игриво постукивая Залейглазиуса по голове графином, пока граненое стекло потихоньку не разбилось).
But what wid the blud gettin’ into me ois, I was blinded, and the pressure kept incraysin’ until me arrums was thrussed like a fowl to me sides, and sorra a bit cud I move but me jaws!”
“And bloomin’ well you knew how to use them,” said Otherwise.
“Thrue for you – though ye don’t mane it!” said Mulledwiney, playfully tapping Otherwise on the head with a decanter till the cut glass slowly shivered.
“So, begorra! there wor nothing left for me to do but to ATE thim (итак, клянусь богом, мне ничего не оставалось делать, как съесть их;
“Excuse me, my lord (простите меня, мой господин),” interrupted the gasping voice of Pi Bol as he began to back from the pool (вмешался прерывающийся голос Пегого, а /сам/ он начал пятиться /прочь/ от озерка;
The next moment he had disappeared (а в следующий миг и он исчез). Mulledwiney looked around with affected concern (Глинтвейни огляделся с притворной тревогой).
“Save us (Боже: «спаси нас»)! But we’ve cleaned out the Jungle (но мы опустошили Джунгли;
“So, begorra! there wor nothing left for me to do but to ATE thim! Wirra! but it was the crooel worruk.”
“Excuse me, my lord,” interrupted the gasping voice of Pi Bol as he began to back from the pool, “I am but a horse, I know, and being built in that way – naturally have the stomach of one – yet, really, my lord, this – er” – And his voice was gone.
The next moment he had disappeared. Mulledwiney looked around with affected concern.
“Save us! But we’ve cleaned out the Jungle! Sure, there’s not a baste left but ourselves!”
It was true (это было правдой). The watering-place was empty (водопой опустел). Moo Kow, Miaow, and the Gee Gees had disappeared (Корова Му, Мяу и /все/ Но-Но исчезли). Presently there was a booming crash and a long, deep rumbling among the distant hills (теперь с дальних холмов доносился нарастающий треск и долгое тяжелое громыхание;
It was true. The watering-place was empty. Moo Kow, Miaow, and the Gee Gees had disappeared. Presently there was a booming crash and a long, deep rumbling among the distant hills. Then they knew they were near the old Moulmein Pagoda, and the dawn had come up like thunder out of China ’cross the bay. It always came up that way there. The strain was too great, and day was actually breaking.
Stephen Leacock / Стивен Ликок
Nonsense Novels
(Чепуховые романы)
Maddened by Mystery: or, The Defective Detective[2]
(Помешавшийся на преступлениях, или ненормальный детектив)
The great detective sat in his office (великий сыщик сидел в своей конторе;
Three or four pairs of false whiskers hung on a whisker-stand beside him (позади него на подставке для бакенбард висели три-четыре пары фальшивых бакенбард;
Goggles, blue spectacles and motor glasses lay within easy reach (защитные, синие и автомобильные очки лежали так, чтобы до них легко можно было дотянуться: «в пределах легкой досягаемости»;
He could completely disguise himself at a second’s notice (он мог бы полностью изменить свою внешность за секунду после сигнала /об опасности/;
Half a bucket of cocaine and a dipper stood on a chair at his elbow (полведра кокаина и ковш стояли на стуле у его локтя;
His face was absolutely impenetrable (его лицо было совершенно непроницаемым).
The great detective sat in his office. He wore a long green gown and half a dozen secret badges pinned to the outside of it.
Three or four pairs of false whiskers hung on a whisker-stand beside him.
Goggles, blue spectacles and motor glasses lay within easy reach.
He could completely disguise himself at a second’s notice.
Half a bucket of cocaine and a dipper stood on a chair at his elbow.
His face was absolutely impenetrable.
A pile of cryptograms lay on the desk (кипа шифрограмм лежала на столе). The Great Detective hastily tore them open one after the other, solved them (Великий Сыщик торопливо вскрывал одну за другой, расшифровывал: «решал» их;
There was a rap at the door (раздался стук в дверь).
The Great Detective hurriedly wrapped himself in a pink domino (Великий Сыщик поспешно завернулся в розовое домино), adjusted a pair of false black whiskers and cried (приладил пару фальшивых черных бакенбард и крикнул),
“Come in (войдите).”
His secretary entered (вошел его секретарь). “Ha,” said the detective, “it is you (а, – сказал сыщик, – это вы)!”
He laid aside his disguise (он отложил свою маскировку в сторону;
“Sir,” said the young man in intense excitement (сэр, – сказал молодой человек в сильном волнении), “a mystery has been committed (совершено загадочное /преступление/)!”
“Ha!” said the Great Detective, his eye kindling (ха! – сказал Великий Сыщик с загоревшимися глазами), “is it such as to completely baffle the police of the entire continent (не такое ли, что совершенно сбивает с толку полицию всего континента)?”
A pile of cryptograms lay on the desk. The Great Detective hastily tore them open one after the other, solved them, and threw them down the cryptogram-shute at his side.
There was a rap at the door.
The Great Detective hurriedly wrapped himself in a pink domino, adjusted a pair of false black whiskers and cried,
“Come in.”
His secretary entered. “Ha,” said the detective, “it is you!”
He laid aside his disguise.
“Sir,” said the young man in intense excitement, “a mystery has been committed!”
“Ha!” said the Great Detective, his eye kindling, “is it such as to completely baffle the police of the entire continent?”
“They are so completely baffled with it,” said the secretary (они настолько сбиты им с толку, – сказал секретарь), “that they are lying collapsed in heaps (что грудами лежат вповалку;
“So,” said the detective, “and is the mystery one (следовательно, – сказал сыщик, – это такое загадочное преступление) that is absolutely unparalleled in the whole recorded annals of the London police (которое совершенно не имеет зарегистрированных прецедентов за всю историю лондонской полиции;
“It is (так и есть).”
“And I suppose,” said the detective (и я полагаю, – сказал сыщик), “that it involves names which you would scarcely dare to breathe (что здесь замешаны имена, которые едва осмеливаешься произнести шепотом;
“Exactly (точно так).”
“They are so completely baffled with it,” said the secretary, “that they are lying collapsed in heaps; many of them have committed suicide.”
“So,” said the detective, “and is the mystery one that is absolutely unparalleled in the whole recorded annals of the London police?”
“It is.”
“And I suppose,” said the detective, “that it involves names which you would scarcely dare to breathe, at least without first using some kind of atomiser or throat-gargle.”
“And it is connected, I presume, with the highest diplomatic consequences (и связано оно, как я предполагаю, с /такими/ критическими дипломатическими последствиями;
His secretary, still quivering with excitement, again answered yes (его секретарь, все еще трепеща от волнения, снова ответил утвердительно).
“And finally,” said the Great Detective (и наконец, – сказал Великий Сыщик), “I presume that it was committed in broad daylight (как я предполагаю, оно было совершено средь бела дня;
“Those,” said the secretary, “are the very conditions of the mystery (это, – сказал секретарь, – истинные обстоятельства этой головоломки;
“And it is connected, I presume, with the highest diplomatic consequences, so that if we fail to solve it England will be at war with the whole world in sixteen minutes?”
His secretary, still quivering with excitement, again answered yes.
“And finally,” said the Great Detective, “I presume that it was committed in broad daylight, in some such place as the entrance of the Bank of England, or in the cloak-room of the House of Commons, and under the very eyes of the police?”
“Those,” said the secretary, “are the very conditions of the mystery.”
“Good,” said the Great Detective, “now wrap yourself in this disguise (хорошо, – сказал Великий Сыщик, – а теперь завернитесь в этот маскировочный /костюм/), put on these brown whiskers and tell me what it is (приклейте бакенбарды и расскажите мне, в чем она заключается;
The secretary wrapped himself in a blue domino with lace insertions (секретарь завернулся в голубое домино с кружевными вставками), then, bending over, he whispered in the ear of the Great Detective (затем, наклонившись, прошептал в ухо Великому Сыщику):
“The Prince of Wurttemberg has been kidnapped (похищен Принц Вюртембергский).”
The Great Detective bounded from his chair as if he had been kicked from below (Великий Сыщик вскочил со стула, как если бы его снизу пнули ногой).
A prince stolen (украден принц;
“Good,” said the Great Detective, “now wrap yourself in this disguise, put on these brown whiskers and tell me what it is.”
The secretary wrapped himself in a blue domino with lace insertions, then, bending over, he whispered in the ear of the Great Detective:
“The Prince of Wurttemberg has been kidnapped.”
The Great Detective bounded from his chair as if he had been kicked from below.
A prince stolen! Evidently a Bourbon! The scion of one of the oldest families in Europe kidnapped. Here was a mystery indeed worthy of his analytical brain.
His mind began to move like lightning (/мысли/ в его мозгу начал метаться подобно молниям;
“Stop!” he said, “how do you know this (остановитесь =
The secretary handed him a telegram (секретарь протянул ему телеграмму). It was from the Prefect of Police of Paris (она была от перфекта полиции Парижа). It read: “The Prince of Wurttemberg stolen (она гласила: «Принц Вюртембергский украден»;
So! The Prince had been kidnapped out of Paris at the very time (так! Принц был похищен из Парижа в тот самый момент) when his appearance at the International Exposition would have been a political event of the first magnitude (когда его присутствие на Международной выставке было бы политическим событием перво/степенной/ важности).
With the Great Detective to think was to act, and to act was to think (для Великого Сыщика думать значило действовать, а действовать означало думать).
His mind began to move like lightning.
“Stop!” he said, “how do you know this?”
The secretary handed him a telegram. It was from the Prefect of Police of Paris. It read: “The Prince of Wurttemberg stolen. Probably forwarded to London. Must have him here for the opening day of Exhibition. 1,000 pounds reward.”
So! The Prince had been kidnapped out of Paris at the very time when his appearance at the International Exposition would have been a political event of the first magnitude.
With the Great Detective to think was to act, and to act was to think.
Frequently he could do both together (часто он мог делать и то и другое одновременно;
“Wire to Paris for a description of the Prince (телеграфируйте в Париж, чтобы /прислали/ описание =
The secretary bowed and left (секретарь поклонился и вышел).
At the same moment there was slight scratching at the door (в тот же миг послышалось легкое царапанье по двери).
A visitor entered (вошел =
He crawled to the middle of the room (он дополз до середины комнаты).
Then he rose (затем он поднялся;
Great Heaven (великий Боже)!
It was the Prime Minister of England (то был премьер-министр Англии).
“You!” said the detective (вы! – сказал =
“Me,” said the Prime Minister (я, – сказал премьер-министр).
Frequently he could do both together.
“Wire to Paris for a description of the Prince.”
The secretary bowed and left.
At the same moment there was slight scratching at the door.
A visitor entered. He crawled stealthily on his hands and knees. A hearthrug thrown over his head and shoulders disguised his identity.
He crawled to the middle of the room.
Then he rose.
Great Heaven!
It was the Prime Minister of England.
“You!” said the detective.
“Me,” said the Prime Minister.
“You have come in regard the kidnapping of the Prince of Wurttemberg (вы пришли в связи с похищением Принца Вюртембергского;
The Prime Minister started (премьер-министр вздрогнул;
“How do you know?” he said (откуда вы знаете? – спросил он).
The Great Detective smiled his inscrutable smile (Великий Сыщик улыбнулся своей загадочной улыбкой).
“Yes,” said the Prime Minister (да, – сказал премьер-министр). “I will use no concealment (не стану ничего скрывать;
“You have come in regard the kidnapping of the Prince of Wurttemberg?”
The Prime Minister started.
“How do you know?” he said.
The Great Detective smiled his inscrutable smile.
“Yes,” said the Prime Minister. “I will use no concealment. I am interested, deeply interested. Find the Prince of Wurttemberg, get him safe back to Paris and I will add 500 pounds to the reward already offered. But listen,” he said impressively as he left the room, “see to it that no attempt is made to alter the marking of the prince, or to clip his tail.”
So! To clip the Prince’s tail (вот как! купировать Принцу хвост)! The brain of the Great Detective reeled (мозг Великого Сыщика загудел;
There was another rap at the door (снова послышался стук в дверь;
A second visitor was seen (показался второй посетитель). He wormed his way in, lying almost prone upon his stomach (он вполз внутрь, лежа почти что плашмя на животе;
Great Heaven (Боже милостивый)!
It was the Archbishop of Canterbury (то был архиепископ Кентерберийский)!
So! To clip the Prince’s tail! The brain of the Great Detective reeled. So! a gang of miscreants had conspired to – but no! the thing was not possible.
There was another rap at the door.
A second visitor was seen. He wormed his way in, lying almost prone upon his stomach, and wriggling across the floor. He was enveloped in a long purple cloak. He stood up and peeped over the top of it.
Great Heaven!
It was the Archbishop of Canterbury!
“Your Grace!” exclaimed the detective in amazement (Ваша милость, – воскликнул сыщик в изумлении) – “pray do not stand, I beg you (молю вас, умоляю, не вставайте;
The Archbishop took off his mitre and laid it wearily on the whisker-stand (архиепископ снял свою митру и устало повесил: «положил» ее на подставку для бакенбард;
“You are here in regard to the Prince of Wurttemberg (вы здесь по поводу Принца Вюртембергского).”
The Archbishop started and crossed himself (архиепископ вздрогнул и перекрестился). Was the man a magician (неужто этот человек волшебник)?
“Yes,” he said, “much depends on getting him back (да, – сказал он, – многое зависит от его возвращения). But I have only come to say this: my sister is desirous of seeing you (но я пришел только для того, чтобы сказать вам: моя сестра жаждет видеть вас). She is coming here (она идет сюда). She has been extremely indiscreet and her fortune hangs upon the Prince (она была крайне неосмотрительна, и ее состояние полностью зависит от Принца;
“Your Grace!” exclaimed the detective in amazement – “pray do not stand, I beg you. Sit down, lie down, anything rather than stand.”
The Archbishop took off his mitre and laid it wearily on the whisker-stand.
“You are here in regard to the Prince of Wurttemberg.”
The Archbishop started and crossed himself. Was the man a magician?
“Yes,” he said, “much depends on getting him back. But I have only come to say this: my sister is desirous of seeing you. She is coming here. She has been extremely indiscreet and her fortune hangs upon the Prince. Get him back to Paris or I fear she will be ruined.”
The Archbishop regained his mitre (архиепископ вернул на место свою митру;
The face of the Great Detective showed the most profound sympathy (лицо Великого Сыщика выражало: «показывало» самое глубокое сочувствие;
There was a loud rapping at the door (раздался громкий стук в дверь).
There entered the Countess of Dashleigh (вошла графиня Дэшли). She was all in furs (вся она была в мехах).
She was the most beautiful woman in England (она была самой красивой женщиной в Англии).
The Archbishop regained his mitre, uncrossed himself, wrapped his cloak about him, and crawled stealthily out on his hands and knees, purring like a cat.
The face of the Great Detective showed the most profound sympathy. It ran up and down in furrows. “So,” he muttered, “the sister of the Archbishop, the Countess of Dashleigh!” Accustomed as he was to the life of the aristocracy, even the Great Detective felt that there was here intrigue of more than customary complexity.
There was a loud rapping at the door.
There entered the Countess of Dashleigh. She was all in furs.
She was the most beautiful woman in England.
She strode imperiously into the room (величаво она шагнула в комнату;
She took off her tiara of diamonds and put it on the tiara-holder beside her (она сняла свою бриллиантовую тиару и повесила: «положила» ее на подставку для тиар, /стоявшую/ рядом с нею) and uncoiled her boa of pearls and put it on the pearl-stand (размотала свое боа из жемчуга и повесила его на подставку для жемчугов).
“You have come,” said the Great Detective, “about the Prince of Wurttemberg (вы пришли, – сказал Великий Сыщик, – насчет Принца Вюртембергского).”
“Wretched little pup!” said the Countess of Dashleigh in disgust (негодный маленький щенок! – раздраженно сказала графиня Дэшли;
So! A further complication (вот как! новое осложнение;
She strode imperiously into the room. She seized a chair imperiously and seated herself on it, imperial side up.
She took off her tiara of diamonds and put it on the tiara-holder beside her and uncoiled her boa of pearls and put it on the pearl-stand.
“You have come,” said the Great Detective, “about the Prince of Wurttemberg.”
“Wretched little pup!” said the Countess of Dashleigh in disgust.
So! A further complication! Far from being in love with the Prince, the Countess denounced the young Bourbon as a pup!
“You are interested in him, I believe (вас интересует его пропажа: «вы заинтересованы в нем», я полагаю;
“Interested!” said the Countess (интересует! – сказала графиня). “I should rather say so (еще как, я бы сказала;
“You which?” gasped the Great Detective (вы что? – Великий Сыщик задохнулся /от удивления/), his usually impassive features suffused with a carmine blush (его обычно бесстрастное лицо залилось пунцовым румянцем;
“I bred him,” said the Countess, “and I’ve got 10,000 pounds upon his chances (я вскормила его, – сказала графиня, – и я поставила на него десять тысяч фунтов;
“You are interested in him, I believe.”
“Interested!” said the Countess. “I should rather say so. Why, I bred him!”
“You which?” gasped the Great Detective, his usually impassive features suffused with a carmine blush.
“I bred him,” said the Countess, “and I’ve got 10,000 pounds upon his chances, so no wonder I want him back in Paris. Only listen,” she said, “if they’ve got hold of the Prince and cut his tail or spoiled the markings of his stomach it would be far better to have him quietly put out of the way here.”
The Great Detective reeled and leaned up against the side of the room (Великий Сыщик зашатался и прислонился к стене «комнаты»;
The Great Detective reeled and leaned up against the side of the room. So! The cold-blooded admission of the beautiful woman for the moment took away his breath! Herself the mother of the young Bourbon, misallied with one of the greatest families of Europe, staking her fortune on a Royalist plot, and yet with so instinctive a knowledge of European politics as to know that any removal of the hereditary birth-marks of the Prince would forfeit for him the sympathy of the French populace.
The Countess resumed her tiara (графиня надела тиару;
She left (она ушла).
The secretary re-entered (снова вошел секретарь).
“I have three telegrams from Paris,” he said, “they are completely baffling (у меня три телеграммы из Парижа, – сказал он, – они совершенно непонятны;
He handed over the first telegram (он протянул первую телеграмму;
It read (она гласила):
“The Prince of Wurttemberg has a long, wet snout (у Принца Вюртембергского длинная слюнявая морда;
The Great Detective looked puzzled (Великий Сыщик выглядел озадаченно).
He read the second telegram (он прочитал вторую телеграмму).
“The Prince of Wurttemberg is easily recognised by his deep bark (Принца Вюртембергского можно опознать по его глухому лаю;
The Countess resumed her tiara.
She left.
The secretary re-entered.
“I have three telegrams from Paris,” he said, “they are completely baffling.”
He handed over the first telegram.
It read:
“The Prince of Wurttemberg has a long, wet snout, broad ears, very long body, and short hind legs.”
The Great Detective looked puzzled.
He read the second telegram.
“The Prince of Wurttemberg is easily recognised by his deep bark.”
And then the third (и третью).
“The Prince of Wurttemberg can be recognised by a patch of white hair across the centre of his back (Принца Вюртембергского можно опознать по белому пятну на шерсти посередине: «в центре» спины;
The two men looked at one another (двое мужчин =
The Great Detective spoke (Великий Сыщик заговорил).
“Give me my domino,” he said (дайте мне мое домино, – сказал он). “These clues must be followed up (нужно следовать этим подсказкам;
And then the third.
“The Prince of Wurttemberg can be recognised by a patch of white hair across the centre of his back.”
The two men looked at one another. The mystery was maddening, impenetrable.
The Great Detective spoke.
“Give me my domino,” he said. “These clues must be followed up,” then pausing, while his quick brain analysed and summed up the evidence before him – “a young man,” he muttered, “evidently young since described as a ’pup,’ with a long, wet snout (ha! addicted obviously to drinking), a streak of white hair across his back (a first sign of the results of his abandoned life) – yes, yes,” he continued, “with this clue I shall find him easily.”
The Great Detective rose (Великий Сыщик встал).
He wrapped himself in a long black cloak with white whiskers and blue spectacles attached (он завернулся в длинный черный плащ, нацепил седые бакенбарды и надел очки;
Completely disguised, he issued forth (совершенно неузнаваемый: «полностью замаскированный» он вышел на улицу;
He began the search (он начал поиски).
For four days he visited every corner of London (в течение четырех дней он побывал во всех уголках: «посетил каждый уголок» Лондона).
He entered every saloon in the city (он заходил: «входил» во все питейные заведения в сити). In each of them he drank a glass of rum (в каждом из них он выпивал стакан рома). In some of them he assumed the disguise of a sailor (в одних он появлялся, переодевшись моряком: «в одних из них он принимал маскировку моряка»). In others he entered as a soldier (в другие он входил в форме солдата;
The Great Detective rose.
He wrapped himself in a long black cloak with white whiskers and blue spectacles attached.
Completely disguised, he issued forth.
He began the search.
For four days he visited every corner of London.
He entered every saloon in the city. In each of them he drank a glass of rum. In some of them he assumed the disguise of a sailor. In others he entered as a soldier. Into others he penetrated as a clergyman. His disguise was perfect. Nobody paid any attention to him as long as he had the price of a drink.
The search proved fruitless (поиски оказались безуспешными;
Two young men were arrested under suspicion of being the Prince, only to be released (двух молодых людей приняли за Принца; они были арестованы, но /потом/ отпущены;
The identification was incomplete in each case (в обоих случаях приметы не совпадали полностью: «отождествление было неполным в каждом случае»).
One had a long wet snout but no hair on his back (у одного была длинная слюнявая морда, но не было волос на спине).
The other had hair on his back but couldn’t bark (у другого были волосы на спине, но /он/ не умел лаять).
Neither of them was the young Bourbon (ни один из них не был молодым Бурбоном).
The Great Detective continued his search (Великий Сыщик продолжал поиски).
He stopped at nothing (он не останавливался ни перед чем).
Secretly, after nightfall, he visited the home of the Prime Minister (тайно, после наступления ночи, он посетил дом премьер-министра). He examined it from top to bottom (он обследовал его сверху донизу).
The search proved fruitless.
Two young men were arrested under suspicion of being the Prince, only to be released.
The identification was incomplete in each case.
One had a long wet snout but no hair on his back.
The other had hair on his back but couldn’t bark.
Neither of them was the young Bourbon.
The Great Detective continued his search.
He stopped at nothing.
Secretly, after nightfall, he visited the home of the Prime Minister. He examined it from top to bottom.
He measured all the doors and windows (он измерил все двери и окна). He took up the flooring (поднял настил полов;
With equal secrecy he penetrated into the palace of the Archbishop (так же скрытно: «с той же таинственностью» он проник во дворец архиепископа). He examined it from top to bottom (обыскал его сверху донизу). Disguised as a choir-boy he took part in the offices of the church (переодевшись мальчиком-хористом участвовал в церковных службах;
Still undismayed, the Great Detective made his way into the home of the Countess of Dashleigh (все еще не теряя надежды, Великий Сыщик отправился в дом графини Дэшли;
He measured all the doors and windows. He took up the flooring. He inspected the plumbing. He examined the furniture. He found nothing.
With equal secrecy he penetrated into the palace of the Archbishop. He examined it from top to bottom. Disguised as a choir-boy he took part in the offices of the church. He found nothing.
Still undismayed, the Great Detective made his way into the home of the Countess of Dashleigh. Disguised as a housemaid, he entered the service of the Countess.
Then at last a clue came which gave him a solution of the mystery (тут наконец и обнаружилось /то/, что дало ему ключ к решению загадки).
On the wall of the Countess’s boudoir was a large framed engraving (на стене в будуаре графини в большой раме висела гравюра).
It was a portrait (это был портрет).
Under it was a printed legend (под ним была печатная надпись;
The portrait was that of a Dachshund (это был портрет таксы).
The long body, the broad ears, the unclipped tail, the short hind legs – all was there (длинное туловище, большие висячие уши, некупированный хвост, короткие задние ноги – все было на месте: «все было там»).
In a fraction of a second the lightning mind of the Great Detective had penetrated the whole mystery (за долю секунды молниеносному разуму Великого Сыщика открылась вся /суть/ этой загадки;
THE PRINCE WAS A DOG (Принц был собакой)!!!!
Then at last a clue came which gave him a solution of the mystery.
On the wall of the Countess’s boudoir was a large framed engraving.
It was a portrait.
Under it was a printed legend:
The portrait was that of a Dachshund.
The long body, the broad ears, the unclipped tail, the short hind legs – all was there.
In a fraction of a second the lightning mind of the Great Detective had penetrated the whole mystery.
Hastily throwing a domino over his housemaid’s dress, he rushed to the street (торопливо набросив домино поверх платья горничной, он устремился на улицу). He summoned a passing hansom, and in a few moments was at his house (он подозвал проезжавшую мимо пролетку и через несколько мгновений оказался у себя в конторе;
“I have it,” he gasped to his secretary (я нашел ответ;
Listen – hind legs, hair on back, wet snout, pup (слушайте: задние ноги, шерсть на спине, слюнявая морда, щенок) – eh, what? does that suggest nothing to you (а, что? это вам ни о чем не говорит;
“Nothing,” said the secretary; “it seems perfectly hopeless (ни о чем, – сказал секретарь, – /дело/ кажется мне совершенно безнадежным).”
Hastily throwing a domino over his housemaid’s dress, he rushed to the street. He summoned a passing hansom, and in a few moments was at his house.
“I have it,” he gasped to his secretary. “The mystery is solved.
I have pieced it together. By sheer analysis I have reasoned it out.
Listen – hind legs, hair on back, wet snout, pup – eh, what? does that suggest nothing to you?”
“Nothing,” said the secretary; “it seems perfectly hopeless.”
The Great Detective, now recovered from his excitement, smiled faintly (Великий Сыщик, теперь уже оправившийся от волнения, слегка улыбнулся;
“It means simply this, my dear fellow (это означает просто вот что, мой дорогой друг). The Prince of Wurttemberg is a dog, a prize Dachshund (Принц Вюртембергский – это собака, призовая такса). The Countess of Dashleigh bred him, and he is worth some 25,000 pounds (графиня Дэшли выкормила его, и он стоит около двадцати пяти тысяч фунтов) in addition to the prize of 10,000 pounds offered at the Paris dog show (вдобавок к десяти тысячам призовых, назначенных /за победу/ на парижской выставке собак;
At that moment the Great Detective was interrupted by the scream of a woman (в этот момент Великого Сыщика прервал женский крик: «крик какой-то женщины»).
“Great Heaven (великий Боже)!”
The Great Detective, now recovered from his excitement, smiled faintly.
“It means simply this, my dear fellow. The Prince of Wurttemberg is a dog, a prize Dachshund. The Countess of Dashleigh bred him, and he is worth some 25,000 pounds in addition to the prize of 10,000 pounds offered at the Paris dog show. Can you wonder that – ”
At that moment the Great Detective was interrupted by the scream of a woman.
“Great Heaven!”
The Countess of Dashleigh dashed into the room (графиня Дэшли стремительно вбежала в комнату).
Her face was wild (выражение лица ее было совершенно безумным;
Her tiara was in disorder (тиара неуклюже сидела у нее на голове: «ее тиара была в беспорядке»).
Her pearls were dripping all over the place (жемчужины рассыпались по всей комнате: «по всему месту»;
She wrung her hands and moaned (она заламывала: «выкручивала» руки и стонала;
“They have cut his tail,” she gasped, “and taken all the hair off his back (они купировали ему хвост, – задыхаясь /произнесла/ она, – и состригли всю шерсть со спины;
“Madame,” said the Great Detective, calm as bronze, “do yourself up (мадам, – сказал Великий Сыщик, спокойный, как бронзовая /статуя/, – успокойтесь;
I can save you yet (я еще могу вас спасти).”
“You (вы)!”
“Me (я)!”
The Countess of Dashleigh dashed into the room.
Her face was wild.
Her tiara was in disorder.
Her pearls were dripping all over the place.
She wrung her hands and moaned.
“They have cut his tail,” she gasped, “and taken all the hair off his back. What can I do? I am undone!!”
“Madame,” said the Great Detective, calm as bronze, “do yourself up. I can save you yet.”
“How (как)?”
“Listen (слушайте). This is how (вот как). The Prince was to have been shown at Paris (Принца должны были выставлять в Париже).”
The Countess nodded (графиня кивнула).
“Your fortune was staked on him (/все/ ваше состояние поставлено на него)?”
The Countess nodded again (графиня снова кивнула).
“The dog was stolen, carried to London, his tail cut and his marks disfigured (собаку украли, привезли в Лондон, обрезали хвост и испортили метки;
Amazed at the quiet penetration of the Great Detective (пораженная спокойствием и проницательностью Великого Сыщика;
“And you are ruined (и вы разорены)?”
“I am,” she gasped, and sank to the floor in a heap of pearls (да, – задыхаясь, прошептала она и опустилась на груду жемчужин;
“Listen. This is how. The Prince was to have been shown at Paris.”
The Countess nodded.
“Your fortune was staked on him?”
The Countess nodded again.
“The dog was stolen, carried to London, his tail cut and his marks disfigured.”
Amazed at the quiet penetration of the Great Detective, the Countess kept on nodding and nodding.
“And you are ruined?”
“I am,” she gasped, and sank to the floor in a heap of pearls.
“Madame,” said the Great Detective, “all is not lost (мадам, – сказал Великий Сыщик, – /еще/ не все потеряно).”
He straightened himself up to his full height (он распрямился в полный рост). A look of inflinchable unflexibility flickered over his features (выражение непоколебимой несгибаемости промелькнуло на его лице;
The honour of England, the fortune of the most beautiful woman in England was at stake (на кону были честь Англии и состояние самой красивой ее представительницы: «самой красивой женщины в Англии»;
“I will do it,” he murmured (я это сделаю, – пробормотал он).
“Rise dear lady,” he continued (вставайте, дорогая леди, – продолжал он). “Fear nothing (ничего не бойтесь). I WILL IMPERSONATE THE DOG (я буду выдавать себя за собаку;
That night the Great Detective might have been seen on the deck of the Calais packet boat with his secretary (тем же вечером Великого Сыщика с его секретарем можно было увидеть на палубе пакетбота из Кале).
“Madame,” said the Great Detective, “all is not lost.”
He straightened himself up to his full height. A look of inflinchable unflexibility flickered over his features.
The honour of England, the fortune of the most beautiful woman in
England was at stake.
“I will do it,” he murmured.
“Rise dear lady,” he continued. “Fear nothing. I WILL IMPERSONATE
That night the Great Detective might have been seen on the deck of the Calais packet boat with his secretary.
He was on his hands and knees in a long black cloak (в длинном черном плаще он стоял на четвереньках), and his secretary had him on a short chain (а секретарь держал его на коротком поводке: «на короткой цепочке»).
He barked at the waves exultingly and licked the secretary’s hand (от восторга он лаял на волны и лизал руку секретаря).
“What a beautiful dog,” said the passengers (какая прекрасная собака, – говорили пассажиры).
The disguise was absolutely complete (перевоплощение было абсолютно полным;
The Great Detective had been coated over with mucilage (Великого Сыщика покрыли слоем растительного клея;
He was on his hands and knees in a long black cloak, and his secretary had him on a short chain.
He barked at the waves exultingly and licked the secretary’s hand.
“What a beautiful dog,” said the passengers.
The disguise was absolutely complete.
The Great Detective had been coated over with mucilage to which dog hairs had been applied. The markings on his back were perfect. His tail, adjusted with an automatic coupler, moved up and down responsive to every thought. His deep eyes were full of intelligence.
Next day he was exhibited in the Dachshund class at the International show (на следующий день его выставили в группе такс на Международной выставке;
He won all hearts (он покорил все сердца;
“Quel beau chien!” cried the French people (какая отличная собака! – восклицали французы: «французские люди»;
“Ach! was ein Dog!” cried the Spanish (ах! что за собака! – восторгались испанцы;
The Great Detective took the first prize (Великий Сыщик взял первый приз)!
The fortune of the Countess was saved (состояние графини было спасено).
Unfortunately as the Great Detective had neglected to pay the dog tax (к сожалению, поскольку Великий Сыщик не заплатил налога на собак;
Next day he was exhibited in the Dachshund class at the International show.
He won all hearts.
“Quel beau chien!” cried the French people.
“Ach! was ein Dog!” cried the Spanish.
The Great Detective took the first prize!
The fortune of the Countess was saved.
Unfortunately as the Great Detective had neglected to pay the dog tax, he was caught and destroyed by the dog-catchers. But that is, of course, quite outside of the present narrative, and is only mentioned as an odd fact in conclusion.
Gertrude the Governess: or, Simple Seventeen
(Гувернантка Гертруда, или Просто семнадцать)
Nosham Taws was a typical English home (Ношэм-Тоз был традиционным английским поместьем;
Nosham Taws was a typical English home. The main part of the house was an Elizabethan structure of warm red brick, while the elder portion, of which the Earl was inordinately proud, still showed the outlines of a Norman Keep, to which had been added a Lancastrian Jail and a Plantagenet Orphan Asylum. From the house in all directions stretched magnificent woodland and park with oaks and elms of immemorial antiquity, while nearer the house stood raspberry bushes and geranium plants which had been set out by the Crusaders.
About the grand old mansion the air was loud with the chirping of thrushes (воздух вокруг этого величественного старинного замка был наполнен щебетанием дроздов;
From the house downwards through the park stretched a beautiful broad avenue (от дома через парк вела: «протянулась» прекрасная широкая аллея) laid out by Henry VII (проложенная Генрихом VII;
Lord Nosh stood upon the hearthrug of the library (лорд Нош стоял в библиотеке на коврике перед камином).
About the grand old mansion the air was loud with the chirping of thrushes, the cawing of partridges and the clear sweet note of the rook, while deer, antelope and other quadrupeds strutted about the lawn so tame as to eat off the sun-dial. In fact, the place was a regular menagerie.
From the house downwards through the park stretched a beautiful broad avenue laid out by Henry VII.
Lord Nosh stood upon the hearthrug of the library.
Trained diplomat and statesman as he was, his stern aristocratic face was upside down with fury (суровое аристократическое лицо опытного: «обученного» дипломата и государственного деятеля было перекошено от ярости;
“Boy,” he said, “you shall marry this girl or I disinherit you (мальчишка, – сказал он, – ты женишься на этой девушке, или я лишу тебя наследства). You are no son of mine (/теперь/ ты мне не сын).”
Young Lord Ronald, erect before him, flung back a glance as defiant as his own (юный лорд Роналд, стоя перед ним прямо, бросил в ответ такой же вызывающий взгляд: «бросил назад взгляд, такой же вызывающий, как и его собственный»;
“I defy you,” he said (я отрекаюсь от тебя, – сказал он). “Henceforth you are no father of mine (отныне ты мне не отец). I will get another (я найду другого). I will marry none but a woman I can love (и женюсь я лишь на той женщине, которую полюблю: «могу полюбить»). This girl that we have never seen (эта девушка, которую мы никогда не видели) – ”
“Fool,” said the Earl, “would you throw aside our estate and name of a thousand years (глупец, – сказал граф, – ты, что же, откажешься от поместья и от имени с тысячелетней /родословной/;
Trained diplomat and statesman as he was, his stern aristocratic face was upside down with fury.
“Boy,” he said, “you shall marry this girl or I disinherit you. You are no son of mine.”
Young Lord Ronald, erect before him, flung back a glance as defiant as his own.
“I defy you,” he said. “Henceforth you are no father of mine. I will get another. I will marry none but a woman I can love. This girl that we have never seen – ”
“Fool,” said the Earl, “would you throw aside our estate and name of a thousand years?
The girl, I am told, is beautiful (девушка, о которой я говорю, красива); her aunt is willing (ее тетка добивается /этого союза/;
“But your reason (но объясни, /почему/ ты…;
“I give no reason,” said the Earl (я ничего не стану объяснять, – сказал граф;
Lord Ronald said nothing (Роналд ничего не сказал); he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse (он бросился вон из комнаты, вскочил на коня) and rode madly off in all directions (и, как безумный, поскакал прочь, куда глаза глядели;
The girl, I am told, is beautiful; her aunt is willing; they are French; pah! they understand such things in France.”
“But your reason – ”
“I give no reason,” said the Earl. “Listen, Ronald, I give one month. For that time you remain here. If at the end of it you refuse me, I cut you off with a shilling.”
Lord Ronald said nothing; he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.
As the door of the library closed upon Ronald the Earl sank into a chair (когда дверь в библиотеку закрылась за Роналдом, граф опустился в кресло). His face changed (лицо его изменилось). It was no longer that of the haughty nobleman, but of the hunted criminal (оно больше не было /лицом/ высокомерного дворянина, а загнанного преступника;
As the door of the library closed upon Ronald the Earl sank into a chair. His face changed. It was no longer that of the haughty nobleman, but of the hunted criminal. “He must marry the girl,” he muttered. “Soon she will know all. Tutchemoff has escaped from Siberia. He knows and will tell. The whole of the mines pass to her, this property with it, and I – but enough.” He rose, walked to the sideboard, drained a dipper full of gin and bitters, and became again a high-bred English gentleman.
It was at this moment that a high dogcart, driven by a groom in the livery of Earl Nosh (как раз в этот миг высокую двуколку, которой правил кучер в ливрее графа Ноша;
The apple-pie hat which she wore, surmounted with black willow plumes (/напоминавшая/ яблочный пирог шляпка, которую она носила, /была/ увенчана плюмажем из черных ивовых /прутиков/), concealed from view a face so face-like in its appearance as to be positively facial (/и/ скрывала от взглядов лицо, по внешнему виду настолько похожее на лицо, что, несомненно, лицом и являлось;
It was at this moment that a high dogcart, driven by a groom in the livery of Earl Nosh, might have been seen entering the avenue of Nosham Taws. Beside him sat a young girl, scarce more than a child, in fact not nearly so big as the groom.
The apple-pie hat which she wore, surmounted with black willow plumes, concealed from view a face so face-like in its appearance as to be positively facial.
It was – need we say it – Gertrude the Governess (то была – нам необходимо сказать это – гувернантка Гертруда), who was this day to enter upon her duties at Nosham Taws (которая в этот день должна была приступить к исполнению своих обязанностей в Ношэм-Тоз;
At the same time that the dogcart entered the avenue at one end (в то же самое время, когда двуколка въезжала на аллею с одной стороны) there might have been seen riding down it from the other a tall young man (с другой можно было увидеть высокого молодого человека, скачущего верхом), whose long, aristocratic face proclaimed his birth (чье удлиненное аристократическое лицо свидетельствовало о знатности его происхождения;
And who is this tall young man who draws nearer to Gertrude with every revolution of the horse (и кто же этот высокий юноша, который приближался к Гертруде с каждым поворотом /корпуса своего/ коня;
It was – need we say it – Gertrude the Governess, who was this day to enter upon her duties at Nosham Taws.
At the same time that the dogcart entered the avenue at one end there might have been seen riding down it from the other a tall young man, whose long, aristocratic face proclaimed his birth and who was mounted upon a horse with a face even longer than his own.
And who is this tall young man who draws nearer to Gertrude with every revolution of the horse?
Ah, who, indeed? Ah, who, who (и в самом деле, кто? ах, кто же /он/)? I wonder if any of my readers could guess (интересно, смог ли кто-то из моих читателей догадаться) that this was none other than Lord Ronald (что это был не кто иной, как лорд Роналд).
The two were destined to meet (этим двоим суждено было встретиться). Nearer and nearer they came (все ближе и ближе подъезжали они /друг к другу/). And then still nearer (а потом еще ближе). Then for one brief moment they met (и тут на один короткий миг они встретились;
Ah, who, indeed? Ah, who, who? I wonder if any of my readers could guess that this was none other than Lord Ronald.
The two were destined to meet. Nearer and nearer they came. And then still nearer. Then for one brief moment they met. As they passed Gertrude raised her head and directed towards the young nobleman two eyes so eye-like in their expression as to be absolutely circular, while Lord Ronald directed towards the occupant of the dogcart a gaze so gaze-like that nothing but a gazelle, or a gas-pipe, could have emulated its intensity.
Was this the dawn of love (было ли это зарей любви)? Wait and see (подождите /немного/ и узнаете;
Let us speak of Gertrude (давайте поговорим о Гертруде). Gertrude DeMongmorenci McFiggin had known neither father nor mother (Гертруда де Монморенси Мак-Фиггин не знала ни отца, ни матери). They had both died years before she was born (они оба умерли задолго: «за годы» до того, как она родилась;
Yet Gertrude cherished the memory of her parents (однако Гертруда чтила память своих родителей;
Was this the dawn of love? Wait and see. Do not spoil the story.
Let us speak of Gertrude. Gertrude DeMongmorenci McFiggin had known neither father nor mother. They had both died years before she was born. Of her mother she knew nothing, save that she was French, was extremely beautiful, and that all her ancestors and even her business acquaintances had perished in the Revolution.
Yet Gertrude cherished the memory of her parents.
On her breast the girl wore a locket in which was enshrined a miniature of her mother (на груди девушка носила медальон, в котором хранился миниатюрный /портрет/ матери;
Of her father Gertrude knew even less (о своем отце Гертруда знала даже еще меньше). That he was a high-born English gentleman (он был английским джентльменом знатного происхождения) who had lived as a wanderer in many lands (который путешествовал и жил во многих странах;
On her breast the girl wore a locket in which was enshrined a miniature of her mother, while down her neck inside at the back hung a daguerreotype of her father. She carried a portrait of her grandmother up her sleeve and had pictures of her cousins tucked inside her boot, while beneath her – but enough, quite enough.
Of her father Gertrude knew even less. That he was a high-born English gentleman who had lived as a wanderer in many lands, this was all she knew.
His only legacy to Gertrude had been a Russian grammar (единственными /вещами, которые/ он /оставил/ Гертруде в наследство, были грамматика русского языка), a Roumanian phrase-book, a theodolite, and a work on mining engineering (румынский разговорник, теодолит и трактат по горному делу;
From her earliest infancy Gertrude had been brought up by her aunt (с самого раннего младенчества Гертруду воспитывала тетя;
When Gertrude was seventeen her aunt had died of hydrophobia (когда Гертруде было семнадцать, тетя умерла от водобоязни).
The circumstances were mysterious (обстоятельства /смерти/ были загадочными).
His only legacy to Gertrude had been a Russian grammar, a Roumanian phrase-book, a theodolite, and a work on mining engineering.
From her earliest infancy Gertrude had been brought up by her aunt. Her aunt had carefully instructed her in Christian principles. She had also taught her Mohammedanism to make sure.
When Gertrude was seventeen her aunt had died of hydrophobia.
The circumstances were mysterious.
There had called upon her that day a strange bearded man in the costume of the Russians (в тот день к ней заходил странный человек с бородой в одежде, /какую носят/ русские;
To avoid scandal it was called hydrophobia (чтобы избежать кривотолков, /причиной смерти/ объявили водобоязнь;
It was while musing one day upon her fate that Gertrude’s eye was struck with an advertisement (однажды, когда Гертруда размышляла над своей /горькой/ долей, ей на глаза попалось объявление;
There had called upon her that day a strange bearded man in the costume of the Russians. After he had left, Gertrude had found her aunt in a syncope from which she passed into an apostrophe and never recovered.
To avoid scandal it was called hydrophobia. Gertrude was thus thrown upon the world. What to do? That was the problem that confronted her.
It was while musing one day upon her fate that Gertrude’s eye was struck with an advertisement.
“Wanted a governess; must possess a knowledge of French, Italian, Russian, and Roumanian (требуется гувернантка; должна обладать знаниями французского, итальянского, русского и румынского /языков/), Music, and Mining Engineering (музыки и горного дела;
Gertrude was a girl of great natural quickness of apprehension (Гертруда была девушкой, от природы удивительно быстро соображавшей;
“Wanted a governess; must possess a knowledge of French, Italian, Russian, and Roumanian, Music, and Mining Engineering.
Salary 1 pound, 4 shillings and 4 pence halfpenny per annum. Apply between half-past eleven and twenty-five minutes to twelve at No. 41 A Decimal Six, Belgravia Terrace. The Countess of Nosh.”
Gertrude was a girl of great natural quickness of apprehension, and she had not pondered over this announcement more than half an hour before she was struck with the extraordinary coincidence between the list of items desired and the things that she herself knew.
She duly presented herself at Belgravia Terrace before the Countess (она в указанное время предстала в Бельгрейвия-Террас перед графиней;
“You are proficient in French,” she asked (вы хорошо знаете французский? – спросила она;
“Oh, oui,” said Gertrude modestly (о, уи, – сказала Гертруда скромно;
“And Italian,” continued the Countess (а итальянский? – продолжала графиня).
“Oh, si,” said Gertrude (о, си, – сказала Гертруда;
“And German,” said the Countess in delight (а немецкий? – спросила довольная графиня).
“Ah, ja,” said Gertrude (а, я, – сказала Гертруда;
“And Russian (а русский)?”
“Yaw (йо).”
“And Roumanian (а румынский)?”
“Jep (йеп).”
She duly presented herself at Belgravia Terrace before the Countess, who advanced to meet her with a charm which at once placed the girl at her ease.
“You are proficient in French,” she asked.
“Oh, oui,” said Gertrude modestly.
“And Italian,” continued the Countess.
“Oh, si,” said Gertrude.
“And German,” said the Countess in delight.
“Ah, ja,” said Gertrude.
“And Russian?”
“And Roumanian?”
Amazed at the girl’s extraordinary proficiency in modern languages (пораженная необычайными познаниями девушки в современных языках), the Countess looked at her narrowly (графиня пристально на нее посмотрела;
“Enough,” she said, “I engage you on the spot (достаточно, – сказала она, – я беру вас на это место;
Amazed at the girl’s extraordinary proficiency in modern languages, the Countess looked at her narrowly. Where had she seen those lineaments before? She passed her hand over her brow in thought, and spat upon the floor, but no, the face baffled her.
“Enough,” she said, “I engage you on the spot; tomorrow you go down to Nosham Taws and begin teaching the children. I must add that in addition you will be expected to aid the Earl with his Russian correspondence. He has large mining interests at Tschminsk.”
Tschminsk! why did the simple word reverberate upon Gertrude’s ears (Цчминск! почему это простое слово эхом прозвучало в гертрудиных ушах;
It was on the following day that Gertrude had driven up the avenue (и вот на следующий день Гертруда подъехала по аллее к /этому дому/;
She descended from the dogcart (она вышла из двуколки), passed through a phalanx of liveried servants drawn up seven-deep (прошла сквозь выстроенную в семь рядов фалангу ливрейных слуг;
Tschminsk! why did the simple word reverberate upon Gertrude’s ears? Why? Because it was the name written in her father’s hand on the title page of his book on mining. What mystery was here?
It was on the following day that Gertrude had driven up the avenue.
She descended from the dogcart, passed through a phalanx of liveried servants drawn up seven-deep, to each of whom she gave a sovereign as she passed and entered Nosham Taws.
“Welcome,” said the Countess, as she aided Gertrude to carry her trunk upstairs (добро пожаловать, – сказала графиня, помогая Гертруде отнести наверх ее чемодан).
The girl presently descended and was ushered into the library (девушка через минуту спустилась вниз, и ее проводили в библиотеку), where she was presented to the Earl (где она была представлена графу). As soon as the Earl’s eye fell upon the face of the new governess (как только взгляд графа упал на лицо новой гувернантки) he started visibly (он заметно вздрогнул). Where had he seen those lineaments (где он уже видел эти черты лица)? Where was it (где это было)? At the races, or the theatre – on a bus – no (на скачках, или в театре, /а может/, в автобусе – нет;
“Welcome,” said the Countess, as she aided Gertrude to carry her trunk upstairs.
The girl presently descended and was ushered into the library, where she was presented to the Earl. As soon as the Earl’s eye fell upon the face of the new governess he started visibly. Where had he seen those lineaments? Where was it? At the races, or the theatre – on a bus – no. Some subtler thread of memory was stirring in his mind. He strode hastily to the sideboard, drained a dipper and a half of brandy, and became again the perfect English gentleman.
While Gertrude has gone to the nursery (покуда Гертруда ушла в детскую) to make the acquaintance of the two tiny golden-haired children who are to be her charges (чтобы познакомиться с двумя златовласыми малышами, которые должны /теперь/ стать ее подопечными;
Lord Nosh was the perfect type of the English nobleman and statesman (лорд Нош был самым типичным образцом английского аристократа и государственного деятеля;
While Gertrude has gone to the nursery to make the acquaintance of the two tiny golden-haired children who are to be her charges, let us say something here of the Earl and his son.
Lord Nosh was the perfect type of the English nobleman and statesman. The years that he had spent in the diplomatic service at Constantinople, St. Petersburg, and Salt Lake City had given to him a peculiar finesse and noblesse, while his long residence at St. Helena, Pitcairn Island, and Hamilton, Ontario, had rendered him impervious to external impressions.
As deputy-paymaster of the militia of the county (в качестве помощника казначея милиции графства) he had seen something of the sterner side of military life (он ощутил на себе тяготы суровой армейской жизни: «он повидал кое-что из суровой стороны военной жизни»), while his hereditary office of Groom of the Sunday Breeches (а перешедшая к нему по наследству должность Подателя Воскресных Портков;
His passion for outdoor sports endeared him to his tenants (страсть к забавам на открытом воздухе снискала ему любовь его арендаторов;
As deputy-paymaster of the militia of the county he had seen something of the sterner side of military life, while his hereditary office of Groom of the Sunday Breeches had brought him into direct contact with Royalty itself.
His passion for outdoor sports endeared him to his tenants. A keen sportsman, he excelled in fox-hunting, dog-hunting, pig-killing, bat-catching and the pastimes of his class.
In this latter respect Lord Ronald took after his father (в этом последнем отношении лорд Роналд пошел в своего отца;
In this latter respect Lord Ronald took after his father. From the start the lad had shown the greatest promise. At Eton he had made a splendid showing at battledore and shuttlecock, and at Cambridge had been first in his class at needlework. Already his name was whispered in connection with the All-England ping-pong championship, a triumph which would undoubtedly carry with it a seat in Parliament.
Thus was Gertrude the Governess installed at Nosham Taws (итак, гувернантка Гертруда приступила к выполнению своих обязанностей в Ношэм-Тоз;
The days and the weeks sped past (дни и недели проходили незаметно: «мчались мимо»;
The simple charm of the beautiful orphan girl attracted all hearts (очаровательная простота прекрасной девушки-сироты завоевала: «привлекла» все сердца). Her two little pupils became her slaves (оба ее маленьких воспитанника слушались ее беспрекословно: «стали ее рабами»;
Thus was Gertrude the Governess installed at Nosham Taws.
The days and the weeks sped past.
The simple charm of the beautiful orphan girl attracted all hearts. Her two little pupils became her slaves. “Me loves oo,” the little Rasehellfrida would say, leaning her golden head in Gertrude’s lap. Even the servants loved her. The head gardener would bring a bouquet of beautiful roses to her room before she was up, the second gardener a bunch of early cauliflowers, the third a spray of late asparagus, and even the tenth and eleventh a sprig of mangel-wurzel of an armful of hay.
Her room was full of gardeners all the time (ее комната все время была полна садовников), while at evening the aged butler, touched at the friendless girl’s loneliness (а вечером старенький дворецкий, тронутый одиночеством не имеющей друзей девушки), would tap softly at her door (тихонько стучался в ее дверь) to bring her a rye whiskey and seltzer or a box of Pittsburg Stogies (чтобы принести ей ржаное виски с сельтерской или коробку дешевых питтсбургских сигар;
And Ronald! ah, Ronald (и Роналд! ах, Роналд)! Yes, indeed (да, конечно)! They had met (они уже встретились;
Her room was full of gardeners all the time, while at evening the aged butler, touched at the friendless girl’s loneliness, would tap softly at her door to bring her a rye whiskey and seltzer or a box of Pittsburg Stogies. Even the dumb creatures seemed to admire her in their own dumb way. The dumb rooks settled on her shoulder and every dumb dog around the place followed her.
And Ronald! ah, Ronald! Yes, indeed! They had met. They had spoken.
“What a dull morning,” Gertrude had said (какое хмурое утро, – сказала Гертруда;
“Beastly,” Ronald had answered (чудовищный, – ответил Роналд;
“Beastly!!” The word rang in Gertrude’s ears all day (чудовищный! – это слово весь день /потом/ звенело в ушах Гертруды;
After that they were constantly together (после этого они были постоянно вместе). They played tennis and ping-pong in the day (днем они играли в теннис и пинг-понг), and in the evening, in accordance with the stiff routine of the place (а вечером, в соответствии с неизменным распорядком в доме;
“What a dull morning,” Gertrude had said. “Quelle triste matin! Was fur ein allerverdamnter Tag!”
“Beastly,” Ronald had answered.
“Beastly!!” The word rang in Gertrude’s ears all day.
After that they were constantly together. They played tennis and ping-pong in the day, and in the evening, in accordance with the stiff routine of the place, they sat down with the Earl and Countess to twenty-five-cent poker, and later still they sat together on the verandah and watched the moon sweeping in great circles around the horizon.
It was not long before Gertrude realized (прошло не много времени: «это было недолго», прежде чем Гертруда поняла;
Once at night, when Gertrude withdrew to her chamber and before seeking her pillow (однажды вечером, когда Гертруда удалилась в свою комнату и, прежде чем обняться с подушкой;
It was not long before Gertrude realised that Lord Ronald felt towards her a warmer feeling than that of mere ping-pong. At times in her presence he would fall, especially after dinner, into a fit of profound subtraction.
Once at night, when Gertrude withdrew to her chamber and before seeking her pillow, prepared to retire as a preliminary to disrobing – in other words, before going to bed, she flung wide the casement (opened the window) and perceived (saw) the face of Lord Ronald.
He was sitting on a thorn bush beneath her (он сидел на колючем кусте под ее /окном/), and his upturned face wore an expression of agonised pallor (а его обращенное кверху лицо было бледным и на нем читалось страдание: «его поднятое кверху лицо носило выражение мучительной бледности»;
Meanwhile the days passed (а между тем дни шли своим чередом: «проходили мимо»). Life at the Taws moved in the ordinary routine of a great English household (жизнь в Тозе текла по распорядку, обычному для большого английского поместья;
He was sitting on a thorn bush beneath her, and his upturned face wore an expression of agonised pallor.
Meanwhile the days passed. Life at the Taws moved in the ordinary routine of a great English household. At 7 a gong sounded for rising, at 8 a horn blew for breakfast, at 8.30 a whistle sounded for prayers, at 1 a flag was run up at half-mast for lunch, at 4 a gun was fired for afternoon tea, at 9 a first bell sounded for dressing, at 9.15 a second bell for going on dressing, while at 9.30 a rocket was sent up to indicate that dinner was ready.
At midnight dinner was over (в полночь заканчивали ужинать;
Meanwhile the month allotted by the Earl to Lord Ronald was passing away (между тем, месяц, отведенный графом лорду Роналду, подходил к концу;
At times the Earl, in passing Ronald in the hall, would say sternly (время от времени граф, проходя мимо Роналда в зале /замка/, говорил сурово), “Remember, boy, your consent, or I disinherit you (помни, мальчик, либо твое согласие, либо я лишу тебя наследства).”
And what were the Earl’s thoughts of Gertrude (а что же граф думал: «каковы были мысли графа» о Гертруде)?
At midnight dinner was over, and at 1 a. m. the tolling of a bell summoned the domestics to evening prayers.
Meanwhile the month allotted by the Earl to Lord Ronald was passing away. It was already July 15, then within a day or two it was July 17, and, almost immediately afterwards, July 18.
At times the Earl, in passing Ronald in the hall, would say sternly, “Remember, boy, your consent, or I disinherit you.”
And what were the Earl’s thoughts of Gertrude?
Here was the one drop of bitterness in the girl’s cup of happiness (тут и крылась единственная капля горечи в чашке счастья девушки). For some reason that she could not divine the Earl showed signs of marked antipathy (почему-то – почему она не могла понять – /по отношению к ней/ граф выказывал явные признаки неприязни;
Once as she passed the door of the library he threw a bootjack at her (однажды, когда она проходила мимо двери в библиотеку, он швырнул в нее сапогом;
It was her duty to translate to the Earl his Russian correspondence (в ее обязанности входило переводить для графа его русскую корреспонденцию).
Here was the one drop of bitterness in the girl’s cup of happiness. For some reason that she could not divine the Earl showed signs of marked antipathy.
Once as she passed the door of the library he threw a bootjack at her. On another occasion at lunch alone with her he struck her savagely across the face with a sausage.
It was her duty to translate to the Earl his Russian correspondence.
She sought in it in vain for the mystery (она напрасно искала в ней /разгадку/ тайны;
“Tutchemoff went to the woman (Тучемофф отправился к женщине). She is dead (она мертва).”
On hearing this the Earl became livid with fury (услышав это, граф от ярости сделался багровым;
She sought in it in vain for the mystery. One day a Russian telegram was handed to the Earl. Gertrude translated it to him aloud.
“Tutchemoff went to the woman. She is dead.”
On hearing this the Earl became livid with fury, in fact this was the day that he struck her with the sausage.
Then one day while the Earl was absent on a bat hunt (некоторое время спустя: «впоследствии однажды», когда граф был в отлучке, охотясь на летучих мышей;
Lord Nosh was not the rightful owner of the Taws (лорд Нош не был законным собственником Тоза). His distant cousin of the older line, the true heir, had died in a Russian prison (его дальний родственник, /представитель/ более старшей линии, настоящий наследник, умер в русской тюрьме;
Then one day while the Earl was absent on a bat hunt, Gertrude, who was turning over his correspondence, with that sweet feminine instinct of interest that rose superior to ill-treatment, suddenly found the key to the mystery.
Lord Nosh was not the rightful owner of the Taws. His distant cousin of the older line, the true heir, had died in a Russian prison to which the machinations of the Earl, while Ambassador at Tschminsk, had consigned him.
The daughter of this cousin was the true owner of Nosham Taws (дочь этого родственника и была настоящим собственником Ношэм-Тоза).
The family story, save only that the documents before her withheld the name of the rightful heir (/вся/ история этой семьи, за исключением только тех документов, которые скрывали имя законного наследника;
Strange is the heart of woman (странная /вещь/ женское сердце). Did Gertrude turn from the Earl with spurning (/может быть/, Гертруда отвернулась от графа с презрением;
Yet still the mystery remained (однако тайна все еще оставалась /нераскрытой/)! Why did the Earl start perceptibly each time that he looked into her face (почему граф так заметно вздрагивал каждый раз, когда смотрел на ее лицо)?
The daughter of this cousin was the true owner of Nosham Taws.
The family story, save only that the documents before her withheld the name of the rightful heir, lay bare to Gertrude’s eye.
Strange is the heart of woman. Did Gertrude turn from the Earl with spurning? No. Her own sad fate had taught her sympathy.
Yet still the mystery remained! Why did the Earl start perceptibly each time that he looked into her face?
Sometimes he started as much as four centimetres (иногда он подскакивал на целых четыре сантиметра), so that one could distinctly see him do it (и это не могло укрыться от взглядов остальных: «так что каждый мог отчетливо видеть, как он делает это»). On such occasions he would hastily drain a dipper of rum and vichy water (в таких случаях он поспешно осушал ковш рома с минеральной водой;
The denouement came swiftly (развязка быстро приближалась). Gertrude never forgot it (Гертруда навсегда ее запомнила: «никогда не забывала этого»).
It was the night of the great ball at Nosham Taws (в тот вечер в Ношэм-Тозе был большой бал). The whole neighbourhood was invited (пригласили всех соседей;
Sometimes he started as much as four centimetres, so that one could distinctly see him do it. On such occasions he would hastily drain a dipper of rum and vichy water and become again the correct English gentleman.
The denouement came swiftly. Gertrude never forgot it.
It was the night of the great ball at Nosham Taws. The whole neighbourhood was invited.
How Gertrude’s heart had beat with anticipation (как билось сердце Гертруды в томительном ожидании;
How Gertrude’s heart had beat with anticipation, and with what trepidation she had overhauled her scant wardrobe in order to appear not unworthy in Lord Ronald’s eyes. Her resources were poor indeed, yet the inborn genius for dress that she inherited from her French mother stood her in good stead. She twined a single rose in her hair and contrived herself a dress out of a few old newspapers and the inside of an umbrella that would have graced a court.
Round her waist she bound a single braid of bagstring (вокруг талии она повязала один поясок, /сделанный/ из бечевки, /которой завязывали/ мешки;
Gertrude was the cynosure of all eyes (Гертруда оказалась в центре внимания;
The ball was at its height (бал был в самом разгаре;
Ronald stood with Gertrude in the shrubbery (Роналд стоял с Гертрудой в зарослях кустов). They looked into one another’s eyes (они смотрели в глаза друг друга).
Round her waist she bound a single braid of bagstring, while a piece of old lace that had been her mother’s was suspended to her ear by a thread.
Gertrude was the cynosure of all eyes. Floating to the strains of the music she presented a picture of bright girlish innocence that no one could see undisenraptured.
The ball was at its height. It was away up!
Ronald stood with Gertrude in the shrubbery. They looked into one another’s eyes.
“Gertrude,” he said, “I love you (Гертруда, – сказал он, – я люблю вас).”
Simple words, and yet they thrilled every fibre in the girl’s costume (простые слова, однако от них затрепетали все фибры костюма девушки).
“Ronald!” she said, and cast herself about his neck (Роналд! – сказала =
At this moment the Earl appeared standing beside them in the moonlight (в этот момент в свете луны они увидели графа, который стоял неподалеку: «появился граф, стоящий рядом с ними»). His stern face was distorted with indignation (его строгое лицо было искажено от негодования).
“So!” he said, turning to Ronald, “it appears that you have chosen (итак, – сказал он, поворачиваясь к Роналду, – похоже, ты сделал выбор;
“I have,” said Ronald with hauteur (сделал, – высокомерно сказал =
“Gertrude,” he said, “I love you.”
Simple words, and yet they thrilled every fibre in the girl’s costume.
“Ronald!” she said, and cast herself about his neck.
At this moment the Earl appeared standing beside them in the moonlight. His stern face was distorted with indignation.
“So!” he said, turning to Ronald, “it appears that you have chosen!”
“I have,” said Ronald with hauteur.
“You prefer to marry this penniless girl (ты предпочитаешь жениться на этой нищей девушке;
Gertrude looked from father to son in amazement (Гертруда в удивлении смотрела то на отца, то на сына).
“Yes,” said Ronald (да, – сказал Роналд).
“Be it so,” said the Earl (да будет так, – сказал граф), draining a dipper of gin which he carried, and resuming his calm (осушая ковш джина, который он принес /с собой/, и вновь обретая невозмутимость;
“Come, Gertrude,” said Ronald tenderly, “let us flee together (пойдемте, Гертруда, – сказал Роналд нежно, – давайте уедем вместе;
“You prefer to marry this penniless girl rather than the heiress I have selected for you.”
Gertrude looked from father to son in amazement.
“Yes,” said Ronald.
“Be it so,” said the Earl, draining a dipper of gin which he carried, and resuming his calm. “Then I disinherit you. Leave this place, and never return to it.”
“Come, Gertrude,” said Ronald tenderly, “let us flee together.”
Gertrude stood before them (Гертруда стояла перед ними). The rose had fallen from her head (роза упала с ее головы;
“Never,” she said firmly (никогда, – сказала она твердо). “Ronald, you shall never make this sacrifice for me (Роналд, я никогда не приму от вас такой жертвы: «вы никогда не принесете этой жертвы ради меня»;
Gertrude stood before them. The rose had fallen from her head. The lace had fallen from her ear and the bagstring had come undone from her waist. Her newspapers were crumpled beyond recognition. But dishevelled and illegible as she was, she was still mistress of herself.
“Never,” she said firmly. “Ronald, you shall never make this sacrifice for me.” Then to the Earl, in tones of ice, “There is a pride, sir, as great even as yours. The daughter of Metschnikoff McFiggin need crave a boon from no one.”
With that she hauled from her bosom the daguerreotype of her father (с этими /словами/ она вытащила из-за пазухи дагерротип отца;
The earl started as if shot (граф дернулся, будто от выстрела). “That name!” he cried, “that face! that photograph! stop (это имя! – вскричал он, – это лицо! эта фотография! подождите)!”
There! There is no need to finish (ну вот! нет нужды заканчивать = продолжать дальше); my readers have long since divined it (мои читатели давно уже об этом догадались;
The lovers fell into one another’s arms (влюбленные заключили друг друга в объятия: «упали друг другу в руки»). The Earl’s proud face relaxed (надменное лицо графа смягчилось;
With that she hauled from her bosom the daguerreotype of her father and pressed it to her lips.
The earl started as if shot. “That name!” he cried, “that face! that photograph! stop!”
There! There is no need to finish; my readers have long since divined it. Gertrude was the heiress.
The lovers fell into one another’s arms. The Earl’s proud face relaxed. “God bless you,” he said.
The Countess and the guests came pouring out upon the lawn (графиня и гости потоком хлынули на лужайку). The breaking day illuminated a scene of gay congratulations (занимающийся день озарил сцену веселых поздравлений = застал всех за поздравлениями молодых;
Gertrude and Ronald were wed (Гертруда и Роналд обвенчались). Their happiness was complete (и стали абсолютно счастливы: «счастье их было полным»). Need we say more (нужно ли говорить /что-то/ еще)? Yes, only this (да, /разве/ только вот это). The Earl was killed in the hunting-field a few days after (граф был убит в полях на охоте несколькими днями спустя). The Countess was struck by lightning (графиню ударило молнией;
The Countess and the guests came pouring out upon the lawn. The breaking day illuminated a scene of gay congratulations.
Gertrude and Ronald were wed. Their happiness was complete. Need we say more? Yes, only this. The Earl was killed in the hunting-field a few days after. The Countess was struck by lightning. The two children fell down a well. Thus the happiness of Gertrude and Ronald was complete.
Soaked in Seaweed: or, Upset in the Ocean[3]
(Пропитавшийся водорослями, или Разочарование /посреди/ океана)
(An Old-fashioned Sea Story)
(Морской рассказ на старинный манер)
It was in August in 1867 that I stepped on board the deck of the Saucy Sally (был август 1867 года, когда я ступил на палубу «Дерзкой Салли»;
Let me first say a word about myself (/но/ сначала позвольте сказать /пару/ слов о себе).
I was a tall, handsome young fellow, squarely and powerfully built (я был высоким, красивым молодым парнем, широкоплечим и крепко сложенным;
It was in August in 1867 that I stepped on board the deck of the Saucy Sally, lying in dock at Gravesend, to fill the berth of second mate.
Let me first say a word about myself.
I was a tall, handsome young fellow, squarely and powerfully built, bronzed by the sun and the moon (and even copper-coloured in spots from the effect of the stars), and with a face in which honesty, intelligence, and exceptional brain power were combined with Christianity, simplicity, and modesty.
As I stepped on the deck I could not help a slight feeling of triumph (ступив на палубу, я не мог скрыть легкого ощущения восторга;
“Welcome on board, Mr. Blowhard,” called out Captain Bilge (добро пожаловать на борт, мистер Трепло, – закричал капитан Днище;
As I stepped on the deck I could not help a slight feeling of triumph, as I caught sight of my sailor-like features reflected in a tar-barrel that stood beside the mast, while a little later I could scarcely repress a sense of gratification as I noticed them reflected again in a bucket of bilge water.
“Welcome on board, Mr. Blowhard,” called out Captain Bilge, stepping out of the binnacle and shaking hands across the taffrail.
I saw before me a fine sailor-like man of from thirty to sixty (я увидел перед собой похожего на моряка человека, /лет эдак/ от тридцати до шестидесяти), clean-shaven, except for an enormous pair of whiskers (чисто выбритого, если не считать пары гигантских бакенбард;
I saw before me a fine sailor-like man of from thirty to sixty, clean-shaven, except for an enormous pair of whiskers, a heavy beard, and a thick moustache, powerful in build, and carrying his beam well aft, in a pair of broad duck trousers across the back of which there would have been room to write a history of the British Navy.
Beside him were the first and third mates (рядом с ним стояли первый и третий помощники), both of them being quiet men of poor stature (оба – люди тихие, телосложения щуплого;
The vessel was on the eve of departure (судно готовилось к отплытию: «было накануне отправления»;
Beside him were the first and third mates, both of them being quiet men of poor stature, who looked at Captain Bilge with what seemed to me an apprehensive expression in their eyes.
The vessel was on the eve of departure. Her deck presented that scene of bustle and alacrity dear to the sailor’s heart. Men were busy nailing up the masts, hanging the bowsprit over the side, varnishing the lee-scuppers and pouring hot tar down the companion-way.
Captain Bilge, with a megaphone to his lips (капитан Днище, с /прижатым/ к губам рупором), kept calling out to the men in his rough sailor fashion (не переставая выкрикивал /приказания/ в своей резкой моряцкой манере;
“Now, then, don’t over-exert yourselves, gentlemen (ну-ну, джентльмены, не перенапрягайтесь;
Captain Bilge, with a megaphone to his lips, kept calling out to the men in his rough sailor fashion:
“Now, then, don’t over-exert yourselves, gentlemen. Remember, please, that we have plenty of time. Keep out of the sun as much as you can. Step carefully in the rigging there, Jones; I fear it’s just a little high for you. Tut, tut, Williams, don’t get yourself so dirty with that tar, you won’t look fit to be seen.”
I stood leaning over the gaff of the mainsail and thinking (я стоял, прислонившись к гафелю грота, и думал) – yes, thinking, dear reader, of my mother (да, дорогой читатель, думал о своей матери). I hope that you will think none the less of me for that (надеюсь, ты за это не изменишь свое мнение обо мне в худшую сторону;
Did I think, too, of another, younger than mother and fairer than father (думал ли я также о той: «о другой», что моложе матери и красивее отца)? Yes, I did (да, думал).
I stood leaning over the gaff of the mainsail and thinking – yes, thinking, dear reader, of my mother. I hope that you will think none the less of me for that. Whenever things look dark, I lean up against something and think of mother. If they get positively black, I stand on one leg and think of father. After that I can face anything.
Did I think, too, of another, younger than mother and fairer than father? Yes, I did.
“Bear up, darling,” I had whispered as she nestled her head beneath my oilskins (не грусти, любимая, – шептал я, когда она пристроила свою головку под моей штормовкой;
Meantime the ship’s preparations were complete (между тем приготовления судна /к отплытию/ были закончены). The masts were all in position, the sails nailed up (все мачты находились на своих местах, паруса были приколочены;
“Bear up, darling,” I had whispered as she nestled her head beneath my oilskins and kicked out backward with one heel in the agony of her girlish grief, “in five years the voyage will be over, and after three more like it, I shall come back with money enough to buy a second-hand fishing-net and settle down on shore.”
Meantime the ship’s preparations were complete. The masts were all in position, the sails nailed up, and men with axes were busily chopping away the gangway.
“All ready?” called the Captain (все готово? – крикнул капитан).
“Aye, aye, sir (так точно, сэр;
“Then hoist the anchor in board and send a man down with the key to open the bar (тогда поднять якорь «на борт» и послать матроса с ключом вниз, чтоб открыл буфет).”
Opening the bar! the last sad rite of departure (открытие буфета! последний грустный ритуал перед отплытием). How often in my voyages have I seen it (как часто /за время/ своих странствий: «путешествий» я наблюдал его); the little group of men soon to be exiled from their home (маленькую горстку людей, которые вскоре окажутся вдали от /родного/ дома;
“All ready?” called the Captain.
“Aye, aye, sir.”
“Then hoist the anchor in board and send a man down with the key to open the bar.”
Opening the bar! the last sad rite of departure. How often in my voyages have I seen it; the little group of men soon to be exiled from their home, standing about with saddened faces, waiting to see the man with the key open the bar – held there by some strange fascination.
Next morning with a fair wind astern we had buzzed around the corner of England (на следующее утро с попутным ветром за кормой мы обогнули Англию;
I know no finer sight, for those who have never seen it, than the English Channel (я не знаю более прекрасного зрелища, чем Ла-Манш, для тех, кто никогда его не видел). It is the highway of the world (это главная магистраль мира). Ships of all nations are passing up and down, Dutch, Scotch, Venezuelan, and even American (корабли всех стран – датские, шотландские, венесуэльские и даже американские – снуют /по нему/ взад и вперед;
Chinese junks rush to and fro (туда-сюда носятся китайские джонки;
Next morning with a fair wind astern we had buzzed around the corner of England and were running down the Channel.
I know no finer sight, for those who have never seen it, than the English Channel. It is the highway of the world. Ships of all nations are passing up and down, Dutch, Scotch, Venezuelan, and even American.
Chinese junks rush to and fro. Warships, motor yachts, icebergs, and lumber rafts are everywhere.
If I add to this fact that so thick a fog hangs over it (если я добавлю к этому тот факт, что над ним висит такой густой туман) that it is entirely hidden from sight (что полностью скрывает его от глаз;
We had now been three days at sea (мы уже три дня в /открытом/ море). My first sea-sickness was wearing off (первые /приступы/ морской болезни /понемногу/ прошли;
On the third morning Captain Bilge descended to my cabin (на третье утро ко мне в каюту спустился капитан Днище).
“Mr. Blowhard,” he said, “I must ask you to stand double watches (мистер Трепло, – сказал он, – я должен просить вас отстоять две вахты подряд).”
“What is the matter?” I inquired (а в чем дело? – осведомился я).
If I add to this fact that so thick a fog hangs over it that it is entirely hidden from sight, my readers can form some idea of the majesty of the scene.
We had now been three days at sea. My first sea-sickness was wearing off, and I thought less of father.
On the third morning Captain Bilge descended to my cabin.
“Mr. Blowhard,” he said, “I must ask you to stand double watches.”
“What is the matter?” I inquired.
“The two other mates have fallen overboard (двое других помощников упали за борт),” he said uneasily, and avoiding my eye (сказал он, смущаясь и избегая моего взгляда;
I contented myself with saying “Very good, sir (я ответил лишь: «Очень хорошо, сэр»;
Surely there was some mystery in this (несомненно, в этом крылась какая-то тайна).
Two mornings later the Captain appeared at the breakfast-table (двумя днями: «утрами» спустя капитан появился к завтраку: «к столу с завтраком») with the same shifting and uneasy look in his eye (с таким же смущенным выражением /лица/ и бегающим взглядом;
“Anything wrong, sir?” I asked (что-то не так, сэр? – спросил я).
“The two other mates have fallen overboard,” he said uneasily, and avoiding my eye.
I contented myself with saying “Very good, sir,” but I could not help thinking it a trifle odd that both the mates should have fallen overboard in the same night.
Surely there was some mystery in this.
Two mornings later the Captain appeared at the breakfast-table with the same shifting and uneasy look in his eye.
“Anything wrong, sir?” I asked.
“Yes,” he answered, trying to appear at ease (да, – отвечал он, пытаясь казаться непринужденным) and twisting a fried egg to and fro between his fingers (и катая туда-сюда между пальцев поджаренное яйцо;
“The bosun!” I cried (боцмана! – воскликнул я).
“Yes,” said Captain Bilge more quietly, “he is overboard (да, – сказал капитан Днище /уже/ более спокойно, – он за бортом). I blame myself for it, partly (я частично виню в этом себя). It was early this morning (это случилось сегодня рано утром). I was holding him up in my arms to look at an iceberg (я держал его на руках, чтобы он /мог/ посмотреть на айсберг) and, quite accidentally I assure you – I dropped him overboard (и – совершенно случайно, уверяю вас, – уронил его за борт;
“Yes,” he answered, trying to appear at ease and twisting a fried egg to and fro between his fingers with such nervous force as almost to break it in two – “I regret to say that we have lost the bosun.”
“The bosun!” I cried.
“Yes,” said Captain Bilge more quietly, “he is overboard. I blame myself for it, partly. It was early this morning. I was holding him up in my arms to look at an iceberg and, quite accidentally I assure you – I dropped him overboard.”
“Captain Bilge,” I asked, “have you taken any steps to recover him (капитан Днище, – спросил я, – вы предприняли какие-то шаги, чтобы спасти его: «вернуть его назад»)?”
“Not as yet,” he replied uneasily (нет пока еще, – ответил он смущенно).
I looked at him fixedly, but said nothing (я пристально на него посмотрел, но ничего не сказал;
Ten days passed (прошло десять дней).
The mystery thickened (/завеса/ тайны сгущалась). On Thursday two men of the starboard watch were reported missing (в четверг доложили, что пропали два матроса, /несших/ вахту на правом борте). On Friday the carpenter’s assistant disappeared (в пятницу исчез помощник плотника). On the night of Saturday a circumstance occurred (в ночь на субботу произошло событие: «обстоятельство») which, slight as it was, gave me some clue as to what was happening (которое, хоть само по себе и незначительное, дало мне ключ к пониманию того, что происходит;
“Captain Bilge,” I asked, “have you taken any steps to recover him?”
“Not as yet,” he replied uneasily.
I looked at him fixedly, but said nothing.
Ten days passed.
The mystery thickened. On Thursday two men of the starboard watch were reported missing. On Friday the carpenter’s assistant disappeared. On the night of Saturday a circumstance occurred which, slight as it was, gave me some clue as to what was happening.
As I stood at the wheel about midnight (около полуночи, когда я стоял за штурвалом;
As I stood at the wheel about midnight, I saw the Captain approach in the darkness carrying the cabin-boy by the hind leg. The lad was a bright little fellow, whose merry disposition had already endeared him to me, and I watched with some interest to see what the Captain would do to him. Arrived at the stern of the vessel, Captain Bilge looked cautiously around a moment and then dropped the boy into the sea. For a brief instant the lad’s head appeared in the phosphorus of the waves. The Captain threw a boot at him, sighed deeply, and went below.
Here then was the key to the mystery (значит, вот он ключ к /разгадке/ тайны)! The Captain was throwing the crew overboard (капитан выбрасывает команду за борт). Next morning we met at breakfast as usual (на следующее утро мы как обычно встретились за завтраком;
“Poor little Williams has fallen overboard (малыш Уильямс, бедняга, упал за борт),” said the Captain, seizing a strip of ship’s bacon (сказал капитан, хватая ломоть корабельного бекона;
“Captain,” I said, greatly excited (капитан, – сказал я в сильном волнении), stabbing at a ship’s loaf in my agitation with such ferocity as almost to drive my knife into it (тыча ножом в корабельную буханку с таким остервенением, что почти вогнал в нее свой нож;
Here then was the key to the mystery! The Captain was throwing the crew overboard. Next morning we met at breakfast as usual.
“Poor little Williams has fallen overboard,” said the Captain, seizing a strip of ship’s bacon and tearing at it with his teeth as if he almost meant to eat it.
“Captain,” I said, greatly excited, stabbing at a ship’s loaf in my agitation with such ferocity as almost to drive my knife into it – “You threw that boy overboard!”
“I did,” said Captain Bilge, grown suddenly quiet (бросил, – сказал капитан Днище, внезапно успокаиваясь: «становясь спокойным»;
Perfectly calm now, he stepped to a locker, rummaged in it a moment (теперь уже совершенно успокоившись, он шагнул к рундуку, порылся там с минуту;
“I did,” said Captain Bilge, grown suddenly quiet, “I threw them all over and intend to throw the rest. Listen, Blowhard, you are young, ambitious, and trustworthy. I will confide in you.”
Perfectly calm now, he stepped to a locker, rummaged in it a moment, and drew out a faded piece of yellow parchment, which he spread on the table. It was a map or chart. In the centre of it was a circle. In the middle of the circle was a small dot and a letter T, while at one side of the map was a letter N, and against it on the other side a letter S.
“What is this?” I asked (что это? – спросил я).
“Can you not guess?” queried Captain Bilge (не можете догадаться? – вопросил капитан Днище). “It is a desert island (это – необитаемый остров;
“Ah!” I rejoined with a sudden flash of intuition (а! – воскликнул я в /приступе/ внезапного озарения;
“Blowhard,” said the Captain, striking the table with such force (Трепло, – сказал капитан, ударяя по столу с такой силой) as to cause a loaf of ship’s bread to bounce up and down three or four times (что заставил буханку корабельного хлеба подпрыгнуть вверх-вниз раза три-четыре), “you’ve struck it (вы разгадали ее;
“And the letter T?” I asked (а буква «T»? – спросил я).
“What is this?” I asked.
“Can you not guess?” queried Captain Bilge. “It is a desert island.”
“Ah!” I rejoined with a sudden flash of intuition, “and N is for North and S is for South.”
“Blowhard,” said the Captain, striking the table with such force as to cause a loaf of ship’s bread to bounce up and down three or four times, “you’ve struck it. That part of it had not yet occurred to me.”
“And the letter T?” I asked.
“The treasure, the buried treasure,” said the Captain (тайник, где зарыт клад;
“And where is the island?” I inquired, mad with excitement (и где же находится остров? – спросил я, теряя рассудок от волнения;
“That I do not know,” said the Captain (этого я не знаю, – сказал капитан). “I intend to sail up and down the parallels of latitude until I find it (я намерен курсировать взад-вперед по параллелям широты, пока не отыщу его;
“And meantime (а пока /что/;
“The treasure, the buried treasure,” said the Captain, and turning the map over he read from the back of it – “The point T indicates the spot where the treasure is buried under the sand; it consists of half a million Spanish dollars, and is buried in a brown leather dress-suit case.”
“And where is the island?” I inquired, mad with excitement.
“That I do not know,” said the Captain. “I intend to sail up and down the parallels of latitude until I find it.”
“And meantime?”
“Meantime, the first thing to do is to reduce the number of the crew (а пока, первое, что мне нужно сделать, это сократить численность команды) so as to have fewer hands to divide among (чтобы было: «чтоб иметь» поменьше рук, меж которыми проводить дележ;
Reader, do you blame me if I said yes (читатель, ты осуждаешь меня, за то что я сказал «да»)? I was young, ardent, ambitious (я был молод, горяч, честолюбив), full of bright hopes and boyish enthusiasm (полон светлых надежд /на будущее/ и мальчишеского задора: «воодушевления»).
“Meantime, the first thing to do is to reduce the number of the crew so as to have fewer hands to divide among. Come, come,” he added in a burst of frankness which made me love the man in spite of his shortcomings, “will you join me in this? We’ll throw them all over, keeping the cook to the last, dig up the treasure, and be rich for the rest of our lives.”
Reader, do you blame me if I said yes? I was young, ardent, ambitious, full of bright hopes and boyish enthusiasm.
“Captain Bilge,” I said, putting my hand in his, “I am yours (капитан Днище, – сказал я, вкладывая свою ладонь в его, – я с вами: «я ваш»).”
“Good,” he said, “now go forward to the forecastle (хорошо, – сказал он, а теперь идите на полубак;
I went forward to the men’s quarters (я отправился в матросский кубрик;
“Captain Bilge,” I said, putting my hand in his, “I am yours.”
“Good,” he said, “now go forward to the forecastle and get an idea what the men are thinking.”
I went forward to the men’s quarters – a plain room in the front of the ship, with only a rough carpet on the floor, a few simple arm-chairs, writing-desks, spittoons of a plain pattern, and small brass beds with blue-and-green screens. It was Sunday morning, and the men were mostly sitting about in their dressing-gowns.
They rose as I entered and curtseyed (они поднялись, когда я вошел, и сделали реверанс).
“Sir,” said Tompkins, the bosun’s mate (сэр, – сказал Томпкинс, помощник боцмана), “I think it my duty to tell you (я считаю своим долгом сообщить вам;
Several of the men nodded (несколько матросов кивнули).
“They don’t like the way the men keep going overboard (им не нравится, что люди постоянно падают за борт;
They rose as I entered and curtseyed.
“Sir,” said Tompkins, the bosun’s mate, “I think it my duty to tell you that there is a great deal of dissatisfaction among the men.”
Several of the men nodded.
“They don’t like the way the men keep going overboard,” he continued, his voice rising to a tone of uncontrolled passion. “It is positively absurd, sir, and if you will allow me to say so, the men are far from pleased.”
“Tompkins,” I said sternly (Томпкинс, – твердо сказал я), “you must understand that my position will not allow me to listen to mutinous language of this sort (вы должны понимать, что мое положение не позволяет мне выслушивать мятежные речи подобного рода;
I returned to the Captain (я вернулся к капитану). “I think the men mean mutiny,” I said (думаю, матросы затевают бунт, – сказал я;
“Good,” said Captain Bilge, rubbing his hands (хорошо, – сказал капитан Днище, потирая руки), “that will get rid of a lot of them, and of course (это избавит нас от многих из них, и конечно же;
“Tompkins,” I said sternly, “you must understand that my position will not allow me to listen to mutinous language of this sort.”
I returned to the Captain. “I think the men mean mutiny,” I said.
“Good,” said Captain Bilge, rubbing his hands, “that will get rid of a lot of them, and of course,” he added musingly, looking out of the broad old-fashioned port-hole at the stern of the cabin, at the heaving waves of the South Atlantic, “I am expecting pirates at any time, and that will take out quite a few of them.
However” – and here he pressed the bell for a cabin-boy (как бы то ни было, – и тут он нажал /кнопку/ звонка, чтобы /вызвать/ вахтенного;
“Tompkins,” said the Captain as the bosun’s mate entered (Томпкинс, – сказал капитан, когда помощник боцмана пришел), “be good enough to stand on the locker and stick your head through the stern port-hole (будьте столь добры, встаньте на рундук и просуньте голову в задний иллюминатор), and tell me what you think of the weather (и скажите мне, что вы думаете насчет погоды).”
“Aye, aye, sir,” replied the tar with a simplicity (есть, сэр, – ответил моряк с простодушием) which caused us to exchange a quiet smile (от которого мы с капитаном обменялись сдержанными улыбками: «которое заставило нас обменяться сдержанной улыбкой»;
Tompkins stood on the locker and put his head and shoulders out of the port (Томпкинс, встав на рундук, просунул голову и плечи в иллюминатор;
However” – and here he pressed the bell for a cabin-boy – “kindly ask Mr. Tompkins to step this way.”
“Tompkins,” said the Captain as the bosun’s mate entered, “be good enough to stand on the locker and stick your head through the stern port-hole, and tell me what you think of the weather.”
“Aye, aye, sir,” replied the tar with a simplicity which caused us to exchange a quiet smile.
Tompkins stood on the locker and put his head and shoulders out of the port.
Taking a leg each we pushed him through (взяв его каждый за ногу, мы вытолкнули его наружу: «сквозь»). We heard him plump into the sea (мы услышали =
“Tompkins was easy,” said Captain Bilge (с Томпкинсом было легко, – сказал капитан Днище). “Excuse me as I enter his death in the log (извините, ибо я /должен/ внести /запись/ о его смерти в судовой журнал;
“Yes,” he continued presently, “it will be a great help if they mutiny (да, – продолжал он через минуту, – если /случится/ бунт, это нам здорово поможет: «будет огромная помощь»). I suppose they will, sooner or later (полагаю, рано или поздно, они его /устроят/). It’s customary to do so (так обычно и бывает: «это обычно – делать так»). But I shall take no step to precipitate it (но я не предприму никаких шагов, чтобы приблизить его;
Taking a leg each we pushed him through. We heard him plump into the sea.
“Tompkins was easy,” said Captain Bilge. “Excuse me as I enter his death in the log.”
“Yes,” he continued presently, “it will be a great help if they mutiny. I suppose they will, sooner or later. It’s customary to do so. But I shall take no step to precipitate it until we have first fallen in with pirates. I am expecting them in these latitudes at any time.
Meantime, Mr. Blowhard,” he said, rising (а тем временем, мистер Трепло, – сказал он, поднимаясь), “if you can continue to drop overboard one or two more each week (если вы сможете продолжать выбрасывать за борт еще по одному или по двое каждую неделю), I shall feel extremely grateful (я буду вам чрезвычайно признателен;
Three days later we rounded the Cape of Good Hope (тремя днями позже мы обогнули Мыс Доброй Надежды) and entered upon the inky waters of the Indian Ocean (и вошли в чернильные воды Индийского океана). Our course lay now in zigzags and, the weather being favourable (наш курс теперь был зигзагообразным, и, поскольку погода благоприятствовала;
Meantime, Mr. Blowhard,” he said, rising, “if you can continue to drop overboard one or two more each week, I shall feel extremely grateful.”
Three days later we rounded the Cape of Good Hope and entered upon the inky waters of the Indian Ocean. Our course lay now in zigzags and, the weather being favourable, we sailed up and down at a furious rate over a sea as calm as glass.
On the fourth day a pirate ship appeared (на четвертый день показался пиратский корабль). Reader, I do not know if you have ever seen a pirate ship (читатель, не знаю, видел ли ты когда-нибудь пиратский корабль). The sight was one to appal the stoutest heart (зрелище было таким, что ужаснуло бы самое отважное сердце). The entire ship was painted black (весь корабль был выкрашен в черный /цвет/), a black flag hung at the masthead, the sails were black (на топе мачты висел черный флаг, паруса были черными), and on the deck people dressed all in black walked up and down arm-in-arm (а все матросы, одетые в черное, под ручку прохаживались взад-вперед по палубе). The words “Pirate Ship” were painted in white letters on the bow (слова «Пиратский Корабль» белыми буквами были выведены на носу;
On the fourth day a pirate ship appeared. Reader, I do not know if you have ever seen a pirate ship. The sight was one to appal the stoutest heart. The entire ship was painted black, a black flag hung at the masthead, the sails were black, and on the deck people dressed all in black walked up and down arm-in-arm. The words “Pirate Ship” were painted in white letters on the bow. At the sight of it our crew were visibly cowed. It was a spectacle that would have cowed a dog.
The two ships were brought side by side (два корабля сошлись к борту борт;
Then the fight began (потом начался бой). It lasted two hours – with fifteen minutes off for lunch (длился он два часа, плюс пятнадцать минут на ланч). It was awful (это было ужасно).
The two ships were brought side by side. They were then lashed tightly together with bag string and binder twine, and a gang plank laid between them. In a moment the pirates swarmed upon our deck, rolling their eyes, gnashing their teeth and filing their nails.
Then the fight began. It lasted two hours – with fifteen minutes off for lunch. It was awful.
The men grappled with one another (матросы схватились друг с другом), kicked one another from behind, slapped one another across the face (пинали друг друга сзади, хлестали по щекам: «по лицу»;
At the end of two hours, by mutual consent (к исходу второго часа: «в конце двух часов» по обоюдному согласию), the fight was declared a draw (/результат/ боя был признан ничейным;
The men grappled with one another, kicked one another from behind, slapped one another across the face, and in many cases completely lost their temper and tried to bite one another. I noticed one gigantic fellow brandishing a knotted towel, and striking right and left among our men, until Captain Bilge rushed at him and struck him flat across the mouth with a banana skin.
At the end of two hours, by mutual consent, the fight was declared a draw.
The points standing at sixty-one and a half against sixty-two (очки распределились так: шестьдесят одно с половиной против шестидесяти двух;
The ships were unlashed, and with three cheers from each crew, were headed on their way (корабли расцепились и, под троекратно выкрикнутое обеими командами прощание, направились своей дорогой = легли каждый на свой курс;
“Now, then,” said the Captain to me aside, “let us see (а теперь, – сказал мне капитан шепотом, – давайте-ка посмотрим;
He went below (он пошел вниз). In a few minutes he re-appeared, his face deadly pale (через несколько минут он появился снова со смертельно бледным лицом).
The points standing at sixty-one and a half against sixty-two.
The ships were unlashed, and with three cheers from each crew, were headed on their way.
“Now, then,” said the Captain to me aside, “let us see how many of the crew are sufficiently exhausted to be thrown overboard.”
He went below. In a few minutes he re-appeared, his face deadly pale.
“Blowhard,” he said, “the ship is sinking (Трепло, – сказал он, – корабль тонет). One of the pirates (sheer accident, of course, I blame no one) (один из пиратов (чистейшая случайность, я, конечно же, никого не виню)) has kicked a hole in the side (пробил пинком дыру в борту). Let us sound the well (давайте осмотрим льяло;
We put our ear to the ship’s well (мы приблизили наши уши к льялу /в борту/ корабля;
The men were put to the pumps and worked with the frenzied effort (матросы, поставленные к помпе, работали в сумасшедшим напряжении;
“Blowhard,” he said, “the ship is sinking. One of the pirates (sheer accident, of course, I blame no one) has kicked a hole in the side. Let us sound the well.”
We put our ear to the ship’s well. It sounded like water.
The men were put to the pumps and worked with the frenzied effort which only those who have been drowned in a sinking ship can understand.
At six p. m. the well marked one half an inch of water, at nightfall three-quarters of an inch (в шесть пополудни вода в льяле поднялась до отметки в полдюйма;
By noon of the next day the water had risen to fifteen-sixteenths of an inch (к полудню следующего дня вода поднялась до пятнадцати шестнадцатых дюйма), and on the next night the sounding showed thirty-one thirty-seconds of an inch of water in the hold (а следующей ночью проверка показала, что вода в трюме /достигла/ тридцать одну тридцать вторую дюйма). The situation was desperate (положение было критическим;
At six p. m. the well marked one half an inch of water, at nightfall three-quarters of an inch, and at daybreak, after a night of unremitting toil, seven-eighths of an inch.
By noon of the next day the water had risen to fifteen-sixteenths of an inch, and on the next night the sounding showed thirty-one thirty-seconds of an inch of water in the hold. The situation was desperate. At this rate of increase few, if any, could tell where it would rise to in a few days.
That night the Captain called me to his cabin (той ночью капитан позвал меня к себе в каюту). He had a book of mathematical tables in front of him (перед ним лежала книга с математическими таблицами), and great sheets of vulgar fractions littered the floor on all sides (а повсюду по полу были разбросаны огромные листы /бумаги, исписанные/ простыми дробями).
“The ship is bound to sink,” he said, “in fact, Blowhard, she is sinking (судну суждено утонуть, – сказал он, – по сути, Трепло, оно уже тонет;
That night the Captain called me to his cabin. He had a book of mathematical tables in front of him, and great sheets of vulgar fractions littered the floor on all sides.
“The ship is bound to sink,” he said, “in fact, Blowhard, she is sinking. I can prove it. It may be six months or it may take years, but if she goes on like this, sink she must. There is nothing for it but to abandon her.”
That night, in the dead of darkness, while the crew were busy at the pumps (той же ночью в кромешной тьме, пока команда была занята у помпы;
Unobserved we cut down the masts, chopped them into suitable lengths (/никем/ не замеченные, мы свалили мачты, порубили их на /бревна/ подходящей длины;
Hastily we threw on board a couple of boxes of food and bottles of drinking fluid (мы поспешно погрузили: «бросили» на борт пару ящиков со съестным и бутылки с напитками: «с питьевой жидкостью»;
That night, in the dead of darkness, while the crew were busy at the pumps, the Captain and I built a raft.
Unobserved we cut down the masts, chopped them into suitable lengths, laid them crosswise in a pile and lashed them tightly together with bootlaces.
Hastily we threw on board a couple of boxes of food and bottles of drinking fluid, a sextant, a cronometer, a gas-meter, a bicycle pump and a few other scientific instruments.
Then taking advantage of a roll in the motion of the ship (затем, выбрав момент, когда при качке корабль сильно накренился: «воспользовавшись качкой при движении корабля»;
The break of day found us a tiny speck on the Indian Ocean (на рассвете мы уже казались: «рассвет застал нас» крошечным пятнышком посреди Индийского океана;
Then taking advantage of a roll in the motion of the ship, we launched the raft, lowered ourselves upon a line, and under cover of the heavy dark of a tropical night, we paddled away from the doomed vessel.
The break of day found us a tiny speck on the Indian Ocean. We looked about as big as this (.).
In the morning, after dressing, and shaving as best we could (утром, одевшись и выбрившись как можно чище: «лучше»), we opened our box of food and drink (мы открыли ящик с провизией и напитками).
Then came the awful horror of our situation (и тут до нас дошел /весь/ ужас нашего положения).
One by one the Captain took from the box the square blue tins of canned beef (одну за другой капитан доставал из ящика синие прямоугольные банки с консервированной говядиной;
In the morning, after dressing, and shaving as best we could, we opened our box of food and drink.
Then came the awful horror of our situation.
One by one the Captain took from the box the square blue tins of canned beef which it contained. We counted fifty-two in all. Anxiously and with drawn faces we watched until the last can was lifted from the box. A single thought was in our minds. When the end came the Captain stood up on the raft with wild eyes staring at the sky.
“The can-opener!” he shrieked, “just Heaven, the can-opener (консервный нож! – закричал он, – Боже милостивый, консервный нож;
Meantime, with trembling hands, I opened the box of bottles (а я тем временем дрожащими руками открыл ящик с бутылками). It contained lager beer bottles, each with a patent tin top (в нем были бутылки со светлым пивом, каждая с фирменной оловянной крышечкой;
“The can-opener!” he shrieked, “just Heaven, the can-opener.” He fell prostrate.
Meantime, with trembling hands, I opened the box of bottles. It contained lager beer bottles, each with a patent tin top. One by one I took them out. There were fifty-two in all. As I withdrew the last one and saw the empty box before me, I shroke out – “The thing! the thing! oh, merciful Heaven! The thing you open them with!”
I fell prostrate upon the Captain (и я упал ничком на капитана).
We awoke to find ourselves still a mere speck upon the ocean (мы очнулись и обнаружили, что /являемся/ по-прежнему всего лишь пятнышком в океане;
Over us was the burnished copper sky of the tropics (над нами было /блестящее, будто/ полированная медь, небо тропиков). The heavy, leaden sea lapped the sides of the raft (море тяжелыми /волнами/ лениво билось о края плота;
I fell prostrate upon the Captain.
We awoke to find ourselves still a mere speck upon the ocean. We felt even smaller than before.
Over us was the burnished copper sky of the tropics. The heavy, leaden sea lapped the sides of the raft. All about us was a litter of corn beef cans and lager beer bottles. Our sufferings in the ensuing days were indescribable.
We beat and thumped at the cans with our fists (мы били и лупили по банкам кулаками;
It was futile (/все/ это было понапрасну).
We beat and thumped at the cans with our fists. Even at the risk of spoiling the tins for ever we hammered them fiercely against the raft. We stamped on them, bit at them and swore at them. We pulled and clawed at the bottles with our hands, and chipped and knocked them against the cans, regardless even of breaking the glass and ruining the bottles.
It was futile.
Then day after day we sat in moody silence, gnawed with hunger (изо дня в день сидели мы в угрюмом молчании, терзаемые голодом;
On the tenth day the Captain broke silence (на десятый день капитан нарушил молчание).
“Get ready the lots, Blowhard,” he said (готовьте /соломинки/, Трепло, /потянем/ жребий, – сказал он;
“Yes,” I answered drearily, “we’re getting thinner every day (да, – сказал я мрачно, – с каждым днем мы тощаем все больше: «мы становимся худее каждый день»).”
Then, with the awful prospect of cannibalism before us, we drew lots (перед нами /маячила/ жуткая перспектива каннибализма, и мы /принялись/ тянуть жребий).
Then day after day we sat in moody silence, gnawed with hunger, with nothing to read, nothing to smoke, and practically nothing to talk about.
On the tenth day the Captain broke silence.
“Get ready the lots, Blowhard,” he said. “It’s got to come to that.”
“Yes,” I answered drearily, “we’re getting thinner every day.”
Then, with the awful prospect of cannibalism before us, we drew lots.
I prepared the lots and held them to the Captain (я приготовил =
“Which does that mean,” he asked, trembling between hope and despair (что это значит? – спросил он, мечась между надеждой и отчаянием;
“No, Bilge,” I said sadly, “you lose (нет, Днище, – сказал я, – вы проиграли).”
But I mustn’t dwell on the days that followed (но я не должен =
I prepared the lots and held them to the Captain. He drew the longer one.
“Which does that mean,” he asked, trembling between hope and despair.
“Do I win?”
“No, Bilge,” I said sadly, “you lose.”
But I mustn’t dwell on the days that followed – the long quiet days of lazy dreaming on the raft, during which I slowly built up my strength, which had been shattered by privation.
They were days, dear reader, of deep and quiet peace (то были дни, дорогой читатель, глубокого и умиротворенного покоя;
It was on the fifth day after that I was awakened from a sound sleep (на пятый день я пробудился от крепкого сна;
They were days, dear reader, of deep and quiet peace, and yet I cannot recall them without shedding a tear for the brave man who made them what they were.
It was on the fifth day after that I was awakened from a sound sleep by the bumping of the raft against the shore. I had eaten perhaps overheartily, and had not observed the vicinity of land.
Before me was an island, the circular shape of which, with its low, sandy shore (передо мной лежал остров, круглая форма которого, с его низким песчаным берегом), recalled at once its identity (позволила мне тут же узнать его;
“The treasure island,” I cried (остров сокровищ! – закричал я), “at last I am rewarded for all my heroism (наконец-то я вознагражден за весь свой героизм).”
In a fever of haste I rushed to the centre of the island (в лихорадочном возбуждении я со всех ног бросился к центру острова;
Before me was an island, the circular shape of which, with its low, sandy shore, recalled at once its identity.
“The treasure island,” I cried, “at last I am rewarded for all my heroism.”
In a fever of haste I rushed to the centre of the island. What was the sight that confronted me? A great hollow scooped in the sand, an empty dress-suit case lying beside it, and on a ship’s plank driven deep into the sand, the legend, “Saucy Sally, October, 1867.”
So! the miscreants had made good the vessel, headed it for the island (значит, негодяи починили судно, взяли курс на остров;
So! the miscreants had made good the vessel, headed it for the island of whose existence they must have learned from the chart we so carelessly left upon the cabin table, and had plundered poor Bilge and me of our well-earned treasure!
Sick with the sense of human ingratitude I sank upon the sand (от осознания человеческой неблагодарности /у меня/ подкосились ноги, и я повалился на песок;
The island became my home (остров стал моим жилищем = я остался жить на острове;
There I eked out a miserable existence, feeding on sand and gravel (там я влачил жалкое существование, перебиваясь с песка на гравий;
Would that others who write sea stories would do as much (вот бы и те, другие, кто пишет морские рассказы, поступили бы так же;
Sick with the sense of human ingratitude I sank upon the sand.
The island became my home.
There I eked out a miserable existence, feeding on sand and gravel and dressing myself in cactus plants. Years passed. Eating sand and mud slowly undermined my robust constitution. I fell ill. I died. I buried myself.
Would that others who write sea stories would do as much.