

A horror thriller in the tradition of Ken Follett and H.P. Lovecraft.

The submarine U-5001 was a Nazi secret weapon that could have changed the course of World War II. Kapitaenleutnant Erich Heinz Bruckner commanded the U-boat on its only mission — a voyage that transported him and his crew to a place of wonder… and horror.

Dexter McCauley is a present-day ex-Navy diver who finds the only evidence of the U-5001's existence, which drives him to discover its original, terrifying mission.

Submerged follows both men in a narrative that spans generations, echoing the tales of Lovecraft at their most strange. As the paths of these men's lives converge, a third element surfaces to influence their decisions — decisions that will shape the future of civilization in ways never imagined.

Part One

Chapter One

Kapitaenleutnant Erich Heinz Bruckner U-5001, Somewhere at sea Late April, 1945

His boat was going to die.

And all his men? Yes, they were going to die as well.

He sat in his quarters trying to argue with his terrible conclusions. The death of his crew as well as his boat. The two interconnected facts had been threading through Captain Bruckner’s thoughts for weeks. He railed against such fatalism because it challenged his natural tendency to be an optimist.

His colleagues had always branded him an arrogant, prideful bastard, but they respected him because of his record of successes. Victory came more easily to those who believe they cannot be beaten, and Erich Heinz Bruckner had always been a huge believer in himself and his abilities.

But this war and its maniac-leaders had proved to be larger than anything Captain Bruckner had ever encountered in his twenty-five years — so young to be a U-boat captain, but Admiral Doenitz was quite simply running out of men, especially qualified officers. Sworn to defend the Fatherland, Erich had not wavered when the European campaign called him. He’d been raised in a military family — father and older brother had both been German Navy men. His father had distinguished himself at Jutland; and his brother, Gunther, had gone down with his crew in the U-201 east of Newfoundland almost two years ago to the day.

The Bruckners had always been “regular” Navy officers, which meant their first allegiance had been to their Armed Service rather than to any political party or faction. Military families in Germany had been part of a kind of centuries-old aristocracy, but the National Socialists had changed the nature of that tradition. With the creation of the schutzstaffel, the SS, the face of the German military had been twisted into something more grotesque, less honorable.

But the U-boat Service had managed to escape the direct corruption of any purely political constructs. Erich believed this with all his being. He had to believe it. The young sailors who had served in the submarine war had been the bravest and the most unselfish of any German warriors caught in the web of madness they called the Second World War.

If Erich had not been privy to personal dispatches from the office of Admiral Doenitz himself, he would not believe the hideous statistics which described the obituary of the Submarine Service. At this late hour of the war, more than 700 U-boats had been sunk; of almost 39,000 seamen in the Service, more than 32,000 had been killed. Captains were getting younger and younger — like himself — absurdly so. He purposely didn’t cipher the exact percentage of the dead; it would be such a gut-wrenchingly high number.

Better not to think about it…

But he could not ignore the almost certain odds of not returning from a voyage. The allies had become so proficient at detecting the movements of the U-boats, it was absolutely impossible to not undergo depth charge or air attacks while at sea. Erich and some of his more astute colleagues were convinced the Brits or the Yanks had somehow decrypted the Enigma messages which relayed all critical data on the positions and missions of the remaining underwater flotillas. And although to say this publicly, or in any official communiqué, would be tantamount to heresy, or signing a decree to have one’s own throat cut, Captain Bruckner firmly believed it had happened.

Somehow, the allies had done it. They knew far too much.

That is why Erich had insisted on radio silence and no Enigma messaging during this initial cruise of the U-5001. If Germany’s newest, and possibly last, best, secret weapon would survive the odds, and fulfill its outlandish mission, Erich would do nothing foolish to jeopardize a chance for success.

He had fallen in love with this boat from the first moment he’d seen her on the drawing boards in Koenigsberg. The submarine was a prototype vessel which incorporated the latest technologies and the most visionary functions imaginable. Almost twice the length and tonnage of the workhorse Type VII–C, the U-5001 carried the designation of Type XXX-A. Although it bristled with 8 tubes fore and aft, and carried a standard compliment of 40 torpedoes, its armament was secondary to its real mission — as an underwater aircraft carrier.

The boat looked more like a humpbacked whale than the standard barracuda-silhouette. The reason — a bulbous, second-deck air-tight hangar, located aft of the conning tower and housing an ingeniously compact plane. Built by Messerschmitt, with an official designation of ME-5X, the two-man, pontoon bomber was known under its code name as the Little New Yorker because of its size and intended target.

Erich had heard of the original “New Yorker” bomber, which — in the spring of 1945—still remained in the design-stage. Where it would most likely die. He knew the possibility of the Reich actually launching a squadron of super-bombers capable of making round-trip, transatlantic bombing sorties to America’s East Coast cities was remote indeed. The concept of an undersea armada of boats like the U-5001 was a far more likely scenario for striking deathblows to the cities of the United States.

And this was to be the first.

Inside the U-5001’s hangar-deck, in the bomb bay of the experimental plane, lay a new kind of weapon. He had been told the exact nature of the bomber’s payload and mission, but had been ordered not to share this with his crew — none of them. When the U-5001 secretly launched, rumors throughout High Command circulated wildly. Having been treated to some of the Fuhrer’s more ludicrous pipe-dreams in the past, Erich wondered if he might be the victim of another madman’s scheme.

As far as his crew of 52 was concerned, Erich’s present mission was to ascertain the capabilities and performance limits of the boat. With the help of an outer hull sheathing of black rubber designed to make her less visible to Asdic and other types of sonar scans, Erich should be able to slip out of the waters north of the North Sea, angling past the Shetland and Faero Islands. If his luck and skill held, he could drop below Iceland and the convoy lanes to enter the nominally safer waters of the open Atlantic.

Then on to the Eastern seaboard of the United States.

But the recent history of such great numbers of U-boat sinkings — many before they could escape their homewaters west of Hamburg — had stirred a dark current of pessimism in him. Despite the technological wonders of his new boat, the allies could still stumble upon him and his crew, raining down enough hell to send them to the bottom. The sense of dread, an almost palpable expectation of failure, like the stink of sweat, simply would not leave him.

And so, Erich Bruckner had been reduced to thinking of his life and that of his crew in terms of “ifs.”

If they escaped detection; if they withstood any attacks; if they reached the open seas… If the boat had no fatal flaws… if the equipment was as good as the Admirals claimed, then they would perform a series of test-dives, and execute a complex program of maneuvers and battle tactics with the intention of pushing the new boat to her design limits. With a submerged speed of 25 knots, she was fast, but her increased size might present problems of evasiveness and reaction to aggression. One of the points of this maiden voyage would be to challenge the boat’s handling limits. Under less stressful conditions, Erich would have looked forward to the challenge of proving the U-5001 seaworthy with his usual élan.


The biggest word in the mission. If all the above was successful, he was to bring the boat to a rendezvous point with the cruiser, the Sturm, where they would take on a pilot and bombardier. But that was Phase Two of the mission. And he could not concern himself with—

There was a knock at the door to his quarters, jarring him from his thoughts.

“Yes? Come in.”

The door opened slowly to reveal a young man with sandy-red hair, blue eyes and a lantern jaw. He was tall and broad-shouldered, almost completely filling the threshold. His rank and name were Oberleutnant Manfred Fassbaden, and he served as Erich’s Executive Officer.

“Excuse me, Captain, but you wanted to know when we cleared the pens.”

“Yes, thank you, Manny. Let’s go topside.”

Fassbaden nodded and turned to lead the way down a narrow corridor, made to look even more confining because of his imposing size. The interior of a submarine is by nature claustrophobic and it is no accident that most U-boat seaman are not big men. Fassbaden was an obvious exception.

As they walked toward the center of the boat, Erich noted how fresh and clean everything still smelled. From the new paint to the lubricating oils to the recently-showered crew. He smiled to himself. All that would soon change with the endless confinement and the only new air coming through the “snort.” It was hard to describe what it was like to spend months at a time in a world defined by a narrow tube where everything was eternally damp and dim. The longer U-boatmen were at sea, the more pervasive their use of cheap cologne to mask all the foul odors.

As they worked their way to the control room, Erich took note of how every available space had been used for supplies and foodstores. Despite the U-5001’s larger size, it was actually no more comfortable than its smaller sisters because there was never enough extra storage room. It was a long-accepted part of a U-boat’s routine, and even the greenest recruits never questioned or complained about it. Besides, as stocks were consumed, more space would be freed up.

His crew snapped to attention as he entered the heart of the boat, and Erich wanted it that way. Even though everyone would be seeing so much of one another, he never saw that as a reason to lighten formal military protocols. Some captains believed that in a submarine, everyone became everyone’s brother in a short amount of time, and snappy salutes were out of place.

Erich believed in respect for the traditions of his service.

After shrugging into a parka, he climbed the ladder to the open nest atop the conning tower and Fassbaden followed. When Erich emerged in the open air, he was immediately stricken by the clarity of the night. The air was crisp and cold, the stars piercing the dome of dark sky like the points of lances. The Warrant Officer, Gunther Ostermann, was positioned at the van of the tower, piloting the boat by speaking into a non-electric intercom tube linked to the control room. He saluted, nodded to his Captain and returned to his duty. There was another sailor standing next to him with binoculars masking his face. Pausing to salute his captain, he returned to the watch — ever vigilant for a smokestack on the horizon or a hunter-killer from the skies.

Looking back, Erich could see the dim lights of marker buoys of Trondheim’s harbor and its concrete-hooded sub-pens within. The departure of the U-5001 had been effected at night with none of the old fanfare and ceremony. It had been decided by the High Command the less notice paid to this mission, the better, so the hulking underwater beast of a boat slinked out of its yard like an unwanted pest.

“Beautiful night,” said Fassbaden.

“Yes,” said Erich. “I think we should take a mental picture, store it away for the times ahead, when we might not see the sky for days at a time.”

Neither man spoke for a minute or two, then his Exec exhaled, letting it become a nervous clearing of the throat. “Captain, I know my question may sound unprofessional, but I was wondering — how do you see our chances of success?”

Erich looked at Fassbaden. They’d been friends since their earliest days at the Academy in Flensburg, through their first assignments in Kiel at the Wik Navy Yards. Over the past three years, though, they’d served on different boats, and beaten the odds by surviving the deaths of all of them. When Erich was given the helm of the U-5001, and told to hand-pick his officers, Manfred Fassbaden was the first name he penciled onto his list. Manfred had been on the U-387 when it returned from a mission in the Baltic Sea in late November.

Because of his selection to Captain Bruckner’s crew, Fassbaden did not go out with U-387 when she had her fatal rendezvous with the destroyer, H.M.S. Bamborough Castle. Manfred had tried to make it sound like Erich had saved his life, but Bruckner would not hear of it. Wars were rampant with stories such as theirs — so many as to become meaningless.

Fassbaden was staring at him blankly, and Erich suddenly realized he had not responded to his question. Lost in thought, he’d simply gone away for a moment too long.

“Sorry, Manny,” he said. “I was thinking about something… but to answer you — which part of the mission do you mean? The shakedown phase? Or the one this boat’s been designed for?”

“You mean ‘Phase Two’?”

“Yes,” said Erich.

“Well, since I know nothing of the second phase, I guess I meant the first part. But I will say both.”

Erich shrugged. “Oh, I do not know. If we are smart and a little lucky, I like our odds. We are being told to keep our noses very clean, do not forget. We are to initiate no action with the enemy — even if he hands us a convoy or a flagship on a golden dish.”

“Getting sunk would be bad enough, but to allow the prototype to be captured would be unthinkable,” said Fassbaden.

“And impossible.”

“We scuttle,” said Fassbaden.

“Of course.”

“Comforting thought.”

“The crew knows nothing of that, of course,” said Erich.

“Of course.”

There was brief silence as both of them looked up at the fantastic vault of the night sky. Then Erich spoke: “You know, I cannot help thinking how futile this is…”

Fassbaden sent a careful glance at the other men topside with them, as if ensuring they were not eavesdropping on his conversation. Then he spoke in a guarded voice. “Yes, I have had similar thoughts. But I keep them to myself.”

Erich chuckled as he glanced toward the watch and the pilot. “Do not worry too much about them. If I thought there was any chance of either of them turning on us, they would have never been selected for this cruise.”

Fassbaden nodded as he was reminded of that simple truth.

Erich knew the Exec understood — such treachery was unheard of among the men of a U-boat. Every man depended on every other man to stay alive. Nothing could get in the way of that — not military protocol, not the mandates of the SS, certainly not the twisted philosophies of a strutting martinet.

“Open sea dead ahead, Captain,” said the Warrant Officer.

“Steady as she goes. Maintain current course,” said Erich. “Keep a careful eye, now. We are a big target.”

Jawol, Captain,” said the seaman of the watch.

Erich tuned back to his Exec: “We stay on the surface as long as possible. When we go down, it may be for a long time.”

Manfred shook his head, wracked his shoulders with a chill. “I do not like the sound of that,” he said.

Chapter Two

Dexter McCauley Chesapeake Bay, May 8, The Present

“Hey Dex, you down there?” The headset of his Divelink crackled with Don Jordan’s voice.

“Well, I’m sure as hell not still up there with you…” said Dex McCauley as he inched his way down the safeline.

“Hey, c’mon, man, I’m just checking the radio,” said Don.

Dex smiled behind his full-face mask. He liked Don, the Captain and owner of the Sea Dog, which had been the base vessel of the dive club since they started their wreck-diving adventures several years ago. They called themselves “The Deep Six” because that’s how many of them were in the group — and nobody cared if it was a cliché or not (and it certainly was that). They’d been through a lot, and they were a tight bunch of guys. Six of ’em.

Although not an official member of the “Six,” Don was a real nice guy who wouldn’t be caught dead diving himself. He believed he should have fun on the water, never under it. He’d been running a charter boat business out of Annapolis for almost ten years, and still loved it.

“You hear me?” said Don.

“Affirmative… I just can’t help being my terribly sarcastic self.” Dex said into his mask-mic.

“What’s it like down there?”

“Not too cold. We’ll see what it’s like at 60 feet or so…” Dex was currently hanging around 30 feet as he waved his torchlight upward toward the surface, looking for his dive-mate. “Mike, you in yet?”

“Just hit the water, Chief. I’m working my way down the line,” said Mike Bielski, his voice edged by the clipped accent of a true New Jersey native.

“You see my light yet?” Dex undulated the torch slowly.

“Just barely,” said Mike. “But it’s getting brighter all the time.”

Dex floated in the dim water. Despite the inherent perils, he loved it down there, plain and simple. There was no way to explain the unique perspective diving gave you, the sensation of being in a world that existed solely for yourself.

And it was pretty damned cloudy down there. Not much ambient light once you got below more than about 10 feet. Without a light, depending on what was floating around in the water, it could be as dark as a mineshaft at midnight. Some guys couldn’t handle that kind of darkness when combined with the water pressure and the knowledge that the air and the light was so far above you. Some guys even lost the feel for what was above you. Directional sense shot all to hell. The darkness and the pressure was just a natural force of disorientation, and some people would go crazy if they had to stay down for the length of your average dive.

But it had never bothered Dex. He’d always felt at home down there — a place where you were totally alone with your thoughts. Even though, sometimes, those thoughts could gang up on you. Overwhelm you if you weren’t careful.

Like going to the bottom of the Styx, and being swallowed up by a never-ending night where dreams died with everything else. Held in the pressurized grip of the ocean, you could feel more horribly alone than anywhere else on the planet.

Hey, he thought as he shook his head. Back to the present, pal.

Pay attention to what you’re doing—this current dive would not be anywhere near as deep as some of the other wrecks they’d dove. Stay alive and useful to the rest of the team. Even though it was still early in the season, two weeks before Memorial Day, there’d been a whiplash of warm current surging up the Bay from a temporary coastal sway of the Gulfstream.

Visibility was another story, though. In a word, it was shitty. Even down in the Lower Bay, which got more of the Atlantic waters to keep it clean. Dex had known the waters of the Chesapeake had been getting ever cloudier for twenty years. If you were going to chart it out, it was on an inverse slope with the diminishing oyster population. More oysters; cleaner Bay.

So far, Dex wasn’t able to see much of anything that might be lying beneath him, but he knew he had to be patient. His dive-mate on this first dive of the day was Mike Bielski, and he could just barely see Mike’s torchlight stabbing through the murky water — even though he was barely fifteen feet from the other man. And this was one of the best seasons for visibility in the bay, when most of the floating algae had died off.

But today, Dex wasn’t all that concerned with how well he could see down here because they wouldn’t be just swimming around, looking at random for whatever might be littering the bottom. Using his Navy surplus gear, Kevin Cheever had given them some hard data in the form of LORAN coordinates, and they were going to be trying to home-in, for the first time, on the site of a new wreck.

A wreck so far unknown and unidentified — until Kevin had stumbled on the data that suggested something interesting might be down there.

“I see you,” Mike’s voice filled Dex’s earphone. “I see the safeline.”

“Okay, grab on.” Dex watched his dive-mate grasp the nylon line running from the Sea Dog straight down to the bottom in the center of the LORAN grid. Most divers didn’t bother to hook a sliding piton and tether from the safeline to their toolbelt, which would keep them on course to the target — unless the visibility was practically zero. As long as you could see the line, most divers preferred to be unfettered, and Mike was no exception.

Bielski was a tall stringbean of a guy. At an age when most guys were losing the battle of extra poundage around the middle, Mike seemed to getting leaner. He ate his share of Doritos and burgers and Budweisers along with the rest of them, but never gained the weight. And it wasn’t a life of training and exercise doing it, either. Other than the excursions with the dive club, Mike sat on his ass working math theorems at Johns Hopkins University.

“Ready,” said Mike, pointing downward with his thumb like an emperor giving his opinion on a fallen gladiator.

“Okay, let’s take a look…”

“Donnie, you still on our channel?”

“I got you. Base unit’s loud and clear,” he said. “Good luck, guys.”

“Kevin says we’re not going to need it. Like fish in a barrel,” said Dex.

“Okay, then just be careful,” said Donnie. “I’ll be monitoring everything.”

“Gotcha. Here we go…”

Dex angled his body toward the bottom and flipper-kicked. Keeping the white nylon in his torchlight, it was easy for Dex to head down to the bottom. Every once in a while he would check his Ikelite depth gauge, more out of habit than anything else, although they were getting close to a critical threshold where nitrogen narcosis became a concern. They were in a section of the Chesapeake just south of the Bay Bridge where it was never more than 70 to 90 feet deep.

He had no idea what he was looking for — other than it was some kind of wreck, fairly big at around 400 feet long and pretty much intact. He and his pals had been wreck-diving for years, but they’d never found their “own”—a new ship, one never previously discovered, charted and picked clean of anything worth salvaging.

And that was nothing unusual, Dex knew, because it was nearly impossible to just be swimming around in the murky depths of the Chesapeake and just stumble on a big boat sticking up out of the seabed. It just didn’t happen. Odds were against it — you being so small and the sea bottom being so big.

But new technology trickling down to the consumer markets would be changing all that within the next decade. Dex had seen big changes in dive gear just within the last five years with GPS, underwater communications and wearable decompression computers; and it was going to keep getting more interesting.

“Forty feet,” Bielski’s voice piped through Dex’s headset. “I don’t see a thing yet.”

“Be careful,” said Dex. “If there’s any superstructure, it could be showing up any time now.”

From the images Kevin had given them, there was no way to tell if the sunken ship was lying on its side or had settled to the bottom in a “sitting-up” position with its stacks, bridge, masts (or whatever it had) all pointing up at the surface. An unsuspecting diver could swim right down into a tangle of netting, cables, or other jutting debris that could be deadly.

Of course, it would help to know what kind of wreck they were homing in on. The Chesapeake Bay was littered with the broken hulls of ships from the past two hundred years. Lots of wooden ships went down during the Civil War and years afterward from the capricious storms that whip up the coast from the Carolinas. But the wood eventually rots away and all that’s left are the canons and the metal fittings.

So, from the signature of the sonar scans Dex had seen, they were most likely headed toward a steel ship. Its lines were too well-defined for it to be all that much broken up.

“Hey…” said Mike Bielski. “I think I see something… off to the right. Easy…”

Peering through the dark water, Dex panned his torch back and forth, stirring up all the floating particulate in the water. Even with the algae at its lowest point, it was still hard to see very far. “What’s it look like?”

Mike eased to a stop next to Dex, reached out and held onto the safeline. Even though only ten feet separated them, Dex could only see his black and orange drysuit dimly. Like swimming in pea soup.

“Just saw it for a second,” said Mike. “A mast or an antenna. Seems like it oughta be right below us. Careful we don’t get poked in the ass.”

“Okay, let’s just inch it…”

Hand over hand, Dex began to pull himself toward the bottom. Mike was only slightly above and off his right shoulder. He and Mike played their torchlights slowly through the murk below them. Had to be real careful now in case there was anything that could snag or tangle them. Dex had survived a few incidents like that; every time he’d thought he might die, and every time it was enough to make him wonder — did he really wanted to keep diving?

But that was before Jana walked out on him. For a while after that disaster, he knew he didn’t give a good Goddamn.

Funny, when he was down here like this, the “air world” (as an old Navy diver had referred to it years ago) seemed so far away, so alien, and almost unremembered. It was as if none of what went on up there had ever actually happened. As if the ex-wife had never even been a part of his life.

“Whoa!” said Mike, his voice knifing through the silence. “Watch it!”

Dex blinked, and was stunned to see a large shaft jutting up in front of his mask. Tubular, metallic, encrusted with the bodies and exoskeletons of marine life, it represented the topmost part of whatever ship they’d found.

“Hey, guys… everything okay down there?” Don Jordan’s voice crackled in Dex’s earphones. He hadn’t been keeping the guys back in the boat in the loop, and he couldn’t blame them for getting itchy. “Yeah, we just reached some superstructure — the boat’s obviously sitting upright. Depth: fifty-two feet at the topmast. Tell Kev he couldn’t have been any more on the money unless we were in his bathtub.”

There was a pause from Don, then: “He says there’s no way you’re ever gonna be there!

“Okay,” said Dex. “We’re going to take it real slow now. Let’s see what we’re looking at. Looks like we’re going to be just below three atmospheres…”

He signaled to Mike and they began working their way past the mast-like extension. Whatever it was attached to, below them, was still mostly invisible beyond the limited wash of their torches in the soupy water. But they hadn’t eased down much farther before they encountered a second heavily encrusted extension, and then several others. There was a grouping of steel tubes and shafts, and one of them looked familiar.

“You see that?” he said to Mike, pointing at the long thick extension.

“I see it — is it what I think it is?”

Holding up his index finger to pause, then touching his Divelink phone, Dex spoke softly. “Kev, you still got us?”

“Oh yeah… what gives?”

“We’re a little farther down, looks like we have a sub…”

Chapter Three

Bruckner At Sea April 28, 1945

The air temperature felt as if it dropped ten degrees in as many seconds. Despite his desire to be topside as much as possible, it was simply too damned cold. Adjusting his cap, Erich turned toward the ladder and nudged Manny. “Come, my friend, let us get some coffee.”

They descended the ladder to the control deck in the conning tower, which was considerably larger than the Type VII boats with which Erich had been so familiar. He approached the tiny console where funkmeister and Electrical Officer Leutnant Newton Bischoff hunched over a rack of instruments. Bischoff supervised the workings of all communications and detection gear, and would have been simply called a radioman in years past. The U-5001 had been equipped with a new, top-secret device that vastly improved their ability to discover if their position was being swept by radar. A bristling mast taller than the schnorkel and the periscope, it had been nicknamed “the Eye,” and was far more efficient than the old “Biscay Cross” the U-boats had been using in the earlier years of the war. Erich remembered how cumbersome the Cross had been, and how the enemy had soon learned to use the instrument as a reflective homing beacon, which had ironically made the surfaced U-boats even easier targets to find and destroy.

Newton Bischoff stood at the sight of his captain, despite the relaxed protocol undersea. Erich did not care for Bischoff personally because he’d swallowed the National Socialist Party’s philosophies so completely, but he had been the best available electronics man.

“Everything in order, Leutnant?” said Erich.

“Working perfectly. We are entering a very hot part of the grid,” said Bischoff. “I will be ready.”

Erich nodded. “I know you will.”

Turning back to join Fassbaden, Erich reflected on what Bischoff had emphasized. The allies had begun patrolling the mouth of the Skagerrak with impunity, as if daring the U-boat flotillas to attack the korvettes and destroyers. And all along the coast of Norway, it was becoming increasingly difficult to break through the blockades and into the deeper ocean waters. The allies had completely turned the tables on the U-boats over the last three years. Somehow, they had topped every new weapon, tactic, and technological development.

But even the enemy’s finest minds could not have imagined something so formidable as the U-5001.

As Erich moved aft toward the galley, Fassbaden close behind, the sturdy thrum of the big diesels sounded powerful and reassuring to him. It meant his boat was healthy and strong, knifing through the increasingly frigid waters of the northern open sea.

Entering the galley, Erich could not help but note again how everything still looked so new, so unused. The stainless steel, the painted bulkheads and hatches, the stoves and ovens, the floors — all unscratched, unstained or unblemished.

“This place looks too clean,” he said with a smile. “But I have a feeling we will be doing plenty to fix that quite soon.”

Fassbaden poured two mugs of coffee and slid one to Erich. Hot and full of sleep-depriving caffeine, it was just what he needed. How nice it would be to have a sweet linzertort to go along with it, he thought wistfully. It would be a long time before he had a chance to sample the favorite pastry of his youth. Perhaps never again…

And in some ways — some very important ways, Erich did not really care.

His main reason for ardently wishing to return home to his native Frankfurt had been torn from his life in a terror-filled night of Brit bombers. In the autumn of 1944, during one of the clockwork-like raids of Lancasters over the city, a stray 500-pounder had pulverized the home of his in-laws, who had made the fatal mistake of inviting their oldest daughter, Frieda, to dinner. Frieda had been Erich’s wife of only two years. From what he’d been able to learn, the house had taken a direct hit, and no one inside the structure could have felt a thing. Death had been instantaneous, and in that, Erich had grasped for something of comfort. His wife had not suffered, and in war, that kind of death was indeed a gift.

It had been hard to continue at first. He’d been tortured by waves of conflicting emotions for months. Guilt that he and his fellow kriegsmariners had failed to sink enough of the freighters bringing so many bombs and planes and supplies from that bottomless storehouse of America. If only the U-boat war had been more successful, maybe Frieda would still be alive.

How many times had he proposed that argument to himself? The temptation might surface to blame oneself, but he never did. How many times had he actually blamed himself?

Blame was a funny thing.

Erich had spent months contemplating the series of events and connections between them. His education in the Frankfurt Military Academy for Boys had required he be a well-read young man, and he had learned much from the scientists and the philosophers. But all the Kant and Schopenhauer and Bacon could not dull his pain, or his Nietzchian need for a powerful retribution at any cost.

But the question lingered: retribution against whom?

Although he would never admit his conclusion to anyone other than his closet friend, Manny Fassbaden, Erich blamed his own country, or more specifically its psychotic government, for killing his wife.

He knew he was not alone among career military men in feeling like that, just as he knew he must keep silent his opinion or risk hanging for treason.

His country had not given him a reason to live or even fight. When they assigned him the U-5001 mission, he willingly accepted the orders — as much because his fellow officers deemed it a suicide mission as anything else.

“…and I suspect you have not been listening to me, Captain,” said Manfred Fassbaden with a grin.

The words pulled Erich from the depths of his thoughts, and he realized he’d been far, far away from the U-5001. “I am sorry… what were you saying, Manny? I was ‘woolgathering’… thinking about something else…”

His Exec smiled, lowered his gaze. He was a big man trying to look smaller. “What I was saying was just something to pass the time. It was nothing.”

“I was thinking of things past. And how so many of us wish we could live in it,” said Erich. “But, I am beginning to believe it is not even a good idea to visit there.”

Fassbaden clapped him lightly on the shoulder. “War is a time of history. It reeks of the past. It is unavoidable.”

Erich understood what his friend was trying to say, but right now, it was not working. “I am uncertain how to put my feelings into words sometimes,” he said. “But… but I have this conviction… that this is my last cruise.”

“That sounds dire,” said Fassbaden.

“Not really. This war is nearing its end. If we win or lose, it will be decided in this year, I am certain. But regardless, the mission of this boat will end it — for me. Either we will succeed, or we won’t. And I don’t mind telling you how weary I am of all this mess. So tired of all the long, dead hours under the sea, all the inventing of ways to pass those hours. I am tired of the heroic speeches to my crews and the required reminders of what a great nation we’ve always been. All the inspiring history lessons I have delivered — I feel like I should have a professorship!”

Fassbaden grinned. He understood perfectly. Morale on the U-boats was a fragile, ephemeral thing. Without it, Erich knew, your crew consigned everyone to the bottom.

He drank deeply from his mug, placed it on the table, looked at his Executive Officer. “Sometimes I wonder if such thoughts will impair my duties.”

Fassbaden gave a suggestion of standing at attention by straightening his spine for an instant. A subtle display of respect. “You have always been the finest leader I have ever served under. That is the simple truth. It is an honor to trust my life to your decisions.”

“Thank you, Manny. You are a good friend.”

The last words of Erich’s sentence were masked in the blare of the klaxon calling them to battle stations.

Mein Gott!” said Fassbaden. “Already?”

Dropping the coffee mug, Erich turned toward the corridor leading back to the control deck. “Let us go,” he said in an even voice.

Tension flooded the narrow enclosure of the boat, and Erich listened to the restrained panic of men running to their stations. A rhythmic chaos embraced them all, set to meter by the ugly klaxon-cry.

As they entered the control deck, everyone turned and saluted them, an odd formality suddenly gripping everyone. Erich could feel the difference in the air, a willingness among the men to die in a clean fight. It was like walking into the fetid odor of a locker room, and Erich felt a tightening in his gut.

Boot leather slapped at ladder rungs as the pilot and the watch reentered the conning tower. The hatch to the bridge clanged shut, and the two crewmen dropped to the deck and scattered to their stations.

“Status,” said Erich to anyone who had information for him.

“We have been swept by radar!” said Newton Bischoff. “Aircraft, most likely.”


“Hard to say,” said Bischoff. “Ten miles at least.”

“Maintaining original course,” said the helmsman.

“Dive!” said Erich. “Twenty meters…”

His men leaned into their tasks as the main vents were opened and the cold seawater rushed in. The U-5001 tilted down at a beautiful angle, accepting her command to slip into the depths with precision and power. It was a big boat, but handled like a minnow in a pond. A slippery “ease” was the way the helmsman had described her, and Erich understood what he meant. As captain, he’d long ago learned how to sense the responsiveness of a U-boat; and some of them were silky and some were like cement wagons. You never knew until you put it under weigh, but he liked what he felt of his first impressions of the U-5001. This boat had been so well-designed, that if need arose, it could be maneuvered by only a handful of men.

“Eighteen…” said Fassbaden. “…and descending… steady as she goes.”

“Bischoff,” said Erich. “How good is that new ‘Eye’ of yours?”

Erich understood the experimental equipment was supposed to be able to detect enemy radio transmissions from a depth of twenty-five meters, but he would believe it when he witnessed it himself.

“Two Sunderlands,” said Bischoff, indicating the British “flying boats” whose radar had found them. “We got pinged and they started talking. Probably locked on us and getting their cans ready…”

The thought of suffering through a depth charge attack so early into the mission was more than depressing. A brief impulse to simply surrender and let the war pass him by streaked through his thoughts. It would be so easy…

That the Brits could catch them so quickly was frustrating, but worse — debilitating to the crew’s belief they would be successful. The net of detection maintained by the Royal Navy had been too damned good! How were they doing it?

“Rig for silence,” said Erich.

“They are almost right over top of us!” said Bischoff.

“Take her down, Manny. Avoidance depth.”

In the old Type VII boats, that would be 125 meters, or a push to 150 in a desperate situation. But the U-5001, with her bigger, stronger hull, was rated for at least 200 meters, which should be more than enough to stay beneath the detonation depths the enemy usually set on their charges. As the angle of their descent increased, so did Erich’s confidence they would escape with relative ease.

“Lost contact…” said Bischoff. “Though I think I heard the first cans hitting the water.”

“Still descending,” said Fassbaden, hunched over his gauges. “150…”

There was a curious groaning of the bulkheads as the steel ribs of the hull absorbed their first encounter with ocean pressure. It was normal on a new boat to hear such sounds, but they never failed to get everyone’s attention. As if the deck could grow any more quiet…

Then the silence was pierced by an abrupt series of concussions. The shockwaves rattled the boat, but far less severely than Erich had ever experienced.

“Not so bad,” he said, making sure to smile broadly and let his men see him being so defiantly cheerful.

Either the hull was a lot thicker and stronger than he’d figured, or the charges were going off at a great distance… maybe both. Whatever the reason, the attack appeared feeble.

“170… 185 meters…” said Fassbaden. “ Approaching avoidance depth.”

“Steady as she goes,” said Erich.

Another series of underwater explosions rumbled above them. This time even weaker, more distant.

No one spoke as the floor beneath them gradually leveled out. Everyone exhaled at the same time. No U-boat crewman would ever lie so poorly to swear he felt comfortable when the bubble-indicator told you the nose of your boat was pointed at the bottom.

“Keel even,” said Fassbaden. “Maintaining course at 18 knots.”

Erich held their current station status for another 15 minutes. There was one final flurry of depth charges, but so faint and far away, he knew they were out of danger.

As he and his crew had all stood rock-solid and silent, waiting for whatever the Sunderlands and fate might be sending their way, Erich had a brief image pass through him of Frieda smiling for a photograph he’d taken the last day he’d seen her. It was odd how it came out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly.

It was like a surreal message — something to remind him he no longer had a normal life ahead of him.

In that sense, he never wanted the war to end.

And what an odd irony was that? To be so weary of the war and yet desperately yearn for its continuance.

He shook his head slowly, refocusing on the moment.

“Resume normal running, Herr Fassbaden,” said Erich. “Take her up to schnorkel depth.”

“What about the ‘Eye,’?” said Leutnant Bischoff.

Erich grinned. “Keep it closed for now. It works, but maybe too well. I am not yet convinced we have not just devised a more efficient Biscay Cross for the Tommies.”

Everyone snickered on the control deck. Everyone except Newton Bischoff, that is… Erich knew the young Nazi was proud of his new toy, and hoped it was not the colossal failure of its predecessors.

“150 meters and rising…” said the Exec as the bow of the boat tilted ever-upward. “140…”

Erich moved close to Fassbaden, spoke in a low voice. “Thoughts on those Sunderlands?”

“It was almost like they were waiting for us.”

“They were, but they wait for any boat leaving Trondheim.”

“True enough.” Fassbaden rubbed his chin thoughtfully, watched his gauges.

“All the more reason I like our current route,” said Erich.

Manny nodded. “The northern path.”

“Authorized by Admiral Doenitz himself. But in case we need assistance, there will be no milchkows or surface ships close at hand.”

“He knew it was a risk.”

Erich nodded. “A risk he was willing to take.”

“Yes.” Manny grinned. “For us!”

“That is an Admiral’s job.” Erich did not envy Doenitz, especially since he was stuck so close under the Fuhrer’s nose.

His Exec moved over to a small, but functional map table where Warrant Officer Ostermann’s navigational charts and tools lay in wait. “It will take longer. Use more fuel.”

“But it will be unexpected. No convoys or even fighting ships up there.” Erich regarded the path on the map.

“True enough.”

“Make yourself familiar with the chart. We parallel the east coast of Greenland, make a run past Cape Farewell and south to St. John’s. From there, we move on to our rendezvous points undetected.”

“I see it clearly,” said Manny.

“Once clear of St. John’s, we can maneuver in the open seas, conduct all the requested tests and drills, and then south to the Jersey coast.”

Fassbaden looked thoughtfully at the map for another moment. “Unexpected and unconventional — just like the rest of this mission.”

Erich nodded, tapped a point on the map northeast of Greenland where there was nothing but the massive shelf of ice over the great island’s coastal escarpment. “Not much up there along these coordinates. We should be safe enough.”

Ostermann, the navigator, approached the table. He was a short, prototypical Aryan. Bright blue eyes and strong, angular jaw. No more than twenty-five years old, and full of hope and idealism. Erich knew it would not take long to wring both qualities from him like bilge from a dirty sponge.

“Within two miles of the ice shelf, Captain?”

“That will be sufficient. Less if necessary.”

“Schnorkel depth. Snort operational!” said one of the others on the control deck. The sound of the diesels thumping accompanied his notice.

Erich allowed himself a small smile. The batteries would soon be back up to full capacity, and once they cleared the northern point of Iceland, he would chance another surface-run. His sense of impending disaster had left him, perhaps in part due to their successful dodge of the sub-hunting aircraft, and he was beginning to feel as if they might make it.

After all, they were under the strictest of orders to not engage the enemy in any fashion. They were, in fact, to do everything in their power to keep the enemy from any inkling of suspicion that the U-5001 even existed.

Earlier in the war, Captain Erich Bruckner knew he would have found such orders demeaning and unworthy of a true warrior, but things have a way of changing, do they not?

Chapter Four

Dexter McCauley Chesapeake Bay, May 8, The Present

There was a long pause in Dex’s headset after he told them what he was looking at.

Finally Don Jordan spoke: “Tell me you’re kidding!”

“We’re looking at the periscope right now,” said Dex. “Not much doubt. Hang on, we’re going to move down to the conning tower.”

Moving in unison, Dex and Mike descended on each side of the array of antennae and the scope. He could feel his pulse start to jack up a few notches — to create a faint hammering behind his ears. The pressure and the excitement combined together to get everything surging inside. It wasn’t unusual to get a little psyched when you reached a wreck — even one that had already been charted and checked out. Although, when you knew ahead of time what ship you were touching, that made it somehow safer, less mysterious or threatening.

The Six had dived on a sub before. The U-1105, which had been dubbed the “black panther” because of its outer skin of vulcanized rubber. It was a well-known wreck marked with a buoy about a mile west of Piney Point. It was a popular site for divers, and Dex had been down on it enough to realize they’d just found another one.

But this one was way different.

They were crossing into that weird zone where anything might happen, and Dex couldn’t help getting caught up in the anxiety coloring that realization.

A submarine.

The idea they were diving on a previously unknown sub made Dex feel like a kid who’d just found a bunch of his uncle’s old army stuff in the attic. He couldn’t help imagining what it might be. The most likely possibility — an old pre-World War II American ship that had been used for target practice or training destroyer crews to use depth charges. Problem was those old subs were nowhere near the size of this one. Same went for the German U-boats. Nothing this big.

Hell, thought Dex. This thing was ringing up bigger than the hunter-killer Navy jobs — the 688s were around 350 feet, and the hull looming just below was even bigger than that.

So what was going on here?

Russian? Chinese?

Considering that possibility made Dex reach out and grab the safeline, and put the brakes on his descent. “Hey,” he said softly into the mask-mic. “Hold up a sec.”

Mike Bielski reached out, braked himself on the nylon rope. He looked at Dex.

“What’s up, guys?” said Don through the base unit. Whenever he piped in, it was like he was the voice of their conscience.

“I was just thinking…” said Dex. Then he briefly brought everybody up to speed on his extrapolations. The notion they might be diving into the hot zone of a nuclear reactor cracked open like a bad egg chilled him. He paused to let it sink in, then: “Is Kev around?”

“He’s already got his suit on,” said Don. “Can’t wait to spell you guys. He’s right here.”

“Put him on the horn, would you?” said Dex, as he absently checked his Princeton Tec — the timer which told him how much time he had left in his double tanks. So far, so good. Plenty of air and time left.

There was a pause and a brief sound of movement and rustling about, then the lazy Baltimore drawl of Kevin Cheever oozed through the earphones. “Okay, boss, whatcha wanna know?”

“You sure about the size of this thing?”

“Chirp side-scan sonar don’t lie,” said Kevin. “418 feet long’s gonna be the number. Right on the money.”

“C’mon, Don,” said Dex. “You heard what I was saying — so what’s the chance we’re over a Russian or a Chinese sub?”

“It’s a chance, but pretty damned slim. I think our spy-guys would know about anything like that just about the minute it happened. A bogey sub would attract a whole lot of attention.”

“You sure?” said Mike.

“As sure as my faith in the natural superiority of our Navy and NSA and the rest of the ‘alphabets.’ Listen, guys,” said Kevin. “There ain’t no way the Bad Guys lose a nuke-sub and we don’t know about it. No fucking way… it just doesn’t happen. We knew about the Kursk before Moscow, for Christ’s sake.”

“Okay,” Dex said, breaking the silence. “So we can take your word for it… we’re not gonna be glowing in the dark anytime soon…”

“Hey, I’m coming down right behind you. That proof enough it’s safe?” Kevin chuckled into the mic. “I’m signing off so I can finish up with my tanks, okay?”

“Roger that,” said Dex. “Mike and I’re heading down.”

“I’m staying on the line,” said Don. “Watch yourselves…”

Dex looked at Mike through the murky water, pointed downward.

Nodding, Mike tilted toward the wreck below, started kicking his legs, and descended.

Dex followed him down, hand-over-hand on the safeline. The beam of his lamp traced out the widening contours of the sub’s conning tower. The amount of accumulated undersea crud attested to its age — pretty much a safe bet it had been down here a long time. Which allayed his fears about any stricken nuke sub. That said, it was still considerably wider than most of the old Word War II boats, and it even had a thick, glass viewing port on the control deck. That was ultra-sophisticated for something that could be more than seventy years old. He could see Mike Bielski just below him, in the dim, ambient light, his mask facing the side of the wreck. And even though it was encrusted with layers of solidified silt and micro-organic marine life, Mike and Dex could not miss the partially obscured insignia on the side of the tower. He rubbed away more of the collected algae and other barnacle-like stuff.

“Oh shit,” said Mike. “Is that what I think it is…?”

“What?” said Don Jordan through their earphones. “Is that what?”

“I see it,” said Dex. He felt himself suck in a little more air than his regulator wanted to let him have.

“Is that an Iron Cross?” said Mike.

“Sure looks like it,” said Dex.


“What’d you say?” said Don from topside.

“Looks like an Iron Cross,” said Dex.

“As in Germany, I’d say,” said Mike.

“Tell Kevin and the rest of the guys,” said Dex. “This thing looks like a Nazi job.”

“You’re kidding!”

“Uh-uh. Serious as cancer.” Dex inched his way across the surface of the conning tower. “Give us a minute or so to get deeper and closer, okay?”

“Hard to see for sure,” said Mike. “Don’t see any numbers…”

“You won’t,” said Dex. “They didn’t put their U-numbers on the boats.”

“Hang on…” said Don. “Kevin’s jumping in. So’s Andy. They’ll be coming down the line, so keep an eye out…”


“Wait a sec!” said Dex quickly. “Tell those guys to hold off! They’re too early!”

“Too late, Dex…” said Don. “They’re already in the water.”

“C’mon, boss,” said Kevin Cheever, cutting into the link. “You think we’re going to let you and Mike get all the glory?”

“Yeah,” said Andy, doing his best to chuckle in his mask. “We know the laws of salvage, don’t we, Kev?”

“Okay, okay,” said Dex. “It’s just that we wanted to get maximum time on this thing by stretching out our tank-times as far as possible, remember?”

“Yeah, but this is something special, I’d figure,” said Kevin.

“Roger that,” said Dex, giving up. There was no arguing with those two. “Take your time and watch for my lamp.”

“Hey, Dex…?” Don’s voice seeped through earphones.


“Without a number, I guess there’s no way I can check some databases on the ’net, huh? How do we ID this scow?”

“There’re ways, but it might be tougher than you think.” Dex checked his Tec timer out of habit, and was pleased to see he still had enough time to stay down for awhile. He also noticed, in a flash of rare self-objectivity, how utterly calm he was. Here he was floating over what could be a possibly historic discovery, and he was acting like it was business as usual.

But (came a thought from another part of his mind) staying calm was exactly the way he had to be if he wanted to stay alive down here. As the unofficial “chief” of the dive club, it had become his unspoken responsibility to watch out for the other guys, to make sure they never forgot how to keep themselves alive under the water.

Especially Andy Mellow and Kevin Cheever.

They both moved through the day-to-day with an unconscious sense of invincibility — Andy because he was a big, tall guy; Kev because he was smart and perceptive. Neither were arrogant in an aggressive way, but they both gave off unspoken “attitude”—they were big enough or smart enough to withstand whatever the world threw at them.

He sensed something moving above them before he actually saw the other two men’s lamps. After so many years of diving, he’d developed a primitive proximity sense — a kind of early-warning system that something or someone was drifting near to him in the silent water. It was hard to describe, although Dex had tried on many occasions, and divers either knew instantly what he was talking about or they didn’t. Not exactly a “psychic” experience, but more than likely an ability that fell into the “ESP-lite” category.

Waving his own lamp, Dex gave them as much of a beacon as he could in the ultra-dim surroundings.

“Gotcha,” said Andy Mellow. “We see you guys…”

Dex watched Andy, then Kevin, as they drifted away from the safeline and floated mask-to-mask with him. “Ready to have a closer look?”

“Let’s do it,” said Kev.

They’d done this sort of diving before on known wrecks — sites where all the obvious dangers had been documented and plenty of warnings existed. Dex had made them practice the most cautious procedures just in case they ever did come across a previously unknown derelict.

And now he hoped all the practice and the drilling on safety would pay off.

Dividing up into two buddy-teams was the usual tactic, and everyone did this without being reminded. Since Mike and Dex were on tanks with the shortest air remaining, they stayed together and would make the ascent together. The final team of Tommy Chipiarelli and Doc Schissel would eventually spell them.

As they eased past the conning tower, Dex fanned his lamp-beam back and forth, watching for anything that could mean trouble. Fouled cables, anchor chains, spilled ammunition, netting… there was simply no way to know what they might find.

So Dex tried to expect the unexpected…

“Okay,” he said. “Everybody stay in contact. Keep giving your position and anything you see.”

“Moving down past the bridge and the con,” said Mike. “Looks clear.”

“I’m on the foredeck. It’s a long-assed way to the bow,” said Kevin. “What’s going on here? The Nazis didn’t have anything this big.”

“Or so we thought,” said Donnie, who’d been monitoring their progress through the conversation.

“In case anybody’s interested, I just reached the bow tubes — I count eight torpedo ports. This thing was nasty.” That was Kevin.

“Just reached the aft deck,” said Andy; his voice was lower, but not calm. “Something funny here…”

Dex felt a tightening in his gut like something was grabbing and twisting — a sensation he hated because it made him feel helpless and scared, and there was no place for that kind of thinking when this deep.

“What do you mean?” he said quickly. “Andy, you okay?”

“Fine. No problem. It’s just that—”

“What’s up, man?” said Kevin, who was floating some 200 feet away from the conning tower.

“The aft deck,” said Andy. “It’s like… different. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“Hang on, Andy. Wave your lamp so we can see you,” said Dex. “Mike, come on. We’re coming down, okay?”

“Hey what’s going on down there?” said Don. He sounded distant and helpless way up there in the bridge. “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know,” said Andy. “Wait till you see this. There’s no deck gun. Christ, there’s no deck, really…”

Dex was going to ask him what the hell he was talking about when he caught Andy’s torchlight beam oscillating back and forth. A few flipper-kicks and he was drifting over to his position.

That’s when he could see for himself.

Floating just beyond the trailing edge of the bridge and the con, Dex saw the deck of the U-boat beneath him. As he looked aft, the deck seemed to be swelling up, expanding into the general shape of a Quonset hut.

“See what I mean?” said Andy.

“Looks like a hump-backed whale,” said Mike.

“What does?” said Don. “What’re you guys talking about?”

“I’m coming back there.” That was Kevin, who sounded bored of hanging off the bow tubes and probably feeling isolated and more than a little useless.

Dex and the others began to drift back over the swollen hull of the sub, looking for anything that might give them a clue as to what they were actually looking at. It was definitely the oddest-looking WWII-vintage sub he’d ever seen. There didn’t appear to be any outward breaches. No sign of any kind of damage. If the sub had taken a hit, it had to have been in the section settled into the sand and mud of the Bay’s bottom. As they worked their way toward the boat’s tail fins, the large hump on its back gradually tapered down, following the lines of the hull.

“What’s it look like to you?” said Andy. “Is it a tanker?”

Dex exhaled, drew a breath. “I have no idea. If it is, it’s more than twice the size of the regular ‘milk-cows’ they used. The shape looks like it’s definitely part of the hull. Not just some weird add-on.”

“Strangest-looking sub I’ve ever seen,” said Mike. “Not that I’ve seen a lot of them — especially this close-up…”

“Hey Donnie, you there?”

“Yeah, I’m up here twisting in the wind. Would you guys mind telling me what’s going on? What’s so freaking weird?”

“In a minute,” said Dex. “But before I forget, make sure either Doc or Tommy brings down the videocam. Even though it’s murky, we’ll try to get a record of this, okay?”

“Gotcha,” said Don. “I’ll tell ’em. Now will somebody please—”

Mike started giving him details of what they were all looking at as Kevin joined them. Dex had just checked his SPG, his submersible pressure gauge; he was running low on air. He and Mike only had a few more minutes of safe time, and he tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the gauge.

Nodding, Mike held up his index finger. “Yeah, I just checked mine too. Hate to leave just when it’s getting good.”

“We’ll be back,” said Dex, sensing something drawing close to him from behind.

Turning slowly, he saw Kevin Cheever in his lime green dry-suit slowly gliding toward them, the beam of his lamp probing the dim water between them.

“Hey, guys, make room for Papa. It was lonely down at the other end…” He paused as he drifted up to Dex’s right shoulder, close enough at last to see what they’d found. “Holy shit… what the hell is this thing?”

“You know what I think it is,” said Andy. “I think it’s some kind of secret weapon… something we never knew about.”

“Sounds possible,” said Kevin. “The German’s had jet fighters near the end of the war.”

“Well,” said Mike, speaking in his slow, thoughtful-math-professor tones. “If they didn’t want anybody to know about it, I’d say they succeeded…”

“Okay, Mike and I’ve gotta get topside,” said Dex. “Remember the safety regs, okay guys? We don’t want any trouble down here. Don’t do anything risky. It’s going to take a little time to get familiar with what we’re dealing with, right?”

Kevin gave him a thumbs-up.

“And nobody gets any crazy ideas about going inside this thing — not yet, anyway.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Andy, sounding impatient as ever.

Dex waved as he headed back to the safeline with Mike. After Dex pulled the right numbers from his Cochran, a tiny decompression computer, they began their slow ascent. Since they were just below the depths where excess nitrogen could build up in their bloodstreams, their ascent was not all that slow. As they did this, Dex considered the possibilities implied in their discovery.

If nothing else, they were in for a bit of adventure. But there could also be some notoriety, maybe a few minutes on the Discovery Channel, and maybe even a little money…

But one thing was bugging him.

He couldn’t stop wondering why there was no record of any subs this big, or with this shape. Could it be a fake? Not very likely. Who would go to all that trouble? What was that huge aft-section all about? It almost looked like a modern-day “boomer,” which was the Navy’s nickname for the big Triton-class missile subs.

Could the Nazis have been that slick?

Dex intended to find out…

Chapter Five

Don Jordan Chesapeake Bay, May 8, The Present

Don Jordan loved being a dive boat captain, and he owed his happiness and self-employed status to Dex McCauley, who’d urged him to take the risk in the first place.

Don knew Dex’s story from lot’s of nights and lots of beers in the local bars. At forty-two, Dex had already done a whole lot of living. After joining the Navy at eighteen, he’d pulled a twenty-year hitch in Naval Underwater Rescue and Recovery. He retired with a Master Sergeant’s pay and an expert-rating in every kind of diving you could imagine. While he’d been with plenty of women, he’d ended up marrying one that hated him pretty quick and took off with a slob who had a normal job selling car insurance. Thankfully there’d been no kids. Not much family — that he ever talked about anyway. He’d been an independent sort most of his life, and with his Navy pension in place, he didn’t really care if he did any business or not. Which is probably why he’d prospered with his little dive shop called Barnacle Bill’s — where he met Don.

And it didn’t take him long to make friends with a lot of his customers because most people were attracted to his easy smiles and his totally relaxed manner. He was tall and rangy, with deeply set eyes and a face that was all angles and planes. Going gray a little early didn’t show much in his buzz-cut, and it made him look as tough as he was. Dex was the kind of guy who spoke softly, but with a confident authority in his voice. When he talked to you about a subject — whether it was history, politics, travelling, or even something dopey like the history of art — you knew he was going to give you the straight scoop.

In fact, when Don thought about it, Dex was one of those guys who knew a little bit about just about everything.

And, it wasn’t long before his customers started bugging him to offer diving classes. Dex liked the idea, and when he set up a whole slate of classes for every level of experience, he asked Don to be his captain.

Don jumped at the opportunity. Adding diving classes and expeditions to his charter business would jack the profits to another level, and it promised to be more interesting than trolling lines around the Bay for six hours at a clip. He dumped the Maine Coaster for a real “crew boat,” which he and Dex found during a trip to the Gulf Coast to find the ideal craft.

The Sea Dog had been built to take crews out to offshore oil rigs and had sported a steel 54-foot hull, reinforced superstructures, and two big, 872 Detroit diesels. She had a bold bridge and flying bridge in the foredeck and a long, open aft section that could be outfitted with a dive salon, machine shop, winches, or anything else they might need.

When he took the Dog out for dive work, the guys from the Deep Six would all take up the slack and share any Mate’s duties. They all loved the boat, and they all felt at home on her.

And he trusted them to do her up right.

Funny thing about the dive club, though — as tight as they were, there couldn’t be a more different bunch of guys. As he sat by the Divelink base station, vicariously inspecting the wreckage just by listening in, he wondered how each of them would handle the discovery.

Other than Dex, Don figured Kevin Cheever would be the coolest with it. Kevin had spent all his post-college days with electronics companies who fed regularly at the government contract troughs, packing the latest cyberware into fighter planes and warships. That was how he picked up cheap, obsolete surplus gear.

Kevin was one of those smart guys with a real quiet, confident manner. He always reminded everybody there was only one thing that can go right when you’re diving — staying alive — and a hundred things that can go wrong.

And as much as Kevin was always hammering that thought home, that’s as often as Andy Mellow seemed to ignore it — or at least chose not to think about. In his mid-forties, Andy was the principal at the high school in Newport, Maryland — a smallish Eastern Shore town where everybody knew him and he knew all of them. He was big, happy-go-lucky kind of guy looking for something pick up the pace from his auto-pilot job in public education.

“What’s the latest down there?” said a voice from behind him. No need to turn around, Don recognized Larry “Doc” Schissel, who’d come from the other cabin in the bridge where he’d been tapping out queries on the laptop computer’s wireless satellite modem. He was wearing the top of a bright orange drysuit and a Speedo. Larry was tall and gangly, going gray but avoiding the middle age paunch that was rapidly pushing Don from a size 36 to 38 and beyond.

“Dex’s on his way up with Mike,” said Don. “Should be on deck any minute now.”

“Guess I better finish suiting up,” said Doc.

“Yeah, I bet you wanna get down there and take a look.”

Doc smiled. “You just wouldn’t understand, Donnie, but you’re right.”

Don shook his head. “No, no, this time I’m not kidding around. I get what you guys’re talkin’. I can feel it. This time it’s… different.”

“Yeah,” said Doc. “I think you’re right. I feel it too.”

“How’s Tommy? He ready?” said Don, referring to Doc’s dive-buddy for the day.

Doc had this way of smiling, and chuckling through his teeth kind of at the same time. He did it as he shook his head slowly. “Yeah, he’s twisted up tighter than an old clockspring. He’s been down there pacing the deck in full gear.”

“I know. I saw him.” Don paused. Then: “Doesn’t it bother you a little bit that Tommy’s not exactly… oh, I don’t know… the, ah… safest guy you want to be down there with?”

Doc looked thoughtfully at him, stopped grinning. “Just between you and me — sure it bothers me, but I figure I’m never going down depending on the other guy anyway — even if it’s Dex. I gotta make sure I take care of myself.”

“Yeah, I think you got that one right.”

“Hey, I better get going…”

Doc checked his watch, waved before he turned and left the bridge, heading down to the main deck where all their gear was stowed. Don liked Doc Schissel a lot. He was one of those very smart guys who was so shy, it took a while to realize what he was thinking and how much he knew about things. Sometimes, when Dex and the math-genius Bielski and Doc would start talking about something weird like cryptozoology or the Big Bang theory, Don wouldn’t have any idea what they were talking about, but it was still fun just listening to them.

Larry Schissel had become one of the most popular family doctors in the town of Newport where Andy’s high school was situated. They’d gotten paired up at a charity golf event, started talking as they carted around the course and became friends. Andy started talking about scuba offhandedly, and the more he talked, the more intrigued Larry had become. By the time the golf-round was over, Andy had convinced him to stop in at Barnacle Bill’s Dive Shop and check things out, maybe even show up at one of the club meetings and meet the guys. Larry took him up on it, and it didn’t take long for him to realize he liked the chance to inject a little adventure into his life.

“You can only diagnose so many cases of the flu before it starts to lose its challenge,” Larry had said with a wry smile.

And Don remembered how Dex had been so excited to enlist a real doctor into the dive team. He never tried to soft-pedal the dangers of diving, and the need for every advantage you could chisel out of what he called “the Fates.” Life was like the ultimate casino, where you played your chips, taking chances every day. And Dex always said we all needed every extra chip in our stack we could grab. When you were underwater, that just gave you that much more of a chance to be coming back up for air.

New equipment and always-improving technology was great stuff, but none of it could replace a trained physician in an emergency. So it was no surprise Dex fell all over himself to personally train Doc Schissel — who proved to be a quick study. Within a few months, he was the sixth guy on the team, and that’s when they started calling themselves The Deep Six.

Sure, it was dopey. But they liked it that way.

Don wondered what they’d call themselves if anybody else joined the club. Not that it mattered. They were a good bunch of guys and Don liked them all — except maybe for Tommy Chipiarelli.

Well, that wasn’t exactly right.

It wasn’t that Don didn’t like Tommy, it was more like he’d never been able to understand why he was so… so wired all the time. Transplanted from New York to the Baltimore City Fire Department, he was only thirty-two and like most guys just out of their twenties, believed he was going to live forever.

Which was his biggest problem — he acted like it too. He drove a retro muscle car with big wide tires, and he was well-known throughout the BCFD. Tommy wore a silver ID bracelet from the Department which said: To Thomas A. Chipiarelli — For Heroic Service Beyond the Call of Duty. He’d racked up a ton of commendations in his ten years of service, but also had a pretty fair collection of reprimands for recklessness and a tendency to bend orders from his captain.

Yeah, Tommy could be kind of a jerk.

Couple years back, when Tommy signed up for diving lessons, Dex really took him under his wing, and invested tons of time in him. Don figured it was the old story of a guy looking for the son he never had.

Yeah, Dex — with no wife, no kids. Nobody to worry about. To care about. And then, along comes Tommy Chipiarelli — single, hard-drinking, and way too fearless. Dex said one night, when they were all drinking at The Cat’s Eye, that he needed to save the kid from himself.

If the rest of the team shared Don’s opinion, they kept it to themselves. Probably because they all loved and respected Dex so much. With him treating Tommy like his prodigal son, none of the rest of the guys wanted to say anything that would upset him.

That had to be it.

Don shook his head slowly as he mulled that one over… but was interrupted by the sudden burst from the Divelink unit.

“We’re just about up, Sea Dog.” The speaker on the base station approximated Dex’s voice.

“Got you,” said Don. “Doc and Tommy’re ready to go. Base unit’s on stand-by for a couple minutes, guys.”

Pushing back his chair, Don got up and headed down to the main deck to help Mike and Dex off with their tanks. Since they’d found their target, they’d be wanting to charge the tanks and get back down there for a couple more dives. Which meant Don would be cranking up the compressors for refills the rest of the day.

Doc in orange, holding UW videocam, and Tommy in (what else?) firetruck red. They stood on the little retractable gangway, waiting to tumble in as soon as they saw Dex and Mike break the surface. Don stood next to them, scanning the chop, until he saw their masks catch a little reflection of skylight.

“Take care, guys!” He saluted them as they fell backwards into the Bay, then reached out to help Mike up the gangway. Dex floated until it was clear for him to pull himself aboard.

“Thanks,” said Mike, removing his mask and Divelink headgear carefully. Sunlight danced off his prematurely balding head as he flipper-waddled out of Dex’s way.

“Looks like we fell into something this time, huh?” said Don.

“I don’t want to jump to any conclusions,” said Dex. “But it sure looks like we found something pretty weird. That’s a hell of a big sub. Bigger than anything we ever knew they had.”

They all nodded as they slipped out of the tanks so Don could start recharging them. As he watched Dex head up to the bridge to spell him, Don wondered where all this was going to take them.


Funny thing about those guys. All this time and they still had a way of making you feel kind of weird…

Chapter Six

Bruckner Off the Coast of Greenland, April 30, 1945

Ostermann had navigated with his usual precision.

The U-5001 had cleared the northern face of Iceland without incident and was tracking south toward Cape Farewell. Erich Bruckner stood in the con, checking his chronometer against his Warrant Officer’s plots on the chart. Traveling at a cruising depth most of the past thirty-three hours, they had maintained a speed of more than 24 knots per hour. They had only chanced near the surface for schnorkelling — a chance to draw air into the diesels and recharge the batteries.

A close estimate had them at more than 800 miles since evading the air attack. During all that time and distance, Erich had maintained a strict radio silence, and had ventured above the surface only once in the deepest, darkest part of the night. His boat had skimmed the Arctic Circle at perhaps its coldest moments of the year, and even though the pipes and radiators were searing hot to the touch, every inch of the sub was as cold as the grave. Only the thickness of his parka kept him anywhere close to comfortable.

“Excuse me, Captain,” said a voice behind him.

Erich recognized the graveled tones before turning around to face his Chief Warrant Officer, Helmut Massenburg. “Yes, what is it?”

“Hausser has fixed you something special, sir. I took the liberty of telling him you have been awake for twenty hours and have not eaten a thing.”

Erich looked at his Chief and could not hide a small smile of appreciation. Massenburg was short and stocky and fancied a thick beard, which was streaked with gray like his thinning hair. At forty-six, Massenburg was surely one of Germany’s oldest kriegsmariners.

“Why, thank you, Helmut… I am hungry.”

Massenburg nodded, smiled. “Why not head down to the officer’s mess while it is still hot, Captain. I will take the control deck.”

Old enough to be many of the crew’s father, the Chief took on the role of such a surrogate with warm affection. Along with his general duties on the con, he acted like he should be watching out for the needs of everyone else. Erich liked him very much — not just for his kindness and thoughtfulness, but because he was a loyal and dedicated military man. Not like a lot of the youngsters who dreamed of being SS.

“Thank you, Chief. I will go now.”

“Very good, sir.”

Pausing at the hatch and ladder to the main deck, Erich paused to add a cautionary thought. “Let me know if you notice anything out of the ordinary.”

Jawol, Captain.”

Erich touched the brim of his hat in a gentle salute and eased down the ladder, then along the central corridor to the officer’s galley, which was chock-a-block to the crew’s mess.

It would be dawn soon, and the day-shift crew would be filling the larger room jammed with economically-designed benches and tables. Unlike the whisper quiet of the officer’s galley, the other dining facility would thrum with chatter and the clank of tableware. But for the moment, the space was empty as Erich walked past it to the smaller officer’s space, took a seat near the bulkhead door.

“Captain!” said Frederich Hausser, the U-5001’s cook, who appeared in the doorway holding a dinner plate in two hands in front of him. He sounded surprised as he quickly set down the plate to issue a proper salute.

“The Chief told me to come see you,” said Erich.

“Yes sir! Here you are, sir. My best sauerbraten. And dumplings.” He was thin and sandy-haired with bright hazel eyes. He couldn’t be more than twenty-two, and looked like he’d only recently started to shave. But he had a reputation back at Trondheim for being a fantastic cook, so Erich had hand-picked him.

Ten minutes later, Erich was very pleased with that decision. His meal had been extraordinary, and had easily been the best thing he had ever tasted on a U-boat. Hausser had a talent for his work, no doubt. When he appeared to clear the plates, he looked at Erich expectantly.

“Seaman, that was simply fantastic.” Erich said, then sipped from his coffee mug.

“Thank you, sir.” Hausser dared a small smile.

“Where did you learn to cook like that?”

“It is in my family, sir. Back in Bavaria, my father and his brother used to work in their father’s inn. Later on, my father opened his own restaurant in Augsburg,” Hausser paused, as if uncertain whether he should continue, then added: “After the Armistice, my father’s brother took his family to America.”

Erich carefully placed the mug on the stainless steel table, looked at the cook. “You have relatives there?”

“Yes. In Baltimore. My uncle and my cousins, they run a restaurant there.”

“That is amazing, Hausser. How do you feel about that… and this war? Do you stay in touch with them?”

Hausser looked fearful, unsure how to answer, what to say. Erich gestured with a slight wave of his hand, smiled. “Relax, sailor. I am not SS. You are not the only German with relatives across the Atlantic.”

The cook tried to smile, and did a bad job of it. He shrugged. “Well, I have not spoken to them in years. But we used to be close. I have a cousin my age — Richard, who wants to be a chef. I used to like him a lot.”

“Hmmm,” said Erich. “And… you speak some English?”

“Yessir. Not bad at it, actually.”

“It is not on your papers…”

“No one asked me,” said Hausser.

Erich smiled. “Spoken like a true German. Very well, Hausser. I would like to thank you for the wonderful meal and the enlightening conversation.”

Hausser stiffened a bit, nodded ever so slightly in the fashion of the boat’s officers. “Well, sir, I should be getting ready for the day-crew. They will be hungry.”

“Yes, of course,” said Erich. He rose from the table and headed back to the control deck.

After relieving Massenburg, he waited until Gunther Ostermann reported for duty so he could consult the charts and discuss their position. The U-5001 was running smooth and quiet. So far, she was shaking out to be a fine boat. If the rest of this milk-run went as well, there was perhaps a chance of a successful mission when they picked up the Messerschmitt crew.

“Tell me where we should be, Gunther,” he said without looking up from the charts.

“We are nine miles off the south-east coast of Greenland. We are also experiencing the effects of a strong underwater current, which has been pushing against our intended navigation. Within ten minutes, we shall be in range of a very small enemy base here.” Ostermann tapped his finger over a point on the map. A Godforsaken stretch of ice and mud called Ammassalik where it was rumored the Americans had installed a radar installation.

“Hmm,” said Erich. “Bad timing.”

“Yes, Captain.” His Warrant Officer looked at him with concern. “The batteries…”

Erich nodded. They were both very much aware of the demands of the Siemens electric motors and fresh-water distillers. Drawing down 15,000 amps required a careful schedule of recharging which could not be compromised.

“We have no choice,” said Erich. “Helmsman, schnorkel depth!”

The declination of the deck changed beneath his feet as he felt his boat gently angle toward the surface. Normally, Erich appreciated the feeling of a submarine rising, but he knew he would be coming close to the surface in alien territory, with no guarantee it was any safer than the cold darkness of undersea canyons.

“Seventy meters… Sixty…” said the helmsman. “Stand-by… Forty… Twenty… Fifteen… Schnorkel depth… now.”

“Steady as she goes,” said Erich. “Gunther, inform the Chief Engineer the snort’s operational.”

“Yes sir,” said Ostermann, exiting the con.

Soon the diesels would kick in, which in turn would run the generators to rejuvenate the batteries. This part of a sub’s routine was always fraught with danger because of how much noise the diesels made. Erich could imagine the rumbling clatter through the headset of a sonar operator, and how it would scramble the crew of a destroyer into deadly action.

“Bearing 88 degrees,” he said to the helmsman just as Ostermann returned to the con. “Gunther, we will be passing within range of that American base. Since we have to stay close to the surface anyway, I am going to look about.”

“Yes sir, shall I raise ship-status to stand-by alert?”

“Affirmative,” said Erich. “Up periscope…”

As the helmsman raised the scope, Fassbaden and Bischoff entered the control deck. The communications leutnant relieved the man on the Telefunken equipment, and Manfred assumed duties as Exec. “Reporting in, Captain,” he said.

“Good morning, Manny. Sleep well?”

“A better question for you, sir.”

Erich rotated the brim of his hat around, leaned close to the ocular hood of the scope. “On and off. There will be time enough for sleep.”

Manfred nodded grimly.

“Kress reports recharging initiated and is routine, sir,” said Ostermann.

“Good… good,” said Erich absently as he turned his attention to his only connection to the surface. Despite the best Zeiss optics, the U-5001’s scope afforded a very constrained view of things. The American base lay somewhere northwest of their position, and it was in that direction’s horizon he now scanned.

“Looks quiet,” he said. “Herr Bischoff…? What about you?”

“Nothing, Captain. I hear nothing.”

Erich nodded, continued to concentrate on the periscope view. Even though the cruel waters above them looked calm, non-threatening, he felt a need to be vigilant. His few years of staying alive in submarines had been the result of an almost unending paranoia, and a belief that things were eventually going to go wrong.

The U-5001 was a big boat, almost twice the size of a normal submarine. Her conning tower, radio mast, scope, and schnorkel were all proportionately larger as well. When recharging her batteries, Erich knew he was exposing a larger than normal metallic target to the allies and their radar. If the rumors out of Naval High Command were true — that the Americans had developed equipment many times more sensitive than they had even six months ago — then it was a good possibility he could be detected.

An acceptable risk in the open sea, perhaps, but foolhardy when passing within range of an enemy installation. Erich became angry with himself — although he had taken the time to re-calculate each position where recharging would be required before embarking on his course change, he had allowed his boat to be affected by underwater current. A good captain always counts on the capriciousness of the sea, and he had not.

He collapsed the scope, nodded to his helmsman to retract it. As he turned around, Erich saw his Exec looking at him from nearby.

“You look preoccupied,” said Manfred Fassbaden.

Erich shrugged, then shared his concerns.

“It would be different if we hadn’t been spotted right out of the yards,” said Manfred. “You could not risk being trailed or passed along to a pack of destroyers.”

Erich nodded. That was true enough — the habits of U-boat captains and the rigid orders from Berlin had made it easier for the allies to predict where a submarine might be once it had been spotted and its position charted. Admiral Doenitz understood this — the reason he had decided to deviate from the usual pattern, opting for a more circuitous route.

“True enough,” he said. “When we have fresh batteries, we will resume at cruise depth.”

Aboard his previous boats, Erich had stayed on the surface as much as possible during the night hours. He believed it was still relatively safe, as it had been — at least until the last six months of the war when allied detection techniques had significantly improved. But this mission was so important, he could not dare risk being spotted on the surface. The secrecy in constructing this giant submarine had been the most stringent of the war, and Erich had been sworn to preserve it.

For now, that meant sweating through the minutes and hours until they could slip beneath surface once more.

Manfred moved closer and looked him squarely in the eye. Erich could read concern and urgency in his friend’s expression. His Exec spoke softly. “I require a word with you, sir. In your cabin.”

Not wanting to leave the con under the potentially troubling circumstances, Erich considered putting things off, but he also knew Manfred would not ask such a thing lightly.

“Very well,” said Erich, leading the way toward the hatch leading down to the main deck corridor. Just before descending he gave the con to Ostermann.

The commander’s cabin was only several strides from the ladder. When both men had entered it, Erich closed the door, and indicated they both sit at a small table which did double service as his desk.

“I will assume there is a problem,” said Erich.

“Potentially, yes.” He paused as if unsure how to continue. He looked embarrassed, as if trying to make himself smaller. The Exec was about as big as a man could be and still function in the close quarters of U-boat.

“Come on, Manny. Out with it.”

“I finally had time to do a routine check of the crew roster, and there is a… discrepancy.”

“What does that mean?” Erich leaned forward, listening intently.

“One of our men in the forward torpedo room is listed as Seaman Oscar Kliner… but Kliner is not onboard.”

What? And how did this happen?”

“Apparently Kliner suffered an attack of acute appendicitis only moments before the crew was to begin boarding. He was taken to the infirmary, and in order to maintain the schedule, the Officer of the Watch assigned a replacement.”

Erich absorbed this, and fought his immediate reaction, which was to become furious. There was simply no excuse for not informing him of any problem. He had been ordered, by Doenitz, no less, to personally hand-pick his crew. If any one of them were unavailable, he should have been told at the moment it was known. The U-5001 should not have been allowed to sail until its Captain had been given a chance to deal with the problem.

The German military was getting sloppy, he thought. This is why we are going to lose this war. The truth of that sank through him like an anchor plumbing the coldest depths.

“Manfred, what you are telling me… it is frankly unbelievable.”

“I am aware of that. If we had not been attacked so quickly into our mission, I would have learned of it much sooner.” Fassbaden’s fists tightened as he revealed his own anger and helplessness. “To be honest, Warrant Officer Kress was terrified to tell me.”

“Some officious numb-skull at Trondheim took it upon himself to find me a new crewman?” Erich pounded the small table with his open palms. “How dare that fool!”

“There may be more to it,” said the Exec.

“Why?” said Erich understanding instantly what Fassbaden was intimating. “Who is our replacement?”

“His name is Roland Liebling.”

The name resonated with him; he knew this seaman. “He is the man rumored to have attempted to start a mutiny on the U-479. A few days before it hit a mine in the Eastern Baltic Sea.”

“That is our man,” said Fassbaden. “Unfortunately, there is no proof — other than the word of the only other survivor from that sinking.”

Erich felt a sudden urge for a cigarette, but he had forbidden smoking on his ship unless surfaced. He could not allow himself to break one of his own rules. Sheisse… he did not need this kind of trouble. “What else do we know about this man?”

Reaching into his shirt pocket, Fassbaden pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper. “Not much. Without radio, I cannot get a dossier check confirmed. I… had to rely on whatever scuttlebutt the Chief knew.”

Erich had to grin just a little. Chief Warrant Officer Helmut Massenburg had been in the Navy for so long, he probably claimed to remember von Tirpitz. He was also a great repository of information on whatever was going on in the U-boat service.

“All right. And what did he know?”

“More than I would have thought. Seems that Liebling has been trouble from the beginning.” Fassbaden glanced at his unfolded notepaper. “The man is twenty-six. Family runs a very small dairy farm near the Austrian border. He was conscripted — Regular Army — to work in Food Services.”

“What is he doing with us?”

“The Chief says High Command has been pulling men for the U-boats from wherever they can get them. There is, as you know, a great demand for men.”

Erich nodded. His Exec, being as superstitious as most true sailors, would not outwardly acknowledge the outrageously high mortality rate of the U-boat crews. “And they are becoming less and less discriminating.”

“So it would seem,” said Fassbaden. “Liebling makes it well known he hates the military. He has been in many fistfights, and has been stockaded twice. He claims to know nothing of U-boats, and according to Kress, has already made several enemies among the torpedo and gunnery mates.”

“Have your best men keep a close watch on him. I will shoot him myself if he becomes a real problem.”

Fassbaden nodded, said nothing.

Erich knew his old friend believed him — even though both of them knew he’d never shot anyone in his entire life. Although Erich liked to think of himself as a very civilized man, he would not hesitate to do whatever necessary to protect his crew.

Neither spoke for a moment, then Erich added, “The more I think about it, we should get Liebling out of the torpedo room. Assign him to the galley with Hausser. Have the cook watch him and report anything odd to you immediately.”

“Good idea. If we get called to battle station, I can have Massenburg fill in down there.”

“That will work,” said Erich. “But let us hope it will not be necessary.”

Fassbaden nodded, stood up, knowing instinctively their meeting had ended. Erich liked that decisive confidence in his Exec, and trusted him without question. He followed the tall, broad-shouldered man into the corridor leading to the control deck where Ostermann and his charts awaited him.

“We will be beyond the range of the base within twenty minutes,” said the navigator, who had been carefully plotting their exact position as the U-5001 continued to sneak past the Ammassalik base.

Erich nodded. Good news, even though there was no way of knowing whether or not the Americans or Canadians might have a small carrier or seaplanes in the area.

“All quiet on the surface,” said Newton Bischoff as he adjusted a dial on his board.

“Excellent. Steady as she goes,” said Erich as he paced slowly across the control deck in the space between the chart table and the helm. This was typical service-time in the unterseeboot service — long periods of abject boredom, punctuated by moments of hideous terror.

Not surprisingly, he had learned to love the dull hours.

When he could spend some time alone in his quarters, Erich would read history or philosophy and listen to string quartets on a small crank-and-spring driven phonograph. During those moments, he could allow himself to forget he’d climbed into a metal tube which could become his coffin in an instant.

Unless this present mission was successful, it did not seem like the war would drag on much longer. As much as he loathed to consider it, Erich knew he must begin to think about what his life would be like in a defeated Germany. If the allies repeated the humiliation exacted upon the Kaiser in the previous war, it was not going to be a pleasant place to live — especially for a son of a military family like the Bruckners. He had a feeling there would not be many job opportunities for men like him.

Indeed, he had no guarantee he would even have much family remaining. To exactly what would he be returning? The oddest part of that question was that Erich had not even a hint of an answer. There was this… void… a total absence in his thoughts. Quite simply, his future seemed so uncertain, so unthinkable, he could not even begin to conceive of it.

In that way, he was living the perfect existential life. The modern philosophers would be so proud of him. He smiled as the notion passed through his thoughts. But there was nothing truly amusing in it. More like a thin joke in which the humor had warped into something ugly.

His friend, Manfred, had talked about maybe someday running a sheep farm, and had off-handedly asked Erich if he would be interested in being a business partner. The Fassbaden family — now all dead — had once owned land outside of Stuttgart, along the Neckar, and Manfred believed the need for good wool garments would never change. He was probably correct, and to be honest, the prospect of working a sheep farm did not sound all that bad to Erich. It would be in sharp contrast to his wartime existence, and he would be hard-pressed to think of a place with a lower profile or—


Bischoff’s voice pierced his thoughts sharply, and he felt embarrassed to have disconnected so thoroughly from his surroundings. How long had he been daydreaming?


“I am receiving a transmission from Berlin!”

“What?” Erich knew he sounded as stupid as he was stunned to learn Naval High Command had broken radio silence. He watched Bischoff scribble out the coded message.

“I’ll get the Enigma,” said Fassbaden, retrieving the 4-rotor decoding device from its locked cabinet.

Erich watched as Bischoff carefully inscribed the coded message onto the Zuteilungsliste, from which the keys to the decoding process would begin. It was a long message, and that meant more time for his radio signal to be detected and triangulated. Something must be terribly awry for High Command to risk the U-5001’s mission.

Waiting for the funkmeister to finish, Erich glanced around the control deck, not surprised to see everyone, including Manny, watching Bischoff, wondering what horrible news awaited them.

“Transmission closed,” said Bischoff, after what had seemed several lifetimes.

“Very well,” said Erich. “Helm, take her down to avoidance depth. On my mark. Manny, inform Kress of our need to resume electric power.”

“Aye, Captain.”

Almost instantly, his engineer responded — they needed more time to recharge the batteries in case of an emergency. Could he wait a little longer?

Erich did not like the vise into which he was being placed. But he acceded to Kress’s request and belayed his dive order for now.

Slowly, Erich regarded the M4 deciphering device with a distinct aversion. He knew he would not like whatever Doenitz needed him to know.

Chapter Seven

Dexter McCauley Chesapeake Bay, May 8, The Present

As he peeled off his mask and headgear, Dex sucked in a long pull of Chesapeake Bay air. Tanged with salt, it was invigoratingly different from the tank stuff. He watched Doc and Tommy drop into the water and follow the safeline until they were swallowed up by gray-green water. Then he and Donnie went up to the bridge and the divelink base station.

Don sat down in front of the Divelink base unit, toggled it on, and signaled. “Team 2, this is your captain speaking. I’m back on the base… you copy that, Kev?”

“We got you, Donnie,” said Kevin.

“Okay, Doc and Tommy are on the way down. I’m in here with Dex. Just keep us in the loop, okay?”

“Gotcha,” said Kevin. “We’re just about done checking out the entire hull along the sand-line. No sign of any damage yet.”

“Okay, we’ll be listening.”

“Andy wants to look at the aft section more closely too. We’ll keep you updated.”

“Copy that… base standing by…”

Don Jordan nodded, turned back to Dex. Don had a round face, a thick head of hair, and a laid-back disposition. “I’m gettin’ pretty good with that radio, huh?”

“A real pro,” said Dex.

“Anyway, what’s with the sub? We sittin’ on somethin’ good? Or no.”

Running a hand over his buzz-cut hair, Dex shook his head. “No way to tell. I’m pretty sure we’re beyond the three-mile range, so that gives us plenty more latitude.”

“For what?”

“Laws of salvage and stuff like that. There’s something called The Abandoned Shipwreck Act. If we found her within the three-mile range, the adjacent state can put in a claim with the maritime court.”

Don grabbed a fresh can of Mountain Dew from the cooler, popped the top. “Claim for what?”

“A claim to keep anybody else from salvaging the wreck. But I think we’re clear of that, so regular admiralty law applies,” said Dex. “So, as long as we don’t find any bodies down there, I don’t think we’ll catch any shit from the German government, either.”

“I take it they don’t like people disturbing the graves of fallen warriors, eh?” Don sipped his soft drink thoughtfully.

Dex shrugged. “Who would?”

“Okay, so let’s figure no bodies… then what? Is it ours?” Don was smiling that silly smile again.

Dex chuckled. “If we want the damned thing. Couple years back I remember a Tunisian crew found a scuttled U-boat in the Med… perfect condition… and they couldn’t get anybody to buy it. Nobody wanted it.”

“You’re kidding!”

“There’s a lot of U-boats on the bottom, Donnie. It’s not that big a deal in the greater scheme of things.”

Don’s features sagged visibly. “Man, I can’t believe this…”

Dex paused, looked out over the graying skies. “Of course, this one might be different.”

“Don’t forget, we’ve got the size of this boat — almost twice as big as anything else the Nazis built.”

“Yeah, that’s plenty weird.”

“And there’s the configuration — something funny about that too. When we get some good video, we can have a better look, get some ideas. I already have a few, but I’m going to wait and see what we get off the camera first.”

“Tommy’s got the videocam. He’ll get us something,” Don said, tilted back the final swallow of his Mountain Dew. “C’mon, though, what’re you thinking, Dex?”

Dex was actually fairly sure of what they were looking at down there, but as long as there was a chance he might be wrong, he didn’t want to get everybody’s hopes up. And Don Jordan was a naturally talkative guy. “I’d rather not say just yet.”

“Aw, c’mon! I won’t say anything.”

“Yes, you will.”

“Well, maybe… but just to these guys. I thought we were all in this together?”

“We are,” said Dex. “I just don’t want anybody getting too jacked up until we really know what we’ve got.”

“You want to try the computer? Maybe Doc was searching the wrong keywords?”

Checking his watch, Dex saw he had about forty minutes before he and Mike were scheduled for a second dive. Maybe he’d check out some databases. He stood up, tapped Don lightly on the shoulder. “Maybe I will. Hold down the fort. Let me know if anything changes, okay?”

“You got it,” said Don.

Exiting the bridge, Dex climbed down to the main deck and scanned the bay. The occasional sailboat lazed across its wide expanse, and to the north, he could see the sweeping double ribbons of the Bay Bridge. He stood there for a minute or two, closing his eyes and trying to imagine what it was like around here when that big sub was prowling these waters. Sixty-plus years can bring on a lot of changes. This part of the Bay near the end of the war was probably pretty desolate. Certainly nothing close to the sport and rec activity it supported now.

So what was that sub doing around here? Did it accomplish its mission? What happened to its crew? Would they be finding their bones piled into the corners of dark, flooded compartments? He’d dived plenty of wrecks, and he’d never gotten used to that moment when you floated head-first into a crammed space and saw some poor fucker’s skull suddenly glow in your torchlight. Those empty sockets staring forever into the black sea that had washed them clean. It was one of those reminders you could just as easily be looking at your own watery future.

Diving at any depth was nothing to take lightly. It was one of those thoughts you had to keep top of mind. As in: all the time.

Turning from the rail, he entered the deckhouse and took the stairs belowdecks to the galley. Mike was sitting at the small stainless steel table finishing up a sandwich and a soda.

“Anything new?” he said. Bite. Chew. Swallow. Drink.

“No problems. Tommy has the video. That might help.”

“Too bad we don’t have it rigged up to a remote system. We could keep an eye on it from up here.”

Dex smiled. “Too bad we all don’t have a million bucks…”

“There is that…” Mike said, then knocked off the last of the canned soft drink. He paused before adding: “What do you want to do on our second dive?”

“I’ve been thinking about that. I’d like to see what it looks like on the inside. Maybe find something that will ID the boat. If there’s no breaks in the hull, we’ve got to find a hatch that still works.”

“Never been in a sub,” said Mike. “I have to figure that’s some pretty tight maneuvering with tanks on, isn’t it?”

“Sure it is,” said Dex. “It’s not for everybody. And don’t forget, even though this one looks pretty clean — it’s still a wreck. Anything could go wrong anytime.”

“What do you think it’s doing here?”

“No idea. We need to do some more snooping. Want to do a quick search on the internet too?”

“I already did,” said Mike. “While you were up on the bridge with Donnie, I went into the deckhouse. Doc was right — without the name, we don’t have much chance. I tried to see if there was any record of a wreck at these coordinates, but that’s a long shot. Nothing. If the Navy or the Coast Guard sank it, well, we’d have to get into their records. It’s not going to be on the internet.”

“Which means a couple things: we need to check some of the usual and not-so-usual places in the sub to find an ID tag, and we’d better be damned careful doing it… plus call in some favors.”

Mike grinned and Dex could almost hear the math professor’s mind clicking through a variety of possibilities. “Favor from who?”

Dex shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know. We might have to poke around and ask a few questions. Kev might know somebody down at NavTronics, who has a connection with somebody at the Pentagon… you never know. Plus, I have some old Navy pals I can call. We might need to figure out how to get into the old Third Reich records.”

Mike nodded. “Yeah, it’s funny, but I have this feeling the Nazis were really good record-keepers.”

Dex checked his watch. “’Bout that time. You ready for another look around?”

“You bet.”

After waiting to see Kevin Cheever and Andy Mellow break the surface, Dex and Mike tipped into the bay, and began to work their way down the safeline that ran from the buoy to the anchor right alongside the wreck. Dex led the way, sweeping the area directly below with his torch. Stay vigilant.

“Okay, Doc, we’re on our way down. How’s it going?”

“Hey, Dex… hull looks good,” said Doc Schissel. “No holes we could see… unless it’s dead-on though the bottom, under the sand.”

“Probably not. It would look more twisted up, don’t you think?” Dex had angled himself for a rapid descent now that he knew what was beneath him. Despite the cloudy conditions, he should be able to see their lamps any second.

“Who knows? You’re supposed to be the freakin’ expert,” said Tommy Chipiarelli, trying to be funny.

“Okay, I see your torch,” said Doc. “I can see both of you.”

Slowing his descent, Dex let go of the safeline, letting Mike catch up. They were both floating off to the side of the U-boat. The visibility wasn’t great, but they all knew it was about as good as it gets. Not like spring, when the algae got a lot worse.

“How much air you guys have left?” he said.

“Couple of minutes,” said Doc.

“Enough to get into some trouble,” Tommy added. “What’ve you got in mind?”

Dex pointed at the aft section of the boat. “You guys find any way into that part?”

“There’s a hatch near the stern,” said Doc. “Looks like it’s open… a little.”

Gesturing with his torch to Mike, Dex started propelling himself past the conning tower toward the stern. He could see the other team waiting for him, and he suddenly realized how utterly at ease he felt with these guys. All the training and practicing had paid off. “Hang on, we’re working our way over to you right now.”

“No problem,” said Doc.

“Hey!” said Tommy, his voice almost cracking in the headphones. There was no volume control on Dex’s Divelink, and it was a little painful. “This thing’s definitely open!”

“Stay away from it, Tommy…” said Dex in as soft a tone as he allowed. He could see his red suit even through the dull veil of the bay. “Wait till we can all get a good look.”

“Hey, I’m okay. Just checkin’ it out.”

Another few seconds and Dex was hovering with the other three above the hatch, lighting it up with the combined beams of their torches. The hatch was tilted up maybe 10 degrees, revealing a sliver of access, but it was tough to see much inside because everything was fairly well encrusted with marine growth. Dex noted it appeared to be larger than others he’d seen on other subs. Definitely wide enough to accommodate a diver and his tanks.

“Let’s see if there’s any give in it, okay?” said Mike. He reached out to grab the edge of the hatch cover, waited until Doc shouldered up next to him. Then Dex pushed in as close as he could while Tommy floated off in front of them getting it all down on the digital recorder.

When they had decent grips on the rim of the hatch, Dex nodded. “Okay, let’s try to pry it back with steady pressure. Don’t try jerking it back. No sense hurting yourself if it’s frozen. Got it?”

“Check,” said Doc.

“Ready,” said Mike.

“All right,” said Dex, tightening his curled, gloved fingers. “On three — one, two, three!”

Together, they gradually applied steady, leveraged force to the hatch, and for a few seconds, it resisted them like a slab of granite. But then the hinges, which had not moved in more than half a century, slipped a few millimeters, then broke loose.

With a soft screech, the hatch hinged up to reveal a dark, circular passage into the sub. As if choreographed, everybody tilted their torches downward filling it with light. Tommy drifted over the top with the videocam.

“Looks pretty clear,” said Mike.

“We going in?” said Doc.

“You guys don’t have enough mix left,” said Dex, referring to the tri-mix in their tanks. In case anybody got snagged on something inside the vessel, he wanted to have enough time to get them free without worrying about running out of air.

“Yeah,” said Doc. “Guess you’re right. What about you two?”

Dex continued to stare down to the bottom of the opening, where a second hatch awaited them.

“Let’s wait till tomorrow. We need to plan this thing out.”

“Yeah, sounds good,” said Mike. “Let’s just finish taking a good set of notes.”

Dex nodded, gestured up toward the surface to Doc. “You two should start thinking about heading up. Tommy, give Mike the video… and we’ll shoot the rest of it.”

“Man, I thought we were goin’ in this thing…” said Tommy as he unwrapped the wrist strap of the camera, passed it across to Mike.

“We are,” said Dex. “Just not today.”

Looking at his SPG, Tommy waved his hands to get everybody’s attention. “Aw, c’mon… we still got plenty of time. Let’s take a peek.”

“Forget it, Tommy.” Dex stared through his faceplate, trying to make eye-contact with him. He could tell from the tone of the kid’s voice, he had no intention of heading toward the surface.

“We got time to at least try the second hatch,” said Doc. “Don’t we?”

They were both sounding like a couple of kids, and he couldn’t blame them. They were excited and giddy to explore, and had no idea how quickly things could change down here. To them, fifteen minutes sounded like a lot of time, but if you were 70 feet down and in deep shit, it could flash past you in an instant.

Dex hesitated, wondering if he was being too much the mother hen. The aft hatch was wider than most in subs this old. It would probably be okay to at least check the inner hatch. If it was stuck, they’d at least know they’d need some tools tomorrow.

“Aw… c’mon, Dad… puleeeeze?” That was Don Jordan, listening in on the base unit. It was easy to keep things light when you’re topside and you have the wind in your face instead of tons of seawater.

“All right, let’s take a look,” said Dex. “We have eight minutes, it’s just a look, got that?”

“I’m the smallest guy,” said Tommy Chipiarelli. “Let me get down there.”

Before anybody could argue, Tommy had folded himself over and head-firsted into the hatch. Besides, he definitely was a better fit in the enclosure than either gangly Mike or Doc, who at 6’ 3”, was just a proportionately big guy. Dex was closer in size to Tommy, but floating upside down without much leverage to use his strength efficiently, it was a job best left to a young guy in good shape. Watching him closely, Dex could see the kid had plenty of room, even with his tanks and hoses.

“Okay, got the wheel,” said Tommy. “Not moving… yet.”

He grunted as he wrestled with it. Cursed it.

“Take it easy,” said Mike. “We can get a bar and increase the leverage.”

“Yeah, right,” said Tommy. “Tomorrow. I’m talking about poppin’ this baby now.”

More grunting, cursing.

“Forget it, Tommy,” said Doc. “We’ll get it tomorrow.”

“Fuck that.”

“You have three minutes, Sonny,” said Dex. Sonny? Where the hell had that come from? He never called anybody that before. Maybe what Don Jordan said was right about the Chipiarelli kid being a surrogate son for old Dexter? He shook his head as if to clear the thought. Even if something like that were true, this was no time to be thinking about it. Letting his mind drift like that wasn’t like Dex, and he didn’t like it in himself even a little bit.

Stay focused. Pay attention. Stay alive.

Tommy released an extended, karate-like cry, then: “It moved! The cock-knocker moved!”

“Is it free?” said Dex. “You turning it?”

“Yeah… but it’s tough.”

The scene looked decidedly weird. Three guys floating around the opening in the aft deck, staring at the ass-end of the fourth guy. Like some fraternity stunt or initiation rite. The cloudy water cast everything in a dull finish, revealing just enough to keep you from getting panicky.

“We’re out of time,” said Dex. “Tommy, you and Doc need to get topside. ASAP.”

Doc checked his SPG and nodded. He jerked his thumb toward the surface. “Still okay… but we should start now.”

“I know,” said Dex.

“It’s loose! Turning free, guys… we’re in!”

Dex couldn’t stand it any longer. Grabbing Tommy’s ankles, he tried to lift him out of the hatch tube. If he waited any longer, the kid wouldn’t have enough air to make his ascent. “Time’s up kid!” he said. “Forget it.”

“Hey, wait! I got it open!”

Dex kept pulling on him, but Tommy must have been holding on to something.

“Wait a sec!” said Tommy. There was a hitch in his voice, like he couldn’t catch his breath, and Dex figured he was out of air. But it wasn’t that — it was more like surprise or shock. “There’s somethin’ down here… holy shit…! You gotta see this…”

Chapter Eight

Bruckner Greenland Shelf

Erich held the decoded message with both hands. Such a stunning interruption of the mission forced him deep into his training — no anger or shock would work well here. Retaining his composure and control for the safety and confidence of his crew was most important. He could not allow them to know how serious the break in radio silence might be — regardless of the urgency of the message.

Turning to his navigator, he said, “Ostermann, you have the control deck. Prepare for course changes. Manny, come with me…”

His Exec followed him out of the con to his Captain’s quarters. When they had closed themselves into the private area, Erich handed the message to his friend, who read it without expression:


“What does this mean?” he said. “What is ‘Station One Eleven’?”

Erich sat behind his small desk, motioned for Manny to sit on the adjacent bunk. “It is a top-secret installation under the Greenland Shelf. Filled with some of our most brilliant scientists and engineers. I am told they are working on projects out of science fiction and beyond.”

“I had no idea such a place existed.”

Erich shook his head. “Practically no one does. The only reason U-boat captains have the knowledge is a pragmatic one — the base can only be serviced by a submarine.”

“Do you know what goes on there?” Manny leaned forward, speaking in a half-whisper.

“No. Not a clue. Although I would imagine the projects are even more far-flung than the fission-bomb or the jet-propelled fighter.”

“Incredible. And you know its location?”

Erich unlocked a drawer in his desk, removed a small courier’s folder, sealed with red wax. “I have the information here. Prepared by the office of Doenitz himself. I have never visited the facility. Few people have.”

“And now we will be among the few…”

Erich removed his pocket-knife, sliced through the wax seal, and opened the small red-brown folder. “These are the coordinates and instructions to gain access to the station.”

Manny looked at the pages briefly. “Far from our current position?”

Erich allowed himself a small, ironic grin. “Oddly… no. Which makes me wonder if there is any such thing as coincidence.”

“You think we have been misled?” Manny looked uncomfortable with such a prospect.

“That may not be the correct word. It is quite possible they had intended us for a two-pronged mission all along, but feared a greater chance of a security breach with more people involved.”

Manny shook his head. “That sounds like you are rationalizing, my old friend. We are being used. Face it. Breaking radio silence is an acceptable risk when you are not the one staring down an enemy destroyer.”

Standing up, Erich gestured toward the door. “No argument there. But there is no percentage in discussing it now. We have a job to do.”

* * *

Ostermann again reinforced Erich’s decision to make him 5001’s navigator. He accepted the coordinates and orders for course changes without hesitation or comment. Within minutes he had the boat under the corrected heading. Erich was equally pleased with the conduct of the rest of control deck crew — business as usual, even for the party lapdog Bischoff.

Despite warnings from Kress, his engineer, Erich had no choice. He must get his ship away from the surface as soon as possible.

“Avoidance depth,” he said. “Then assume new heading as per Herr Ostermann.”

The crew leaned into their tasks as the soft sound of the ballast tanks filling resonated through the hull. Erich released a breath he had been unconsciously holding. Despite his efforts to display a calm demeanor, even to Manny, his instincts were telling him the deviation from the original mission was ill-advised.

And then, as if on cue, his worst fear had been confirmed.

“Captain,” said Bischoff “We have been swept by radar!”

“Inform engineering,” said Erich to his Exec. “Dive!”

“Yessir,” said Manfred, already moving.

“Bischoff! Break radio silence. Try to get off a message to Command — Under attack. Taking evasive action.”

“Aye, Captain.”

As the klaxon bleated throughout the boat, everyone on the bridge assumed their battle stations duties. Throughout the vessel, their rigorous training would be taking over.

“Ballast tanks engaged. Commencing dive,” said the helmsman.

“I have two contacts,” said Bischoff. “Aircraft. Bearing 102 degrees. ETA: four minutes.”

The enemy was practically right above them. Probably regular patrol seaplanes. Four minutes. That was clearly not enough time to reach a safe depth, thought Erich. He inwardly cringed as he resorted to his next command.

“Commence crash-dive,” he said sternly.

The deck leaned forward abruptly as the helmsman cranked the diving planes to their maximum descent angles. The new steel of the hull creaked and groaned as it was subjected to a new maneuver. Everyone grabbed on for the nearest handhold as the big boat’s screws churned violently, forcing the sub down with maximum force.

“Cans in the water!” yelled Bischoff, both hands cupping his earphones tightly to his head. His eyes looked like boiled eggs bulging from his face.

“Sixty meters… eighty…” The helmsman’s voice sounded so young to Erich, like a secondary school footballer. Odd he’d never noticed it before.

A rolling thunder vibrated through the water as the first depth charges exploded. Angled down toward the coldest depths, the U-5001 shuddered from shock waves concussing it. Four detonations from the first pass of the American PBYs rocked them.

Then, the absence of sound which followed was so eerie, it didn’t seem possible the boat could be so silent. Erich could hear the ragged breaths of each man on the bridge, and the smell of their collective sweat had thickened the air in an instant.

“One twenty…” whispered the helmsman. It sounded like a line from a prayer.


The rest of the number was blocked out by the second wave of detonations, each sounding louder, closer, advancing on the boat like footfalls across a hard surface. Each one grabbing the hull in a fist of iron and shaking it like a toy, until the final blast burst valves and seams. Water began spraying wildly from a corner of the conning tower. Someone moved to shut it down as Bischoff yelled out something above the din.

The hull protested as if twisting in the grip of a monster.

A shrill piping emitted from the intercom tube, and Erich turned, leaned down toward it.

“Engineering here!” yelled the voice of Kress. “I don’t have enough battery! We can’t keep this much power to both screws, Captain!”

“Shut down Number Two!” said Erich without thinking about it. Despite the need for a power-dive, if the boat survived the current attack, he would need to conserve power. No telling how long he may have to run on the batteries… and they were not fully charged.

“Herr Kress!” said Erich loudly into the tubes. “Damage reports — immediately.”

“We have a breach in the aft escape hatch. Sealing access doors on both sides!”

Erich nodded to himself. He didn’t like Kress’s stopgap solution — which effectively isolated the men in the aft torpedo room from the rest of the boat — but there was no choice at this point.

“One eighty… avoidance depth…” said the helmsman.

As he waited for more information, Erich could feel the deck leveling out. The big boat was responding well. If she was hurt, it was not enough to change the way she was handling. They might make it after all. He exhaled, suddenly aware he’d been holding his breath.

“Starboard planes slow to respond, Captain,” said the helmsman.

“Can you correct?”

“Yes sir, but they are definitely stiff.”

The starboard side had been the one which absorbed the brunt of the shock waves. It would not be surprising to see such powerful force bend a mount or two. His crew would need some time on the surface to better assess damage and affect repairs, no matter how minor they might eventually be.

“Herr Fassbaden, I need—”

“Here they come again!” said Bischoff. “Cans hitting the water… but not so close this time.”

No one spoke.

The silence curled through the room like a thick fog. Erich swore he could hear the ticking of wristwatches.

Then, an eternity later, the muffled rumble of charges going off rippled through the frigid water, but reaching the U-5001 only as minor vibrations. They were far enough away to indicate the American flying boats had lost them.

Everyone released his breath in unison. Heels scraped on the deck as the crew dared to move. Someone cleared his throat.

“Maintain present depth, speed to eight knots.” Erich released his grip on the strand of pipes above his head, just then realizing he’d been holding them so tightly his knuckles had blanched.

“No more splashes…” said Bischoff, his voice just above a whisper.

“Steady as she goes. Hold course. There is a chance the Americans can call in a surface ship if it is close enough at hand. I will want you listening for screws, Herr Bischoff.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Erich nodded. The chance of a surface ship in the neighborhood was not high, but he wanted everyone on highest alert. No room for any lax attitudes now.

“Herr Fassbaden, I need that damage report. Immediately, if not sooner.”

“I will see to it personally,” said the Exec.

Watching the gangly Manfred exit the control deck, Erich began to worry about that hatch breach. If it was leaking in a major way, that would indicate a serious problem with the structural integrity of the hull. That it was located just aft of the aircraft hangar deck suggested some kind of flaw in the new design. To be totally honest with himself, Erich had to admit to always wondering how well the hangar doors would hold up to the pressures of a deep dive.

Even though the U-5001’s designers had built in a double, interlocking seal, and had kept the space in the hangar separate from the rest of the hull, it was a totally new concept. Untested until now. It was not inconceivable the pressure of avoidance depths could collapse the hangar, flood the chamber, and create ballast problems. Not good. That is why Command had required a brief shakedown exercise before launching the Messerschmitt.

But, thought Erich, if you were part of the U-boat crew, you would not think it was a very good way to find out an engineer made a mistake.

Could the escape hatch be affected by larger problems?

“Starboard planes still sticky, Captain,” said the helmsman.

“How bad?”

The man exhaled slowly. “Not getting any better. Worse if anything.”

Erich considered what this might mean if they were to undergo another attack and would require any exotic maneuvering. He smiled grimly. It would mean they would all die. There would be little chance of getting a boat as big as the U-5001 to execute any of the textbook tactics if she was slow to respond.

Fassbaden entered the con, his expression as unreadable as ever.

“Well?” said Erich, looking at him. He could sense the attention of the rest of the crew on the control deck. They would all be riveted to their duties, but their ears would be attuned to any words now spoken.

“Escape hatch chamber is flooded. We will need to surface to pump it clear and inspect the damage. In addition, the Number Three valve on the starboard ballast tank is stopped down. Kress can fix it, but it will take at least several hours. In the meantime, our ascent control is impaired although not certain how drastically.”

Erich considered what their status meant in the simplest terms. Their boat was in trouble. It could go deeper, but it could not reach the surface with much certainty. It could maneuver, but like a clumsy drunkard… in slow-motion. The ability to always go deeper was, unfortunately, an ability submarines never lost.

“What about the men in the aft torpedo room?” he said in a low voice.

“No injuries or problems so far. They have enough oxygen for at least several hours and Kress says he could force fresh air into them through the speaking tubes if necessary.”

Erich nodded. “How much charge did we incur on the batteries?”

“Enough remaining for about ten hours.”

Erich weighed all the information against possible variables. He was certainly within ten hours of Station One Eleven. Could he coax a level bubble out of the big boat? His crew was expecting him to have the clearest view of their situation, and that meant no self-doubts, no feeling sorry for himself.

“Get Kress all the help he needs on the valve problem,” he told Manfred. “Then let’s see just how much vertical we can manage. If we can get anything at all…”

“I’ll go see him now.” Before turning to exit the con, his Exec nodded and grinned. “I am not sure I approve of your use of the word ‘if,’ Captain.”

Erich smiled, turned to his helmsman. “Take her up, seaman.”

For the next several minutes, the crew learned the limitations imposed by the attack-damage. The U-5001 blew what ballast it could, and the helmsman corrected for the faulty control plane as much as possible. The result was an ascent angle of 6 degrees above the bubble. Slight, but more than Erich had anticipated. At least they were going up.

He and Ostermann were charting their current position as opposed to their objective coordinates, when Bischoff’s head turreted around to glare at them. He was pressing his bulky headphones close to his head, and his eyes were so round, they appeared too big for his face, like a cartoon character. “Asdic!” he said. “Screws! They’ve got us!”

Feeling the bottom of his stomach abruptly drop, Erich forced himself to stand as upright as possible. “Dive! Avoidance depth.”

The atmosphere in the con altered instantly, the air suddenly thick with tension, tinged with the earliest scents of true fear. Erich could feel it. His men knew what this could mean if the enemy scored a hit.

As the ballast tanks blew, the angle beneath their feet changed as the prow of the boat seemed to leap downward like a diver jumping from dock. The propellers strained as the helmsman pushed the handle to full power, and everyone could hear the whine of the electric motors trying to deliver.

“Splashes…!” said Bischoff. “A big spread!”

The destroyer had deployed a wide blanket of charges, which, in one sense, was a good sign — it meant their sonar operator had not pinpointed Erich’s position. The Americans knew their target was in the area and were hoping for a lucky strike until they could get a firm echo.

“One hundred twenty… One fifty… One seventy…”

“Level her off,” said Erich.

A series of explosions laced the waters in rapid succession. Far enough to inflict no damage but still close enough to savagely rattle the hull. Six concussions like the staccato beat of a drum. Bischoff was thrown from his chair and Ostermann’s instruments slid from the table as if on a sheet of ice.

Noticing the angle of the deck, Erich called to the helmsman. “Level her off… now!”

“One ninety… She is slow to respond, Captain. I am having trouble!”

Two other crewmen assisted in wrestling with the wheel. Erich watched, feeling a very slight change in the angle. Slight was not enough. A shuddering groan twisted through the hull as the boat slipped deeper into the pressure grip of the arctic waters. There was a limit to how far they could go and the U-5001 was approaching it.

“Bring her level,” said Erich, as he watched his men battling the controls. His order sounded hollow and ineffectual. Of course his men were doing their damnedest to neutralize the dive. But the damage to his boat, while not crippling, had caused her to respond with a terrible slowness. If they didn’t stop the gradual descent soon, it would not matter what the destroyer did above their heads.

Gripping a ceiling pipe to remain steady, Erich was suddenly aware of his teeth pressing together, and consciously unlocked the muscles in his jaws. Damn it… this is no way to die. Not like this… without a fight… sinking into the darkness like an anchor.

Even though the water outside the vessel was almost black, Erich stared out of the viewing port at the convex of the conning tower. Two powerful searchlights had been mounted on each side of the port, and he felt tempted to click them on, to see what was out there as his boat skirted the icy shelf of Greenland.

The next series of depth charges detonated above them. Another second or two and he would know if any had been close enough…

Chapter Nine

Dexter McCauley Chesapeake Bay, Now

“Wait, wait!” Tommy said. He was trying to yell around the mouthpiece and the Divelink mic was distorting like crazy. “There’s gold in here! Silver! Or somethin’!”

“We’re out of time, Tommy… let’s go,” said Dex. His view of Chipiarelli was mainly of his legs and flippers filling the hatch tube.

“You hear me?” the kid said, but weaker this time. Then: “Hey, wait a minute — I’m not gettin’ any more air outta this thing!”

Hearing that, Dex hesitated for only an instant, then braced himself against the outer collar of the hatch so he could pull Tommy out of there. The cloudy water swirled around them and seemed to somehow be getting denser, closer. It was getting harder to see details.

“I got nothin’,” said Doc, gesturing first to his mouthpiece, then toward the surface as he flippered himself into upward motion.

“Get outta here. We’ll get this guy,” said Mike Bielski, reaching for Tommy’s nearest leg.

“Tommy! Let’s go…” said Dex. “C’mon.”

The kid didn’t kick or try to hold on. He didn’t say anything either, and that made Dex try to move even faster. When they had him free of the hatch, Dex could see Tommy’s eyes behind his faceplate bulging out of his head. The dumb ass was trying to hold his last gulp of air when he felt the regulator shut down.

“Hey, relax, man. Here…” Mike released his mouthpiece and passed it to Tommy, who grabbed for it just a little too frantically, then sucked in the sweet air mixture.

He’d been unbelievably stupid, and Dex was pissed.

But this was not the time to let his emotions screw things up.

“I’ve got him, Boss,” said Mike.

Dex nodded. “Can you stay with him all the way up?”

“Just like you taught us…” said Bielski.

Dex watched as Mike slowly headed to the surface with Tommy in tow. Sharing a single tank, they worked their way topside, but paused every ten feet or so to make sure Tommy was okay and not panicking after-the-fact. They hadn’t been deep enough for the bends to be much of an issue but a freak-out could occur at any depth and be just as deadly.

Just as Dex was ready to follow them, he noticed a glow coming from the hatch’s interior. Tommy’s dive light, where he must have dropped it. Floating over to the circular opening, Dex lowered himself toward the beam of the Princeton Tec. It lay on a flange above the inner hatch, and as Dex retrieved it, he saw the beam swipe across the concavity of the open hatch.

Four numbers had been stenciled across it: 5001.

Staring at it for a second, he wondered what the designation meant, then spun around to orient himself toward the surface.

He caught up with Mike and Tommy five feet from the top. Breaking the water, he saw Don and Kevin Cheever waiting on the step-deck to haul Tommy’s sorry ass aboard. His fire-engine red dry-suit looked even brighter in the afternoon light, but nowhere near as brilliant as his expression. He certainly didn’t look like a guy who’d been a minute or so away from a pretty bad way to check off the planet.

Ripping off his mask, in between gulps of air, he started talking. “You guys’re not gonna believe—!”

“Shut the fuck up,” said Dex. “You goddamned dummy! You pull another play like that and you’re never diving with us again, you hear me?”

It got so quiet on the deck, even the slap of the waves against the hull and the screechy seabirds seemed to stop for a second. Feeling the collective stares of everybody burning him, Dex stepped forward and stood over Tommy, who sat cross-legged on the deck like a little kid.

Nobody wanted to be the first guy to say anything. It was like they were all waiting for Tommy to offer up an answer, or an explanation that might get them past this ugly point. In all the time they’d been diving as a team, nothing like this had ever happened. Dex knew they’d never seen him lash out like that (because they hadn’t known him during his days as a Navy Chief).

Time seemed to be stretching out, sagging in the middle, slowing them all down. Even Tommy sensed it, as his dark eyes flashed from one guy to another, looking for an ally who simply wasn’t there.

“Hey, guys, sorry… I just got caught up in the moment,” said Tommy. “I won’t let it happen again.”

No way he’s getting off that easy, thought Dex. “You might get away with that daredevil shit in the Fire Department, but not out here. No way I spend the rest of my life feeling guilty because I lost somebody on my watch — because I let them act like an asshole. You got that?”

“Yeah, I got it. Dex, I mean it. I’m sorry — I just saw that thing, shining down there. It looked like gold and I kinda lost it.”

“I thought that’s what you said on the link,” said Don. “You said you saw gold… and silver.” He pushed back his baseball cap, trying to look casual as he scratched his head, but there was no suppressing his obvious interest.

What gold?” said Andy Mellow.

“You heard me. As soon as I got through the second hatch, I could see it — Like in the movies, you know, those things that look like bricks…”

“Bullion,” said Doc. “Is that what you mean?”

“Like the soup?” said Tommy. “Is that what they call it?”

“You sure what you saw?” said Don.

“No shit. I’m pretty sure…”

“Doesn’t sound like it,” said Mike, sounding the least interested of all of them.

“You think I’d bullshit you guys at a time like this? I saw this slab… the bullion thing. Not a bunch all piled up… like the way they always show you the gold… you know, like in that Fort Knox place.”

“That’s only in the movies,” said Mike. He had that grin on his face that usually meant he thought you were sounding like an idiot.

“So what’re you sayin’?” said Don. “Now it sounds like it looked like gold… which to me means you’re not so sure now.”

Tommy moved to his knees, grabbed a rail to steady himself, and sat down on a storage bin. “I’m sure. I’m pretty sure.”

“And you only saw one brick,” said Doc.

“If there’s one, hey, there could be more…” Tommy grinned.

“Visibility isn’t all that great,” said Dex. “We’ll need to check it out.”

“No time like the present,” said Andy.

“Uh-uh. It’s getting too late,” said Dex. There was no way he wanted them even thinking about going back down there at this hour.

“Yeah,” said Don. “The wind’s coming up too. Smart to just start heading in.”

“Storm?” said Mike.

Don shrugged. “Hard to tell.”

“That’s okay,” said Dex. “That’s why they invented tomorrow. Everybody still on?”

A chorus of grunted assents rose up around him, but he could feel their collective resentment. Gold. The word sank through his thoughts like an anchor. Something about gold that got guys spinning out of their usual orbits.

Buried treasure. Getting rich. All that sort of thing. He was reminded of the old Bogart movie, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The ultimate statement on “gold fever.”

Funny thing was — it didn’t take much to get a real good case of it spreading through a group. Fast. Like a virulent plague. These guys were all so close to letting it take them over, it was scary.

“You sure it’s safe to leave everything?” said Don.

Dex grinned. “That tub’s been down there for sixty years and nobody’s been the wiser. Now all of a sudden, what? You think everybody’s going to be lining up to get our gold?”

Mike and Doc chuckled softly, but nobody else seemed to see much humor in it.

“You’re probably right,” said Andy. “But it doesn’t hurt to be careful, does it?”

It was time to get these guys refocused. “The best thing we can do is keep things quiet until we can get a better look at what Tommy thinks he saw down there. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

“What do you mean?” said Tommy. His longish hair was still wet and he looked like a front man who’d just come offstage from a performance.

“We’re beyond the territorial limits of any states,” said Dex. “I was telling Don — we need to put in a salvage claim under maritime law.”

“And then we’re okay?” said Andy, who seemed to be as intrigued by the possibility of gold as even Don or Tommy.

“Okay as we’ll ever be.” said Dex.

“And then we can split it up?” said Tommy.

Dex paused, looked at all of them slowly. He paused to look each guy in the eye. He could feel them all worrying about what Tommy might have seen, and some of them were already dreaming of the ways they were going to spend the money.

“Okay, listen,” Dex said finally. “We all have to cool it a little bit here, okay?”

“What do you mean?” said Don.

“A couple things you should realize. One, nobody much cares about sunken U-boats anymore, so when we notify the Coast Guard, we can pretty much rely on regular admiralty law to protect us. Two, there’s a good chance Tommy saw something through that hatch, but there’s no way to tell if it’s gold or anything similar until we can get a closer look at it. And three, if it is gold, we might be in for an interesting couple of years.”

“Yeah? Like how?” said Tommy.

“Any of you guys ever hear of the S. S. Central America?”

“Is that the one in the book?” said Mike. “Bestseller a good ways back? I didn’t read it, but I remember seeing a bunch of reviews about it.”

Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea,” said Dex. “That’s the one.”

“I remember that one,” said Kevin. “They did it on The History Channel, I think too. About the guy who invented all this stuff to get to the wreck, right?”

“Yeah, that’s part of the story,” said Dex. “The Central America was full of gold from the California gold rush. It went down in a hurricane off the Carolina coast. When the salvage team brought up all the gold, they had to face claims by insurance companies that had paid out money on the losses almost a hundred and fifty years ago.”

“What?” said Andy, his usually loud voice booming even louder with incredulity.

“That’s bullshit!” said Tommy.

“Some of the companies were still in business, and had a right to recover their losses,” said Dex. “Or so they claimed.”

“Let me guess,” said Doc. “Tied up in court. A lot of lawyers making money. Nobody else.”

Dex smiled. “Now you’ve got it.”

“Welcome to the modern world,” said Kevin.

“So what do we do?” said Don.

“We all go home, spend a nice night with our families, and plan to get some answers tomorrow.”

Nobody said anything. They knew he was right… so Dex figured he’d put a little finer point on what had happened.

“One more thing,” he said. “We keep our cakeholes shut about this, okay?”

Everybody grunted in the positive.

“At least until we get things sorted out. We don’t need any salvage vultures stirring things up yet.”

Dex started gathering up his gear and stowing it in the storage bins. He was done talking about this, and he hoped they all got the message.

Everybody apparently did — they all started putting up their own stuff, and Don headed back up to the bridge to get the Sea Dog headed back to Annapolis. Mike went up to join their skipper. Andy and Doc walked aft to hang on the rail and watch the boat’s progress back to the harbor. They would probably be rehashing the conversation and what they’d seen today. Kevin leaned back on the bench, closed his eyes as if meditating. It was part of a ritual he always did to relax after a dive. He’d been distracted this time, but habits and superstitions died hard.

Tommy slowly peeled out of his drysuit, taking his sweet-assed time.

“Man,” he said. “Why’s everything have to be so complicated?”

“Because the world would get very boring if it wasn’t,” said Dex. “But listen, if you wanna know the truth, I don’t feel much like talking to you right now.”

“Man… okay, I hear you.”

“Let’s deal with it tomorrow, okay?”

Tommy nodded, hung up his suit in the salon locker, pulled on a sweatshirt. The sun westered across the bay, and the temperatures were dropping pretty fast. Belowdecks, the big Detroit diesels kicked in, and Don leaned on the forward levers as the big crew boat surged through the bay water chop.

“Hey, c’mon, Dex,” said Tommy. “I deserved what I got from you. No hard feelings, okay?”

“There better not be… you acted like a complete and total jackass.” Dex reached for a thick turtleneck sweater, pulled it down over his head.

“Yeah, I gotta agree with him on that one,” said Kevin, not bothering to open his eyes or look up. He said it with a wry grin, which was his usual demeanor, no matter what he was talking about.

“Okay, okay. Gang up on me, why don’t yas.”

“Just remember it, okay?” said Dex. “Nobody has any idea how easy it is to die down there. Till it happens.”

Nobody had anything to add, and to be honest, the silence was just fine with Dex. He needed the break to get himself calmed down. There was a moment back there, if Tommy had pushed him, when it could’ve gotten ugly. He watched the kid break a Bud out of the cooler and go back to the stern rail to drink it by himself.

Then it was just him and Kevin sitting there.

“This is the first time he’s ever been on a real wreck dive, right?” said Kevin. “Not the ones that’ve been staked out and marked on maps”

“Yeah, so what? He’s been on plenty of training dives. He oughta know by now.”

“I mean, he’s never done the whole drill, with teams and all that. He’s a rook in that regard.”

“No excuse for his antics,” said Dex. “I’m not sure he should be part of the group after that stunt. “He’s a wildcard.”

“Okay, just checking…”

Dex nodded, then changed the subject. He nudged him with his elbow. “I saw a number down there — on the inside of the hatch. 5-0-0-1. You think it might be the designator?”

“You mean the name? As in U-5001?” Kevin continued to lean back, looking straight ahead as if studying the horizon.


Kevin sighed. “I don’t know. When Don and I did a quick look on the internet, we didn’t see any numbers that high. Could be a new class or something, right?”

“Well, it’s obvious it’s different from anything else the Germans ever had.”

Kevin nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. How about I run it through the network at the lab and I check with some Navy people in DC?”

“Yeah, definitely. Call me if you get wind of anything on U-5001.”

“You got it. I’ll check Monday morning.”

As Kevin moved off to get a beer from the cooler, Dex looked past him to where Tommy was leaning against the rail by himself. Kevin walked right by him, saying nothing.

It was times like this when Dex could see why people didn’t warm up to Tommy Chipiarelli, why so many people thought he was a loose cannon.

Which made Dex wonder why he put up with the kid himself. Well, it was no secret Dex saw a lot of himself in Tommy. Certain guys had a streak of weirdness in them that most people could never understand. Weird because it made you look for a challenge, if not trouble, at every turn in the road. Guys like that ended up doing a lot of the jobs nobody else wanted to do — cops, firemen, boomers, and soldiers. Stuff like that. Most of them Dex had known over the years liked their women plenty, but never enough to marry any of them, and they had a knack for doing something that sooner or later kept them from enjoying a nice, restful retirement and reflective, elderly years.

Death wish?

Nah. Dex wasn’t big on pop psychology. Nobody wanted to die. But some guys just didn’t seem to be afraid of it. Regular life bored the hell out of them, that’s all. Traditional women, jobs, kids, families, and most of the stuff the rest of society broke their ass to obtain. None of it was all that appealing to guys like Tommy, who was: Get drunk. Get laid. Get your ass in trouble, then get your ass out of it.

A great life, but Dex was smart enough to realize nothing lasted forever. Too many guys had told him how things start changing real fast once you get past a certain point in your forties. It was funny how it happened — you grew up out of your teens and your body and your mind just kind of slipped into this rhythm, this high-energy routine, and everything seemed to run like a finely-tuned engine. An engine that ran for a quarter of a century without so much as a warranty check. For twenty-five years, you look in the mirror every morning and everything looks the same. Everything feels the same; everything works the same. Nobody can tell if you’re twenty-two or forty-two. And it is simply. Fucking. Great.

Then one morning, you see some lines around the corners of your eyes. No big deal. But they don’t go away, and they get matched up with a few gray hairs in your sideburns or your mustache or even an errant strand on your chest. That’s your first step onto the slippery slope. At first you don’t realize the lack of friction is so severe, or the angle of descent so steep. You ignore it because you can still drink ten pints of strong ale, pee it out like Secretariat, and top off the night with a couple shots of Jack D. You can still pound your date like a tent peg, wait an hour and do it all over again. You can still fall out of a boat and drop like a sack of cement into a hundred sixty feet of water so dark it could be the ninth circle of hell. You can do it like most guys step into the shower, but then the time comes when your pulse jumps around like it never did, and your breaths don’t seem to come as even. And when you get back to the surface, and you start bending and twisting and contorting your way out of your gear, you start to notice a twinge in a muscle you never knew you had, or a sharp little needle of pain in a joint that goes away faster than you can think to describe it or remember it.

But it will eventually come back, and it will bring friends.

Dex smiled. Yeah, that’s the way it started, and some guys did everything they could to fight it, stall it, delay it. Some guys ignored it. Nobody stopped it. And although it hadn’t happened to Dex yet, there came a point when you looked in the mirror and you knew you were no longer going to be confused with being a young guy.

That’s when you needed to ask yourself what you’re going to do with your new, less efficient and less functional you.

As for Dex, he had no real clue.

Chapter Ten

Bruckner Off the coast of Greenland, April 30, 1945

A giant hand grabbing the boat by its nose, and giving it a few snaps of the wrist.

That’s what it felt like when the cans detonated on each side and directly above the U-5001. Erich’s knees buckled as the deck heaved upward, flipping him and the rest of the crew into the air toward the bulkheads above them. The steel fittings of the hull had stopped groaning — now they literally screamed as every rivet and weld was being pushed beyond their structural tolerances. Any second, Erich expected the hull to crinkle inward and the cold sea crush them like a sardine tin.

“Damage?” he said as he struggled to his feet. The deck beneath him, surprisingly, felt more level than before.

“Not here, Captain,” said the helmsman.


The communications man fought to keep his bulky earphones in place as he climbed back into his chair. Reaching for a series of toggles and rheostats on his board, he squinted as if that might force his equipment into a higher level of performance.

“Nothing, sir.”

“That was so close,” someone said.

No one had the nerve to agree or add their feelings. Everyone knew how true it was, and how helpless they all were to do much about it.

Returning his attention to the dive attitude, Erich joined the men at the helm, now looking less terrified and more resolute. “Can you maintain bubble?” he said to the nearest crewman.

“I think so, Captain. But I must tell you — it is difficult.”

Erich nodded. His boat and his crew were in trouble. She was not in condition to make the kind of quick maneuvers needed to avoid the enemy during an attack. Until he reached Station One Eleven he could not even attempt any repairs. If he could not make the secret installation, the weather, treacherous coastline, and threat of further detection or attack could combine to make the idea of their survival ever more remote.

And who knew if the secret Station was intact? Doenitz ordered him to affect “rescue and recovery.” That suggested there was trouble at the secret base.

“Screws waning, Captain,” said Bischoff. “The destroyer is heading off to starboard. We may have lost him.”

“Continue to level off,” said Erich. “Hold course. Engines ahead ten percent.”

Still too early, he thought. The American captain might be playing cat-and-mouse. By breaking off pursuit, north toward the shoreline, the enemy may be trying to set him up, to set a trap into which an unwitting and inexperienced U-boat commander might stumble. Erich was aware of this tactic because he’d been lucky enough to survive it in the past. Many fledgling submariners had not been so fortunate.

But he had other problems as well. The damage to the diving planes might prove fatal. Despite the claims of the helmsman, Erich’s instincts and highly tuned senses told him the submarine was still experiencing a “down bubble” which meant it continued to angle, no matter how slight, toward the bottom. If he were not able to correct for this descent, the U-5001 was doomed.

There was also the flooded hatch compartment, which would need addressing.

In order to maneuver the 5001 through the undersea cavern entrance to Station One Eleven, he would need his boat responding smoothly. Considering his options, he worked through the most obvious ploy first — reduce the weight in the bow.

“Herr Fassbaden,” he said to his friend, who had been standing at the ready. He was enough of a veteran seaman to know to remain silent until addressed when conditions were so critical. They now spoke in hushed tones.

“Yes, Captain…”

“If we had clear passage to aft torpedo room, we could move the bow fish to the rear of the boat — reducing our weight.”

“No way to do that now.”

“So,” said Erich. “I think we must fire off some bow torpedoes, then move the bow crew to amidships, do you think…?”

“It might work,” said the Exec. “They cannot, of course, be allowed to detonate. They will need to be disarmed. The action is severe.”

“In addition, if we survive this current situation, we will have less firepower out in front.”

“That is correct, Captain. But I also know it is a choice of damned if we do not, and slightly less damned if we do.”

Erich grinned. “Well said. I say we do it. Now.”

“You want me to take care of it?”

“Yes, I do. After I inform the crew personally.”

Snapping off a salute, Fassbaden turned to head forward, when Erich stopped him with a slight touch of his sleeve. “I almost forgot, with all the other things happening — what about that troublemaker, Liebling? Did you get him out of that aft torpedo room?”

Fassbaden shook his head. “There was not enough time. We came under attack, and—”

“I understand. However, the longer those men remain cut off, the more of a potential problem that man becomes. That is not a good situation for someone who may be unstable in a crisis.”

“I agree, Captain.”

“Have Massenburg stay in touch with the aft gunnery officer by tube.”

“Kuykendahl, from the U-387. A good man.”

Nodding, Erich remembered the man as soon as Manny mentioned his name. “I will want to know if things worsen down there. I want Kuykendahl to know he has my permission to take whatever measure is necessary to maintain order.”

“I understand,” said Fassbaden. “I will inform the Chief Warrant Officer.”

“Very well,” said Erich. “Then meet me in the bow. We have some fish to unload.”

After Manny left the control deck, Erich briefed his men on the plan. No one replied, nor hardly looked at him or one another. They all knew the gravity of the situation. You did not dump your torpedoes unless things were desperate, and they all knew this. Erich saluted them, and turned to leave the deck.

“Herr Ostermann, you have the con,” he said.

As he walked forward, he passed the galley where Hausser, the cook, was peering out into the central corridor.

“Everything all right, Captain?”

“Of course, seaman. Return to your station.”

“Yes, Captain.” Hausser looked young, but there was an air of confidence about him. Still leaning past the threshold to the kitchen, he stared at his commanding officer. Then he spoke in a direct manner Erich both noticed and admired. “But, could I have a word with you first?”


“Herr Fassbaden informed me I would be getting an ‘assistant,’ and I should be watchful of him.”

“That is correct.”

“I know this fellow, Liebling. He is trouble, Captain. But I am here to tell you — he will not be trouble for me. I would gladly do… whatever might be necessary… to keep this boat safe from the likes of him.”

As he said this, the young cook let his index finger and thumb gently touch the handle of the large knife tucked into the belt of his apron.

Erich nodded. “I understand, seaman. Thank you for your concern.”

“Aye, Captain.” Hausser snapped off a crisp salute, stepped back into the galley.

Returning the salute, Erich headed forward along the corridor. Despite his grave concerns, he felt good knowing he had crewmen like Hausser. As he walked along, he imagined the young cook burying his knife in the chest of the hothead Liebling. Such horrific thoughts did not please him. He knew plenty of men who not only welcomed the gruesome demands of warfare, but actually hoped for it. Erich had always suspected his own father had succumbed to a touch of such madness. While not craven, the elder Bruckner had always recounted his personal wartime experiences with just a little too much relish for Erich’s sensibilities.

He would do whatever necessary to retain the honor of his military office, but he did not have to like it. There was much men needed to do in their lives that proved distasteful. The real heroes were the ones who recognized the horror and who never surrendered to its call.

Reaching the bulkhead door to the bow torpedo room, he opened it with a series of practiced moves he could have done in his sleep. In addition to the heavy, combined scents of sweat and burned tobacco, he was greeted by expressions of shock on the faces of the nearest two crewmen, and they appeared almost comical as they tried to stand at attention. The four remaining men, including Gunnery Officer Neil Schlag, quickly turned and saluted Erich as soon as they realized the identity of their unannounced visitor.

“Captain,” said Schlag, trying to appear calm and in control. “Is there something wrong?”

“At ease,” said Erich. He directed his gaze at Schlag, a thick-chested man with a heavy blue-black stubble of beard.

“Aye, Captain,” said Schlag.

“We have some work to do.”

As the men gathered around, Erich detailed the procedure to be followed to dump as many torpedoes as needed to bring up the bow. He was especially careful to emphasize the need for caution. Before any of the fish could be fired, they would need to be disarmed and their targeting mechanisms disabled. The history of the submarine contained far too many chronicles of vessels being hit and sunk by their own torpedoes. Such things could happen — ranging from human error, to a mechanical malfunction, to dumb, bad luck — and there were definite precautions to perform to prevent them.

“Our main objective is to get as much weight out of the bow as possible… as quickly as possible,” he said. “You must work fast, but you cannot sacrifice safety for speed.”

“You can rely on us,” said Schlag. He was a tough-looking character who’d worked as a bouncer in a Munchen cabaret before the war. An ugly scar on the left side of his neck snaked down across his collarbone, and it was so striking, no one ever dared ask how he’d gotten it.

At that moment, Manfred Fassbaden appeared at the open hatchway. “Herr Schlag,” he said. “I suggest you and I disable the fish personally.”

“Yes sir,” said the Gunnery Officer. Turning, he began organizing his crew to handle the torpedoes as efficiently and rapidly as possible. Erich stood by long enough to see Manny and Schlag open the first torpedo with pliers and drivers, then carefully remove the magnetic detonator. After they resealed the compartment, two other gunnery mates placed the undersea missile on the conveyor, which fed it into the bow tube. Another crewman clanged the chamber shut and opened the outer hatch to fill the chamber with seawater.

“Ready,” he said.

“Launch as soon as possible,” said Fassbaden.

Schlag nodded, then pulled the fire-control lever. There was a subtle shudder as the torpedo slipped from the tube. The entire operation had taken no more than four minutes.

No way to know how many torpedoes would do the trick. Erich did not wish to do the calculations on how much time must pass before he would know if his gamble would pay off.

Chapter Eleven

Dexter McCauley Crofton, Maryland

After the confrontation with Tommy and the cool-down over a few beers, Dex felt a little better. His advice had been for everybody to go home to their families and relax. Good advice for just about the whole bunch of them — except maybe Tommy and himself. Dex hadn’t had a “family” in so long, he hardly remembered what the word meant. Both his parents had died while he was in the Navy, and both times while he was on duty in some faraway port. He had an older sister, but she was off living her own life, raising her own family, none of whom had much time for “weird Uncle Dex.”

He grinned as he thought about that and keyed the ignition of his Ford 150 to back away from the wharf parking lot. Don was still onboard the Sea Dog, and he waved once then went back to checking all the tie-lines in case a storm came up out of nowhere. They had a way of doing that in the middle of the night. Waving back, Dex threw the pick-up into first gear, and patched out like he was in a hurry to get somewhere.

He wasn’t.

And his list of options ranged from totally avoidable (going back to the Dive Shop and doing the QuickBooks statements) to mildly objectionable (going home and doing all the piles of laundry) to eventually necessary (stopping at the B&O Diner for the meatloaf special).

Being hungrier than he’d first figured, he refueled first at the diner, then headed home, which was a townhouse condo in a little satellite of Annapolis called Crofton. He’d been there years now, and it was finally beginning to feel like it really was home. Although he’d always tell people he didn’t need much space, Dex had done a pretty decent job of filling it up with plenty of stuff — power tools, woodworking gear for his handmade furniture projects, and spare diving equipment. It made the basement look acceptably junky; plus, the second bedroom was shelved high with old records, magazines, paperback books and outdated rack-mounted stereo components. His old Technics turntable had given up the ghost years ago, and he kept saying he was either going to fix it or finally chuck all those “LPs.” (Did anybody still call them that? Did anybody even know what an LP was?)

The thought made him smile as he closed the front door behind him and stepped into the living room. His years in the Navy had taught him how to be neat when he had to be, and it was reflected in the clean lines and uncluttered look of the place. Plenty of shelves and books, some modern lighting and the requisite flat-screen TV, but not much else that couldn’t have been in the room fifty years ago.

Flopping down on the couch, Dex remoted on the cable news, fighting the room’s silence, more as background noise rather than the focus of his thoughts. He was tired, but he knew he couldn’t sleep yet. As much as he’d been trying to be cool, he kept thinking about that sub they’d found.

Not Tommy and his gold.

That was most likely crap. Dex hardly gave it a thought. He was far more interested in finding out why it ended up in the Bay. And its crew? What happened to those guys? Even though he’d told his men there was nothing special about sunken U-boats, he had a good hunch this one might be different. Its size for one. Almost twice as long as any ever built for the German fleet.

And maybe that number—5001. So maybe what Dex saw on the inside hatch was the answer. Getting an ID on the boat would be the first thing they’d need to start unwinding the mystery of the big sub.

Getting up from the sofa, Dex bounded upstairs to the second bedroom, which served as office and library. Filled with shelves and bookcases and a big desk, it was a dark, comfortable place where Dex spent most of his time at home.

After checking a few of the more obvious websites and databases, he found absolutely nothing on U-boats of the huge size they’d found, but that didn’t surprise him. Near the end of the war, the Nazis (despite their penchant for detailed record-keeping) started to run out of time, and there was a good chance they didn’t keep up their registries as well as they normally would. And Kevin’s memory had been correct; there were no numbers in the five thousands. The highest number he could find was the U-4718—a boat that had never been commissioned, probably never finished. Then there was—

The phone bleated electronically and after checking the ID on the little screen, he grabbed it. It was Kevin Cheever.

“Hey, Kev… what’s up?”

“Well, cutting to the chase,” said Cheever. “I was just wondering about what you made of today’s adventure?”

Dex exhaled. “Not a lot, so far. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete.”

“Me too,” said Kevin. “I figured it might be easier to talk now than doing it tomorrow. With the rest of them there. Especially with everybody thinking we’re going to be rich. That’s all Mike’s ex needs to hear. I can smell her lawyers salivating already.”

“I know. Can you believe Tommy? What a goof.”

Kevin cleared his throat. “Hey, boss, it wasn’t me that brought him to our little party.”

Dex smiled. “Mea culpa. I guess I feel sorry for him.”

“The same way you feel towards dumb animals?”

“You really don’t like him, do you, Kev.”

“I don’t know. Just kidding, I guess.”

Dex exhaled slowly. He hated when conversation devolved into bullshit chatter.

“C’mon, your point — you did have one, right?”

“Yeah,” said Kevin. “I’ve been checking all the usual websites and sources…”

“Yeah, me too,” said Dex.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but according to the official records I’ve been able to track down, that boat we found today never existed. I couldn’t find any reference to the Nazis ever building anything that big.”

“We’ve got to get coordinated so we’re not duplicating the same work,” said Dex. “You check the number too?”

“Yeah. Nothing.” Kevin paused. Then: “You still have some friends in the Navy?”

“A few. And some of them have some friends. We’re a long way from being shut-out at this point of the game.”

“I have a guy at work, Sal Robustelli,” said Kevin. “Good guy. World War II nut. You know the type.”


“Anyway, I’ll ask him if he has any ideas.”

“Sounds good. What about your own thoughts?”

“I’m thinking prototype,” said Kevin.

“Me too. And it looks pretty obvious to me — that superstructure on the aft deck was a hangar.”

“For a plane.” Kevin spoke definitively. It was not a question.

“You bet…”

“Now that would be cool — we get into that hangar and find a plane. That would make it pretty interesting. Maybe we found one of their secret weapons.”

“We’ll know soon enough,” said Dex.

“You know, I remember reading about a Japanese boat like this one. But I don’t think it got off the drawing boards. An underwater aircraft carrier. To knock out the Panama Canal. Can you imagine?”

“Man, that would’ve been something…” said Dex as he imagined the Japs pulling it off.

“So it wouldn’t be all that crazy for the Nazis to be thinking of something like that.”

Dex nodded. He liked solving a good mystery. “So listen, keep me up to date on your guy at work and make sure you copy me on it, so I don’t re-invent the wheel — and I’ll give some of my old Navy buds a call and see what’s what.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Kevin.

“The other option might be a little trickier — depending on how clean it is in there.”

“What’s that?”

“The Germans usually put a small, metal ID tag on one of the torpedo tube hatches in the forward compartment. A little plate with boat’s designator, the date completed, and the yard where it was built. I just read that somewhere.”

“If we can find that, it’s going to make all this work a waste of time.” Kevin chuckled. “Yeah. So, I guess I’ll see you at the dock.”

“Seven a.m., pal.”

He killed the call, and reached for his address book. It was old and beat-up and filled with scratch-outs, changes, margin notes, and outdated info. He really needed to re-do his address book — get rid of the guys who were dead, married, missing, whatever. Another one of those projects he just never got around to doing. Like replacing that low-pressure showerhead, which was starting to drive him crazy. Save water, my ass…

Not now, he told himself. Stay focused, on course. Up until now, he knew, his little dive club and chowder society had been just dicking around, but now it was serious business.

Dex finally faced what was lurking just beneath his thoughts — that damned boat kind of scared him.

He hoped the rest of the guys realized what they might be up against.

Chapter Twelve

Manfred Fassbaden Off the coast of Greenland, April 30, 1945

The air in the close quarters of the aft torpedo room grew heavy with the smell of men at work. Manfred knew it all too well — not just the dank scent of labor, but of subtle terror as well. In the submariner’s world, the rank odor of fear had become as much a part of a U-boat’s atmosphere as the pungent tang of diesel fuel.

As he worked with Gunnery Officer Schlag, he allowed his movements to become mechanical and repetitive. The torpedoes slipped past them as if they were factory workers, and gradually their pace and skill grew quicker. Every few minutes another underwater missile leapt from the forward tubes, lightening the bow by another appreciable fraction.

With each firing, he tried to sense a change in the bubble of the deck, but noticed nothing. Manfred tried to not worry about whether this desperate move was going to work or not. It was all they had. The control deck would let him know how they were doing.

“That’s twelve,” yelled Neil Schlag to one of his men. “Good work — keep them moving!”

Continuing to perform his part of the task, Manfred slipped into a semi-trance. Ever since the first depth charge attack, he’d felt a kind of strange sense of completeness, of finality. He knew their mission was doomed to failure, and he could feel an increasingly powerful grip of fear crushing his spirit. He knew he was going to die, and he could no longer face the inevitability with the stoic acceptance that had carried him through more than five years of battles and uncounted hours of dread.


Another fish away, and Manfred hoped the plan would have an effect. The boat continued to almost hover, its forward motion all but stopped, but if its bow continued to point just enough off the level, it would be sufficient to take it on an inexorable, if terribly slow, trip to the bottom.

Gunnery Officer Schlag moved another torpedo along the ball-bearing track, stopping it in front of Manfred. As they began to loosen the screws of the plate concealing its arming device, they heard the Captain’s voice bark from the tube.

“Achieving bubble. Cease fire. Fassbaden to the control deck.”

When Manny reached the con, Ostermann stood hunched over his chart and the Captain’s expression hinted at a level of relief. Looking up at Manny, he afforded him a small grin. “Good work, Herr Fassbaden. We are leveling off and have ascent capapbility.”

Ostermann finished a calculation, handed a slip of paper to Bruckner, who read it aloud: “New heading One-Six-Zero. ETA in three hours twelve minutes.”

The helmsman adjusted the course as Bruckner moved to peer through the glass of the forward port. “Schnorkel depth. All ahead full,” he said.

Manny relayed the command to Engineering, then joined his captain at the glass, beyond which a dark, cold sea waited to devour them — if they made even the slightest miscue.

Chapter Thirteen

Dexter McCauley Chesapeake Bay, Now

The harbor area of Annapolis had grown over the years to accommodate an ever-increasing number of pleasure boaters, struggling to retain its centuries-old charm. As Dex entered the narrow cobblestoned streets leading to the wharfs, he could smell the water in the air, and he felt at home. Funny how the sea became such a part of you.

As he parked at the dock he recognized some of the other guys’ vehicles already. Nobody wanted to be late for this one. The Sea Dog, with its long aft deck, bobbed and nudged at its moorings, waiting for its call to duty. When he climbed on board, he found Kevin Cheever and Doc Schissel giving their gear a once-over. They both waved when they saw him.

“Hey, Boss,” said Kevin with his characteristic big smile.

“Where’s Don?”

“Below,” said Doc. “He said he wanted to take a look at the engines before we headed out.”

Dex nodded, moved to his own locker and started his own equipment-check. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was feeling very anxious about going back down to the wreck. Although he’d conducted more than a hundred dives to sunken vessels over the years, intuitive forces tugged at him like the unseen gravities of worlds, whispering a message of urgency, and perhaps danger.

And that was a strange thing — part of him wanted this dive to be just like all the others (which meant routine and ultimately unremarkable), and another wanted it to be the one that would be a milestone, the signal event in his life that would make the difference, would make Dexter McCauley know it had all been worth it.

That all the crap he’d endured actually meant something.

He smiled as he thought about that. No way he’d ever want any of these guys to know such notions of fame and posterity ever crossed the brow of good, old, pragmatic Dex…

He spread out his pale green dry suit, and began checking his array of electronic gadgets. He liked the modern stuff, but he never forgot the most important fact about them: they might make diving easier, but not safer. There was no gear that could make you cautious.

Sensing movement in the periphery, Dex turned to see Don Jordan’s watchcap-clad head appear above the stairs to the main deck. His big Irish face was flush and grinning.

“Hey, Dex!.Ready for a big day?”

“We’ll see. Everything look good down there?”

Don rubbed his two-day stubble with the back of his hand. “Oh yeah. Those engines’ll still be running a hundred years from now. I’m going up to the bridge and warm up the radio gear.”

“Weather going to hold?”

“If you wanna believe the Weather Channel.” Don smiled, then headed up to the bridge.

Dex checked his watch. Almost seven. Where were the other guys?

His cell chirped as if in answer, and he fished it from his outer vest pocket.

“Dex here,” he said.

“It’s Mike. Just checking in. I’ll be there in about five minutes.”

“No problem. We’re still waiting on Tommy and Andy too. Relax.”

“I’ll try to do that. See-ya.”

As he flipped the little phone shut, he spotted Andy’s dark green Cherokee pulling into the parking area. And as Andy was opening his door, Tommy’s Mustang almost clipped him as it swung into the slot next to him.

Andy just stood there, hands on his hips, glaring at Tommy, who climbed out of the car with a big smile on his face.

Dex shook his head. He’d been trying to figure out how he’d set up the teams this morning, and his choices just got narrower. Even though Andy’s temper was by nature as brief as it was volatile, Dex would not be pairing him up with Tommy Chipiarelli. The smartest move would be to keep Tommy on a short leash, and that meant buddying up with him all day. One thing for sure — he knew he wouldn’t be hearing any complaints from any of the other guys.

True to his word, Mike Bielski showed up five minutes later. Watching him walk from his car and down the dock, Dex caught a weird feeling. The guy was walking so slow it was a little scary. Like he was headed to his own gallows.

When he came aboard, everybody greeted him with the usual round of chatter, and Dex’s odd feeling passed. He didn’t believe in premonitions or any of that kind of stuff. Nobody noticed his silence as they tugged into their suits and gear, trading bullshit chatter. Maybe he was just being his usual overly cautious self, but he was aware of a couple things: everyone had become partially infected with the gold bug, and Tommy had pissed everybody off yesterday. If he acted as impulsively today, there could be worse trouble. But at least with Tommy, Dex and the other guys knew what they were dealing with.

As he undressed in the cool morning air, layering into his dry suit, Tommy was already in high motor.

“And I gotta tell ya,” he said. “This chick had legs up to her ass.”

Andy Mellow rolled his eyes. “How many times I have to tell you, you dumb fuck? Everybody has legs up to their ass! That’s where they connect, you dope!”

The other guys laughed, and so did Tommy. “Oh yeah, that’s right. I meant her shoulders. Yeah, she had legs up to her shoulders!”

“We get the picture,” said Doc.

“Actually I got some great pictures with my phone,” said Tommy.

“God bless Apple,” said Kevin Cheever and smiled. “Just her, right?”

Suddenly the entire hull shuddered as Don kicked in the big 872 diesels. Their power surged through the deck steel and you could feel the boat just itching to yank them out of the harbor.

“Okay, ya swabs!” yelled Don, grinning. “Let’s break us loose!”

Doc and Tommy jumped up and ran fore and aft to unslip the lines holding them to the dock. Mike Bielski barely looked up from the fiddling he was doing with the adjustments to his Divelink, and Andy was testing his respirator.

Dex felt the comforting rock of the deck as the Sea Dog eased out into the channel and headed for the open Bay.

“I’ll go check on the GPS,” said Kevin. “Make sure we’re headed back to the same spot.”

Nodding, Dex snugged up his suit. If it hadn’t been for Kevin’s surplus gear from NavTronics, they would’ve never found that sub. He wondered how much easier all this new gear would’ve made some of the crazy operations his Navy unit had attempted during his long hitch.

Checking his watch, Dex figured they’d be over the target in about a half hour.

And they were.

He’d divided them up into three teams — Tommy and him, Kevin and Andy, and Doc and Mike. And they would dive in that order with each team overlapping the one in front by ten minutes. That way, there would always be a window of at least four divers on the wreck at any one time — in case there was trouble. Upon hearing his plans, none of them had complained about not going down with Tommy. No kidding…

Looking off the starboard side, Dex watched the marker buoy with Kevin’s radio beacon bobbing in the light chop. The sky was high and clear which made the Chesapeake look more blue than a muddy green. In the distance, made clear by the lack of haze, the double-spanned Bay Bridge ribboned toward Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and a flotilla of sailboats speckled the seascape with brushstrokes of color.

“We’re just about on top of her,” said Don. “First team ready, Dex?”

“Just give us the word.”

Leaning over the rail outside the entrance to the bridge, Don looked down and gave a thumbs up. “Get your headgear on and we’ll go on link.”

Tommy was already twisting his mask and mic into the most comfortable position as Dex tugged his own into place.

“Mic check — one two three,” he said.

“Copy, Dex.” Don’s unmistakable drawl filled his earpiece. “Ready anytime you are.”

With a nod of his head, Tommy acknowledged he could hear everything, then both of them flipper-waddled to the aft end of the crewboat’s long flat rear deck. When they reached the gunwale, they leg-slung themselves over the side and down to the custom-built grated platform that was almost at sea level. Dex grabbed a mesh samples collection bag off the rack, and nodded to Tommy. From there, they tilted back and entered another world.

Dex watched Tommy’s red suit come clear of the impact bubbles as he drifted beyond the black hull of the Sea Dog toward the safeline. Shoulder to shoulder, Dex moved with him and grabbed the thick nylon cord — one end attached to the buoy, the other running down past the wreck’s conning tower.

“Let’s go, boss,” said Tommy.

Without a word, Dex angled down, pointing his head toward the bottom. Despite the water warming up from a high, clear sun, the Bay appeared to be almost totally algae-free. He couldn’t remember ever seeing the usually brackish water so clear, but that wasn’t saying visibility was actually good — just better than usual.

“Okay,” said Dex. “Twenty feet…”

“Pretty clean down here,” said Tommy. “You can really see today.”

“Good copy,” said Don. “Sea Dog standing by…”

Descending the rest of the safeline’s length, they reached the topmost masts of the sub within several minutes. Dex was feeling good about the increased water-clarity — that meant higher margins of safety. You were always better off when you could see more of what was going on around you.

“Clearing the con,” he said into his Divelink. “We’re ready to move clear of the safeline and check out the aft hatch.”

Dex had decided against bringing the videocam down on the first dive. When you didn’t have the diving environment down cold, it was a bad idea to be distracted with the bullshit of running a camera. The light, the focus, worrying about the width or the tightness of the shot… all the little things that can keep your attention from the primary one of staying alive.

No way.

After he and Tommy had the next phase of their exploration checked out, then he’d start recording things. Maybe Kevin and Andy could bring the cam down on their dive, but Dex would just have to see how things were going. He floated slightly ahead of Tommy who was, at least till this point, playing by the rules.

Checking his Ikelite, Dex watched the depth numbers click past sixty-six feet, and was once again reminded of how fate had a way of making things as tricky as possible. Sixty-six feet was one of those magic numbers for divers. Under water, for every thirty-three you descend, the pressure on your body increases by one atmosphere. Which meant once you passed the sixty-six foot threshold, you were subjecting yourself to three atmospheres. And that’s when things got very interesting for all those nitrogen molecules in your bloodstream, which dissolved under the pressure and worked their way into every little space in your brain, muscle, organs, joints, and everywhere you never thought of.

Two things can happen after that. One is all that nitrogen makes divers get a little less cautious or observant. If you go to four or five atmospheres pressure, divers can get absolutely loopy and start hallucinating. Second thing is you can’t head to the surface too fast, before all that nitrogen can be passed out of the system in the form of microscopic bubbles. To make this happen, divers have to pause in their ascents, and give the process time to occur naturally.

At the depths where they found the sub, nitrogen narcosis, or “the bends” remained an issue of concern, but it was not as life-threatening as deeper dives could be.

At seventy feet, Dex felt almost totally weightless and the smallest kick or arm pull changed his position in the water. He’d spent so much time under the sea, he didn’t need to consciously be aware of the endless adjustment a diver made to maintain a depth, angle, attitude. There was a serenity, a sense of powerful isolation, that made him feel so… so complete, so in control of everything necessary to stay alive. If for no other reason, Dex loved diving for that sense of being so sharply attuned to your thoughts and the sealed-off hull that defines you as an individual, a singularity in the universe.

A universe largely out to get you.

They hovered over the conning tower and the small observation bridge in front of the superstructure. “Hold on,” said Dex, as he probed the deck of the bridge with his torch beam. The hatch leading below appeared to be breached, which made sense if the boat had been sent to bottom in a controlled scuttle.

He would have liked to have tried to inspect the sub at midship, but he knew — even though nobody was saying — they all wanted to find out what Tommy thought he saw through the rear hatch.

Motioning with his torch, Dex led his dive-mate toward the aft section. “Hey,” said Tommy. “Somebody left the door open…”

His partner’s attempt to be clever pulled Dex from his concentration, and he looked ahead of them to see the aft hatch peeled back like the lid of a garbage pail. They cleared the swollen hump of the boat’s rear deck and homed in on the opening to the hull.

“Okay,” said Dex. “Let’s take a look down there. Get out your torch.”

He and Tommy unhitched their watertight flashlights from their utility belts, and switched them on. Despite their compact size, the devices put out a tight, sharp beam. Dex hovered over the dark circle of the open lower hatch, then pierced it with a burst of light, revealing a ladder leading down to a grated deck.

“Tommy, listen up. I’ll go in first. You stay topside till I see what kind of room we have down there.”


“Donnie, you copy that? We’re going in.”

“Gotcha,” said Don, his voice modulated by the little earpiece headphone. “Standing by…”

Following the path cut by his torch beam, Dex angled head first into the hatch. Experience from previous dives into openings of similar dimensions alerted him to how much clearance his tanks allowed him. He had to move with deliberate caution in case there was something sticking out that might foul his hoses or snag his suit.

Dex tilted over, headfirst, and slid through the hatch, keeping his chest close enough to the ladder to clear his double tank. Halfway down, he craned his neck around to see what might present possible problems. The passageway directly beneath him appeared to be clear of obstacles or debris.

As he righted himself, his torch played across the grated deck, touching steel and brass fittings, and Dex had a brief moment in which he felt like an intruder to a place better left untouched. Like a grave robber or a cat burglar. To the left, in the direction of the aft torpedo room, he saw what looked like a single brick laying up close to the bulkhead.

Tommy’s “gold bullion,” no doubt.

“See anything?” said Tommy. “I’m ready to follow you in.”

“Come on. Just take it slow.” Dex drifted over to the brick-like object. As he drew closer, he could see it wasn’t the treasure Tommy had imagined. There was no gold sheen about it. He reached out, picked it up and was surprised to feel how heavy it was — some kind of really dense material. Rubbing it, he was surprised to see no thin rime of algae sticking to its surface. The color looked like a dark pewter.

Whatever it was, the Nazis probably had some use for it. Lying nearby were the rotted remains of what might have been a canvas rucksack. No way to tell if there’d even been any more bricks here or if this was the only one. Dex opened the throat of his collection bag, slipped the heavy object into it. As he was doing this, Tommy floated over to him. “Hey, so was I right?”

“You mean is it gold?”


“I don’t know what this thing is, but it’s not gold.”

“Hey, guys,” said Don’s voice through his earpiece. “You wouldn’t want to clue us in up here, would you?”

“Sure,” said Dex. “We’re not rich, okay?”

He briefly summarized their findings, then listened to Don bemoan their bad luck. The water in the flooded chamber was clear enough to see the closed hatch in front of them — leading toward the center of the boat. Other than their breathing, amplified through their hoses and communications gear, the normal silence of being under the sea morphed into something more eerie, more oppressive in the sub’s cloudy interior.

“We’re going to work our way aft towards the conning tower now,” said Dex. How’s Team Two? They ready?”

“Been ready,” said Don.

“You can get them in the water on schedule,” said Dex. “Everything looks okay so far.”

“Any sign of damage?” said Don.

“Not yet. Looks like the Jerries scuttled this thing but they didn’t use charges.”

“Jerries?” said Tommy. “Why they called that?”

“No idea… I’ve always wanted to say the word, that’s all.”

Moving to the hatch, Dex checked the wheel-lock. It was frozen, as often happened to moving parts in seawater, but in the open position. He put his shoulder against it, and it swung inward, away from him easily. Beyond this bulkhead, they entered a surprisingly open section of the boat, which housed two long, lean diesels. The salt water had failed to eat much of the formidable engines, and in tribute to the German engineering that created them, they still looked clean and powerful enough to be refurbed and push this boat along at a good clip. Flanking the diesels on the outer walls of the hull were banks of batteries to power the electric motors. To them the sea had been less kind, reducing them to crusted piles of corrosion.

“Pretty big rig,” said Tommy.

“This was a big boat.” Dex paused to study the path ahead, making sure there were no obstacles that might be a problem.

Between the two engines, a ladder headed up to a wider than usual hatch, which appeared to be locked down. Dex played his torch beam over it. “That’s probably the access to the second level.”

“We goin’ up?” said Tommy.

“Not yet. I want to see what the control deck looks like. Plenty of time to check that out later.”

“You’re the boss,” said Tommy.

“Hey, Dex…” Don’s voice in his earpiece. “Andy and Kevin are ready to go.”

“Check. They need to bring the camera.”

“They got it.”

“Good.” Dex paused for a second. “Kevin? Andy? You guys copy that?”

“Just hit the water,” said Kevin Cheever. “What’s up, Boss?”

“We’re about midway down the aft section. When we get there, we’ll see if we can get the hatch on the bridge open. That leads down to the control deck, which is where we’re headed. We can meet you there.”

“Sounds like you worked this out pretty good,” said Andy. “We’ll be there.”

Dex checked his chrono — they were making pretty good progress. He’d have a little time to poke around in the captain’s area before having to head up. And he felt good about having the second team nearby when he did it. He was starting to feel confident, and even a little comfortable as they moved along, and he had to remind himself he was floating through the center of a rusting hulk at the bottom of the bay. A dark, congested coffin that hadn’t yet given up all its secrets.

In other words: still watch your ass.

Next came a section of the hull filled with bunks so neatly and closely stacked, he could almost see them still occupied by fresh-faced German sailors. What had happened to them? If any were by the oddest chance still alive, they would be stooped and shrunken old men. From the looks of the number of racks, the sub had supported a larger crew than the Type VII boats.

“Just cleared the crew quarters,” Dex reported to Don. “Nothing unusual.”

He was looking for anything that might help explain the boat’s size and oddly shaped hull, but so far Dex hadn’t noticed a damn thing.

“Hey, Dex,” said Tommy. “I’ve been meaning to ask you…”

“Yeah?” he said as they floated past the bunks, heading ever closer to the center of the boat.

“You think everybody got out of this thing? I mean, what if we find… you know… some bodies?”

“Like I said, my first impression is they scuttled her, which means everybody jumped ship way before she ended up down here.” He paused as they approached the next bulkhead door, slowing their motion to see if there were any potential problems. But nothing revealed itself in the beam of their torches and he tried to relax.

“Sounds like a ‘but’ coming…” said Tommy.

“Kind of. Any bodies exposed to seawater this long would be pretty much just gone. But if we did find some poor bastard holed up somewhere — protected somewhat — well, we’d have to give him a proper burial.”

“Gives me the creeps,” said Tommy.

“Yeah, I hear you.”

Dex motioned him to move closer as they were within reach of the next bulkhead. The hatch here was also unlatched, but this one swung in toward them, to reveal a collection of tables and benches, which defined the crew’s mess and the galley beyond it. This deep into the boat, the metal surfaces looked cleaner than Dex would have expected. The incursion of endless variations of sea life was everywhere, of course, but not with the ravenous reclamation he’d seen in other wrecks.

“Everything looks so small,” said Tommy. “How many guys get to scarf in here at a time?”

“Fifteen. Twenty, maybe.”

“I don’t know if I could’ve stood this shit.”

“Lot of guys can’t,” said Dex.

They drifted over the tables and benches, past the entrance to the compact, efficiently designed little galley.

“You ever sail in a sub?”

“Not as duty,” said Dex. “Had to be inside on a couple of rescue ops. Before they’d refined the DSRVs.”

“The whats?”

“Deep Submersible Rescue Vehicles.”

“Oh yeah…”

“I’m sure the latest ones are kind of half-assed classified.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet…”

Playing the beam of his torch on the next door, Dex could see it was sealed, and he hoped it would open as easily as the others. Despite its larger size, this U-boat had been laid out in similar fashion to its smaller, older siblings, and Dex figured the control deck would be the next chamber.

“Hey, guys,” said the familiar voice of Kevin Cheever. “We’re about halfway down the safeline. Sounds like you haven’t made the conning tower yet.”

“Just about there,” said Dex. “Be careful when you enter the bridge — watch out for the antenna and the snort, okay?”

“Got it covered,” said Andy.

The bulkhead door loomed in front of them. Its steel facade, encrusted in a thin layer of sea scum, seemed to absorb their torchlight. Dex gestured to Tommy to grab the wheel-lock on the door and give it a good, hard turn. But it was already in open position, the door ajar.

Now they were entering the heart and mind of the boat. Dex knew if there were any secrets to be found, they would probably be found here. He announced their entry on the Divelink’s open channel.

“We’re right above you,” said Kevin. “Looks like we have a clear path to the bridge.”

“You still with us, Donnie?” Dex said.

“I’m hanging in there,” said Don through the base unit. “Be careful, guys.”

The bulkhead door to the control deck swung inward, and Dex had the sensation of a curtain being pulled back as the beams of their torches passed the threshold ahead of them.

“You first,” said Tommy.

Dex nodded, leaned forward and lightly flippered through the opening. Above him the hull thumped and echoed the arrival of Kevin and Andy on the bridge.

“Okay, we’re in…” he said.

The control deck was wider and longer than any vintage sub he’d ever seen. The only thing similar was the low ceiling, crammed with piping, cables, and wires. The periscope array hung from the center of the chamber, but there was ample room all around it for a chart table, an instrument pedestal, and communication bay. The aft end comprised the helm and fire-control panels; the prow of the conning tower was dominated by a striking innovation — a viewing port.

“Look at that,” said Tommy as he played his light over the thick glass of the port. It was a horizontal slash in the conning tower, like the gun-port in a pillbox. The German engineers had obviously solved the problems of pressure and maintaining an efficient seal. Impressive.


“Yeah, Andy?”

“We’re right above the deck hatch. It’s locked down tighter than a crab’s ass.”

“We’ll give it a go in here.”

Motioning to Tommy, Dex directed him to the ladder leading to the bridge above their heads. He watched his partner’s red suit glow briefly as he passed through his torch beam. Floating up to the wheel-lock, Tommy muscled it open with little effort. As the lid peeled back, Dex saw Andy Mellow’s faceplate framed in the circular aperture.

“Trick or treat,” he said as he drifted back, positioning the videocam in the opening. “I’m gonna get a shot of us coming through.”

Dex and Tommy backed away, giving Andy room to maneuver his wide-shouldered torso through the hatch. He was followed by Kevin Cheever. They wore orange and lime green suits respectively, which flashed colorfully in the torchlight, and now with four outfitted divers in the chamber, the space did not feel in any way near as capacious or comfortable. As Andy slowly panned around the interior of the conning tower, Dex found himself imagining what it must have looked like with a crewman at every station.

“We have about twelve minutes,” said Dex. “Tommy and I are going to look for the captain’s cabin. You guys can see if they left anything in here that might tell us something.”

“Got it,” said Kevin.

“After that, it’ll probably be a good idea to get some video of the aft sections — engine room, crew quarters, and then if you have time, head on back to the rear torpedo room. If they scuttled this tub, they would have opened all the tubes to get it done.”

“Got it.”

“Let’s see… what else? Okay, then Tommy and I will exit from the control deck hatch to save time.”

“Okay, Chief,” said Kevin.

“Anything else?” said Andy.

“If you have time, see if you can get a look inside the hump-back.” That was the term Andy had come up with to describe the additional chamber on the U-boat, which ran the entire length of the hull’s aft section.

“Yeah, right.”

“We saw a hatch in the engine room leading up that way,” said Dex. “But don’t try anything risky. Don’t go up there if your air is low.”

“We won’t,” said Kevin.

And Dex knew he wasn’t bullshitting him. Kevin Cheever was one of those by-the-book kind of guys. He was polite and thoughtful and you just knew he was a highly moral person. He also knew the value of following procedure.

“Okay, Tommy, let’s see what we can find up this way.”

Dex drifted toward the bulkhead door leading to the bow, and was a little surprised to see it ajar. Pausing, he looked for signs of damage, but there was nothing apparent. The corridor beyond this door seemed more narrow than the others. Two doors flanked the passageway, the one to the right was a second room with stainless steel tables and benches — the officer’s mess. The one on the left was closed, but it swung inward as Tommy leaned into it. By submarine standards, the room beyond it was like a first class stateroom. A trundle bed, a wardrobe locker, private bathroom, and an expansive desk with a chair that, despite the corrosion and the rotted fragments of leather, looked somehow imposing.

“Captain’s quarters,” said Dex. “You copy that, Don?”

“Yeah, Chief. Sounds exciting,” said Don through the headset. “Glad I’m not there…”

“Hey, we might find somethin’ here,” said Tommy. “You want me to start diggin’ around?”

Dex checked his watch. They were running short on time and air. “Yeah, let’s just be careful. Stuff’s going to be real fragile after all this time.”

“Gotcha,” said Tommy as he drifted closer to the wardrobe and storage drawers built into the hull.

As Tommy eased open each door and drawer, trying not to disturb their contents, Dex fixed his attention on the Captain’s desk. There was a center drawer, which contained nothing but decayed and corroded stationery items, but there was file drawer that formed the right side of the foot well, which looked promising. It was locked, but Dex used a compact, flattened pry-bar from his tool bag to spring it open. Sixty-plus years underwater had defeated even Germany’s precise manufacturing specs, and the file drawer slid open to reveal a section of decayed files and a small, steel oblong box with a four digit combination lock.

Dex picked it up, immediately feeling its mass. The box, perhaps ten inches long and half as deep, was well-machined… and heavy, and quite possibly air and water-tight. Carefully, he slipped it into his sample bag. Then, scouring the inner walls of the file drawer with his torch beam, he saw nothing else of interest.

“Hey, this might be something…” said Tommy.

He was still scanning the storage area where the Captain’s clothing had been kept.

“What’d you find?”

“I dunno, looks like some clips and some medals.” He held them out in his hand, pinned them there with his Ikelite.

“Yeah, grab any of that kind of stuff you find. It’s all that’s left from the clothes, but it might tell us something.”

“Okay,” said Tommy.

“This place looks pretty empty,” said Dex. “But the seawater could’ve eaten everything. No way to tell.”

“Piece of his shoes,” said Tommy. “There were little scraps and pieces in the locker. That was all that was left of this guy’s shoes.”

“I remember reading somewhere that the German sailors used to put their names in their shoes — that it was a good way to ID a ship by checking the guy’s name on naval registries.”

“Not this time,” said Tommy.

A soft beeper sounded, synched up with the LED on Dex’s Princeton Tec. The device was telling him it was just about time to go.

“Hey, you about ready?” he said to Tommy as he gestured toward the ceiling.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Kevin, Andy…? How’s it going in there?”

“Not much around. This place looks like they picked it clean.” said Andy. “We’re heading towards the aft torpedo room.”

“Be careful. Get samples of anything that looks interesting,” said Dex. “Tommy and I are heading up. You copy that Don?”

“I hear you.”

“What about Doc and Mike?”

“Ready to hit the water,” said Doc. “On your mark, Boss.”

“Any time you’re ready,” said Dex. “We’ll see you on the safeline. On our way up.”

Nodding to Tommy, Dex gestured to his dive-mate to get moving.

He felt a pulse of excitement jump through him as he anticipated going through the stuff they’d just found. Good chance they’d ID the sub for sure now, and that might just be the beginning.

Chapter Fourteen

Bruckner Under the Greenland Shelf

The next several hours passed with the deceptive calm of typical U-boat operations. Erich’s experience warned him to never accept a lack of peril as an indication of safety. A ship that traversed under the sea was always in danger. Period.

As the 5001 continued its path along the coast of Greenland, Erich used the time to get Manny up to speed on what they would be doing, and how they would do it. They spoke openly in the privacy of the Captain’s quarters.

After going over the sealed instructions on how to gain access to Station One Eleven, Erich leaned back in his chair, opened his hands as if to say any questions?

His Exec did not disappoint him.

“How long have you know about this secret base?”

Erich shrugged. “Not long. Six months, perhaps. Only since the time I was selected for this current mission.”

“Everything on a need-to-know basis.”

“True,” said Erich. “But, as you can imagine, there are always rumors flying. The most obvious assumption is that our scientists are working on special weapons projects. Although I’ve heard this is not the only such base.”


Erich grinned. “There is talk of a ‘Station Two Eleven’ located in the Antarctic.”

“Someone in High Command has a preference for cold weather.”

“Inaccessible locations seems to be the priority.” Erich poured more black coffee from his thermos, sipped it absently. “Even if the enemy discovers the existence of such bases, they will be difficult, if not impossible, to attack.”

“What about our boat? How hard for us to get into the Station?”

Erich tapped the now unsealed orders and directions. “You have read the briefing. We have a precise map of the underwater passage, but it will require skill and some luck, as usual.”

Manny smiled. “Of course. How much do we tell the crew?”

“That will be to our discretion. Since this is an emergency mission, we may include them in whatever will ensure success, would not you think?”

Erich felt strongly about that, believed he owed his men a high level of honesty for their trust in him.

Manny nodded as he checked his wrist watch. “I agree. The more they know, the more well-equipped to deal with the unanticipated.”

Erich stood up, reached for the cabin door. “It is time,” he said softly.

As he entered the control room, he saw Bischoff hunched over his funkmaat console, hands pressing his headphones ever closer to his ears. He looked up to address his captain.

“All quiet, sir.”

“Herr Ostermann,” said Erich. “An update on our position.”

“We are approaching the entrance coordinates. We should be able to get a visual any time now.”

The helmsman was standing by, waiting for the command to take additional action.

Turning, Erich directed his attention through the viewing port, past the pale, ghostly reach of a single searchlight. He paused as something began to define itself in the murky water.

“Helmsman,” he said. “All ahead one quarter. Zero bubble.”

“I see a darker space,” said Manfred, whispering. “Is that it? The entrance.”

“We need to get a little closer.” Erich trusted the data from the sealed briefing. He was certain they were on track, but a solid confirmation would make him feel even better.

As the boat surged forward, her bow level, the details of the ice-shelf, which formed the cruel, undersea shoreline of Greenland, revealed themselves.

“That looks like the opening we are looking for. Right there.” Manny pointed dead ahead.

Erich squinted ineffectually through the thick glass of the viewport. He silently cursed the visibility, at the same time realizing how innovative and helpful it was to even have a viewport. Having spent all of his undersea time sailing “blind,” he should be happy to be able to see anything.

Visibility gradually improved, but with excruciating slowness. Meter by meter, the boat closed the distance between itself and the opening in the shelf. Erich could almost feel the weight of all the ice over their heads.

A little farther. A little more, and—

“It is a cavern,” said Manfred, still whispering so only Erich could hear him. “Look!”

“Affirmative. Helm, approach with caution on current heading. Slip speed.”

Waiting patiently for a clearer view, Erich could see they were slowly knifing through a natural geologic opening, perhaps a fault that had been there a long time.

Closer and closer, the U-5001 approached and Erich could now appreciate the size of the yawning chasm in front of them. Even allowing for distortion and lack of proportion, the opening appeared capacious, ready to swallow up their bulk like a minnow.

“Steady as she goes,” said Erich.

Like the open maw of an enormous sea creature, the submerged entrance to the secret base filled the viewing port with a vast, hollow darkness. It was like the entrance to an undersea hell, to a place of nightmare and the ending of all light forever. Terrifying, yet comforting in a way he had not expected, Erich tried to estimate its true dimensions.

When entering a space that defied experience and logic, such as this one, he knew it would be easy to let your imagination loose on a catalogue of horrors. There could be a monstrous row of stalagmites, like the saw-teeth of a beast, waiting to split open the hull like a pea pod. There could be an utterly black wall behind the ice-shelf, which had only appeared to be an opening. A barrier into which they would plunge, nose-first, in several seconds. There could be an underwater tremor, which would bring the ceiling of the cavern down upon them like the sledge-hammer of a Norse god.

All these thoughts passed through him like flashes of lightning. In an instant, disaster could seize them like a failing engine in mid-stroke.

He imagined the bulkheads crumpling down and around them like wrapping paper, followed by the frigid pressure-slam of the sea, rushing over him with such speed and power he might be flensed of his skin. His men turned inside-out before the icy water filled their throats and lungs with the force of a forty-foot wave. Could there be a worse way to die?

Surely no.

Closer to the deeper darkness plunged his boat. They had entered the mouth to the cavern, slipping down its vast throat.

“Incredible,” said Manfred. “We made it…”

Erich continued to stare through the viewing port. “For the moment. But I want another set of eyes, Manny. We must be vigilant.”

“Aye, sir.” The view beyond the glass could have been a mile beyond the moon. The boat’s searchlight probed the darkness and found nothing close enough to reflect. Where were they?

“Ahead. Slip speed,” said Bruckner. “Bearing one five nine.”

No one spoke for several minutes. The sounds of the U-5001 held them in a false machine-silence. The metal beast breathed and stretched and inched forward, making the sounds they had all learned to ignore.

Manny exhaled slowly. “It looks as if we are headed beneath the whole of Greenland. Impossible, I know, but…”

Erich turned to his radio/sonar man. “Bischoff, get me some readings. I want to know how much room we have to maneuver. I cannot trust my briefing alone.”

“Aye, sir.”

Manny continued to peer into the darkness beyond the viewing port. The lance of the boat’s single light appeared feeble, almost silly, when confronting such a vast cavern. No one spoke for several minutes as new information was gathered. Erich glanced at the other crewman on the control deck, and he felt a swelling of pride to be with such men. Despite knowing virtually nothing about this part of the mission, they performed their duties without question or hesitation. Even now, as bubbling over with curiosity as they must be, they kept their mouths shut, their emotions in check. Every man performed with the utmost character and professionalism.

“Captain,” said Bischoff. “Soundings concur. We have more than ample room in all directions. But there is one oddity.…”

“Tell me,” said Erich.

“Unless my equipment is wrong, we are only one-twenty from the surface.”

“Given the details of our briefing,” said Erich in a low voice. “That is quite possible. Right, Manny?”

“If we are entering a huge air-pocket, trapped in the vault of the cavern. Certainly.”

Erich spoke to his funkmeister. “Inform me when we have a clear ascent.”

“It appears we are clear now, Captain.”

Manny looked at him. “Best way to get her to the surface?”

“We are going to experiment,” said Bruckner.

Erich outlined his idea to inch forward through the underground sea, carefully sounding the surrounding to see if the topography might offer them the assistance they needed. After briefing Bischoff and the rest of the control deck crew, Erich and Warrant Officer Ostermann studied the chart of Station One Eleven that had been appended to the sealed orders. Erich hoped he could find a natural slip — a place where the seabed rose gradually. This was his back-up in case the diving planes would not get the boat to the surface.

“Get me a status report from Kress,” he told Manny.

Signaling on the tube, Kress responded almost instantly, his voice edged with tension that all engineers seemed to possess in great quantities. Erich could imagine Kress, a spindly-thin man, with very round eyes, enhanced by the thick glasses he wore, leaning into the tube.

“Fassbaden, what in feiken is going on up there? I am getting bits and pieces, but mostly pieces.”

“This is Captain Bruckner, Herr Kress.”

“Pardon me, Captain. It is stressful down here.”

Kress was very smart, well-read and full of plans to someday be an inventor for the automobile industry. His entire family had worked for Daimler since the founding of the company, and he longed for such a career — if he could just get out of this war alive.

Erich exhaled slowly. “Things are complicated. I will brief you later.”

“My men are on edge,” said Kress. “Not knowing is one thing. But hearing the torpedoes being fired… they deserve to know if they are in danger.”

Erich grinned, but without humor. “Remind them they are in a U-boat… they are always in danger.”

“Are we making for the surface?”

Erich explained to Kress what he would need from the boat, plus his contingency plans.

Kress understood perfectly. “We should be able to handle it. I can give you five hours of battery.”

Erich knew his tactics depended on how easily their ascent could be accomplished. If he had to ground the boat on the slope of the shoreline, he might have to think about abandoning the ship. He could try to get his crew to the surface with the “D.T.”—an escape device whose real name was draeger tauchretter.

Erich had little faith in the equipment, which had been used with varying success (and much failure) by submariners. Essentially it was a “re-breather,” which converted carbon dioxide into oxygen. In theory, it would allow a man to stay alive until he could reach the surface, but all sailors knew an air supply was only part of the problem of escaping a sunken submarine. Depth and pressure and nitrogen poisoning were the other three variables, which ultimately determined whether or not survival was possible. Although every crewman had trained on the draeger, no one really believed it could save their life.

“One more thing before we start, Herr Kress—”

“Yes, Captain?”

“How is it going for the aft torpedo crew?”

Despite all that had been happening, Erich had not forgotten them.

Kress paused, then spoke softly. “Well, they are still alive. They have a limited refreshing of the air through the communication tube, but they are still cut off from the rest of the boat. Staying alive is about all they are doing.”

“Very well, Herr Kress. Stand by.”

“Awaiting your order,” said Manny.

“Five hours,” said Erich, after a pause. “That should be enough time.”

For what?

Erich smiled as he asked himself the question he knew Manfred was thinking.

Walking to the viewport, Manny idly glanced into the murky water surrounding them.


Erich joined him at the port without saying a word.

“I think I see a light out there — above the surface.”

“Yes,” said Bruckner. “I see it too. Let us take that as a good sign.”

“You mean there are survivors?”

Erich nodded.

“You do not suspect a trap?”

“I have considered it all along. The urgency of the mission could mean the enemy had invaded the base. But considering our limited maneuverability, I knew there was little we could do about it. Our orders are rescue and recovery. We will do our best.” Erich knew his words had sounded close to a speech, which he abhorred.

“The light looks quite powerful,” said Manfred. “Not moving. Probably not a searchlight.”

Neither man spoke for a moment, considering the possibilities.

“A beacon, perhaps,” said Bruckner. “Regardless, it is time to find out.”

Manny nodded, said nothing.

Turning from the viewing port, Bruckner walked to the tube, spoke into it: “Forward Gunnery Crew. Assemble for surface action.”

Manfred nodded, addressed the helmsman. “Blow all ballast. Rig for surface running.”

“Well,” said Bruckner. “We go up… at least for the moment.”

As his crew began to carry out his orders, Erich drew a deep breath. The air on the control deck was probably not as foul as the closer quarters in other parts of the boat, but it was bad enough. The ever-present tang of machine oil and men’s sweat commingled to create a scent equally familiar — fear. Erich could never have described it, but he knew it so well, he would never forget if he lived into the next century. And, as the sound of the ballast tanks venting shuddered through the hull, he could feel the crew’s apprehension in the air like a thick, humid fog.

Before executing his plan, he turned to address his Warrant Officer, Ostermann.

“Is the Forward Gunnery Crew ready?”

“Yes, Captain. Standing by…”

“Have them ready to break the hatch seal and deploy at my command.”

“Aye, sir.”

Erich turned back to his Executive Officer, exhaled slowly.

“Now we find out how bad those diving planes really are,” he said to Manfred, standing at his side, but looking through the thick slab of the viewing port glass. “Ready?”

“We begin,” said Manfred, who then turned toward the helmsman. “Bubble?”

“Level, sir,” said the crewman.

“Bearing one zero seven. Slip speed… steady as she goes.”

The helmsman complied.

Slip speed was the term Erich always used to refer to the slowest possible forward motion a U-boat could maintain. He’d heard it from one of his training officers at Flensburg, and it had stuck with him. He had no idea whether it was a universal reference, but he liked it because it was so accurate — you wanted your boat to crawl as slowly as possible when approaching the immovable object of the concrete slip in the sub-pens. And his present situation was even more precarious with the threat of colliding with an unknown object while nursing his ship to the surface.

His strategy, although simple and straightforward, remained fraught with peril. After a careful study of the briefing map and soundings by Herr Bischoff, Erich located what appeared to be a stretch of beach with a graduated ascent-slope of less than 5 degrees. This suggested the ideal set-up for the maneuver he now attempted as he coaxed the U-5001 toward the section of beach. If the diving plane did not raise the submarine to its waterline before running out of maneuvering room within the cavern, his boat would gently nose up on the shoreline with little chance of any damage.

In theory.

Smiling, he rubbed his jaw and felt the beginnings of his beard growing in. Most kriegsmariners stopping shaving while at sea, and he was no exception. He normally hated having hair on his face, especially when he was kissing a woman; however, that particular concern had no meaning in his life for the foreseeable future. Unconsciously he had already decided he would not remove his beard until he was free of this boat and its command — which meant he may never shave again.

As he turned to join Manfred by the viewing port, he had a brief flash of himself as an older man — his sandy-blonde hair turned gray, his stern jawline covered by drooping flesh, his eyes pale and no longer brooding. He shook his head slowly, as if he knew he had not much chance of living so long.

“Ballast clear!” said Ostermann. “Maintaining bubble.”

The resonant thrum of the electric motors at slow revolutions pulsed through the hull at a low frequency. It was an odd and irritating characteristic of the U-5001 that ultra-slow speeds caused so much vibratory noise in the hull. Erich wondered how such low-end sounds affected their detectability signature — it was something the engineers at Trondheim would be interested in knowing about.


That last thought made him smile wistfully. Every now and then he caught himself thinking in terms of a real future… and that was quite foolhardy, if not dangerous.

“Rising, Captain,” said the Helmsman. “But very slowly.”

“Acknowledged.” Erich turned fully to the viewing port and peered upward toward a rippling ceiling of water, beyond which a cool luminosity appeared to be awaiting their appearance.

“Sixty…” said Bischoff. There was, for the first time in many hours, an inflection of hope in his voice. “Fifty-five… range to shoreline twelve hundred… vertical now fifty!”

“You did it,” said Manfred. “The bow is up just enough.”

“Until we break the surface, I am not counting on anything.”

“We are not running out of bottom either,” said Manfred, squinting as if to penetrate the murky panorama beyond the thick glass of the port.

Erich nodded as he watched the glimmering panel of the surface grow ever closer. Until his boat finally broke free of the ferryman’s watery grip, and he knew an ambush did not await them on the surface, he could not relax. The air grew thick, fouled by the collective anticipation of the entire control deck crew, encased in a silence that may as well have been a prison of amber.

“Periscope depth.” Bischoff’s voice cut through the colloidal atmosphere. Briefly entertaining a look through the ’scope for a quick preview, Erich dismissed the idea. It would not be fitting of the Captain to show such impulsive behavior — behavior that could be interpreted as a sign of impatience, or worse, a lack of conviction in what he was doing. And yet, Erich could not shake his anxiety they might be gliding into an American trap. Not knowing the cause of his rescue mission was not good. If the enemy was up there waiting for him, he was a cooked goose.

“Con breaking the surface,” said Bischoff.

“Forward Gunnery, on your mark,” said Ostermann into the tube.

“Water line!” said Bischoff.

“Engines full stop.” Erich was thankful it had not been necessary to slide the bottom of his boat up the beach. “Have Kress commence re-charge procedures as soon as feasible.”

“Aye, Captain.”

“Gun Crew — breach the hatch,” said Erich, and Ostermann repeated the order into the tube.

A soft clanging reverberated through the hull as Erich turned away from his crew to gaze through the viewing port.

“God in heaven.” said his Exec. “What… is that?”

Erich knew instantly to what Manfred referred. Something very bright — burning beyond a wall of thick mist. Even though it was far from their position in the underground cove, the intensity of the light had become evident, but unrecognizable. The images, at such considerable distance, however, were not terribly clear through the thick viewing port glass.

Turning, Erich knew he must get above decks.

There followed a muffled response from the tubes, then Ostermann: “Forward Gun Crew reports all clear, Captain.”

“No sign of our people?”

A pause as his question was passed along, more as a reply came through.

“They see nothing,” said Ostermann.

“Control deck stand by,” said Erich. “Come with me, Herr Fassbaden.”

Moving quickly, but not wanting to appear anxious or panicked, Erich covered the distance from the conning tower, down the main corridor, pausing at the lockers where he and Manfred donned heavy parkas. They reached the gangladder to the forward hatch in a series of long strides. His Exec remained a measured pace behind him, and although Manfred had said nothing, Erich could feel the tension ready to burst free of the man at any moment.

For a moment, the U-boat dropped into a deeper silence as even the hum of the electric motors ceased. Then Kress kicked the diesels into action, and the hull rumbled under the new, louder sound.

Good, at least we will get a full charge on those batteries. Erich grabbed the lower rungs of the ladder, and clambered up quickly. As he cleared the hatch, the first thing he noticed was the sharp, ozone-like tinge to the air. The second was the ring of men who surrounded the hatch, watching the emergence of their captain with faces that could be colored by confusion or perhaps a profound sense of dread.

“Give the captain room!” said the chief gunnery officer, and the circle peeled back, allowing Erich to get his footing and stand among them in the open air. He stepped to the side to allow Manfred the leverage he needed to scissor his tall frame out of the hatch. Looking beyond the faces of the gun crew, Erich peered upward at the vaulted ceiling hundreds of meters above them.

No, it might be much higher than that. What was this place?

Directing his gaze downward, he assessed their position. As if placed upon a pane of dark, green glass, the U-5001 floated upon an inland, underground sea.

Utterly calm.



And warm… instead of the frigid temperatures of the North Atlantic, the air inside this space felt almost tropical in contrast. Erich shed his heavy coat and a crewman reached out to fetch it from him.

“Incredible,” was all he could say.

“And look at the size of it!” Manfred spoke in a whisper as though he’d stumbled into a church during a service.

Erich nodded in silence. The cavern’s true dimensions were not immediately calculable because he had nothing familiar to use in comparison. There was also a curious mist suspended over the water, which coalesced into a distant, pearlescent fog clinging to the most extreme boundaries of the place. It was like seeing a mountain range on the horizon, which never seems to grow closer — even though you are careening straight for it. The roof of the enclosure arched so far above their heads, and Erich knew now it could have easily been hundreds of feet above them.

And he noticed an odd aspect of the cavern’s ceiling — it appeared to be featureless, almost smooth, instead of the usual geologic grooves and stalactitic formations. As if the whole chamber had been hollowed out by a great scoop.

But that was impossible, he told himself. What he was seeing was probably an optical illusion, induced by the distance between the surface and the uppermost reaches of the cavern. His more immediate concern was the absence of the station’s personnel. Where was everybody? Being in such an enclosed area precluded any radio transmissions being picked up by the enemy, but Erich held off trying any hailing frequencies just yet.

Better to be cautious when you do not know what you are facing.

Quite simply, he could not shake the impression of something wrong here, a feeling that had suddenly overtaken him and would not soon leave him.

His intuition ran deeper than any mere fear of stumbling into the enemy. He knew now — there were no English or Americans here, waiting within the folds of fog to surprise them. Doenitz would have warned him of such a thing and he had believed this all along.

No, this was something altogether different… but he had no idea what it, as yet, might be.

Dropping his gaze again, he returned his attention to the sea of glass.

It stretched out beyond the boat’s stern for an indiscernible distance. As flat and dead as a shark’s eye. Erich had the impression that before his ship had penetrated its depths, fracturing the waveless surface, it had lain undisturbed for uncountable years.

There was no weather here. Not in terms of the sea and how the weather defines the sea. There was a timeless quality to this immense enclosure. A sense of something all-encompassing, unchanging. But there was more as well.

“Do you feel it?” he said softly.

“Feel what?” said Manfred. “I feel a lot of things right now.”

“Even though it is warm… the coldness of this place.”

“Oh… yes. Yes, that I do.” His First Officer paused, chuckled self-consciously as one might do to dispel unease. “I wondered if I was the only one.”

“No.” Erich nodded as he continued to scan their surroundings. “I sense death here, as well.”

He paused, trying to make sense of this secret base. Although totally enclosed beneath the earth, in a place that could have never known the heat or the light of the sun, there was heat… and light.

But from where?

To the starboard side, a full sixty degrees in elevation, he had fixed on the apparent source of the light, although it remained completely wrapped in the white mist, lacking even the most remote definition — a diffuse area of light, like the sun obscured by clouds.

But that was impossible, and he knew it.

There was no sun down here.

“Get me some glasses,” he said to no one in particular. Instantly several of the crew went scurrying back down the hatch in search of a pair.

In his haste, Erich had not thought to bring his binoculars, which were a constant fixture around his neck when he normally emerged from the conning tower.

But this situation had proved anything but normal.

“Here you are, Captain!” A crewman appeared in the hatch, thrusting a pair of Zeiss field glasses upward ahead of him.

Manfred grabbed them and handed them to Erich, who raised them to his face and adjusted the focus. Scanning the closest shoreline, he could see through the low-lying mist — at least partially. Scraps of clarity teased his senses and his imagination. Beyond a short swath of graveled beach, a series of jagged rocks punctuated a landscape as bleak as the path to Valhalla. Looking up to the roof of the great cavern, he was not cheered to discover a closer inspection confirmed what he’d earlier surmised — the curved surface of the interior did not look much like a natural formation. The smooth surface of the ceiling appeared to have been cauterized as if some kind of searing heat had carved out this space like lava sluicing through soft earth. He could not imagine what kind of energy would be needed to clear out such a limitless space.

“What do you see?” said Manfred.

“I… I do not know. Nothing I recognize. Nothing I have ever seen before.”

Then he directed the glasses toward the veiled source of light. But even pushed to their finest resolution, the binoculars failed to give Erich even the smallest clue as to what could be creating such a powerful illumination.

“Whatever it is, lies beyond that fog… if it is… fog,” he said.

Manfred whistled. “What else could it be?”

“We need to find the base, the men who were here. We need to know what happened here,” said Erich. “Get a few men together to go ashore.”

“Right away.”

“And get a damage report. And a work detail started.”

“I’ve already alerted Massenburg. And Kress.”


“What about our radio?” said Manny. “Can we use it in here to contact the base?”

“Radio silence should not be a concern in this kind of enclosure.” Erich again scanned the space. “I think it is time for Bischoff to ring them up.”

He turned to address the gun crew, dispatching everyone to regular belowdecks duties other than a single sentry whose orders were to start shooting at anything that looked hostile.

“Tell Massenburg I want our diving planes fixed and the entire hull inspected.”

Manny nodded, started to work his long legs into the hatch, then paused.

“You coming down?”

Erich had directed his attention beyond the dark, rubber-coated hull of the 5001. He was still trying to make sense of the strange installation they’d entered. The silence and absence of the Station’s staff was very troubling. He barely noticed Manny halfway through the hatch when he had spoken.

“What? No. Not for the moment. I want to… take this place in… I want to absorb it, to never forget how it is making me feel.”

His friend looked up at him “And how is that?”

“Small,” said Erich. “Very small.”

Chapter Fifteen

Dex Chesapeake Bay

Leading the way, Dex led Tommy out of the Captain’s quarters, down the corridor and back into the deserted control deck. They ascended the ladder to the open bridge, carefully kicking clear of the conning tower array, and began their controlled ascent. Even though they’d been right around the 66-foot threshold for decompression, they paused as they watched through their bubbles for the approach of the Doc’s silver gray suit and Mike’s pale yellow.

“Just passing through,” said Doc as he came into view from the cloudy water above them.

“Kevin and Andy should be in the aft section,” said Dex. “I’m thinking you should use the rear hatch to hook up with them.”

“No problem,” said Doc. He and Mike gave the thumbs up as they continued their descent.

After staging their ascent, pausing to let any possible excess nitrogen leak from their bodies, Dex and Tommy broke the surface and climbed aboard the Sea Dog. The sun was climbing higher, burning off the early morning fog and haze, revealing a soft blue sky with only few scattered clouds. It was going to be a good day to be out on the Bay. Don, momentarily abandoning his post on the Divelink base station, was standing on the rear deck, waiting for them. He was sporting his usual lopsided smile as he helped Dex over the gunwale.

“Okay, so what do we have down there?” he said.

Dex pulled off his mask, sucked in another lungful of salty air. “Couple things I want to look at.” He reached into his collection bag, took out the steel box. “You have anything on the bench that will get this open?”

Don looked at it, grinned. “One way or another. Might get messy, though.”

“I’ll take it into the shed and see what gives,” said Dex. He followed Tommy across the open section of the boat to the equipment lockers and the dive salon amidships. They sat down, unharnessed their tanks and utility belts. Don eased past them, climbed back up to the bridge to keep an ear on the base unit.

“You want me to start recharging the tanks?” said Tommy.

“Yeah, good idea. But bring that stuff you found into the shed first.”

They went inside the small deckhouse where Don had built in a workbench, and storage for all the tools and equipment a well-rigged diveboat should have.

Opening his collection bag, Tommy laid out the items he’d found in the U-boat captain’s locker: some metal buttons, some clips and pins and several other pieces that had once been military medals. Dex picked up one of the two Iron Crosses on the bench, held it up to the light.

“The Knight’s Cross,” he said. “You had to be a real hero-type to get one of these.”

“Must’ve been pinned to something hangin’ in that closet, huh?” Tommy said. “Looks like our captain was good at his job.”

“He brought a super-sized sub right up the gut of the Chesapeake Bay. I’d say he was real good.” Dex placed the steel box on the bench in front of him, then looked over the array of tools to see what would get him inside with a minimum of difficulty. There was always the cold chisel and hammer approach, or an oxy-acetylene cutting torch, but Dex didn’t want to get that physical if it wasn’t necessary.

As Tommy left to re-fill the tanks, Dex finished his inventory of all the onboard tools and things that would pretty much destroy the steel box as well as open it. He nixed every one of them. Something as well-machined as this container just might be holding something very valuable or very fragile. He didn’t want to do anything too violent that might destroy the contents.

Reluctantly, he replaced everything to the sample bag, and re-connected it to his belt. Despite its weight and unwieldiness, he figured it was safest close to his person. Dex had gotten this far in life listening to his gut and his hunches, and something was telling him to be very careful with the box and the brick.

“Hey,” said Tommy as he re-entered the deckhouse. “You get it open?”

Dex explained why he had not.

Tommy shrugged. “You’ll figure somethin’ out, I gotta feelin’. But if you don’t, I got some stuff in the basement at my place. My uncle used to be a machinist at the Key Highway Ship Yard. Long time ago.”

“Really?” Dex looked up with renewed interest.

“Yeah, when he left me the house, a buncha his tools were down there. I never got around to doin’ anything with’em.”

“Good to know. Maybe we can take a look later tonight.”

“Yeah, no prob.”

“You get the tanks going?”

“Oh, yeah. All set.” Tommy walked over to the bench, hands in his pockets, head down. “Hey, listen… about yesterday, I—”

“You already apologized. Just don’t do anything stupid again… or your diving career with me is going to have been a very short one.”

Tommy leaned against the bench. “I know, I know. I just want you to know I was listenin’. You won’t have any trouble outta me. No more, I promise.”

Dex looked at him. His lean, dark features were set in an all-business expression. “Okay, but like I always told my Navy swabs — don’t make promises, just do what’s expected, that’s all.”

“Thanks, Dex. Exactly what I plan to do.”

“Okay, okay. Now, let’s get up to the bridge and see how things are going down there.”

When they reached the bridge, they found Don Jordan hunched over the Divelink base unit, his left hand holding the headset tightly to his ear, and his attention obviously locked on what he was listening to.

“Don?” said Dex.

Jordan gestured quickly to be quiet for a moment. “Hold it!” he whispered.

Dex felt the muscles in his jaws tighten. Something was wrong. Moving quickly, he flipped a toggle on the base unit and the sounds in Don’s headset were now coming through the speakers. The divers were all talking at once, their voices edged with panic and fear. Andy Mellow’s voice seemed to penetrate the noise most efficiently: “—and get ’im the fuck outta there!”

“What’s going on?” said Dex, trying to sound very calm, while his stomach had already started folding in on itself.

For Dex, time had slipped its gears for an instant, grinding to a stop. Something was very wrong. For sure, somebody’d gotten their ass in a crack.

Don Jordan’s face had lost a lot of color as he looked up at them. “Mike’s fouled up in a bunch of cables and wires. The aft torpedo section.”

The base unit’s speaker blabbered with everybody talking at once.

“All right, can it!” Dex yelled as he picked up the base mic. “Andy! Kevin! What’s going on?”

“Not sure,” said Kevin. “Mike squeezed his way into the last compartment. Doc tried to stop him, but Mike didn’t pay any attention.”

“What’s his status?”

“He’s stuck in some lines, it looks like. The light’s bad in there and—”

“I think I cut a hose…”

Mike Bielski’s voice cut through the transmission like a dull knife. He sounded dreamy, exhausted, resigned.

“Mike, what the fuck’re you doing, man?” said Dex. “Give me the picture.”


“He’s just about out of air,” said Kevin. “I see a lot of bubbles, Dex.”

“Okay, who’s closest to his position?”

“That’d be me,” said Doc.

“Can you get him your respirator on a buddy-share?”

“I don’t know,” said Doc. “The torpedo room’s a mess. Crap everywhere. Mike forced his way through it. He’s about eight, maybe ten feet past the bulkhead. But I don’t see how I can get in there and not get hung up in the junk myself.”

“Don’t try it,” said Dex. “Just stay with him and keep him conscious if you can. Keep him focused. I’m coming back down with some stuff.”

“We have about twelve minutes,” said Kevin. “Then Doc’s on his own.”

“I’ll be there way before then,” said Dex.

He turned and practically jumped through the hatch to the deck ladder. Tommy was right behind him. As he pulled on his gear, Tommy set him up with fresh tanks. He grabbed a utility belt and the small cutting torch, unhooked the sample bag.

“Here,” he said, handing it to Tommy. “Don’t let it out of your sight.”

“Got ya.”

Dex moved smoothly, quickly, but he had this really bad feeling he wasn’t going to be fast enough.

As he dropped into the still, cool water, he felt a terrible tightness in his chest — his body’s way of telling him things were not going to work out very well. Better not to think like that. He forced himself to concentrate on what he might be needing. In addition to the cutting torch, he carried an extra tank of air with extra lengths of hose, and a ten-foot grappling arm with a simple mechanical hand. It better be good enough.

But he hoped he wouldn’t need any of this crap at all.

“Doc, you there?” he said through his mask mic.

“Yeah, where are you?”

“More than halfway down, should be there any second. How’s he doing?”

“Can’t tell… he’s not moving.”

As the submarine’s features took form through the murky water, Dex kicked harder, propelling himself towards the stern and the open hatch. The bright colors of Kevin’s and Andy’s dry suits were like beacons as he headed for them.

“Doc, get clear of the hatch,” said Dex. “I’m coming in.”

They helped him feed the gear into the aft section, which was looking more narrow and tight and dark despite the light from everybody’s torches. Dex followed headfirst and oriented himself toward the bulkhead and open hatch into the torpedo room.

“Hurry up,” said Doc.

As Dex cleared the bulkhead, he could see Mike’s pale yellow suit defining his body, which floated parallel to the deck, arms and legs outstretched like a store mannequin. No more bubbles exited his regulator. There wasn’t the spaghetti bowl of wires and cables he’d expected — just a single, loose bundle of stuff that had rotted through its tubing and hung down like the tendrils of a man-o-war. Mike had somehow gotten his hoses fouled in the lines and split one of them trying to slip free. He wasn’t moving as he drifted in the chamber, but seemed barely attached to the wires holding him.

It didn’t look like big trouble, but that’s exactly why wreck diving was so dangerous. A lot of the things that looked harmless were exactly the ones waiting to turn you into a deader.

Not needing the grappling arm, Dex dropped it and lifted the extra air tank into position as he closed the distance on Mike’s still form. There was plenty of crap dangling down around him, but he’d been through worse.

Through the faceplate of his mask, Mike’s eyes remained open, looking very empty.

“Mike, you hear me, buddy?”


Dex inched closer. He could avoid the tangle of wires by staying beneath Mike, who hung closer to the ceiling. In one smooth, coordinated motion he pulled Mike’s regulator from his slack lips and replaced it with the one from the fresh tank. He slapped him hard in the temple and thought he saw the suggestion of a blink, but nothing more. Hard to tell how long he’d gone without taking a breath but it wasn’t looking too good.

Dex fired up the cutting torch and adjusted the flame to a fine point. It sliced through everything like going through cobwebs, and Dex had him free in less than fifteen seconds. He passed him out to Doc, who eased him through the escape hatch to Kevin and Andy.

“Take him up as fast as you can,” said Doc. “I’m right behind you.”

Dex emerged from the hatch as they ascended, pushing his gear out ahead of him. The bends weren’t an issue, and even if they were, they would still be the least of Mike’s problems at this point. If Doc couldn’t get him breathing it was all over anyway. The idea of losing Mike started to hit Dex — now that he wasn’t running on adrenaline. All those years in the Navy had produced its statistical share of fuck-ups and weird accidents, but it never made it any easier to see one of your men go down and never make it back.

By the time he scrambled over the aft gunwale, they had Bielski supine on the deck in front of the dive salon. Doc was leaning over him doing CPR.

“How is he?” said Dex as he dropped his tanks and rushed to join the circle. As he took a reading of their faces, he could see mixtures of fear and relief — worrying about Mike and realizing it could have been any one of them, and an unspoken gladness it was not.

“I’m getting nothing,” said Doc, breathing hard.

“C’mon, Bielski…” said Kevin.

“Mikey, you hear me!” Andy Mellow was actually yelling at him. “Come on, you fuck!”

Tension enveloped everybody like a noxious cloud, a cloud tinged with the stench of death. Infecting them, making them angry and crazy.

Dex stood behind the small circle with Donnie, who moved closer, spoke very softly. “I got the Coast Guard on the radio. They’re on their way.”

Pump, pound, blow. Over and over Doc tried everything he could to get a response out of him, finally looking back at Dex. “Time for something drastic! Get me that battery charger! Hurry!”

Kevin moved so fast, it was like he’d had the charger and its dolly in his pocket. Suddenly he was right there, wheeling right up to Mike with the gear, and Doc grabbed the big, oversized alligator clips.

“Is it on!?”

“Go!” yelled Andy.

Like he was trying to goose a big diesel into life, Doc jammed the clips into each side of Mike’s ribcage. There was a sound like a dry piece of wood snapping in half and Mike’s whole body arched and spasmed galvanically. Doc repeated the charge a couple more times before finally throwing down the clips.

“Turn it off…” he said. Schissel fell back on his folded knees, wiped the sweat and tears from his face. “Shit…”

“Oh, man… are you kiddin’ me?” Tommy spoke so softly as if he were in church.

“I can’t believe this,” said Kevin. “I can’t believe it.”

Dex felt like somebody was trying to yank his stomach inside-out. He knew he had to keep himself busy, keep from letting this take him over and turn him into something useless. “Somebody get a blanket,” he said.

Everybody except Doc drifted away; he remained out of respect or duty, or maybe he was just a little stunned. Tommy came back with a big beach towel, handed it to Doc, who ignored it as he went through the motions of CPR. No way he wanted to drape it over Mike Bielski’s long, oddly serene face.

“He didn’t even act like he was in trouble,” said Andy. “Almost like he accepted his fate, you know?”

“I’ve seen guys do that,” said Dex. “They kind of give up. Doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.”

“Okay, guys, we’ve got company coming!” Don Jordan yelled down from the bridge as he pointed off the starboard side where an orange and white helicopter angled toward them. The whine of its turbines filled the air and within seconds it was hovering close enough to batter them in its prop wash. Tommy moved up next to Dex, nudged him. “Man, that thing is rippin’ it up pretty good,” he said.

Dex watched the chopper’s side door open to reveal a guy in search and rescue gear — hood, goggles, and flippers. He was the “swimmer.” He stepped into the air, knifed down to the water and swam quickly to the little platform at the stern.

Climbing on board, the guy didn’t say a word until he reached Mike’s still form. “Okay, we hoist him out of here, now! Is he breathing?”

“Negative,” said Doc.


“We were just past 66 feet — some damage,” said Dex. “But he cut a hose. No air.”

Signaling to the pilot, the Coast Guard swimmer then motioned everyone to stand back. Instantly, a steel basket began unreeling from the chopper toward the deck. “Watch out! Stand clear!”

“Get back,” said Dex. “That thing can carry a static charge that can half kill you.”

“What?” said Andy.

“Stay away from the rail!” said Dex.

“You got it,” said Tommy.

When the basket brushed the Sea Dog’s rail, Dex thought he caught a small spark of discharge just as the swimmer grabbed it, then guided it down to the deck. They wrapped Mike in the blanket, eased him into the steel cradle, then the swimmer hoisted himself above it. Holding on as the rig was hoisted back into the belly of the chopper, he didn’t so much as wave at Dex and the others.

“Oh, man, this is bad,” said Kevin.

“I can’t believe it,” said Andy.

Dex shook his head, fighting a feeling of total nausea, like a classic case of sea-sickness. “It’s not over yet, guys,” he said. “Look.”

They followed his gaze as the prow of a Coast Guard Cutter cleaved the bay water at high speed. Its course would bring it alongside Don’s boat very quickly.

“That thing can move,” said Doc.

“What’re they going to want?” said Tommy. “We in trouble?”

“Nah,” said Kevin. “They’re just following protocol. They’re government — gotta file a report. You know how that is.”

The cutter slowed and made a sharp turn to come about on their starboard.

“Good sailors, those guys.” said Dex. “My father was Coast Guard.”


“Yeah, I never saw him all that much. But he did get me into boats and the sea.”

“My old man worked at Sparrows Point,” said Tommy, shaking his head as if to get rid of a bad memory. “Steel yards. He came home so beat up, he never talked to us. Just dropped into his chair with a bottle of Natty Boh and the TV. That was it, man…”

Dex was looking out toward the patch of sky where Mike had been taken. “How many kids did he have, I… I can’t remember. Or maybe I don’t want to…”

“Two, I think,” said Kevin, shaking his head slowly.

Doc folded him arms, watched several sailors on the cutter climbing down into a motor launch. “This is not going to be easy.”

It never is, thought Dex. He had been forcing himself to think as clearly as possible. Mike’s death changed everything in ways none of the other guys had probably thought about. Dex knew how he had to deal with the emotional side of what happened — just start thinking about other stuff, the stuff you had some control over. No percentage in making yourself neurotic worrying about the immutable things already slipping away into that cold place we called the past. A career in the Navy had shown Dex how he was put together and what worked for him… what had marked him as a survivor… no matter what. He knew the key to keeping it together.

And that was to never look back.

“Ahoy, Seadog!” The amplified sound of the cutter’s bullhorn cut through his thoughts. “Permission to come aboard!”

The cutter was in close quarters to their vessel, and four seaman were already motoring toward them in a small, sleek boat. Don signaled them over. As captain, he would handle the protocols; Dex was just another passenger, and that was fine with him.

He stood there waiting for the routine questions. The Coast Guard dealt with water fatalities all the time, and this would only be unique because of the circumstances leading up to it — not many divers breathed their last in the passageways of a Nazi sub.

Which changed everything.

Until this moment, Dex hadn’t thought about it much. He’d just kind of subconsciously assumed the sub and its location would remain a… a secret, among him and the others. At least until they’d clocked its identity, picked over it for anything of value.

But that was over now.

There was bound to be publicity, which would attract other boats, other divers. Even the Navy would act like they were interested — even if they weren’t.

It probably wouldn’t be such a big deal in the long run, but there was that small matter of that weird bar of Tommy’s. A subliminal alarm kept beeping at the base of his thoughts, suggesting it might be important. Important enough to keep quiet… for as long as they could.

The rest of the guys had seemed to instantly sense the odd, delicate situation they were in. Nobody wanted to be interrogated because they had been in the vicinity of somebody dying, and they all probably figured Mike’s death had most likely complicated by their discovery of the wreck. Dex had mentioned the need to keep the news and location of the sub a secret for the time being for several reasons — one, other wreck divers and “treasure hunters” would descend on the boat and it would not only be an absurd circus, but also a lot more dangerous. Two, they hadn’t had enough time to solve some of the boat’s major mysteries — like discovering its mission, whatever was under that hangar-deck, and of course the bar of unrecognizable metal.

When Dex tried to casually assume responsibility and do all the talking to the Coast Guard officer who needed some answers, none of the other guys acted like they wanted any part of it. After Mike’s body was hauled off, they all drifted away from the railing — a signal that Dex could tell the officer whatever he wanted and they wouldn’t be doing any editing or embellishing.

Not even Tommy, and thank Christ for that. He strayed up to the bridge with Donnie and sat there keeping his hands warm around a mug of coffee.

The Ensign with the clipboard and pen had the name Hawkins stenciled on his uniform; he started taking notes as he ran down the standard checklist of questions about the accident. The guy wasn’t overly wary or suspicious and Dex figured this wasn’t the first water accident victim he’d investigated.

And when Dex gave him his full credentials, especially the part about being a master diver with the Navy, everything changed even more for the better. Their conversation became less of a formal inquest and more of a friendly chat between brothers on the sea. Finally, the talk steered around to the nature of the wreck itself.

“What’d you guys find down there, anyway?”

“Well, I was hoping we could keep it quiet for awhile — before the accident, I mean.”

Hawkins kind of half-grinned sarcastically. “Why? Buried Treasure?”

“Nah,” said Dex. “World War II wreck. But we wanted a little more time to poke around before it attracted a crowd.”

“So what is it?”


The Ensign looked at him with a half-smile. “I’m assuming we’re not talking about ‘the Black Panther’?”

Dex shook his head. Hawkins had referred to the U-1105, a well-known wreck off Piney Point near the mouth of the Potomac. The sub had gotten its name because of the black rubber coating on its hull to make it less visible to sonar. “C’mon. Of course not. We found a new one.”

“No kidding?” Ensign Hawkins registered genuine surprise. “Another one in the Bay, that’s kind of cool.”

Dex managed a half-grin. “Yeah, like I said, we were hoping we could get a little time to knock around on it before everybody else got wind of it.”

“Yeah, I understand,” said Hawkins. “You get a name on it yet?”

“Well, we haven’t found anything official yet, we think it might be U-5001.”

“Yeah? How come?”

Dex mentioned the numbers stenciled on the interior hatches.

The Ensign nodded, checked his watch. His demeanor had become more relaxed, and now he continued with his by-the-book questions with an unspoken tone that said he just wanted to get it over with.

Ten minutes later, he looked into Dex’s face, nodded. “Tell you what, Chief… I’ll try to keep the… ah, exact nature of your wreck kind of vague for as long as I can. Maybe log the report with something like ‘World War II vintage’ or something like that. That might get you 24 hours — maybe more if none of my supes asks for a clarification — but a lot of times they have a poker up their ass about stuff like this. You can understand that, right?”

“Oh yeah…”

“I mean, I’m assuming you and your guys feel up to going back down on her.”

“We were planning on tomorrow. Thanks.”

The Ensign grinned. “That’s cool. After what you just been through, some guys aren’t up to it.”

Dex nodded. “Well you know the old saying about when you fall off a horse…”

“That’s the only way to look at it, I figure.” The Ensign extended his hand, shook with Dex. “Take care of yourself, Chief. I’ll be in touch if I need anything else. And… sorry about what happened, you know?”

Watching the Coast Guard officer climb into the launch and head back to his cutter, Dex felt uneasy. While he didn’t expect much follow-up from him, he doubted he actually might be able to keep a lid on the news about their sub for very long, if at all. It was too much of a unique event. Didn’t matter, though. Dex knew things had changed with Mike’s death, and he and the other guys would have to adjust to it.

Like, right away.

Dex and the rest of the guys cleaned up the decks as Don fired up the engines and headed back in toward the harbor. Nobody talked much, and it was a hell of a way to wrap up a weekend. Somebody was going to have to step up and notify Mike’s family, and Dex knew it wasn’t going to be him if he could help it. Doc had a lot more experience on that end, and that was that.

The next day was the last scheduled day for their dives, and Dex had a feeling if they didn’t do it tomorrow, they’d never get back down there on their own.

He knew there’d be a funeral to deal with and maybe some publicity about what happened to poor Mike, but that was not enough reason to postpone the next dive on the sub. No way he could count on a Coast Guard Ensign to protect their salvage rights. They weren’t going to have much time to get some answers, and he needed to know who he could count on.

After thinking about it for only a second or two, he realized there was only one person he could count on — Dexter McCauley.

Chapter Sixteen

Erich Bruckner Under Greenland, May 1, 1945

Bischoff’s efforts to reach anyone at Station One Eleven had been met with silence — other than the white noise of an open channel. That could mean damage to the staff’s equipment, or an unattended radio room. The latter possibility bothered Erich. Communications facilities were never abandoned or ignored — unless some kind of catastrophic event had happened.

Bischoff had, however, acquired a fix on the open channel, and Erich’s rescue team would be able to home in on it.

His other concern did not appear as dire. The early report from the damage control team was not as bad as he’d feared.

As suspected, the diving plane on the starboard side had been bent just enough to affect its performance. Since it was located below the waterline, the repair would be troublesome, but not impossible. The breach in the escape hatch, which had cut off the aft torpedo crew, proved more of a problem. And once the U-5001 had surfaced, the water had to be pumped out of the flooded chamber. Kress had a team working feverishly to hammer and bang the hatch back into alignment, but Erich knew there would be no certain way to check the airtight quality of the seal until they were in the open sea, diving under pressure. Not the kind of test any submariner wanted to apply — especially when anything less than total success could be your your demise.

Before departing the boat, Erich sat in his quarters, staring at his personal journal rather than the boat’s official log. Ever since he’d joined the Kriegsmarine, he’d been keeping his journals — initiating a new one for each new boat on which he’d served. In the beginning, he believed he was doing it for his children. Having come from a military family, it had been a long and honored custom to compile memoirs of a man’s time in service to the Fatherland. But he had since stopped thinking about having a family, and was now recording his personal feelings and observations more out of habit than anything else.

Better to stop that line of thinking. He wrote down his experiences in self-defense. He needed rational thoughts to shield him from reminders of the terrible loss this war had exacted upon him. But he had no desire to actually test them out. He might re-read his journals on some far future day — if that day would ever come — but not any time soon.

He reached for a bottle of schnapps, and poured a small glass. He did not prefer the peppermint flavor, but it was all they had provided for the voyage. Erich would not complain because he really needed to drink some alcohol.

As he sat sipping and staring at the closed cover of his journal, he knew there was no time to make any entries at the moment, but he wondered what the next few hours would bring, what he might write in the next few pages.

Right now, he needed to face facts head-on. He and his crew had been thrown into a new mission that may change everything. He had no idea what kind of emergency had happened here, and how he dealt with it would surely be crucial. He needed to conclude business here as soon as possible before returning to his original mission, which was in jeopardy if he could not rendezvous with the cruiser, Sturm.

But as he sat there, trying to organize his thoughts in short, dry sentences, he realized he was ignoring his gut instincts.

Something about this place did not feel right.

It was more than its location or its extraordinary geologic profile, but Erich could not identify it any more than to say it disturbed him. Like some other creations of his country’s leaders, this one also… scared him.

And that was a big problem because he knew he could not let any of his crew know such a thing — not even his officers, except Manny, who would understand, and perhaps share his dark intuition. Newton Bischoff, who was so inflated with all the party hype, would assume there was nothing here beyond the scope of the Third Reich; Helmut Massenburg, being the perfect soldier in an imperfect world, would see this as just another mission to be completed; and Ostermann, with his heavily analytical mind, would see things more or less as a puzzle to be worked out — something no more threatening than a set of Chinese rings.

Erich, however, could not avoid the feeling it was a bit more complicated than that.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts.


“Captain, I have news.” Fassbaden’s voice resonated through the cabin door.

“Come in.”

Opening the door, Manny leaned his tall frame forward, stepped into the cabin. “Busy?”

Erich shrugged. “Close the door, Manny.”

His exec did so, then pulled up the only other chair in the room. He sat with his hands interlaced in front of him as though he were in the waiting room of a doctor. “The rescue team is ready to depart. The hydroplane fix will probably hold, Kress tells me. The aft escape hatch may be a problem. The tolerances are small, and he cannot guarantee a proper seal.”

Erich exhaled softly. “Without a machine shop and a foundry at his disposal, I cannot expect miracles. My only concern now is that we are seaworthy enough to continue the mission.”

“I believe we are. We can always continue with only the exit chamber flooded and the lower hatch sealed.”

“Good. Good,” said Erich, looking at his old friend with a sardonic grin. “The larger question is when we will continue the original mission.”

Manny leaned forward, removed his officer’s cap and ran a large, bony hand through his thick hair. Like many of the crew, he had also stopped shaving and his beard was struggling through the stage that made any man look like an unkempt tramp. “I agree. How much time will we lose in this place?”

“Exactly. Something happened here, Manny. And I have a feeling it was very bad. There may not be anyone left to rescue or recover.”

“And I assume you want my input.”

Erich nodded. “But quickly, we need to get ashore.”

Reaching for a cigarette, he shook two out of his pack. After he and Erich had ignited them, they leaned back, watched the thin blue streams they exhaled.

“All right,” said Manny. “As you may expect, I have been thinking about our situation. We are now in the month of May. Eisenhower is almost in Berlin, and if we are smart, we should be praying he beats the Russians to the Reichstag.”

Erich knew where his friend was headed with the conversation. They shared a similar one in a bar called die Wharfratte in Trondheim before shipping out on the U-5001. There were many thousands of very unhappy Russian soldiers looking for some revenge against the Germans. If the communists gained control of the Fatherland, there would be a terrible punishment meted out, whereas the Americans would, in their patronizing way, believe they should spread their democracy over the landscape like so much fertilizer.

“Are you suggesting we cancel the remainder of the mission?” Erich was not ready to admit he had entertained that very notion; he needed input from his friend.

“No, I have not reached that point, yet. We need to see what has happened here. But we also need to consider all the implications, all the options.”

“No doubt you have been thinking about them.”

Fassbaden nodded. He held up his hand, ticking off each point, finger by finger. “One — we are expected to meet the Sturm in six days. Two — Ostermann says we are presently a little less than 1600 nautical miles from rendezvous at Montauk Point. Three — that means — even if we maintained a less than optimum submerged speed of 20 knots — we will need a minimum of four days to be in position.”

Erich grinned. “It looks like you have given this very much thought. What about the maneuvers? The tests were never completed.”

Fassbaden shook his head, smiled. “I think we can safely conclude this boat is seaworthy. Were it not, we would be dead by now.”

“Agreed.” Erich stood. “Let’s get that rescue party off.”

Manny hesitated.

“What? More?”

Fassbaden shrugged. “Not that much. I would never say this to anyone else, but what is the point of finishing this mission? We both agree the war is over. The ‘Bulge’ proved that.”

“It was not von Runstedt’s fault,” said Erich wistfully. “It was a bad plan.”

“You speak as if our ‘Fuhrer’ actually had a few good ones.” Fassbaden scowled. “Christ in heaven, how did we get ourselves into this mess?”

“We would make ourselves crazy trying to answer that. Stay on course — we must decide if the mission is even worth completing.”

Fassbaden looked at him like a detective sorting out evidence. “If you know more than the rest of us, then I am not qualified to give my opinion.”

“That is true. And there is one part of the mission entrusted only to me.”

“Which is?”

Erich shrugged. Given their current situation, did it matter if he shared top secrets with his friend? “Are you telling me you have not considered the facts you already know? Manny, you have probably pulled together all the final pieces of the puzzle.”

Fassbaden nodded. “I have been thinking, yes. Let’s see… We carry a single plane and its payload, and we are to pick up its crew and an additional bomb. Close to New York. To what end? Why would we want to send a single plane to attack an American city?”

Erich stared at him. “I think you know. Tell me.”

“It is real?” said Fassbaden. “They did it.”

Erich nodded. “My orders were to inform the crew at the rendezvous point. So what if I am a little early.”


Both men sat silently for a moment. They had both been privy to the rumors circulating through High Command that Heisenberg and the rest of German physicists were a lot closer to creating what was called a “fission bomb” than anyone imagined. Their quest had been called Project Norway, and the payload aboard the ME-5X was indeed a product of that secret weapons program.

“They want us to drop a super-bomb on New York.”

“Yes, and if it works, a second one on Washington. The Sturm is bringing it to us.”

“Oh my God…” Manny looked pale.

“The question begins and ends with us. Do we need to do this?” said Erich. “Will the killing of maybe 100,000 civilians change the course of the war, or just make us a special group of murderers?”

“What about Dresden? Why did they do it to a place like that?”

Erich nodded. “I know. I have heard all the same reasons as you. Although, even Goering admitted the firestorm was unexpected. And the Brits tried to justify it as payback for Coventry before that.”

“Yes, I have heard all that.”

Erich felt disgusted by it all. “Well, what the hell are we talking about, Manny? Are we in a fucking war, or not?”

Fassbaden flushed — either from embarrassment or anger, it did not matter. “Yes, we are…”

“So I ask you — do we continue the madness, or do we stop it?”

“That is sounding fearfully noble, Captain.”

Erich knew his friend was serious when he addressed him as “Captain.” He used the formality as a means of distancing himself from his friend. “Is that such a bad thing? I have to tell you — I am weary of being a soldier.”

“You are not alone in that.”

“If we drop a bomb on New York,” said Erich. “We will not bring back Dresden. Or anyone else who died in this mess.”

“I know, I know,” said Fassbaden. “I am not comfortable making decisions like this. It makes me question my own purpose. Whether or not I have wasted my time, my life.”

“I think that is a question most soldiers must face.”

“More so for the ones who fight on the losing side.” Manny grinned with absolutely no humor intended.

“It is natural to feel this way. You do not have to explain yourself.” Erich smiled the fatherly smile all captains practice in the mirror. “In the meantime, I trust you took some great care in selecting two crews.”

“Two?” His exec looked at him with curiosity. Manny tilted his head, raked his large hand through his hair again.

“One for the rescue team. And the other to stay here and take care of my boat.”

“Where do you want me?” said Fassbaden.

“I want someone on board I can trust, and that would be you. But I also want you with me.”

“Sounds like you have a problem.”

“I think Massenburg can keep things under control here,” said Erich, who valued the Warrant Officer’s age, experience, and loyalty.


“All right, get the lifeboat ready for launch. Crew of six, not counting us. Make sure Bischoff is one of them — it’s not that I do not trust him alone, but I feel better having such a party loyalist close at hand. And get me that troublemaker, Liebling. I want him in my sights as well.”


“MP40’s and sidearms for everyone but Liebling. Give him the toolbox and the radio — he can be Bischoff’s mule.”

Standing, Fassbaden smiled as he adjusted his officer’s cap, then moved to the door. “We will be ready in five minutes. I will inform the Chief.”

* * *

Erich walked to his wardrobe, opened a drawer in its footlocker, and retrieved his holstered Walther P38. As he snapped it over his belt, Chief Warrant Officer Massenburg reported for duty, and Erich briefed him quickly.

The old salt was such a professional sailor, he never asked for a clarification, never hesitated as he reviewed his orders and expectations. While the U-5001 was under Helmut’s watch, he would tolerate no abuses or derelictions; punishment would be swift and uncompromising.

Leaving his Chief on the control deck, Erich felt confident all would be well when he returned. He climbed the ladder to the open bridge to find Fassbaden and his handpicked crew loading the last of their gear into the lifeboat, which was an inflatable large enough to carry twelve men in a pinch. The U-5001 was equipped with enough of them to evacuate an entire crew if necessary — an event he did not want to contemplate.

As he reached the main deck, Erich could not help but notice how utterly calm the water was in this subterranean place. The U-boat lay so steady and immobile, it could have been set in concrete. While not contained by a palpable fog, there was a humidity in the air, thick enough to cloud the landscape that enclosed them. Features and details in the distance were shrouded in a thin, but concealing mist — including the source of light and heat Erich wanted to discover.

Fassbaden awaited him on the relatively small section of deck between the conning tower and the swell of the hangar, which defined the hump-backed shape of much of the aft section. Behind him, a short, heavyset man with reddish-brown hair stood glaring at him.

“Ready to shove off?” said Erich.

“Yes, Captain.” Manny gestured with his eyes to indicate the man at his back. “But first, Seaman Liebling requests a word with you.”

Normally, Erich would not have appreciated one of his men doing such a thing, but in this instance, he welcomed it.

“What is it, sailor?”

Liebling stepped out from behind Manny’s tall presence. “Captain, I only wish to make my case clear — I am not a submariner.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, captain.”

“How is it, then, that I just saw you emerge from a submarine?”

The man’s voice was a bit high-pitched, and his tone was one of careful indignation. “I was dragooned onto this boat only hours before it pushed off, and—”

“I am well aware of your situation,” said Erich, cutting him off. “Do you think for an instant I would not know everything there is to know about everyone on this boat?”

Liebling looked suitably surprised, but marshaled himself to push on. “Yes, Captain, I am sure you do, and I do not wish to suggest otherwise. I only mention it because I feel I am unfit for this… this present mission.”

Erich remained silent for a moment, letting this jackass twist in the wind a bit. Then: “Do you recall me asking you how you ‘feel’ about this mission?”

“No, sir, I do not.”

“Do you believe you might be a better judge of the fitness of this boat’s personnel than its captain?”

Liebling’s lower lip quivered, either from anger or anxiety. “No, sir, I do not.”

“Then why do you address me on the subject?”

“Quite simply, Captain, since you have asked — I do not wish to go.”

Erich looked at Liebling with the dispassion of a lion eyeing its next meal. A hush had settled over the men in the lifeboat as they collectively looked up to watch the small drama playing out. After perhaps a minute of silence, Erich slowly unholstered his Walther.

Liebling’s eyes widened. Several men drew in tight breaths, held them. “I am within my command to simply shoot you on a charge of mutiny,” said Erich. “But for now, this will suffice…”

Holding his sidearm by its barrel, he backhanded Liebling across his face, driving the heavy handle across his upper jaw and nose. The blow was administered with stunning quickness and Liebling’s knees folded him into a limp heap, which toppled off the deck and into the water between the sloping hull and the rubber boat.

“Yank him out of there,” said Erich as several of the men moved quickly to haul Liebling over the gunwale like a gaffed fish. Blood streamed over his face from the calculated glancing blow; his eyes had rolled back toward his forehead. He was conscious, but just barely.

When Erich looked back at Manny, his exec was trying to stifle a smile. “Quite a memorable statement, Captain.”

“Glad you appreciated it,” said Erich. “Let us push off.”

They both climbed into the boat, and the crew eased it away from the huge bulk of the U-5001. As they slipped oars into the green glass surface, the sound of their splashing sounded like a violation of the sacred silence of the place. Erich directed them toward the far shore, above which hovered the strange source of light.

As they glided away from their boat, Manny looked back and attempted to get a visual fix on its position in case they might lose it in the mist. A precaution in the event the batteries of Bischoff’s funkmaat failed. Liebling huddled alone in the stern, holding a kerchief to the side of his face. He averted his gaze from Erich, and that was exactly the posture he wanted from garbage scow material such as him.

“Take her ninety degrees of starboard,” said Erich to the men on the oars. “Use the light source as your target.”

“I brought this along,” said Manny, lifting a Leica rangefinder camera from the outer pocket of his field vest. “So we will have a record.”

“Good thinking.” Erich stared ahead into the gossamer mist, which hung close to the water’s surface, possibly because of well-defined layers of differing air temperatures. “Bischoff. Try to raise the Station again.”

“Aye, Captain.”

Erich looked into the mist and the curious light source.

“Whether they reply or not,” he said. “Soon we will have some real answers.”

Chapter Seventeen

Dex Crofton and Little Italy

It was dusk by the time Dex reached his neighborhood. All the townhouses on his street had windows aglow with television light; everybody doing the same silly thing. Funny how most people ran their lives — like they were all following the identical, dull script; all cast in the same vapid play. Even though he’d always been glad to have escaped that fate, right now he almost longed for a little more of the purely mundane existence.

Pulling into the garage, Dex killed the engine, hit the Genie door-closer, and reached for the backpack on the passenger seat. He was hungry, thirsty, and dog-tired, but he knew he had a long night ahead of him, and he wanted to be out on the water at first light. He grabbed the pack — which held the Nazi captain’s little box and Tommy’s bar of weird metal from the sub — and headed inside. Just in case he might need his laptop, he was stopping in to grab it before leaving for Tommy’s place. As he was loading it into its case, he glanced at the thin, lightweight Canon scanner on the corner of his desk. A notion struck him — another one of his hunches. Just to be sure, he stuffed the scanner and cable into his backpack.

A Guinness and a sandwich later, as he was heading back out the door, his cell phone rang. When he saw Kevin Cheever’s name on the ID, he accepted the call.

The first minutes of the call rehashed the whole thing with Mike, and Dex figured Kevin needed to just get it off his chest. And not surprisingly, his wife was talking in the background about how she didn’t want him anywhere near the sub anymore.

“Well,” said Dex. “Tell her after tomorrow, she probably won’t have to worry about it.”

Kevin understood the lid had been lifted on their discovery. They couldn’t count on the Coast Guard keeping any secrets. “I hear you. No way to tell who will want to join the party when the news breaks.”

“Anything else we want to know about this boat, I figure, is going to have to happen tomorrow.” Dex turned off the kitchen light as he talked. Headed out to the garage.

“We can handle it.”

“I know we can.”

“Funny, though,” said Kevin. “I have this weird feeling about that boat.”

“You got that, bro.” Dex knew exactly what Kevin was talking about. “Like there’s more to it than we’ve been able to figure so far. And I’m not just talking about the hangar on the aft deck… even though that is very cool.”

“No damage to the hull. Looks like they scuttled it.”

“I agree. So the real question is why?”

“Yeah, and what happened to the crew? And how come nobody has a record of the boat?”

“Somebody does.” said Dex. “We just need to find out who it is.”

“Which reminds me — I already put out a feeler,” said Kevin. “I think I mentioned it. One of my guys at the lab, Sal, he has a pal at the Naval Historical Center in Southeast.”

“The Navy Yard,” said Dex. He knew the place pretty well but he didn’t know much about the Historical Center.

“Sal already called them. They said they’d have to check and get back to him. Official records is what we want. A lot better than the stuff on the web. You never know what’s accurate on half of that crap.”

“Okay, see what you can find out. Meanwhile, I’ll see you on the Dog in the morning. Regular time.”

Dex was in his truck by the time he punched out the call, alone with his thoughts as he pushed his pickup up I-97 just as nightfall settled over it.

* * *

A half-hour later he was looking for a parking space in Little Italy. It was an interesting little neighborhood comprised of a grid of short blocks, narrow streets, and century-old brick rowhouses maybe fifteen feet wide and fifty deep. Tommy had inherited one of them on High Street, right up from Da Mimmo’s restaurant. The entire block was always full of cars, and Dex had to park a few blocks away.

But he didn’t really care because he liked walking through the neighborhood. Decades earlier, it had become surrounded by some of the worst slums and benighted government housing projects, but it had survived brilliantly. An island of culture and cleanliness, both physical and spiritual, Little Italy was a safe, vibrant monument to people who understood the value and reward of self-reliance. Suffused with so many restaurants, it was hard to imagine how they all made money. But they did; the sidewalks were always crowded with regulars and tourists. Definitely a place to be in Baltimore.

“Hey, man, c’mon in!” said Tommy only a second or two after Dex knocked on the door. “I’ve been waitin’ for ya.”

Dex eased through the door carrying his laptop bag in one hand, his backpack in the other. “How’s it going, Tommy?”

The young firefighter shrugged, took another pull off the Moretti he was drinking. “I don’t know, Dex. I just can’t believe it, you know. Mike bein’ dead… it’s like so weird. So hard to believe.”

“I know what you’re saying. Now maybe you’ll understand a little better why I went off on you.”

“Say no more, man.” Tommy rubbed his chin with the back of his hand as if to wipe away the embarrassment he obviously still felt.

“Look, we’ve got to push through it, that’s all. Nothing else we can do.” Dex stood in the center of a narrow living room, still crammed with the inherited, old-fashioned furniture from Tommy’s uncle. On the walls, other than some Baltimore City Fire Department commendations in Walmart frames, it didn’t look like Tommy was much of a decorator.

“Ya wanna beer before we get started?” Tommy held up his own as if to remind Dex what they looked like.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Tommy retrieved a bottle from a forty-year-old Frigidaire, then led him down a narrow staircase to a basement — half of which had been finished off in sagging ceiling tiles and ugly linoleum. Tommy used it for storage and it was filled with boxes and junk. Beyond it, running to the back of the house’s foundation, lay the furnace and water heater, plus a big workbench, over which Tommy reached up and flicked on a big fluorescent light.

“Whaddya think of this piece,” said Tommy, patting a professional grade drill press with obvious affection. It shared space with a small lathe covered with the dust of disuse.

Dex dropped his backpack on the bench, retrieved the stainless steel box. “I think it’s exactly what we need.”

Tommy smiled. “Great. You know how to run it?”

“I can be dangerous enough on it.”

“Okay, it’s plugged in. Let’s give it a rip.”

After lining up the lock and latch assembly with the metal-chewing bit, Dex grabbed the press handle and slowly eased the business-end down. The perfect balance and mass of the drill press gently kissed the surface of the lock and almost gently bore into the metal assembly holding the box fast. Within a few minutes, the steel mechanism of the lock had surrendered to the carbide invader. Although it had heated up fast, the box had opened with a minimum of damage. As Dex looked at it, he knew whatever it held would still be unscathed, even though the steel chips curling off the box were still smoking.

“Like butter,” said Tommy.

“Hot butter. Watch it, the friction heats it up quick.”

Grabbing a screwdriver, Dex popped open the box, which had been as dark and silent as a tomb for more than sixty years. Amazingly, the interior was dry and clean; it contained folded envelopes, a leather breast-pocket wallet, and another military medal.

“Hey, looks like Christmas mornin’,” said Tommy. “Whatta we got here?”

The first thing Dex removed was the flat leather wallet, which he unfolded to reveal a sheaf of documents.

“Man, look at that,” said Tommy.

The one on top was a small, gray booklet, emblazoned with the standard, Bauhaus-style Nazi eagle. Under the image a single word: Wehrpas. Dex opened it, and a black-and-white photograph of a young man in civilian clothes (suit jacket, white shirt, and tie) looked back at him. The man had blondish hair, large dark eyes, and a chiseled jaw. If not for the inked traces of various government stamps, his photo could have been a “publicity still” for one of the old Hollywood matinee idols. But this one lacked the posed dreaminess of many of those old shots. This man appeared serious, intelligent, and full of energetic vision. Under the photo was a place for his signature, and his printed name.

“Erich Heinz Bruckner,” said Dex. “Our captain.”

“What’s that, his passport?” Tommy reached out, barely touched it with his fingers as if it were a magic amulet.

“Something like that. But strictly military. See these tables and spaces on the right pages? That’s where they kept track of your service — ranks, promotions, assignments, duty tours, commendations, all that stuff. You were to keep this with you at all times.”

“Is that what the guys in the movies are always talking about when they say ‘your papers’?” Tommy chuckled at his small humor.

“Yeah, one of them.” Dex pulled the next item from the box — a tan booklet similar to the first one. Under the eagle carrying the swastika was the word Soldbuch, and beneath that the word Kriegsmarine.

“And this one too.”

He opened it to reveal Bruckner’s photo in full military dress, displaying the hat and insignia of Kapitaenleutnant. The guy looked like a pro, no doubt about it. Looking at his pictures, Dex received an immediate impression of total confidence, knowledge, and authority.

“Is that his passport?” said Tommy.

“No, it’s his really official ID in the military. The other one’s just more Nazi bullshit. This is the one that counts.”

“How do you know this stuff?” Tommy looked at him like a little kid.

“You mean other than because I’m a really smart guy?”


“I don’t know, I was always kind of interested — fascinated, really — by the whole Nazi thing,” said Dex. “I’ve read a lot about them.”

“You read German?”

Dex shook his head, pointed to some entries on the right page of the Soldbuch. “Nah. But if I could — see this? — it’s a record of all our Captain’s assignments. We could find out a lot about this guy.”

“That’s cool.”

Scanning the printed words in the small entry spaces, Dex pointed to a column and smiled. “Yeah, and look at this. Here’s exactly what we’ve been looking for.”

“What?” Tommy leaned closer.

“Right here. This line. The last one filled in? The last assignment — U-5001.”

“The name of the sub?”

“I’m sure of it now,” said Dex. “I saw those numbers stenciled on the inside of a hatch lid. If we can find an ID plate somewhere, that’ll just confirm what we already know. The torpedo room is usually where they put them. If we get that, it’s just icing on the cake.”

“U-5001.” Tommy tapped the open lid of the box. “So this thing’s a home run, huh?”

“Oh yeah. It should help unravel most of this boat’s total story. Or at least point us in the right directions.”

“We’re gonna need somebody who reads German,” said Tommy.

“That won’t be a problem. If I have to, I can transcribe this stuff and run it through a translation website.”

“They got stuff like that?”

Dex looked at him. “You need to explore more of the world than its bars.”

Tommy grinned, raked his fingers through his thick, black hair.

Reaching back into the metal container, Dex pulled another book from it. Thick, heavy pages bound into a durable but flexible cover. The pages were filled with writings. Rather than cursive, the words were printed in bold block letters, with a fountain pen. A handwriting specialist would probably say the printing had been by someone of great confidence and authority.

“Wow, take a look at this,” said Dex as he began to flip through it.

“What is it?”

“This is the captain’s log. Day-by-day entries on what happened onboard the boat. See, here’s the dates. And then look here — the little column down the right margins? And the check marks?”

“Yeah,” said Tommy.

“That indicates when the entries were forwarded home to U-boat control. Every day’s activities of every sub were kept in Berlin — they were called BdU KTBs. It was a perfect record of a boat’s orders, communications, engagements… you name it.”

Tommy chuckled, shook his head. “Man, how the hell you know this stuff?”

“I read a lot,” said Dex with a shrug. “Plus I watch the History Channel.”

Tommy, perhaps shamed into silence, nodded and tried to look suitably serious.

“We need to find out what this says.” Dex closed the log. “And we will.”

“What’re we gonna do?”

“You’ll see,” said Dex, folding the log up and carefully placing it on the table. “But let’s see what’s left in there.”

Looking down, he saw one more item in the box — a thick envelope filled with medals and decorations, which he picked up, opened, and spread out on the bench.

“Here’s another Knight’s Cross, with the ribbons,” said Dex.

“Yeah, and hey, are those things diamonds?”

Dex nodded. “Yeah, this one is. With the oakleafs. It was one of the highest medals they could get. This guy, Bruckner, he must have been special.”

“You mean good?”

Dex grinned. “Well, that’s a relative term when you’re talking about these guys.”

“You know what I mean.”

Dex nodded, started returning Captain Bruckner’s effects to the steel box. “Let’s take a quick look at the brick. Then we’ll see what we can get out of that journal, okay?”

“You’re the one who knows what you’re doin’. Sounds good to me.”

Dex retrieved the remaining object from the backpack, laid it on the bench. Although roughly the shape and size of regular red brick, it was surely nothing so mundane.

“Man, it looks freakin’ weird in the light,” said Tommy.

And it did.

As Dex regarded it under the fluorescent light, he noticed right away that he couldn’t actually identify its color. The smooth surface on first glance appeared to be a slate gray, but light seemed to dance and shimmer just beneath the surface, imparting a spectral aspect to it. It was as if the object were somehow absorbing light and reflecting different wavelengths at random. This effect also gave it a less substantial appearance — just the slightest suggestion of wavering, like a special effect in an old movie.

But it was a real, solid object. It had a lot more mass than most things its size, and Dex wondered if it might be some weird isotope the Nazis had been screwing around with. He knew they’d had several deuterium plants up and running in Norway before a few Lancaster bombing runs took them out.

A thought burned through him — could it be giving off dangerous, or even lethal radiation? Then he shrugged inwardly. If it was, then it was already too late to worry about it.

“Not much I can make of it,” he said. “We need to have some science-guys take a look.”

“Maybe Kevin knows somebody where he works.” Tommy reached out, touched the odd surface. “Feels kinda cold.”

“Yeah, I wonder if the density of the material is allowing it to retain the temperatures from the bottom of the bay.”

“You got me there. I slept through my science class, know what I mean?” Tommy chuckled at his own wit.

Dex had been only half listening to him. He was wondering more and more about these strange objects they’d dredged up from the past, and his paranoia meter continued ticking like a Geiger counter. If this thing were some kind of odd element, giving out weird radiation, then they’d been absolute jerks to expose themselves and anybody else who might have been close enough. There was definitely something odd about the surface and the color of the object, and that could only be the beginning.

Plus there was the whole question of how many people he wanted to involve in this — if there was something special, or dangerous, associated with this brick, he wasn’t sure he wanted any government types getting their noses out of joint about it.

Not yet, anyway.

Not until they’d had a chance to do some checking on their own. Once the feds got involved, you got shut out of the game. Good chance you’d never hear another word.

With Kevin Cheever at NavTronics, he had a straight path to some of the best research scientists in the business, whom he hoped could keep their mouths shut. He hoped Kevin could get something out of the lab that would at least give them an idea about any radiation problems.

Checking his watch, Dex looked at Tommy.

“Still pretty early,” he said.

“Why? You wanna go down to the ‘Point’?”

Dex shook his head in mock sadness. “Is that all you ever think about is hanging in bars?”

“You got a better idea?”

“You have a computer?”

“Not really. I fuck around with the one at the engine house. But I don’t have one here, no.”

“That’s what I figured. That’s why I brought mine. Let’s go up to the kitchen table.”

Dex explained the need to get those log pages translated ASAP.

“So what’re we gonna do?” said Tommy when they emerged from the cellar stairway.

“Watch me.”

First thing he did was plug in his scanner to his laptop and punch up his latest OCR software which claimed to be able to not only grab and transcribe printed text, but reasonably legible handwriting. Since the program had been bundled with the scanner when he bought it, Dex had never had the need to test what sounded like dubious ad hype.

Now we’ll see, he thought.

Retrieving the captain’s log from the strongbox, he opened it to the first pages. The large block printing looked plenty legible. As soon as the laptop screen said everything was ready, he laid the open sheet on the glass bed and keyed the scan command.

A few seconds later, he saw Bruckner’s words appear on a place the captain could have never imagined — the digitized image of the computer screen. He ran the recognition part of the software, surprised to see most of the printing now transformed into word processing text.

Amazing. He didn’t even want to think of what kind of technology made this possible.

“Did it work?” said Tommy, still not sure what he was looking at.

“Like magic. Now, all I have to do is scan in the rest of the pages.”

Tommy reached into fridge for another beer. “How long will that take?”

“Maybe an hour or so.”

“You need me for anything? I was thinkin’ I’d turn on the ballgame.”

“Go ahead.” But Dex looked up, suddenly realizing something. “Hey, that reminds me — you have cable, right? You don’t, by any chance, have internet service, do you?”

“Nah, not yet, why?”

“Once I get the pages done, I need to translate them on the ’net.”

Tommy shook his head. “Hmmm, outta luck, I guess.”

“Too bad. I’ll have to do it when I get back to the house.”

Tommy picked up the remote, started clicking through the channels. “Hey, wait a minute! Augie’s got it, I think?”

“Who’s Augie?”

“The old guy next door.”

“You sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. He talks to his relatives in Sicily on his computer. Watches those old black and white movies too. Always wantin’ me to watch’em too.”

Dex grinned. “How old’s Augie?”

Tommy smiled. “I don’t know — eighty-somethin’.”

“Well, God bless him — lots of old people refuse to learn anything new. Why don’t you ask him if we can hook in a little later, okay?”

Tommy gave him the thumbs-up, then slipped out the front door to check in with his neighbor.

Returning his attention to his laptop, Dex continued to scan in the pages. He needed to get everything into the computer’s memory then do a full text recognition. If that worked, then he’d get a rough translation from one of the internet sites.

He shook his head in mock disbelief. A process that would have required weeks or months boiled down to hours. Dex appreciated the technology on another level as well — he didn’t want the added hassle of getting some third-party translator into the mix. But maybe that didn’t matter. Kevin had already told his lab pal about the sub, and of course, there was the Coast Guard.

Flip the page.



He began the drill, noticing right away there were lots pages. Either the captain had been very wordy, or he had an awful lot to say.

As Dex continued the repetitious steps, watching the number of pages mount up, he wondered where all this was going. What exactly would they find on what might be their last dive to the sub? And why was it so important to him? The second question intrigued him more than the first. He was aware of a subconscious alarm going off in some walled-off part of his mind. Muffled, distant, but no less insistent.

There was something weird about the wreck — not showing up in any of the internet records, its size and shape, and, of course, the brick of unidentified material. In Dex’s worst moments, his thoughts returned to his deadly radiation fears. (A couple of days under its invisible glow and he would be waking up with all his flesh oozing off his bones like molasses.)

He smiled at the image — like a Gahan Wilson cartoon — but was only a breath away from shuddering as well. Made sense. Maybe that’s why the crew left it onboard — they’d known it was dangerous as hell.

The smart thing to do was get the brick into the hands of somebody who could analyze it and find out just what the Germans had been up to. Which is exactly what he would do — as soon as he ran these pages through one of the online translators. If there was nothing in there sounding too damned odd, he and Kevin would check in with some of his lab-buddies.

But that last thought kind of pushed his thinking toward the next logical “if”.

Namely, what if the captain’s journal revealed something really weird or dangerous about the sub and/or the brick?

Then what?

Dex knew enough about the way things worked — the more people you let into any loop, the less control you have over what happens next.

The questions were eating at him, and he wasn’t the type to let that kind of neurotic crap get to him.

Suddenly the front door opened, and Tommy reappeared with a short, wizened old guy. He was thin, and a little stooped over and wore an Orioles cap over big ears.

“Hey, Dex, I want you to meet somebody,” said Tommy. “Augie Picaccio, this is my pal, Dex McCauley.”

He shook hands with the old guy, who smiled with what looked like his real teeth. “You wanna get on-a-line? No problem. I got-a Skype and Netflix and ESPN.”

* * *

Fifteen minutes and a couple glasses of wine later, Dex was sitting in Augie’s living room with Tommy and the laptop. It had been Dex’s experience with computers that nothing worked right the first time, and not until the cyber-gods had their fun with you before getting bored.

And so, he was both shocked and pleased when his laptop accepted his wireless login and let him get started. The old guy’s son had set him up with the wireless modem and it worked just the way it was supposed to — Dex was online without much hassle.

Using a website he googled called Transliteral, he started cutting-and-pasting the scanned text. It was slow-going because the site only allowed about a page at a time in the “text to be translated” box. Then you got to see another ad in a pop-up. Dex grinned as he sipped his Chianti Classico. You get what you pay for — and Transliteral was free.

Chapter Eighteen

Erich Bruckner Under Greenland, May 2, 1945

The mist was not as thick as it appeared, and as the rubber boat slipped across the calm surface, Erich could see farther into its depths than he’d anticipated. Two seamen from the gunnery crew, Decker and Stirtz, plied the water with caution coupled with a degree of clumsiness. Each man had a Schmeisser MP-40 slung over his shoulder, and had been picked for their ability to use the submachine gun with great facility, rather than their paddling skills.

“Ready to transmit, Captain,” said Bischoff.


“One Eleven, come in. One Eleven, come in. Over…”

Erich listened for a response through the static on the portable radio.

Nothing, which prompted Bischoff to continue: “One Eleven, come in. This is U-five-zero-zero-one on R&R to your position.”

After a short pause, a voice penetrated the static. It was weak, but clear. “This is Dr. Bernhard Jaeger. Station One Eleven. We read you, Five-zero-zero-one.”

“Contact,” said Bischoff, handing the headset to Erich.

“Get those paddles out of the water,” said Erich. “I need silence.”

He spoke as his men complied. “This is Captain Erich Bruckner of the U-5001. We have been sent here to assist. Can you state your location and situation?”

Everyone on the boat strained to hear the words of Dr. Jaeger, who gave precise coordinates and directions. He reported that there had been an “event,” which killed many of the Station personnel. Erich did not like the sound of the doctor’s words.

“Doctor, is my boat and crew in danger here?”

A pause, more static, then: “Presently, I think not. The danger is over, the worst has already happened.”

“How many survivors?” said Erich.

Weakly, Jaeger spoke: “Unknown. In my lab, there are five of us. That is all I know. Rubble from an explosion has blocked us in.”

“Very well, stand by…” Erich nodded, looked at Bischoff. “You have a fix on their transmission?”

“Yes, Captain.” He gave him a compass reading and Erich directed his men to follow it.

As they moved toward the shoreline, they could not ignore the illumination above them.

“What the hell is that light?” said Manny. “It is bizarre.”

He pointed upward at perhaps fifty degrees off the horizon to something that appeared to be a sun-like object trying to burn its way through the thick fog. But Erich knew it was impossible to be getting actual sunlight this far underground. “Probably something Dr. Jaeger and his friends have arranged,” said Erich. “Soon we know for certain.”

The paddles violated the water, slapping and gurgling loudly. The sound made Erich ever more aware of the silence of the place. As they distanced themselves from the U-5001, he felt like they were entering a vast cathedral in the middle of the night, feeling alone, and dwarfed into insignificance by the scale of things around them.

So large was the enclosure that he had no real sense of movement other than the gradual dissipation of the mist as they cleaved it. The “ceiling” above hung so distant, it could have been the sky itself. Manny raised his compact Leica to his eyes, snapped off what would be the first of many pictures. The slide-click! of the aperture also sounded loud, intrusive.

“Bischoff,” said Erich. “The field glasses.”

Instantly, the funkmaat operator handed his binoculars to his captain.

Raising them to his eyes, Erich focused on the light source which threatened to burn through the curtain of fog at any second. Without warning, a sudden brilliance filled the eyepieces and he yanked them away from his face.


“Look at that!” said Manny, his words shaped by equal amounts of awe and fear. “What is it?”

Erich rubbed his eyes quickly, forcing them to adjust. He looked back at the bright orb beyond the mist, not sure what he was seeing. The object was a girdered tower, similar to the one in Paris, standing alone on a rocky island-base. It rose to a height of several hundred feet and its top held a sphere of glowing light. A thick shaft ran up its center from the earth to the sphere.

Decker and Stirtz had ceased their paddling, transfixed by the structure before them.

Forcing himself to remain calm, to appear in control, Erich raised the field glasses to study the surface of the tower. Magnified, it appeared hastily constructed with no thought to style or design.

“What is that thing?” whispered Manny, as he paused to photograph it. There was something in the timbre of his voice which negated the question. Fassbaden knew what it was — as did Erich.

“Excuse me, Captain,” said Seaman Stirtz. “Do we keep going?”

“I do not remember telling you to stop.” Erich nodded toward the towering object before him and tried to look as implacable as possible.

Instantly both crewmen began paddling with renewed energy, and the rubber craft surged forward. No one else dared speak as Erich continued to stare at the strange tower.

The mist which still roiled in the distance began to thin.

“Look, beyond the tower.” Erich pointed as he raised the field glasses to penetrate the fog-like barrier. Instantly, new details became clear. At the far end of the underground sea, where the curved arch of the enclosure finally curled down in a vertical wall of rock, there loomed unmistakable lines and shapes.

More towers, more structures. Held together by the curves and angles of an unknown geometry, the shapes reached upward to define the elemental, yet very alien, profile of a city.

The configurations were so unfamiliar, and also terrifying… because Erich knew they were not of this time, of this world. He felt it in the deepest folds of his brain, the part some scientist had called the reptilian core. It was the place where cold simple assessments were made, where atavistic reactions originated, and it was screaming a warning to be very careful.

“What is this place?” said Manny. “Where are we?”

“Decker, Stirtz. Ease off.” Erich continued to scan the escarpments of the architecture ahead, looking for any sign of movement, of hostility or danger. Although the men had ceased their paddling, the boat still glided forward with a deliberate tack. They were at least 500 meters from the shoreline, but caution must reign. “Bring your arms to bear, gentlemen. Be ready for anything.”

Manny reached down, pulled his own Walther from its holster. The others, except for Liebling, unarmed, readied their weapons.

“All right, steady as you go. Maintain heading.”

Manny looked straight up at the distant ceiling, then across to the tower and harbored city behind it. “This is so weird. I read a story when I was a teen. A translation of an American writer. He described a place like this — called Pellucidar.”

Erich nodded. “Burroughs. Yes. He wrote Tarzan. Popular, fanciful stuff.”

“But this is real. Could he have known?” Manny said. “The American?”

“Not a chance,” said Erich, who finished a sweeping, binocular study of the landscape ahead, then repeated his search in the opposite direction.

“Do you see anyone?”

“Not a soul. The base of the tower looks barren. No place for anyone to dig in. The buildings on shore, they also look empty. But we are still too far to be certain.”

“All right,” he said. “We will have a quick look around. Herr Bischoff, remain here and alert Massenburg that all is well — so far — and inform him of position and progress.”

Nodding, Bischoff directed his pack-animal, Liebling, to hold the radio steady while the funkmeister dialed up the frequency back to the boat. Liebling rubbed the flaming red wound across his jaw and complied without a word.

They headed to the center of what looked like it may have been some kind of harbor. Mist still hung close to the water’s surface, alternately obscuring, then clearing, their view of the city ahead of them.

As they approached, Erich realized they were victims of some kind of optical illusion. He knew that sometimes when you approach distant objects which are of sufficiently immense proportion, you lose your sense of scale, and he suspected he had been thus fooled. Although they continued to paddle straight toward the unknown shore, the city appeared to remain at an unreachable distance. Erich realized part of this effect was the truly gigantic cavern, an enclosure on the scale of America’s Grand Canyon. The city grew out of the rock that held it as if it were a natural extension or growth of it.

And it was impressive, growing larger with each passing meter which drew them closer, despite the mist which tantalized them with ambiguous views of their target.

Everyone must have sensed what Erich felt about this place. No one spoke as their little boat slid across the inland sea. The gunners paddled in unison, drawing the dinghy closer to the center of what Erich had begun to think of as the harbor for the city that lay before them like a series of sculpted steps carved into the side of the mountain. Within several minutes, the soaring sun-tower lay behind them and along the shoreline the details of individual structures and buildings grew more defined. Checking his field glasses, Erich could see much smaller features now. Openings that must have been windows or doors — some of them in unexpected geometric shapes, and some like flattened rectangles. The latter reminded him of the ports of fortifications like the “pillboxes” the vermacht had strewn along the French coast.

“It looks dead,” said Manny.

Erich grunted softly. “But we know there are survivors.”

Erich nodded, but preferred not to imagine too deeply what forces might be at play. He didn’t like this place. Too many questions that could not be answered.

The rubber boat slipped ever closer to a narrow quay that fingered outward through the water as though pointing at them. Directing his men to put ashore at the base of the quay, Erich appraised the strange city from closer range.

The buildings were far from equal in size. There were innumerable honeycomb-like arrangements of enormous proportion, as well as smaller, separate structures. The general shape of these things tended to be conical, pyramidal, or terraced; though others were perfect cylinders, perfect cubes, clusters of cubes, and other rectangular forms.

Erich allowed himself to think aloud. “How could our people build something like this? In just a few years? It does not seem possible.”

“I have never seen anything like this,” said Manny as the boat was within meters of the quay. “Who builds things that look like that?”

A rhetorical question to be sure. No one offered an answer as Decker reached out with his paddle to ease them to a stop. “Captain?” he said tentatively.

“Stay here with our boat,” Erich said to him. “Everyone else — with me. Now.”

He stepped onto the quay first, followed by Manny, then Bischoff, then Liebling with the radio strapped across his back, followed by Stirtz with his MP-40 at the ready. Motioning his gunner forward, Erich looked toward the city which lay in wait for them. “You take the vanguard,” he said to Stirtz, whose growing beard gave him a dark, angular aspect. “Anything that looks threatening, shoot it.”

Stirtz nodded, swallowed with difficulty. “Aye” was all he could muster in reply.

Erich started walking toward the shore, noting the construction of the quay appeared to be a seamless shape of some sort of metal or polished stone. It looked as if it were one solid piece, as if popped from a gigantic mold, or rose fully-formed from the seabed. Whatever it was, he had never seen anything like it.

Walking in single file, they entered the city as Bischoff re-established contact with Dr. Jaeger, who gave them specific directions to navigate the station.

Up close, surrounded by countless structures, Erich felt overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the place. It was not so much the expanse of the city being so large, but the buildings themselves conveyed a sense of immensity and great age. It was like walking into the tomb of a great ruler, instantly knowing the chamber was sacrosanct, and apart from any other location in the world.

The effect was mitigated by the presence of German military equipment, large field tents, several motorcycles with sidecars, and large crates of supplies. And of course, flags and banners. And everything strewn and smashed as if by a cyclone

And many corpses.

As they moved deeper into the warren of buildings, they found the bodies of soldiers and civilians. So mutilated and bloodied, on cursory glance it was not possible to tell if they’d died from an explosion, gunfire, or something worse. The casualties littered the installation. Something terrible and sudden had happened here. But somehow, Dr. Jaeger and a few others had survived.

Erich did not like the situation. Too many questions. Too many ways to have a calamity.

In addition, Erich noticed an air of instability in the way things were arranged and set up. Hasty and impromptu — exactly how long had Dr. Jaeger and the others been established here?

“Easy now,” he said to Stirtz, who was advancing down a wide avenue bordered by soaring towers that appeared to have been lathe-turned into great, soft spirals. The gunner’s mate pointed his Schmeisser forward from his hip, finger on the trigger ready to fire instantly. He looked like most soldiers who believed they might die — anxious but resolute.

“Not much farther.” Bischoff pointed straight ahead.

“Captain?” Stirtz had spoken softly, but his voice, amplified by the architectural acoustics, rolled back over them as if he’d used a megaphone.


“I think we’re heading into an open space up ahead.”

“I see it,” said Erich. “Keep going. We should be close now.”

Stirtz had managed to pull away from the others without realizing. He was more than fifty meters ahead of them when he suddenly starting shouting.

Looking up, Erich could see that his gunner had cleared the canyon-like walls of the buildings, and was now standing at the edge of what appeared to be a vast open space. As Erich advanced, he entered a plaza in the center of which stood a tall domed structure with eight sides. Each face of the building held a large arched entrance.

Stirtz moved carefully through the nearest opening, lost from Erich’s view. Several moments later, the seaman rushed out to face the rest of the party. His eyes were wide, his jaw slack. Something was wrong.

“Captain!” he yelled hoarsely. “You must see this for yourself!”

On Erich’s signal everyone, including Liebling, moved forward to join Stirtz, who guided them into the hexagonal structure. The interior walls were devoid of ornamentation or design — perfectly smooth. But Erich barely noticed this because his attention focused on the thing in the center of the space.

Towering 20 meters just below the vault of the dome, a gigantic statue dominated the space. Erich stopped in mid-stride, as did the rest of his crew, locked into a sudden paralysis. So shocking and utterly alien was this monstrous sculpture, no one could move or speak. A silence gripped them and an almost palpable sense of dread enveloped them.

The statue’s posture proclaimed total predator — hunched and coiled as if captured in stone at the moment just before it lashed out with primordial fury. A great hulking body supported by saurian-like hind legs ending in webbed claws and long, thickly-corded forelegs rendered ordinary only because of the hideous and hugely out-of-proportion talons that gripped the edge of its pedestal perch. Curving scimitar-sharpness that could gut a dinosaur with a single cursory swipe.

Erich swallowed hard as his mouth had turned instantly dry. Just gazing at this hideous apparition filled him with what could only be described as the most atavistic fear he ever experienced. As if he knew the thing in front of him was a true and terrible representation of a real horror beyond imagining.

And it had wings.

Fanned out beyond its broad shoulders, as if grafted from a gigantic bat or pteranodon. They looked both absurd and terrifying, because the thought of this leviathan being able to fly just didn’t compute. Was it possible such a massive behemoth could actually lift itself skyward?

But it was the bulbous, tilting head that kept the men mute and immobile. Erich knew they all shared the same thoughts searching for a means to refuse the basic existence of such a creature. Such a thing, thought Erich, simply could not be. Beneath a baleful pair of huge, blistered, amphibian eyes there swarmed a swollen tangle of tentacles curled and spread as though probing in constant search of prey.

Suddenly nauseous, he staggered back, dizzy and disoriented. Unprepared for what he had seen, Erich felt stunned into silence as though stricken by the hand of God.

Erich had often imagined the awe and the sense of insignificance men must have felt when they first gazed upon the unearthed bones of the dinosaurs. What kind of wonder and terror crossed their minds when they realized what horrific beasts once walked the earth?

Now, Erich had an answer to that question… but others leapt to mind.

Was this sculpted nightmare the vision of a tortured artist, or the fearful icon of a lost religion? Or was it something far, far worse?

Erich could not escape the notion, rooted deep within him, that they all stared at something of an age unknown and uncountable. What race of beings had created such a thing?

Manny, standing next to him, squeezed off several shots with the Leica.

Erich was not certain if the other men understood fully what they were looking at, but the troublemaker Liebling was clearly disturbed as he backed away from the statuary and began to sob.

“We have entered the gates to Hell,” he said.

Liebling was an embarrassment, but on second thought, maybe Erich had not given the man enough credit.

At least he had the good sense to be terrified.

Regardless, a distinction must be made between feelings and actions. Liebling’s behavior was not befitting of a kriegsmariner. When Manny angrily reprimanded him, ordering him to attention, the man ignored the command, and began to wail. So loud, his voice echoed off the distant walls.

Erich was incensed. There was no time for such distraction.

“Stirtz, get him out of my sight.”

As Stirtz reached for Liebling, the man wrenched Stirtz’s pistol from him and ran full speed out of the domed building, back toward the quay. Before anyone could react, he had gained enough distance to dodge down an adjacent intersecting avenue. He waved the Sauer sidearm wildly as he ran, firing off several rounds into the air.

“We cannot have this,” said Erich. “We have a job to do.”

Stirtz spit contemptuously before speaking. “I’ll get him, Captain.”

As the gunner ran off in quick pursuit, Erich, Manny and Bischoff followed more slowly. Liebling had no way of orienting himself. He could become hopelessly lost in the labyrinth, but he made no effort to hide himself as he rushed headlong away from them.

Angrily, Erich wished he had listened more sincerely to Herr Kress, who had warned of the man’s instability. All the more reason to keep him under watch, but now Liebling had become more than merely a problem. He was a dangerous problem.

Gradually they closed the gap and caught up with Liebling. His frantic pace had exhausted him. Stirtz ran him down outside a large building flanked by supply wagons and several mangled corpses. But Liebling complicated things. Instead of accepting the end-game, he emptied his stolen weapon at everyone.

But wildly, with no effect.

Erich grinned ironically, thanking the fugitive for making things easier.

“He is out of shots,” said Erich. “Stirtz, take him out.”

The gunner raised his Schmeisser, shot Liebling once — through the heart. Turning away, they left him slumped against a wall where he dropped. No one wanted to bring him back.

“Very well,” said Erich. “Let us finish this job.”

But as they walked away, embraced by the cold, ancient spaces, Erich experienced a strange guilt. Not for killing — because his business had been killing. Rather, he feared he had, in some way, violated this place.

They moved quickly after that, until they reached what was obviously their target objective — what had been a series of stepped terraced buildings now violated by a large crater and huge mounds of debris. Following Bischoff’s instruction via radio contact, they located Jaeger and four other survivors trapped behind a wall of rubble that had been part of their laboratory.

Requiring a slow, methodical approach, the rescue took several hours to clear a passage through the debris. A thin man with small wire-rimmed glasses and a thick shock of blond hair emerged first.

“Thank you! Thank you, gentlemen. We have two people back there hurt quite badly.”

Stirtz helped an older gray-haired man in a white lab coat out of the hole in the wreckage, then joined Bischoff and Manny, who went inside to assess the situation.

Erich, however, wanted answers. He remained with the two survivors and introduced himself.

“I am Dr. Bernhard Jaeger.” The blond man reciprocated and gestured at the older lab-coated man. “This is one of our engineers, Hervie Waechter.”

“What happened here, Doctor?”

He shook his head, held up his hands. “An experiment… an explosion. We were in a shielded area when it happened. But we were trapped as you found us. We thought other station personnel would be coming to our aid, but… something happened to them, they were… attacked.”

“Attacked? By who?” said Erich.

“I have no idea. All we could do was try to piece things together from what we heard by radio.”

“Where we have been. We have seen no survivors,” said Manny.

Jaeger did not react to this news. “From what we could hear, that is not surprising. It was utter chaos.”

Mein Gott,” said Waechter the engineer. “The radiation must have been more than we imagined.”

The remark bothered Erich. He would need more information, but first he wanted another question settled. “You notified Berlin. How could you get a signal out of here?”

Jaeger looked up at him. “We had a team construct a special antenna buoy attached by undersea cable.”

“Ingenious,” said Erich. “Can we use it to inform Berlin of your rescue?”


Erich was pleased to know he was not totally isolated in this very strange place. He looked at Waechter. “Now, tell me about the radiation.”

“Similar to what you would call X-rays,” said Waechter. “But more… ah, potent. We call them ‘Tau’ radiation.”

Erich did not want to know what kind of terrible power had been unleashed here. No sense immersing himself in detail and situations he could not control. But he did want to know the timeframe. “When did this happen?”

Jaeger looked around, obviously haggard from the ordeal. “Three days ago.”

Erich had suspected something like this. The High Command had declined to tell him about the rescue mission until he had gotten underway, and he could surmise the reason. If there proved to be no survivors, there would be no reason to reveal the existence of this top secret base to an entire U-boat crew. When Jaeger’s radio messages persisted, Doenitz must have agreed to attempt a rescue.

The events of the last several hours had affected Erich in ways he would not have expected. The secrets of this base were clearly more profound than any other Nazi scientific projects, and he was not sure he felt comfortable with the likes of Jaeger and party zealots dubbed as its caretakers. Erich realized he would need more answers, but first he would remove the survivors from any further danger.

* * *

Several things happened in the next few hours: Kress and his men were able to repair the hydroplane, although he could not swear to how long the fix might last. Metal fatigue was one of those things that could not be assessed until an actual failure occurred. In addition, Dr. Jaeger and his four associates were pulled from the wreckage and returned to the boat for medical attention and food from Hauser’s kitchen. The U-5001 still floated on the serene inner sea of the cavern, but that would soon change.

Erich spent the time trying to make sense of what he’d seen at Station One Eleven. Too much of what he had seen did not “add up,” and he knew he would be demanding more answers from Jaeger, and perhaps eventually, even Admiral Doenitz himself. But for the moment, he had ordered a briefing with Dr. Jaeger and had invited Manny to sit in.

A tap at his quarters’ door announced their arrival.

“Come in.”

Manny opened the door, ushered in Jaeger, who looked better after cleaning up and a good meal. As they took seats on the bunk, Erich leaned back in his desk chair, regarded the scientist, who appeared to be in his mid-forties.

“I trust we have treated you well, Doctor?” he said.

“Wonderful. This is a magnificent boat, Captain. An impressive crew.”

“Good, good.” Erich paused, sat up, and assumed a serious expression. “Now, I will get right to the point. We are in the middle of a very important mission, but that does not preclude my asking you for some additional information.”

Jaeger grinned sheepishly. “To be blunt, Captain, I would be more surprised if you had no questions.”

Manny looked on, but said nothing.

“To begin,” said Erich. “What is the nature of the work being done there?”

Jaeger paused. “I am sorry, but the exact nature of Station One Eleven is so classified that—”

Holding up his hand, Erich spoke softly. “No, Doctor. Do not bother with the official party line. I have been inside the Station. It is no longer classified to me or my crew. Now, either you tell me what I need to know, or I will leave you here. This is my boat, and as long as you remain onboard her, I am the supreme authority.”

Manny grinned as a pall settled over the cabin. Jaeger’s silence indicated he was taking Erich’s words to heart. Finally: “You make a fine, logical point. I suppose there is no need to pretend the base has not been compromised.”

“Being here to effect a rescue, I would not use that particular word,” said Erich. “But I have no interest in semantics, only facts. Now tell me, what kind of work has been going on here?”

Jaeger drew in a breath, exhaled slowly. “Two basic lines of research, actually. One group has been exploring the ruins and the… artifacts of the cavern. The other group has been working to apply what we learn to our own new energy and weapons technology.”

“Ruins? Elaborate please. How long have our people been here? How old is it? Who built it?”

“The site that eventually became Station One Eleven was actually discovered in 1931 by Frederick Millhausen, a geologist from the University of Leipzig. His specialty was vulcanism, and he had been searching for evidence of volcanic activity. His team discovered a strange fault in the surface ice, and after some test bores, he uncovered unexplainable heat signatures and evidence of great geologic anomalies.”

“And that’s how Millhausen found this cavern?”

“No, not exactly. Several years later, after the Fuhrer had been sworn in as Chancellor, he heard about Millhausen’s work.”

“How and why would that happen?” said Manny.

Jaeger looked at him with a patronizing expression. “Hitler has always been driven by the idea of secret bases at both poles. He believes the antipodal positions mark the widest possible boundaries for the reach and control of the Third Reich.”

“Go on,” said Erich.

“Later that year, the new Chancellor financed new expeditions. One to Greenland and one to Antarctica. The northern expedition found an entrance cavern, and the ruins. Hitler was ecstatic. He believed he had been ‘fated’ to uncover this place.”

“Hmmm,” said Manny. “I have heard rumors that he and his cabinet are quite interested in things mystical.”

Jaeger smiled sadly. “Yes, that has been said.”

“What do you know about the ruins?” said Erich.

“Not as much as we would like. The best estimate is that they are at least fifty thousand years old, but that figure could just as easily be one hundred thousand or one million. There is no way to be certain.”

“Fifty thousand? That in itself is incredible.” Erich felt a slight shudder pass through him. The idea unsettled him. A million years was simply incomprehensible.

“Where did they come from? Who built them?”

Jaeger shrugged. “We do not know yet. There are theories, of course.”

“Such as?” Erich leaned closer across his desk.

“The earth is very old, perhaps billions of years. It is not difficult to imagine previous civilizations farther back in time than we ever realized. It is quite possible they were totally wiped out by some catastrophic events. All traces scrubbed clean from the surface of the earth. Perhaps more than once.”

“But not beneath the earth,” said Manny.

“Correct,” said Jaeger. “Or beneath the waves. Perhaps the legend of the sunken city of Atlantis is based in fact. Such as this place.”

“What about records? Language? Art? What is left?”

“We have found traces of all those things. But they remain mostly a mystery.” Jaeger shook his head. “Deciphering a language with no links to any known language in existence is daunting. We have had better results using mathematical cues.”

Erich nodded. What the scientist was saying did not sound unreasonable to a thinking person. “Tell me more about the station. Our people have been here more than eleven years?”

“Yes, but in small encampments… until a large-scale permanent base was established in 1939. It has been under the command of General Hans Kammler — although he does not spend all his time here.”

“What about that tower in the harbor?” Manny said.

Jaeger smiled. “One of our greatest achievements. The first teams in here found the ruins of something very much like it. We used rare earth phospho-vanadate phosphors — based upon what we found in the original artifact. They emit light under extreme heat. We built the tower and the geo-thermal energy system by back-engineering.”

“Geo-thermal?” said Erich.

“Heat from the molten layers of the earth’s mantle.”

“Impressive,” said Erich. “Did it require all six years? Is that what contributed to blowing yourselves up?”

Jaeger looked embarrassed as he smoothed down his thick blond hair. “No, no. We have uncovered many remnants and artifacts of a very advanced technology, but we will need many years to understand even a small fraction of it.”

“What caused the explosion?” said Manny.

Jaeger shrugged. “Until we can get more people in here to investigate, I have no way to know for sure. Most of what we do here is trial and error.”

“Tell me more about the Tau radiation. You said it did more than you realized.”

Jaeger appeared hesitant to speak, then: “It may have… how would you say… awakened something in here.”

“Awakened? Awakened what?”

Jaeger shrugged. “Whatever attacked and killed everyone at the Station, obviously. You saw the bodies…”

Erich shuddered at such a notion. He mentioned the statue they’d seen, and Jaeger nodded.

“Yes,” he said. “There are others like that, scattered throughout these ruins. Some depicting even more bizarre beings.”

“Are you suggesting we may be in danger from these things?”

“At this point, I don’t know what I think. I am sorry.”

“And what exactly were you trying to do when the accident happened?”

Jaeger looked at him with eyes tinged by fatigue and a touch of madness. “Have you ever heard of the Philosopher’s Stone?”

Erich paused as he searched his memory for the vaguely familiar term. Then: “Something to do with alchemy, as I recall.”

“Very good, Captain. Yes, it was the element sometimes called carmot, which could be changed or transmutated into whatever element was required.”

“All right,” said Erich. “Go on.”

“We have discovered artifacts that appear to be something like carmot. When we presented our initial findings to Dr. Heisenberg, he was intrigued enough to come here himself.”

“What?” said Manny. “Werner Heisenberg has been here?”

Jaeger nodded. “Rather than carmot, he called the substance we discovered ‘inter-matter’ because it appears to exist in a state unknown to modern physics. But the implications are world-shaking, gentlemen.”

“In what way,” said Manny.

“If we can discover the mechanism, the means to convert any substance into any other.” Jaeger beamed as he imagined a future utopia. “We can create infinite supplies of energy sources from our garbage, and that is just the most obvious use!”

“Hmmm,” said Erich. “It sounds like the term ‘precious metal’ would become obsolete.”

Jaeger waved him off. “Inconsequential. Whatever country controls inter-matter will rule the world.”

Erich sighed. “I think I’ve heard that phrase before…”

“What do you mean by that, Captain?”

“‘Ruling the world?’ Perhaps you have not noticed, Doctor, but things have not exactly been working out to plan.”

Jaeger bristled under the remark, but said nothing for a moment. Then he added: “I understand you may be war-weary, Captain. And I respect your feelings. However, we are all working under obligations, and we must all do our part. In fact, there is one more thing we must do here before we depart.”

Erich looked at the scientist with the perfect Aryan features. No doubt Jaeger had mortgaged his soul to the cause of the Fatherland long ago, and for a man like that, there was no turning back. “Let me guess,” said Erich. “We need to retrieve your magic stone.”

Chapter Nineteen


The translation routine became automatic through repetition, and Dex had lost count of how many pages he’d processed. Captain Bruckner had a lot to say, that was obvious. The Transliteral website was slow and clumsy — obviously designed only for snippets of text — but Augie had plenty of “Red,” as he called it, and he was treating the evening like a party. It wouldn’t be a problem. Pushing on until he cut-and-pasted the last of it into a big document file, he printed it out on Augie’s little Canon inkjet, and began to read. He handed off pages to Tommy, who was a slow, but careful reader.

The early pages were short and to the point, but no less interesting for it. Bruckner had been precise and detailed without being expansive. In each entry, he’d always noted the time, the depth, and map coordinates. With each passing word, Dex knew he and his pals had stumbled onto something extraordinary. As he and Don had figured, the big sub had been some sort of underwater aircraft carrier, but so far he saw no mention of its mission — other than a single notation regarding an eventual rendezvous with a German cruiser, Sturm.

Day after day, Bruckner continued to log in the story of his boat, and with each notation, Dex could see the captain allow more of his personal feelings and personality leak onto the pages, revealing a real person behind the words.

A person Dex found himself admiring — both for Bruckner’s obvious erudition and academics, but also a suggestion of a moral code other than the standard Nazi crap.

He read on, getting to know — through repetition — a few members of the crew: someone called Manny, the radioman Bischoff, and an apparent troublemaker named Liebling. Reliving the depth charge attacks, and the harrowing escapes from disaster felt realistic and vivid despite Bruckner’s precise language. Either the captain had a knack for using the exactly right word, or the online translation program was exceptionally good. Whatever the case, Dex found Bruckner’s log entries compelling.

The release of all the bow torpedoes was clever, but the entries which followed, detailing the entrance into a secret Nazi base, were utterly amazing. The total weirdness of the story came out of nowhere like a sucker-punch in a bar.

Although his initial reaction should have been to blow it off as a crazy story, as complete fiction, he could not.

For one reason.

Tommy and Dex had found the strange slab, and with the mention of “inter-matter,” he had a very good idea what it might be, and its possible value.

But even without the artifact, there was something starkly convincing in Bruckner’s words. It was clear Bruckner didn’t care whether or not any reader would ever believe him. For Bruckner, belief was not the issue. The underground Nazi station was real; the artifacts and technology there were equally real.

He hadn’t realized he’d paused to let his imagination ramble. Tommy was looking at him with a puzzled look.

“What?” said Dex.

“You got more pages? I caught up with you.”

Dex looked at the sheets on the table. “Yeah, there’s more. What do you think so far?”

Tommy shrugged as he glanced over at Augie dozing on the couch from one glass of Red too far. “Man, I don’t know. It’s a good story, that’s for sure.”

“You up for finishing it tonight?”

Tommy looked at him and smiled. “You know that one about the Pope in the woods, don’t you?”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” said Dex as he picked up the next page.

Chapter Twenty

Bruckner Log Entries 3 May, 1945

Before we could arrange a final trip back to the ruins, Bischoff received a reply to my message to Berlin.

After applying the proper keys and rotations of the Enigma, I read the following:

Fuhrer dead by suicide. Russians and Americans at gates of Berlin. Checkmate. Admiral Doenitz assuming control of the Reich. Stand down. Await further orders.

With our mission on the verge of being stillborn, I needed time to think what we should do next. Where to go now? Do what?

When I informed the crew, a sense of relief permeated the heavy atmosphere of the boat. I told them our mission had changed, and we would be underway once I had all the details and specific changes.

I called in Fassbaden. I told him everything I knew about the impending end to the war, the mission, and the catalogue of choices we faced.

We were interrupted by Bischoff who brought me the following uncoded message:


I had suspected as much. The war is over for us. I informed my crew and they are relieved. They began to sing beerhall songs. Perhaps they will not die after all.

* * * One hour later:

Dr. Jaeger accompanied Decker, Manny, and myself in the dinghy. We returned to the section of the base ravaged by the explosion. Now, seeing the structures with a new understanding, my awe of the place had heightened. How old might this place be? What race of people labored here? And what destroyed them? Were we in danger of the same fate? If I dwelled on such things too much, I feared it would affect my decision-making.

Despite my wish to depart this place, I agreed to the retrieval mission for several reasons: one, it had been the order of Admiral Doenitz; and two, I wanted physical proof of what I had witnessed here — other than the photographs from our Leica. Manny and Jaeger led the way through the debris, and looked as if struck by an aerial bomb. We were looking for a surviving sample of Heisenberg’s inter-matter, and our careful inspection, while time consuming, proved eventually successful.

Decker found a small bullion-sized object. I found another just like it. Jaeger was ecstatic. The bricks were heavy. Much too heavy for their size and volume. Ultra-high density is how Jaeger described it. The scientist was convinced these objects were keys to the overall survival of the Third Reich.

A question for the historians, I believe.

After securing the two samples in a rucksack, we retraced our route through the ruins, through the pattern of streets back to the city’s edge, to the shoreline and the great quay. As we entered the dinghy, I wondered if our actions were being recorded by unseen eyes and ears.

An unsettling concept, to be sure.

As we headed back to the 5001, Jaeger pointed through the mist at a distant point along the shoreline. He said there was something there we should see before departure.

We followed his directions, and homed in on a dark object taking shape in the fog. A vaguely familiar shape. Looking at it from an angle that compressed its length I suddenly realized I was staring at the aft-end of a ship — a sailing ship.

Nineteenth century. No stacks, no steam.

The sailing vessel looked much like the whalers of the 1880s. Masts were broken. The hull cracked like the shell of a giant egg. Shreds of rigging still entangled the wreckage.

I asked Jaeger how a surface ship could have entered this underwater/underground cavern, and Jaeger grinned, promising to tell me his theory. But he again pointed at the wreck.

I continued to stare at the ship’s center beam, fractured over a rocky shoal like the vertebrae of a long-dead leviathan. The wood of the hull, blackened by rot and time, appeared thin and almost papery in spots.

We were close to the hulk, now. The once-gilded lettering across the stern was worn to its thinnest layers, but the name remained just barely visible like a message written on a frosted pane of glass: the Nebuchadenezzar.

There was no way to determine its nationality with a name like that.

Jaeger pointed to what had been a cargo hold, burst open to a scattering of barrels and crates — all split and rotted into splintered ghosts of their original shapes. Large taluses of salt spilled from several of the barrels, which looked as if they had exploded as if from a great concussive impact.

Jaeger commented on the way the ship lay molded to the shape of the shoal, the way the salt looked exploded from the barrels.

I understood immediately. The Nebuchadenezzar had not run aground. It had fallen. From the roof of the cavern. Actually through the top of the cavern. Jaeger suggested the boat had been locked in the ice above. After many years, perhaps a geologic fault such as an earthquake or a shifting crevasse could have caused temporary rift in the cavern’s ceiling. Periods of warming and cooling could have gradually sucked the boat down until its final descent.

When we pushed off again, closing the distance to the 5001, I was grateful to leave this bizarre place.

Trusting the repairs of Kress and his men, we quickly submerged into the lagoon then followed Ostermann’s carefully charted course. Our position was accurate. (Longitude 39.49 W Latitude 69.60 N) Although the response of the diving planes was stiff, we passed through the breach without incident and once more were in open sea.

* * * 4 May 1945

Fassbaden, Hausser, and I have agreed upon a possible, alternate plan — if all goes badly.

But the best laid plans, it is said, often go awry. And as such I am afraid to even write of it. As in doing so, I curse it.

I have, like the Ancient Mariner, cast my fate to the wind.

We are underway at half-speed.

Despite the still possible dangers of American patrols, the crew felt safer in the familiar depths of the ocean. As the hours passed, placing time and distance between us and Station One Eleven, it began to feel less real to me. As though we had glimpsed for an instant a mythic place made real only by powers beyond our own.

I believe I was not alone in these feelings. I noticed none of the crew dared mention our detour under the Greenland Shelf. As if their silence might make it somehow less real. Although I had not proscribed against it, none of my exploration team volunteered details of what they had seen — especially the unforgettable statue or the mangled corpses.

Ostermann charted our course due south. Despite our delays, he calculated we could still make the rendezvous point with Sturm within the desired time window.

In the meantime:

Batteries fully charged.

Starboard dive plane showing signs of stress. Kress apologetic as he confesses possible failure at any time.

If we need to compensate for a hydroplane failure, Kress warns me the electric engines may not be up to the task without sustaining damage themselves. We could descend with no hope of ever coming up.

We advance to Full Speed.

* * * 5 May 1945

Night surfacing successful. Batteries again recharged.

The morale of the crew is admirable. I remain on the surface because if the war is truly over, we are relatively safe. However, I may be foolish to believe all American forces have been informed of the cessation of hostilities.

Regardless, I cannot allow them to discover our deadly cargo.

Dive plane getting extremely sticky.

Near midnight. Ostermann informs me we have reached the revised rendezvous point. 300 kilometers south/southeast of New York, we await the cruiser.

* * * 6 May 1945

We have remained on the surface the entire night, and into the morning hours. In all those hours, we see no sign of enemy planes or shipping.

Best to not rely on the dive plane unless absolutely necessary.

* * *

We receive a message from Sturm, and almost simultaneously see her clean lines break the horizon.

I have irrevocable choices ahead.

* * *

Within two hours, Sturm was along our starboard side and I rode a bo’sun’s chair to its bridge for a meeting with its young Captain Kaltenbach, who has also received the final command from Admiral Doenitz. He asked me what he was to do with the details of our secret mission, and I declined to advise him. That was the purview of Doenitz alone.

Staff meeting — Fassbaden, Massenburg, Kress, Ostermann present. They wish to return to Hamburg as soon as possible. Kress fears the fragile hydroplane will not survive the trip across the Atlantic. The U-5001 is in a precarious state. If we slip beneath the surface in rough seas, we may never surface again.

Slowly, my crew assembled themselves, and trans-shipped to Sturm. I felt a great relief — my premonition of losing the crew would not come true. When there were only four men remaining aboard — Manny, Massenburg, and Hauser, the young cook, I told them what I had been thinking. I confessed to a terrible realization that my life no longer had a purpose. The Germany I had served, albeit reluctantly, had ceased to exist.

And I am struck by a deeper truth — I have no desire to ever return there, to ever see it again.

To the three men still with me, I brought up the possibility of the earlier alternate plan we’d discussed. I told them this was the time to decide whether or not to act upon it.

Before they could reply, I told them I would not be going back on Sturm.

Manny and Hausser understood, but Massenburg had two questions. One, was I planning to go down with my ship? And two, if not, then what?

After explaining my intentions, Chief Massenburg thanked me profusely, but declined to join us. He believed he was too old and too much a German to attempt a fresh start in a country so different. I told he him he had been my best non-com, and I would miss him. He saluted me, swore himself to secrecy, and departed for the cruiser.

Leaving the three of us. None with any family remaining in Germany. None with any good real reason to return to a place where a terrible Russo-European punishment would be the rule of the day.

These issues decided, I informed Captain Kaltenbach I would attempt to nurse U-5001 back to Trondheim. The cruiser sailed east, leaving me, Manny, and Hausser in its wake.

Since the war was at an end, I decided to keep my boat on the surface as we departed the rendezvous point and headed for the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.

I have further decided to not surrender my boat to the Americans. Better they never know how close we came to destroying their greatest city.

* * * 7 May 1945

My last entry.

After running more than 14 hours, as dawn fills the sky, Manny estimates we have pushed our way north into the Bay as far as we dare. The water here is deep enough to claim our boat.

We will now prepare to scuttle, and take our chances.

Chapter Twenty-One

Dex Baltimore

“That’s it,” said Tommy, his voice just above a whisper. “Oh, man…”

“They scuttled and deserted.” Dex admired this guy, Bruckner. He had brass ones.

“So what’s this all mean?” Tommy sipped on a Natty Boh.

“More than I want to think about. At least for tonight.” Dex wasn’t sure he should alarm Tommy with his suspicions at this point. His imagination still sparked with images of the underground Nazi base, the shipwreck that had fallen through the pack-ice — the light tower.

And the coolest part was Bruckner, himself. He’d recorded his story in a simple, dispassionate but very readable style. A reporter on the scene, no more or less. It could have been the basic translation, but Dex doubted it. He wasn’t even sure Bruckner cared if anyone ever read his log.

Either the log had been left intentionally in the captain’s quarters, or last-minute events kept Bruckner from retrieving it. Whatever the case, his story stood on its own. Although that wouldn’t stop Dex from checking ship registries for the names Nebuchadenezzar and Sturm. Probably a waste of time — those boats were real, he was certain. But seeing them in print somewhere would apply the epoxy of total truth to the whole story.

But there was one problem — a huge problem — he would need to verify before alerting anyone to a possible danger. He wasn’t even sure he should tell the rest of the guys yet. Tommy had read the same thing as Dex and hadn’t noticed it. So, it might be nothing.

Or, it might be everything.

“Hey, Dex… Earth to Dex.” Tommy tapped him on the shoulder. “Whatsamatter with you?”

“Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something.”


“When we go back down to the wreck tomorrow, it might be the last time we can do it.” Dex moused in a few commands, closing the translation website as he spoke. Then he saved the text of the log to a flash drive and encrypted it with a password. Then he clipped it to his keyring. He thought about putting it in the strong box, but the lock was broken, and anyone finding the originals wouldn’t need his translation for long. But he knew he didn’t want anything on his laptop drive, so the last thing he did was run his security program that flushed out and cyber-shredded anything he’d been doing connected with the 5001. Call him paranoid, but now that the good old “authorities” knew the sub was down there, he was going to keep things as tight as possible.

“Last time,” said Tommy. “Yeah, you said that before. Hey, you want a brewski?”

“No thanks, I’m going to hit the road. Like I was saying, tomorrow might be the last dive on that boat. I want to get out early, and I want to be the first team down. You okay with that?”

Tommy looked a little surprised. “You want me?”

Dex wanted him for two reasons: one, because of his training, he was a good guy to have around in a dangerous situation; and two, none of the other guys wanted much to do with him.

Of course, he wasn’t going to tell him that second reason…

“Yeah, things might get a little dicey down there, and you’re the guy I need in a pinch.”

Tommy smiled, chucked him on the shoulder. “Cool.”

Dex started to pack up his computer and the rest of the stuff. He was about to slip the brick of inter-matter, the translated text, and the log into his backpack, then stopped himself.

“Tommy, you think Augie would mind if we stashed this stuff with him for a little while?”

Looking over at the old guy dozing on the couch, Tommy smiled. “You kidding? Aug’s the best. He’d be glad to keep an eye on it.”

“Good,” said Dex, as he replaced the log and printed-out pages in Bruckner’s strongbox. Stuffing the box into the backpack, he paused as he picked up the strange brick. Now that he had an idea what it might be, decided it would probably be a better idea to never let the object out of reach. He handed the laptop and the backpack to Tommy. “You clear it with him, okay?”

“No prob. But how come?”

Dex shrugged. “I don’t know. I just have a feeling it’ll be safer here. At least for now. Call it a hunch, you know?”

“Sure, I got ya,” said Tommy.

Looking at his watch, Dex headed for the door. “Tell Augie thanks when you wake him up. I’ll see you at the dock. Regular time.”

“You got it. I’ll be there.” Tommy noticed he still carried the metallic slab. “Hey, I thought you said you were leaving everything here.”

“Everything but this.” Dex shook hands with him, thanked him, and slipped out the door into the festive lights of Little Italy.

As he walked to his car, he wondered if he was being a jerk with all the precautions, and he waved that off. He’d stayed alive doing dangerous things throughout a long Navy hitch because he listened to his instincts on more than one occasion.

And his internal Early Warning System was beeping right now. No way was he going to ignore it.

Part Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

Sinclair Somewhere off the Atlantic Coast

Burrowed deep beneath a small island, in a bunker forgotten and ignored by most of humanity, in a room bristling with electronic gear, sat a broad-shouldered man in his late forties. The politically correct sheep would call him “African American” or whatever was deemed acceptably au courant, but he had long ago learned to laugh at such silly distinctions as skin color. In fact, he despised the significance of melanin demanded by mountebank social activists. His name, when he had been part of the world erroneously called “real,” had been Captain Junius Sinclair, USN.

Now, he was known only as Sinclair, and he liked that just fine. He had just received an encrypted message from a division of a very powerful entity known only as the Guild.

It was brief, but intriguing: U-5001 found. See Datafile 2947-C. Action memo to follow.

While he waited for whatever might be coming through the pipeline, he used the time to access the datafiles on the U-5001. He began to read what turned out to be a fascinating story. Of course, he — like most people — had one of his own…

* * *

Captain Junius Sinclair’s recruitment into the Guild had been a familiar replay of the tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors, spies, and techies who’d come before him. As it had been doing for an unknown number of centuries, the Guild sought out the disaffected, the outraged, the maligned, the unjustly accused, and even the crazy ideologues. The Guild had well-honed techniques for finding these kinds of people — those who had been misled or cheated or overlooked by their governments or their employers, those whose anger and need for revenge could never be quelled. The process, containing the elegance of both complexity and the obvious, had been successful for a long, long time for a variety of reasons.

But the main one was surely the inevitable ability of abusive power to piss off someone else.

Junius smiled as he mused over that simple truth.

The Guild had approached him while he was still in Special Ops for the Navy’s Deep Sea Rescue/Recovery Division. What made his job “special” had been the assignments nobody ever read about in the paper. If it had anything to do with the ocean, being under it, and bad guys, Junius had been involved.

He’d been a captain on the top secret Sea Viper, a DSR Vehicle that made the descent to oceans’ deepest ridge vents feel like a dip in the backyard pool. When the Kursk choked on one of its own torpedoes and sank in the Barents Sea, Junius had been lurking in the cold depths, close enough to watch the Russians botch their attempts to get twenty-three sailors to the surface. The U.S. had offered to do the job, but a spillover of Soviet self-delusion, pride, and fear by the Russian Admiralty nixed the deal.

He’d also been involved in too many other missions the details of which the public never knew — and never would. Junius had been very good at what he did, he liked his job, and back then, he liked his employer.

But all that changed one evening several years ago.

The details were too numerous and tedious to recount, but the distillate of Sinclair’s life-altering moment came when CIA intercepts revealed a terror attack planned against the Norfolk Navy Yard. Sinclair had been in charge of the underwater defense net. But when suicide scuba divers slipped through undetected to plant charges against the hull of the Atlantic Fleet’s flagship carrier, and even though the C-4 failed to detonate, the Navy needed a fall-guy in a hurry.

Before he could open the hatch on his SeaViper, Sinclair found himself holding a very short straw and feeling a lot like the Indianapolis Captain, Charles McVay III. Military court martial, demotion, big hit on his pension, and all the bad media they could muster. To suggest one man was responsible for the attack on a supercarrier in its own harbor was absurd, but the public and the Pentagon didn’t want to hear anything other than simple scapegoated excuses.

Sinclair’s sacrificial ashes were barely cool on the altar when he was contacted by a Guild op, who offered a path toward salvation. Like thousands who’d been shown the same path, Sinclair never hesitated. He wasn’t the kind of guy who needed to be mugged more than once before getting the message someone was out to get you.

When he thought about it, Sinclair could still recall most of the conversation with the tall, broad-shouldered man with Scottish accent who represented the Guild. When asked, he volunteered he’d once upon a time been one of the Royal Marines Special Boaters. Tough guys.

“My grandfather had been in one of Churchill’s original commando units,” he continued. “No. 9. The Black Hackles.”

“Is that why you wear the black feather in your beret?” Sinclair could not help notice the flamboyant addition.

“Kind of, I guess. But in general, a Scot wearing this means you’ve got an ongoing quarrel with someone.”

Sinclair didn’t want to know who that might be. But he was curious about this “Guild.”

“Sounds like the Bilderberg Group,” he said.

The op waved off the remark with a dismissive gesture. “Young amateurs! They haven’t even been around a hundred years… and we have infiltrated them so thoroughly they are just a puppet show.”

“So who or what is the Guild?”

“Not easy to explain them,” said the big Scot. “Began as a loosely structured subculture — bunch of craftsman and merchants who banded together during the Renaissance. They wanted to ensure the continuity and influence of men like themselves.”

“That long ago? It seems hard to believe.”

The op smirked through his heavy reddish mustache. “Not really. Enough of the bullshit. You interested?”

“Intrigued, at least. Go on.”

“All right, let’s see.” The Scot cleared his throat, continued. “Having been part of the mercantile process for centuries gave Guild members a certain leverage… Not only were they present at the inception of the industrial revolution, but they were definitely the first organized group to fully comprehend what it was.”

“Okay, I follow you,” said Sinclair. “And somehow they kept organized through all the wars, all the changes of power. Across the centuries and continents, right?”

The Scot harrumphed his assent. “Yes, and you have to figure it was probably a very hard thing to do — except for one thing.”

“Let me guess. They understood the power of money.”

“Spot on,” said the Scot. “Trade. Commerce. Other than religion, it was one of the only things that transcended national borders. Other than food, it was the only other item everyone needed to survive. The early leaders and organizers of the Guild understood this simple truth very, very well. Money not only became the glue that bound them together, but it became their most potent weapon as well.”

Sinclair nodded. “I can’t even imagine how many rulers and kings and emperors they had to deal with. All those years.…”

“True. But one fact is irrefutable — the Guild did it. It survived. And prospered… for a good reason. All those kings and emperors, and everybody else looking to conquer everybody else… they all needed two things: weapons and financing for their campaigns.”

“And the Guild filled these needs?” Sinclair frowned. “How?”

“Don’t forget where the original members of the Guild came from — not only tradesmen and bankers but also craftsmen. As time went on the Guild became manufacturers, or even better, the controlling interest behind the manufacturers. The great European and Asian families of arms merchants that rose up in the Eighteenth Century were all started with Guild investment capital.”

“These guys were the original opportunists.”

The Scot smiled. “Indeed. And eventually the families and their businesses and their inventories became absorbed into the greater body of the Guild itself.”

“They sound very scary. They can show up anywhere and look like anybody else trying to make a buck.”

“They are scary, and you’ve hit on one of their greatest strengths — they’re totally invisible most of the time. Nobody is looking for them. No idea what kind of manipulations they exact on the world. And during the Twentieth Century, with the explosion of technology, the Guild became even more powerful and less visible.”

“You make it sound like they run the show.”

“Just ‘sound like’? No, Sinclair. They do. Although, it depends on what you mean by ‘run’.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, from what I can see, the Guild has never been totally in charge of things. I don’t think it wants to take over the world or anything like that.”

“Then what does it want?”

The op shrugged. “Oh, I’d say it wants what anything wants — to survive, and be comfortable doing it. And that’s more like what the Guild does — not by ‘running’ things, but more like influencing things. You know, like nudging things in directions that will ultimately be good for the Guild and its members.”

“Makes sense when you think about it.” Sinclair was thinking out loud. “They’re older than any current nation.”

“They’ve had plenty of time to get it right. They’ve learned how to make wars happen and how to make them stop. How to control the flow of money and credit and resources throughout the civilized world.”

“So…” said Sinclair. “Nations, governments, sovereigns… whatever you want to call them. They’re what? Necessary inconveniences to them?”

“Yes, the Guild is ‘supra-national,’ if you will. They operate outside the bounds of national borders, and represent no official charter, constitution, or political agenda.”

“Other than continuing to exist,” said Sinclair.

The Scot grinned ironically. “Can’t hold that against them, laddie.”

“Okay, you have a point there.” Sinclair searched the big Scot’s face for any sign of deception, found it clear. “But aren’t there other entities that go beyond national borders — The Unilateral Committee, The Cambridge Club, The Consortium for Global Unity… probably more I’ve never heard of.”

“Mostly dodges. And definitely small-time.”

Sinclair chuckled.

“There’s one thing you haven’t mentioned. What about the terrorist network?”

The Op shook his head in mock disapproval. “Now, Mr. Sinclair, you can’t be serious, can you?”


“The terrorists operate largely at the pleasure of the Guild. Funding, supplies, locales — all propped up to benefit a variety of Guild interests. They are considered a tool just like any other. If they ever use up their utility, they’ll be tossed in the dustbin.”

“Okay, okay. I believe you. But I have to ask — why’re you telling me all this? You want me to help you stop them?”

“Are you funnin’ me a wee bit? Nobody’s going to stop them. I want you to join them.”

Sinclair nodded. He knew where things had been headed. He just needed to hear it. “And what happens if I say no? Do you kill me because I know too much?”

The Scot chuckled. “You know about the sun in the sky, but you can’t stop it from burnin’! The Guild doesn’t care what you know. It’s simple: they think you could perhaps be useful to them. Nothing more or less.”

“Fair enough.” He was not stupid. They might not care what he knew; but they’d kill him all the same. These were people who liked to keep things neat and orderly. Sinclair paused to consider the reality of his recruitment, and what it might actually mean in his life. “Tell me how it would work…”

The Scot smiled, then talked about the details.

And so, after a tragic “disappearance” during a weekend sail off the Atlantic coast, he had a new employer. His family probably missed him for a little while then started to enjoy his fat life insurance policy. He was free of all the things that weighted him down, other than a reason to get up every day, which the Guild provided.

Leaning back in his chair, he stared at the LCD which displayed the global situation map. Various colored geometric shapes indicated hot-spots of Guild intervention or manipulation. Considering the complexities of monitoring and analyzing the billions of geo-political data-bits coming into the Guild’s computers each day, Sinclair was impressed with his organization’s ability to make fast, accurate decisions.

His present ops base was a small, rocky bar forty-one miles off the North Carolina coast called East Camden Island. Having served as a Coast Guard watch station during World War II, it had been abandoned in 1946 and remained so until retrofitted by the Guild in the late nineties — only because of its proximity to an undersea data haven being built by the United States. Such havens had become the sexy way to preserve civilization in the twenty-first century. Sink giant modular cubes underwater, bolt them together, attach them to the sea floor and blow air into the sealed unit. The idea was to create a vault to store, process, and dispatch information in a series of redundant arrays within a protective environment impervious to nuclear strike, EMP penetration, comet or asteroid impact, and just about anything else short of a certain G-type star going nova.

A great concept unless somebody was hanging around while the heavy lifting was going on.

“Somebody” was; and his name had been Sinclair.

Initially used to observe the construction of the underwater concrete cube which ran 200 meters per side, East Camden Island became the Guild’s extraction point for all data contained within or passed through the data haven. Sinclair and his team of underwater engineers had been able to compromise the facility because they had been present during all phases of its construction. A year before things went online, Sinclair’s people had inserted micro-taps into the optical strand cables that connected the data haven to the outside world. They worked in total stealth, utterly invisible to the construction crews all around them. By compromising the optical strands so early in the creation phase, the taps showed up as nothing more threatening than anomalies in thickness or tension when powered up.

Once online, the Guild had access to enormous data-streams. Sinclair understood very well that knowledge is indeed power. When combined with their centuries-old network of human information conduits, such recondite incursions into the cyber-world reinforced the Guild’s position as the most powerful entity on the planet.

There was no communication on earth not vulnerable to a Guild intercept or decrypt — which was exactly the way its leaders preferred it.

As far as who those leaders might be, Sinclair had no firm information, although he had more than a few ideas. Not always specific names, but titles and power positions filled and unfilled by visits from the reaper. All part of the plan, the vision ensuring the Guild had been built to last. It bespoke a belief in the system and the philosophy that had held the organization together for five centuries. In his private moments, he imagined the Guild had long ago strayed from the purposes of its original creation, opting out for existence for its own sake.

A soft, electronic chime punctuated his thoughts. It was a signal someone had entered the sallyport — a kind of airlock-like chamber affording the only access in and out of the camouflaged command bunker. Turning in his chair, Sinclair regarded the LCD display. It provided multiple views of the pass-through chamber and the figure who stood staring into the retinal scanner by the outer door.

Entwhistle. The new Number Two had come from the Britain’s MI5, and had been assigned to East Camden because of his expertise in data extraction and decryption. Unlike Sinclair, who also used the island base as the occasional staging platform, Entwhistle would be spending most of his professional time within the clandestine facility.

Another soft chime as Sinclair watched his Second clear the first security door, step into the bright-white tube where a series of secondary scans warped over him. If he carried any chemical or biological agents, any kind of conventional weapon, or even an unapproved scrap of paper, the scanners would activate an aerosol injection of Sarin-3 gas into the chamber. And he would no longer be a threat.

Not this time. A third chime signaled the second door opening, and Sinclair watched Entwhistle enter the com. He was a short, well-built, red-haired man in his mid thirties, who spoke with the remnants of a Welsh accent. His voice was deeper than his wan appearance might suggest, and he usually had an impish grin just waiting to happen behind the soft angles of his face. Sinclair liked him well enough, even though the guy liked to talk a lot.

“Reporting for duty, Captain,” said Entwhistle with a smile. “What’s on our plate for today?”

Sinclair glanced up at him then gestured toward the primary console and some papers he’d printed out. “Not sure yet. Waiting on a full briefing.”

Entwhistle looked at the message. “Hmmm. What’s the U-5001?”

Being as concise as possible, Sinclair gave him a history of the submarine compiled from intelligence files dating all the way back to the end of World War II. “Everything we have is from a variety of interrogations and separate individuals. No one, it appears, knew the whole picture. There were never any official documents on the boat or its mission. We don’t even know who crewed her. We believe it stopped at the secret Nazi base called Station One Eleven. We know it carried a crude atomic bomb. We know the mission aborted and that it went MIA. That’s pretty much all we know.”

“A bloody lot more than I ever did.” Entwhistle couldn’t hide his surprise. “So the stories about them not having a bomb were crap?”

“U.S. Intelligence never wanted the Germans to look as good as us. They buried that one with disinformation.”

“But the sub and the bomb…” His second sighed. “You say it’s been found. After all this time?”

“Not confirmed. What you see here is all we know for now.”

“And what was ‘Station One Eleven’?”

“From what we can tell, it was the northern equivalent of the Antarctic Nazi base they called ‘Station Two Eleven’.”

“Oh yes,” said Entwhistle. “I’ve heard some of the stories about that one. Almost mythic, wouldn’t you say?”

Sinclair looked at him. “What stories did you hear?”

“One called ‘Operation High Jump’ I remember best. Admiral Byrd and a US Navy task force. Supposed to have ‘invaded’ Antarctica in 1947. Scuttlebutt always claimed they were looking to wipe out a secret base under the ice.”

Sinclair grinned. “Is that all they told you in London?”

“Well, there’re rumors they ran into trouble, came limping back with their tails stuck in their arse cheeks…”

Sinclair nodded. “That’s pretty accurate.”

“They say the krauties had some of their scientists down there creating superweapons or some such tripe. I heard that one too.”

“Not sure what they were doing there,” said Sinclair. “But I know they were there. The Navy captured two U-boats in Buenos Aires in late 1946, and the crews admitted they’d been down there. The Germans had the engineering know-how to set up something under the ice. You ever see anything on their underground factories and the labs of the Nordhausen complex? In the Harz Mountains. Amazing. The Kahl installation at Thuumlringen is a big bastard too.”

“Right-O,” said Entwhistle. He raked his thin fingers through his red hair. “So what ever happened to them? At the south pole, I mean?”

Sinclair shrugged. “Not sure. I’ve seen the docs about Byrd being grilled by Forrestal. Not pretty.”

“Not long after that, they had Forrestal committed as a loony, right?”

Sinclair nodded. “Until he took a dive from the Bethesda Naval Hospital tower.”

“MI5 always believed he was thrown out that window.”

“They’re not alone. A week later, Truman authorized a secret atomic bomb test — at the south pole.”

Entwhistle smiled, revealing dental work that could only be called adequate. “Hmmm. I’d guess that was the spot-on end of Station Two Eleven.”

“So the story goes. But they never found the other one at the North Pole. That’s why everyone was interested in the U-5001. We know it was dispatched there on a rescue and recovery mission.”

“Okay,” said Entwhistle. “I can see why we’d want that bomb. No doubt it may come in useful at some point.”

Sinclair nodded. “Oh, I think we could find plenty of interest in weapons-grade fissionable material — either for us, or somebody we need to influence.”

“Right-o, but what about the base? We want to find that base exactly why?”

“Because of what we’ve been able to piece together about it. Fragments of memos from postwar interrogations, mostly. Suggesting the Nazi scientists were into all kinds of weird stuff. Anti-gravity, heat-rays, sonic canons, and, of course, advanced aeronautics and nuclear technology.” Sinclair gestured at the datafile he’d been reading before his Second had arrived.

“Fucking Teutonic bastards! Bloody slick, they were.”

“Did you ever hear of something called ‘the Bell’ or as the Nazis called it, ‘Die Glocke’?”

“Can’t say that I have, why?”

“They talk about it in these datafiles I’ve been reading. It was a top secret device they were working on, but no one has been able to figure out exactly what it was supposed to do. They called it a ‘torsion field generator’.”

“Really? What the bleeding hell is that?”

“Some people thought their scientists were playing around with time travel or spatial displacement.”

Entwhistle chuckled. “Bollocks is all that is!”

Sinclair picked up the file, flipped through to a page, and read aloud:

“According to some captured Czech documents, the Bell was reportedly a metallic object, approximately 9 feet in diameter and 12 to 15 feet tall, which vaguely resembled a bell, which gave rise to the codename die Glocke. It was comprised of two counter-rotating cylinders. Like centrifuges. Inside was a purplish, liquid-metallic-looking substance which was code-named ‘Xerum 525’ by the Germans. The machine rotated the Xerum 525 at extremely high speeds. The substance gave off an extremely high amount of radiation which the Germans called ‘Tau,’ and they kept the substance in lead-lined containers twelve inches thick.”

Entwhistle had leaned forward, clearly intrigued. “Is there more?”

Sinclair nodded, continued: “The Bell required outrageously high amounts of electrical power to operate, and could only be run for approximately one to two minutes at a time. It apparently gave off strong radiation and/or other electromagnetic or unknown field effects. Rumors insist many scientists and technicians were killed during the lifetime of the experiments with the device.”

“What the fuck were those jokers messing with?”

“No one knows for sure,” said Sinclair as he resumed. “Another captured document claims that tests involving various plants and animals caused them, in every case, to be transformed into a ‘blackish ooze’ without normal putrefaction, within a matter of a few minutes or hours after exposure to its field effects when in operation. In addition, technicians near the Bell during these experiments reported metallic tastes in their mouths after being exposed to it. The chamber where the Bell was tested was lined with ceramic bricks and rubber mats, all of which were replaced after each test. The removed linings needed to be burned in a high temperature furnace, and the unlined chamber walls were scrubbed with brine by concentration camp laborers.”

Entwhistle shook his head slowly. “What happened to it? To the people who worked on it? How come nobody ever spilled the beans?”

“It says here the project was so classified, all but the top scientists were routinely executed and replaced on a rigid schedule. The Bell itself was transplanted out of Silesia to a destination that has never been discovered. It is believed Dr. Bernhard Jaeger was a project director on the Bell, along with General Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler, but they, along with their device, simply vanished, never to be seen again.”

“Sounds like mythology to me,” said Entwhistle, but his tone of respect belied his supposed skepticism.

“Well, somebody believes it. The most prevalent theory based on incomplete evidentiary shreds suggests that both the Bell and Jaeger were transported by U-boat to a base outside of the Reich.”

“Station One Eleven, of course.”

“It is a possibility.”

“I need to have a look at all that claptrap.”

Sinclair grinned, handed him the folder. “It’s all in there. After you’re through, just be sure to put it through the heat-shredder.”

“I wouldn’t dare forget,” said Entwhistle. He paused, as if ordering his thoughts, then: “So what do you think? If the Guild is interested in that base, do you think we’ll be having any competition from the rest of the world?”

Sinclair shook his head slowly. “Hard to figure that. You never know how efficient any clusterfuck bureaucracy is going to function.”

His Second smiled. “On target, there, mate.”

“If any of them took notice of the U-5001 news, it may take some time to work its way to the right desk. Or… it may never happen.”

“But we work from the assumption everyone is as sharp as we are.”

“Only way we stay in business.” Sinclair smiled. “But you can bet the farm if there’s anything of use to the Guild, they will want it and they will get it.”

Entwhistle nodded, picked up the datafile, began reading through it. Sinclair tapped his fingers silently on the console, wondering what kind of action they would be taking, and upon whom.

Twenty minutes later, Sinclair received an updated briefing. And as he was fond of saying… it wasn’t pretty.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Dex The Chesapeake Bay


Coffee. Dream fragments still bubbling up to the surface of his thoughts. Dex was certain his deep sleep had been filled with images and ideas from Bruckner’s journal, but there was no remembering much of it.

Didn’t matter, though. He knew he had to concentrate on the business of the day. This was it. Last dive. Dex could just feel it.

After stowing all his gear, including the slab of inter-matter, in the F-150, he headed out down to the docks. As he drove the familiar streets just as the sun was coming up, he kept going over what he’d learned about the mystery U-boat, and what it could all mean.

The Nazis had used the five-thousand level numbering sequence — most likely to indicate a new model, a new class — and it had never made it into their registries probably because the war ended so soon after it had been launched.

So what was it?

Dex had a pretty good idea and that was why today’s dive had him more than a little freaked. So much so he hadn’t shared his thoughts with anybody yet.

The Germans classified their boats by “type” as well as number. They obviously scrambled to get out a special boat that was probably a new type as well. Dex knew they’d gotten a few jet fighters off the ground — until we B-17’d their jet fuel refineries. They even had mini-ICBMs — the V2 rockets. They might have been planning some kind of really nasty sub, maybe like a boomer.

Dex had seen film of V-1 rockets being launched off the decks of the Type XXIs. Their engineers were years ahead of us. If we hadn’t pounded their factories when we did, they could have made things a lot worse on us, that’s for damned sure.

When he reached the Sea Dog, he was glad to see Don Jordan already on deck waiting for him. Andy Mellow and Kevin Cheever were there too.

“Hey,” said Dex. “Still waiting on Doc and Tommy?”

Don nodded, then pointed up at the sky. “Looks like we might get some rain. Some chop too. How long you figure you guys’ll be down there?”

“Just two of us to start — me and Tommy on the first dive. I want to check a few things and maybe cop an ID tag in the torpedo room. We’ll know almost right away whether or not we can get to it.”

“That it? Nothing else?”

Dex sat down on the bench by the suit lockers, shrugged. “Well, I think I’d like to get a look inside that hangar deck.”

“Okay, but we gotta keep an eye on the weather,” Don said.

“Gotcha.” Dex peeled off his jacket and sweatshirt, feeling the cold, early morning air brace him. When he was halfway into his drysuit, he saw Tommy pull into the parking lot. He jumped out of his vehicle with a duffel in one hand.

“All we need is Doc and we’ll be ready to go.”

Andy moved next to Dex, sat down. “How long before the Coast Guard does us in?”

Dex shrugged. “Hard to tell how much publicity Mike’s wife wants on the whole thing, plus you never know when you’re dealing with bureaucracy and the media. We could be national news… or not even show up on the radar.”

“Crazy,” said Kevin. “But sadly true.”

“So look, let’s get out there and see what we find, okay?” Dex checked his regulator. “If the story breaks, like I said before, we most likely won’t have a chance to get down there like this ever again. I don’t want to be anywhere near this thing when all the treasure-hunters start showing up.”

“It could be that bad, huh?” Andy said.

Dex nodded. “Trust me.”

The sound of a horn blowing in the parking lot caught their attention as Larry Schissel pulled to a halt with a screech of tires on gravel.

“Gang’s all here,” said Don.

They all continued to get ready to depart as Doc jogged up the dock and gangwayed aboard. “Sorry I’m late, guys.”

“No big deal,” said Dex. “Take your time getting suited up. You can go down on the last rotation.”

Doc grinned. “Fine with me.”

Don Jordan headed for the bridge. “I’ll flip on the base unit and get us outta here ASAP.”

Dex nodded, waited few ticks till Don clicked on the bridge’s Divelink.

“Okay, sound check,” said Don. “You copy?”

“I got ya, captain. Ready to shove off?”

“Any time you are. Loose those ties.”

Dex heard the big Detroit engines kick in as he unmoored the Dog. The boat eased out away from its slip, moved into the harbor and headed for the Bay. Row after row of silent vessels flanked their departure like a deployment of sentries lining the path from their fortress. Dex moved back to the bench, next to Tommy. His many years of Navy training started to kick in and he went with it.

Feeling his anxiety warp his thoughts, he knew there was no place for that kind of crap underwater. No matter how pressured he might feel, he had to slip into a state of calm resolution. Don’t let anything cloud his judgment, his ability to survive in or around that wreck.

Take a couple of long, slow, deep breaths, he told himself, then headed up to the bridge to make sure he and Don had everything under control.

“Okay, Chief, I’ve locked in the coordinates,” said Don. “We’ll be there in no time.”

Dex nodded, he thought about telling him what he found in the log, then figured it could wait till they got to dry land.

“You getting any weather reports?” he said as he looked up at the gray dome of sky all around them.

“Not great. Could be a storm in a few hours or it might blow over. Either way, we won’t have too many pleasure boaters around to get in our way.”

“Okay. If things look iffy, you call us in. You’re in charge up here, remember that.”

“Got ya,” said Don, who looked out across the bleak water as the silhouette of the Bay Bridge appeared out of the mist dead ahead. Turning to Dex, he spoke softly. “So, what’s it all mean? What’re we gonna do with the sub?”

Dex shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess we can finish up our research about it. Feel good that we added to history a little bit. And forget about it. It’ll be a popular spot for the rest of the wreck-and-salvage guys for awhile. I don’t want anything to do with that.”

“Sounds good to me.” Don smiled and returned his attention to the thickening gray sky, which was making the water of the Chesapeake look like old dishwater.

“I’m going down and check the tri-mix in the tanks,” he said. “Give me a yell when we’re getting close.”

Don nodded as he helmed the Sea Dog farther south into the Bay.

Climbing down to the main deck, Dex opened the hatch to the dive salon. Once inside, he ran through a series of checklist stuff on their equipment — regulators, dive computers, Ikelites, collection bags. Everything looked fine. Dex grabbed the underwater videocam, and hooked it to his utility belt. Last chance, probably, to get any good images. Then he clipped on a mesh collection bag and sealed the metal slab inside it. If he was going to keep that thing close at hand, that was about as close as you could get it. Besides, it was good dive ballast. Just then Don yelled down to them: “Five minutes, guys!”

“Okay, we’ll be ready!”

Pulling on his tanks, Tommy moved toward the aft end of the crew boat, staring down into the murky water. “Just give me the word…”

Dex moved next to him, said nothing. They were both standing on the dive platform at the end of the boat, watching the bridge for Don to give them the thumbs-up as soon as he spotted the safe-line buoy.

“It’s weird,” said Tommy, still staring into the water. “After reading that stuff last night, I feel like I know so much more about those guys than the last time we went down there, you know?”

Dex nodded.

“So the three guys, they scuttled the boat right out here, right below us.” Tommy whistled. “That is so weird, huh?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” said Dex.

“Wonder what happened to them?”

“I’m thinking the same thing.”

Tommy shook his head. “Too bad. Like, we’ll never know, huh?”

Dex said nothing. He’d just seen Don give them the signal, and sure enough, there was the marker buoy on the starboard side of the Dog.

Adjusting their mics and masks, they both dropped into the Bay.

This late into spring, the water was supposed to be getting warmer, but its wintry pulse still tried to penetrate Dex’s suit as he knifed beneath its choppy surface. Tommy’s effervescent entry beside him marked the beginning of their descent — a mission they would need to conduct with great care. Visibility was surprisingly clear, especially if there were storm currents gathering, and Dex didn’t figure on much hassle.

He was right. At fifty-seven feet, he could see a darker shape against the bottom. Reacting almost simultaneously, Tommy kicked downward and eased on down to the conning tower where they’d left the hatches open. Dex checked on the sealed case of videocam, then handed it to Tommy.

“You wanna go first?” he said.

“Nah.” Dex waved him in. “I’m right behind you.”

Tommy nodded, switched on the video, and started in.

Without warning, Dex was smacked with a memory of the last time he’d been in this sub, when he’d been trying to keep Mike Bielski alive. The images of Mike’s eyes behind his faceplate still haunted Dex, and he forced it from his thoughts. No way he could allow himself the distraction.

Once inside the control deck, Dex followed his torch beam to show the way to the forward torpedo room. Checking his tool belt, he eyed the mini pry-bar, snips, and pliers he might need if they found what they were looking for. The passage was remarkably clear, and all the hatches down the line were open — because of the scuttle, no doubt. That made their progress almost effortless without the need to struggle with any sealed doors or stuck handles.

“Okay, Don,” said Dex into his mic. “We’re about halfway down the aft section. All clear so far.”

“Copy that. Just be careful.”

Despite the easy access, he and Tommy still moved slowly. Their torchlights played along the steel bulkheads, occasionally touching on an object still recognizable beneath the crust of marine growth. Shelves of canned goods, junction boxes of wires and pipes, and a fire axe caught Dex’s eye. Tommy was getting good images of everything.

As he moved along, he was again impressed by the sheer size of the vessel. Even by today’s standards, this remained a big sub. Absently, he wondered how she’d handled, and imagined her German engineering was the only reason a crew of three had been able to drive her to this final destination.

“Okay, what’s that up there?” said Tommy. “That the one we’re looking for?”

Up ahead, glowing faintly in Dex’s light, he saw the half-open door; its red paint indicating the torpedo room, was flaking off in many places.

“That’s it. And I guess I don’t have to tell you to be extra careful in there. Just in case they left any live rounds laying around,” said Dex. “You on that, Donnie? We’re almost there.”

“Gotcha. Keep me in the loop.”

“Didn’t the captain say he dumped all the torpedoes?” said Tommy.

“The captain said a lot of things.”

“What’s that?” said Don.

“Tell you later,” said Dex as he motioned Tommy to sshhh.

“Okay, why don’t you go first?”

“Sounds good to me.” Dex eased his shoulder against the hatch and exhaled slowly as he felt it move with little resistance. Once he floated past the bulkhead, the first thing he noticed was the amount of open space in the chamber — another testament to the larger size of the boat.

Torpedo racks ran the length of the room on both sides, and true to Bruckner’s log, all were empty.

“Looks clear, Tommy. Come on in.”

As his dive partner slipped past the open hatch, Dex moved close enough to inspect the doors to the torpedo tubes, and saw what he was looking for almost right away. Under the strong beam of his torch, he could see the outer edge of a metal tag on the center tube door. Scraping the faceplate clear with the edge of his pry-bar, Dex could read the engraved lettering clearly:


Germaniawerft, Kiel

30 March 1945

The boat’s number, shipyard, city, and launch date. That locked it up, and gave that extra layer of proof to the log and the translation.

“That’s it,” he said. “U-5001. We got all the positive ID we need. Get a little closer and get some good shots.”

“Got it,” said Tommy. “You were right on the dime, Chief.”

Using his tools, Dex broke the tag loose without extensive effort, and slipped it into his collection bag. He checked his gauges, then signaled Tommy to back out of the torpedo room.

“We have enough time to check that hatch to the aft deck-housing if you want,” he said.

Tommy gave him a thumbs-up. “This might be our last chance. Let’s do it.”

Several minutes of careful maneuvering had them in the engine room amidst the crumbling banks of batteries. Atop a short ladder lay the access hatch to the deck above them. Tommy floated up and gave the wheel a wrenching yank counter-clockwise — it should have been enough to break open the seal, but the hatch refused to disengage.

“Hmmmm,” he said. “Stuck.”

“You’re kidding,” said Dex.

Tommy braced himself as best he could with tanks and equipment in the way, pulled again.

This time, there was a loud squeak as the hatch wheel turned.

“How ’bout that? You want me to go up first?”

“Easy. Slow. Just get your head up there and take a look first, okay?

Tommy nodded and he worked his hand holding his big flashlight up ahead of him. “Looks really dark up there.”

“Get yourself through the hatch and wait for me.”

Tommy slipped through the opening and Dex squeezed through as soon as he cleared the space. The darkness of the hangar was enhanced by the open area, nothing close enough to reflect nearby light. Dex played out the yellow-white beam of his torch and suddenly broke the surface of the water.


Looking to his right, he saw the bright red color of Tommy’s suit, gestured at him.

“There’s an air pocket in here.”

“Yeah, amazing…”

“All this time, and it’s still tight as a crab’s ass.” Dex figured he should lift his mask to check the air, which would be stale and foul at best. If bearable, they could save some of their mix.

At the same time, Tommy’s light touched the fuselage of a plane painted in green and gray camo. “Wow! Check it out, Dex.”

They were both standing on the hangar deck, with water just past their knees. Tommy took a step toward the plane, and Dex reached out to stop him. “Hold it. You don’t know what’s in there.”


Holding up his index finger, indicating him to wait, Dex lifted his mask off his face, sucked in a quick breath. He could almost taste the air, like putting your tongue on a slab of metal.

“Hey, guys?” said Don Jordan through the Divelink. “What’s going on? You forget about us?”

“Looks like we’ve got a light-to-medium bomber in here. Seaplane. You copy, Donnie?”

“No kidding. In good shape?”

“Looks perfect,” said Dex. “Never used.”

Tommy began to video the scene and Dex moved closer to touch the engine cowling. Even in the shadows beyond their torchlights, Dex could see the configuration of a sleek, pontooned plane, its pinioned wings tucked tight against it fuselage like a falcon sleeping on its perch. Along the bottom of the fuselage, he saw the bomb bay doors cantilevered to their widest open positions.

Tommy moved closer, still shooting video. “Hey look… how come the bottom’s open?”

“Approach with extreme caution,” said Dex. “There’s something I should tell you.”

“Huh?” said Don in the headset. “What? What’s going on?”

“Hang on…” said Dex. “I’ll let you know in a sec.”

Motioning Tommy away from the open bomb bay, Dex moved in to shine his light up into the belly cavity. He hesitated for an instant, not sure he wanted to see what he knew lay in wait for them.

“Hey, Dex!” Donnie’s voice sounded sharp and high on the radio. “Looks like we’re getting some company.”

Dex gestured to Tommy to hold up, then he spoke into his mic again: “What’s that? Who? What’re you talking about? What is it?”

“Don’t know. Some kind of aircraft. Still way out there.”

“Maybe you should check in with the Coast Guard?” Dex said quickly. “See if it’s them?”

There was a short pause as Dex moved through the murky confines.

“Okay, I just did. No reply yet…”

“Keep me in the loop. We’re on our way up.”

“Copy that.”

Dex looked up at the open belly of the bomber, then backed away. Alarms were going off in his subconscious. They were telling him to get out. Now.

“Tommy, get down the hatch. We’ve got to get topside.”


Dex watched him slip beneath the stale water and enter the hatch. Precious seconds passed, then: “I’m clear,” said Tommy.

“Right behind you.” Dex flashed his light on the seaplane one last time, re-adjusted his mask and regulator before he slipped into the water. When he descended through the hatch, Tommy was half-floating past the bank of batteries, panning his torchlight back and forth, waiting for him. Dex gestured toward the bulkhead door that would get them back to conning tower and the hatch to the bridge.

“We’re getting ready to exit,” said Dex into his mic. “You copy, Donnie?”

There was another pause as Don left the base unit mic open, then: “Hey, I can see it now — a chopper heading this way, from the southeast. Low. And Jesus, this mother is fast! Coming up on starboard and—”

There was a blur of sound that could have been helicopter rotors or… a slurry burst from a big automatic weapon.

Then the Divelink went dead.

Dex followed Tommy out through the hatch and once in the open, he strained to see his red suit through the brackish water.

“Dex, you hear that? What the fuck!”

“Don’t know yet. Head up slowly. On an angle.” Pulling out his Spyderco marine blade, he sawed through the safeline attached to the inflatable buoy.


“We need to get away from that line and the wreck! You hear me?”

Muffled sounds pushed through the water, dissipated by distance and the currents. Sounds that could be anything from an aircraft in trouble to gunfire. Tommy gave him a thumbs-up, and starting flippering horizontally away from the 5001. Dex caught up and guided him farther west of their position. He didn’t like it. Sounded like very bad news up there.

He’d caught up with Tommy and continued to swim away from the wrecksite as fast as possible. Checking his air, they had less than five minutes left in their tanks.

A lot could happen in five minutes.

He touched Tommy’s shoulder, pointed to his Divelink mic, unplugged the lead as he jettisoned the transceiver. Looking at Tommy, he gave him a thumbs down. No more talking on that thing.

Tommy nodded, disconnected his own unit and dumped it.

Dex didn’t want anybody using it to track them. Watching the units sink out of sight made him feel a little less exposed.

They spent the next sixty seconds angling slightly up and as far from the wreck as possible. There was no way to tell how far they’d moved laterally, but they had closed the distance to the surface by twenty feet or so. Tommy looked over and Dex gestured for him to continue along the same generally ascendant course when the explosion resonated through water behind them.

Dex barely had a chance to twist himself around, turning face-up to the surface, when the shock wave rippled over him. Like being whacked with a wide paddle, the wave starched him flat, then passed through the soft tissues of his organs. Like getting hit by car, so hard that his breath pushed the regulator out of his mouth like a bellows. Dex fought to force it back between his teeth and pull another lungful of air before he passed out. Luckily he and Tommy had gotten far enough away to avoid the lethal perimeter of an underwater blast.

No way the Sea Dog had been so lucky.

The force of the shockwave had been dangerously powerful — especially for a boat whose hull was mostly above the waterline. If Don Jordan’s crewboat had absorbed the force of that blast, it had been shredded into grapeshot.

No way to tell if anybody had still been on board.

He checked his air. Less than two minutes. They had to surface soon.

Then a second, more powerful explosion and another one-two shockwave rushed through them. Unlike the first one, the follow-up blasts felt as if they’d detonated completely beneath the surface. Depth charges? That meant kill shots at any divers still down. The extra distance they’d pulled had probably saved their lives but Dex’s eardrums were clanging in pain from the sudden compression.

Tommy was hanging in the clearing water, staring through his faceplate with wide eyes. Dex indicated he follow him and began a series of leg kicks upward at the appropriate angle. He could sense the seconds clocking past as he watched the flat silvery ceiling of the sea get closer and closer with each kick.

He didn’t want to think about what might be waiting for them when they cracked the surface, but he had no choice…

Chapter Twenty-Four

Sinclair East Camden Island

The incident report was short, and not very sweet.

The Blackbird assault copter had landed a team on the dive boat, neutralized the crew almost instantly, and swept the premises within desired parameters.

No evidence of the 5001 found.

The team leader had intercepted, but had not defeated, a call from the target to the Coast Guard just before the incursion had been initiated. This factor had compressed the operation timeline, and because of this, the team had no chance to confirm or deny any target personnel unaccounted for. There was an assumption that at least one diver was in the water, but this had not been confirmed. Anti-personnel depth charges were dropped with no indication of success or failure.

The dive boat had been destroyed utterly with some C4 placed between its twin engines.

Follow-up recommended.

No kidding, thought Sinclair.

Less than an hour had elapsed since the incursion, and the Coast Guard was investigating a terrible boating accident. Tragic, but… well, these things happen. Having ops in so many governments and so many corporations for hundred of years afforded the Guild a certain leverage in dealing with things like the sinking of the Sea Dog in the Chesapeake Bay. They operated and existed through continued covert placement of their own people in every organization in the world.

An article in the Baltimore Sun, a few minutes on WBAL-TV evening news, and the accident would be forgotten.

Not by everyone, of course. Entwhistle was working through all the information conduits to find out everything he could about the dive boat and its crew. If there had been more than the four men on board, then there was additional clean-up to be done.

A job worthy of any competent Guild team, but nothing out of the ordinary. Sinclair selected men for the job, assigned them to Entwhistle, and assumed they would have plenty of data as soon as possible.

But Sinclair’s real work was just beginning.

Before the Blackbird chopper had even reached the dive boat, he’d assembled his crew for the undersea phase of the operation — the “follow-up” the incident report had fatuously suggested. His vessel was a prototype of the Dragonfish — a deep-sea assault and rescue submersible being built for the Navy. The contractor, Sea Dynamics, because it was ultimately Guild owned, always found ways to provide Guild forces with renditions of its vessels. Sometimes, one of their test-models suffered an “accident,” which covertly provided the Guild with state of the art equipment.

The Dragonfish was fast, stealthy, and capable of inserting a SEAL team just about anywhere, including any sheik’s private bath. Its crew and dive team would have no trouble compromising the U-5001 right under the unsuspecting noses of the Coast Guard. In fact, Sinclair was anxious to pull it off just to see how good the new DSAR actually was.

He stood in the launch bay with his helmsman, a short stocky guy named Taggard, and his navigator, a Navy-retired graybeard named Sypniewski. Sinclair had trained both men; they were top-notch sailors. He trusted his life to them, which said it all.

“Dive team ETA?” said Sinclair.

“On schedule,” said Sypniewski. “When they arrive, we we’ll be ready to launch, sir.”

Sinclair nodded and they boarded the long, lean underwater craft. Looking very much like its namesake, it bristled with the latest weapons and two prehensile arms which folded invisibly into the hull when not in use. Sinclair sealed the hatch behind him, looked at his helmsman and nodded.

Taggard adjusted the ballast vents, toggled up the reactor-powered electric screws, and eased the DSAR into the Atlantic. Sinclair strapped into the captain’s chair as the Dragonfish traversed a short undersea tunnel that exited him and his men beyond the island’s breakers. Just as they cleared the shallows, Sinclair looked at the sky through vessel’s eye-like starboard bubble.

Beautiful day. Sky a serene blue dome with few clouds. Even the Atlantic surface looked calm. He continued to scan the horizon until a seaplane rose above it on a course that would intersect theirs within minutes.

“Right on time,” said Sypniewski.

Sinclair nodded. “Recognition code hailing frequency. Defensive systems ready until you get the code-back.”

Taggard keyed in the encrypted code, sent it. Routine protocol, thought Sinclair, but you never assumed anything when you worked as covertly as the Guild. He exhaled as the correct reply code came back to them.

The three-man dive team entered the Dragonfish and began suiting up in the belly assault bay. Before the seaplane had even lifted off, Taggard had begun to slip the DSAR beneath the surface. Once fully submerged, the vessel cut through the cold water at an impressive forty-plus knots.

They would be onsite within four hours, and that’s when Sinclair figured things would get interesting.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Dex Chesapeake Bay

His pulse had jumped and the extra pulmonary action had used up his tri-mix at a precipitous rate; his tank was damned close to zero when he reached the surface. Regardless, Dex tried to make his return to the air world as unnoticeable as possible. Yanking off his mask, he arched his back to maneuver his nose and mouth above the surface, gulped some air and chanced a quick 360 scan of his position.


No sound.

No boats or planes anywhere. Barely even a trace of smoke. Other than a lot of very small pieces of flotsam, he saw nothing in any direction. The exception being the long swipe of the Bay Bridge in the distance and a scattering of distant white dots — sailboats out doing not much of anything.

A splash to his left announced Tommy’s ascent, and he gasped and sucked in air with all the noise he could muster. He looked around with half-panicked expression. So much for being careful.

“Dex! You okay?”

“So far…”

“Jesus, what happened? Where’s the boat?”

“Gone, Tommy. They blew it to hell.”

“Jesus! What! Who?

As the easy bay chop bobbed them lightly, Dex searched the sky. “I don’t know… could be anybody.”

Tommy looked around the empty water and sky for a moment. “What about… what about the guys?”

“Doesn’t look good. That was one big mother of a blast.”

“Oh, man… you’re kidding…”

Dex shook his head. “The debris’s just a bunch of little pieces of nothing. Hardly any smoke. Whatever happened, it was quick. And efficient.”

“You sure it wasn’t some kinda accident, maybe?”

“The last thing Don said was something about a chopper.”

“Coast Guard?”

“Again, maybe. No way to tell.”

“Jesus, well what’d they do — put a freakin’ missile on ’em?!”

“Could be.”

“I can’t believe anybody’d kill ’em. Just like that.”

“Look, we can’t be sure anybody’s dead yet. I’m just saying it doesn’t look good.” Dex paused, did some quick computations. “I mean, we couldn’t have gotten more than three or four hundreds yard from the wreck, and there’s pretty much nothing out here. Nothing.”

Tommy’s expression had changed to something like anger, but his voice belied his anxiety. “Bastards. What’re we gonna do? We gonna make it?”

“We’ll be okay. Let’s ditch these tanks. Our suits will just about keep us afloat.”

As they both wriggled free of the straps, Dex tried to keep his focus on what had just happened. What it could mean.

“Mine’s loose,” said Tommy. “What’s next?”

“We swim easy. Side, or backstroke.” Dex had retained the utility belt with his tools, the video, and the collection bag, even though he knew it was extra weight. Weight that might become significant if things got sketchy.

“Swim where? Where’re we headed?”

“For starters, anywhere away from here. Whatever blew up our boat might be back.”

Tommy rolled his eyes. “Hadn’t thought of that. Okay.”

“I figure we head for Gibson Island.”

“How far?”

“Two or three miles. Maybe more.”

“Man, I don’t think I’ve ever tried to swim that far.” Tommy didn’t sound too good.

“We’re not in a race. We take it nice and easy.”

“Still… miles?”

“People swim the English Channel. That’s more than twenty. We can do this. We just take it slow.”

“Okay, and what do we do when we get there?”

“Don’t worry about it. Gibson Island’s mostly woods. We can hole up till we figure out what’s going on.”

Dex pointed them in the right direction and they both started pushing the water with nice long strokes that wouldn’t fatigue them too quickly.

After a few minutes, the shoreline didn’t appear any closer, but Dex knew it was an illusion. They were making progress. A few sailboats were visible in the distance, but that was it.

Tommy paused to float on his back for a moment and catch his breath. “What’ll we do if the Coast Guard shows up?”

“I think we avoid everybody until we get things sorted out,” said Dex.

“Even those guys? I mean, isn’t that their job to save people in the water?”

“Listen,” said Dex, indicating they should keep swimming. “We just saw our boat get vaporized and we have no idea who did it.”

“Huh?” Tommy talked between strokes. “Which means what?”

“You kidding me? Which means that we can’t trust anybody. Especially for the absolute right now.”

“That is some scary shit you’re talkin’,” said Tommy. “And I seriously hope you’re wrong.”

“Yeah, me too, But don’t count on it.” Dex glanced shoreward. They were definitely getting a little closer, but they would still need to pace themselves. “Let’s put all our energy into the swim. We talk later.”

They continued to head toward shore in silence for another ten minutes. A sailboat meandered closer to their position, but whoever was on the rudder hadn’t spotted them, or if so, had chosen to ignore them. Thankfully, it was mostly overcast; a high sky with a bright sun hammering down would have made the journey twice as hard. Tommy pushed the water past him, behind him, but his motions began to get erratic, less rhythm and pacing. Dex was watching him closely, giving him words of encouragement. Even though he was plenty younger, Tommy was edging toward the panic state people reach when they’ve been in a vast body of water too long.

Another ten minutes, with a few in between to rest by back-floating, and they were very close to catching the tide off the channel — a big assist that would pull them toward the southern tip of Gibson Island. Good thing too. Tommy was running out of steam, and Dex figured the guy was just this side of giving up. He’d seen it happen to people marooned in the water. So, a few minutes of calm on their backs was a good idea right about now.

But before he could suggest it, he saw the approach of the cutter from south. It was way below them, but he could ID its profile along the horizon line. The next few minutes would be critical.

“Coast Guard,” he said, and pointed to the far-away ship.

“They lookin’ for us?” Tommy barely got the words. He was exhausted.

“Could be. I don’t know. Just keep moving. We’re not trusting anybody at this point, remember?”

They sidestroked their way toward the shallows. Not much farther now.

“Man, I hate this.” Tommy’s voice was getting weak.

“Almost there, man. C’mon.”

Out in the bay, at least a couple miles out, Dex saw the Coast Guard boat move in lazy circles in the general area where the Sea Dog had blown. If they were looking for Dex and Tommy, they were doing a damned good job of disguising it. More likely, they’d responded to a garbled distress call, and were now confused to find nothing in the vicinity. If they spotted any debris, it would keep them focused on that general area.

And away from us, thought Dex.

“We should be close to touching bottom,” he said. Tommy needed something to work for.

“You sure?”

“It gets shallow pretty far out. Any second now. Just keep pushing that water behind you, okay?”

“I’m with you.”

Dex said nothing as he continued to pull himself toward the sloping sand. He was just about used up. Every pull with his arms had become a near impossible task. Rolling over on his back for maximum flotation, he reached down and unclipped the videocam from the utility belt, consigning it to the oblivion of the sandy bottom. The slight lessening of weight allowed him to move forward in the water just a little easier. But at this point, every ounce was enough to mean something. Next, he unclipped the heavy iron prybar, and he felt instantly lighter. His arms felt as if they were ready to disconnect from his shoulders; Tommy was probably way beyond that. Dex forced himself forward. No idea how far they’d swum, but he’d most likely underestimated it.

“Dex… Dex, I’m done.” Tommy’s voice sounded so weak, so frail.

“No you’re not, man. Don’t talk like that.”

“I can’t do it! I feel like I’m not movin’ forward anymore. I got nothin’ left…”

“Hang on,” said Dex, feeling a fire in his thigh muscles as he tread water in languid half-assed leg-pumps. “Tommy, roll over on your back. You’ll float naturally till I get to you.”

“I can’t…”

“Yeah, you can.” Dex closed the several feet of distance between them, and it felt infinitely farther. When he grabbed Tommy’s arm, and helped turn him onto his back, he was amazed at how massive the kid felt. “Easy now. That’s it.”

Tommy rolled over, but his breathing increased as he started to panic, not believing he could keep his head above the light chop.

“Just relax, I’ve got you.” Dex was helping him float, but not entirely. Now he reached across his stomach, fumbling for the release on Tommy’s utility belt. “I’m going to get this off you. You’ll be lighter. You’ll be able to float better.”

“Okay…” Tommy’s voice remained shaky, on the edge of panic. But his breathing had steadied as he slowly realized he wasn’t sinking.

When he squeezed the edges of the quick-release buckle, Tommy’s belt fell away instantly, and he noticed the difference in weight. “All right, stay on your back, and I’m going to tow you. Kick your legs to help… but only if you can.”

“I’ll try.”

“We’re gonna be fine. We’ll make it.” Dex looked ahead to the shoreline, which hadn’t appeared any closer lately. The seabed should be sloping up soon, getting more shallow. Eventually. And Dex hoped he could make it with Tommy as lax as he’d become. Dex had seen it before where guys just reached a point where they couldn’t push it another inch. Where it became weirdly preferable to let everything go and slip beneath the water.

“Okay, here we go. Ready?”

Tommy tried to nod, and the water splashed around his ears. Dex felt him tense. He hooked his arm under Tommy’s and across his chest, then stretched out and did a modified sidestroke to start towing him toward shore again. They should be in the soft currents that run westwardly and even if Dex did nothing but drift, they might eventually make the coastline.

But might can be a very dangerous word.

Minutes dragged past them like the brackish water, and Dex’s arms and legs screamed from maximum muscle burn. Each pull, each kick agony. Like he was trying to pull a bank safe through quicksand.

Too much weight. He was at the point where every ounce became critical, and he knew what he should do next. The only thing still attached to his own belt was the specimen bag and that weird metal slab. Half the thickness of a brick, it weighed at least five time a brick’s weight. Dex knew it could make the difference between getting ashore safely or not.

Can’t let that go.

Thoughts flashed though him in alternating currents of doubt and conviction, and he knew there was only one choice. Reluctantly, with his free hand, he reached down and squeezed the release on his utility belt. As soon as the bag with the heavy slab slipped free, he felt immediate added buoyancy.

Partially psychological, certainly, but it was enough to revitalize his energy and his resolve. Despite the fire in his limbs, Dex yanked them through the water.

Tommy must have sensed it because he started kicking weakly. It wasn’t much, but it helped. Big time. Every joule of extra energy helped, and they were going to make it.

More minutes, more splashing and pulling the dead weight of the water. The best way to do it was just wipe your mind clean and slip into a trance-like state where the motions of survival became the total sphere of your existence.

There was no room for recriminations about losing the most important piece of evidence of what the 5001 might signify. No sense even worrying about it. That weird slab of metal lay fathoms beneath them, already losing itself in the silty bottom.

They continued to struggle toward the shore. There wasn’t much beach due to the erosion at the south end of Gibson. This had happened despite the presence of substantial jetties spaced evenly along the eastern shoreline. Dex had been vaguely steering them to bisect a couple of the jetties where plenty of trees stood as close to the water as possible. Best place where they could duck into quick cover.

It didn’t seem possible, but the fire in his legs became more intense. So much so, he knew the next stage was some kind of autonomic paralysis. If he could—

Suddenly his feet and knees touched the mushy sand and mud beneath him.

Was it real? Or had he imagined it…

Kicking downward, he was rewarded with the resistance of the packed shoreline sand.

Automatically he righted himself, stood up in the chest-deep water. “Touchdown!” he said weakly.

“Oh Jesus,” said Tommy as he tried to stand, wobbling to stay upright. “That feels so freakin’ good.”

“Easy now. Up to the beach, and head for those trees, okay?”

“I’ll try.” Tommy slogged forward, and either he tripped or his knees gave way; he toppled facedown into the brackish water. He thrashed upward, shaking his head like a big dog. “Man, I think I hate the water! I think my diving days are done, man.”

Reaching the beach, Dex resisted the urge to just collapse across its cool coarse bed. No way. Get the hell away from the water. Now. Crawling up off his knees, he grabbed Tommy under the shoulder and heaved him up to his feet. They covered the small stretch of sand in several staggering, arthritic, zombie strides, crossed a small unpaved service road and slipped into a thick wood of evergreens and tall poplars. As soon as they penetrated the green shade, they folded up like cheap lawn chairs. Even though soaked and trembling from the cool air, they felt unexposed and fairly safe.

“Jeez, I can’t move,” said Tommy. “That was brutal. Just freakin’ broo-tull.”

Dex pulled himself to a sitting position, back against a tall tree, tried to control his breathing. “Now we hope nobody saw us.”

“Huh? This place looks plenty deserted. You mean people live here?”

“Didn’t you see some of the slips when we were coming in?”

“I didn’t see shit. Too busy staying alive to do much sightseein’.”

“Well, anyway, yeah — there’s people here. Rich people. The houses are big and far apart.”

“No kiddin’.” Tommy had been laying flat on his back, but now he eased himself to a sitting position. His red diving suit a stark contrast to the muted colors surrounding them.

“I think some of the land is like state parks or something like that.”

Tommy nodded absently as if that info wasn’t terribly important to him. “So what do we do now?”

Dex half-grinned. “I had a feeling you were going to ask me that.”

Tommy tilted his head. “Meaning what — you have no ideas?”

“No, actually, I have plenty. Just not sure which are the good ones.”

“Well, whatever you got in mind,” said Tommy. “I hope it’s got some down-time in it — I’m beat. Can’t move.”

Dex nodded. “I’m thinking we sit tight for an hour or so, but then we should get going.”

“Like where?”

“We need to assume whoever hit the Sea Dog didn’t want any survivors. They dropped underwater charges on us, remember?”

“Yeah, you’re right about that.”

“No way to tell if they know who we are yet. But they probably will.”

“How you figure?” Tommy looked only half as interested as he was in maybe catching a few winks.

“If they know they hit Don Jordan’s boat, then they might be able to check who he charters to — which would include the dive shop. That might get them everybody’s name.”

Tommy grinned. “You think Don kept good records like that?”

“Probably not, but I’m figuring worst case for us. And that the people who did this are real pros.”

“Really? You think these guys’re that good?”

“Tommy, I got no idea how good they are. Or who they are. But so far, I have to figure they’re good. Real good.”

Dex didn’t want to say anything, but he was kicking himself for telling that Coast Guard Ensign so much. He didn’t want to think he was the reason the guys were dead. And then there was Kevin Cheever’s buddy at the lab — if he’d talked to that Naval Historical bunch in D.C.… well, maybe that’s how the “bad guys” found out. If they had connections to the military or one of the alphabet agencies, it would be easy.

Tommy had been weighing what Dex had said: “Okay, they’re good. But I still don’t get it.”

“Way I see it, the most probable deal is that people in the military knew about our U-boat, the one with the A-bomb, okay? They knew about it for a long time — probably back when the Germans were first getting it ready, but they never found it. They probably knew the mission was launched, but they never found out what happened to it.”

“Wow. One of them unsolved mysteries, huh?”

Dex nodded. “Something like that. And when we found it, somebody didn’t want us talking about it.”

“So they’re going to try and find us, shut us up too?” Tommy was looking more awake than several seconds earlier. “You jokin’ me?”

“No joke. I figure, if we’re lucky, we have maybe an hour or two to safely get back to the dock and get our vehicles out of there. If we don’t, somebody’s going to notice there’s a lot of cars sitting around with no owners showing up to claim them. A real red flag.”

“Oh yeah, I see that.”

“Of course, that could be wildly optimistic. They might already know who we are, and they could have people staked out watching our cars to see if we show up.”

Tommy shifted uncomfortably, said nothing.

“And,” Dex continued, “if they get wind of our identities, they’ll be going through our houses like rats in a wheel of cheese.”

“These bastards mean business.”

“And let’s not forget — right now, we don’t have clothes, money, or even access to it. If these guys are top drawer, they can lock up our bank accounts, credit cards, everything.”

Tommy rolled his eyes. “You make it sound so easy for them, like hitting a beachball right over the plate.”

“Could be.”

“So what do we do?”

Dex shrugged. “Not a lot of options. We get off this island as fast as we can, get out of this gear. Once we find out how hot they’ve been looking for us, we gotta make some decisions that will greatly affect our futures.”

Tommy shook his head. “You know, I don’t know how you’re thinkin’ so clearly about all this stuff. Sounds to me like we’re in deep shit.”

Dex grinned. “I’d say that’s a pretty cogent assessment.”

Standing up, Dex scanned the immediate area. The trees were not so thickly spaced they couldn’t move north on the island without being seen. At least for a little while. Then there were some McMansion neighborhoods that would be very tough to negotiate in the daylight. And they couldn’t afford to wait all day for the cover of darkness.

He explained all this to Tommy, not really expecting much assistance, but he wanted to keep him in the loop. Dex looked at him and gestured north.

“We need to get moving.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Tommy stood up, stretched. “What do we do if we run into anybody?”

“Worry about it when it happens.”

They moved as far as they could in the wooded land until they reached a tree line bordering a large home enclosed by a manicured, landscaped lawn. To the east lay a paved road and the Bay. Dex held up for a second, assessing the scene.

“You know, I think we’re crazy to try to stay hidden. Somebody will see us and call the cops.”

“Can’t the cops help us?” said Tommy “I mean, c’mon, we haven’t done anything wrong.”

“At this point, I trust no one in the power grid, okay? Not till we find out who killed our friends.”

His last words kind of lingered in the air, and they seemed to affect Dex and Tommy with equal weight. It was as if actually articulating the truth of what had happened somehow made it all the more real. Kevin and Don and Doc and Andy — all dead, their bodies probably blown into chum for the bottom feeders. Dex squirmed at the thought.

Tommy looked as if he wanted to speak, but said nothing.

Dex pointed past the house and yard in front of them to a residential street. “Let’s just cut across to that road and start walking. The only way off this island is up the causeway road. We’ve got no choice anyway.”

“Guess you’re right.” Tommy followed him as he angled along the trees and the presumed property line to the road.

“We’ve got to get back to Annapolis as soon as possible,” said Dex. “We need to see if the cars have been covered yet.”

“You know the way to get there?”

“I have a good idea.”

They didn’t talk much for the next ten minutes as they walked along the shoulder of Broadwater Way. Tommy’s red dry-suit was brighter than Dex’s pale green, but both made them as conspicuous as highway maintenance workers. As the two of them moved deeper into the heart of the wealthy neighborhood, Dex felt more and more exposed. He could feel the gaze of clandestine eyes burning him from all directions.

As they passed a gated driveway, Dex saw a woman dressed casually, carrying a pair of gardening gloves and wearing a straw hat, stop to stare at them through heavy black iron posts.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” she said, erecting a flimsy smile.

Dex paused, smiled back, and approached the gate. “Actually, maybe you can.”

As he drew closer, he could see the woman was probably a well-preserved seventy or so. She didn’t back away or look apprehensive, and held her jaw high and proud like Katherine Hepburn in any of her films. She waited for him to continue, so he did.

“We lost our rubber dinghy,” said. “Had to swim ashore down by the point.”

“How unfortunate.” She looked at them as if they were a couple of little boys lying through their teeth. Despite her age, there was an impish, gamine quality about her.

Dex decided he liked her, and stood mute for a long few seconds. He smiled before speaking. “Sorry, but I thought I heard you ask if you could ‘help’ us…”

“So I did. My name is Eleanor. Eleanor Winthrop.”

Dex held out his hand, eased it between the bars of the gate slowly. “Dexter McCauley, US Navy, retired. This is Thomas Chipiarelli, Baltimore City Fire Department.”

“Very nice to meet you. Are either of you injured?”

“No ma’am,” said Tommy. “But thanks for askin’.”

“Very well,” said Eleanor. “What can I do for you? I could call the police, if you’d like.”

“Hmm, maybe that’s not such a great idea.” Tommy smiled and looked down as if embarrassed.

Dex looked at him, wondering what the hell he was talking about and hoping he wasn’t going to say something really stupid.

“Really?” said Eleanor Winthrop. “Why ever not?”

“Well, it’s hard to explain, but us guys in the Fire Department… well, we’ve kinda got this rivalry thing goin’ with the Police guys, you know?” Tommy paused, grinned his little boy grin that he probably used on younger women to great effect.

“Oh, I didn’t realize that.” Eleanor smiled. Apparently Tommy’s charm knew no age barriers.

“Yeah,” he said. “And I gotta tell ya — if word gets back to the Baltimore City precincts we were dumb enough to sink our own boat, we’d never live it down.”

Not bad, thought Dex. He joined Tommy in a chuckle of agreement.

“Oh my,” said Eleanor. “Well, we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

She grinned like a schoolgirl flirting. Either she really liked Tommy and his line of bull, or she was as sly and suspicious as they come. Dex had no idea, but he figured it was time to find out.

“Actually, if we could get a ride back to Annapolis, that would be great. We lost our wallets and all our gear out in the Bay.” He paused to see her reaction, but she remained silent and unexpressive. “You think maybe your husband could give us a ride?”

She stood there looking at them between the black iron bars of the gate, holding her gardening gloves up near her chin as if in offering. Then she tilted her head, smiled wistfully. “No, that won’t be possible. My husband passed away right around Christmas last year.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Dex felt stymied, even more exposed.

“But that wouldn’t preclude me driving you up to town,” she said.

“Really? That would be great.”

Reaching into her pocket, she produced a cell phone. “Of course, I’d at least like to be sure you’re who you say you are.”

“Oh sure, of course,” said Tommy, with a wink.

Dex had been thinking ahead. There was a decent chance anyone looking for them didn’t know about Tommy yet. He hadn’t been with the dive group all that long, and Dex couldn’t remember if he’d ever even written down his name anywhere at the shop. Tommy had paid cash for his gear, telling Dex he hated credit cards because they always got him in trouble, so that was a good thing too. Hardly anything connecting him to Dex and Don Jordan or the Sea Dog. Of course, there would be cell phone records, but they might require some time or bureaucracy to access, and even then, there would be lots of names to sift through.

“Is there anyone I could call?” said Eleanor.

“Engine House No. 5,” said Tommy. “Ask for Tommy Chipiarelli.”

The lady squinted at him through her glasses. “And how do I know that’s really your name?”

Tommy smiled, walked closer to the gate, and held up his left wrist where his silver ID bracelet dangled.

“Here we go,” he said, disengaging the catch, and handing it to her.

After scanning it carefully, she gave it back to him, and googled the fire house location, then called the listed number.

Dex and Tommy waited for her to finish her brief conversation with whomever had answered.

“They said it was your day off, and I could reach you tomorrow during the day shift.” She closed the lid on her little phone, tilted her head in that coquettish way she had.

Tommy smiled. “They don’t need to remind me. I’ll be there.”

Eleanor put away her phone, reached into her garden apron and produced a remote control, which she depressed. Instantly, electric motors buzzed and hummed and the big iron gate began to slide off to the right. “Why don’t you two follow me up to the house, and we can get ready.”

“Thank you very much,” said Dex. “We really appreciate it.”

Things got even better. While they were waiting on the spacious deck that wrapped around half the house, Eleanor came out with a large cardboard carton — filled with men’s clothing. She dropped it between their chairs with a detached expression.

“Some of my husband’s. I’ve been meaning to give them away, but… I guess I could never get myself to do it.”

“Mrs. Winthrop,” said Dex. “You don’t have to—”

“No, no. You boys should get out of those silly suits. You look like a couple of lollipops.”

An hour later, dressed in casual golf attire that was little tight on Dex and a little baggy on Tommy, they rode along Ritchie Highway in Eleanor’s Lexus hybrid SUV. She had become quite comfortable with them and clearly enjoyed being able to simply talk to people. Dex could easily imagine how isolated she must feel in her day-to-day existence. A CD of string quartets played softly below their conversation, which she kept igniting with questions designed to uncover some adventurous tales of Tommy’s firefighting and a sprinkling of details from Dex’s Navy days.

He preferred to let Tommy do the talking while he tried to figure out how they were going to get through this mess. He wanted to have a plan or at least a series of alternatives. But he didn’t know enough about their adversaries, or how much they knew about him. It was going to be tough to take a step without worrying if it would be the wrong one.

Dex hated this kind of situation. After a career of having to make critical, often impossible decisions, he’d retired in the errant belief there’d be very few left in his life.


Or… not. There might be only one more bad choice, and then it would be lights out.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Sinclair Chesapeake Bay

“Target approaching,” said Sypniewski, who sat hunched over a screen which switched among a choice of displays with a touch of his index finger. “Depth 69.7 feet. ETA five minutes.”

Sinclair nodded, said nothing. He sat in the command chair peering out through the bubble head of the Dragonfish even though the green-brown suspension of the Chesapeake Bay ratcheted visibility down to murky at best. The DSAR’s instrumentation provided vision and a clear view better than any pair of human eyes ever could. The central LCD outlined the old U-boat as it lay on the sandy bottom, its humpbacked shape distinctive and memorable. He had seen classified blueprints from the old OSS files back when he’d been USN. The fate of the U-5001 had been one of those almost mythic mysteries in the Pentagon for a long, long time. To finally be a part of the unraveling was very satisfying to him — especially since he was no longer part of the system.

Of course, the Guild had a larger agenda than merely uncovering the fate of a World War II relic. Since the end of the war, its scientists and military people had known about the order from Doenitz to visit Station One Eleven. The Guild also had fragmentary data suggesting the Arctic station was the repository of innumerable technological wonders. But they — like everyone else — had never been able to discover its location. Finding the U-5001 might provide a key to the proper coordinates. And of course, there was one other pesky problem with this mission — a 70-kiloton weapon that may or may not be operational.

“That’s a damned big boat,” said Sypniewski. His simple observation yanked Sinclair from his thoughts.

“By the folks who brought you the Bismarck,” said Taggard, adjusting his speed and descent angle.

“Dive team — stand by,” said Sinclair. He watched his screens intently as the 5001 materialized right in front of the DSAR. Taggard reversed the engines, then dropped to a full stop. “Okay, gentlemen — get in the water.”

Sinclair watched their progress via remote-cam, but the visibility was terrible. He relied more on the running narrative of the team leader, a very capable diver named Lansdale, as they entered the submarine through the open hatch on the conning tower. The other two comprised a Tactical Officer named Barrett and Waldrop, the Weapons Tech. Once they gained the boat’s interior, their remote cam’s images became remarkably clear. Sinclair saw no evidence of damage anywhere, which gave credence to the theory that boat had been scuttled all those years ago.

But why? Part of a larger story, no doubt.

Tense minutes passed as the three divers worked their way through compartments of the boat. Sinclair watched his screens with intimate interest, as if he were right along with them. The team leader assessed their progress so far: “Looks like we were late for this party, sir. The captain’s quarters has been picked. If there ever was anything here, it’s gone now. Nothing anywhere else either. You copy that?”

“Loud and clear,” said Sinclair. His orders had been laid out in very simple terms: find anything that might lead to the location of Station One Eleven. He had no idea why his superiors needed that information, but he would work under the assumption it was vitally important. If he needed to know more, they would tell him. It was a comfortable paradigm and to tell the truth, he didn’t really care what the Guild wanted or why. Sometimes the hours were long, but they paid him well and his life was generally good.

“Proceed to next phase?” said Lansdale.

“Affirmative.” Sinclair exhaled slowly, clearing his mind as best he could. No sense worrying about what was coming next. It had to be done.

“Entering the hangar deck,” said Lansdale.

Sinclair watched the screens as they revealed the dive team’s progress. The sight of the seaplane bomber proved galvanic, even to a jaded veteran like him. To think it had come close to being a part of history was chilling. When he noticed the bomb bay doors open, he wondered why?

He watched the number 2 camera’s display, Waldrop’s, as it revealed the underbelly of the German plane. “We have a problem,” said Waldrop, who had once been in charge of the nukes on one of the supercarriers.

As the diver moved directly under the plane, looked up so that Sinclair shared his view of the interior, he said: “No bomb.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Dex Annapolis

“Wow,” said Tommy. “What a nice old gal, huh?”

“She was great, and I felt bad about blowing off her offer for lunch, but we just don’t have the time.” Dex checked his watch out of habit, and scanned the neighborhood where he’d asked the woman to drop them off on Charing Cross Drive. The area was a pleasant, innocuous-looking collection of townhomes, and the traffic along the main connecting artery was sporadic. As they walked along a shady sidewalk, Dex was forced to admit absolutely nobody paid them a lick of attention.

“How far to your house?” said Tommy.

“About five blocks — long blocks.” Dex reached the intersection at Reidel, and took a left heading northeast toward his townhouse. “We need to be careful, or it’s ballgame.”

His plan was simple — check to see if anyone had found out where he lived. It would happen eventually, but they still had a chance to be ahead of that particular curve. With Tommy following along, they walked slowly, as if they were in no hurry — just in case someone was watching. When they reached the street one block down from Dex’s, Tommy waved casually as he parted company and headed down the tree-lined lane. Dex continued on, past his street, to the row of trees that bordered all the back yards on his block and defined by a service road for sanitation and utility vehicles. Dex cut in behind the row of trees and walked down the road to the gate which opened into his backyard. He didn’t open the gate, but leaned against the latch and waited for Tommy.

The plan was so basic, it would probably work. Tommy walked around to the next block, turning up Dex’s street. Whether or not he noticed any unusual activity or vehicles, he was to continue walking until he joined up with Dex waiting by the gate.

Five minutes. Then he saw Tommy turn the corner and approach leisurely, smiling. That made Dex feel better already. “Well?”

“Man, this neighborhood is beat… There is like nobody around except some kids in the sprinkler.”

“No cars?”

Tommy shrugged. “Damned few. Coupla little ones.”

Dex exhaled, drew in another breath. “You take a look at my place?”

“Yeah, everything looked normal, I swear.”

Dex considered this for a moment. It looked almost too easy, plus he felt outrageously exposed in the bright sunlight. But there was little choice. This would be his only, best chance to get into his house and get a few of the things he would need. Sooner or later, there would be people crawling all over his stuff, and odds were they were already on the way.

“Okay,” Dex said. “Here’s what it comes down to. If they’re in there waiting for us, it’s just a matter of time before they close the net. If they’re here, we’ve probably already been seen, marked, and catalogued.”

Tommy looked at him with an expression that suggested his version of deep thought. “Looks to me like we’ve already made our decision. What’re we waiting for?”

“That’s what I figure. Let’s go.” Unlatching the back gate, Dex entered his backyard — a swath of grass he cut only under duress. He hated lawns and all the stuff you needed to maintain them. The yard was enclosed in an eight-foot fence of pressure-treated planking he never bothered to stain. The area contained not one piece of decoration, enhancement, or furniture.

“Fancy.” Tommy whistled. “You get a landscape designer to do this?”

“Wasted space,” said Dex, moving quickly to a collection of rusting paint cans under the small wooden deck that ran off the back of the townhouse. The lid on the Behr ceiling white was warped from a screw driver and lifted easily as Dex reached in to retrieve a Ziploc bag holding a key.

“Nice security system too,” said Tommy.

“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?”

Dex climbed the steps to the deck, keyed the back door’s deadbolt and regular lock. Tommy followed him as he stepped into the kitchen where everything looked exactly as he’d left it this morning. As agreed, Tommy took the stairs down to the basement rooms and the garage. Dex glided quickly through the first floor, and finding it empty, carefully ascended the carpeted steps to the top floor.

With each step he felt more confident they were alone. His survival instincts, which had served him so well in all those Navy years, had kicked in — especially what he called his “proximity sense.” It had functioned as a kind of personal, mental radar that almost unfailingly warned him when something… troublesome… might be approaching or at least nearby. Dex trusted it and right now it was telling him nobody was waiting for him in any of the upstairs rooms.

But he still moved quickly in and out of all of them, checking in closets and under beds even though he started to feel silly. Reaching into the nightstand drawer by his bed, he smiled as he peered down at the number one item he’d come home for — his SIG-Sauer P-226, modified to accept a double-column magazine holding 15 rounds of 9mm Parabellum ammunition. Reaching down, he picked it up, marveling as always at its light weight. Racking the magazine, he felt immediately better knowing it was ready to rock. At the back of the drawer was a box of extra ammo, which he grabbed as well. From the hook on his closet door, he grabbed his conceal carry underarm holster.

Time to check on Tommy.

As he descended to the middle floor, he heard the footsteps in the kitchen. Slow. Deliberate.

As Dex reached the bottom step, he wheeled around the corner with the 226 leading the way.

“Whoa!” said Tommy, hands up and out in front. “Whaddya doin’?”

“You were supposed to be whistling if everything was okay — what happened?”

“Shit, I forgot. Sorry.”

“You could’ve been a lot sorrier.” Dex lowered the gun, took off his shirt and shrugged into the holster. “I assume everything was normal down there?”

“Yeah, I mean you’re not the neatest guy in the world, but it doesn’t look like anybody’s been here yet.” Tommy opened the refrigerator, pulled out a bottle of Guinness. “You mind?”

“Drink up. We can’t take it with us. And we’re leaving soon.” Dex finished adjusting the holster and slipped the gun into it. “Keep a watch on the front street while I get some stuff together.”

Tommy nodded, moved to the bay window by the front door, took a pull off the bottle of stout.

As he did this, Dex moved quickly through the house, gathering up things he would need, starting with a Mountainsmith Travel Trunk Duffel. It was light, superstrong, and its 33 inches was exactly the right length to hold his Mossberg 500 Persuader — the absolutely best six-load shotgun in the world. When you were talking close-range anti-personnel, the weapon had no equal. Dex had bought it for home security because he didn’t want to have to worry about something as pesky as aiming at a target that would be coming at him in a darkened room or hallway. And like the ads said, a mean guard dog needed to be walked, groomed, and fed. All the Persuader needed was a little oil.

He also gathered up all the cash he kept in the house — which was considerable because he never really trusted banks after all the recent insanity in the world of money. His wallet with his credit cards was in his F-150 parked at the 2nd Street Wharf, and he had no way of telling whether or not they’d be accessible… but he planned to check it out.

He changed into his most durable, comfortable shoes — a pair of Timberland Trailscapes — then a baggy shirt to conceal his holstered sidearm, and denim cargo pants with plenty of pockets, and an Orioles cap. He also grabbed a windbreaker, his Spyderco Endura knife, and the extra set of keys to the F-150. Traveling light, but protected, he would buy anything else he needed as he needed it.

When he regained the second level, Tommy was still keeping his watch, alternating between the front and back yards. “Nothin’ shakin’,” he said.

“Okay, we’re pushing our luck. Let’s get out of here. The back door.”

“What’s in the bag?” Tommy eyed the sleek, black duffel.

“My guard-dog,” said Dex with a lopsided grin. “Okay, outta here.”

As they casually exited the neighborhood, Dex kept looking for any sign they were being watched or followed, but saw nothing. Either their adversaries were very, very good, or he and Tommy were still ahead of them. Crossing Davidsonville Road, they walked through a maze of back streets to an array of strip malls on the other side of Crain Highway. The traffic was heavy and everybody seemed like they were in too big of a hurry to pay any attention to them.

“In there.” Dex gestured to a Giant Food supermarket, where he paid cash for two Trac phones, and some quick foods — nuts, dates, energy bars. Before leaving the store, Dex activated both phones by calling in the codes, then gave one to Tommy.

“Memorize my number. Don’t put it in the speed dial, just in case.”

“In case what?”

“In case they get you or this phone. If my phone rings, I want to be sure it can only be you on the other end, okay? Same for your number — I’m going to be the only one who ever calls you, got it?”

Tommy nodded.

Dex dropped the phone into one of his cargo pockets. “They can’t trace any calls we make on these, plus we add as many minutes as we need with extra calling cards.”

Tommy regarded him with quiet admiration. It was a look Dex knew well from all the Navy years, where he’d learned to be a take-charge guy, and he wore the responsibility like a hand-tailored uniform.

“Man, it’s like you had this all figured out ahead of time.” Tommy chucked him on the arm as they headed for the automatic doors at the exit.

“Not really. I’ve just been thinking some of this through.” He stopped on the sidewalk, pulled out the Trac phone, called for a cab. When they sat on the bench outside the supermarket to wait, Dex had plenty of time to assess the situation — and he didn’t like it much. He had been trying to figure who hit the Sea Dog and why, but nothing was making sense yet. Could be the Coast Guard or maybe the Navy if Kevin’s friend had alerted somebody at the Naval Yard in D.C.

But Dex didn’t like it. He’d spent too much time in the Navy, and this scenario didn’t have their fingerprints on it. Same for the Coast Guard. This was either an alphabet agency or maybe even terrorists or some other rogue operation. And if any of those guys were after him, he didn’t feel good about his chances.

He also used the time to have Tommy call Augie and explain things to the old guy, who was clearly an X-factor nobody knew about. Tommy asked him to watch around the neighborhood for anything suspicious around on the street, and to not let anybody in or near the backpacks with Dex’s gear. Augie loved the opportunity to be doing something useful and promised he wouldn’t let them down. Tommy told him to expect them later in the day.

They waited more than a half hour for the taxi guy to show up. It was one of the local outfits whose major business was either runs to BWI airport or taking home drunks from the myriad bars in the area. There wasn’t all that much business midday, and that meant less than spectacular service. The old Caprice sedan that pulled up to the curb from Bay City Cab was downright skeevy. As Dex and Tommy slid into the grimy backseat, they were overwhelmed by the stifling afterglow of stale cigarette smoke. The driver looked back at them like they were bothering him, and Dex decided there wasn’t much chance of a tip in his future.

Dex directed the cab to a bar on the corner of 3rd Street and Chesapeake, which placed them within walking distance of the wharf parking lot.

“Okay, let’s see what’s going on,” he said, as they turned north on 3rd, then a right on Severn. As they approached the next corner and turned left to walk the long block to the wharf, they knew something was amiss.

“Jeez, look at all the cars.” Tommy gestured at the crowded street ahead of them.

“We are so stupid,” said Dex as they both stopped on the sidewalk. “I should’ve checked the news. Looks like the Sea Dog caught somebody’s attention.”

At the end of the block, flanking the entrance to the parking lot to the 2nd Street Wharf and Marina, were the mobile transmission vans of all the TV stations in Baltimore and Annapolis. A police cruiser, flashers dormant, was double-parked at the end of the block. Tommy shook head. “We’re fucked.”

“Maybe not,” said Dex.

“How you figure?”

“Keep walking, like we have no idea what’s going on. Like I said before, there’s not much chance anybody even knows you were onboard. I’d be surprised if anybody’s looking for you yet. When we get to the lot, you take my keys and fire up my truck. Start heading out of the lot and I’ll flag you down.”

Tommy took the keys, nodded once. “I can do that.”

“Yeah, but take your time. Give me a minute or two to get the scoop from somebody.”

“Like who?”

Dex shrugged. “I’ll see if I recognize any of the regulars. Otherwise, I’ll do what everybody else does, I’ll ask a cop.”

“Jeez, you sure that’s smart? Suppose they’re lookin’ for you?”

Dex tugged on his Orioles cap, adjusted his sunglasses. “I look like a million guys like this. I think I’m okay.”

“You better be.” Tommy forced a grin. “Anything happens to you, I got no plan.”

“Trust me,” said Dex.

Tommy nodded and headed down the left side of the street, weaving his way through the vans and cars and into the gravel lot. As he did this, Dex walked straight ahead along the right lane sidewalk and up to a few young guys in dress shirts and ties near one of the news vans. They were either interns, techies, or maybe reporters.

“Hey, man, what’s going on?” he said in a bit of an exaggerated Tidewater accent.

The nearest of the group regarded him with a feckless expression. “Charter boat blew up out on the Bay,” he said.

Dex revealed just the right amount of surprise, and asked some of the obvious questions, ending up with: “Any survivors?”

The guy shook his head. “Don’t think so. The Coast Guard’s been out looking all day.”

Thanking them, Dex turned and headed back down 2nd Street as he saw Tommy wrestling the F-150 out of the lot and in between a couple of vans. As he pulled alongside, Dex yanked open the passenger door and hauled himself in.

“Where we goin’?”

“Let’s get back to Little Italy and get our stuff.”

“Then what?”

“Not sure yet.”

Tommy pressed down on the accelerator as they cleared the traffic, then glanced over at him. “So, are we safe, or what?”

“Hard to tell. For now, we’re listed among the missing. Which could mean nothing at all.”


“Could be a cover story. You know, so we’ll let our guard down.”

“Yeah, well we ain’t, right?”

“I’m thinking we did, at least a little bit, by taking the truck.”

Tommy nodded, but his expression belied his incomprehension. “How so?”

“When they finally figure out who was on the boat — whoever “they” might be… from the bad guys to the good guys — they’re going to see that everybody’s cars are still in the lot but one.”

“So they’ll know you’re still alive.”

Dex shook his head. “Not at first. I could’ve gotten a ride to the wharf with one of the rest of you. But that’ll change as soon as they get a look in my garage.”

“Then what’ll they do?” Tommy had cleared the 6th Street Bridge and was angling onto Route 301.

“You know, I’m not sure,” said Dex. “The bad guys will figure I’m on the run, which is a reasonable assumption. But… with me not showing up and talking about what happened, the good guys might have me on their list as a possible perp.”

“Oh, man, you’ve got to be jokin’ me!”

“No, Tommy, that’s how they think.”

“Okay, but how do you think of this stuff?” Tommy whistled a tuneless burst.

“It just comes to me,” said Dex, but there was a part of him that wished it would not. Sometimes, he believed, being smart was more of a burden than he could handle.

Whoever had hit the Sea Dog wanted them out of the way. Why?

That depended on how much they knew about the 5001… or how much they wanted to know.

Either way, Dex had to stay one step ahead of everybody, and one of the best ways to do that was run a little interference and drop a few obstacles in their path.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sinclair East Camden

“So what does all this mean?” said Entwhistle, who couldn’t hide his amusement.

Sinclair didn’t respond right away. It had been more than an hour since returning from the wreck. The two of them had just reviewed the situation reports and recommendations from their Ops Center.

Neither of which he liked very much. When he boiled it down and rendered off the fat, it came to this: he was off his leash and could run with the 5001 assignment in any direction. But he didn’t like the implications.

“I say, still with us, chappie?” Entwhistle tapped his pen on the desktop to get his attention.

“Sorry, just thinking things through.” Sinclair shared his evaluations of what they were up against.

Entwhistle grinned. “Personally, I prefer it like that. Less meddling from people who aren’t up to their elbows in the muck, that’s my ticket.”

“Glad to hear you’re so confident. I don’t like it.”

“Why not?”

Sinclair leaned back in his chair, cracked his knuckles softly. “I think Operations is throwing in the towel on this one.”

“Why? How?” Entwhistle appeared surprised, as if he’d never considered Sinclair’s suggestion.

“Because somebody upstairs is thinking they’ve made a fatal error. They shouldn’t have jumped the dive boat like they did. Too presumptuous. And now all they have is an empty sub and their dicks in their hands.”

Entwhistle smiled. “Better than my dick, I always say.”

“Right, but do you see where I’m going with this?”

“Maybe, but why don’t you just tell me.”

Sinclair liked his exec, but he had a penchant for waffling that bugged him. “They’re cutting their losses. They don’t want to look any worse than they do. We get the job of cleaning up the latrine, don’t you see it? If we find anything worthwhile, everybody gets credit. If we don’t, it gets quietly forgotten as another false lead that never panned out.”

“You sure they’re not using this as a test — you know, to see what kind of stones we’ve got?”

Sinclair shrugged. “Does it matter? All I know is we’re on our own here. So the real question is do we pursue, or play cover-our-ass?”

Now it was Entwhistle’s turn to pause to consider his answer. After a few tugs on his mustache, he sat up straighter in his chair, placed his elbows evenly on the desktop. “Assuming the location of Station One Eleven could be extremely valuable, I say it’s worth pursuing.”

Sinclair nodded, picked up one of the reports, which listed the identities and backgrounds of the dive club members and the crew boat captain. “Intercepted police reports confirmed that the vehicles of Cheever, Schissel, Mellow, and Jordan had been found at the wharf,” he said. “Only one car missing, an ex-Navy diver. McCauley.”

Entwhistle shook his head. “Probably a fairly tough nut, eh what?”

“Probably. So we need to decide — why is his car missing from the lot? Either he’d ridden to the wharf with one of the others, and it had never been there in the first place, or somehow he survived the attack.”

“And came back to get his truck.” Entwhistle tapped the desktop with his pen. “Pretty plucky chap, if he did.”

“We’ll need to start digging.”

Entwhistle continued to speculate. “I mean, if the navy diver really did survive, and if he has any information he pulled out of the wreck, then—”

“That’s two very big ifs, don’t you think?”

“What else do we have to do? I don’t know about you, but routine assignments don’t excite me. And besides, if we do get lucky and pop the weasel, we get benefited at some point. That’s the way the Guild works, remember?”

Sinclair did indeed. Founded on the principles of responsibility and the integrity of the transaction, the Guild had survived by always rewarding hard work. “Okay, so I take it you want to go out and poke around.”

“You bet your arse… This is boring in here.”

Sinclair nodded. They would be able to delegate the data haven surveillance to other East Camden staff without much of a ripple. They would also have access to any Guild personnel below them on the food chain. Assistance from lower-level techs, information clerks, and even tactical people would not be questioned. “All right, we move on this. How many extra people did they give us?”

Entwhistle keyed up a screen, glanced down at the display. “Looks like three field specialists currently available out of Baltimore and D.C. — Wilson, Spruill, and Winter. Others as they come off assignments.”

Sinclair considered the list. Good people all, but Spruill was the most methodical. He might be the one they needed to do some digging. “Okay, I’m going to get them out there ahead of us — beat the bushes a little.”

Entwhistle gave him a thumbs-up. “Just give me the where-and-whens and I’ll get them moving.”

“What about you? Anything else you want to throw out there?”

Entwhistle leaned forward on the work desk, idly sheafed through the papers in the reports. “No ideas, really. Not yet, anyway. Anything I say is going to be rehashing…”

“Let me hear it anyway.”

Entwhistle exhaled slowly. “We wasted lots of hours mucking around that wreck. Now we need to make up the time. Whatever was on that sub got picked clean by our dive club friends. And let’s not forget the fissionable material, for Christ’s sake. They really fucked the monkey on that one, you know. No way to figure a bunch of amateurs would haul an atomic device out of there.”

Sinclair shook his head. “We know it wasn’t on their boat. The team swept it clean — nothing. They also scanned that whole quadrant in the bay — no radioactivity.”

“So where is it?”

Sinclair had already been pondering the central question of the missing bomb. “There are only two possibilities — either they took it out and hid it somewhere or… it had never been there.”

“Never there?” Entwhistle looked up from the papers he’d been scanning.

“Either the whole story about the bomb was Nazi disinformation or the sub crew dumped it when the mission was scrammed.”

“What’s your gut telling you?”

Sinclair considered the question. “I’m leaning toward never there — in the bay, at least”

“And why is that, laddie?”

“Just a feeling. With that ex-Navy guy in the mix, I seriously doubt if he would risk trying to move an atomic bomb with, as you say, a bunch of amateurs.”

Entwhistle grinned. “Good point, that.”

“I think our best ally on this will be good intercepts from the police and the Coast Guard. They can do a lot of our work for us.”

“As is our wont…”

Sinclair stood up, uncramped the muscles in his neck. “Okay, let’s pack some gear. We’re going to need some weapons, false IDs, and electronics, the usual.”

“I’m on it,” said Entwhistle. “And some travel arrangements, as well.”

Sinclair nodded as the Brit headed for the door from the conference room to the operations center. Turning to his terminal, he keyed in a request for any additional police intercepts, and was surprised to see one from the local Annapolis boys.

Follow-up interrogation of witnesses at the wharf had conflicting information — there was a possibility there had been an additional diver on the Sea Dog. And there was a Camaro in the parking lot that belonged to a member of the Baltimore City Fire Department, which had been there since the morning of the dive boat’s last trip.

Printing out the info, he knew it could be important. “I want Spruill to find out about that Camaro in the lot. Track down the firefighter who drove it there.”

“I can get Spruill into Baltimore within the hour.”

“Do it.”

He felt good about their decision to pursue, and he felt even better about pulling it off. In fact, the only thing that bothered him even a little bit was the Navy guy.

Navy guys could be trouble.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Dex Baltimore

They got hung up in the rush hour traffic as they approached the city from the south via I-97, into overflow traffic where it fed I-95, then threaded their way around the harbor toward President Street. But for once, Dex welcomed the delay because the endless river of slow-moving vehicles was perfect cover for him and Tommy. If anyone was looking for them, they had little chance of doing it while they were in transit past the mixing bowl of ramps and connectors in and out of the city. In addition, it would be far better to have the cover of darkness when they approached Augie’s house, and he said as much to Tommy.

“Yeah,” he said. “And we can get in through the back alley, it’s right past the Bocce courts. There’s a little wall right there — ain’t nobody gonna see us.”

“Good thinking.” Dex paused as he switched lanes to avoid a UPS van blocking his view of the traffic flow ahead. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you — you got any guns?”

Tommy chuckled softly. “Well, legally… no. I mean, I got a couple big revolvers down in the basement. They were my uncle’s. Came with the house, and I have no idea where he got ’em. But you can bet your ass he never registered with this stupid State, or whatever you’re supposed to do with them.”

Dex smiled. “What kind of revolvers. Police stuff?”

“Smith and Wesson?” Tommy shook his head. “Nah, I think they’re Colts. Big caliber stuff.”

This was good news to Dex. He liked his firepower on the big side. He never saw anything wrong with killing a fly with an elephant gun. “Sounds like good stuff. They’re not antiques, are they? You know, like the wild west?”

Tommy shrugged. “Not sure. They don’t look super-old. I never really messed with ’em, so I can’t really say.”

“I’ll take a look if we can get into your place safely. Otherwise, we’ll have to move on without them.”

Tommy looked ahead at all the cars snaking through the city. “Which reminds me — just exactly where’re we ‘moving on’ to?”

“I’m still working that out,” said Dex. “Once we see what’s going on at Augie’s, I’ll firm it up and tell you what I’ve been thinking.”

“Not now? How come?”

“Because it might sound dumb as hell if the situation doesn’t warrant it. Just give me a few hours to think it out, okay?”

Tommy rolled his eyes, trying to add a little humor to the mix. “Hey, you seem to dig this mess a lot better than me. I can wait.”

He drove forward in silence for a few minutes until he snailed their way closer to the toll booths for the McHenry Tunnel. “Okay, here’s a problem.”


Dex pointed to the little white square on his windshield. “If they have access to the right computers, they could track us with the EZ Pass transponder.”

“You’re kidding.”

“And we don’t have any cash to get through the tunnel.”

“You’re givin’ the bad guys a lot of credit,” said Tommy.

“Listen, until they show me they’re a bunch of fuck-ups, I’m going to assume otherwise.”

He drove through the electronic toll booth and hoped for the best.

By the time they reached Little Italy, the daylight was starting to fade. After parking the truck on South Central between a dumpster and van, they waited until dark when the dinner and tourist crowds would begin to fill the neighborhood with pedestrians. Walking the narrow sidewalks among lots of people would be sufficient cover to get them the four blocks west and into the alley by the bocce ball courts.

Dex was hungry and thirsty. He needed to stretch out and assess the situation, then hope he made the right moves. The streets were already lined with cars looking for curbside parking that didn’t exist. Parking valets from many of the larger restaurants were helping to jam things up even more. Tommy weaved through the people while Dex carefully scanned the random faces they passed to see if anyone was paying more than cursory attention to them.

Nobody was.

“Holy Mother of God!” screeched Augie. He’d just peeked around the crack of his open kitchen door, and under the dangling security chain, saw Tommy standing in the shadows on the back concrete stoop. “Hang on, hang on!”

Dex waited on the lower step while Augie closed the door, followed by loud rattling and scraping and some cursing. Tommy chuckled. “He always has a hard time with that chain.”

“I don’t have the heart to tell him they’re worthless,” said Dex. “Once he opens the door, a good leg kick can take out the chain and the jamb.”

More rattling and chunking of metal, and a latch being thrown. Finally, the door swung inward to reveal the little Italian guy with the rounded shoulders and scoliatic spine. He was still wearing his Orioles cap which looked like it was being stabilized by his large ears. Augie’s smile was wide and genuine, accenting the deep lines in his face. He was a very old guy, but he also looked very healthy.

“C’mon, get in here, you two… I was startin’ to get worried about you boys.”

“We’re cool,” said Tommy. “Just a little hungry and plenty tired.”

“My baby sister brought over a big dish of lasagna — we got somethin’ to eat, don’ worry aboudit.”

Augie led them through the kitchen, which looked like it had been outfitted in 1959. There was a small formica table with chrome tubular legs, and matching chairs with red vinyl seats. The toaster and the stove and the refrigerator were big retro-looking things, only Dex knew they were actually electric antiques. The clock on the wall looked like a cat, and its eyes moved to the swing of its pendulum tail. It was like they’d stepped out of a time machine, and the place had tons of kitschy charm.

“Take a load off in the livin’ room. I’ll heat up the oven. You guys need a Natty Boh?” Augie waited for their answers as he leaned slightly to the right with his head tilted that way.

“You betcha,” said Tommy. “Grazie, Augs.”

The old guy smiled, then shuffled into the kitchen. Dex continued to look at all the old furniture crammed into the narrow confines of the house. The décor had been a pleasant distraction from the pressures of their situation, but he needed more information. There was a small television opposite the couch where he sat, and a remote control on an ottoman with feet that looked liked claws holding spheres in their taloned grips.

He flipped it on, checked his watch, and thumbed through the channels. “Looks like we missed the local news.”

Tommy leaned forward. “Try the cable stuff.”

Just then Augie re-entered the room with two bottles of National Bohemian lager and handed them out with obvious pride. “Baldymore’s finest, amici! Drink up.”

They thanked him as he sat down in a big worn Barcalounger and looked at them with sudden seriousness. “Your boat was on the news…”

“That’s what I wanted to ask you. What’re they saying?”

Augie looked upward as he tried to recall the exact words. “They didn’t say much — said there was a boating accident on the Bay. Four people confirmed dead and that they were looking for possibly two other divers — and I almost shit when they gave your names, right on the air.”

“Christ, Dex, you were right. They got onto us quick!”

Dex nodded. “They say anything else?”

Augie brightened. “Yeah, they said the crew was investigating a sunken Nazi sub.”

“Probably got that from the Coast Guard.”

“They give the name of the sub?” Dex wondered if it even mattered. He could feel the net closing in on them already.

“Can’t remember,” said Augie.

“If the old gal who gave us the clothes and the ride saw the evening news,” said Tommy. “I’ll betcha she’s already called the police.”

“We can’t stay here.” Dex looked around as if he’d find some answers within the cramped space of Augie Picaccio’s living room.

“What’re we gonna do?” said Tommy.

“They’re going to be all over this place.” Dex stood up.

Augie chuckled. “Forgot to tell you — they already have.”

Anger flashed through Dex as he looked at the little gnomish figure, but he quelled it right away. No sense being angry at a guy who has trouble remembering what he said five minutes ago. “What? Who?”

Augie warmed to the chance to be in on the action. “A big tall guy, in a suit, going bald, them little wire eyeglasses. He knocked on the door about an hour before you guys got here.”

“Jesus, Augs, why didn’t you tell us before?”

“Tommy, c’mon… I just remembered it, you know?”

Dex retained a neutral expression. No sense getting the old guy worked up. “What did the suit want? What questions did he ask?”

Augie looked up at the ceiling as if the info he needed might be written there. Then: “Well, he wanted to know if I knew Tommy, and I told him hell no — he was a fireman workin’ weird hours and the rest of the time he was out chasin’ the girlies. I told him I hardly ever saw ’im, but didn’t know ’im from Jack Robinson.”

“Okay, you did good, Augie. What else?” Dex was grateful the old guy had paid attention to Tommy’s earlier phone call.

“He asked me if I’d noticed anything strange going on around the house, any strangers coming or going, and of course, I said I didn’t know nothin’. I told ’im I watch the Orioles games and Turner Classic Movies, and other than that I don’t see much of anything.”

Dex grinned. “He go for that?”

“Yeah, I think so. I wasn’t nervous or anything. At my age, lyin’ ain’t the worst of my problems.”

“Did you see him leave?” said Tommy.

“I peeked through the blinds. He climbed into one of them SUV-things — you know, the big ones. It was black. Then he drove off real slow.”

Dex considered this, then: “Odds are he’s still hanging around. Probably watching your place, Tommy. We took a chance coming here. If there’s a team in place, they might know we’re here already.”

Tommy looked worried. “Augs, I’m really sorry we dragged you into this…”

“You jokin’ me? This is the kinda crap makes life worth livin’. Let’s eat while we figure out what to do.”

“If they come for us, we have a decision to make,” said Dex.

“You mean fight or give up?” Tommy sucked down the rest of his beer.

“Something like that.” Dex moved to the front window and eased a heavy fall of drapery away from the glass a tiny sliver of an inch. His vantage point of High Street was too obscured to see anything. “And I can’t see us giving up when we have no idea who we might be surrendering to.”

“Good point,” said Tommy. “So what’ll we do?”

Dex was thinking. An odd, impulsive thought hit him, and he pulled his Trac phone from his pocket, started keying in the number of his Verizon answering service. “Hang on,” he said. “I just had a nutty thought.”

Tommy and Augie watched in silence as he waited for the automated prompt for his password to get his messages. He punched in the numerical equivalent of “diveshop” and waited.

You. Have. Seven. Teen. New. Messages. You. Have. No. Saved. Messages, said the computer voice, followed by instructions to access the new ones. Dex listened to the beginnings of each one — a variety of sales pitches, requests for donations, and a few ominous hang-ups. There were also a few forwarded calls from Barnacle Bill’s, his dive shop, and the stack of calls on his service were typical.

Except for the last one.

“Hello,” said the voice of a young man. It was tentative and questioning. “I’m trying to reach someone called Dexter McCauley. I hope this is the right number. My name is Jason Bruckner, and I have a message for Mister McCauley. A message from… from Erich Bruckner.”

Chapter Thirty

Jason Bruckner Lancaster, Pennsylvania Earlier in the day

Around 9:30, Jason unlocked the door to Manny’s Tap Room. It was a ritual he’d been doing since his days at Penn State, when his father had started to teach him the family business. More than twelve years now.

Pushing open the front door, Jason smelled the familiar aromas of exhaled smoke, spilled beer, and fried foods. As he lifted the shades in the front windows, late spring sunlight blasted the old, dark woods of the bar and surrounding fixtures. As he walked through the place, inspecting everything for the neatness and cleanliness his father had always demanded, he nodded. The night crew had done their usual good job and Manny’s looked as ready as ever.

Grabbing the remote off the back bar, he keyed on the big flat screen, where he’d catch up on the world with a little Fox News, then slip over to ESPN for some scores. He wasn’t the biggest sports fan in Lancaster, but if you owned a bar, you needed to know enough to talk a good game.

Most taverns would love to be like Manny’s — a comfortable, affordable place with local charm and genuine warmth. Jason’s father, Richard, had always worked hard to maintain that standard; and even though these days he spent most of his time driving golf carts around the Overlook course.

The television droned on with a story about highway fatalities on Memorial Day weekend, and Jason hardly listened as he re-counted the deposit from the bar register. But when the next story splashed in from a Fox correspondent in Baltimore, Jason found himself more than half-listening to a young blonde female reporter as she unfolded a tale about a dive boat explosion in the Chesapeake Bay. It was one of those “news alerts” with few early details. As with most unfolding tales of tragedy, the network promised updates and film as soon as it became available.

Jason was distracted by the front door opening. A flash of blonde hair and a fresh white polo shirt signaled Nevah’s arrival. She was Manny’s most popular waitress for a lot of reasons — the way she looked in low-slung jeans and her effusive personality being up there near the top of the list.

“Hey, Jase, how’s it going?”

“Can’t complain,” he said as he watched her glide past him on the way to the kitchen.

“Cedric not here yet?” she said, noticing their short-order cook’s absence.

“He’ll be here. He always is.” Jason continued to get the bar ready for the first customers of the day.

It wasn’t until around 2:30 that the lunch business slacked off, giving Jason and his staff a breather. As he polished the bar, Nevah started talking, making small talk as she normally did, and for the first time in hours, Jason could actually hear the audio on the big TV.

Even though he had been barely paying attention, something hooked him in his subconscious and he began screening out Nevah’s words. He grabbed the remote, notched up the volume.

“—explosion in the Chesapeake Bay this morning. We have an update from Roger Powell on the scene in Annapolis.”

Jason watched as the face of an earnest young TV journalist appeared with a marina in the background. “Thanks, Allyson. The Coast Guard has identified the boat as the Sea Dog, which was a charter vessel out of Annapolis. Early this morning, its captain, Donald Jordan, had taken members of a dive club out on the Bay to investigate a sunken ship. So far, the cause of the explosion which killed the captain and divers Andrew Mellow, Kevin Cheever, and Lawrence Schissel is unknown. Ensign Gary Hawkins of the Coast Guard had this to say…”

The screen cut to an interview with a young officer, who said, “It’s really strange because we had a distress call for this boat just yesterday — they had a diver drown while he was inside the shipwreck.”

“What kind of wreck had the divers found?” said the reporter.

“World War II submarine.” The Ensign looked on the clipboard he was carrying. “It was called the U-5001. It’s the second Nazi sub ever found in the Chesapeake Bay waters and—”

“Hey, Jason, we’re running out of napkins!” Nevah emerged from the kitchen with a half empty pack of them.

“Wait!” he said, waving her off and looking up at the screen.


“Ssshhh!” Jason glared at her, then back to the screen, where the segment played on with the reporter wrapping it up. Jason grabbed a pen and a waitress’s order pad. “What did they say the name was?”

“—and local police are investigating the possibility there were two additional divers on the boat still missing. Thomas Chipiarelli, a firefighter from Baltimore City, and Dexter McCauley, the proprietor of an Annapolis dive shop. More on this tragic story as it develops, Allyson. This is Roger Powell, Fox News.”

“What’s wrong?” said Nevah. True concern in her voice.

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong,” he said. “I… just wanted to hear that story, that’s all.”

“Well, we’re going to need more napkins by tonight,” she said.

“Okay, you can go up to BJ’s and get some,” said Jason, who was trying to collect his thoughts. There was something about that news story that nagged at him. He wasn’t sure he’d heard it right, but it sounded like that guy had said U-5001. If he’d heard her right. Could it be possible?

“Okay if I leave now? While it’s slow?” said Nevah.

“Sure, go ahead.” Jason said absently, then: “I need to stop back at the house. I’ll be back in a little while.”


The mention of the name struck deeply in him. Oh, man, he thought, are you kidding me?

Ten minutes later, Jason pulled his Murano SUV up to the house on Foxshire Drive. Everything looked serene, and it was.

Dad was probably finishing up the front nine by now — something he was doing with great regularity since Jason started to assume most of the duties down at the bar. Jason was happy to see the old guy have some time to enjoy himself after sending two kids to private schools and college. Richard Bruckner had become obsessed with turning in a card that broke 80 at least once before he died.

His mother was in the backyard working on her gardens, which had become a hobby years ago, and now consumed her with constant weeding, pruning, and replanting. The lawn behind the house had long ago disappeared and the multi-tiered gardens looked like something out of an English village in the Cotswolds. As he passed through the gate on the side of the house, he saw his mother doing something to a bed of day lilies that already looked spectacular.

“Hey, Mom, how’s it going?” She looked nowhere near her true age, never having needed to dye her strawberry blonde hair or torture herself with crash-diets. She’d lived an active, fulfilled life working at Manny’s, raising two kids, and lately becoming a horticultural expert.

“Jase, what’re you doing over here? Is there something wrong?” She took off her gardening gloves with the little green dots all over the inside fingers.

“No, not at all,” he said, smiling his best disarming smile. “I need to ask Opa something.”

Mom looked at her watch. “Your grandfather’s taking a nap, I think.”

Jason grinned, nodded. He loved the old man, and it was mutual. Opa Erich had long ago decided he loved Jason more than anyone in the world, and had made it his lifetime job to teach his grandson everything he knew about everything. And it had been a great ride. Some of Jason’s most favorite memories involved time spent with his grandfather — or as he’d preferred to be called — his “opa.”

The old man had taught Jason how to fish, to sail, to use just about every tool on the bench, how to use a gun, how to read the weather, how to stay alive in the wilderness, and a hundred other things from whittling a piece of wood to repairing broken appliances.

One time, when Jason had been maybe ten or eleven, he asked Opa how he knew so much about so many things. The old man looked at him and smiled, touched the side of his head, and said, “I am curious. I ask questions and I do whatever is needed to find the answers.”

That made a lot of sense, even to a young boy, and Jason had let his grandfather’s words inspire and guide him into adulthood. Even back then, Jason had a sense of the special bond between him and his grandfather. Of course they loved each other, but it was more than that — they understood each other.

“Go on,” said Mom. “Go on in and talk to him. You know how much he likes to see you.”


He entered through the back door on the deck into the kitchen. There was fresh coffee in the pot, so he poured two mugs, then headed down the hall to a small suite of rooms realtors always called an “in-law” apartment. For as long as Jason could remember, this place had been called “Opa’s rooms,” and so they remained. But even though he still looked healthy and way younger than his age, the old guy was so old now, Jason wondered how much longer that would be true.

Gently tapping on the bedroom door, Jason listened for a response.

“Ya? Who is it?”

Jason smiled as he heard the old man’s voice. Rather than the frail reedy peeps of most old people, his grandfather’s voice remained solid, full of timbre, still strong and confident.

Opening the door, Jason stepped into the room, which smelled faintly of medicine and liniment. “Just me, Opa. How ya doin’?”

His grandfather was laying back on his sofa, wearing a sweatshirt that said Nittany Lions and a pair of baggy khakis — because he thought the air conditioning was always too cold.

“Jason. Good to see you!”

“I brought you some coffee.”

“Coffee. That is good. Your mother keeps it so cold in here.”

Despite being in his early nineties, he still had most of his teeth and more hair than a lot of men half his age. Erich Bruckner looked lean and remarkably healthy as he stood with deliberate slowness. Age had not cramped his posture or his bearing, and he’d kept his weight under control by maintaining a careful diet. Smoothing his hair, he faced his grandson like a recruit acknowledging his drill sergeant.

“What brings you to me?” he said as he accepted the mug, brought it carefully to his lips.

Ever since Jason could remember, his Opa had always looked fit and strong, and his gradual slide toward a highly advanced age had never seemed dramatic because he’d looked pretty much the same for as long as Jason had ever known him. And there remained a light in his eyes that still burned fiercely — a beacon telling all that his mind remained ever sharp.

“Remember a story you told me when I was a kid — about Uncle Manny and how he served in a German sub?”

The light in his grandfather’s eyes flared more brightly, as if someone had thrown gas on banked coals. “Yes…”

“You told me the name was the ‘U-5001’. I remember because you said it was the highest number they ever used on a U-boat.”

“That is correct,” said the old man, as he moved to sit in a chair in front of his desk. The muscles in his jaw tightened. “Why are you telling me this now?”

Jason sat down on the bed, faced him. “Well, it seemed very important to you at the time. You said if I ever saw U-5001 written down anywhere, or if I ever heard anyone mention it… I should tell you right away. Do you remember telling me that?”

“Yes, I do.” He looked away, as if seeing something distant, then blinked his eyes. The old man took a deep breath, let it out slowly. “So, tell me — where did you see the name?”

Jason recounted the newscast, and as he did, his grandfather acquired an odd expression as if he were trying to see through a veil of thick fog, looking at something far, far away.

“Opa, you okay?” Jason tried to grin, failed. “What’s this all about?”

“I have often suspected there was a reason… a reason I’ve lived so long. But now I am thinking there may also be more than one.”

“What do you mean?”

“Jason, there are a few things I need to tell you. Things nobody in the family ever knew…”

Jason looked at him with a growing sense of anxiety. The old guy was unnerving him a bit. Because English had been his second language, his grandfather had always spoken very precisely, but now there was even more formality in his words, and it was unsettling.

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“A long time ago, I learned there was more to the world than I ever imagined. Since then, I have looked at things differently than most men.”

“Huh? What happened to you?”

His grandfather smiled. “Uncle Manny was not the only one in that submarine…”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I will explain,” said the old man. He was looking at something only he could see. “And after I do, I think I will want you to make a phone call or two for me — but not from here, and not from that little thing you carry around all the time.”

Jason looked at him oddly. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I want you to use a pay phone, all right?”

“Sure… Sure, Opa, but why?”

The old man shrugged. “Maybe because I have been watching too many bad movies… or maybe because it is important. We will not know… until later.”

Chapter Thirty-One


“You gotta be kiddin’ me,” said Tommy. “Whaddya gonna do?”

“Who’s Bruckner?” said Augie.

“I can’t believe it. Bruckner has family here — in the states. His grandson says he left a message for anybody who ever found his boat. That just can’t be.” Dex ran a hand through his hair as he grappled with the new information. As soon as he wrote down the contact information for Bruckner, he erased all the calls from the Verizon service — just in case there was a way to access them, and there probably was.

Which made him consider something else. “Tommy, you have a house phone?”

“Yeah, but I don’t use it much. I guess I don’t really need it, you know, with my cell…”

“Is it listed in your name?”

“Yeah, sure. Who else?”

Dex nodded. “You got an answering machine?”

“On the house phone? Yeah, it was my uncle’s. I just left it hooked up, why not?”

“Who’s Bruckner?” Augie was completely out of the loop on the conversation.

Dex had to ignore him for the moment. “Any way to access the machine remotely?”

Tommy looked at him, shook his head. “Nah. It’s old as shit. Has a big slow cassette in it.”

Dex figured as much. “Hate to say this, but we have to get into your house. Even if they’ve got people watching it.”

Leaning forward, Tommy looked confused. “Huh? Why? What’s the deal?”

“The deal is this: Jason Bruckner tracked me down from the newscast. If he tried to reach you the same way, and left a message on your machine…”

“Aw shit,” said Tommy. “Then the bad guys will know as much as we do.”

“Who’s Bruckner?” Augie wasn’t going to let it go, so Tommy tried to get the old guy up to speed while Dex let all the variables settle into place. He’d always believed he was an analytical guy, but their present mess was making him wonder if he had what it took.

“Just thought of something else,” Dex said. “You have a spare key to your house?”

Augie smiled, smacked Tommy’s arm. “Your uncle gave me one thirty years ago — for emergencies and stuff. It’s hangin’ in the kitchen.”

“Good, we might need it.”

Picking up the Trac Fone, he wondered if the message could have been a trap. Could the people after them be so clever? Sure they could, but the Trac Fone would protect him from immediate danger. Hey, no guts, no glory, He punched in Jason Bruckner’s number, waited for someone to answer.

“Hello?” It was the same young voice on the answering service.

Evenly, Dex spoke. “This is Dexter McCauley. I’m trying to reach Jason Bruckner.”

“That’s me. Man, I can’t believe I found you so easy!”

That notion rocked Dex. How many others would find the task equally simple? “Actually, I was pretty shocked myself.”

“Mr. McCauley, I don’t know how to explain this, so I guess I’ll just start.”

“Go ahead.”

“The news said you found a sub called the U-5001, is that true?”

“Yes.” Dex’s pulse had jumped and his voice felt like it might crack. He never, ever, got a case of nerves, but he was getting one now.

“My grandfather knows that boat, and he said it’s very important that I get in touch with you.”

Dex cleared his throat, spoke quickly. “You said your ‘grandfather’…?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Dex swallowed, paused. “Is his name Erich? Erich Bruckner?”

“Yes sir, it is…”

“My God, how can that be? I mean — he’s still alive?”

“Oh yeah. Very much so. My grandfather’s in his nineties — but you’d never guess it.”

“Amazing. And he wants to talk to me…”

“Yes, sir. He says it’s very important.”

“Okay, can you put him on?” Dex exhaled, rubbed his eyes. How weird was this going to get?

“Well, Mr. McCauley. He says he’d like to talk to you in person. He says it’s important, and he rather not say anything about it on the phone.”

“Where’re you calling from?”

“Lancaster. Pennsylvania. He says it’s not that far from you. You live in Maryland, right?”

Dex hesitated, but then felt silly. Of course Bruckner would know that if they looked up his number. “Yeah, that’s right.”

“So, can you come see him?”

“You mean now?”

“As soon as you can.”

“All right, I’ll tell you what — tell him I’d very much like to meet him. Get me some directions, and I can be on the road within the hour.”

Jason waited for Dex to get paper and pencil, then gave him what he needed. He could back it up with an internet map site if he had to.

“Okay, Jason… one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“When you tried to contact me — did you call anybody else?”

“Uh, yeah, I called the fireman, the guy with the Italian name.”

“Chipiarelli.” Dex exhaled sharply as he digested the bad news.

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“You leave him a message?”

“Yeah, on his machine, why?”

Chapter Thirty-Two

Sinclair Somewhere in Maryland

After getting a chopper to a private airfield east of Gaithersburg, Maryland, Sinclair and Entwhistle crossed the tarmac to a waiting Lexus hybrid SUV. As dusk leached color from the landscape, they drove north on Route 97, a pleasant drive through soft hills and farmland, to intersect with I-70 toward Baltimore.

“Winter and Wilson are still in Virginia and Jersey. Neither will be available tonight, maybe not even tomorrow.” Entwhistle closed his laptop where he’d been decrypting the latest messages.

“Anything new from Spruill?” Sinclair was driving for two reasons: one, he liked it, and two, he couldn’t stand the way Brits drove in the States — very shaky.

“Since he started the stake-out? Nothing.”

“Next time he checks in, tell him I want half-hour updates — even if it’s about his fingernail clippings.”

Entwhistle re-opened the laptop, started encrypting a terse transmission. They drove in silence as the vehicle’s headlights played over the trees and meadows lining the winding road. As Sinclair glided around a gradual bend, a deer stood poised to spring across the road, then flinched back under the beam of the light. Just what they needed right now was a collision — that would be just about enough delay to jeopardize the operation.

Sinclair rubbed his chin with the back of his hand, an unconscious gesture he’d displayed most of his life. So how did he feel about this assignment? Did he really care if it went south? His superiors had evidently cast it into the “maybe file,” the status for anything not worth getting top-tier hands dirty.

The Guild had survived by applying basic rules of economics to other aspects of human conduct in the geopolitical and military arenas. From what Sinclair had managed to glean from his ability to read between the lines, the Guild ascribed quotients of risk-to-benefit, and based most strategic decisions on a series of formulae tested through centuries of hands-on application. They had mastered the manipulation of global conflicts, investing in both sides of every war, and profiting beyond imagination.

While he found a certain level of interest in this kind of planning and execution, he didn’t care enough to push himself up through the ranks to learn it well. Sinclair, when being honest with himself, was a man who had given up not only his idealism, but his need to excel at anything ever again. He was just doing a job — that was it.

As he drove along in silence, he let his mind wander, replaying old scenes and incidents from his life. Flash-cuts of video memory: days at college, basic training, his first apartment, the birth of his first child. All of it seemed so long ago, so foreign to him. Like watching a docu-bio of someone only vaguely familiar. It had been so long since anyone had used his first name, he barely remembered it himself. Symbolic, really, how everything he’d ever felt important in his life had begun an inevitable slide into meaninglessness — including his position within the endless labyrinths of the Guild. Did he truly care about anything now?

Sinclair grinned softly, as he tried to imagine what his superiors would think if they ever divined his innermost thought. It made him smile — because they may already be doing it. Maybe that’s why he spent most of his time holed up in an abandoned base on a forgotten island…

“Interstate 70 coming up,” said Entwhistle.

“I see the ramp.”

Entwhistle glanced at his watch. “Spruill missed his check-in.”

“Did he acknowledge your last message?”

“He did indeed.”

Sinclair knew how easy it was to wander off schedule. “Give him fifteen minutes before we get concerned.”

Entwhistle nodded. “I figure we have at least 40 minutes to his rendezvous point. More than enough time to put himself in a jolly jackpot.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Dex High Street

“Whaddya mean, you’ll ‘cover me’?” Tommy’s voice was low and controlled, but tinged with equal parts anxiety and indignation.

Dex was checking his Sig-Sauer as they stood in Augie’s kitchen. The overhead ceiling fixture was off, and he could see Tommy’s angular handsome face dimly highlighted by a small night-light plugged into a socket over the old counter-tops. “I just told you — we need to get that tape off your answering machine.”

“Suppose they’ve already been there? Suppose they already got it?”

Dex looked at him with a neutral expression. “Then at least we’ll know what we’re up against, and that we’ll be having some extra guests up in Lancaster.”

Tommy exhaled, drew in a long, calming breath. “Okay, okay. I’m cool with it.”

Dex nodded, opened the back door which led into Augie’s unkempt backyard, little more than an oblong of weeds and knee-high grass enclosed by eight-foot high cinder block walls. He looked at Tommy. “Just like we rehearsed it, right?”

“You got it, Chief.” Tommy swallowed hard and followed him out into the night.

The only problem was — they hadn’t really rehearsed it very well. What Dex had done was run down a very quick series of “what-ifs” and tried to reach a consensus on how to deal with each of them. The consensus he had in mind was him and Tommy, but Augie kept spouting off with slightly askew remarks that suggested he wasn’t always tuned-in to the same station as everybody else.

Now, as he stood in the backyard, looking up at the sparkling burn of stars, he thought for an instant on the strange place to which his life had come. Despite his frequent statements he’d never been happier since retiring from the Navy, he knew now that was a lie. Most of the time, he was half-bored out of his ass, and never realized how much he’d needed some sort of tension in his life. And right about now, as he coolly regarded Tommy, he felt every fiber of his being thrumming like a cable full of high amp current. He felt alive and ready for whatever was waiting for him.

And he liked it.

Tommy stood behind him, lifting himself up and down on his toes, and Dex could feel the nervous energy coming off the guy in waves.

“We ready?” he whispered.

“By the numbers, okay?”

Tommy gave him a thumbs up, turned and headed for the back gate.

Following him in the dim light of the service alley, Dex watched Tommy unhook the crude latch and slip into the narrow concrete strip crowded with trash cans and bordered by the high wall of the bocce court. The gate to Tommy’s yard swung inward on bent hinges, a monument to years of neglect and an insufficient maintenance budget of his deceased uncle. The yard itself was crammed with junk that never quite made it to the alley for collection or disposal. Dex had to be extra cautious to not collide with any stray boxes or cans that might make enough noise to announce their presence.

Ascending the small set of brick steps to the back door, Tommy slipped Augie’s spare key into the old lock, twisted it to the right. He made no attempt to quiet this maneuver, acting as if he were casually entering his home, expecting no trouble. As he stepped into the narrow galley kitchen, Dex inched in right behind him like they were wearing the same set of clothes.

Dex pulled the mini maglite from his pocket and used its tight beam of light to guide them through the first floor of the house. He noticed a heavy security slide bolt on the door to the cellar — it was clicked solidly into place, which meant there was nobody down there waiting for them. Dex gestured they move on. While they maneuvered among the pieces of heavy, old furniture, Tommy tried to recall if anything looked disturbed. “Looks okay so far.” His voice was beneath a whisper.

With his Sig-Sauer drawn, Dex pointed it past a newel post up toward the second floor, then set upon the first carpeted step. Slowly, they ascended the narrow staircase, pausing to listen for any sound not theirs. But the old house held on in total silence. As they reached the cramped little landing, Dex followed Tommy into his bedroom. The tiny room was practically filled by the bed, armoire, and a long, low dresser. There was no closet and no one waiting for them. After checking the bathroom, including the space behind the shower curtain, and the second bedroom in the rear of the house, Dex exhaled a breath he’d been holding way too long.

Unless their adversaries were meticulous as surgeons and cloaked by invisibility, it appeared the house had not been breached.

“So far, so good.” Dex moved to the stairs. “Let’s check that answering machine.”

Moving back to the first floor, guided by the thin beam of the mini flashlight, Tommy pointed to the pre-Cambrian equivalent of home electronics — a Code-A-Phone that housed a standard audio cassette.

“Check your messages,” said Dex.

Tommy depressed a flat lever-key, followed by a series of clunks and the whirr of a rewinding tape, another clunk, and beeps preceding each message. The first six or seven were either hang-ups or automated ads for mortgage refinancing, donations to police benevolent associations, and a solicitation for a free trial subscription to the Baltimore Sun. The last message was from Jason Bruckner — simple and direct, with a phone number for contact.

“Looks like we got lucky,” said Dex, punching the stop button, then lifting the cassette from the machine. “At least in the analog world.”

“Huh? What’s that mean?”

“Nobody else heard this tape. But there’s no way to tell if the bad guys had a wire on your phone line, or a way to trace every call that’s come in here.” Dex jammed the cassette deep in his pocket.

“What’ll we do about that?”

“Nothing we can do.”

Tommy shook his head as though disgusted, then: “So… time for ‘phase two’? Looks like our luck’s holdin’ pretty good.”

“Why not?” said Dex, aiming the beam toward front door which opened onto High Street. “But don’t kid yourself — we’re making our own luck.”

Grinning, Tommy moved through the shadows, unlocked the deadbolt, and twisted the tumbler lock on the knob to the open position. “Okay, let’s go fishin’.”

Dex checked the magazine on his weapon, nodded, and headed for the staircase which ran down the wall and opened facing the front door. “I’ll be waiting right here.”

He gave Tommy the maglite, watched him weave through the furniture into the kitchen. He made only the softest sounds as he exited the back door and locked it behind him.

As soon as Dex heard the solid slap of the deadbolt, he checked his watch. No more than a two minutes needed for Tommy to circumnavigate the block, walk up High Street past the valet parking attendants for Da Mimmo’s and ascend the steps to the house.

While he waited, Dex thought about Tommy Chipiarelli and the other guys in the dive club. Up till now, he’d been ignoring the stark truth he’d never see Kevin or Donnie or Andy or Doc again. Just keep it out of your mind and it won’t haunt you so completely. The idea was to keep that kind of stuff from debilitating him from the basic job of survival. Same went for Tommy. He was a fireman, for Christ’s sake, and put his life on the line every day. No need for Dex to beat himself up about possibly getting the kid killed.

No need.


Fact was — Dex had a very bad feeling about the whole mess. He hadn’t really figured out much to do about it other than react step-by-blind-step to each new development.

A sound at the front door pulled him out of his thoughts.

It was the scrape of metal against metal. Tommy going through the motions of inserting a key in a lock. Anybody watching him would have no idea his key could not open a door already unlocked. With a studied casualness, Tommy slowly pushed open the door and took a step into the darkened room.

But that was it.

A step.

Before he could take the next one, a tall, wide-shouldered figure materialized behind him. He tapped Tommy on the base of his skull and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. Dex eased back deeper into the shadows of the stairwell as he watched the attacker ease Tommy to the carpet, then turn to lock the front door behind him.

Despite the dim light, Dex’s eyes had adjusted well. He could see the guy was big and bald. He wore wire-rimmed glasses, a black turtleneck and dark pants. Towering over Tommy, some sort of slick handgun dangling from his left hand, the guy scanned the room coolly, then moved to the answering machine on the end table. When he discovered the cassette missing, he swept it off the table and sent it clattering against the wall. Then he straightened and paused as if deciding what would be his next target.

Tommy stirred slightly and that got the guy’s attention for an instant, which was plenty long enough for Dex.

His twenty years of deep sea rescue — both in training missions and the real thing — had taught him the utter necessity of acting on that single tick of the clock. That solitary notch on the ever-turning gear of time, when you do it. When all the accumulated wisdom and balls and stupidity combine in some kind of weirdly righteous alchemy to allow you to do exactly the right thing at exactly the right instant.

Which is what happened next.

“Right now,” he said in a low whisper.

The sound of his voice so obviously startled the big guy, he hardly moved — other than slowly raising the weapon toward the still inert Tommy.

“Right now you drop it.” Dex spoke in a loud voice now. “Or you will die.”

The intruder’s arm stopped rising, and he gently dropped the handgun to the carpet. “Even though I’m not sure I believe you, dying wasn’t on my ‘to do’ list today. Advantage yours.”

“Move back, palms open, knuckles against the wall.”

The man did as instructed, said nothing.

“We need to talk,” said Dex.

“You’re the Navy guy.” It was not a question. “And I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions. I know I would.”

“Why’d you blow our boat? Try to kill us?”

The big man shrugged. “No idea, really. Grapevine says it was a mistake. Somebody getting a little too zealous. We believed we had a serious situation.”

“Who are you guys?” Dex had moved down the stairs to face the intruder, his weapon positioned for a headshot where there could be no chance of hitting Kevlar.

The guy chuckled softly. “I was wondering when I’d get that one. Everybody always asks.”

“So enlighten me.”

“Too complicated. We’re not government, though. I can tell you that. And listen, I got no agenda here. Strictly a job, okay?”

“What were you looking for? What do you want?”

Before he could answer, Tommy stirred on the floor, slowly got to his knees, but neither Dex nor the other guy were distracted.

“Tommy, you okay?” Dex kept the Sig-Sauer trained on his target’s face. “Tommy, answer me.”

“Jeezuz, what the…?” Tommy shook his head in an attempt to wake himself up. Obviously dazed and hurting, he forced himself to his knees.

Dex waited until some clarity returned to his buddy. After an agonizing minute or so, Tommy stood up, pulled the heavy drapes tight over the front window before flipping on a dim table lamp. He regarded the bald guy, but said nothing.

“You okay now?”

“Better. That the fuck who hit me?”

“Good guess. You got any duct tape?”

“Huh?” Tommy looked at him dumbly for a second before getting Dex’s intention. “Oh, yeah, downstairs, I think.”

“Hurry up.”

Tommy moved as quickly as he dared to the cellar door, flipped on a light, and descended the old stairs.

Dex continued staring at the big guy. “Let’s talk while we wait, whaddya say?”

“If you insist.”

“What do you guys want?”


“What kind?”

The guy considered how he might answer. “The bomb, for starters. They want to know what you did with it.”

Dex nodded, paused himself. Whoever they were, they knew about the 5001 and its mission. “The bomb wasn’t there. No shit.”

“Well, yeah, at least when we got there. We know that much. What happened to it remains an interesting question, don’t you think?”

He was right about that. “Can’t help you. Is that it? You kill my friends because you thought we had the bomb — a very old bomb?”

“Like I said — this is just a job for me. If my people want me to find something, I try to do it.”

Dex had trouble not believing this guy — he contained just the right mixture of ennui with his assignment and fear for his life to make him very convincing.

“What else?”


“What else are you looking for?”

Before he could answer, Tommy reappeared with a fat roll of silver-gray tape. “Got plenty,” he said.

Dex nodded, stared at the big guy. “Don’t move. I really don’t want to shoot you.”

“But you will, right?” The big bald guy grinned.

Dex had Tommy empty the guy’s pockets — revealing a cell phone, wallet, money clip with cash, and a small Spyderco knife.

“Check everywhere,” said Dex. “And take off his shoes and throw ’em over here.”

A more thorough pat-down revealed a compact Taurus Millennium Pro in an ankle holster, which Tommy appropriated for himself. After removing the guy’s size fourteen shoes, Tommy taped his ankles together. Then his hands behind his back with enough tape to keep a couple of I-beams together.

“If you’re as good as you should be,” said Dex. “You’ll be free sooner or later.”

“Thanks.” The hulking figure lay on the floor with additional tape stringing ankles to wrist in a kind of modified hog-tie.

Dex gathered up the intruder’s primary handgun, a Glock G18, which could do plenty of damage in a hurry, plus all the pocket stuff. Then he ripped the phone cord out of the wall just to make things a little more inconvenient.

He looked at the big guy, who seemed more than content to just lay there quietly. “I keep getting interrupted, but I need to know a few more things.”

“Yeah, don’t we all…”

“I believe I was asking you — what other info are you looking for, and how do you know we have it?”

The guy inhaled slowly, then let it out as though bothered by the effort. “I’m just an errand-boy.”

“You gotta know more than us.” Dex sat down on the couch, leaned close to the guy and admired Tommy’s creative use of duct tape.

“My people know the history of that sub you found. They know it visited a secret Nazi base, and every government in the world has wanted those coordinates for a long time now.” The agent paused, uttered another of his low, guttural laughs. “And I have no fucking clue why — they don’t bother to tell me that much.”

Dex grinned. “And what makes you think we know?”

“We don’t. We’re just playing the odds.”

“How many of your people involved?”

“No idea. Truth.”

“How about telling me who writes your paycheck.”

“Some cover corporation you’ve probably never heard of.”

Tommy stood over him, kicked him in the knee. Hard. “I owed you that one, you fuck!”

The guy winced but said nothing.

“Make it a little easier. Who are you guys?” Dex leaned closer, lightly placed his handgun behind the bald guy’s ear. But as he did it, he felt awkward and stupid. No way he could kill somebody like this. If it was a self-defense thing, probably, but Dex had too many controls in place.

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. And since you both seem way too civilized for torture or execution, why don’t we just leave it at that?”

“Who the goddamn sent you, Disney World?” Tommy stood up, prepared to kick him again. “Cuz you’re right, I wouldn’t believe that one.”

The guy broke into a mocking grin. “How’d you guess?”

Tommy wound up for another one, and Dex stopped him with a gesture. Then: “Why do you care whether or not we know? Is it going to change anything?”

“Probably not. If they want you and whatever info you’ve got, they’re going to get you sooner or later. If they don’t, it’s because they lost interest.”

Dex was getting tired of this. Plus he had a feeling this guy was just the first of many converging on this place. He was wasting time. One more try, with some humor. “Just tell me this — are you the good guys or the bad guys?”

Bald Guy smiled. “I like you, Navy. Tell you what — I don’t think we’re either bad or good. We kind of reside outside that whole arena.”

“What’re you — a bunch of aliens?”

“That’s a good one. Haven’t heard that one before. Look, let’s just say my bosses are ‘business people,’ okay?”

Dex shook his head slowly, then looked at Tommy. “We have a train to catch.”

Tommy nodded and headed toward the kitchen and the back door. Turning off the table lamp, Dex blinked as the room fell into shadow, limned only from the nearby neon of High Street restaurants seeping along the edge of the drapes. He stood over the intruder. “Good luck with that tape.”

He followed Tommy to the kitchen when he heard Bald Guy’s voice.

“Hey, Navy…”

Pausing, Dex answered. “Yeah?”


“For what?”

There was a pause, then: “For being better than me. I would’ve killed you both.”

Five minutes later, from Augie’s cluttered basement, they’d gathered up Dex’s backpack which held the laptop, Bruckner’s log and papers, and the translation. It would have still held that weird metal bar if Dex hadn’t thought its extra weight would be the reason he drowned.

He shook his head. No sense going there. Forget it. As they headed for the back door, Augie grabbed his sleeve.

“What’s up, my friend?”

“C’mon, Chief, you can’t leave me here.”

Tommy looked at his leather-faced neighbor. “Huh? What’re you talkin’ about?”

“What am I gonna do if I get a visit from the bad guys?”

Dex had already thought about this, but had pushed it to the side of his concerns as they’d prepared to get on the road. But the old guy had posed a very good question.

“Jeez, Augs…” Tommy raked his fingers through his thick dark hair. He looked deeply distressed. “What’s a matter?”

Augie adjusted his Orioles cap, winked. “I wouldn’t tell ’em where to find their own ass, you know? But they might wanna hurt me — then what? I wouldn’t wanna let you guys down.”

Dex looked at the little old man with the impish grin. He looked like a weathered lawn gnome. “You have any relatives nearby? Any place you can go?”

“My niece lives around the corner. My son’s out in Harford County.”

“Your niece is too close. You got a way to get to your son’s?”

Augie pretended to think about this, then: “I guess I could, but I was thinkin’-a somethin’ easier.”

“What’s that?” said Tommy.

Augie grinned. “Take me with you.”

Dex considered it. “It might be very dangerous. Our friend next door was already kind enough to tell us he’d have killed us if necessary.”

“Mr. McCauley,” said Augie. “Look at me — I’m-a eighty four years old and I need somethin’ to keep me goin’. If they get me, at least they did when I was trying to be useful.”

“You sure about this?” said Tommy. “Things could get rough.”

Augie cocked his head. “I was a teenager when they sent me to New Guinea to kill Japs. How rough could this be?”

Dex smiled. The old guy had a point.

“Okay, get whatever you think you might need, and let’s get out of here.”

Augie nodded, opened the back door on the mini-jungle of his back yard. “I got false-a teeth. I don’t even need a toothbrush. Let’s go.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

Sinclair Baltimore

His estimate of time and traffic proved less than accurate. The pleasant spring weather had tourists and locals out in force along many of the downtown area’s major streets. They didn’t reach Little Italy for an hour, and that, combined with Spruill’s silence concerned him.

Following the always-on homing beacon of Spruill’s Escalade, Entwhistle located it on the corner of Albemarle just off Eastern Avenue. The hulking black vehicle was vacant and had acquired a citation from the police for parking longer than the posted signs allowed. Bad sign, that. Combined with his failure to check in on schedule, the odds were increasing he’d been removed from the gameboard.

“I’m betting he’s still at the target address,” said Entwhistle.

“Sounds like a winning play.” Sinclair threaded the Lexus through the crowded streets until he reached the next restaurant that offered valet parking. “Let the college boys dump this thing.”

As the valet approached, Sinclair gave him a bill several times larger than a generous tip, then walked up Stiles Street toward the home of Thomas Chipiarelli. With Entwhistle at his side, Sinclair weaved his way along the sidewalk, automatically surveying the pedestrian traffic for any signs of suspicion or worse, potential aggression. But they were thoroughly ignored by everyone who passed, and that was either very good or very bad — depending on too many other factors to weigh and consider.

“Are you thinking the direct approach is the plan?” said Entwhistle.

“Modified. I’ll knock via the front door. Casual. Unassuming. You get in the back entrance any way you can.”

As they reached the corner of High Street, Sinclair watched his exec continue up the block toward the alley behind the block of row-homes, then he turned left and headed directly for the address of the firefighter. Passing the entrance to an upscale restaurant and a departing crowd of patrons, Sinclair reflected on how totally oblivious the average citizen remained to what was taking place all round them. From the vague, wondrous mysteries of quantum physics to the covert thoughts and actions of shadow people like himself, the range of existence beyond the scope of most people would be truly terrifying if they ever caught even a glimpse of it.

Ascending the absurdly small front steps to Chipiarelli’s residence, Sinclair knocked with his left hand while placing his right inside his jacket to the Taurus in his underarm holster. It was a small, powerful weapon, fitted with the latest noise suppression technology which rendered it almost silent in even the most quiet environments. It was his instrument of choice whenever he had the need to perform in public places.

He knocked on the door, waited, knocked again, and was not surprised to get no response. He stood before the door, looked at his watch as if a visitor who could be too early or too late, and waited patiently for Entwhistle to gain entrance and make contact.

His cell phone rang, and he answered it with no greeting because he recognized the ID. “I’m in. I’ve got Spruill.”

“Alive or dead?”

A tersely mannered chuckle, then: “Very much the former. Stand by. I’m opening the door now.”

Just as the connection ended, the sound of a thrown bolt accompanied the opening of the door into deep shadow. Entwhistle could barely be seen in the absence of light. But as soon as Sinclair stepped inside, sealing the door behind him, he toggled a wall switch.

The sudden splash of light from a small table lamp revealed his exec pointing into the kitchen at the rear of the narrow house. Walking into the space, Sinclair looked down at Spruill curled up on the ancient linoleum trying to manipulate a paring knife into a position that would sever some of the duct tape trussing him up like a turkey.

“Are you going to cut me loose,” he said through gritted teeth. “Or am I part of the show?”

Sinclair nodded to his exec and Entwhistle produced a small Spyderco Raven from his back pocket, slicing expertly through the layers of tape.

“You want to tell me how you managed this?”

“They were waiting for me. ‘Navy’ is a competent man. Nothing fancy or complicated. He was business.”

“How much business? Did you have to tell them anything?”

Spruill shook his head, reached down to start yanking the tape off his ankles after Entwhistle had freed his hands. “Nah. He’s the best kind of adversary — one with a conscience and a moral code. He’s not going be hurting anybody unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“Any idea where they’re going?”

Spruill pulled a considerable amount of hair off his left wrist, swore like a Scotsman. “None. But the tape’s missing from the answering machine. They may have gotten a call from somebody we should know about.”

“Extremely likely,” said Entwhistle. “Why else would they get rid of it?”

“I’ve got Winter on his way to McCauley’s place. He may find something there.”

Entwhistle shook his head. “I don’t know — that guy seems to be pretty sharp.”

“Something goes snafu sooner or later.” Spruill’s tone was a subtle blend of anger and embarrassment.

“For now,” said Sinclair. “I’m going to assume they removed something of value from the sub.”

“And why is that?” Spruill winced as he yanked the remaining tape from his other wrist.

Sinclair shrugged. “Because it was picked clean.”

“Quite,” said Entwhistle. “Whether it’s of value remains to be determined.”

Spruill nodded. “What’s to stop them from turning it over to the Pentagon?”

Sinclair grinned. “Other than extreme paranoia and fear… nothing.”

“Echelon really gave this one a royal blue fucking,” said Entwhistle. “If they hadn’t been so inclined to terminate, we wouldn’t be in this bloody hound and hare game.”

“Yeah, it ups the ante, doesn’t it?” Spruill eased up to his feet, stretching out muscles constrained by the hog-tie. “Do we start tossing this place?”

Sinclair nodded as the tall, broad-shouldered Spruill joined Entwhistle in a thoroughly professional examination of the premises. They moved with a slowness that bespoke a meticulous eye and touch rather than the silly ransacking and mayhem depicted in cop dramas. The men knew they would find nothing of value from the submarine still here. But if they were careful, they might at least uncover indicators of what was missing and what they might be looking for.

As Spruill and Entwhistle worked small quadrants of space with practiced precision, Sinclair tried to decide what would be the best way to pick up their trail. The missing answering machine tape might be the key.

Punching a number into his cell, he waited until connected to a routing center, then tapped in his encryption key, followed by a voice recognition password. After a very short pause, he was connected to an ops center.

“How can I help you, Sinclair.” The voice was young, female, professionally bored.

“Need a download to my onboard. All calls logged to the following landline for the last forty-eight hours.” He provided the phone number feeding into Chipiarelli’s answering machine. Behind him, Entwhistle emerged from the cellar, moved through the front room and ascended the stairs to the top floor.

“Done. Anything else?”

He provided her with McCauley’s landline and cell numbers. “I also need the call logs on these too. If there’s voice mail, I need all messages from the digital services on both numbers.”

“Done,” said the voice which could not sound more disinterested.

“School me — is there a way to retrieve digital messages once they’ve been erased by the citizen?”

“Is that a legal query or a technical one?”

“I don’t give a damn about anything legal, so what do you think?”

The voice chuckled ever so softly. “Retrieval may be possible — depending on the type of system still employed by the carrier.”

“Execute on both numbers, forty-eight prior.”

“Done. What else?”

“Could you have a Grey Goose martini delivered? Three olives.”

Another soft chuckle that ended in a purr. “Goodbye, Sinclair.”

As he pocketed the cell phone, he looked up to see Spruill’s wide frame emerge from the narrow door leading to the cellar stairway.

He held an index card. “Not a complete strikeout.”

“What’d you find?”

Spruill placed the white card on the kitchen table where tiny dark spirals and jagged fragments lay. “This is from a drill press on a workbench down there. Looks like it was recent. These are metal chips from the bit and maybe some traces of paper or cloth.”

“Suggesting exactly what?” Sinclair looked at it as Spruill rummaged around the kitchen pantry shelves.

“Who knows? If the lab can determine what they were drilling, or ID the paper or cloth, we may be able to draw a few conclusions.” Spruill grabbed a plastic self-sealing food bag from a box, inserted the index card and the forensic artifacts, then pinched it closed. “It’s all we’ve got.”

“How much longer in here?” Sinclair glanced at his watch.

Spruill shrugged. “I’m done. It’s up to your Brit buddy.”

“I have some downloads waiting for me that may get us off the square,” said Sinclair. “Go up there and facilitate. We need to at least act like we’re doing something productive.”

Fifteen minutes later, all three were in the Lexus looking at the laptop screen. Entwhistle had decrypted the record of calls on the logs of both Chipiarelli and McCauley. He set up the data on a split screen and compared incoming calls with times and originations.

“Here’s a bit of a heigh-ho,” he said, pointing at one list of numbers, then the other. “To each of the two numbers — all within five minutes of each other. Looks like all from the same location.”

“Which is where?” said Sinclair.

Entwhistle massaged the keyboard, punctuated by a few mousepad slides. “Pay phone. Lancaster, Pennsylvania.”

“Not far from here at all,” said Spruill.

“Doesn’t tell us enough,” said Sinclair. “We need to know who made the calls. What’s the latest on McCauley’s voice mail?”

Entwhistle shook his head. “He erased everything. We have people working on it. No way to know if they can find anything yet. We’ll know when they know.”

“Can’t sit around waiting for data that may not exist.” Sinclair keyed the ignition and the hybrid hummed into a state of readiness.

“I presume Lancaster is in our future?” Entwhistle said with a tired expression.

Spruill cleared his throat. “What about me? I’m going to need to be re-supplied.”

Entwhistle laughed lightly. “Is that what they call it these days?”

“What?” Spruill scowled.

“Getting your tail yanked out from between your legs — or in your case, directly out of your arse.”

“You think I should have played hero? Fuck you.”

Entwhistle laughed heartily. “Just a bloody joke, Spruill. You need to relax or kindly bugger off.”

Spruill said nothing.

As Sinclair drifted the Lexus through the narrow neighborhood street, he looked back at Spruill. “Get yourself debriefed at the nearest OC. Then stand by until you hear from us.”

Spruill nodded, waited until the vehicle stopped alongside his matching Lexus, then departed without a word.

“He’s cranky,” said Entwhistle.

“We need to catch these clowns,” said Sinclair. “They’re a couple of amateurs and they’re making us look helpless. They both got calls from the same pay phone in Lancaster. Not a coincidence.”

Entwhistle nodded as he keystroked a few connections. “Confirmation from the phone data retrieval — the erased voice mail not available.”

Sinclair was getting pissed. No way they were going to hit the wall on this one. “All right. Get us the names of all the residences and businesses within a square mile of that target pay phone.”

“On it,” said his exec, and he started the onboard printer. “It’s going to be a big list.”

Sinclair watched the pages filling a tray in the console between them. “I also want a list of the names of the citizens behind the business names — owners, partners, corporate officers.”

Entwhistle began keying in the searches. “That’s going to take some digging.”

“So, dig. We have a little bit of a ride ahead of us.” He exited Little Italy and took a right on President Street following it to the beginning of Interstate 83.

“Okay, then what? Once I get the list, what exactly are we looking for?”

As he accelerated onto the elevated highway, Sinclair considered the question. “I don’t know yet. I just have a feeling the answer is on one of those lists.”

“Quite so, but we need some sort of winnowing factor, don’t you think?” Entwhistle finished keyboarding, and now waited for the printouts.

“I’m working that out.” Actually, Sinclair was working out not much of anything.

He felt like he was stumbling around in the dark, hoping to touch something that felt even vaguely familiar. The calls from Lancaster were the only ones shared by McCauley and Chipiarelli — that was significant. What else? They occurred in the afternoon after the story on the dive boat explosion hit the news. Did that mean anything? Maybe.

If they could find out the identity of the caller, it was possible everything else might fall into place… or not.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Dex Interstate 83

Dex, Tommy, and Augie had cleared the town of York and were heading east on US-30. They were less than a half hour from the Bruckner residence. Augie had slipped into a doze while Dex and Tommy tried to anticipate what their pursuers might be doing. While neither of them had become anything close to comfortable with their situation, they had at least accepted it.

“So you gonna do it?” said Tommy when he noticed Dex holding the disposable cell phone and looking at it like it was some kind of artifact.

He and Dex had come to an agreement — they were up against forces and interests who would eventually overwhelm them. Big Bald Guy’s employers had power and access, and even though Dex may have won Round One, he was scared of starting Round Two. They needed to widen the loop, get more people on their side, or they were going to end up like the rest of guys on the Sea Dog—an event Dex would be trying to forget the rest of his life.

“Do what? You mean call up some old friends?”

“Yeah.” Tommy continued to negotiate the traffic which was getting heavier now.

Dex looked at him nodded. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot. It’s too big to deal with on our own. We’ve got to trust somebody.”

“You gonna get things rollin’ before we get to Bruckner’s place?”

“I’m going to try. I’ll start with my old C.O. If I can’t trust him, then we can just forget about it.”

“Yeah — what’s his name again.”

“Whitehurst. He came from a military family in Virginia. All Navy all the time.”

“Yeah, there’s fireman families like that.”

“I just hope I can track him down. It’s been years since I even talked to him.” Dex dialed directory assistance and started the byzantine process of finding the right office that could help him track down Captain Parker Whitehurst. Countless numbers, phone carousels, and receptionists later, he discovered the old guy had finally been kicked into a Rear Admiral’s office at the Pentagon. And of course, he was unavailable when Dex finally reached his aide, a Commander Pye Hanson. Dex gave him a cryptic message with a few tantalizing details and buzzwords, and Hanson promised a callback from the Admiral as soon as he returned from lunch.

Dex looked at his watch after disconnecting the call. “Jesus, twenty minutes to get through to somebody — what a joke.”

“What’s the deal?”

Dex shrugged, held up the Trac Fone. “He’s supposed to call me back.”

Tommy cocked an eyebrow, trying to look quizzical. “Think he will?”

“If he gets my message, yeah. Whitehurst knew me a long time — we’ve got history. We respect each other.”

“How much you gonna tell him?”

Dex shrugged. “Well I was thinking of starting with everything.”

Tommy laughed. “Yeah, that oughta do it.”

Dex looked ahead on the highway; they were entering what looked like some smaller farms and suburbs.

“We’re about ten minutes outside of Lancaster,” said Tommy. “This is gonna be somethin’, huh?”

No doubt. Despite the distractions and paranoia, Dex anticipated the meeting with the man who’d written the logbook stashed in his backpack. It was one of those things that didn’t seem possible when you really thought about it.

“Yeah. I guess we should wake Augie, huh. He’s been out like a bad light bulb.”

Dex regarded the little old guy tilted into the corner on the truck’s jump seat, his mouth open, a series of soft snores rippling every breath. When he tapped him lightly, Augie stirred into wakefulness.

“We there yet?” he said. “I could use a candy bar or somethin’.”

“Almost,” said Tommy. “We’re coming to the 283 junction right now.”

Dex went over the directions as they negotiated the streets of the Pennsylvania town, which had an interesting blend of new and old on every corner. It was one of those places with character and instant appeal, and he could see why people would like living here. With each turn and the passage of each block, he felt his pulse getting stronger.

But when Tommy pulled up in front of the archetypical suburban house, Dex laughed out loud — as much to dispel the anxiety that had been stewing in him for the entire trip up I-83 and across Route 30. There was something ironically humorous in going to meet a Nazi U-boat captain in Home-Depot-Ville. Early evening sunlight cast everything in warm shadows, and the neatly landscaped colonial looked prototypically American.

Parking at the curb, Tommy helped Augie down to the sidewalk. Dex walked up to the front door carrying the backpack and knocked. Tommy and Augie stood silent behind him. Almost immediately, the door was opened by a guy who looked around thirty. He was dressed in jeans and a golf shirt and had a nice honest looking face.

“Hey, you must be Mr. McCauley. I’m Jason Bruckner.”

They shook hands.

“Just call me Dex.” He turned and tilted his head toward his friends. “This is Tommy Chipiarelli, and… his Uncle Augie.”

“Nice to meet all of you,” said Jason. “Come on in.”

Jason led them into a living room where a middle-aged couple were both seated on a large couch with floral upholstery. He introduced everyone all around and the three of them sat down with Richard and Peggy Bruckner as if they’d stopped by to have a cup of tea. It was starting to feel a little surreal, and Dex was wondering where the old Captain might be.

“I guess I should tell you,” said Richard. “This is all a really big shock to us.”

Dex just sat there with a half-smile on his face as Richard confessed to knowing nothing of his father’s career in the German U-boat service. The family had always believed Erich’s assertion that he and his friend Manfred Fassbaden came to America in 1947 to work in a mutual friend’s restaurant.

“How much has he told you?” said Dex. “About the U-Boat.”

“Not much. He started to tell me about his last mission,” said Jason. “He said his crew rescued some scientists under the ice in Greenland. But he also said there’s more.”

“That’s why he wanted to see you,” said Jason’s father. “He says he has to tell you the rest of the story.”

“Any idea why?”

Jason shrugged. “He says you might know what to do about it.”

“About what?” said Tommy.

“He didn’t say. He wants to talk to both of you first.”

Dex grinned, trying to hide his impatience. “Well, here we are. Where’s your grandfather?”

Jason looked at his father then back to Dex. “He said he didn’t want to talk about it here at the house. He says he feels more comfortable at Manny’s”

“Okay…” said Dex. He had no idea what or where Manny’s might be, but he was going to find out.

“He’s there now. Come on,” said Jason. “I’ll take all of you over.”

Standing up, Dex looked at Jason’s parents who remained seated. “We’ll be staying here,” said Richard. “My father wants to talk to you alone.”

Dex nodded, then added, “Listen, I’m feeling a little awkward here. I apologize if we’ve done anything to upset your family or anything like that.”

Richard smiled. “Not at all. You did nothing wrong. My father’s always been a character, you know? You never get used to things like this, but you try not to let them surprise you either.”

A few minutes later, Dex, Tommy, and Augie were riding into downtown Lancaster with Jason, who had seemed to relax visibly after leaving his parents’ house.

“Manny’s Tap Room is the family business,” said Jason as he turned onto a main boulevard. “Bar and grill. I run it with my dad. But my grandfather and Manny opened it around fifty years ago. They built it up from nothing. It’s like part of the landscape now. Everybody in town knows Manny’s.”

Dex nodded. “Sounds like a good spot.”

“You’re right about that,” said Jason as he turned onto Prince Street and pulled the maroon SUV into a capacious spot along the curb. “Here we are.”

As they all climbed out, Dex saw that Manny’s was no hole-in-the-wall tavern. Big, with lots of windows and awnings, hunter fans and tiffany chandeliers. Typical in a sense, but homey and comfortable too. No wonder it buzzed with customers. Jason held the door and they all filed inside.

“Where’s your grandfather?” said Dex as they weaved their way among the tables toward a large bar.

“Upstairs. Used to be an apartment where Uncle Manny lived. Now we use it for offices. Come on — this way.”

Passing through a busy clanging kitchen dominated by a huge black guy wearing a floppy chef’s hat, they followed Jason into a short hallway leading to a staircase. It was narrow and lit by a single bulb above the landing at the top of the stairs. The dim, cramped space reminded him of the path down the gut of the old U-boats, and Dex felt a lump begin to form in his throat. A conflux of feelings washed through him as he realized he was going to meet a man he felt he already knew in a way few people ever do.

Jason reached the door, tapped lightly on it.

Slowly it opened, peeling back to reveal a thin, older man with deep, penetrating eyes and a stern, jutting jaw. He still had plenty of hair, and not altogether gray. Few wrinkles carved up his handsome features, and he looked like he was in his mid-sixties — tops. Hard to imagine he was close to a hundred — impossible, really. Dex had an image of the young, rakish Captain from his soldbuch photo, and it was obvious this guy was the same person. Some things about a face just never change.

“Hallo,” said the man in a voice full of resonance as he extended a hand in friendship. He was wearing baggy khaki pants, a plain white button-down shirt, and a sleeveless golf sweater with a Slazenger logo. “I am Erich Bruckner… and I understand you found my boat.”

Dex reached out, shook his hand. “Dexter McCauley. And yes, sir, I did.”

Bruckner grinned, shook his head slowly as if to dispel the weirdness of the whole scene. “Please come in. Let’s sit down and talk.”

Dex entered the room and introduced Tommy and Augie. Captain Bruckner grinned when he shook Augie’s hand — an instant bond of age and the wisdom of years formed between them. Everyone followed the Captain through a large room crammed with files, cabinets and a desk, and into another that looked like a den or a great place to spend Sundays watching football on the big TV in the corner. The floor thumped softly from the music playing in the bar below. Bruckner settled into the big chair with an extra pillow for back support, gestured to his grandson. “Jason, get us all something to drink. What would you like, Mr. McCauley? Tommy? Augie?”

“I’ll take a beer,” said Augie.

“Make that two.” Tommy held up two fingers.

“Bourbon, rocks would be great. And, please, just call me Dex.” He sat down in the chair closest to Bruckner and placed the backpack on the floor next to him

“Only if you will call me Captain.” The old man laughed. “Just kidding. Please… call me Erich.”

Dex liked him immediately. He remained as sharp and perceptive as he’d been all those years ago. While Jason disappeared back down to the bar, Bruckner asked Dex a quick series of questions designed to get him up to speed on how they’d found his boat, how it looked, and what had caused the accident.

Dex and Tommy provided the details as concisely as possible. They didn’t say anything about the attack and the people chasing them — not yet. Bruckner seemed pleased to learn Dex was also a navy vet, and expressed surprise the 5001 had remained in such good shape. But there was something couched behind the old man’s eyes which suggested there was more than just a nostalgic interest in his old boat.

“Tell me more about my boat,” said Bruckner. “You were able to get inside, yes?”

Dex nodded.

“You saw the plane?”

“We got up into the hangar, we saw it.”

“What else? What else did you find?”

Reaching down, Dex picked up the backpack, unzipped it to retrieve the steel box from the captain’s locker. “Well, we also found this…”

Mein Gott!” said Bruckner. His English was so natural, the German expression sounded almost odd falling from his lips. “I can’t believe it. May I see it, please?”

Dex handed it to him and he was unlatching it just as Jason returned with a tray of drinks and some bar snacks.

“Jason, look at this…” Bruckner opened the lid and Dex could see him get lost in the vision and the memory of the last time he’d touched that box, the last time he’d closed it.

“What is it?”

“Pieces… pieces of my life,” said Bruckner. He reached in, picked up the fragments of his medals, his soldbuch, and finally his log. Holding up the last item, he showed it to Jason and the others. “Jason, this is the story I was telling you. Right here.”

“Amazing,” said Jason as he took the log, turned its fragile pages carefully.

Bruckner looked at Dex sternly as he indicated the log. “Did you read this?”

“I did.” He pulled his printouts from the backpack. “Had to translate it first.”

“Oh, of course. I forgot — it is in German.” Bruckner looked embarrassed as he spoke. “So, you know what we were sent to do?”

“Well, I think I do. I’d rather hear it from you.”

The old man waved his hand dismissively. “There is more. That is why I knew I must reach you. There is more I must tell you — just in case.”

Dex had picked up his glass for a small sip, but paused. “In case what?”

“Just in case anyone else ever visits that place again.”

Dex took a taste of his drink, leaned closer. “What do you mean? Why?”

“I am not sure how to phrase this,” said Bruckner. “But have there been any… incidents? Anything you know about?”

“What do you mean by ‘incident’?”

Bruckner shrugged. “Anything. Anything at all that might be out of the ordinary. Anything happening around the Greenland Shelf?”

Dex wasn’t sure what he meant. “You mean like now? Recently?”

“That is correct.”

“Nothing I know about. I mean, nothing you’d see in the news or the ’net.”

Bruckner held up his index finger like a teacher bringing up a single point. “No, I meant something you may have heard while in the Navy, something that would not be on the news.”

Dex considered this, shook his head. “Sorry…”

Bruckner picked up his bottle of beer, allowed himself a small swallow. “Well, regardless, I must tell you the rest of my story.”

“Believe me, I want to hear it,” said Dex.

Bruckner nodded, then gestured to his grandson to hand him back his logbook. Taking out his reading glasses and fitting them slowly to his face, the captain began to turn through the thick pages with great care.

“Forgive me,” he said. “I must find the dates I am looking for, to see how I… how I phrased things back then, and how much explaining I will need to do now.”

“Take your time,” said Dex.

The old man flipped through the brittle pages.

“You should know,” he said slowly. “The events of… let me see… on the 3rd of May… well there was something I did not put in the log… something I could not bring myself to record.”

Dex said nothing. Although he was getting antsy as hell watching Bruckner and his deliberate manner, there was no rushing him. He’d come this far — another few minutes didn’t mean a thing.

“Very well.” Bruckner sat up a little straighter in his chair, moved a hand over his button-down shirt as if to smooth it for an inspection. His eyes, clear and bright, deepened as he began to relive a day more than six decades distant…

Chapter Thirty-Six

Rear Admiral Parker Whitehurst The Pentagon

Upon returning from lunch, he sat behind his big polished desk in an office that was part of the vast honeycomb of rooms in the D-Ring. It was typical of the warrens they reserved for the guys who’d served well — the military’s version of the fancy CEO suite. Parker Whitehurst liked where he’d ended up so far, but at fifty-five, he wanted to believe he wasn’t done yet. And he hoped his superiors felt the same way. Although he still had a shot a Full Admiral’s pension, he also knew time was running out. As the head of the Navy’s Deep Sea Rescue Ops, his assignment represented the final stepping stone to getting his own fleet. But there were more candidates than fleets to go around, which was the way it should be, he supposed.

The topic of his pension was never far from center court in his thoughts, but there were always plenty of other tasks to keep him occupied. In the hour and a half he’d been away from his desk, a new stack of call-memos had accumulated and twice as much e-mail on his screen. Absently, he shuffled through the small sheets, recognizing all the notes except one — Dexter McCauley.

He hadn’t seen that name in a few years, but it jogged memories of a guy who had been one of the finest men who’d ever served under him. Why would he be calling? And how did he ever find me?

Picking up the memo, Parker read its contents carefully: I have information on the following: Station One Eleven, U-5001, and coordinates Longitude 39.49 W / Latitude 69.60 N. Very important I speak with you.

Now what the hell was that stuff all about?

Checking his watch, he had a meeting coming up with a budget advisor within the hour. He knew Chief McCauley extremely well, and the man wouldn’t have called him to just say hello or see if he wanted to play eighteen holes. McCauley knew he wouldn’t get an immediate call-back unless he did something to get Parker’s attention.

He looked at the three items, casting about in dimmer corridors of memory for some meaning to attach to the words. Station One Eleven. He vaguely recalled seeing something on that, but what had it been? The other two references meant nothing.

But they must mean something important to McCauley or he wouldn’t have included them in his message. And that was enough for Parker to take action. Calling in his aide, he instructed Commander Hanson to get all the information he could on the three subjects from the memo. ASAP.

By the time he finished arm-wrestling with the budget wonks, maybe he’d have some answers.

Almost four hours later, when Parker returned to his outer office, Pye Hanson looked up anxiously. “Admiral… that stuff you wanted me to check on?”

“Yes? What about it?”

“Sorry it took so long.” Hanson grinned. “But there’s plenty in the archives. Look at this…”

Parker regarded a stack of files as thick as the New York phone book. No way he would have the time to go through all that shit — even if he took it home, and he’d made a habit of doing that as little as possible. Not so much he cared what Karen might say, but more to guarantee himself some down-time from his job.

“Pye, are you kidding me?”

“No sir.”

“Well, can you give me the condensed edition on any of it?”

Hanson stood up, nodded. “I can try…”

“Inner sanctum,” said Parker. He headed into his private space with Hanson lugging the stack of folders right behind him.

They moved to the small conference table by the window and Commander Hanson spread out some of his paper. “Okay, let’s see — Station One Eleven is the code name for a secret Nazi base in the Arctic region. It was—”

Parker snapped his fingers — an old habit he hated, but couldn’t break — and nodded. “Of course. I knew I’d heard that name. We never found it, right?”

“No sir, not a trace.” Hanson shook his head. “OSS swore it was real. But it was never located and a lot of people believed it might have been mythological. Disinformation, maybe.”

Parker recalled some of the stories surrounding One Eleven, linking it to its Antarctic counterpart, Station Two Eleven. The latter had been very much a real entity, and had been the target of a post-WWII task force called “Operation High Jump.” Parker knew many details from the Top Secret files — in 1947, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent 40 ships under the command of Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd to find and destroy a Nazi base under the ice that had survived the end of the war in virtual autonomy.

Parker gestured to his aide. “What do you have on the other things?”

Hanson picked up a single file folder. “Not much on U-5001. Not much at all. It doesn’t fit any of the standard German submarine designations, and officially never existed. There is one report — undocumented — which suggests it was the prototype of a new class of U-boat that never got off the drawing board. Some kind of secret weapon.”

Parker nodded. “That it?”

Hanson grinned. “As far as our records, yes. But there’s been an item on the news — I guess you didn’t catch it — about some divers who found a Nazi sub in the Chesapeake Bay, and—”

Parker made a habit of never watching any news programming. Most of it was so editorially skewed as to be worthless. “Let me guess. It’s called the U-5001.”

“Yes sir, but that’s not all. The dive boat exploded, killing everybody on board. One of the divers’ names was Dexter McCauley.”

Okay, now this was getting more than strange. “But you said he just called me, left this message.”

“Yes sir.”

“So what the fuck is going on here?”

“Sir, I’m not sure, but there’s more…”

Parker exhaled. When he’d been up to his elbows in Deep Sea Rescue, he used to rely on an internal alarm system that had grown reliable from equal parts experience and instinct. And oddly enough back then, he relished the feeling of possible danger or unpredictability. He’d been out of the game for a while now, and obviously a part of him missed it.

He gestured for Hanson to continue.

“The coordinates pinpoint a position just off, or slightly beneath, the Greenland Shelf. And that location, or ones damned close to it, turned up in a few really weird files,” said his aide.

“Weird like how?”

“I mean, like totally unrelated… and I started wondering what the odds would be of that. And what the connections could be.”

“Go on…”

Hanson flipped through some pages. “Fish-kills,” he said.

“What? What’re you talking about?”

Hanson laid out sets of pages on the conference table. “Each of these are incidence reports from a variety of agencies and private companies. They document a series of fish-kills at or around those coordinates. Large areas in the sea which contain huge populations of fish — dead and floating belly-up.”

“Just fish?” said Jeff. “Or everything?”

“Actually, everything. Every type of sea creature — right down to the plankton.”

“Wow… and how ‘large’ an area are we talking about?”

Hanson shrugged. “Not sure. The estimates vary depending on how soon after the ‘killing event’ has happened. But it’s at least 20 square miles.”

“Hmmmm. Nothing to sneer at. That’s a lot of fish. Could be significant. Depending on how many times it’s happened.” said Parker.

“I agree.” Hanson checked another file, then: “But we can’t be sure about that. We can only work from the instances it’s been observed — the first time was in December of 1946, and thirteen times since then.”

“What? Thirteen’s a lot. Any pattern to the occurrences?”

“A cyclic pattern is suggested of approximately every five or six years. The gaps in the pattern might be times when nobody noticed it.”

“Is it possible there’s some naturally occurring phenomenon causing it? Temperature drops? Vulcanism?”

“From what I can find, nothing much has been done about it, other than make note of it. But funny you mention vulcanism — a routine Geophysical Satellite mapping survey uncovered something strange at essentially the same coordinates.”

Parker’s instincts were humming like a high tension wire in an electrical storm. What the hell had McCauley sent him? “Tell me.”

“The satellite’s instruments detected an unusual heat signature several hundred feet below the surface and also some unexpected data to suggest widely varying densities in a localized section of the shelf.”

“Heat signature like what?”

Hanson shook his head. “Not sure. I didn’t have enough time to dig into it. But I’m telling you, Admiral, there’s a lot going on at those coordinates — if we can pull it all together.”

“Looks like my old Chief McCauley already did.”

Hanson looked a bit sheepish as he picked up another folder. “Well, sir, there’s something else…”

“Are you serious?” Checking his watch, he saw his work day slipping away, but Parker had a feeling he’d be cancelling anything else on the planner. He motioned his aide to keep talking.

“I found an unconfirmed report that the Russians lost a hunter-killer class near these coordinates.”


“1981. One of their Alfa class. Naval Intelligence was never able to verify verbal rumors with either documented evidence or SOSUS data.”

“What in hell’s damn does all this crap mean?” Parker sat on the edge of the desk, aware of the alarms in his head. The papers spread before him had a strange and terrible but unknown significance.

“I have a feeling we’ve barely gotten a glimpse.”

Parker nodded, glanced at the chronometer on his desk, one of those engraved commemorative things they give you when they ease you out of an assignment. He looked at his aide. “Time to close up shop, Pye. We can schedule more time for this tomorrow.”

Hanson looked disappointed. He gestured at the spread of files and printouts on the table. “Very well, sir. Should I leave this here, or—”

“You can leave it. No one will be in here to bother it.”

“What about McCauley? If he calls again?”

Parker grinned. “He won’t. He knows he’s given me all I need to get back to him.”

After dismissing his aide, Parker called his driver and told him he may be delayed in leaving the building. Then he called Karen and told her the same thing, but she had long ago stopped caring about things like that.

As he sat down behind his desk, holding the memo from McCauley in his left hand, Parker Whitehurst reached for his phone with the other.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Erich Bruckner Greenland Shelf 3 May 1945

The interior of the 5001 clanged and rocked with celebrations. Erich wanted to join them, but there was one final thing still troubling him. His friend and Exec had also kept his elation under control, and was just standing there, awaiting the next order. Erich spoke softly to him.

“Manny, will you join me topside?”

The night was cold and clear and the light of a thousand stars burned over their heads as they emerged from con’s hatch. Both men pulled their parkas tightly around their necks.

“Well, Captain, it has unfolded as you imagined.”

“But we have one final, loose thread to gather in.” Erich looked at his friend while Manny fumbled to light a cigarette in the cool air.

“A thread? Is that what you call it?”

Erich chuckled. “Thread… actually more like a hawser.”

“I assume you are talking about our secret weapon.” Manny pulled on his cigarette, its tip glowed brightly in the cold air.

Erich nodded. “I say we get it off this boat. As quickly as possible.”

“You mean toss it overboard?” Manny looked apprehensive at this solution.

Erich shrugged. “That is one possibility. But perhaps fate has prepared something different for us?”

Manny exhaled a thin plume of smoke, pretended to study its shape and dissolution. “All right. I am listening.”

“I am not normally so mystical,” said Erich. “But I believe we found that place for a reason. There is something… wrong about it. Maybe even… evil. I don’t know if I can even explain why I feel it — I just do.”

“I don’t follow you. What are you saying?”

Erich cleared his throat. “There is only one place for that device…”

“What?” Manny’s tone revealed his sudden understanding. He looked at him, then out across the cave-dark sea toward the Greenland shore. “You… want to go back? Down there? In there?”

“Crazy. Yes, Manny, I know. But I feel it. Just like I feel we carry a great terror on this boat. You suspected. You knew.” Erich paused, felt oddly embarrassed as he discussed his orders. “I wanted to confirm it for you, but my orders forbade it.”

Manny smiled. “We talked, remember. You did not have to verify it.”

Neither man spoke for a minute or two.

Manny exhaled, his breath captured briefly in the frigid air. “Well, we have time to make rendezvous and… and still do what you want.”

Erich looked at him, pulled an envelope from his pocket. “These are sealed orders for you and Kress.”


Erich nodded. “Yes. At rendezvous, when we were supposed to take on the pilots from the Sturm, Kress would be required to arm the bomb. Just before we launched the ME-5X.”

Manny laughed lightly, not from any humor in the words, but rather its maniacal obverse. He looked at his friend, his mirth suddenly gone. “We are all insane.”

Erich nodded. “Does that mean you agree with me?”

Manny looked toward the shore. “We have carried this evil in our bellies for a while now. Even just suspecting it had sickened me. Let’s heave it up. Here. Now.”

When Erich gave the command to return to the ruins, his crew could not mask the shock on their faces. Even Massenburg and Ostermann could not maintain their decorum. Erich ignored their attempts to get more information — only telling them the 5001 had a final addendum to the new orders they’d received.

“Take her down,” Erich said to the helmsman, and almost instantly felt the big boat respond to his command. The thought of returning to that strange and terrible landscape was anathema to him, went against the silent vow he had made when he had closed the hatch on it not twenty-four hours ago. But he believed he had little choice in this.

Manny stayed at the viewing port relaying visual information as the boat re-entered the under-ice passage. Slowly, they retraced their initial path until they surfaced on the dead calm of the nameless sea. As they floated near their entry point, Erich stood in the nest of the conning tower, peered through his Zeiss field glasses, looking for the location to suit his purpose. Although destruction of the city would be ideal, he would be happy with merely sealing it off, collapsing the cavern and the underwater entrance.

His problem was that he had no real appreciation for the power in the device they carried. Without witnessing the hellish display, no man could understand. High Command had tried to convey a sense of it to him, but it was only theoretical. Conjecture was never the same as reality.

“We are ready when you are,” said Manny, who had appeared in the hatch.

Erich nodded. “Open the hangar.”

Manny nodded, scurried down the hatch. Erich turned to watch the blister-doors of the hangar deck. There was a clanging sound, the whir of an electric winch and the sealed panels cracked open, swinging wide to reveal the seaplane with its wings tucked under itself like a sleeping raptor. Yawning wider, the doors uncovered three men standing on the deck — Manny, Kress, and Massenburg. While Kress eased himself under the belly of the seaplane to gaze up into the open bomb bay, the other two men carefully swung a wooden motor-launch, a powered lifeboat, over the side and hand-cranked it down to the water. The boat was to have been used by the launch crew as they readied the seaplane for take-off, but Erich had other plans for it now.

Erich watched all three of his men, waiting patiently until they had finished their preliminary preparations. Manny and Helmut had pulled themselves back up to the deck as Kress levered himself out from under the plane.

Standing up he looked up at Erich. “I am ready, Captain.”

“Can you do it?”

Kress held some folded paper in hand. “Ja. We have the means.”

“Very well. Get it into the boat.”

Kress snapped off a salute and enlisted the other two men to help him. Their first task was to lower the bomb from the Messerschmitt’s bomb rack with the set of dual hydraulic jacks used to originally load it. The jacks had been designed to raise and lower the device as needed during the arming process. The trick, Erich knew, was the re-engineering of the crane and winch. If successful, the assembly could easily get the bomb into the launch, rather than swing the seaplane out off the deck and lower it into the water.

The process proved time-consuming although not as difficult as he imagined. The bomb was more than 3 meters in length, and less than a half-meter in diameter. But its size was not as challenging as its weight of more than two thousand kilograms. Which is why they needed to employ the crane to lower it into the launch, and why it demanded time and care, as well as leverage.

Several hours later, Erich joined them in the motor-launch and directed them toward a small cove along the nearest shoreline. They towed a rubber dinghy behind them as they paired up and flanked their terrible cargo supported by the hydraulic jacks.

“Tell me one more time, Herr Kress,” said Erich.

Nodding slowly, Kress kept one hand on the bomb’s outer shell, as if to stabilize it. “The detonation design is called the ‘gun method’,” he said. “It uses a standard 105mm shell casing to fire what the orders describe as ‘sub-critical material’ into the bomb’s target rings which are made of the uranium isotopes.”

“And you can make this work without killing us?” Manny looked at him cautiously.

“I think so, yes.”

“Then you are not certain?”

“The orders and instructions are fairly straightforward. I have modified a timer and shaped charges from one of our scuttle packages,” said the engineer. “I will give us up to an hour to be quite far away.”

Erich nodded. “And the charge will be enough to detonate the 105 shell?”

Kress grinned in the spirit of all young boys who like to blow things up. “Oh. yes, Captain. It should be more than adequate.”

Erich looked ahead as Massenburg maneuvered the launch into the cove. The beacon tower and the nameless city lay on the opposite shore shrouded in mist. They were almost invisible, but Erich could sense their presence like a weight hanging over his head.

“Well, then,” said Erich. “My only concern is an answer we cannot obtain — how far away do we need to be to be safe from this thing?”

Kress shrugged. “I think we will know soon enough, Captain.”

Ten minutes later, the motor launch, with its massive deadly cargo, lay beached in the small cove. Erich, Manny, and his Chief Warrant Officer all hunkered down in the rubber dinghy watching Kress, who turned a spring loaded dial, depressed the timer, and sloshed through the water to join them as fast as he could.

“Now we must be quick,” he said.

More than fifteen minutes elapsed before they had sealed the hatches and slipped beneath the surface. As Manny guided the 5001 through the under-ice maze, Erich kept watching the sweep-tick of his watch, which seemed to moving faster than he had ever seen it.

How far would they get? How far would they need be?

Erich and his three accomplices sweated out the diminishing minutes as their boat cleared the ice shelf and broke into the open sea. The rest of the crew went about their tasks with not an inkling of the terrible force they now fled.

When they finally surfaced several kilometers south of their exit-point, Erich left the control deck with Manny and Helmut, joined Kress in the engine room. All of them held their timepieces in front of them. Now the notching of the tiny hands slowed. The final minutes fell away with stubborn resolve. Minutes finally reduced to scant seconds.

They studied them and each other’s faces, and…


The allotted time had slipped past them and they felt nothing, heard nothing.

“Could it be possible to be… so insulated?” said Manny.

“No, not at all,” said Kress. “We would hear a torpedo at this distance.”

“What happened?” said Massenburg. “A dud?”

“Perhaps only for the moment,” said Erich.

But it had proved to be wishful thinking.

If he would make rendezvous, Erich could not remain in the vicinity to acknowledge any delayed activity. He had no choice but to accept failure — either in his own plans or those of the men of Project Norway. The bomb remained silent, impotent as the rest of the Nazi war effort. It was beyond his control now, and so would it remain.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Sinclair Interstate 83

He had been driving in silence, cursing their inability to draw in the net closer. Driving toward Lancaster on a calculated hunch was all they had for the moment, and he had no guarantees things would improve. Sinclair was gambling right now, and he hated being pushed to that final tactic. It was not how he’d survived all these years. Throwing dice up against a wall was no substitute for shrewd analysis.

As he headed east on US 30, Entwhistle began downloading some responses to his last set of queries to thin out the data he’d requested. “Hel-lo!” he said slyly. “I think we have something here.”

“Fill me in.” Sinclair adjusted to changing traffic patterns but listened acutely.

“The pay phone was in a Stop’n’Go petrol station on the corner of Chestnut and Prince Streets.”

“And that is significant why?”

“You’re going to like this.” Entwhistle chuckled. “The pay phone is across the street from an establishment called Manny’s Tap Room.”

Sinclair shook his head. His exec’s habit of stretching out information as if playing a game was sometimes infuriating. “Why should I ‘like’ that? Get to the fucking point.”

“The ‘Manny’ referenced is listed on the original papers of incorporation as Manfred Fassbaden and the other name is Erich Bruckner.”

Sinclair knew he should be connecting the dots by now, but he was tired, pissed off, and having trouble keeping his thoughts focused. He’d just passed a sign announcing the proximity of Lancaster: seven miles. “Just tell me what you’re getting at.”

“Both men were officers in the U-boat service.” Entwhistle’s voice was low and deliberate.

“No such thing as coincidence.” Sinclair, who felt a sudden flash of vindication in heading toward Lancaster. “A good first step, but we need more than that.”

“I’m not finished yet. Fassbaden and Bruckner graduated the unterseeboot academy at Flensburg together. They served on different vessels until April, 1945, when they were both slated for a secret mission. No details beyond that, but it connects them rather well, wouldn’t you say?”

“No such thing as coincidence,” Sinclair repeated. “How can we use it?”

Entwhistle chuckled. “Try this: I have a Richard and Margaret Bruckner living on Foxshire Drive in Lancaster.”

“Any other Bruckners in this town?”


“Put that address into the GPS. That’s where we’re going to wrap this thing up.”

Entwhistle began punching in the correct digits. “Do you foresee extreme methods?”

Sinclair eased out a breath. “Probably…”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


“Hold it…” said Dex. “You left an atomic bomb under the Greenland Shelf? And — you left it hot?”

“That is correct,” said Bruckner. “You see now why I wanted to speak to you?”

Dex grabbed the remains of his bourbon, poured it down his throat, but barely felt it. This whole story was getting way too strange now. “I don’t know how those things work — is it dangerous? After all this time?”

The captain shrugged, shook his head. “I have no idea. I was hoping you would.”

“Me?” Dex shook his head, still trying to wrap his thoughts around this latest piece of the story.

Tommy nudged him softly. “Any way we can find out?”

“We’re going to need to talk to the right people,” said Dex. “This is so out of our league…”

Jason moved to put a hand on his shoulder. “Opa, this is crazy, man. You’re not kidding us, are you?”

Bruckner looked at him with irritation. “I may be old, but I am not a… a nut. Of course it is true.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything? Till now?” His grandson looked embarrassed, panicked.

“It is something you never want to think about. And so I tried to forget. Besides, as long as the secret, along with everything else stayed buried…”

“What did it matter, right?” said Dex, finishing the thought.

“That is correct.” Bruckner closed his log book with a small dramatic flourish as if to emphasize the point, then put the old fragile book in the side pocket of his golf jacket.

“But now, we might have trouble. No way to know if the Navy or anybody else found your little surprise. Not yet anyway.”

“I… do not want anyone to get hurt because of something I did so long ago.”

Dex looked at Bruckner — he looked concerned, distressed, maybe, but a long way from incompetent.

“Man, after all this time, I have no way of knowing if it could still go off,” said Dex. “We need to talk to the right people.”

Jason looked at his grandfather. “Does Dad know any of this?”

Bruckner shook his head. “No. Nobody ever did — except Manny and Freddie Hausser. And they are both in the Great Beyond.”

“Did either of them ever share it with anyone?” Tommy asked the question in a half-whisper.

Bruckner shrugged. “I do not know. But I would think not.”

“Unbelievable,” said Jason. “This is just crazy.”

The old man regarded his grandson. “Why do you think I told you about the number of the U-boat? Because I knew what I had left inside it. My log could lead people to find those ruins, and what I left there. And over the years, I had seen stories, Jason. Like the Titanic. More and more people have been finding wrecks, and—”

“You were very smart to be cautious,” said Dex. Whenever he contacted Parker Whitehurst, he was going to have a hell of a punchline to his story.

“I have many times told my grandson — there had to be a reason God has let me live so long. I believe this is it.”

Augie, who’d been sitting in stunned silence through most of this, now stood and walked over to Bruckner, placed a thin hand on his shoulder. “I understand what you mean. I’ve had thoughts like that myself.”

“What’re we going to tell Dad?” Jason was looking at his grandfather with an expression equal parts admiration and anger.

“Ha!” Bruckner smiled. “Nothing! We tell him nothing for now. My son is not built for this kind of thing. You want to give him a heart attack?”

Dex grinned despite the revelations; he really liked the old captain. He was ready to make a suggestion on how to proceed when his Trac Fone started chirping. The sound so startled him, for an instant, he felt confused and wary… until he realized he’d been expecting this call. The impact of Bruckner’s story had deflected Dex’s anticipation, but he smiled when he saw the 202 area code on the ID screen.

“Would everyone excuse me for a minute,” he said. “I’m going to need to take this.”

“Of course, of course.” Bruckner, gesturing him toward the other room. “Jason, could you go downstairs and get everyone a refill?”

As the grandson complied, Dex moved quickly into the office area, sat behind a desk, and pushed the right button on the disposable phone.

“Hello, Dex McCauley here…”

“Chief, this is Admiral Whitehurst. Before we go any further, I should tell you some newscasts are telling people you’re a dead man.”

“That was, as Twain said, ‘exaggerated’.”

“Maybe.” Whitehurst paused. “How do I know you’re who you say you are?”

Dex had been prepared for this. “Ask me something only Dex McCauley would know.”

The Admiral chuckled, then paused. “All right, sailor. Back when you were just getting started at Panama City, I was driving a car I liked a lot back then — what was it?”

“Austin Healy. Bug-eye Sprite. British Racing Green, sir.” Dex said without hesitation, then paused. “I… I don’t remember the year.”

“That’s okay. Very good. Now, one more thing. My secretary had a bad habit of sending your recruits out for ice cream — what flavor?”

“Butter pecan, sir.”

Admiral Whitehurst laughed in relief. “All right, all right. Now, McCauley, whatever you’ve got to tell me better be damned good.”

The two men spoke with a casual familiarity that bespoke twenty years of serving together. Skipping any small talk, Dex answered frankly. “I think you know me well enough, sir. I wouldn’t have contacted you without good reason.”

“I know that, Chief. I did some preliminary checking on your list — now fill me in.”

Dex did his best to summarize the sequence of events that pushed him to make the call. When he’d finally finished, Whitehurst didn’t speak for a moment. Then: “Jesus Christ, you’re serious, aren’t you? About all of it… and the old U-boat captain, he’s really still alive?”

“Yes sir, all true.”

“I need some time to let all this settle, to see the larger picture. If that secret base is even close to what you think it might be…” Whitehurst paused again.

Dex waited, then risked interrupting his thoughts. “Admiral, sir?”


“I… I just need to know. And I don’t want you to get upset with me for even asking a question like this, but… those guys who’re after us…”

“Stow it, sailor,” said Whitehurst. “They’re not ours. We wouldn’t do that to our own. You’ll be safe with me, McCauley.”

“Well, I must’ve already believed that, or I’d never have called you.”

“Noted,” said Whitehurst. “However, you should know we’re going to need to pick you and your people up. You’re still in danger.”

“Any idea who those guys could be?”

“We’ll find out.”

“So, what’s our next move?”

“How many in your group are we talking about?”


“I’ll scramble a Sea Ranger from the Naval Hospital in Philly. They’ll get it there within the hour, I’m sure. We need to get you and your people down here to DC for a debriefing. Can the old bastard fly?”

“Pretty sure. He looks plenty healthy to me,” said Dex. He was feeling an electric surge in his pulse, a coiled spring tension in his shoulders and arms. He’d almost forgotten what that sense of readiness was like. But it was as comfortable as an old shoe, and Dex smiled.

“The pilot will call you when he’s close to the field. I’m assuming Lancaster has an airport — if not we’ll coordinate as soon as I get a confirmed LZ, okay? But I think you should get started right away.”

“Yes sir, and thank you for calling back, Admiral.”

“Let’s just say you got my curiosity. Get moving, sailor.”

Disconnecting the call, Dex re-entered the room and told everybody the plan. When Captain Bruckner learned of the Navy’s plan to fly him out, his eyes brightened, warming to the suggestion of adventure.

Dex was about to suggest they start making plans when something occurred to him. One of the things he’d always done in Rescue was have a back-up plan, and with this in mind, he spoke to Bruckner.

“Captain, is there any way you might be able to make me a map? Can you remember what that place looked like? Enough to give me an idea where you left the bomb?”

Bruckner nodded. “Yes. I will never forget that place.”

Moving quickly, Erich found some copy machine paper and a pen from the office area. He cleared the drinks and snacks off the tray and let the old man start sketching. As he watched him slowly connect a series of shaky lines, Dex became aware of the music playing beneath their feet. The steady thump of a bass line sounded like the beating heart of a great beast, buried, but slowly awakening — which was exactly what was happening, wasn’t it?

While he watched Bruckner, the door opened at the landing and Jason appeared with new drinks and some bar snacks. Dex thanked him and explained what his grandfather was trying to do.

Jason nodded, put the tray on the table between the chairs. Quietly, he gestured for Dex to follow him back out of the room where the old man couldn’t hear them.

“You know,” he said. “It’s funny, I keep going over all this — everything I’ve found out today — and I keep trying to figure out whose fault it is.”

“Hey, come on…” Dex started to say something.

Jason waved him off. “I mean, that’s how they teach us to think these days — that it’s always somebody to blame, right? So I’m thinking — how did all this shit get so complicated? So fast? And every time I look at that sweet old guy, the guy who’s loved me and taught me so much since I was just a kid, I… I can’t believe he did anything like this.”

“He did what he had to do,” said Dex. “Just like he’s doing now.”

“So, you’re… you’re okay with him?” Jason looked apprehensive.

“You kidding?” said Dex. “‘Okay’ with him? Your grandfather’s an officer — I’m counting on him.”

Jason absorbed that simple truth, and unleashed a genuine smile.

They returned to the room to see that Bruckner had finished his map. Although the lines were a little shaky, and the scale wasn’t altogether accurate, the relative positions of things he’d described were all there. He showed it to Dex with an expression of obvious self-satisfaction.

“Not bad, eh?” he said.

“Pretty good, actually,” said Dex. “We may need this at some point. I can keep it, right?”

“Of course.”

As Dex folded it up to stash in his pocket, the old man looked away for a moment as if replaying another memory.

“You know, there is something else,” said Bruckner. “One more thing.”

“What’s that?”

The old man grinned, waved his finger chidingly at Dex. “No, I must show you. Telling would do no good.”

“What’re you talking about?” said Jason.

Erich sighed. “As I said before, as the time passed, and nothing ever came of our sunken boat. Buried under the bay, and forgotten. There was only one thing to tie us to any of it, and Manny and I had to decide what to do with it.”

Dex nodded. “And what thing is that?”

“Something we retrieved from the wreckage,” said Bruckner. He shook his head, as if to indicate there was no way he could relate it to them.

“Was it a piece of metal? Shaped kind of like a brick?”

Bruckner looked surprised. “How did you know that?”

“I read your log, remember?”

“Oh, yes, of course. And yes, I’ve kept it all these years.”

“Plus, we found another one,” said Dex. “Right where you must have left it — by the aft hatch.”

Yes, I remember… when it dropped away from me.” Bruckner’s gaze was somewhere else in the corridors of his memories. “Where is it? Do you have it with you?”

Dex shrugged, not feeling like this was the best time to unravel the rest of his story concerning the attack on the Sea Dog. “No… we… lost it… in an accident. It’s back in the Bay.”

“No matter. I made provision to keep the one I took. It was the only solid proof I had… the proof we had really been there.”

“Where is it now?” Dex looked around at the small group, then directly at Bruckner. “You can tell us all, Captain — we’re all in this together.”

The old man looked at his grandson. “Jason knows. He was with me when I secured it there. Conestoga Memorial Cemetery. Next to Manny’s headstone, we buried it there, right after he died, remember?”

Jason nodded. “I remember,” he said in a solemn voice.

“I had kept that object with me all these years, in a box I kept by my bed. It was the only thing that proved to me it had all been real. But when Manny died… I don’t know, there was nothing left to connect me to the past.”

“I think we should leave it there for now,” said Dex. “Believe me, sir, you don’t have to prove anything to me.”

Bruckner considered this for moment, then nodded. “Perhaps you are right,” he said. “And now, should we prepare for our trip?”

“Yeah,” said Dex, looking at Jason, who was standing at his grandfather’s side. “Is there anything he’s going to need before we leave?”

“He has a bunch of prescriptions, some clothes, I guess, right?”

Dex nodded, gestured to everybody. “Sounds good to me. Let’s get going.”

While Jason carefully helped the elder Bruckner down the stairs, into the corridor that exited Manny’s Tap Room, Dex did the same for Augie, who complained he didn’t need any help, but the whole time held onto Dex’s arm in a deathgrip. Tommy followed everyone out into the parking lot. The sun had set while they’d been inside, and the night sky burned clear and starry above them. The muted sounds of bass-driven music buffeted the back door of the bar. As Jason helped the two old guys into the spacious back seat of the Murano, Dex caught Tommy’s sleeve as he looked around in the darkness and the phalanx of cars all around them.

“Hey,” he said in a whisper. “Keep an eye out. I feel very exposed out here.”

Tommy tensed, put a hand in the pocket of his windbreaker to touch the grip of the Glock 18. “Jeez… you think—?”

“I don’t know what to think. But we have to be careful, No way to know if our big bald friend’s gotten loose or not.”

“Gotcha.” Tommy climbed into the shotgun seat looking very uncomfortable.

As Jason backed out of the parking space, Dex looked over at Bruckner. “There’s more to your story, Captain. Do you mind telling us what happened after your last entry in the log?”

“Hmmm?” Bruckner looked up from his thoughts.

“Well, basically,” said Dex. “I’m curious. How’d you get from there… to here?”

“Yes, I suppose there is more to the story.” The old guy grinned, nodded.

“He’s right, Opa,” said Jason. “I don’t think I’ve heard all this, either.”

“All right,” said Bruckner. “We have a little bit of a ride. I can tell you all the rest of my story.”

Chapter Forty

Erich Bruckner Chesapeake Bay 4 May 1945

Ostermann was the last to leave the boat. “Are you certain you want to do this, Captain?”

Erich shook his hand. “A captain stays with his ship,” he said. “I will try to get her where she belongs.”

His navigator saluted, then headed for the Sturm. There had been no need to share his intentions with the rest of the crew. As Manny and Hausser watched the big cruiser glide away from them, Erich was already charting a course for the short run south to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. They would be forced to remain on the surface because they would not have enough crew to perform even the most rudimentary diving or surfacing operations.

Erich had no choice but to gamble they would not be discovered. For the scant hour or so of daylight, a low cloud cover was in their favor if the Americans had continued recon flights along the coast despite the war’s end.

Hours later, rocked in the cradle of midnight, the U-5001 tossed gently on the surface of the Bay. They had made it. It was very dark — and the cloud cover remained heavy with the possibility of a storm. Frederich Hausser stood by an inflated rubber dinghy, tied up alongside the rear hatch. He stood at the ready to unleash it in case of an emergency. After all this planning, Erich did not want the sinking submarine to pull their life raft down with it.

Manny was not certain how close they might be to any onshore installations or homes, and for that reason he did not want to place any charges. If sounds of detonations drew attention, they would be risking capture. Erich did not want the Americans to know anything about his boat’s true mission. And so, it was necessary to scuttle the boat by hand in a fairly deep drop off in the seabed.

He and Manny opened the ballast doors, overflowing all tanks. The effect was immediate and much faster than they imagined and the brackish water rushed in the open hatches around their feet in an instant.

“Get to the aft hatch!” yelled Manny.

As they ran, Erich could feel the boat was lowering itself into the water with great speed. He knew they had little time before all open hatches were breached. When that happened, she would go down.

As he rushed headlong past his captain’s quarters, Erich paused, debating for an instant whether he had time or inclination to bring his small footlocker — containing his papers and the ship’s log. He’d previously convinced himself he would be starting over with a whole new life, but when the moment came to let everything go, he felt hesitation.

But it was short-lived. Manny ran up behind him, pushed him along, yelling like a maniac. “No time! No time!”

Erich trailed his friend as they scrambled up the ladder to the escape hatch. At that moment, the strap to Manny’s rucksack snagged on a jutting pipe. When it pulled taut, its flap opened and one of the metallic bars he carried fell away, clattering to the deck below. Erich paused, thought about trying to retrieve it, and Manny yelled something unintelligible as he grabbed his captain by the neck of his sweater and yanked him up the ladder.

Water breached the hatch; a torrent roared past Erich just as Manny pulled him clear. If he had not done that, Erich could have been trapped.

And then it happened so quick after that. He was stunned how fast the water took her down. Jumping into the dinghy, he barely had time to turn and salute his last command. The U-5001 slipped beneath the shimmering black bay and was gone.

It had been a sobering scene.

So final.

After seeing it, the three men paddled slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. Without the bright, clear chart of the stars, they had no cues for direction, but they could see a pale, distant scattering of lights, which defined the shoreline and the general north-south orientation of the Bay. At that moment, Erich tried to concentrate on their position rather than think too deeply upon the enormity of what he was doing. But one thought would not leave him: he was certainly a very desperate young man.

They fought against the tide for several hours before finally reaching a muddy embankment. With no moon, the land was dark as a coalmine, and the lights they had seen from a distance had become lost in a thick tree line. Insects thrummed and Erich thought he heard the occasional rattle of a vehicle on some distant, unknown road.

“Hide the raft,” he told his small crew, and they punctured the dinghy and did a poor job of hiding it beneath some underbrush. However, it only needed to stay undiscovered until they were far enough away to never be connected to it.

Hausser had said they must work their way north, toward Baltimore, but slowly with great caution. Once in the city, they could find his uncle’s restaurant, and the hope of sanctuary. Erich felt this was a simple plan, but he was concerned about his poor English skills. Like Manny, he barely recalled any of his grammar school drills. Hausser claimed to have a decent vocabulary from his letters to his American cousins, but Erich believed in no guarantees at that point.

There were other concerns as well — they had no American money, no real sense of direction nor distance, and were very afraid people might not yet know the war had ended. What would happen, Erich mused, if they were caught and discovered to be Germans by an uninformed populace?

Manny felt it wise to head toward the sound of vehicles, which promised a road and a means of orienting themselves. They reached a paved two-lane highway just as dawn arrived, giving them a compass heading. Manny figured the road headed in a general northwest direction, which suited their purpose. However, they decided to remain in the woods and brush bordering the road, moving as best they could, but undetected during the day. The landscape was mostly peppered by farms and the occasional intersection.

When darkness fell, they were fighting exhaustion and had used up the small amount of rations they’d brought along. Although risking capture was almost unthinkable, Erich knew they would not get very far without food or water. And so, when they stumbled on a small rural gas station and grocery which had closed for the evening, they had no choice but to break inside and gather provisions.

For almost a week, they moved only in darkness, abetted by one additional burglary. It was slow and they had no idea when they would reach the city. However, as the farms became more plentiful, so did available supplies and well water, which kept them alive. Manny seemed particularly terrified by the idea of capture. Erich was getting to the point of no longer caring what happened to him, while the young Hausser seemed to be genuinely excited at the prospect of seeing his relatives.

On the evening of the sixth day of their wandering, they saw a glow beyond the horizon, signaling a large city. The outskirts of Baltimore. Crowded. Dirty. Industrial.

They entered the area through the southeast where steel mills still blazed around the clock and shipyards swelled with dry-docked vessels in for repairs. The war with Japan was very much in doubt, and America still labored to earn victory. Everyone working so hard. So much activity that Erich felt safe walking in the streets. Wearing non-descript khaki and denim, they looked like other workers. No one gave them a second glance.

They became more comfortable, and Hausser became downright bold. “We need money,” he said. “I will get it for us.”

Erich and Manny waited in an alley, while their young cook begged for coins on a street corner.

Within the hour, he had a handful of nickels. “Watch this, Captain,” he said.

Erich and Manny followed him into a tiny corner store selling cigarettes, newspapers, and American soft drinks. Hausser smiled as he spotted what he was looking for in the rear corner of the establishment. But first he moved to a refrigerated chest, lifted its lid and pulled out three bottles of Coca-Cola. The glass felt cool in Erich’s hand, and he realized they had no way to open them. A small boy squeezed past him, retrieved his own bottle, and snapped it open on a small lip attached to the side of the cooler.

Smiling, Manny nodded and they all opened their first bottles of Coke in America. It was a moment Erich never forgot.

As they edged to the back of the store, Hausser directed them to the original object of his quest — a wooden phone booth with a split hinged folding door and a large book attached to a shelf beneath a telephone.

Hausser spent considerable time searching through the listings… until he found what he needed. “It is the Continental House,” he whispered in German. “I found it!”

A phone number. Using one of his begged coins, he successfully telephoned his Uncle Herman at the restaurant. Hausser was so proud of his ability to do this, his smile looked as if it would explode off his face.

After hanging up, Hausser guided them outside into the noisy street, then told them how shocked his uncle had been to receive a call from young Freddie, as they all called him. But the elder Hausser did not hesitate to act.

One half hour later, Herman and his son, Dickie, arrived in a 1938 Plymouth, a beat-up black sedan, covered in road dust. He drove up Hanover Street through a neighborhood he called ‘Sobo’. The uncle was tall with thin blond hair and small, round spectacles. He had been clearly overjoyed to see his young nephew, and if he was suspicious of Manny and Erich, he did not show it. As he drove slowly up the crowded streets, he told Erich with evident honesty he could not have helped them if the war in Europe had not been ended.

Erich nodded, tried to relay in half-English-half-German, his appreciation and understanding. He tried to tell Herman he would have done the same. At that moment, Erich had acknowledged the day would come when they would face questions from the Americans and their answers would have to be good ones.

When they reached the Continental House, Erich was impressed with the size and popularity of the restaurant. Herman ran it with his wife, their two daughters and their husbands as the wait-staff. They had a German chef named Kimmel, a few kitchen helpers, and that was all. Herman had come to America as a small boy with his family, who had been in the meat business as butchers and packers. He started his restaurant after the Depression, originally calling it the German Haus, but he had changed the name after Hitler invaded Poland and occupied France.

Erich and Manny were taken in by Hausser’s family with a promise they would be safe until they could get established. Back then, Baltimore was very much a patch-quilt of tight little neighborhoods demarcated by nationalities. The Haussers lived in Morrell Park — an area which had been heavily German for a hundred years, and because of that, no one paid much attention to the poor English language skills of Erich and Manny.

Nephew Freddie went to work in the family restaurant’s kitchen, where he learned the secrets of the great chefs and how to speak passable English quite quickly. Herman found Manny work as a neighborhood handy-man with older residents who needed odd-jobs and who still spoke a fair amount of German. Finally, he was able to arrange employment for Erich as a helper on an ice-truck. It was backbreaking work, dragging blocks of ice into stores and taverns. And, because he spoke so little English, the pay was very low.

As the months passed, slouching into a humid Baltimore August, Manny and Erich learned to speak the language of the locals. At first, it was difficult, and peppered with colloquial aberrations, but Erich persevered because of the utter necessity of it. He, Manny, and Freddie were becoming a familiar part of the neighborhood, and no one questioned their presence there. As Erich learned more English, he was able to comprehend more of what was happening in his home country. And, as he and Manny had suspected, Europe and Russia were planning to punish Germany in a very large way. Both were grateful to not be there — either to witness or suffer it.

Japan surrendered when it felt the punishing force of an American atomic device. When Erich saw the notices later that month of a terrible weapon that had leveled two Japanese cities, he thought immediately of the device he’d left behind… and only then had any true sense of what kind of weapon it might have been.

Erich would have never imagined ever spending a Christmas in America, and his first was a memorable one. He and Manny had been making friends throughout the neighborhood and the city itself. There was a lot to like about their new country, and they had both decided to become permanent citizens — if they ever wanted better jobs, better housing.

Like so many of his friends, Erich wanted a family. But there was only one way to do this — he would need to rise up from hiding. Herman Hausser suggested waiting at least a year after the end of the war before placing himself at the mercy of the American authorities. Time has a way of smoothing out rough spots, and Erich hoped the American Navy would be tired of the war and have little interest in him or his Executive Officer.

While keeping a low profile until the proper time, he and Manny, along with Freddie Hausser, concocted a history for themselves. A history that would allow them to keep the truth buried — hopefully forever.

By the next summer, they were ready. Thankfully, Erich recalled the story of the U-1020, under the command of a very young captain named Eberlein. In January, 1945, it had disappeared during its mission to scout aerial defenses of major harbor cities along the East Coast of America — part of the preparation for the 5001’s secret mission. When Erich and the others officially turned themselves in, Erich told the federal agents they had been part of an adjunct training crew on that submarine, which had been sunk in the Atlantic, south of the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. They had been the only three survivors — washing ashore south of Norfolk.

Erich had been confident the Americans would believe him — for several reasons. One, he gave them real names, and the feds were able to verify all three of them had been members of the German Navy. Two, there was no record of Manny, Hausser, or Erich sailing on any other boats — the 5001 never officially existed and adjunct crew were routinely omitted from regular boat crew-lists. Three, the Navy did have records of attacking and sinking U-boats sighted off the Virginia and Carolina coasts in January of ’45. which made it more than likely they sank the boat carrying Erich and the others. And four, Erich had no reason to be lying.

They did believe them, and eventually, after passing through the bureaucracy, Erich, along with Manny and Freddie Hausser, went about the business of becoming Americans.

Chapter Forty-One


As Jason maneuvered along the not-crowded streets of downtown Lancaster, Dex listened to Erich Bruckner, who had proved himself a decent narrator.

“Opa, you never told me any of that before,” said Jason.

“I hedged my bets, as they say.” Bruckner looked out the window wistfully. “I was hoping I would never need to.”

“It must have been hard to keep all that in, all this time,” said Augie, who’d been listening with rapt attention.

“For a long time, I had Manny who shared our secret — who believed in staying silent as much as me. Of course, often, that can be a problem.” Bruckner turned to look at Dex, smiled. “Ben Franklin said something about such a situation, Mr. McCauley. Did you ever hear it?”

Dex smiled. He knew the quote well. “Two men can easily keep a secret… as long as one of them is dead.”

Bruckner nodded. “And that has been the case for seven years now.”

“But what about before then?” said Jason. “How did you keep it so quiet?”

Erich regarded his grandson, pausing to find the right words. Then he said, “Manny and I were… what is the word… haunted by the ruins we’d found. And the suggestion that something had been awakened in the base after the explosion. We agreed the place was best left alone. Forgotten. Like a tomb with a curse. And the curse turned out to be the Project Norway bomb.”

“Yeah, I can understand that,” said Jason.

“Besides,” said Erich. “The odds of anyone ever finding a passage under the Greenland Shelf seemed almost impossible.”

“Yeah, but what about the science stuff? That beacon thing?” Jason spoke softly, with a very respectful tone. “I mean, whoever built that, they sounded so much more advanced than us. Maybe we should try to—”

“No,” said Erich, holding up a hand. “Better left alone. Maybe we should not know what became of them.”

“Hmm, yeah,” said Tommy. “I never thought of it like that, but you’re right, you know.”

Bruckner continued: “I had one other overriding concern. Remember, I had left my logbook in my quarters on the U-5001. For many years, I worried about that. I wondered if anyone might ever find the remains of our boat. If they did, I wondered if they would be able to discover facts regarding our true mission.”

“But the years went by, and Manny and I carried on our lives. We married American girls, saved our money. We opened our first bar near the Cross Street Market in Baltimore. We did well. When we discovered the old world ways and the German influences up here in Pennsylvania, we decided to sell the bar and move our families, and open a new place. It was a fine idea.”

“Yeah, Opa, you did great, you really did.”

Bruckner smiled as he patted his grandson’s shoulder. Then he turned to Dex: “All that time going by, and no word on our U-boat. Manny was convinced it was gone forever, but my instincts told me to never be certain of anything — that’s why, after Manny died, I told Jason his ‘uncle’ had been in the German submarine service, that his boat was called the U-5001, and I stressed to him if he ever saw any mention of the boat — any at all — I would be interested in knowing about it.”

“Okay,” said the grandson. “It’s all making sense now.”

“All that time,” said Dex. “And then along comes me and my divers.”

“Yes,” said Bruckner. “In all these years I have learned many things — one is to not be surprised by the workings of fate.”

While the old man had been talking, Dex had been partitioning his thoughts, wondering how much he should tell Captain Bruckner about the people who were after them. He was an officer, and deserved to know, but it would probably be best to wait until the Admiral’s people reached them.

As much as Dex hated to even think about it, not only Bruckner might be in danger, but the rest of his family as well.

So what did he say? And when and to whom?

He remained silent as Jason pulled onto the Bruckner’s street. As the SUV drifted into a lazy turn into the driveway, Dex tapped Jason on the shoulder.

“Can you stop here for a sec? I need to get something from my truck.”

Tommy looked at him initially with surprise, then understanding. He didn’t want to alarm the others, but he didn’t want to go walking into a trap.

Reaching his hand into the pocket of his windbreaker, Tommy nodded. “You go on,” he said. “I’ll go in with Captain Bruckner and see if he needs any help.”

“I’m right behind you.” Dex turned and walked out to his F-150 on the sidewalk. Just as he reached it, he heard the first whump-whump sounds of a helicopter somewhere above them. Why hadn’t Whitehurst called back to confirm it?

Jason and his grandfather had reached the front door, followed by Augie and Tommy. Dex couldn’t move, seized by indecision. He had the Mossberg in the truck, but that was a desperation weapon. Useless in a crowd when not everybody in the crowd was a bad guy. Quickly opening the passenger door, he grabbed his backpack from the rear cab and rummaged an extra magazine for the Sig. With his hand in his jacket, he clicked off the handgun’s safety, and headed for the Bruckner house, where the group had entered and closed the door behind them.

Now that was weird…

The night sky resonated with the distant beat of rotor blades — were they getting louder, closer?

Jesus, he wasn’t trained for this kind of situation, and besides that, he was feeling too old to pull it off. He knew they’d been dumb-lucky the first time they’d locked horns with the enemy, but Dex had a very bad feeling they wouldn’t let themselves be that stupid twice.

Rotor blades whumping in the darkness. Definitely drawing closer. The Lancaster airport was dead north of his position, and only by a few miles.

What now?

Pulling out his Trac Fone, he hit the re-dial. If the connection locked him into the infinite carousel of the Pentagon routing system because it was after hours, he was fucked. If it—

“Whitehurst,” said a voice.

“Admiral, it’s McCauley — what’s going on? I never heard from you and the chopper’s on its way.” His gaze moved skyward as he spoke; now the running lights of the Sea Ranger, as well as its engine, had become a faint signal of its approach.

“That’s a negative,” said Whitehurst. “That’s why I haven’t confirmed yet. Philadelphia can’t get their bird airborne. Trouble with the fuel line…”

His hand tightened on the Sig’s grip. “What’re you talking about? I got one homing in on me right now.”

There was a pause on the other end. “No good, McCauley. Get everybody outta there! That’s not us!”

A little late for that, thought Dex. His pulse jumped so quickly, he felt an instant of pain behind his ears, a blur of vision. “I’m gonna need some help here!” he said, then punched off the call, knowing he should be doing something.

He moved away from his pick-up, leapt over the hedge and ran along the left perimeter of the front lawn. Interior lights blazed from most of the windows on that side of the house, like beacons to guide him in for a closer look.

Rotors were slashing and beating the air above him. Looking up, he saw a dark fuselage silhouetted briefly against the low cloud cover then it vanished. The aircraft had cut its running lights and only the increasing baffle of it blades belied its proximity. Dex wondered if it carried heat-sig scanners which would reveal his position instantly.

Can’t worry about it now.

Moving to a window under a flower bed, he wedged himself in between two large manicured shrubs. Thin, designer blinds shuttered the light from inside, but remained slanted just enough for him to squint into the thin horizontal opening.

Just enough to see a very bad situation.

Richard and Peggy Bruckner lay on the floor, hands and ankles bound by Monadnock plastic restraints — the kind now used by most cops. Dex couldn’t hear them, but Richard was muttering something as his wife sobbed demonstrably. Jason Bruckner was on the carpet as well, but seated and leaning against the wall — he’d taken off his shirt and was trying to staunch a heavily bleeding wound in his leg. His expression a combination of shock and abject terror.

No sign of Augie, Bruckner, or Tommy.

Jesus, what the fuck now…?

As if in answer, the rotor noise above him changed pitch and the chopper’s engine surged with power and intention. Wedged in between the cover of the large bushes, Dex look up to see the black aircraft careen over him at a severe angle, skimming the nearest decorative trees in the front yard as well as the peaked roof. Then it dipped and swooped like a gigantic, predatory insect as it dropped to the wide expanse of lawn behind the Bruckner’s colonial. It was small and sleek, and he didn’t recognize the model or the manufacturer, which meant it could be some exotic foreign bird.

The ratcheting rotor noise was loud and fearsome. Porch lights of neighboring homes were switching on, doors were opening as neighbors were checking on the disturbance.

Moving along the edge of the house, Dex reached the rear left corner, using a stand of small evergreens for cover. The bay door of the chopper had slid open to accept its cargo — which had moved into view simultaneously upon touchdown.

Tommy, hands bound behind his back, being rousted along by a tall, rangy dark-skinned guy wearing all black. The man’s right hand wedged a handgun under Tommy’s chin while his other arm held him close as human shield. Right behind him, a shorter stocky red-haired man with a mustache, who was basically supporting a wrist-bound Captain Bruckner, held in the same shield maneuver.

Even though Dex had raised his Sig, he knew — no way he was getting off a shot.

Anger and frustration caused his arm to tremble and waver.

Clusterfuck. Complete and total.

The thought burned through him as the black chopper angled skyward in a savage leap, its engine screaming with power and menace. Within seconds, it had tilted and twisted westward into the night sky, the beat of its blades dopplering away into a faint mocking whisper.

It was only then, he was aware of his Trac Fone chirping at him.

Slowly, he lowered his weapon, tucked it away just in case someone saw him and got the wrong idea. The ambient sounds of people yelling and moving about left him in an impotent haze, as he keyed on the phone.

“McCauley…” he said in a raspy voice.

“Jesus Christ, Chief! What’s going on? Why’d didn’t you pick up?”

“Situation Fubar, Admiral. Can’t talk now. I’ve got casualties…”

He punched off the call and moved quickly to the back entrance of the house where the patio sliding glass door yawned open. As he moved quickly through the kitchen he heard a woman still moaning and sobbing.

He started yelling to announce his presence. Last thing he wanted was to create more panic. “Jason! Mr. Bruckner! It’s Dex!”

The Trac Fone started chirping, but he ignored it.

Peggy Bruckner was screaming, so loudly she effectively masked whatever it was Richard Bruckner was trying to say. Turning the corner out of the kitchen, Dex entered the room he glimpsed through the slatted blinds. Augie’s still form on the carpet remained in the same position — not good. Against the far wall, Jason had slumped over, conscious but growing pale. He looked like he was bleeding out, although slower than from an arterial wound. Peggy continued to wail, lost in total hysteria.

The Trac Fone went silent.

Kneeling by Richard, Dex pulled out his Spyderco and ripped through the restraint’s tough plastic with the knife’s inner serrated edge.

“Get ’im out of here! He’s hurt bad!” yelled Richard.

“What happened here—quickly!” Dex handed him the knife to cut his wife free, turned to Jason.

“They shot him in the leg! Hit the old guy pretty hard… dead, I think. And they said there’s a bomb!”

Are you fucking kidding me?

The thought pressed down on him like an enormous slab, threatening to flatten him into total surrender. But Dex kneeled, tightened the shreds of Jason’s shirt above the wound, started to yank him to an upright position. The Trac Fone started again, but he was way too occupied to answer it.

Peggy’s screaming had settled into a heaving series of soft cries, like some kind of weird seabird, which blended into the chirping cell phone. Richard had cut her free and as she had begun crawling on all fours toward the kitchen, he joined Dex to sling Jason between them.

When they’d caught up with Peggy, Richard urged his wife to get up, to get out of the house. But she kept half-crawling, half-dragging herself across the tiled floor, still sobbing and trying to catch her breath. “Anybody call for help?” said Dex as he and Richard dragged Jason toward the back door.

“They said they’d blow us up if we tried to call,” said Richard Bruckner. He was overweight enough to be gasping for breath and enough strength to push on. Dex figured the bomb thing might have been a bluff to immobilize everyone, but he still needed to get everybody clear of the house just in case.

His Trac Fone went off again as he struggled with Richard and Jason down the wooden steps of the deck, and reached the far corner of the yard. “Stay with him,” said Dex. Angrily, he punched off the ringer, then flipped his Trac Fone to Richard. “Call 911! Now!

Then he was running back to intercept Peggy at the back door, who was feebly trying to sit up, to get to her feet. Reaching under both arms, Dex finished the job for her, and guided her out into the yard. She moved like someone under heavy sedation and her eyes rolled around, unable to fix on anything. The whole scene was surreal, like something from a distorted molasses-like dream. With each step, her weight seemed to be doubling. Finally, he reached the far corner of the lawn.

He heard Richard Bruckner say, “They’re on the way!” Even though Dex stood right next to him, his words sounded as if they were traveling a great distance, strained and weak.

Dex was already turning back to the house. Even if a bomb had been planted, even if Augie was already dead, Dex knew he had to go in there and try to get him.

And he hated himself at that moment. Hated himself for his sense of duty. But also for not wanting any parts of this hero crap. He knew himself too well. He knew he’d retired out of the Navy because he’d grown tired of the risk, of the demand to be a hero if the job required it. The demand to always be tough, always be hard, always be ready to die.

The day he realized he was no longer ready to do it — that was the day he knew he had to change whatever was left of his life.

But here he was falling right back into it. And it felt good, felt right—like putting your hand in the baseball glove you’ve been using for fifteen years.

You’re a mess is what you are…

The thought wormed through him as he moved quickly through the kitchen to get Augie. With each step, he expected to see a flash from the explosion he’d never hear, but he kept moving anyway. As he turned into the room, he dropped down to scoop up the little old man on the carpet. Still wearing his Orioles hat, Augie felt as light and lifeless as a bag of sticks, and Dex felt a surge of sadness go through. He’d barely known this man, but he’d really liked him.

He ran from the room, and out into the night.

Chapter Forty-Two

Whitehurst Naval Special Warfare Center Philadelphia

Almost two hours had elapsed since the attack on the Bruckner home, and Admiral Parker Whitehurst was up to his elbows in red tape, potential lawsuits, and threats from the Secretary of the Navy to clean up this mess as quickly as possible. Richard and Margaret Bruckner, in addition to their son, Jason, had survived the ordeal and were still being attended at the adjacent Naval Hospital. The son had lost a lot of blood from a 9mm wound to his left thigh, but his prognosis was good. The only casualty had been Augustino Picaccio, who’d suffered cardiac arrest when the intruders roughed him up.

Upon arriving on the scene in a commandeered V-22 Osprey from the D.C. Naval Yard, Parker’s first priority had been to convince Dex McCauley the attack had not originated from within the Navy or any of the other branches of service. When the rescue and backup arrived, McCauley was half nutty with rage and frustration. He wouldn’t talk to anyone other than Parker, and who could blame him? He’d been through a balls-out crazy ordeal and was doing his best to keep his balance.

Parker had seen it many times during a long career of dealing with good men pushed to the brink — sometimes you had to let them vent or spin out of control, and just hope they had enough inner strength to pull it all back together.

If they didn’t, you moved on. If they did, you had a much stronger individual on the team than you did before.

But McCauley would always have a special place in Parker’s heart because, quite simply, he’d been the best man he’d ever had in his unit. The guy had guts, compassion, discipline, and a moral compass that never went wonky. That’s why the Admiral had gone out of his way to present his old Chief with documented proof that black helicopter hadn’t come from inside the barnyard. He even allowed Dex to personally punch up the maintenance logs on the Sea Ranger, which showed all the proper check-marks on the aircraft’s fuel pump and lines.

But that didn’t stop McCauley from stating the obvious — if the Sea Ranger had been sabotaged, then the Navy had a serious problem with internal security.

Parker agreed. If an outside entity possessed routine access to all levels of communication in the United States Navy, the nation was in big trouble. McCauley had called him on an untraceable cell phone, but somebody intercepted the call anyway. The only logical conclusion dictated that all internal Naval command communications were being monitored all the time.

And that was simply unacceptable.

Despite the lateness of the hour, Parker had launched a massive coordinating operation to assemble the most knowledgeable personnel on every aspect of the U-5001 mission.

Time was against them, and every minute that passed without the Navy having a plan was diminishing their odds of success.

Because of logistics, Parker had designated the old Philadelphia Navy Yard as the best place to assemble the initial phase of the mission. Although officially closed back in 1995, the Navy had maintained some of the space, renovated and reconstituted with the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. The confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers remained a strategically important location, and the Navy had been smart to not abandon it just because of budget cuts.

Parker waited n a Briefing Center several levels below ground. The room was replete with the usual hi-tech toys, and LCD displays of various geophysical and geopolitical hotspots. Beyond several smoked glass walls, personnel hunched over keyboards and consoles. To Parker, it remained Spartan and functional, and not very sexy. Fake sets pretending to be like this one — in cheap and expensive movies alike — all looked a hell of a lot better.

Because of its connections to counter-terror missions, the Center enjoyed the latest encryption security technology, and Parker had insisted on private keys for everyone involved in this final pre-launch meeting. If any information became compromised, Parker would have a very small suspect pool.

He was seated at a table with Dexter McCauley, who still carried his backpack with laptop and papers; Commander Chuck Drabek, of SEAL Team 9, who handled Task Units specialized in covert operations with minimal prep time. Also onboard was Harry Olmstead, a regional Director of the Counter Terrorist Group, who had access to the latest actions of all known threats to the nation. That he was a keen mind with a ruthless streak didn’t hurt, either.

They all sat facing a single LCD screen which had elevated out of the table top, located so that everyone could see its display — which for the moment remained blank.

And that was the problem.

Parker was getting pissed off as they waited for the final member of the meeting to join them, albeit electronically onscreen He could feel the tension growing among the assembled personnel as time raced away from them.

He gently nudged McCauley who was seated to his left. “Feeling any better?”

“Physically, a little.” McCauley’s voice was raw and he spoke softly, but in a tone that said he didn’t care who was listening in. “Head-wise, I’m still… fucked up.”

Parker could only nod, saying nothing. McCauley had definitely taken his rage down several notches, but he continued to shoulder all the blame for the civilian’s death, and the abductions of Chipiarelli and Bruckner. He wasn’t listening to anybody else’s tortured logic right now. Parker understood — because he’d been down into that same abyss himself — McCauley needed to feel responsible. Because it gave him the strength to keep going.

The LCD flickered, went black, then totally white, finally resolving into the face of an older man in service khaki. His brush cut hair was graying nicely and he wore wire-rimmed glasses with squared off edges just like his hair and his jaw. Despite his archetypal look of the rough career non-com, he radiated the confidence and intelligence of a university doyen.

“Chief Petty Officer Warren McGrath, checking in…”

“Welcome aboard, Mr. McGrath,” said Parker, quickly introducing the newcomer all around.

“Sorry I’m late, Admiral, but I wanted to get as much archival data as possible and not everything we have is digitally accessible.”

“I understand,” said Parker, looking at the others around the table. “Mr. McGrath has access to all historical classified materials in the Service Archives. He may have some materials that will help us make the quick decisions we need.”

Everyone nodded, waited for Parker to continue. “Very well, gentlemen. First, a little good news — we have some leads on who or what we may be up against… Mr. Olmstead?”

The Director from CTG nodded. He was in his late forties, and had kept himself in shape with time in the gym. His hair was getting thin, but hadn’t gone too gray, which added to his youthful aspect. He looked at McCauley. “Thanks to your input, our digital forensic sketch technology scored some hits on the identities of your intruders.”

Olmstead opened his file folder, handed several photographs to McCauley. “Are these your guys?”

McCauley barely looked at them as his jaw muscles tensed. “That’s them.”

Indicating the first photo of a red-haired man, Olmstead spoke quickly. “Stewart Entwhistle. Ex-MI5. Reputation as brilliant data guy. Specializes in decryption, cryptanalysis, digital espionage. But also a competent field mechanic. Dropped off the radar five years ago. Vanished. Until this.

“The other guy is Junius Sinclair. Captain, US Navy. He—”

“Christ on a crutch!” said Parker. “I know that man! He was in DSR.”

“That’s right,” said Olmstead. “On a fast track until the Norfolk incident.”

Parker shook his head. “He got CYA’d. Broke him back to Lieutenant Commander. I remember it like it was yesterday.”

“Not long after that, he was reported lost at sea in a storm. His own sloop,” said Olmstead. “Obviously bullshit.”

“So who’re these guys with now?” McCauley continued to stare at the photos.

Olmstead shrugged. “Most likely one of several New World Order entities. Nobody believes they exist except the conspiracy nuts… and of course people like me who know they do.”

“How powerful are they?” McCauley’s complexion had deepened, his voice sounded stronger. “How dangerous?”

“Extremely. They’ve cultivated access to the best technology and info access in the world, no matter what country controls it. And they can manipulate a lot of money as well,” said Olmstead. “I’m talking on the world market level.”

The SEAL Commander nodded. “They prefer a very covert presence. This kind of bold strike is out of character. Usually, any up-profile action is disguised as terrorism.”

McCauley shook his head. “They didn’t seem interested in disguising much of anything this time.”

Olmstead looked at him. “That tells me they were in desperate mode. Obviously they’ve placed a high value on Captain Bruckner… or what he knows.”

Chuck Drabek tapped a pencil on his legal pad. “We need to ascertain their objective, then form our own. Quickly.”

Parker looked at everyone at the table. “I’m assuming you have all read Mr. McCauley’s debriefing documents… that should provide us with a good jump-off point.”

Drabek, the SEAL Commander, nodded toward Dex. “Chief McCauley, this thing about the ‘inter-matter’, I mean, you can swear to this?”

“I can swear to seeing a piece of something weird, something Captain Bruckner says can be converted into any known substance. But I don’t know if it’s what they say it is…”

Parker looked at the face on the screen. “You’ve had some time to research this, McGrath. What can you tell us?”

Everyone looked at the archivist. “The biggest problem is there is no single folder or file on Station One Eleven. The Germans got sloppy with their record-keeping during the final months of the war.”

“Which means…?” said Olmstead. He adjusted his tie unconsciously, a nervous habit.

“Which means I’ve been pulling out data from so many places, it’s like one of those puzzles with the really tiny pieces and half of them are pictures of a blue sky, and the other a dark woods. Even after I retrieve them, I still have no idea how they fit together. See what I mean?”

“I do,” said Parker. “And I’m sure we all sympathize with the task I’ve given you, but can you just tell me what the hell you do have, sailor?”

McGrath cleared his throat. “Well, since very little of this is sequential or connected by secondary source threads, I’ve had to do some conjecture.”

Olmstead nodded. “Please… go on, all right? We won’t hold it against you if you’re wrong.”

Parker smiled to himself on that one. Yeah, right. One of the military’s prime missions is to punish mistakes — the enemy’s… or yours.

“First thing I checked, because it was the easiest, was the two ships mentioned in the log. The Sturm was a light cruiser in the German Kriegsmarine, reported lost at sea in late spring, 1945. The Nebuchadenezzar is a lot weirder. It was a whaler out of Innsmouth, Massachusetts — last seen entering a strange, glowing fog bank off the coast of a small island, Ponape, in the South Pacific. I found that in the captain’s log of another whaler, the Miskatonic, who witnessed its vanishing.”

“Greenland’s a long way from Micronesia,” said Dex, wondering what the hell he’d stumbled into.

McGrath nodded. “Yessir, it certainly is.”

“What else?” said Parker. The business of the sailing ship gave him a bit of a chill. No easy explanation for it. “You have anything to give us a better idea what’s under the Greenland Shelf?”

The archive specialist paused to consider his answer. “Well, I don’t have anything relating specifically to it. But I have some documents on the 1947 expedition to neutralize a Nazi base under the ice in Antarctica.”

“I know something of this.” Parker nodded. “Give us the condensed version, Chief.”

McGrath adjusted his wire-rimmed glasses, nodded. “Well, basically, even though the war had been over for more than eight months, Nimitz and Forrestal sent a Carrier Task Force to destroy a hold-out Nazi base called ‘Neu Schwabenland’ also know as ‘Station Two Eleven’. The action was called Operation High Jump. Admiral Byrd had five thousand men under his command, and they had a hell of a battle with plenty of casualties on both sides. A bunch of Nazis escaped by submarine to Argentina.”

“I’ve seen these files,” said Olmstead. “Truman authorized another remote nuclear test to finish it off. The Germans were entrenched and weren’t about to give the place up.”

Parker had heard sanitized versions of Admiral Byrd’s exploits at the South Pole, but this one sounded a lot more interesting. “Did we get inside the base? See what was going on?”

“I don’t have anything verifying we did,” said McGrath. “Just some speculation the Germans had found evidence of an advanced civilization.”

“That sounds familiar.” Dex grinned. “They seemed to be pretty good at doing that.”

The archivist ignored the remark, kept looking through his notes. “Admiral Byrd reported to Forrestal that reports of ancient ruins under Antarctica were very possible. He claims to have used airborne magnetometers to detect large hollow spaces under the ice. Byrd also cited reports of ruins in Micronesia — a place called Nan Madol, or Nan Matal, where divers and archeologists have found a sunken city that could be a half million years old. And oddly enough, those ruins are off the island of Ponape where the Nebuchadenezzar vanished. Byrd also mentioned an immense platform in Baalbek, Lebanon — the largest consciously designed construction on earth — that some scientists believe it’s just as old.”

“I think we’re getting a little far afield,” said Olmstead. “We need something more concrete.”

If this comment bothered McGrath, he didn’t seem to show it. He looked down at some papers beneath the purview of the webcam, shuffled them. “I also found some transcriptions from Werner Heisenberg’s diaries. He was pretty prolific, but I had some of my staff scanning the entries for anything pertinent.”

“And?” Parker liked that McGrath was thorough, but his delivery was a little too slow for his tastes.

“And it looks like he visited something code named ‘Triple One’… three times… by U-boat.”

“Station One Eleven,” said Dex.

“Unbelievable,” said Commander Drabek. “So everything Bruckner said is true…”

Parker looked around the table. “None of us here are the right people to evaluate what that place might mean for scientific or military applications. We’re going to need other eyes on this site.”

Commander Drabek nodded. “I’m no scientist, but from the briefing docs, it looks like the Nazis might have been fooling around with a possible answer to our energy problems.”

“It’s vital we secure control of this facility,” said Olmstead. “Once we do that, we can get some investigative teams, military and scientific in there.”

Dex held up his index finger. “I think that’s what the bad guys are thinking, too, don’t you?”

“In a race to get there first,” said Drabek. “They’ve already got a jump on us.”

“Maybe not,” said Olmstead. “They’re facing the same problems we are. Maybe even worse.”

Parker was trying to take it all in — the implications, the logistics, the need to get the highest decision-makers into the loop.

He looked at Olmstead. “Harry, there’s not going to be time to do a lot of convincing. Either the Joint Chiefs and the President get onboard in a hurry, or this isn’t going to happen.”

“I know,” said the CTG Director. “Looks like you and me have a few conference calls to make.”

Drabek held up a hand. “Okay, our priority is to get to that site first, and secure it. But if we get there second, then what?”

Olmstead shrugged. “I don’t think we can determine our action until we know what we’re up against. We need to know the size of the enemy force, their hardware, and their intentions.”

Drabek grinned, shook his head. “If we wait for that data, we might be sitting on our hands for a long time. We’re running blind here, and we should assume it’s not about to change. I need to get an ops protocol in place so I can get my men briefed. I’m voting for ‘worst case’—the enemy is in place, in total control of the environment, and two, the enemy is formidable and will require extreme force to neutralize.”

Parker nodded. His pulse was up, and he was feeling not just the urgency of their plans, but the challenge and the excitement of being in “action” again. He’d been dulled into a stupor when they’d installed him behind the big desk. “I think we will also need to consider the stability or fragility of the site as well. Don’t forget, they left an armed nuke in there.”

Drabek shook his head. “Armed but quite probably impotent. We need some info on the viability of a device that old. My guess is it’s as dead as Hitler himself.”

“I think you’re right,” said Parker. “About the info, I mean. We need more input, and we need it fast. I have no idea how dangerous that bomb might be.”

Olmstead tapped his pencil nervously. “There’s no indication the Germans ever successfully triggered a nuke. No way to tell if that thing would’ve even worked.”

Parker didn’t want to be so dismissive. “We cannot make that assumption. I want some nuclear experts in your unit, Commander.”

“I’m counting on you getting me what I need.” Drabek looked around the table with no expression. “Personnel — as well as equipment. I need to be ready whenever the rest of you are, and that takes a little time, even for a Task Unit.”

“Assuming we get top-level clearances,” said Parker as he spread his palms down on the tabletop. “How fast can we get there?”

“From Philly?” Drabek paused, weighing the variables. “We’re talking roughly two thousand miles, Admiral. That’s a hell of a hump.”

“And we’ll need our best underwater vehicle to get under the ice shelf,” said Parker.

Drabek nodded. “If you want a full Team, I’ll need two Dragonfish.”

“I can get them,” said Parker.

Drabek looked a little surprised. “How fast?”

“I have everything we need in Portsmouth, which is fractionally better than here.” Parker paused to do a little estimating. “By the time we get to New Hampshire, the hardware will be waiting for us.”

This didn’t seem to placate Drabek. “Once we get underway, with the DSARs at full speed, we’re still looking at something like thirty-six hours.”

McCauley grimaced. “That’s a long time in close quarters for an elite attack unit.”

“I agree,” said Drabek. “Talk about losing your edge… Jesus…”

Actually, Parker had already considered this problem. “I’m going to run every logistics solution we may have, depending on the deployment of the various elements of the Atlantic Fleet. There’s a possibility we may have an LHD or a Sub Tender close enough to facilitate.”

Parker referred to an Amphibious Assault ship or a submarine support vessel, which could launch a couple of big CH-53 choppers carrying the Dragonfish as payload.

“If we do, what’s your plan?” said the SEAL Commander.

“The CH-53’s can refuel in flight, giving them unlimited range. If they can maintain 175 knots, they’d cut your transit down to less than twelve hours. Still not optimum, but far more tolerable.”

“Agreed, Admiral. I assume you’ll advise.”

Olmstead held up his pencil to get everyone’s attention. “Any chance we can get one of our hunter/killers in place to monitor the entrance to the site?”

“Good question,” said Parker. “I have it on my list, but that’s something for the JC and the Secretary to decide. All submarine data is always classified. There’s no way to know if any of our boats are close at hand unless the right people want to tell us. We put in the request and we see what happens.”

“That would make things easy — if we could park a Virginia Class by the front door.” Drabek chuckled, and everyone joined him in the tension-breaker.

“Anything else before we get started?” Parker looked around the table, and saw McCauley hold up his hand. He liked his old Master Diver, and if any of the others had anything negative to say about him being included in the operation, he would set them straight. “What do you have, Chief?”

McCauley tried to appear nonchalant as he spoke. “Well, I don’t want to sound sentimental or silly, but nobody’s mentioned we have two hostages…”

Everyone looked from McCauley to each other, wondering who should address this issue. Parker decided to take charge. “I think the rescue of the two hostages is a given, Mr. McCauley. The details of how this might be carried out will be included in the operation protocols.”

“I understand that, Admiral. But, that’s not what I meant.” McCauley paused, waiting for permission to continue.

“Go on then,” said Parker.

“Well, as I stated in my debriefing — I can’t say for sure why Chipiarelli and Captain Bruckner were abducted, but my gut says it was for information more than anything else. I think the enemy using them as bargaining chips isn’t all that likely. They want to know whatever Bruckner knows about the location of One Eleven. Beyond that, I don’t think they give a good goddamn about either one of those men.”

“Point taken,” said Drabek. “That doesn’t mean getting them out alive isn’t a priority. It is.”

McCauley nodded. “Just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“We’re not forgetting them, if that’s what you were thinking.” Parker stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. “Now, I think it’s time we got started. We all have jobs to do. Chief McGrath, I’d like to thank you, for all of us, on your quick work. I’ll need you on stand-by if we need more data from the archives.”

McGrath acknowledged him, then signed off. After his LCD went dark, Parker touched a small keypad in front of him, which lowered the screen back into the tabletop. Then he regarded the others. “Commander Drabek, you can take the V-22 to Portsmouth and assemble your team. Harry, you and I need to conference the brass and the white house. McCauley, I haven’t decided what to do with you, yet.”

“I’d like to be involved, sir.” McCauley stood straight, a determined look on his face.

Drabek’s eyebrows lifted, and he appeared ready to say something negative, so Parker held up a hand. “I know how you feel, Chief. I’ll advise.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“All right, gentleman,” said Parker. “Let’s see if we can save the world.”

Chapter Forty-Three

Erich Bruckner Somewhere at Sea

When he opened his eyes, he felt so oddly disconnected, he had no sense of orientation or touch. It was as if he were a pair eyes, and only eyes. Or less than that — perhaps just a window providing a view. And the view was nothing more than a hazy expanse of gray nothingness.

An unsettling thought pierced him: if this was death, then it was truly horrifying.

But, no… he felt somehow still alive, but in a tenuous fashion. He felt as if he’d come back to consciousness from a totally blank state. No memory of time, sleep, or anything that preceded it.

Erich forced himself to concentrate on the gray smear that comprised his world, and slowly, it changed as his eyes regained the power to focus, to process information.

And he knew he was looking up at the ceiling of a room.

From that simple discovery, he became slowly aware of his body. He lay supine in a bed, and with great effort he moved his head to the left to see a gray wall. Some kind of metal. Something familiar about the feel and color — he was on a ship.

And he’d been given some kind of powerful drug.

As sensation and thought gradually returned to him, like the rising tides on a beach, he compared this experience to coming back to awareness from his series of operations for gall bladder, a hip replacement, and several heart procedures. The numbing effects of anesthesia receded, and he tried to remember what had brought him to this point of disorientation. Was the room moving? There was something familiar about it.

Lifting his arm, he felt alarmed at how difficult a task it had become. His bones felt dense, heavy, and all his muscles screamed. Only great effort of will and strength allowed him to push on the mattress, and turn to face away from the wall. Then as his vision cleared (thank God he’d let Jason talk him into the Lasik operation), he assessed his situation.

The Spartan fixtures of a ship’s sick bay had not changed since his days in the Kriegsmarine. He knew where he was, but he had no idea who had put him here. The nightmare of the assault on his son’s house now fell back on him like the impact of a cresting wave. And he feared for the lives of Margaret and Jason as well. The harsh bark of gunfire, the terrifying ratchet of the helicopter, and being roughly dragged into the aircraft… all had the surreal quality of being like a bad dream that just might be true. He knew he must keep his thoughts rational. If he dwelled on the possible fates of his family — things over which he had no control — he would be useless. He knew he could not blame himself for what happened because he felt as though he were answering to forces much larger than himself.

Strapped to the wheel of fate.

Across the room, on an adjacent hospital bed, lay another person, staring at him with dark eyes.

“You’re awake,” said Tommy. “Man, I was gettin’ worried. You were out for awhile. Longer than me, I mean.”

Erich glanced at his wrist, a lifelong habit to consult time’s passage, but his watch was not there. “How long?” he said. “Where are we?”

“You? About eight hours, I’d guess. Me? I think I’ve been awake for a couple.” Tommy sat up on the edge of the bed. He was dressed in T-shirt and boxers, just as Erich.

“And what kind of boat is this?”

Tommy shrugged. “Not sure. They’ve got us locked in. Can’t see much from the porthole. They took our clothes too.”

Erich tried to lift himself to an elbow, tried to sit up. When Tommy saw how challenging a task it was, he slipped off the bed, moved to help him.

“Thank you. You are a good man.” Erich’s head felt light as he gained an upright position. The effects of the drug were still subsiding. He hated feeling so infirm, so frail.

“You remember anything after they got us into the chopper?” Tommy’s dark, longish hair looked matted from perspiration.

“No. Nothing. Perhaps it will come back to me. What about you?”

“Just bits and pieces. That’s the way it’s comin’ back for me. I got a feelin’ they don’t want us to remember, but I do… some.”

“What did they do to us? Where are they taking us?”

“That motherfucker, the guy with red hair and the mustache… I think he killed old Augie.”

“Your friend…” Erich felt a twinge of anger, and yet also a bit of relief that the poor old fellow was out of pain, out of the discomfort that comes with great age. In one small way, Erich envied him.

“He smacked him in the side of the head. I didn’t like the way he fell… and then he… he just never moved after that.” For Erich, the image of Augie challenging the two intruders returned. The old gentleman had walked up to the stocky, red-haired man, yelling into his face.

“Those bastards,” said Tommy. “I owe those fucks — for Augie.”

“You may get your chance. But patience needs be your ally.”

Tommy looked at him, started to say something, but remained silent. Instead, he patted Erich on the shoulder, then turned to look out the porthole where a brassy sun beat down on the flat sea like a hammer.

“What else do you remember?”

Tommy turned from the porthole. “They hit us with those injection guns as soon as we were all in the helicopter — you know like those things they vaccinate the kids with? And I guess it knocked us out pretty fast.”

“Yes, I would agree.” Erich had no memory of anything other than the roar of the rotors and the open bay door of the aircraft. If they had injected him, the effect of the drug had erased the experience.

“But then, I think when they got us here, or somewhere after the helicopter, I remember being in a chair — like at the dentist, you know?”

There was something familiar at the mention of the chair. Leaning back. A bright light. Erich listened, getting frustrated at the inability to clear his head. “They probably interrogated you. Me as well. But I am having trouble remembering.”

“Man, I wonder what we told them?” said Tommy, who stood again, began pacing from the bed to the porthole and back. He appeared tense, agitated, and ready for trouble. Erich recalled his own youth, and how easy it had been to slip free of society’s conventions, to express anger and outrage.

“The effectiveness of drugs like…” Erich struggled to recall the words, “.… sodium pentothal or scopolamine are overrated.”


“From what I have read, there is nothing in the drugs that can force you to be truthful. You will be relaxed and open to suggestion, but you can still withhold information if you truly want to.”

“Hmmm, I wonder if I did.”

Interesting that he was concentrating on that fact. Had he told them everything he knew? Or only everything they wanted to know? It all depended on asking the right questions. He was beginning to recall the faces gathered around him, enquiring, but not their exact words — and certainly not his.

That could be a significant difference. Erich considered this. “That fact that we are still alive tells me that we did not yet tell them what they wanted to know, or that we remain of some use to them.”

Tommy grinned without humor. “Yeah, I gotta feelin’ you’re on the money with that one.”

Erich nodded. “I think so. Even though our captors did not have the look of totally ruthless men, I fear they nevertheless possessed that trait.”

“So what do we do when they come for us? Do we see what they want? Or should I try somethin’?”

Again, he was reminded of his early days with Manny. It was almost unthinkable to accept, but they were so young for what had been heaped on them. Men in their twenties with no understanding of how fragile life could be. He remembered acting so often on impulse, rather than reason or information. “We need to know more of our situation before we can act with any chance of success. Or we jump from the pot to the fire, yes?”

Tommy nodded slowly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Besides… I am a very old man.”

Tommy looked at him and smiled. “You might be as old as you say you are, but I gotta tell you — you look way younger. Maybe sixty, but that’s it.”

“I have been told that ever since the end of the war — that I never looked my age. And I think I know why…”

“What do you mean?”

“The metal bar — the intermatter — the scientist told me about radiation they were working with. Tau-rays, he called it. I have often wondered if keeping that object in my bedstand all those years, if the radiation did something to me.”

Tommy chuckled softly. “Yeah, you mean like keeping you from aging, huh?”

“Something like that, yes. When I think about my age, I can hardly believe I am still alive. But I can tell you truly, Mr. Chipiarelli, I will do whatever I can to defeat these people.”

Tommy grinned. “Hey, c’mon, Captain. Tell me somethin’ I don’t know.”

Erich grinned, said nothing. He could hear a low-frequency vibration, a rhythmic beating in the air that grew ever stronger, louder. Tommy moved to the porthole, gestured for Erich to join him.

“I hear a helicopter,” he said. “You think it’s for us?”

Erich took a breath slowly and exhaled with equal measure. He remained on the edge of the bed because, at the moment, the idea of walking across the room seemed a little adventurous. Ever since awakening, he’d been feeling a hint of arrhythmia, which — radiation or not — his doctor had told him could be the harbinger of something worse. While he fully understood the tension and anticipation in Chipiarelli, he knew he was not physically able to keep up.

The sound of the approaching aircraft grew louder and more insistent. The air above the boat vibrated and shook, telling Erich that something large and powerful lumbered above them. “Do you see it?”

Tommy kept his attention on the sky. “Yeah, it’s one of those big ones. Like a flyin’ crane. Big. Propellers on both ends. It’s carryin’ some kind of little boat, looks like a sub or somethin’.”

Erich nodded. That made sense. Things were flowing into place, and he felt himself warming to the confluence of events. He felt flashes of memory from his days on the command deck, and he relished the chance to be in that position one final time.

After twenty years of dealing with choices no more important than Cheerios or a poached egg, he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to make a decision that actually mattered.

Chapter Forty-Four

Sinclair At Sea

Logistics had never been his strong suit. The strings he’d been pulling for the last eight hours — just to get things into motion — had pushed him to the edge. Much of it involved justifying his needs to superiors he either didn’t know or didn’t like. Sometimes, he wondered if his involvement with the amorphous Guild was worth it. It made him feel as if his entire life had been a waste of time.

Right now, he stood on the bridge of the Isabel Marie, a merchant freighter sailing under the flag of Panama, even though it belonged to an entity ultimately controlled by Guild chieftains. Such an arrangement was called a “flag of convenience” because the cost of personnel and supplies was economically favorable in countries like Panama, Liberia, Bahamas, and Madagascar.

However, you get what you pay for, the ship’s First Mate had warned him, and the lowlife crew on the Isabel Marie had questionable skills and absolutely no loyalty. The boat’s availability and proximity to the Northeast coast of North America made it the only viable choice, but nothing could disguise it as anything but a worn-out, rusted wreck hardly fit to transport its own bilge much less anything of value. But also because of this, it provided a perfect cover for the operation.

The freighter was headed northeast toward the coordinates found in Bruckner’s papers, but would not reach them for several days. By that time, Sinclair planned to have the initial phase of the operation well over. He watched with apprehension as the slipshod crew secured the Dragonfish to the foredeck with enough tie-downs to make the submersible look like a bug in a spider’s lair. The Erickson Aircrane which had transported the small submarine had already lifted off to rendezvous for an in-flight refueling.

Now, Sinclair awaited a second, smaller Bell Long Ranger which had plucked a nuclear technician named Hawthorne from his retirement cabin on Presque Isle Lake. The man had not been happy to be interrupted from the rest of his life, but he had no choice. When you sell yourself to the Guild, it’s a non-refundable transaction, there’s no such thing as a gold watch or a retirement dinner.

Sinclair hadn’t liked the idea of trusting the outcome of the mission to such an older, out-of-the-loop character, not even an expert in fissionable materials and weapons. Hawthorne had been in charge of arming nuclear warheads on cruise missiles launched from Ticonderoga-class ships. The man was probably competent, but if time were not of the essence, Sinclair would have held out for a scientist with credentials worthy of the Oak Ridge National Lab.

As he watched the lackadaisical crew finish securing the submersible, he checked his watch. Hawthorne was due any minute now.

Time. Was it working for or against him? He needed satellite surveillance reports on the progress of any forces marshalling against them, but they were very hard to hack from the NAVSAT scramblers. Most assuredly, McCauley had used his connections in the Navy to get them interested. And there was no readily reliable data on locations of Virginia-class attack subs — unquestionably the most deadly, unstoppable weapon he could encounter. Going balls-out against the superior forces of the USN was a great risk, he knew, but the David-and-Goliath scenario was a classic for a reason.

The Guild had survived a long time working under that model.

A larger lumbering adversary often moved slowly, and when you add in a layer of bureaucracy, mortared with incredulity, the advantage could easily belong to the smaller, less encumbered party. If he could move with speed and confidence.

Sinclair had no choice. He would arrive at Station One Eleven as quickly as possible. If the United States Navy was waiting for him, he would have to take his final card and hope it was not the joker.

The sound of an approaching aircraft coincided with a coded transmission to the radioman, and both events effectively yanked him from his thoughts. He watched the small, agile chopper drop down to the pitching deck where one of the large, flat hold-covers served well as a landing pad.

Sinclair exited the bridge. It was time to get Hawthorne up to speed.

“I’m going to edit through the interrogation video, and hit the important stuff,” he said. “See if you can tell me what to expect — from what the old man told us, that is.”

Hawthorne nodded as he sat in front of the small monitor. He was an almost bald, gray man who looked every bit of his sixty-three years. Too many sandwiches and six-packs had given him a generous belly, overflowing his belt and baggy jeans cinched way too low. Wearing a flannel shirt and an angler’s vest, he looked worn out and totally disinterested.

Sinclair hit the play button and the screen jittered into motion:

The scene was from the Isabel Marie’s infirmary/barber shop quarters — tight quarters with a single bed on a swivel base that could be converted, with the throw of a few levers, into a kind of chair as well. Drab yellowing walls that had once been white, plus dented cabinets and scarred counters completed the locale.

Reclining at a forty-five degree angle was Erich Bruckner, eyes closed, flesh tight against the planes of his facial bones, and looking younger than Hawthorne. Sinclair and Entwhistle flanked him and a third man, the ship’s medic, stood off in the background, ready if needed.

Sinclair spoke: “We’ve read your KTB, Captain. And we need to ask you a few questions. Will that be acceptable?”

Bruckner spoke but his eyes remained closed: “Yes.”

Sinclair: “You retrieved a scientific sample from the Station. What happened to it?”

A pause, then: “Lost. McCauley retrieved it from the sub. But then lost it.”

Sinclair: “How did he lose it?”

Bruckner: “When his dive boat sank.”

Entwhistle nodded, spoke softly: “What about the, ah… the bomb? Can you tell us about it?”

Bruckner: “What do you wish to know?”

Sinclair: “Why did you leave it at One Eleven?”

Another pause: “Because I felt uncomfortable transporting it. I did not want it on my boat.”

Entwhistle: “Yet you did not just remove it from your boat — you armed it. You tried to set it off?”

Bruckner: “Yes.”

Entwhistle: “And why would you want to do such a thing, Captain?”

Another pause. Then: “Because it was an… evil place.”

Sinclair: “Why do you say that?”

Bruckner: “Old. Very old. Not us. We were… intruders there.”

Sinclair: “Were you threatened?”

Bruckner: “Not sure.”

Entwhistle: “Look here, Captain, do you have any idea what the kiloton rating of your device might have been?”

Bruckner: “I… cannot recall.”

Sinclair: “What about its size. Can you give us the dimensions?”

Bruckner: “Perhaps six or so feet in length, and a diameter of two and a half feet.”

Entwhistle: “How did you arm it?”

Bruckner: “I… I am having trouble remembering the exact procedure. My engineer, Herr Kress, had been in charge of sealed instructions. He was the one who actually armed the device.”

Sinclair: “If it was an aerial bomb, was the detonator altitude-dependent?”

Bruckner: “I do not know. Or if I did, I have forgotten.”

Entwhistle: “Is that all Kress did — followed his instructions, like a bloody tinker toy?”

Bruckner: “No, he had brought along one of the packed charges used to scuttle a boat. He used the timer. And ordnance from the 105 deck cannon.”

Sinclair: “What kind of ordnance? You mean a round?”

Bruckner: “Yes, a 105 millimeter shell. Kress aligned it with… I cannot remember the name… some kind of rings.”

Entwhistle: “Do you have any idea why it failed?”

Bruckner: “None.”

Entwhistle: “Do you remember the location? Where you left the device?”

Bruckner: “Possibly…”

Entwhistle: “What about the source of the inter-matter? Do you remember its location?”

Bruckner: “I… think so.”

Sinclair keyed off the video, looked over at Hawthorne, who was grinning slyly as if he’d just figured out the punchline to an in-joke.

“That old buzzard. Absolutely amazing,” said the nuclear tech.

Sinclair didn’t share the joke. “Does his story make sense?”

“In what way?”

“In every fucking way! Hawthorne, don’t make yourself sound more dull than I suspect you might be…”

“Sinclair, come on now — you yanked me out of retirement and I’m supposed to feel good about that?”

He leaned close to the florid face of Hawthorne and whispered, “You know there’s only one way to ‘retire’ from our happy little club… and I don’t think you’re asking for that, are you?”

“No, actually. I guess I’m not.”

Sinclair stepped back, glared at him. “Then just answer my questions. We don’t have time to fuck around.”

“I understand.” Hawthorne paused, suddenly attentive and obviously concerned his superior wouldn’t find his answers satisfactory.

“Start talking.”

“Everything he says is plausible.”

“Okay,” said Sinclair. “Let’s start with that 105 shell. Could it still be live?”

“Sure. They can be live for generations. And in this case, we’re not talking some third world crap. German, remember? I’d put my money on anything from the Krupp war machine.”

Sinclair agreed. “Better to err on the side of caution, not reckless assumption.”

Hawthorne rubbed his hands together, a nervous habit. “So let’s assume that shell is very much live.”

“Okay, then… any idea why the timed detonation failed?”

“Not without looking at it. Could be a loose connector. Bad battery. Anything. Gotta figure the engineer knew what he was doing if he’d been trusted to arm their first nuke.”

“Okay, what about the nuke itself. What’s the chance it’s a dud?”

“Again, I need to look at it. Any way we can get radiation readings ahead of time?”

Sinclair had no idea. He’d have to check on that. “All right, what else can we expect?”

Hawthorne rubbed his chin, a parody of deep thought. Sinclair was not happy about having to trust this guy with the fate of the operation and perhaps his life. “Based on OSS records, the basic German design was sound. The materials they said they used would produce a very stable core.”

“Which means what?”

“Basically, the bomb itself would remain fissionable for an indefinite amount of time. So, in that sense, yes — hot and not much chance of being a ‘dud,’ as you say.”

Sinclair could have hoped for something less challenging. “What about the detonator? Does is sound like the engineer could have made it work?”

Hawthorne shrugged. “Yeah, probably. The old guy mentioned a ‘ring,’ right? That’s how they’d set it up back then. Simple and almost foolproof.”


“They called it the ‘gun design’ because the detonator was exactly that — firing a controlled blast. It’s crude, but it almost always guarantees adequate compression of the detonator ring to create fission.”

Sinclair didn’t like this at all. “How dangerous? To get in there and disarm it?”

Hawthorne chuckled. “Well, it’s not like changing the spark plug on your lawn mower, you can bet on that. Hard to say definitively without having a look. In general I’d say it depends on the status of the device to ‘fire the gun,’ so to speak…”

“You’ll get your chance.” Sinclair spoke in a calm, deliberate tone.

“Huh?” Hawthorne’s expression belied the question.

“No choice. We have a small window of opportunity — if any. We need to get in, sanitize it, and get the technology out.”

“And you want me to be the guy?”

Sinclair looked at him with unmasked disgust. “Actually, no, I don’t… I’d rather have a real nuclear expert. But we’re looking at a closing window, and we can’t get anybody — anybody good — here in a reasonable amount of time.”

“But I’m—”

“Look, I’m done explaining myself to you. You’re going in. End of story.”

Hawthorne’s expression said it all. He was angry and terrified and more importantly resigned. He would do what he was told, and he’d do it as best he could — even if that wasn’t very good.

Sinclair checked his watch. As soon as the Erickson returned, bloated with fuel, they would be ready to depart. It was time to roust Chipiarelli and Bruckner.

As Sinclair exited the bridge and headed for the First Mate’s cabin where Entwhistle awaited him, he thought about their situation and figured the odds might be with them. All bets covered the Navy wanting the same things we do at One Eleven, he thought. We have a little bit of a jump on them, and we have the Nazi. They don’t have jack right now.

Sinclair smiled. He liked the uncertainty.

Chapter Forty-Five

Dex Portsmouth, New Hampshire Ten hours later

He would have been surprised if his old C.O. had kept him out of the mission, but Dex knew Whitehurst had to throw his weight around to make it happen.

It was obvious Drabek, the SEAL Commander, didn’t want any part of civilians when the brown matter hit the whirling blades. And being ex-Navy didn’t matter to guys like Drabek. Either you were a SEAL, or you were the rest of the world. Period.

That’s why Dex was sitting by himself in a ready room by the dock. It was a small room with about 15 chairs with fold-down desk tops. There was a screen along the front wall and a digital projector on at the back. No windows, not even a photo of the President on the wall. He was tired and he was pissed. Even though he’d flown up to the Naval Yard with Drabek and some of his unit in anticipation of joining the party, the final decision had come from the highest offices. Dex would not be allowed into the Dragonfish entering One Eleven with the assault team. The Pentagon and the White House had authorized a classified rescue and recovery mission, which meant Dex had been relegated to observer-status and would be joining Parker Whitehurst at sea. Although Parker had not ruled out going in on the second wave after things had been secured.

The only civilian going in would be the unfortunate guy they dragooned from MIT’s Nuclear Reactor Lab. Having been the nearest thing to an expert they could grab on short notice, they grabbed. He would be coming in on the same V-22 Osprey that would be taking Dex out to join Admiral Whitehurst and Harry Olmstead, who had flown direct to rendezvous with the USS Cape Cod. It was a LHD, an amphibious assault ship pulled from Atlantic Fleet maneuvers and full-heading it to the coordinates off the Greenland Coast. Based on the sum of Bruckner’s logs and what he’d told Dex, the DoD and the White House had decided they needed a look at whatever was left of the German base, its technology, and whatever they’d unearthed from hell-knew-what civilization.

Just like the bad guys, they wanted a piece of inter-matter. They wanted to brush their hands across the philosopher’s stone. Dex could save them the trouble because he was one of the only people who not only knew Bruckner still had his piece, but also its location.

But Dex wasn’t about to let anybody know it for the time being. If he did, the Navy might be less driven to get into the place Werner Heisenberg had called “Triple One.” Which meant, the chances of rescuing Tommy and Erich Bruckner would plummet.

Better to let things play out, Dex had decided.

Even though no one was talking about it — because the exact locations of the Navy’s submarines were always ultra-classified — it was apparent to Dex there weren’t any hunter-killers close enough to locate and effectively block the entrance to One Eleven. That had forced the Pentagon and Counter Terror Group to rely on surface vessels and limited range helicopters to get into position.

The target coordinates were under heavy satellite surveillance and as far as Dex could figure, since no one was really telling him anything, the area remained clear. But that didn’t mean the enemy couldn’t show up at any moment. There was simply no way to know where they were or when they might appear.

The worst part was the waiting. As the hours dragged past, he’d tried to get some sleep, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy and Bruckner. Where were they? What did the bad guys have planned for them?

Dex kept asking himself that question even though he had a damned good idea what the answer was. They needed the old man for the same reason the SEALs would have wanted him along — the location of the nuke and the safest way to disarm it. Only one problem: was Bruckner healthy enough to survive it. Dex had no idea how tough all the travel must be on a guy his age, but it had to be plenty brutal.

And Tommy…

If Dex knew him even a little bit, his young friend would try something ill-advised as soon as he got the chance. But that wouldn’t be an issue if they’d already killed him. Dex knew it wasn’t much of a stretch to assume something like that, given what they’d done to the Sea Dog. He wished more than anything they’d let him go along under the ice shelf, but he knew there was no chance of it.

A door opened to his right, and an unlisted man leaned in. “Mr. McCauley? Your ride is here.”

Getting out of the chair, Dex nodded, then saluted the sailor. He followed his guide down several corridors through a couple turns and a flight of stairs. Commander Drabek was standing by a set of double doors that exited onto a rooftop helipad. He nodded at Dex, gave him a sly grin. “Thanks for all the help, Chief,” he said, and he sounded like he meant it. “And don’t looked so pissed. You’re getting a front-row seat.”

Dex said nothing.

He pushed through the door, and walked out into the chilly evening where the VTOL aircraft awaited him. Spring came late to the rocky New Hampshire coastline, and the temperature was dropping steadily as Dex pulled his parka tighter around him. Of course, where they were taking him would make this weather feel tropical.

There were two men in the cockpit watching him approach their aircraft, and another sailor waiting at the open belly door. As he climbed inside the cabin, the crewman directed him to one of three passenger seats near the front, then clanged the pressure door shut. The rest of the interior was comprised of jumpseats to hold as many as twelve troops.

Instantly the aircraft’s twin props increased rpms, whining and lifting the Osprey straight up. As its airspeed increased, it started to pitch forward incrementally as the wing and engine assembly rotated into the airfoil position. Within sixty seconds, the craft was ripping northward toward the arctic air.

As he settled in for what would be a long flight, he replayed Drabek’s comments. Maybe the guy was right. Dex shouldn’t be all that steamed they’d cut him out of the last hand. In these kind of operations. There was that situation called “knowing too much,” and he didn’t want to be in that place. If they thought they’d given you a key to the clubhouse and secret decoder ring, then you were part of them, and they owned you.

As Dex sat in the belly of the Osprey, a single thought kept whispering though his mind like the passage of a scythe: maybe they already did. Because Dex already knew a lot more than civilians were ever allowed to know.

That would be very bad news. Despite having very much enjoyed his time in the Navy, he’d called it quits on the military life, and had carved out a nice existence for himself in the civilian world. To think that might all be taken away chilled him.

He could feel the Osprey reaching altitude as its engines smoothed out, climbing above the turbulent cloud cover. Dex tried to get comfortable in the functional but not accommodating seat. Best thing would be to get a few hours sleep. It was going to be a long ride, and he was starting to feel his old alarm instincts kicking in.

Never a good sign.

Chapter Forty-Six

Bruckner Greenland Shelf

A clang! woke him from an uneasy sleep. It was a sound he had known since his earliest days at sea — the latch being thrown on a watertight bulkhead door. But there was one difference, this one had also been locked from the outer corridor.

Looking up, Erich saw the door swing open to reveal a swarthy merchant seaman, who could be Portuguese or perhaps from a North African country. He banged his hand on the metal wall and gestured for Tommy to come forward.

“What’s goin’ on?” said the young firefighter, who was sitting up on the edge of his bunk.

The man said nothing, but reached into his insulated vest and pulled out a pair of plastic restraints.

Tommy looked at him with mild disgust as he extended his wrists. “What, again? We’re on a boat in the middle of nowhere — I’m not goin’ anywhere, okay?”

Erich watched the crewman secure Tommy’s hands together, then indicate he should step into the corridor. The seaman pointed at Erich, giving him the same message. As soon as he did so, he saw another crewman waiting for them with two extra greasy-looking parkas. Where were they taking them now?

“Put. On,” he said.

A frigid draft of air snaked through the corridor, and Erich gratefully slipped into the heavy, insulated coat with a fur-lined hood. As he’d gotten older, he’d found cold weather increasingly difficult to bear, and the temperature even inside the ship’s passageway was close to intolerable.

“Where’re we goin’?” said Tommy.

“Shut. Up. You. Go.” The second crewman looked at him, pushed him forward toward a case of steel stairs leading abovedecks.

Erich followed him. Feeling the pitch of the deck beneath his feet, as he moved, he felt overwhelmed by memories of gaining his “sea legs” when he was so much younger.

Within minutes, they had reached the hatch leading to a wide, flat waist deck aft of the fo’c’scle. There were huge steel hatch covers sealing off an array of cargo holds, overlooked by the superstructure of a massive crane. On one of the hatch covers, crewmen were busy rigging a strange-looking boat — surely a submersible craft — to the cargo crane. The sky above the scene was gray and flat, whipped by a blistering, arctic wind.

Erich shuddered.

In an eyeblink, the memory of being corralled on the exposed deck of the 5001’s conning tower iced through him. He had never imagined suffering that terrible cold again.

He stood with Tommy, flanked by two rough-looking seaman, who both appeared to be awaiting further orders. Across the waist deck, a bulkhead door beneath the bridge swung open and two familiar figures emerged — the tall, muscular black man and the shorter red-haired man with the pasty complexion. Erich found them to be an incongruous pair, but that did not keep them from radiating an air of true menace. Especially the smaller, pale-faced man. His dark eyes appeared pressed into his face like raisins in dough, and they regarded everything with a terrible flat gaze that reminded Erich of a shark. The eyes of something capable of killing you without a thought.

The two men wore jumpsuits under their parkas, and they paused to give the submersible and crane assembly a quick evaluation. Behind them, four men carrying automatic weapons emerged from the bulkhead door. They escorted a thin man wearing horn-rimmed glasses, carrying an aluminum attaché or instrument case. As this second group began boarding the submersible, the black man approached Erich and Tommy.

“Captain Bruckner,” he said, his deep voice cutting under the wind. “I think you have some unfinished business.”

Everyone had moved with smooth, quick precision, getting Tommy strapped into a jumpseat along the rear compartment of the small submarine. One of the armed men assisted Erich into a seat in the forward cabin with the huge glass viewports that looked like the bulging eyes of a deep sea predator. His seat was center, middle, behind the two forward positions — one of the armed escorts sat to the left, the surly black man to the right.

While both men had excellent views through the glass, Erich could duplicate what they saw on one of several screens. The interior of the sub was far roomier and comfortable than he would have ever imagined, and he was coolly regarding the details of its controls when the crane jerked it off the deck and slowly swung it out past the gunwale of the Isabel Marie.

As the cable payed out, dropping the vessel very slowly into the angry arctic chop, Erich’s stomach resisted the sudden motion. He distracted himself by concentrating on the array of controls and digital display screens, looking to see if he could detect any of its armaments. Such a vehicle had been inconceivable the last time Erich had been beneath the waves.

Beneath the waves.

The notion touched a chord deep within him, resonating with memories of the sour-pickle confines of his U-boats. The last time he’d cruised under the cold sea, he’d been a young, young man. Erich shook his head.

Barely out of boyhood, really. It did not seem possible. Had it really happened like that? Had he ever been so young? And had such boys really been in charge of such killing machines?

He watched through the glass bubble and also the screens as the submersible slipped deeper into the dead dark sea. Here was a rattle and a loud snap as the crane’s cables and grapples released them, then the crewman in the left seat assumed control by activating four powerful halogen beams to guide their descent.

The black man touched his throat-mic, spoke into it. “Topside… and Relay, we are a go. Scanners clear. Please advise if your data contradicts that.”

“Our instruments confirm — clear.” A voice sounded from unseen speakers.

“Looks like we beat ’em to the punch,” said the pilot.

The black man shook his head. “Unless they’re already deep under the shelf. Already waiting for us.”

The pilot smiled. “Well, I think it’s time we found out.”

Erich watched the black man pull a note pad from his pocket, check it, then enter a few strokes into a keyboard. “Coordinates keyed-in. Going to a-nav… now.”

For the next ten minutes, no one spoke. All attention remained fixed on the digital screens which displayed a startling variety of real and computer-generated views of the massive shelf of ice under the surface. Erich felt the vessel move with grace and precision in almost total silence and with unimagined speed. He felt a tightening in his gut, and he could almost hear his own pulse pounding behind his ears.

Could it be possible the U. S. Navy was waiting for them? If so, Erich had no idea how things might go. Of course, if the Navy was not waiting for them, Erich felt equally uncertain what lay ahead.

“Sinclair, confirm position.” The voice from the speaker startled Erich as much from the breaking of the silence as giving a name to the black man.

“Approaching the rift,” said Sinclair. “Steady as she goes.”

Erich stared through the left front viewport. The beams of four powerful lamps probed the dark water and walls of ice. As the submersible dared ever closer, a shadow fell vertically across the shelf.

A minute passed. Close. The shadow resolved into an absence. A split in the ice. An opening. Another minute. So close now that Erich could see it clearly — an undersea chasm yawning ahead. Revealed so brightly by the halogen beams, the scale of the Greenland Ice Shelf shocked him. He had not remembered the place to be so overwhelming in scope.

“A-nav to hands-on.” Sinclair nodded to the crewman-pilot, who keyed a touchpad on his control console. Sinclair gripped a joystick that reminded Erich of an oversized version of the video games his grandson used to play.

As he consulted the sonar display, Sinclair also appraised the distance between the submersible and the ragged, open maw of ice.

Now the vessel decelerated silently as the walls of jagged ice loomed along the starboard and port sides. The sight of the dangerous passage struck Erich with a renewed respect for his U-boat and its crew, and how they’d run this gauntlet with fearless ignorance and primitive technology.

He shook his head slowly and the memory faded. He had not anticipated how strongly the images from the past would affect him. It made him think of his old crew — hard-as-nails Kress, the avuncular Massenburg, Ostermann, and so many other young faces that refused to come clear in his mind.

“Look familiar yet, Captain?” said Sinclair, turning to lean back and face him.

Anger flared in Erich, and he calmed himself with effort. “Somewhat. My memory… it is not always good.”

“It was plenty good enough to get us this far.” Sinclair grinned. “And I’m sure we can shake it up a little more.”

Erich said nothing. He knew why they needed him on this mission.

They wanted the secrets of Station One Eleven, but they also needed to find the bomb and ensure it presented no threat to their exploration of the ruins.

Back then, he had no real appreciation of its destructive power. It wasn’t until years later, on American television, that he saw what such a device could do.

He had carried it across the Atlantic on the broad shoulders of his boat before casting it out. And now it lay under the ice like a sleeping beast. Did there remain a touch that could awaken its intended fury?

How had he spent the last sixty years in such complacent ignorance? How had he watched all the newsreels and all the television shows and all the mushroom clouds without shuddering with complete terror at what he’d escaped, what he’d left undone?

How had he indeed? The thought was like a blade twisting through him.

Had there been, throughout all that time, a grim understanding?

“ETA with surface in two minutes.” Sinclair touched his mic. “You copy, Topside?”

The screens in front of Sinclair were aglow with graphics; a soft beeping emitted from an unseen speaker. Outside, under the probing beams of the vessel, the chambered ice slipped steadily past.

“Copy that,” said a voice in the speakers.

The final minutes dragged past.

“There, look. It’s a little lighter. See it?” said Sinclair’s pilot.

“Steady now,” said Sinclair. “We’ve got a visual on the surface. Ascending… Stand by.”

Erich’s gaze held on the panorama beyond the glass bubble port. As the vessel veered upward, a dull, orange-red light from the surface imparted a soft sheen to the barrier they would soon penetrate. He felt his pulse jump, his eyes began to water.

The submersible punctured the calm surface like a fisherman’s bobber, and as the water streamed away from the curving glass port, Erich felt a soft punch in his bowels as he saw the nightmare landscape take shape all around them. The images and memories ghosted back with such power, such immediacy, it was as if he only departed this place yesterday.

“We are in. On the surface,” said Sinclair. “You should now have our visual feed, Topside. We are scanning for intruders now.”

“We copy.”

The red-haired man with the Scottish accent moved forward to get a better look. “Bloody hell! What the fuck is this place?”

Sinclair said nothing. He could only stare at the strange place in defiant respect.

“The area is clean,” said the pilot as he consulted a variety of displays concerned with the presence of any other vessels or entities. “No activity detected.”

“Okay,” said Sinclair, turning to face Erich. “We move to the next phase, Captain Bruckner.”

Erich stared at him, said nothing.

“Captain Bruckner, you will now lead us to the place where you left the nuclear device.”

“What if I refuse?” He already knew the answer to this, but needed to hear them articulate it.

The red-haired man smoothed his mustache, smiled. “Come on, now, Cappy… surely you must’ve realized why we’ve bothered to bring along that numbskull friend of yours, now don’t you?”

Erich understood all too well. There was a good chance he and Tommy would be eliminated regardless of his actions. But as any submariner will tell you — even a small chance is better than none at all. He nodded, said nothing.

The pilot vacated his seat to Erich as Sinclair assumed full control of the submersible. The view through the eye-like bubble port was slightly distorted by the curvature of the thick plastic, imparting an even more surreal aspect to the strange subterranean interior.

“Which way, Captain?”

“I need to get myself oriented properly.” Erich pointed to the digital displays. “Is there a map you put on there with our position?”

Sinclair said nothing, but he keyed in a command which produced a CGI map on one of the screens. Erich squinted at it as he tried to make the topographical display agree with his memory. The more he looked at the representations, the more familiar it became, and he remembered.

“Very well,” he said. “Do you prefer compass headings or visuals?”

Sinclair remained expressionless. “Whatever works for you.”

Erich supplied a heading which angled the vessel across the vast underground sea at a cautious speed. As it closed slowly on the far shore, Erich watched Sinclair, who tried to remain stoic as he regarded the strange landscape. Not much chance of that.

Outside, the surface of the inland sea barely rippled. Bruckner stared at it, looking in the direction where he now remembered they had taken the bomb. There had been a small cove with a shallow shoreline. The dinghy carrying the device had drifted easily to a place where they’d dragged it up to the soft shore.

The minutes passed in a silence punctuated only by the occasional narrative of Sinclair to his relay contact called Topside. As the distance between the shoreline and their vessel closed, more details became discernible, but Erich could not see anything that looked like the wooden boat they had beached so long ago.

The rising walls of the great cavern drew into sharper definition as Sinclair eased within 30 meters of the shore. He tested his depth with sonar and advanced with caution.

“Do you see anything familiar, Captain?”

Erich shook his head. He had been certain this was close enough for a visual confirmation. Was it possible the device had been found sometime in the past?

Easing the boat ever closer, Sinclair’s expression suggested he might be thinking Erich was playing games with him. “Captain, I am a patient man. But you don’t want to piss me off, okay?”

Erich opened his mouth to reply, but the red-haired man interrupted him. “Hell-lo! What’s that?”

He pointed to a dark smudge against the tan clay and stone of the shoreline. Erich found it, allowed it to resolve into something familiar. It could be the upper half of his deadly cargo, but… there was something not right about it. There was a layer of water-hugging mist that kept all details along the beach indistinct. They would have to be very close to know for certain what they were looking at.

Guiding the submersible safely past the obscured object to ensure against any chance of collision, Sinclair eased it aground on the soft bottom.

“Let’s get out and have a look around,” he said, reaching his hand out to Erich.

Erich would have loved to tell him he didn’t need the assistance but decided a feigned weakness might serve him later. Straightening out and moving through the small egress was a challenge, but Erich was fit and strong beyond his years. His captors didn’t need to know that.

As he emerged from the hatch, he looked up to feel, as much as see, the curved vault of the gigantic enclosure. In the incandescence of the distant towered sphere, the mist hanging over the water seemed to carry a subtle glow.

Everyone except the pilot clambered free of the submersible, mucking through soft sandy clay to drier, firmer ground. One of the armed men hustled Tommy, still cuffed, from the hatch. The other two crewman, Sinclair, the red-haired man, and the studious-looking man in the angler’s vest and flannel shirt followed. They all paused to take in their bizarre surroundings — each man trying to reconcile the impossibility of what they witnessed with its reality.

“Sweet mother…” That was one of the armed crewman whispering a soft exclamation as he took in the total strangeness of the place. He was wearing a remote cam on his helmet, relaying a feed back to somewhere unknown.

Sinclair looked around with a slack expression. Erich could not tell if he was in total awe or merely bored.

East of their position, far away, the suggestion of the scarp of ancient buildings lay in fog. Seeing it brought Erich back through time, reaffirming the exact position from so many years ago.

Sinclair pointed through the annoying mist at the odd collection of struts and what appeared to be an oblong dome rising from the mud.

“Is that it?” he said.

“We beached the boat at the foot of a small cove. Just like that one.” Erich pointed at the object that could be the bomb.

“Get closer,” said the red-haired man. “That bleedin’ fog’s too dodgy.”

“Slowly, easy,” said the man with the horn-rimmed glasses and the flannel shirt. “We do not wish to disturb anything until I have a chance to fully inspect the mechanism.”

“Right-o, Doc.” The red-haired man slowed his pace, motioned to the armed escort, one of whom had been assisting Erich along the soft shore, holding him by the arm.

As they approached the object with great caution, Erich kept watching the man they’d called “Doc.” With each step closer to the object, the man appeared to be trying to look as casual as possible. His face was a blank slate, his eyes distorted behind thick lenses.

The closer they grew, the mist appeared thinner, less of a problem. When they were within several meters, Erich could see clearly enough to know they’d found it.

“Is that it?” said Sinclair.

Erich nodded. “Yes. But it is not as we left it.”

“What’s that? ‘Left it’—like how?” The tone of the red-haired man revealed his growing anxiety.

Erich on the other hand, felt a curious calm descending upon him. His initial sensation of dread and panic at returning to the site had dissipated. It was as if this place had been patiently waiting for him, and he for it. An unexpected comfort grew in him, and with it, confidence.

Doc, apparently a scientist, felt differently. “Oh, man, this does not look good.”

“What the hell happened here?” said Sinclair as he touched his wireless mic, activating it. “Topside, we have located the objective, but we may have a problem. Maybe a big problem…”

Chapter Forty-Seven

Dex At Sea

When the V-22 touched down on the Cape Cod’s flight deck, Dex looked across the passenger bay at Dr. Robert M. Schaller, the nuclear guy from MIT, and smiled. The scientist didn’t reciprocate. He looked like a candidate for a firing squad as he struggled to unhitch his safety straps.

Dex had talked to him sporadically during the long flight, partially to add some detail and color to his briefing notes. Schaller had seemed grateful to gain a fuller understanding of why he’d been “selected” for the job. He was a soft-spoken, no-nonsense kind of guy sliding into his fifties with a full head of graying hair, a stylish goatee, and an athletic build. Dex figured him for a squash or tennis player.

A latch clicked and the belly door was thrown open by a seaman wearing a heavy, hooded parka. A bitter slap of super-cooled air rushed in from behind him, threatening to stand Dex up like an uppercut. Apparently the Cape Cod had been in a good position to effect a very northern rendezvous point.

“Doctor Schaller. Mister McCauley,” said the young sailor. “Welcome aboard!”

He guided them across the windswept deck to the storm door, a short corridor, and a stairway up to the bridge. Once inside, despite the absence of the wind, Dex could still feel the intense cold leeching the heat from his bones. How did these guys stand it?

After being escorted onto the command deck, Dex and Schaller saw a man wearing a crisp, tan service uniform look up from a display console, then approach them. “I’m Captain Danvers,” he said. “Good to see you fellows could make it.”

Everyone shook hands. Dex looked around at the clean, Spartan control area. The digital age had wrought huge changes in the last twenty years. “Nice boat you have here.”

Danvers grinned. “Thanks, Chief. The Admiral has a meeting scheduled for Dr. Schaller, but you’re welcome to stay and check things out, if you’d like.”

“Sounds good to me.”

The Captain motioned to an ensign who was manning a navigational station. The young officer moved quickly to escort Schaller off the bridge. Dex looked around.

“How far from the target area?” he said.

“Several hundred miles southeast of the coastline coordinates.” Danvers spoke with a slight western accent, probably Texas.

Dex glanced through the glass at the gray sky and matching ocean. “Is that good?”

The Captain shrugged. “Not sure yet. We’re within range of the CH-53 to airlift a Dragonfish in good time. But… we’ve picked up a vessel on radar at the target coordinates.”

“What kind of boat?”

“We have a SeaDrone on recon to get a visual right now. Looks fairly large, though. Could be something like the Cod, or maybe a merchant class. Also trying to get a spy-sat to catch some images on the next go-round. We should have data from either source any minute now.”

“Hmmm, what’re the odds some freighter’s parked right where we want to be?” Dex shook his head.

“Yeah, looks like we’re on tit number two, and the Admiral’s not happy about it.”

“Any idea who the interlopers might be?” Dex appreciated the Captain speaking so freely to him, and wondered if Admiral Whitehurst had given explicit orders to do so. Whatever the reason, Dex wasn’t going to bring it up. Being left out of the mission was bad enough, but being kept off the information list would have been more than he could swallow.

“Not yet. As soon as we get visual, we can track it down pretty fast.”

Dex nodded. He knew a variety of agencies had compiled stored image profiles of just about every registered ship on the sea, from every conceivable port, nation, or private entity. No hiding from the eye-in-the-sky and a decent database.

“Any idea when they plan to approach the target?”

“Waiting on Whitehurst right now. I imagine they want to get that science-guy up to speed first. We have the CH-53 and the Dragonfish rigged and ready — that would get them to the access point within 30 minutes, tops.”

Dex nodded. “Guess it’s hurry up and wait now.”

Captain Danvers grinned. “Same old Navy, right? Listen, Chief, feel free to take a tour around the boat, check her out. I’ll send for you as soon as we know something.”

“I might just do that.”

But not just then. The USS Cape Cod was a state-of-the-art boat, worth seeing, but he wanted to be around to hear any new developments. He couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy and Bruckner. Once he knew they were safe, there would be time later to take a leisurely tour.

Besides, he already knew this was a special ship. A ship designed to ensure that any air or deep sea rescue/recovery mission the Navy might encounter would be assisted with the best technology in the world. It made him think back to his early days in the Navy, when they trained guys in the old rubber and canvas suits with the brass diving helmets and vulcanized rubber air hoses.

Talk about primitive. Not to mention dangerous…

Dex remembered his Chief from those training missions — a guy named Magnuson, who’d been a salvage diver when he was a teenager on the gulf coast. When he’d volunteered for the Navy after Pearl, he already had more experience than half the guys in Underwater Rescue.

Being a diver is the most dangerous job in the world, Magnuson used to tell them. And it’s also the simplest. Script’s always the same—somethin’s down there; somebody wants it; you go get it.

Dex smiled as he reminisced those days. Twenty-two years ago? Where did the time go?

He remained on the bridge despite feeling the frustration he couldn’t do more to help. For now, all he could do was wait and stand by the glass to regard the harsh sea. Somewhere out there, beyond its dark gray chop, lay the distant icy shoreline of Greenland.

Every once in a while, he’d check his watch as he tried to imagine what it was like for Tommy and the old man. With that unknown boat already on station, it was a good bet they’d been packed into a sub headed toward One Eleven. Dex wondered how Bruckner was holding up, especially with people who seemed as ruthless as his captors. Tommy would be okay — as long as he didn’t mouth-off to them. And in a pinch, he could be counted on to attempt whatever was needed to survive.

But Dex needed details, he needed input. Not knowing jack crippled him.

Five minutes of useless, quiet speculation ended when the ensign on the communications console spoke softly into his headset mic. “Updates on ‘unknown’ coming in. Stand by…”

Everyone glanced at the officer, waiting. Dex did his best to be unobtrusive as he anticipated the new info.

“Let’s hear it,” said Captain Danvers.

“Satellite confirmation at 99-plus certainty — freighter Isabel Marie. Panamanian registry, ownership Colchys International Line in Greece.”

The Captain considered this. “Any history on the owners? Any good, innocent reason for that boat to be parked at the entrance to One Eleven?”

“Nothing yet from Colchys. Regardless, we should know more any minute now. SeaDrone ETA four and counting.”

Dex clenched his fists, held them. Finally, some answers.

“We’ve got video,” said the ensign. He keyed his console and one of the LCDs on the bridge array blinked from dead black to an aerial view of the gray ocean from low altitude. Everyone focused on the screen as the SeaDrone’s hi-res cameras suddenly captured a startlingly clear image of the Isabel Marie—a merchant ship that had seen better days.

“Jesus, what a tub…” said someone.

“Wait a minute, there’s a big chopper, see it? Right there on the waist deck.”

“Don’t let its looks fool you,” said the ensign. “I’m not getting any confirmation of legitimate activity from any of the ‘alphabets’… this looks like a rogue.”

Dex kept his position, figuring the best way to stay in the mix, was to stay out of peoples’ way. If the NSA and CIA and the rest of the agencies didn’t like that boat, then it must be bad news.

“SeaDrone on aggression mode/stand-by,” said Captain Danvers. “Communications, hit the target with all hailing frequencies. Request immediate identification and destination.”

“Aye, sir,” said a crewman with a headset and a sophisticated bank of controls in front of him.

As the Cape Cod attempted contact with the rogue vessel, Dex wondered if they’d found it in time. There was a possibility Tommy and the old man were still on that boat, which greatly increased their chances of surviving this whole thing. “Contact,” said the communications officer. “Isabel Marie reports engine trouble. Adrift. Awaiting assistance.”

Danvers grinned, shook his head. “Assistance? Right, sure they are. Tell them we will assist.”

The crewman reestablished contact. A pause, then: “They are refusing assistance, Captain.”

Danvers nodded. “Tell them they are impeding a United States naval operation, and their cooperation is requested.”

“Captain,” said another crewman at a different station. “I’m getting a heat signature consistent with a small missile launch.”

“What?” Danvers moved to looked over the seaman’s shoulder at a display.

“It’s a SAM!” said the crewman.

“Evasive action on the SeaDrone! Now!”

As Danvers spoke, one of the screens went dark.

“Impact,” said the crewman. “We lost it.”

“Son-of-a-bitch!” Danvers’s face had flushed as he slammed his fist on the corner of the console.

The communications officer was now holding his headset closer to his ears. “Uh, Captain, I’ve got contact with the freighter. Says they need to talk to you.”

“Put it on speaker!” Danvers said as he tried to compose himself.

The crewman toggled the output.

“This is Captain Danvers, United States Navy. Identify.”

From unseen speakers, the transmission crackled onto the command deck, static threatening to mask it at any moment. “Advise you disengage at once. We have two American hostages.”

Isabel Marie. Please stand by.” The Captain looked at his communications officer. “Patch me into the Admiral’s quarters. Now!”

“Aye, sir.”

Dex was surprised to hear his old boss’s voice booming over the loudspeakers: “Admiral Whitehurst.”

Danvers cleared his throat, then reprised the situation.

“Stand by, Captain. I’ll be right there.”

Several long, silent minutes later, Whitehurst and Harry Olmstead stood with Danvers staring at a screen which held a hi-res sat-image of the rogue freighter. Dex had tried to fade into the bulkhead. He kept having this feeling he’d be asked to leave the party if someone took much notice of him.

“Olmstead and I expected this,” the Admiral was saying. “Drabek says we can still get a unit in there and effect rescue.”

“It would help if we had recon,” said Danvers. “We don’t even know who these guys are.”

Harry Olmstead held up his index finger. “Actually, some of us have a pretty good idea, but—”

“But it’s classified.” Danvers looked disgusted, and Dex understood how he felt. He couldn’t count how many times he’d been kept out of the loop because of that catch-all bullshit.

Olmstead nodded. “Actually, yes.”

“Advise the rogue vessel we need proof of ID and proof of life on the hostages before we make a decision,” said Whitehurst. “And we’ll need it quickly, or any decisions we make will be made based on the delay.”

Danvers nodded to the communications officer, who relayed the Admiral’s command. Then: “Standing by, sir.”

“Will they comply?” said the Captain.

The communications officer tilted his head slightly. “Not certain, sir. They didn’t say no… they advised us to stand by.”

Dex leaned against the bulkhead. Now, at least, he would know if they were still alive. If for any reason Whitehurst didn’t get the proof he needed, then Dex could be pretty damn well sure his friends were dead.

And that made him think about Bruckner again. Even though he’d just met the old man, Dex felt like he really knew him, and did consider him a friend. Weird how time and culture didn’t mean a whole lot in situations like this.

And the more he thought about it, the more he realized how the old man might be the key to the whole thing.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Sinclair Station One Eleven

“This is Relay,” said the voice in Sinclair’s headset. “What is the nature of your problem?”

“You have video?” Sinclair said.

“Affirmative. But not sure what we are looking at. Detail it.”

Standing motionless, Sinclair looked at the scene in front of him, trying to decide how to begin.

“Relay, we found the egg, but they’d left it in a wooden dinghy.”

“Which is… where?”

“What you see there is all that’s left. After all this time, the slats and ribs have mostly rotted away. Everything — the bomb and detonation device have been slowly sinking — right into the muddy shoreline.”

“Affirmative. Continue.”

“There’s been a lot of thawing and freezing and shifting in that mess. No way to tell the complete effect of this. Not just by looking at it. Not more than thirty percent of the device is still visible. The rest has been absorbed into the sand and mud. We’re going to need to get our hands dirty.”

There was a pause as personnel at the Relay point considered this information. Then: “You have opinion from Hawthorne?”

“He’s wired. Ask him.” Sinclair looked at Hawthorne, whose expression reflected a standard portrait of single-minded fear. If ever a guy looked like shit, Hawthorne might be that guy. His lower lip trembled as he tried to speak into his headset mic.

“Ah… Relay?”

“We copy. Your assessment?”

“Uh… your video should show the amount of natural debris. That’s probably the dorsal surface and fin of the bomb casing. From what I can see, it looks something like Little Boy — if you’ve seen the pictures. Part of the original crate that held the firing mechanism is visible. But it’s rotted out pretty bad. We’re going to need to do a little digging and clearing. To get inside. To check the mechanism itself. See if it’s still in place.”

“How soon will you have an answer?”

“Depends on how difficult it will be to clear the mud and sand. This looks like a job for a paleontologist.”

“Get started. Time is crucial.”

“We copy, Relay. Video feed will keep you in the loop.” Sinclair looked at Hawthorne. “You’re in charge. Do what you need to do, and do it fast.”

The nuclear technician swallowed with effort. “Right…”

Turning to the three armed crewman, Sinclair gestured toward Hawthorne. “Do whatever the doc needs done. Entwhistle and I will take care of our friends.”

The trio lay down their weapons and joined Hawthorne as he dropped to his knees to begin carefully clearing out the soft earth and sand in small handfuls. His analogy had been close to dead on, thought Sinclair. The four men looked liked they were freeing a dinosaur fossil from its ancient prison.

As Entwhistle stood closely behind their hostages, Sinclair focused on the task before them. For the first time, the notion he could die at any moment surged through him. But more oddly, that truth had no effect on him. He seemed balanced between humor and nihilism.

He had hoped his place in the Guild would return a sense of meaning to his life, but so far, it still eluded him. He knew in one sense, his utter detachment had been an asset, but that was always subject to change, wasn’t it?


The voice of the Relay Communications HQ shattered his philosophical musings.

“I copy.” As he spoke into his mic, Entwhistle and his charges listened in.

“USN encroachment within the hour. We have them stalled because of the hostages. But they require proof of life and ID.”

Sinclair had been expecting this complication. Indeed, even with hostages, there was no guarantee they would not insert a SEAL team into the arena. The Navy was playing with the same deck. They knew what kind of technology might be at stake. Besides, when did the lives of a couple of civilians ever stop any military from doing whatever it wanted?

“How do you want me to proceed?” Sinclair glanced back at Chipiarelli and Bruckner. The former appeared jittery and ready for a fight if he could get one, the latter stooped and utterly fatigued and done with living. In his experience, Sinclair knew which of them was the most truly dangerous.

“Give them a headset. We’ll patch them through.”

He repeated the instructions to Entwhistle who removed his communications gear, then fitted it to Chipiarelli’s head.

“Your mates from the U. S. Navy,” said Entwhistle. “Wanting to make certain the both of you’re still among the living. Go on now, chappie — make ’em feel at ease.”

Chipiarelli appeared skeptical, but that didn’t deter him enough to be uncooperative. “Hello? This is Thomas Chipiarelli.”

“This is Captain Danvers, U.S.S. Cape Cod. Do you copy?”

“I hear you, Captain. What do you need me to do?”

“Tell me where you are and if you’re safe.”

“They took us under the ice — we’re at the old German base. We’re okay… so far.”

“How’s Bruckner?”

“He’s okay. He’s a tough guy.”

“Good to hear it. Listen, Chipiarelli, we need to verify you are who you say you are and not some digital construct, okay?”

“Really? They can fake people now?”

“They try.”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“Dexter McCauley says you know the nick-name he calls his ex-wife.”

Chipiarelli grinned. “That’s easy. He calls her ‘Queen Bitch-Tifa’.”

Danvers suppressed a chuckle. “Ah… let me verify that.”


After a brief pause: “That’s confirmed. Stay well, Chipiarelli. We’re going to get you out of this.”

“Yessir, I know you will.”

After Chipiarelli returned the headset to Entwhistle, he and Sinclair received an update. “We have no back-up on this operation,” said Relay. “Given the lethal nature of the situation, it is quite possible the Americans will not intervene. But time remains critical.”

“Acknowledged. You will stay in the video loop.” Sinclair touched the mic, silencing it, then looked at the old man. “Captain Bruckner, soon we’re going to need your help.”

The submariner looked at him with almost total disinterest as if he were staring at something far more distant and more meaningful. After a pause he spoke softly in German, “Was immer Sie wünschen.

“What’s that?”

“Whatever you wish,” said Bruckner. “I am weary of this.”

Scoop by scoop, Sinclair watched as the men unearthed the device, which now protruded from the mud and sand like a piece of ugly, post-modern sculpture. All the while, he wondered if the Americans would be good to their word.

Down on his mud-caked knees, Hawthorne cleared a final handful from the edge of a rotten slat. They cleared enough debris to reveal the warhead and casing of a very menacing looking piece of ordnance — a 105 mm shell — which remained aligned with the bomb laying in a makeshift cradle. Attached to the flat end of the shell was a rectangular object.

“That ordnance looks good,” said Hawthorne pointing to a cradle, which held a very lethal looking artillery round.

Erich remembered Kress at his machine bench in the engine room, sleeves rolled, black grease tattooing his thick forearms. Relying on his uncanny knack for anything mechanical, Herr Kress had bolted together a gun detonator for the atomic device. Crude, but efficient.

Erich nodded. He was impressed with how clean and unsullied by time and elements the casing and ammo appeared. “We should assume we have a live round,” he said.

“You think so?” said Hawthorne.

“I leave it up to you. But I am very familiar with the reliability of Krupp’s arms factories.”

Hawthorne wiped his sweaty hands on his shirt. He looked up at Sinclair with an unreadable expression. “We need to take a break. Then I think I might be ready…”

The last thing he wanted right now was to suggest any move that would prove a fatal mistake. Sinclair nodded, and the four men moved away from the excavation, stretched their legs, arched their backs, and tried to forget they were playing in the sand with a fissionable device.

Turning again to the old Nazi, he waited until the man looked up, engaging his gaze.

“Captain Bruckner, I know we’ve been over this, but one more time, please?”

“All right.”

“We can see the 105 shell and the demolition pack. Does it look… as you left it?”

Bruckner moved closer, but made no effort to touch anything. As he inched forward, lowering himself for a better view, Sinclair kneeled with him to give him support. They regarded a frame of steel bands, bolted together to hold a cube, twelve inches on a side, wrapped tightly in what looked liked canvas impregnated with a waxy substance.

“That is what we called a Kohlenkübelbeutel—a scuttle pack,” he said. “The dynamite was waterproofed, of course.”

Sinclair studied the pack without touching it. “Looks tight. I think we have to assume that charge is dry and live.”

“Oh yes,” said Hawthorne from several steps behind them. “Dynamite is very stable. And this is probably a high grade — if it was intended to blow off a hatch or a hole in the hull.”

Sinclair looked at Bruckner, as if awaiting his confirmation. The old man looked wobbly, even on his knees, despite the soft sand that held him, and he forced himself to speak. “You are correct. I have seen it in action.”

“Anything else?” said Sinclair.

Bruckner paused as if considering a random thought. He stood, looked at Sinclair with a calm, seemingly disinterested expression. “There is something missing.”

“What?” said Hawthorne, wheeling quickly. He adjusted his horn-rimmed glasses over his wide eyes.

Bruckner gestured toward the collection of objects which looked both silly and terrifying. “See those wires? They were connected to the timer for the scuttle charges. But I don’t see it. The timer.”

“Jesus Christ…” said Hawthorne. “Is it still in that fucking mud?”

“I would think so. Yes.”

Sinclair gestured Hawthorne closer. “Dig it out. Now.”

Hawthorne nodded almost imperceptably and moved with a total absence of enthusiasm.

Glancing at Bruckner, who remained standing, his arms hung straight down from his shoulders like a marionette whose strings had been cut, Sinclair had an odd sensation pass through him like a burst of cold air. The old man did not move, nor did his gaze waver from the bomb.

“Captain Bruckner, you okay?”

He looked at Sinclair as if he were transparent. “Okay? Yes. I suppose I am.”

But there was something bothersome about the way Bruckner had spoken. Either he was getting terribly fatigued, or he was surrendering to the fearful grip of this place.

Several minutes passed as Hawthorne began to use his fingertips to follow the thin wires into the mud and sand. The man moved with a painful slowness, making it obvious he didn’t want to touch the wires or disturb them in any way as he cleared the debris away almost grain by grain.

Too slow, thought Sinclair. This is much too slow.

At one point, Hawthorne looked up at him, removed his glasses to wipe them on sleeve of his flannel shirt, then spoke. “If anything looks critical, if anything doesn’t feel right, we get out of here, right?”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” said Sinclair, who managed a smile that felt embarrassingly phony from the inside-out.

At the same moment, Bruckner moved forward with an awkward robotic effort. He was close behind the nuclear technician.

“Captain,” said Sinclair. “Is there something wrong?”

Bruckner turned his head slowly without moving his shoulders, like a gun turret. He said a single word: “Yes.”

Chapter Forty-Nine

Dex USS Cape Cod

Dex said nothing as Admiral Whitehurst considered his options with Harry Olmstead and Captain Danvers.

“How long to get a CH-53 and Dragonfish to the target coordinates?” said Whitehurst.

Danvers didn’t hesitate. “We’re closing the gap with every minute. Less than twenty, I’m sure.”

Whitehurst looked at Olmstead. “What’re you thinking, Harry?”

The Counter Terror Group Director tilted his head and grinned. “I’m thinking we’re wasting time. We take out the rogue vessel. ASAP.”

“What about the hostages?” said Danvers.

Olmstead waved off the question. “They’re not on board.”

“He’s right,” said Whitehurst. “They’re already under the ice shelf. They’re using Bruckner — to disarm the device.”

Danvers nodded. “So we neutralize the freighter, which forces the team inside the station to deal with us.”

Whitehurst nodded. “It’s risky, but it’s all we’ve got. Time isn’t with us on this one. If the enemy has a warship or a submarine on the way, it won’t matter if we take out the freighter.”

Olmstead crossed him arms as if suddenly chilled. “What’s the ETA on our Virginia Class?”

Danvers shrugged. “Almost four hours. Best case.”

“We can’t fuck around that long,” said Whitehurst. “Get Drabek up here. On the double.”

As Dex waited for the next phase of the mission to kick in, he tried to construct a way to get himself included in the action. He knew he had to just keep his silence and wait for the right moment. His instincts for protocol and military leverage had always been pretty good.

When Commander Drabek arrived on the bridge, they briefed him in lightning-round mode. “Just get us there, Admiral. We’ll do the rest.”

Whitehurst nodded. Then to Danvers: “Now about that rogue, Captain — take the bastards out.”

Danvers looked at the Admiral with a smile he made no effort to hide. It emphasized his strong jawline and high cheekbones. He had that classic Annapolis-look that hadn’t deserted him as he slid into his forties. Dex had known plenty of officers like Danvers over the years, and in general they were a decent bunch.

And like all officers, he’d been itching for a chance to fight a real fight ever since the day he threw his midshipmen’s hat in the air.

Not that Dex could blame him. Whoever these guys were, they deserved to be hammered for killing everyone on the Sea Dog. All those years in the Navy had taught him there was only one way to handle the death of your brothers, and that was keep a lid on it until the distraction couldn’t make you just as dead.

* * *

“Forward SSM battery,” said Captain Danvers. “Confirm target coordinates lock.”

“Target locked.”

“You may fire, gentlemen.”

Everyone on the bridge, including Dex, had turned to look through the glass at the forward missile battery as it rotated slowly into optimum position. There was a loud whoosh! as two SeaHawk surface-to-surface missiles leapt in tandem into the cold gray sky. For an instant, they seemed to hang as if suspended by unseen wires before the thrust of their rockets reached full throttle and they disappeared in a burst of eyeblinking speed.

“Birds away. ETA three minutes four seconds.”

Despite his experience with weaponry and how quickly it evolved and changed, Dex was still knocked out by the SeaHawks’ capabilities. Homing in on the target at four times the speed of sound, the two missiles would chew up the hundred-plus miles so fast, the enemy would never see it coming. And even if they did, they wouldn’t have the time or technology to do anything about it — except explode.

Which is exactly what they did.

“Impact,” said the ensign as Dex watched the digitized target on one of the LCDs blink red several times before vanishing from the screen. The Isabel Marie was gone.

The usual round of cheering filled the bridge, and Dex knew what would be next. Time was running out for him, especially since Whitehurst had taken no notice of him whatsoever.

The loudspeaker interrupted his thoughts. “Seal Unit ready for launch in five.”

Whitehurst smiled as he heard the update, then spoke into his mic. “Get in there and get them, gentlemen.”

That was his last chance, thought Dex. Now or not at all.

Moving away from the bulkhead, advancing to the group of men by the array of command consoles, Dex moved to face Admiral Parker Whitehurst.

“Sir.” Dex tried to look resolute and somehow nonchalant. “I need a favor.”

Chapter Fifty

Bruckner Station One Eleven

He had no idea how long he stood, watching the soldier and the scientist. The two men had been down on all fours, kneeling, half-sinking into the muck, peeling away layers of grit and glacial mud like mini geologic strata.

The silence held them like a vacuum chamber, pierced only by an occasional whisper of caution or instruction. Erich slipped into a brief flash of memory when Manny and Kress had originally placed this demon device on this spot. How quickly and with such cavalier confidence they had worked. Of course, back then, none of them could have ever imagined the power of such utter destruction which slept beneath their fingers.

Sinclair touched Erich’s elbow, and he ignored it.

He almost felt giddy, as if he might start laughing — at something not at all funny, which increased his feeling of inappropriate levity.

He was actually standing here one more time. In a place he’d vowed he’d never see again. In a place he had found so… so disturbing, and believed it best to destroy it. And not surprisingly, he still felt exactly the same way.

The oppressive weight of the giant cavern, its ruins, and the air itself began to press down on him. He blinked his eyes, and there he stood. Right behind Hawthorne as he unearthed the final strands of wire and the remains of Kress’s impromptu detonator-timer — which had sat there in total refusal to do its job for seventy years.

“There it is,” said the nuclear tech. “That little bastard.”

Hawthorne swallowed hard, wiped beads of sweat from his forehead, then produced a railroad kerchief which he used to clean the lenses of his horn-rimmed glasses.

Sinclair exhaled very slowly, softly. In a low voice, he continued. “Okay, we got the last piece. How’s it work?”

The apparatus was standard equipment in all U-boats to ensure an event catastrophic enough to send a submarine to the bottom. Admiral Doenitz had proclaimed it far better to destroy an entire submarine then allow the Allies a chance to get their hands on the Enigma Device — the heartspring of the German code.

Other than the sandy grit, everything looked unscathed by time, as free of corrosion as the day it had been placed in position. Slowly, Erich pointed out each component, explaining all to the best of his memory. When he finished, he exhaled slowly.

“Is that timer mechanical,” said Hawthorne. “Spring-driven?”

“Yes, I think so,” said Erich. “I would say yes.”

Entwhistle leaned close. “Still looks pretty good, like it could still work.”

“Stainless steel,” said Erich. “Nothing was spared on something so important. Only the best materials.”

Hawthorne leaned closer, squinted. “So we’d better be thinking it’s still able to function.”

“Yes,” said Erich. “But, remember — it did not work as my engineer had planned it.”

Hawthorne nodded. “Well, I’d sure like to know why… before I started messing with it, don’t you think?”

Nobody answered him for a moment, then Entwhistle cleared his throat before speaking. “Does that mean you think this piece of flapdoodle could pop off?”

“Original configuration looks intact. If the timer had worked, it would definitely have ignited the dynamite.”

“Is that enough?” said Sinclair. “For the actual detonation of the nuke?”

Hawthorne shook his head slowly, licked his lips. “It looks elegantly simple and direct. The concussion and heat from the explosive round… well, that fires the plate-piercing shell into the nose of bomb, which compresses the fissionable material. The result is an atomic reaction.”

“Sounds like a lot of things have to go right,” said Sinclair “Are you sure about that?”

“The only reason it didn’t happen is the timer — it never worked.” Hawthorne looked pensive, tilted his head a bit as he shrugged. “The problem is that timer. Everything else had a built-in inevitability to it. Once the chain of events kicks in, there’s no stopping it. In fact, it’s essentially instantaneous.”

“So what went wrong with the timer?” said Sinclair.

“Good question,” said the scientist. “It could be as simple as a piece of dirt or other foreign material stuck in the spring’s trigger. If that’s the case, even the slightest movement could fire it.”

One of the crewman shook his head. “If it was that delicate, the ballgame would be over by now. We already moved it some — just by digging it out.”

“Was there any gross movement when the dinghy sank into the sand?” Sinclair looked at the technician.

“Not necessarily,” he said. “I think this change in state was very, very gradual. The rot and the water and the shifting sand. All so slow as to be imperceptible.”

“So where do we bloody stand?” said Entwhistle.

Hawthorne paused to consider this question. The moment of silence was ominous, overwhelming. As they all huddled around the device, enclosed by the immense underground cavern, Erich could feel a heavy pallor descending over them.

“The basic problem,” said the technician, “is actually twofold — we don’t know why the timer didn’t activate the detonator, and we don’t know if any of the components have degraded enough to be non-volatile.”

“What happens if we just extract or cut the wires to detonator cap?” said Sinclair.

Hawthorne looked at Erich. “What about that, Captain?”

“The timer-cap assembly had a dead-man circuit,” he said quietly.

Entwhistle cursed.

“Is that as bad as I think it is?” said Sinclair.

Hawthorne hesitated. “I’m not sure. I don’t really know much about demolition.”

“We covered the basics in DSR,” said Sinclair. “If it’s like the classic rig, once everything is connected you can’t disconnect it. Cutting a wire or breaking the circuit by pulling it free — that’d be the same as pushing the red button. Right, Captain?”

Erich nodded. “That is correct. If by chance, the enemy could get aboard a U-boat before the charges went off, they still could not stop the scuttle operation.”

“We can’t risk this,” said Hawthorne. “We need something more sophisticated than what we have with us. Liquid nitrogen would do the trick — super-freeze everything. It would be neutralized.”

No one spoke for a moment, and Erich suppressed a smile. They were in quite a fix and they knew it.

“So what in faggoty hell does this mean?” said Entwhistle. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling altogether cheery about this.”

“Maybe we should take a vote,” said Tommy.

Erich looked at him and grinned. Up until now, he’d been keeping silent and watchful, as if waiting for a chance to make a move.

“A vote.” Sinclair looked amused.

Tommy continued. “Because if I get one — I’m for stoppin’ right now, and gettin’ out of Dodge.”

“You don’t get a vote. So I’d advise you to—” Sinclair paused. He touched his headset, seating it more firmly in his ear as he received a sudden transmission.

Watching him closely, Erich strained to catch the message, but could not. However, Sinclair could not mask his reaction to what he was hearing. Whatever it was, it was not good.

“Stand by,” said Sinclair into the mic. Then to Entwhistle: “That was Tanner. He’s lost contact with the Isabel Marie.”

Entwhistle looked abruptly concerned. “He give you a reason?”

“He thinks they took a missile.”

Entwhistle grinned beneath his red mustache. “Your old Navy chaps showing some stones, are they?”

“So it seems.” Sinclair’s expression a mixture of anger and uncertainty.

Tommy chuckled softly. “Looks like it’s a new ballgame, dude.”

Entwhistle wheeled around, bringing up his right hand in a blur, to impact with Tommy’s jaw. Erich was stunned by the savage suddenness of the attack. That Tommy had kept his feet, much less his consciousness, was a testament to the kid’s toughness.

“I hate that word—‘dude’,” said Entwhistle. Then he turned back to Sinclair. “Now, back to business. Our next move?”

Sinclair tried to affect a bored expression. “Without the support vessel, we’re on our own. The Navy probably has a hunter/killer on the way. And you can bet we’ll have some SEALS in here a lot sooner than that.”

“You have any ideas?” Entwhistle said.

Hawthorne had turned, looked up with great dread in his eyes. “Are we in trouble?” he said lamely.

Ignoring them, Sinclair touched his headset mic, activated it. “Tanner, send a signal to that Navy boat. Tell them we know their intentions. Tell them to back off… or we detonate.”

Bruckner saw everyone’s eyes widen ever so slightly. All these kill-hardened men. All of them thinking the unthinkable. None of them particularly ready to die.

“What?” said Hawthorne. Sweat ran down his forehead into his eyes. He yanked off his glasses, tried to clear them. “I… didn’t sign on for this! I… I can’t even be sure it would work. It… it won’t work!”

Sinclair removed his sidearm, raised it slowly to the technician’s head. “You didn’t ‘sign on’ for this either.”

The man whimpered, closed his eyes.

“Do what you’re told, or it’s over for you.” Sinclair lowered the weapon, but did not holster it. “No matter what.”

“All right. All right. I will. Please. I will.” Hawthorne spoke softly as if reciting a prayer. He made an effort to control his trembling, replaced his horn-rimmed glasses and got to his feet slowly. Then he stood in silence, like a soldier awaiting his next orders.

“What’s the play?” said Entwhistle.

Sinclair continued his effort to look bored. “If they respond at all, that means they’re willing to talk about it. We should know their minds pretty soon now.”

No one spoke as they all waited for a reply that might never come.

Chapter Fifty-One

Dex USS Cape Cod

Whitehurst was looking at him like he was sixteen and had just asked for the keys to family sedan. The Admiral walked him off to the glass, where both stared straight ahead at the angry ocean. Dex listened as his old C.O. stood straight and unmoving, assuming a commanding posture. “Chief, what you’re asking me is way out of bounds, you know that.”

Dex spoke softly. “Isn’t this whole operation ‘out of bounds’?”

The Admiral ran a hand through his short, graying hair, exhaled slowly. “I could lose my rank for something like that. They’re called civilians for a reason.”

Dex cast about for the right response when the bridge communications officer interjected. “Excuse me, sir, I’ve got a message from the enemy.”

“They have this channel?” said Danvers with obvious surprise.

“They’re not amateurs,” said Harry Olmstead. “Trust me on that one.”

“Patch them in,” said Whitehurst.

As intrigued as Dex might be regarding the latest wrinkle, he wasn’t happy to have his argument stalled. But he listened with everyone else on the command deck as the bad guys made their ultimate threat, realized that everything had changed.

Whitehurst let the message settle in, then he looked at Olmstead. “You think that device is still hot?”

The CTG Director didn’t hesitate. “Not having seen it, I have no idea. But you remember what Dr. Schaller said — given the German reputation for making things right, it’s a good bet it’s live.”

Whitehurst nodded. “The real question is whether they’re serious or not.”

“It also answers a big concern,” said Dex. He didn’t want to infuse himself into the discussion, but he couldn’t help himself. Before anyone could stop him, he pushed on. “They wouldn’t even make that threat if they knew they had back-up on the way.”

“He’s right,” said Olmstead. “We can pretty much rule out any enemy subs coming to the rescue.”

“It also makes sense strategically in terms of the base,” said Whitehurst. “If the bad guys can’t control it, then nobody will.”

Olmstead was nonplussed. “This is a no-brainer. We tell them we’re backing off, and we go in anyway. We have the SEALS. They don’t.”

“Okay,” said Whitehurst. “What happens if they follow up — as soon as they see us coming?”

Harry Olmstead shrugged. “We gambled and lost. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Dex faced the Admiral. “But you’ve got civilians involved. Weren’t we just talking about that subject?”

“I think you can pretty much write them off as bargaining chips, Mr. McCauley.” Olmstead smirked as if he found something amusingly simplistic in Dex’s question. “If the enemy is willing to blow itself up, they have no problem taking the hostages along with them.”

Whitehurst appeared distracted with his own thoughts. He looked at Dex with growing irritation. “We’ve got some decisions to make. Get to the point, Chief.”

Dex hesitated but just for an instant. “Given the latest twist, I’m thinking you’ve got a volunteer situation.”

Olmstead chuckled. “Not with SEALS we don’t. This is the kind of stuff they live for.”

“I was thinking of the MIT guy,” said Dex. “And… me. If he doesn’t want to go, I’ll take his place.”

Olmstead was ready to speak, but Whitehurst held up his hand. “We’ll need to talk to Dr. Schaller about the latest developments. Is he already aboard the Dragonfish?”

“Yessir,” said Danvers, who’d been listening in with professional deference. “They’re waiting for the go.”

“Don’t let them off the pad till I talk to him,” said Whitehurst. “Patch me through.”

Olmstead held up an index finger, touched his nose thoughtfully. “Does that mean we’re in agreement, Parker?”

Whitehurst paused as he adjusted the headset mic to the front of his face. “You bet your ass it does.”

Chapter Fifty-Two


He stood alongside the nuclear technician who most likely wished he was just about anywhere else on earth. Just slightly behind him were Tommy and one of the crewman as his constant guard. The other two underlings were still on their knees in the muck surrounding both sides of the bomb and the recently-excavated timer. Hawthorne had suggested they be in position to steady it — in case some unexpected movement jostled it.

Facing the device almost head-on stood Sinclair and the red-haired Entwhistle, who looked grimly anxious. Everyone had been silent as though attending a solemn ceremony, waiting for a response to their ultimatum.

When it came, Sinclair could not disguise his relief.

Everyone started moving again, in small jittery ways. Tension-reducing things like clenching and unclenching fists, shifting weight from one foot to the other.

Everyone but Erich. He remained rigid and alert.

“Do you believe them?” said Entwhistle.

“It doesn’t matter.” Sinclair holstered his weapon. “We’re leaving.”

“What?” said Hawthorne.

“Why not? We’re at a stalemate, here. We’ll tell them we’ll exchange these two for our escape, and we run to fight another day.”

“I think I see where you’re treading with this one,” said Entwhistle. “Let the bleedin’ Yanks deal with this mess. If they blow themselves to hell and back, it’s not our problem.”

Sinclair nodded. “But if they don’t, we’ll just steal the technology later.”

“After they do all the heavy lifting.” Entwhistle chuckled. “Righty-O. It’s not like we haven’t done it that way before.”

“We were seduced by the chance to take the easy road. The Guild rarely works that way.”

“It was worth the shot,” said one of the crewman. “Right?”

Sinclair shrugged. “When you realize we revealed more of our profile than normal… probably not. But it’s too late to worry about it now.”

Entwhistle smiled, straightened his mustache. “I like you’re thinking, mate.”

Sinclair wasn’t listening. He’d activated his mic and instructed the man on the submersible to inform the Americans of the change of plans.

As he spoke, Erich considered the situation with a cool head. For the first time in uncountable years, he found himself in what they called at the academy a “command situation”—a pivotal moment when a specific decision must be made.

As Sinclair spoke and everyone else listened, he felt himself pulling away and out of the scene. As if he were viewing it from a distance in some global, all-encompassing fashion. He felt like an interloper, eavesdropping on his own thoughts, a dispassionate Nietzschian observer.

And that was perhaps the strangest part of the entire metaphysical equation — Erich himself did not actually know until this same moment.

The knowledge of what must be done.

What he must do.

The notion and the intent had been circling his thoughts like predatory birds, or more appropriately, like carrion eaters, waiting to feast on the remains of his torment. But up until this moment he had forced himself to look away. To pretend it wasn’t there. The solution that had been as obvious as it was solitary from the very beginning.

How could the others not feel the terror of this place? Locked in the ice like something out of distant myth, it had waited patiently for them, but Erich realized he was the only one who truly comprehended its unspoken message of doom.

He knew he would never return to this place. But more importantly… he would never leave it.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Dex Under the Ice

After Dr. Schaller respectfully declined to be part of the assault mission, volunteering instead to be part of the “second wave” that could go in and neutralize the nuclear device with a higher degree of safety, the parameters of the mission changed yet again.

And that’s how he’d ended up on the Dragonfish.

While Drabek’s team worked out the logistics of the entry under Greenland Shelf, and had locked in the coordinates where Tommy and old Bruckner would be waiting for them, Dex had finally won over Parker Whitehurst.

It was just going to be a taxi run — like a hack picking up a fare.

As Dex settled into the sleek submersible, he could see how much things had changed in just the few years since he’d retired. The Dragonfish was like something from a science fiction film, only it was real. The technology was such that it would keep getting better and keep getting obsolesced faster than it took to build the newest toys, that’s what Kevin Cheever had always told him. But Dex had never really believed him until he’d taken a jumpseat in the latest Deep Sea Assault and Rescue vessel.

Kevin Cheever.

Having recalled his friend and dive mate, Dex finally let a breaker of pain and culpability curl over him. In the weird, twisted logic of true guilt, Dex knew there would always be a part of him believing he’d been the sole reason Kevin and the rest of the Deep Six (that dumb name they’d all insisted on) had been killed.

Sure, it was a stretch, and it wasn’t much different from the professional responsibility he’d accepted for all the Navy boys he’d failed to rescue or had sent into a harm’s way that had turned out to be fatal. It wasn’t any kind of crushing weight that would prevent him from surviving or functioning in the future, but it was like a chronic ache that would never go away.

And honestly, Dex was okay with that. He’d feel worse about himself if he’d ever been able to seal it off like Fortunato in the wine cellar and never think of it again. No, it was better to think about it. Live with it like all the other things that create a life.

“Approaching the access point,” said the Dragonfish pilot, a kid who looked too young to be in the Navy. Dex had noticed the name Voelker on his nameplate.

“We copy.” That was the Cape Cod. “Maintain heading and confirm sonar contact.”

“ETA ten minutes,” said Voelker. “Sonar is a negative.”

“You have a window for contact. Advise when confirmed.”

Supposedly, the bad guys had placed a warning buoy at the end of the underwater tunnel into Station One Eleven. A marker signaling the entrance to what Bruckner had described as a vast cavern and lake. Dex knew the buoy was more than a beacon. It was symbol of the honor of the deal. And as far as Dex understood it, if Tommy and Bruckner were picked up safely, the bad guys got their Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card from the top of the deck.

A soft ping emanated from the pilot’s console. Once. Then a series of repeats. A pattern.

“Contact,” said Voelker.

“Steady as she goes.”

Then just as suddenly as they’d begun, the signals from the marker buoy stopped.

“Hey,” said Voelker. “What the—?”

Chapter Fifty-Four


He would never leave it.

In that instant of realization, Erich felt a release, a benediction of such cleansing strength, he felt invulnerable.

As he stood next to Hawthorne, he turned and spoke vaguely in Sinclair’s direction. “I… I feel… funny,” he said. “Something is—”

“What’s the matter?” said the technician, who reached out to steady Erich. It was a helpful, human gesture, and Erich felt a brief pang of guilt for the deception.

Pretending to lean into Hawthorne for support, Erich used him as a base, a pillar, and finally, a launching point. With all the power and feeble energy he could summon, he pushed off propelling himself forward.

Forward, at the Rube Goldbergian structure of the Project Norway device and the detonation mechanisms of Herr Kress.

Everyone moved.

Lunging for him. Hands reached out from both sides — Hawthorne and one of the crew — and even though their talon-like fingers caught the hood and shoulder of his parka, he twisted and stretched as he fell.

“Get him!” yelled Sinclair.

Erich felt his body stretching, laid out almost horizontally, as if he were trying to fly toward the bomb. And it was in that instant that he realized how old he actually was. Despite his mind being sharp and clear and as agile as it had been so many years ago, and despite the curious refusal of his body to age at a normal rate, he had still become weaker than he wanted to admit.

And therefore, what he intended and imagined as a forceful, lunging attack was nothing more than an attempt at a rapid movement in mocking painful slow-motion.

But in spite of this, he had instilled a great instantaneous panic in all of them around him, and they didn’t dismiss his age or his lack of mass or power. They converged on him and physically detained him, freezing his progress and yanking him backward from the device.

He had failed.

And everyone seemed to expel their pent-up, fear-choked breaths at once.

All but one.

In that brief interlude of collective relief as the men relaxed, knowing they had stopped him, and were transporting him back and away from his target, Erich saw rapid movement at the periphery of his vision.

So quick. Almost a blur. Like a torpedo at launch, the shape burst past him and the bodies who held him.


And in that instant of belated realization, he was beyond them, flying through the air like a linebacker making a tackle. One of the crewman rose up to meet him, to collide, to stop him.

And he did, but not before Tommy reached out with a final surge of power and will, his thick, gnarled fingers barely touching the wires.

The wires that connected the frozen timer with the detonator cap embedded in the waterproof pack of explosives.

The wires running through the dead man’s switch.

Turning, Erich saw the red wire slip free, and—

— flash

— white

— nothingness


Dex Fort Meade Counter Terror Group HQ

Three months later, and he still thought about that moment on a daily basis.

The interval between the Dragonfish pilot saying he’d lost the buoy’s signal and the shattering fury of the explosion had been less than an eyeblink. The shockwave of heat and energy had forced the inland sea downward, vortexing the massive plug of water through the subterranean passage where the DSAR vessel had just entered.

Like a bullet rifling through a barrel, the submersible had been propelled out into the sea. The G-forces bordered on lethal and Dex had blacked out, remembering nothing until they revived him in the Cape Cod’s sick bay.

Measured against contemporary yields, the German device had not been large, but it had been more than up to the task of obliterating the secret Nazi base. And of course everyone present. Dex had no idea what had gone wrong and his only consolation was that his friends had never felt a thing.

The loss so stunned Admiral Whitehurst, he’d wanted to retire, but even the Pentagon found no one to blame this time. Either the top brass knew more than they were saying, or they were feeling particularly benevolent that day.

Yeah, right. Dex knew there were details of the incident that would never reach the public eye.

Which brought him to his own situation.

Having been a part of the entire classified operation, Dex represented a bit of a problem to everyone. To let him wander off the dock at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and stand behind the counter of Barnacle Bill’s Dive Shop in Annapolis, Maryland was probably not the best idea. Especially considering the extremely trenchant fact the Guild knew where he lived, knew his computer and voicemail passwords, and anything else of value or importance to them. There was no way to know if, or when, they might decide to “reconnect” in his life.

Thankfully, there was an alternative arrangement and a very palatable one.

Despite his honorable discharge from the Navy, Dex found himself re-upped with a bump to the rank of Commander as a CTG liaison under Admiral Whitehurst. His security clearances had been almost easy because of his DSRO service which had involved the most classified submarines in the world.

Easy was one of those relative words, however — especially in the twenty-first century.

The “arrangement” Whitehurst had given him wasn’t so bad, really. He’d taken a loyalty oath to remain silent on all aspects of the Greenland Shelf and U-5001 incidents, and that had been a blessing. The less he spoke of the entire chapter in his life, the better off he would be. But that wouldn’t happen until every conceivable agency had wrung every possible fact from the entire operation. The amount of time spent debriefing everyone involved in the events required months and a full-time staff. During that span, Dex had not received any permanent orders or station, but he knew that would change one of these days.

And he was thinking that today might be the day.

Parker Whitehurst was waiting for him in one of the countless E-Ring briefing rooms.

“Commander McCauley. Right on time. Good to see you.” It was a running joke. They saw each other almost constantly, but Dex always smiled anyway.

Whitehurst smiled back, indicated he take a seat. “Relax. This won’t take long.”

“Okay.” Dex tried to be comfortable in the soft swivel chair, but his anxiety wouldn’t let him. Something was in the fire and he was going to be invited to the cook-out. That could be very good news. Or not.

“The science-guys and the brass don’t have enough answers,” said Whitehurst. “All the information we’ve pulled together hasn’t satisfied anybody. Made it worst, actually. All it’s done is spin the theoretical guys off into deep space. They want more. We all want more.”

“Why’re you telling me this?”

Whitehurst paused, as he didn’t know what face to project, a grin or perhaps something more serious. He settled for a more neutral expression which suited his thin lips and ruddy complexion well enough. “We’re putting together a mission. To go back to the Shelf.”

Dex leaned forward, surprised. “What? Why? There’s nothing left. It’s all gone, isn’t it?”

“Well, that’s kind of the burning question of the age, isn’t it?”

“I don’t get it.”

“Some of the geologists and physicists have theorized that the nuclear device may have only affected a portion of the area. A fairly small portion. Based on Bruckner’s eyewitness account, plus recent satellite imaging and magnetometrical readings, there might be plenty still there. Below. Deeper into the earth. Below the ice. Below the shelf. Who knows…?”

“You agree with them?”

Whitehurst steepled his hand in front of his face, assumed a thoughtful pose. He raised his bushy, silvering eyebrows. “I guess maybe I do. I volunteered you for the mission.”

Dex nodded. “Because of my clearances.”

“That’s one of the reasons. I figured two other ones might be Bruckner and Chipiarelli.”

Dex said nothing. He didn’t have to. Given a chance to do something — anything — that might give more sense, more meaning to the death of his friends, well, Dex would go for it. Some of the images from Bruckner’s diary would never leave him, and the chance to see things for himself would trump any other concerns. Besides that, the experience might help him with one final loose end.

“What’re you thinking, sailor?” Whitehurst had leaned back, more relaxed now that he knew Dex was onboard.

Dex looked at him. “I don’t know. Did you ever think we have a real talent for never seeing all the consequences of what we do? Until it’s too late.”

“Part of being human, I guess.”

Dex nodded. “That’s what bothers me the most about One Eleven.”

“Go on,” said the Admiral.

“Well, we both know it’s not just the Nazis we’re talking about here.”

Whitehurst said nothing, waited for him to continue.

“All the years and all the technology didn’t save them — whoever they were,” said Dex.

Whitehurst considered this. “Maybe that doesn’t matter.”

“Why not?”

“It doesn’t matter who they were. The important thing is — they’re not us. We’re different because we are still here, and as long as that’s the case, then we have a chance to get it right.”

Dex smiled. He thought about how his commanding officer might be on to something. And that made him think about that one final loose end.

The one that led to a grave marker in a small, forgotten cemetery, and to an old ammo box buried there.

Sooner or later, Dex was going to have to make a decision regarding the contents of that box and whatever profound changes it could ring upon his world.

Whatever he did, it was going to be very interesting.

About the Author

Thomas F. Monteleone has published more than 100 short stories, 5 collections, 7 anthologies, and 27 novels including the bestseller, New York Times Notable Book of the Year, The Blood of the Lamb. A four-time winner of the Bram Stoker Award, he’s also written scripts for stage, screen and TV, as well as the bestselling The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing a Novel (now in a 2nd edition). His latest novel is a global thriller, Submerged. He lives in Maryland near Baltimore and loves the Ravens. He is also co-editor of the award-winning anthology series of imaginative fiction, Borderlands. He is well-known as a great reader of his work, and routinely draws SRO at conventions. Despite being dragged kicking and screaming into his sixties and losing most of his hair, he still thinks he is dashingly handsome — humor him.