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Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. Vol. 5, No. 19, November 1944

Great American Detective Stories


In his spirited Introduction to a topnotch collection of Great American Detective Stories, Anthony Boucher says: “The detective short story belongs to us. It started in America and it started off magnificently. In five stories, Edgar Allan Poe created the form and almost all its possible variants... There are as many kinds of detective short stories as there are of detective novels — and you’ll find most of them here, from the ethical poetry of Melville Davisson Post to the brash foolery of Frank Gruber.” A glance at some of the titles of the stories included confirms Boucher’s modest words and guarantees that you’ll find plenty of good reading here.

The Year's Best Science Fiction 9

The Year's Greatest Science Fiction & Fantasy 6

6 Great Short Novels of Science Fiction

A Century of Great Suspense Stories


Given its extraordinary span, its international scope, and its variant styles and groundbreaking stylists, A Century of Great Suspense Stories is a singular achievement. A bestselling master of suspense himself Jeffery Deaver had the enviable task of selecting from the thousands of stories written over the past one hundred years those which best represented the classic form, as well as the justly celebrated authors whose ironic twists and stunning payoffs left a lasting, vivid, and unnerving impression. The result is a triumph. In this ambitious anthology you’ll revel in the sardonic, overtly amoral plotting of Patricia Highsmith. You’ll rediscover the strangely poignant and surprising...

Яйцо глака


Составитель Кир Булычев Перевод с английского И. Можейко, К. Сошинской В оформлении обложки использован рисунок G. Wilson Яйцо глака: Сборник юмористической фантастики Пер. с англ. И. Можейко, К. Сошинской; сост. К. Булычев. — Лигон: Лигонское государственное книжное издательство «Кангем». Отдел литературы на иностранных языках, 2020. — 327, [1] с.: ил. — (Библиотека юмористической фантастики). В сборник юмористических произведений английских и американских писателей вошли фантастические повести и рассказы, переведенные Игорем Всеволодовичем Можейко (Кир Булычев) и Кирой Алексеевной Сошинской. © Можейко И.В., перевод, 2002 © Сошинская К.А., перевод, 2002 ©...

С ружьем на динозавра

Mystery for Christmas and Other Stories


XMAS MARKS THE PLOT Twelve Christmas mysteries — gift wrapped in entertainment and suspense — ready to take home for the holidays in this delightful collection selected from Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. Margery Allingham’s Albert Campion, British detective extraordinaire, solves a country killing in which delivering a Christmas card was simply murder. Rex Stout sends a crotchety patrolman out to investigate a yuletide jewel theft on Manhattan’s mean streets. John D. MacDonald leaves us a secretary’s corpse on Christmas Street along with a cop’s clever ruse to catch her killer. And Santa Claus himself hitches up a sleighload of chills in stories by...

Ed McBain’s Mystery Book, No. 1, 1960