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The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 7



«Манхеттен» (в оригіналі «Manhattan Transfer»), що вважається багатьма найвизначнішим твором Джона Дос Пассоса, являє собою «експресіоністську картину Нью-Йорка» (New York Times) 1920-х років, яка змальовує життя різних суспільних верств: від заможних біржових гравців до злиденних іммігрантів. Від Чотирнадцятої вулиці до Бавері, від кращого ресторану Дельмоніко до справжнього дна портових районів Дос Пассос веде хроніку життя персонажів, які борються за те, аби стати частиною сьогодення, перш ніж воно поглине їх. Хоча з часу першої публікації роману минуло понад сімдесят п’ять років, він залишається, за словами Сінклера Льюїса, «романом першорядної ваги». Це шедевр сучасної художньої...



Джон Дос Пассос (1896–1970) — один из крупнейших писателей США. Оригинальные литературные эксперименты, своеобразный творческий почерк, поиск новых романных форм снискали ему славу художника-экспериментатора, а созданные им романы сделали Дос Пассоса прижизненным классиком американской литературы. В романе «Манхэттен» — фантасмагорический город и человек со всеми надеждами и разочарованиями, взлетами и падениями, судьбы людей на фоне трагического сумбура бытия. «Манхэттен» останется актуальным до тех пор, пока существуют огромные города с миллионами живущих в них людей, как бы ни меняло время их облик. Потому что в каждом таком городе есть свой опасный Манхэттен, в котором человек часто...

Three Soldiers


Part of the generation that produced Ernest Hemingway and Ford Madox Ford, John Dos Passos wrote one of the most grimly honest portraits of World War I. Three Soldiers portrays the lives of a trio of army privates: Fuselli, an Italian American store clerk from San Francisco; Chrisfield, a farm boy from Indiana; and Andrews, a musically gifted Harvard graduate from New York. Hailed as a masterpiece on its original publication in 1921, Three Soldiers is a gripping exploration of fear and ambition, conformity and rebellion, desertion and violence, and the brutal and dehumanizing effects of a regimented war machine on ordinary soldiers.

Big Money


THE BIG MONEY completes John Dos Passos's three-volume "fable of America's materialistic success and moral decline" (American Heritage) and marks the end of "one of the most ambitious projects that an American novelist has ever undertaken" (Time). Here we come back to America after the war and find a nation on the upswing. Industrialism booms. The stock market surges. Lindbergh takes his solo flight. Henry Ford makes automobiles. From New York to Hollywood, love affairs to business deals, it is a country taking the turns too fast, speeding toward the crash of 1929. Ultimately, whether the novels are read together or separately, they paint a sweeping portrait of collective America...

The 42nd Parallel


With his U.S.A. trilogy, comprising THE 42nd PARALLEL, 1919, and THE BIG MONEY, John Dos Passos is said by many to have written the great American novel. While Fitzgerald and Hemingway were cultivating what Edmund Wilson once called their “own little corners”, John Dos Passos was taking on the world. Counted as one of the best novels of the twentieth century by the Modern Library and by some of the finest writers working today, U.S.A. is a grand, kaleidoscopic portrait of a nation, buzzing with history and life on every page. The trilogy opens with THE 42nd PARALLEL, where we find a young country at the dawn of the twentieth century. Slowly, in stories artfully spliced together, the...



With 1919, the second volume of his U.S.A. trilogy, John Dos Passos continues his “vigorous and sweeping panorama of twentieth-century America” (Forum), lauded on publication of the first volume not only for its scope, but also for its groundbreaking style. Again, employing a host of experimental devices that would inspire a whole new generation of writers to follow, Dos Passos captures the many textures, flavors, and background noises of modern life with a cinematic touch and unparalleled nerve. 1919 opens to find America and the world at war, and Dos Passos's characters, many of whom we met in the first volume, are thrown into the snarl. We follow the daughter of a Chicago minister, a...



1921 reiste der später weltberühmte Autor John Dos Passos durch den Orient – schon damals eine hochexplosive Gegend – und hielt seine Eindrücke in einem Tagebuch fest. Diese abenteuerliche Reise führte den damals 25-Jährigen von der Türkei über Georgien, Armenien, den Iran und den Irak bis nach Syrien. Sein packender Bericht liest sich wie eine Mischung aus Abenteuerroman und der hellsichtigen Analyse eines dramatischen Umbruchs, der bis heute fortwirkt. Geschrieben in knapper Präzision, mit ansteckender Neugier und Beobachtungsgabe, ist das Werk, mit dem Dos Passos dabei war, zu einem der wichtigsten Schriftsteller der amerikanischen Moderne zu werden, jetzt erstmals auf Deutsch zu...

One Man's Initiation, 1917


Based on the author’s first-hand experience as an ambulance driver during World War I, this first novel is noteworthy for its vivid and colorful portrait of France at that time and for its passionate indictment of war. The author’s disillusionment with war, for a time, turned him toward socialism and against capitalism. Finally, after being labeled “pro-German” and “pacifist,” Dos Passos concluded that the quasi-religion of Marxism was far more brutal than “poor old Capitalism ever dreamed of.” Reprinted from the unexpurgated original edition published by Cornell University Press in 1969.

Brazil on the Move


John Dos Passos, the distinguished American novelist and historian has been personally interested in Brazil for the last fifteen years. He first visited the country in 1948, and returned again in 1956 and 1962. This book, which is based on his experiences in Brazil, presents the people and landscapes of a young country on the move. Here you will find several extraordinary reports on Brasilia, first in the planning stage, second in the wildly frantic period when it was a half-finished group of buildings, and, finally, as it appeared to Mr. Dos Passos in the summer of 1962 when it was at last beginning to function as a city. Here, too, is the story of Brazil's great road building program...