Mixing fiction, history, psychoanalysis, and personal fantasy, "Teresa, My Love" follows Sylvia Leclercq, a French psychoanalyst, academic, and incurable insomniac, as she falls for the sixteenth-century Saint Teresa of Avila and becomes consumed with charting her life. Traveling to Spain, Leclercq, Kristeva's probing alterego, visits the sites and embodiments of the famous mystic and awakens to her own desire for faith, connection, and rebellion.
One of Kristeva's most passionate and transporting works, "Teresa, My Love" interchanges biography, autobiography, analysis, dramatic dialogue, musical scores, and images of paintings and sculptures to embed the reader in Leclercq's — and Kristeva's — journey. Born in 1515, Teresa of Avila survived the Spanish Inquisition and was a key reformer of the Carmelite Order. Her experience of ecstasy, which she intimately described in her writings, released her from her body and led to a complete realization of her consciousness, a state Kristeva explores in relation to present-day political failures, religious fundamentalism, and cultural malaise. Incorporating notes from her own psychoanalytic practice, as well as literary and philosophical references, Kristeva builds a fascinating dual diagnosis of contemporary society and the individual psyche while sharing unprecedented insights into her own character.
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First draft of
First draft of the
of the Discalced Nuns
New series of lesser
: 8–27
, chaps. 1–26
; continuation of
, chaps. 21–27
(almost 200)
Completion of
(chaps. 28–31)
Final letters (around 100)
The English translations used for all quotations from Teresa of Avil a come from the following sources.
Any italics in quotations have been added by Julia Kristeva.
We are not angels, but we have a body.
Or perhaps there is only a single mind, in which everybody has a share, a mind to which all of us look, isolated though each of us is within a private body, just as at the theater.
The flung-back face of a woman asleep, or perhaps she has already died of pleasure, her open mouth the avid door to an empty body that fills before our eyes with a boiling of marble folds…You must recall that sculpture by Bernini,
Teresa loved to read; they made her write. In a style quick with emotion, yet firm and precise, she portrayed the blend of pain and jubilation she felt with an emphasis on the deft agent of her undoing: Eros, armed with a spear, the iron tip of God Himself. “
Oh, how many times when I am in this state do I recall that verse of David: Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum [As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. (Ps. 42:2)]…When this thirst is not too severe, it seems it can be appeased somewhat; at least the soul seeks some remedy.…At other times the pain becomes so severe that the soul can do neither penance
Desire existed before she did, and this woman knows it. Nevertheless she is consumed: a burning wound, a delightful pain. In the key of the Song of Songs, but by the hand for the first time of a European woman, pleasure unto death is conveyed with a sensual exactitude that defies decorum. Make no mistake: the fire that “carries off” the deepest part of her suggests that rather than capture the potency of the “large dart,” as in the male fantasy of the castrating female, Teresa gifts it to the angel. It is in dispossession and exile that she joins with the Other and becomes divine. In the same vein, at once a shooting star and a clap of thunder, she resumes her account in the “Sixth Dwelling Places” of
The soul dissolves with desire, and yet it doesn’t know what to ask for since clearly it thinks that its God is with it.
You will ask me: Well, if it knows this, what does it desire or what pains it? What greater good does it want? I don’t know. I do know that it seems
Teresa’s body — as passionate and amorous as David’s or Esther’s, or that of the Sulamitess in the Song of Songs — falls back upon the Word. A gem of European memory, her text is steeped in Scripture, while her fiery verve rhythms a great movement in Catholic history: the baroque revolution. Might she also, unlikely as it may seem, be our contemporary?
Teresa’s “torment” is “beatific,” she experiences its ambivalence as “spiritual joy.” Such a fabulous autoeroticism, strained through Old Testament passions and sublimated by New Testament ideals, does not eschew “corporeal form.” “Christ’s humanity” was a theme of sixteenth-century piety; Erasmists,
I ran into her again on the cover of a Lacan
I may as well tell you right away, I’m not a believer. I was christened as a matter of course, but Jesus was never a dinner-table topic at our house. My father was a general practitioner in the 13th arrondissement, and my mother taught literature at the lycée in Sceaux. Everyone worked too hard to see much of one another or to talk; it was a standard secular family of a kind very common in France, efficient and rational. Any discussions revolved, on Mother’s side, around literary prizes and the horrors of the world — much the same thing, perhaps. Whereas my father, who purported to be a left-leaning Gaullist, was forever grumbling about how France would never recover from the Algerian war, or how beggars were ruining the city center, or how some people believed in nothing but their doctor: a big mistake, as he was in a position to know. Anxious to spare Mother and me the “trials of life,” he’d made sure to give us “nothing but the best, my darlings.” That was his hobbyhorse, being more of an elitist than a republican, to put it mildly; he was proud of his success at providing for us, as he saw it. Meanwhile Mother, a fan of Colette and Françoise Sagan, was forever feeling let down by the latest Goncourt, Renaudot, or Femina book prizes, whose standards were so “dreadfully mediocre,” and pushing for the three of us to travel abroad, preferably to Italy, which was not a common destination in those days. I would listen with half an ear. I was pretty independent for an only child. It was May 1968, and my mind was elsewhere.
I love the night. I’m not an insomniac, but I’ve been regularly waking up around 2 A.M. ever since my father passed away, ten years ago this September. My mother faded away barely fifteen months after that, that’s apparently how it is when people love each other — not that love had been particularly noticeable in their case. I had never found them terribly interesting; you don’t when you’re a child, so it hadn’t occurred to me they might seem interesting to each other. Nowadays I listen to France Info and Jazz 89.9 or 88.2 as a cuddly toy substitute. Rocked by the sounds of the world, I doze without really dropping off, until the alarm clock rings.
I love the night, its furtive, underwater life of news flashes and rhythmic beats snagging memories at random, or semidreams, because a no-body opens up to nothing, and I only feel good when I’m rid of myself. Was my brain saturated by the latest dreary debate on the clash of civilizations, secularism versus head scarves? Or was it some dream that still escapes me? Anyhow, one night I fished up a word from my chance dives into the murky depths, the word “mystical,” which gave me such a stomach cramp that I rolled out of bed at first light. Where had that popped up from? I was hardly likely to have heard the word “mystical” on France Info, or Jazz point something.
I drank my tea over the first volume of the saint’s works, which I retrieved like a sleepwalker from the top of the bookcase, where I couldn’t remember having put it. It was quite an encounter. The kind of thing that gets under your skin and no one can figure out why. Teresa of what? Sylvia Leclercq reading Teresa of Avila, you’re kidding! After that sharp little book on Duras? No way! Maybe the silly goose thinks mysticism’s due for a revival, like she’s happened on a money-spinner!
They’ve got me all wrong. I’m not sharing my saint with anyone; I’m keeping her all to myself. She will be the roommate of my submarine nights, her name is Teresa of Avila.
Should conspicuous tokens of faith be allowed in schools, yes or no? Yet another committee that can’t manage without a psychologist, this time to discuss France’s constitutional secularism. Representatives of every brand of sensibility, profession, gender, and politics had been convened to guide a lawmaker through the issues. Unsurprisingly, we were at odds: some, like me, felt that religion is a private matter and public space shouldn’t be an arena for the contest of beliefs; others took our rigorous stance for an assault on the very right to believe, a disgraceful mark of intolerance. A young woman in a head scarf suddenly raised her voice above the noise: an IT engineer, pretty, clever, and adamant. She explained to us very forcefully that she and her God were
“‘Neither whores nor submissives*’!” cried the woman on my left, incensed, and I clapped. [*Ni putes ni soumises: women’s rights movement founded by French Muslim women in 2002.—Trans.]
“She wears her veil like Saint Teresa wore a habit, she’ll get over it in a few hundred years,” snickered the man on my right.
“But that’s completely different!” Reproving stares pierced me from every side. Trapped, I said meekly: “Well,
The spontaneity of my outburst surprised me. As if Teresa had just installed herself inside me, suddenly,
I fell into a kind of stupor, sucked into the abyss that separates the IT jihadi — protected from everything and then some by a scarf that strangles her worse than a convict’s neck iron — from the Golden Age visionary attempting to reconcile the faith of her desires with her loquacious reason. Was it really such an abyss? Sure. Not sure. Let’s see.
Teresa, as I read her, was able, by entering into ecstasy and writing down her raptures, not only to feel suffering and joy in both body and soul, but also to heal herself — almost — of her most salient symptoms: anorexia, fatigue, insomnia, fainting fits (
Ever since she surfaced in the vagrancy of my submarine nights and imposed herself “by default” upon my discourse, Teresa hasn’t left me alone for a moment. This can be irritating, especially during the psychotherapy sessions with my analysands. For they are, male and female, one and all, sick with love, like Teresa, like Marguerite Duras, like the IT engineer, and plenty more. Like me, except that I have spent so many years analyzing myself and others that I lost the capacity for passion and it’s no longer that simple. Teresa wasn’t fooled either, in a way; at any rate she was far less gullible than some of my patients of either sex who revel in lovesickness and close their ears to my interpretations, no doubt because they love me too much.
But Teresa had no qualms about delving to the “root” of her “sins,” of her “boiling desires,” those “galloping horses” as she called them, nor about attacking the incompetence of her confessors, who did not understand her.
The whole trouble lay in not getting at
All these signs of fear of God came to me during prayer;
I take it that Teresa was implicating certain “friendships” and more precisely “prayer,” the practice of mental prayer for fusion with God: both of these presumably lay behind her “sins” and her indispositions. But I also see her as decomposing the internal shifts of her way of believing in God. If she, Teresa, loves God so much, it’s because she fears Him — punishment being the solidary inverse of love. Can love be a ruthless demand that punishes one to the point of illness? “These signs of fear of God…were enveloped in love.” Teresa points to the central knot of her malaise, a pernicious knot that the lovely engineer, fixed to her identity along with so many lovesick analysands, will take years to unpick. The earthly “punishment,” her symptoms but also her penances, derive from a
The future saint has just discovered what the superego enjoins: “Delight in suffering!” What to do? Without relinquishing that feminine stance—“A female I was and, for better or worse [
Offered up, passive, defenseless, Teresa embraced the rite of prayer as preached by the Franciscan Francisco de Osuna10 in his
Delirium? Inebriation? That may well be, she doesn’t care, she prefers
Let us come now to speak of the third water by which this garden is irrigated, that is, the water flowing from a river or spring. By this means the garden is irrigated with much less labor, although some labor is required to direct the flow of the water. The Lord so desires to help the gardener here that He Himself becomes practically the gardener and the one who does everything.
This prayer is a sleep of the faculties; the faculties neither fail entirely to function nor understand how they function. The consolation, the sweetness, and the delight are incomparably greater than that experienced in the previous prayer. The water of grace rises up to the throat of this soul since such a soul can no longer move forward; nor does it know how; nor can it move backward.
I don’t know any other terms for describing it or how to explain it. Nor does the soul then know what to do because it doesn’t know whether to speak or to be silent, whether to laugh or to weep. This prayer is
Often I had been as though bewildered and inebriated in this love, and never was I able to understand its nature.…
It would want to be all tongues so as to praise the Lord.…
While I write this I am not freed from such holy, heavenly madness.…
Since [this soul] desires to live no longer in itself but in You, it seems that its life is unnatural.
…There is no reason sufficient to prevent me from this excess when the Lord carries me out of myself — nor since this morning when I received Communion do I think it is I who am speaking. It seems that what I see is a dream, and I would desire to see no other persons than those who are sick with this sickness I now have. I beg your Reverence that we may all be mad for love of Him who for love of us was called mad.12
My parents are dead, my partner left me, I don’t have children: I don’t have anyone. Nature is beautiful; the world situation is beyond help; life makes me laugh, because I never could do tears. My colleagues at the MPH (for the uninitiated, the Medical-Psychological House, my official base where I practice as a psychologist) think well of me: “Everything works out for Sylvia Leclercq, what a dynamo!” Not particularly discerning, as assessments go, but I’ll settle for it. What the ladies mean by that (and I say “ladies,” because in such an institution, the staff is invariably 99 percent female) is that they don’t resent me, that I do my job well enough. I socialize with them just as often as it takes to maintain my image, for I don’t look for truth in human contacts, apart from those undefinable relations that attach me to our inpatients and my own cases. Whether or not they can be called “bonds,” these are my greatest weakness, at any rate.
Paul is a “compensated autistic,” according to his medical records. He seldom speaks, his gaze wanders, and what sound like sentences from him are often no more than TV advertising slogans or snatches of a fable by La Fontaine. Paul’s memory and ear are faultless. He is an excellent piano player and spends much time listening to cassettes. He’s a teenager going on thirty, tall and lanky, slightly stooped, prone to losing his balance and passing out. Paul also likes hugging girls, who willingly reciprocate, having fallen for those feline eyes, which never rest on anyone. Yesterday, out of the blue, he came and flung his skinny arms round me and rocked me hard. “I don’t want you to die.” I must have looked pretty stupid, because for once he stared me straight in the eye. He went on repeating the same thing all day long. Was it in response to another sentence running through his head that he wasn’t telling me, along the lines of “You should die, I want you to die”? That evening, he decreed: “All things considered, I need you for my life. Understand?” I left the building under his catlike gaze, cheered by that “all things considered.” I hadn’t understood that Paul had understood everything, after all.
Élise is a tougher nut to crack. She is fifteen and incontinent, which people find quite trying. She has to be changed, dressed, the works. But she can’t stand nurses or nurses’ aides. “Not touch!” she shrieks in anguish. Furious outburst, dose of tranquilizers, and it starts all over again. Nobody wants to look after her. “Mrs. Leclercq, I
“Quit acting like one of those old-school analysts: lavatory/lavender, is that it?”
Marianne Baruch, the MPH psychiatrist, my only friend in here or anywhere, sticks to prescribing slews of pills. She loathes all that Freudian — Lacanian mumbo jumbo, which it amuses her to attribute to me. Parapeted behind thick glasses, encased in faded jeans like a fifty-something teen, she’s a gruff character whose affection, on its rare outings, is mostly for me. But I was talking about Élise. Any exchanges between the young girl and myself serve only to help us arrive at the things that begin (with all due respect to Dr. Baruch) in the sphere of sensation. Lavender is odorous and tactile, it dampens and lubricates, it caresses.
Nothing had predisposed me to do this job. I drifted for years between the couch and the library, but I was not cut out to teach, still less to teach literature. My salvation was Marguerite Duras: I never completed my thesis on her, because the more I thought about her the more depressed I got, but I did turn it into a slim volume,
“You’re a shrewd psychologist, Sylvia, and one might also spot a streak of theology in that apocalypse of yours,” remarked my publisher, Bruno Zonabend. This was hardly a compliment to the literary type I thought myself to be. Theology meant nothing to me in those days. I ditched my thesis and went back to school, this time to study psychology, and here I am: Sylvia Leclercq, clinical psychologist. Practicing part-time at the MPH, the rest with private patients. And, more lately, sharing my nights with Teresa of Avila.
On March 28, 1515, in the province of Avila, a third child was born to don Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda and his wife, doña Beatriz de Ahumada. It was a girl. Don Alonso was the son of Juan Sánchez, a “reconciled” convert from Judaism also known as Juan de Toledo, a wealthy tax collector and draper, and of doña Inés de Cepeda, from an Old Christian family of minor aristocratic rank. At her christening on April 4 in Avila, the infant was given the name of Teresa after her maternal grandmother, doña Teresa de las Cuevas, and her paternal great-grandmother, Teresa Sánchez. Her family name was a composite of her parents’ surnames: de Cepeda y Ahumada. The patronym Sánchez, perceived as Jewish, was gradually dropped in favor of the stalwart Catholicism of the Cepeda stock. Thus Teresa bore just one first name plus the last names of her only Catholic forbears (the Cepedas and the Ahumadas), all on the female side. Such an onomastic apparatus strikes me as perfectly tailored to the person in question.
But what of the Marrano status of her father’s line, the forced conversion to Catholicism? Had it become diluted, or did it, on the contrary, persist like an invisible magnet attracting Teresa’s faith to the inner, exploratory life, rather than to the facile schemas of established religion? Some scholars make much of the humiliation suffered by her merchant grandfather Juan Sánchez, condemned to wear the
This view is taken by Michel de Certeau, who finds that a “strange alliance joins the ‘mystic’ spoken word to ‘impure blood.’”13 The crossing of two religious traditions, one repressed and hidden in the private realm, the other triumphant but “corrupt,” undoubtedly helped the “New Christians” to create a new discourse, freed from dogmatic reiteration and structured — like a spiritual
If on the one hand Teresa inherited, albeit unconsciously, this spiritual
Teresa was four years old when the municipal authorities brought a fiscal suit against the Sánchez de Cepeda family, requiring them to prove in court that they possessed the rank of hidalgos, without fiefs or titles perhaps, but exempt from tax. In fact, they already enjoyed this privilege. Juan Sánchez and then his sons had earned it by their social success; they lived like nobles and served the king. Formal hidalgo status was legally granted four years later. Was this how Teresa learned that she was the granddaughter of a converso? Her writings give no indication of it. Nevertheless, the suspicion of a lack of
In 1528 Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda was left with twelve children on his hands — two from a first marriage (María and Juan), ten from the second (Fernando, Rodrigo, Teresa, Juan, Lorenzo, Antonio, Pedro, Jerónimo, Agustín, and Juana) — when Teresa’s mother Beatriz de Ahumada died, possibly in the course of her tenth and final delivery. In July 1531, aged sixteen, Teresa entered the small Augustinian Convent of Our Lady of Grace in Avila. All of her brothers became soldiers, except for Juan. They emigrated: Fernando was the first to sail for the Indies (America), and the favorite, Rodrigo, embarked for the Plate estuary in 1535. Antonio, Pedro, Jerónimo, Lorenzo, and Agustín followed in their wake between 1540 and 1543, eager to acquire wealth and honors in the New World now that their father’s money had almost run out. Living exclusively off the land as a hidalgo was less profitable than selling silks or collecting taxes, and before long the Cepeda y Ahumada family was ruined.
On November 2, 1535, Teresa ran away from her father’s home to join the Carmel of the Incarnation. There she took her vows, after spending a year as a postulant. She was twenty years old. Her father died in December 1543, leaving considerable debts, over which some of his heirs would quarrel for two decades.
Teresa’s “conversion,” the beginning of her deep surrender to religion, dates from 1555. Her contemplative life intensified. A devotee of the orisons of the
In 1559, the Inquisition placed on its Index of Prohibited Books many of the spiritual books and chivalrous novels in Castilian that Teresa’s mother had taught her to enjoy. Christ appeared and reassured her: “Don’t be sad, for I shall give you a living book.”15 A vision of Christ in 1559, a vision of Hell the following year. First raptures. Disillusioned by the worldliness of the “calced” Carmelite order, she planned to found, with her fellow nuns, a convent that would reinstate the order’s original rule, the “discalced” Carmel. She would replace shoes with canvas sandals.
At the request of her confessor, the Dominican Pedro Ibáñez, in 1560–1561 she undertook to write her life story. Already in 1554, following the advice of her confessors Gaspar Daza and Francisco de Salcedo, she had embarked on an autobiographical work, marking in her copy of
Teresa of Jesus wrote
Although she was a great friend and accomplice of Saint John of the Cross (they met in 1567, when he was twenty-five and she was fifty-two) in both the Carmelite reformation and the life of the soul, Teresa eschewed the purgative asceticism of her “little Seneca”; she shared neither his endurance under flagellation nor his “privation of every kind of pleasure which belongs to the desire” (
After her death on October 4, 1582, in Alba de Tormes, Teresa was interred in the chapel of the dukes of Alba, under a heap of soil, stones, and lime. When her body was exhumed in 1586, its wondrously preserved state naturally encouraged the publication of the books. While she was alive, successive popes were at the very least wary of her: Paul IV, Pius V, and Gregory XIII (who recast the calendar) had no time for febrile mystics, especially female ones. La Madre was beatified a century after her birth, in 1614, in a festive Madrid of serpents, ships, and blazing castles. King Philip IV, the ambassadors, and the nobles paid homage to her in the cathedral adorned with her portrait: this depicted her holding a palm frond in one hand, the symbol of virginity, and a quill in the other, to represent literary genius. Lope de Vega himself presided over the poetic joust of sonnets composed in her honor. The Blessed Teresa was canonized by Gregory XV in 1622, in recognition of her “divine wisdom.” The Jesuits had supported her in life: Francisco Borgia, Baltasar Álvarez, Ripalda…The Council of Trent, inaugurating a new epoch for the Catholic faith, had need of someone like Teresa, whose experience fitted so well with the new outlook without being reducible to it.20 For La Madre had patently prefigured, indeed embodied, the baroque. She had led the way in balancing ascetic rigor, rehabilitated by the Carmelite reformation, with the wonders of supernatural spiritual contemplation, legitimized by her genius. It was in this spirit that Luis de León and Jerome Gratian posthumously published and commented upon her works, to consecrate Teresa of Avila as
Why do I feel so sure that this Carmelite nun has slipped the leash of her time and her world, and stands beside us in the third millennium? Is Teresa the diarist a modern sensibility, revealing that the secrets of baroque civilization are female? Or is she a novelist who weaves romantic plots, the necessary love interest, around the mystical subject — man or woman, man and woman? Or perhaps the maverick thinker of the Self outside the Self? A Montaigne of extreme, borderline states? The first person to theorize the imaginary with the aid of its own specific tools?
Master of triumphant narcissism inasmuch as she was loving/loved, Teresa was not content to develop the Christ-centered revolution introduced into Judaism by a God-man of love, whose
The important thing is not to think much but to love much…I have been very afflicted at times in the midst of this turmoil of mind. A little more than four years ago I came to understand through experience that
On the one hand, moral judgment, on the other, the imagination of the Bride, desirous without fear of being judged for it: “I would kiss thee, yea, I should not be despised” (Song of Songs 8:1). Teresa recognizes the legitimacy and advantage of the former, but nothing could induce her to give up the harrowing desires without which there is no path to the Beloved: “It isn’t good for us to be disturbed by our thoughts, nor should we be concerned”; “the pain is felt when suspension does not accompany the prayer.
The point is neither to submit to the intellect, nor to substitute it with restless thought and imagination, but to construct a new expression that constitutes the Teresian discourse: suspension of the intellect, while also eluding that illusory, misleading, mystificatory imagination. A
My sandal-wearer, who claimed to be so unschooled as not to “know who the Assyrians are,”23 didn’t feel at all inferior to the learned doctors who guided her soul; she even took them down a peg in a burlesque homage of a type called
Not rationalistic, not skeptical, not isolated, not even “balanced,” and yet drawing on knowldge as much as on unknowing, Teresa’s Self is a twofold knowing from the start, born in the Other’s love and for the Other* [*“Le Moi de Thérèse est d’emblée co-naissant dans l’amour de l’Autre et pour l’Autre.” The author makes a pun on
On hearing me enthuse about the droll letters Teresa sent to her confessors (those secret or semiavowed loves, who no matter how erudite she often chided for their lack of what she called “experience”) my friend Dr. Baruch teases me: “Our Freudian Sylvia, lapsing into Catholicism, eh?”
Not a bit. Or no more so than Leibniz, whose company is nothing to be ashamed of. Indeed, the great rationalist who aspired to overcome the rifts within Christianity took La Madre seriously in his
Teresa’s soul incorporating its God, consubstantial with the Other: might this be the only possible immortality? Enough, surely, to mark down the Carmelite saint, the inspirer of Bernini, as the precursor of the infinite monad and Leibniz’s infinitesimal calculus!
Did I mention my former partner? I finally erased him altogether, it’s true. It’s all so long ago. We were fifteen in May 1968, we manned the barricades on rue Claude-Bernard, discovered sex and drugs at the Odéon, experimented with the whole gamut of erotic fantasy and power games. His name? Can’t remember, not a clue. Honestly. My friends, the few I still have from those days, are the same: they say “your ex,” “her ex.” My ex left no trace of himself in me, good or bad, which might seem strange for a psychologist, or perhaps it just shows how thoroughly I was psychoanalyzed. He claimed to like women and hate children; he made love like — and with — anybody else, but preferred me for sleeping with. When we were together he’d cross the road to avoid greeting an acquaintance, male or female. Was he ashamed of me? Ashamed of himself? Given that everything was or ought to be transparent, this hole-and-corner stuff made no sense to me, I couldn’t see why we had to play at secret lovers. So I asked him, I nagged him about it, and he’d fly into a temper and disappear for days. We carried on that way for ten years or so, I wanted to be up to date, but I was just a masochist. One day he didn’t come back. One of
Love, the tritest business of our whole lives, as my mother used to say in evocation of her favorite authoress — Colette or Sagan? — love had ditched me for good. Free of it at last, I find life nicely open and varied, full of surprises. My patients offer unexpected gifts, my dear colleague Baruch buoys me up with her businesslike approval, and occasional affinities with the male of the species afford me occasional pleasures of the kind known as physical. With 9/11 and the rise of Islamic terrorism, I realized that religion is the only world — besides those of Paul and Élise — that can still rouse me to passion. For better and for worse.
It’s late, I’m in my apartment on Place d’Italie gazing out at the city lights. My father always loved this great window; the view would relax him after a strenuous day. I’m getting supper ready and listening to the news: from one folly to the next, Sky News, CNN, on goes the world.
The phone rings. It’s Zone Books.
Bruno doesn’t call very often, and why should he: sales of my Duras book were modest, except abroad. “There’s a Duras cult in the States, what do you expect, all those depressed women sucked in by feminism…Sorry, did I upset you?” Of course not: I wouldn’t kick up a fuss with my publisher. All he’s asked after that is to meet for a drink every two or three years, in case there’s something to be got out of the dingbat psychology circles I now move in, and which include Zone customers. Invariably he draws a blank: I’m not the mole he’s after. Let’s do it again soon? I’ll call you. That would be lovely…
Meanwhile, Zone switched niches. Seeing as everybody else was writing and publishing fiction, Zonabend slashed the literary list to the bone and went into contemporary nonfiction. “Essays are such a catch-all, ever since Montaigne and Rousseau, you know, essays have been great sellers.” But without spurning his old flames.
“The time has come for you to take up your pen once more, my dear! I need you, yes I do, I’m serious, surely you realize you’re cutting-edge? Come now, I’ve always known you had flair. Value crisis! Apocalypse now! The new sicknesses of the soul! How to become a suicide bomber so as not to go crazy when you’re crazy already! You are at the total front line of all that, my dear Sylvia, and plus you’ve got the inside story, with those fruitcakes of yours! You hold the key to the enigma, on the deep-down intimate level, I mean.”
Bruno is trying to flatter me: he dreams of a
“Do you hear what I’m saying? Today’s Anne-Marie Stretters, Lol V. Steins, what are they doing? In France they’re singing on shows like
“You mean the Hiroshima of love would only get more devastating?” I’m alluding to the subtitle of my book, which Zonabend has evidently forgotten. “And I’m supposed to be the expert in the field?” I say, feigning jokiness.
“The Hiroshima of love, excellent!” Bruno can already see me on TV, guesting on the Guillaume Durand show, or, why think small, on prime time with Patrick Poivre d’Arvor.
“I don’t know, but I do think there can be religious women in love. I happen to be reading one now who talks about nothing else.” Teresa,
“Really? Well, why not…Let’s see. Not Diderot’s nun, she’s been done. A fundamentalist? A mystic?”
“A writer.”
“Not another writer! Ok, do me a synopsis.” My publisher goes quiet all of a sudden. He doesn’t seem very excited about my saint. “Religion is always a mystery for you psychologists as well, isn’t it? So that’s it…I’ll trust you. I want it. I’ll send the contract. And get your skates on.”
Bruno’s such a bore. I don’t feel like ticking boxes. I am steeped in Teresa, her faith and madness speak to me, and the faith I never had may not be so far distant. As for madness, well…A bonfire under my white apocalypse?
Hail Teresa, borderless woman, physical hysterical erotic epileptic, made word, made flesh, who unravels inside and outside herself, tides of images without pictures, tumults of words, cascades of florescence, a thousand tongues listening out for whom for what, listening to time etched in stone, eardrum larynx cry out write out, night and brightness, too much body yet disembodied, beyond matter, empty gaping matrix throbbing for the Beloved ever-present and yet never there, but there’s
Besides obeying it is my intention to attract souls [entice souls: engolosinar las almas] to so high a blessing.
Transforming the beloved in her Lover.
It’s Christmas. People are buying trees, foie gras, oysters, gifts. Some will go to midnight Mass, millions are already clogging the freeways, apparently London is paralyzed by the weather (shame that the one destination that could tempt me is off limits due to global warming); there’s been a deadly pile-up in Gironde, three young people carjacked by a drunk in the 13th arrondissement, two dead, one critically injured. I’m staying put. The MPH ladies are of one mind for the vacation: they are trooping off for some thalassotherapy in Ouarzazate. For some unfathomable reason Morocco at Xmas is a magnet for the political class (“Of a right-wing bent,” my friend Dr. Marianne Baruch points out) and for women of a certain age.
Marianne is going as well, not looking forward to it much — but the alternative is “Not been there, not done that,” already the favorite expression of this Prozac-popping chronic depressive and proud of it. Ouarzazate wins: “Cheaper than Biarritz or Quiberon, and sure to be sunny, you know?” I do.
“So I guess Mme Leclercq will be staying put, as is her wont?” Our psychiatrist’s intent sympathy is trained on me. I must be looking even more oblivious than is my wont; Marianne is fishing for a smile.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“I’m not the kind who says, ‘it’s nothing, just a woman drowning.’”
She doesn’t miss a trick, that one. When Dr. Baruch wants to please me, she fires off one of those Exocets I myself taught her to use, in this case a line from La Fontaine. We are supposed to chortle together. Not me so much, because I don’t agree with her in the slightest. For the moment Teresa is my entertainment, she’s a great deal more engaging than anything else, including thalassotherapy, and since my one vice is curiosity I’m currently devouring all I can get hold of that has to do with my saint in particular and mystics in general. I feel well within my rights to fire back: “I’m not drowning, darling, I’m allowing myself to be seduced!”
But I’ve underestimated her again.
“Not Bruno, is it?” she says, with a censorious sniff.
Well I never! Has she overheard a phone call, or gone into my e-mails? Unlikely, it’s not her style. Did she spot that old exhibition catalog of works by the Beguines, which Zonabend found in an antique bookshop and gave to me the other day?1 “For company on your journey toward Teresa. Love, Bruno.” That surplus word “love” did not escape my notice. But Marianne can’t have seen the catalog or its inscription; I keep it at home, where I consult it religiously.
Got it: Bruno had Freud’s complete works delivered to me at the MPH address. The standard edition in English, twenty-four volumes accompanied by an “affectionate” note. A generous if somewhat ostentatious gift, and a peculiar one, because not only do I read English poorly, the MPH is also growing increasingly cognitivist, in line with the rest of our globalized planet, and disdainful of psychoanalysis. Zonabend decided to defy the international trend, he claimed, simply to “please me.”
Point noted. I got the message, and couldn’t help feeling a consequent twinge. My colleagues rapidly forgot about the anachronistic offering, except, as I now realize, for Dr. Baruch. In love and therefore jealous, my friend saw the whole thing in a flash, well before I woke up to the pickle I was in with my funny old publisher. Who has, sure enough, become rather more than that in recent days.
“Oh, stop fantasizing!” I stand up, to cut the conversation short. “Happy Christmas, happy hydrotherapy, happy New Year! Send me a card I might get before Easter!” I give her a warm, close hug, but I can sense that she’s not fooled.
Did I really seduce Bruno with my talk of saints? Or does mystical seduction itself make straight for its human target, publishers included, without need of assistance from me? Having lost, as the reader will recall, my faith in human relationships, I am inclined to favor the second hypothesis. Be that as it may, Bruno is a changed man since I mentioned Teresa to him. The Beguines catalog, the complete Freud; my middle-aged publisher is getting adventurous.
For he did not stop at “love” and efforts “to please me” with gifts of books. We were at the dinner-date stage. I accepted the invitation, just to see what he was after. Never in our long and intermittent history had I thought of him in any but a professional capacity, but pieces of his story started coming back to me as I sat opposite him, nursing my drink, in the Café Marly overlooking the sculpture courtyard at the Louvre. The erstwhile handsome rogue and shameless philanderer had been kicked out by his wife — what, five years ago? — because she couldn’t stand any more of his Monster Baby scenes. To the surprise of tout-Paris, that microcosm of media-savvy glitterati, his wife went and married a great but obscure biologist at the INSERM medical research institute, without either celebrity status or private income — not much of a playboy either, at best a boat in the marina of La Rochelle, thanks to which I numbered him among my summer acquaintances. As expected, the diffident scientist had found safe haven in the arms of Stéphanie formerly Zonabend, henceforth Coblence. He has found happiness, actually, if the beaming face of their little girl, nearly three, is anything to go by. She skips along the strand at the Île de Ré under the frankly spiteful glances of the readers — mostly women — who feign an interest in the output of Zone Books.
So Bruno found himself alone, not really noticing, rapidly swamped by feminine attentions as calculating as they were tiresome. At length, having escaped this enterprising harem “for the sake of liberty and the Enlightenment,” as he put it, he settled into a comfortable, carefree celibacy. His only ambition now, his great priority, was to consolidate his position as a tough businessman. “The only publisher who doesn’t lose money by reading books”: quite a feat, I must say, in our times of runaway illiteracy. It won him respect across the board in the trade. Meanwhile he kept a proud eye from afar on the education of his twin sons, students at a prestigious business school across the Atlantic.
I thought he seemed shy, for once. His soulful eyes, like those of a romantic youth, slid surreptitiously from my lips to my cleavage and back, but sought more often to plumb my own gaze in search of goodness knows what depths. He had not, however, shed his old go-getting energy, his knack for knowing when to push. On this occasion he made bold to tell me about his boys, signaling intimacy. They had jointly won the sought-after Humboldt Prize, involving a training course in India related to the famous microcredits system that had earned its deviser a Nobel Prize. At the same time (“and this, Sylvia, is what matters!”) the experience had led the pair to discover Buddhism.
“You see, Thomas and Michaël are staunch rationalists, like their father, whose agnosticism you can rely on.” He took a long sip of Château-Lagune, closing his eyes beatifically. “But then they get to visit all kinds of holy places, temples, and monasteries. They talk to gurus, how about that? They even met up with one of their Israeli cousins, the son of my aunt in Haifa. The guy’s living in an ashram in Pondicherry, for goodness sakes! Mind you, what with those violent God-squad crazies in the Middle East not to mention our precious ally Bush and his neocons, I don’t blame the Israelis for getting hung up on Eastern spirituality, do you? First India, then Japan, it’ll be China next…Not your field, you say? Sure, it’s not mine either, but I’ve started learning Sanskrit, did I tell you? Absolutely, been doing it for a while now. No, I didn’t rediscover my faith, the future belongs to ecumenism, it’s just a matter of intellectual curiosity. At the same time I’m keeping up my Hebrew, in order to follow the teaching of a spiritual master who looks at the great currents within Judaism and knows how to put them across to people like me…So when I hear you talk about mysticism…Do you know that book by Gershom Scholem,
He floundered and flailed, absurdly and endearingly, and I felt he was being genuine. Was this really the same Bruno I had known ever since my Duras book? The cynical big shot with his marketing jargon, the wizard of publishing scoops with an air of the
“Absolutely, absolutely,” he nodded absently, as if in a dream, “that’s it, our subject. You don’t mind me calling it
We had gone out into the Tuileries court. A biting wind drove snow against the steep glass of Pei’s
Unplanned and futureless, that strange, long embrace, outside of time, outside of place, had the tang of impossibility, and we both knew it. All the more reason not to let go, to cling on, with bodies on fire and bellies throbbing, in a weightless suspense that was neither erotic nor antierotic: more than perfect, pluperfect. As the pluperfect tense indicates an action completed before another action in the past, so must our ancient histories, Bruno’s and mine, have crossed in the far distant past, around follies and temerities that had been lived and left behind by others long before us. For a quick moment this past made as if to snatch us out of our skins before bringing us back, inevitably but undramatically, for once, to those pleasures we still call physical — according to Mother, Colette, or Sagan, I’m not sure which. All of a sudden our bodies felt pneumatic, impalpably light, drained of passion. Just a smile and a swarm of symbols and memories, a trail of exploding grenades.
Silence, taxi, “Take care of yourself,” “Work well,” “I’ll call you,” “I’m going away tomorrow.” Serenity.
He’s going away, I don’t know where or with whom, and I don’t care. Attempting to decipher Teresa’s experiences is pride and exhilaration enough. Now Bruno’s effervescent kiss makes me think that the headiness of it might be shared, like lonelinesses are shared that do not communicate but walk side by side into infinity. And it reminds me, if need be, that the most ideal quests keep me enthralled only insofar as they are wedded to the body. Alright, it’s my job to know that, I knew that. The extraordinary thing is that it took that silly, infuriating Bruno to remind me of it!
Build up a little database gleaned from the history of mysticism — now there’s an idea. After the Café Marly kiss plus the sensual details provided by my Teresa and avidly drunk in by me, I’ve lost my ability to classify, systemize, and synthesize. The useful oddments I come across in the works of theologians and other religious historians keep breaking up and scattering, before adhering like magnets to one another at the whim of my moods and fancies. I rearrange, I draw my
Whereas in canonical faith all souls are divine and by the same token immortal, I use the word “mystical” to denote a psychosomatic experience that reveals the erotic secrets of that faith in a parlance that it either constructs or silently refuses. In the mystical experience an extraordinary union comes about — while the speaker is in life — between the soul and his or her God, the finite cleaving to the infinite in order to consummate its true eternity, “alone with God” in the most immediate, intimate sense of a successful incarnation and indwelling. The body wounded by desire experiences and signifies its unspeakable union with the “fundamental principle of being” (Lalande),3 with the Other (Lacan),4 with “Christ’s humanity” (Saint Teresa of Avila). The figures of this hierogamy, this sexual and sublimated osmosis with the absent Beloved may vary, but each inscribes a fracture in the sacral community to which they pertain, and by derivation often touch upon the social and political pact itself. Maximal singularity, rupture of links, recasting of the religious, or of the a-theological quest: mysticism is regarded by “ordinary people” as a form of inner, albeit extravagant, wisdom at odds with the official knowledge, whether ecclesiastic or secular, that so readily reveres it when unable to recuperate it retrospectively.
The impossible desire for a lacking love object is exaltation and pain that are hidden, reticent, at once thrilling and morbid. Excess or emptiness? Or both? The word
The earliest instances of the word “mystic” appear during the first century, in Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite,5 sharpened to a fine point of Neoplatonism with Plotinus’s
And yet, far predating this lexical appearance, hints of “mysticism” abound throughout the Bible. Moses finding God in the midst of the burning bush,8 Ezekiel with a vision of God’s chariot, receiving a scroll he must eat in order to deliver its message;9 these are scenes in which reason is overturned in the clearest light of day. Indeed, mysticism filters into the apocalyptic scriptures (the books of Enoch and Esdras), into Essenian convents, the Pharisee world, and the thought of the Jewish Mishnah masters — all these being focused on the knowledge and contemplation of God and his throne (
During the Middle Ages, a full-blown “medieval Jewish philosophy” flourishes in counterpoint to Arab philosophy. Unacquainted with Greek metaphysics, Talmudic thought that could be described as a monism of thought and action nonetheless developed a rich ambivalence between abstract speculation and mystical experience. Theological ignorance of God, who is undefinable by definition, does not rule out a loving knowledge of Him based on the Alliance: through the concept of
Such a wealth of tendencies, however, can never overshadow the Torah and the Talmud, writings that destined the Jewish people — committed to biblical exegesis and free of major mystical interferences — to a ceaseless study of the texts, so as to imbue themselves with the spirit of God’s Law and put it into practice, thus assuring the salvation of the chosen community.
Bruno is far away, it would be untrue to say I ever think about him, and yet I feel him alongside me, inside me, for example when I’m leafing through the Beguines catalog. My readings of the past few weeks are arranged in my mind like the surrealist collages of those bygone pious women who piled bits of string and handfuls of rose petals around the figure of Baby Jesus. The Sovereign Infant was liable to disappear altogether under the cumulative passion of those tender sisters. He merged with the huge heart they embroidered for him in cross-stitch or molded out of crushed, colorful butterfly wings, a heart that was the real theme and focus of the work. Was it Jesus’s heart, or was it theirs?
It would be wrong to assume that contemporary artists have transcended this kind of reiterative, magpie accumulation. I see a lot of it in the galleries, and most often the artist is a woman. One, Annette B., trusted me enough to lie down on my couch. Her wary, piercing eyes seem cloned from Picasso’s. As a rule her words do not get past her lips, or only in spurts of dulled, futile complaint, abruptly doused. A long, frozen silence ensues. When the artist can no longer bear her own speechlessness, she brings me some “beguinesques,” as she calls her confections of twisted threads, mounted letters, screws of paper, beads, buttons, leaves, and a series of tiny cut-up photographs, skillfully embedded in the vortices of this kaleidoscope of mega-significant nothings. Photographs of her dead children. Impossible icons of impossible loves. Annette’s “beguinesques” succeed in making such impossibilities visible. At least to people who enjoy looking. And who’ve been through a vortex like hers.
I cut out my data, I sort, I glue, I amass. My canvas is taking shape. No, it’s lost me. Later on I will set Teresa into it and she will resorb the picture, all that will be left is her very own heart, her style, her beat.
Might it be because Muslim mysticism slumbers in the form of “Koranic seeds” within the values, if not the formulations, of the dogma? Or is it down to the Neoplatonic influence? In any case, the first mystics appeared in eighth-century Iraq, as bands of ascetics who cultivated trust in God (
Whether focused on reciprocal love (al-Nuri), private inspiration (Ibn Karram), or union with God (al-Hallaj), Sufism borrowed the spiritual methods of Christian monachism while influencing that movement in return. It also appropriated Hindu and Persian techniques.
Accused of heresy and impiety, stigmatized for its incompatibility with the Law of Islam, Sufism finally found a direction: the compromise between juridical authority and ecstasy paved the way for its esoteric brotherhoods. Notwithstanding some serious deviations that degenerated into opium clubs and sham whirling dervishes with dodgy morals, in the eighteenth century, philosophical Sufism became an “existential monism,” with the Andalusian Ibn al-Arabi: no distinction between the soul and God any longer subsists in the mystical union.24 Committed to immanentism, eschewing neither literal meaning (anathema to the Shi’a) nor sacred meaning, this current believed that the Absolute cannot become conscious of itself other than through Man in the image of God. In Sufi thought, then, immanence and transcendence are not mutually exclusive, and opposite meanings (as in the “primitive words” studied by Freud) coincide, since the Unique is manifest in the All. “I mean that you absolutely do not exist, and never will exist by yourself alone, any more than by Him, in Him or with Him. You cannot cease to exist, because you do not exist. You are Him and He is you, without dependence or causality. If you accept that quality of your existence (which is to say, Nothingness), then you shall know Allah. Otherwise you shall not.” As a result, “the prayers of lovers are blasphemous.” There are five steps leading to this revelation of Being at the same time as the impossibility of Being: “there is of him only Him”; “there is of you only You”; “there is of me only Me”; “I-ness, you-ness, he-ness, all these are viewpoints that add to the eternal essence of the One.” Set in motion by God, the experience soars into the “limitless,” where it is vividly clear that only “he who is not in love sees his own face in a pool.”
Meanwhile, as of the eleventh century, mystical poetry had put down roots and thrived, feeding off profane, erotic, and bacchic poetry. The “sultan of lovers,” Ibn al-Farid was one such,25 along with the Persian mystic Jalal ad-Din Rumi, founder of the whirling dervishes brotherhood,26 and the Turkish poets Nesimi and Niyazi.
“Hello? Can you hear me, Sylvia? Where am I, I’m in Thailand! Told you, didn’t I? Okay, my mistake. The Phuket beaches, crawling with tourists…Fantastic. No sign of the tsunami…at least not around here…Me, scared?…Of course people have short memories, what do you expect, that’s life…Oh, the usual, swimming and sleeping. And I’ve been going to this Buddhist temple…Sylvia, please, the Muslims are in Indonesia…Actually no, I haven’t converted, or not yet. But I’m great chums with one of the bonzes. I’m approaching the Void. Go ahead, laugh! If you’re not wise to Nothingness, my dear, you may as well give up the mysticism game. Even your baroque saint must have known that…The Void is at the bottom of everything, you dig?…How do you mean, compatible with my lifestyle? These Buddhists are highly pragmatic fellows…Tomorrow I go to Banda Aceh with this NGO, old friends of mine, they’re building boats for the fishermen who lost everything in 2004, you know. We’re going to walk the sandbank in Lhoong…really beautiful…So you’re surprised to see me doing something humanitarian? That’s right, it’s got a lot to do with the boys and their gurus…They’re fine, thanks…And so’s Stéphanie, why do you ask. You know it’s finished…Just a stop-off in India…Yes, of course we’ll do a book, with photographs, it’s the trend, and besides it’s my job…That’s right, everything is connected. I don’t have to explain that to you of all people…Ciao, take care…kisses and all that, you know.”
Do I know or am I forgetting? Inimitable Bruno! He’s far away, and he’s who he is. Let him make his own discoveries in his own way. He can sort out his syncretism however he wants, I’m all for the great leap from Paris glitz to global compassion, but I’d rather he went into analysis, it would save so much time…Oh well. I guess I don’t always take the shortcuts either, I follow my own detours. With Teresa, for instance.
So, while it’s true that Judaism contains veins of mysticism, that the Upanishads relish sensual joys and annihilation in the sounds of the language, that Muslim Sufism reveals Being and its impossibility together, and that Zen koans are peerless propagators of the Void, it was in Christianity that mystics male and female were to find their royal road. Like Saul on the road to Damascus.
Are the mystical currents that flow through the three monotheisms the result of interferences, contaminations, influences, or structural coincidences? Did the Hassidim sway Meister Eckhart, Suso, and Tauler after introducing the thought of Maimonides into the ghetto of Worms? Or was it the other way around? Did the Arab peripatetics in the wake of al-Kindi30 transmit the symphony of the two great philosophies of antiquity, Platonism and Aristotelianism, via Albert the Great31 to Eckhart himself? And in particular the theory of
Whatever the channels and facets of this convergent experience, all of whose manifestations are regarded as “mystical,” it has to be acknowledged that the true “deification of the Christian,” or “theogenesis,” was the doing of Greek patristics and its thinkers such as Origen,32 Gregory of Nyssa,33 and Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite. What Saint Augustine called
On the one hand the Eucharist invites each believer to incorporate the Body of God, for Christ is the one true love object: “This is my body, this is my blood.” Eat me, I am in you, and you can form part of the body of this ideal Subject, this single being who redeemed every member of humanity. A modest event during the early years, the Mass grew ever more sumptuous, performing its osmosis under cupolas ringing with music and naves lined with sculptures and frescoes: an erotic, purified, intense osmosis whereby men and women alike identified with the Body of Christ and its mortifications, death and resurrection. In
On the other hand and at the same time, the community of the faithful, which is to say the Church, is born of this sacramental communion and assures its continued social and political relevance.
Faced with those Christians who still take communion — scarcer in the West than on other continents — I follow Freud in wondering whether the Eucharist does not perhaps constitute a necessary psychodrama, one which allows participants to experience in a “closed space,” in the recondite security of the service, the ravages of desire in order to quench them and as far as possible preserve the community from them. I would like to think so. Or perhaps on the contrary, this sacrament slyly authorizes, if not brutally imposes, the sadomasochistic truth of human passions at the very heart of community and intercommunity relations. Persecutions, pogroms, purges, roundups of heretics, inquisitorial trials, all were unfailingly sealed by the sacrament of Communion…Christianity’s two thousand years of history bear witness to the vertiginous effects of this pendulum. Today, at last, we are surely justified in hoping that the time for stillness has arrived. Pope Benedict XVI plays Mozart, after all, while certain other faith leaders trumpet holy war. Not that this defuses the tensions of identity politics, or prevents the reaction against real or supposed aggressors from poisoning the very discourses that most flaunt their commitment to helping the less fortunate, or to defending human rights. Murderous violence answers violence, intolerance combats intolerance, and mindless fundamentalists, both Muslim and Christian, plan massacres bloodier than the Saint Bartholomew of Voltaire’s nightmares.
Throughout these vicissitudes, it is none other than the bodies of the mystics of both sexes, delivered through their writings, that offer themselves as the secret laboratory in which human beings have been able to reach maximum lucidity about the physical and psychic excesses of their fantasy-induced transports. In the wake of this solitary, perilous experimentation, reforms, foundations, and schisms arose to ensure, over the long term, the vitality of illusions and the renewal of both doctrine and institutions.34
From the middle of the twelfth century on, the phrase
The revolution undergone by the
It was during the thirteenth century, then, that the peculiar profile of Christian mysticism took shape. Just as Thomas Aquinas35 was applying Aristotelian philosophy to biblical and evangelical revelation in order to show that the unity of God was accessible to reason, a galaxy of mystics prepared to sound out and diffract this same reason. They infiltrated it with the logics of love and Nothingness, giving the Greek Logos a pre-Socratic slant, and, rather than seek to prove God’s existence philosophically, they anticipated the contemporary investigation into the very
Among the figures who illustrated these various currents and left a profound mark on European culture, I would underline — as does Teresa, my guide in this research — the “modern” devotion of the Flemish school, especially the lovelorn Jan van Ruysbroek36 and the great poetess Hadewijch of Antwerp;37 but above all the Rhenish mystics, first among them Meister Eckhart, the “unborn” (
The mystical theology thus created, having fertilized Christianity with late classical thought and Neoplatonic techniques of spiritual purification, would furnish the whole vocabulary of German philosophy. “Here is what we were looking for!” exclaims Hegel45 upon reading parts of Eckhart’s sermons 12 and 52, while Schopenhauer writes that Buddha, Eckhart, and himself “teach substantially the same thing.” Heidegger, for his part, constantly abandoning himself to the “abandonment” of Silesius,46 modulates the
Fanned by the Salamanca student, John of the Cross, did the Rheno-Flemish wind blow as far as Teresa of Avila? It takes nothing away from La Madre’s originality to admit that the answer is
Indeed, women are the foremost architects of this new dwelling-place of the soul we call mystical experience: an erotic, lethal escalation propels them to the summit of
Why is there such a female infatuation with mysticism? Modern scholars have outdone one another in fascinated hypotheses. Is it because a woman’s
The reasoned Protestant faith was quick to pour scorn on such deviations: “Visionen will ich nicht!” declared Luther.51 But the Golden Age Spanish Illuminati did not hesitate to draw on reformed humanism, and the Counter-Reformation seeded in its turn a new flowering of mysticism.
While reformed congregations put the accent on Scripture and the charitable vocation of a Christian community whose moral rigor was intended to quell and resorb the excesses of the desiring body, the Catholics, whose resistance to this formula was empowered by the Counter-Reformation, strove to make the secluded meanders of faith plain to see within the actual space of the Church — to infiltrate the
This mutation would unfold through a long and patient labor of theology, ritual, and aesthetics, tending to invent an ecclesial mystical body to link the present of the ecclesial institution (the hierarchy) to its history (textual, scriptural), but also to couple the boundless intimacy of mystical experiences to the visibility of religious society. The hearing of confession had already broken down some social opaqueness. The elevation of the Host accompanied by its observed consumption made a spectacle of the sacramental body itself, exhibiting the mystery in public. All this contributed to manufacturing the paradox of a
The brilliant novelty of the Counter-Reformation, whose signature saint Teresa became, was its way of placing the turbulence of desire in full view and in common, thanks to the transparency at work since the twelfth century: a turbulence that was sacred inasmuch as it was representable, secret inasmuch as sensual, and, not least, rhetorical. Erotic, tortured carnality would be magnified by composers and painters, Vivaldi57 and Tintoretto.58 And the city of Venice turned
Imperceptibly, however, the content of this mystical union also mutated, in such a way that its protagonists (for me, here, Teresa) appear to us as the inventors of brand-new psychic spaces. Mysticism is the crucible of subjective diversities produced by the history of Christianity. With hindsight, several types of “interior castles” can be glimpsed, among which Teresa’s construction stands out for its extravagant originality: an unprecedented combination of total exile from self in the love match with the Other, acute lucidity, rhetorical exuberance, and staggering levels of social activity. This was before seventeenth-century medicine and investigative reason had neutered those firebrand negativists, those insurgents of the concept, those oxymoronic maniacs, the mystics, in order to install the empire of the cogito. Before eighteenth-century libertinism had cynically desecrated the innocent erotomania of nuns. Before today’s calculating mentality had stopped it up and shrunk it down, in benefit of the new maladies of the soul and the antipsychotics industry.
Turned into a laughingstock, jeered at on church squares during medieval carnivals, mysticism retreated for good as soon as Renaissance and Enlightenment eroticism prised the sexual body away from its secret enclave in the shadow of cathedrals and let it loose to gambol in drawing rooms and boudoirs, in paintings, music, and books. The libertine consciousness definitively silenced the mystics who had opened the gates of desire. By dint of overrefining physical delights alongside those of words, colors, and sounds, the incipient sexual liberation whose apogee was reached in the French eighteenth century was impatient to cut free from the polychromatic journeys Otherward of the soul, and soon began to shut the numberless doors of the interior castle.
Nowadays we might read the mystics much as we sniff the opium waft of moldy parchments, for they are merely the vestiges of a vanished humanity, fit to inspire some atavistic poet or a man like Heidegger,59 that deconstructor of metaphysics who saw himself reflected in Meister Eckhart: “Pure Being and pure Nothing are therefore the same.” But in that case, why is it mysticism that attracts me, that attracts us, when we attempt to break free of instrumental rationality, or to loosen the vise of fundamentalist manipulation and analyze the insane logic of the terrorist’s ecstatic drive?
As he was finishing the
There is nothing to connect Kant with Teresa of Avila. And yet, notwithstanding the gulf between their times, cultures, vocabularies, and projects, this
If Kant’s ultimate aspiration to “reunite” morality and freedom speaks so strongly to me, it’s because the final metaphor of unity — the union with the self and with
It would seem that at the dawn of the third millennium we are still waiting for this new “
Mysticism is the obscure self-perception of the realm outside the ego, of the id.
At the start of the twenty-first century, under the drones of the new crusades brought to us by globalized satellite TV, that Old Continent of godly lunatics whose memory Teresa is reawakening for me, far from disappearing into abstruse mists, appears strangely contemporary. The commodification of the sacred by various sects, alongside that of hard-core porn DVDs by an industry that does not blush to seek spiritual endorsement from the Moonies, Scientology, or Soka Gakkai, fail to discredit, for me, the
“The mystics, eh? You know the score, don’t you. A bunch of narcissists who get off on
“Hold on, slow down. Narcissists, yes, clearly they are: the withdrawal from the world of other people, the denial of external reality, the retreat into traumatic, therefore unnameable, desire. And the refusal of language — again, I’m with you — following hurt, separation, or bereavement. Unhappy Narcissus invents imaginary nuptials with lost Object, transformed into an ideal but just as imaginary Object, not even by now an ‘object’ separate from the ‘subject,’ but the Great Totality in which loser and lost are both subsumed. Whether you want to call it ‘fundamental principle of Being,’ Being, Other, God, Cosmos, Mother Goddess, Tao, God-man, who cares, it’s about ‘unbridled
“Think about it. To counter the fear of death, and the tiny deaths and losses of every kind that are the milestones of life, religions invented a major consolation: the afterlife, in a Beyond where the ideal Father awaits. More subtly, a space both radiant and eternal. This mystical location, we’ll call it Heaven, contains Daddy and Mommy reconciled at long last and granting me permission to enjoy immortal pleasure, because this is the point: pleasure for ever. Others prefer the cosmic breath of yin and yang, in their equally harmonious cohabitation. Why, people can reunite what they like, to stop the flight of time…But the mystics, you see, weren’t satisfied with this promise. Too easy. Not that they rejected it, either. You will concur, oh dearest”—my colleague can be a little precious at times; there are still plenty of his sort who want to sound like Lacan—“that they were given to piling up the most with the least, the same with its opposite. Refusing to choose, you see. ‘Apophatic’ thought, to use a fancy word, was extremely common among mystics, as the experts in the field will tell you. Because, not content with the mirage of Heaven, our seekers after the Holy Grail identify with separation itself, which Heaven will heal, even when they are not into death as such. As if lack, absence, Nothingness were the final, most secret and precious legacy offered by the elusive love-Object, the lost or inaccessible partner. Sinuous Nothingness is the absolute essence of the desire they felt, feel and always will feel for this unknown, unknowable, impossible object of desire, the Beloved.”
“You make them sound like psychoanalysts
“They were, in a way…” A meditative pause. “At any rate they never ceased to utter the insatiable truth of desire. That’s it: they knew that death or Nothingness make pleasure, tireless as it is, work harder, and unlike ordinary believers they weren’t content with the promise of a Beyond that would negate this negative machinery. What’s more they never failed to thoroughly annihilate themselves in death and Nothingness, against and because of which the promise of Heaven was constituted. But since they were apt to think in paradoxes, they didn’t miss out on the benefits of the promise, either. In short, the mystical perspective is nothing less than the corpse, which is no different from Nirvana! A splendid paradox! That’s why all their insights are built on antithesis. Like this outstanding phrase, wouldn’t you agree, from the Koran: ‘He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden.’”1
“All very interesting, but to get back to business, what are the psychic advantages for them in all this?” I have to remain pragmatic: our job as mind doctors is to treat people.
“Elementary, oh dearest! Man’s access to nonbeing is what achieves his divinization, according to theologians and to some philosophers, because the creature has got to be put to death so as to clear a space for reaching the Creator and dissolving into Him. But that’s not all. Let me explain the relevance to your everyday practice, although I suspect you’ve worked it out already and you’re just letting me talk: ah, women, flatterers vile! Where was I. Seen from our analytical bubble, this psychic disturbance, which reacts to the anguish of separation and death by identifying with the death that threatens it, is a way of
“Of course I do…” I put on a compassionate smile.
I find myself wondering how Jérôme Tristan handles Mrs. Tristan, Aude Tristan to be precise, also a therapist, and a militant feminist. Couples in general are a mystery to me, I grant, but a couple of analysts defies comprehension. Shared monomania, complementary neuroses, hetero gender gap filled by some alleged “homo” harmony…Wisdom or tedium? My colleague looks uneasy and somewhat glum. Back to the mystics.
“Come on, Jérôme, these men and women must have been awfully vulnerable, besides possessing amazing psychic plasticity and towering strength of soul, in order to wrestle the terror of death into a triumph like that!”
“Yes, but the triumph is dogged by setbacks, from way-out mental derangement to being literally put to death, not to mention a paranoid hatred for the world that plainly overtakes many visionary individuals and groups whose ritual practices accentuate passivity, resentment, dolorism; in a word, castration. The Nazis themselves attempted to recruit the German mystics to ‘resist’ the ‘Syrian Yahweh’—on whom they blamed all Europe’s ‘misfortunes’—and launch a new religion stripped of every alien concept from Syria, Egypt, and Rome, as the National Socialist ideologue Alfred Rosenberg would have it.2 Rosenberg actually claimed, in horribly twisted fashion, to be an admirer of Meister Eckhart!”
“But this loving exaltation of their status, as they see it, of chosen ones, how is it not downright hysterical erotomania, rather than narcissistic regression? If you’ll pardon my crudeness. Remember that eighteenth-century saint who projected herself so entirely into Christ’s holy foreskin that she experienced feverish fondlings, a burning in her breasts, and even the sensation of being fellated…”
“As you know, oh dearest, male mystical subjects perceive themselves as feminine. Look at Saint Bernard, who starts lactating beneath the loving rays of God. Whereas female mystics become masculinized, like Hildegarde of Bingen, Elisabeth von Schönau, Teresa of Avila herself…well, to a degree, correct me if I’m wrong…This psychic bisexuality, avowed and paraded, appears to me instead as a clear-eyed acceptance, also a traversing, of the common instability of the hysteric, always wondering which sex she belongs to. More than a common or garden hysteria, I’d say this is a hysteria mounted on a psychosis — mounted as befits these Amazons for God! — and prompting the outbreak of body symptoms like stigmata, convulsions, hallucinations, levitations, comas, and ‘resurrections.’”
My colleague’s admiration for the intrepid horsewomen is plain, as is his appreciation of their rare “hysterical” panache. Aude Tristan must be an ace at such defenses and illustrations of bisexuality! She must stalk him into every last recess of virility. I raise the stakes.
“Some practitioners manage to slow down their heartbeats and respiration, like in the heart prayer of the Orthodox Church, and even more clearly in yogic meditations. Subjects who have a long history of meditation can lower their metabolic rate, you know, carbon dioxide and oxygen, and alter an EEG reading of alpha rhythms — nine to seventeen cycles per second — to theta rhythms, six to seven cycles per second.” It’s my turn to impress him, with a flourish of very recently acquired knowledge.
“Without reducing mysticism to pathology — let’s be more nuanced, shall we? — you know as well as I do that the ‘unifying’ impulse of the mystic toward the Object, an effect that feels ‘obvious’ or like a ‘revelation’ to him or her, is also present in psychosis.” (Nothing doing. My scientific tidbits have only encouraged him to labor his point.) “And every self-respecting psychiatrist knows that this feeling of ‘union’ marks the symptomatic moment that in schizophrenics can herald either a cure or — should the feeling repeat itself — an aggravation of psychosis. In the same way, these modified perceptions, searing instants of an ‘altered’ consciousness of mystical experience, remind us of temporal seizures in epileptics. Allow me, however, to contradict you: neurological ‘diagnoses’ of pathogeny are of limited usefulness, because such states can only become mystical on condition of a background theological culture, or at the very least a mythological infrastructure, to lend them meaning over and above the pathological. I remain the analyst, you understand. And only on that condition can marginality — fruitful or destructive — become culturally transmissible, and museums, libraries, or churches start replacing hospitals. Do you see what I mean?”
“You’re right. The arts do seem to belong with those experiences, pathology included. Perhaps the only ones of their kind to survive in the modern world, however shakily, I agree. There’s no doubt about music and poetry, at least…What are they but sublimated transpositions of orgasmic sex, mutual penetrations of the artist’s universe and the world of the senses, encouraging further interpenetrations with the audience? Al-Hallaj said the same thing: ‘The eye with which you see me is the eye with which I see you.’”
I can tell Jérôme suspects me of overestimating the positive role of sublimation in these “extreme” cases. Aren’t I also being slightly hasty with countertransference?
“If you ask me, oh dearest, in our culture it’s the Song of Songs that provides the secret dramaturgy of great aesthetic adventures and mystical raptures. That said, merely to acknowledge the amorous dynamic that underlies artistic achievement explains nothing about how a particular individual actually got there! That remains an unknown, you see. A gap that scientific reason may never succeed in filling, no matter whether we’re talking about Mozart’s music or the very different but no less mysterious works of your Teresa. Ah, the unknown! Therein resides the tremendous pull we feel toward artists and mystics…” Phew, my colleague hasn’t taken against me. He drifts, almost humbly, into reverie.
To announce a method is to announce its limits. Tristan is happy to leave it at that, but I’m not. His generalizations about the mystic continent are so unsatisfactory that I’ve no choice but to gird myself for the patient auscultation of a text, a body. I don’t insist, there’d be no point. My colleague has just admitted that psychoanalysis, albeit more enlightening than other commentaries on the amorous logic of “God’s lunatics,” is a long way from flushing out its secrets. It edges nearer to them, though. Getting warmer, burning! Is not the
First Bruno, now Jérôme. “You’re a man-eater,” snarled my ex before he disappeared. Not really. An eater of ideas, more like. I listen, read, absorb, appropriate, I tend my patch. There’s no denying I enjoy it. But I don’t steal, I steal away, at my own risk. Both faithful and unfaithful, and rather the latter. I linger in the company of the charming, the knowledgeable Jérôme Tristan during Parisian Psychoanalytical Society meetings and other after-dinner events. We are always the last to leave, sometime after midnight. He reassures me that I’m not the only one who thinks psychoanalysis could be poised, today, to recapture Freud’s audacity, the daring of his take on Moses, on monotheism, on civilization and its discontents…
“Thanks, but I really don’t need a lift, place d’Italie is very close and I feel like a walk.”
I pick up the morning papers at the kiosk in boulevard Saint-Michel, the moon is full, thin mist blurs the bare horse chestnuts of the Luxembourg gardens and wets my face. I veer toward Les Gobelins, different neighborhood, different style, different world, Paris is an always possible journey. No, I won’t follow the trail blazed by my colleague, I shall travel in my own way. A more personal way? Not only that, as we will see.
Freud knew how indebted he was to German philosophy and psychiatry, to Hartmann and Goethe, as much as to his hysterical female patients. Duchamp’s
And yet, if like David Bakan I can detect resonances between Freud’s discovery of the unconscious and Jewish mysticism, the founder of psychoanalysis refers more often to Judaism than to its mystical currents.4 In his rare allusions to mysticism at large, Freud is worse than suspicious: he is impervious. While identifying similarities between the logic of dreams and that of mystical discourse, he makes this abrupt confession to Romain Rolland: “To me mysticism is just as closed a book as music.”5 And at the very beginning of the twentieth century he writes to his friend Wilhelm Fliess,6 about Dionysiac lyricism in Nietzsche, “in whom I hope to find words for much that remains mute in me.”7
Could such reticence stem from the fact that the mystical outlook seeks to “restore unlimited narcissism,”8 which Freud compares to the “oceanic feeling” (
Be that as it may, Freud’s reaction reveals a denial of oceanity that goes hand in hand with the denial of sensorial, preverbal dependency on the mother. And the logical consequence of this avoidance will be the return to an archaic experience of the mother — child bond conducted by Freud’s dissident successors, from Groddeck to Winnicott via Melanie Klein, the matricidal Orestian: all of them except Lacan! Against the Freudian model of an unconscious solely governed by the Law of the Father, a varyingly anti-Freudian “antimodel” appears, haunted by motherly
In the course of his dispute with Jung (the occasion of dizzy spells and passionate swoonings when relations were severed for good), Freud wrote Jung a long letter on April 16, 1909, in which, after a long riff on numbers and death, he declared: “You will see in this another confirmation of the specifically Jewish nature of my mysticism.”13 We can read this to mean: I am not a mystic in the way you are,
The founder of psychoanalysis,
Without lowering their guard against the insanity of telepathy or occultism, the
Are we therefore to understand that psychoanalysis is a “metapsychology of mysticism,” linking by means of transference the “unconscious representations of things” to the “representations of words,” or deeply buried unconscious desire (the mysterious id) to the deep ego?
There is no denying the affinities between mysticism and psychoanalysis. In both experiences, a reshuffle of schemas takes place, to borrow the language of the learned Jérôme Tristan; the psychic authorities id/ego/superego change places, and their functions are transformed. But these reshuffles differ radically. Freud takes great care to avoid any confusion, and remains watchful to the end. Thus, analytical perlaboration allows that “where id was, there ego shall be,” and reinforces the ego by elucidating the logics of the desire that is peculiar to the id. In a lengthy meditation upon the goals of psychoanalysis, Freud grants with reference to mysticism that “It is easy to imagine, too, that certain mystical practices may succeed in upsetting the normal relations between the different regions of the mind, so that, for instance, perception may be able to grasp happenings in the depth of the ego and in the id which were otherwise inaccessible to it.” But he goes straight on to say: “It may safely be doubted, however, whether this road will lead us to the ultimate truths from which salvation is to be expected. Nevertheless it may be admitted that the therapeutic efforts of psycho-analysis have chosen a similar line of approach. Its intention is, indeed, to strengthen the ego, to make it more independent of the superego, to widen its field of perception and enlarge its organization, so that it can appropriate fresh portions of the id. Where id was, there ego shall be. It is a work of culture — not unlike the draining of the Zuider Zee.”16 It could not have been stated more clearly.
The mystical path, by contrast, plunges the ego into the id by a kind of sensorial autoeroticism (“obscure self-perception”) that confers a certain omnipotence upon the id, which lies “outside” the ego, and by the same token underwrites the collapse of the knowing ego, in thrall to the darkness of the realm of the id: revelation and absence,
The psychoanalytic cure, for its part, addresses the same pleasurable tryst between the ego and the id, but through uttering the transference allows them both to circulate, from id to ego and from ego to id. Even so, how many analytic cures have ever facilitated the full blooming of such states of grace? On the other hand, Teresa’s “reports” to her confessors, texts written in a situation of transference with their addressees, do allow a certain perlaboration of unspeakable delight: an elucidation of the “obscure self-perception of the id,” or, as she is fond of saying, a clarification of “imagination” by “understanding”?
Freud’s genius, marking the decomposition and recomposition of psychic personality, does not spare the mystical personality. Dream, music, ocean; neither cleaving to experience nor ignoring it, analytical listening gives meaning to its
“Sylvia Leclercq, what a dynamo.” People notice a kind of optimism about me. Does that bother you?
All the things of God made me happy; those of the world held me bound.
Some five hundred years stand between us, Teresa; your Catholic culture is foreign to me, and I have difficulty in reading your language, Castilian. But none of this is an obstacle. The two French editions of your works, by Marcelle Auclair and by the Carmelites of Clamart, are available to me, along with a wealth of scholarly works harking back to the Spanish source.1
Across the centuries and languages and cultures you “speak” to me, because I translate you in my own way. Your moments of illumination, Teresa, my love, your raptures, your hallucinations, your deliriums, your style, your “thinking” that claims not to be an “understanding,” that wants no truck with that — I receive them through my filters, I gather them into meditations of my own, I shelter them in my body, I penetrate them with my own desires. Transformation, journey
And you accomplished this at the height of the Golden Age, when Spain was discovering Erasmus, fearing and fighting the Lutherans, and enriching itself by sending fleets to the antipodes. Humbly I take the liberty of addressing you: for I know what store you set by your girls’ “effacement” or “dominion” of self, you, the practitioner of “abandonment” (
I am the kind of unbeliever who won’t accept that your body remained uncorrupted by death, as the Spanish king’s confessor thought when, at Alba de Tormes, on January 1, 1586, he found your remains intact — for their preservation was the less than miraculous work of stone and lime. However, I am convinced that your texts can and indeed must be read today and, why not, for centuries to come. And because your body had already been wholly decanted into your writings and monastic foundations — as I shall attempt to show in what follows — and since this apparent exterior, those external objects, those tools of battle are the one and only testimony to your most secret interior, that which sometimes you called “my jewel,” sometimes “divine center,” sometimes “bruised heart”—well, all things considered, I can’t really disagree with those who hold you to be immortal.
Your work seems deathless to me in the here and now, because through your faith, circumscribed by a particular civilization at one historical moment, you underwent an experience and developed a knowledge of human desire (male and female) that have a message for every speaking creature. Christianity made this knowledge and experience possible, no doubt, through the exorbitant hypostasis of loving passion that is its genius. After many a fantasy-infused wandering that encouraged, if not provoked, some grave pathologies, but without straying from the “illuminated” prayer inspired by the
Dare I appeal to your good cheer, your restless energy, your sparkling sense of mischief for the license to retrace your journey from the standpoint of my irreconcilable foreignness? Before anything else I have a major infidelity to confess, an impediment that may prove to be a handicap in your eyes: since God is unconscious and the unconscious shadows us, I contend that the Other dwells within, not in the Beyond, and that the transcendence you yearn for is an immanence. Indeed, I find evidence in your own writings to support this hypothesis, for that is where you get to in the end, isn’t it? God dwells inside you; you say so yourself.
Your path through the mansions of the interior castle is not a dead end, as in Kafka; this castle’s walls are permeable, and there is no closed door to bar access to the Master lodged in the innermost chamber of intimacy. You move through a maze of crossings, a stream of spaces, facets, and questions. The Other suffuses the opaque depths of body and soul, generating a real vaporization of the traveler, no less than of her Beloved. Your scandalous appropriation of the divine, the megalomania of your fantasy of being God’s spouse and moreover a polymorphous creature, indissociable from God Himself, whom you ingest and swallow with feigned humility while proclaiming to be “dying of not dying” in Him, when it is none other than He who faints into you in this unchaste embrace, well, is all this strictly Catholic on your part? It’s certainly baroque. It would be more exact to say that you both swoon at once, like two lovers possessed, who can only thus discard their proud identities. And that earthy, ardent Song of Songs that you push to its logical limit, what is it but a way, the only way, to end up…free of God? You don’t pray to God to leave you “free of God,” as Meister Eckhart does.2 Out of love for Christ’s humanity, you receive your freedom from Him continually. Continually, without solution, without end, infinitely free. What if that was the definition of humanism?
Follow me. It was thought that there was another way to emancipate oneself from the supreme Being, the Creator God, supreme in majesty and in power of command: it sufficed to apply the equality principle, making others into our fellows and placing a “point of honor” on charming, serving, and helping them (you dislike that “point of honor” that ensnared you for so long, Teresa, you hate it in fact, you, a saint!). Compassion, in the guise of political solidarity, would eradicate faith for the benefit of short-haul democracy. This juridical humanism, whose great feat was to promise an existential collaboration between the various “social actors,” ran to ground in the impotence of the welfare state, when it did not degenerate into an atheist terror that was, sadly, just as bad as the wars and inquisitions of religion. Today, however, a new humanism seeks to emerge, one that cannot avoid paying attention to your delusions and bedazzlements. For this humanism, interaction with others, all the others — socially marginalized, racially discriminated, politically, sexually, biologically, or psychically persecuted others — is only possible on condition of immersing oneself in a new idea that I shall formulate as follows, translating into my language the ancient experience you took to its height:
The self-perception of this otherness, as the founding moment of humanity, is what gradually transformed gangs of “great apes” into speaking, thinking societies. All religions celebrate this otherness in the form of a sacred figure or limit (a deity), ruling the desires of the vital flow while remaining separate from it or else by associating with it (as in the Chinese Tao, for example). To discover the frontier where that otherness dawns in me, to nurture and respect it in my dealings with other people will finally allow me, perhaps, to approach these others as beings of desire, rather than objects of need.
Your nuptials with God, that joyous reversal of your fears, your revulsions, like the horror of toads and sundry serpents of sexual-political persecution forever assailing you, this reconciliation with the impossible — not with this or that ideal, law, or institution, but with the impossibility of desire for the Other in other people — all of this seems to me to converge, like rippling watercourses (that was your element, was it not?), mingled in the mighty, troubled waters of that humanism in search of itself, a tide the earth is thirsting for, of which I dream.
Just one quibble, though: your effusive love for Christ’s wounds and the mortifications you inflicted on yourself rather obstruct the current that interests me, if I may insist on that point. Actually, had you lived two centuries later, reading the Marquis de Sade might have delivered your imaginary from its crudest and most morbid fantasies — the ones you dared not articulate but instead embodied, literally, until you almost died of epilepsy.
I will grant, however, that you were never the most assiduous at those exercises, and advised against them altogether, you wrote, for the more “nervous” and “melancholy” of your girls. John of the Cross himself went too far for your taste in terms of purgative zeal when he lived in the mountains at Duruelo. The Passion, by all means; Calvary, of course; but all of it cheerfully, if possible. “Be merry, my daughters”: may I take those words to sum up your vision of “Christ’s humanity” and…your own?
I am far from suggesting that only the Catholic Church is capable of realizing the
A pious hope? Perhaps; but then again, perhaps not. Because we agree that
I have to confess to another, even more radical infidelity that estranges me from your experience, and I say so “in all humility” (using this expression in the same way you do, I believe, to wit, with a hint of cheekiness, am I right?) I am out of love with love. After years of listening to my analysands, not to mention everybody else, I’ve come to the conclusion that crazy love is a disease if ever there was one. A sickness that the three monotheisms, much more explicitly than other religions, revealed to be the hidden core of wisdom as well as of the bellicose passions. It was Freud’s brain wave, once he had grasped this, to make his patient relive his or her malady on the couch, while he interpreted it by probing into the way “it” spoke.
Not only did he find that “yearning” or “craving” in love (
Thus felt and understood, not only is Eros (your cherub, the angel with the dart sculpted by Bernini) a self-analyzing
If we too unfold the speech of love for years on the couch, if we unearth its “carrier wave,” which is the death wish (remember the threat uttered by that young, veiled engineer at the secularism debate, eager to be a kamikaze, the Islamic brand today and tomorrow sold on any fundamentalism you care to name, for it’s not about Islam, you understand), what do we have left? I can see you coming, my honorable prioress. Who said anything to you about “left”? It’s not a question of getting rid of love and its twin, hate, in order to escape to the heights of “pure noetic joy” or into the grave of a spiritual marriage stripped of the scoria of sensation. In psychoanalysis there is no retreat into Nothingness, that bleached lining of Being, but simply (so to speak) a journeying through the
You relied on the sacred texts and on the counsel of your confessors. These doctors of the faith, while sensibly curbing the prayers, visions, and raptures that were making you so ill, were determined to guide you in your transports and hallucinations. The most inspired of them, in tune with you, the ones you loved the best, advised you to follow the teaching of Ignatius of Loyola: never overdo the praying, and above all pin it on Christ’s example — preferably during the Passion — as the best way to avoid an always dangerous surfeit of personal emotion.
To tell of your raptures, or better still, to write them down came to you with disconcerting ease, with amazing felicity, a success that startled you as much as it impressed your supervisors. And yet for them to confess sensitive women in the grip of demonic desires and channel their hysteria into writing was common in those days. Priestly wakes were aswirl with female lives, feelings, and secrets. In the twentieth century Freud could still inquire: “What do women want?” But he did not wonder about the wants of men. Maybe because, like the priest, he already knew the answer: female souls and bodies to guide.
But your genius was not only to make the most of that ecclesial strategy to restore your health. You took possession of the writerly space thus constituted, and your discourse was forged in perfect accord with that scriptorial dynamic whose quintessence you had extracted and into which you drew your scholarly directors of conscience. You confected a mobile idiom that took shape on the page at the same time as in your body.
Hence you were less intent upon what might make a book, and more concerned with the actual transformations this writing worked in your physiology and your relationships with other people: “I shall give you a living book,” as the Lord told you. That “living book” was yourself and your monastic foundations, in the wash of a text made incarnate in actions. Between the loss of your selfhood in a drive whose very frustration was gratifying, and the thought that absented itself from that regression at the moment of the event, only to join it again a moment later: such was the oscillation of your life in writing, a thinking that immersed itself in desire and nevertheless gained mastery over it.
You deployed the whole gamut of psychic capabilities. And you named the sufferings and the pleasures embedded in the palette of sensations — visual, aural, olfactory, tactile, motor — without omitting to bracket them with the intellect, that is, with the ideals of your family and religious upbringing. On the wings of exaltation or in the abyss of despond, you were illusion itself, and yet without illusions. Outside yourself, ek-static, you caught and recentered yourself once more by talking about it, sure that whatever you might have to report was better than the unspeakable. For it has not merely to do with Nothingness, and has certainly nothing to do with death, but rather concerns a “to die,” in the infinitive. Your infinitive dying endures in the range of perceptions that separate the Self from its Self in order to pour it into the Other, to make it become Other. It mutates into rebirth in this Other, but never once and for all, because this infinitive dying is spoken and written indefinitely, in the flux of time and waters. And so your written word paradoxically imbues Truth itself: a floating Truth, programmed but indefinite, infinite.
Such an ambition was folly in the sixteenth century, when many were burnt at the stake for far less. You dodged the Inquisition by persuading the Church that in order to comply, both with the reformed branch’s call for cleansing and with the yearning for miracles proper to an economically and sexually deprived congregation — in order to trim reason to fit faith, in other words — what this era of Lutheran heresy required was an ascetic, ideally female, who happened also to be a supernatural wonder.
You alone could satisfy this double requirement. You — that is to say, the talking and writing that refurbished your body and in which you yourself became embodied. Skillful, astute, indefatigable, energetic, you lobbied the entire Church hierarchy:
Transcending historical eras to beguile me today, your writing reaches us in the manner of that liquid matter you adored, in watery spurts and streams. The Spanish word
As a child you evoked “the nothingness of all things [
For all their subtleties, your interior and exterior experiences do not by any means make you into a precursor of psychoanalysis. Still, the precision with which you record your visions of the Beloved, that blend of sexual sensation and fragmentary thought, all dissected by the scalpel of your watchful intelligence and wit, have much to teach the stalkers of the unconscious. It could even instruct Lacanians, who already know a thing or two about those excesses of yours that defeat, I fear, most other colleagues — including Jérôme Tristan, if he will excuse me for saying so.
Indeed it was Jacques Lacan, himself born into the Roman and Apostolic Church, who first extolled the
Nevertheless, unlike some academic critics (such as the great Jean Baruzi) for whom the mystics were forerunners, giants-
You knew that sexuality is the carrier wave of love, especially the love of God, even if you only said so indirectly, through fiction, fable, and metaphor. You heard the Other whisper: “Seek yourself in Me.” This certainty, this truth was so enthralling that you no longer dared to think outside of Him, in your own name, alone:
I understand your qualms about thinking for yourself, as if no
Never to cut the umbilical bond with the Other — such was your right, your frailty, and your charm. It’s also what enabled you to remake your body at the same time as you were fashioning your life’s work. You are neither a philosopher nor a psychoanalyst, Teresa, you are a writer, and writers are revealed by their propensity to be physically altered by the bare fact of writing. With one difference: I’ve never known a writer who brought off anything like the fakir’s tricks, if I may so describe them, attributed to you by the Carmelites (such as levitating upright, inches above the ground). Despite your vaunted humility you granted live performances in this vein to extramural audiences, too.
This metamorphosis troubles me a bit, so I shall try to approach it more closely by reading you. Reading the fabulous space of your body, between death (they were so sure you were dead, one time, they sealed your eyelids with wax and wrapped you in a shroud) and laughter (even the Inquisition, you wrote, “makes me laugh”), between paralysis and agitation, between suckling the Godhead and fleeing from toads, between plumbing inner depths with exquisite skill and manipulating your superiors, between the foundation of the Discalced Carmelite order and the invention of a way to be “outside oneself.” Not forgetting your bold, funny, forceful style in Castilian, the language Cervantes was to magnify a few years later and that engulfed Catholicism itself.
Your body is a paradoxical place, at once inward and outward, flesh
She saw some visions and experienced revelations. She never saw anything, nor has seen anything, of these visions with her bodily eyes. Rather,
A suffering — jubilant body turns into characters and visions, a cascade of third persons brought about by the grace of the Other, the better to know oneself in losing oneself.
You are attracted by the “jewel” whose sparkle is attenuated by a fold of fine linen, you say, and which lies in a reliquary as in an impenetrable stronghold.
But we do not dare look at it [the inner vision of the divine] or open the reliquary, nor can we, because the manner of opening this reliquary is known solely by the one to whom the jewel belongs.…
Well, let us say now that sometimes he wants to open the reliquary suddenly in order to do good to the one to whom he has lent it. Clearly, a person will afterward be much happier when he remembers the admirable splendor of the stone, and hence it will remain more deeply engrained in his memory.…And even though the vision happens so quickly that we could compare it to
You stumble against that nameless threshold where the erotic drive becomes
Since your humanity is what fascinates me, as you might guess, and with apologies to your worshippers in the Lord, I shall begin by nosing into your background, your family, your friends, your loves: things you yourself bring up only to subordinate them to the events of your faith. Discreet to begin with, these epiphanies become steadily amplified in step with your metamorphoses. This is the subject matter of
Being a busy woman, you weren’t always ready or able to commit your experience to paper, and this omission often pitched you into painful distress, rather than the death to self that would let you curl into the Other. In the end, the written word — as you explain it in the “Fourth Dwelling Places” of
Proud voluptuousness forbade you to engage in sexual intercourse, so far as we know, even though your letters and writings are oddly spiced with mild erotomania. But you were not a modern, by any stretch. Belying the ostentatious way you were clothed by the baroque spirit of Bernini’s sculpture, the writhing of your body and soul convey but one, infinite, possession: that of you by your own self, that of I by her own other. Your boudoir needs the Eucharist, but it is only in writing that you taste all the flavors of the divine and are drenched in all the waters of the Other.
Nevertheless, psychoanalysis maintains that the Heavenly Gardener who floods through you is unquestionably the heavenly Father, relayed in life by your father Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda, whose
But the Other was already locked into your own psychic virility by osmosis with a beloved brother, like a twin but two years older, the one you played at martyrs with: “
To modern consumers of guilt-free sex, to sadomasochistic role models who would rather beat themselves than know themselves, to fundamentalists swathed in hypocritical prudishness, to the casualties of the new soul sickness — if they have not already been destroyed by deadly enactments of fantasies or toxic psychosomatic pathologies — you offer the sumptuous halls of a flesh that throbs to imagined perceptions, embodied images, in an insatiable orgasm of impossibility. Is this spiritual wedding night anything but the peak of delusion? Indeed it is, for your successive rebirths, Teresa, my love, testify to the vivifying powers of the imaginary when it truly inhabits the desires that brought it forth.
Have your seasons and your castles* [*A reference to Arthur Rimbaud’s poem, “Ô saisons, Ô châteaux…”—Trans.] since been drowned? I fear they have, now that the imaginary has been killed off by the Spectacle: nothing is impossible in this increasingly virtual world, and so there’s nothing to desire. And yet my wager is to lift a corner of your habit — not just to display your body and works before the fetishistic curiosity of jaded spectators, but to invite them to a tryst with your metamorphic intensities. We are in want of such a thing, let’s take the risk.
This image I’ve used in order to explain…[this fiction: hacer esta ficción para darlo a entender]
Between us and other people there exists a barrier of contingencies, just as…in all perception there exists a barrier as a result of which there is never absolute contact between reality and our intelligence.
Whatever the wellspring of her writing, internal urgency or external urging, Teresa clearly knows that she writes in order to be: to encounter herself, to encounter and understand others, to “serve” as a conduit for “words” so as to “seek herself” and hopefully “find herself.” She writes “almost stealing time, and regretfully because it prevents me from spinning”;1 “[Saint Martin] had works and I have only words, because I’m not good for anything else!”2 And again, “I don’t understand myself…So that when I find my misery awake, my God, and my reason blind, I might see whether this reason can be found in what I write” (
Thus she tells Fr. Gaspar de Salazar that
Indeed, while not as straightforwardly autobiographical as the
Teresa suspects that she thinks like a novelist, and comes close to saying so, with a proud twinkle. And sure enough I see a novel of introspection, appropriating Chrétien de Troye’s
In all these forms, however, and given that it traces the begetting of the self, writing seems to be an essential stage, foundational but not final, of the experience of the “love of God” according to Teresa. Is this “mystical theology, which I believe it is called”?7 But “I am speaking about what has happened to me, as I have been ordered to do [
Regardless of her epileptic seizures, in these writing states, on their twin pillars of prayer and foundation, the Carmelite nun exhibits a remarkable capacity for observation, bolstered by an unprecedented rhetorical elaboration of what it is to lose and to reconstitute oneself through amorous transference onto the other. These writings cannot be reduced to the discharge of a duty; they refashion in depth the complexity of a whole person, along with her relationships. First in the verbalization of Confession, then in the still more intimate act of writing, the ground covered mentally and physically, emotionally and culturally, biographically and historically takes over the subjective state of distress, be it neuronal or existential, and moves aside from it — when not independent of it — to transform it at last into a being-in-the-world that re-founds both self and others. From that point on, prayer-writing-politics are lived and restored as the three indissociable panels of a single process of ceaseless re-foundation of the self, of the
Teresa begins her “search” with a “suspension of the faculties”—in scholastic terms, the intellect, the will, and the imagination — in order to regress to that state in which the thinking individual loses the contours of his or her identity and, beneath the threshold of consciousness and indeed of the unconscious, becomes what Winnicott calls a “psyche-soma.”10 In that state, which for psychoanalysis is a reversion to the archaic osmosis between mother and infant (or fetus), the tenuous link to the self and the other is maintained solely by that infralinguistic sensibility whose acuteness is the greater in proportion to the relinquishment of the faculty for abstract judgment. A different thought results, an a-thought, a dive into the deeps that terms like
After the work of
Now, I understand clearly that all this help [from others] is like little sticks of dry rosemary and that in being attached to it there is no security; for when some weight of contradiction or criticism comes along, these little sticks break. So I have experience that the true remedy against a fall is to be attached to the cross and trust in Him who placed Himself upon it.12
For there is not a “creature on earth” who is consistent, lovable or kind; people invariably let one down; and this primary frustration has me cloistered in a convent as if to embody, confirm and perpetuate my isolation. My longing for love is not however quelled by this universal separation, this “distance from all things”: in a last-ditch erotic impulse, I invest it in an imaginary Object who is the absolute Subject, the God-man who bestowed divinity upon human suffering (and vice versa) to the point of fusion with it, a merging of the two. Is Christ the last of the gods? Did He betray divinity? Or perhaps, by revolutionizing the one God of the Bible, He incarnates an ultimate anthropological truth: it is imperative to divinize the universal separation and turn it into a Great Other, this being the only way to mend the distance and mend ourselves in the union with Him, our fellow, the Crucified One who rose again. If you wish to be “saved” from universal separation, if you believe in the possibility of rapture, go in for regressions as delightful as they are excruciating, because the price of salvation is to cross that distance (a process later known as masochism — albeit the friars of Duruelo, supporters of Teresa’s reforms, could have shown a thing or two to that scandalous Sacher-Masoch).
Teresa’s trajectory is a descent into the doloristic depths of the religion of salvation to uncover its intrapsychical operations. But she also transcends these, as no one had done before, by opening body and soul to the joys of the love of the Other and reasserting His presence on earth with the creation of an innovative religious institution: “I have become so adept at bargaining and managing business affairs.”13 Is she adumbrating an exit from voluntary servitude? Or locking it into a new and exalted impasse?
For the early Christians, as for Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada in the sixteenth century, Jesus and His powers were in no sense the “fantasy” the coming humanism would label them as (shortly echoed by psychoanalysts, including myself). Christ was convincing. He imposed himself as an absolute truth because He managed to project everybody’s pain into His own “masochism,” to inscribe our grief into His Passion, if only we believe that this loving sacrifice on the Cross will also open the Heaven of resurrection to us. Thus Jesus Christ became a subtle antidepressant for abandoned, unhappy humanity.
The black sun of melancholia that weighs on “separated” humanity then split into its parts. On one side, the sun: the God-man, the Light, the Word, Who loves and saves us; the exultant denial of separation, sorrow, violence, death. On the other, the black shadow that overhangs believers in the grip of solitude: the body of the tortured Christ, in which men and women can immerse their own. Either side, heads or tails, when through prayer the osmosis with the crucified-resurrected Christ is realized, it can only be paroxystic — annihilation and rebirth — and, on that condition, gratifying. The consolation that results does not suspend sorrow, let alone get through it. It is content to maintain or stoke it up, the better to reward it.
Is this a reparation, or a stimulation of the “pleasure unto death” diagnosed by Nietzsche well before the Freudians got hold of it?14 Teresa is sharply aware of the issue, enticingly so for future analysts. In this properly vicious circle, the melancholic pain of separation from one’s loved ones becomes vastly more poignant when the Beloved is God Himself, as she points out:
It seems to me that God is then exceedingly far away.…This communication is given not to console but to show
With this communication
By identifying with the wounds of Christ, who is God, desolation compressed becomes a glorious pain, absolute doloristic bliss in lieu of the absolute Body: unhappiness cries out, but in flight, over the housetop and far away.
Before long, the descent into the underworld is qualified by the inordinate gratification of being
Exhibiting a rare gift for psychological self-observation, introspection, and retrospection, Teresa depicts the initial stages of prayer in terms of anorexia: her worship of the ideal Man obliterates elementary desires, beginning with the appetite for food. She wants to annihilate herself the better to deserve Him, in the suspension of every sensation. She will let the tears flow, she’s good at that, but almost without noticing; above all she will not complain, for that is a female trait. The praying woman, unable to eat, feverishly cleaving to her ideal Object, is lifted up by fasting and hovers beside Him, beyond the scope of sexual difference:
The impulses to do penance that come upon me sometimes, and have come upon me, are great. And if I do penance,
Here Teresa’s account adopts, as it often does, the precision of a clinical description. She reconstitutes in writing the body paralyzed by cold acceptance of her separation from the One who, nevertheless, remains present in mind by the strength of the union she has thought and felt. This rigid body will be succeeded by a body blown on the air, carried away in a whirlwind of energetic release. The radiant phase climaxes in a feeling of hollowing out, weightlessness, elevation, levitation — so many states of grace that are recaptured by the racing pen and brim over in abundance of writing. And then, a final reversal: the nocturnal phase returns. She plummets into revulsion and refusal: refusal to eat, denial of pain, intense pleasure of self-dominion that harshly abrogates the gendered experience: “I am not at all like a woman in such matters, for I have a robust spirit.” The merciless precision of this clinical semiology cannot, beneath its ironic scalpel, conceal the writer’s pride at escaping the feminine condition.
The catatonia that accompanies manic-depressive psychosis or states of comatose epilepsy, as diagnosed by modern neurology, assuredly overtakes this soul as it strains for fusion with the imaginary Object with all the verve of its psyche-soma, aspiring only to “rise” toward the All-Other, the “exterior agent” of her “interior castle,” the missing second person, the
But what distinguishes Teresa from other adepts of prayer is the way she couples this suspension of reason to an astonishing clear-sightedness, which notes, if transiently, its own befuddlement:
Everything is almost fading away through a kind of swoon in which breathing and all the bodily energies gradually fail…one cannot even stir the hands without a lot of effort.…[The persons in this state] see the letter; but since the intellect gives no help, they don’t know how to read it, even though they may desire to do so.…In vain do they try to speak, because they don’t succeed in forming a word, nor if they do succeed is there the strength left to be able to pronounce it.…The exterior delight that is felt is great and very distinct.
It is true that in the beginning this prayer passes so quickly…that neither these exterior signs nor the failure of the senses are very noticeable.…The longest space of time in my opinion in which the soul remains in this suspension of all the faculties [
But I say this loss of them all and suspension of the imagination…lasts only a short while; yet these faculties don’t return to themselves so completely that they are incapable of remaining for several hours
Sensory regression, exile from self, installation of Him within me in the fourth prayer; the intellect and the ego are abolished for the sake of the contact, shortly to become capture, of the psyche-soma and the Being-Other:
The Lord spoke these words to me: “It detaches itself from everything, daughter, so as to abide more in me. It is no longer the soul that lives but I. Since it cannot comprehend what it understands, there is an understanding by not understanding.…”
If a person is reflecting upon some scriptural event, it becomes as lost to the memory.…If the person reads, there is no remembrance of what was read; nor is there any remembrance if one prays vocally. Thus this bothersome little moth, which is the memory, gets its wings burnt here; it can no longer move. The will is fully occupied in loving, but it doesn’t understand how it loves.
Even more incisively, Teresa describes the paradoxical “joust” of this deconstruction as if it were another life, one consisting of an uninterrupted death of the self exiled beyond the frontiers of identity: “I live without living in myself”; “I already live outside myself” (
Since I die of love,
Living apart from love,
I live now in the Lord
Who has desired me for Himself.
He inscribed on my heart
When I gave it to Him:
Within this divine prison
Of love in which I live,
My God my captive is.
My heart is free
To behold my prisoner-God,
Passion welling in my heart,
Ah, how weary this life!
These exiles so hard!
This jail and these shackles
By which the soul is fettered!
Longing only to go forth
Brings such terrible sorrow,
Ah, how bitter a life
When the Lord is not enjoyed!20
While love is sweet,
Long awaiting is not.
Oh God, take away this burden
Heavier than steel,
This poem, the most successful of Teresa’s verse pieces, sums up the states of
[The soul] will feel Jesus Christ.…Yet, it does not see Him, either with the eyes of the body or with those of the soul.
Teresa began writing for the first time between 1560 and 1562. The
The writings of La Madre (first published in 1588 thanks to the offices of Luis de León and Ana de Jesús, and completed later) bear witness to her itinerary and to the many strands of her personality. As we have seen,
Across the range of themes and intentions, secret aims, and foundational ambitions, Teresa’s style is stamped with an indelible seal: it works to translate the psyche-soma into imagery, images that in turn are designed to convey visions that are not a function of sight (at least, not of eyesight alone), but indwell the whole body. They make themselves felt first and foremost in terms of touch, taste, or hearing, only afterward involving the gaze. The psychical or physiological descriptions of her states, cumulatively presented, are thus products of a
Metaphors, similes, or metamorphoses in words? How did Teresa take possession of the Castilian language to say that the love bond between a secluded nun and the other-being — both the other in oneself, and the Other outside oneself — is a tournament of the senses? How did she express so recognizably the otherness impressed on her in the experience of separation magnetized by rapturous union? A separation, which albeit radical, is bridgeable by words, by a certain utterance; a separation that does not set itself up as an abstract law, or goad itself into a spiritual vocation, or fret over metaphysical conundrums. Instead it finds a balm in the reciprocal, if not symmetrical, calls and responses between two living bodies in desirous contact with each other; two infectious desires gently appeased in the
What guided the flow of Teresa’s silent prayers? Was it her deep intuition, or the resurgence of the evangelical theme of baptism, or again her devotion to Francisco de Osuna’s
And yet the bather, for all her blissful abandon, is well acquainted with the “dryness” that necessitates the “tedious work” of the gardeners. These “need to get accustomed to caring nothing at all about seeing or hearing,” and “to solitude and withdrawal”; sometimes they will feel “very little desire to come and draw water,” frequently “they will be unable even to lift their arms for this work.” A case of boredom or distaste? Open your eyes, water is everywhere. “Here by ‘water’ I am referring to tears and when there are no tears to interior tenderness and feelings of devotion.”6 It’s enough to lighten the yoke of God himself (“For my yoke is easy” [Matt. 11:30]; “
I shall have to make use of some
Beginners must realize that in order to give delight to the Lord they are starting to cultivate a garden on very barren soil, full of abominable weeds. His Majesty pulls up the weeds and plants good seed. Now let us keep in mind that all of this is already done by the time a soul is determined to practice prayer and has begun to make use of it. And with the help of God we must strive like good gardeners to get these plants to grow and take pains to water them so that they don’t wither but come to bud and flower and give forth a most pleasant fragrance to provide refreshment for this Lord of ours. Then He will often come to take delight [
Is she embarrassed by the sensuality of this watering, which might seem to overstep a strictly spiritual contact? She disowns the image: “It seems now to me that I read or heard of this
It seems to me the garden can be watered in four ways. You may draw water from a well (which is for us a
Always ready to laugh at herself, Teresa pretended not to know the first thing about rhetoric, when in fact she was highly proficient in this art. As Dominique de Courcelles has shown, she is highly likely to have read Miguel de Salinas’s
Sixteenth-century Europe was richly endowed with courtly literature. Beatriz de Ahumada, Teresa’s mother — like Ignatius Loyola — was a great fan of
There is every reason to suppose, then, that Teresa was familiar with Salinas’s works. So what prevented her from citing her source? Was it, as she claimed, her “bad memory”? Or is the water she evoked not really a rhetorical figure like comparison or metaphor? In that case, what is it?
Let us go back to the account of the water that comes between the lover and the Beloved.
Husserl wrote that “the element which makes up the life of phenomenology as of all eidetical science is ‘fiction.’”13 In other words, fiction “fructifies” abstractions by resorting to rich, precise sensory data, transposed into clear images. Never has this value of fiction as the “vital element” for the knowledge of “eternal truths” been more justified, perhaps, than it is in Teresa’s water fiction, used to describe her states of prayer and to figure the meeting between the earthling and her Heaven, her Beyond.
The fable of the four waters severs Teresa from the faculties (intellect, will, imagination) to plunge her below the barrier of word-signs, into the psyche-soma. So what remains of “words” in the economy of this kind of writing as fiction? Assuredly not signs (signifier — signified) independent of external reality (referents, things), as is habitual in everyday language and understanding. Prayer, which amalgamates self and Other, likewise and inescapably amalgamates word and thing. The speaking subject then comes dangerously close, when she does not succumb, to catastrophic speechlessness: the self “is undone,” “liquefies,” becomes “bewildered.” “Exile from self” is a psychosis: I am the other, words are objects. Nevertheless, through the novel of her liquefaction, Teresa balances her experience at a point halfway between these two extremes, on one side the faculties and on the other a delirious befuddlement (between consciousness and psyche-soma), without falling into the vacuum of asymbolia. Here lies her genius, in that ability to go back over the loss and to designate it with the mot juste. In her prayer fictions, what separates the word
Let us consider now that the last water we spoke of is so plentiful that, if it were not for the fact that the earth doesn’t allow it, we could believe that this cloud of His great Majesty is with us here on earth.…
There is a very strong feeling that the natural bodily heat is failing. The body gradually grows cold, although this happens with the greatest ease and delight.…In the union, since we are upon our earth, there is a remedy; though it may take pain and effort one can almost always resist. But in these raptures most often there is no remedy; rather,
I say that one understands and sees oneself carried away and does not know where. Although this experience is delightful, our natural weakness causes fear in the beginning.…Like it or not, one is taken away.…Many times I wanted to resist…especially sometimes when it happened in public.…It carried off my soul and usually, too, my head along with it, without my being able to hold back — and sometimes the whole body until it was raised from the ground.14
By the end there is no longer violence in the
Had these written waters been sensed during the epileptic seizure itself, or were they subsequently reconstituted in the act of writing? We cannot know. But Teresa’s intellectual honesty, the vivid detail of her chills, frights, and swoons, suggest that verbalization was not part of the shock of the experience. It seems likely that the aquatic narrative emerged later in a written reconstitution, with its cortege of physical, psychological, and spiritual comments giving rise (or place, literally) to ecstasy. Therefore I confidently maintain that Teresa’s ecstasy, as it has come down to us, is the doing of her writing. By returning to the “tournament” of the fantasy incarnate that is prayer, writing recreates the theopathic state, and only then does ecstasy exist. In this very real sense, Teresa only found
In this fiction of a soul’s romance with its Other, it would be pointless to ask whether Teresa’s water image is a simile (a figure comparing “two homogeneous realities belonging to the same ontological kind”) or rather a metaphor (a figure establishing a resemblance between two heterogeneous realities). Doubtless the infant science of rhetoric as expounded by Salinas was more or less directly of assistance to the writer-nun, who shared that author’s fondness for the vernacular. But, like all the “disciplines” that sprang from the fragmentation of metaphysics, rhetoric, with its elaborate figures, was ultimately irrelevant to the experience Teresa was attempting to translate in terms of water.
In Teresa’s hands, the referent water is not just an object — and one of the four cosmic elements — but the very practice of prayer: the psyche-soma induced by the state of love, that generator of sublimated visions. Language is not a vehicle, for her, but the very terrain of the mystical act. To discourse, the object of study for rhetoric and other recently rediscovered stylistics at the time, Teresa adds the ingredient of a savory, tactile, sensual, overwhelming passion — to the point of annihilating herself in it, the better to dodge both discourse and passion. But it is also a sovereign, imperious passion, as God’s captive captures God to make Him her pleasure-giving prisoner.
Unschooled in Latin, and lamenting this ignorance with a certain coyness, Teresa finds great relish in Castilian. But unlike a linguist concerned with dissecting a language by uncoupling its signs from their objects, the better to analyze them, Teresa plunges into her mother tongue as into a bath consubstantial with the experience of engendering a new Self, coiled in the Other: a Self that loves the Other, whom the Self resorbs and the Other absorbs. Her “water story,”* [
What language could possibly accommodate such porosity? None could satisfy the writing of this woman. She presses on with it, not rereading very much, so that her fiction will always be the outpouring of herself into manifold streams of subjective positions, sites of utterance,
I leaf through the Beguines catalog Bruno gave me. As time goes on I find myself accepting the truth: it wasn’t Bruno I was hugging in the courtyard of the Louvre, it was the life of these women, among other experiences and higher things of the mind that were dancing through my head that Christmas Eve. Or at least the novel I was building around them, the stories I still can’t stop weaving around “all that,” as my publisher calls it.
These paintings, covering a span from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, were part of the everyday life of the lay Beguine communities of the southern Netherlands. They were anonymous commissions, most likely designed by the Beguines rather than painted by them; only the reliquaries and the “installations” they called “secret gardens” seem to have been made by their own hands. Their vows were not for life, and they did not give up their property; they worked to support themselves, and celebrated Saint Begga as their patroness. A world away from Teresa and her Carmelite reforms — except perhaps as regards solitude.
Here, look at this woman with her luminous face, framed by a black wimple and crowned by a circlet of thorns. She loves just one man. He is her God. It is absolutely indispensable for this man to have suffered and died. Jesus’s martyrdom, the Nothingness He walked through, is proof for this woman of what her subconscious experience has already taught her, what the males of this world stubbornly deny: no man is not castrated, no father is not dead. While lavishing this sadistic assurance on her, the depiction of the Passion and the skull in the right-hand corner reconcile the woman to her own melancholic passion — the passion for suffering, for becoming gradually frozen into indifference, for dying. In love, this man, this death’s head,
A woman is fundamentally alone. By leaving her mother to enter into language and the father(s), she has no other choice: either she attempts to love the man, that stranger, with the aid of a few children and a dash of sublimation (daydreams, embroidery, reading, and faith); or, she returns to the mother via a homosexual affair or a sisterly community of mutually idealized women. The shadow of an incomplete separation always hangs over her. Alternating between frustration and euphoria, female solitude removes us from (provisional) communities and casts us out into the black sun of melancholy; on our good days, it furnishes us with all the masks of irony.
How does this female condition differ from that of all other humans? Men, too, have to give up the mother in order to become speakers, but variants of incest remain open to them; men can regain, in sexual encounters and even in the
And of what did the secret garden consist? What images, what reveries, what fantasies fed into these women’s forsaking of all things in order to nurture and enhance that vital energy, self-command, and mischievous slyness that come through so clearly in these old portraits? Materialized in the
I admire the Beguines, but I admire Teresa more, because my nocturnal companion cultivates the seclusion of her soul nowhere else but in the folds of language, in the pungent beats of her rocky yet fluid Castilian, dreamy yet incisive. She, too, is into making and crafting, but when she speaks of
Neither simile nor metaphor, but both at once, playing one against the other as symmetrical opposites, Teresa’s fiction is a paradox: controlled yet wayward, serious and fantastical, imperious and docile. But these ambiguities are not due to mental laxity so much as to the bipolarity of the experience itself, at once impairment and conjunction, inventing an undecidable enunciation in which water will be the fiction par excellence. An enunciation in which water itself is trumped by fire, and vice versa, while the narrative goes on to lose the logical thread of these multiple inversions to create that perceptible ductility of Teresa’s writing, which infects us with its stylistic, psychological, physical, and theological metamorphoses.
I say
In the eyes of the unbelieving denizens of the third millennium, the mystical experience equates to this recomposition of the speaking being by means of metamorphic writing. Teresa transcribes the dissolution (
When regression, edged by masochistic pleasure, succeeds in adjusting to the Word, it is not rhetoric that helps us to read this elevation of the speaking subject, recomposed in the begetting of its speech, but Aristotle. In
If it’s true that every animate body is by that token a tactile body, the sense of touch possessed by living things is also “that by which I enter into contact with myself,” as Jean-Louis Chrétien reminds us.17 On a naive level, touch appears as unmediated contact. But there always remains a hiatus between the toucher and the touch: sheath, air, blade; and therefore the impression of direct touch, with no mediating element, implies “a concealment of mediation from sensation itself.” Teresa, by contrast — aware of herself as being touched-bathed by and in the Other — far from concealing the mediation, grants it the status of a third element: the mystic third party of her immersion in the Spouse.
The fiction further outlines a narrative that does not confine itself to naming the mediation as “water,” but refracts the water into a story involving God, the gardener, and the four ways of watering the garden. This ingenious procedure allows for an implicit critique of the immediacy of osmosis with the divine: Teresa distances herself from it and attempts to unfold the autoeroticism, painful and joyful in equal measure, of her nuptials with the Other into a series of physical, psychic, and logical actions, neatly figured by the four registers of water. It is not the water so much as the “narrateme,” the story, the novel of waters, that diffuses the fantasy of an absolute touch via a sequence of ancillary parables (the well, the water wheel, the rain, the gardener, the earth, the nun).
Let us follow the metamorphic adventures of water.
The first [property] is that it
Those of you, Sisters, who drink this water and you others, once the Lord brings you to drink, will enjoy it and understand how the true love of God — if it is strong, completely free of earthly things, and if it flies above them — is lord of all the elements and of the world. And since water flows from the earth, don’t fear that it will extinguish this fire of the love of God; such a thing does not lie within its power. Even though the two are contraries, this fire is absolute lord: it isn’t subject to water.…
There are other little fires of love of God, that any event will extinguish. But extinguish this fire?…
Well, if it is water that rains from heaven, so much less will it extinguish this fire: the two are not contraries but from the same land.18
If water provides a privileged link to the Beloved in the
Isn’t it wonderful that a poor nun of Saint Joseph’s can attain
Teresa’s water, cleansing and refreshing, can just as easily cease to be “living water” and turn into a parable of
Living water is not what I call this prayer in which, as I say, there is reasoning with the intellect.…
Let me explain myself further: suppose that in order to despise the world we are thinking about its nature and how all things come to an end. Almost without our realizing it we find ourselves thinking about the things we like in the world [things we love about the world:
Wondrous Teresa, unearthing in every utterance — like Freud — the countermeaning that is pleasure’s secret lair!
Lastly, water douses the fire of mortal desire, because the pleasure of slaked thirst is a “relief” that deflects the praying woman from the “desire to possess God”—from sexual, and hence lethal, passion: “and so sometimes it kills”—and nudges her toward an “enjoyment” depicted as a slackening of tension. Thus metamorphosed in this last water, love overwhelms the experimenter, leaving her without defenses or initiative, offered up, passive, deprived of her
As the
There is always some fault, since the desire comes from ourselves.…But we are so indiscreet that since
Do you mean yourself, Teresa, my love? You continue, with razor-sharp intelligence:
I wouldn’t consider it wrong if [a person] were
That’s right, Teresa, the only resort we have left is to transmute desire by thinking (
Let’s consider [let’s imagine:
Teresa of Avila,
Gardens. The Paradise of dreamers, of Persian astronomers, of lovelorn poets, of seekers of the Grail, of Beatrice, of Molly Bloom, of flowers…and yours, too, Teresa? “And all my spring-time blossoms rent and torn” (Omar Khayyam);26 “O perpetual flowers / Of the eternal joy, that only one / Make me perceive your odors manifold” (Dante);27 “Sweetheart, let’s see if the rose…” (Ronsard);28 “I pray thee, give it me. / I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, / Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows” (Shakespeare);29 “I have punished a flower for the insolence of Nature” (Baudelaire);30 “Oh rose, pure puzzlement in your desire to not be anyone’s sleep beneath so many eyelids” (Rilke);31 “Though haunted by telephones, newspapers, computers, radios, televisions, I can watch right here, right away, dozens of white butterflies visiting roses against a backdrop of sea. The Work alone triumphs, that great Flower” (Sollers).32
I return to the garden of the Beguines, which really was a garden: joy, bliss, mystical rose, triumph of ecstasy beyond words. But above all a secret, silent garden — on the other side of human passion, a simple craft of blooms, enamels, cameos, colored yarns tressed into figures. A geometry of the senses, metaphors of the fragmented body seized by a thought preceding thought. Red drops of your blood, my blood, intimate fluttering of my being, beacons of Being. Nature or abstraction, no matter, this ornamentation transcends human quibbles: whether pre- or postanthropomorphic, it exudes the simplicity of its communion with culture and the cosmos at their most rudimentary, most resistant to interpretation. The simplicity of these flowers, pebbles, tapestries is far from mean, but its wealth has an obvious immediacy that preempts comment. It does not argue with happiness or misery, it is content to appear, to exhibit what converts into a string of questions for you, visitors and interpreters: “What does this nosegay mean?” “Where did that stone come from?” “Whose is this coat of arms?” “What is that disembodied shower of blood about?” Here, face to face with the carpet of flowers, something remains undisclosed, not because it seeks to hide, but because the rose, for Angelus Silesius, has no why or wherefore.
Still, as the reliquaries fill up with little flasks and pouches, and the secret garden begins to burst with buds and blossoms, the secret may betray itself: it comes within a hair of acknowledging its sexual underside, the image of a body that parades itself or, on the contrary, punishes itself in order to merit the Garden of Eden at long last.
Judging from the paintings and objects shown in the catalog that will be my sole souvenir of Bruno, the mystical adoration of these far-distant women was prone to paroxysms of passion, unendurable splinterings, intimacies that stayed intact despite being shared. These lay sisters discovered, in mystical love, a continent — a continent-container, external and internal to the lay and religious communities of their time. They stood apart from both, not as a way to escape exclusion, horror, or evil, but the better to confront them, to consume them in self-consummation. Such was their path to happiness.
Teresa’s garden is quite different. It is not exactly poetic, as in the works of the masters of floral eroticism, nor does it contain, as in the enclosures of the Beguines. Flowers are mentioned in passing, they have no fecund names; there are no petals, no feathers, no wings, no pearls, no agricultural or horticultural bric-a-brac, no household accessories. A precociously intellectual outlook? A reflection of Castilian aridity? Maybe, but it is also more. In Teresa’s garden, we read about — she only desires — two things, an abundance of water and a solitary flower, which is her body. Drowned in the electric waves of her epileptic brain or soaked through and through by the mist of the divine Spouse, this woman wrote but a single garden to remember, the garden of sensation elucidated; the garden of her infinite introspection with the Infinite. The flower then becomes a way of perfection forever wending through the dwelling places of the translucid castle, which it also is. Once ensconced — inside the flower, the way, the castle — and quill in hand, Teresa will climb into carriages and carts, take the reins of horses, donkeys, whatever she must. She will set forth to conquer austere Spain and turn it into another garden, physical and political this time, the garden of the reformed Carmelite order.
Turn your eyes toward the center.
And so I arrived at this conclusion: Teresa’s ecstasy is no more or less than a writerly effect! Spinning-weaving the fiction of these ecstasies to transmute her ill-being into a new being-in-the-world, Teresa seeks to “convey,” to “give to understand” the link with the Other-Being as one between two living entities: a tactile link, about contact and touching, by which the divine gifts itself to the sensitive soul of a woman, rather than to the metaphysical mind of a theologian or philosopher. To sense the sense, to render meaning sensible: in Castilian, Teresa’s writing and her ecstasy overlap.
Perceived by the mouth and the skin, essentially gustative and tactile, water is the fiction par excellence of a body thought-touched by the Other, thinking-touching the Other. It is the privileged element of an unsymmetrical reciprocity that realizes the contact between outer environment and inner depths. Water also reveals that the praying body is an orifice-body, a skin-body, that operates through proximity and is perpetually in vibration with everything that affects it.
Normally, sight and hearing tend not to be invaded by what is seen or heard. In the case of mystics and artists, however, the senses may be so overwhelmed by perceptions that they all work like the sense of touch. With Teresa, this incessant exposure is no bar to lucidity, but rather a royal road, the divine road to a more nuanced apprehension of that Self reborn in the link to the Other.
In Greek (
Teresa seeks in vain, all through her body, for this enigmatic agent of contact and sensibility. After journeying through the multiple dwelling places piled up in her castle, she finally withdraws to the deepest retreat of inner space, a provisional, elusive place of shifting levels that liquefies at the very instant when the writer — and with her the reader — tries to stabilize it within fixed contours. Is it some cavity (vaginal, gastric, pulmonary)? A ceaselessly pulsating cardiac muscle? Where should the nameless site of self-perception of one’s own insides be located, when a touch from outside filters through into one’s heart of hearts? Teresian theology, echoing the Aristotelian idea that intelligence becomes intelligible “by contact with the intelligible,” “for “thought does think itself,”1 is a psychosomatic intelligence engaged in a permanent act of deconstruction — reconstruction; it perceives and traverses itself by constantly destabilizing and restabilizing the contact between contingency and the intelligible: to-ing and fro-ing, crossings, ripples.
Hunting for the mots justes, for an exact image of the touching-touched body thrown open to the plenitude of the Other-Being, Teresa adds to the water fiction of the
From the very beginning of the
Straightaway the image-visions start proliferating, contaminating one another, changing places, blurring together, always touching-touched: a castle, but made of glass; a stone building, but transparent; an earthly work, and yet celestial; a single castle, but many rooms. The habitat thus designed is not out of bounds, barred and fortified against trespassers; on the contrary, it can be entered at will: “I think it will be a consolation for you to delight in this inner castle, since without permission from the prioress
It would be no good trying to delineate this topography, although many still attempt to do so, for the chief property of imaginary vision is to baffle our eyesight. We catch barely a glimpse of the jewel’s brilliance, only a rapid “streak of lightning” is left “engraved on the imagination” should we try to open the reliquary, that hiding-place of the Other in the Self. If any sort of image transpires, it’s not so much a painting as a bedazzlement, always sensory and implicitly tactile: like a “sun covered by something transparent,” the Beloved’s body is nothing but a draped form, in a garment like “a fine Dutch linen.”
Bernardino de Laredo, whom Teresa had read, expresses the closeness to God in tactile terms: “Thus was God’s will touched…without the mediation of reason or thought.”7 The “application of the senses,” for Luis de la Palma among other Jesuits, was after all a higher method of prayer than verbal orisons.8 The beginning of contemplation? The prerogative of perfect men? Ignatius Loyola’s
The aesthetic profusion of the Counter-Reformation imbues this cenesthesia of virtues and senses governed by…the virtues themselves. It could equally be a synesthesia of Teresa’s glorious body as she wrote her
A cascade of sensible and ephemeral images, in fluid movement: the partitions between the dwelling places seem as yielding as hymens, and to pass through them unleashes such an intensity of emotion that these “intellectual visions” obliterate ordinary cares and feelings. Is this to say they petrify the woman as she prays? Make her into a fortress? No, they turn her rather into a crystal hive whose cells enclose the invisible, the searing flash, the imprint…God’s touch is forever diffracted into warmth, flavor, fragrance, and sound, and sometimes it whips up a storm: a babble of parables orchestrates the polyphony of sensations around this unfindable sense, the most human and sublime of all. Not to touch, while yet touching: isn’t that the definition of
What Teresa sets out is a delicately mobile approach to God. First He is “this sun that gives warmth to our works”;11 he is also the “center” toward which all eyes turn, likened to the tender heart of a “palmetto” whose outer bark is “covering the tasty part.”12 This mystical desert does not prevent the writer from gulping in the divine “touch” with a great longing of the soul to enjoy that “spiritual delight in God [pleasures, in Spanish the same word as tastes:
Taste, that olfactory contact that ensures our survival and inspires the refinements of cooking, seals the Teresian link to the divine in what she calls “the prayer of
The castle curves in on itself, and its partitions give way when the soul’s love touches the mercy of the King. Just as the hedgehog and the tortoise retract into themselves (according to Francisco de Osuna in the
Was Teresa anorexic, bulimic, or both? That cluster of disorders being so fashionable just now, my friend Dr. Baruch and even Bruno has asked me about it, all agog. I dodge the question: “Read her and see!” But I have my suspicions. Teresa, anorexic? Maybe, at times, not always. She was certainly keen on “experiences that are both painful and delightful [delicious:
But can we be so sure? No appeasement of Teresa’s spirit can be read in her account, no matter how serene she tries to sound: the story goes in circles, and the comparison — yes, that again — links Jesus and the one who prays, sets off again, contradicts itself, asserts itself by dint of repetition. Teresa is aware of it, she scolds herself: “Indeed, sometimes I take up the paper like a simpleton [
Teresa’s visions dictating her experience of the divine have nothing in common with a painting, as I’ve already said. For by sensorializing to extremes her contact with the All-Other via the fiction of water and its multiple conaesthetic transformations, La Madre inscribes it into the cosmos. But in the fiction of the castle, whose walls turn into nets, her experience relates to the constructions of men — oppressive fortresses in contrast to her own crystalline mansions — which can only be justified by being perpetually rewritten. In so doing, Teresa of Avila is not content with humanizing the Creator. Against Lutheranism, she rehabilitates images…and becomes a Counter-Reformation saint.
I read in a book that it was an imperfection to have ornate paintings.…And…I heard the following: that
Suspected at one time of Illuminism, then anointed a Catholic saint, perhaps Teresa is inviting us to temper our resistance and raise the portcullis of our defenses. Her apologia for an interior body and soul fully exposed to the Other, inhaling the Other, is certainly not given to everyone. But what a demonstration of the therapeutic powers of the imaginary! What openness toward the possible metamorphoses of the divine itself, under the impact of the fiction Teresa managed to found upon…an unfindable sense!
The water parable and the permeable castle lay the groundwork for the recurrent fable of the silkworm that evolves into a butterfly, which to my mind marks the climax of Teresa’s metamorphic fiction.
You must have already heard about His marvels manifested in the way silk originates, for only He could have invented something like that. The silkworms come from
Well, once this silkworm is grown…it begins to spin the silk and build the house wherein it will die.…This house is Christ.…It seems I’m saying that we can build up God and take Him away, since I say that He is the dwelling place and we ourselves can build it so as to place ourselves in it.…
Where the hysteric fails — in defying the Master, in seducing Him, in being unable to dispense with Him — the metamorphic soul (seed, silkworm, silk, butterfly, and seed once more, and silkworm…eternal return) succeeds, by merging into oneness with Him. He, the “intellectual vision,” the “flight of the spirit,” the “Giant” with “milky breasts.” A feminine sensibility, with typically extravagant, immoderate drives? Absolutely. Accompanied by a terrific superconsciousness, it sets off an unexpected biblical and Hellenic return to shake up the austere, Albertino-Thomist interpretation of the Areopagite corpus.
Touching and touched, this fiction is still, of course, an act that requires the full vigilance of her own judgment, according to La Madre. Nothing “automatic” about Teresa’s writing: laxness and torrential fancies, keep out! Stiffened by her experience as founder, she was critical of postulants whom she felt did “not have good judgment.” Not only would such girls not be accepted by the Discalced Order, they must be discouraged from writing about prayer: “Even though doing this amounts to nothing but a waste of time, it impedes freedom of soul and allows one to imagine all kinds of things.…and if something could do them harm, it would be for them to give importance to what they see and hear.…I understand the trouble they will run into from thinking about what they should write.”28 For cloistered little Bovarys like these — a breed Teresa disliked — it was quite sufficient to talk to their confessor. In the same dismissive vein she calls one overschooled woman a
In the “Sixth Dwelling Places,” “another kind of rapture” appears, which she calls “flight of the spirit.” Here it is no “small disturbance for a person to be very much in his senses and see his soul carried off (and…even the body with the soul).”29 And so on to the Seventh Dwelling Places, where the “spiritual marriage” comes to pass, “not in an imaginative vision but in an intellectual one, although more delicate than those mentioned” before; “I don’t know what to compare it to,” and yet there will be no shortage of metamorphic comparisons.30 The more high-minded are gratified here to see Teresa revert to the “core experience” of the likes of John of the Cross, purged of “imaginative visions.” However, I invite them to read the lines that surround the moment, finally regarded as authentic, of Teresa’s elevation.31 In this text the “flight of the spirit” mutates into a “straw” being snatched up by a “great and powerful Giant,” then into a “little bark” being lifted high by a “huge wave” (the waters, again) let loose by “this great God.”32 As for the “spiritual marriage” whose glory is revealed “in a more sublime manner than through any spiritual vision or taste,” is it really quite relieved of imaginative comparisons when God can appear as “divine breasts” from which “flow streams of milk bringing comfort to all the people of the castle”?33
Consistently and to the end, Teresa stages an intimacy that is secret and yet without secrecy, in a continuous state of budding emergence, alluring and infectious: in a word, baroque. Devoid of sensation, it seems, during the final ecstatic trance, and yet always supraconscious of what makes her swoon with pleasure, the writing of rapture “touches” the theopathic state to the point of “divine touch.” At this point too, dispossession and destitution can only be described in a flow that is more denuded than ever, admittedly, and yet still incandescent with metaphors and metamorphoses.
Was this not a peerless exposition in plastic terms of the very principle of the Incarnation? The Church, and the world, were impressed.
The fiction produced by this paradoxical theologian, at the intersection of flesh and spirit, of subconscious drives and conscious meanings, triggered a theological revolution. Not only did Teresa fully earn her title of “Doctor of the Universal Church,” she also bequeathed us a mission that would otherwise be impossible to fulfill: to solve the enigma of that embodied imaginary — of sublimation, Freud would say — as the prerequisite for going further, or indeed in a different direction.
And here am I, Sylvia Leclercq, knowing nothing about faith but embarking on that very mission! Oh, why did it have to be me — when all I care for is young Paul, that misfit teenager who could be my son, and that frail and crumpled flower-bud called Élise?
“If I didn’t dream, I wouldn’t exist. I dream, so I’m alive.”
Paul has just unleashed one of his breathtaking aphorisms. Where did he get that from?
“But it’s true, isn’t it? I dream, so I’m alive.” Here we go: he’s going to keep on repeating it until I say something.
Eventually I figure out that the source is our director, Dr. Toutbon. Paul had just told him that he wasn’t planning to join in with any more MPH activities until Ghislaine came back. Ghislaine, his best friend, the one he used to kiss the most, left the home over a year ago when she moved with her parents to the United States. Paul knows perfectly well she’s not coming back. Toutbon, for some reason that escapes me and must relate to his personal hang-ups, decided that our young in-patient needed bringing down to earth. “He shall place his finger on the borderline between the real and the imaginary!” Our dear director loves to talk in such terms.
“In your dreams, Paul! Quit dreaming!”
It was thanks to this inspired phrase of Toutbon’s, whose first blunder it wasn’t, that Paul hit on the formula he has just recited, and which is already doing the rounds of the home. Every one of my colleagues is raving about it from a philosophical and, need I say, therapeutic angle. At the director’s expense, and serve him right!
Paul hands me the milky tea he’s brought from the dispenser and sits down next to me, holding an espresso, visibly itching to develop his idea. I adore him. Oh no: here comes Marianne like a whirlwind into my office.
“Am I interrupting? Yes I am, I see.” She only hesitates for a second. I shoot a meaningful glance in Paul’s direction, but nothing doing. Ker-pow.
“You idealize your patients and your books in the exact same way your saint idealized her divine Spouse. What’s the difference? Do you see a difference?”
She looks badly upset. I ask Paul to go wait in the games room, this won’t take long, there’s an emergency Dr. Baruch needs to discuss with me. His wide green eyes empty out, rake me blindly as he turns to leave. I don’t know how I’m going to repair the damage done by this sudden separation Baruch has provoked.
“I’m going on a trip,” says Marianne more soberly. She sits down, removes her glasses and rubs her eyes.
I sip my tea. I’m waiting.
“I’m going to Spain!”
“Really!?” I know she hates flying, is scared of trains, and refuses to drive.
“Nothing to do with you or your precious Teresa.” I deduce the contrary. Silence.
“I’m going with my father, who’s doing some research into our family background, you know.”
I don’t know. Marianne never talks about her family, and I’ve even wondered whether her attachment to me wasn’t a way of detaching from them.
“Well, you see, Dad’s gone back to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. Our ancestors lived in Cuenca, right in the middle of Castilla-La Mancha. He’s set his heart on going there, to find out something or other important in the local archives. Looking for himself, I guess. So, seeing as he’s not exactly young or fit any more, I felt I couldn’t let him do it on his own. That’s why I’m going along.”
I understand now. Marianne is letting me know that this journey is her way of going into analysis, without admitting it to herself or lying on a couch. Today I’ll listen to whatever Dr. Baruch can or wants to tell me. Too bad about Paul, I’ll pick up that thread tomorrow.
Marianne’s father (whom I’ve seen a couple of times at her house: faint smile, elaborate politeness) is the youngest son of wealthy Jewish parents. Haïm Baruch was born by the Danube, in Ruse, Bulgaria. His family spoke Ladino and Bulgarian at home, but could communicate in every European language. They held the faith of their forebears in moderate respect, its observances reduced over time to a few culinary traditions and keeping of holidays. The sons were packed off to universities abroad — one to Austria, one to Germany, one to Russia, one to France. Haïm, the mother’s favorite, was sent to live with some cousins of hers in Nancy. He entered law school under the innocuous French name of Aimé, “Beloved”—a whim Marianne had not forgiven him. “Just because the French pronounce it ‘Em’ instead of Haïm, dropping the aspirated aitch and the diaeresis, Dad couldn’t find anything stupider than to call himself Aimé!”
As luck would have it, Aimé was on vacation in Bulgaria when Vichy ordered the first roundups of Jews. Since Bulgaria was the only country besides Holland to oppose the Nazis’ deportation drives (or that’s what they say), he escaped the Holocaust. During the war years he married Maria, a Bulgarian childhood friend, and took her back to Nancy, where she would give birth to Marianne.
I still couldn’t see the Teresa connection, but Marianne said it was coming. Firstly, my psychiatrist chum had always been at odds with her “Beloved” progenitor, aware of his disappointment at getting a girl when he’d wanted a boy. He had named her Marianne in honor of the Republic, despite the darkness of the Occupation years. Secondly, this great Francophile, who had wept for the German destruction of Oradour but was forgiving of collaboration, felt increasingly less beloved in his adopted land as he grew older. Though a staunch secularist, he began to study Hebrew, and on retirement he decided to reconstruct the family tree.
Now, having traced the itinerary of his ancestors, he wanted to look into the sources. Aimé Baruch knew too much about the history of his people, and history in general, to expect to find reliable archive material this side of 1492 relating to such a modest merchant household. He did, however, hope to glean some earlier data about a family that had, from the twelfth century, been well-integrated and indeed respected in Cuenca — until finding itself summarily expelled by the Inquisition. Cuenca appeared to him now as the golden age of integration, the diaspora’s Eden in Europe. But was it? This is what he sought to know.
“He dreams of finding proof of the peaceful coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Spain on the eve of the expulsion, which would imply that it could happen again, sooner or later.” Marianne has softened, she seems positively tender toward her father. Is she telling me that she harbors dreams of a peaceful coexistence with Aimé?
The first effect of the research undertaken by Baruch senior was to make him re-adopt his old name, Haïm; before long the good jurist had become a fount of expertise on Spanish Jewry before the expulsion and their survival after it. He was particularly interested in the diaspora of southern Europe, where his family ended up: Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria — not forgetting the conversos, the Marranos who stayed in Spain.
“Converts such as Teresa’s paternal family, the families of Ignatius Loyola and John of Avila and maybe even Cervantes.” I’m chucking twigs on the fire of Marianne’s newfound erudition, just to show that I understand, in my own way, her rapprochement with Haïm.
“Well, that’s the trouble. Some Jews were expelled and went elsewhere, like our ancestors. Others were collaborators, basically. Or pretended they were, but even so! Teresa betrayed her people, just as her forebears did by converting. Except she went further still by becoming a Catholic saint. Do you see what I’m getting at? She betrayed her father to side with her mother, didn’t she?”
It’s not the right time to say that matters are considerably more complex, in my view. But Marianne isn’t asking for my view, she carries on without a break:
“Anyhow, Haïm wonders whether all those mystics Spain claims such credit for weren’t simply the craziest among the Jews who stayed behind. People who could come up with nothing better than to annoy the Church, then in the pits of decadence, with the exaltation of their constricted little souls. He calls it ‘delirium,’ he doesn’t mince words, unlike some…You know he calls himself a rationalist. Or used to…Can you see it?”
I can see that Marianne is the one feeling guilty of betraying her people by her silly war against her father, by her tomboy — or is it bachelor — existence. I see that she’s taking on Haïm’s guilt as he attempts to pick up the threads of tradition in his own enlightened style. As for Teresa…
Marianne doesn’t let my silence last.
“Guess what? My dad now knows as much as you do about your blessed saint! He’s just read a book, a study or something, by a Professor Yovel, do you know him? A Spinoza specialist who’s into Marrano mystics, very original!34 So, Haïm is impressed by Teresa’s hallucinations, of course he is. But of course he doesn’t believe in them either. He’s a man of reason, he doesn’t make the allowances you do, right?” Or wrong; I wait. “So, he says that the more she tried to integrate, the more Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada was humiliated by all those Spanish grandees and prelates around her. The more she played at being the crafty diplomat, the more they used her raptures for their own ends, if they didn’t just make fun of her. Even when they saved her from the Inquisition and let her start her gang of barefoot Carmelites, they went on undermining her to the end.”
“Is Mr. Baruch retraining as a theologian?” I’m trying to jolly this courtroom drama along, uncertain whether it’s Teresa or myself standing in the dock.
“You’re kidding! Haïm has only looked into the
How should
“You’re right to go with him.” (I’m evading, dodging backward.) “This trip will teach us a lot, to me too, I mean. When do you leave?”
“I know, I should have told you. I’ve been preparing it for a while, I didn’t know how to tell you…”
“No harm done. See you in two weeks!”
I spend the vacation alone in Paris, as is my wont, with my roommate. I gaze at the city lights through the great window my father loved so much, et cetera. And I haven’t forgotten Paul, who still resents me, I know, for putting Marianne before him the other day, but he’ll wait for me. “If you don’t dream, you don’t exist. I dream, therefore I’m alive.” Certain journeys are dreams. Certain readings, too.
It is very important for any soul that practices prayer…not to hold itself back and stay in one corner. Let it walk through those dwelling places which are up above, down below, and to the sides, since God has given it such great dignity. Don’t force it to stay a long time in one room alone. Oh, but if it is in the room of self-knowledge!
This true Lover [verdadero Amador] never leaves it.…it should avoid going about to strange houses…to avoid going astray like the prodigal son and eating the husks of swine [comiendo manjar de puercos].
Teresa of Avila at sixty-one. Juan de la Miseria, 1576. Carmel of Seville. © Gianni Dagli Orti/Art Archive at Art Resource, New York.
“God forgive you, Brother John, you have made me look ugly and blear-eyed [
Whatever the Carmelite’s attachment to her interior castle, she was not one to neglect outward appearances. I think she was unfair to her portraitist, all the same. Framed by a white wimple under a black veil, her rosy face reflects her liking for fine fare. A long narrow nose balances the soft sag of the sixty-something jawline, while the pursed mouth conveys the strong will of the foundress and the authority of the “businesswoman,” skilled at real-estate operations and negotiating with Church bodies. The large, somewhat asymmetrical eyes shine with an insatiable, inquisitive intelligence. Teresa explodes on the painter’s canvas like modern stars explode on the screen. There is no sign of abandonment, that lascivious
The portrait was commissioned by her very dear friend, Jerome Gratian; its author was an oddball born with the name of Giovanni Narducci. A peasant hermit from the Abruzzi mountains, he had been expelled from the minor orders, made a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, became a sculptor’s apprentice at Palermo, and spent a year in the workshop of Spanish portraitist Alonso Sánchez Coello. He was good friends with Mariano de Azzaro, a brilliant diplomat falsely accused of murder and jailed before being put in charge of hydraulic works by King Philip II. Eventually Mariano retired as a hermit to the Tardón desert near Seville. Both friars became enthused by Teresa’s ambitious project to reform the Carmelite order, which at first only numbered two discalced White Friars: Antonio de Jesús and John of the Cross. In July 1569, Mariano, renamed Ambrosio Mariano de San Benito, and Narducci, now Juan de la Miseria, founded the second monastery for discalced friars at Pastrana, where they would produce silk. If these characters don’t seem entirely wholesome, well, everyone knows that the most proper folks don’t necessarily make the best reformers, and Teresa knew it too. She described the artist as a “great servant of God and very simple with regard to the things of the world.”2 Posterity would note the casual detachment, for La Madre made use of the humble as well as the exalted — but never with her eyes closed. The profound kinship linking hermits, Carthusians, and Carmelites may also account for the ease with which the first were persuaded to sign up to the reformed Carmel.
Wholly taken up by her visions and foundations, Teresa would never have dreamed that more than four centuries after her death, people would be scrutinizing her portrait and trying to find her in the pages she saw fit to write about her life. No doubt it gratified her to imagine the Discalced Carmelites, as an institution, continuing down the centuries — for fulfilled though she was by that Other residing within, she was not immune to vanity. But from there to fancying that women who might doubt the existence of the divine Spouse, or deny it outright, could one day be fascinated by her far from cloistered life, crisscrossing Spain on a donkey to the outrage of the Inquisition, which nonetheless hesitated to burn her at the stake — never! Not a chance. For Teresa’s imaginings — entirely real to her, unseen by her eyes but felt with all her heart, which is to say her body, despite the fear of being a victim of holy madness — were indifferent to passing time, let alone therefore to modern times, and certainly wouldn’t care what we might think.
I say “we,” because I am not the only one puzzling over the portrait painted by Giovanni Narducci, alias Juan de la Miseria. Beyond Carmelite or pilgrim circles, where Teresian relics are prized as part of popular tours (run by Catholic business interests like memory trails, the Mysteries of Faith package), her writings have attracted a range of contemporary “sisters” as diverse and improbable as I am: Marcelle Auclair, Rosa Rossi, Dominique de Courcelles, Mercedes Allendesalazar, Alison Weber, Gillian T. W. Ahlgren, Mary Frohlich…These unlikely exegetes came as a surprise to me. Teresa infuses them, infuses us, with her taste for the union with the Other in oneself. All of a sudden these modern women, perfectly at ease in the epoch of the Pill and raunchy sex, began to haunt the waters, paths, and castles of the Spanish nun. They became theologians, interpreters, or writers in order to follow the thread of her raptures, comas, and foundations. Men, too, men like Michel de Certeau, Denis Vasse, Jean-Noël Vuarnet, Américo Castro, Antonio Márquez, Joseph Pérez, and others, as lacking in circumspection as their female counterparts, have trodden the labyrinth of our philosophical sorority.3
It is my turn to travel through Teresa country, in the variegated company of these passionate loners who are not always acquainted with one another, don’t necessarily get along, may or may not know one another’s books, and have nothing in common but the writings of Teresa of Jesus. Could the saint’s texts provide a key to the enigma that is faith, the last stronghold of secrecy in our see-through, mediatized globalization, where everything is instantaneously divulged?
I bathe in the liquid imaginary of La Madre. I drink it in, filtered by the tastes and notions of the “specialists” on her, I glimpse it through the tracery of their interpretive ruminations. I build my own castle out of their dwelling places, I cultivate my dreaming garden in order to bring you a Teresa alive in us, coming alive again in you.
Buried at Alba de Tormes beneath a heap of soil, lime, and stones after her death on October 4, 1582 (or October 15, due to the switch to the Gregorian calendar that year), Teresa’s body was later exhumed in secret at the request of Jerome Gratian, who wanted very much to look at it. Her garments were moldy, but her flesh was intact. The body was taken to Avila and examined by Fr. Diego de Yepes, prior of the Hieronymites of Madrid, alongside legal advisers Laguana, of the Council of State, and Francisco Contreras, of the chancellery of Granada; both men had been dispatched from Madrid. Also present were two physicians, a handful of notables, and the bishop of Avila. Each witness concurred that the body was incorrupt. According to the medical report, “It was impossible that this be a natural occurrence, rather than truly miraculous…for, after three years, never having been opened or embalmed, so whole was it that nothing thereof was missing, and an admirable fragrance wafted from it.”4
With apologies to the pilgrims, I should say that I much prefer the vision of Teresa’s living body always traveling toward us to that of her uncorrupted corpse. I seek that body in her books — of which she herself only edited one,
First of all, she was a
The novel of Teresa of Jesus, suffering and sovereign, was slowly plotted in the destiny of Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada; but it was crystallized in a crucial event of 1533. I picture a young girl of around eighteen, pretty, elegantly dressed, enchanting — no portrait exists, but there are many testimonies to that effect, and she herself often mentions her good looks. Many pages written in a painstakingly pungent Castilian for the benefit of her confessors, thirty years after the fact, retrace this youthful period. Indeed, Teresa only completed the first draft of
The young lady had just spent a year and a half at the Augustinian school of Our Lady of Grace, where her father, don Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda, had sent her in hopes of safeguarding the honor of his bright, too-bright child. Her mother Beatriz had been dead for some years and her elder half-sister, María de Cepeda, was now married, after playing chaperone to the little one as best she could. Don Alonso, that loving, too-loving father, knew just how cute and seductive she was, better than anyone — except perhaps her cousin Pedro, one of the three sons of don Francisco Álvarez de Cepeda. Or perhaps Vasco, or Francisco, or Diego, one of Elvira de Cepeda and Hernando Mejía’s boys? A plotline takes shape. We don’t know the name of the elect, but Teresa was said to be dangerously in love.
In love, maybe, though without a dowry. The young beauty hesitated to take the plunge: “I also feared marriage.”5 Was she reluctant to share the fate of the countless women who passed away, sad and young, their bodies wrecked by an unbroken string of childbirths — her own mother’s fate? Teresa liked to have fun. She read novels about knights and ladies, like her mother, and adored masked balls, parties, flirting, and conversation. Her favorite interlocutors were the servant women, bent on improving this spotless soul with salacious stories, and her cousin Elvira, reputed to be vain and an airhead.
“I must warn you, Father, that Teresa is receiving instruction in wickedness from the servants. I can’t prevent it, she’s obstinate and won’t listen to sense.” María’s accusation only upsets the widower more, for he already suspects it.
“But what if I were to get engaged?” Teresa cautiously brings up the mirage of marriage, family honor
“Don’t even think about it! I mean, you don’t seem to be thinking about it.”
“We are proud but of modest condition, increasingly modest, understand me, child.” Teresa frowns. Don Alonso cannot get his favorite daughter to see that a father has the right to expect strict decorum and total obedience from a young girl of such a condition.
Teresa shuts herself away with her secrets.
It’s the same old story: fathers have always relied far too much on convents or marriage to calm their daughters’ lusts. Don Alonso had no idea how easily love notes passed through the walls of the Augustinian school, via keyholes, furtive meetings in the parlor, the mediation of the airhead cousin…
The girl was on fire, and concealment being the rule, her young body soon fell sick. Palpitations, depression, continual weeping. Oh, to be free like Cousin Pedro, to sport velvet doublets slashed with gold, and buoyant ruffs, to twirl one’s cape and sword…Let him take her in his arms, let him be her and she be him, let them waft together from ball to ball, or sail away to the antipodes. They could follow Rodrigo and his New World dreams, Rodrigo her favorite brother, two years older and born on the same day, whom she overtook in maturity long ago. Wasn’t she cleverer, quicker, more intrepid than other little girls her age? The whole Cepeda-Ahumada clan agreed on that. The things they got up to together! Hardly surprising, when she stuck like a shadow to her likeness, her double, and he, although a boy, followed her lead in the peculiar games that so dismayed their parents.
One day, while reading the
“Or Saint Andrew or Saint Sebastian,” says Rodrigo.
“For the love of God!” cries Teresa, in imitation of her mother, the godly doña Beatriz.
It was after the sack of Rhodes by the Turks — an event that had all Christendom quaking, Spain above all. But not these two children, who resolved to go and get their heads chopped off in the land of the Moors, across the Strait of Gibraltar, where menacing foreigners lived who were completely unlike the Spaniards. They set off — for the love of God! — and were caught up with on the Adaja bridge, still inside the city walls. Phew.
“It was her idea!” Rodrigo opts for shameful betrayal, rather than undergo the father’s anger and the mother’s sorrow.
Teresa did not hold this against him: her masculine double had at last admitted that
But boys have a future ahead of them. If adolescence is excruciating for girls, it’s largely because it brings home to them that they don’t have such a future. This is not easy to stomach, especially for one who like Teresa has grown up among male siblings: coming after Fernando and Rodrigo into the world, she was followed by Juan, Lorenzo, Antonio, Pedro, Jerónimo, and Agustín, before the advent of another girl, Juana. How she longed to be a man, to set sail for the Americas like Fernando, the eldest, or like Rodrigo himself, who enlisted in Pedro de Mendoza’s expedition! All her brothers, except for Juan, became conquistadors. In reality, Teresa had no need to be jealous. She could make people laugh, she could beat them at chess, and she produced superlative embroidery — the last was less unusual, being an Avilan specialty. The family, bewitched, would celebrate the child’s witty sallies while fearing for her, given the impetuousness of her nature. “Our little charmer makes the most of herself, tastefully to be sure, but she overdoes it a bit: what a passion for baths and perfumes and jewels…”
Were you quite sure, Teresa, of what you later claimed: that you enjoyed yourself wherever you went, and that the least rag looked like a queen’s raiment on you? No doubt you were, since you sought out “pastimes” and “pleasant conversation,” indeed you were “strikingly shrewd when it came to mischief,” as you later wrote, with stern self-reproof. There’s nothing wrong with being at once the knife and the wound, and I guess this made you feel better. Your half-sister María’s marriage to Martín Guzmán de Barrientos was an opportunity to engage in “vanities” for the full three months of the event. How embarrassing! How shameful! All this “could not be achieved so secretly as to prevent me from suffering much loss of reputation.”6 Checked by your confessors, you said no more about it, Teresa, my love, but not because you, a connoisseur of mortification, were loath to flagellate yourself. Marcelle Auclair thinks your discretion was due, not to the wickedness of the alleged frivolities, but to their innocence. That’s plausible. I would also point out, though, that the honor of the Church forbade you to be more candid:
Since my confessors commanded me and gave me plenty of leeway to write about the favors and the kind of prayer the Lord has granted me, I wish they would also have allowed me to tell very clearly and minutely about my great sins and wretched life. This would be a consolation. But they didn’t want me to. In fact I was very much restricted in those matters. And so I ask, for the love of God, whoever reads this account to bear in mind that my life has been so wretched…7
Don Alonso knew that his favorite daughter was a magnet for the young and not so young people revolving around her — women and men both, needless to say. All the more reason to protect her, but how? Mysterious Teresa.
Her father did not know, however, that she had already come to terms with a fatal, irrevocable reality: the transitory nature of human love. “
My father was fond of reading good books, and thus he also had books in Spanish for his children to read. These good books together with the care my mother took to have us pray and be devoted to our Lady and some of the saints began to awaken me when, I think, six or seven years old, to the practice of virtue.…
My father was a man very charitable with the poor and compassionate toward the sick, and even toward servants. So great was his compassion that nobody was ever able to convince him to accept slaves…
My mother also had many virtues. And she suffered such sickness during her life. She was extremely modest. Although very beautiful, she never gave occasion to anyone to think she paid any attention to her beauty. For at the time of her death at the age of thirty-three,
We were in all three sisters and nine brothers. All resembled their parents in being virtuous, through the goodness of God, with the exception of myself — although
Doña Beatriz de Ahumada was don Alonso’s second wife. The first, Catalina del Peso y Henao, who succumbed to the plague, was proud to be an Old Christian with connections to the Dávila family, a prestigious line of Castilian nobles whose coat of arms displayed thirteen golden bezants. Beatriz was Catalina’s cousin thrice removed; she was barely fifteen when she wed this widower of thirty. By the time Teresa arrived, she had already borne two sons and was taking care of her two stepchildren, María de Cepeda and Juan Vásquez. Seven more children were still to come. Exhausted by so many childbeds, the fine and delicate Beatriz commended her soul to Almighty God at the age of thirty-three: a Christlike sacrifice in female mode.
Nuns who complain of the monastic life “do not recognize the great favor God has granted them in…freeing them from being subject to a man.” You wrote this much later, Teresa, my love. Unfair, carried away, too much in love with Mother? With Simone de Beauvoir, the revolt of the “second sex” ought to acknowledge a precursor in you, who continued angrily: “a man who is often the death of them and who could also be, God forbid, the death of their souls.”9 An angel passes: it is the soul of Beatriz de Ahumada.
You were thirteen and a half when your mother died, and the only woman of the line accompanying your father, except for your half-sister María, the firstborn of the previous union. Surrounded by servants but responsible for the youngest children, you were probably tempted to become the center of this domestic circle, now that the mistress of the household was no longer around and the master was doubly appreciative of his daughter’s looks and brains. But was it possible? Not when one has imbibed, at the departed mother’s knee, so many tales of knights and martyrs. Doña Beatriz thus managed to instill in her eldest daughter the sense of another world, not in so many words, of course, simply by reading novels — as if there was no difference between such love stories and the lives of the saints, which her husband preferred. There is an elsewhere, my girl, innocent of childbirth and domestic drudgery, and that’s where salvation surely lies, beyond this earthly plane, beyond my bleeding maternal body, beyond bodies, beyond everything…
Teresa absorbed the message in her own way. Not only was she as beguiled by these knightly and saintly adventures as by the feminine charms of her aristocratic progenitor, but she had also developed a taste for freedom in the company of boys to whom she never felt inferior. After all, she’d reigned supreme over the Ahumada siblings.
As far back as she could remember, Teresa’s playmates had been boys, and she had been the domineering one. Look at how she dragged her darling Rodrigo, the best of them all, to be decapitated in the land of the Antichrist: no one ever tired of that story. She herself sounded tickled to recall it in her autobiography, years after the event. At the time, though, love unto death and a saintly end were in deadly earnest: cross my heart and hope to die.
She loved her mother, of course she did, and she prayed feelingly to the Holy Virgin, doña Beatriz’s beloved patroness, and kept the picture of her in a blue veil, with those large white hands crossed over her breast, until the day she died. But was the Virgin really a woman? Or was she a creature unique to her sex, as someone had suggested? In any case, the mischievous tomboy was not keen to be mothered. She preferred playing chess, she had no desire to spend her own life gestating, and one may wonder if she ever needed a mother at all, such was her individuality and independence.
“What a handsome girl she is, and prouder than a boy!” The neighbors either admire or deplore her for it.
A young woman afraid of woman’s destiny as exemplified by her own mother: it’s a rare phenomenon, but not unique. The fear is stifled, opaque, inescapable. Even the queens of the Golden Age were little more than wombs in the service of a monarchy and its political ends. From the birth of Philip II in 1527 to that of Charles II in 1661, the queens of Spain produced thirty-four heirs, infantes and infantas — not counting miscarriages. That’s to say one child every four years, seventeen of whom (exactly half) did not live to see their tenth birthday! Some queens died in labor, as did countless women who were not queens and did not play chess: it was their destiny. In 1532, girls had little choice in the matter. Since 1525, however, the
Now, if Teresa preferred the company of boys, it was also to turn their heads with the scent of her skin through layers of silk and velvet while she fantasized, just like those haughty males, of being a knight or a sailor or a conquistador across the sea: a combination which her cousin Pedro found alluring and alarming at once. I shouldn’t be surprised if Pedro shrank from her, maybe attracted to a different, more submissive girl, or maybe heading for the El Dorado that galvanized the whole of Spain at its apogee, a place known as Peru. That’s right, the boys will be
She likes this torrent, she drowns in tears, it’s so lovely to cry, as well as shameful! “Too bad,” don Alonso’s best girl doesn’t see herself wasting to death in one confinement after another. “Always bedded, always pregnant, always birthing,” was how Louis XV’s queen described herself. Teresa will be as worthy as any son, free and independent. Impossible for a woman, of course, but the family honor will be saved. Father is always so preoccupied with that: honor must be saved! She will do as her father asks, but in make-believe, that’s all that’s expected of a girl. All that’s expected of mothers, women, families. She’s one of them and she adores them, mothers, women, families. How else could she feel? It would be a long time before Teresa admitted to herself that the paradise of women, sisters, and mothers is also a kind of hell.
In the evening of her life, well past sixty and busy writing the
Does Teresa’s concern for this abused and abusive child suggest an emotional affinity with a possible rival for Gratian’s affections? Or does it cast light, for the nosy posterity that we are, on just how hard it was to be a young girl or a young woman caught up in the vortex of desires and horrors that made up the world of other people, and how even harder this was in the ruthless ambit of female desires? A terrifying mother has a vile daughter. Which is the murderess, and which the manipulator? Who are these passages of the
On the whole Teresa preferred the company of women: she liked being under their spell, before imposing her sovereignty. Frivolous Cousin Elvira, for instance, the one execrated by don Alonso and his solemn daughter María — how sensual she seemed, how free, how different from the misery-guts who slunk about in corners, sniveling! Teresa also fell for the charms of María de Briceño, mistress of the young seculars at Our Lady of Grace, who had a way of talking about holy books and one’s own person that made a girl blush with pleasure. Briceño was living proof that not all women gave up their lives to a man, as Teresa’s mother had done, sacrificing herself for husband and children in the name of honor. There were women who became such admirable people in their own right that they deserved and received the love of the Lord Himself. Teresa’s dearest friend, Juana Suárez, had herself entered the Convent of the Incarnation, under the mitigated Carmelite rule, to follow that marvelous destiny alongside 180 other women — seculars, widows, undowried girls, as well as some genuine nuns who sounded rather jolly, by Juana’s account.
Teresa was at a crossroads. Her young body was not appeased, but who could satisfy it? Her brother Rodrigo, her cousin Pedro, her best friend Juana? All possible and all forbidden. Everything ends, everyone leaves; the nothingness of all things, all things are nothing. Except Teresa wasn’t as strong, yet, as María de Briceño or Juana Suárez; she wasn’t ready to embrace the veil as a vocation. Not ready at all.
Her mother’s devotion she found compelling, but her martyrdom was frightening. The dourness of her father’s faith held her back: what a bind, that “point of honor” he kept on about, when Teresa only longed for excitement and adventures sweeping her up, up and away, into the Beyond! She cried out for love with every fiber of her being, she lacked for love. She would sponge herself carefully all over several times a day, dab her skin with perfume and scented oils, making herself pure and desirable — ready for anything, yet always in the anticipation of failure. And still that aching heart, still those floods of tears. Was she depressed or elated? She could not tell, and neither could the sisters at Our Lady of Grace. Teresa fell seriously ill. Best to send the Ahumada girl back to her father: too fragile…
Already disappointed and yet offered up, Teresa obtained her father’s permission to convalesce at her sister’s in Castellanos, where María had settled after her glittering marriage. On the way she stopped off at Hortigosa, to visit her uncle Pedro Sánchez de Cepeda, the third of her father’s four brothers. Indisposition did not prevent her from wearing her red skirt with black braiding, black velvet bodice, and black lace shawl — an attire immortalized two centuries later by Bizet’s sultry Carmen. On some level she was aware that don Pedro, though still in mourning for his wife, responded to her youthful beauty. For her part she enjoyed his company, like a more lenient version of her father.
“So you’re not well, I hear?” inquires don Pedro, his eyes crinkling in a smile.
“Surrounded by dry rosemary bushes, and nobody to lean on,” Teresa says nervously, alluding to her disappointments.
“Of fair Don Juan the king that ruled us, / Of those high heirs of Aragon, / What are the tidings? / Of him, whose courtly graces schooled us, / Whom song and wisdom smiled upon, / Where the abidings?”11 Don Pedro is being kind or mocking, it’s not clear which. He is said to be an Erasmist, something of an Illuminato. What could he mean? He’s awfully well-read…
“Pardon, Uncle?” She feels on the verge of tears, again.
“Jorge Manrique.” Don Pedro fetches the book from a library shelf; bibliophilic treasures outnumber worldly luxuries in this country manor. “Do you know him?”
Teresa likes to arouse desire, and yet the moment she senses the man’s interest she retreats, introspectively, feeling guilty and soiled. Pedro de Cepeda notices this, and goes no further.
“Are you uncertain about marriage?” He realizes he must talk to this niece as an uncle, almost a father. It had not been a good idea to upset her with the verses of this old-school but very famous poet, who had enthused the whole of Spain.
“I’m not ready for the monastic life either, Uncle. My remorse at my mistakes is so great, the doors of Heaven are closed to me for ever.”
“Mistakes, child?”
“My father suspects me, he can’t be sure, of course, but it’s true that I dissemble my desires…and I am incapable of understanding God, I am too hard-hearted. I am not like a woman in that way.”
“You dissemble, do you? You feel remorse…Is this a young lady speaking, or do I hear somebody speaking through you? You sound just like your father.”
He feels caught out, and doesn’t know how to pursue the conversation. Smart and pretty though she is, Teresa is clearly in a bad way. God alone could rescue a soul like that, a young woman like that. For this fresh-faced niece, scarcely more than a child, is undoubtedly a woman. Or is it precisely because of her febrile womanliness that…No, too confusing.
“Don’t cry, my dear, we’re all in need of consolation. I am myself, indeed I am, and without dissembling. I need…I need you to read…Here, read to me from Saint Jerome.”
He puts Manrique back and pulls the
And what happens then for Teresa? She feels violently assaulted. “For without my desiring it, [God] forced me to overcome my repugnance,” she wrote thirty years later.12 She sits down by her uncle and fastens her dark gaze on the page.
Why Saint Jerome? Why was she reading, here in Hortigosa, the letters of the “learned ascetic” and first Christian translator of the Bible into Latin? Born in the sixth century on the border between Dalmatia and Pannonia, preoccupied with
It could also be because the future Saint Jerome had thrown himself into the solitary study of Hebrew in Chalcis, Syria, and spent years translating the Old and New Testaments in Bethlehem, where a Jew visited him at night “like Nicodemus,” he said, had visited Christ. Pedro Sánchez de Cepeda, who was of converso stock, was very likely moved by the indefatigable Christian’s return to the source. He would have known that a number of Marranos had been eager to join the Order of Saint Jerome, because this brotherhood’s lenient rule allowed them to practice the Old Religion with impunity. Although their eventual condemnation on charges of “Judaization” had discredited the order, this would not have prevented Pedro from reading Jerome’s
Then again, perhaps he wanted his tormented niece to read from this saint because Jerome had spent his youth enjoying the baths, circuses, and theaters of voluptuous Rome, and not a few reprehensible relationships, before he became an ascetic. Early on, at the wealthy home of the patrician Marcella, he became involved with a set of highborn ladies and gained the affections of a widow named Paula, along with those of her daughters, notably Eustochium — all recent converts to the Christian faith.
The great Hebrew scholar had also championed the superiority of virginity over marriage so rigidly as to be accused of Manichaeism; the most hostile antagonists found him guilty of “perversion and sin.” His faithful Roman noblewomen came to join him in Bethlehem. All of them knew Greek and several applied themselves to Hebrew. Paula and Eustochium were later canonized. Why shouldn’t Teresa follow a similar path?
Pedro’s eyes are closed, but he is not asleep. He is trying to conjure up the monastery founded by Jerome in Bethlehem, with its great hall leading to the grotto where Jesus was born. Here Jerome translated, at a furious rate, the language of Teresa’s paternal forebears into Latin. He was ultimately buried in another grotto nearby, opposite the tomb of his friend Paula, where Eustochium would soon join them.
“Here, read me the letter to Eustochium, if you please, Teresa.”
“That epistle opens with Psalm 45, shall I begin, Uncle? ‘Hear, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear; forget also your own people and your father’s house, and the king shall desire your beauty.’” Teresa’s throat tightens, she stifles a sob, and pauses for a moment before resuming her reading. “I have left the home of my childhood; I have forgotten my father, I am born anew in Christ. What reward do I receive for this?”13
Don Pedro watches her intently, his body trembling all over at the sound of her young voice. He leads a secluded life; for some time now, books in Castilian and the joys of the mind are all he has had. Saint Jerome’s letters would soon lead him, without transition, he thought, to become a friar.
He kept Teresa by his side for a few days more, soothed by her voice and by her hands as they turned the pages, talking to her about the vanity of the world.
The more Teresa read, the more she felt like throwing up. The more nausea she felt, the more interest she feigned: it was a point of honor. She had been torn in two. One part of her body dreamed of valiant knights and conquistadors like Rodrigo, and was mounted behind them, or being buffeted by wind and spray on the high seas. The other espoused the words of a father whose one concern was to save his soul and his children’s; then Teresa scolded herself for her vanity, her frivolous temperament, and her womanly senses, which she hated to death, all on behalf of that judgmental father. There was only one way out, it seemed: “to leave the home of her childhood.”
On the third day of her stay with her uncle, Teresa calmed down. She’d found that with him she could move between her conflicted states, casting off the divided self that sickened her and made her cry. It might even be possible to splice the two sides back together. Until she came to Hortigosa, Teresa had always seen the monastic option as a bastion against her low desires, while her intelligence discerned in this need for protection a sort of groveling, which put her to shame. But things were different with Uncle Pedro.
In the first place, he knew all about the vanity of the world, far more than other men she had encountered in the course of her young life. So much so that he had led her to forcibly overcome herself, as a protection against worldliness and against him, too — but in such a way as to introduce her to the pleasures of forcing herself. Uncle Pedro made her aware of passion and the inanity of passion at the same time; she discovered the allness and nothingness of the temptations that beset her at the nearness of Rodrigo, Cousin Pedro, Cousin Elvira, or her inseparable best friend Juana…And he had done more than this. As she daily steeled herself to read, for his sake, from the edifying book which made her sick with the boredom of subjection to his whim, she found to her surprise that she was glad. Glad to please him, glad to encounter Saint Jerome and his psalms…
Ah, that vigilant eye lodged deep in her young mind, which never ceased to observe, to judge, to comprehend what she was feeling in body and soul! She was beginning to get the measure of this night watchman inside, who never left her, who tormented and yet enhanced her! Was she really so glad to please Uncle Pedro? Or was she simply reveling in her own capacity to analyze what was happening on either side of this epistle by Saint Jerome: she, reading in the armchair; he, pretending to be half asleep on the couch? And between them this kingdom,
Her nausea gone, Teresa felt ready in heart and body to push this willingness to please to extremes. There was no virtue in this dissection, though, she knew that too; nothing but an utter lack of discretion, boundless ambition, the sin of omnipotence.
The more she was intoxicated by her spiraling thoughts, the more the girl felt that her uncle was inducting her into a universe in which guilty passions and debating with those passions were not mutually exclusive, but simultaneous: a delectable surfeit, a world in itself, salvation perhaps. Teresa wasn’t thinking about Jesus yet. She was simply afraid of her senses, while clinging to the sensuousness that Uncle Pedro allowed to the things of the mind. Blessed be voluptuous spirituality!
At this moment, he looked more like an Old Christian than a converso’s son. Pedro Sánchez de Cepeda somehow but unmistakably reminded the convent girl of her late mother, the woman whose pious black garb concealed a love of prowess and exploit, the kind that would be dubbed “quixotic” less than a century later, and which drew mother and daughter toward the martyrdoms of the saints, or was it the other way around? Meanwhile the patriarch, don Alonso, remarked sententiously over their bent heads that only “good books” deserved such absorption, and in general, it was best to avoid anything in Spanish. Teresa acquiesced meekly to her father, as she was bound to do, but it made no difference: she secretly devoured the abominable romances at night. Did she intuit, however vaguely, that true devotion lay in her mother’s impure purity, able to shed the same tears over the sweet pangs of courtly love and the agonies of decapitated martyrs? No man had ever seemed to live up to such completeness — not even Rodrigo, with his worthless vow of
A strange alchemy took place in Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada during those days of 1533, while she was staying with her uncle. Her senses recognized her host as a more modern, knowledgeable, audacious version of her mother; but in her memory, he was indissolubly linked to her father by virtue of their shared ordeal. Were senses and memory converging? To accelerate what impetuous decision?
We have mentioned that the court case brought by the municipality of Manjabalago against the Sánchez de Cepeda brothers for their refusal to pay a modest tax (100 maravedís apiece) had outraged the whole family. Joseph Pérez disagrees: his research suggests that the affair was actually a put-up job engineered by the brothers themselves, to obtain legal validation of a status they already enjoyed in practice. Either way, the case was heard, and it can’t have been pleasant for the children. Castilian kids loved playing at Inquisitions in those days, even in the royal gardens. Avilan girls and boys piled up the logs for roasting heretics; one child once tried to strangle another who was playing the part of penitent, only with the noble aim of saving him from the stake! The town was abuzz with preposterous rumors, some branding the Sánchez brothers as criminals and apostates. The hearing was an alarming prospect in such an atmosphere. But what could it have meant to Teresa, aged between four and eight? Not a word was said at home, of course; the family
In fact Teresa was kept in the dark about the whole business, especially at the time. Her paternal grandfather, Juan de Toledo, was a converso merchant who dealt in silk and wool before moving into finance, where he handled taxes and tributes for a considerably juicier profit than before. In 1485 he fell foul of the Inquisition. In “reconciliation,” and to avoid the stake, he had voluntarily presented himself on June 22 before the inquisitors of Toledo, confessing to “several instances of serious crimes and offences of heresy and apostasy against the Holy Catholic Faith.” Juan was a Marrano, a “dirty pig” in popular parlance. The Marranos made a public show of Catholicism, and practiced the old Mosaic religion secretly at home. The monarchy decided that such people threatened a social cohesion founded on unity of faith and must be persecuted or eradicated. Between 1486 and 1500, the drive to flush out clandestine Jewry led to thousands of death sentences being passed down by the courts in Toledo.
Juan de Toledo escaped this fate. The merchant turned financier was treated with indulgence: he was nonetheless sentenced to do penance for seven consecutive Fridays through the city’s churches, clad in the tunic of shame — the dreaded
However “lenient” the punishment, it was symbolically devastating. Juan de Toledo’s family had been stripped of its
At the hearing for nonpayment of taxes, held at the court of the first instance, the prosecution charged that the Cepeda brothers were not hidalgos but common taxpayers, or
A procession of witnesses came to the stand. One of them brought up the disgrace of Juan’s
Ten years later, in 1559, the persecution turned brutal. In the wake of the discovery of pockets of Lutheranism, the Inquisition held two autos-da-fé, in Valladolid and in Seville, where thirty and twenty-four heretics, respectively, were burned at the stake. Lutherans,
Teresa the writer associates “these miserable little rules of etiquette [points of honor:
To me, this stringent quest for “what honor consists in” is the effect of an equally violent loss of the other, false
Your writings, Teresa, are silent on the subject of your ancestors’ conversion and their stealthy Judaism or Erasmism; we find nothing about the court cases that stained the family honor. You never conceded that the dread of disrepute that haunted your family was less a feature of the old feudal aristocracy (indeed, Spanish nobles and royals thought nothing of frequenting Jews and converts) than an effect of the egalitarian sentiments of an Old Christian people eager to denounce the nonconformist ideas and conduct of those with “tainted blood.” You operated under caution from the Inquisition, which by 1560 suspected your own foundational labors of Illuminism. Only the obsessive harping on the word
When I read the word
The fear of losing my honor was stronger in me. This sense of honor gave me the strength not to completely lose my reputation.…Would that I had had the fortitude not to do anything against the honor of God just as my natural bent gave me fortitude not to lose anything of what I thought belonged to the honor of the world.…
I was extreme in my vain desire for my reputation…I only had the fear of losing my reputation, and such fear brought me torment in everything I did. With the thought that my deeds would not be known, I dared to do many things truly against my honor and against God.19
Bizarrely then, but necessarily, the name of a great Hebrew expert, the scholar-saint Jerome, became associated with the quest for honor: as though to indicate that what was commonly judged dishonorable might become the very fount of honor, differently defined. The revision of tradition undertaken by the Erasmists (including Uncle Pedro, it seems), which led them to the rediscovery of Judaism, was a fillip for the supreme, unimpeachable honor constituted by the monastic life, or “taking the habit.” “Reading the
That confounded quest for honor! “Let any person who wants to advance and yet feels concerned about some point of honor believe me and strive to overcome this attachment”;21 “God deliver us from persons who are concerned about honor while trying to serve Him. Consider it an evil gain, and, as I said,
While staying with Pedro Sánchez de Cepeda at Hortigosa, Teresa was not sure of the path, but dimly felt her future taking shape. Did she have a notion that her father Alonso’s fortunes would dwindle steadily over the years, as if to disavow his own father, the canny merchant Juan Sánchez — that father who always came out on top no matter what and shamed his son? Did she foresee that don Alonso would cling to the hidalgo lifestyle at all costs, neglecting his store, his trade, his taxes, all unworthy of the coveted status that had finally been legitimized — but lacking the land and property supposed to bring in income for men of that rank; and all this
But is it possible? At this moment, reading Saint Jerome aloud to her learned uncle, Teresa’s mind is made up. Here and now, beside don Pedro, with don Pedro, she has taken the habit already: she has entered the cloister, or
Teresa was now ready to cloister herself in the maternal hollow, settle into the infantilism of faith, sink into the dream of dreams: the dream of love. Thanks to Uncle Pedro, or is it to Saint Jerome, reading would replace the weary alternation of pleasures and lonely regrets. “
It wouldn’t be easy. The tormented wanderer kept a strict eye on her wanderings: How was she to follow the path shown by don Pedro without betraying don Alonso? Because that’s what it would mean: leaving home, leaving her younger siblings Agustín and Juana, to whom she had been like a mother, and renouncing “dangerous opportunities” and worldly “vices” from then on. Yes, vices: whether pious rhetoric or considered judgment, that’s how Teresa defined her youthful longings in
Until entering the Carmelite order, Teresa attracted quite some attention in Avila. Nobody would have predicted the nunnery for this fashionable young woman, gliding from one reception to the next, attending the festivities for the Empress Isabella in 1531, then those for Charles V when he stops over at the Dominican monastery in the spring of 1534. Both María de Briceño, her old schoolmistress, and Juana Suárez, happily ensconced in the Carmelite Convent of the Incarnation, urge her on at every opportunity. Is don Alonso holding her back, or is it her own weakness? It takes guts to announce the resolve to withdraw from the world to a father who used to impose godly reading lists upon the whole family (has he forgotten?), but has let himself go since the death of his wife, so that the business goes to rack and ruin and the family falls into penury, while still he refuses to give an inch.
Teresa knows she can’t renege on her decision. “I was so persistent in points of honor that I don’t think I would have turned back for anything once I had told him.” But it’s no good, his response is inflexible: “When I’m gone, you may do as you please. But not before.”
She wonders whether her father has a genuine faith in God. Does he even believe that she does? A joust: point of honor against point of honor, daughter’s honor against father’s honor! Fortified by the loyalty of her Uncle Pedro, María de Briceño, and Juana Suárez, confident of the support of her father’s confessor, Fr. Vicente Barrón, Teresa stands her ground throughout the mortal struggle with her beloved father. Two years later she persuades her brother Juan (he is thirteen, she is twenty) to join the Dominicans the same day as she became a Carmelite. They will run away together,
A fresh, clear morning in October 1535. Avila is still asleep. A few shopkeepers setting out their wares; a few maidservants selecting fruit and vegetables. The plazuela Santo Domingo is almost deserted. Nobody notices the two young people. The breeze that cooled the summer air now seems a cold herald of fall. Teresa’s legs are numb; she strides through the hilly streets of the fortified town, under the Carmel Gate and north, toward the Convent of the Incarnation.…
When I left my father’s house I felt that separation so keenly that the feeling will not be greater, I think,
How could I not bring this moment of weakness to bear on my profane reading of your way of perfection, my vagabond Teresa? Being at home with Father pushed you toward worldly pleasures, despite or because of his efforts to protect you from your own wayward impulses and infatuations, so as to keep you immaculate, all to himself and for a better future. That much is clear. Uncle Pedro came to the rescue, being at once a Marrano and a
You don’t actually say so, but the book of your
Your kid brother Juan was stopped in time. He didn’t become a Dominican; Alonso dissuaded him.
Witnesses say that at the end, feeling death’s approach, you proclaimed firmly and proudly: “Lord, I am a daughter of the Church.” These words, unremarkable from a nun, have more traction when coming from you. Were there doubters to convince, even now? You are not the product of your origins, neither the Marrano nor the Old Christian strand. You constructed yourself with and against the Church, while keeping faith with your idea of its perfection, and that idea could only come to fruition by reforming the Carmelite order in a way that accented the intimacy of contemplation and the visionary approach to theopathy, or “undergoing God.” Because, in Hortigosa, at that crossroads of ascendancies and influences where the decisive days with Uncle Pedro had placed you, you realized that your terrible, your ravishing singularity could only blossom in that tradition, that institution: the Catholic, Roman, and Apostolic Church integrated by the New Christians. The fortuitousness of biography met the weight of history. Perhaps, too, it was an existential choice — one worthy of consideration, even today?
Neither tepid ecumenism, nor the domination of one group by another, your inner experience — at the heart of the Catholic Church — would enable you to translate your highly personal appropriation of both the secretive reserve of Marrano life and the feverish affects of the
Such considerations are far from your mind as you leave home, and yet your resolve appears to be unshakable. Nobody would suspect the battle being waged inside you and with your loved ones. Nobody but you, plus curious onlookers like myself, Sylvia Leclercq, who reads you almost five centuries later, intent on reconstructing your wanderings by way of your writings.
It took a year for don Alonso’s wrath to subside. On October 31, 1536, he undertook before a notary public to endow his favorite daughter with a supply of best-quality habits — nothing less would do — and religious books. He also would furnish her with bedding, and gift the Incarnation convent with twenty-five fanegas of grain per year, half wheat and half barley, or failing that, 200 gold ducats. On her side, Teresa gave up all rights to an inheritance.
She took the habit on November 2, 1536: All Souls, the Day of the Dead. She was in floods of tears, but we know how easily she welled up, like Saint Ignatius Loyola, whom she hadn’t yet encountered. The new novice was named Teresa de Ahumada, using her mother’s patronym. “I suffered greatly at first, and later came to enjoy it.”
The eternal issue of honor and pride kept her going to the point of pain, a pleasurable pain. Everything she did was “enveloped in a thousand miseries,” but wasn’t it all about being worthy of the Other? She liked to serve with trifling things, for the sake of it, like a “grain of sand” not yet lifted up by the waters of grace.
I didn’t know how to sing well. I was so worried when I hadn’t studied what they had entrusted to me (not because I wanted to avoid committing a fault before the Lord, since being bothered about that would have been virtuous, but because of the many that were listening to me), that just out of a sheer cult of honor I was so disturbed that I said much less than I knew.…I felt this very much in the beginning, but afterward I enjoyed it. [And so] I recited much better, and
Meanwhile, miracles were being performed by a fellow sister of the Incarnation: the candles this fortunate one lit to the Virgin were not consumed. Could it be a sign from God? Another, though wealthier than Teresa, slept in the paupers’ dormitory. Ahumada felt very humble compared to them: but once she had left her cell, in 1543, she would not give up her two superposed rooms, an “oratory” and a chamber, where she received her numerous nieces and cousins while slapping her flesh with nettles!
One day, poor thing, you actually crawled on all fours into the refectory with a mule’s packsaddle full of stones on your back and a halter around your neck, led by a sister, like a beast of burden. What wouldn’t one do to humble oneself, to be worthy of Jesus’s Passion! After professing full vows, it was not until 1562 that you took the name
Your agonized, lacerated soul began to pass its malaise, again, to the body. Again you fell sick, more seriously than before: the time had come to mortify yourself to the point of bliss, of
I hold that love…cannot possibly be content to remain always the same.
It began with a terror that literally broke you. You knew your health must suffer from this complete change of lifestyle, you remember losing your appetite. You were still a young woman who loved clothes and good food, but you went without. You threw yourself with gusto into all of the convent rituals. The practice of devotion brought contentment to replace the inner aridity of the unloved being you were, or thought you were. It opened you up to another life, the higher life of the true Christian, a full life much beyond what laypersons took to be plenitude — for as we know, their all, to you, was nothing. But with tenderness came fear; furtive rewards, dread of never being up to scratch. Courage and tears, tears and blood; your body became broken by pain.
You were brokenness itself, reduced to being nothing but the fault line that split you in two. Your heart pains (
By the fall of 1538, after three years of nunnery life with the Carmelites at the Convent of the Incarnation, you were in a pitiful state. The Mitigated Rule, which did not prescribe enclosure, left the door open to various sorts of “company” and, as a result, the life of the convent seculars blew hot and cold on impressionable souls. This could only aggravate your plight, torn as you were between the appetites of your thwarted body and the obedience demanded by a full life. The laxness of the calced order — preaching purity but inciting to the contrary, praying to God by day and smuggling the devil into the parlor by night — put you through months of excruciating pain.
The remedy? A stay with your half-sister María de Cepeda in the hamlet of Castellanos, the winter of 1538. You were carried there in a litter, and on the way you once more made a halt at Uncle Pedro’s, in Hortigosa.
It was probably he, and not your less persuasive mother, who taught you that “if one proceeds with detachment for God alone, there is no reason to fear that the effort will turn out badly.”1 Artfully he centered you on the weakness that was rapture, the agony that was a choice. Having helped you to take the decision to join the Carmelites (though doubtless unaware of the part he played that day, when he made you read Saint Jerome), Pedro Sánchez de Cepeda was once more to be your guide. He gave you a book to keep:
Don Alonso was always there for you, too — but increasingly in the background, because you were trying to detach yourself, as you saw it: another cruel decision, but a firm one. Nobody would be allowed to question your will, you didn’t need company, you didn’t need a father or any man, you had made that crystal clear already. You weren’t even interested in making friends within the convent. Some sisters were offended by this aloofness, and registered complaints. But all you needed was the
Naturally, I got hold of the famous
To the understanding cherished by scholastics, Osuna opposes pure apprehension — not an all-engulfing affect, but an intelligence he calls immediate, a pure seeing “without looking,” granted to the person in prayer who succeeds in identifying with the object of love, the object of faith. His injunction is not “to quiet the intelligence but the understanding. According to Richard [of Saint Victor], the comprehension of invisible things belongs to pure intelligence; the intelligence is said to be pure when the understanding is fixed on a supreme truth without the intervention of the imagination.”
The shift from judgmental reason to the capture by immediate intelligence of every object as if it were an object of love was a thrilling game, at first, to our chess player: What could be more exciting for the mind? Very soon, however, these slippages began to chafe the inner wound: once more loneliness, weeping, nothingness of all things. Very soon Teresa let herself sink, abandoned herself. Did she pray with Osuna in the way that others sleep? She seems to have sought God as one seeks the comforts of sleep and was overcome with desire to nurse at the mother’s breast, to suckle in the arms of the beloved — no: of the Beloved, the supreme Being who combines the attributes of both parents. Her copy of the
Be especially careful of the time after matins, for that sleep is more for the soul than for the body, and never go to bed sleepy, but wide awake in desire for the Lord.
Blessed are those who pray for a long time before sleeping and on waking up immediately begin to pray again, for they emulate Elias in eating a little, then sleeping, eating a little more, then sleeping again, and in this way
Who invented dreams as the royal road to childhood memory, archaic, loving memory? Was it Teresa of Avila, Francisco de Osuna, or Sigmund Freud? Taking over from Pedro de Cepeda, the Franciscan friar introduced the Carmelite nun to a Godhead who could be tasted and suckled, whom she could look for by night in her bed, or after matins, when she wasn’t sleepy. She ached all over with desire for love, hunger to be loved and to cuddle up like a child, like a bride, to dream…
Osuna leads Teresa to that white-hot spot where the “frivolous pleasures” that torment her intersect with the “thought of God” that reassures her: “For more than eighteen of the twenty-eight years since I began prayer, I suffered this battle and conflict between friendship with God and friendship with the world.”5 Indeed, when she was young, “as the sins increased I began to lose joy in virtuous things and my taste for them.”6 But her new spiritual master does not choose between the lusts of the body and the soarings of the soul, and neither does she. What his teaching achieves instead is to positively deepen the fault line the young novice had hoped to conceal in the convent. It immerses her in the unthinkable, and by instituting a prayer stripped of speech, it impells her to the prayer of abandonment (
In contrast to the moralistic repression advocated by conventional religious instruction, the spiritual guidance of the illuminated
But for the time being, after your stay in Castellanos and three months in Becedas with a healer who just made matters worse, these spiritual joys were helpless to check the advance of the mysterious illness that kept you bedridden for three years. The heart trouble you complained of since the start of your novitiate grew more acute: “Sometimes it seemed that sharp teeth were biting into me, so much so that it was feared I had rabies.”8
No, not rabies but extreme disgust afflicted you. You couldn’t swallow anything but liquids. Anorexic, burning with fever, this “inner fire,” as you called it — condensing into a single interiority both organic spasms and anguished thoughts — was so violent that it inflamed your nerves, clenched your body, stabbed it with unendurable pain day and night, while a deep and unshakable sadness also chilled it through and through. Perhaps you were tubercular?
“Pain of the nerves is unbearable, as doctors affirm, and since my nerves were all shrunken, certainly it was a bitter torment. How many merits could I have gained, were it not for my own fault! [y como todos se encogían, cierto — si yo no lo hubiera por mi culpa perdido — era recio tormento.]”9—as you recall years later in
Did Alonso, the loving father, on seeing Teresa brought back to him by the nuns, detect an element of play-acting in her plight? An exaggerated hankering to join the divine Spouse? Doctor Charcot would have called this “hysteria.”10 Be that as it may, the father wouldn’t let her go to Confession, as she often liked to do. Too often.
“I will not let her have her way!” declares Alonso de Cepeda.
“Oh, the excessive love of flesh and blood!” responds the nun. (But to what love does she refer? Hers? Or His?) “How you have harmed me!”
That same night, Teresa “mounted” an almighty paroxysm that made her pass out.
Day of the Assumption, 1539. Your hands and feet are twisting in pain, there is no respite in Hell. Is it that you long too much for death? You lie in a coma for four days.
At this time they gave me the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, and from hour to hour and moment to moment they thought I was going to die; they did nothing but recite the Creed to me, as if I were able to understand them. At times they were so certain I was dead that afterward I even found the wax on my eyes.11
Like most psychiatrists, not to say psychoanalysts, Charcot steered well clear of female saints, hastily dismissing them as “undeniable hysterics.” He didn’t leave any considered opinion with regard to your case.12 However, we do have the diagnosis emitted by a Spaniard, Esteban García-Albea, who defines Teresa as an “illustrious epileptic.”13 More recently, in 2000, the French epileptologist Dr. Pierre Vercelletto contended that the saint’s later raptures amounted to “ecstatic crises” typical of “temporal epilepsy.”14 My colleague Jérôme Tristan has nudged me in that direction already, as readers will remember.
The temporal lobe is a hugely complex node, I realize: it’s the seat of sensorial, gustatory, and olfactory functions and is also involved in mnesic processes. Neuronal discharge can induce fleeting psychomotor phenomena in that area, experienced by subjects as “auras,” almost invariably painful or unpleasant. Epileptic discharges can become generalized to trigger a convulsive crisis resulting in coma, like Teresa’s four-day period of unconsciousness in August 1539.
The scientific term
Other neurologists or psychiatrists would make short work of spotting in the young novice the specific symptoms of a hypersensitive predisposition, prone to regressions and exaltations, with a tendency to
They can but think you are dead, Teresa, all except for your father, who refuses to bury you right away. He finally gives in. Your body has been laid out, the sisters have dripped funerary candle wax on your eyelids. The grave has been dug. Your younger brother Lorenzo watches over you during that last night, dozes off, the candle scorches the coverlet…you wake up.
Let’s hear Teresa herself on the subject. In the light of her account I can confirm Dr. Vercelletto’s diagnosis without hesitation: I am familiar with these symptoms, I’ve seen them before.
Such were these four days I spent in this paroxysm…
I was very conformed to the will of God, and I would have remained so even had He left me in this condition forever. It seems to me that all my longing to be cured was that I might remain alone in prayer as was my custom, for in the infirmary the suitable means for this was lacking. I went to confession very often.…For if this patience had not come from the hand of His Majesty, it seemed it would have been impossible to suffer so much with so great contentment.15
Don Alonso is forced to face the facts at last and to grant his daughter’s stubborn wish to attend Confession. The ensuing Communion is accompanied by copious tears. Though “the pains that remained were unsupportable,” what a relief! And it is so frightening to see “how apparently the Lord raised me from the dead, that I am almost trembling within myself.”16
Almost trembling, and almost amused, Teresa, as you describe this hysterical coma thirty years after the event. It would happen again. Maybe you were secretly giggling about it under don Alonso’s nose, he wasn’t the kind to notice, but then again…Distraught, contrite, he determined to follow his brother Pedro’s example by becoming a monk. This is what you were waiting for: the relationship had come full circle! You hastened to foist upon your father the famous “good books” he had been the first to recommend — the books to which not he, however, but Uncle Pedro had introduced you with genuine passion, and which you had already explored more deeply than either man. Naturally you insisted on
A great good indeed! Father and daughter, praying as one, “in the manner of Osuna.” But…but you dissembled, you kept other pleasures from his knowledge: after returning to the convent in late August 1539 and spending three years virtually bedridden, you rejoined convent life around Easter 1542, crawled through the refectory on all fours, entertained plenty of visitors as a result, and led a dissipated life, at least in your own view; you were not to tell him any of this. And since he appeared to believe in your purity, whereas you were busy “deceiving people,”18 getting away with sensual worldliness and the cultivation of “friendships and attachments that the devil arranges in monasteries,”19 you agonized even more deliciously over it all! In his
A sharp sense of the indignity of such behavior made you desist from prayer altogether, and you told don Alonso of this, though omitting to explain in what way you had offended him and God at once. Your father did not condemn you, however. He believed your excuses of illness and infirmity, your symptoms worried him, and his candid acquiescence highlighted the affection between you: “My father because of his esteem and love for me believed everything I said; in fact he pitied me.”22 The piquant trials of father — daughter “negotiations” were reaching their pitch when, typically, the father suddenly caved in — I’ve seen it all before!
You entered him, he entered you. It was entirely for his benefit that you performed all that body-theater, my playful Teresa, confirming the hypothesis of a friend of mine who maintains that the hysteric’s symptoms are directed at his or her spectator, whoever it may be. Another friend holds, on the contrary, that the hysteric prefers to bodily deliver himself or herself exclusively to the beloved. Don Alonso stood at the junction of both possibilities. He was more available to you than his brother Pedro, who merely fulfilled the ferryman’s role (in my view; but what a ferryman!), and he was prepared to follow his daughter on the road to a perfection that would bring him nearer to — who? His wife, Beatriz? Or his brother, Pedro? Nearer to both, no doubt, thanks to the conquered nearness of his daughter.
You succeeded; you persuaded your father Alonso to pray as you did, in Osuna’s style, as recommended by your Uncle Pedro. Full circle, I repeat. The daughter would teach the father to pray, in other words to love, as though she were her father’s father. Such was your first triumph over…men.
And also, I might add, your first triumph over the Inquisition — the institution that humiliated your grandfather Juan Sánchez, came close to prosecuting Pedro and Alonso, and was soon to take an interest in your own case. For the moment, you rejoice at having got your father to pray: the Marrano’s descendant is by way of becoming a mystic, a much more enviable destiny than that of
In fact, big brother Rodrigo, whom you coaxed into running away with you to court decapitation by the Moors (your first bid for sainthood!), was really just a twin, a double of yourself…and a provisional substitute for Alonso, perhaps? You father was, after all, now and forever, the first man conquered and in need of conquering, giving rise to evident “paternal” replicas in the form of that improbable string of confessors and other counselors whom you resorted to every step of the way. Early on in the book of your
Am I taking things too far? Not at all. It makes sense that at the very moment you relate your victory over him, you also mention the death of this man, the first man you ever wanted: “In losing him I was losing every good and joy, and he was everything to me.”24 Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda passed away in December 1543, a full eight years after you entered the Convent of the Incarnation. Eight years of upheaval and trouble to mark the start of your monastic career, eight years during which you were constantly feeling and fighting a passionate attraction to men, to that man. And yet, when remembering him in your memoir in 1560, you announce his death just after reporting his alignment with you on the religious plane. Why such haste to erase his presence? Why this anticipation of his decease? Why exclude
You give us the answer yourself, with the breathtaking intellectual honesty that forbids you to equivocate:
Can you see what I’m getting at? I suspect you, Teresa, of keeping quiet about the guilty attraction you felt for don Alonso despite — or because of — his Marrano fiscal lawsuit, his way of getting your mother pregnant ten times over until she expired at age thirty-three, his delusions of grandeur, his impossible integration, and the nonchalance with which he cultivated a hidalgo’s lifestyle without the necessary assets, leading him to fritter away your grandfather’s fortune until there wasn’t even enough for a dowry. All the same, if the paternal cause of your hysterical conflicts remained in the shadows, you had plenty to say about some other sources of extreme emotion that seem to have pitched you repeatedly into a coma.
I want to pause on just two of them, which mesh so thoroughly with the father’s sway over your early steps on the path to perfection that the spiritual battles against the devil you credit yourself for in those days appear in an indisputably erotic light.
First, the woman with the open abdomen, to whom you became so attached. The sight of her at the convent sends you outside yourself. Then — as if to escape her ill-being, or perhaps, again, to indirectly cause it — that unhappy sinner you found so appealing, the Becedas parish priest, succeeded with the same ambiguous purpose by a “person,” an assiduous visitor to the nunnery, whose company you became “extremely fond of.” What dangerous places they were, those Golden Age Spanish convents! You had excellent reasons for wanting to reform them, Teresa, my love!
She hasn’t left her cell for three days. Each morning she is racked by vomiting fits, which make her unable to ingest anything until past midday. Her limbs contract, she cannot move, she is confined to her bed by absolute exhaustion.
“I am down to my bones,” Teresa sighs to the nursing sister, who looks in on her several times a day.
She refrains from mentioning what gladness can be had from such affliction, how glad she actually feels…In the evening, before darkness falls, Osuna’s disciple makes herself throw up with the help of a goose feather, failing which she will feel considerably sicker the next day. At midnight her heart sets to thudding again, her arms and legs are twisted by waves of rheumatism, her fever soars.
What tortures her most, since the onset of this immobilizing condition, is not being able to keep watch by the bedside of the nun with the open belly. The poor woman’s calvary is always on her mind, Teresa can see her, right here in her cell, though not of course with the eyes of the body. And yet she feels her bodily, she vomits her, loves her. The wretched sister’s intestines are obstructed and have burst through the skin, a veritable sieve, and anything she eats now oozes through those holes. Like dribbling mouths all over the surface, stinking anuses puncturing her flesh. The other nuns, aghast, have retreated from the abject spectacle. Teresa alone is determined to sit by the deathbed. Too bad if her bones are wrenched by convulsions; she drags herself as best she can into the cancer-sufferer’s cell, and there she stays.
“You’re very brave, sister,” gasps a Carmelite on a whirlwind visit, holding her nose and making for the door.
“I envy her patience in dying,” Teresa replies dreamily, outside herself.
Instead of holding her nose, she begs God to grant her equal patience and send her all the afflictions He pleases. Sure enough the Lord fulfills her wish, and blesses her with the vomiting attacks she knows so well, the retching she provokes when the need arises. He sends her bone ache, exhaustion, new bouts of fainting, and an ever more infirm heart. Does He do it to torment or to ravish her?
Teresa thinks back to her mother, to all those mothers who die in childbirth: What else can a woman succumb to but her womb, the womb that’s been impaired since adolescence, smelly and bleeding, a cancer in gestation for generations? If Teresa is a woman like her mother Beatriz, she will die like her, too, of her belly. Or like the cancerous nun, herself somehow a victim of that fertilized, fertilizable putrefaction, that sickening space every woman carries around inside. But how will you escape their fate except by being, precisely, sick; rejecting that matrix that inhabits you, that tumor, that pernicious motherhood, that mother, that mortality?
Teresa’s condition worsens by the hour. The nuns have deserted the cancer patient to crowd around Teresa’s pallet.
“She’s gone!” wails the nursing sister.
A false alarm. Teresa sits up, but how tired she is!
Don Alonso, not yet initiated by his daughter into the art of prayer, decides to send her to Becedas, a village famed throughout Castile for its healer, whose attentions no ailment could withstand. The stay in Castellanos hasn’t helped, and he can think of no other way to save his favorite child. Meekly obedient for once, the young novice sets off, accompanied by her half-sister María and the affectionate, loyal Juana, to endure three months of violent purges and other outlandish remedies at the hands of the
Now, this prayer of quiet might last only the space of a Hail Mary, but from the lofty summit of her twenty-three years, when body and soul attain the state of grace, the young woman feels she has “the world at her feet.” It seems to her that the yearning for perfect love is all that can lift her above the pestiliential stuff of human flesh; the stinking cloaca of the cancer-ridden nun, the puffy, flaccid, rotten female body.
Bones, bones alone have the dignity of hardness. Teresa enjoys the sensation of a hardening soul, it’s just that the body doesn’t follow suit. Or not yet. Her body is always going soft, and only stiffens as a preamble to collapsing senseless. The Lord has granted women one hardness, the hardness of bones. And even then, women can only appreciate them if they’re thin, as a result of fasting, perhaps. One can’t really feel
At Becedas church, a young priest catches Teresa’s eye. Mental prayer is voiceless; it stokes the desire for love, but keeps it encysted inside. Teresa’s body wants to be heard, it wants to empty its love-need into the ears of a man, a man of faith, of good faith: a man of God. Let voice break free of sickly flesh and climb to the heights of perfect love! How else to escape from her aching guts, as though tied by her own hand to those of the dying nun, which the healer was helpless to pacify? On the contrary, these viscera threaten to drag her into the female hell, into death. Teresa is overpowered by a sudden certainty: in order to escape the vicious circle of doomed womanhood, she must absolutely take this young priest as her confessor. It is a shining imperative.
“Of excellent intelligence and social status…learned, although not greatly so,”26 the cleric in question is defenseless against the onslaught and soon falls for his penitent. Teresa, immersed in her quest for God as a bulwark against “noxious forms of recreation” (as she called them bitterly in 1560), against “mischiefs” and “frivolous pleasures” and her own palpitating body, talks to him of nothing but the Other. Her candid inebriation naturally fires him up still more, as she can’t but notice, later explaining shrewdly: “I believe that all men must be more friendly toward women who they see are inclined toward virtue. And this is the means whereby women ought to gain more of what they are seeking from men…”27
The protagonists of their amorous skirmish swap roles along the way. When he begins to have feelings, he confesses them to the young woman, who finds his bashfulness increasingly seductive. Until the day this nameless man, this anonymous protagonist, makes a clean breast of his predicament: “I’ve maintained illicit relations with a woman for the last seven years, and yet I continue to say Mass.”
Teresa pounces on the opportunity to get even closer to the unfortunate sinner. After all, remaining true to an errant friend is a virtue. Excitement mounts to fever pitch: the misdeed arouses as much desire as compassion, and the existence of a rival peps up the love potion with an acid tang of Mother, that first competitor for the father’s love.
“What’s he like, how does he live?” Thoroughly tantalized by the young priest, Teresa is becoming nosy; she grills the servants.
“Who’d have thought it, Sister!” Conchita the housekeeper, full of false prudery, does not hold out for long. “That woman has him in her clutches thanks to some charms she’s put in a little copper amulet. The poor possessed creature wears the trinket around his neck, for love, and no one has been able to get it off him.”
Teresa needs no more encouragement to turn herself into a Good Samaritan for her confessor, who is clearly under the devil’s thumb:
I used to speak with him very often about God. This must have profited him, although I rather believe that it prompted him
Here is one love affair whose terminal denouement would seem to affect only one of the partners, the hapless priest! We would be wrong to think so, because Teresa is not immune to these conflictive passions herself. Her seizures and ailments return with a vengeance, punctuated by further dangerous liaisons.
The Carmelite’s body now turns into a veritable battlefield. Her impetuous desires clash constantly with her equally violent brakes on them. She wants to belong to a man…brother Rodrigo, cousin Pedro, don Alonso, don Pedro, a visitor here, a cleric there…she wants to yield to the tenderness of María de Briceño or Juana Suárez. Nothing doing, her defenses are unbreachable, everything — such as it is — will be resisted, honor will be preserved! That’s don Alonso’s first priority, isn’t it, as well as the wish of doña Beatriz, still being beamed down from the Beyond…Carnal pleasure debases us, sex is dirty, like any other vital impulse: we must punish our lips, our skin, our loins, we must pull back ever deeper into the soul, cleansed to God’s satisfaction by edifying texts. There, in that innermost self, reconciled with the Other, all is order and purity, luxury, calm, and chastity.* [*A variation on Baudelaire’s lines in “L’Invitation au voyage”: Là, tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté, / Luxe, calme et volupté.—Trans.] Teresa tries her best to lock herself into it, sobbing, sickened. But powerful as the prohibition may be, loudly as the voice of honor growls from above, and scrupulously as the vigilant conscience complies with the diktats of propriety, still the smothered drive sends its waves coursing through every fiber of her unhappy being. Hence another seizure, and another, in full view of both the sisters and the Lord.
The spasm grips her like the messenger of some secret, shameful pleasure, vibrating under the burning spear of a horseman, a double, an extraterrestrial, an angel, a Master. It starts with a helpless shuddering, the wringing of every muscle. It ends with a coma — a melancholy rerun of that osmosis with the lifeless mother’s lifeless womb. Teresa doesn’t want to get over her mother, she doesn’t think about her at all, not any more, for mother inhabits her smarting skin, her rigid body, her frozen blood, even the quivering chassis of her bones. The only corpse is hers, Teresa’s — the daughter who will never be a fertile woman, anything but that.
Given “the nothingness of all things,” there’s nobody to love and one is neutralized: there’s no sense, no sensation. But the refusal of life still constitutes a vital protest, combating refusal itself with an explosion of destructiveness. Impeded desire mutates into an electric discharge — vomiting, stiffening, paralysis, disconnection, annihilation of the flesh and the spirit. Thus provoked, Nothingness is a resistance, the only possible resistance to the death of desire, itself desired. Or rather to the death of desire imposed, and consented to, in the name of the
You know your way around that point of honor so well, Teresa, my love, that you always push it a step further, eager to make it stricter and more demanding! Not content with blaming it for all your ills — epilepsies, comas, pathologies, desires and counterdesires, all umbilically linked to that merciless point of honor — you up the ante, you want more, and more! Combating the superego, that frenzied ideal, with an excess of perfection, at last you will enjoy those conflicts, always the same, which it will command for you throughout your life; they will grow milder with time and age, less a matter of
The Lord comes to the soul if we make the effort and
God deliver us from persons who are concerned about honor while trying to serve Him. Consider it an evil gain, and, as I said,
In one of those portraits you like to sketch of “certain souls,” you are highly critical of “one lady” whose great defect is the fuss she makes over points of honor behind a façade of humble piety. Knowing how censorious you are of your own frailties on that score, I wonder whether the lady with the neurosis about honor might not have something in common with the author of the below lines, who is perhaps taking a swipe at herself:
I shall tell you about one lady in particular, for it is not long ago that I spoke with her in a special way. She was very fond of receiving Communion frequently…[and] experienced devotion in her prayer…She had never married, nor was she now at an age in which she could…it seemed to me that [all these virtues] were effects of a very advanced soul and of deep prayer.…
After getting to know her I began to understand that all was peaceful as long as her self-interest was not affected.…I learned that although she would suffer all the things that were said against her, she would not tolerate anything said against her reputation even in
With matchless aplomb, aren’t you caricaturing here your own “hysterical narcissism,” to borrow dear old Jérôme Tristan’s pet term? It’s a failing you confess to throughout your writings: the “excessive pains about cleanliness” you took when young,32 the hunger for gossip and society (“This [frivolous] relative was the one I liked to associate with”), the concern with “the honor of the world,”33 and the “calculation” that leads some to seek out honor, not realizing that if it exists at all it is granted by others, and besides, “honor is itself lost by desiring it.”
Another anonymous suitor, identified only as “a person” who visited the monastery, “distracted” her more than anybody before him, and offered a friendship of which she was, while it lasted, “extremely fond.”34 Might the mystery companion have been Francisco de Guzmán, the eligible eldest son of a wealthy, aristocratic Castilian family? Her enjoyment feeling incompatible, once again, with the exigencies of honor, Teresa derived as much pain from this friendship as fun, despite certain associates “with great importunity assuring me that it was not wrong to see such a person.” That’s all very well, but how was such a perfectionist to cope with compromise?
At this point, Teresa, you experienced — for the first time? — a kind of seeing that is not owed to bodily eyes but to those of the soul, as you recalled twenty-six years later. Caught between fright and pleasure — halfway between your excitement in the person’s presence and your shame at infringing the paternal and religious interdict — the young woman that you were abruptly “saw.” With scientific exactitude, the writer of 1562–1565 details the nature of this vision and describes the two forms it took: the semblance of Christ and a toad.
With great severity, Christ appeared before me, making me understand what He regretted about the friendship. I saw Him
But then you doubted what you had seen, Teresa, for you were a rational woman, even if tempted by “noxious recreations.” “It did me much harm not to know that it was possible to see in other ways than with the bodily eyes.” Had it been an illusion, a chimera conjured up by the devil? “Although the feeling always remained with me that it was from God and not a fancy,” you hesitated: “I did not dare speak about this with anyone.”
Truth to tell, your early “visions” were not exclusively of the Holy Countenance. A coarser brand of “character” also featured: the toad, for example.
Once at another time, when with this same person, we saw coming toward us — and others who were there also saw it — something that looked like a large toad, moving much more quickly than toads usually do. In that part where it came from I cannot understand how there could have been a nasty little creature like that in the middle of the day, nor had there ever been one there before. The effect it had on me, it seems to me, was not without mystery; and neither did I ever forget this. Oh, the greatness of God! With how much care and pity You were warning me in every way, and how little it benefited me!36
Note that the writer does not attribute the toad to a vision; she says merely that “we saw” it, “we” being the couple she formed with her visitor and the others who were there. But she has the integrity to point out that no specimen of that size had ever been sighted before and that this abject apparition was without doubt a warning from God. The toad as the obverse, the other face in some sense, of Christ’s forbidding countenance as He appeared to her earlier?
Heads or tails: divine wrath and foul toad, prohibition and sex. The first visions related to us by Teresa crystallize at the intersection of her desire for the masculine body and her shame at falling short of the inevitable “point of honor.” She will have to banish guilt and secure her right to pleasure within a new construction, of which she will be the author if not altogether the inventor, since admittedly its inspiration lies in the Gospels.
Logically, necessarily, Teresa attempted to detach herself from these sinful attractions by becoming a devotee of the chaste adoptive father of her Beloved, Saint Joseph. The first discalced convent she founded, in Avila, was named for Saint Joseph and was followed by several more with the same patron.
I took for my advocate and lord the glorious Saint Joseph and earnestly recommended myself to him.…For since bearing the title of father, being the Lord’s tutor [subtext: this father is not a progenitor], Joseph could give the Child command.…I don’t know how one can think of the Queen of Angels and about all she went through with the Infant Jesus without giving thanks to Saint Joseph for the good assistance he then provided them both with.…He being who he is brought it about that I could rise and walk and not be crippled.37
“Being who he is”—an ideal father, removed from sexual commerce — allows Saint Joseph to be the missing link in the chain of don Alonso — don Pedro — Francisco de Osuna, leading to the creation of a sublimated vision of the loving father according to Teresa. He soothes the desire-ravaged body and quells its symptoms: Teresa finds she can walk again.
The cult of Saint Joseph pervades the first pages of the
How long had death been making its slow way in you, Teresa? Since your father’s lawsuit, with its diffuse threat of obliteration, the inevitable Marrano sacrifice? You met and desired death as a child, before trying to run away to be beheaded by the Moors; your encounter was more intimate when it came to the loss of your mother, Beatriz. After that you resolved to die to the world, by cloistering yourself in the Convent of the Incarnation. Your father’s death in 1543, a passing prepared by his induction into prayer, sounded the final knell.
Other events modulated your withdrawal and your rejection of the family. María, the offspring of your father’s first marriage, and her husband Martín Guzmán de Barrientos attempted to sue the executor of don Alonso’s estate; you squabbled over rings and bracelets, even over the parental bed, in between vitriolic arguments about your parents’ respective characters. The family hearth was left deserted: Lorenzo and Jerónimo departed for the antipodes in 1540, followed by Pedro and Antonio after Alonso’s death. “I am a daughter of the Church,” you would announce on your deathbed, in a statement that is, as I have suggested, only apparently banal. I do not only read it as the ultimate assertion of your monastic condition. Not even as a “refusal of origins,” because the modern concept of “origins” was not in your habits of thought and you had no need to allay the meaninglessness of life by a wager on the “nature” or the “history” that preceded you: in your day those forces were in gestation, they had not yet supplanted “fate.”
From that fateful day at Uncle Pedro’s, which decided you to take the veil, and through the first years of your novitiate, you plowed a singular furrow of your own: both submissive and recalcitrant toward both origins and institutions. A reformer within. You needed His Majesty, the God-man proposed by Christianity. Your longing for an ideal Father found echoes in evangelical and biblical texts, and was informed by new dissident movements as much as by the teachings of the Church. You appropriated all these, just as His Majesty became yours: He was part of you, you took part in Him. The wandering continued, but in new forms, centered on the ideal Father: a Father who was ever more loving, protective, absorbed, resorbed…
There’s no need to move the hand or raise it — I’m referring to reflection — for anything, for the Lord gives from the apple tree (to which [the soul] compares her Beloved) the fruit already cut, cooked, and even chewed.
Teresa was not averse to self-mortification; but she would not be like those nuns of old, light-headed with fasting and pain, or like the teenagers of today who puncture their skin with nails and needles for the scary thrill of the forbidden. Teresa was not the sort of hysteric who deprives herself of feeling in order to avoid the agony of eternally unsatisfied desires. She certainly knew phobic moments of frozen affect, withdrawal from the world, nausea. But these alternated with hypersensitivity, and heightened perceptions craving words, from which she managed to extract formulations as poised and accurate as they were profuse.
She sought this rendering fiction, this verbal sap, in continual dialogue with her confessors. They struggled to keep pace with her at times, they flagged, they let her down; but they were the ones who urged her to write, the better to explain herself. If the Dominican friar Pedro Ibáñez reckoned she should commit her life to paper, that’s what she would do. After a quarter century of convent life, Teresa embarked on a first draft of
Living in the bosom of the vast Cepeda y Ahumada tribe, she sensed early on that desires, helplessly intense because reciprocated, are condemned to remain unfulfilled in the game of supply and demand. Onto this incestuous trunk was grafted the insecurity of her converso ancestry. But it was the fervor of Christ’s message that activated the magnetism of the Word upon which that attraction in turn depended. In a sixteenth-century Spanish family mixing converts with Old Christians, utterance and writing were the ultimate bonds of a communication in which ineluctably lethal passions might take refuge, find clarification, and be relieved. Teresa’s lovesickness did not stop her embracing the dogma shared by her parents: if the Word was made flesh in Christ, it continued to be made flesh, or truth, in the everyday stuff of conversations whose inescapable falsehood or contentiousness endowed them with relentless immediacy. Teresa deftly conveys early on the importance of the truthfulness that makes for intimate unions and underpins familial desire: “My father
It’s springtime, a season for mellow dumbness and living life for its own sake; Jérôme Tristan is courting me, in his own peculiar way. My learned colleague tirelessly documents and enlightens me as to how he, at any rate, would tackle the subject of my saint. Last night, as we were coming out of a Psychology Society meeting, he lectured me as follows:
“As you are no doubt aware, dear girl, psychiatry has a word for hysterics who are emotionally unresponsive due to their inability to interpret their own feelings: we call them alexithymics. Their perceptions are conveyed by the senses and received by centers in the brain, as usual — there’s no neurological deficiency associated with this disorder — but the perceiving subject refuses to ‘read,’ if you will, the neuronal signals, and to create the psychical representation of them which normally forms the grounding of self-awareness and is the precondition for language. Isn’t that so, Sylvia?”
Oh well, I’ll walk him to his car, parked miles away, just to stretch my legs. As we stroll along the railings of the Luxembourg Gardens I am entranced by the horse chestnut candles and the sound of bees reveling in the pleasure of a job well done. We kiss goodbye next to the Observatoire. Drunk on the notion of alexithymia I dash for home, deep in cogitation, blind to the parade of automobiles, traffic lights, and bright, bare shop windows.
By excluding the spoken word, Teresa’s mental prayer may well have fostered the development of alexithymic states and even triggered the fits that plagued her during the first years of her novitiate; and yet her culture, education, temperament, and genius conspired to rebel against this verbal anesthesia. I am impatient to put Jérôme straight, and present him with the paradox that Teresa was actually
“And the Word was made flesh” (John 1:14). In her groundbreaking, personal way, Teresa recognizes herself in Christ’s incarnation and resurrection and appropriates them, using them as a template and retracing their stations in her fiction. Following in Christ’s wake, from the starting point of her family history and within the critical limits of her physiology, she rediscovers willy-nilly how intrinsic to the human condition is the capacity for representation-sublimation-idealization, and how perpetually under threat. Then she takes on board, illustrating it in her own impassioned way, the biblical and evangelical intuition to the effect that humanization — understood as the ability, always in jeopardy, to make meaning — depends on the celebration of an ideal Father.
I don’t suppose Jérôme will be following me down that road.
And yet he knows that Freud traced the “construction” of that ideal Father, Father of the Law or loving Father (the model was constantly being refined by the Viennese thinker) to the “prehistoric fable” of the murder of the father by his sons, the brothers of the primal horde. Only because they have killed him can they found a society in the name of his law. The ideal Father is the recto of the verso that is the dead Father. This fable expresses an anthropological truth that is confirmed by what we hear from our patients, right, Jérôme? Broadly speaking, Freud invites us to accept that the Bible and the Gospels reveal the truth of the psychic workings of countless generations of
Now, could this human-specific capacity for making sense “in the name of the Father” be on the wane, not to say on the way out? My learned colleague would certainly concur with me on that. If Dr. Tristan has a fault it would be to overdo the Lacan, working back from the
Either way, many contemporary scholars — philosophers, anthropologists, and psychoanalysts, not forgetting the feminists whom he finds so annoying, including Aude, his therapist wife — are currently trying to work out the constructions-deconstructions of the paternal function by following the path of “eternal recurrence” toward myths, beliefs, and mystical experiences. They are interested in the maternal function, too, but that’s a different and rather trickier story.
Teresa of Avila contributes to this research with her own experiments in faithful infidelity to the dogma of the ideal Father; her testimony enables us to measure its necessity and probe its impasses, while opening up dizzy vistas of its overcoming, of freedom. So, what is an ideal Father?
I have been following his emergence in Teresa’s autobiography, observing the way family and personal vagaries combined with the dogmas of faith. The ideal Father is one who refrains from enjoying his children (in the sexual sense of
At this point of my private novel, Dr. Marianne Baruch objects that this fanciful construction, invented by the celebrated founder of my discipline and updated by me with the help of Jérôme Tristan (not that she knows the last bit, she’s jealous enough already), which I’m running past her as a distraction from the rather tiresome routine of the MPH, simply adds to the myths she’s out to demystify.
“Look, Freud tells a story that repeats the story that certain anthropologists and psychologists got out of this or that myth. These days, they don’t even agree among themselves about the dead Father. It’s what you call the ‘unconscious.’ Whatever! Except nothing like that ever comes up on my MRIs. Scientifically speaking, I’m afraid all your precious Freud discovered was the power of fiction. People tell each other fictions and it makes them feel better, period.” Marianne shoots me a commiserating glance; she doesn’t want to lose me.
She’s had to postpone her Spanish trip by a month. Hardly surprising. Director Toutbon was never going to let her waltz off just like that, on a whim, with no notice. “Where’s your sense of responsibility? What about your patients?” Poor Marianne, the one time she had something other than the office on her mind! Disgraceful! But let that go, we’ll deal with it later.
So, our house psychiatrist reckons I’ve been snared by a fantasy, Freud’s and mine. She’s not wrong.
“A fantasy? And why not? Because fantasies
Marianne makes a face. But, pill-pusher though she is, she can’t entirely fend off what she calls “your goddam psyche-schmyche stuff,” and lets me carry on. Why, the august Doctor may even be lending an ear.
“I’d go further,” I tell her. “What if the fantasy of the ideal Father wasn’t just a story, a fiction, a fantasy as you say, but the prototype of
Or maybe she isn’t listening after all, just pretending. That business about her father, now there’s a story…Will she be able to understand, being so tied into her love-hate for dear Daddy, who’d wanted a boy? Too bad, on we go. The ideal Father
Marianne stops teasing. She’s paying attention, for once. This ideal Father who spurs us to imagine and think, is he a sublimating father, then, after having been — or while still being — a procreative one? (I wonder if my crazy notions are initiating her into psychoanalysis. Unlikely. But she’s storing them up for her trip with Haïm, for sure!) He’s a “dead” father in the fathering sense, because having “lived” by begetting, he is now forced to find himself a new purpose, to be reborn, this time in a symbolic role: that of laying down the Law, forbidding what lies outside it, making us think in our turn. So, if we need the father who defers his desires in order to speak-imagine-think, it follows that for us — speaking-imagining-thinking beings — there can be no other father but the dead Father? I pause, to give Marianne a breathing space: her convoluted backstory with Aimé-Haïm, added to my talk of ideal Fathers who are, for good measure, dead, have shaken her. She is about to say something. But her pager goes off: a resident is having a fit.
I carry on with my novel in my head — accompanied by my roommate, naturally. The paperwork can wait: Paul is on an outing, and Élise is staying with her dismal father. I’ve got time.
The price of this fantasy of the ideal Father as dead Father can only be anguish. If, before and after becoming the
Christianity leads the subject into this anguish as its own special truth, it fans and embeds it. Woven into the very structure of the desire for meaning, Christianity is the paradise of neurosis, lined with hopes for its appeasement.
Religion as an institution coalesced around the foundational fantasy of the ideal Father, embodied in a wide variety of complex hierarchical “father figures”: shamans, wizards, high priests, gurus, monks…The Catholics were especially proficient here, leading to a highly centralized papacy with aspirations to universality. By decanting the fantasy of the ideal Father into a class of men (the clergy), Catholicism conducted the paternal function through a doubling or splitting of male sexuality, with consequences that ranged from the glorious to the appalling. On the one hand, the erotic, channeled into human procreation; on the other, an ideal, sublimated fatherhood, steeped in death to self and haloed with eternity.
In so doing the Church authorities entrusted to the “Holy Fathers,” the men of God, the task of relieving ordinary men of that impossible and yet essential “paternal function” that presided over our humanization in some remote prehistory, and whose civilizing works are the milestones of history. It did not follow, however, that this exemplary figuration of the ideal Father exempted the mass of the profane from the effort required by civilization to shoulder, willingly or otherwise, this impossible, symbolic “paternal function” at the same time as carrying out the everyday chore of biological paternity.
With regard to the female religious state, where it exists (as in Christianity), it is predicated on the same sublimated renunciations as the male, with an added prohibition against acceding to higher office, the latter reserved for the paternal function. However, although treated as secondary, “spiritual maternity” does not appear, any more than the “maternal function,” to differ in specific ways from the “spiritual paternity” of the ideal Father. In fact, nuns are expected to turn themselves into homologues of this ideal paternity. Thus Teresa can be “the most virile of monks” without forfeiting her genius for springing very feminine, very personal surprises. But she strains toward the ideal Father, and it is with Him she seeks to be conjoined.
And what has this to do with us? A lot!
The current crisis of religion, and by extension of the priesthood, affects more than just the various churches and their congregations. Over and above the differences between the faiths espoused by the world’s populations early in the third millennium, regardless of bellicosities here or internecine quarrels there, it’s the very function of the ideal Father that is in jeopardy, and this can be observed even in the “neutral religions” constituted by the legal, pedagogical, and moral codes of the advanced democracies. The crisis is most patent at the everyday level: we need look no further than the oft-lamented “absent father,” now that men neglect their ideal role of head of the family in favor of professional success or the frantic pursuit of women — when they’re not risking their lives by having gay sex, or courting jail with an online pedophilia habit.
Such perversions have always existed, but today they impair the fantasy of the ideal Father while undermining the foundations of our societies, magnified by the joint effects of biotechnological progress and social permissiveness. There are reports from every quarter of this multiple collapse of the ideal Father along with his unconscious double, the dead Father. My own position at the MPH forces me to note how, in every single case study, we invariably come up against the same fateful “collapse of the paternal function.” Not even my Teresa, I suspect, was altogether untouched by this phenomenon: the “Fathers” often strike her as inadequate to their task! Her solution was to look to her Spouse. And I presently feel great admiration to see how my wanderer relied on the One who did preserve the function of the ideal Father, by restricting Himself to the sublimated version of paternal desire.
When Jesus was born, miraculously, from a virgin womb, when He performed miracles by the sole power of His Word, when He died only to be resurrected by the intercession of the Spirit in order to sit at His Father’s right hand, what was He saying?
Reading Teresa, I perceive Christianity — particularly in its apotheosis of Catholic monastic life — as the stimulation and simultaneous thwarting of infantile desires for the father, which must be compensated by being displaced, but to where? Marianne is definitely listening now. Teresa herself would back me up here, since throughout her writings she practices her faith as a source of anguish, ordained, continually fueled, and indefinitely allayed.
The neurotic can only bear this chiasmus between desire and sublimated creativity by escaping into the symptom: the chasuble of faith hides a host of psychosomatic disorders. Is there any way out? There may be, for the mystic of either sex who strives to identify with the supposed
It’s true, Marianne, I promise, Teresa soon realized that mortification doesn’t still the flesh: the excess of penitence is demonic. She wound it down, though without stopping completely, and warned her sisters away from it, as well as John of the Cross; I’ll tell you about that later.
The experience reconstructed by Teresa’s works amounts to a laboratory of masochism and sadism, of which the nun herself became rapidly aware. Might the devil not have a hand in these thrilling blends of arousal and pain? The answer is found as early as
If the quiet is from the devil, I think an experienced soul will recognize this because it results in disturbance…And if it is
If we don’t give them weapons against us, do devils truly exist? Demonic desires lurk within: “How frightened these devils make us because we want to be frightened through other attachments to honors, property, and delights!..For we make them fight against us with our very own weapons, handing over to them what we need for our own defense. This is a great pity”;3 for it is considerably harder to project the light of the Spouse into the interior castle. Pain must be “delightful” when sent by God, hateful and “melancholy” when it’s the devil’s work. But how do we distinguish? God’s “favor” brings a sense of joy and repose, emanating from a “region other” than the “outside” of our being, the devil’s domain. It is furthermore girded with “determination” and impressed with certainty, poles apart from any illusory “fancies.”
You may wonder why greater security is present in this favor [the gift of “delightful pain”] than in other things. In my opinion, these are the reasons: First,
However, it is not always easy to tell the gifts of God from the tricks of the devil. Albeit divine grace appears greater, “it can be more dangerous, and therefore I shall pause a little to consider it.” For God’s word is multiform: “There are many kinds of locutions given to the soul. Some seem to come from outside oneself; others, from deep within the interior part of the soul; others, from the superior part; and some are so exterior that they come through the sense of hearing, for it seems there is a spoken word.”5
How patiently you dissect yourself, Teresa, my love, along the road undertaken in the name of the Father!
Marianne has administered an injection to the patient in crisis; he’s asleep now, and she’s back in my office. She settles quietly into the easy chair, lighting a cigarette, a habit she knows I hate. She just wants my company, and lets me read in peace. I look up, leave her in her anxiety, pick up my own train of thought.
“The thing is, Marianne, Teresa gets as far as saying that only God is able to link the greatest suffering with the greatest joy and restfulness of the soul! She says that
Marianne is dumbfounded by this avalanche of assertion, which has surprised me not a little myself. She doesn’t say anything, so I go on.
“I know what you’re thinking.” She loathes that expression but I can’t help it, I’m getting carried away. “You’re wondering, and you’re right, about the equivalent mother-version that must shadow this journey toward the Father. You think I’m keeping mum about the mother-version perversion, because there’s a problem with it? Hold your horses. The furrows of that backcountry are even more hidden, more pungent, more dangerously authoritative and also, as it happens, more cheerful.”
Marianne crushes her cigarette in the saucer of my teacup (that
The Host is the one thing that can soothe the Carmelite’s commotions. The thin flake of unleavened bread is bland and tasteless, without nourishment, like a film placed between tongue and appetite. It tantalizes as if to trigger famished dreams of invisible presences, stealthy caresses, a feathery touch deep inside. Teresa likes her wafers large, the better to bait her hunger, to tease and subdue it. She parts her lips with glee to feel the brittle disc dissolve on her tongue without sticking to the dome of the palate. There’s nothing plump or maternal about it, nothing that smacks of nipple. Nothing feminine or pampered, no resemblance to meat or cake or cherries. A presence of nothing. The host is a sliver on the way to being a spirit, a substance that fades away to regale you with the taste of absence…no, to make you swallow the presence of an immaterial reality made of words, images, dreams. It produces the gustatory certainty (that most intimate and singular of certainties) of the way this world of voracious bodies and coarse gobbling creatures is in contact with a different place: an invisible, frustrating world and the more exciting for it, abuzz with daydreams, thoughts, silences, nothings. A far-off world where you are free to roam, not dependent like an infant on its mother, not oppressed by the species’ need to eat. This spiritual, eternal world is also the body of a man who was crucified and came back to life. You enter it by way of a wafer, a membrane, a substance that loses all consistency in contact with your tongue.
Teresa swallows this intangible world, gulps it down and takes possession of it. The stranger is inside her now, filling her. Swallowing gives her a clearer sense of what she often confusedly feels, and the wafer now underlines this at the back of her mouth and throat and then in the pit of her stomach. A glorious antibody is housed inside her body. Could it be that one’s heart of hearts is nothing but an elusive, fugitive presence? Whether grief or overflowing joy, image or thought, unquiet company. Could this be the Word that refuses to be uttered? A tasty Word at all events, pleasure incurved, incarnate. Is she savoring the source, the unnameable wellspring of every word and fear and wish?
“Corpus Christi,” murmurs the priest as he places the wafer on her tongue. All of a sudden the cloudy intuition that
As soon as the Eucharist spread through medieval Christendom, the churches began teeming with women. Were they reveling in being fed at last, those women whose life was spent in feeding others? Did the nurturers find their own nurturing mother in the Church? A replacement for the mother they had lost forever, for whom every woman pined with a lifelong nostalgia when she married, or was forced to marry, in order to reproduce; the mother nobody wanted to know about?
The Church is a good mother, Teresa subscribes to that. The Virgin, always in tandem with Saint Joseph, remained a constant patron of the convents she founded. The Lord’s male breasts spurt “streams of milk,” a fat dry white drop lands on Teresa’s tongue: at that moment the thought of doña Beatriz flashes through her mind, and her soul empties out with a curious loneliness.
But already it is not the mother who lies upon the tongue that tastes the spirit of God. What this cannibal appropriates is the gaunt, drained, translucid body of Jesus; He is the one she ingests, the one she digests, who runs through her veins and pierces every cranny of her body like a white-hot spear.6 That’s it: the Host frees Teresa from her mother at last. She doesn’t depend on Mama any more, she has no need of maternal sustenance; she only pines for Him. “The Lord almost always showed Himself to me as risen, also when He appeared in the Host.”7 A man’s body for sure, a fountain of sperm-milk, an androgynous being equipped with the bountiful breast of the Virgin Mother when the praying woman reaches the holy of holies: “for from those divine breasts…flow streams of milk bringing comfort to all the people of the castle.”8
In her
She’s not there yet; the symbolic assumption of the praying woman implies a strong identification with virility and a denial of the genital phase that replaces the joy of rebirth through the mouth. A veritable parthenogenesis occurs in this oral and verbal self-engendering — through the Eucharist and through the word, never one without the other.
What overflowing
The breast of Beatriz de Ahumada is forgotten, as swiftly glimpsed as it was dispelled by the grace of the Host into the sweet taste of Christ’s masculine body. Masculine, yes, but not as other men’s bodies are, for the Son of God’s is cavernous, like a woman’s: passionately wounded, punctured, tortured, and yet resilient, eternal, immortal. Male and female both? Superhuman, resurrected.
If she could gobble every one of those wafers, destined for the eager mouths of the nuns queuing behind her, she would. But she doesn’t go that far, she aspires only to receive the very largest crumb of divine Body and admits as much to her confessor. The amiable priest always saves the largest, roundest one for her. It’s their little secret, it brings them together, although in reality Teresa only communes with the Other. What harm can there be in wanting the biggest part, insatiable as she is for Jesus? It’s merely a sign of how greatly her devotion surpasses that of the other nuns. The man of God indulges her.
Only John of the Cross, much later, manifests any objection to the arrangement. In September 1572, Teresa invites her “little Seneca” to become resident confessor at the Convent of the Incarnation. Obsessed with asceticism and self-punishment, when this perfect Father tires of punishing himself he takes it out on Teresa. He shares her zeal for the reform of the order, and yet one day, when at the communion rail he sees those sensuous lips approach, radiant with expectation, instead of rooting out the largest Host — as is customary for this insatiable female — he proffers the first he finds. Then pauses, draws back his hand, breaks the wafer in two, and places a meager half on Teresa’s tongue, keeping the other half for the nun behind.
What’s come over him? There’s no shortage of wafers, is there? John is obviously bent on reprimanding her hedonism, but the rebuke backfires: since Jesus is wholly present in each particle of what exists, how much more must He inhabit the smallest scrap of Host! This is logic enough for Teresa, in whom reason will always be greedier than taste buds. She won’t give John the satisfaction of seeing her chastised, let alone allow him to deprive her of pleasure in the tiniest flake of wafer as though it were the largest. So long as she is replenishing herself with the body of the fatherly, motherly Jesus, nothing — within the bounds of discipline and obedience — can spoil her enjoyment.
And in the privacy of her soul the Lord appears, holding out His right hand pierced by a nail: “Don’t fear, daughter, for no one will be a party to separating you from Me.” How could it be otherwise, since she has just swallowed Him! And what’s the puny nail John has tried to drive into her soul, by denying her the best Host, compared to the nail in Jesus’s palm? Nothing. No deprivation can ever hurt the Carmelite, for every hurt brings her closer to the One who endured agonies beyond imagination! Every time she takes Communion — and Teresa loves that sacrament, as her father don Alonso had noticed — the Host reconciles her with the ideal Father while allaying her disgust at the maternal-feminine taint.
The teat and its milky streams are henceforth fused with the steely tip of the nail and with the thorn of absence, disgust has mutated into ceaseless hunger, and frustrated voracity into hunger for imagination. Teresa accepts her half of the wafer as yet another token of her osmosis with His double Majesty, father and mother in one. Actually, John of the Cross has given her the opportunity to celebrate her nuptials with Jesus in fine style. The union of the lover with the Beloved is the more unbreakable for being marked by a gash, a thwarting, a lack. John knows this, of course! He cannot fail to read his friend’s feelings. With humility, more than ever filled with the Other, La Madre moves imperturbably away, leaving the great spiritual poet to reflect upon sensual Teresa’s response to the lash of his rigor. It’s not the first time their paths have crossed and diverged, nor will it be the last.
Meanwhile His Majesty soon confirms His approval of the beloved daughter, in these words: “Behold this nail: it is a sign that you will be My bride from today on.”14
The devil cannot give this experience, because there is so much interior joy in the very intimate part of the soul and so much peace; and all the happiness stirs the soul to the praises of God.…St. Francis must have felt this impulse…those who at one time listened to [Friar Pedro de Alcántara] thought he was crazy. Oh, what blessed madness, Sisters!
After all, the patron saint of hysterics, St. Theresa, was a woman of genius with great practical capacity.
It is foolish [es desatino] to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves, coming to know ourselves…
“We were braced for it. It wasn’t a question of if but of when.” My Mexican pal Juan preempts the BBC and other globish media platitudes. Juan lives in London, and knows all there is to know about Spain’s Golden Age. Here, his voluble campiness irks the local studs: gas station attendants, waiters, and vendors look daggers at him, and we always get served last. I pretend not to notice.
“The Piccadilly line must be hell. The tunnel’s really narrow, you know, it nearly touches the sides of the train. Like hurtling at high speed through the eye of a needle, and in rush hour! To think I was on it the day before yesterday.” Andrew’s blood drains from his skin whenever something happens. He looks like a snowman in a heat wave.
I’ve lost all sense of time with him. How long is it since we met? “Young writer from New York,” that’s how he introduced himself at the Kristeva class we both attended at Columbia. Cocktails, dinners at the Top of the Sixes, the Nirvana, the Soho — all of them gone now. Memories, memories.…But the sexual attraction persists. Andrew is the only American I know without a jot of religious sensibility. His Methodist parents hammered him so hard with the Bible that his Oedipus obliged him to make a “clean break,” as he says wryly. His ruthless retaliation is becoming more ironical with age. He’s raw and sensitive the way I like them, while being outwardly cool, sexy, and witty. Just the ticket for an occasional flutter; each of us is irrevocably alone, but every time we meet it’s like we’d never been apart.
“Our pilgrimage to your Teresa,” as dear Andrew teasingly calls it, becomes shadowed by current events. The radio keeps updating the material damage and the number of fatalities, it’s unimaginable…Other countries are shaking off their torpor. Spain’s wounds are still fresh. France gloats: of course, Paris is smarting from the failure to bag the 2012 Games. And then there are the various “European opinions” conveyed by the referendums rejecting the Lisbon Treaty. We tried to forget that “they” were still around, but “they” reminded us, and how. Who are “they,” anyway?
“A bunch of fanatics, what else? The world’s full of ’em. One was even spotted in Avila!” Andrew’s jocularity falls flat. Juan and I don’t respond, and Andrew segues sideways: “I’ve always preferred
On the road and around the table, alone and with friends, the erotic thrust and parry between him and me takes the form of scholastic disputes. The sex of angels, Bush and Chirac, Nietzsche and Heidegger, French politicians Villepin and Sarko,
Juan is hunched over his cell phone: none of his posh friends who work in the City around Aldgate can be reached. The radio says the phone signals have been jammed to prevent the terrorists from detonating a new wave of attacks. We’re scared.
“What of? Come on, there’s no use being scared!” Andrew’s blood has flowed back, now he’s red in the face with temper. At least the London bombings will have had the effect of concentrating my on-off partner’s mind on the faith wars. So far, the Teresian landscapes we’ve seen have only impressed him with their storks! “You wait and see, soon all will be revealed: Islamic suicide bombers,” he continues in a mocking drawl. “James Bond don’t know it yet, but when he finds out, he’ll be awful scared of scaring the populace. Dear me, bombers in our bosom! All those chaps flooding in from North Africa, Pakistan, the Philippines! Or even better, homegrown, from some run-down inner city, smart enough to become engineers or teachers, Her Majesty’s socially mobile subjects.…Remember 2001, how surprised we were at the high educational levels of the pilots, mostly Saudi, who crashed into the Twin Towers? And how that didn’t stop them identifying with the losers of globalization and turning themselves into human bombs? I say! Even the most phlegmatic Brit might ask himself a few questions. One point to me! And what about the G8, keeping awfully quiet back there; just as mad for God, and unlikely to change the opponent’s way of thinking, if you see what I mean. Because there’s a hair in the soup of the rich, and that’s religion. The rich are pretty keen on religion, the fuse of the human bomb! Can you see them deconstructing it?” (Besides the Kristeva course, Andrew has attended rather too many Derrida seminars for my taste.) “Another point to me! Nope, few takers for that job.”
Even an occasional lover is loath to admit that his partner has had the same insights as him, not to say before him! The jagged peaks of the Guadarrama are bristling with wind turbines in the distance, like a hi-tech version of the windmills Don Quixote mistook for giants. I kick the ball into touch.
“The suicide bombers are the windmills, you mean, and the politicians are our Quixotes? So we’re waging war on an unfindable enemy, attacking effects instead of causes, and hitting back with futile militaristic campaigns, like the Man of the Mancha charging forth on his Rocinante, instead of undertaking the necessary social reforms? We’d do better to change the wind than sit in judgment on the windmills. If the wind keeps blowing from that direction, it’ll drive all the world’s windmills insane, it really will.”
Juan and Andrew have stopped listening. Good old Sylvia, talking through her hat again. They turn up the radio. In fact I’m getting closer to Teresa, I never left her. Her wind, her sun, her peerless energy of Love with a capital L, which draws her irresistibly to the divine Spouse — did she construct or deconstruct them? In La Madre as in the Islamists, it’s their faith, the “hair in the soup,” the fuse that interests me,
“Forty-nine dead, 700 wounded, 350 still in hospital, of whom 22 are in a critical condition…” It’s enough to have the radio on: the same figures ride the airwaves in every language.
“And that’s just the beginning! Over to you, G8!” Andrew’s sarcasm is not funny anymore.
Ocher and gray, streaked with red, the ramparts of Avila rise before us like a brusque eruption of the arid land we are traveling, piously nestled in the heart of the Sierra de Gredos, ice-cold in winter and windblown in summer. Many peoples once settled this hilltop, but now all that remains of them are the stones and bricks packed into the two and a half kilometers of the majestic perimeter wall, twelve meters high and three meters thick, with nine gates, four disused posterns, and eighty-eight massive semicircular towers. The fortification raised between 1090 and 1093 by Count Raymond of Burgundy, don Raimundo, at the express command of Alfonso VI, recycled the rubble of earlier Roman walls that had been demolished and rebuilt by Muslims and Christians in a string of legendary clashes that foreshadowed the Crusades.
Our little red KA is unfazed. It speeds from gate to gate, whips through the steep and winding streets like a lizard, and is soon parked in front of the Parador. Strange how that dragon of a wall has taken over our bodies, pushing us in and out without our hardly being aware of it, like a constant swinging: Teresa’s birthplace is a vertigo. Getting as close as possible — my saint’s manuscripts themselves can’t be touched, sequestered under glass in the worthy museums of the
As soon as you step inside the walls, you realize that the fortified space of the saint’s home city is the model for her
Of the family home and little garden, the place where Teresa is said to have been born, nothing remains to feed the nostalgia of her fans. Located on the plaza de La Santa, between the home of the Avilan notable Blasco Núñez Vela and that of her uncle Francisco Álvarez de Cepeda, whose sons were her first heartthrobs, it was once a stolid block of granite adorned with the Ahumada crest. In 1630 the Discalced Carmelites purchased the abandoned property, whose direct heirs had emigrated to the New World, and six years later an ostentatious church in the worst baroque taste was erected on the site.
I think about the inventory drawn up by don Alonso on the death of his first wife, Catalina del Peso y Henao, a victim of the plague in 1507. This document shows Teresa’s Papá in a different light than do her own sketches. We find a conscientious hidalgo who in 1512 rode off to fight in Navarre under the king of Aragon, ruler of Castile on behalf of his daughter, Juana. But did Alonso’s breastplate hide the soul of a collector? The list of tackle for mules and horses includes harnesses, saddles, girth-straps, stirrups, curb chains, halters, and bells. Mule blankets were “red, with dark green diamonds” or “white and red,” and there were “several Rouen coats in red and yellow” for the horses. Alonso rejoices in the enumeration of luxuries and seems to have had a fetishistic love of swanky textiles. He mentions a “crinkled doublet made of fustian from Milan, with aiguillettes,” another of “purple damask,” and another of “crimson silk.” He is no less precise about the wardrobe of his late wife: a “scarlet gown trimmed in black velvet,” a “skirt of
By the time Teresa came along, this sumptuous lifestyle was already, or nearly, over; she recalled her mother only ever wearing black. The modern setting for the cult of Teresa contains no hint of her father’s pampered tastes, any more than it suggests the raptures and tortures consigned in her writings. Inside the church, a plaster Teresa swoons for all eternity against a blinding gold background. Awed pilgrims shuffle past a display of relics, the sight of which makes me feel quite ill. There’s a finger from her right hand, a staff she used on her travels, her rosary, and — more endearing — the soles of her sandals. A medley that is supposed to authenticate the handful of letters kept in a jar, which have no need of such a reliquary.
“You wanted to see it, and here it is!” crows Andrew. This time I’m inclined to agree: the tacky mummification of La Madre marks the high point of Catholicism and the beginning of its decline. Scenting my tacit accord, Andrew launches into a rant. “Examples abound everywhere, obviously, but your Teresa takes the cake, and I think you know it! This religion is a model for all the personality-cult peddlers who dreamed of absolute Truth incarnate on earth: whether fighting it or inspired by it, it’s all the same, they dream of it. Royalists, Bonapartists, communists, Maoists, fascists, Nazis, fundamentalists, bin- Ladenists, evangelists, creationists, the lot. Every despot sees a pope in the mirror, I can assure you! The Sun King, the Führer, the Little Father, the Duce — and, right here on this dry plateau, General Franco, the grand sponsor of national tourism with specialism in holy sites, who never went anywhere without the left hand of your roommate packed snugly in his pocket, you told me so yourself. And further allow me to point out that it was your precious Counter-Reformation that sowed the seed of the interactive spectacle, thought by cretins to be a modern invention. Look around, this is where Disneyland got started — for the entertainment of the humanoids aka ‘children of all ages’ who’ve overrun the planet! Just look at the kitsch: here’s where the Spectacle finally vanquished the Spirit. And from then on, the way was open to mass hypnosis in front of the TV. That’s what you, Sylvia, have got to wake up to here, if you can open your eyes at all. How could Catholicism ever offer the antidote to the poison it pioneered so brilliantly itself? Because that’s what you want us to believe, isn’t it! But how could it?” His blue eyes stare at me with lover-like fixity; I’d rather interpret it that way than suspect he’s making fun.
“Take it easy, will you? You should follow my example and read more about it,” I tell him with mock severity.
“Later.” He pulls me close and we kiss in a less than saintly manner. I’ve got over Bruno, though my American writer is quite mean enough to bring up the subject sooner or later. Teresa herself was a saint in a very special sense.
Juan brings us back down to earth.
“The bombers were from the suburbs of Leeds. Seemingly well-integrated Brits, who had had some further education in madrassas in Pakistan. Blair must be
“Thank goodness for the storks.” I’m unreservedly on Andrew’s side in this; he films them obsessively. Another artsy video is all we’ll get out of this trip, no use whatever for my research, I should have known!
I prefer to go alone to visit the convent and church of Our Lady of Grace, outside the city walls to the southwest, where don Alonso sent his daughter to school after her mother died. It’s my favorite Teresian site, and it doesn’t even show up in the guidebook; a handful of Avilans come to Mass here as if seeking the safety of a swallow’s nest hooked to the eaves of the hillside. The sisters’ gliding forms can barely be distinguished through the grilles. Those elderly bodies, cloistered and unseen, emit a musical twittering like eternal adolescents, head over heels about everything and nothing.
Beyond the ramparts to the north, near the Ajates district where stonecutters, weavers, and market gardeners once lived, the Monastery of the Incarnation has become a special station for Saint Teresa’s pilgrims. A clutch of dignified storks nests above the ancient door, and the clatter of their beaks, like wooden sticks knocking together, imparts an inhuman tension to the triumph of the bells. Did these migrants ever come in Teresa’s day? She only seemed to notice the doves, she even called her convents “dovecotes.” Was this to compare them to cages, crowded confinements, prisons? Not necessarily; Teresa says that she felt “very happy and at ease” in her parents’ house. Oddly enough, all that remains of the family hacienda on the wide Morana plain, near Avila, is the dovecote.
There’s not a dove or pigeon to be seen at the Incarnation, any more than inside the fortified town; only solemn storks. They look like black-and-white Carmelites mounted on red stilts, clacking gutturally about their raptures. The rosebushes in the neat courtyard never knew Teresa. Nettles used to grow there, and she would make bunches of them into stinging whips, believing that only the soul must enjoy bliss. Gazing out at the ramparts, she dreamed of water in this courtyard — cool water to refresh her mortified inner garden.
The building where Teresa spent thirty years of her life is spare and simple in a rustic way that induces meditation, and must have attracted many souls that were, like hers, disappointed by the world’s stupidity. The cloister was built, it was said, on ground that once contained a Jewish ossuary. This was not the only fateful sign: the monastery chapel was inaugurated on the same day as Teresa was baptized, April 4, 1515.
In a reconstructed cell we are shown an austere cot, with a wooden pillow. Unlike many other religious houses, the Incarnation lacked wealthy patrons, and so the garden was surrounded by plain clay walls, and the rooms and tiny cells were whitewashed. A flimsy roof of abutting tiles covered the choir. Repairs, extensions, or modest improvements would drag on for years, and the nuns sometimes had to be housed elsewhere for works to continue. In winter, snowflakes would fall on their breviaries; in summer, they hid from the heat behind closed shutters, in a dark, damp purgatory where you could hardly see to read your holy book. Faith was invigorated by these trials. The call to matins came two hours before sunrise; lauds and prime were sung before first Mass, vespers in midafternoon, and compline at evening, before retiring. Terce, sext, and none were also chanted at their due hour, so that each occupation was part and parcel of worship. Holiness, cleanliness, decency: these humble premises sought to be worthy of Carmelite purity and to reflect it. Teresa, supremely mindful of cleanliness in both the literal and the figurative sense, made sure of it by setting exacting standards, before and after her appointment as prioress in October 1571.
A rough cherrywood bench, seemingly the work of a country carpenter, serves as the Communion table in the lower choir. Two grilles rise above it, like those in the parlor, from behind which the nuns can follow Mass. That narrow doorway to the left, generally used by cleaners and suppliers, is the one Teresa was forced to pass through when she returned to her former convent to take up her duties as prioress. Since the community’s susceptibilities forbade the reformer to use the main entrance, she had no choice but to take this lowly, humiliating alternative. Yet I want to think that she didn’t particularly resent it; on the contrary, she took every slight as a sign of being “chosen.”
A fifteenth-century painting hangs at the entrance to the choir in the lower cloister, a naïf work from an early Beguine establishment. I decide I like it. The Virgin is shown sheltering Carmelite monks and nuns under her cloak — a subject that was very powerfully treated, too, by Piero della Francesca.3 This Madre, protecting and dominating her sisters and confessors on the wall of the Incarnation in Avila, bearing the Infant Jesus in her heart and recalling a winged angel in her regal cloak, its tips outspread by two cherubs — is she only Mary? Or is she already Teresa, following her way of perfection from prayer to prayer toward a serenity fit for a queen?
Silence was the rule in the chapel, the choir, the refectory, and the dormitory. Compared to the majestic, frugal austerity that enveloped this tension-ridden little world during the Golden Age, the kitchens look cheerful and cozy, with ceilings that graze the tops of our heads. Copper pans hang next to musical instruments: the community of 190 women must have had great giggles and gossips behind the double bars of the parlors or between prayers.
Juan smacks his lips at the sight of the pots and pans.
“Oh, look! Everything they needed to rustle up a wicked
Since giving himself the title of Doctor of Low Food, our Golden Age specialist has got the bit between his teeth.4 Historians, it seems, recently discovered that before you can have any notion of what people thought, you’ve got to know what they ate. Sancho Panza, for instance, was partial to
This gets him going again, as if trying to block out the shock of Al Qaida with tantalizing evocations of food.
“Well, the ingredients varied according to class. Mutton cost more than beef, and a lot more than cow. Basically it’s easy, you chop it, salt it, and boil to a bit of a mush. Like what they call a ‘melting pot.’ So picture a conventful of nuns, what do they get up to after feeding their souls? They prepare a delicious
What does he know? Between the fruits of the earth sustaining Teresa and the unappetizing stew described in the
But Juan does score one hit. Avilan bakers have not forgotten the delectable sweets the sisters used to make, and you can still buy
The cloister Rule had been relaxed, as everyone knows, and one result was that it became easier to get permission from the mother superior for extramural leave. Since money was tight, an absent nun allowed significant savings to be made; at any rate, this was the argument used to justify the laxity the future foundress would condemn before reinstating the rigors of the Primitive Rule. Meanwhile Teresa herself took several, sometimes lengthy, breaks outside the convent (six months in Toledo staying with Luisa de la Cerda, three years in the home of Guiomar de Ulloa). Inside, it’s no exaggeration to say that the nuns were cloistered or locked away behind those finely wrought bars. Their dovecote was indeed a cage, allowing little squares of light and air to filter through the ingenious grilles behind which a Carmelite could see without being seen, leaving the visitor clinging to the sound of her voice. For extra security there was always a third, a chaperone nun who presided over parlor conversations. But, like every rule on earth, the Rule only existed to be circumvented, and the sisters at the Incarnation were good at circumventing it: the young Teresa couldn’t help but notice, as we’ve seen.
The Incarnation was not known to be particularly forbidding, then, and word soon got around town that a most agreeable Carmelite could be encountered there. The parlor became the site of maximum temptation, and also, now and then, of the most decisive liberation.
It was here that Teresa held her long confabulations with John of the Cross, whose “miraculous” chair, miraculously preserved, is a big draw for tourists: they picture it hovering in the air as it is said to have done one day when the two friends and reformers talked themselves into a state of ecstasy over the mystery of the Trinity. It was here, too, that the noble and influential lady Guiomar de Ulloa announced the arrival in Avila of the great Franciscan contemplative, Pedro de Alcántara. Doña Guiomar obtained leave for Teresa to spend a week at her house so that the saintly friar (one of whose self-imposed mortifications was never to lay eyes on a woman) might vouchsafe, by his righteous authority, that Teresa’s visions really did come from God. Many other visitors came here to meet her, some of them well-known, like Francisco de Borja5—who urged her to persevere in silent prayer despite the doubts of her current confessor — or certain princesses well placed at Court. And let us not forget the attentions of the “person” in whose company she saw the toad…
We continue our exploration of the old convent. This tidy museum and its piously exhibited relics mean little unless they send a modern visitor back to the writings. Well, do they? Not if Juan and Andrew are anything to go by, but it doesn’t bother me; let them be instructed, entertained, or bored by what they call my “fetish saints.” Everyone sees what they can or want to understand. Perhaps it was necessary to institute this baroque cult in order to protect La Madre’s works from creeping oblivion, and gold-sprayed mummification is, I’m sure, effective for enriching the faith of many weary pilgrims from Portugal or Valencia who follow in the footsteps of the saint inside their buses, on the trail of values that elude them. And yet it’s the living Teresa, alive though my reading of her books, that I am trying to conjure back — into this space between its stark walls, amid the murmurous bustle of mothers trying to keep their kids from stampeding, and even into the flight of those impertinent storks, not content with flapping slowly over these haunted halls but seemingly settled in the saint’s very lap.
“Those two-tone clickety guys were the only Carmelites around, in the end,” says Andrew, true to type. “No, I take that back: they were the only living creatures of any kind! Because those pilgrims of yours, frankly…Sacred space is fast turning into a desert, isn’t it?”
I don’t say anything. What space? Jokers, admirers, visitors, pilgrims, storks — Teresa tears us all away from our spaces, from space itself, to deposit us in time.
Teresa’s greatest “torment” as a novice was not undergone in that aseptic cell reconstructed around a few of her belongings. I can’t help smiling at her travails, but not callously. Let’s see. The young woman was mystified by the “special love” she felt for anyone who preached “well and with spirit,” but “without striving for the love myself, so I didn’t know where it came from.” At all events the pretty young recruit “eagerly” listened to every sermon, even when “the preaching was not good.” “When it was good, the sermon was for me a very special recreation.” A guilty one, she means. Why so? Perhaps because this pleasure was prompted by a human, an all too human, factor — the personal charms of God’s representative rather than the quality of his message. My poor, supplicant Teresa, ever torn between duty and pleasure, you won’t miss out on a single one of the “torments” so familiar to neurotics! “On the one hand I found great comfort in sermons, while on the other I was tormented…I begged the Lord to help me.”6
Teresa felt restless, inadequate, unsure of her vocation.
I didn’t understand that all is of little benefit if we do not take away completely the trust we have in ourselves and place it in God.
I wanted to live (for I well understood that I was not living but was struggling with a shadow of death), but I had no one to give me life, and I was unable to catch hold of it.7
Can this weary soul, impatient to be re-converted, ever find the extremity which will be her road? The great event takes place at last, after eighteen years spent “in this battle and conflict between friendship with God and friendship with the world,”8 one Lenten day in 1554.
Let Him kiss me with the kiss of His mouth.…I confess that the passage has many meanings. But the soul that is enkindled with a love that makes it mad [que la desatina] desires nothing else than to say those words.…God help me! Why are we surprised? [¿Qué nos espanta?] Isn’t the deed more admirable?
One day entering the oratory I saw a statue [
This was not yet a vision; it was a carved image, a work representing the Beloved—“In this very place, Juan! You see, Andrew?”—which the approaching feast day caused to be placed in the oratory of the Incarnation, where it caught the nun’s eye. The sight of Jesus moves her, distresses her utterly [
It was not enough for Teresa to identify with a man in pain, underwriting her own feminine anguish. “I could only think about Christ as He was as man (Yo sólo podía pensar en Cristo como hombre).”3 She must bring him literally inside, and the man of the statue — far less tortured, incidentally, than a Christ by Matthias Grünewald — now dwells in the Carmelite’s entrails.4 But the God-man is also all around her, and His presence contains her “so that I could in no way doubt He was within me or I totally immersed in Him” [yo toda engolfada en Él]5.
The extravagance of this embrace is not only justified by the experiences of illustrious predecessors. Teresa is thinking about Mary Magdalene’s conversion, of course, as she weeps before the statue, but she laments the way “the tears I shed were womanish and without strength since I did not obtain by them what I desired.”6 She would retreat from female role models, and it was not until discovering Saint Augustine’s account of his conversion that she felt she recognized herself: “I saw myself in [the
As I began to read the
Thanks to her identifications, first with Mary Magdalene and then, even more strongly, with Saint Augustine, Teresa’s transference onto Jesus was doubly validated and reinforced. Meanwhile the naive freshness of her effusions, as bookish as they were spiritual, did not preclude an analysis of her relationship with what can only be called a fantasy incarnate, apprehended through images, mental constructs, and imaginary representations. And, on top of all this, through something more: a genuine revelry of the senses, a feast for the flesh. The paroxysm of Communion.
Not as “immersed” (
She shares her love of images with us first, firing a sly shot at the reformed Church in passing: “Unfortunate are those who through their own fault lose this great good. It indeed appears that they do not love the Lord.”9 This leads to the admission that for her (and, perhaps, for most of us) the visual thrill of a likeness, be it of the Lord or of any cherished person, lies at the bottom of the feeling of love itself. The cells in hermitages, those secluded outdoor cabins or the retreat rooms in Carmelite monasteries, ought to be decorated with holy pictures, according to the foundress. Further, “try to carry about an image or painting of this Lord that is to your liking, not so as to carry it about on your hearts and never look at it but so as to speak often with Him; for He will inspire you with what to say.”10
The vision of the suffering Man is thus an “amorous” one, leaving her “distressed” to a degree that corresponds to what is far more than a visual gratification. It is a sensation that, though linked to sight, at once kindles Teresa’s every sense and triggers an avalanche of ideas. More than merely seeing, the “vision” of the Beloved Other becomes a “tenderness” felt as a gift, but “neither entirely of the senses nor entirely spiritual” (un regalo que ni bien es todo sensual, ni bien es espiritual).12
Ideal and desire, both the one and the other, as that which is experienced by way of sight gathers the flesh back into the spirit. The amorous gaze transports the lover into her Beloved and vice versa, body-and-soul, inside-and-outside, presence-and-immersion. On this day in Lent, 1554, more than ever before, after the reproving Holy Countenance and on the heels of the outsized toad, the vision of the suffering Man would initiate a period of auras, levitations, and other transverberations.
Far from the macabre expressionism of Grünewald, the future Counter-Reformation saint only contemplated the Calvary so as to turn it inside out like a glove. If at first, admittedly, she tended to wallow in masochism, she cast this off bit by bit and her experience rapidly ascended its radiant beam of pure pleasure, climaxing in the exultation of the elect.
In Teresa’s work, Christ’s wounds appear free of the carnal abjection that attracted Grünewald. At one point they actually metamorphose into jewels. The Carmelite “sees” Christ take the crucifix from her hand, and when He gives it back, the presence of the Beloved so often sensed by her side (“It seemed to me that Jesus Christ was always present at my side; but since this wasn’t an imaginative vision, I didn’t see any form”13) has transformed the wounds into gems:
It was made of four large stones incomparably more precious than diamonds — there is no appropriate comparison with supernatural things. A diamond seems to be something counterfeit and imperfect when compared with the precious stones that are seen there. The representation of
We know that the epileptic aura is prone to such extreme states of perception and imagination, and to their inversion, but even so Teresa seems to transform them into an unprecedented sensual intelligence. She links them to the glorious tradition of Mary Magdalene and Augustine, the better to appropriate them for her personal gallery of images, within the religious culture of her time, in a soft yet punctilious idiom, while subjecting them to the most honest introspection her levels of knowledge at the time would permit.
Carefully, tenderly, the writer probed her emotional state, dissociating this love from any hackneyed daydream or vision in the common acceptation of the word, and labeling her experience — for the first time — one of “mystical theology.”15
This did not occur after the manner of a
Although I say “image” let it be understood that, in the opinion of the one who sees it, it is not a painting but truly alive…Almost every time God grants this favor the soul is in rapture [arrobamiento], for in its lowliness it cannot suffer so frightening [espantosa] a sight.
Loving recollection cuts loose from the gaze that prompted it, to excite all of the senses: from now on the Carmelite will be engulfed by an all-inclusive sensibility, in the fusion of touch and sight. “I tried as hard as I could to keep Jesus Christ, our God and our Lord, present within me.”1 The efforts she had made from the beginning of her monastic life were finally crowned with success. Now she beholds Him, but not as an image; she alone sees Him thus, and her solitude curves ever more inward, toward that interiority where He dwells for her, immovable, inoperable, inseparable from her inner being; she is as though pregnant with Him, hollowed out inside where He unfolds: “The spirit may be shown how to work interiorly. One should strive earnestly to avoid exterior feelings.”2 Teresa only formulated that assimilation of the Other, that led her to feel that she
For thirty years, within the sheltering walls of the Incarnation, Teresa exhibited states of paroxysm at which some marveled, while others feared the devil’s doing; she was scrupulous enough to suspect them herself, veering between the possibilities and applying to both the scalpel of introspection and retrospection.
Thus she extols the perfection of prayer that is “union” with the Beloved while observing that here the soul, melting into Him, is still “upon our earth”;3 union, as opposed to rapture, remains always the liaison between two distinct identities, Him and me.
In the
There came the thought of how a sponge absorbs and is saturated with water; so, I thought, was my soul which was overflowing with that divinity and in a certain way
The description and interpretation of such visions vary somewhat in the course of Teresa’s oeuvre, but there is no radical departure from the accounts given in the
I prowl beneath the low ceilings of the mythic Carmel of the Incarnation, thinking about a woman happily in thrall to her visions.
I like to think about her final virtuosity, here in the corridors of the Incarnation that saw her first steps. Time condenses for me, too, as through Teresa’s work I inhabit the dilated instant of thought. Before, now, and afterward no longer flow by but soar upward in a vertical eternity, suddenly lifting the vaulted ceilings, enlarging them, spinning them into the
Here, with a biblical, scriptural sense of the unrepresentable vision, Teresa painstakingly expounds the way “imaginative visions” differ from “intellectual visions”:7 how the first “remain so impressed on the memory that they are never forgotten,” “inscribed in the very interior part of the soul,” whereas the second are “so sublime that it’s not fitting for those who live on this earth to have the further understanding necessary to explain them” (que no las convienen entender los que viven en la tierra para poderlas decir). These “intellectual visions” can only be spoken of “when the soul is again in possession of its senses.” Jacob’s ladder (Gen. 28:12–16) and Moses’ burning bush (Exod. 3:2–6) serve as examples, for even “if there is no image and the faculties do not understand,” it is possible to remember by the power of faith:
I do understand that some truths about the grandeur of God remain so
And further:
Nor did Moses know how to describe all that he saw in the bush, but only what God wished him to describe. But if God had not shown secrets to his soul along with a certitude that made him recognize and believe that they were from God, Moses could not have entered into so many severe trials. But he must have understood such deep things among the thorns of that bush that the vision gave him the courage to do what he did for the people of Israel. So, sisters, we don’t have to look for reasons to understand the hidden things of God.9
Now, no sooner has Teresa reserved for her ultimate union with the Beloved all these “hidden things,” which cannot be named and baffle reason, than she returns to her passion for explication and tries afresh to explain by means of some comparison. (Deseando estoy acertar a poner una comparación para si pudiese dar a entender algo de esto que estoy diciendo.) She begins by pointing out that, when the soul is in ecstasy, it “cannot describe any of [the grandeurs it saw].”10 But in order to make this experience intelligible (Is it “imaginative”? Is it “intellectual”?), the writer takes refuge, modestly, in her lack of “learning” and her “dullness” in order to avoid making the choice.11 Unnameable as it may be, the vision is still
You enter into the room of a king or great lord, or I believe they call it the treasure chamber, where there are countless kinds of glass and earthen vessels and other things so arranged that almost all these objects are seen on entering. Once I was brought to a room like this…and I saw that one could praise the Lord at seeing so many different kinds of objects…I soon forgot it all.…Clearly,
Do you hold deep inside, Teresa, my love, a dwelling place of such a kind, a
Quite explicitly, Teresa introduces the sensible into the intellectual in order to weave a
With a semiological finesse that is equally startling, Teresa distinguishes these images, which are her way of thinking metaphorically, from paintings and other ornamental objects. Her images when enraptured are “truly alive,” the fruit of an interior seeing: there is no pictorial effect but a fleeting dazzle, like a veiled sun, only communicable to those who have been granted the same favor.16
Finally, a discovery we might call pre-analytical: it is possible to translate the unnameable pangs of impassioned sight into a named image, an identifiable representation, if — and only if — the love object calms the sensory and potentially demonic violence of the praying lover by occupying it, fixing it, engaging it. The “loving words” of the Other (“Do not be afraid, it is I”) steady the soul and ratify the amorous meaning of its visions:
For if the will is not occupied and love has nothing present with which to be engaged, the soul is left as though without support or exercise, and the solitude and dryness is very troublesome, and the battle with one’s thoughts extraordinary [
Only the love of the Other, that fixed and eternal object, can endow one with the “talent for discursive thought or for a profitable use of the imagination”18 whose absence Teresa bewailed when recalling her first stumbling steps in faith. Imagination, thus understood as existing in and by the love of the Lord, is now free to be the intelligence that transforms the sensory imprint into an “intellectual vision”: it can now be lived as the wonderfully “delicate” presence of the Other at the very core of subject Teresa. I understand that there were for her none of the “contradictions” with which some commentators have seen fit, by the lights of their own logic, to tax her. But the “fancying it so” (in which Teresa admits there can be a whimsical desire, an
Adjoining the “boudoir” of the soul, these visions — which must remain secret — lead to still more “interior” intimations: the spiritual betrothal that occurs in the “Seventh Dwelling Places.” Finally, dispensing with imaginary visions, there is nothing but an intellectual vision uniting the lover with the Beloved — the sheer light and unbridled joy of the
The soul, or “I mean the spirit,” becomes “one with God” in that “center.” Now, over a few concise lines, the rhetoric of comparison turns from the feeling body to evoke metamorphosis in the form of two candles close together. The image is developed, apophatic thought
Let us say that the union is like the joining of two wax candles to such an extent that the
In the private deeps of her experience, Teresa thinks by employing sensorial images that are largely free of anthropomorphic or erotic connotations. By virtue of this ultimate, climactic surge toward sublimation of the state of love, this repertoire is like “thought in motion.” A highly wrought passage in the “Fourth Dwelling Places”20 recalls how some four years earlier (we are in 1577, so this was in 1573, after undergoing “anguish” and “interior tumult of thoughts”) La Madre came to the realization that “the mind (or imagination, to put it more clearly) is not the intellect.” Against the numbing abstractions of the intellect she makes room for
How often, my philosophical Teresa, will you force me back to the dilemma that haunts scholastic masters past and present: intellect or imagination? Not to put too fine a point on it, is this thinking or delirium? Neither one nor the other, but always swaying between the two: that would be your answer, I reckon. Or rather you wouldn’t answer, you would continue weaving the a-thought of your letter addressed to the extremes of being: oscillation, flux, body and soul, flesh and word, the inception of the imaginative faculty and the ardent desire to share it.
Mercedes Allende salazar correctly notes that Teresa’s confessors were not all of one mind with regard to the area of thought she sought to explore.21 Where La Madre wrote “thought is not intellect,” adding “thought or the imaginative faculty” in the margin, Jerome Gratian attempted to clarify the gist of the argument by inserting between the lines: “thought or imagination, for this is how women commonly refer to it.” In contrast, the Jesuit Jerónimo Ribera grasped something of the distinction she felt inside and strove to verbalize as clearly as possible. He struck Gratian’s insert and wrote firmly at the top of the text: “Nothing to be expunged.”
I’m delighted by this disagreement, for it shows that there is indeed a “third way,” perceived (by Gratian) as feminine but accepted (by Ribera) as universal, which is no more nor less than
Thank you, Fr. Ribera, for not erasing a word!
And even though the vision happens so quickly that we could compare it to a streak of lightning, this most glorious image [of His sacred Humanity] remains so engraved on the imagination that I think it would be impossible to erase it until it is seen by the soul in that place where it will be enjoyed without end.
It is in the fourth degree of prayer, then, that what Teresa calls “this exile” of the soul [
Teresa deals with it differently from us. Or rather she doesn’t deal with it, she throws herself in, she plummets to the bottom, but she is then reborn by writing about it: writing the adventure of abandonment and exile for us. Inverting the fear of divine judgment into a mystical marriage, her “banishment” places her inside an oblatory Other, loving/loved; henceforth she becomes this Other. This bears no resemblance to the relationship between the lover and the Beloved in preceding prayers, for there they would simply and easily decant into each other, to the point of merging like twin fountains into a single stream. Here, in the fourth degree, there is no longer any “work” involved, only “rejoicing.” “In this fourth water the soul isn’t in possession of its senses, but it rejoices without understanding what it is rejoicing in [Acá no hay sentir, sino gozar sin entender lo que se goza].”2
There is a good that fills her with joy, but she does not know what it consists of. All of the senses are involved but without a precise object, interior or exterior. Intensity and self-perdition: no border, no identity can withstand this transport. And now the metaphor-metamorphosis of fire comes to join that of water to signify the blissful annihilation of the person at prayer: “the soul sometimes goes forth from itself…comparable to what happens when a fire is burning and flaming,”3 “for at the time one is receiving [these favors] there’s no power to do anything.”4 Deprived of “sensory consciousness,” the faculties “remaining for several hours as though bewildered,” the “bothersome little moth, which is the memory,” getting its wings burnt — the soul is lost to itself.5 Yet this annihilation is the source of “heroic promises, of resolutions and of ardent desires; it is the beginning of contempt for the world because of a clear perception of the world’s vanity.”6
The writer does not address the origin of this reversal conducting the soul from desiccation to water and fire. Modern neurologists are inclined to think that the trigger is an electric or hormonal dysfunction of the brain. Psychologists talk of hypomaniacal feedback from the fantasy of marriage to the ideal Father, turning depression into feelings of paranoid omnipotence. But one cannot reduce to scientific buzzwords the rhetorical power of the biblical and evangelical tradition from which Teresa drew the necessary authority to legitimize and reinforce her “states.” And were such medical concepts genuinely to designate the neuronal and psychological conditions of her experience — and as a psychologist myself, I wouldn’t argue with that — they still fail to explain the verbal re-creation achieved by the saint: What have they to say about the exactness and intensity of these metaphor-metamorphoses in perpetual reversal?
Teresa didn’t wait for Andrew and me to come along before indicating, with her usual clear-sightedness, the incommensurable hiatus separating the state of prayer (“very edgy, very borderline,” quips Jérôme Tristan) from the writing of it. Another state must arise to mediate between the two: “inspiration.” Not the same thing as prayer, then. You are not very prolix on this point, my secretive Teresa; you are content to say that you have God’s pattern before you and are following it, like an embroiderer does with needle and yarn.
I know you’re always delving into the books that are your faithful companions in solitude — the Bible, the Gospels, the writings of saints and churchmen. You never forget that your identification with Jesus relies on your remaining immersed in the intertextuality of canonical sources. Since these have become your vital environment, your prime reality, you are able to recast their rhetoric as though
I write without the time and calm for it, and bit by bit. I should like to have time, because when the Lord
You leave it at that, Teresa, my love, but it’s precious enough, and I bet our modern Illuminati, who think themselves so smart, don’t know half as much as you do about writing. Do they, Andrew?
“Whatever. It’s her grand mal that interests me.” Andrew is very keen on the work of Dr. Vercelletto, that’s as far as he’ll go.
But still, from all the psychosomatic conditions propitious to prayer, Teresa did take a “magic recipe” unrelated to the temporal lobe, which looks simple, once the writer has formulated its application:
Was Teresa’s ecstasy a narcissistic triumph over depression, probably over postcomatose exhaustion as well? Was it achieved by means of manic exaltation, itself induced in her by the intromission of her ideal Father endowed with the strength of absolute love?
Certainly it was, but not only that. The Carmelite herself retraces this movement of the psyche with a psychological precision rich in sexual allusions. The rare libertines who venture into Teresa country are soon clamoring for more; the pilgrims, if ever they read her, discern only allegories. But Teresa holds out for both at once, honesty
You mustn’t think (this is for Andrew, outside in his smoky fug) that I’ve been dazzled by the sheer sensual perspicacity of a sick woman with a genius for self-analysis. My grand Teresa offers something more: the artistry with which she stages the fantasy penetration of her inwardness by the Other, and conveys it in a narrative as capacious as it is concise — in a word, convincing. Proof of this, do you agree, is her notorious
At the heart of the sixteenth century, from behind the iron grilles of the Convent of the Incarnation, this woman knew that the repression of desire can gnaw your flesh and snap your nerves, to the point of falling into coma. She came up with a stunning, because postmodern, analysis of the lethal nature of desire, and of
The Carmelite naturally didn’t reveal the sexual sources of her distress, but nor did she content herself with a rational, reasonable censorship of such ill-being. At once true and untrue to monotheism, Teresa devised a “third way.” By the blending of the mind and senses into nothing but touch, the touch of the Other, she sought to “divert” desire, nothing more! She would put it down to that ideal of the self constituted by the ideal Father, the loving, loved magnetism* [*The author makes a play on the proximity in French of “lover,”
Andrew advises me to save it for my publisher, Zonabend, who doubtless adores this kind of waffle. He’s off for a breath of air on the ramparts. If he knew how little I care for Bruno these days! Men spend more time thinking about other men than do the women allegedly concerned. I don’t say a word. Everything in my life conspires to leave me alone with my roommate, in our very own mystical marriage. That’s fine by me for now.
“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest” (Ps. 55:6). Teresa goes back to her Bible, taming it into a wondrous tale: “The flight is given to the spirit so that it may be elevated above every creature — and above itself first of all. The flight is an easy flight [
Unlike the psalmist, who
In the work of art that is the speaking subject thus recast, the “exiled soul” cannot suffer from isolation, hindrance, abandonment, division, or delirium, for is it not governed by the conviction of possessing the Other’s love? Were any of these misfortunes to befall her, she would only attribute them to her Guest, and thus set in motion the dialectical spiral of repentance and salvation: eternal promise of an eternal recurrence of the same elevation, the same inextinguishable
An amphibious creation, an almighty alloy, ecstatic rapture is a sense of soaring above every creature, and “above itself first of all.” Ecstasy is like a doublet spiraling up: one (spirit-and-body) becomes detached from a part of oneself (also spirit-and-body), which remains earthbound, in order to “rise upward” (
No sign now of convulsions or vomiting. From now on
Could Teresa’s rapture be a way to
The saint’s celebrated beatitude may cause the hasty reader or the superficial lover of baroque art to forget that there are two aspects to this magical rapture. It is an excruciating bliss that transports the soul, for “it is the soul alone that both suffers and rejoices on account of the joy and satisfaction the suffering gives,”13 while the body is left racked and dislocated by pain: “Sometimes my pulse almost stops, according to what a number of the Sisters say who at times are near me and know more, and my arms are straight and my hands so stiff that occasionally I cannot join them. Even the next day I feel pain in the pulse and in the body, as if the bones were disjoined.”14
Seized by “anxious longings for death,” fearful “that it will not die,”15 the soul yet comes to take pleasure in the process. The love of the Lord means eternity, after all. More prosaically, Teresa has survived other epileptic fits and awakened from comas at death’s door. She has since arrived at the certainty that enjoyment is possible: the soul experiences itself as a construct dependent on this Love, just as much as on the comas that herald it. Teresa does not say it in so many words, but with that intellectual integrity that spares us nothing of her mental and physical states, she clearly implies it. The suggestion is indeed that pleasure is felt
When you wrote, you did not say everything at once. Sometimes, too, you were writing under the eye of your fathers and counselors. Bernini himself must have grasped this double scene, for he displayed the Transfixion that dispossessed you of body and soul right in front of the cardinals of the Cornaro family, the patrons of the chapel where you recline. Their eyes are on you, and it must have been from the gazes of such fathers, rather than from ours, that you sought to remove yourself, to banish yourself. Who knows, perhaps the paternal and paternalistic surveillance you were under pushed you, even more powerfully than your own personal history would have done, toward that inversion of pain into pleasure that ravished you and took you out of yourself?
There were times when Teresa felt the union with the divine as an annihilation, a brush with death. I picture her pacing under these low ceilings, beside herself, down the corridors and narrow stairways of this modest Convent of the Incarnation with its burden of temptations and hostilities; body and soul on a knife-edge, shaking with epilepsy, hopelessly sad. Writing after the event, she feels able to say that it was the prayer of union with the Spouse that led to such a loss of all her “faculties.” Or maybe it was the other way around: maybe it was the seizures, the neurological dysfunction, that first put her vigilance into abeyance and melted the borders between herself and the Other? No understanding, no will, no memory; no communication, no words. This abandonment, which to her is beatitude, cannot possibly be conveyed. A senseless beatitude?
Here…the soul rejoices incomparably more; but it can show much less since no power remains in the body, nor does the soul have any power to communicate its joy. At such a time, everything would be a great obstacle and a torment and hindrance to its repose. And I say that if this prayer is the union of all the faculties, the soul is unable to communicate its joy even though it may desire to do so — I mean while being in the prayer. And if it were able, then this wouldn’t be union.16
This may be the description of a swoon induced by a comitial crisis; we are reminded of time standing still for Mohammed’s pitcher, in the epileptic euphoria evoked by Dostoyevsky in
This is where the strength of the love union comes in. Thanks to this construct (an embodied fantasy, as I see it four centuries later), it is not I who speaks, but Him; I is Another, *[*“
Other elevations, more painful still, are like veritable trysts with death:
In these raptures it seems that the soul is not animating the body.…one understands and sees oneself carried away and does not know where. Although this experience is delightful, our natural weakness causes fear in the beginning. It is necessary that the soul be resolute and courageous — much more so than in the prayer already described — in order to risk all, come what may, and abandon itself into the hands of God and go willingly wherever it is brought since, like it or not, one is taken away.…At times I was able to accomplish something, but with a great loss of energy, as when someone fights with a giant and is worn out. At other times it was impossible for me to resist, it carried off my soul and usually, too, my head along with it, without my being able to hold back — and sometimes the whole body until it was raised from the ground.19
These brutal forces that “carry her away” suggest the violence of the electric discharges neurologists speak of, and only the divine “cloud” that conveys the lover to her ideal Father bestows mystic value upon the trauma. The sacred comes to the rescue of ill-being.
Embarrassed by these prodigies, Teresa forbade the other nuns to talk about the “carrying-off” effect when it happened to take place in public. Sometimes, feeling it coming on, she stretched out flat and asked the nuns to hold her down; “nonetheless, this was seen.”20 At such times she is “greatly frightened,” then comes a “rare detachment.”21 Although playing no “active role” in the pain, Teresa feels stranded in a “desert so distant from all things” that she “doesn’t find a creature on earth that might accompany [her].”22 Union or no union, God then seems achingly distant from the soul; the dereliction is total. Mental pain coupled with physical pain provokes a catatonia compounded by an insuperable melancholy: “Usually when unoccupied [my soul] is placed in the midst of these anxious longings for death; and when it sees [the pains] are beginning, it fears that it will not die.”23
Throughout these “clinical” descriptions, we can clearly make out a sequence: the detonator is anguish, accompanied by fits, followed by a neuronal disconnection, and ending in the physical relief that succeeds to fatigue. I shall not fail to deliver my novel interpretation of Teresa’s raptures to my colleague Jérôme Tristan. I am out to impress him, of course, by encroaching upon his professional terrain as a neuropsychiatrist, but I also plan to mention that my way goes further than science. I’m trying. So is he, but the poor fool holds back, with his cramped little life as a specialist in who knows what. With Teresa, the prodigious amorous construct of the lover penetrated by the Beloved is what downshifts the postcomitial distension. A micro-fiction of eroticism in fits and states that would have interested Andrew, if he weren’t acting the sniffy Voltairean, purely to annoy me.
Despite all these struggles…there remains a spark of assurance so alive…though all other hopes are dead, that even should the soul desire otherwise, that spark will stay alive.
Voice message from Bruno on my cell: “Hiya! Not too hot down your way? How’s it going? Found a title yet?” (Long pause. Clink of ice cubes swilled in JB. It’s probably not my book that’s on his mind.) “Everyone well, I hope…Listen, so what does a woman like your Teresa think about jealousy? I mean, no big deal, it just occurred to me. I imagine God comes in very handy for shielding her from that kind of human emotion, a bit
Bruno jealous, that’s all I needed. I have no intention of calling back. He’ll just have to wait till I give him the book.
Musing on the ways to take a woman, Marguerite Duras’s vice-consul says: “I should play on her sadness.”1 He says. Marguerite says. She used love to help her die to life. Her pain was her cry, Hiroshima. Outlawed, out of reach. Anne-Marie Stretter confirms it with her absence, imprisoned in a sorrow too old to weep for. The ravishing of Lol V. Stein is not a pleasure either, passion suffocates her; unhappiness crushes Tatiana Karl, a woman never gets over it. “Destroy, she said,” cried Élisa, afraid of hunger, poverty, and truth.2
In the book that first brought Bruno and me together, I wrote — and it’s been held against me — that Duras is a witch. A witch who passes on to her female readers a boundless misery of which these victims endlessly complain in singsong voices, so badly infected that their only escape is often the psychiatric hospital of Sainte-Anne; I’m one, I know what I’m talking about. People resented my insight, but it was true. Bruno confirmed it to me: “You know what, Bruno darling, I recognize myself in Sylvia’s portrait of me.” That’s what she told him over a drink, Duras the survivor, who between a corpse and her own body saw only “similarities…screaming at me.”3
Nothing to do with my Teresa, all this, or very little…Bruno doesn’t understand much; Juan, my London pal, is happily grazing the sunny slopes of the Golden Age; as for Andrew, I’ve no idea, he’s too well barricaded behind his sarcasm to give a hint of what he really thinks. Pain is certainly the hidden face of philosophy, its mute sister, and Proust, who used to kill himself laughing while paying tribute to perpetual adoration, came close to making Albertine into a social suicide. Gomorrah is depressive and Sodom is criminal, as everybody knows, but writing in search of lost time replaces the amorous impasse with the narrative of jealousy. “Little Marcel” becomes a storyteller, after all, when he realizes that what was torture to imagine about Albertine (or Albert) was actually his own unrelenting desire to please new people (whether male or female is another matter), and even more powerful, his desire to sketch out new novels. “Only from one’s own pleasure can one derive both knowledge and pain.”4 Enough to perform the miracle of transubstantiation all over again, and contend that language, by the power of fiction, becomes flesh once and for all. At last this “fresh and pink” material, the work, can replace pale “substitutes for sorrows,” and compete with cathedrals.5 “I thought he was Jewish,” whispered Maurice Barrès, as he followed the Catholic funeral of a writer who had been among the earliest supporters of Dreyfus, while at the same time opposing the closure of cathedrals.6
Teresa, too, believed in transubstantiation, and my guess would be that she subscribed to it even more resolutely by the grace of her writing than by any submission to the dogmas of faith. What’s more, she managed to climb out of the frightening sloughs of despond that accompanied her epileptic episodes without lingering in the thickets of autofiction.7 Her own brand of fiction (
But Dostoyevsky is the one who resembles my Carmelite the most, when he has Kirilov describe the sensations that precede a seizure, or indeed suicide:
“There are seconds — they come five or six at a time — when you suddenly feel the presence of eternal harmony in all its fullness. It is nothing earthly. I don’t mean that it is heavenly, but a man in his earthly semblance can’t endure it. He has to undergo a physical change or die. This feeling is clear and unmistakable.…It is not rapture, but just gladness…Nor do you really love anything — oh, it is so much higher than love! What is so terrifying about it is that it is so terribly clear and such a great gladness. If it went on for more than five seconds, the soul could not endure it and must perish.…To be able to endure it for ten seconds, you would have to undergo a physical change…”
“You’re not an epileptic?”
“You will be one…”13
And yet Fyodor Mikhaylovich has no pleasure in transfixion; for him, the main thing is “despondency,” and this is the whole difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.14
Dare I admit it to my friend Marianne? Since spending time with Teresa, I prefer her way of crossing the Acheron: the fairy Mélusine’s cries drowning out the moaning of the saint.*[*An allusion to Gérard de Nerval’s 1853 poem “
Let’s see, who invented the bitter joys of the inner life? I wager it was the melancholics, sucked in by their injured narcissism (“Negative narcissism, Sylvia dear,” Jérôme Tristan reminds me), so injured that it melts into Nothingness and thrives on denigration. The black sun of introspection is something Teresa knew well. She liked to distill this knowledge, as did medieval monks before her with their acedia. But the self-destructive energy of my roommate goes much further than that of her predecessors or imitators, for at the same time as sweeping body and soul away in the comitial crisis, it sublimates itself, with renewed and no less impetuous violence, into exile in the Other, a magnified ex-portation. And I never get tired of tracking her in the microanalysis of her desires.
Although she speaks of the “impossibility” of conveying the force of her transports, the Carmelite convinced herself, with the corroboration of visions, that the very brutality of the epileptic fit was proof of its divine source: who but a loving Spouse would inflict such violence upon you? And so the malady of love undergoes a metamorphosis: without really departing from the letter of the Gospel (“God is Love”), the writer inscribes her personal story into it so as to transmute — through the Passion of Christ — the most unbearable suffering into indelible grace.
Strongly felt, but fleeting, is another aspect of rapture: the certainty of oneness with God surrounds the writer with the aura of a glorious identification that “lasts only a short time,”16 for “rapture is experienced at intervals,”17 but the soul, lifted up “to the highest tower,” unfurls the “banner for God…as someone who in a certain manner receives assurance there of victory.”18
Teresa is conscious of the twofold nature of this regenerative alchemy. The combination of “pain” with “glory”19 is a source of rapture as much as of peril. The influx of ambivalent, excitable affects ultimately blows up the castle of intimacy, that haven where the nun, deep in recollection, succeeded in more or less conquering her centrifugal desires. The passing safety of purity cannot resist the magnet, it shatters to smithereens and sweeps away, along with conscious understanding, the confines of the very self: “The soul is suspended in such a way that it seems to be completely outside itself”;20 “nothing satisfied me, nor could I put up with myself; it truly seemed as if my soul were being wrested from me.”21
The capacity for introspection that Teresa seems to have displayed since childhood was blunted by the practice of prayer in Osuna’s mode; perhaps she sought to elude the vigilance of that merciless night watchman, the judging conscience, always discoursing, dissecting, condemning, making her miserable. The drawbacks of such a retreat did not escape her, however. For eighteen years, she remarked lucidly, silent prayer was the occasion of undergoing “this trial, and in that great dryness”: the ordeal of “being unable as I say to reflect discursively” (
Family tradition, Augustinian schooling, personal culture and flair, all helped her to find in books the concrete reality of the grace she awaited from the Beloved: armed with a book,
which was like a partner or a
When this love of books came to feed the writing of Teresa’s own works, her pitiless self-analysis reached a peak of rigor, grace, and wit. The solitary reader, the frustrated talker, would begin to hone sharp insights — often connected with utterance itself, the secret object of her desire — that anticipated Madame de Sévigné by a hundred years: “So often do we say we have this virtue that we end up believing we have it.”24 I cannot decide, my voluble Teresa, what I envy more: your aptitude for transfixion, or your skill at converting your
However much the writer stigmatized the “faculties” of intellect, imagination, and will that were not propitious for “mystical theology,” she made use of them for getting to her own personal truth. It was a truth that only emerged, for her as for us, gradually, through the process of committing herself to paper.
For the first time, a person — a woman, what’s more — describes with clinical lucidity the states of depersonalization caused or aggravated by epilepsy, along with their transcendence through faith in, and love for, the Other. It is generally agreed that Moses (maybe), Saint Paul, Mohammed, and Dostoyevsky (certainly), had similar experiences. But with how much more discretion and abstraction they reported them! Going well beyond the restitution of symptoms, basing herself on Judeo-Christian passions, Teresa exacerbates the melancholic moods attendant on the seizures and traces the successive stages whereby she has managed to turn them into exaltations of subjective omnipotence. The fact that the latter never hardens into delusions of grandeur, a paranoid structure, or harmful enactments in the real world is not the least mark of Teresa’s genius. She took care to soften that triumphant self-affirmation into a concern for better relations with others, through the moral, sensorial, and intellectual perfecting of herself — without being blind to her own tendencies toward
This alchemy took shape here, at the Incarnation, in a very intense fashion from 1554 to 1562, until an inspired confessor (the Dominican Pedro Ibáñez) asked the nun to write down this folly, this heresy, this novelty. Predecessors like Francisco de Osuna, Luis de Granada (with his
What Teresa added to the service of faith thus understood by this earlier current of mystical theology was her neuropsychic pathology and her feminine sensuality, her melancholy and her hysterical passions, her literary artistry and psychological acuity coiled around bodily agony. Thus she affirmed in a wholly new way — humanly forceful, as well as politically necessary by the end of the sixteenth century — that to take the love of the Other to its logical extremes constitutes the bedrock of Christianity and, even more intensely, of Tridentine Catholicism. And it casts light well beyond that moment of the Church, onto the various monotheisms fighting today over our globalized planet.
May it please the Lord that I be not one of these but that His Majesty favor me…and a fig for all the devils, because they shall fear me.
“Intellect, Sister, what have you done with the intellect?” (Her confessor, Fr. Vicente Barrón, treading carefully.)
Bruno is not altogether in error, I’m making progress. This trip to Spain with Andrew and Juan has helped me gather up the threads of Teresa’s story, which continues to haunt my reading and my dreaming. Her encounters are fleshed out before my eyes, I can feel her living her life.
Teresa has need of the spiritual direction of Fr. Barrón, on condition of diluting it with the more amicable advice of Francisco de Salcedo, who picked up the relay of her young soul from Uncle Pedro. Salcedo also assures a constant supply of
“Poor intellect, it has gone strangely astray in me!” (Teresa loves to
“You must be sorely tried…” The confessor is doing his best to slip in a word edgewise, to show this woman the right path, to fulfill a most difficult duty.
“Sometimes I am sunken in a foolishness of soul.”
“Yes, I think my soul then is like a little donkey eating grass, almost without perceiving that it does so.”
“No movement or effects by which you might perceive this?”
“It seems not, Father. On the contrary, in the other states I have told you of, my desires are restless and impossible to satisfy. And then great impulses of love make the soul like those little springs I’ve seen, which never cease to move the sand upward. ‘This is a good example of, or comparison to, souls that reach this state; love is always stirring and thinking about what it will do. It cannot contain itself, just as that water doesn’t seem to fit in the earth; but the earth casts it out of itself. So is the soul very habitually, for by reason of the love it has it doesn’t rest in or contain itself.’”4
She makes his head spin, this loquacious nun, in ceaseless motion! She shows distinct promise, but still…After racking his brains, Diego de Cetina advises her to meet Francisco de Borja next time he comes through Avila.
You are a minx, Teresa, for the more you act the sage, the more you aim your seductress’s beam at the objects of your love, the more your confessors — and your readers — want. Some take fright, naturally, and there was even a move to have you exorcised.5 But your spells deceive others, not yourself, and while keeping a low profile as befits those inquisitorial times, you dose your feverish outbursts with bitter bouts of soul-searching. How well I understand you!
“The soul must strive above all to represent to itself that there is nothing else on earth but God and itself.” Diego de Cetina is slightly taken aback, but does not argue. After all, you are no more “united” with your Master than the Sulamitess was with her Spouse, in the Song of Solomon! So what’s the problem?
The good fathers wish earnestly to believe you. But you move too fast for them. Diego de Cetina and Gaspar Daza have time only to wonder whether it is really seemly for a charitable soul to shrink from the world as much as you do. Beware the sin of pride, the fault of disrespect…Is this behavior licensed by the canon? You’ve gone beyond that already, you’re in a rush.
You are well aware, for that matter, that the presence of the Lord both inside and around you is pure grist to your ego. Your raptures often take place, as if accidentally, in public,6 and you worry far too much about what people think. Some disapprove in whispers, others praise the Lord for granting you the favors that you claim. Either way “would be advantageous to me” (
Next, by a fresh and by no means final twist of watchful lucidity, you realize that the “appearance of humility came from serious imperfection and from not being mortified.” Because if you had truly surrendered to your Spouse, you wouldn’t care what people said about you, good or bad. You would have been ready for any amount of persecution. Talking of persecution, you expected it! You foresaw it, and it did not spare you, right to the end. Isn’t that always the best gift for a…persecutee? You don’t need telling, Teresa, all’s fair in this cohabitation with the Almighty that you created for yourself with so much pain and rapture!
And all is for the best in this best of all possible out-of-the-worlds. There is no outlet for zealousness, vanity, or simulated seduction. You knew, long before we did — we of the Parisian Psychoanalytical Society — that there’s no outlet for narcissism. Negative or positive, narcissism is understood, foreseen, and justified by the love between the two of you, the Beloved and the woman who prays, the Lord and His Bride. “Everything seems to be a heavy burden, and rightly so, because it involves
I like your quip about the world down here being like a “bad inn.” Your triumphant narcissism thus spares you from both the utter disconsolation of earthly life and from the suicidal urge that can tempt the depressed to think that there is only safety in the Beyond. Nothing of the sort afflicts you, Teresa, my love: a temporary visitor to our squalid hostel, you couldn’t care less for the conditions, since He is waiting for you.
“Let us not desire delights, daughters; we are well-off here; the bad inn lasts for only a night [Bien estamos aquí; todo es una noche la mala posada].”10
Fond though he is of you, Diego de Cetina frowns at this. You notice.
“Never think, Father, that I am not pained by the sins of our fellow men. Of course I am! And yet I ask myself: what if it was another temptation?” (Intelligence tells you that it would be a good thing to step back from the exclusivity, so prized by you, of the bonds between you and the Lord, and take an interest in other people. So many sinners, after all!) “But then again — might it not be another kind of vacuous hankering for honor, when one tries to do too much for others?” (You switch directions in a flash, like a will-o’-the-wisp; the young Jesuit is getting dizzy, he’s not sure whether to breathe deeply or try once more to bring you back to earth. He sighs.)
“Are you quite well, Father? Now, doesn’t this bid to save our neighbors, like every other effort of the kind, betray an excess of zeal? It’s a sin of pride, perhaps? A want of humility? I would have done better to open my eyes to myself, I should have been more circumspect.” You have an answer for everything, vigilant Teresa. Fortunate confessors!
“Very good, carry on with your prayers and penances.”
Did Cetina get you to study the
For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying Peace, peace; when there is no peace.
Teresa is agitated, sure, she’s into splitting hairs, that’s clear; at the moment, however, the excesses of body and soul are far from being the chief cause of her unhappiness. In 1547, the chapter of the Cathedral of Toledo, soon followed by other powerful authorities, had decreed the
Among the Illuminati or
The first of these masters was Juan de Ávila, the “Apostle of Andalusia,” born, like Teresa, to a converso father and an Old Christian mother, and the author of a book about and for women,
The Inquisition also prosecuted the Franciscan friar Pedro de Alcántara, because that holy man took it for granted that God could reveal himself to the weaker sex. He had gone as far as teaching that Heaven was for the poor and the rich could never be saved; he called the victims of the Inquisition “martyrs” and disapproved of the term “dogs” to describe converts from Judaism or Islam. Dangerous, again.
Bernardino de Laredo was also a Franciscan, and a personal physician to João III of Portugal. Although he had no scholastic training he went further than his master Osuna in the
On second thoughts, better not. The chief inquisitor, Fernando de Valdés,5 and his right-hand man, the Dominican Melchor Cano,6 were on the warpath. In 1551 they drew up an Index of Prohibited Books, revising it in 1554, ahead of the
Teresa’s new friends the Jesuits were also targeted, due to their links with Rheno-Flemish mysticism. It was whispered that “they” had attempted to arrest the archbishop of Toledo himself, Bartolomé de Carranza, an ally of the Jesuits and a friend to the champion of inspired faith, Juan de Valdés, who had died in 1541.8 These controversies were a great topic of conversation among the best of the Carmelites, and Teresa drank in knowledge, steeped herself in it, constructed herself with it. A new Bible had been circulating since 1522, published by the recently founded University of Alcalá, which had retranslated the Old Testament from the Hebrew and the New Testament from the Greek, after Chief Inquisitor Cisneros had embraced the humanist point of view.9 As a matter of fact, Friar Luis de León — your posthumous editor, my audacious Teresa — went further still. He stood up for Arias Montano, the scholar protected by Philip II who directed the literal translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Latin, and an interlinear Latin translation of the New Testament from the Greek.10 One thousand two hundred copies (far more than those issued by Alcalá) of the eight-volume Bible rolled off the Antwerp presses of the king’s typographer, Christophe Plantin, in 1573.11 Luis de León had the gall to maintain that the Vulgate and the Septuagint texts were not always faithful to the original Hebrew; he translated the Song of Songs into Castilian and was jailed for four years. “They” were well aware, besides, that the future philosopher-poet was of Jewish ancestry: his great-great-great grandmother on his father’s side, Elvira, was a conversa. Undaunted, on his release, he wrote
You, too, would be in “their” sights. An early charge of Illuminism was refuted by your confessor, the Dominican Pedro Ibáñez, in 1560. Posthumously, the scourge of the
How were you supposed to handle all this, as the ignorant woman you pretended to be — which of course you were, but one endowed with high intelligence and a sense of history? Fierce arguments opposed grammarians and humanists to some (but not all) theologians: the Jesuit Mariana advocated a return to the literal meaning of the Bible, directly based on the Hebrew, while a number of Thomist Dominicans appointed themselves the guardians of dogma.
You would hardly have been eager to draw down on your head the lightning bolts of any sort of “trial,” in view of your family history. Undoubtedly passionate, you were also shrewd. You cited the innovators with diffident humility; when the innovation was yours, you presented it bravely or diplomatically, depending on the circumstances. The Council of Trent, launched in 1545, was still in full swing, and its lengthy debates would give rise to new ways of confronting heresy, Protestant or any other kind. Since the Church was a
Meanwhile, there’s good reason to fear lest the spiritual favors you report be seen as demonic temptations, or heresy, or insanity…How reassuring to have a trustworthy confidant in Diego de Cetina, a man who understands you, and knows his Juan de Ávila as thoroughly as his Francisco de Osuna!
“Father, I have been released from my captivity on earth.” Teresa wants to shout it out, but warnings have been “raining down on her” in these troubled times; she’d rather be reasonable.
“That is not the humblest of sentiments, Sister, as they must have told you already.”
“I only wish to explain myself to those I love! Truly, the transport lifts me up, as the clouds or the sun draw up the vapors of a stone.”
Diego de Cetina is doubtful, he doesn’t trust your double spirals. Evidently this Carmelite is no hoaxer, though Lord knows there are enough of those in these dark times, especially in women’s convents. Is she like the
“I would advise you to concentrate on the Passion of Christ, preferably on a single aspect, without haste. Follow
“I am willing to do everything you say, Father. But it’s stronger than I am. ‘The more I strove to distract myself, the more the Lord enveloped me in that sweetness and glory, which seemed to surround me so completely that there was no place to escape.’”12
“Resist, Sister, resist. Willpower too comes from God, and He has given you a great deal of it. Stand fast against these mystical graces, humility must be preserved.”
Even this young, modern priest, a member of Loyola’s Society of Jesus, even he tries to hold her back. He’s not wrong, certainly, and Teresa vows to do her best.
She abandons prayer for a year, with the sole result of “putting myself right in hell.”13 “In sum, she is a woman; and not a good but a wretched one” (En fin, mujer y no buena, sino ruin).14
She tells him so, because she thinks it’s true, and because she thinks he thinks so, too. Teresa thinks that more women than men are blessed by grace. She has noticed this independently, and Pedro de Alcántara will confirm it to her: women do progress more rapidly along the spiritual path.15 A holy man who mortifies his body to the point of death, Alcántara is so knowledgeable about the female soul that he reckons it preferable for a woman to marry again, below her social rank if necessary, than for her to take the veil without a genuine vocation to serve God. There are excellent reasons for this, according to Alcántara, and also according to Teresa, who is not as erudite as the Franciscan but feels it in her heart.16 Let it go for now; all will be addressed in good time.
Five years have gone by since that memorable, and incontestably genital, communion with Jesus, when standing in front of a carved effigy of the Suffering Man and sobbing harder than the Magdalene, Teresa knew that “the Lord was certainly present there within me” (como sabía estaba allí cierto el Señor dentro de mí).17
On June 29, 1559, a quite different vision comes to her: more disturbing, more incisive, more decisive in fact, given the absence of any form of pictorial, sculptural, or textual support. She
I saw that
Later, Pedro de Alcántara assures her that this kind of vision is “among the most sublime.”
For if I say that I see it
“Without being seen, [this vision] is impressed with such clear knowledge that I don’t think it can be doubted.” It is not so much “visible” as “impressed,” that is, already inscribed, carved, sculpted, and she also compares the Holy Presence to effortless sustenance: “as though the food were already placed in the stomach without our eating it or knowing how it got there.”
What’s more, it is as though she was pregnant with a child that is her own internal composition, that has no need to enter from outside, and that is “there,” regardless of her awareness of or desire for it. An unconscious creation? “It is clearly known to be there, although we don’t know what food it is or who put it there. But in this case I do know,
Whenever she tears herself away from her inner being in order to envisage an external agent of love, it is aurally — as for the Mary of the Visitation — that the nourishing inscription enters in.
God makes the intellect become aware — even though it may not wish to do so — and understand
Like a book, engraved and heard by the soul — that other inside her — thanks to Him? The book has still to be written.
There ensues a series of repetitions of that experience, with precise physical and spiritual variations that merely assure the Carmelite of her visual, tactile, aural, and gustatory interpenetration with the Beloved’s presence. The hands of the Lord appear to her, then His “divine face,”22 then the lovely whiteness of the whole person. Will she be ravished by this, or fall to fear and trembling? On June 29, the feast of Saint Paul, “this most sacred humanity in its risen form was represented to me completely, as it is in paintings, with such wonderful beauty and majesty.”23 Teresa is exultant:
If I should have spent many years trying to imagine how to depict something so beautiful, I couldn’t have, nor would I have known how to;
A resplendent whiteness, a vision without form, Jesus has impressed himself indelibly on her; the Spouse has become her embodied phantasm, on the way to becoming…her double.
Conscious of this absolute identification with the object of her worship, the praying woman at the peak of her mystical experience described herself as “transformed into God”; the censors — whose job it was to protect her from her own heretical leanings and so assure the publication of her testimony with the imprimatur of the Church — struck out this phrase and replaced it with “united in God.” The attentive reader will gather, however, that, more than a “union” between two distinct beings, Teresa’s raptures enact a veritable assimilation of the divine into the praying woman.25 Needless to say, she never enters the castle without being impelled to do so by the Other: “I understand this union to be the wine cellar where the Lord wishes to place us when He desires and as He desires. But however great the effort we make to do so, we cannot enter. His Majesty must place us there and enter Himself into the center of our soul.”26 And yet, since “there is no closed door”27 between the Fifth and Sixth Dwelling Places, the soul at last reaches its “center” where “the main dwelling place” is found,28 and becomes “one with God” (
Teresa sometimes implied, misleadingly, that she had cut down on paroxystic prayer; on the contrary, it remained essential for the molding of La Madre’s position with respect to her faith. What did change over time and with the benefit of maturity was that her undeniable Illuminism, continually revisited, questioned, and imparted by her writing, ceased to be a source of confusion and distress and evolved into the fantastical support of a matchless entrepreneurial realism, the impulse that led her to found a string of reformed Carmelite religious houses.
The most extreme consequence of the identification underway — of the beloved turning into her Beloved — will be that “in the enjoyment of that divine presence
Although her raptures made Teresa one of the elect, La Madre was anxious to disclaim any of the “pride” that lesser souls might feel to possess such a gift. She only felt the indignity of it, especially when her confessors hinted at that aspect. As time went by, penitence changed into a delightful restoration of triumphant pride; manic emotionality was calmed by the omnipotence of the Resurrected Lord, if not by the authority of a spiritual Father; in the last instance she bowed, serenely, to therapeutic necessity. And so she received that plenitude as a “truth,” her truth, and advanced two reasons for the “certainty” she felt.
First, the Jesus who surrounds her and delights her is no longer a “comparison” but a “living image,” because He radiates the majesty of the risen Lord, which faith dictates to the believer and which dissolves her being:
I don’t say this example is a
And then, since it is to Him that she owes her
Within this majesty I was given knowledge of a truth that is the fulfillment of all truths. I don’t know how to explain this because
Strangely but logically, Teresa perceives this truth as an inscription etched into her physical and psychic being, like an “indescribable” trace that remains to be translated, uttered, retranscribed ad infinitum. Far from “dissolving” her, indeed, the Truth that invades her by virtue of Love for the Other invites her to make It known, by setting down
Is there any point in hiding, then? Not really.
It is no good inflating our conceptions beyond imaginable space; we only bring forth atoms compared to the reality of things. Nature is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere. In short it is the greatest perceptible mark of God’s omnipotence that our imagination should lose itself in that thought.
When Teresa’s Dominican confessor, García de Toledo, asked her in 1565 to complete the second draft of the
I ask you to correct it and have it transcribed if it is to be brought to Padre Maestro Ávila, for it could happen that someone might recognize my handwriting. I urgently desire that he be asked for his opinion about it, since this was my intention in beginning to write. If it seems to him I am walking on a good path, I shall be very consoled;
Later, she wrote: “For if they [women] do what lies in their power [
This concern to be faithful to “what is in her power” or, more literally, to “what is within,” evolved with maturity into the “center of our soul,” an immutable “certainty,” a “peace” that persists through “war, trial, and fatigue.”3 At that moment, though, her fidelity was strained by fear of betrayal: “As for what I say from here on, I do not give this permission [to Toledo and other confessors]; nor do I desire, if they should show it to someone, that they tell who it is
And yet, the feeling she had of having begun a new life did nothing but grow. It dated from her re-conversion, of course, and was reinforced by the act of writing itself, which “freed” her from herself and made her a subject of the Other — in times to come, and in the time of others.
I now want to return to where I left off about my life, for I think I delayed more than I should have so that
The first draft of the
Much later, in 1574, the Grand Inquisitor Cardinal Gaspar de Quiroga opened a copy of the same book with great interest. He had received it from the princess of Eboli, who had borne a grudge against La Madre ever since her spoilt ways had gotten her expelled from the Pastrana convent. This act of revenge misfired: the “Great Angel,” as Teresa dubbed him, told Luisa de la Cerda of his admiration for the writer. Six years later, in 1580, when Teresa’s reforms were beginning to prevail and she called on Quiroga for permission to found a Carmelite community in Madrid, he confirmed his appreciation of the book. However, the manuscript was not to leave the precincts of the Holy Office until 1588, when her executors Ana de Jesús and Luis de León retrieved it for publication purposes.
However subjective, the Truth the nun sought to transmit by articulating her own small truth turned out to be highly shareable, and shared it was. Teresa was thrilled to discover that García de Toledo had actually had his own religious experience of the states she described. Pedro Ibáñez, too, the alert, faithful companion of her mystical experience as much as of her projects for reform, was to retire to a contemplative Dominican monastery. Domingo Báñez, Teresa’s confessor and director of conscience during the years of writing the memoir (1562–1568), lecturer in theology at Saint Thomas of Avila, professor at Salamanca, and consultant to the Inquisition in Valladolid, tried to impress on her that she should not confuse God’s action in her with her own action in His name, for each was “complete in its way.” Speaking as a witness for Teresa during her beatification proceedings in 1592, Báñez declared that mysticism and theology, the desire for God and the knowledge of God, albeit two distinct things, came together in her. Was the truth according to Teresa on the way to becoming
The unstinting support of the Dominicans did not prevent La Madre from expressing her gratitude to the Jesuits.
Since His Majesty desired now to enlighten me so that I might no longer offend Him and might know my great debt to Him, this fear increased in such a way that it made me diligently seek out spiritual persons to consult. I had already heard about some, because they had come to this town and were members of the Society of Jesus, of which — without knowing any of the members — I was extremely fond, only from hearing about the mode of life and prayer they followed. But I didn’t feel worthy to speak to them or strong enough to obey them, and this made me more fearful; it would have been a difficult thing for me to converse with them and yet be what I was.6
And again: “I have been
In the highly competitive wasps’ nest that was religious life under the eye of the Inquisition, every support was precious; the inner book had great need of it, and so did the books to come. Teresa, with unbeatable pragmatism, made sure of surrounding herself with every “network” in sight to fend off the suspicions, calumnies, and persecutions that were a perennial feature of her life. But if these powerful shields kept her safe from the Inquisition, a more important factor was the intimate persuasion that acted like the magical spring of her pragmatism: she was convinced of having attained and incorporated the Absolute, the “
The sun is blazing hot this afternoon, my traveling companions are sated with sightseeing and running out of speculations about the terrorist attacks in London. Andrew has been reduced to leafing through Teresa’s letters (volume 2 of my French edition of her
“So Teresa only made it into odor of sanctity because she turned her neurosis around by barricading herself behind a demented exultation?” He doesn’t pull his punches.
My friend is too impatient to discern the nuances of the multihued biography I am trying to refashion, in my fashion, of my roommate, or to explore her kaleidoscopic frames of mind. Otherwise he would have seen how in the icy furnace of Teresa’s psychic life, the traps of paranoid delusions of grandeur were dismantled one by one, step by step, finding compensation elsewhere. This came about thanks, firstly, to the woman’s humility, real or feigned, revealed by her many depressive doubts and by that quickness to berate herself in which masochism vied with irony. But it was no less due to the more or less friendly harshness, the more or less harsh friendship, of her spiritual guides. Lastly and above all, it was due to writing, her indefatigable lookout by night and by day; the writing she did not neglect from the 1560s onward, with or without the input of ecstasy. Thus contained behind a triple security barrier, her raptures restored her to health and the pleasures of hard work. The Carmelite mystic was reborn as a businesswoman.
“Andrew, listen to me.” I’m groping for clincher arguments to awaken my wayward American to the benefits of heeding a long-dead Catholic saint; no easy task, in all the rawness of that fundamentalist outrage in London. “Look, Teresa knows that this ‘living water’ she’s submerged in, to drowning point, and I’m talking about depression inverted into stimulation by way of comatose states and epileptic auras — so, this living water is called
“‘However great the abundance of this water He gives, there cannot be too much in anything of His. If He gives a great deal, He gives the soul, as I said, the capacity to drink much; like a
While “mortal life” makes her breathless with desire and this asphyxia horrifies our nun, the desire to possess the ideal Father comes to her rescue once again, giving her another enjoyment to savor. This one, unlike desire, is not deadly, for sensual plenitude is here relieved by being ideally transferred onto the amorous ideality of Man. Some (in Lacan’s line, as we’ve seen) think today that this “other
Andrew looks skeptical — just to annoy me, I guess. I give up, and resume the discussion with Teresa: It’s easy, she exists but doesn’t answer. Like God. “Like my father,” said Paul, my favorite patient.
By contrast with the average suicide bomber, you believe, Teresa, that the celestial glassmaker formed you as a vessel whose size is commensurate with what He wishes to pour into it. Loving as He is, and albeit flattered by your penances and mortifications, He will not summon you to die, let alone to blow yourself up. Your mating is thus so divinely tuned that the water He provides will never be too much, even though you sometimes drink an awful lot of it, don’t you, Teresa! The female “vessel,” mouth agape, hollow-bodied, is begging to be filled, for your desires are still childishly, archaically oral, I’ve told you before. Your arousal calls for food, nourishment without end. Alternating bitter grief with sweetness, you are “so indiscreet” as to castigate yourself relentlessly, my black-browed Teresa, you can never have enough, your voracity (or frigidity?) is unassailable, you were made for dying of desire. And would that be a blessed death, or a stratagem of the devil? Good question, and one that your various mortifications, succumbing to the same demonic impetus as your pleasures of the mouth, are not about to answer!
You are no longer fighting anorexia but its flip side, the secret, untold cause of many anorexic or bulimic behaviors: the “desire that kills,” unquenchable thirst, the avidity you feel as an empty female vessel. In this battle you are your own best doctor, a complicated one you’ll admit, downright dangerous at times, but as effective as most other medics. When you were writing that chapter 19 of the
Not at all. You have come to a different answer, which I imagine you trying out on Francisco de Borja in an effort, no doubt successful, to convince him. He sums it up.
“In short, you are seized, like Paul, by a strong desire to live a bodily life while at the same time longing to be delivered of the prison of the body in order to be united with God.” This former grandee of Spain, duke of Gandía and marquis of Lombay, titles he has renounced by joining the Jesuits, could never be called unschooled. He quotes from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians, which he knows by heart: “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful…”10 Borja is a man of the world. He does not preach, so much as rely on the easy charms of conversation.
“And the pain of it can be so dreadful that it almost takes away one’s reason, Father.” You enter into the game at once, introducing a little story, novelistic Teresa. “Not long ago, I saw a person in this affliction. She was in such great pain, and made such an effort to conceal it, that she was deranged for a while. Yes, quite delirious.” Your diagnosis is correct, Teresa; you fear for your own reason.
The Jesuit grandee smiles in silence, glad to note that the authorization he gave you to continue in the practice of prayer was not taken lightly: you keep a scrupulous eye on your own progress. But he never expected you to outwit him at the game of casuistry.
“For my part I don’t believe it is a matter of cutting off desire, only of moderating it.” What a finely poised performance as a moralist, prefiguring those of the eighteenth century, my mutant Teresa! “That’s right, it’s good to create diversions, and I do mean diversions: to divert desire. To transmute it, if you like, by the power of thought (
For three years, from 1555 to 1558, you borrowed your friend Guiomar de Ulloa’s confessor, Fr. Juan de Prádanos. Your soul, you wrote later, was not strong but very fragile, “especially with regard to giving up some friendships I had. Although I was not offending God by them, I was very attached.” To Prádanos, as to the friends he was warning you from, you were “very attached, and it seemed to me it would be ingratitude to abandon them.” How well I understand you! Prádanos was not so distant from your substantial states and words, he did not forbid anything, he simply abandoned you to…God. Were you expecting it? Between these two father figures, human and divine, came “the first time the Lord granted me this favor of rapture.” The long-awaited moment of “mystical nuptials” has arrived, it is Pentecost 1556, you are forty-one years of age. “I heard these words: ‘No longer do I want you to converse with men but with angels.’”12 Here is a grace that will reliably protect you from that manly Fr. Prádanos, not yet thirty…but never from his angelic side! Still, that is nothing to guard against, since the Lord Himself enjoins you to converse with his like. Honest as a person and sincere as a writer, you say so fair and square: “These words have been fulfilled, for I have never again been able to tie myself to any friendship or to find consolation in or bear particular love for any other persons than those I understand love Him and strive to serve Him; nor is it in my power to do so.”13 Fortunate Prádanos!
Young Fr. Baltasar Álvarez, also a Jesuit, stepped in to help you draw up the constitution and rules for discalced nuns. From 1562 to 1565, he was your confidant in Avila before being appointed rector at Medina del Campo. “I had a confessor who mortified me very much and was sometimes an affliction and great trial to me because he disturbed me exceedingly, and he was the one who profited me the most as far as I can tell”;14 “I knew that they told him to be careful of me, and that he shouldn’t let the devil deceive him by anything I told him.”15 But shouldn’t so solemn a
What you invented, Teresa, my love, was neither censure nor sublimation, but a transfiguration of desire and its mutation into
Today, listening to your nun stories, Borja holds his peace. Silence is as much part of the father’s role as of the analyst’s.
“Do you remember the hermit that Cassian speaks of?” (You like to impress the good fathers, my strategical Teresa, and that includes Borja. I can see why: they love it!) “The one who threw himself into a well, in order to see God sooner.” Like a suicide bomber in Baghdad, Tel Aviv, or London? Or like one of the “consumed” whom Colette dwelt upon, those men and women who are even more numerous today, junkies of desire unto death by way of hard sex? “Well, if that hermit’s desire had been faithful to God, he would not have put himself forward like that. For everything that comes from God is discreet and measured, I mean, luminous. Therefore we must be on our guard, always on the lookout! And we must curtail the time of prayer, no matter how enjoyable we find it. For otherwise our bodily strength will falter and our head will start to throb, trust me. I’m sure that moderation is necessary in all things, Father. And I dare to hope Your Honor will pardon me for thus advancing my humble opinion.”
A father, still more a father of the Church, cannot but approve of such sensible opinions, Teresa. Which neither add nor detract, of course, from your intimate conviction of harboring the Lord at the center of your castle — like a precious jewel, you say later.22 Your written ecstasy is a syncope that soothes you so as to link you to everybody, for “the Lord invites all [
Borja knows that you reprise Matthew (“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden” [11:28]) in your own way. The divine feast you enjoy is obviously not intended for you alone: “If the invitation were not a general one, the Lord wouldn’t have called us all.”24 Indeed, the more inclusive the invitation, the greater your
“You of all people should understand, Andrew, as someone who’s only interested in politics in order to get out of it! Teresa’s grandiose perversion, her
But it seems to me that love is like an arrow sent forth by the will.
We are in 1560, and Teresa, despite being taken out of herself in raptures and overwhelmed by the love of the Lord, is not at peace: she frets about whether she is truly fulfilling her vocation. The Convent of the Incarnation seems awfully big, despite its cramped conditions, and far too agreeable: the Mitigated Rule, that governs the Carmelite order following the papal bull of 1247, is downright lax. And yet some find the regime too frugal: meat no more than three times a week, a single meal on other days, fasting during Lent and Advent — to hear them complain, you’d think it was draconian. But why? Can this really be called a life of abstinence, abstention, and poverty? What about the day trips, and the callers, and the semi-authorized socializing? Only the ordeal of Calvary is worthy of God, and by that standard, there’s certainly nothing Christly about the Incarnation! Why was the Primitive Rule ever relaxed? Are they so wrong, the men and women who practice a more austere and demanding spiritual code, abroad and in Spain too, and call for an end to the laxity of this modern, rather too modern, Catholicism? Laxity, who said laxity? The sisters are all for it. Here’s one now, returning from the parlor, her mouth full of cake — yes, didn’t you know, there are splendid refreshments to be enjoyed at the Carmelites’ place, along with good talk!
“Beware the vice of gluttony, Sister!” Teresa rebukes her with a smile, not sure of being immune to that temptation herself.
“Small fry compared with your outings, Sister,” comes the swift retort. (These nuns can be nasty. Ill feeling reigns until nightfall, when there is singing and dancing after dinner between prayers. Even then, some persist in resentment against the Ahumada woman, who thinks she’s a saint.) “Everyone knows that certain high-ranking persons, whose requests and alms no mother superior can refuse, apply to have you stay with them? Tee-hee…”
“I only go when I am ordered to do so.”
“Oh, of course, but go you do. You go all steeped in God, they say, unless the devil’s hand is in it!”
Teresa swallows back her anger. The girl is cheeky, but not completely wrong. Ahumada has an intimate circle of her own: her cousins Ana and Inés de Tapia, for example, and, at the moment, the young widow, daughter of a first cousin, who has become a lay sister and faithful companion, María de Ocampo. All these women admire her, and love to hear her tell the lives of the saints; sometimes she confides her own torments and the parts played in them by God and the devil.
Last night, for instance, Teresa had a vision she plans to share with her friends. They will surely understand, for the Lord often sends such terrifying images to women in particular, so as to deflect them from the temptations that are legion even here, in this mitigated convent where outings are allowed.
“I saw before my eyes, before falling asleep — and so it was not a dream, but truly a vision, of those that God grants not to our eyes but to the visceral depths of the soul — I saw, Sisters, the frightful punishment of some vices (
“A vision of Hell!” exclaims María de Ocampo.
“No, María, for the Hell to which one may be conveyed by means of prayer, as I have been, is impossible to describe: nothing but excruciating agony and nothing to see. But in this vision of the vices, the images seemed even more frightening than the tortures of Hell. I saw the pincers the demons use upon the damned, and other Dantesque horrors. There are plenty of descriptions in our good books, I have often read them to you, and altarpieces have been painted on the subject. Is it not strange, Sisters, that I experienced neither fear nor pain at the sight of such torments? Is it because those vices and their punishments did not concern me? But I felt a great revulsion, as I used to when I was a novice. Ah, Satan is a wondrous painter, my dears, he plays his tricks and sets his traps in the imagination, and we know that he does so the more with women.2 Everything can be harmful to those as weak as we women are.”3
“But Teresa, you have no cause to undergo the pain of such punishments. There are many here who would deserve them more! God forgive me for presuming to give Him ideas! After all, the Mitigated Rule itself ushers us into the path of temptation.” Like many young widows, María de Ocampo struggles against depravity with an almost excessively high moral sense.
“We can’t be angels down here, María. On the contrary, we have a body.”4 Does Teresa want to appear less intransigent toward human vices than her cousin?
“I’m very scared of the devil!” says Ana de Tapia, who is apt to be hard on herself. And yet she goes out less than many other young nuns, and her daydreams can hardly be very salacious.
“Are you, indeed! I fear a discontented nun more than many devils.”5 She hasn’t the heart to chide her companions; she would always rather make them laugh.
But today, she is not in the mood for pleasantries. The jibes from the greedy sister, plus this conversation about vice and temptation, have plunged her back into the unspeakable Hell that God was good enough to let her glimpse, in order to set her free. She was not there for long, just long enough to understand that the Spouse wanted to show her the inconceivable place the devils had prepared for her, the fate she had earned by her sins.
Hell has no images because it is without space. That’s what Hell is, first and foremost: no space, no location, no extension. You yourself hardly exist, either. You are present, fully inhabiting time, but deprived of space. Can one conceive of a place without space?
That impossibility is called Hell. A kind of unthinkable, nameless hollow, scooped out of a filthy wall. Only Christ has known this, as the psalmist foretold long before, and Theresa can’t but follow her Spouse: “He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made” (Ps. 7:15). Not for the first time, however, the Bride outdoes the Groom. In her vision, there is no measure at all; Teresa’s Hell is pure constriction.
If seeing were possible in this nonexistent space, Teresa would have seen nothing but ghastly walls crushing her under their weight. In the absence of all light, she senses or feels what would have appalled her sight. A long, narrow alleyway enclosing her on every side, its floor muddy and foul smelling, swarming with putrid vermin; this pipe is a sewer. At the end of the stinking bowel, a cupboard in which the Carmelite finds herself confined. No reality can give the least notion of what she endures, her soul consumed in a furnace, while a thousand miseries harrow her cramped body.
Hell. It cannot be compared to the agonies Teresa has already been through, racked by nervous crises whose ferocity every doctor had recognized, nor to the torments visited on her by her demons.
Devoid of space and representation, is this journey to the underworld, this Sheol, a tearing apart? On one side anguish, oppression, the flesh stabbed through and through; on the other boundless desolation and despair, a terrible grief, impossible to convey. That your soul is being torn out of you would be an understatement; it splits of its own accord, while somebody else takes your life away. Thus cut in two, the writhing spirit converges with the body’s frightful pain. Suffocated, cramped, damned, she is on fire, dislocated into pieces. Long alleys, pitch darkness, an entrance like the smoking mouth of an oven, a foul and slimy cul-de-sac, a crawling heap of maggots. Oh, my distraught Teresa, at the far side of night.
Did you dream your own birth? Does this body and this soul, squeezed almost to death, reenact the irrevocable expulsion from the womb, that one-time haven turned foul cloaca? “I found it impossible either to sit down or to lie down, nor was there any room,” “unable to hope for any consolation.”
Or is this perhaps a disgusted perception of your own body, a fetid prison from which you are “unable to hope for any pleasure,” from which the only thing to do is escape, fleeing away from yourself into the Paradise of the ideal Father?
Or again, perhaps this infernal vision dramatizes the painful coming-to after a comitial cataclysm, recalled only as experiences of asphyxiation, discharge of stinking matter, glutinous sphincters, feverish larval teemings? It could well be the aftermath of exhaustion, prostration, the memory of desperate gagging that is no longer a torrent of woeful tears, but rather the epileptic strangulation of “a fire in the soul that I don’t know how to describe…I don’t know how to give a sufficiently powerful description of that interior fire and that despair.”6
This truth branded on your whole being, my martyred Teresa, cannot be laid at Satan’s door. Paul Claudel trembles with you when you are reduced to being a worm in this Hell; for all his precious rhetoric, he is one of your secret admirers.7 Between tapeworm and turd, neither male nor female, neither beast nor monster, a paltry, stubborn abjection, you are ground down to the degree zero of life in this spaceless Gehenna: merely a lump of horribly compacted flesh. So terrible a trial could only have been imposed on you by God, in order to make you see with the eyes of your whole body the hideous abode from which His mercy will, without a doubt, deliver you. Isn’t this a sovereign gift, the ultimate sign of His concern for you?
But perhaps you
Not you. You deserve more, you deserve better: you are worthy of a far worse punishment than any God reserves for ordinary reprobates. You merit nothing less than the Truth of Hell, in its total, crushing, absolute version. Because God loves you more, He cares more about your fate than about that of common sinners, and so He strikes fear into you with a condensed season in His worst Hell. Conclusion: He loves you the best!
By one of those blessed reversals you are so deft with, you, the unworthiest of all, deem yourself to be the favorite; you are the most tested and rejected, because the most cherished. It’s a maneuver of genius, my unsinkable Teresa, informed by the impregnable logic of the Catholicism that precedes and sustains you, anchored in the extravagant belief that the Other exists, whose name is Love. Whatever else may happen. But a love that is inseparable from the twin that fuels it: suffering. Or perhaps this twin is hate?
The little group around Teresa continues their discussion. At some point the sisters notice that Ahumada is abstracted: engaged in prayer or meditation, who can tell? That’s how she is — a holy woman, whatever her detractors say. They respect and love her. She’ll come back to earth when she’s ready.
“And what if we became discalced?” says María de Ocampo suddenly. “Like Saint Francis, or the Poor Clares? They had no truck with the worldly pleasures we Carmelites indulge in.” She seems agitated by the very idea, unless it is the thought of the infernal compressor that’s upsetting her.
The others are surprised and a little disconcerted. What does Teresa think? A silence falls. A silence from Hell. Does it cause her to waft up from the abyss or to descend from glorious summits? Immortalized by Velázquez, or perhaps by a pupil of his, her holy gaze is lifted upward, the better to plumb her own depths. A double interiority. The small company holds its breath.
“What do you mean, María?” Ahumada does not immediately grasp the scope of the proposal, but it does not surprise her: in it she hears an echo of her own wish.
“We could set up a new convent! With stricter rules!” María bursts out.
Dreamy Teresa can be briskly efficient when required. No more thoughts of Hell! No time to waste.
“The first thing to do is find a source of income for the future convent!”
Is this project unfeasible? Ahumada is too pragmatic not to think so at first. Then, one day after Communion, our Lord chips in, ordering her to pour all her energies into getting the initiative off the ground.
A foundress is born.
Andrew has quit teasing me. Oh, I know he’s a long way from coming around to Teresa’s virtues, and his sardonic asides will always be the best way of proving he exists while loving me. But he’s now prepared to continue the trip — a change of plan on his part.
“So we just follow the trail of your saint’s foundations, okay? We start with Saint Joseph of Avila. What’s next, remind me, Medina del Campo? Malagón? Valladolid? Toledo? Pastrana? Salamanca? And then Granada? I’ll drive, Juan can twiddle the radio. What’s the latest on the human bombs?”
I never know whether he’s kidding or writing a novel. Will it be my novel this time? Will it be Teresa’s? Anything can happen. Personally, I always travel best in the company of books.
We’re off!
What is necessary is a different approach, the approach of a lord when in time of war his land is overrun with enemies.
The purpose of this spiritual marriage: the birth always of good works, good works [de que nazcan siempre obras, obras].
Now the tide’s breath gusts over the island, there’s a confetti of rose and wisteria petals whirling toward the waters of the Fier, the birds have vanished, and I am looking out from my veranda, which defies the winds as stoutly as the Baleines lighthouse. Here on the Île de Ré, the late August storms tear through the nonchalance of summer, and none too soon. I’m used to them. Is it because my roommate never leaves me for a second? I tend increasingly to the view that repose is not a thing of this world, and everything else is a lie.
I buy magazines to read on the beach, I listen to the radio, I watch TV. All sorts of dramatic events are happening. Nothing is happening. The culture pages pretend to get worked up about the imminent literary season. The new pope reassures the synagogue (somewhat), and tries to rationalize (elementary) faith, or vice versa, while the president of all the French jets off to foist our national compassion on someplace in the Hexagon or in the world: one deed of republican charity is worth two pledges on paper. Tide for tide, the surge powered by the media is lapping these days around the feet of the sacred — or of its absence. That’s my opinion, anyway. I won’t mention it to Andrew (who sends me cryptic, i.e., besotted, daily e-mails), or to Marianne — who since her return from Cuenca has been studying Hebrew and Freud, and is planning to go into analysis in September. Happy news! I can guess what they’re both thinking, differently and spontaneously: Oh, just another of Sylvia’s obsessions, an optical illusion created by the saint’s works, in league with the bad weather that’s keeping her on her island. No two ways about it. Unless…
This fall’s literary season, with apologies to my publisher Mr. Zonabend, I mean Bruno, is pure marketing, considerably more so than usual, in fact. I’m not one of those who bemoan the extinction of Literature with a capital L, plaintive aesthetes left high and dry by the tsunami of the spectacle. I’ve sweated long enough in the august precincts of Jussieu and Columbia, and then over my Duras book, to know that literature has got to roll with the breakers. The smart wave to which I made my own modest contribution has ebbed. Adieu well-wrought language, high-flown style, writerliness, textuality! Too hard and too slow. Now that form is dead, courtesy of TV, long live the platform! A few fastidious mourners for the world of belles-lettres bleat on about the philistinism of the “society of the spectacle,” but they don’t mind raking in the profits. Nobody has yet read the novel already labeled the best seller of the
As a matter of fact, everyone will get hauled over the coals around this probable Prix Goncourt and the scandal it’s bound to create. Destroy, he said, she said, with a jaundiced laugh; some laughter is just a dressing over the inability to have a good time. And a way of stirring up the sex wars that in turn drive many a righteous female memoir of rape and abuse — poor little girls who loved it, really.
In the past, the masses wanted fascism. No longer. Today, in our leaderless civilization, the masses only aspire to a dismal smirking. What masses, anyway? The survivors of the class struggle have adopted the mores of the petty bourgeoisie. The petty bourgeois have traded their cultural pretensions for the artificial paradises of instant gratification. The spectacle numbs and revolts us, and yet the exploits of technology have captivated our dreams, and some of the brightest brains are researching the regeneration of this tawdry species to the point, perhaps, of immortality. So it doesn’t take much for the most apocalyptic of despairing scribblers to push us over the edge, doped by a chain of promoters with scores to settle and profits to make — we laugh fit to bust, we buy the product. Jaded, depressed, without a future, sulky as spoiled kids full of rancid grudges and aimless lusts, we wallow smugly in the consumption of bitter disenchantments and mirth without catharsis. I understand you, clones of toxic nihilism that you are: you relish the ultimate pleasure of lording it over manipulated spectators of whom you’re one, as am I, with only the forlorn hope of getting the hell out, clutching your loot, sooner than put an end to it all.
And yet your Hell is just a cry to Heaven, which must exist someplace not far away, otherwise the earth would not be round. Sure enough, while I glance through the splutterings of the so-called literary press, the pageantry of World Youth Day in Cologne is being broadcast on TV. A dazzling multilingual show of flawless intellectual mastery over the need to believe! Baby Jesus at the wheel and holy wafers on arrival, in a choreography of chaste young bodies, beatific smiles, and the jazzy lilt of postmodern hymns. The Vatican could not have achieved a more universal triumph.
On another channel, Jewish settlers wearing yellow stars brandish babes in arms, as if that would stop the Israeli army evicting them from their moshavs in the Gaza Strip. Muslim guerrilla groups, meanwhile, divided into pro- and antisuicide tactics, are at each other’s throats, and it ends up in slaughter either way. Next there will be footage of car bombs in Baghdad, Hamas shooting up Fatah and vice versa, Hezbollah wreaking havoc in Lebanon…one humanitarian disaster after another.
Who said there were no more masters at the helm, no great mentors anymore?
There is one: Jesus Christ Our Lord, relayed by his deputy on earth. Humanity needs a Lord who loves it, and needs still more a Child-Lord, a Loving Child-Lord. This crying need had to be discovered, had to come forth, and now it has. It doesn’t have to be satisfied. It is enough to manifest it, to make it apparent, to voice it. Be content to receive the message: fulfillment will follow in and through the mere hope of fulfillment. Waiting for God may be like waiting for Godot, yet this festive imagery of tambourines and trumpets is a world away from parsimonious Protestant patience, Beckett style. The need for love is a need for unbridled communication, and communication is a rich promise of love: Catholicism has never revealed the secret of its message better than in these popular fêtes punctuating our planetary age. These adolescents in quest of love — which is to say, every single one of us in the four corners of the world — have yielded to the one true religion, the faith that has come to dominate all others (which are green with envy!) and outlived the ideologies (which succumbed to terminal totalitarianism, and good riddance): the religion of Love.
I gaze at the trusting, well-behaved, well-policed crowds. The mystery of love subjugates all these young people, and smoothes its balm through the screen onto the hurts and desires of the world’s viewers, who were all Catholics for a day — remember? — when John Paul II was buried. The essence of communication, especially when it adopts the guise of a spectacle, is Catholic: childish, affectionate, clinging to the Father and prepared to suffer unto death, to destroy itself, the better to resume the search magnetized by the promise of a possible Good, for later or for never. Irrespective of the decline in vocations and the emptying churches, this promise of and patience for love is all that survives in these dark times, transmitted by the evidently “catholic” magic of Christianity, to the whole of a humanity that has lost its way and needs to believe.
I’m not denying that the citizens of the consumer society are slower to sacrifice themselves for their fellow man — whether out of love for the latter or for the Lord — than the saints and martyrs of old. Or that the pleasure — pain tandem that once underpinned both self-mortification and the spirit of charitable giving has noisily decamped into SM clubs and backrooms. Is the love imperative that communicants and spectators seek here compatible with the work upon oneself, and for the democracy of proximate community, which Christian morality demands, or demanded? We may well wonder. The Holy Father, himself an exacting theologian, is sufficiently preoccupied by the question to impress on his splendid, young, festive listeners that the time has come to “give yourselves.” It was the right moment. Is it still?
The chortling nihilist and the incestuously abused seductress of the new literary season are not beyond rescue; they could still be fished out by that universal net. A believer in Evil is simply an orphan of Good. This hardly prevents such a one from devoting himself or herself, body and soul, to personal advancement. Fine. But when they are the first to say so, while delivering themselves into the jaws of the spectacle, are they not aching for a word from the loving Father? As graceless depressives, or tireless officiators at the altar of one-night stands, such artists could well be Catholics in waiting. They receive indulgence even before they get the Prix Goncourt.
The most pathetic need of all, the most impossible to satisfy, the need to believe is unlike other needs in that it links biological survival to the pleasure of making meaning. It became entwined, two thousand years ago, with the love of an ideal Father inseparable from a Virgin Mother; this is a dogma that contains plenty of involuntary wisdom, nuggets of which come across in the stories my patients tell me. I would go so far as to contend that human beings owe many achievements to this need to believe, and particularly to the Christian and post-Christian versions of that amorous, fretful logic: infinitesimal calculus, Picasso, Joyce, Cantor, the hydrogen bomb, and the space shuttle, to pick a few at random. Provided we tear ourselves away from it with infinite subtlety, because if it is done too abruptly, blunders ensue, and then Terror — we have seen it often enough.
I don’t think I ever underestimated the presumptuousness of my loving desire to understand Teresa of Avila. Faced with the spectacle of devotion this late-August storm has forced me to watch, cloistered indoors before the TV, the enormity of my absurd ambition comes home to me more forcefully than ever. In the world that’s hardening into shape today — on one side, this youthful embrace of faith, whose most peaceful, most triumphal, most irritating (after reconsideration of its long history) manifestation is doubtless the Catholic faith; on the other, the shrill misery of a would-be iconoclastic culture of success — there seems little room for my “third way.”
Here are the options. One, you are an eternal adolescent mooning after love, in which case, knowingly or not, you are a believer: you need that ideal Father in whom you shall recognize another eternal adolescent, not to say the Infant Jesus himself, who a good father who knows his business will not fail to advise you to cultivate in your innermost being. That’s how it goes, faith is a dialectical spiral, and the logic of the same name lost no time in giving it an extra twist. At this point you take refuge in the bosom of the Virgin Mary, whose orthodox icon you may parade along the banks of the Rhine in order to scare Protestants, for example. You trust in the pope, a Holy Father who utters truths you had not been aware of, truths your dreams had been awaiting, all impatient, in the dark. You are saved.
Two, you know a bit more about sex. In which case Love — as preached by the churches, and, in a different key of virtual salvation, by the media — does not strike you as being the basis of everything, the cornerstone of morality, society, and progress. Your experience tells you that this pesky Love tends to break down into numberless splinters of lust and hatred. You succumb to the vertigo of being the last person standing in a vile, debased world. One hope left: to snigger all the way to the bank when your novel proves a hit. Alternatively you might heed the president’s summons, and join the club of power. Anything is possible, but whatever it is it will be televised.
No room for a third way, then? I fear not, especially when I look around me, rather than skulk in a tower immersed in the writings of a Counter-Reformation saint, a junk-shop curiosity of no interest to anyone except a handful of oddballs like me.
All the same, I’ve been following that third way myself for a while. Forty years of a woman’s life is not nothing, even if it’s not very much, counting back from Bethlehem! I’ve got no choice. Love, that is, faith, is not something I “stepped in,” as the sniggering author said, being a depressed rationalist and egregiously scatological, just to warn everybody off. But I don’t ritually bend the knee before Eros or Agape, either. With Freud I listen to them, lie them on the couch, question them. With Kafka I sidestep, estrange myself from the ranks, analyze. Does the essential remain? What remains is the movement, and the eyes open to the road, which is also open.
Since I count myself a Freudian, I’ve obviously taken seriously the question of whether we are a sect, a sort of die-hard branch of post-Judeo-Christianity. And if we are (it’s not inconceivable), are we living through one of those metamorphoses of love’s call and response that aspire to the renewal of infinite truths? Our tenets do not posit the “death of God” in the sense dear to the zealous disciples of “pleasure with no strings attached,” of self-loathing, of terror painted as revolutionary and Nothingness painted as philosophical — and I’d rather forget the stalag-cum-gulag exterminators who appointed themselves to decide which human beings were surplus to requirements. Are we carrying out, on the contrary, with our psychoanalytical way of comprehending and doing, one of those endless queryings of the divine? Or should I say, queryings of the very lucidity of love — of its elucidation?
Putting Teresa back on the agenda, Lacan thought that Catholics couldn’t be analyzed. I, Sylvia Leclercq, have the gall to contradict that wild-eyed post-Catholic post-Freudian. Backed up by my cherished research, much of which has been conducted at the MPH (for my sins!), I hereby declare that it is possible to put the mystery of the Lord Himself through the scanner, and analyze the need to believe in love.
In this cavalier adventure you are, investigative Teresa, my unwitting accomplice in lunacy.
The tempest over the Fier is abating, and through the window the bell tower of Ars stands placidly outlined against the horizon. Me and the old salt-marsh worker down there, perfecting his pyramid of crystals, we live in a Christian land. I’m not sure he either knows or cares. It doesn’t matter. Next to him, with my geraniums on the wall, I lose the sense of time. But when time catches up with me again, like an inescapable occupational hazard, I get back to the magazines and the TV, to history swinging by. That’s when there’s nothing to beat you, Teresa, my love, for keeping me connected — and completely unplugged.
Between me and You, an “it is I” disquiets me. Ah, let Your “it is I” remove my “it is I” from in between us!
To found her house of God: Teresa’s desire, irrepressible and majestic, had altered course. But what house, hers or His? The difference is a matter of voice: henceforth Teresa hears His Voice becoming hers. No longer is there a loving Spouse, the vision of whom carries her toward exile in Him body and soul, and whose presence envelops her here and now — both things simultaneously and alternately. Instead a third person intervenes, more overwhelmingly than ever: His Majesty or the Lord speaks to the foundress at crucial moments of the enterprise and buoys her up; indeed, He often dictates the plans of battle. The sight and touch of the Spouse is increasingly superseded by hearing, the most intellectual of the senses, tailored for decisiveness and action. In Teresa’s case, that is; I could name a few (in my workplace, as it happens) whose experience of hearing voices does nothing to bring them back to reality, quite the opposite — but that’s another story.
Teresa did not lack for logistics advisers. There was her confessor, the Jesuit priest Baltasar Álvarez, and the Dominican Fr. Pedro Ibáñez, and her Carmelite superiors, including Fr. Gregorio Hernández and the ecclesiastical provincial Angel de Salazar, as well as the rectors of the Society of Jesus: Dionisio Vázquez, followed by Gaspar de Salazar. There was that affectionate Franciscan and loyal accomplice, Friar Pedro de Alcántara. But over and above these it was the word of His Majesty that carried most weight with the nun, imposed itself upon her confessors and counselors, and, having become indistinguishable from the word of La Madre, held them all under His sway. This imperious Third Person — the Voice of the ideal Father converted into Teresa’s ideal superego — was a resolutely
Mind you, to be agreeable to His Majesty did not simply mean
And thus you set forth on a new stage of the journey, my attentive, my realistic Teresa.
To hear that Voice transcends listening, it is rather a new kind of enjoying: a matter of com-prehending the Voice in Itself without self. Of being agreeable (
The Voice of His Majesty speaking through her mouth is certainly categorical: “Do you know what it is to love Me truthfully? It is to understand that everything that is displeasing to me is a lie [
Not content with savoring His penetration and habitation of her, from around 1560 Teresa heard Him and made His Voice heard
One day after Communion, His Majesty earnestly commanded me to strive for this new monastery with all my powers, and He made great promises that it would be founded and that He would be highly served in it. He said it should be called
But how to get this vocal injunction, this new understanding of the nun with the divine, publicly acknowledged? After all, she could hardly inform Fr. Baltasar that what she heard was not the fancy of a poor deluded woman, but the utterance of His Majesty Himself! Teresa’s quandary was not induced by her awareness of being a woman in a man’s world, nor by her dependence upon validation by a higher authority, as feminist commentators have suggested. The Voice that dwelt within her was rooted in psychic depths way more radical than the perception of such restrictive imbalances of social power. Teresa wavered, dreading as was natural the reaction of her confessor; yet, with still greater lucidity, she also feared the “lights of reason” that the good man strove to share with her and that she was conscious of betraying by her “understanding” with the Voice. On the borderland of reason, like a chess player she assessed the risks she incurred with this business of voices, and gambled on controlling the game. A Jesuit, therefore a Tridentine, Fr. Baltasar did not contest the existence of Voices from the Beyond, but he was not about to offer a blind endorsement on the mere strength of Teresa’s word; let her discuss it with the superior of her own order! Where foundations were concerned, he advised Teresa to ask doña Guiomar to write to Rome in support of the project.
Teresa sought in vain for a confidant to whom she might expound her new way of being with His Majesty. She knew from experience that even old friends are not always trustworthy, particularly female friends. María de Ocampo was only a lay sister as yet, and even though the foundation idea was originally hers, she was merely contributing a “legitime”; it would be a further ten years before she took full Carmelite vows under the name María Bautista. And when this same cousin was appointed prioress of the Valladolid monastery, she was noticeably sympathetic to the calced persecutors of Teresa’s discalced tribe, enough said! All in all, few people can be counted on in this world.
Thanks to God, doña Guiomar de Ulloa undertook to help out in launching the longed-for overhaul of the Carmelite regime. She submitted the foundational project to the Carmelite provincial, who, man of faith though he was, would be more amenable to a petition from a wealthy noblewoman than from a humble nun. The idea of a monastery housing thirteen Carmelites in accordance with the Primitive Rule of poverty and enclosure appealed to him; he pledged his full support. Guiomar sent the official request in his name and started the paperwork with the Vatican to obtain the permissions; they even dared hope for the endorsement of Francisco de Borja, whom Pius IV had summoned to Rome not long before. But the story leaked out in Avila. The Convent of the Incarnation took umbrage and advanced jealous objections: How was any foundation possible in the absence of a secure source of income? Other orders grumbled that alms intakes were skimpy enough already, so imagine an extra convent without a cent to its name! All this was enough to unnerve the provincial, who changed his mind.
Teresa was not especially disappointed: such was her confidence in His Majesty within, she never doubted she would prevail. On the other hand, she was not at all sure whether the others believed in her claim that He spoke through her! Judiciously she examined her predicament from every angle, and opted for prudence:
Sometimes I gave them explanations. Yet since I couldn’t mention the main factor, which was that the Lord had commanded me to do this, I didn’t know how to act; so I remained silent about the other things. God granted me the very great favor that none of all this disturbed me; rather, I gave up the plan with as much ease and contentment as I would have if it hadn’t cost me anything.…and I remained in the house, for I was very satisfied and pleased there. Although I could never stop believing that the foundation would come about, I no longer saw the means, nor did I know how or when; but I was very certain that it would.4
The problem lay, she thought, in her
Teresa of Jesus, or Teresa as in Moses? God speaks through her, the Voice inhabits the burning bush that she is. I can picture from here the frowns of the Carmelite fathers, the contortions of the Jesuits, and the hairsplitting of the Dominicans who now endorsed her, now deplored her, depending on moment and individual temperament. And I’m fascinated by the “theological” seduction La Madre worked on them. She managed to get them onside without neglecting to cover her back by creating personal networks of useful friends of both sexes, establishing practical bulwarks, and organizing a solid intendancy to tide her over everyday setbacks.
Teresa was well aware that the subtle variations of her being, which were the strong points of her praying and its modulations, were weaknesses in the eyes of the world; the challenge was thus to continue to cultivate them, but secretly, silently, shrouded in caution, while she conducted a diplomacy of prudence and influence, even — or especially — with prelates. Like the psychologist she was, she began by probing the difference between the Voice of His Majesty as heard inside and her own reason: the ideal Father turned into the ideal enamored Self was not the same as the self.
Many of the things I write about here do not come from my own head, but my heavenly Master tells them to me. The things I designate with the words “this I understood” or “the Lord said this to me” cause me great scrupulosity if I leave out even as much as a syllable. Hence if I don’t recall everything exactly, I put it down as coming from myself; or also, some things are from me. I don’t call mine what is good, for I already know that nothing is good in me but what the Lord has given me without my meriting it. But when I say “coming from myself,” I mean not being made known to me through a revelation.6
In the current state of her being, this myself without a self, governed by the Other, is shorn of personal will and consciousness, and yet by virtue of this very alteration feels more certain than ever of its sovereign governance:
There come days in which I recall an infinite number of times what St. Paul says — although assuredly not present in me to the degree it was in him — for it seems to me
And then sometimes this assurance collapses into stupor. Teresa goes through periods in which the bright transference, the revelation, have gone: “It happened just now that for eight days it seemed there wasn’t any knowledge in me — nor could I acquire any — of what I owed God, or any remembrance of His favors; my soul was
But there are also moments in which the fusion with the ideal Father reaches its apogee, so that His truth becomes “hers” in perfect exaltation:
And what power this Majesty appears to have, since in so short a time He leaves such an abundant increase and things so marvelous impressed upon the soul! O
Even so, in a final twist of self-observation, the analysand Teresa is skeptical enough to wonder whether the entire experience might not be a dream, after all. A wonderful dream that will only become reality once she has confronted the humdrum chores and travails of foundation, the “business affairs” she mentions in Letter 24.10
The first of these travails would be the foundation of the Convent of Saint Joseph. Teresa was just beginning to invent that blend of vocation and pragmatism, the supernatural and the efficient, whose permutations would underpin the sixteen further foundations accomplished over the twenty years she had left to live. Some people applauded the reformer, others attacked her. On balance, however (and she was a compulsive balancer of accounts, whether in direct relationships or by means of letters), our chess player felt so bolstered by her exchanges with His Majesty that she could only laugh at her adversaries and persecutors of every stripe:
Likewise the devil began striving here through one person and another to make known that I had received some revelation about this work. Some persons came to me with great fear to tell me we were in trouble and that it could happen that others might
Thanks to God, the practice of silent prayer had penetrated into every milieu; even the Dominican priest Pedro Ibáñez was a keen practitioner. The great theologian retired for two years into a monastery of his order so as to freely immerse himself in that mental prayer of union with God that was so important for Teresa, thanks to Osuna and in part also, let’s not forget, to Uncle Pedro. Could the experience be contagious? There is a great difference in the ways one may be.…
As a further sign from Providence, the Society of Jesus appointed a new rector. Father Dionisio Vázquez, who had reservations about Teresa’s project, was replaced by Fr. Gaspar de Salazar, “another very spiritual one who had great courage and understanding and a good background in studies.” Her confessor urged her to confide in this man, especially as her conflicts with the authorities who resisted reform meant her soul “couldn’t even breathe”; was it out of anguish?12
The first meeting between Teresa of Avila and Gaspar de Salazar was a rarefied moment of pure love that she, naturally, distilled in writing:
I felt in my spirit I don’t know what that I never recall having felt with anyone, neither before nor afterward; nor would I be able to describe what this experience was, or draw any comparisons. For it was a spiritual joy and understanding within my soul that
The beneficial effects of this “incomparable” rapport with Fr. Salazar were not long in coming. The conversation with the ideal Father promptly resumed, and His Majesty (obviously residing “in heaven,” far above the effusions of the two soul mates, but speaking through Teresa’s mouth) “urged” the nun to return to matters of foundation:
A little while after I had got to know [Salazar], the
Although she was deeply attached to this Jesuit (who would later, under suspicion of Illuminism, suffer persecution and imprisonment), from a business point of view my political Teresa was always grateful to the Society as a whole for the support it gave to her reformist designs. Despite the tensions and severe exigencies to which the Jesuits had often subjected her — trials she had the sense to appreciate as formative — she gave them a flattering role in some of her prayerful visions:
I saw great things concerning members of the order (of the whole order together) that this Father belonged to, that is, of the Society of Jesus. I saw them
The Dominicans were equally petted, for Teresa was always at pains to preserve the balance between the two orders. Humbly and without favoritism, she acknowledged the help and support her reforms had had from priests like Pedro Ibáñez, Domingo Báñez, and García de Toledo. His Majesty was kind enough moreover to send her premonitory visions that reassured her about the brilliant future of their order at a time when it was “somewhat fallen”:
Once while I was praying near the Blessed Sacrament, a saint [Saint Dominic] appeared to me whose order was somewhat fallen. He held in his hands a great book. He opened it and told me to read some very large and legible letters. This is what they said. “In the time to come this order will flourish; it will have many martyrs.”
At another time when I was at Matins in the choir, there were shown or represented to me six or seven members — it seems there were that many — of the same order,
Clearly, a battle plan was taking shape: with His interior Majesty on one flank and sympathetic priests on the other, Teresa’s strategic weapons were primed. Every element was in place for the next step, although money was still short. Her reason “governed” and “fortified” by His Voice, Teresa was soon to discover that the Carmelite Primitive Rule actually prescribed making foundations without an income — thus neutralizing her adversaries’ major argument at a stroke. But she did not know this yet. She was alone with His Majesty, attentive to that Other who was renovating her soul; estranged from herself, reassured and at peace in this new, sonorous love, less psychic, more active, enterprising, and detached. True, she lacked resources. To be realistic, though, she had the support of some highly influential clerics. In the solitude and grandeur of enthusiasm, the ecstasy of transfixion here mutates via a new alchemy. In it are mingled the exaltation of knowing she must act and the fear of being unable to do so: ambition and persecution. Despite the obstacles, the dread, the dead weight of so many difficulties, a female self triumphantly convinced of being the Other’s mouthpiece gains self-awareness over the course of these pages. And aspires to become…freer still!
“All the rest of the trouble was mine [
And, as if the better to embody Teresa’s vow to operate through His Majesty’s Voice, a triangular construction comes to her aid, composed of Teresa, the symbolic Father (Saint Joseph), and the Virgin Mother:
Once when in need, for I didn’t know what to do or how to pay some workmen, St. Joseph, my true father and lord, appeared and revealed to me that I would not be lacking, that I should hire them. And so I did, without so much as a penny, and the Lord in ways that amazed those that heard about it provided for me. The house struck me as being very small, so small that it didn’t seem adequate for a monastery…And one day after Communion, the Lord said to me: “
On one of those same days, the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady while at a monastery of the order of the glorious St. Dominic, I was reflecting upon the many sins I had in the past confessed in that house and many things about my wretched life.
The beauty I saw in our Lady was extraordinary, although I didn’t make out any particular details except the form of her face in general and that
In order for you to hear the Voice of His Majesty within, Teresa, my love, you had to transcend the paternal seduction that was so disturbing and malign as to send you into coma. You had to persuade yourself that your “real father” was a symbolic one: Saint Joseph, the non-procreator, the paradigm of all symbolic fathers, who dispels the fantasy of seduction, oedipal rivalry, and incest. And your mother had to be a virginal young girl. But was this an idealization of your mother in her youth, before she was worn out by her many pregnancies, or was it rather a vision of yourself, projected in the place of this ideal because untouchable woman, this immaculate body? Either way, you truly live out the
I heard the words: “While one is alive, progress doesn’t come from trying to enjoy Me more but by trying to do My will.”
Now everything can be speeded up, it’s time to leave the footdraggers, the ill-wishers, the antagonists behind: let’s get moving!
On August 15, 1561, Teresa settled her sister Juana and brother-in-law Juan de Ovalle into a small house she had bought in their name, located west of Avila outside the walls. The couple would live on the ground floor — the future chapel — while thirteen monastic cells were planned for the upper story, as well as service areas. The first Convent for Discalced Carmelites, to be called after Saint Joseph, was about to see the light. Money had been found: Aldonza de Guzmán, Giomar’s mother, had given 30 ducats and Jerónima Guiomar de Ulloa had given whatever she could spare, on top of the dowries of two of Teresa’s nieces (200 ducats from Isabel de la Peña, and maybe from Leonor de Cepeda) and the 200 ducats sent by brother Lorenzo from Peru.
It was a modest building, unworthy perhaps of being a monastery, and Teresa was frustrated by the cramped spaces that cruelly belied the magnificence of her project. Still, we must take things as they come, we’ll improvise, just get it done, we’ll do better next time. Surprise attacks and shows of strength became the “trademark” of La Madre’s campaigns. Where foundations were at stake, she was not above taking possession at dead of night of premises disputed by her enemies!
This, the first of the works to be dictated by His Majesty’s Voice, was coddled by Teresa like a newborn babe. She drew up the plans, whitewashed the walls, designed the close-grilled jalousies that would enable the nuns to see without being seen, directed the workmen. Her sister Juana’s family seconded her efforts, as did old friends like Francisco de Salcedo and Fr. Gaspar Daza. Did she notice them at all? Was she aware of the lives around her? Or was she simply hovering over the taut thread of the Other’s Voice?
One morning Teresa stumbles over the body of her little nephew Gonzalo lying unconscious on the floor beside the door. From the heights of her mirage with His Majesty she descends precipitously to earth, sweeps the insensible body into her arms, rubs her face against his, warms him under the rough cloth of her veil. Gonzalo rapidly revives in her arms.
“You resurrected him!” cries the boy’s mother, sobbing with joy at the miracle, while doña Guiomar and Salcedo clasp their hands together, awed to witness such a sign from God.
“Stuff and nonsense,” retorts Teresa briskly, batting away the sin of pride. Or is she just more reasonable than the others, always lucid in the midst of her dream?
Juana’s firstborn, so early snatched from the jaws of death, will soon be presented with a little brother. Does Teresa, the perceptive midwife, recognize his frailty straight away? While others celebrate the birth, the aunt’s worried diagnosis cuts through the theological platitudes required by the occasion: “If you are not destined to be a man of God, I pray God to take you, little angel, before you come to offend Him…”
The child does not live long. Far from being moved, let alone upset, by this death, Teresa goes into raptures: “Praise God for the sight of one of those little souls ascending into Heaven, and the throng of angels gathered to welcome it!”1
Since life in the Beyond trumps life down here, Teresa, my love, you must have thought that the child was well “saved,” spared the journey through this vale of tears. Fair enough. And yet I feel, along with your biographer Marcelle Auclair who picks up on the story, that you behaved heartlessly toward that baby and toward Juana, who might have preferred to see her sickly son alive at her side rather than buried beneath the earth, angel or not. But you don’t really like mothers, do you, and deplore still more the motherhood of your younger sister — almost as much as you disliked your own mother when she was surrounded by a gang of pestering brats.
Furthermore, La Madre has a horror of imperfection. Years later you explain in a letter to one of the great benefactors of your foundations, María de Mendoza, sister of the bishop of Avila, that you will not accept a certain postulant into your Valladolid establishment, on grounds that she has only one eye. You proffer a somewhat glib excuse: “In a house where there are many nuns, one can overlook whatever defect there may be; but where there are so few, it makes sense to be selective.”2 Teresa envisions her discalced nuns as akin to an elite corps, in the image of La Madre herself, who suffers, to be sure, but also causes suffering. She expects vocations to be ironclad, constitutions to be robust, and minds to be keen. Lord preserve us from birdbrains, melancholics, and females possessed by the devil! Pitiless she undoubtedly was, at times. “I am not at all like a woman in such matters, for I have a robust spirit [a tough heart:
Life treads water and the longing gets fiercer, as the brief from Rome authorizing the foundation of Saint Joseph’s has still not arrived. Anguish, cramps, and vomiting ensue. Intense exchanges with the confessor Pedro Ibáñez: he proposes to Teresa that she write about her life. She enjoys frequent stays at the house of doña Guiomar, who continues to activate her high-society network: “For more than four years we have been…closer than if we were sisters”—but the true family is that of the works, the Work. Teresa naturally mobilizes all of her most successful relatives to help with the Carmelite reforms, first among them the conquistador of the family, her younger brother Lorenzo, who has married a wealthy woman in Quito, Ecuador. As befits the gravity of the circumstances, she addresses him as
Señor.…Certainly all those to whom you sent money received it at such an opportune moment that I was greatly consoled.…
I have already written you a long letter about a matter that for many reasons I could not escape doing, since God’s inspirations are the source. Because these things are hard to speak of in a letter, I mention only the fact that certain saintly and learned persons think that I am obliged not to be cowardly but do all I can for this project — a monastery of nuns. There will be no more than fifteen nuns in it, who will practice very strict enclosure, never going out or allowing themselves to be seen without veils covering their faces. Their life will be one of prayer and mortification…
That lady, doña Guiomar, who is also writing to you, is a help to me. She is the wife of Francisco Dávila, of Salobralejo, if you recall. Her husband died nine years ago. He had an annual income of 1,000,000 maravedís. She, for her part, has an entailed estate in addition to what she has from her husband.…
With regard to papal briefs, the one received in August will not suit, because it has to derive from the ordinary authority, that is, the authority of the bishop of Avila, and not that of the Carmelite provincial, who has declared himself incompetent. On Christmas Eve of 1561, the same provincial commands Teresa to go to Toledo: the daughter of the duke of Medinaceli, doña Luisa de la Cerda, is in a bad way. In fact she is delirious, and only Teresa can help her. While awaiting permission to found, the future saint will act as a “psychological cell,” and failure is not an option.
Despite her six children, doña Luisa remains inconsolable for the death of her husband Antonio Arias Pardo de Saavedra, marshal of Castile, nephew of the archbishop of Toledo (and General Inquisitor) Juan Pardo de Tavera, and one of the richest men in Spain. The grieving widow has lost her mind, ceaselessly repeating “I believe in the resurrection of the flesh.” Teresa, a woman of faith if ever there was one, recognizes the emergency of the situation. For it is the Carmelite provincial, Ángel de Salazar himself, who has “sent an order, under precept of obedience, to go immediately” and minister to the unhappy soul! Besides, there is great “consolation” and “security” in the fact that by the grace of God, she can also count on a house of the Society of Jesus established in Toledo, near the home of the bereaved noblewoman! Teresa is not the sort to hesitate in such circumstances.5
Toledo was far away, however. You need only look up a map of Spain, and recall that in 1561 there were neither trains nor planes nor cars. It was winter, snow was falling, the roads were slippery and impassable. Accompanied by her brother-in-law Juan de Ovalle and her good friend Juana Suárez, Teresa reached the town of her ancestors by early January. She could not have failed to think of her disgraced grandfather in his
Teresa stayed for six months. Six months of luxury living, of exquisite female friendships, of rubbing shoulders with grandees and making useful contacts with eminent churchmen and highborn ladies. Luisa de la Cerda turned out to be a conscientious person of great piety and kindness. Deeply attached to Teresa, she followed her like a shadow, lavishing elaborate attentions upon her and even a set of diamonds, to the amused indifference of the recipient.
Once, when I was with that lady I mentioned, I was ill with
At Luisa de la Cerda’s you meet the cream of Toledan society, Teresa, my love, and these people impress you, but not at the expense of your critical sense or knack for making use of them at the right time: the duchess of Escalona, the duchess of Maqueda, the duchess of Medinaceli, the duchess of Alba. You also make the acquaintance of doña Luisa’s niece, Ana de la Cerda de Mendoza, princess of Eboli, who will denounce you to the Inquisition; but that’s another story, in which animosity between women plays its part, a far trickier business to handle than the skirmishes with your confessors, whose fingers you slip through, by now, like a fish. We will return to that later.
For the present, in Toledo, you proceed to analyze these Spanish grandees with the inexorable delicacy hitherto reserved for your musings on yourself. Immersed in His Majesty, you’re used to mortifying yourself or stepping “outside yourself”; but also, as I know, to conducting a meticulous dissection of your experiences, in terms commonly regarded as “mystical.” Now we see this strenuous introspection turning its hand to reportage! The glittering circle around sweet, sad Luisa de la Cerda inspires passages of high dramatic realism. Your feats of social psychology, my novelistic Teresa, are doubtless less amusing that those of Cervantes, and never plebeian in the manner of
I realized that [Luisa de la Cerda] was a woman and as subject to passions and weaknesses as I, and how little should be our esteem for the status of nobility, and that the greater the nobility the more the cares and trials. I observed the solicitude they had for preserving their composure in conformity with this status, which doesn’t allow them to live, obliging them to eat without rhyme or reason because everything must be done in accordance with their status and not with their bodily constitution. (They have often to eat food that is more in harmony with their position than with their liking.) As a result I totally abhorred any desire to become a lady of the nobility…This is a kind of subservience that makes calling such persons “lords” one of the world’s lies, for it doesn’t seem to me that they are anything but slaves to a thousand things.7
Could it be the very luxury you enjoy in this milieu that awakens in the hardness of your heart an unprecedented “compassion for the poor”? Unless I am very much mistaken, it is here, in the Cerda palace stuffed with gold, wrought furniture, fine porcelain, and precious stones, that for the first time in your life you notice the existence of paupers and register the hellish existence of outcasts whose misery doesn’t need the spur of penitence:
It seems to me I have much more compassion for the poor than I used to. I feel such great pity and desire to find relief for them that if it were up to me I would give them the clothes off my back. I feel no repugnance whatsoever toward them, toward speaking to or touching them. This I now see is a gift given by God. For even though I used to give alms for love of Him, I didn’t have the natural compassion. I feel a very noticeable improvement in this matter.8
During these six months in Toledo you also find the necessary seclusion to write, something that will prove crucial both for you and for history. But you have not forgotten the little discalced Convent of Saint Joseph, back in Avila. And since your mystical life takes the form of a series of coups de théâtre, like a picaresque novel of the soul’s pilgrimage toward the Other, recast as His Voice in you — so, before building your inner mansions, you continue to have extraordinary encounters that move the action forward.
A pauper, excuse me, a
Illiterate but gifted with a prodigious memory, María knows the Primitive Rule by heart, rather better than you do, admit it. Historians today even suggest that you were thoroughly ignorant of this first Rule, composed at the beginning of the thirteenth century by Saint Albert of Jerusalem. I can inform you that it went through two subsequent versions: the Rule was amended and approved by Pope Innocent IV in 1247, and then softened by the mitigations Pope Eugene IV granted in 1432.
María de Jesús Yepes’s most important revelation is that, according to the Primitive Rule, the nuns must live without patronage, subsisting on their labor alone, and not give way to any power, whether of bishops or secular rulers. This lesson does not fall on deaf ears! Between ourselves, the
For two weeks you observe each other, admiring, agreeing, and disagreeing. The beginning of the Discalced Carmelite Constitution gradually takes shape. Your supporters are impressed, and at the same time concerned: can one rely on Providence alone for such an ambitious work?
Father Pedro Ibáñez himself has some misgivings and writes you two pages of theological objections. You understand that further supporters are called for, more powerful than Ibáñez and possessors of a bold, ascetic, saintly spirituality. An idea comes: you could consult Brother Pedro de Alcántara. You are well acquainted already with the authority of this ideal arbiter, the only man capable of cutting the Gordian knot in which you are presently caught between the plaudits and critiques elicited by your reforms. He is already a great partisan of the project, given his fervent endorsement of the desire for poverty — an evangelical principle he will have you commit to — and to the dignity of women, whom he declares equal to men in the love of Christ. Admit it: Pedro de Alcántara was extremely helpful to you when he wondered why you were consulting
Backed up by some, contested by others, you assert your own authority more and more, my resistant Teresa. No woman before has been seen to stand up to her superiors the way you do in the text you will shortly deliver to Fr. Ibáñez, in which you address all your confessors — whose greater knowledge and competence you acknowledge in all humility, for it stands to reason that you need them, every one.
On the one hand, you like to draw them toward prayer:
I told [Fr. Gaspar de Salazar] about [my trials of soul] under the seal of confession. He seemed to me wiser than ever, although I always thought he had a great mind.…
On the other, you sleep with one eye open:
Since I believe that my confessors stand so truly in the place of God, I think they are the ones for whom I feel the most benevolence. Since I am always very fond of those who guide my soul and since I felt secure,
It is a source of satisfaction to you that Luisa de la Cerda likewise visits, and often the dignitaries of the Carmelite order, including the provincial father, Ángel de Salazar, come to call. The latter informs you around this time that a new prioress is to be elected at the Convent of the Incarnation; you are free to return there or not, as you please. In such a conundrum, of course, it falls to His Majesty to have the last word, and as usual His Voice promptly comes through. Your ideal superego commands you to leave! By the grace of God, the papal brief so long awaited by doña Guiomar arrives on February 7, 1562: a coincidence, no doubt.
The moment has come to act with even greater celerity than usual, especially in the wake of that long sojourn with Luisa de la Cerda. Not that the interlude was one of pure repose, as we have seen: rather, a flexing of soul sinews before the great leap. It was at her house that you completed the first draft — since lost — of the book of your
Juan de Ovalle has fallen prey to double tertian fever, which strengthens the case for his return to the convent house he and his wife Juana moved out of after Teresa’s departure. But consent is required from the bishop of Avila, don Álvaro de Mendoza. Nothing doing! Such a man cannot conceive of a monastery without money!
“I don’t want penniless nuns,” complains this noble lord to Pedro de Alcántara, summoned to the rescue by Teresa yet again. After writing to Mendoza, the friar has journeyed on mule-back all the way to El Temblío to meet the intransigent bishop face to face.
Alcántara (who was to die on October 18, 1562) must have moved don Álvaro all the same, for the bishop turned up, it seems, at the parlor of the Incarnation. It was up to the foundress to play the charisma card, and Teresa of Jesus dispelled any last doubts he may have had. From that day on, the bishop of Avila, grandee of Spain and of the Church, acted as a staunch and efficient champion of the discalced reform.
As for Pedro de Alcántara, did you intuit the nearness of his death, Teresa? Before seeing the indomitable Franciscan on his way, you, the intermittent anorexic, made a point of rustling up the most delicious dishes for him, recipes inherited from that excellent housewife, doña Beatriz de Ahumada. The Rule strictly forbids the consumption of meat, except for unavoidable reasons of “necessity.” What greater necessity than the entertainment of so dear a friend? An Old Christian saying held that after the Friday fast, the next best certification of Catholic orthodoxy was to tuck into eggs and bacon on the Saturday. The erudite Juan assures me that you would have made him some
I don’t buy it, too over the top, and what about her Marrano background…
“Meat was banned? If you say so.” My Hispanist is trying his best to oblige me. “Well then, La Madre would dish up some caviar. Absolutely! Sturgeon eggs imported from the Black Sea! I swear! Okay, that particular delicacy might not have reached Avila, but Don Quixote…” (Oh, him, I might have known: Juan thinks of nothing else all day long.) He’s off again: “Don Quixote and his sidekick thought nothing of quaffing down at least six skins of wine to lubricate the local caviar made of gray mullet, sea-bass, and chub roe all mashed together.11 Honestly, Sylvia, in those days people all along the north Mediterranean coast were total fans of this confection. It made a change from boring old ham and cheese, pieces of which, and I quote, ‘if they were past gnawing were not past sucking. They also put down a black dainty called, they say, caviar’—
Juan preens, he’s got me, bravo, I give in. In fact he’s on my side: “A woman like that, who gets off so jubilantly on her writing, she can’t have been anorexic for long, eh, Doc?”
I say that Teresa may well have enjoyed that black dainty, I like the idea, it suits her. As it suits her friend Alcántara, like black lights in interior castles.
And so it was that Pedro de Alcántara’s last memory of you, my tongue-smacking Teresa, was a “seraphs’ banquet.”
By this point, your staff was eager and ready for the consecration of the first discalced convent. Julián de Ávila would be the chaplain, Gaspar Daza would say the first Mass. Four novices were preparing to receive their habits from Teresa’s own hand: Antonia de Henao, one of Alcántara’s spiritual daughters, who took the religious name of Antonieta of the Holy Spirit; Úrsula de Revilla de Álvarez, of Daza’s circle, who became Ursula of the Holy Angel; a lady-in-waiting of doña Guiomar, María de la Paz, renamed María of the Cross; and the sister of chaplain Julián, María de Ávila, now María of Saint Joseph.
On Saint Bartholomew’s day, August 24, 1562, the bells of Saint Joseph pealed out to all of Avila the creation of a “monastery” in obedience to the so-called Primitive Rule. Among those attending the ceremony were Teresa, Daza, Juana Suárez, Inés and Ana de Tapia, Juana and her husband Juan de Ovalle, plus Francisco de Salcedo, the “saintly gentleman” who had “helped in every way.”12 Also present were don Gonzalo de Aranda and, of course, Teresa’s faithful, indispensable, inevitable, noble “sister” and benefactress, Jerónima Guiomar de Ulloa — dressed like a poor person, in accordance with the Primitive Rule.
Yesterday you were so emotional that you vomited before the inaugural Mass. The day before, you were stitching habits, veils, and bonnets. Today, your cup spills over…And yet, on reading your account four centuries later, I find that you’re not easy in your mind, for there are threats looming over the foundation. In the very lap of success you’re still a persecutee, Teresa:
Well, for me it was like being in glory to see the Blessed Sacrament reserved…and to see a work accomplished that I knew was for the service of the Lord and to the honor of the habit of His glorious Mother — for these were my concerns.…
After all was over and about three or four hours had passed,
The happiness of August 24, 1562, did not last long. The Incarnation felt betrayed, and anger mounted against Teresa. Her insolence had to be punished. It was a serious error, surely, to seek to undo the Mitigated Rule and go back to total enclosure, penitence, silence, fasting, and bare feet? Positively medieval! That Ahumada woman is not keeping up with the times. Who does she think she is? She has committed a serious fault, clearly, but is it merely “serious,” “more serious,” or “extremely serious”? Does she deserve two strokes of the scourge, or life imprisonment, sorrow, and abstinence forever?
Avila was abuzz with rumors.
Despite fear, distress, and melancholy, those “devils” that embattled you, you held firm, Teresa, His Majesty being duly at His post inside you.
The prioress of the Incarnation, Mother María Cimbrón, orders you to come back “at once” to her monastery. Julián de Ávila, that faithful squire and chaplain, escorts you to the meeting. A veritable tribunal: your sisters don’t mince words. On top of that, the Carmelite provincial, Ángel de Salazar, deals out a “serious reprimand.” Allegedly you “gave scandal to the people” and were “promoting novelties.” What have you to say for yourself? Fortified, once more, by His Majesty’s Voice, you stick to your guns. And like the Machiavellian diplomat you are, you confound your adversaries by feigning to bow to their wishes, my crafty Teresa: “None of what they said caused me any disturbance or grief, although I let on that it did so as not to give the impression that I didn’t take to heart what they said.”14
Father Salazar, as smooth an operator as yourself, is playing a double game: on the esoteric side, he reassures you; on the exoteric side, he pretends to espouse the mood of the institution and the city. “Afterward I spoke to him more freely, and he was very satisfied and promised — if all went well — to give me permission to go there once the city quieted down, for the clamor throughout the whole city was vehement.”15
Formidable measures are taken. The consistory meets with the
Only one member, a
The story didn’t end there. Royal constables were sent to Saint Joseph’s to evict the novices
On August 30 all of Avila’s political authorities gathered together to deliberate, notables side by side with Church delegates, and the hostility was unanimous; some were for appealing to the Council of State, as though the convent threatened the security of the realm.
I can see you from here, Teresa, swaying between your devils and the unfailing Voice of His Majesty, which fortunately proved the stronger: “‘Don’t you know that I am mighty? What do you fear?’”17 Confident in that unswerving Third Person who expresses Himself in your style, as we know, you went on to deal as one must with earthly men, my subtle Teresa. Given that several of these powerful individuals were theologians, it was important to approach them:
Afterward, when the negotiations were on their way toward a settlement, another person, a very zealous servant of God, came to me saying the matter should be put into the hands of
As for the provincial who had promised to support you, he was now backpedaling, cowed by the animosities and rancors you aroused. You, somewhat fed up by now, have the nerve to remind him that it’s not Teresa talking, but His Majesty. How can he not realize?
“Consider, Father, that we are resisting against the Holy Spirit!”
Who can resist a majesty like yours? It was the big bazooka. Your biographers are keen to highlight this, and I’m happy to go along.
After the rain, here comes the sun. Spring 1563. With official permission to leave the Incarnation, you move to Saint Joseph’s in the company of four more discalced postulants eager to follow you: Ana de los Ángeles, María Isabel, your cousin Isabel de San Pablo, and Ana de San Juan, daughter of the marchioness of Velada.
You have prevailed, Teresa, but this is only the beginning. Sixteen more battles of this kind remain to be fought and won, all different and yet similar, an extravagant amalgam of foundations and persecutions.
The representation of Saint Joseph will stay with you for good. His image will preside over all your creations, like a prototype of the ideal Father you always strive to see in your spiritual fathers on earth (an effort of faith leading to much fervor and disappointment) — those confessors and other ecclesiastics whose approval and support you seek.
Inseparable from Joseph, the portrait of the Virgin your mother left you is another permanent companion. On the day of the Assumption 1561, in the church of a Dominican monastery, you prayed to a “very young” Mother of God for her help, whereas you “didn’t see the glorious St. Joseph so clearly.”19
Now that you have founded Saint Joseph’s, in August 1562, Jesus Himself crowns you as a reward for what you did for His Mother:
Christ…seemed to be receiving me with great love and placing a crown on my head and thanking me for what I did for His Mother.
Another time while all were at prayer in choir after compline
In this homage of yours to the Mother of God I discern the supreme elevation of your own maternity: the promotion of your personal fervor hoisting you up to the rank of Mother. Don’t you experience the glory of Mary’s virginal, royal Assumption as though it could be yours, provided you suffer enough?
One day, the feast of the Assumption of our Lady, Queen of Angels, the Lord desired to grant me the following favor: in a rapture He showed me her ascent to heaven,
When in the next paragraph you evoke the vision of “a very richly made pallium” hanging over the heads of the Jesuit Brothers at the College of Saint Giles in Avila, is this not a vision of the pallium formed by Mary’s robe, as it is often represented in painting, like a protective canopy over the servants of the Church? The “longing to serve our Lady” makes you feel her “glory” and “trials” in lieu and place of the Mother of God herself.
Henceforth you are in no doubt: you, the Lord’s spouse, His beloved lover, are also the Mother of the Man of Dolors, as much as of the divine Child. That infant appears to you in the penumbra of the convent, and your idolaters were quick to immortalize the vision in stucco — in order to “plaster” maternal piety into place for ever and ever?
The circle has closed: you are a daughter, wife, and mother. The Other within you is a son, husband, and father. But He can just as easily take on the attributes of His Virgin Mother, since He showers you, you don’t know how, not with His sperm (you have a horror of toads, but you don’t mind lizards; in time, you will let them dart under your habit!), but with the mother’s milk overflowing His bountiful breast:
And notice carefully this comparison; it seems to me very appropriate: the soul is like
This is the way this prayer of quiet is different from that prayer in which the entire soul is united with God, for then the soul doesn’t even go through the process of swallowing this divine food.
Nevertheless, in this blissful kaleidoscope of the soul’s permutations of attributes, your chief role will be
It’s not easy, it’s impossible to step into the role of symbolic Mother. Modern women are just beginning to realize this fact. Perhaps they are getting wise to how after more than a century of assorted feminisms, the mystery of maternal passion remains more obscure than that of gestation — pretty well mastered by science — or that of in vitro fertilization, or cloning, or artificial wombs. Nothing in contemporary culture prepares them for the mystery of motherhood — no more than anything prepared you for it, Teresa, back in the heyday of the Church Fathers during the Spanish Renaissance. The books you wrote after the
You know from experience that
Thus the exile of
A few days after the experiences mentioned above, while thinking about whether they who thought it was wrong for me to go out to found monasteries might be right, and thinking that I would do better to be always occupied in prayer, I heard the words: “
Autoeroticism is no longer enough for you, any more than the words that force women into the background. The Mother is one who is “considerate of others”: she thereby becomes the equal of the Lord, and nobody can “tie her hands.”
“The Lord said to me: ‘
This point in your thinking helps me to divine the meaning of your reform: you, Mother,
“Another I,” “God naturalized,” the nun proclaims, here enjoys an extraordinary “sharing” or participative freedom. Integrated with the Other because penetrated by Him (
May this “I” die, and may another live in me greater than I and better for me than I, so that I may serve Him [Muera ya este yo, y viva en mí otro que es más que yo, y para mí mejor que yo, para que yo le pueda servir]. May He live and give me life. May He reign, and may I be captive, for my soul doesn’t want any other liberty.…
O free will, so much the slave of your freedom if you don’t live fastened with fear and love of your Creator [O libre albedrío tan esclavo de tu libertad, si no vives enclavado con el temor y amor de quien te crió]! Oh, when will that happy day arrive when you will see yourself drowned in the infinite sea of supreme truth, where you will no longer be free to sin! Nor will you want to sin, for you will be safe from every misery,
He is blessed, because He knows, loves, and rejoices in Himself without any other thing being possible. He neither has nor can have — nor would He be a perfect God if He did have — the freedom to forget Himself or cease loving Himself. Then, my soul, you will enter into your rest
Have you become a…creator, on a par with God himself?
Who am I, then? Not merely a lover, not really the ideal Father Himself, I am the Mother. Obviously, I surround myself with scholarly fathers whose counsels I follow and to whose authority I submit, and yet it is I, Teresa of Jesus, alone with His Majesty, who take the initiative of realizing His Truth in and by an “I” empty of me. The rebirth, the re-foundation of His new houses in me will unfold in the dwelling place that I am — that is, in Him — but I can build the place and dwell there, indeed I “will not have finished doing all that [I] can” when “to the little [I] do [
Has your depression flipped into erotomania? Has the paranoid fear of other people drained away in love suffering, in loving suffering, in warlike dominance? Of course. And yet, all the facets of your new way of being—“there is a great difference in the ways one may be”—are defused in the detachment from others and from self, in relinquishment and dispossession: the more I abandon myself before the inanity of power, money, honors, the sharper grows my will to shatter or circumvent all obstacles by means of cunning, stubbornness, or sweetness, and reach my goal. Which is not my goal, you understand, but the Other’s…of Him who resides in me empty of me!
We are at the heart of the alchemy that constitutes the speaking subject: the alchemy of amorous alteration. The contrary of alienation, or its other side. The entrepreneurial singularity of the individual shaped by monotheism — especially the Catholic version — highlights and hardens its universal logic. But it is Teresa who unabashedly explores it in the paroxysm of her extravagant passion for the Other.
Teresa, my love, I cannot leave you in that year of 1563 without mentioning two events that, by revealing the seriousness of the first foundation, vouchsafed it a fabulous destiny.
First, as I have already pointed out to anyone who has come with us this far, the striking coincidence between the completion of your first book, the
But what if you were the precursor of a way of being, already obscurely sought in those days and still being sought — through writing among other means — between self and non-self, self and other, self with others? Neither art nor politics, neither religion nor social activism, but something through, with, and against
I believe your Reverence will be annoyed by the long
All that interests me is to reverse Time. By writing and/or by founding, I place myself in the infinity of Time, as the Other’s Bride, in order for His presence to begin afresh. Since under the Primitive Rule the Other’s presence is more desirable than it is, by now, under the Mitigated Rule, more stimulating than it is among those who let it wither, then my innovation, infinitesimal as it may be, suffices to spark the Other all over again. So will my reformation be, minuscule and magnificent — in response to the Erasmists whose humanism brings me to appreciate Christ’s humanity all the more, and in response to the Lutherans whose harshness fills me with holy rigor against the laxity of my side. By restoring to the present the infinity of the past I am doing far more, for that matter, than to combat or crush my enemies: I am inviting them to welcome into themselves the infinity of the Passion in the infinity of time. Such is my reformation: a counter-reformation. The Counter-Reformation will eventually recognize the intentions that drive me, although as I write these lines to Fr. García, I cannot be certain of it. We shall see.
All I know is that what I’ve written has no importance in itself. Change the letters, the handwriting, whatever you like, but preserve that relationship to time which I have founded for myself and for those who may wish to follow me. The point is to open up the course of time to a return of that Time in which we lose any care for our needs, in which we lose ourselves, merging with the infinite Time of His Majesty, or again with the outside-time of my desire, when I coincide with His Majesty the ideal Father, with the ideal tradition.
During the two years it took to found Saint Joseph’s, I lived at the intersection of ordinary time and the outside time in which my will merges with the Ideal. I succeeded in implanting His Majesty, a Third Person, my outside-time chimera, my ideal, in the worldly time of human relationships. The world’s time already registers this graft: my scandalous innovation is being combated, denounced, or approved. As for me, I fearfully observe my own folly, but I also triumph over it. I can see that I have embedded a new Time in time, bent the flight of time into multiple spaces that lodge in people’s souls, to enhance them and make them live. In these tragic times of religious war — but isn’t every worldly time rent by religious wars? — what is there to do but to let His Majesty live, that ideal Other who dwells in our soul, who
What “rest,” Teresa? Do you mean whatever does not concern the small Carmelite house of Saint Joseph? There is no surplus to your excesses. Everything forms part of the adventure, writing included, and García de Toledo (like your later publishers) understood this very well. They jealously preserved the “account,” word for word, even if they made certain deletions or alterations here and there where your more audacious formulations made you an emulator of the Lord, not to say an advocate of gender parity; after all, somebody had to save you from the claws of the more zealous witnesses at the court of the Inquisition!
The second event of this new beginning in your life was the visit you paid to the Basilica of San Vicente, after leaving the Incarnation on your way to perpetual seclusion in Saint Joseph’s.
Halfway between the two, outside the city walls, Saint Vincent’s is a commemorative shrine on the spot where in the year 306, three Christian siblings, Vicente, Christeta, and Sabina, were martyred. Perhaps you knew the legend, Teresa: they say that a snake came to guard the bleeding, tortured bodies from wild beasts. Such devotion on the part of so repulsive a reptile was clearly implausible. But there’s more: a wealthy Jew who hiked up there, intending to desecrate the corpses, was himself stopped by the snake coiling itself around him. Deeply shaken, he converted to Christianity there and then, causing the frightful snake, or phallic monster, to release him. This converted Jew built the first temple on the crime scene dedicated to the three martyrs. In the seventeenth century, when Raymond of Burgundy was beginning the reconstruction of the dragon wall that encircles Avila, the Basilica of San Vicente was erected on the site of the old temple, following a design inspired by the architect Giral Fruchel, who had built Avila’s cathedral.
At this pivotal moment of your life, it wasn’t the majestic and highly official cathedral that drew you; you headed instead for the basilica. You went down into the crypt, took off your shoes, and prostrated yourself before the Virgin of Soterraña. This statue is supposed to have been brought to Spain by Saint Peter as an offering for San Segundo, then bishop of Avila. It is a Romanesque sculpture carved in walnut, housed in the central baroque chapel of the crypt. A side chapel exhibits the stone on which the three early saints were put to death.
Today, you’re the founder. Not you alone, mind you, His Majesty is still within, but you have just said farewell to Teresa de Ahumada along with her Toledan ancestors, her father, and her mother. You are outside yourself, Teresa, in the conjugation of ecstasy and will: no longer Teresa de Ahumada, you are Teresa de Jesús.
Nonetheless, rarely and discreetly, the past seeps through:
One night, being so ill that I wanted to excuse myself from mental prayer, I took my rosary in order to occupy myself in vocal prayer. I tried not to recollect my intellect, even though externally I was recollected in the oratory. When the Lord desires, these devices are of little avail. I was doing this for only a short while when a spiritual rapture came upon me so forcefully that I had no power to resist it. It seemed to me that I was brought into heaven, and the first persons I saw there were
You went to San Vicente because here, in this Romanesque basilica, the memory of a virgin awaited, a
This twofold immersion in the fathomless depths of the divinity.
To make foundations, to constitute, to write a constitution: but how? In the event, your reform of the Carmelite order would rest on two pillars: constitution and fictions. On one side, the strict regulation and jurisdiction whose great purpose was to guarantee the right conditions for the
On completing the
Just now, however, in 1566, you are contemplating the idea of
So now, along with María de Jesús Yepes, do you seek to return to the Primitive, ascetic Rule, the way she observed it at the Carmelite convent in Mantua where the nuns are, it is said, “walled up”? In a way; but it is rather more a matter of returning to that point in order to rethink, to recommence anew. “Constitution,” for you, will contribute to inaugurating that other time that inhabits you already, the one I have read and seen taking shape in you.
The cornerstone will be enclosure, a shield against the levities and licenses you observed at the Incarnation, which it is high time were abolished, now that France has fallen prey to calamity, thanks to the “havoc” wrought by that sect of “miserable” Lutherans, as you put it.6 María de Jesús wants to add on another cornerstone that is just as necessary for embarking on the way of perfection: absolute poverty.
“Until I had spoken to her, it hadn’t been brought to my attention that our rule — before it was mitigated — ordered that we own nothing.” This was something that “I, after having read over our constitutions so often, didn’t know.”7 A descendant of wealthy merchants like you, Teresa, can’t do less than begin to “constitute” by renouncing, firmly and finally, the chattels of this world! Before, “my intention had been that we have no worries about our needs; I hadn’t considered the many cares ownership of property brings with it.” So far so natural, and so Christlike. To cap it all, María nudges you toward the third principle of your reform: the discalced nuns are to live from their labor alone, and forgo all private income and allowances. Nothing but alms and personal effort!
Saying Mass, preaching, teaching, even tending the sick — these are tasks for men; your “daughters” will be encouraged to spin at the wheel, weave, sew, embroider. As a purist, you ban the more elaborate forms of needlework. Spinning and weaving are fine, but beware of lacy fripperies, guipures, and tapestries, for too much sophistication (
Between the Carmelite provincial, Ángel de Salazar, who disapproved of such austere, impoverished convents; Bishop Álvaro de Mendoza, who took you under his wing; the Dominican Domingo Báñez, who supported you; and the Franciscan Pedro de Alcántara, who inspired you, slowly but surely you drew up the future constitution. In 1567, with the approval of the Carmelite general, the Italian-born Juan Bautista Rubeo, the new rules were written out with the assistance of María de Jesús, before she went off to found the Imagen convent at Alcalá de Henares. The text was then passed on to John of the Cross for him to use as a template for the discalced male regime. As the original has been lost, the only version we have has been reconstituted from the Alcalá copy and the rules for the Carmelite friars. To my mind, this short text (twelve sixteen-page chapters, of which you authored only the first six), regulating solitude within group life by dint of a wise balance of asceticism and tenderness, is the very condensation of your art of founding time.
After all, can anything be regulated without regulating time? How to make best use of time has always been a concern for monastic orders. Hence chapter 1, rule 1:
Matins are to be said after nine, not before, but not so long after nine that the nuns would be unable, when finished, to remain for a quarter of an hour examining their consciences as to how they have spent the day. The bell should be rung for this examen, and the one designated by the Mother prioress should read a short passage from some book in the vernacular on the mystery that will serve as a subject for reflection the following day. The time spent in these exercises should be so arranged that at eleven o’clock the bell may be rung to signal the hour for retirement and sleep. The nuns should spend this time of examen and prayer together in the choir. Once the Office has begun, no Sister should leave the choir without permission.8
Matins at nine, “examen” for fifteen minutes with meditation in Spanish upon a particular mystery, all “together in the choir.” Alone and together, meditation and work; the hours of the day are planned in such a way that time does not elapse but stands up straight, vertical, the frozen present of the contemplation of the Other. There are no distractions: your authorization of the vernacular tongue is not a license, it merely helps familiarize each nun with her Spouse and assimilate Him to whatever is most “her own,” both infantile and maternal. Likewise with chanting: to forestall possible backsliding, you prohibit the seductive runs of Gregorian notation, stipulating “a monotone and with uniform voices.” As for the rest of the rite, even Mass will be “recited,” to save time, “so that the Sisters may earn their livelihood.”9
Thus set up, the absolute present of contemplation will be paced according to the rhythms of the seasons and the movement of the sun. The bell rings out the calls to prayer, morning, noon, and night, and organizes the space of solitude with others: indoors or out, chapel or cell, garden or kitchen. The hours of the divine office (matins, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline, lauds) and the milestones of the Catholic calendar (Christmas, Lent, Easter, saints’ days) divert the quantitative flow of “passing time” into the outside-time of contemplative suspension.
The reform of time imposed by your
This headlong rush into the worlds of business, diplomacy, funding, this accumulation of ruses, affinities, seductions, and humiliations — what were they for? To hollow out places beyond place, enclosures harboring an outside-time, protecting the Infinite. The discalced universe founded by your
Taking your vows thirty-five years ago at the Incarnation, with the secret complicity of Uncle Pedro and the support of your readings of Osuna, had not been, after all, enough of a break with the order of families, of family, the law of management-gestation-generation. From now on, there’s no ambiguity: at the cost of the sadomasochism that your joyous lucidity ceaselessly modulates into willpower or serenity, you are free. But at what a cost! It’s another paradox, my baroque Teresa, and it won’t be the last.
Before throwing yourself into the race that will keep you busy for the next fifteen years, the time of Infinity thus negotiated with ephemeral, worldly time nudges you to etch a thousand meticulous details into your regulations. The most essential are as follows.
Enclosure, you say That means solitude, silence, and detachment from the world.
No nun should be seen with her face unveiled unless she is with her father, mother, brothers, or sisters, or has some reason that would make it seem as appropriate as in the cases mentioned. And her dealings should be with persons who are an edification and help for the life of prayer and who provide spiritual consolation rather than recreation. Another nun should always be present unless one is dealing with conscience matters. The prioress must keep the key to both the parlor and the main entrance. When the doctor, barber-surgeon, confessor, or other necessary persons enter the enclosure, they should always be accompanied by two nuns. When some sick nun goes to confession, another nun must always be standing there at a distance so that she sees the confessor. She should not speak to him, unless a word or two, only the sick nun may do so.10
Outside-time in time demands total dispossession from the outset: nothing for oneself. The sisters cannot own anything, not even a book:
In no way should the Sisters have any particular possessions, nor should such permission be granted; nothing in the line of food or clothing; nor should they have any coffer or small chest, or box, or cupboard, unless someone have an office in the community. But everything must be held in common.…the prioress should be very careful. If she sees that a Sister is attached to anything, be it a book, or a cell, or anything else, she should take it from her.11
You who were once such a stylish young thing, you now bear down on every sign of caring about appearance or comfort. Attire will be austere, with rope-soled sandals made of hemp, habits of coarse cloth or rough brown wool, hair chopped short under the wimple; no colors, no mirrors, Spartan cells, and straw pallets.
A fast is observed from the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, which is in September, until Easter, with the exception of Sundays. Meat must never be eaten unless out of necessity, as the rule prescribes.
The habit should be made of coarse cloth or black, rough wool, and only as much wool is necessary should be used.…Straw-filled sacks will be used for mattresses, for it has been shown that these can be tolerated even by persons with weak health.…Colored clothing or bedding must never be used, not even something as small as a ribbon. Sheepskins should never be worn. If someone is sick, she may wear an extra garment made of the same rough wool as the habit.
The Sisters must keep their hair cut so as not to have to waste time in combing it. Never should a mirror be used or any adornments; there should be complete self-forgetfulness.12
For those who haven’t grasped that this detachment is the imperative condition for belonging to the Other,
I am astonished by the harm that is caused from dealing with relatives. I don’t think anyone will believe it except the one who has
Once nature, that is, “the relatives,” has been dealt with, there naturally follows the need to guard against any special affection between sisters. Teresa is careful to put bounds on female passions, veritable poisons that she compares to the tumultuous feelings between siblings and to a “pestilence”:
All must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear, all must be helped.
Let no Sister
The inevitable pleasures between sisters (female homosexuality is endogenous!) must be closely watched out for, then. Beware elective affinities! Transform them into “general” bonds, into the cement holding the group together! Is that your message? Sooner said than done!
With rather more finesse, your Motherhood — sensual and prudent — softens these rigors by drawing attention to another, more delightful Cross that afflicts those who care for others, and know them down to “the tiniest speck [
When, in situations of mystical ascesis and the acquisition of this insight into human relationships, penances seem called for, you are careful to qualify them: “Should the Lord give a Sister the desire to perform a
Moments of relaxation — an innovation of yours — will be allowed:
When they are through with the meal, the Mother prioress may dispense from the silence so that all may converse together on whatever topic pleases them most, as long as it is not one that is inappropriate for a good religious. And they should all have their distaffs with them there.
Games should in no way be permitted, for the Lord will give to one the grace to entertain the others. In this way, the time will be well spent. They should strive not to be offensive to one another, but their words and jests must be discreet. When this hour of being together is over, they may in summer sleep for an hour; and whoever might not wish to sleep should observe silence.18
It goes without saying that delicacies are forbidden: the menu is meager, and fasting lasts for six months. The Constitution for Saint Joseph’s bans meat, save in cases of absolute necessity, as we have seen, but it does allow for fish and eggs, as well as unlimited bread and vegetables. Positively mouthwatering! Lest we forget, there’s nothing like frugality to condition the detachment from self that solitude is expected to foster.
Good spiritual nourishment, equally under surveillance, will feed the souls whose stomachs have thus been purified:
The prioress should see to it that good books are available, especially the
I see that the list of books authorized by the prioress is short but edifying, and the cleverest of the discalced nuns would be able to commit their salient passages to memory, so as to form part of a duly indoctrinated, elite corps.
I also note that this austerity wisely applies to one and all, fomenting a kind of equality between the sisters that even includes the mother superior:
Over the years, the various foundations would show that it was better to establish the prioress’s authority from the start and enshrine total respect for the hierarchy; for the moment, however, Teresa refers to herself as an “older sister.” Such were the optimistic beginnings of an institution that dreamed of equality. When at length she realized that the human animal, even behind the bars of a cloister, requires steering by an unambiguously firm hand, La Madre would duly take this into account.
But this is still only the start of an unimaginable adventure. The goal was no more or less than to found, in this world, the interiority of an absolute love beyond the reach or ken of this world; to noise abroad the work of this love by isolating it, rendering it invisible and indeed untouchable, and by the same token infinitely desirable. Nothing could have gone more against the grain at this time, the apogee of the Renaissance, as colonization was spreading and industry beginning to develop. But the repercussions of the Council of Trent subsumed this Teresian casuistry into the cultural revolution that was the Counter-Reformation, without anyone knowing where exactly this would lead: to the impasse of an archaism in whose swamp of supernatural manifestations Renaissance or Protestant progress would find itself mired? Or to the awakening of unsuspected energies and fruitful singularities, as enigmatic and confounding today as they ever were?
I shall enlarge on only three things, which are from our own constitutions, for it is very important that we understand how much the practice of these three things helps us to possess
The fundament is love according to prayer: in these days of religious war, you must pray (inwardly) and make it known by taking up as much space as possible (outwardly). Recollect yourself at the very heart of your interior castle, but swarm through the mountains and valleys. In a Carmel harking back to the old ways, contemplation amounts to a warrior kind of love. Are some “unfortunate heretics” attacking the Catholic fortress in which La Madre desires to house her reform? To arms, to war! But one cannot gallop into battle without first outlining the Paradise of love; without exploring in every direction love’s exaltations, which only thus, accepted at last, open up into Nothingness.
Let us return now to the love that it is good for us to have, that which I say is
It will seem to you that such persons do not love or know anyone but God. I say, yes they do love, with a much greater and more genuine love, and with passion, and with a more beneficial love:
Who said enclosure? Inwardly and outwardly, you constitute whatever is necessary to harbor love, to set it ablaze with ecstasy, indifference, endurance. You are ready, Teresa, to confront the world from the vantage point of that nonworld. Comfort does not sit well with prayer, ecstasy is not a pampered but a painful act, incompatible with easy living: “
Are you, like Angela of Foligno, perpetually engaged in a “twofold immersion in the fathomless depths of the divinity”? Not really. What you do instead is to walk it, explore it, elucidate it. The idea is to create the optimum conditions for attaining, through recollection, the intimate secrecy, the “closet” (Matt. 6:6) of prayer, the prayer “all night” (Luke 6:12) engaged in by Jesus himself, for “it has already been mentioned that one cannot speak simultaneously to God and to the world.”24 Time to withdraw from the world, then, to step back from its “frenzy”; but also from “bad humors” or melancholia, on “days of great tempests in His servants.”25 To stand never so far from the Master “that He has to shout,” close enough for the person at prayer to “center the mind on the one to whom the words are addressed.”26 This pact with the Other should neither be a fusion, nor an obstacle to comprehension: “It will be an act of love to understand who this Father of ours is and who the Master is who taught us this prayer.”27
And yet, with no striving on the part of the spirit, a transfer of intimacies is what occurs, an outpouring of pleasure between communicating vessels. The “divine food” of happiness, then,28 the understanding of the “nothingness of all things,” which together transmute the “pain” into “joy.” Let “reason” itself “raise the banner”!29 The “interior” of every person will thus find itself appeased: “If the soul suffers dryness, agitation and worry, these are taken away.”30 In a word, the soul is returned to bliss. “The delight is in the
Severed from this “exterior life,” the cloistered soul — which Teresa reveals and instructs in the
Thus inflamed, the soul on its path to perfection never encounters a “closed door,” for its state of “suspension”40 makes an invincible combatant of it. Cloistered but not tied down, its deep refreshment in itself, at once water and fire, compels it to brave the antagonism of those who are content with the “exterior life,” the “outer bark”:
I had no one with whom to speak. They were all against me; some, it seemed, made fun of me when I spoke of the matter, as though I were inventing it; others advised my confessor to be careful of me; others said that my experience was clearly from the devil. My confessor alone (even though he agreed with them in order to test me, as I came to know afterward) always consoled me.41
Not even devils can scare you anymore, Teresa. Fortified by your union with the Beloved, you ignore them, like so many pesky flies! “For although I sometimes saw them, as I shall relate afterward, I no longer had hardly any fear of them; rather it seemed they were afraid of me. I was left with a
Contemplative and secluded as you are, you harbor a military vision of the world, my dear Teresa; the Parisian Psychoanalytical Society crowd would call it paranoid, and they wouldn’t be completely wrong. Witness this vision:
I saw myself standing alone in prayer in a large field; surrounding me were many different types of people.
This vision seems fruitless, but
How lucky you are: your ideal Father still protects you! What’s more, his protection has modulated. The ecstatic union has already become a matter of listening and hearing. From now on, and more and more, His Voice does not simply comfort and reassure you: it reasons, judges, ponders, counsels. You would never have succeeded as a foundress without pulling back from the Beloved a little. Where previously you were enclosed in a garden irrigated by pleasure, cut off from a world you perceived as rejecting you, His Voice has opened up an evaluating distance; the love-rapture has been amplified by understanding and a kind of mastery. In professional jargon, I’d say that the ideal of the ego has become endowed with a reasonable, domesticated, sympathetic superego. To build the little Convent of Saint Joseph’s, you followed David’s example: “I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints” (Ps. 85:8).
And with time, indeed, you will outdo David. Is that an overstatement, brought on by a fit of feminism? In 1577, the Voice you hearken to in prayer is that of Jesus himself as he tells you to “Seek yourself in Me” (Búscate en mí).44
Four years, the quietest and most restful of your life, had gone by in the company of the select group you gathered together at Saint Joseph’s,45 when a missionary friar fresh from the Indies told you of the horrors being perpetrated on the natives by the glorious
Then the father general of your order, Juan Bautista Rubeo (Giambattista Rossi) arrived from Rome on his first visit to Spain. You were in dread of his opinion — but he only encouraged you to undertake further foundations, further afield. You acted surprised, but you were as ready as can be. It’s all you were waiting for. You got a little band of three of four nuns together and hopped into a wagon, under canvases stretched over a frame of rushes so nobody would see you, enclosure
Did someone say “enclosure”?
And they’re off! At a trot, at a gallop, never at a walk, with detours, ruses, and ambushes galore, you’re a racehorse, Teresa, valiant and highly strung. A nun, with such a passion for the road? For the next fifteen years you will crisscross Spain, trudging on foot, mounted on a mule, rattled boneless in a coach. Escorted by a few devoted sisters and obliging men — secular priests who double as technical advisers, the occasional infatuated confessor — all undaunted by the hardships of nature and the iniquity of humans. Your energy as an epileptic prone to migraines astonishes your contemporaries, as well as posterity; from here, four centuries further on, it’s your tempo that fascinates me: you are a true composer of time.
Your impetus in this dash is loving and warlike. “Grant me trials, Lord, give me persecution!” Let’s go! Trotting, cantering, on horseback, on mule-back, in a coach, on foot! Bring your quills, your contacts, your wallets, your kind hearts! You, devout noblewomen, and you, knights and merchants, bishops and courtiers, kings and queens, let us mount and sally forth together in a glittering cavalcade, for the insidious enemy is on the prowl. But how to tell friend from foe? It’s war, the war of love.
If your blows fall short of the frail rampart, let’s sally forth again, to arms! I watch, I think, I burn, I complain, O love that fortifies my heart. Quick, each man to his post! The journey is in me, the battle too, brutal and furious: they alone can bring me peace. Peace, what peace? There is no peace. One hand alone cures and wounds me. And because my suffering never reaches its limits, a thousand times daily I die, and a thousand times am born, so far am I from my salvation. Here we go again, to horse, to horse, to horse, every soul a horse, there is no soul if not loving and warlike, warlike and in love.
All of a sudden the Babel of times and languages carries me away, too, me, Sylvia Leclercq, a therapist in my spare time, and suddenly Teresa’s tempo comes back to me in Italian: it’s the loving warlike gallop of Monteverdi,46 born fifty years after you, Teresa, my love; it’s his beat I hear drumming through your writings, rising, resonating, and harmonizing with you. Suddenly he supplies the sound I felt was missing as I read your texts. To lend meaning to his runaway music, the conductor at Saint Mark’s Basilica in Venice borrowed lyrics from Petrarch47 and from Giulio Strozzi,48 the first translator into Italian of
I hear you clearly now, Teresa, speaking to me in the voices of Petrarch, Strozzi, Monteverdi, all three Catholic Latins, and you excel in the race of love unto death:
Quick, love is near, as near as the enemy, every man to his post, not a moment to lose, to your souls, to your souls, to your souls, there is no soul but one that’s warlike and in love:
When I was young I dreamed of writing like that, galloping off on a text by Strozzi or Petrarch to the rhythms of Monteverdi. Quite recently — had he sensed this hidden attraction? — a president (but which?) blurted out to me: “Sylvia Leclercq is a racehorse!” This strange compliment, which I received with a proud gratification that baffled the friends who were present, brought me back to you, Teresa, via my Italians:
But it’s no good, I will never, ever, neither in body nor on paper, possess anything like your fever; your velocity, suppleness, abrasiveness, and cunning; your jubilation, humility, and perfidy; your sharp claws and soft lethargy; your dexterity with a deathblow; your violent triumphs and grievous defeats, simplicity and glory, suffering and sadism, annihilation and perseverance, carelessness and obstinacy, serenity and anguish, toughness and tenderness; your spiteful kindness, amorous indifference, and desperate tenacity. Nor will I ever have that furious, caressing lucidity and unflagging watchfulness, always on behalf of that infinite Love of the Other, infinitely unfindable, infinitely imbued in you. Never, Teresa, my love! You were, they said, a true “spiritual conquistador.”
It’s raining, snowing, blowing up a storm. You’re feverish, you throw up, you scourge yourself, you mount a bad-tempered mule that bucks you off, the axle of your coach snaps on a rutted road, you fall over, you hurt yourself, you break a leg, you feel cold, you feel too hot, there’s nothing left to drink, you haven’t had a scrap to eat since goodness knows when, you were promised great things but it’s all fallen through, never mind! You’ll find another way in, a different path; you’ll prevail on one of your accomplices, quick, no time to lose; your purse is empty but you always find money somewhere; it matters and it doesn’t, the re-foundation has no need of a steady income, as you explain to all and sundry, and also they — sisters, brothers, creditors, friends, or foes — don’t matter either. What matters are deeds, what’s needed are works and more works.
Your love leads the dance, that sole, single, inexhaustible love, on the trot, at a gallop, no love but in the loving warlike soul, and for that soul, your soul, galloping along the highways and byways of Spain, of the world, of perfection, of the interior castle, of everything, of nothing:
Religious houses founded by Teresa of Jesus.
1562 Saint Joseph’s in Avila
1567 Medina del Campo
1568 Malagón
1568 Valladolid
1569 Toledo
1569 Pastrana
1570 Salamanca
1571 Alba de Tormes
1574 Segovia
1575 Beas de Segura
1575 Seville
1576 Caravaca
1580 Villanueva de la Jara
1580 Palencia
1581 Soria
1582 Burgos
1582 Granada
“That is too high-minded,” I replied, “and consequently cruel.”
I’m daydreaming, eyes wide open beneath their lids: I can see and hear her now, Teresa’s on her way, twenty years stretch ahead, counting from the first lines of the
Since she began making foundations, La Madre has been blessed with more than visions: voices, too, are heard, whose messages she eagerly transcribes. The difference is that visions induce states of rapture, whereas voices spur to action. The voices — obviously the Lord’s — speak disparagingly of human prescriptions and laws: they convey the Word of the Beloved differently from how the world’s kingpins understand it. To speed things up — and Teresa is moving faster every day — it seems that thanks to these voices she, too, stands against the law, against the world, against the grain. “You will grow very foolish, daughter, if you look at the world’s laws. Fix your eyes on me, poor and despised by the world. Will the great ones of the world, perhaps, be great before me? Or, are you to be esteemed for lineage or for virtue?”2
At Medina, then, a new house opens on August 15, 1567: cousin Inés Tapia, now Inés de Jesús, will be the prioress. There are malcontents in town who grumble that this foundation is a fraud. Let them say what they like, God has given Teresa some true friends here: Pedro Fernández, the Dominican principal; the Jesuit Baltasar Álvarez, who accompanies La Madre in her spiritual life; and the Dominican García de Toledo, of course, dependably busy and protective, almost affectionate. No sooner has this inauguration been celebrated, than permission arrives to found two male monasteries under the Primitive Rule! Where should they be located?
Antonio de Heredia (Antonio de Jesús), a Carmelite of the Observation from Medina, takes an interest. But he’s too old, too difficult, Teresa balks, no. Let’s speed up:
Father Antonio introduces to the discalced nuns a bright young man fresh out of theology school at Salamanca, twenty-five-year-old Juan de Yepes, ordained as Juan de San Matías. Short and skinny, round-skulled and sharp-faced, he is the son of a rich weaver from Toledo (Toledan forebears and of Jewish stock, it seems — just like Teresa!), the hidalgo Gonzalo de Yepes, who was reputedly ruined by marrying Juan’s mother, a woman of Moorish and hence Muslim blood. This Juan de San Matías is an ascetic, disillusioned by the calced life; he yearns to withdraw from the world in the mountains of Segovia. He has shining eyes, an elliptical wit, and the fieriness of the Carthusians he wanted to join. He’s the one! Onward!
No, hold your horses, wait!
Luisa de la Cerda, Teresa’s generous patron and friend, slows things down again. This noble lady, who aspires to Heaven above all else, insists, absolutely
To begin with — she’s always beginning — she must get in touch right away with Juan de Ávila, tell him of her forthcoming visit to the area, and send him the book in advance through Luisa. Although she dared to hope as much, Teresa is thrilled when the learned sage replies without delay and even looks kindly upon her journey: “You can better serve the Lord with this pilgrimage than by staying in your cell.”3 No hesitation, she’ll go to Malagón.
Meanwhile there’s no end of checking, finding out, keeping up to date: they stop in Alcalá de Henares on the way, at the discalced convent founded by María de Jesús. Poor woman, she hasn’t got a clue: too tough, too many penances. María is an innovator whose notions came in useful for the
The problems pile up at Malagón. Where to find a spiritual director for a new monastery in this godforsaken spot? How about getting Tomás de Carleval from Baeza, Bernardino’s brother, a disciple of Juan de Ávila…But Bernardino was arrested by the Inquisition back in 1551. It might be reckless, a way of courting trouble.
On the other hand, attentive to the guidance of the master of Avila, Teresa doesn’t think twice before accepting converts at Malagón, that is, sisters in white veils, and starting a school for local girls. The young recruits have got to learn to read, otherwise they haven’t a hope of donning the black veil one day and reading the holy office!
And then, since troubles never come singly, how on earth is one to eat fish, as stipulated by the
But it’s not that simple. La Madre does not for a moment forget about her manuscript: the Business she must attend to amongst her business.
Good grief! It took all of five letters to Luisa de la Cerda during that summer of 1568 to set the ball of the
Teresa stops off at Duruelo to visit the little house additionally offered by Bernardino, with a view to setting up the first convent for discalced monks. She makes a detour to Medina to bring back Juan de San Matías, promoting him to the rank of associate founder in the Valladolid venture.
Let’s see, how are we getting along in these noble lands so handsomely lavished upon us? There are so many mosquitoes in this lovely countryside that the sisters get malaria and die like flies. Teresa won’t be bullied, enough is enough, we’ll move into town. Álvaro’s sister María de Mendoza donates another house, it’s just what we need, we’ll put up all the fittings ourselves: cells, chapels, grilles, Teresa won’t settle for less than perfection; María Bautista will be the prioress. La Madre wants everyone to know that a convent must be to La Madre’s taste, she won’t bow to pressure from any quarter, whether the Mendozas or some estimable Jesuit such as Fr. Ripalda.
Four years later, on March 7, 1572, Teresa writes to inform María de Mendoza that she will not accept two postulants recommended by that lady. Is it because by her high standards, the young ladies showed an insufficient vocation? She’s a perfectionist, as we’ve seen: she doesn’t want one-eyed or sickly girls in her convent.
You’re hard-hearted, Teresa, and you know it, you’re proud of it, you’re not as Christlike as your voices make you out to be. A masochist overall, you are not above being a sadist at times, I will remind you of that. It helps, certainly: the times are as tough as you are, the Carmels hard to control, one has to fight, to keep tense as a bow in order to keep making foundations. But still!
The previous year, an auto-da-fe was held in Valladolid. Men and women accused of Lutheranism were burned at the stake. Most were conversos with connections to the Cazalla family; Agustín Cazalla, preacher to the king and his mother, was among them. There had been some contact between these circles and doña Guiomar, involving Teresa herself: although they were no longer in touch, prayer continued to link them. The world was coming down hard on the new paths she was trying to clear, it was out to silence His Voices, that much was clear. Oh well. Just distrust everyone and everything, follow your way of perfection more and more perfectly, and we’ll be off again,
Blessed be His Majesty, this hostile world is not only composed of enemies: some pure souls do exist, like that young Juan de San Matías. Might His Majesty have created him expressly for Teresa’s project? His is a life devoted to intelligent thought and great penance; “I believe our Lord has called him for this task.”8 In November 1568, Juan and Teresa, now a close-knit team, founded the masculine Convent of Duruelo. A shabbier, more frugal holy house can scarcely be imagined. Teresa stitched with her own hand the habit of the young monk who now took the name of Juan de la Cruz, John of the Cross.
And yet you are going to abandon him in the dark night of this utterly impoverished place, Teresa, my love, a pang of sorrow and pride in your heart, admiring him, but already a little distant. For he is passionately in thrall to the realm of the invisible, whereas you are committed to scattering the glints of the diamond of your soul, which encases the Third Person. John of the Cross will lose himself ever more in the purity of agonized contemplation, whereas you pursue your furious cavalcade for God.
F F F F A♭ F D♭
F F F F A♭ F D♭
D♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ D♭ A♭ A♭ A♭
A♭ A♭ D♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ A♭ A♭
F F F F A♭ F D♭
F F F F A♭ F D♭
Yes, I hear you clearly: after every conversation with John of the Cross, your gallop is slightly faster and yet slacker, dampened by melancholy. No, John’s nothingness will never crush the jewel of your inner dwelling places, it can only unleash a shiver in that heart of yours, which wants to be hard, which has to stay that way.
Now then, time to pull yourself together, to check your first foundation and tighten the bonds with the sisters at Saint Joseph’s in Avila. Indeed, but it’s impossible! A fresh proposal has arrived, supported by your new Jesuit friend, Pablo Hernández: to found a house in Toledo.
Toledo, is it? The city where grandfather Juan was traduced, where the
A rich trader named Martín Ramírez has engaged to bequeath his worldly goods to the discalced institution at Toledo; in exchange, he wants to be buried in the chapel. Is this acceptable? A commoner giving himself the right to be buried in a convent, as though he were a nobleman? It goes without saying, however, that they will welcome the daughters of converso Jews. But Toledans are sharply divided over the fate of Archbishop Bartolomé de Carranza, arrested in 1559 and slammed into a Roman jail due to his friendship with Luis de Granada and other “spiritual” adepts of mental prayer; he has numerous enemies here. Some pious women nevertheless club together to have him freed, defying the Inquisitor General Fernando de Valdés. As though this were not enough to torpedo the Toledo venture, it soon transpires that the Ramírez bequest is no longer available; the permission to found keeps being delayed, and conservatives rail against the cheek of this little woman who proposes to found a religious house by cutting deals with tradespeople! Can anything else go wrong?
No need to panic. Teresa, who can be sweet and gracious when she chooses, pushes on with the works. Finally the ecclesiastical governor of the diocese, don Gómez Tello Girón, agrees to guarantee the project, on one condition: in order to avoid infection by the taint of trade, the convent must have no revenues and refuse any donation or patronage (thus shutting the vulgar Ramírez out of the picture; was he the problem all along?) The foundress feigns surprise. But Father, who suggested anything else? Our Constitutions impose a strict rule of poverty, I thought you knew.
Mother Teresa has three or four ducats to her name, enough to buy two straw pallets and a blanket. A mischievous
On May 14, 1569, the first Mass is said in the new foundation at Toledo. More than a foundation, it has been a brilliantly forced passage, a seduction strategy, a feat of errancy and endurance. Nothing can resist you, Teresa. Perhaps your poverty is a form of high ambition? Your humility, a piece of brazen chutzpah?
This gallop might have been smoother had it not clashed with other equally bold and no less brash schemes, usually from women. At this precise juncture, your soaring energy came up against that most formidable of Spanish grandees: Ana de Mendoza de la Cerda, princess of Eboli, wife of Prince Ruy Gómez — the most powerful personality after King Philip II — and great-granddaughter of don Pedro González de Mendoza, cardinal and archbishop of Toledo, dubbed “the third king of Spain.” Quite a package! She was a haughty, peremptory woman, minus an eye (could that be another reason why you didn’t want that sort of defect in your convent, Teresa?), capable of setting fire to everything around with “just one sun,” as the saying went, a spoiled and spendthrift princess. You were about to find this out, unfortunately, for here she was, nagging you to drop everything and go to Pastrana to found another convent, there’s no end to it. Off you went, willingly enough, since in the intoxication of your status as the go-to foundress, giddied by your ascent, you were still blind to the traps the Eboli woman would set for you, my naive Teresa.
No question of a wagon this time, it’s an unworthy vehicle for a Madre like yourself. The princess sends a stately coach, a fairy carriage! Along the way, your gallop — a golden gallop now — draws breath at Court, in Madrid! We know that His Majesty’s Voice is essential to your foundations, but that of King Philip II is not to be sneezed at either, is it?
The great ones of this world are solicitous, they promise to help. The great ladies are not to be outdone: Leonor de Mascarenhas, for instance, introduces you to a pair of hermits who will become your disciples, or almost. One can never be sure of seeing eye to eye with such original characters, but you’re an original yourself, aren’t you? The characters in question are Mariano de Azzaro and his friend the painter Giovanni Narducci, of whom more later.
At Pastrana you are given a suite in the Eboli palace and showered with treats, fueling the gossip of evil tongues: what behavior from a woman who always purports to be holier than thou! And yet sparks have flown between you and your hostess Ana de Mendoza from the beginning of your stay. You of course have no time for the courtiers and their “artificial displays” of lordship (
A change of decor is noticeable here: luxury congeals into morbidity and the atmosphere is sepulchral. As at Duruelo, the monks’ cells are adorned by crosses and death’s-heads. The hermits you recently met, Azzaro and Narducci, have renamed themselves fray Ambrosio Mariano de San Benito and fray Juan de la Miseria — that’s right, the painter whose portrait of you you weren’t too pleased with. These two introduce the practice of perpetual worship to Pastrana: night and day, the Holy Sacrament must be attended by two praying brothers! This overwrought asceticism is as distasteful to you as that of young John of the Cross. The mournful rituals at Pastrana and Duruelo are beyond you; impressed but already somewhat detached, you think only of continuing the journey.
Her Highness of Eboli can stay put, she’s got what she wanted, her very own Carmel, like her relatives María de Mendoza and Luisa de la Cerda; in fact she’s got two of them. Let her stay in Pastrana, you won’t be climbing into her golden coach again, that’s a solemn vow; there have been too many compromises already.
The galloping is far from over, and you are more and more attentive to His Majesty’s Voices so that they might speak through your lips. Voices that dictate the proper balance between the gruesome penances favored by the recently discalced, and the worldly temptations entailed by princely palaces, but also by convents with questionable standards: between macabre skulls and the licentiousness of paradisiac illusions. The followers of Juan de Ávila and the Jesuits are alone in hearkening to those voices in your mouth; they alone hear you at this time, one of the most testing of your whole itinerary. Isn’t that enough encouragement to press on?
Meanwhile, family ties must be reorganized. You relegate the family of your sister Juana de Ovalle to its rightful place: too much familiarity is damaging. On the other hand you empower the role of your brother Lorenzo, who has returned from the “Indies” with a splendid fortune and a burning faith. It’s a good time to regulate your relationship with money: not too much but more than none, just enough for peace of mind and galloping on, but even so…Whatever the precautions, money comes at a price, and one that’s always too expensive. “Miserable is the rest achieved that costs so dearly. Frequently one obtains hell with money and buys everlasting fire and pain without end.” (“Negro descanso se procura, que tan caro cuesta. Muchas veces se procura con ellos el infierno y se compra fuego perdurable y pena sin fin.”)10
Done: the inauguration is scheduled for November 1. The locale has not yet been decided, everything is provisional, but the main thing, the foundational gesture, has been achieved. The rest will follow. Ana de Tapia, now Ana de la Encarnación, has been chosen as the prioress.
No chance of going to sleep on one’s laurels. At Medina, a new prioress must be appointed. The Carmelite provincial, Ángel de Salazar, uneasy about the reforms from the start, is opposed to the re-election of Inés de Jesús. He would prefer to have an unreformed nun from the Convent of the Incarnation; he is, moreover, backing the claims of the family of Isabel de los Ángeles, Simón Ruiz’s niece, fearful lest her fortune — money misery again! — be handed to the convent at their expense. Salazar angrily orders Teresa off the premises: what an excruciating humiliation! There will be no more galloping for a while, as she slinks crestfallen out of Medina on the bony back of a water-carrier’s donkey. She goes for succor to John of the Cross, and together they set off to make a foundation at Alba de Tormes.
As always, La Madre travels to the sound of His Voice. Tested to the limit, but more than ever sure of the Other, Teresa is definitively a Third Person, you can’t miss it. A writer who outlines her own character, combined with a pragmatic woman — that’s what you call a foundress. Martin Gutiérrez, a few years younger, the rector of the Society of Jesus college in Salamanca,11 understands and supports her; but doesn’t their intimacy jeopardize her liberty? Since, she tells his Reverence, “I don’t think I’m attached to any person on earth, I felt some scruple and feared lest I begin to lose this freedom.” The Lord’s Voice responds promptly to this attachment anxiety, and reassures the troubled woman beneath the Carmelite habit: “Just as human beings desire companionship in order to communicate about
The Dominicans prove more resistant, this time, to Teresa’s charms. Pedro Fernández, the illustrious theologian who defended Teresa in the early days of her project, has gone over to the side of the provincial, Ángel de Salazar, who remains suspicious of it, as we’ve seen, and has begun to express his own reservations. Fortunately the Voice of His Majesty is once more on hand to confront the Dominican father who has become such a
The investiture ceremony goes horribly wrong. Afraid to lose their freedoms as calced nuns, the conservative Carmelites won’t let Teresa in. Protests, booing, and jeering greet the provincial when he utters the name of the Incarnation’s new prioress. “No!” shriek the incensed sisters. The only contrary opinion comes from Catalina de Castro, who pipes, almost inaudibly: “We want her, we love her!”
This staunchness is all it takes to rally a small, timid group of supporters. The antis grow heated; the timid camp grows larger. Scuffles break out. The constables are called in. At last the controversial prioress manages to slip inside the choir by the side door. Clutching an image of her father, Saint Joseph, Teresa sits down in the same stall she had occupied for twenty-seven years, when she was just a little nun. A blunder, in the daze of emotion? Or, on the contrary, a clever diplomatic ruse, a conscious diffidence that is sure to pay off? No, rather a divine inspiration. And that’s just the beginning.
You are a mistress in the art of mise-en-scène, Teresa, my love. Oh yes, don’t misunderstand me, the right judgment of mise-en-scène is an art, like music, a kind of sanctity. Then you disappear for a moment, and return with a statue of our Lady, dressed in embroidered silk. Slowly and solemnly you place her in the prioress’s stall. You give her your official keys, you kneel at her feet and say in a soft voice (yours or His Majesty’s?):
“Behold our Lady of Mercy, dear daughters. She will be your prioress.”
Your words fell the rebels like a bolt of grace — a
All the same, this new and unaccustomed rigor is not accepted by your subordinates without a struggle. It’s only human. A party of enterprising young blades decides to have it out with you: Does this prioress think she’s God? You receive their spokesman and continue spinning, without looking at him, through a torrent of cavalier eloquence. Finally you cut in:
“Henceforth Your Grace will kindly leave this monastery in peace. If Your Grace persists, I shall appeal to the king.”
Notwithstanding such smart raps on the knuckles, you are still a good mother who knows how to feed her daughters, I grant you that, my fixer Teresa. Francisco de Salcedo is in charge of provisions: sixty head of poultry, plenty of pulses, lettuces, and quinces. Your sister Juana is going to send some turkeys. All of the ingredients for some
The one thing lacking in this refashioned Carmel is a good confessor, and you know just the man. Summoned from the college in Alcalá where he was teaching the prince of Eboli’s novices, John of the Cross takes the post. The ideal circumstance for conversing with this holy man: among mutual ecstasies and levitating chairs (phenomena certified by the nuns who keep an awed eye upon the sayings and doings of the two protagonists), the pair of you advance together and yet on different tracks toward your respective sainthoods, divergent but forever convergent.…The sort of love you share, lucid and remote, is only possible this way.
The moment of spiritual marriage has arrived at last. We are in November 1572. The holy humanity of Jesus inflicts wounds on you that match His own, and lavishes immeasurable joy upon you, since you’ve succeeded in pleasing Him by your prayers as by your deeds, in
While at the Incarnation in the second year I was prioress, on the octave of the feast of St. Martin.…His Majesty…appeared to me in an imaginative vision, as at other times, very interiorly, and He gave me His right hand and said: “
Throughout all this you make an excellent prioress, ergo your mission has been accomplished. But Avila does not suit you, the climate is icy, you’re surprised you could ever have been born here. It’s time to go on the road again.
New foundations await you.
Fussier than a Lutheran, more illuminated than an
Ten years ago, after all, the act of writing had spurred you to make foundations. Conversely, now, the creation of your godly houses redirects you to writing, a different writing in which psychological subtlety, a hardheaded sense of reality, and the lucidity of rapture are intermingled. You begin work on August 24 and compose the first nine chapters of the
From 1573 to 1582, the
Once again it was in writing that Teresa erected her ultimate habitat, entered into so it might be publicly revealed. Here is an irregular space if ever there was one, made of antitheses, strong images targeting the senses and aiming to dazzle, to unbalance, to set in motion, to celebrate the inconstancy of feeling in a perpetual mobility that can only be appeased by profusion and the eternity of the ephemeral. The recesses in the cut of these precious stones, these luminous diamonds studding the fabric of Teresa’s text, render them surely more decorous, less boldly ostentatious than the institutional work of reform? More private, allegorical, and polyphonic than the very real epic of the foundational race?
That’s not how Teresa saw it. From early on in the
Today, as her race through the world crosses with her surge toward the Beloved within, at the intersection of
“For even though it may seem that good desires are given [by the devil], they are not strong ones.”19
It is
How can we identify the souls with a high degree of “love of neighbor”? The judgment of the inside-outside traveler is instant: those incapable of true love are those she observes as “earnest” and “sullen,” who “don’t dare let their minds move or stir.” “No, Sisters, absolutely not; works are what the Lord wants!”21
Bestir yourselves, then, get moving, body and soul, send your thoughts on a journey:
It’s clear from inside the plural and delectably amorous intimacy of my
But then, if the questing soul is certain of its reciprocated love for the Other, what pains it? What greater good does it want? Another discovery, as baroque as the last, comes to resolve this dilemma in your writing, my blissful Teresa. As with the inconstancy of the Divine Archer who, like the Spouse of the Sulamitess, comes and goes in His nevertheless absolute goodness, and whose wounding “reaches to the soul’s very depths” before He “draws out the arrow,” the pain, like the soul, “is never permanent.” It’s as though a spark leaping out from “the brazier that is my God” so struck the soul that “the flaming fire was felt by it,” but “not enough to set the soul on fire,” so leaving it with elusive pain; the “spark merely by touching the soul produces that effect [
Frigidity? Masochism? Voluntary servitude compensated by a runaway imagination? Good old Jérôme Tristan, beating us over the head with his diagnostics, my mercurial Teresa. He’s right, no doubt, but it’s more than that. If that were all, it’d be the devil’s work. On the contrary, in your penetration-appropriation of the good Being by itself, this operation “is something so manifest that it can in no way be fancied. I mean, one cannot think it is imagined, when it is not.”24 The test of the imagination by the senses emerges as the ultimate proof of the truth of the experience, unmistakably stamped with the Other’s trademark, not that of the devil. Kinetic, sensitive, bittersweet, the endlessly relaunched imagination (“again!”) with its exorbitant intensity and rosary of metaphors, creates the geometry of an authorized serenity, authorized because shared with the ideal of the Self, the ideal Father. Touching, sparks, braziers, extinctions, pains…and again…and again…and again! “Lack,” “frigidity,” “masochism,” you say? All that is nothing but trials sent by the devil, fit to be reversed into an infinite winging toward the space packed with obstacles overcome, toward the capacity for love proper to the Beloved incorporated in me. Toward the Other who is Love, inaccessible and yet so present that He can be possessed to the infinity that He is, an infinity I too am becoming.
If the devil is no more than a puny, death-dealing imagination — a “melancholic” one, Sisters, I should have warned you — the only way to defeat him is via the baroque kaleidoscope of a psychic space erected against the nonplace of Hell, but also against the headlong rush to the uninhabited outside, from which the soul should remain apart. Only when the plastic mobility of this interiority is in place (or rather, in motion) and unhealthy impotence is transmuted into fresh ramifications, an eternal nativity, will the world itself be available for conquests without end and interminable re-foundations.
As Teresa travels Spain on donkey-back and in carriages, and the writer’s pen establishes her home base in a polyvalent space, the vagabond desires instigated by the devil and stirring in the soul “some passion, as happens when we suffer over worldly things [things of the age:
Tears themselves are only beneficial for watering the desiccated soul when they come from God; then they will be “a great help in producing fruit. The less attention we pay to them the more there are”;27 but in tears, too, “there can be deception.”28
Fragmented and restless, forever tempted by the devil, the soul (again this third party, probingly observed as it endlessly unfurls within her) is not hopelessly in thrall to demonic falsehoods all the same. However infinite the way of perfection, union lies at the end of it — that is, at the “center,” right here, in the labyrinth of dwelling places. The writer already senses a premonitory excitement, “feelings of jubilation and a strange prayer,” an “impulse of happiness” comparable to those experienced by Saint Francis and Pedro de Alcántara, carried away by “blessed madness.”29 What could this be?
By a further twist of alert lucidity, Teresa analyzes the phenomenon as a “deep union of the faculties”; an osmosis of the intellect, memory, and will into the good Being of the Lover/Beloved. A flexible osmosis, though, since the Lord “leaves [the faculties] free that they might enjoy this joy — and the same goes for the senses — without understanding what it is.”30
And so you arrive, Teresa, with full freedom to enjoy, at the faceted jewel of your writing, which condenses your union with the Beloved and your freedom vis-à-vis Him into a cascade of metaphors-metamorphoses. Clinging proximity mixed with flighty expansiveness, brief touches, darting escapes. Centripetal and centrifugal, your
In a burst of writing that soars high over the “somersaults” of the devils, you depict a soul, your soul, rushing toward the dangerous, bewitching strangeness that is so hard to express (it might sound “like gibberish” or Arabic,
“What I’m saying seems like gibberish, but certainly the experience takes place in this way, for the joy is so excessive the soul wouldn’t want to enjoy it alone but wants to
The journey, interior or through the outside world, is here a synonym of serenity, as prodigal sons and daughters reconcile to a world made safe at last. Revolts have been shelved, self-denials forgotten, frustrations transcended. To want to “put to work” and even pacify one’s irksome desires by the grace of loving oneself in the Other is perhaps madness, as Teresa is aware; but a blessed madness. And surely preferable to grim truth, belligerent folly, or deceptive, gloomy nihilism.
Today, as I am reading you and speaking to you, your “activity” is being widely publicized, everyone is being “told about it.” You are being rediscovered. Everybody has his or her Teresa.
Out of kindness to the unfortunate nuns left at the mercies of this capricious aristocrat — or maybe out of a desire to get even with one of your bugbears, the epitome of “artificial displays” of lordship and authority — you arrange for the fourteen sisters to be kidnapped by Julián de Ávila and Antonio Gaytán. You ought to be ashamed, Teresa, you female
The princess turned Ana de la Madre de Dios lets you get away with it, busy preparing an exquisite revenge of her own. Have you forgotten how in 1569, when you were founding Pastrana, you gave in to her pleas and lent her the copy of the book of your
Without the slightest inkling of these schemes, you buy a house in Segovia and move in the fourteen nuns you acquired in a less than Catholic way, perhaps, but too bad, here goes another foundation:
John, your “little Seneca,” is lost in rapture in front of a Cross he perceives floating against the lime-washed wall of the cloister. You are writing your
Your confessor, Fr. Yanguas, quotes Saint Paul’s words commanding women to keep quiet in church, as a way of telling you that women should know their place; he is no fan of the
On the way to Avila, you can’t help stopping off at the grotto where Saint Dominic used to pray. Prostrating yourself for a long time before the saint’s apparition, you will not depart until he promises to stay by your side in your work of foundation. You are in sore need of him — but of Saint Dominic, or of Domingo Báñez?
You write: “I saw a great tempest of trials and that just as the children of Israel were persecuted by the Egyptians, so we would be persecuted; but that God would bring us through dry-shod, and our enemies would be swallowed up by the waves.”32
The Egyptians are not through with you yet, Teresa. And you, the “child of Israel,” will help whip up the tempest.
Such a corny cliché is not unwarranted at this point in the holy gallop. In her own words:
In 1575, during the month of April, while I was at the foundation in Beas, it happened that the Master Friar Jerome Gratian of the Mother of God came there. I had gone to confession to him at times, but I hadn’t held him in the place I had other confessors, by letting myself be completely guided by him. One day while I was eating, without any interior recollection, my soul began to be suspended and recollected in such a way that I thought some rapture was trying to come upon me; and a vision appeared with the usual quickness, like a flash of lightning.
It seemed to me our Lord Jesus Christ was next to me in the form in which He usually appears, and at His right side stood Master Gratian himself, and I at His left. The Lord took our right hands and joined them and told me He desired that I take this master to represent Him as long as I live, and that we both agree to everything because it was thus fitting.33
Teresa hesitates only for a second. Recalling her affection for other confessors, she feels guilty, attempts to rein back her desires — putting up a momentary “strong resistance,” she tells us. But twice more the Voice of the Other encourages her: there can be no mistake, her orders are “for the rest of my life, to follow Father Gratian’s opinion in everything.”34
Thunderbolt of love,
The new water in which the ecstatic Carmelite will bathe flows precisely from this transport, in which the little girl merges with the mother. Joys of symbolic motherhood, folded into a child’s imagination; joys of infant innocence, conjugated with the omnipotence of masterly maturity. More than hysterical excitability, it is female paranoia that Mary satisfies and appeases when, from being a mother, she moves to being the daughter of her son/father, and only thus a fiancée and a wife, in the suspended time of the eternal design. Teresa does the same. She has never been so sure of herself, so triumphal in the passion of her faith: nor has she ever been as fragile, more exposed to the trials of reality, more attentive to the violent thirst of desire,36 than to the Voices of His Majesty. But the latter is bound to smile upon these new transports with a young father-brother-son-husband; there are no worries on that score.
Loving and being loved by Gratian reassures, stabilizes, and makes her feel secure, far more than did the protection of the sound and prudent Domingo Báñez. But this new connection also makes her more vulnerable than ever as she hunts for new, efficacious “fatherhoods,” both spiritual (angling for the support of the great Dominican writer Luis de Granada, she writes him a markedly humble letter on the advice of their mutual friend Teutonio de Braganza) and institutional (she doesn’t shrink from appealing to Philip II for help when her darling Eliseus — one of Gratian’s many code names — gets into trouble).
Your passion for Jerome Gratian, infantile and pragmatic at once, cannot be compared — although some have done so — to the vaporous swoons of Madame Guyon’s “pure love” for Fénelon. The more in love you are with your cherished son-father — at last, an
I try to keep up with that pace, I pant and struggle, unlike you. I count with you the foundations you continue to make until your last breath, always against the backdrop of your love for Gratian, naturally, as he “replaces” the Lord: “
So your Eliseus wants you to found a house in Seville? Seville it is! In fact, by this move the apostolic visitator Jerome Gratian of the Mother of God was disobeying — again! — the general prior of the Carmelite order, Juan Bautista Rubeo. A tricky predicament that soon proved untenable when Gratian found himself trapped between the pincers of Philip II’s wish to accelerate the Teresian reform and the obduracy of the order, reluctant to be reformed. You use your Pablo-Eliseus-Paul and he uses you, bestowing little pet names like Laurencia or Angela…All in the cause of reform, as we have said, but one can’t dig in the spurs without incensing the laggards and drawing persecution down. The next five years will be a perfect tempest of trials and thunderbolts.
Seville is a long way from Avila, and Andalusia is a sly country; it scares you. The local churchmen don’t even respect the authority of the general, Fr. Rubeo: they actually condemned a disciple of Juan de Ávila to burn at the stake! No matter, you are at the height of your fusion with Gratian, you pledge him your “total obedience” for “as long as you live,” and you hurtle on, keener than ever.
Father Ambrosio Mariano lends a hand, but he gets ahead of himself: he persuades you that Archbishop Cristóbal de Rojas has given his permission, when he has done no such thing. Worse, Mariano thinks nothing of leaving you all by yourself in Seville in a frightful situation: comprehensive hostility to discalcement and not a cent in donations! Those giddy Sevilleans only care about having fun. It’s a port city, where whores count more than nuns, but this trite pleasantry doesn’t make you laugh. The things you learn, on the road! The calced community are outraged, your program is seen as meddling, as “interference”! But you get your way: on May 29, 1575, a convent for discalced nuns is founded in Seville, once more under the patronage of Saint Joseph.
How happy it makes you! New novices, charming Andalusian girls, join up. They intrigue you, too: the confirmed
One thing has never been plainer than it is here, in Seville: the world threatens to gag you, Teresa, my love, it may end up by burning you alive. What do you expect when you move from pure ecstasy to the work of founding, when you aspire to found pure ecstasy in the world, against the world, but with the world? Tensions between the women are rising, too; nothing new about that, but it’s getting more dangerous. Your own niece, María Bautista, feels licensed to disobey you and speak ill of you, she even finds fault with Gratian. She receives a wrathful letter from you, dated August 28, 1575;37 but will this tongue-lashing suffice to bring her to heel?
It gets worse. Copies of the
But Domingo Báñez is an honest man in the end, thanks be to God. He rescues your book in exchange for a modicum of censorship, emendations which of course you accept. It’s better than being burned. You’ve won, but be prudent!
Another piece of good news: your brother Lorenzo is back from Peru with a fortune, money that will help reflate the beggarly convent in Seville. He will be “consigned” for his pains, since your enemies are alert, they will do anything to sabotage you; it’s lucky they didn’t put La Madre’s brother behind bars! This pitiful imbroglio does not stop you giving him a good telling-off. It is ridiculous, nay, unacceptable, to call oneself “don” on grounds of one’s fiefdoms in Indian country! Now that you are sure of yourself and of him, there’s no need to be flattering him with titles. You can dress him down as he deserves, beginning with the matter of
This claim to autonomy doesn’t stop you requisitioning Lorenzo’s nine-year-old daughter, Teresita, for the convent. Gratian is against it; but she won’t take vows just yet, of course, you only want her for “her education.” And also to spread a little merriment in halls that often lack it, truth to tell. You established asceticism for it to be sublimated in joy, Teresa, you established joy to be elucidated by asceticism; Teresita will be your great weapon in this debate, because the little one is an “imp” and highly “entertaining.” People should know that Teresa de Jesús’s holy houses are not disdained by merry little imps, quite the contrary.
Meanwhile the persecutions continue, and it’s your job to face up to them, to think of everything, to tie down everything that can be, and when the storms blow too hard, simply to hang on. Gratian helps out, but not always, and not really. You already know how impulsive he is, always too harsh or too lenient, clumsy with some people and ingratiating with others: “Difficulties rain down on him like hail.”
Now for the latest dirty trick: Gratian is packed off to a monastery of the Observation. How appalling, he must be rescued, I’ll write letters, pull every string I can…Right, it’s over, he’s back. But in early 1575, the general chapter of the order at Plasencia resolves to dismantle the convents Gratian founded in Andalusia without permission from Fr. Rubeo. And again it falls to Teresa to intervene. She writes to the general of the order, Rubeo, pleading for his continued support.
But it’s the last straw for Provincial Ángel de Salazar. Finally out of patience, he commands Teresa to repair to a convent in Castile: “[He] said that I was an apostate and excommunicated.” It seems the bell is tolling for Teresa’s enterprise.
Searches, interrogations; are you about to be arrested, Madre? A vehicle belonging to the Inquisition is stationed before the door of your convent in Seville. But only a deposition is required, which you will send to the Jesuit Rodrigo Álvarez, the acknowledged expert in matters of delusion and error.
But you, skillful Teresa, not only bewitch your world with the grace of a writing that thrills us today, four centuries after the tempest; you also carry out a veritable plan of military encirclement! First, you present a long list of ecclesiastics prepared to testify to your good faith: Fr. Araoz, the Jesuit commissary; Fr. Francisco de Borja, the former duke of Gandía; and numerous others. Then comes the epistolary race, the gallop of letters:
Humbly you confess your penchant for mental prayer in the wake of Pedro de Alcántara and Juan de Ávila, well aware that that’s your major transgression in the eyes of the authorities. You swiftly move on to reference the many illustrious scholars who helped you protect yourself from this unconscionable error, Dominicans this time, necessarily; chief among them the councilor of the Holy Office at Valladolid, the ubiquitous Domingo Báñez.
But don’t expect to get out of trouble so easily. The investigation has only just begun. You are summoned again — to justify your ecstasies! Kindly provide a new deposition!
You’re enjoying this gallop of writing, after the race of the roads. Here’s how you sum up that phase of the adventure in a missive to María Bautista, on February 19, 1576: “Jesus be with you, daughter. I wanted to be in a more restful state when writing to you. For all that I have just read and written amazes me in that I was able to do it, and so I’ve decided to be brief. Please God I can be.”39
Of course, it pleases Him to fulfill your every wish. His Majesty is hand in glove with you, His Voice speaks through your lips, as you don’t fail to remind us. And you’re capable of convincing anyone who takes the time to listen. Indeed, the wind is momentarily turning to your advantage. How could even the wind resist your galloping?
A new house is purchased, the recalcitrant Franciscans eventually come around, they didn’t want you in the neighborhood, poor things, and now they do.
Teresa is triumphant. She leaves Seville, where María de San José takes over as prioress. Before departing she sits for Fr. Mariano’s painter friend, Giovanni Narducci, now Juan de la Miseria. Writing to Mariano on May 9, 1576, she sounds elated, hopping gaily from one topic to the next, as if the Sevillean ordeal had been nothing but fun and games, a period of ebullient agitation:
The house is such that the sisters never cease thanking God. May He be blessed for everything.…This is not the time to be making visitations, for [the friars] are very agitated.…Oh, the lies they circulate down here! It’s enough to make you faint.…Nonetheless I fear these things from Rome, for I remember the past, even though I do not think they will be to our harm but to our advantage.…We are receiving many compliments and the neighbors are jubilant. I would like to see our discalced affairs brought to a conclusion, for after all the Lord won’t put up with those other friars much longer; so many misfortunes will have to have an ending.40
Prior to departure, after kneeling before the archbishop to be blessed, Teresa cannot believe her eyes and ears when the same archbishop, don Cristóbal de Rojas, the source of so many vexations, kneels in turn before her and asks for her blessing. It is June 3, 1576.
Respect for hierarchy is essential from your point of view as foundress, especially among women who are duty-bound to acknowledge their chief, that is, yourself:
I don’t believe there is anything in the world that harms a visitator as much as does being
Is that because obedience is harder for a woman? For a woman like you?
“I confess, first of all, my
Be this as it may, the works are multiplying. You maintain a prolific correspondence (200 letters up to 1580), dispense advice of all sorts, circulate
You have the gift of asserting your authority without dispelling good cheer, your own or that of others. Witness that sparkling
I have a notion that the months from July 1576 to December 1577 constitute the most luminous period of your later life. You are given over to writing, elucidating, and transmitting. You don’t have much longer to live, but for the present, time has ripened: you experience it fully, soberly, and laughingly.
The papal nuncio who championed your reforms, Nicolás Ormaneto, has died. You leave for Saint Joseph in Avila; could it turn out to be a definitive “prison”? Your fevered race repudiates such a thought. Let’s wait and see.
The new nuncio, Felipe Sega, bishop of Piacenza, loathes the discalced movement and brands you a “vagabond and a rebel.” Accusations rain down once more on Gratian, relating to his licentious ways with women. That’s the situation, and nothing’s going to change: Gratian needs your protection more than you need his presence or his affection. Another letter to His Royal Majesty is called for. You write and sign it on December 13, 1577.
All is not well at the Incarnation, either. On the order of Gerónimo Tostado, vicar-general of the Carmelites in Spain, the calced provincial Juan Gutiérrez de la Magdalena arrives to preside over the election for prioress. He threatens to excommunicate anyone who votes for you.
Such is the frayed atmosphere in which you continue exploring the Dwelling Places of
“Hosts of demons have joined against the discalced friars and nuns,” you complain to your friend Gaspar de Salazar on December 7.45 Matters reach such a pass that John of the Cross and a close associate, Germán de San Matías, are taken captive by Gutiérrez. Where to turn, when the general of the order and the nuncio are both ranged against you? To your pen, Madre!
For the fourth time you write to Philip II, outlining the conflict between the two rules and pleading on behalf of John of the Cross, for “this one friar who is so great a servant of God is so weak from all he has suffered that I fear for his life. I beg Your Majesty for the love of our Lord to issue orders for them to set him free at once and that these poor discalced friars not be subjected to so much suffering by the friars of the cloth.”46
Absorbed in founding, in writing, in Gratian, have you not rather neglected your “little Seneca”? Is he too ascetic for you, too saintly in his inhuman self-mortification, too inaccessible in his elliptical purity? Are you feeling guilty, Teresa? It’s time to make amends! Between you and me, John deserves salvation more than Gratian. But you’ll save both of them, my future Saint Teresa.
Don Teutonio de Braganza, appointed to the archbishopric of Evora in Portugal, who was a Jesuit from 1549 to 1554 and knew Loyola in Rome, asks you to make a foundation in his city. Alas, it’s impossible. Your reforms are under threat in Spain, and there’s still many a road to be galloped down in your native country; it’s no time to be going abroad. But can his lordship do something for Gratian, perhaps, and for John of the Cross? The latter “is considered a
Her arm in a sling, the aging Teresa can still write. A deluge of diplomacy, of piety, of courage and craftiness will come to drench everyone who has the honor of knowing her, closely or from afar.
But where is John being kept? Rumor has it that Germán, his companion in misfortune, is coughing up blood, and that John has been sent away, but where, where? Doña Guiomar, a saintly lady and unswervingly loyal, can’t stop crying. Is Gratian really doing everything in his power to have John released? You feel that the apostolic visitator, the much-cherished Eliseus-Paul-Pablo, has hardly noticed John’s absence: Might people be put off by that odd brand of sanctity that aspires above all to self-annulment? “I am shocked by the imprisonment of Fray John of the Cross and the slow pace of all our negotiations.”48
That’s the problem, Gratian is too slow. Whereas sanctity is speed, and John is the swiftest of us all, the most condensed; and in consequence the most unfindable, the one who escapes us, is always already beyond us.
I tell you I am certain that if some influential person were to ask the nuncio to have Fray John set free, he would at once give orders that he be returned to his house. It would be enough to tell the nuncio about this father and how he is kept in prison unjustly. I don’t know what is happening that no one ever remembers this saint. If Mariano were to speak to the Princess of Eboli, she would intercede with the nuncio.49
Precisely because he is like lightning, gentle John didn’t need help from anybody in the end. He’s escaped on his own from the prison of the order, in Toledo, where he had languished for nine months in a dungeon so cramped that even he could not stand up in it, body and soul compacted in that Nothingness that stands him in lieu of sanctity. He’s taken refuge with the Discalced Carmelites. Will he be safe from persecution there? Teresa is vigilant, leaves on a trip, keeps watch again, goes off on a tangent, follows her own path.…
Even the Society of Jesus becomes infected by the climate of suspicion, and the friars are divided; repression smites Teresa’s Jesuit allies. Baltasar Álvarez, who defended Teresa at the time of her first raptures, is charged with “wasting his time among women and chiefly Carmelites,” instead of following Ignatius Loyola’s
I will never deny
Events continue to accelerate, in contradictory ways.
The nuncio issues a brief to strip Gratian of all his powers.
On August 14, Roque de la Huerta, one of Philip’s right-hand men, announces that on the ninth the king promulgated a counter-brief: Gratian retains his functions as a visitator.
It is vital not to take sides between pope and king, you know that better than anyone, my careful Teresa; it’s all about wriggling through…with rectitude; above all one should not bristle, act “foolishly,” or indulge in gloomy “prophesying,” like dear Gratian is prone to do. In love, but not blindly, La Madre is frank with her Eliseus in a letter written at the end of August 1578.52 To any purpose, one wonders?
The worries don’t let up. The discalced convent at Almodóvar holds its second general chapter: La Madre is furious, what a moment to choose, it’s crazy! In Gratian’s absence, old Antonio de Jesús is elected. John of the Cross is sent, or should we say banished, to El Calvario, near Beas. The discalced communities are placed under the baton of communities of the cloth; Gratian’s punishment requires him to retire to Alcalá. There’s a rumor that he plans to defect to another order, in disgust. Will he abandon Teresa? To cap it all, the calced friars march into Saint Joseph’s accompanied by policemen and lawyers to oversee the handover.
The situation in Seville is even worse. The provincial appointed by the nuncio Felipe Sega starts defamatory proceedings against Gratian, while the prioress María de San José is replaced by Beatriz de Chávez, who spreads all sorts of slander against the discalced nuns and is completely under the thumb of Diego de Cárdenas, the provincial of the cloth in Andalusia.
Has the galloping switched sides? The adversaries are the ones charging forward now: Teresa’s clan is badly weakened, and it’s all it can do to resist. But she does not give up, just adapts her ammunition. Ever carriers of His Majesty’s Voice, her letters increasingly do the work, in place of mules and stagecoaches.
Either Teresa’s epistolary battle was beginning to bear fruit, or the king’s reformist zeal was exerting its irresistible effect on the course of events. Personally I feel sure that what weighed heaviest in the balance of history was your graphic pressure, my single-minded Teresa. Philip II appointed the Dominican Pedro Fernández, a veteran of the discalced cause, as a counselor to the papal nuncio. Gratian and María de San José were rehabilitated. And yet Teresa never regained her trust in this eccentric woman, María; was it a question of female rivalries, stirred up by the slippery Gratian? We shall keep an eye on that. Teresa sent a new friend of hers, the Genoese banker Nicolo Doria, to call on the prioress in Seville and get her to acknowledge her mistakes. An educator and a politician underlay the businesswoman and the mystic. Could it all be one and the same person?
I am glad to make your acquaintance. I have long desired to do so. You have in me a friend who is ready to help you in your undertakings. Some years ago, one of your books was submitted to the Inquisition; the material was most rigorously examined. I myself read it from beginning to end. You expound very solid arguments there, of great profit to readers. You may have it collected whenever you wish; you may do as you like with it; I hereby grant permission. Pray for me.54
Eight years later he will make no objection to returning the manuscript to Ana de Jesús and Luis de León when they decide to have it printed. What a victory! Is the Inquisition to be forgotten at last?
Teresa makes more foundations, at Palencia in 1580 and Soria in 1581. And then excellent news arrives: the nuncio Felipe Sega himself is calling for the separation of calced and discalced orders, something La Madre had demanded in vain. They’re off again:
Letters, interventions, contacts, tactful mediations, amours, and adversities…La Madre, the daughter of her Eliseus, prepares her friend Gratian to be elected principal of the discalced order. And that’s what happens on March 3, 1581.
Teresa of Jesus is weary, but glad to be back home as the prioress of Saint Joseph’s. The road is mostly behind her, and many deceased loved ones are waiting for her on high: her sister María passed away in 1562, her brother Lorenzo and her friend Francisco de Salcedo both died in 1580. Gratian is usually away, that’s how it is, although she can’t get used to it. As for the rest of her family, Juana and the children, unfortunate brother Pedro, the nephews, they’re all the same as ever — always needy, like every family, always the victims of money and
There are issues in Valladolid with young Casilda de Padilla: Is she being manipulated by the local Jesuits, hostile to the discalced nuns? That’s what Teresa thinks, but it can’t be helped. We are not about to change our attitude to the Society, when “most of the nuns who come here do so through them.”55
And John of the Cross is pestering for a foundation in Granada! No, Madrid and Burgos. Is she worn out at last? Her legs may be faltering, but not her love of new acquaintances. Gratian being somewhere else as usual, Teresa falls back on Pedro Castro de Nero, a friend of Gratian’s from Alcalá days, whose “intelligence, charm, and manner of speech please me very much.” She makes a point of informing Gratian of this appreciation on October 26, 1581;56 she wants her fickle Pablo to know that his Laurencia is still alive, more than he imagines, even without him.
Teresa is sixty-six years old. Regarding this pleasure in Pedro, “I don’t know whether that may be due to the fact that he is so close to you,” you say coyly; “If I didn’t have a confessor and it seemed all right to you, I would go to him.” Later the young understudy for Eliseus is privileged to read your book, after the duchess of Alba sends over a copy, and “he never stops talking about the benefit he derived from [it].”57
In December she goes to Burgos. The midwinter jaunt will drag on for twenty-four days, complete with accidents, snowstorms, the wagon capsizing in the river with eight Carmelites inside, and La Madre in the grip of fever. Sometimes she feels paralyzed, sometimes racked by shivering, her tongue seized up in her mouth, spitting blood, unable to swallow anything but fluids…Teresa is plainly exhausted, the body can’t keep up with the exalted soul, and yet somehow it does.
Catalina de Toloso, with two daughters already in the Carmel, proposes a new convent at her home. The archbishop of Burgos, don Cristóbal Vela, agrees to the idea. But humiliation lies in store again, Teresa girl, you didn’t expect that, did you, at the end of your life?
You were intensely excited by the honor of meeting this great man: he reminded you of childhood, and you hoped he would recognize, respect, and esteem you. After all, he was the nephew of Francisco Vela de Núñez, that revered neighbor of your father who was godfather to little Teresa de Ahumada, how long ago now…sixty-seven years already? But it was not to be. The great don Cristóbal only wants to “negotiate” with you, what did you think? He never suggested that you should go ahead and found, or not yet, and maybe never. We’re simply “negotiating.” Do you grasp the distinction?
Twenty-four days’ arduous trek, only to be snubbed! Such rudeness and disdain! Toward a lady your age! You dig your heels in, true to type. The wrangling stretches on for three months. Gratian does nothing but complicate things: he’s either euphoric or depressed, never the cool-headed realist you need for such discussions.
It’s now or never for unsheathing your invincible weapon, your blade of eloquence alloyed with humility. As the sadism of the quasi-kin archbishop hits home, you counter with the diplomacy of mortification:
“My poor daughters are so desirous of obtaining the authorization of your Lordship, they are flagellating their bodies as we speak,” you murmur, heartrendingly.
Don Cristóbal Vela remains unmoved.
“At this very instant, they’re offering up to God their use of the scourge.” Your voice grows soft, Teresa, you abandon yourself, your calm gaze rises to the Beyond: as a masochist, you know the drill!
“Let them, it won’t change my mind.” Don Cristóbal knows from experience that there’s no limit to masochism, it leaves him cold…
His retort stings worse than a slap in the face. It’s the baptized goddaughter in you that is humiliated, it’s your converted lineage he scorns, it’s your inspired foundations that are being trampled underfoot…You know it, and you take it. In the name of His Majesty within. It’s not over yet.
The Burgos Jesuits are being uncooperative, too: they take every opportunity to disavow you. For example, said gentlemen will only accept a convent set up in a duly purchased house. Fine, but where? You’ll have to work it out. The race is on again.
You manage to remove Gratian from the scene. You won’t give up on your goal. So His Lordship wants nothing to do with you? So there are no premises in which to lodge your religious house? You get hold of two small rooms in the hospital, and you go to work there. Here’s a new experience even for a practised woman like you, how amusing! Caring for the sick and crippled, you who had so little time for people with one eye or otherwise infirm! It’s never too late to learn, when one is in dialogue with the Voice of His Majesty.
At last you find the perfect house. On April 18, 1582, the inaugural Mass is said in the presence of the archbishop. The whole of the royal town of Burgos is delighted, it could not be otherwise. Don Cristóbal de Vela is more delighted than anyone, naturally. And even the Jesuits are amicably on board.
A new stage begins at Valladolid. The convent is getting harder and harder to run, what with all those complicated women, sadly submissive when not experts at intrigue and scandal. Casilda leaves to become a Franciscan; Beatriz de Ovalle, Juana’s daughter, is lambasted for her relationship with a married man of means; and the prioress herself, María Bautista, is definitely lacking in charity. There are headaches at Salamanca, too, involving the prioress Ana de la Encarnación. And at Alba de Tormes with Teresa de Layz, that estimable donor who seems unable, since she became prioress, to stop bothering the nuns. The exception proving the rule, you are getting along well with Soria’s prioress, Catalina de Cristo. She may be illiterate, which alienates Gratian, but what a nice person she is!
Women are hard to govern, but never boring. And letter-writing is such a splendid invention: swift as a horse, more to the point than an arrow! Teresa loves it, there are always letters to write, as much when business is ticking over as when it isn’t; the founding sequence follows the same beat in any case.
Leaning on her stick, Teresa goes to Mass and never fails to deal with the problems: reasoning with the overly authoritarian Teresa de Layz, arguing with the rector of Salamanca who has come to complain about Ana de la Encarnación.…
And all the grandees who want to see her! Today it’s the young duchess of Alba, who is soon to give birth; the house of Alba needs Teresa as it did long ago, that memorable Christmas night of 1561. Father Antonio de Jesús, who has taken over from Gratian as the provincial of Castile, tells her to go there at once.
The month is September 1582. Chilly goodbyes at Valladolid. The weary old lady sets off with Antonio de Jesús and Ana de San Bartolomé. Her last letter to Gratian is dated September 1: disappointed, embittered, resigned, she tells the absent one that “your servant and subject” will be in Avila at the end of the month, “with God’s favor.” “Oh,
Jolting along the rutted roads, Teresa grows hungry and enfeebled, her pulse abruptly slows. A faint: they fear she is gone, but she straightens up. At the town gates, a messenger delivers good tidings: the duchess has been delivered of a healthy child. “No more need for the saint, then, thanks be to God!” mutters the dying woman. Dying or not, she can still crack a joke.
She receives a glacial welcome at the Convent of Alba de Tormes. The new prioress, María Bautista, doesn’t even come out to say hello, and La Madre is left alone in her room like a nobody who’s just passing through. She is in a desperate condition. While Gratian dallies in Andalusia, Teresa wastes away in her cell, stiff-tongued, vomiting blood. Catalina de la Concepción, Catarina Bautista, and Ana de San Bartolomé take care of her in her last days. Teresita is there, too.
At dawn on October 4, 1582 (October 15 by Pope Gregory’s calendar), the feast of Saint Francis, Teresa departs to join her Beloved.
It is said that when Antonio de Jesús asked her whether she wanted to be buried in Alba or in Avila, Teresa replied: “Do I possess anything that is mine? Will they not give me a patch of land here?”
The new prioress of Alba and the
The Lord said to me: “Don’t be sad, for I shall give you a living book.”…His Majesty had become the true book in which I saw the truths.…Who is it that sees the Lord covered with wounds and afflicted with persecutions who will not embrace them, love them, and desire them?
Our body stands between the spirit it is bound to serve and the desires of the flesh, those dark powers that make war on the soul, like a cow stands between the farmer and the thief.
From: juan.ramirez@free.ac.uk
To: sylvia.leclercq@FMP.fr
Subject: Miguel and Teresa
Monday, November 1
No news from you for ages, what’s up? Indian summer, lazing about on the warm sands of the Île de Ré? It’s All Saints, who’d have thought it, no computer and no Internet! Unless that “civil war” in your Parisian
Contradicting what I said under the ramparts of Avila, I don’t actually think Cervantes is as remote from the passions of your saint as I figured, as the unrepentant aesthete you take me for. You’ve sown a doubt — but I’m not convinced, so don’t crow too soon. Your Teresa may well pave the way for baroque art, but she’s very far from the comedy that lies at the heart of humanism as I imagine it, when I’m playing at thinking the future is before us, provided we look behind us properly. Fasten your seatbelt!
Don Quixote’s tilting at windmills — I’ll stick to the windmills for now, not to bore you with other images from that fabulous novel I’ve been living in for years as you know — that crazy battle waged by the old hidalgo is more, I think, than a satire on the literature of chivalry, whose obsolete rituals and pretensions to glory seemed comical to Renaissance types in 1605, the year Cervantes’s book was published. Teresa was about thirty years older than the great novelist (he was nearer the age of Jerome Gratian, alias Eliseus, alias Pablo, alias Paul, and so on — the darling father-cum-son your Madre was so madly in love with and you find so amusing!). Well, Cervantes was around for her beatification in 1614, two years before he died; one day I plan to comb through the work of this unbelieving writer for any traces of Teresa’s presence I might have missed. It’s a future piece of research, no hurry. For the moment, here goes with what I think brings your mystic weirdly into contact with my jester.
Knightly romances are not the only, or even the real, target here. The sailor-novelist was attacking delusion itself. I mean, look: he fights in Lepanto, Corfu, Naples, and Tunis; then, thrown into jail by Barbary corsairs, he makes four escape attempts before being ransomed from Hassan Pasha by the Trinitarians, and after that he goes as Philip II’s envoy to Oran. He’s even more of a vagabond than Teresa, isn’t he, but then he’s a man and he’s young, that counts for a lot, plus he’s closer to us in time. Between bouts of piracy and diplomacy he pens a kind of novella in the courtly tradition with a decently perverse twist,
What compelled her was the Other. What intrigued him was delusion. In Spanish,
Delusion is the one thing that makes him act, write, and laugh throughout his life as a writer and adventurer. Inside and outside delusion, inside and outside the deluded, the one inseparable from the other, no fixed position, no “message,” always on the alert. See what I’m getting at? Next.
Over and above the values and positions of chivalry, and at the armored heart of the Man of the Mancha’s inflated nuttiness, which provokes sarcasm and pity, Cervantes the writer simultaneously, in a single movement, admires and pillories the ardor of human beings in search of an ideal. He’s tickled by believers: the earnest knight with his faith in Dulcinea and his own sacred destiny, sure, but also the whole of Christian, knightly Europe with its faith in the values of the Christ-centered Middle Ages, values that still persist today. Yes, I’m afraid that when you look for “values,” those are all you’ll find, which may be a shame, but there we are.
Query: Do the windmills only represent the summits of the courtly literature which, after
For starters, Don Quixote, what a name!
I recap by riffing on the name: What is Don Quixote, an emblem of holy war or a cheese tart — a custard pie, if you like? A hybrid, invented composite, does he exist to any greater degree than the windmills he tilts at? Or are those windmills imaginary enemies fueling the paranoia, sorry, the enthusiasm of the potential warrior who slumbers in all of us since time immemorial, the soldier of unavoidably holy wars during the sixteenth, seventeenth, or twenty-first centuries? — Not forgetting Toumaï!* [*Name given to specimen of a new possible human ancestor whose skull was found in Chad in 2002.—Trans.]
Beyond his satire on the madness surrounding rank and status, Cervantes has it in for the act of faith in itself, and that includes being madly in love. Don Quixote exposes the absurd underside of human passion, the jester side of the saints, if you will. Teresa isn’t unaware of this facet: it comes out now and then in her laughter and the farcical scrapes she gets into as a traveling founder. But she needed it to remain a secret, stowed away by His Majesty in the very cellars of the interior castle.
Less than half a century after the death of your Discalced Carmelite, along comes Don Quixote, who has mystical Spain splitting its sides over the pathetic amours of crazed knights-errant, the very love that fired the simple hearts and fathomless transports of John of the Cross or Teresa of Avila. Mystical Spain is tangled up body and soul in the sails of the windmills — or to take another great scene from the novel, it rolls on the ground with laughter, still flapping its powerful wings: wings of windmills, wings of angels and conquests, resilient, ridiculous engines.
On our last journey in the footsteps of the saint, we were both very struck by the wind turbines on the hills around Avila, their slow rotation churning the memory of Castile as much as anything. I agree with you about the paradoxical complicity between the mystic and the jester. As explorers of love, the one proceeding in deadly earnest, the other mockingly, they’re poles apart, for sure. But both of them construct and dismantle our machines for producing fantasies, passions, and beliefs. Adventures and high winds.
That laughable hidalgo, “of a hardy habit, spare, gaunt-featured, a very early riser and a great sportsman,” whose “brains got so dry that he lost his wits”—isn’t he unmistakably a man in search of absolute love? He is sold to us as a saint, but in pathetic mode, having turned up fifty years too late for waxing earnest about the Beyond and about oneself. He has a go, all the same. And we’re still having a go today, aren’t we?
When Teresa felt the need of someone or something, she would turn to the Master. Don Quixote, on the other hand, “came to the conclusion that nothing more was needed now but to look out for a lady to be in love with.” His lady would be a version of himself, the febrile male, for in resolving to christen this imaginary damsel “Dulcinea del Toboso,” our literary knight was selecting “a name, to his mind, musical, uncommon, and significant, like all those he had already bestowed upon himself and the things belonging to him.” This game of mirrors isn’t completely alien to Teresa’s erotic logic, is it, when she’s communing with His Voice? With or without the capital letter, it’s the same. And the deconsecrated love affairs of the moderns, as you’re in a position to know, partake of the same beliefs and credences that magnetized Teresa toward her Father and those spiritual fathers…
By that point, who cares if the Quixotic visor is made of pasteboard! Our visionary was able to turn a swineherd driving his pigs through the stubble into a dwarf sounding a horn to herald his arrival at the next castle. And who cares if Jesus is not really walking by the Carmelite’s side? She enjoys him deep in her guts, skewered by the dart of the heavenly lad who appears in her dream. The force of desire is enough to transform an inn and its host into a great fortress commanded by a splendid lord, girls of easy virtue into noble maidens, and a laborer on an ass equipped with a saddlebag and a bota of wine (one can’t imagine Don Quixote without Sancho Panza!) into a faithful squire.
The novelist and the nun seem to be saying the same thing: that the love-fevered imagination must never, God forbid, be asked for evidence! You have to understand that in these misty regions of human truth, things are neither demonstrated nor disproved, they are imagined.
“If I were to show her to you,” says Don Quixote to those who doubt the beauty, not to say the existence, of his Dulcinea as others doubted the existence of His Majesty, “what merit would you have in confessing a truth so manifest? The essential point is that
A few years ago, in a paper I e-mailed to you, I wrote that Cervantes the humanist was a committed debunker of religious faith, practically opening the door to unbelief. But now, after rereading him with Teresa in mind, I think it’s more complex. The normally sardonic Miguel smiles with compassion at the ineluctable, indefectible passion of faith. This passion makes him laugh, because he shares it. He manages to detach himself long enough to write, but he doesn’t rid himself of it. This way of being inside and outside at once makes him, and us, laugh louder. What else is one to do, when belief — like unbelief — is impossible, and sometimes deadly? Let’s write, let’s laugh.
Teresa, as you see it, had already taken that road. We’ll keep this from the worshippers who sanctify her and will go on doing so for ever and ever, why spoil their fun? But it’s good to know it between ourselves and to pass the word to a few other people who would never read her unless we pushed them. Conversely, they might see Cervantes in a new light if they read him along with Teresa’s works.
Decades before Cervantes and the don, Teresa knew that her visions were not perceived by the eyes but by the whole body before crystallizing them into “intellectual visions.” I took in what you told me in the hired car. Basically, while immersed in her carnal fantasies, she never stops wondering whether it’s a state of grace or a state of sin to believe that her body has merged with the Trinity, that our Lord has entered the garden of her soul, that the Other dwells within her, that she is penetrated by Him, and infinite, like Him. And the more she gives voice to these doubts that enrapture and terrify her and sometimes make her laugh, the more of a novelist she becomes. The more of a novelist she is, the better she founds. The better she founds, the more questions of this kind she asks herself.
What’s different with Cervantes? In his case, he exits the interior castle and observes it from outside, not abandoning the grounds altogether. “I chuckle at that poor believer of a Quixote, who is what I am when I’m not writing,” the diplomat-pirate seems to say. Standing at the intersection between the gullible hidalgo and the unbelieving boors who fancy themselves as modern, Cervantes mocks the whole lot of them: Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and himself.
Teresa enjoys and suffers in the incarnation of her fantasies, in her
Descartes was born in 1596, when Teresa had been in the grave for fourteen years. It would be Cervantes’s irony that carried out, and with what elegance, the instruction the Carmelite liked to give her sisters, though she never included it in the authorized copy of
You see, I’m feeling provocative, I’m being blasphemous, just hope I’m not mutilating the complexity of your saint, as if she hadn’t been pruned enough already by a finger here, an arm there, courtesy of the relic hounds, the “faithful” who really take love to catastrophic extremes…I’ll stop, with apologies for such a long message. In London it’s freezing cold, these luminous chrysanthemums won’t warm me up, I do miss our Mexican Day of the Dead, a much more Cervantesque occasion.
I miss you. Hugs to Andrew.
From: sylvia.leclercq@FMP.fr
To: juan.ramirez@free.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Miguel and Teresa
I miss you too, and you were right. Neither the Indian summer nor the civil war are enough (so far) to unseat me from my gallop with Teresa. And what you wrote really hit home with me, as ever. After a quick jog through the Luxembourg Gardens, to wash my saint
Cervantes describes delusionism, or the illusory part of faith, in other words, Love. I’m with you there, he is one of the greats who opened the shutters of the European and universal soul, letting fresh air into the dank cellars of their neuroses.
But — there’s always a but — do you really think idealism is the same thing as faith? I’m asking that question of myself, as well as you. A colleague of mine, Dr. Barbier, claims that there are three kinds of idealism: dynamic, delusionistic, and fundamentalist.
Teresa is undoubtedly a species of fundamentalist when she imposes her vicious mortifications on herself and the rest of the reformed Carmel. It’s too high-minded and hence cruel, a familiar pattern. It’s hard to figure out, but I’m going to try. She’s certainly a sadomasochist, although with a big dose of humor! She becomes a “fundamentalist” as a matter of “historical necessity,” as you put it with your knowledge of the Inquisition period, and with a view to bringing me down to earth! Let’s assume that’s the case. She is obliged to harden her stance against slackness (that of the ruling classes battening on the spoils of conquest, that of the decadent religious orders, that of the warmongers stirring up hostility to the Marranos, and more — thanks for the relevant attachments), but she also seeks to exalt the supernatural in opposition to the overexclusive asceticism of other groups (Lutheran rigor, for example). Basically, she wants to modernize the Church without severing it from its traditional sources and popular audiences.
La Madre is just as plainly a delusionist. She would be incapable of Cervantes’s sardonic distance when mocking Don Quixote’s fancies.2 She dreams of becoming one with her fantasies, turning body and soul into the Other she lacks, incarnating their fusion — and standing back at times with the intromission of a little water here, a scrap of Dutch linen there. Now for the thousand-dollar question: Can this embodied fantasy really be termed a “delusion,” when it is experienced as a potentially lethal reality (as when Teresa imagines that God condemns her desires, or when she somatizes her guilt until falling into a coma)? And the term seems even more far-fetched when “delusion” is experienced as a life-giving reality (as when her nuptials with the Lord hoist her into physical and spiritual bliss). Here, words become things and ideas grow into genuine forces: we are closer to Judge Schreber than to Madame Bovary. And yet the pragmatic advantages of this real delusionism — note the paradox — could appear negligible or absent if they merely shut Teresa into a dungeon of narcissistic megalomania, or, worse, into masochistic mortification. Although, even then, the experience would be worthwhile for the sake of the summits Teresa reaches and reports on. Many others have sought such thrills to enliven the dull world, after all, in a different way but following a similar logic of extremes: from Sade to Mishima, with God or without Him, as a Christian, a Samurai, or an atheist.
It is the dynamism of Teresa the delusionist that astounds me as a modern, if that’s what I am. Not losing sight of Cervantes, let me play (just provisionally, stepping into the inviting dance of your message) the advocate of delusion, Teresa-style, against the jesting of the novelist. What’s more, I think the energy of her prayer actually challenges the novelist’s laughter, not to say refers him back to his own infantile facility.
It’s because I am a delusionist, in the sense of assuming my delusions, that I don’t tilt against windmills but instead make foundations: What do you say to that, Miguel? Don’t you think Teresa might have said that to Cervantes, had she lived until 1605? And if I’d been present at their encounter, I’d have asked another question: Is it possible to act without being a Quixote? Including one who is self-aware when combining windmills with the spirit of enterprise? It isn’t? Then what’s the difference between the sterile delusionism of a knight-errant lost in the Renaissance, and the genuine, dynamic delusionism of a founding Mother? Who draws the line between them, the Church? The commission that decides on the canonization of saints? The judgment of history? The Nobel Prize committee? The League of Human Rights? Or does the power of decision over where “madness” stops and “genius” begins come down to that elucidation of the longing to believe known as “writing,” “analysis,” or whatever you want to call it? It’s a process that leads to works, and sometimes to action.
My dear Juan, let me sum up my answer in brutally concise fashion, hoping that one day I’ll be able to develop it further, given the courage and the time. Teresa turned the embodied fantasy of the ideal Father, that brought her both joy and pain, into self-knowledge; into a journey, argued in writing, through her “interior dwelling places.” She managed to extract what is real about the fantasy that “the Ideal exists”—i.e., its foundational component, indispensable to the constitution of the human psyche. Yes, that’s it, I’m talking about the inner life of our contemporaries, about you and me, about humankind as it emerged from the last Ice Age and progressed through a civilizing process that climaxed with the cult of the dead, the dead Father, his authority and his love, in short, the fantasy of the Beyond. Now, this psyche and this humanity, ours, are in crisis, increasingly sapped and enervated, clones or no clones, take a look at
Teresa in particular did not succeed in flipping the fantasy that “the Ideal exists” into a caustic guffaw at the very notion of idealization, as Cervantes did, and relatively few others, for instance Voltaire and Nietszche, in their way. But she did convert her belief into a relentless investigation of the recesses of the soul capable of idealizing, or of loving, if you prefer. That
Cervantes blew faith and love to smithereens of derision, not abolishing them, you’re right, but regaling humans with the gift of disabused pleasure. Whereas Teresa uses faith and love in order to recondition the belief- and love-producing machine. She ventures as far as possible along the route that beckons the person who doesn’t give up on believing, the person who talks as a way of sharing, and who loves in order to act. With all the benefits and all the follies involved in this expectant belief, and while describing it with disturbing, seductive subtlety.
But Cervantes’s attitude won out in the end, didn’t it? Look around! What’s left of that universe of faith and love, what’s left of the windmills? Chimeras, TV soap operas for avid women and their partners. Or God’s madmen, the suicide bombers who pretend not to realize that He (the Almighty, the Master, the One and Only, the True, the Beyond) has mutated into pure spectacle, and twist their alleged faith into murderous nihilism. Dogmatic, moralistic, terrifying and terrified, or just as often insubstantial, drunk on images, there they are, with no knowledge of Teresa, Cervantes, or any of a few others, bent on deleting our memories, too.
Still, dare I suggest those dangerous maniacs of the virtual Absolute might not really be so scary? Cervantes’s laughter will get the better of them. Their fundamentalist rage would be defused if they just read him instead of burning flags, embassies, and Danish cartoons. And he could detoxify the rest. I know, there’s a long way to go — fanatics are no good at reading, or laughing, and the inner halls of my nuanced Teresa would be way above their heads. What would it take? Nobody knows, not even me. Missionaries? Believers? Educators? Committed people opening up spaces for reading and writing? People daring to analyze the “fundament,” to renew it? Maybe some of that will happen eventually.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for Teresa to be dusted off as a model for the third millennium. I’m only saying that she encourages us to think again about the place of ideal Love in the soul — or if you prefer the psyche — of the talking beasts we are. She invites us to open up the interior castle of our need to believe, death-dealing and lifesaving at once. Can we manage without such a place? And who’s “we”? Stammering humanoids with embryonic psyches, currently unable to be contained by any family, tribal, or ideological refuge whatsoever. We’re all suffering from a disease of the ideal, all nihilists. It’s because this species of humanoid surrounds us with waves of globalized fanaticism, or is lying in wait for us inside, that I’m so beguiled by Teresa’s story. And that’s why I persist in my efforts to decipher her embrace of the Other.
So there’s my profession of faith signed and sealed, you asked for it!
Otherwise, everything’s fine. The MPH keeps me busy, the sun is shining, and Andrew sends his love. He’s in Paris, sitting right here, listening to news bulletins about cars ablaze in the suburbs and bunches of men hollering about the cartoons of the Prophet. He says to tell you that Paris, far more than New York, is the place to write about whatever’s wrong. Will you come over and see us some weekend soon?
The “Christian”—he who for two thousand years has passed as a Christian — is simply a psychological self-delusion. Closely examined, it appears that, despite all his “faith,” he has been ruled only by his instincts — and what instincts!
“I love because I am loved, therefore I am”: that seems to be your credo, Teresa, my love, but this solar face of your rapture is dependent on a bizarre figure: the man who loves you and whom you love is both suffering son and suffering father, scourged and put to death before resuscitating. As you will have guessed, my dialogue with you is also a dialogue with Freud: the founder of psychoanalysis believed that the “beaten child” we are in fantasy can (sometimes) resort to the paradoxical solution (as in your case) of another fantasy
A Coptic manuscript, translated from the Greek in the third or fourth century and exhumed during the 1970s, appeared in
Postulating the unconscious existence of
It was Christianity’s genius to appropriate this fantasy (unwittingly, needless to say) in order to recast it and proclaim it
Jesus is human, like me, says the believer (and a fortiori Teresa). He is a brother beaten to death before coming back to life. But this human is also a god, the only God. After the Last Supper and before the Passion, the man who calls himself the Son of God tells Thomas: “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also; and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” He tells Philip: “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father…Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?”4 Since Jesus is consubstantial with the Father in the knot of the Trinity — Teresa leans heavily on this point — Jesus is also a beaten father.
The outrageous idea of the violent killing of a Father, a martyred God, is repulsive to many rebels against Christianity, the most inspired being Friedrich Nietzsche. To abase God the Father to the level of a Man of Suffering could only, for him, produce a slave religion, fit for weaklings and infrahumans.5 How wrong he was! Teresa does not separate the Father from the Son; the praying woman likes to feel that she receives into her soul, by means of Communion, both Christ
The better to convince you, I must go back to childhood, it’s an occupational deformation of mine! The narrative of “A Child Is Being Beaten” opens with a scene in which I see someone being beaten. I don’t know who it is, but it’s not me, it’s him — someone else. The narrative progresses through three phases:
“Daddy loves only me,” says the little girl or little boy. “He cannot love anybody else, because whoever he is beating, it is somebody else.” I, the author of this fantasy, am not being beaten. I am only a budding sadistic voyeur. Why? Because my desire for Daddy is so great, I have to repress it into guilt. And so “this early blossoming is nipped by the frost,” as the Viennese doctor put it, in such a way that precocious genital arousal undergoes a regressive debasement to the lower level of orality, anality, or onanism, and becomes crystallized in the pleasure of whipping-punishment…displaced onto the anal zone of another. Thus the sadistic pleasure in the spanking meted out by Daddy to another in fact curbs my own genital excitement and guilt toward the all-powerful father I desire.
Note that at this stage of the script, the fantasizing child is not itself being abused, and the beaten “object” remains as yet indeterminate. The fantasizing subject is dominated by the excitement of its voyeurism alone, which arose as a bulwark against its genital organization. This voyeurism is “not clearly sexual, not in itself sadistic,” Freud hazards cautiously, “but yet the stuff from which both will later come.” That is to say, voyeurism contains genital excitement and sadism in embryo. We will remember this when we encounter a believer prostrate in unnameable veneration of his ill-treated God, his speechless contemplation less a matter of decorous discretion than of shameful relish.
The scenario changes in the second phase of the fantasy. “Daddy does not love me: he is beating me,” says the little boy or little girl; but this masochistic inversion does not mean the same to both sexes.
To the boy, “Daddy is beating me” signifies that he is guarding against his passive desire to be loved by his father, as well as against latent homosexuality, before attempting to invert this passivity and feminization and turn them into weapons against the father, waging an oedipal war that launches him on the high road to male emancipation. Unless the boy enjoys masochism, in which case he changes the sex of the punisher: “Daddy loves me, and so the person beating me can only be a woman, it’s Mom! She’s the one I have to separate from, and yet it’s her place I want to take beside Daddy. Hateful Mom, that evil, desirable witch, she’ll never stop taking it out on me!” That’s how the script reads for a man who feels the thrill Sacher-Masoch described under the lash of a Venus in furs.8
But in girls like you, Teresa, matters are more warped still. The defensive inversion of potentially sadistic voyeurism (“A child is being beaten, I don’t know who, but it’s not me”) into masochism (“I am being beaten”) remains unconscious. Because you don’t experience this inversion as a punishment alone; it also implies the “secondary erotization” of the pregenital zones, as the same Viennese doctor explained; a regressive substitute for genital satisfaction. Sure enough, in the fantasy “A Child Is Being Beaten,” that satisfaction is discharged in masturbation. And since this intense, victimized, and self-focused eroticism is as much a source of guilt as a yearning to be loved, it too will be repressed into the unconscious. That’s how the permanence of unconscious female masochism becomes instilled, on top of the passivity expected of women and drummed into them by traditional cultures.
Finally the second phase of the fantasy is inverted in its turn, still as an effect of repression, and safeguarding the little girl’s masochism even more effectively, the better to impress it into the unconscious. “It’s not me who Father is beating, it’s a boy,” runs the formula for the third and last defensive step. It’s not me, and not a woman at all, it’s a man who undergoes the physical action of the Great Other! This has the effect of excluding the little girl from the erotic scene and, moreover, from any “scene” at all: social, political, cultural, and the rest.
Let us attempt to understand the stages of this progression. The little girl (and the woman) shields herself from her incestuous love for the father (phase 1: “He loves me”) and from her own masochism (phase 2: “He is beating me”) by projecting them in inverted form onto another, preferably of the same sex as the coveted paternal object (phase 3: “He is beating a boy”). How does this delegation of female desire onto another object of the same sex or the other sex take place, to safeguard her from being a subject of desire? How does this inverted delegation of desire come about, when it is not a repression properly speaking, but what I call an introjection of paternal attachment, of perversion (
Unlike the boy, who concentrates the desires of the entire lineage and posits himself as a fairly happy Narcisssus from the moment of the primal scream (why has it been forgotten that Narcissus, in the eponymous myth, is a young man? Why is the “second sex” generally regarded as more narcissistic?), the girl, from earliest childhood, always compares herself to someone else. A woman exists only as a function of this other, who is, in the first instance, the mother. As I have noticed with my female analysands, little girls have their first “oedipal complex” toward their mother: they turn the mother into this premature otherness, this sensible, preverbal presence, this pole of simultaneous attraction
Every little girl, says Freud, has an irrevocable childhood memory of the way little boys are the ones who are given the rod. In his interpretation, the repression that succeeds desire inverts the father’s love into the punishment of another person who is the object of the girl’s jealous hatred. The prototype of this other beaten person can only be the mother, enabling a due humiliation of the little girl’s rival, even in the best patriarchal families. In Teresa’s family, the dignified, handsome Beatriz de Ahumada — prematurely ravaged by continual pregnancies and rapidly succumbing to sickness — could easily have been regarded as a “beaten woman.”
And yet the little girl’s ambivalent love for her mother persists in protecting the envied matron and seeks out other targets to deflect the beating from the loved/hated maternal object. In the girl’s fantasy, other children take the place of the abused rival, drawing on the parents’ libidinal transference to her siblings. Why this displacement, this masquerade?
Freud points to everyday scenes children witness at home or at school. When a child is punished, he is viewed by the others (inevitably in competition with him) as having forfeited the father’s love, leaving the father available for the not-beaten, unscathed onlookers or voyeurs; or more precisely, for the unscathed
But Freud goes further. He suggests that it is the guilt inherent in the repression of the voyeur’s desire that creates the necessity of punishment, irrespective of whether scenes of punishment have been observed. His inquiry now goes deeper, asking what is the source of that guilt-inducing repression of love felt for and returned by the father, which peaks in fantasies of punishment, of whippings?
There can only be one answer: this repression, whose violence depends partly on personal factors (such as the premature development of genitality in some children between the ages of two and six, or the excessive sensitivity and vigor of the sexual drive in others), partly on the nature of incestuous currents within the family, is simply the reiteration of the incest repression that underlies human history and is prescribed by it. As the founding element of the culture that distinguishes our species, the repression of incest necessarily and universally engenders guilt and its corollary, masochism. In specific circumstances, however — such as a highly strung family background and the exceptional sensibilities of someone out of the ordinary (like you, Teresa) — this prehistoric guilt entails a marked regression to earlier stages of psychical development, before the development of genitality: to the oral/anal level (spanking), to onanistic relief, or to the variations on punishment-whipping that treat the whole body as an erogenous zone.
All this resonates with us, doesn’t it? But I follow you, Teresa, my love, when I say there may be “something” wanting in Freud’s neat explanation; something that would account for your manner of
I suggest, then, that to the Freudian view of endogenous masochism ensuing from the repression of incest be added the fact that incest provokes a final displacement of arousal, not this time onto a different “object” (a boy), but onto the means of expression and communication itself. The repression of incest leads to an investment…in language and thought! Do you follow?
So, in parallel with the fantasy that “someone else is being beaten,” which protects me from forbidden genital pleasure and/or from the incestuous desire to love and be loved (by Daddy, but also by Mommy; Freud has less to say about her, since her love strikes him as more natural, less prohibited; I wonder!), in parallel with that fantasy, then, I the little girl will transfer the intensity of my desire onto words and thoughts, onto representation and psychic creativity.
This displacement is more than a barricade against culpable genital desires, creating a new object of desire that proves to be a new source of satisfaction, complementary to the pleasure of the erogenous zones; it consists of an infinite capacity for representing and naming, to the point of endowing genital arousal with words and meanings or nonmeanings, besides the exaltation of masochism itself. All this in hopes not only of finding partial substitutes for the forbidden love that is incest, in the shape of my own symbolic activities or works, but also of meriting that forbidden love, rendered guilty and reversed into masochism. Meriting it through the wild capacity for sublimation all humans possess, a skill that I, smart little girl that I am, noisier than the others and Daddy’s favorite to boot, employ to outdo everyone else.
To perversion in its masochistic (“I enjoy the fantasy of being beaten”) or sadistic (“I enjoy seeing a boy being beaten”) forms is added the sublimatory
To formulate it in terms akin to yours, in the dynamic of that third phase of the female fantasy resulting from the incest prohibition (“It’s not me, it’s him who’s being beaten”), guilt comes accompanied by a longing for redemption. There is no other way of meriting recognition and grace from the Other, that is, of rising above the unmistakably anal score-settling with those around me, than by overinvesting the psychic representations that are language and thought. My thought and my word are redemption; my writing and my creations likewise.
Unlike boys, who are bound to engage in interminable bouts of physical and erotic contests with the father and his doubles, merciless duels that will dominate and absorb all their most elaborate intellectual activities, girls exhibit (over and above their individual genetic dispositions and favorable or unfavorable developmental contexts), through their academic and intellectual prowess, commonly greater than boys’, a precocious overinvestment in the activity of thinking. Thinking may thus take on a “redemptive” value for little girls, in the sense of endowing them with a symbolic, phallic power that is the fantasy equivalent of the Other’s power. Some boys also take this more delicate, spiritual, intellectual road; they include artists and intellectuals, of course, and men of God, it goes without saying. This is how they sublimate their “psychic bisexuality” (according to Freud, again). In the end, at the top of this road to sublimation, to which sex do we belong? An inept question, since, properly speaking, once we reach the heights where Flesh and Word merge into one, each person belongs to the unique sex that she or he constitutes at her or his own peril. There’s a certain happiness in it.
Let us recapitulate. The terminal fantasy of “A child is being beaten” erases, from the girl’s conscious mind, the representation of the masochistic scene (“He is beating me”) and replaces it with a twofold movement: On the one hand, the sadistic version of the fantasy “He is beating him”; on the other, its accompaniment by a heightened level of imaginative and cognitive activity, alongside a critical moral conscience identified with the parental superego. The female superego roots itself in this movement, as does a critical vigilance liable to go to delirious extremes of self-scrutiny. It’s understandable, then, that the conflicts between this strongly invested symbolic construction and an equally consistent sensibility may cause the symptoms manifested by such conflictive, divided personalities labeled “hysterical.” They are particularly common among women, although they are also found among men who have followed a similar path. In the right family and historical circumstances, the same tensions may stimulate and develop women’s symbolic creativity. This occurs against the background of a domesticated masochism that can only in that way be tempered.
Let us pause for a moment on this strong identification, defensive and creative at once, that girls have with the paternal superego merged with the phallic function, at the expense of female identifications. It leads to a repression of the mother seen as castrated or infirm, prompts imitations of virile attributes, and propels the subject into a glorification of spirituality alone — so as to reunite the little girl, and the woman she will become, with the symbolic Father.
In line with this logic, masochism is preserved and cultivated while undergoing a final inversion, this time under the pressure of the superego, into hyperactive talking and thinking and other busy activities (in accordance with individual capability), an exhausting program that requires a…sadistic dominion over others. We are back with the sadistic voyeurism that characterized phase 1 of the little girl’s fantasy, and she makes the most of it: “I excel in my representational and symbolization activities, they also comfort me, and by thus drawing near to the agent of the Law, I seal a pact with the symbolic Father. I also take my revenge on the boy who has the penis, when he is beaten in place of me: I am the Phallus.”
However, as far as the girl’s unconscious is concerned, the beaten boy is just the mask of herself, which causes her sadistic
Boys for their part are not impervious to this sadomasochistic economy (John of the Cross and the monks at Pastrana attained heights of masochistic euphoria that made even Teresa feel queasy). Except that the boy’s whipping fantasy is always experienced as passive: “I am loved by the father” (subtext: like a passive woman). Thus male masochism, culminating in the scenario of his flagellation by a whip-wielding woman, in reality protects the subject from the father’s sadistic desire, something that must at all costs be kept at bay, for this paternal desire persists at once as unconscious homosexual attraction and as the ultimate danger. So, although the masochistic fantasy of being beaten by a woman by no means prevents a man from occupying a feminine position in the sense of a passive role, this fantasy nonetheless affords him a double boon. In the first place “it” isn’t happening between two men, for I’m getting pleasure from a woman; I might be playing a passive, female role, but my choice of object is heterosexual; furthermore, the child-beaten-by-his-mother who I have become is not even a passive female, since the man suffering from his mother, that is, I myself, mirrors the suffering I always divined in my own father — a humiliated man, always weighed down by the power of maternal hysteria. By being punished myself, I become one with my debased father: we are united at last in a kind of wedding beneath the whip. However you look at it, my masochism as a man beaten by a woman is the one thing that makes a man of me, an abused man, no doubt, but one who exists, by reason of his injury and his castration, just as I exist exclusively through my experience of pain. This man is my mother’s man, of course, the one I always desired with a cowed and fearful longing, but whose sadism I need no longer dread, since I have taken his place and erased him from the scene with Venus and her whip.
Such are, on the female side and on the male, the agonies and ecstasies of sexual identity. Does each sex suffer and die apart?
And what of the Passion, in this strange perspective? What if Jesus were not only a Son, but also a consubstantial representative of God the Father? A Father who is tortured to death?
We know that for the Freud of
To recap, what would happen if Jesus were not only a beaten child or brother, but a beaten father — beaten to death?
For the little girl, this situation implies that the one she loves — the object of her mother’s desire and the phallic function upholding her access to representation, language, and thought — is equally as victimized as the boy of her sadistic fantasy: “It’s not me being beaten, it’s a boy. Now here’s a father being beaten. This father must then be a sort of boy, or brother-figure.”
Mixing the son with the father, this scenario has the advantage of simultaneously alleviating the incestuous guilt that imbues the desire for the sovereign Father, the Other, and encouraging the girl’s virile identification with the abused man. A glorious and gratifying identification, to be sure, but under cover of the masochism this twofold movement promotes, not to say incites: “This beaten father and/or brother is my double, my likeness, my alter ego — me, equipped with a male organ.”
The way is thus cleared, in the unconscious, for the Father as agent of the Law and the Forbidden to merge with the subject of the guilty passion, that is, myself, the cherished daughter of that same father. The superman Father becomes humanized and, more importantly, feminized by the suffering he undergoes; as a result he is at once my ideal and my double. A cozy “us” is constituted by and in the passion of the Father, whose love, guilt, and punishment we both share. As far as my unconscious is concerned, not only is the Father the agent of prohibition and punishment, he is also, manifestly, the object of the interdiction itself and suffers from that prohibition and punishment just as…I do! Hence my idealization of him, in which the ideal of the ego and the superego are mingled, and which, by superseding my experience of myself as junior, ignored, and excluded from the primal scene, staunches that exclusion. This returns me to the first stage of my oedipal fantasy: “I love him and he loves me.” But in the light of our osmosis in the father’s passion, this love is formulated differently: “We are both of us in love and guilty; we deserve to be beaten to death together, to be reunited in death.”
For the unconscious, this father — daughter reunion suspends the incest prohibition in and through the suffering of the two protagonists, jointly in love and punished. Their pain will necessarily be felt as a wedding. A suffering sexualized under the “whip of faith,” in the ordeal of the father beaten to death, is seen and felt as a “merciless love” (to paraphrase Baudelaire).10 The only way out of this masochistic paradise lies in sublimation.
By placing the fantasy of the father beaten to death at the summit of the evangelical narrative, so that it calls out for our identification, Christianity does more than reinforce the interdictions: paradoxically, it displaces them and paves the way for them to be worked through or sublimated.
On the one hand, neurotics of either sex continue to be inhibited and/or stimulated by the threats of judgment, condemnation, and expiation that mutilate desire. Nevertheless, by being beaten, like the son-father, the subject can liberate his or her unconscious desires from culpable suffering, moving on to a suffering that could be qualified as sovereign or divine. Once past the guilt linked to transgression, the issue will be one of passion as the sole highway to union with the ideal Father. This new type of suffering, Christlike or Christian, is not the reverse of the Law so much as a suspension of Law and guilt in favor of the
This goes beyond pleasure. We speak here of
The worship of the beaten Father entails a fundamental consequence: along with, and beyond, my surreptitiously avowed incestuous link with the Father, it is symbolic activity itself that the Father’s passion invites me to eroticize, to develop, to magnify, to love. How does this occur?
Reinforced by the incest taboo and the punishments the father metes out in order to maintain it, repression creates the neurotic and his or her representational capacity. We have just seen how the fantasy of the beaten Father establishes another structure inside me, the underside of the neurotic apparatus: his Passion, as physical suffering infused with value, incites me to resexualize and load with affectivity my own movement of idealization of the father. But this masochistic variant of
As it is by means of thought and language that I connect with the Other, the activity of representing my (however frustrated) desires is clearly favored by the Father-as-Passion, the figure poised to replace the Father-as-Law. The resexualization of the ideal Father into the man of the Passion fosters an unprecedented resexualization of representation itself — of all fantasy- and language-producing activity. First, in a way that induces compassion, the abused Father’s Passion invites me to realize my sadomasochistic drives in physical reality, by way of extravagant rituals; this is what is usually encouraged in self-mortification and atonement. In parallel, the religious and especially the mystical experience tend to deflect my sadomasochistic impulses, beyond the reality of pain unto death, into the realm of representation where language alone is fit to appropriate it. This is because it is through thought, imagination, and language — far more than through the fantasized communion — that I create around the subject of the “Father beaten to death” and become his chosen one, the Other’s elect.
Acts of representation-speech-thought, activities attributed to the father in patrilineal societies and that link me to him, become — in the Christic system — the foremost domain of a
Following Freud, this displacement of pleasure from the body and sexual organs into representation has been termed
No other religion, including Greek polytheism, has proved as effectively auspicious for the experience of sublimation as the religion of the Son-Father beaten to death. By way of this fantasy, Christianity maintains, on the one hand, the inaccessible ideal (Jesus is a God, which makes Him a forbidden Father who forbids me to approach or to touch Him). On the other hand, and without avoiding the contradiction, Jesus is a son, a brother, a man who redeems our guilty desires by submitting to the lash as though he were a party to our transgressions and sins. On the one side, legalistic coldness and apathy; on the other, fervent
Not a father who begets, in the manner of the biblical patriarchs, Jesus as the Man of pain and the abused Son-and-Father sets in motion a spiraling cycle of repetitions that displace carnal passions into mental rewards. Coming after the figure of Baby Jesus and the sacralization of birth as an eternal starting over, the figure of Jesus as the beaten Father shows that the repetition of pain is the supreme act of atonement. By beaming back to me from the heights of his Fatherhood the mirror image of my own nonshareable pain, Jesus reinstates the symbolic or spiritual element of human suffering, and ennobles it by so doing. He reveals and reinforces the psychic participation that is intrinsic to the pain of beings with the power of speech. That is his lesson for those who would tend to overlook it, and that’s why Christianity acted for two thousand years as a laboratory for modern psychology and even psychoanalysis. But at the same time, as we know too well, it is susceptible to the idealism of indiscriminate pyschologization. Isn’t there an ersatz kind of Christianity lurking in the “heart of hearts” of globalized TV spectators, for whom nothing is “universal,” bar the universality of amorous or spiritual pain?
Whatever the truth of past excesses and their contemporary exemplars, my aim is to salvage the kernel of intrapsychic truth they contain, which with Teresa’s help can be summed up as follows: the myth of the murdered Son-Father tells us that the prohibition of incest is not simply about the deprivation of pleasure; it invites sexual excitement to perform a
Shockingly, but not without veracity or profit, Jesus as the beaten Father is the figure of language experienced as a representation that encompasses bodily pleasure and pain, travels through them, and wrenches itself away to reach the ideal. This language in its Christian version — though who has ever lived that version in all its transubstantial complexity, apart from Teresa and the great artists? — is not a pure abstraction, but rather an exaltation that heals suffering by means of a
Catholicism was more propitious than other religions in this respect, because it simultaneously maintained and transgressed sexual or carnal prohibitions and inscribed this happy culpability into signs. It ostentatiously highlighted that
I hear your question: In this theater of sadomasochism, does not Jesus as the beaten Father set free the death drive at the very moment he seems to “reconcile” it, to distill it into a Beyond? Absolutely, and we are all too familiar with the way Christianity has presented itself at certain points in its history as a justification of vengeance and a summons to the Crusades, to the Inquisition, or to sanguinary pogroms.
However, whereas some religions positively aggravate the same fundamentalist deviations, the Christic knot (particularly in Catholicism) of desire,
Another crucial moment in the fantasy of “a father being beaten to death” does not stop at releasing the death drive as sadomasochistic aggression, properly speaking, but hoists it to a paroxysm of
For when Eros and Thanatos are released to “freewheel” down the Way of the Cross, the identity between body and soul comes apart in the transition from suffering to Nothingness. Here we confront the supreme difficulty always implicitly hanging over the figure of Christ, but coming tragically to the fore at Easter: Christ is not only a Son abandoned by his Father (“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”)13 but also, yes, a Father (remember what he told Thomas and Philip) beaten to death (Saint Paul’s “Christ died”) before rising again.14
Let us pause over this death of the Father, a concept only very cautiously explored by Catholic scholars; it seems to appeal more to Protestant and Orthodox Christians.
The Father’s “descent into the bowels of the earth” is denoted in Greek by the noun
God himself is “pending” or
But no sooner mooted, the death of the Father and/or the symbolic realm is negated: Christ resurrects! What astonishing therapeutic power resides in this bracketing of recognized, longed-for death with the negation of death! What a prodigious restoration of the capacity for thinking and desiring is effected in this dread exploration of suffering to the point of loss of the mind, to the point of death! It is because the Father and the Holy Spirit are themselves mortal, abolished by the intervention of the Man of pain, whose thought endures all through his suffering unto death, that they can be reborn. Thought can begin again — a different thought! Thought as resurrection? Might that be the ultimate form of the freedom proclaimed by Christian suffering? Nietzsche was not blind to the fact that this letting go into kenosis lent to the human and divine death on the Cross “the freedom from and superiority to every feeling of resentment.”17
One can understand the potent effects of this fantasy on the unconscious. This breaking, even for an instant, of the link that couples Christ to his Father and to life, this caesura, this hiatus does not offer an
We are each the result of a prolonged “work of the negative”: birth, weaning, separations, frustrations, bereavements. By staging this rupture at the heart of the absolute subject that is Christ, by presenting it in the guise of a Passion, the inseparable reverse of the Resurrection, Christianity brings back into consciousness the dramas inherent in our becoming, thus endowing itself with an immense,
What if it were only through kenosis that the divine was able to recuperate the most beautiful consciousness of its new beginning? I say “the most beautiful” because, next to the suffering of com-passion, the sovereign suffering of kenosis is paradoxically a process of “dis-passion”: I contend that it de-eroticizes the agony that voyeurs feel along with the God-man when they contemplate the Calvary. More than this, the absolute necessity hardwired into the human spirit to aspire to the Other, to desire the divine, to hunger for meaning, is abruptly revealed — in kenosis — to be empty, futile, of no account, and senseless.
Extreme passion, extremes of delinking. Due to the conjoined presence of the Absolute-and-Nothingness of desire, Christianity touches the limits of the religious. With kenosis we move from religion into the terrain of the sacred, understood as the trespass of thought into the unthinkable: the space of Nothingness, futility, vanity, and meaninglessness.18 Medieval mysticism ventured into that space with Meister Eckhart: “I pray God to make me free of God.”19 But it may be John of the Cross who best encapsulated that presence of the impossible in the tension of desire and thought — the Nothingness that gives voice to the hopeless chase (“I went out calling You, and You were gone”) characteristic of the need to believe.
Teresa, more attuned to resurrection, finds bliss in the reconciliation in which the Son-Father’s death is resolved. Spinoza’s formulation may help modern man to interpret this ultimate mystery: “God loves himself with an infinite intellectual love,” he writes in the
Having emphasized, in a completely novel way, values of compassion and an implicit kenosis without ever divorcing them from “loving intelligence,” the genius of Christianity fashioned a formidable counterweight to pain, namely the sublimation or perlaboration of pain in mental and verbal activity. I, a being that suffers because I desire/think, because I am loving/loved, am capable of conceiving my passion as a representation that will be my resurrection. My spirit, in love with the Passion, recreates it in works of loving intelligence, such as thoughts and stories and pictures and music.
Christianity both admitted and denied the Father’s ritual killing. Such was the solution it managed to impose on the universal “murder of the Father” that is the bedrock of human civilization. From then on, Christianity — more especially Catholicism, after the revolution of the Counter-Reformation — appropriated the Greco-Roman body to itself. It took the body of antiquity rediscovered by the humanists and pushed it to the limit in the Passion of Man. Painting, music, and literature were to nurture the passions of men and women, announced by mysticism prior to baroque art, and to radically overturn the subject of monotheism.21
The tension between desire and meaning — the definitive trait of speaking beings and the motor of the sadomasochistic logic of human experience — is doubly resolved, then. I renounce incest in order to gain access to the desiring and desirable father as a symbolic father, and to be associated with him if, and only if, I succeed in appropriating his symbolic and imaginative powers. And yet this new beginning (“In the beginning was the Word”) is painful. The child who speaks must renounce its desires and repair its guilt; the verbal child is a beaten child. If it can conjure it up in thought, the way of perfection stretches ahead.
Soothing that infantile, incestuous, speaking humanity — for speaking humanity is suffering humanity — with his suffering as a Father who became incarnate in the Son in order to be beaten to death, Jesus does not merely act as therapist. He overturns capital components of the human condition.
The eroticization of his ordeal makes manifest the torments of the desiring body within the family triangle: incest with both parents, and more specifically with the Father, is not just an unconscious desire, for it turns into a preconscious one. With girls, the father — daughter encounter, unconsciously courted and sublimated in passionate nuptials with Christ’s “sacred humanity,” goes to stimulate the cultural and social energy of the Christian woman. With boys, the fantasy of a homosexual encounter with the father, equally unconsciously courted, ends up favoring social attachments based on warrior and political fraternities, with the risk of drifting into multiple forms of deviance and permissiveness.
In this situation the heroics of antiquity, and in another way the phallic omnipotence of monotheistic man, are clearly untenable. There are no supermen, proclaims the martyred Son-Father of Christianity. The only sovereignty is symbolic, propped up on the quasi-avowed sadomasochism of our desires and only thus qualifying for limitless transcendence. The libertines of the Enlightenment or the Sadean explosion went on expanding this unprecedented breakthrough, whose insights fostered a new European renaissance via the baroque. The repercussions continued with the rise of the bourgeoisie, whose moral code based on the law and its transgressions continues to hold sway today.
Given the fact of repression, there is no solution to
Was Teresa’s the first attempt to articulate the strange status of a thought that is neither abstract understanding nor unbridled fancy? An imaginary a-thinking? That way of being is barely comprehensible to us now, and for that reason seems more enviable, trapped as we are by technologies that have turned us into alienated, profiteering robots. Meanwhile the “hard-core” perversions are being decriminalized and normalized across the secular world.
As for the death of the Father (the kenosis) that interrupts the sadomasochistic flow with the promise of resurrection, it does more than to de-eroticize incestuous passion. It throws wide open the daunting possibility of another psychic upheaval: the abolition of symbolic or paternal power itself, with all the attendant risks of mental, social, not to say biological disorders, some of which are already to be glimpsed amid the globalized desolation of the world. And yet the death of the Father is also pregnant with the great libertarian potential that comes with the end of religious constraints, but will be delivered only if we can invent fresh versions of the “loving intelligence” that was once called God, that Teresa so faithfully depicted, and to which the love known as transference is presently making its own modest and markedly unsettling contribution — invented by the still youthful discipline of psychoanalysis.
We women have no learning…within us lies something incomparably more precious than what we see outside ourselves. Let’s not imagine that we are hollow inside.
“That saint of yours is going to kill you, give it a rest! When you’re not scouring her writings like a Benedictine, or a damn lunatic I should say, you’re on her trail! On foot, by plane, on wheels and online, from castle to castle, from convent to monastery…So where are you now? Salamanca? Toledo? Burgos? Pastrana? Slow down, for Pete’s sake, do you hear? Don’t patronize me, either. You’ve turned into a complete workaholic!*” [*“Workaholic,” like “runaway girl” in the title and passim, appear in English in the original. — Trans.] I’m not kidding. Just my luck, me the pleasure artist, laid-back Taoist sage, lover of eternal peace and quiet…”
Andrew is irate, under cover of chivalrous airs as though I were a real woman who needed protecting by a real man. Can he think for one moment that I’d fall for his promises to help me with anything and everything? Poor darling, flying to the rescue of his workaholic (well, at least not alcoholic) damsel. He couldn’t even make me a cup of tea! And who is he to talk, when he’s always rushing between New York, Paris, and London? He’s been acting extra virile of late, when not affecting a touch of the aristos — that’s a new one! Lord Andrew detests the plebs, and there’s nothing plebbier than working one’s socks off like poor, benighted Sylvia. The fact is, he’s jealous. All my attention is on Teresa, I don’t make enough time for my American writer; he can tell my mind’s elsewhere and I’m not really listening. I haven’t got time to go to art shows with him, or to the opera to see the latest gimmicky production of
“Are you crazy, it’s four hours long!”
“It never bothered you before,” Andrew says grumpily.
Before Teresa, he means. All we share now is the bed, that’s something, the most essential, surely. Or is it? I think he may be wondering about that, even though he’s an American writer. Oh well.
“‘Workaholic’ suits me,” I say, pretending to take his dig as a compliment.
“It’s what Louise Bourgeois used to call herself, like that, in English. She was a hard worker, addicted to it, you know.” I know: the more he contrasts me with other women, the more he loves me.
My New World aesthete has been in London, making a DVD on Louise Bourgeois, who is showing at Tate Modern.1 His admiration for this sculptor is recent; when first we met he couldn’t stand the Spiders, and the Teats didn’t turn him on at all. Now he’s putty in her hands! It seems incongruous to find Andrew Garnett, the brooding novelist who rocks like Philip Roth (minus the wealth and the glory, but what can you do?), producing a hi-tech survey of Bourgeois’ works in the Turbine Hall, but there’s no mistake. Having always claimed to despise gadgetry, he’s become an electronics wiz and knows all there is to know about Bourgeois.
“Getting on a bit, isn’t she?” An experimental sword thrust from me.
“But still just a runaway girl,” parries Andrew, with heated self-assurance.
He’s right. The young Louise dropped everything: the family workshop steeped in the odor of wool dyes, the Aubusson tapestries they repaired, the suburb of Choisy-le-Roi; the libertarian mother, a reader of Zola, Louise Michel, and Rosa Luxemburg. But most crucially she dropped the libertine father, living under the family roof with his mistress Sadie, who was supposed to be the children’s English governess. Adieu sweet France, gray skies, banks of the Seine: Louise ran away to marry an American history of art teacher — an Anglophone, obviously, like Sadie. She settled in New York under what she called its cutting, humorless sky (
“Ah, they don’t understand a thing, they seldom do,” says Andrew, making a face. “Her style, it’s…well, it’s a
He’s repeating himself, but it’s interesting. After all, this approach to adventure is not altogether foreign to me.
“So leave Teresa alone, and come see Louise.”
Andrew slots the DVD into my computer without asking. He clicks away enthusiastically. I watch the film, but I’m thinking about Teresa. Not that I say so, why bother. He’s on a roll.
“Space doesn’t exist, you see!” My writer’s eyes are full of what he saw in London.
That austere and lively city intoxicates me, projects me inside of myself, erases me, all the opposite of New York’s crystal clearness, which gets me going. In London I feel available, like an empty page, I visit, listen, read; I am receptive. My friend Juan, the Golden Age man, introduces me to his youthful fans, who learn about the new maladies of the soul with expressions of mild disgust. I let them talk, I daydream, I can’t help it, it’s out of my control; Christopher Marlowe put it nicely, echoing Shakespeare, or was it the other way around? “It lies not in our power to love or hate, / For will in us is overruled by fate.”2 In New York I’m like myself, I get excited, fired up, purposeful; I make efforts. I should have gone to London with Andrew and saturated myself with the Egyptians at the British Museum and Louise B at the Tate, why didn’t I…Andrew’s voice breaks in:
“Space is just a metaphor for the structure of our existence, she says.” Andrew speaks solemnly, and I repress a giggle to respond in the same tone:
“So perhaps our castles, interior or exterior, are projections of our psychic lives?”
Am I here with him and Louise B, or am I still, as ever, with my Teresa?
Andrew zooms in on details, lingers on them, talks me through them, draws me into Louise’s motionless travels. Like everyone in her milieu, Louise rejected religion as such, considering that 140 religions on this earth are way too many. But since she believed herself to have a religious temperament, she signed up for the 141st, which is art.
In the beginning was fear. “Fear makes the world go round.” “It’s the story of someone so frightened by his love that he withdraws.” Fear turns into depression, together with an inexorable lowering of self-esteem. “A man and a woman lived together. On one evening he did not come back from work and she waited. She kept on waiting and she grew littler and littler. Later a neighbor stopped by out of friendship, and there he found her in the armchair the size of a pea.” But it’s a fortunate pea. It, or she, realizes “that you can stand anything if you write it down.” She starts snatching at all the ideas buzzing around her head, buzzing through the air like flies, and converts them into pen-thoughts, pink or blue, like butterflies. Once written down, these thoughts will become drawings, then paintings, then sculptures. For the little pea discovers that sculpture alone is liberating: it’s a tangible reality that encases emptiness, desertion, separation. Death. You must never think that the pea is interested in anxiety. Like her mother, it — meaning she, this woman — is conceptual, and assesses the situation objectively, scientifically, and not emotionally. “I was interested not in anxiety but in perspective, in seeing things from different points of view.” And: “I am not interested in the appearance of the body; I’m interested in how things work.” Obviously, since the body is a mechanism, and mechanisms are stronger than women and men and fear and death.
In the beginning was loss of innocence. “You cannot understand erotic forms if you are completely innocent, and a symbol is a symbol only if what it stands for is known.” Do sexual forms provide a way out of depression or emptiness, then? She clarifies by saying that to sculpt is “to record confidence or pleasure,” which take the place of depression and emptiness and modify them. Then it can be called “a formal problem,” that of reorganizing the world.
And that’s how the little pea became the architect of the world. The Aubusson tapestries played their part in this loss of innocence; French tradition is totally to be run away from — provided one revisits it often, it’s so terribly chic! The “tapestry” is henceforth named Restif de la Bretonne, Colette and Willy, Guillaume Apollinaire, André Breton, Céline, Antonin Artaud…all of them French. But, for the pea/woman who “travels herself,” it is also named Norman Mailer and the constellation of Americans whose courses she attends and whose shows she sees. They initiate her into the brazenness that culminates in this tribute to Francis Bacon: his inebriation doesn’t depict “things” but an “indisputably violent desire” of “terrific brutality”; “his suffering communicates.” “I want to share it.” “To look at his pictures makes me alive.”
From one beginning to the next, Louise Bourgeois confirms the vagabond destiny of creators from time immemorial, but especially during the twentieth century. Among the frontiers to be crossed were those of language, political regime, the family, the father. An absolute necessity for girls in particular, especially those who were born, like Athena, from the head of Zeus after he had swallowed their mother Metis, goddess of crafty thought. Equally important, never omit to jump every fence: Athena was the first, and already an accomplice of Ulysses the traveler, of course. It’s essential “to free oneself” from self and from home, and more so as a woman. “I married an American. I left France because I freed myself, or escaped from home.…I was a runaway girl. I was running away from a family situation that was very disturbing.”
Hannah Arendt felt great affinity with this line from Schiller: “
Louise Bourgeois didn’t have to resort to such brain-clutching upheavals. More recent, more modern, and a lot luckier, an American in the cosmopolitan sense, she “only” had to reinvent the terrain of her “structures of existence,” and make far-fetched spaces in three dimensions. She “travels herself” (
The father’s daughters rediscover the mother’s depths when they appropriate the father’s ambition, while taking tactful care of the male urge to power: “The phallus is a subject of my tenderness.…I lived with four men, I was the protector,” explains Louise B. Had she lived today my Teresa might have endorsed that sentiment, thinking of her own family, of father-uncle-brothers, and then confessors…These “runaway daughters of the father” thus manage to transmute their fear, and maybe they end up not being afraid, whether of the phallus, or of betrayal, or of fear itself, the fear that petrifies most “liberated” women into hardened militants.
“A bit psycho-babbly, don’t you think? These days, even in New York…it comes over as rather intellectual, for an artist. Not sure I’ll keep that bit.” Andrew moves the DVD on, unhappy with his art-star’s line on phalluses. I don’t blame him. I hide a smile. Men, really, ever since they turned into the second sex…On with our viewing!
It’s surely a prime achievement for a sculptor to rid himself or herself of rigidity. “I dream of being a reasonable woman,” is how Louise describes her latest metamorphosis. Out with stiffness and brittleness — and yet: “I was supposed to apologize for being only a girl. My brother was born later, of course.” “Ever since I was born, I was pushed into constant rivalry with other people.” Is that any reason to bend? To throw in the towel? Of course not! Though it’s never definitive, let’s try to attain serenity without dependency. “I feel good. I feel independent.”
Teresa “feels” as well, there’s no doubt about that, she burns with longing to feel herself being this or that. They were all at it, during the late sixteenth century: “little Seneca,” the towering John of the Cross, “Doctor in
Is there a deconstruction of the father going on? Some of Bourgeois’ works, like
“Hey, Nobodaddy, Nobodaddy, Nobodaddy! Why art thou silent and invisible, father of jealousy? Why dost thou hide thyself in clouds from every searching eye?”7
Has La Bourgeois bewitched him? Jigging and giggling, oblivious of the deconstructive Seventies, Andrew is a carnival king. With a few lines of rhyming verse, he flies off into unbearable father love, it’s hysterically funny; is libertarian Christianity alone in legitimating and cultivating such a thing? Jesus the imagination is a silky tiger made of wrath and pity, and the revolution will be libidinal or it will not be. I dare you, go cross swords with the Commander, go taunt Daddy, see how you make out at squishing him into Nobodaddy! A burlesque dig here, an obscene jibe there, poor old fellow left to rot, coughing and cowering, who “jumps up off his seat and turns thrice three times around,” some passion! Nowhere else has Daddy love, confessed to death, pushed artists and others not belonging to that weird species into such a rebellious, savage tenderness, the banality of evil revised and corrected, male anality rehashed to the nth degree. They call it freedom and Andrew is acting it out to me this minute, jabbing a faux-sardonic finger at the ceiling.
“‘That ole Nobodaddy got stuck up there, burping and farting without a care! He read out a big sermon that made heaven shake, and then got to yelling for William Blake!’ That’s pretty good, getting Blake in there. In subtitles, or as voice-over? ‘Why darkness and obscurity in all thy words and laws, that none dare eat the fruit but from the wily serpent’s jaws? Or is it because secrecy gains females’ wild applause?’” My friend is getting quite carried away, capering and cackling; then he stops dead, and strikes a Gallic pose. “‘Upon seeing this, the moon blushed scarlet.’ Curtain.”
He stares at me with dark, crazed eyes. He’s not laughing now.
If he only knew how his clowning vindicated my own very personal theology…But let’s not go there.
“Shall I paste that into Bourgie’s film? What d’you reckon? Too strong for her, maybe? Oh, she blasphemes with her dad’s organ all right, bingo! But it’s like she envies him…or like she’s holding back even so, do you feel that or not? Couldn’t be further from my poet-engraver, anyway. Uncommercial maniac.”
I think of Teresa, it’s far from her too: she’s into chess, not chisels.
“Mind you, Louise ain’t so bad for a woman. We’ll see at the editing stage. Ready for the rest?”
He presses Play, more calmly.
I understand his disquiet. Louise’s hand-to-hand combat with her father is also an indefatigable reweaving of the maternal web: it’s the restoration of Joséphine, the mother who was her companion in depression as much as in good sense. Before the artist found out how “ridiculous” life is. Becoming a mother herself — an experience Louise B accompanies and reflects, like a refracting mirror — led her inevitably to this detachment; but most mothers don’t know it. Andrew’s heroine, who is not an ordinary mother (But what woman is? Certainly not Madre Teresa!) turns space into a kind of fecund receptacle, a topography of udders and breasts. Cows, sows, women, all are “interesting, moving, live and flexible landscapes.” We’re a long way from your subtle dwelling places, Teresa, my love! Apart from the flexibility, the liveliness, the mobility, a certain simplemindedness,
Warlike violence nonetheless persists beneath the decorous indecency that is always being petted and cajoled. It simmers like the tantrum of a child who is loved and yet quick to flare up, flounce off, blow her top. Who can stand anything if she writes it down and then makes of it a sculpture, which is her preferred script.
But then is this nomad nothing but an eternal adolescent, a phallus worshipper cloaking the dreamer of breasts? What is a woman, in the end? A woman must dare to be “arrogant and ambitious,” declares my writer’s latest muse. Great! Anything else? I won’t tell Andrew that Louise sounds like a feminist from Milwaukee, because I do know by now that if a woman isn’t minimally arrogant or ambitious she simply is not, period. But then…Oh, it would take too long, you’d have to write a novel!
Every beginning is a new life “organized around hollowness.” That’s quite a discovery. Does it apply to the female body? Maybe, or it’s an overstatement, we’ll see. For the time being the pea-woman is a “house-woman,” necessarily an empty one like the empty homes it/she left behind, clearly “a metaphor for existence,” for abandoned, abandoning, abandonistic space. Excellent start if you want to become a sculptor, or sculpt
In the video still unfolding on my plasma screen, Louise pays due homage to the master of the baroque. But she objects to his love of drapery: “There was no emptiness [in this work], not an inch that was not filled with folds, as if emptiness was Bernini’s enemy.”8 It takes guts to stand before the Praxiteles of modern times and dedicate to him a great galumphing ball with a hole inside! Come off it, Louise!
I stop myself there.
“Hang on, hang on…from one beginning to the next…” Andrew’s squeezing it for all it’s worth. We are treated to
“Hey, did Louise ever go into analysis?” I’m reading a statement that’s splashed on the screen in an achingly avant-garde font: “Unconscious is something which is volcanic in tone, and yet you cannot do anything about it, you better be its friend, you better accept it and even love it if you can, because it might get the better of you, you never know.”
No answer. Andrew looks smug to have caught me out on my home ground. I continue, in a careless voice:
“Well, she’s read her stuff, as artists go! She talks the talk…”
“Yes,” murmurs Andrew, “but it’s embodied in the space of the works. That’s where words get canceled out, you see, in bronze, iron, glass, wood…”
He sounds husky and thoughtful, he really admires her.
B kept a diary, noting down the fleeting ideas or “butterfly-thoughts” that helped her to keep depression at bay. Those thoughts fed and illuminated the gestures of making. Finally the made objects in turn evolved into a mishmash of borrowings from here and there, a multifarious bric-a-brac compacted into private, provisional spaces, the thresholds of new departures. Plural landscapes of rebirth, labyrinthine buddings with multiple facets, kaleidoscopes of absent identities, polymorphous ambiguities, polytopical vitality.
“It’s a female thing, isn’t it, this perpetual starting over, you’d think it was a whole different person,” muses Andrew. Is he wondering aloud, or stating a fact? “Nietzsche was the great pioneer…but he went mad.”
“Syphilis, I believe.”
After all, I don’t really know. I think of Teresa’s re-foundings, her perpetual variations upon those same but always different states of prayer, loss, exile, loss of self, selflessness in Majesty, elucidation…
The repeated new starts that characterize the trajectory of Louise B are not just psychological stages in a therapy of survival. In her borrowings from analysis, self-analysis, and, inevitably, the “intertextuality” of contemporary art, most art critics have merely seen the “subjective cures” of an idiosyncratic artist rather too involved with her own moods. But observed close up in Andrew’s video, these artistic departures don’t strike me as illustrative. Instead they seem to be generated by their own products, in an oeuvre of sudden leaps and eternal returns. In the later, more mature achievements, they manage to condense the ruptures and reprises into polymorphous geometries. Neither a cubist nor a surrealist, although bearing the marks of both “schools,” Louise B juxtaposes without breaking and links without isolating.
“I like
These cells — whether the units that comprise a sculpture or an installation, or the actual series entitled
Andrew pours himself a drink. I remain before the screen, watching the documentary.
“Or maybe I’ll go for
After birds, my favorite beings on earth are trees and shrubs. Like outsize flowers, not content to defy beauty but challenging the tempests of time, they seem to embody the best of human yearning.
But Teresa does that too, Andrew, wait! I haven’t got there yet! Let’s see more of your Louise meanwhile.
Oh, this sculpted shrub is nothing like the flowering cherry of the teenager’s body, and yet its bunches of emerald, raspberry, or purple beads caught in the looking glass of time have a vitality that reminds me irresistibly of the freshness of the cherry trees under the Great Wall of China, where I stood in admiration, dreaming I was pregnant. As Andrew and I gaze at it now, the
At the end of
Andrew has finished his whiskey and gets back into gear, clicking on this and that, coming up with more surprises.
“Look at that! I’ll take
What does he see in these lewdly entwined rag dolls? A three-way orgy mixed with a four-way swinger’s party, at least three of the figures have two heads…Bisexuality, incest, and betrayal. The hurts inflicted on Louise B, in childhood or early youth, are apparent here in rose-tinted version. Are the nestling bodies deceased, aligned in a sarcophagus and already petrified by the lava of memory, that bestows innocence but does not purify? Or are they floating in a state of weightlessness, in some ultra-ecstasy beyond sexual pleasure, in postwrestling reconciliation? Human puppets either way, makeshift stuffed bolsters, tacky and ugly, touching and touched. Evil has not disappeared into some banality or other, but suffering has been staunched by the urge to hug; touch, that most essential of the senses, can be seen and felt in this “sculpture.” Does it posit the victory of the breast over every other kind of eroticism, exhibited, assumed, and dealt with at last? Not really. It represents the same search for the origins of space (the metaphor of our desires, according to Louise B) that her work tirelessly inquires into — in ricochets, with no end in sight.
Teresa veiled her body, she had no choice, modesty and faith required it. But the fiction enacted in her foundations stripped her bare, embraced the Spouse, and diffused their caresses as felt by her — a majestic solitary orgy, a polytopical, kaleidoscopic vitality — through centuries to come. And in all innocence. If Andrew doesn’t want to know, that’s his problem. From the heights of the Tate Modern he looks pityingly down on me, stuck God knows where with my saint. He only has eyes for Louise B, who’s old enough to be his mother or grandmother, as if I cared. We all have our fictions.
It is fate. “It lies not in our power to love or hate…” He hands me a glass of claret, closes the computer, kisses my cleavage, and pulls me toward the bed.
Comfort me with apples…
A total transformation into God, as what Teresa went through — albeit momentary and climaxing with a translucent castle — is still a living sculpture carved out with blows of programmed death. Andrew admires the edifice and the haste; my pleasure lies in detecting the survival that germinates in the work of death. Ah, the space-time of women! As a child I never cared for snowmen, I used to dig with frozen fingers into the thick, crisp crust in order to free the snowdrops. There had to be some.
To merge with the murdered Lord until the husband-Father becomes a brother-husband, a double, an alter ego, is more than a passion for Teresa, it’s her way to be. To suffer through and for Jesus is hard, but given her complete confidence in His existence, His approval, and her future recompense in the form of His eternal grace, this hardship is clearly preferable to unsatisfied desire and the want of love that damages health as a symptom of hysteria. Teresa knows it and spells it out: “I am my usual self, for trials are health and medicine for me.”1 The tribulations prompted by the fantasy of reciprocal love relieve her somatic conversions, migraines, and convulsions; the heartaches of love are always “trials,” but far from being experienced as maladies, they are like vehicles of healing to her. In the spiritual life, “everything seems to be a heavy burden, and
All trials and all persecutions remind her of those Jesus endured, so they can only be glorious. This narcissistic reward, as well as a phallic assumption into identification with the Lord in His troubles, is felt in the short and long term as intense pleasure: “Give me trials, Lord; give me persecutions.”3 Teresa longs for these with complete sincerity, before she gets to reap the still more gratifying rewards of the art of victory. But since the duty of humility most often forbids her to articulate her satisfaction, not to say her personal glorification, all her pleasure will be in “somehow imitating the laborious life that Christ lived.”4 Being without self, her
At that point a further step is possible: the praying woman gives herself leave to consider the pact with the ideal Father as a matrimonial contract, or rather a patrimonial and indeed notarial one, under the rules of a kind of universal community of assets (“what is Yours is mine”). This alliance between proprietors confers on Teresa a far higher dignity than the unlikely “honor” she had struggled for hitherto.
And the Lord said: “You already know of the
Extolling the rights, duties, and benefits of suffering, your most radical passages employ the pronoun “she,” my exiled Teresa. Who is this
The transference that transmutes suffering into fruitful jubilation comes at a cost: carnal fulfillment must be renounced, and persecution endured, although you exaggerate the latter at times, as though every moment of your life were a battle. Exhausting, no doubt — but a great deal more bracing than the repose of ennui between bouts of somatization. The benefits of outwitting your harassers far outweigh the drawbacks of being harassed: you obtain the reunion with the Great Other, which not only satisfies an incestuous desire to possess the Father, but also promises the grace of your metamorphosis through the Word that He is, into Eternity. By your work as a founder and re-founder, you taunt the passage of time with spaces of rebirth that are secluded and yet noticeable, incisive. You broaden the course of the world; your way of being, your deeds and your writing drive it outside of itself; with the Other and like the Other, you are outside time.
This surplus
Having reached this fork in the road of psychic experience, you choose neither of the two paths available; but you definitely tilt toward the second.
The first is mortification. Your guilt at transgressing the prohibition (of incest, of carnality), magnified by and through your identification with the sacrificed Father-Son, turns you into a dab hand with scourges and hair shirts. You flagellate yourself diligently, nothing special, until you add an extra twist: your niece Teresita swears she’s seen you rubbing nettles on the welts. There, how’s that for pain! Malicious tongues, out of envy or cynicism, wax ironic on the disinfectant properties of nettles. Even if you knew of this, I doubt there have been many volunteers for such a biting balm. Fasting days are prescribed by the liturgical calendar, but one is welcome to fast more, and you often do. In addition, as an intermittent but proud anorexic, you make yourself throw up by tickling the back of your throat with a goose feather — a quill too far! But that’s the kind of refinement a nun thinks up when competing with the sisters. You want to be the first, the best, the only one to merit the Other’s grace.
For twenty years, and more intensely from 1591 to 1597, more than 1,500 people testified before the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the Counter- Reformation Church to beatify, and then canonize, Teresa of Avila. After death her sanctity rested upon the basis of this collective memory, detailed in the numerous depositions whose accuracy was no doubt tinged with subjectivity. But the reports concurred on one point: Teresa inflicted appalling injuries on herself. “There was nothing she liked more than to martyr her body for the sake of our Lord” (Ana de la Trinidad); “Her haircloth is made of sharp-edged patches to cut the flesh into bleeding wounds” (María de San Ángel); “Her body is covered in sores caused by the scourge and the hair shirt” (Ana de San Bartolomé, her nurse, who testified that even when she was old and sick, Teresa went in for savage penances); “This was a woman who disciplined herself so often that her confessors grew concerned; owing to her constant use of the cilice, her skin was permanently raw, despite her frequent illnesses and convulsive fits” (Beatriz de Jesús); “This torture was so excessive that the confessors often had to intervene” (Alonso de los Ángeles). But Teresa persisted, even when her sores became infected: “The wounds on her body grew empoisoned and turned into pus-filled sacs” (Ana de la Madre de Dios). The precision of these accounts suggests they were genuine observations, not the histrionic hyperbole of zealous companions trying to boost her chances.7
Nevertheless, you frowned on the reckless mortifications of friends such as Mariano de San Benito, and even on John of the Cross’s elaborate taste for pain. Nor had you any sympathy for women who are always miserable, plaintive, and ailing; you hated any such weakness in yourself. It’s one thing to take care of nuns who are poorly: the
“But I thought Love was our God, Madre?” simpers María Bautista. She is a crooked soul who cannot help being disingenuous and will ultimately prove treacherous.
“Certainly it is, but mind: it must be virile love.” Teresa stares at her with eagle eye. “I would not want you, my daughters, to be womanish in anything, nor would I want you to be like women but like strong men.”8
“Like men?!” Cheeky scrap, either pretending to be dim or else asking to be punished.
“The soul understands that so as to reign more sublimely, the only true way is that of suffering. You know that much, María Bautista, don’t you?”9
The unfortunate girl didn’t expect such a put-down. Had she forgotten that the truly virile way was to be put to death? That the worst humiliations, when endured in place of the Man, are glorious? Her initiation has only just begun.
Teresa doesn’t let go yet. With regal poise she seizes a rotten cucumber from the table and proffers it to her insolent cousin, transfixing her with the same predatory stare.
“I order you to go plant this in the ground.”
The sarky girl musters up a last show of sham obsequiousness, which does her case no good at all:
“Shall it go upright, or sideways?”
“Sideways!” And with that the superior turns on her heel in disgust. Teresa de Jesús has better things to do than to linger where it stinks of women.10
You are implacable, Madre, when it comes to the frailties of young nuns. Such as those who seek permission to leave one Carmel for another, right after taking their vows of enclosure: the very idea! General Juan Bautista Rubeo himself authorized one sister to move to a different convent, because she didn’t like the climate! Whatever next? “The devil doesn’t want anything else except to foster the opinion that something like a transfer is possible.”11 You warn Fr. Gratian against such lax indulgence, for you understand “women’s nature” better than he. Is it that self-knowledge you have, of yourself as a woman, that drives you to be so callous? You add, “It is better that some die than that all be harmed.”12
You surprise yourself by thinking such thoughts aloud, but the sisters don’t appear alarmed. You’ve drummed it into them, after all, that there’s no better life than to die for the sake of the Lord.
Sadism? Masochism? An urge to raise yourself to the level of the humiliated Phallus, suffering/rejoicing in that humiliation? Words are inadequate to describe the ever-praised sacrifice that enables you to dream of being at one with the Other’s Passion, and yet to find yourself forever wanting, forever falling short of Him.
You have a horror of the weak, the crippled, and the mad (“melancholics,” manic-depressives). You don’t let them in, there’s no place in your convents for them. But what if a woman succumbs to ill-being when she’s already inside? What would happen if an elite nun, the kind you welcome, lost her reason?
Your severity becomes legendary, and while your followers are all for it, your enemies brand you a criminal. Rumor has it you’re an ogre, a bully who enjoys abusing her flock, more a witch than a mother! Well, people are notoriously quick to speak ill of nuns, but watch out, the Inquisition pricks up its ears at this sort of talk.
“The reformed Carmelites tie each other up by the wrists and ankles and flog each other! That’s what people are saying, Mother. The woman who left the Seville convent, María del Corro, is accusing Isabel de San Jerónimo and you, too, Mother, of such practices.” Your daughters wonder, whispering, whether the gossip could be true. Little Teresita is dismayed: What if it were? Tell us it’s not so, Auntie, unless…
“Please God they’re saying nothing worse!” You kick it into the long grass, rather than deny it outright. The compulsion to domination over yourself (“lord of all the elements and of the world”)15 and others must inevitably lead to some gratuitous nastiness toward your “daughters,” and they don’t spare you either, as we’ve seen. The cruelty of female passion!
In fact, your line on religious suffering is not fixed. In this as in other dwelling places, you are never buoyed by certainty, you waver, groping toward the right path, slipping between the walls of the translucent diamond of your soul. Suffering is the way, agreed. But not absolutely, not always, not to the end. The
Work with a time limit should never be given to the Sisters. Each one should strive to work so that the others might have food to eat. They should take into careful account what the rule ordains (that
The rules limit some penances:
“Should the Lord give a Sister the desire to perform mortification, she should ask permission. This good, devotional practice should not be lost, for some benefits are drawn from it.
If punishments are designed to conduct the body toward the Christly ideal, reading could perform the same job, if wisely directed. Would you instate reading in place of penitence?
In response to other infringements, however, you gave yourself free rein — with considerable and undisguised glee:
She should likewise be punished who says something falsely about another. And she should also be obliged to restore, in so far as possible, the good name of the one whose reputation was harmed. And the one who is accused should not respond unless ordered to do so, and then should do so humbly, saying “
You are even wise enough to acknowledge the existence of desires that “offer something good,” as distinct from the egregiousness of “violent thirst.” What’s the difference? Unacceptable desires are those whose pain is so “sweet and delightful” that we, being “indiscreet,” “never think we can have enough of this pain.”19 You suspect this melancholy masochism of being fomented by the devil, who “tempts one to perform indiscreet penances” purely to wreck one’s health, “take away one’s reason,” and render one finally “deranged.”20 You are certainly the last person who would ever encourage such deviations! We are guilty enough at birth, aren’t we? No need for the devil’s “stratagems”! Your successors, when they completed the regulations, classified potential “faults” in five chapters appended to your section entitled “On the Chapter of Grave Faults.” They were numbered in ascending order, from light faults (49), medium faults (50), and grave faults (51), to “graver faults” (52), culminating in the “gravest faults” (53). You personally counsel prudence in the management of passions, showing your consummate proficiency at settling human scores: “the punishment should be given after the anger has subsided.”21 It’s always sensible to postpone the reckoning, my subtle Teresa; what is to be done with passionate love and hate, joy and suffering, except give them time to percolate into the senses, to attach to words, and with any luck, to be illuminated in thoughts? Always postpone:
All in all, you are for punishment with a cool head, never in anger. Because raw emotion, whether painful or pleasurable, is a
You go as far as calling yourself “not very penitential,” and I guess you’re right in comparison to other paragons, like Antonio de Jesús or Catalina de Cardona, to name a couple. In 1576, the more moderate flagellant you had lately become wrote to Fr. Mariano:
I have to laugh that Fray Padre Juan de Jesús [Roca] says I want you all to go barefoot, for I am the one who always
In your view, then, suffering is not the one and only “true way,” but a means among others — a secondary means? — for attaining the spiritual ideal. In any case it is subordinate to joy, which takes precedence in your experience of faith understood as a wholly fulfilled love. But pain is not entirely discarded, either; how could it be, when your ideal Father is a “beaten Father,” like Jesus, or like don Alonso Sánchez? But you still prefer its sublimation in reading, and even more in writing, which became your “true way” after 1560.
Language is not the only ruse you deploy against rampant masochism. I like to imagine, Teresa, my love, that your dolorism lessened in the same proportion as you became more aware of the eroticized (and preconscious? — no, highly conscious) link with your confessors.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since your very first visions and trances, since the sighting of Jesus’s severe countenance or of that horrid swollen toad. You don’t suppress your desire for the Other or for others any more than anyone else, indeed rather less, as we have seen over and over. Aged sixty-one, on June 15, 1576, you embark on a perilous idyll with your confessor Jerome Gratian; it must surely have an erotic side, no matter how platonic in practice. It’s you I choose to believe on this point, rather than the slanders passed on to the Inquisition. Cloistered, clad in shapeless rough wool, full of repentance as you are, this romantic friendship authorized and reciprocated by Gratian himself channels desire and redirects its turbulence away from the ever-lurking temptations of self-harm. How restful!
“Although…I reflected that this suffering would be very beneficial to my soul, all these actions helped me little. For the fear didn’t go away, and what I felt was a vexing war. I chanced upon a letter in which my good Father [Gratian] refers to what St. Paul says, that God does not permit us to be tempted beyond what we can suffer.”23
After meeting Gratian, the flesh would no longer be an obstacle. Present or absent, the close friend’s body was more than a dream: it became another incarnate, guilt-free fantasy.
“One night I was very distressed because it had been a long time since I had heard from my Father [Gratian].…He suddenly appeared to me…coming along the road, happy and with a white countenance.…And I wondered if all the light and brilliance that comes from our Lord makes [people in Heaven] white. I heard: ‘Tell him to begin at once, without fear…’ It couldn’t have been my imagination.”24
This was reassurance. If Gratian shared in the “holy humanity” of Jesus — and your love was so strong that you amalgamated the priestly father with the ideal Father — then there was no reason to feel guilty or to literally beat yourself up!
And you went further, Teresa. You invited the gaze of your correspondent Jerome Gratian to creep under your habit, to crawl over your bare skin, and not by itself: a toad — no, a lizard this time, anyway a critter, was there too:
You are a wicked flirt, Teresa, a perverse little girl, an irresistible seductress armed with a diamantine pen. You submerge the sorrow of lovelessness into the four waters of prayer, you wash it clean and dissolve it in the trust you have in the infinite sublimation within you, that jewel of your carnal being. In short, you drown “all things” and their “nothingness” in that magical charm of yours, which priests and nuns alike have fallen for, hooked by your compelling, seductive motherliness.
By allowing yourself these “friendships”—though you’re not deceived about them, thank God — suffering and passivity in the mind are experienced better than ever with detachment,
“I understood well that these effects didn’t come from me, nor did I gain them through my diligence, for there wasn’t even time for that.…I do hardly anything on my part…it is the Lord who does everything.…souls upon whom the Lord bestows these favors…could be placed in the company of
This kind of detachment, without efforts or judgments, does not require any physical punishment. Preached by Osuna, explored from the very beginning of your monastic life,
In the ardor of her ascesis, Teresa exhibits an ambiguity that gives rise to the second path her dolorism would follow before being quieted at last. She often writes to criticize too much intemperance in pain, warning her brother Lorenzo, for instance: “Don’t take the discipline any more than is mentioned [in my letter], in no way should it be taken more than twice a week.”28 Already in the
Since I am so sickly, I was always tied down without being worth anything until I determined to pay
But she is still seeking some precious balance. “It seems to me now that this kind of procedure is a desire to
Teresa couldn’t fail to be impressed by the spectacular mortifications performed by Catalina de Cardona at Pastrana. This highborn lady had left the court to spend eight years living in a cave, with only beasts for company, eating roots, and inflicting ghastly tortures on herself.33 Then she came to the reformed Carmel, in somewhat mannish garb, and continued with her extreme program of penitence. Half wanting to outdo the amazing Catalina, Teresa was goaded to rivalry until the day His Voice — His Majesty’s — rescued her from the command of the
“The Lord told me: ‘You are walking on a good and safe path. Do you see all the penance [Catalina de Cardona] does?
Whence came this bifurcation, this appeasement? How could you, my fervent Teresa, renounce pain unto death in exchange for “obedience,” choosing that active passivity you constructed in view of the recommencement of time? How were you able to replace “jouissance unto death” with that hyperactive passivity, your symbolic maternity? In opposition to Catalina de Cardona and her vehement masochism, you chose life.
“The desires and impulses for death, which were so strong, have left me, especially since the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene; for
Instead of being penetrated to death by the Other, you make yourself receptive. You replace oral-anal-muscular violence, the kind that swallows-excretes, bites-vomits, that is spasmodic and paralyzing, with an overflowing pragmatism backed up by a real or feigned detachment—“obedience” treated as a mental genitality under the sign of acquiescence and receptiveness, interleaved at times (rarely, but still) with lucid interrogation. “Humility?” you say; your infectious complicity with the Beloved, your tender reliance on Him, emboldens you. In the final analysis, obedience is inflected into a continual mutual nesting of the transcended into the transcendent, the nun into His Voice, the feminine into the masculine…I challenge anybody to separate container from contents!
In the meanders of this movement, with regard to the senses the
I was also thinking about this comparison. Since what is given to those who are further advanced is totally the same as that given to them in the beginning, we can compare it to
Now that the guilt of incest has been lifted, now that He has convinced you, you have the right to love Him and be loved in return. His Voice neither forbids nor judges: it is simply a lovely taste that penetrates with the Voice into all the body’s cavities. Deeper down than the mouth, the guts themselves are touched by it. And this feeling spirals up toward the Other who authorizes the pleasure and gives it a meaning, the meaning of reciprocal love. Orality and genitality, mingled and disinhibited, are no longer felt as “rape” or abduction (in French:
Catalina, who wanted to be a man, couldn’t unite with Him except by sadistically hurting-killing herself. You, just as much of a tomboy and more virile than many of the monks around you, accede by means of fantasy (and who knows, in reality too, perhaps? — the texts are discreet, but undoubtedly suggestive) to female genitality as well as to symbolic motherhood. How was this possible?
Let me hazard an enormity that psychologists and writers might understand. Your appropriation of language by writing revealed another Teresa to you — a new Teresa who transformed the fear of divine judgment into attentiveness to the Other’s Voice. By speaking and writing about your culpable (hence frustrated and painful) desires, you take onto yourself both divine judgment and its redemption. Because you are in the place of the Other, the Other takes Its place in you. Fear is compounded, or rather superseded, by receptiveness: openness, welcome, abandonment to the gift.
This is how from being feared, then heard, the Other rewritten becomes an Other touched, felt via all the senses. Writing does not enact the respect for otherness (for evil, for impossibility, for crime, for “characters”…) as morality would wish, although this can happen too. Through writing, the Other and all forms of alterity cease to be forbidden, cease even to be separate from me. By writing I think them, perceive and possess them, touch and am touched by them. Writing is the supreme, innocent move from word to deed, the consummation-assumption of all prohibitions, including the primal one of incest. Henceforth, by authorizing herself to write, Teresa is “another,” capable of
Your writing was born, as we have seen, in the wake of amorous transferences with your confessors (akin to psychoanalytical transference) and with variably loyal fellow nuns and female friends (akin to every heightened attachment between women), all of which unlocked your desires. A sensual body, alive to the passions of men and women, was thus made available to your pen. Through guilt and repression, and despite renunciation and punishment, you built yourself a new corporeal and psychic space; sensual, ravished, in a continual state of elucidation, and, by all these tokens — I say this confidently — a glorious body.
If masochism and its twin, sadism, are not entirely avoided here, they are nonetheless crowned by ravishment, or rapture, and surpassed in “marriage.” Meekness vanishes in a surge of loving elation, and the imaginary flows back into the body and its erogenous zones to relieve them of the tensions that so harrowed the young novice. La Madre’s potency and impotencies together diminish, her dominion and humiliation of self and others abates, her comitial or flagellant mortifications become few and far between. Relieved of desire itself, body and soul find peace in the fusion of everything with nothing, of nothing with everything, of self with Other, of flesh with Word, and vice versa.
You achieved this entrance into the writing of
As its final surprise and greatest benefit, this reciprocal receptiveness is not, or not feared as, a victimized passivity, aggravated throughout one’s life until it is time to merit — maybe — a posthumous reward in heaven. If at the start of my graduation to speaking subject I acquired the use of language through
If reality were indeed a sort of waste product of experience…
En lo muy muy interior…
Your visions, Teresa, are not perceived with the eyes of the body, you often insist on this point; rather they are built by a listening that avails itself of touch. Does this relate to the infrastructure of language, the gradual intelligibility of sensation, the primary molding of meaning which Julia Kristeva calls “the semiotic”?1
She never saw anything with her bodily eyes, as has been said. But what she saw was so delicate and intellectual that sometimes at the beginning she thought she had imagined it; at other times she couldn’t think such a thing. Nor did she ever hear with her bodily ears — except twice; and these times she didn’t hear what was being said, nor did she know who was speaking.2
I read and reread your words; might not that “intellectual delicacy” that pertains to your visions be the very element of your interior castle, body and soul included? With the scalpel of your self-analysis, you probe into the deepest, most
During your ecstatic visions that is the face you wear, Teresa, over the body of an infant prior to its separation from the mother, prior to the prohibition of incest.
Here the psychologist in me discerns the glee of the fabulous infantile satisfaction you preserve intact beneath and throughout the separation that prompts humans to speak and which you acquired, like all law-governed humans, by force of grief and melancholy — only to conquer the independence of existing. You are always reconquering that realm, that paradise, while facing up to the ache of prohibition and abandonment.
And yet your sensual reconquest is not confined to a regression, far from it. It is not before, but
The Voice of His Majesty, issuing from a different region, is no longer received as an imaginary favor, a “fancy [caprice:
Your enamored state, identified with incest with an Other endowed with the attributes of both parents, profoundly alters your relationship with meaning. Meaning becomes sensible for you, which helps attenuate the cruelty of the prohibitions and the judgment inherent in them. Your relationship to the body is also changed; you take possession of a new body that flourishes in the delicacy of that sensual intelligence made possible, no matter how intermittently, by its incorporation of thought. “A person with the ears of the soul seems to hear those words…so clearly and so in secret.”6 The intelligence of your interpenetration with the Other alleviates the spasms, labors, and agitations of ill-being, and allows you to “enter” into the “tempest” of contacts with the Other, a turbulence that carries you away without obliterating you in psychosis. Your union with the Other does not destroy you; there’s no threat of identity catastrophe. On the contrary, you succeed in meticulously depicting the yearning for nonseparation.
“Sometimes my pulse almost stops.…All my longing then is to die…if anything could give the soul consolation, it would be to speak to someone who had suffered this torment.…So it seems to me that this desire for companionship comes from our own weakness…
True enough, that separation can only be consummated in the eye of the storm; I am reminded of the “depressive position” Melanie Klein considered a psychic precondition for the acquisition of language.8 But in your case, Teresa, after that long meditation upon your states of prayer, with which I’m familiar thanks to your accounts, the unbearable separation is redressed by reunion. Confident in the knowledge — or is it faith? — that reconciliation makes up for suffering, the soul feels neither abandoned nor guilty, neither helplessly depressed nor inexorably excited, neither melancholic nor hysterical, even though it has known all of those states. “The soul is purified,” you say, “purged like gold in the crucible.” You’re an alchemist, Teresa, since you can’t be a psychologist. You borrow from the masters of the occult to explicate how, by going through depressiveness with its ascetic temptations, you became worthy of “the enameled gifts” from the Lord. A new “purification” occurs, fulfilled and gratified, a “golden” purgation that preempts the one awaiting sinners in purgatory, with its expected mortifications: “Que en esta pena se purificaba el alma, y se labra o purifica como el oro en el crisol, para poder mejor poner los esmaltes de sus dones, y que se purgaba allí lo que había de estar en purgatorio.”9
The prayer of union finally leads your soul to a “complete transformation…in God,”10 which although it “lasts only a short time” makes you feel “healed.” A therapeutic prayer, then (unlike the one that used to send you into a coma as a novice!) replaces the judgmental, fearsome
This new topology of intimacy imbuing your lover’s rapport with the Beloved completely changes the experience of suffering: were you to feel pain, you couldn’t assign to it the negative value of ill-being. This rather undermines the sadomasochistic nosography that I’m pinning on you from the outside! Here, “separation” and “the incest prohibition” are not scotomized; you don’t pitch into psychosis or even perversion, Teresa, my love — I’ll sign you a doctor’s note on that — you only teeter on the edge. Instead, like all the suffering in your realm, separation and prohibition allow themselves to be veiled by a “transparent covering,”11 as you describe in your Dwelling Places — in other words, by your fantasy incarnate, carnal and permissive, as though by a caressing, flimsy veil. As you write it, the pleasure of love in the form of incest with the Son-Father turned Spouse is wiped of guilt by the fable of a “union” you desire so much that you experience it as a physiological reality. Is it a veil, or a penetrable hymen? Nothing licenses me to jump to the conclusion that one or another of your confessors, some intrepid explorer of female desire like your adored Eliseus-Gratian, might have given you the opportunity for congress itself. But we know for a fact that spiteful contemporaries, and you had your share of enemies, did not refrain from hints to that effect.
Given and received, the Voice uttering the words of the Beloved — and therefore also the words of the Bride “transformed” into the Beloved — are freighted with a “supreme authority,” far more powerful than any abstract verbal message. In the new economy of amorous writing, of Teresa’s new body that is constituted by the acts of writing and foundation, there cannot possibly be a barrier between words and things, writing and making, reading and doing work in the world. There are only transitions to and fro through the “veil” (in place of the
Make no mistake, Teresa is not calling upon human beings to do as they say and say as they do. Her experience is not a morality. Indwelt by a speech reconciled with her desires, she pushes incarnation as far as erasing the last borders between
A great repose engraved in memory?
This experience of incorporation, authorizing the embodied fantasy of incest over and above the incest taboo, will require a new “imaginary vision” if you are to convey it to your sisters and confessors — and to us, your readers in the third millennium. It will be the story of a hidden treasure, the casket enclosing a secret jewel.
The alchemical metaphors and the metamorphoses of this radical experience travel from invisibility to light, from imprint to brilliance, from the casket of empty space to the density of the diamond, from blinding sunlight to the veil of fine linen or the transparency of the gem, from impenetrable stone to infused light. None of these extremes immobilize or alarm her, for they have eased into thresholds, landings, membranes, in the journey of the
The recasting of identities and the suspension of categories was already intrinsic to the Christian dogma of the Incarnation, in which God became a man. But you pushed this logic further, Teresa, to extremes that must have shocked many a theologian. What a heretical notion, this access to an inaccessible “jewel” in a “reliquary” whose keys are in the Beloved’s keeping, but which you, a simple nun, are capable of appropriating! As if you could house the very sun inside yourself, making your conjoined body and soul into a “case” so thoroughly penetrated by the scorching star that nothing separates them any more from Him, beyond a transparent veil. And this diamond, the Other within, is the most precious thing you have — or better said, the most precious thing you are. To have or to be: to have is not enough for you, you must
So I think you write a madness you have faced up to and yet worked through, in the
And since for you the jewel is the “sacred humanity of Christ,” His desiring and desirable body, tortured and glorified, it’s understandable that the contact with Him in visions — as you journey through the permeable dwelling places of your interior castle — no longer kindles fear in you, but only an unbridled ecstasy.
When the Other forbids you from acceding to Him, He is telling you: “Suffer!” and you instantly become melancholic and driven to penitence. When you permit yourself to love Him as a Bride loves her Spouse, you are threatened by delirium: “I am the Other” is an exalting temptation…sent by the devil, perhaps? You step back from the manic extremes of both anguish and excitement, Teresa, shielded from them by that refraction of hallucination — the a-thought of writing — that operates as a self-analysis. Bedazzlement curves back into inscription, ecstasy meets reflection, and the exile outside oneself returns to the reasonable self so that the latter may chart its path.
Only thus can the sublimation of the Passion for the Beloved into sensible, appeased intelligence take over from sex and fear. The quailing of the child before the father’s seductive authority and its terror before the idealized Father, the indomitable proprietor of the enviable, painful maternal destiny, arouse fear and trembling in the eternal infants we are — that Christian believers acknowledge themselves to be. And yet all it takes is to stop living as a beaten child, or even as a beaten father, and recast one’s familial role into that of the receptive wife — so receptive, indeed, that she manages to “transform herself” into Him through their “union.” All it takes is for a delicate intelligence to accompany the desire thus authorized, so that in place of wrath there descends the peace of the elect, the sovereignty of the kingdom. All this occurs within and beyond the strictness of the Primitive Rule that you have no intention of relaxing; in fact you would like to reform it into something stricter still, wouldn’t you, Teresa? And you don’t forget that one must still fear the Father, in view of the Last Judgment; for when He comes “with so much friendliness” to speak with His Bride, it fills her with “such fear”: a fear tamed by writing it.
I say “
O Lord, how we Christians fail to know you! What will that day be when You come to judge, for even when
Fear is not relinquished altogether, but increasingly overlaid with the self-assurance brought by contact with the Other to the point of dissolving into Him, becoming impregnated by Him; and thus you have become, Teresa, someone else. I is another. A Mother.
Is Teresa, body and soul, like a small jewelry box in which the humanity of the Spouse, that desired and desiring body, is secretly lodged? Does she emit sunbeams, the visceral heat of His Majesty within, only separated from her by a scrap of gauze? Or is she perhaps the texture itself, a homemade hymen softly linked to Him? And finally, the diamond: Is it the Other’s precious humanity? Or the indestructible glint of that ecstatic and most intimate inner core, as Teresa is transformed by Communion into Him?
“Once after receiving Communion I was given understanding of how
You are evading the issue, Teresa. Allow me to remind you that, contrary to what you claim above, “this body of yours” was right there with you when you communed so blissfully with the Other. Everybody knows that now, thanks to Bernini. I’m willing to admit that “deep inside your soul,” which precedes and entails the metamorphosis of your body — or possibly the other way around — you equated yourself with the nuptials joining Father to Son (since you had “transformed” into Him!). Might you be the Father who contains within Him the Child Jesus, His Majesty pregnant with the God-man, or are you only (if that’s the word) the receptacle of their reconciliation? Here is a curious but ravishing fitting together of forms, a nesting that leaves many of us pensive. Might you embody all by yourself the mystery of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, whose ins and outs you once discussed in such rarefied fashion with John of the Cross that the pair of you were seen to levitate in your seats, according to the nuns of the Incarnation, all agog at this communion between future saints! And, more miraculously still, the mystery that lifts you above the ground is played out in your woman’s soul-body, no more, no less! The way “that body of yours” never kept you from
The old body has not disappeared, though. All your life you’d have done anything to get rid of it, enduring everything from the slightest mortification to the agony of abrasive hair shirts. The inventive range of punishments you relentlessly inflicted on yourself would be the dark underside of rapture: “A fault this body has is that the more comfort we try to give it the more needs it discovers.…The poor soul is deceived [by these demands] and doesn’t grow.”16 You are reminded of “many women who are married,” and imagine one who — like your own mother? — “suffers much adversity without being able to receive comfort from anyone lest her husband know that she speaks and complains about it.” “Indeed, we have not come here to receive more comfort than they!”17 Being married to Jesus, do you atone for the sins of all married women?
To suffer is a woman’s fate, that’s well known, and to die is human, naturally. You seem to bow to this, Teresa, but you don’t really: for you, subjecting the body to “heavy trials” can only serve to prevail over it when the goal is to purify suffering and even to abolish it in order to “enjoy repose.” Repose after Calvary, masochistic joy, is that it?
Or is it rather a question of reaching that “other region” of jubilation disconnected from suffering, pure
You are torn with indecision again, Teresa; sometimes it’s one, sometimes the other, or presumably both at once. Indecision? Or should I say sinuousness, playfulness? Because the ambiguity that plagued you all your life between suffering and sublimation finds an exact designation, an uncanny synthesis, in the verb “to mock.” This word falls abruptly from your nib, to suggest not so much a cruel denial of ill-being as a kind of jaded detachment or mild irony: “So what if we die? If our body has
Your body, that cumbersome object, was a burden; now it is a toy. Instead of putting it to death, you dedicate it to the saints, to Jesus, to God — to “our God the Logos,” as old Freud used to say. And here you are, not only rid of your fleshly envelope but delighted to play tricks on it the more it taunts you, what am I saying, the more it tries to knock you out for the count! For example, you think you’ve earned the Other’s love and your sisters’ admiration by performing so many penances. You make yourself vomit in order to have something to offer God (“the Lord is served by something”),19 for you reckon that He expects treasures from you: “In this life there could be no greater good than the practice of prayer.” Prayer will constitute the exercise that helps you skirt anorexia, and with it the body, but by raising frustration to the rank of a pleasure shared…with the Father-Son. And with your own father, don Alonso Sánchez himself, as we have seen.20
My reading is as follows: so as to resist the impulse to offer your life (your body) to your father, you begin by offering your death (your vomiting body) to the Lord, but you marry your father indirectly, coming together in the Lord: a pretty tortuous defense, admit it! You keep fanning the faith of your father Alonso, so as to lead him to the supreme Good, of course, and to have done with
After all, none other than Jesus is showing you the way in this. Since he is a
A daughter of the Renaissance, a woman of zestful vitality, you never forget for a moment that your Lover is “human.” And it is that understanding through experience (
You interpret Christ’s Passion, with its descent into Hell and ascension into Heaven, as an invitation to acknowledge the violence of human desire, with the ultimate goal of tempering it so as to have a firmer dominion over the world. If the majority of human beings are “scattered” souls, skittish as “wild horses no one can stop,” you consider that the saints, by contrast, could do “whatever they wanted” with God’s help, merely to gain “dominion over all worldly things.”23 This course is surely the way of perfection you aim to follow.
By uniting with the Other until it becomes Him, the soul goes beyond humility; in its very abandonment, it transcends suffering and acquires “power and authority” (“
To be agreeable to the Third Person, to the nonperson in you; maybe that’s the definition of happiness.
You prefigure the seventeenth-century moralists, Teresa, my love, with that obligation of happiness that you think comes from the Other. “There is…only one duty, to be happy,” Diderot wrote. I wonder whether the inspired encyclopedist ever suspected that one of those nuns whose fanaticism so infuriated him had preceded him along that path?27
With no strain, the soul becomes a babe in arms that “nurses” and comprehends “without effort of the intellect.”28 No more “frenzy”;29 Teresa is through with suffering and punishing, she is all consent and contentment, she says
Negativity, ill-being, angst, discontentment, and criticism only arise “afterward,” as a temporary eclipse of the
Jérôme Tristan keeps looking over my shoulder; I can feel him breathing down my neck as I write. Certainly, my friend, one can interpret this masterly reversal of depression and sophrology into manic exaltation as the paranoid temptation to ensure absolute dominion and control. But you can’t overlook the fact that while this temptation exists, it is both checked by the framework of the Catholic institution with its many rituals and hierarchies and continually deconstructed by the self-analytical discipline of a writing undertaken for the long haul.
I spend my sleepless nights dissecting, with the aid of the magnifying glass and scalpel of my daytime clinical duties, the psychic metamorphoses that make the Teresian castle into a work of art that’s more unusual and differently admirable than the great cathedrals of the Christian West. Has time wiped out these pneumatic dwelling places? Or do they survive beneath various disguises and renovations, like the walls of Avila loom before the handful of tourists who still appreciate their splendor — or rather, their pasteboard-scenery quality?
Teresa the writer who turns to making foundations is no longer the punished child or the beaten Father-Son. The thought-sensation of her tremendous introjection of the loving-loved Other is turned into action, into works. Although the “faculties” (understanding, will, and imagination) may persist in fretful agitation, and there may be no end to struggles, trials, and sufferings, nothing will prevent the soul from joining, not the “sound of the Voice,” but the “work” of the Spirit — the soul’s spirit, or mind:
“This greeting of the Lord must have amounted to much more than is apparent from its sound.…
Does this mean He
What is the meaning of the verb
Could this message I have gleaned from Teresa’s words be a universal truth? It is certainly not a call to solidarity with the host of wronged humanity, “the humiliated and insulted,” even if this humanist commitment is embedded in many modern branches of Christianity. Via Teresa’s experiences, a prodigious subjective space is being built before our eyes, one that makes an impression upon the European mentality, even where it does not impose upon it. Unless it be just a grandiose illusion, the crowning glory of the aesthetic religion now fading into globalized virtuality?
The existential joy of Teresa of Avila was (ontologically, unconsciously) founded on the delegation of the Self into the Other — a delegation that had to negotiate any amount of frustrations, separations, travails, punishments, and penances before adhering to the alterities in the self that are manifest in the insatiable activity of representation, that is, the narrative I am capable of producing for, and with, another. This entails a constant translation of the estranged inside oneself, the assumption, body and soul, of I into Him; and this elation reshapes depressive angst into energetic pragmatism. Words thus become not things, but affirmative deeds:
“Yes,” says Teresa, while writing and founding. And even while dying — especially then. Her “amen” to the Other-Being defies time: that
Today, in Alba de Tormes, she is leaving this world to meet her Beloved face to face.
And even as he, who, with distressful breath,
Forth issued from the sea upon the shore,
Turns to the water perilous and gazes;
So did my soul, that still was fleeing onward,
Turn itself back to re-behold the pass
Which never yet a living person left.
Nor did You, Lord, when You walked in the world, despise women.
They are very womanish…[be] like strong men.
LA MADRE, on her deathbed, watched over by:
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ and TERESITA, La Madre’s niece, Lorenzo’s daughter, TERESA DE JESÚS in religion; with them are
Followed by entrance of:
BEATRIZ DÁVILA Y AHUMADA, Teresa of Avila’s mother
CATALINA DEL PESO Y HENAO, the first wife of Teresa of Avila’s father, Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda
Characters passing through, in alphabetical order:
The image of the Virgin that Teresa always kept with her. Private collection.
BEATRIZ DE JESÚS, a niece of La Madre
PRINCESS JUANA, sister of Philip II
JUANA DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO, prioress at Alba de Tormes
MARÍA SALAZAR DE SAN JOSÉ, prioress at Seville
Although La Madre had wished to go up to Heaven in a flash, her niece Teresita will testify that her death was neither easy nor quick. And yet Teresa is not distressed at entering into her final agony. The twilight of her awareness fills her with blue-tinted voluptuousness, blue as the wintry dawn over Avila, blue as the Virgin’s cloak in the picture her mother bequeathed to her before she died.
She knows she’s not alone. Ana de San Bartolomé, the young conversa nun who is nursing her, and Teresita — now in the bloom of her sixteen years — keep watch with tender solicitude by her bedside, accompanied by Catalina de la Concepción and Catarina Bautista. Sounds of padding footsteps, rustling habits, murmuring voices; scents of skin, clean towels, cool or warm water. The dying woman cannot see the faithful companions by her side, but they inhabit her visions.
Is it possible to die, when she is already dead to the world so as to live more completely in God? Teresa thinks death is delightful, an “uprooting of the soul from all the operations it can have while being in the body”; because the soul was already, while the body lived, “separated from the body” in order to “dwell more perfectly in God.” Often, as during those terrible epileptic comas, the separation of body and soul was such that she didn’t “even know if [the body] had life enough to breathe.” Soon, now, it will not. The rest is unknown, something even more fearsome and delightful, since she loves. “If it does love, it doesn’t understand how or what it is it loves or what it would want.”1 The unknown is love. Teresa never stopped wondering about love, and writing about it. There’s no reason to stop now.
The blue Virgin has her hands crossed over her breast, and the face of Beatriz Dávila y Ahumada. With the folds of her azure robe she protects the fortress of Avila, but the Mother of God does not say a word to the dying woman. How long ago did this “mother without flaw” abandon her daughter? Some fifty years?
Teresa sees one of her own texts materialize on the pale silk. To write about the inner life means spewing out “many superfluous and even foolish things in order to say something that’s right.” It required a lot of patience for her to write about what she didn’t know. Yes, sometimes she’d pick up her pen like a simpleton who couldn’t think of what to say or where to start.2 It required patience to get people to read her, and then to reread herself. Torrents of engraved words, funerary columns, whole pages stamped into the translucent walls of the interior castle, which Teresa can retrieve with no help from the “faculties”—whether understanding, memory, or will — it’s just there, just like that. “Hacer esta ficción para darlo a entender”:3 literally, to “make this fiction to get my point across.” “Hagamos cuenta, para entenderlo mejor, que vemos dos fuentes”:4 “Let’s consider, for a better understanding, that we see two founts.” Let’s pretend, pretend to see. Let’s tell stories. Let’s write them down.
TERESA. Converse with God. What else could I do, being a woman and a conversa? (
A new page imprints itself upon the Virgin’s blue cloak outstretched over the ramparts of Avila, a page La Madre wrote regarding another Beatriz, a relative of Casilda de Padilla. She’d never met Beatriz de Óñez, or Beatriz de la Encarnación, but had heard much about her God-given virtues from the awed sisters at Valladolid. This was one daughter that Teresa was going to take with her when she flew away from the Seventh Dwelling Places toward the Lord.
As she mutters to herself in this vein, pious Ana de San Bartolomé recognizes the words La Madre had written in a section of the
TERESA. “She was next afflicted with an intestinal abscess causing the severest suffering. The patience the Lord had placed in her soul was indeed necessary in order for her to endure it.” Just like my mother. It was wonderful to behold the perfect order that prevailed internally and externally, in every way…
But wasn’t her muddled mind confusing Beatriz de Óñez with the nun who had cancer, the one she had cared for when a novice at the Incarnation? Or perhaps with Beatriz Dávila, the mother Teresa pitied as well as honored, but assuredly praised to the skies? She wanted to follow in her footsteps to the Beyond, but by choosing another way of perfection: the monastic way.
TERESITA. Do you think so? I think she’s seeing her mother
Teresita surrenders to emotion: for the foundress, her little Teresica, as she called her, was always the impish nine-year-old she welcomed into the Discalced Carmel at Valladolid. Even so, the little one is often more insightful than other sisters about the extremes of mind and body, as she has just demonstrated.
La Madre can barely hear them. Immersed in visions, she continues to murmur the text unfurling across the blue robes of the Virgin above the walls of Avila. Nothing but her text, chiseled into what is left of her body and soul, the second nature etched into her by writing. It takes up all the space of her dwelling places, the whole castle.
Who is speaking? Who speaks through my lips? I know you’re near, daughters, even if I can’t see you with my bodily eyes. I am not yet dead, so there’s no need to weep or to rejoice, it comes to the same thing. I’m thinking, that’s all, dying people do that, didn’t you know? (
Although Teresa’s brain is growing feebler, she keeps qualifying everything she says, as she always used to. The coming end merely adds leisure to her lucidity. One can’t approach God with trepidation, one can’t serve Him in despondence.
TERESITA. At home, she used to accuse my father Lorenzo of doing that. But the honor of Grandma Beatriz, I mean, her flawlessness…I’m confused…
Teresita isn’t sure whether she is supposed to revere the perfection of her grandmother or seek other, happier models. But still, Beatriz Dávila couldn’t have been all gloom, however miserable her life, since La Madre’s mother used to read novels of chivalry, apparently. Fancy that! I’ve also heard that when she was young, Auntie Teresa would get the giggles playing chess!
The dying woman has turned the page. For fifty-five years now, the magic of Beatriz Dávila y Ahumada has been diffracted into a long procession of women who are now filing past one by one, under the closed eyelids of the traveler on her last journey toward the Spouse. They move through Avila’s narrow streets, climb the towers, pop in and out through the gates. The philosopher Dominique de Courcelles, who was no more present than I was at the final days of the future saint, has had the same insight as myself, Sylvia Leclercq, regarding the lifelong hold of the maternal magnet upon Teresa and the powerful way it was projected on her daughters. When La Madre was busy with her foundations she was also exploring the secrets of this relationship, repeatedly testing the proximity she cultivated to her progenitor, as well as the distance she kept from her.
Her “sisters” and “daughters” were not all natives of Avila, except perhaps for María Briceño, teacher of the young lay students at Our Lady of Grace, and Juana Suárez, the dear childhood friend who led the way to the Carmelites; but the nearness of death makes her gather them all together, loved or hated, all of them without exception, in Avila. Time regained unfolds in maternal space.
Doña Jerónima Guiomar de Ulloa opens the procession, dressed alternately in a gold-spun gown and in rags, the way she was on the day she took the veil.
TERESA. Was I mistaken to write that women are more gifted than men at taking the path of perfection?10 On the whole they are…with some exceptions. I like exceptions. Doña Jerónima, you turned your palace into a convent, and you were the first to donate your fortune to sustain the Work. I can never thank you enough, O Lord God, for allowing me to meet this highborn widow, wedded to prayer, who was closely in touch with so many Jesuit fathers…(
We really became good friends when you directed me to your confessor, Fr. Prádanos.11 (
You knew my needs, you witnessed my sorrows, and comforted me. Blessed with a strong faith, you couldn’t help recognizing the doings of God where most people only saw the devil. (
TERESA. At your home, and in the churches you know, I had the chance to converse with Pedro de Alcántara…(
Doña Jerónima Guiomar de Ulloa goes on her way, all absorbed in her own soul.
Doña Luisa de la Cerda is next in line. Long ago she lavished on Teresa her endearing madness and her jewels; she shared, after all, some of La Madre’s passions and frailties. She too was on excellent terms with some influential prelates, such as Alonso Velázquez who was instrumental for the foundation of the Carmel at Soria. The dying nun is content to smile at this ghost. Her strongest linked memory is the sense of triumph that buoyed the granddaughter of the converso Juan Sánchez in the great city of Toledo: while she was staying, that time, in the opulent palace of Luisa de la Cerda, a violent transport lifted Teresa toward the dove flying over her head. It was quite different from earthly birds — the dove of the Holy Spirit, soaring aloft for the space of an Ave Maria. That
TERESA. As I saw it in the city of my ancestors?
Yes, there is the dove again, flying away after Luisa de la Cerda.
Ana de San Bartolomé can only make out murmurs, stray words here and there, she can only follow in prayer: so she invents La Madre’s reverie.13 She imagines it, just like I, Sylvia Leclercq, am doing.
TERESA. And you, dearest Ana, my faithful little conversa…my sweet and unassuming secretary, companion, nurse…You were illiterate when you arrived, and you learned to read and write by copying my hand. Oh yes, I know how strong you are: didn’t you fend off your first suitor by covering your head with a dishcloth? (
TERESA. Come forward, then, niece — no, not you, Teresita. It’s Beatriz de Jesús, visiting just in time…You will be appointed under-prioress at Salamanca, my dear. Don’t goggle your eyes at me, I know it, that’s all…You have a lot of nerve, and more importantly the pluck to retort to the pamphlet that Quevedo will circulate against me…My being canonized by Gregory XV, he’ll not begrudge me that, but to be anointed “patroness of all the kingdoms of Spain,” that’s going too far! The great satirical poet prefers the Moor-Slayer…of course, a warrior saint like the apostle James, our Santiago Matamoros, whose help was so invaluable during the
The silence is suddenly torn by the sound of a woman singing and clapping her hands, Andalusia-style.
TERESA. What a surprise! Who can this be, singing and dancing like myself in younger days?
TERESA. So it’s Ana de Lobera! (
So it is you, Ana de Jesús! Come nearer, come on, I can see you with the eyes of my dear Seneca! (
ANA DE JESÚS. I’ll be reproached for supporting Fr. Gratian, Mother. It’s already earned me the hostility of Nicolo Doria.
TERESA. His fury, to be accurate. You’ll get three years’ reclusion, that’s all, a trifle for an inspirational muse like you. And eternity into the bargain! Not just in the heart of John of the Cross! And fray Luis de León will compose his
ANA DE JESÚS. You flatter me, Holy Mother.
TERESA. Not a bit of it. And since you find me so holy, hear this prediction: You will introduce the Discalced Carmelite order into France, with the help of little Ana de San Bartolomé who’s kneeling right there. She will be of great service. But we’ll leave that to Madame Acarie, at Bérulle…And you’ll go to Paris, and to Dijon, and maybe even to Brussels and the Netherlands…(
Ana de Jésus. Sixteenth century. Carmel of Seville. Private collection.
Teresita and Ana de San Bartolomé are avidly drinking in the murmured words; the old lady’s life-breath seems in no hurry to desert her. She smiles at her visions, tongue in a knot and throat coughing up blood, making it hard to articulate. Her words must be guessed at, they guess, they love her. She turns toward the two nuns.
TERESA. John met her in 1570, you see, when she was just a novice. When he came out of the dungeons in Toledo in 1578 he dedicated his
La Madre’s lapidary way with words stays with her to the end, whether for laughter or tears. The two nurses stroke her forehead and wipe her lips with a cold cloth. They are not sure what would be most restful for Teresa of Jesus; should they talk or keep quiet? She was never like other people. Why would she conform now?
As she prepares to depart, she finds it sweet to remember the kind, the gentle, the maternal ones. There was Ana Gutiérrez, remember, who cut her hair one day when Teresa became overheated in an ecstasy. The girl thought the hair wonderfully soft and honey-scented.
TERESA. To think they’re going to chop me into relics, dear Ana, and you’ll all stand back and let them! I suppose it could be a fashion, one of those inevitable human foibles…No, if the Lord tolerates these macabre orgies, even among my friends, it can only be because I’ve sinned.
She shakes with laughter on her narrow cot. The sisters glance sidelong at each other: Is she losing her mind? “No, never, not a saint like Teresa of Jesus!”
TERESA. María de Jesús Yepes, she was something else, awfully manly! (
Do you know what would give me pleasure, girls? (
Teresa straightens up suddenly. Those two girls mustn’t think the foundress is in any hurry to meet her Spouse! And the faithful pair rejoices at the improvement.
TERESITA. A sip of water, Mother?
TERESA. Why not? God keep you, darlings. I’m not thinking of water just now. I’ve drunk too much, said too much…“Just being a woman is enough to have my wings fall off — how much more being both a woman and wretched as well”!16 No matter, a person’s soul, male or female, is nothing but an abject pile of dung, and only the Divine Gardener can change it into a fragrant bank of flowers. And even then He needs a great deal of help! You look frightened, you two. What are you afraid of? That I might die? Or of what I say? (
TERESITA and ANA lower their eyes and kiss her hands.
TERESA. “We women are not so easy to get to know!” Women themselves lack the self-knowledge to express their faults clearly. “And the confessors judge by what they are told,” by what
Racked once more by a dry cough, Teresa can’t laugh, the spasms block her throat. Another sip? No. She thinks some confessors incline to frivolity, and in such cases it’s advisable to “be suspicious,” “make your confession briefly and bring it to a conclusion.”18 Then she falls back onto her pillows and closes her eyes again. (
TERESA. Not too much affection, if you please, and refrain from too much feminine intimacy. Beware, it smells a bit too much of women around here, don’t you think? (
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. This is most unwise, Madre! Calm down. A nineteenth-century writer called Joris-Karl Huysmans will credit you with the virile soul of a monk.
TERESA. I thank him! But he clearly doesn’t know me very well. (
LA MADRE, with her carers
With, passing through:
After swallowing some water from the glass proffered by Ana de San Bartolomé, Teresa sinks back onto the white sheets. There will be no rest. The specter of the princess of Eboli hovering around the bed charges her with fresh energy. The dying woman finds great entertainment in the parade of complicated female souls.
But she lacks the strength to name her thoughts; they are only visions floating before her open eyes, blurred by tears, a down of memories; hazy shadows, opalescent or brightly hued, filling the frigid cell, flowing out of Alba de Tormes and rising heavenward with Teresa.
Here is María de San José, the prioress at Seville, the cleverest and craftiest, the one to watch. She is wearing a fox pelt over her habit.
LA MADRE. I noticed you at the palace of Luisa de la Cerda, do you remember, daughter? (
MARÍA DE SAN JOSÉ. Your sanctity entranced my soul at once. “She would have moved a stone to tears,” I kept saying to anyone who’d listen. (
LA MADRE. How many letters did I write you after by the grace of Jesus you became prioress at Saint Joseph’s in Seville? Dozens? And I’m sure you knew why at the time. (
María de San José has not forgotten the tensions, the recriminations, the quarrels. A blend of affection and jealousy linked and opposed her to La Madre. Today she lowers her eyes, she won’t say a word. Teresa for her part is mentally rerunning the many equivocal pleas she addressed to the prioress.
LA MADRE. If only you love me as much as I love you, I forgive you for the past and the future. (
“Please ask our Father Gratian not to address his letters to me, but let you address them and mark them with the same three crosses. Doing this will conceal them better.”27 (
“Never fail to tell me something just because you think his paternity is telling me about it, for in fact he doesn’t.”28 All this commotion about Fr. Garciálvarez, the meddling of Pedro Fernández and Nicolo Doria.…Write to me without delay, for charity’s sake, and tell me in detail what is going on. (
The sentences roll through her mind. In 1576 she was obsessed with Fr. Gratian, while he was loath to leave Seville — he obviously preferred the sparkling company of María de San José. Or did he?
“You must have enjoyed a happy Christmas since you have
Have they made up, these true-false friends, now that the end is near? That would have been too easy. A gob of blood. The dying woman gasps for air. And spits out the anger pent-up in her old body, anger that had filtered through her pen at times but will now burst unrestrainedly from the compression of her thoughts: judgment before forgiveness.
LA MADRE. Stop avoiding my eyes, it’s over, I’m done here on earth.…It’s no use, she doesn’t dare look at me. (
La Madre has hardly regained her breath when another of those complicated females appears before her tired but vigilant gaze: María de Ocampo, the cousin whose idea it was to revive the Discalced Carmel, and who would be prioress at Valladolid. Another snooty soul, and sly-faced with it — passing judgment on all and sundry from her lofty perch. She rushes, cooing, to embrace the patient. La Madre withdraws to her innermost refuge, closes her eyes, holds her breath, plays dead. Her thoughts are more eloquent.
Teresa represses a desire to vomit. She mustn’t, it only suits young bodies, young women; the dying must make do with the rising gorge of revulsion. She clings to her friendship with Gratian, just to show María Bautista what it is to be a woman: a woman of God, obviously, both here and in the afterlife. But a woman nevertheless, always in want of something or other — in want of love, what else.
TERESA. That prioress of Valladolid was smarter than me, perhaps. For one, she never wrote Gratian until he’d replied to her previous…at least, that’s what she said.40 It’s different with me, I’ve always been the servant of our
Muffled footsteps, rustling habits, wet towels, cold water. Catalina de la Concepción and Catarina Bautista have come to take over from Ana and Teresita. La Madre meets their tender, vacuous gazes, her eyes try to smile, her lips quiver almost imperceptibly.
TERESA. We are not lovely to look at when we die, but some of us are luminous. I don’t mean that a confession trickles at last from our naughty-baby mouths — for babies is what we become at the end — but…(
Having tasted of spiritual wedding in life, Teresa now expects nothing from her Spouse but total dispossession. She will be emptied of Gratian, also. The ultimate mystery: Could Nothingness actually be Being? “Mas habéis de entender que va mucho de estar a estar.”42 The two nurses are bewildered: Is La Madre delirious, or is she seeing the Spouse? Already? Probably the latter, since she’s smiling.…A hideous smile all the same, stretching the lips that babble sounds in which the carers can only make out two, wearisome, obsessive words:
In a flash, look, a few vice-ridden little hussies skipping past. One is the anonymous novice, who will remain anonymous: it was she who spread the rumor about discalced nuns scourging each other while suspended from the ceiling.
And this better-looking one, Ana de la Fuertísima Trinidad, a nosey parker who was always ferreting through my business, as if she wanted to impose an illegitimate proximity on me, or maybe she was a spy, but whose? The princess of Eboli? Officials of the Inquisition?
As vices go, I prefer ambition and scope, thinks Teresa. In the style of Catalina de Cardona, say. Here she is: I project the black shadow of this melancholic soul over the Alcázar gate that pierces Avila’s girdle of walls.
At these words the black shade of Catalina de Cardona disappears from the place where Teresa was amused to see it — the Alcázar gate in the ramparts of Avila — and takes refuge, offended, in Carmelite memory.
LA MADRE, with
The voice and ghost of the EMPRESS MARIA THERESA
The opalescent light of the death scene grows paler as the hours tick by. Even though La Madre knows her Spouse is waiting, her old, shrunken body cries out for motherly caresses. Does she really exist, this “mother without flaw”? Teresa no longer utters a word. Only her mind, the thoughts that leave her behind as they flee toward the Lord, clothe the visions — those wings, those ships — carrying her to Him.
That young noblewoman advancing toward her bed, isn’t that Casilda de Padilla, the daughter of the Castilian
TERESA. I miss you, daughter. (
Let’s begin at the beginning, shall we. Your story reminds me of my own paternal uncle, the pious, unforgettable Pedro Sánchez. (
Teresa contemplates her reflection in Casilda de Padilla’s specter, plunges into the other’s life before retreating, lucidly; doubles briefly back onto the self to loop the loops of the writing and the girls’ portraits sketched out in the
CASILDA. You dressed me yourself, Mother, just now, with your own hands. (
TERESA. That’s right, I did, I remember now! (
CASILDA. I thought I cared for my betrothed, Madre, much more than his age might warrant. Rather as you loved your Uncle Pedro, if I understand correctly…(
TERESA. All is nothing, I realized that at the same age you did. Or earlier. (
CASILDA. I began to hate the world in the midst of its pleasures. (
TERESA. We are much alike, daughter, and I love you because you persevered. Your mother couldn’t bear to lose you to a nunnery. God bless mothers who pray on the one hand, and cherish worldly vanities on the other; such mothers sow war in the souls and bodies of their daughters. And war is the only thing worth living, my daughter; I mean it. Peace? (
Casilda de Padilla will never know the thoughts of a mind now beyond the power of speech. She is full of her own story, as we all are.
CASILDA. Father Báñez believed in the sincerity of my vocation. Twice I entered the convent at Valladolid, and twice I was expelled, even though I’d already put on the habit. I got no support from my mother; did she think I was being childish, or that I was possessed? (
TERESA. Maybe she wanted to test you? That’s what she told me, and your mother was a holy woman, my girl, believe you me. (
TERESA. I can still see the way you lost your pursuers! (
Ana, Teresita, I don’t sense you anymore, are you there? (
I’m shivering, but only because I’m too lightly dressed. This fresh breeze, so airy and sharp-edged, tells me I’m in Avila, is that right? (
Is it me arrayed in queenly splendor, or is it you, my daughter? Father Gratian’s favorite, little Beatriz Chávez? (
Ah, that Mother of God, how desperately we reach for her when our own fails us! It would be an understatement to say you lacked a mother, Beatriz dear. (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. In centuries to come, people will say that I was an abused child, won’t they, Madre? You went into detail about my ill-treatment in the
TERESA. Appalling, to leave a seven-year-old mite with her aunt! They may have been rustic mountain folk, but your parents were Christians, like everyone else! (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. And then those three servants, who were after my aunt’s inheritance, accused me of trying to poison her with arsenic!
TERESA. To be honest the idea doesn’t seem to me so far-fetched (
TERESA. And yet your mother was virtuous and devoutly Christian, like mine! (
TERESA. Ah, so your father passed away? (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. I wanted to die a martyr, like Saint Agnes. Father and Mother beat me almost to death, then they tried to choke me.…I was confined to bed for three months, unable to move.…I wanted desperately to lose myself.
TERESA. Lose yourself, child? (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. There was only one way out for me: to become a nun.
TERESA. Beaten children, abandoned children, it’s all the same: that’s what you are, my darlings. (
TERESA. That’s the way it goes, perfectly natural, my child. (
I know you like the back of my hand, in fact, and you hardly need me to tell you why: because of Gratian. Yes, him again. (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. It was the feast day of the Holy Trinity, 1575, when you came to Seville, Madre, that I ran away from my parents’ house to take refuge in the convent. I was your first novice, remember? You made me eat properly, I put on weight, I made peace with my mother. A few days after my profession of faith, my father resigned himself to die, and Mother came to join me at the convent.
TERESA. Nothing ever made me so happy as to see mother and daughter devoted to the service (
BEATRIZ DE LA MADRE DE DIOS. Mother and I? Or do you mean you and I, Madre?
TERESA. Mothers and daughters, you know, can never be reunited in this world. (
TERESA. Let me go in peace! Dear God, You will not despise a repentant heart? (
Father Antonio de Jesús, the old companion of John of the Cross, now a vicar-provincial, has come to witness the agony of the foundress. With him is the new prioress at Alba de Tormes, Juana del Espíritu Santo, a sweet and gentle girl but excessively fond of fasting, in Teresa’s opinion. On grounds that Teresa was junior to the prioress, Juana offered her white linen bedclothes in place of the usual straw mattress, but then left her alone…so as not to be importunate! Father Antonio seemed not to notice this underhand score-settling between women. And now, at the end of the end, sensing the approach of the final hour, the two of them decide to show up — the Carmelite may well become a saint, you never know! But Teresa can’t be relied on to collaborate. She is already floating on another level, waiting to be seized by the “royal eagle of God’s majesty,” “esta águila caudalosa de la majestad de Dios.”46
TERESA. Ah, you must be here to talk business. (
TERESA. That’s quite a story, my dear; these women tell so many of them! Be that as it may, tell yourself that God willed it so, and don’t attempt to fathom the mystery, we all of us bear its stamp (
No, women never stop telling stories.…And this is another, stranded on its sandbank, jumbling times and places, high on love, children, and disappointment. Teresa isn’t listening, she knows it all in advance, always did. What she had to do was swim on by, let the rest sink, wash herself down, escape.
TERESA. A happy marriage, then. Like my marriage to my Spouse? (
TERESA DE LAYZ. Not all that happy, Madre, in that it was barren.
TERESA DE LAYZ. “Do not desire children, for you will be condemned,” I was told by Saint Andrew, a powerful patron of these causes. And then I seemed to see a patio, Mother, and beyond it green meadows as far as the horizon, dotted with white flowers. Like your gardens, Mother, irrigated by the four waters, fragrant and in bloom. Saint Andrew appeared to me again, saying: “These are children other than those you desire.” At that I understood that our Lord willed me to found a monastery. (
TERESA. I never wrote about what is now burning the tip of my tongue, and will remain as pure, unformulated thought.…(
Teresa de Layz feels the fear of sterility come over her again. If a mother upbraids her daughter, if she deserts her, is it not because the mother is herself unhappy, numbly inadequate, afflicted by some inexpiable infirmity? A dried-up fig, in short.
TERESA. Ah, dear lady, one cannot serve God in disquiet. All this is infantile, mere attachment to self. How different it is wherever the Spirit truly reigns! (
Teresa of Avila can be cruel, all right — just enough to restore order. Up to her last breath, and, if God wills it, piercing her foremost alter egos to the quick.
Father Antonio de Jesús shows Teresa de Layz the door.
My dear child, as soon as you see that I am a little better, please order a cart.…(
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. Planning to travel, even with her last breath!
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. I don’t think so. She wants to leave Egypt.
TERESITA. But that’s been done, way back in the Bible!
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. Not like that. I think she’s still caught in her own personal Egypt.…
Suddenly, after a few slow bars of introduction, a slender, diffident but cultivated soprano voice is heard. Delicately it sings an unaccustomed
LA MADRE. “Bravo!” “Superb!” “Majestic Haydn!” Are those your words or mine? I am not very musical, Majesty, as is well known, and you honor me by associating me to that sort of faith which music is…being the most spiritual…or rather the most physical…that is, both at the same time…or not? (
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. Is this really a Mass? It sounds more like a prayer, the sound of peace.…
La Madre’s spirit floats over the eighty-eight towers of fortified Avila, protected under the hem of the Virgin’s blue cloak. At the same time she addresses the cortege of dark female silhouettes filing past her bed:
The procession of nuns and prioresses includes Isabel de Santo Domingo, Isabel de San Pablo, Isabel de los Ángeles, Ana de los Ángeles.…
TERESA. If the soul is a woman, she grieves to see that her nature, or rather her sex, hinders and ties her down. (
When the breeze blew from the turret
Parting his hair,
He wounded my neck
With his gentle hand,
Suspending all my senses.”56
TERESA. What song is that? I never wrote that.…(
I knelt down and promised that for the rest of my life I would do everything Master Gratian might tell me.…
It will seem inappropriate that he should have informed me of so many personal matters about his soul.…he told me about these things and additional ones that cannot be suitably put in writing.…
ANGELA, a code name for Teresa in correspondence with Jerome Gratian
LA MADRE, out of breath
ISABEL DE SANTO DOMINGO, prioress at Segovia, passing through
SYLVIA LECLERCQ, psychologist
Cast as above, minus the VOICE OF HIS MAJESTY THE LORD
The soul in agony here enters a terrain that rather resembles that of my MPH, were it not for the way the Holy Mother’s faith has changed it into a well-watered, flower-filled garden. Here, at the extreme of being, extreme beings trail their sufferings and raptures, their obsessions and exaltations, deliriums and OCDs, hysterical passions, manic self-punishments, dull melancholies, and searing moments of lucidity. Filtered through the body and the word, these states at the limit — hers, theirs — appear as alluring as passion, as beautiful as Paradise, as necessary as ideals.
La Madre has rallied a little: it’s the upturn before the end. She can speak again, although with difficulty. The words that garland her memories and premonitions elude her throat and mouth. Almost silent, voluble inside, she relies upon the body more than ever, and marks the passage of time in beats of sound, touch, taste, smell. The failing Madre’s flesh is no more than a love letter by now, a letter endlessly edited, corrected, and rewritten.
The skin thirsts for cooling waterfalls. The tongue cries out for pungent tastes. The shattered bones dream of strolling among fragrant lilies. When loneliness is so immense, to whom can these entreaties be addressed? Absence makes one mad. So does the longing for presence.
TERESA: You, too, love me too well, Father. (
The enigmatic grin brightens La Madre’s face for so long that her two nurses suppose she must be getting an early glimpse of her Spouse.
She is not contemplating Gratian as he looked the day of their first meeting, but as he is in the seventeenth-century portrait of him that hangs in the Carmel at Seville. Because Sylvia Leclercq has no other way of picturing him.
LAURENCIA. You’re a charmer,
Fr. Jerome Gratian of the Mother of God. Sixteenth century. Carmel of Seville. Private collection.
Here, Sylvia Leclercq grows irritated. Despite her years of graphomania, our poor Madre remains a slave to her passions! (The therapist will not speak of her irritation, but allows herself a moment’s intrusion into the deathbed scene of this most unusual patient.)
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. After so many years of, um…(
Teresa is not best pleased by this interpellation. Under the guise of protectiveness, could the stranger be seeking to discredit her?
Defeated by the evidence, Sylvia Leclercq keeps quiet.
ANGELA. When he came to see me at Beas, a few years later, in that unforgettable year 1575, he was already widely esteemed as a discalced white friar. Considering that, three months before his profession of faith, he had had to vanquish some very powerful temptations; he told me a little about it.…(
LAURENCIA. That was our agreed strategy. You are being petty. (
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. I see. Not only was he useful to you, you loved him. (
Teresa has stopped listening, doesn’t reply, plays dead. The psychologist, somewhat embarrassed, circles the bed. Not a flicker. Sylvia withdraws, resigned. La Madre remains with her Pablo-Paul-Joanes-Eliseus.
Isabel de Santo Domingo walks across the stage.
LA MADRE. You’ve come to say goodbye, dear child, God be blessed, I was expecting you. You met Fr. Gratian when he was a student, and I know it was you who steered him toward the Carmelites. In short, I met him thanks to God…and to you! (
LAURENCIA. For pity’s sake, write to me! She has a point, that psychologist: why don’t you write? (
LAURENCIA. Is he still in Seville? Traveling through Andalusia? (
ANGELA. I’m talking to you, pleading with you. Laurencia does not often enjoy her confessor, Paul, whom the Lord gave to her, because in the midst of so many troubles he is always far away.…
At this point Sylvia Leclercq feels compelled to tiptoe once more into the scene: Will Teresa’s free-associating cast any light on the (pretty indiscreet) pathology of that godly woman?
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. Poor thing, what a passion! Shoving the Word in up to her.…(
ANGELA. I was thinking, Joanes darling, I’d willingly give the habit to your sister doña Juana, who stayed here with your mother until the last day. And also to that little angel her sister Isabel, “who is as pretty and plump as can be.” Doña Juana very much resembles you.…(
Perhaps La Madre is a normal woman after all. Though Sylvia Leclercq already thinks so, she’s somewhat taken aback by such goings-on beneath the rough woolen habit. Two hundred years before Diderot’s
LAURENCIA. May God pardon the “butterflies.”…(
Sylvia is practically rubbing her hands. What a windfall! This deathbed is a positive psychotherapist’s couch.
ANGELA. Are you taking revenge on me, adored Pablo? (
LA MADRE. Why won’t you speak to me? (
La Madre’s blood pressure shoots up, irrigates her brain. A final apoplexy? Teresita and Ana de San Bartolomé jump nervously to their feet. But the old lady has not done with score-settling on earth.
LA MADRE. Lord, I cannot hope for better days than those I spent with my Paul. But for charity,
LA MADRE. You’re in hiding, you don’t dare face the nuncio I advised you so strongly to visit.…(
LA MADRE. Right, you let me down when I need you most, and I pardon you for it, because we can only follow the path of perfection in hardship. (
LA MADRE. I know you’ll remain attached to the memory of me, that’s something, my Paul. I mean to say, Glory to God! (
Take my hand, Father.…Just for a moment.…For friendship’s sake, I’m on my way to the Spouse, I’m in transit.…Hold my hand, in the name of Christ’s sacred humanity.…(
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. That’s saying something! If he’s not a person, Gratian is something more than God’s servant; is he God Himself? A splinter of the divine? She loves Gratian in the way she believes the Church wants her to love Jesus — her beaten Father, her manly double, her Lord. “Not a person.” And also a twin, perhaps; her male clone, her creature, her work? (
HIS VOICE. “Eat, daughter, and bear up as best you can. What you suffer grieves me, but it suits you now.”28
LA MADRE. Who goes there? Eliseus?
HIS VOICE. Father Gratian is far away as you know, and you won’t see him for a while. He has gone to cross swords with Nicolo Doria.
LA MADRE. In Hell?
HIS VOICE. No. Your Eliseus is not the holiest of men, which won’t be news to you, whatever you may have said or written.…But he redeemed himself, and he did a lot, on balance, for the creation of your order. Peace be with his soul!
LA MADRE. In Purgatory, then?
HIS VOICE. Steady on! You’re far too hasty and intemperate, I am always having to tell you. In his own way, and it’s an honorable way, he will remain true to you. Consider: he goes to Rome to plead the cause of your reforms. Embarking for Naples, he falls into the hands of the Turks. Crosses are tattooed on the soles of his feet while he is the pasha’s captive. An exceptional destiny, so no need for regrets. Finally he is ransomed by Clement VIII, enters the Carmel, and holds your relics close for the rest of his life.
LA MADRE. Wretched am I, a wretched sinner! (
HIS VOICE. My Will is that the great favors come through the hands of the sacred humanity. As I have told you numberless times, that is the gate you must enter through.29
LA MADRE. And that’s how I understood You, Lord. Your Majesty never said that there is a great difference in the ways one may be…a master; (
HIS VOICE. Daughter, it is written in Exodus that the people saw the signs, rather than merely hearkening to the “words which the Lord had spoken”;31 but you have done more. You don’t merely see My Voice, you feel it in your whole body. More than a visible or audible presence, I am a sensory presence for you.
LA MADRE. “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”32
HIS VOICE. Listen, daughter, there is something demonic about a voice that rises within. A Greek philosopher said so before me and without me, and he was right. Because the voice that calls you out of yourself usually deflects you from what you are doing; it never urges you to act.
HIS VOICE. That is what I like about you, daughter. In you, the voices don’t die away as the Word grows, they only fan out through all the senses, as Jesus’s Voice did in John. But who understood this? It took sixteen centuries for you to come along and persuade the Church that this metamorphosis is always, still, possible. You and Ignatius Loyola, don’t forget!
HIS VOICE. What do you mean?
HIS VOICE. Show some humility, daughter. You are not the first to embark on this path. “The senses rebound in thought,” wrote Meister Eckhart; he and his disciples were familiar with “the essential foundation”36 and “learned ignorance” that were nonetheless open to be “touched” and “tasting of eternity itself.”
LA MADRE. I didn’t know, my Spouse. I am determined to be different from all those bookish, saintly men. For Your call does not keep me in “indefiniteness,” as the honorable doctors past and future like to say.37 You authorized me not to turn absolutely away from all that is familiar. (
HIS VOICE. The flesh is feminine, my beloved child, Christ himself was aware of it. To the best of my knowledge, in his case the Father’s Voice was not merely a “giving-to-understand,” and was indisputably a “giving-to-feel,” as it is for you, my daughter.
LA MADRE. I am born all over again when you call, my Spouse, and my rebirth is not just vocal, not a brute cry, let alone an understanding. I am reborn in You through all my intermingled senses joined into one, mouth, skin, nostrils, eardrums, eyes, the whole garden awash with Your waters. (
LA MADRE. You are silent. Is Your Majesty’s Voice deserting me because It considers any corporeal thing likely to hinder contemplation of It? (
LA MADRE. My nuptials with dear Eliseus, my father turned son…my fetus…my achievement…could well have been the devil’s work, if I hadn’t known that the fire came not from me but from You, Lord. (
La Madre lies motionless for a long while. Exhausted by her efforts, glad to have been accompanied by His Voice one last time, is she still thinking, feeling, or living at all? There’s no way of telling, because Teresa has completely merged with her interior castle. There she holds open the doors of possible and impossible dwelling places.
She wants to let go into meaningless words, to speak in tongues…Delirium is her Pentecost, and she pulls herself together.…This transit toward His Majesty is going to be interminable.
HIS VOICE. What are you talking about now, you stubborn creature?
TERESITA. She’s going to sleep.
ANA DE SAN BARTOLOMÉ. She has seen the Lord.
LA MADRE. What’s that I hear? His Voice again? No, it’s not the same carnal timbre, the voice that guides me tentatively, caressingly, upliftingly.…(
~ ~ ~
Saint John of the Cross. Spanish school, seventeenth century. Toledo, Museo de Santa Cruz. © Art Archive at Art Resource, New York.
A great fear and tumult…and in a moment…all remains calm, and this soul…has no need of any other master.
TERESA OF AVILA, with her carers
BOSSUET, writer, prelate, bishop of Meaux
SYLVIA LECLERCQ, psychologist
The scene takes place in the ground-floor parlor of the Convent of the Incarnation in Avila. This is where, according to legend, the levitation of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross occurred. The two future saints are seated in the very chairs concerned (today on display to the public). Instead of the bluish light of preceding scenes, a fiery glow bathes the room.
JOHN OF THE CROSS. Without support and with support,
Living without light, in darkness,
I am wholly being consumed.1
JOHN OF THE CROSS. Surely our first care is to devote ourselves to the dark night of the senses. To detach the exterior senses and pare the natural exuberance of the appetites.3
TERESA. Since our first meeting in Medina in 1567—when you, Father, were still a young student in Salamanca — I recognized in you the spiritual authority we needed, by God’s grace. (
TERESA. I expounded on these delicate matters long before you did, my little Seneca. Recall that by 1567 I had already written the book of my
JOHN OF THE CROSS. “Withdrawn from pleasure and contentment.”7 (
O living flame of love
That tenderly wounds my soul
In its deepest center! Since
Now You are not oppressive,
Now Consummate! If it be Your will:
Tear through the veil of this sweet encounter!
O sweet cautery,
O delightful wound!9
MOTHER MARIE. There is no horror but in crime, and in the sacrifice of innocent lives the horror is expunged, and the crime itself restored to the order of divine charity.…11
JOHN OF THE CROSS. O sweet cautery!
The two friends hear the court pronounce the death sentence on sixteen Carmelites for holding counterrevolutionary meetings. Then they watch the nuns climb down from the tumbril at the foot of the guillotine in the place de la Révolution. Young Blanche de la Force advances calmly, her face shows no fear. Suddenly she breaks into song: “Deo Patri sit Gloria, et Filio, qui a mortuis surrexit, ac Paraclito, in saeculorum saecula.” Blanche becomes lost among the crowd, along with the rest of the sisters.
JOHN OF THE CROSS. “I know that the stream proceeding from these two
Is preceded by neither of them
Although it is night.”20
“A lone young shepherd lived in pain21
Withdrawn from pleasure and contentment.”
Even in darkest night.
TERESA. Look here, my brother! Although I am a woman and haven’t studied Latin, I try to comprehend the Mystery you describe so well. (
JOHN OF THE CROSS. “In the beginning the Word
Was; He lived in God…
The Word is called Son;
He was born of the Beginning…
As the lover in the beloved
Each lived in the other…
And the Love that unites them
Is one with them,
Their equal, excellent as
The One and the Other:
Three Persons, and one Beloved
Among all three.
One love in them all
Makes them one Lover…
Thus it is a boundless
Love that unites them…
And the more love is one
The more it is love.”23
JOHN OF THE CROSS. “They were meant for the Son
And He alone rejoiced in them.…
My Son, only your
Company contents Me.”25
TERESA. Quite quickly, however, the Lord filled me with His presence. “In emptying my soul of all that is creature and detaching myself for the love of God, the same Lord will fill it with Himself.”29 (
JOHN OF THE CROSS. “Where have You hidden,
Beloved, and left me moaning?
You fled like the stag
And after wounding me;
I went out calling You, and You were gone.”30
“Look, look, she’s going up again, she’s off the ground, she’s flying!” Ana de San Bartolomé and Teresita scramble for a better look from the parlor door.
“And Father John of the Cross, too!” Catalina de la Concepción and María Bautista have joined them.
JOHN OF THE CROSS. I take what you are saying, Madre, but not completely. What you do in your relish is to gobble down sacred history until your mouth bleeds with it: look at the state you’re in! You’re dying, I realize that — but throughout your life this kind of symptom, or worse, has always waylaid you. I am well informed of it, and was even a witness on some occasions. (
JOHN OF THE CROSS. To make myself clear, tell me, are you capable of distinguishing between sensuality on the one hand and the taint of the sensual on the other? I’m asking you, Mother, and I’m not asking lightly. We both agree that nature takes pleasure in spiritual things. “Since both the spiritual and the sensory part of the soul receive gratification from that refreshment, each part experiences delight according to its own nature and properties. The spirit, the superior part of the soul, experiences renewal and satisfaction in God; and the sense, the lower part, feels sensory gratification and delight because it is ignorant of how to get anything else, and hence takes whatever is nearest, which is the impure sensory satisfaction. It may happen that while a soul is with God in deep spiritual prayer, it will conversely passively experience sensual rebellions, movements, and acts in the senses, not without its own great displeasure. This frequently happens at the time of Communion. Since the soul receives joy and gladness in this act of love — for the Lord grants the grace and gives himself for this reason — the sensory part also takes its share, as we said, according to its mode. Since, after all, these two parts form one
JOHN OF THE CROSS. I am a denying spirit, whereas you say yes to everything.
TERESA. To everything, but also to nothing, Father. (
JOHN OF THE CROSS. O guiding night! O night more lovely than the dawn! O night that has united the Lover with his beloved, transforming the beloved in her Lover.38
TERESA. Your naked faith, my son, your
TERESA. Won’t you answer, my little Seneca? Say, do you really hold the people of Israel to be the Bride? In the Song of Songs, of course. But the Bride of the Trinitary God? Of the Holy Spirit, I mean, as well as of the Father and the Son; of the Three Persons in their distinctness and yet substantial oneness? I can’t affirm this incontrovertibly when I listen to you…and yet it’s of the essence, for me. It’s a question of bodies, do you understand? Of course you do, forgive my choice of words, dear John.…In the long run people will realize, I know they will, that our religion — Christianity, of course, what else — that Christianity was founded on the loss of a body. Michel de Certeau will spell it out; he’ll be very fond of us both, believe it or not. The loss of Christ’s body, of course, but duplicated — are you listening — by the loss of the body of Israel.…It’s obvious, surely.…Well, the disappearance of both kinds of body, the Christic and the Jewish, was perhaps necessary: logically there had to be a detachment from both “nation” and “genealogy,” as they will be called, if the religion was to become universal and spiritual. In the Jewish tradition, you know, living bodies are always shifting and moving around.…Among us, the party of the Crucified One, it’s different, as I hardly need tell you: we start off depriving ourselves of the body and then, based on that absence, we keep trying to “form a body,” to incorporate ourselves. Don’t you think? You and me too, we make ourselves a body out of words, not in the same way as each other, but still. Add in the ecclesiastical body, the doctrinal corpus, all of that…delightful experiences, I grant you.…The Word becomes flesh and back again, a risky operation for the likes of us, and not given to all: you tend to overlook the flesh, and I the word.…Where was I? Oh yes, the Trinity. Well, there it is, the Bride can’t help but wed all three of them! And like the Sulamitess finds her Solomon, I find Him in the actual reality of marriage. “Draw me, we will run after thee.” That’s your sentiment too, Father. So let’s continue. Read with me what follows: “The king hath brought me into his chambers; we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine.”45
TERESA. In my own way I, too, manage to attain a measure of understanding…reaching the Spirit of truth itself…fire and splendor.…“Neither death nor life are objects of desire anymore,” do you hear me? And if my intercession could lead a single soul to love Him more, it would matter more to me than being in glory. “Y si pudiese ser parte que siquiera un alma le amase más y alabase por mi intercesión, que aunque fuese por poco tiempo, me parece importa más que estar en la gloria.”47
Therefore do the virgins love thee…
The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth…48
You’ll say, my great friend, that I lack “understanding of the vernacular meaning of the Latin,” and you have a point. But I feel great joy every time I read the Song of Songs, a great spiritual consolation, for “my soul is stirred and recollected more than by devotional books written in the language I understand.”49
A deafening noise interrupts the holy dialogue. The monastery door is being battered by fists, sticks, and musket butts; will it hold firm?
The stage goes dark for the duration of the protracted assault.
When the lights come up again, but only dimly, the moribund woman is back in bed.
BOSSUET, bishop, writer, the “Eagle of Meaux”
SYLVIA LECLERCQ, psychologist
The stage goes momentarily dark. Teresa is still in conversation with John, now present only in the forms of his voice and his portrait, an anonymous work of the Spanish school.
Now the flame returns, henceforth to remain on stage. Teresa is back at the Incarnation, alone, this time in her prioress’s chair. She converses with John’s spirit; there is no longer any bodily evidence of him.
The din made by the
Teresa is wearing her teasing smile again. Her attendants read it as ecstasy, as though La Madre were practically knocking on Heaven’s door.
The dying nun continues to argue in her head with John. He is the only one at her side during these final instants before the Other.
TERESA. Yes, it’s not just deer and butterflies, you are present too.…(
When the body speaks, seeing images is unavoidable, dear John, but I do not really perceive them with the eyes of the body, in fact they are no more than intellectual visions.…In a way, yes, there’s such a thing as “sensation freed from the trammel of the senses.”60 Those aren’t my words, they belong to Marcel Proust, do you know that writer? An expert in accursed races, men, women, and in-betweens, in hawthorn and rose windows and felt time.…Of course I can tell from here, I’m a visionary, don’t look at me like that, my great Seneca…you understand perfectly well.…“My imagination, which was my only means of enjoying beauty.”61…Those words could have been written by me, too bad, Marcel will do it for me. Better than anyone. And that’s why the imagination is “the organ that serves the eternal,” do you follow us, the two of us, that eternal young man and myself?…Deep down you agree with us, Father, but you concur in your own erudite, demanding way.…(
TERESA. I’d have had to master mathematics in order to please you, and yet, I can’t help it, poor little me pleased His Majesty himself from time to time. I’m a pretentious woman and I repent of it. Not your style, I know. (
TERESA. You say that David assures us…of what? That the death of the just man is precious in God’s eyes.…Speak about yourself, Seneca my dear, I’m a mere woman, and a hard-hearted one at that.…Is it really in my power to tear the fabric of mortal life, as you put it so well? Perhaps.…But only in the Seventh Dwelling Places.…Run away, you say? No, I feel that I’m closing in on the jewel,
COMPANION. Look, Brother John, I have just found this
COMPANION. I said “might.” This bag contains the letters of the late Mother Teresa of Avila, may she rest in peace.
“Without a place and with a place
to rest — living darkly with no ray
of light — I burn my self away.”66
JOHN OF THE CROSS’S VOICE. “In order to arrive at having pleasure in everything,
Desire to have pleasure in nothing.”67
JOHN OF THE CROSS’S VOICE. “O living flame of love.”
Sylvia Leclercq sees the shadow of Bossuet approach against the quivering, dark red firelight.68 The silhouette of the bishop of Meaux advances, carrying the
BOSSUET. “It is an odd weakness of mankind, that while death surrounds us in its myriad forms, it is never present to our minds.” But since “we must only be lofty where St. Teresa is concerned,” bear in mind that Heaven above “has a plan to repair the house he has given us. When he destroys it and casts it down in order to make it anew, we must move out. Yet he himself offers us his palace, and within it, gives us rooms.” “And yet it was never so for this creature, Teresa, who dwelt on earth as though she were already in Heaven.”69
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. Nicely put, “munificence” and “grand spectacle” are appropriate. (
BOSSUET. “St. Teresa lives among angels, convinced that she is with her Spouse,” and thus fulfillment succeeds to yearning.…“A divine sickness,” undoubtedly, one whose power increases day by day? But there remains the “link, gentlemen, which is charity.…It elevates Teresa above the throng.…She speeds toward it, driven by ardent, impetuous desires…which prove unequal to severing the bonds of mortal flesh, against which she now declares a holy war.…For all true Christians should feel like travelers on a journey.” They must feel, yes, feel.…
The voices of TERESA and SYLVIA and the virtual characters of LEIBNIZ71 and SPINOZA.72
The stage is empty. A huge diamond stands in place of La Madre’s body, shot through with rays of light and cascading waters that bathe the facets of cut stone and also circulate inside it. The fire that consumed Teresa’s letters to John of the Cross has left its red-gold color in the air. From time to time three shadows move through the permeable walls of the liquid jewel; one resembles the Teresa of the portrait attributed to Velázquez, another is Leibniz, and the third, Spinoza. There is also a mathematical formula, to wit:
We hear a high-pitched choir of Carmelites singing the
TERESA’S VOICE. “A great gush of water could not reach us if it didn’t have a source somewhere; it is understood clearly that there is Someone in the interior depths who shoots these arrows and gives life to this life, and that there is a Sun in the interior of the soul from which a brilliant light proceeds and is sent to the faculties. The soul…does not move from that center nor is its peace lost.”73 It’s true, the center exists and is at peace, and that’s why I can be so fluid…and vagabond, if I wish it.…(
“To represent transhumanise in words
Impossible were; the example, then, suffice
Him for whom Grace the experience reserves.”79
TERESA’S VOICE. “The King is in His palace,” just as the soul is. The King, the soul, it-you-I? It’s all the same. Interchangeable, permutable, reversible. “In those other dwelling places there is much tumult and there are many poisonous creatures and the noise is heard”—all this being the drives, as Dr. Freud will tell us. And yet “no one enters that center dwelling place and makes the soul leave.…The passions are now conquered.” This is sublimation. “Our entire body may ache; but if the head is sound, the head will not ache just because the body aches.”80 The mind and the word “must have amounted to much more than is apparent from [their] sound.”81 (
SYLVIA LECLERCQ’S VOICE. “The infinity-point obeys the laws of transition and continuity: nothing is equivalent to anything else, and apparent coincidences really conceal an infinitely small distance. Thus the infinity-point does not form a structure but instead posits functions and relationships that proceed by approximation. A difference, never to be made good, persists between the number marked π and the set of terms able to express it:
The unit has been dislocated. The sign-number, a unifying mirror, shatters, and notation resumes beyond its scope. The resulting differential, equivalent to the sixteenth-century nominalists’ syncategorical (
TERESA’S VOICE. Might I be a soul, then, a woman co-present ad infinitum? Might I be an ancestor of infinitesimal calculus?86 Little me?
TERESA’S VOICE. God loves Himself? Himself, myself, yourself? I
SYLVIA LECLERCQ’S VOICE. “Paradise and its plenitude of grace, the Trinity in person, are unveiled in the Intellection of love. The more I love, the more I understand. The more I understand, the more pleasure I feel, and the more I love.” Not my words, but those of Philippe Sollers in his introduction to Dante’s
TERESA’S VOICE. “The image may be very helpful — to you especially — for since we women have no learning, all of this imagining is necessary that we may understand that within us lies something incomparably more precious than what we see outside ourselves.” (
As Teresa’s voice inundates the stage, we watch the slow rotation of the watery gemstone of her dwelling places.
The distillation and centralization of the ego. Everything is in that.
The diamond of the previous act retreats into the background, where it refracts the anonymous portrait of Teresa of Avila commonly attributed to Velázquez. The left side of the stage represents Sylvia Leclercq’s office. There are a couch, an armchair, and a desk. The analyst is writing. Her voice follows the rhythms of her thoughts, and sometimes the movements of her hand. She is bidding La Madre farewell, from the first to the third person.
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. It’s infectious, this journeying to the far depths of private dwelling places, like a sort of self-analysis.…(
I never dreamed of my father again, after that teenage nightmare in which I had him run over by a train, inverted Oedipus
There was trouble at the hospital, conflicts with some big cheese, possibly a marital crisis into the bargain; I didn’t want to know, I cleared off in a hurry, like the self-reliant adolescent I wanted to be.…Yes, there must have been some kind of a crisis, because that’s when Blandine began hanging out at literary soirees, whatever was hip, launch parties at trendy bookstores for celebrated authors who’d sign your copy. I recall a rapid-fire succession of au pairs who cooked supper for me, because Dad was overwhelmed with work. Doctors are on call day and night, you see, yes, I did see.…So, no more singing in the shower.…(
That’s it: he used to sing in the shower! (
And then in the morning it’s gone, so frustrating, I hardly attend to my patients, I even forget to think about my saint, I rummage through the dream, it gets more and more infuriating, I’m fed up, I turn my memory upside-down: nothing, not a quaver. And it’s the same the next night.…So I decide to get up in the middle of the vocal dream, I’ll write it down while it’s still there in my throat, my lungs, my mouth, my memory, my smile.…But I can’t, the dream squeezes me in its arms, I am held, held prisoner, all I can do is sing along with Dad, glued to my pillow, unable to raise my head.…No worries, this time I’m sure I’ve got it, the confounded tune he used to warble under the shower while I drank my cocoa and left for school, with a peck for Blandine and a “See you tonight, Dad! Maybe? Okay, ’bye, then.…” But when I wake up, nothing. The bird has flown again. A phantom bird, no doubt: Did that song even exist? It’s a dream of course, my long cohabitation with Teresa can lead to anything, an unnameable hallucination, there you go, call yourself an analyst but that hoodlum Oedipus can sure play tricks on you. (
It must have been in Latin, couldn’t have been anything else, since Thomas was brought up in a religious boarding school, after his mother died giving birth to him.…I’ve spent hours of analysis on that little point, at least. My grandfather couldn’t think of anything better than to entrust him to the Jesuits. And they eventually expelled him for reading smutty books, as well as revolutionary ones, it was the period of colonial wars.…Well, Dad always put on the same complacent smirk when rehashing these daring exploits to Mom and me, over and over again, for the nth time, the only feats to his name.…I haven’t forgotten that, either. But the singing?…Definitely in Latin. Yes. (
I’ve got it. Thanks to that patient this morning, in Holy Week mode, going on about the father and the son in this litany that compulsively linked “father and son” as if we were in church, I thought at one point, it’s coming back to me, that’s it…
F# F#.………………ED C#BAG# AF# B#
C# C#.………………BA G#F#E#D# E#G#B D
C# A#C#A G#C#G# F#DF# E#C#
F#EF#G# A E D C# B A A.…
The stately notes would spiral through the early-morning air, carrying me with them as they rose toward unimaginable expanses that I could barely discern at that age, but I could tell how they uplifted my father until I felt exultant too, sounds pulsing through my lungs, my blood, like a happy cascade of laughter…(
F# F#……………….…ED C#BAG# AF# B#
C# C#……………BA G#F#E#D# E#G#B D
C# A#C#A G#C#G# F#DF# E#C#
F#EF#G# A E D C# B A A.…
She does not put down the pen, or close the notebook: her hand falls still over the lines.
Here the front of the stage grows dark, so that we can barely make out the form of Sylvia Leclercq, once more writing at her desk. Spotlights pick out the portrait of Teresa in her diamond. Slides are projected over it from time to time, showing rapid glimpses of Luis de Morales’s
Teresa moved in spaces that were undistinguishably interior and exterior; they were manifest in a profusion of expressions that resorted to arresting figurations, appealed to meaning, and imposed rules. The “region of the dissimilar,” the abode of sin, the deformity of dissemblance, entailed a genuine loss of being for the creatures God made in His own image; this is because the creatures concerned, failing to comprehend the honor, let themselves sink from resemblance into dissemblance. This is where my Carmelite’s pen comes along to transform the
The subject in love and her loving Beloved spread through it, phase by phase, so that the access to the love union (itself not in doubt) is built station by infinitesimal station, the portals to intrapsychic and interactive serenity. The most harrowing ordeals become experiences to be savored, as the lover increasingly appropriates them by the grace of a simultaneously imagistic and controlled verbal representation. And the time wasted in erotic and infantile trauma becomes reversed into infinitely malleable psychic spaces, because they enclose the infinity of love given and received. The interior castle is the product of all this. However, La Madre doesn’t shut herself inside; she opens it to the world, because this castle is none other than the volume of her personal experience certified to be shareable — with her sisters, with you and me, in another infinite multiplication. (
Teresa is not after a fortified, defensive retreat but a narcissistic, ideal, sublime place of reassurance where you are invited to dissolve into perfume, to intoxicate yourself, but gently and in peace. That’s right, perfume, a solid distilled, a sublimation, in other words: she says so explicitly, or almost, I’m coming to that.
Listen. (
“What you can do as a help in this matter is try to carry about
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. Begin, then, by imagining the image of the person you love, and that will encourage you to speak with them, and thence to communicate with the good Being and ultimately partake of Him, logically and inevitably.
The images involved are first of all representations, fantasies that are not always present to the eye, but given to thought, which is visual, and to all the senses. From this derives an apology of mental imagery, with its power to contain the lover’s need to be loved and acknowledged as lovable. Here is the cornerstone of belief. We are like blind people in the presence of an interlocutor: “They understand and believe this, but they do not see the other [entiende y cree que está allí, mas no la ve].”3 They sense the presence:
Listen again. (
“I could only think about Jesus Christ as He was as man, but
Finally the image becomes interiorized, as wordless, nonvisual sensations. Neither “belief” nor “reasoning,” this new way of “understanding” is frightening, because it imposes the lover’s companionship very very deep inside (
At this stage of the spatialization of subjective time, according to Teresa, the “knowledge” identical to “belief” is experienced as a “favor.” However, in a crowning twist of genius, the nun grasped that these states of reassurance by osmosis with the Ideal are imaginary “locutions” (
The great enemy, then (
And just as opposites coexist, when they are not actually interchangeable, in the works of Rubens, Guarino Guarini, Andrea Pozzo, or Tiepolo, so God and the Devil rub shoulders in the tornado traced by La Madre’s pen: why do we cry “‘The devil! The devil!’ when we can say ‘God! God!’and make the devil tremble,” she writes defiantly, and earlier, “His Majesty favor me so that I may understand,…and a fig for all the devils [
Church of the Scalzi, Venice, Italy/De Agostini Picture Library/F. Ferruzzi/ Bridgeman Art Library.
Step by step the imagery of resistance to the erotic brazier gives way before the profusion of another imagery, orchestrating its success. The amorous subject triumphs over the soul unable to represent to itself the trials joining the lover to her Beloved; the castle-building narrative excludes from its halls disgraced souls who stray from the enchanted imaginary, like the prodigal son who once thought he could leave his father’s house and live off the husks of swine. A soul in love and proud of it, Teresa stakes out a double space (
Could the imprecision of the phrase
Teresa, for her part, proceeds like the painter of a baroque cupola: applying layer upon layer,
And yet, after this long trek in Teresa’s company, I maintain (
As a writer she shines a light on these fundamental logics, while not averse to pinpointing the abuse or distortion of them by those polar opposites to the Lord (to the ideal of the Self) constituted by the twin tyrants of the sex drive and the moralizing superego. But the holy woman would never question the Other’s love and her love for the Other: how could she conceive of a viable way of being if not in love with the ideal Father?
SYLVIA LECLERCQ. In my view — but keep this to yourself (
Can I convince you that by remitting the truth of the amorous bond, and by extension of the transferential bond, to an unconscious that is equally in love and yet infantile, no analytical interpretation can expel this “delusion” of love from the field of that (interminable) analysis? Not only does the constant of the loving bond persist under the guise of some “future of delusion,” notably religious delusion, which Freud regards as regrettable yet insurmountable; the permanence of the Teresian problematic of love manifests itself even at the termination of the cure, which, for all its dissipation of illusions, merely leads to the creation of…new and no less amorous bonds. These new transferences, better apprised of the impasses of the subject’s former traumas and hatefatuations, embark all over again — at best more soberly, but never desisting — upon the quest for
Teresa, already a potential saint when on her deathbed, has not quite reached this point. Her brand of baroque differs from that of artists who solemnly assert, in the face of the One, the power of a nonessential, theatrical, “performing” humanity. The baroque illusion — triumph of the as-if, celebration of the inconstancy of objective reality (the very stage sets are to be cast into the flames, like Don Juan) — assumes an extravagant superiority nonetheless, negating every value and form of otherness. The baroque artist lays no claim to inner authenticity; he is praised for shape-shifting alone, for his dexterity with whirling masquerades and the opulent play of simulacra. (
None of this with Teresa; La Madre was never content to approach delusion as an illusion. Being a mystic, she was afraid the crumbling of fantasy would reduce her to the condition of a worm in the nonspace of Hell; so she distilled the imaginary into the joy of love and a life founded on love, like an alembic distills spirits. (
Like me, and after much weeping, La Madre no longer weeps as the end draws near. Now her tears pour forth of themselves, with abandon, with the certainty of happiness. The fruits of a once terrified imagination (before it tamed the plenitude of love), tears remain, to her valedictory eyes, illusions, deceits,
Hear what she says (
“And suddenly it seemed that day to day was added, as if He who has the power had with another sun the heaven adorned.” (
The loving heart, Teresa fashion, is hard as diamonds, meaning it cannot be liquefied anymore: it endures the toughest test, it is rock solid. (
F# F#…………….…. ED C#BAG# AF# B#
C# C#…………….…. BA G#F#E#D# E#G#B D
C# A#C#A G#C#G# F#DF# E#C#
F#EF#G# A E D C# B A A.…
Just like my father’s voice. (
God, through whom we discern that certain things we had deemed essential to ourselves are truly foreign to us, while those we had deemed foreign to us are essential.
Divine understanding…the domain of possible realities.
You began
Still, I must confess that I first approached Teresa somewhat lightly and unthinkingly. Not to raise a laugh, as you did with your story of the nun from Longchamp, but to challenge a kind of UFO, a baroque relic. I, too, was rapidly swept off my feet by a story that overturned my assumptions and sent me into analysis. “Whatever next?” drawls my friend and colleague Marianne Baruch, but she didn’t come out unscathed herself from this excursion into the heart of belief. Andrew teases me nonstop, rather sullenly, while my learned colleague Jérôme Tristan smirks discreetly: “You have to be ready for anything, with mysticism”—it’s his department, after all.
Impressed by the “old religious vice,” the sagacious Mallarmé felt that the tendency toward the secular (likened to atheistic “insignificance”) “doesn’t quite have a meaning.”1 While I agree with the poet on this, it doesn’t prevent me from being an atheist, just as you are, my dear Philosopher. You start off as a theologian and a canon, but you won’t even be a deist by the end, unlike your friends-foes Voltaire and Rousseau. Irked by Jean-Jacques’ philosophical moralism, lacking the caustic temper of the Sage of Ferney, you are sensual, violent, something of a “comedian,” passionate about science, curious about women, and smitten by Sophie Volland. You flaunt a brutal, streetwise — cynical? — sort of carefreeness: your thoughts are strumpets, you say, you are regarded as a “materialist,” but I wonder about that. I think of you, and it’s a compliment, as the carnivalesque type.
Your partiality to the fair sex — which was surely one reason to defect from the career in the Church for which you were destined by your father, the worthy cutler Didier Diderot, and by the Jesuits whose brilliant pupil you were — does not stop you from feeling profoundly ambivalent toward women. The lyricism of the writer, the volatile delicacy of the man, these flatter me: “When we write of women, we must needs dip our pen in the rainbow and throw upon the paper the dust of butterflies’ wings.” But I also sympathize with the alarm aroused in you by the unknowable matrix: “The symbol of women in general is that of the Apocalypse, on whose forehead was written MYSTERY,” and with your perplexity in the face of female genius: “When women have genius, I think their brand is more original than our own.”2
Of all those in whose company, during that legendary era of Enlightenment, you wakened humanity from its dream of transcendence to lead it toward the best and the worst, it is you I feel closest to. I feel close to
Lambasting the unnatural life of Christian religion, you denounce the hypocrisy that goes on to infiltrate lay culture as well. Marie-Suzanne’s “inflexible” parents, for instance, invoke among others the “knowledge” of the Abbé Blin (a doctor at the Sorbonne) and the authority of the bishop of Aleppo, who receives the poor girl into the Church on a day that is “one of the saddest ever.” Family conformity and spiritual dogma are for you the twin aspects of a social code that forces the young girl to take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience in order to expiate her mother’s adultery, of which she is the product. To cap it all, her legal father is a lawyer! This “morality tale” would have made for hilarious vaudeville, had it not continued with the punitive enclosure of the girl and then, inside a supposedly liberating convent, with the lewd embraces forced on the novice by a mother superior with a contorted face and a warped, disjointed mind.
On the one hand, Longchamp:
A rope was placed around my neck, and with one hand I was made to hold a flaming torch, with the other a scourge. One of the nuns took hold of the other end of the rope and pulled me along between the two lines, and the procession made its way towards a little inner oratory dedicated to St. Mary. They had come singing softly; now they walked in silence. When I had reached the oratory, lit by two lamps, I was ordered to ask both God and the community to forgive me for the scandal I had caused. The nun who had led me there said the words I had to repeat, and I repeated them all. Then the rope was removed, I was stripped down to the waist, they took my hair, which was hanging down over my shoulders, and pulled it to one side of my neck, they placed in my right hand the scourge I had been carrying in my left, and they started reciting the
On the other, Arpajon:
At such times, if a nun does the slightest thing wrong, the Mother Superior summons her to her cell, deals with her harshly, and orders her to get undressed and to give herself twenty strokes with her scourge; the nun obeys, gets undressed, picks up her scourge, and mortifies her flesh, but no sooner has she given herself a few strokes than the Mother Superior, overwhelmed with pity, snatches the instrument of penitence from her and starts crying; how dreadful it is for her to have to punish people! She kisses her on the forehead, eyes, mouth, and shoulders, caresses her, and sings her praises…She kisses her again, lifts her up, puts her clothes back on for her, says the sweetest things to her, gives her permission not to attend the services, and sends her back to her cell. It is very difficult being with women like that, as you never know what they are going to like or dislike, what you need to avoid doing or what you need to do.…I went inside with her; she accompanied me with her arm round my waist.…“I utterly adore you, and once these bores have all left, I shall gather together the sisters and you’ll sing a little tune for us, won’t you?”5
Here are the two sides of a single madness, “the folly of the cross,” as you write, which “flies in the face of our natural inclinations” by inciting human beings to “hide away,” even though “God made man sociable”; locking them up into “madhouses” and giving free rein
Your indictment, Mister Philosopher, is earnest, detailed, and uncompromising: you are up in arms, a militant.
Are convents so essential to the constitution of a state? Did Jesus Christ institute monks and nuns? Can the Church really not do without them?…Can these vows, which
As you write this — understandable — indictment, you are in tears. Diderot, in tears? It’s hardly posterity’s vision of him. We prefer to picture the philosopher patting Catherine the Great on the thigh, she who would later purchase his library…Are you weeping for your little sister, Marie-Angélique, who died a lunatic at the age of twenty-eight in an Ursuline convent, whom you haven’t forgotten, since you named your beloved daughter after her? Or are they tears of outrage, like the way I feel about fundamentalism, before the religious obscurantism that oppresses “our natural inclinations”? Or are your tears even more a surprise to you because you are so well aware that in the human animal, a speaking being, the capacity to make meaning has long ago “flown in the face” of any “natural inclination,” for there is a specific — hence natural — human capacity to clash with nature by dint of language, of thought?
You are discovering that this clash breeds delusions, in which wonders rub shoulders with follies; an inextricable jumble, a merry-go-round of bodies and souls whose perils and charms you brilliantly expose in the character of
In the tragic story of Mademoiselle Simonin, the impulse that will lead you to the
And yet, my dear Denis Diderot, I think you already came up against that overlapping at the time of
Such is my hypothesis, justified to my mind by the
Was the end of your novel really lost, as some witnesses allege? Or did you condense the end of the story into a sketchy outline because, overcome by emotion on the heels of a mocking laugh, you found yourself simply unable to finish? “What ails you? What a state you are in!” exclaimed Monsieur d’Alainville, a friend of Grimm’s and yours, when he found you plunged in grief, your face wet with tears. “What ails me?” you replied. “I am undone by a tale I’m telling myself.”8 This “tale” you were “telling yourself” would have no conclusion. The end of the Enlightenment went awry with the Terror. Today’s ending seems interminable, and no less problematic.
And yet it all started off as a farce. That year, 1758, the charming marquis of Croismare was sorely missed by his friends. You had met the gentleman at the salon of Madame d’Épinay. He was a paragon of lively good humor, “devoted to numberless pleasures in succession,” as your friend Grimm described him. One day he decides to move for a time to his Normandy estate, where his affairs require attention. But he fails to return, having caught a serious case of religion! It was then that you, Denis Diderot, hatched the idea (with the help of some co-conspirators, including Grimm) of an amusing prank, otherwise known as a wicked, perfidious piece of jiggery-pokery: to write to the marquis of Croismare some letters purporting to be from a genuine nun of Longchamp, Marguerite Delamarre. This lady had gone to court to have her vows annulled, claiming she had been forced into the nunnery by her parents. The marquis, although he did not know the plaintiff personally, had tried in vain to intercede for her with the councillors of the great chamber of the Paris parlement.
According to the fake letters, the nun had now run away from the convent and was begging for help from the marquis, who fell straight into the trap. The hoaxers split their sides. Eager to succor a nun in distress, the newly reverent Croismare offered her a chambermaid post in his household. This forced you to contrive the death of the supposed heroine of the correspondence, so as to relieve your friend without letting the deception be known. Soon afterward you decided to assemble the letters into a narrative, revised in 1780, but still unpublished: private copies circulated from hand to hand. The joke came to light, and Monsieur de Croismare took it with great good humor. The text did not appear as a novel until 1796, twelve years after your death. There was a general consensus to forget about the persiflage of its origins, but this stratagem nonetheless forms the backdrop to the drama (“a tale I’m telling myself”) and confers an elusive dash of unreality and indeterminacy to the tragedy it recounts. A very French way, isn’t it, of tackling the secrets of religion, not to say the mystery of God, at the same time as attacking head-on the evils of superstition!
On rereading, I find myself thinking that you wept over the novel you were attempting to synthesize from your prank, not only out of compassion for the unhappy victims of the “folly of the cross,” as you call it in your role as encyclopedist and man of the Enlightenment, but also because the fine novelist you are was so stricken by the transference of your feelings upon those of your heroine Marie-Suzanne Simonin that, parallel to your indignation before her ordeals at the hands of religion, you succumbed to the blessings — sorry, the snares — of this magical thing, faith. Here are the words you put into her mouth:
It was then that I came to feel that Christianity was superior to all the other religions in the world. What profound wisdom there was in what benighted philosophy calls the folly of the cross! In the state I was in, how would the image of a happy and glorious lawgiver have helped me? I saw that innocent man, his side pierced, his head crowned with thorns, his hands and feet pierced with nails, and dying in agony, and I said to myself: “This is my God, and yet I dare to feel sorry for myself!”…I clung to this idea and felt a renewed sense of consolation in my heart.9
Such were, too, your own last words, according to posterity or wicked tongues. Distinctly over-the-top for an atheist!
Here’s the nub: you, who taught me that “the first step toward philosophy is incredulity,”10 didn’t hesitate to make a character sing the praises of the Christian faith, even though she had been ill-treated by it! Is this another ironical pirouette, should it be taken with a pinch of salt, are you teasing us? Or are you rehearsing, slyly, vicariously, what it would be like to feel enthralled by that “profound wisdom,” to submit to its attachments, to practice its dialectics? To comprehend its logic while condemning its abuses?
Maybe this was not more than a “strumpet thought” among others, one you discarded, before capsizing at the end. There was more urgent business to attend to in those effervescent days, after all. But I wonder: by limiting yourself to diagnosing how religion oppresses “good nature,” didn’t you deny yourself the chance to deploy the complexities of your discernment, to plumb the “mysteries” of that mystification after having denounced its aberrations?
You did, however, in your correspondence with Sophie Volland, undertake to plumb a different mystery — that of the Apocalypse whose name is “Woman.” And still another after that, the enigma of the asocial individual, the eccentric parasite, the nephew of the great Rameau. Religion, seduction, hysteria, art…As mystifications and delusions go, you are not exempt: by rewriting your mocking farce in the form of a narrative, you stepped right into that region of mystification that could not fail to “clash” with your personal continent, that further illusion of which you are the master: literature. The imaginary, the fantasized, the written. How does it connect with religion? What links are there between religion, literature, the female body, and the artistic body? Between desire, seduction, and manipulation? Between feminine and masculine? Between art and parasitism? Truth and falsehood? Such are the abysses of philosophy. And how about between dominion over others, elevation of others, abuse of others? Between the powers of language, rhetoric, faith, and the Word? Such are the abysses of culture, of freedom, of the Enlightenment.
In a bid to cast light on your tale, scholars have pored over the original “correspondence” with the pious, deceived Monsieur de Croismare; but there is another, missing
How I understand! Barring the talent and the fortune, I could write the very same words — why else would I be so attached to the MPH? But I’m not with you all the way. The Diderot who bursts into tears, undone by his
Did you really believe in that benign “nature without artifice” touted by the Enlightenment? At the time of writing those mischievous letters to Croismare, you were also beginning work on the
Do not think I am turning my back on your
Your libertarian verve, the incisive violence of the French body and sense of humor, the upheavals of a history that was preparing to guillotine the king and overthrow the Church, all these impelled you to strike a ringing, well-aimed blow against obscurantism. After you, and largely thanks to you, religion (especially Catholicism) lost much of its aura of absolute revelation and institutional impregnability. This happened first in France — often accompanied by “revolutionary” atrocities whose tragic balance sheet not been fully reckoned yet — and little by little spread elsewhere in the world by means of the awesome, unstoppable march of secularization. Here I include religious pluralisms of every stripe, spiritualist mystifications, sectarian outpourings, and the “black tide of occultism” that so revolted Freud.
Is Christianity irrevocably discredited?
Many people are worried about this. Some question secularism, others dread the comeback of clericalism and its twin, anticlericalism. I know of some who try to deal with the problem by going back to the source, such as biblical inspiration, obviously: these read the alliance of the crucified Jesus with His Father as the accomplishment of the Jewish
The atheist that I am holds her breath while asking herself these questions. And I dream that Teresa’s experience could add to the movement for a salutary re-foundation a new reading of this revitalization of European culture that was ushered in by the much-maligned Counter-Reformation, of which Teresa was the more or less clandestine inspiration — alongside Ignatius Loyola and John of the Cross, but very differently from them.
This renovation, launched in part by La Madre’s exemplary experience, makes me see that Christianity did not come to a halt in the Middle Ages; it was not killed off by the Renaissance, the Reformation, and humanism, contrary to what is often said. Mingling the message of the Song of Songs with the Passion on the Cross and infusing them through the bodies of the Renaissance and right into the entrepreneurial pragmatism of modern times, strongly marking the artistic sensibilities of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but stuck in the tribunal of moral values, Christianity let itself be cowed by the libertarian energies of the Enlightenment and sidelined by the technical and multicultural acceleration of history. It flourished, however, under unexpected forms that might not always welcome the association: in your novels, Diderot,
Less than two centuries after Teresa’s death you could not have perceived, dear Denis Diderot, this renovation within continuity achieved by a strange nun living at the very heart of the ontotheological continent you were determined to blow up, with swimming eyes. As an impatient, libertarian protester, committed to the efficiency that would benefit the humble and the wronged, you proceeded in plebeian fashion by dint of “epistemological breaks.” Was that how it had to be in order for me, Sylvia Leclercq, beyond any real, imaginary, or symbolic guillotine, to find my way back to Teresa? After you, yet upstream from you? I don’t know, but that’s how it is.
Others, in ever greater numbers, would align themselves with what they took to be your fight against obscurantism, and continued the desecration with the help of a cudgel: this, those poor unprotected believers believed, was indispensable for lancing the boil of superstition and subjection. But they had overlooked the fertile twists, the vicious benefits, the ineffable traps of the desire for meaning: morbid fancies, instinctual eruptions, hopes and despairs, physical and psychic manipulations.
You’ve got it, Mister Philosopher: being the person I am, my cohabitation with that roommate is the paradoxical, but inevitable, result of your
Over time, however, I found myself parting ways with you. Or rather I attempted to shine your light, in my own way, into the murky chambers of the female soul that intrigued you so much in Marie-Suzanne Simonin. Into what Freud called the “psychic apparatus,” of both sexes: the recondite places where torture is distilled into secondary benefits, into a “surplus” of
I wonder if you’d ever accept — as Freudians do, like me, who cannot share your enlightened optimism on this point — that delusion, with all its dangers, is a constitutive part or the now immersed face of a civilization seemingly melting away under the overheated blast of technology.
I have tried to channel your imagination, passion, and empathetic compassion for your nun in another direction in my own exploration of the interior dwelling places of Teresa of Avila. My heroine was not spared the woes of the good sister of Longchamp and Arpajon, but she forged ahead right through them, first toward ecstasy, then into writing and action, and finally into sainthood. I spoke of the “interior dwelling places of Teresa of Avila,” but they are not only hers. They do not harbor only the pioneering audacity of an elite soul of the sixteenth century, or the ravings of certain Catholic women in any century; perhaps (following Leibniz, with deficient humility once more) Teresa’s inner mansions could be relevant to all kinds of passionate souls? Not because they share the same faith, but because such souls speak and think and
To get to the bottom of religious experience a slow, interminable effort remained and remains to be made, and it always will. Your
Teresa leads me through that labyrinth where the present has no meaning unless it recollects the inaugural moment and re-engenders it; where the now is only of interest insofar as it continually re-founds what came before, like Teresa does when she places Solomon’s Bride inside the body of a woman praying to Jesus. This woman passes the baton to Bernini, who passes it on to Molly Bloom. Let us walk a little further in La Madre’s company. I am trying to work through the tangled mazes you abhorred with a patience I hope to make as incisive as your own sardonic passion. Wounding or tiresome I may be, and yet somewhat appeased, I hope. And if so, it will be thanks to your preparatory spadework.
Did I say patience? Am I not rather caught, with this great Teresa, in the turmoil of a
Who are you, Teresa? A garden irrigated by four waters, a fluid castle open to infinity with seven permeable “dwelling places,” an inexhaustible writer, a dauntless warrior, a languid lover sighing for “more!” under Bernini’s caress? A pitiful epileptic or a woman of power? A Carmelite cloistered in hopeless delusion or a modern, more than modern, subject? Do I really have an answer, at the end of this long sojourn side by side?
After following you as best I could through your life and death, through the firmament of ideas where you hover with the opus that is your jewel, that last question remains open.
Is it because you were a woman, or because you were Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, then Teresa of Jesus, then Saint Teresa of Avila — who I watched being born, vibrating, and passing away, with your epoch and against it — that you built yourself a soul, as it used to be called, that matched your body but did not fit the Aristotelo-Thomist model of the
The history of Christianity is actually littered with sophisticated anatomies of the soul, vertiginous palaces of the inner life. Might I run through some of them with you, Mister Philosopher, as a way of clarifying my disagreement? I’ll use the bits and pieces to enhance my Teresian “installation,” like the Beguines decorating their offerings to the Sacred Heart with shreds of grass and scraps of floral fabric. Or like contemporary female artists who eschew synthesis and prefer to pile up the fragments of their untenable identities. A nod at the scholastics, a glance at the Rhenish philosophers, an allusion to quietism, all to be submitted for your inspection. It’s my patchwork sampler, my polychrome canvas, my MoMA-worthy “mobile.” So that the dwelling places of my saint are sure to stand out while remaining connected, I tighten my gestures, quicken my paint drippings, gather time into the space of a condensation. Teresa of Avila’s revolution can only be assessed in relation to that mutation of mystical subjectivity, those variations on the “kingdom” of which modernity knows nothing, but in which I tried to steep myself while traveling through the works of the woman from Castile.
As you know, my dear Philosopher, after Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, scholasticism came up with a topology of inner space in which the
The Rheno-Flemish mystics modified the structure established by Aristotle and Aquinas by adding to this bilevel schema a new “higher part”: the locus of mysticism itself, the site of the “essence” of the soul, above the median level of rationality and the base level of the sensitive. Transcending the operative powers (
The soul sits at rest on this crowning point to “merit” an “interior nativity,” in other words an overcoming of the “self” by means of the rebirth of the “subject” as Other, in the modern interpretation. “Be quiet, let God speak and work within”: this is the method advocated by Johannes Tauler, Eckhart’s disciple, to enable the soul within which the (re)birth occurs to become “a child of God.”17 An essential, noetic, abstract, imperceptible union, “without images or instruments,” “a learned ignorance,”
And yet the consciousness of the feeling and thinking subject is by no means abolished here. Meister Eckhart’s experience is more like a “flickering” between the three hierarchically separated levels of
Teresa was not unaware of this noetic ambition, for her whole reformation of the Carmel, with its stress on austere enclosure, silence, and purity, alluded and adhered to it. But my roommate went further: her life, her writings, and her deeds embody and testify to a different mystical model.
If more evidence is needed of the impossibility of reducing Teresa’s procedure to the Rheno-Flemish model, suffice it to say that the sensualist-rationalist tendency, opposed to the mystics of the North, acknowledged a debt to the saint’s experience. This current, launched by Francis de Sales in his
In one of your marvelously intransigent fugues, my dear Philosopher, you yourself conflated “
With that, were you edging nearer to Teresa? Not in my opinion. Dare I say that the philosopher lacks something indispensable for following the Carmelite in her cruelty, her infantilism, her raptures, her foundations? You don’t know what to do with those exaltations in which the soul becomes one with the Other, because the atheist in you is condemned to diminish the singularity of innerness and to lock himself out from the mansions of the soul by his refusal to countenance the Other’s very existence. I’m not asking you to believe in it, to subscribe to it, or even to make use of it. I’m asking you to make your object of incredulity — God — into an object of interpretation.
It was impossible: you were blocked by the same rationalistic sensualism that had already produced a new mystical model, itself sense-based and psychologistic, with which you rather sympathized. It made you “shiver” in the company of Guyon-Fénelon, and you redressed it on the reason side or tilted it toward the side of emancipation to castigate the iniquities of an oppressive obscurantism. But it debarred you from the subtle paths of perceptible — and imperceptible — perfection that are opened up by the experience of faith.
What if your
I am not suggesting that you personally, Maître, closed the God question in favor of another question, not entirely divorced from it but not to be reduced to it either: the question of subjection and how to get rid of it. I am only saying that this closure has a history, which involves you, and that the history of mysticism itself participates in it. But since my wager is to reopen the God question in the thinking that crystallized in the enlightened Encyclopedia and culminated, as I see it, with Freud, I can only do this by way of your good self, replaying your revolts and querying your silences.
It’s well known that you found Christianity a doleful affair, compared with the zest for life, sensual gaiety, and civic pugnacity you valued so highly in pagan antiquity and transposed to the dimension of mankind. And yet I hear you tell your Maréchale that all deities, including pagan ones, belong in the madhouse: grist to my psychologist’s mill, as you can imagine.
“In no century and with no nation have religious opinions been the basis of national morals.
But while you shared Freud’s abrasive unbelief, you feared that delusion could not be so easily eradicated. “Do you think man can get along without superstition?” asks the Maréchale de—. “I do not entertain this hope, because desire for it has not blinded me to its hollowness: but I take it away from no one else.” At the same time you doubted that the Christian message had been heard: “But are there any Christians? I have never seen one.”24 Echoing Hobbes, you rightly contended that religion is a superstition that is allowed, and superstition a religion that is not allowed.25 Being a reasonable fellow, more influenced by your English contemporaries than by the Hebrews of yore, you felt that religious abuses are best remedied by sound legislation, devised in the public interest. It is impossible, you tell the Maréchale, to subject
a nation to a rule which suits only a few melancholiacs, who have imposed it on their characters. It is with religious as with monastic institutions; they relax with time. They are lunacies which cannot hold out against the constant impulse of nature, which brings us back under her law. See to it that private good be so closely united to public good that a citizen can hardly harm society without harming himself. Promise virtue its reward, as you have promised wickedness its punishment. Let virtue lead to high offices of state, without distinction of faith, wherever virtue is to be found. Then you need only count on a small number of wicked men, who are involved in vice by a perversity of nature which nothing can correct. No. Temptation is too near: hell too far off. Look for nothing worth the attention of a
But your affinity with religious — and with Freud’s — experience is never more glaring than when you equate the Creator and His Laws with the good father and his selective authority. With feigned ingenuousness you remind the Maréchale of the story of the young Mexican and the old man. The Mexican (yourself, perhaps?) doesn’t believe that anybody lives across the sea, until one day, blown by a storm, he lands there and finds to his relief a venerable old man on the beach. He falls to his knees. “‘Get up,’ said the old man; ‘you have denied my existence?’” Of course, he pardons the Mexican for his ignorance. This allows you to make a point to the Maréchale to the effect that fatherly forgiveness trumps the punishment that “real” religion metes out — according to her (surely un-Christian) preconceptions.
Law or mercy? To this intra-Hebraic crossroads where the God question leads, you will return very analytically, dear Denis Diderot, with regard to yourself and your father. We know that as an impudent thirty-something you went to your father’s house to ask for his permission to marry Anne-Toinette Champion, a modest lace vendor. He refused and had you locked up in a monastery, you escaped, laid low in Paris and married your sweetheart — only to find her a bore. Well, it was in that same family home at Place Chambeau, in Langres, that the prodigal son, having disobeyed the paternal injunction to become a churchman, mused with his father over the need for a Law and how to become free of it. You attributed to this father, the underwriter of the Law, not so much the authorization to defy it as the shrewdness to be wisely unconventional. I am thinking of your “Conversation of a Father with His Children”: “When it was my turn to bid him goodnight, I embraced him and said into his ear: ‘Strictly speaking, Father, there is no law for the wise.’ ‘Pray keep your voice down.’ ‘All laws being subject to exceptions, it is for the sage to judge in which cases to bow to them and in which to ignore them.’ ‘I should not mind,’ said he, ‘if there were one or two citizens like yourself in the town; but I should not live there were they all to think likewise.’”27
I rather fear, Sage of the ideal polis whose citizens do not all think likewise, that your philosophy has not been followed to the letter. I’m afraid your unconditional fans tend not to know or to forget about your writings and your tears, this time at the death of the cutler, a paragon of piety and justice: “I feel an infinite sadness,” wrote the inconsolable son who was not by his father’s side when the time came.
All in all you are a tolerant atheist, Mister Philosopher, and it doesn’t come amiss to repeat it, even if your oh-so-reasonable sensibility makes Teresian interiority a closed book to you. I like to think that if I met you today, more than two hundred years after your demise, you would have persevered with your nun’s story, and our paths might have crossed. Personally, I’m sure of it.
Let us return then to that other mystical model, distinct from the Rheno-Flemish school. This developed through the rationalist-sensualists, aiming to integrate the Cartesian subject while adapting it to lived experience, and bewitching the French — or rather, French women. To my mind, this model was not in keeping with Teresa’s project either. Descartes’
Paradoxically, the desacralization of mystical experience begins with this second would-be mystical current or “model,” with its inflexion of
Among the rational sensualists, my dear Denis Diderot, the
For the subject of the Cartesian
May I put more clearly, in light of this, the objection I raised before with regard to Jeanne and Teresa? When, with touching quietist “abandonment” and in the dignified perfection of “pure love,” Jeanne Guyon seeks to identify with Teresa of Avila, a serious misunderstanding has occurred. “Not being able to find in [myself] anything that can be named.…”32 You well know, Maître, as a declared admirer of
With La Madre we find none of the apotheosis of “Nothingness” so central to Guyon’s approach, which betrays an obvious narcissistic regression to the infant’s impotence / omnipotence binomial. Teresa would never say, “I suffer as gaily as a child.” She would never offer an apology of the “abjection” that advocates “pollution” and presupposes the
Teresa, contrary to
So you see, dear Maître, why I am so interested in a nun who might have been like yours but did not merely resemble her, or rather, resembled her not at all. Neither Rheno-Flemish nor a Fénelonian, Teresa operated a change in the mystic soul whose enigmas we, would-be modern subjects trapped between secularism and fundamentalism, have barely begun to plumb.
When she raised the erotic body into the sphere of essential union with the Other-Being, she was not merely revaluing the flesh (which so tormented Marie-Suzanne Simonin) as the ultimate site of the experience of the divine. Rheno-Flemish mystics like Meister Eckhart had already done this, albeit intermittently. Fénelon and Guyon were to bring the desiring body back to the quiet of a child in its mother’s lap — mistaking narcissistic exaltation for serenity.
Likewise Teresa did more than just ennoble “lust” by defensively making the Spouse into its sole object, and dispensing her personal seductiveness to a number of His servants of both sexes along the way.
Even if she often got lost in the psychological labyrinth of those male and female attractions, Eros and Agape together, drives and idealizations combined, Teresa was not content, either, to rehabilitate an Aristotle of
She achieved more.
Body and soul, the Teresa-subject is torn apart and reassembled in and by the violent desire to both feel
Your daughter Angélique would not have scorned my saint, since she once said, as you reported to Sophie Volland, “On fait de l’âme quand on fait de la chair”: “you make soul by making flesh.”34 In
Teresa’s extraordinary innovation consists in this incorporation of the infinite, which, working backward, against the grain, returns the body to the infinite web of bonds. I could scarcely have gotten you to appreciate the magnitude of such a revolution, dear Maître, had Leibniz not perceived it first. The polyvalent soul-body ensemble, constructed and written with Teresa and thanks to her, is only possible so long as it refuses to be merely the
The “mystical marriage” and other inordinate formulations, such as “I am transformed into God,” among countless equally extravagant metaphors-metamorphoses, herald this modulation of the subject that
But, let’s be clear, this infinity at work in the infinity-point that I am never reaches fullness: that is how I avoid misidentifying the Nothingness that so beguiles you and brings you peace, or so you say. My All, which is Nothing, has nothing to do with the full Whole. Because if lack there is, it’s that very plenitude that is incomplete: the Whole is limited by being a non-infinity, a privatory concept, a “lack,” if you prefer. Whereas my tiny point — my nothing — contains infinity.
Such is, then, the Teresa-subject (or her soul, she would say), provided we consider that “subject” as an infinity forever developed across points; as a subject neither external nor internal to the Other-Being, but instead deictic/anaphoric:
Thus the Teresa-subject does not end up “absorbed” into the divine, like Jeanne Guyon, who compares herself to “a drop of water lost and dissipated in the sea.” You will find no trace in La Madre of that “pure love” that aspires to be “work without effort,” “passive night,” “the privation of all things,” “demise,” “disapproval”; instead Teresa rejoices while reflecting, and vice versa; the infinity-point she has become freights an indomitable energy, it’s a big bang in female form. Nor do feelings take precedence over language: spoken-and-written words together entertain the felt at the very instant of its emergence, to confer real existence upon it. Raptures are preceded and followed by words that are always redolent of biblical, evangelical, or biographical signifiers — precisely because those signifiers are not, or are no longer, rational signs referring to external realities, but rather “fictions” that touch the Other-Being and are themselves touched by that infinity, those metamorphoses of
There is no “communication of silences,” either. Only a constant preoccupation with narrating
Although the subject aspires toward the Other-Being, which insists and consists in it, the two cannot be equated: as a
You will have perceived, Mister Philosopher, that the Teresa I am attempting to share with you is the Teresa read and understood by Leibniz. We are moving away from your
I don’t take myself for an infinity-point, believe me; I just do the best I can here in the MPH, which is to say, not much. The good old home is in full-blown crisis these days, “as is its wont,” Marianne points out. Funds are low, nobody wants to be a psychiatrist anymore, there’s a shortage of nurses, and our crowded premises are overflowing with patients suffering from unspeakable pathologies, according to the insane reports and other assessments thrown at us by demented technocrats at the helm of a society that would rather not know madness exists.
“Listen, honey, the cloister is what you choose when you’re at your wits’ end to defend yourself from the primal scene! And from the revulsion it arouses in the hysterical subject, male or female, toward their own excitement — unless it’s toward their frigidity, the other side of the same coin. And what do they replace it with? A fantasy proximity to the ideal Love Object, Daddy and Mummy fused into one big Whole, with a capital W! That’s the lush paradise of pure spirituality for you, where lurks the phobia of sex fed by sexual hunger! Religious vocation is in love with the phallus, or if you like it overidealizes the paternal superego in whose name the cloistered guy or gal is prepared to undergo maximum frustration. And more, in case of affinity. I gather that even the masochistic orgy of penance takes less of a physical form, these days. It’s kept on the moral level! That’s allowed! Not to say highly promising, liable to take you beyond perversion into full-blown psychosis.”
Marianne has come to the end of her analysis and has enrolled for further study at the Parisian Psychoanalytic Society. Her views on vocations and cloistered confinements ring with beginner’s self-assurance. She plows on:
“Mind you, the cloistered
The new Marianne is unrecognizable: energetic, outspoken, confident, briskly efficient. Shall I get her to have lunch with Bruno? That would be a scream. She’s given up the cigs and scruffy jeans; today she’s modeling a shimmery silk ensemble. I don’t take her up. My smile can only be read as agreement.
“Still, I think you’re doing the right thing, getting stuck into your saint like that. So I changed my mind. Can I? You’re too kind. Because what I said about vocations, enclosures, and co doesn’t just apply to a handful of visionaries. That lot, who survive by stopping time, only succeed in aggravating the soul distress we find in milder form — let’s be thankful for small mercies — in our own everyday hysterics, do you see? Actually, I don’t understand why the PPS insists on saying hysteria is on the wane and that most cases count as borderline. First of all, it’s not true; second of all, they’re not mutually exclusive. Take what I just said about the disgusted hysteric, male or female, hiding from the primal scene, and apply it to a Marie or a Chloe, model wives and mothers who wipe their brats’ noses and get depressed at the office and dream of a higher love, or even better — it’s forbidden to forbid — a romance with Patrick Bruel or Brad Pitt or some TV anchor, yeah? When it comes to the eternal call of infinite love, the possibilities are infinite…QED! You’re so right to devote yourself as you do. I applaud you from the bottom of my heart.”
She blows me a kiss, sashays away, leaves me.
Marianne is triumphant, and I applaud with her. Just one damper on my side: Is there any hope of Marie or Chloe setting down their soul distress on paper and “elucidating it through narrative,” as my learned colleagues would say? Our patients, Marianne’s and mine, are probably too image-soaked to indulge in that kind of old-fangled pursuit. As for those who surrender to the sexual night of hackneyed autofiction, that’s part of the program: no comparison with my exigent Carmelite.
Fortunately, Paul, who really does love me, arrives to rescue us from certainties and hypotheses that lead nowhere, as I’m prepared to admit. He’s holding an open book, it’s my copy of Diderot, he’s reading as he walks in and doesn’t stop. He’s letting me know he wants to share in what I’m reading. He must have picked it up off my desk, my door is always open; he often borrows books of mine and as often returns them, with the utmost tact. After a sidelong, hostile glance at the departing Dr. Marianne Baruch, who was surely “bothering Sylvia,” as he unceremoniously calls me, he starts reading out loud from
I am overwhelmed by tiredness, I am surrounded by terror, and rest escapes me. I have just reread at leisure these memoires that I wrote in haste, and I have realized that, though it was utterly unintentional, I had in each line shown myself to be as unhappy as I really was, but also much nicer than I really am. Could it be that we believe men to be less sensitive to the depiction of our suffering than to the image of our charms, and do we hope that it is much easier to seduce them than it is to touch their hearts? I do not know them well enough and I have not studied myself enough to know the answer. But if the Marquis, who is credited with being a man of exquisite taste, were to persuade himself that I am appealing not to his charity but to his lust, what would he think of me? This thought worries me. In fact he would be quite wrong to attribute to me personally an impulse that is characteristic of all women. I am a woman, perhaps a little flirtatious for all I know. But it is natural and unaffected.36
Paul lifts his head and looks at me.
“Have you any idea what she means?”
I don’t respond, that’s my role.
“A natural, unaffected woman? What’s that?”
Silence from me again.
“‘A woman dominated by hysteria experiences something infernal or divine.’ What do you make of that, Sylvia? Shall I go on? ‘Saint Teresa has said of devils, How luckless they are! They do not love.’”37 Paul carries on reading out his latest discoveries in the Pléiade edition of Diderot.
Now I’m in a fix. I can’t tell him about the conviction I have lately reached, which is that devils are inseparable from love, and that love, that is, God, goes hand in hand with its best enemy, the demonic, and that it’s impossible to free oneself from demons without freeing oneself from God, and hence from love. This doesn’t mean we must, or even can, eradicate love, whether diabolical or divine; that would be to castrate ourselves of our inner being and turn us away from the exterior world; it would deprive us of discovering, acting, wandering, journeying through the self. No, it means that it is possible to move through love indefinitely, infinitely, to make of love one’s infinity-point. An eclipse, a bedazzlement. Teresa, again. A serenity. Very hard to put into words. I try saying something:
“There’s no better Catholic than the devil.”
My allusion to Baudelaire falls flat, as expected.38 But that’s also a part of my role: to plant a seed for later, or never.
Paul’s not up to it yet. All of a sudden he’s not interested in me anymore. He carefully places the book on my desk and saunters off with an air of insouciance, crooning: “Depoooosuit…” He’s got perfect pitch, that boy! Suffering from psychomotor disharmony (another definition from his compensated autistic file), he needs love to screen his anxieties. He’s got to think of himself as a lady-killer, he has to charm the girls, as many girls as possible, in hopes of finding the very best, though even if he found her he’d keep on looking. He dreams about the idea, he plays on it, a lot; he very seldom tries it out. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he took off from the MPH in pursuit of love and Love in an Indian ashram, a Jerusalem synagogue, a Roman church, a Venetian back street, a Chinese pagoda, why not? I wouldn’t be the one to stop him.
I wouldn’t stop anybody who felt that kind of need. Which includes each and every one of us when we feel excluded, forsaken, penniless, disabled, forgotten, erased, when we send the past to hell, or make a clean sweep of it, when we are sick of the nothingness of Nothingness…
Even me, I still dream of love, at my age! Not very often, of course, and only for a laugh.
And not today.
Today, writing to you, Mister Philosopher, after saying goodbye to Teresa, my love, I am faithless and lawless. Utterly available. Ready to listen to Paul with his perfect pitch, to Élise with her lavender flowers, and to all the rest. Ready to disappear into their sorrows and joys. A therapy, that’s what love is. Freud stretched it out on the couch, not without reading you first, and I’m continuing the experiment. God is Love, and we listen to Him. A different kind of humanity began to take shape with and after you, Mister Philosopher, as it did with and after my Teresa. Checkmate to God, to Love? For sure, but not right now. Otherwise, hello Apocalypse, Ground Zero, reproductive cloning, synthetic wombs, the works! Please, not that. I too stretch Love out and operate on it, and I do so inside myself as well, of course. Delicately, laughingly, yes, and starting over, playing it out in that eternal and infinite recurrence. I try. “And will we checkmate this divine King?” “¿Daremos mate a ese rey divino?” We’d be wrong to think “it was enough to know the pieces.” But this King (Love, in other words) “doesn’t give Himself but to those who give themselves entirely to Him.” “Pensó bastaba conocer las piezas para dar mate, y es imposible, que no se da este Rey sino a quien se le da del todo.”39
We are not done rereading Teresa, are we, Mister Philosopher? If I have moved you to meditate afresh upon those dwelling places I recently revisited, I will have accomplished what I set out to do.
1. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680),
2. Mary of Magdala has already foreshadowed the loss, absence, and reinvention of the body of love in the mystical experience: “I know not where they have laid him.” She says to Jesus, mistaking him for a gardener, “If thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus says to her, “Mary”; she answers, “Rabboni,” meaning “master” (John 20:13–16).
4. VI
5. IV
6. Jacques Lacan,
7. Stendhal,
9. Colette,
10. Francisco de Osuna: ca. 1492–ca. 1540.
11. Sigmund Freud,
13. Michel de Certeau,
16. Bernardino de Laredo: 1492–1540.
18. Pedro de Alcántara: 1499–1562.
19. John of the Cross,
20. Council of Trent, 1545–1563.
21. IV
22. IV
25. Socrates: 460–399 B.C.E.
26. Plato: ca. 428–ca. 347 B.C.E.
27. Michel de Montaigne,
28. René Descartes,
29. Arthur Rimbaud: 1854–1891.
30. Baruch Spinoza: 1633–1677.
31. G. W. Leibniz,
32. Letter from Leibniz to André Morell (1696), translated from French by Lloyd Strickland (2007), www.leibniz-translations.com/morell1696.htm. [It quotes as its source the following: G. W. Leibniz,
33. Cf. J. K. Huysmans,
34. John of the Cross: 1542–1591.
1. Julia Kristeva, “Le bonheur des Béguines,” in
2. See Gershom Scholem,
3. See Émile Boutroux, “Le mysticisme,”
4. Jacques Lacan,
5. Denys the Areopagite (or Pseudo-Dionysius),
6. Plotinus: 204/5–270.
7. Aristotle: 384–322 B.C.E.
8. Exod. 3:1–6.
9. Ezek. 10:1–22.
11. Judah Halevi: 1075–1141.
12. Moses Maimonides: 1135–1204.
13. Saadia ben Joseph of Fayum: 882–942. Author of
14. Solomon Ibn Gabirol: 1020–1058.
15. Plato: 428–348 B.C.E.
16. Philo of Alexandria: ca. 10–45 B.C.E.
17. Bahya Ibn Paquda: tenth or eleventh century.
18. Abraham Abulafia: 1240–1291.
19. Moisés de León: second half of the thirteenth century.
20. Cf. André Néher, “La philosophie juive médiévale,” in
22. Cf. Julia Kristeva,
23. Louis Massignon,
24. Ibn al-Arabi: d. 1240 in Damascus.
25. Ibn al-Farid: d. 1235.
26. Jalal al-Din Rumi: d. 1273.
27. Al-Ghazali: 1058–1111.
28. Al-Hallaj: 857–922.
29. Cf. Noël J. Coulson,
30. Al-Kindi: 800–873.
31. Albert the Great: 1200–1280.
32. Origen: 185–253.
33. Gregory of Nyssa: 335–394.
34. De Certeau,
35. Thomas Aquinas: 1225–1274.
36. Jan van Ruysbroek: 1293–1381.
37. Hadewijch of Antwerp: ca. 1200–1260.
38. Ps. 42:7: “Deep calleth unto deep.”
40. Angelus Silesius: 1624–1677.
41. Henry Suso: ca. 1296–1365.
42. Johannes Tauler: ca. 1300–1361.
43. Nicholas Krebs of Cusa: 1401–1464.
44. Jakob Böhme: 1575–1624.
45. G. W. F. Hegel: 1770–1831.
46. Angelus Silesius,
47. Hildegarde of Bingen: 1098–1179.
48. Angela of Foligno: 1248–1309.
49. Catherine of Siena: 1347–1380.
50. Francis of Assisi: 1182–1226.
51. Martin Luther: 1483–1546.
52. Henri de Lubac,
53. Cf. de Certeau,
54. Lateran Council III: 1179.
55. Lateran Council IV: 1215.
56. Council of Trent: 1545–1563.
57. Antonio Vivaldi: 1678–1741.
58. Jacopo Robusti, Il Tintoretto: 1519–1594.
59. Martin Heidegger, “What Is Metaphysics?”
60. Immanuel Kant,
1. Koran, Sura LVII.
2. Alfred Rosenberg:1893–1946. See
3. Marcel Duchamp: 1887–1968.
4. David Bakan,
5. Letter to R. Rolland, July 20, 1929, in Ernst L. Freud, ed.,
6. Wilhelm Fliess: 1858–1928.
7. Letter to W. Fliess, in Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, trans. and ed.,
8. Sigmund Freud,
9. Letter from Romain Rolland to Freud, December 5, 1927, in Francis Doré and Marie-Laurie Prévost, eds.,
10. “Black mud”: Quoted in Carl Jung,
11. Sigmund Freud,
12. Sigmund Freud,
13. William McGuire, ed.
14. Letter to Anon., in
15. Cf. Paul-Laurent Assoun, “Résurgences et dérives de la mystique,” in
16. Freud,
1. See Marcelle Auclair,
2. Meister Eckhart,
3. “Yearning” or “craving” are attempts to render the Freudian term
5. Jean Baruzi,
6. Teresa of Avila,
8. VI
9. Letter 177, to don Lorenzo de Cepeda, January 17, 1577,
3. Ibid., 17:2,
5. Theopathy: from “
6. Chrétien de Troyes: poet and troubadour, late twelfth century.
9. V
10. Donald W. Winnicott, “Mind and Its Relation to the Psyche-Soma” (1949), in
14. Cf. Friedrich Nietzsche,
17. “
20. “¡Ay, qué vida tan amarga / Do no se goza el Señor!” These two lines at the start of verse 5 in this poem reminds us of Plotinus’s “Leave everything!” (
1. The Spanish title
2. The first draft of
3. Chapters 1–20 of the
5. VI
11. Dominique de Courcelles,
12. Estéban García-Albea,
13. Edmund Husserl,
16. Charles Baudelaire,
17. J.-L. Chrétien,
25. IV
27. Dante,
28. Pierre Ronsard, “To His Mistress,” trans. A. S. Kline, 2004; http://poetryintranslation.com (accessed May 14, 2011).
29. William Shakespeare,
30. Charles Baudelaire, “To Her Who Is Too Gay,” in
31. Rainer Maria Rilke, “Epitaph,” trans. Erik Bendix, http://movingmoment.com/poetry/Rilke'sEpitaph.htm (May 14, 2011).
32. Philippe Sollers,
1. Aristotle,
2. In Jewish mysticism, the contemplation of God’s Throne-Chariot (
3. See Maimonides,
4. Cf. St. Augustine,
5. I
7. Bernardino de Laredo: 1482–1540.
8. Luis de la Palma: 1560–1641.
9. Ignatius Loyola,
10. Jerónimo Nadal: 1507–1581. See his “Oraison pour ceux de la compagnie Mon. N. 4,” quoted in Victoriano Larrañaga,
11. I
12. I
13. IV
14. IV
15. IV
16. IV
17. VII
18. VI
19. Cf. Francisco de Osuna,
20. IV
21. VI
22. VI
23. VII
24. VI
25. I
27. V
29. VI
30. VII
31. The practice of “fiction” in Teresa can be approached in the light of Jean Ladrière’s interpretations of “the language of the spirituals,” or mystics, marked by the linguistic theories of D. D. Evans and J. L. Austin (Jean Ladrière, “Le langage des spirituels” [1975], in
32. VI
33. VII
34. Yirmiyahu Yovel,
1. Teresa is reported to have said to Juan de la Miseria: “Dios te perdone, fray Juan, que ya que me pintaste, me has pintado fea y legañosa.” Esteban García-Albea, “La epilepsia extática de Teresa de Jesús,”
3. Marcelle Auclair,
4. Joseph Pérez,
10. See Bartolomé Bennassar,
11. Jorge Manrique: 1440–1479. See “
13. St. Jerome, Letter 22, “To Eustochium,” in
14. Francisco Goya: 1746–1828. Found in
3. Francisco de Osuna,
4. Ibid., 356–59.
10. Jean-Martin Charcot, “The Faith-Cure,”
12. Josef Breuer (Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud,
13. García-Albea,
14. Pierre Vercelletto,
20. Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Villegas: 1580–1645.
25. Ibid.
28. Ibid.
4. VI
5. VI
6. See Caroline W. Bynum,
8. VII
14. Ibid.
1. Élisabeth Reynaud,
2. Miguel de Unamuno: 1864–1936.
3. Piero della Francesca: 1415/1420–1492.
4. “Low Food” is a translation of Madeleine Ferrières’s title:
5. Francisco de Borja: 1510–1572.
7. Ibid.
12. “
4. Matthias Grünewald: 1475–1528.
7. St. Augustine,
11. Plato,
16. Ibid.
7. VI
8. VI
9. VI
10. VI
11. VI
13. VI
14. VI
15. VI
16. VI
18. Ibid.
19. VII
20. IV
21. Mercedes Allendesalazar,
9. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo: 1696–1770.
15. Ibid.
1. Marguerite Duras,
2. Marguerite Duras,
3. Marguerite Duras,
4. Marcel Proust, “The Prisoner,” in
5. Marcel Proust,
6. Maurice Barrès: 1862–1923.
7. See Julia Kristeva,
9. Colette,
10. Colette,
11. Colette,
12. Colette,
13. Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
14. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, letter to A. N. Maikov, Florence, May 15/27, 1869, in Joseph Frank and David I. Goldstein, eds.,
15. Gérard Labrunie (Gérard de Nerval), “El desdichado,” trans. Richmond Lattimore, in
2. Colette,
1. Cf. Joseph Pérez,
2. Miguel de Cervantes,
3. Juan de Ávila: 1499–1569.
4. Luis de Granada: 1504–1588.
5. Fernando de Valdés: 1483–1568.
6. Melchor Cano: 1509–1560.
7. Martin Luther: 1483–1546.
8. Juan de Valdés: 1498 (?).
9. Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros: 1436–1517.
10. Benito Arias Montano: 1527–1598.
11. Christophe Plantin: 1520–1589.
25. Rosa Rossi,
26. V
27. VI
28. I
29. VII
3. VII
10. Phil. 1:23–24.
17. On St. Teresa’s relationship with the Jesuits, see Victoriano Larrañaga,
21. Ibid.
22. VI
24. Ibid.
25. VI
2. V
7. On Paul Claudel’s attitude to St. Teresa, see Paul Claudel,
1. The
5. I
20. Ibid.
1. Quoted by Marcelle Auclair,
11. Miguel de Cervantes,
24. Ibid.
25. The verb
27. V
4. Ignatius Loyola: 1491–1556.
5. Michel de Montaigne: 1533–1592.
25. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
40. VI
46. Monteverdi: 1567–1643.
47. Petrarch: 1304–1374.
48. Giulio Strozzi: 1583–ca. 1660.
1. Miguel de Cervantes,
3. Letter from Juan de Ávila, April 2, 1568; see Rosa Rossi,
18. Ibid.
20. V
21. Ibid., 3:11.
22. VI
23. VI
24. VI
25. VI
26. Ibid.
27. VI
28. VI
29. VI
30. VI
31. Ibid.; see also the reference to “
35. Dante,
50. See Rossi,
54. Cf. Joseph Pérez,
1. Miguel de Cervantes,
2. Dominique Barbier,
1. Sigmund Freud, “A Child Is Being Beaten” (1919),
2. Sigmund Freud,
3. “
4. John 14:7–12.
5. Cf. Friedrich Nietzsche,
8. Cf. Gilles Deleuze, “Coldness and Cruelty,” in
9. Cf. Julia Kristeva, “The Two-Faced Oedipus,” in
10. Charles Baudelaire, “Recueillements,” in
11. John of the Cross, “Spiritual Canticle” and “More Stanzas Applied to Spiritual Things on Christ and the Soul,” in
12. Pierre Klossowski,
13. Mark 15:34.
14. Paul of Tarsus: “Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8); “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor. 15:3).
15. Deleuze, “Coldness and Cruelty,” 116.
16. G. W. F. Hegel,
17. Nietzsche,
18. Cf. “Le hiatus comme ultime Parole de Dieu,” in André-Marie Ponnou-Delaffon,
19. Meister Eckhart,
20. Benedict de Spinoza,
21. Philippe Sollers,
1. Louise Bourgeois, “Entretien entre Louise Bourgeois, Suzanne Pagé, Béatrice Parent,” in Louise Bourgeois,
2. Christopher Marlowe,
3. Julia Kristeva,
4. Julia Kristeva,
5. John of the Cross,
7. William Blake,
8. Robert Storr, Paulo Herkenhoff, and Allan Schwartzman,
9. Cf. Marcel Proust, “Time Regained,” in
4. Ibid.
7. For the testimonies gathered as evidence for the beatification and canonization of St. Teresa, see Gillian Alghren,
10. For the cucumber anecdote, see Marcelle Auclair,
12. Ibid., 234.
1. See Julia Kristeva, “The Semiotic and the Symbolic,” in
3. Sigmund Freud,
4. VI
5. VI
6. VI
8. Melanie Klein,
11. VI
12. VI
13. VI
14. VI
24. VI
25. VI
27. Denis Diderot,
31. VII
32. VII
33. I
1. V
2. I
4. IV
6. VII
13. Cf. Rosa Rossi,
36. Ibid.
38. Ibid.,
39. Dante, rhyme 67: “Però nol fan che non san quel che sono; camera di perdon sano uom non serra, ché’l perdonare e bel vincer di guerra.” The envoi of his canzone of exile, beginning “Tre donne intorno al cor mi son venute” (1304). Trans. Barbara Reynolds, in Reynolds,
41. Samuel Beckett,
42. I
53. Exod. 5:1; 6:8. See also Exod. 9:1: “Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, so they may serve me.”
54. Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily (1772–1807) was the last Holy Roman Empress and first empress of Austria, wife of Francis I of Habsburg-Lorraine, first emperor of Austria. Granddaughter of Habsburg ruler Maria Theresa of Austria, who was the mother of the Holy Roman Emperor, Joseph II.
55. VI
56. John of the Cross, “The Dark Night,” in
3. Ibid.
8. IV
15. Ibid.,
16. Ibid.,
26. Jérôme Gratien, Glanes,
31. Exod. 4:30.
32. John 1:23.
36. See Mino Bergamo,
37. Martin Heidegger,
38. Heidegger,
42. VII
44. Ps. 119:32: “Dilatasti…”
45. IV
47. Heidegger,
48. VI
54. VI
56. Ibid.
57. VI
58. VI
59. I
1. John of the Cross, “Commentary Applied to Spiritual Things,” in
3. John of the Cross,
4. Ibid., 106.
5. Ibid.
7. John of the Cross, “More Stanzas Applied to Spiritual Things on Christ and the Soul,” in
8. John of the Cross, Letter 33, October — November 1591, in
9. John of the Cross, “The Living Flame of Love,” in
10. VII
11. Francis Poulenc,
12. Sacra congregatio pro causis sanctorum,
13. Isa. 53:5.
14. Edith Stein,
15. Stein,
16. VII
17. Allusion to Edith Stein’s works,
18. VII
19. VII
20. John of the Cross, “Song of the Soul that Rejoices in Knowing God Through Faith,” stanza 8, in
21. John of the Cross, “More Stanzas Applied to Spiritual Things on Christ and the Soul,” in
23. John of the Cross, “First Romance: On the Gospel. Regarding the Most Blessed Trinity,” in
25. John of the Cross, “Romance 2,” in
29. VII
30. John of the Cross, “Spiritual Canticle,” in
32. Ibid.
34. Thomas Aquinas, “Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur,”
35. John of the Cross,
37. Colette,
38. John of the Cross, “The Dark Night,” in
39. Marcelle Auclair,
40. John of the Cross, “A Gloss,” in
41. John of the Cross,
42. “Naked faith”: John of the Cross, ibid., book 1, chapter 2: “Luego entra el alma en la segunda Noche, quedándose sola en desnuda fe.” The English version drops the adjective: “The soul at once enters into the second night, and abides alone in faith.” (John of the Cross,
43. Edith Stein,
45. Song of Solomon 1:4.
47. Ibid.: “And if through my intercession I could play a part in getting a soul to love and praise God more, even if it be just for a short time, I think that would matter to me more than being in glory.”
48. Song of Sol. 1:3; 1:2.
50. John of the Cross,
51. Michel de Montaigne,
52. James Joyce,
55. VI
56. John of the Cross,
57. VII
60. Marcel Proust,
61. Marcel Proust, “Time Regained,” in
62. Ignatius Loyola,
63. John of the Cross,
64. Ignatius Loyola,
65. VI
66. John of the Cross, “Without a Place and With a Place,” in
67. John of the Cross,
68. Jacques Bénigne Bossuet (1627–1704), prelate, author, and preacher, Bishop of Meaux.
69. Extracts from Bossuet’s “Sermon on Death,” trans. Christopher O. Blum, available online: thomasmorecollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Bossuet-Sermon-on-Death.pdf, accessed February 2014; from Bossuet’s
70. See also Julia Kristeva, “A pure silence: The perfection of Jeanne Guyon,” in
71. G. W. Leibniz: 1646–1716.
72. Baruch Spinoza.
73. VII
74. Montaigne,
75. I
76. VII
77. I
78. IV
79. Dante,
80. VII
81. VII
82. VII
83. G. W. Leibniz, letter to Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle, 1704 (my translation — LSF): “To me, infinities are not totalities…”;
84. Julia Kristeva, “L’engendrement de la formule,” in
85. Leibniz, letter to Morell, December 10, 1696. Cf. M. Leroy,
86. Alain Badiou, “La subversion infinitésimale,” in
87. Benedict de Spinoza,
88. Philippe Sollers, “Le temps de Dante,” in
90. IV
93. VI
94. VII
95. VII
96. IV
97. IV
98. IV
99. Dante,
100. IV
1. Cf. Thomas Aquinas,
4. Ibid.
5. VII
6. VI
7. II
8. VI
9. Angelus Silesius,
11. Ibid.
12. II
13. Sigmund Freud,
14. G. W. Leibniz,
15. On the “double alliance,” see Antoine Guggenheim,
16. Sigmund Freud,
17. The “baroque poet,” Annibal de Lortigue (1570–1640): “
18. VI
19. Dante,
1. Stéphane Mallarmé, “The Same,” in
2. Denis Diderot, “On Women,” trans. Edgar Feuchtwanger, www.keele.ac.uk. Accessed August 2012.
3. Denis Diderot,
4. Ibid., 81.
5. Ibid., 92–93.
6. Ibid., 74–75.
7. Augustine,
8. For M. d’Alainville’s visit, see Diderot,
9. Diderot,
10. For the last words attributed to Diderot (“The first step towards philosophy is incredulity”), see Jim Herrick,
11. Diderot to Sophie Volland, August 8, 1762 (my translation — LSF). This is not among the letters featured in Diderot’s
12. Friedrich Nietzsche,
13. Marcel Proust, “Time Regained,” in
14. Philippe Sollers, “Ma France,”
15. Mariana Alcoforado,
16. Meister Eckhart: 1260–1327. See “German Sermon 6,” in
17. Tauler: 1300–1361.
18. Mino Bergamo, “La topologie mystique,” in
19. Francis de Sales: 1567–1622.
20. Fénelon (François Salignac de la Mothe): 1651–1715.
21. Jeanne Guyon: 1648–1717.
22. Diderot, “On Women.”
23. Denis Diderot,
24. Diderot,
25. Thomas Hobbes,
26. Diderot,
27. Diderot, “Entretien d’un père avec ses enfants, ou du danger de se mettre au-dessus des lois,” in
28. Bergamo,
29. Fénelon, archbishop of Cambrai, was nicknamed the Swan of Cambrai in allusion to his disagreements with Bossuet, known as the Eagle of Meaux.
30. Bergamo,
31. J. B. Bossuet,
32. Jeanne Guyon,
33. See chap. 22, note 25 on
34. Letter to Sophie Volland, August 10, 1769.
35. Diderot,
36. Diderot,
37. Diderot,
38. Rosemary Lloyd, trans. and ed.,
The works of St. Teresa of Avila are quoted from the following translation issued by the Institute of Carmelite Studies:
Within quoted matter, emphases are of the author of the present work. [Occasionally, when the ICS translation does not follow the Spanish as faithfully as is needed for the purposes of the present work, I have put an alternative version in square brackets, followed by the Spanish. — Trans.]
The original in Spanish was consulted online at: