„Има един случай, който не ми дава покой нощем — единственият, който ми се опря. Случай, който винаги присъства в съзнанието ми и ме изяжда отвътре. Няма значение, че от тогава са минали десет години. Екзекутирана бе невинна жена. Трупът на Кристофър Томас бе открит полуразложен в средновековен уред за мъчения. Съдът набързо реши, че в пристъп на ярост съпругата му го е убила…“ Инспектор Джон Нън е убеден, че е допусната съдбоносна грешка. Разрешаването на този случай е последният му шанс да изкупи и собствените си грешки, но зловещите сили зад смъртта на Кристофър няма да се спрат пред нищо, за да накарат миналото да замълчи завинаги. Двайсет и шест майстори на трилъра пишат по една...
Reimonds Khuri Zīme Cilvēcei piedāvātas divas iespējas - pestīšana vai iznīcība Pasaule aiztur elpu, kad pēkšņi debesīs parādās milzīga, spilgta gaismas lode un tad nozūd tikpat noslēpumaini kā parādījusies. Spoži mirdzošais simbols pārsteidz iedzīvotājus dažādās pasaules malās - Ēģiptē, Antarktīdā, Amerikā… Tiek sākta izmeklēšana, lai noskaidrotu atbildi uz būtisku jautājumu: vai kāds rosinājis jaunas ēras dzimšanu, kurā ticība, cerība un pārliecība kritīs varas, alkatības un nāves altāra priekšā? Populārais televīzijas un filmu scenāriju autors un producents Reimonds Khuri ir radījis bestsellerus «Patvērums" un „Tempļa ordeņa sargs", kas starptautiskajos grāmatu sarakstos...
Empire of Lies is a sweeping thriller in the tradition of The Man in the High Castle, Fatherland, and Underground Airlines from New York Times bestselling author Raymond Khoury. “The best what-if thriller for a long, long time—makes you think, makes you sweat, and makes you choose, between what is and what might have been.” —Lee Child Istanbul, 1683: Mehmed IV, sultan of the Ottoman Empire, is preparing to lay siege to Vienna, capital of the Holy Roman Empire, when a mysterious visitor arrives in his bedroom—naked, covered in strange tattoos—to deliver a dangerous, world-changing message. Paris, 2017: Ottoman flags have been flying over the great city for three...
Любознательный человек часто задается вопросами, ответов на которые не существует. Просто потому, что проверить, «что будет, если…», невозможно. Кто победил бы в битве – Александр Македонский или Чингисхан? Кто быстрее и изящнее разобрался бы в тайне преступления – Шерлок Холмс или Эркюль Пуаро?.. Но на сей раз звезды современного мирового детектива и триллера воплотили в жизнь уникальную задумку – свели под одной обложкой главных персонажей своих романов. Впервые фантазии авторов сталкивают лицом к лицу Джека Ричера и Ника Хеллера, Грея Пирса и Коттона Малоуна, Линкольна Райма и Лукаса Дэвенпорта – кумиров миллионов читателей по всему миру. Противостояние героев – и их создателей… Кто...
When Christopher Thomas, a curator at San Francisco's Museum of Fine Arts, is murdered and his decaying body is found in an iron maiden in Berlin, his wife Rosemary Thomas is the prime suspect. Long suffering under Christopher's unfaithful ways, Rosemary is tried, convicted and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, becomes convinced that the wrong person was put to death. Along with financier Tony Olsen, he plans to gather everyone who was there the night Christopher died and finally uncover the truth about what happened that fateful evening. Could it have been the ne'er do well brother Peter Hausen, interested in his sister's trust fund having got through...
From New York Times and international bestselling author Raymond Khoury comes a blistering new Reilly Tess thriller, published exclusively as a Kindle ebook. Back when he was ten years old, FBI Special Agent Sean Reilly came home to find his dad in his study, slumped at his desk, a handgun by his side. His death had always been considered a suicide-only now, an anonymous caller claims to know different. And he has a lot more to reveal, about other deaths. In chasing after the potentially devastating revelations about that hidden past, Reilly awakens other dormant monsters-a cabal of assassins whose unusual methods have escaped detection for decades, whose victims have spanned continents,...
An ingenious, fast-paced historical thriller from the author of the New York Times bestseller The Last Templar On a cold, bleak day in 1916, all hell breaks loose in a mining pit in the Ural Mountains. Overcome by a strange paranoia, the miners attack one another, savagely and ferociously. Minutes later, two men-a horrified scientist and Grigory Rasputin, trusted confidant of the tsar-hit a detonator, blowing up the mine to conceal all evidence of the carnage. In the present day, FBI agent Sean Reilly's search for Reed Corrigan, the CIA mindcontrol spook who brainwashed Reilly's son, takes a backseat to a new, disturbing case. A Russian embassy attaché seems to have committed suicide by...
From New York Times bestselling authors Raymond Khoury and Steve Berry comes a unique and wildly original short story, published exclusively as a Kindle ebook. It’s been ten years since FBI agent Sean Reilly and retired Justice Department operative Cotton Malone got dragged around the globe on their separate Templar adventures. They’d never worked on a case together — until now. Something’s afoot in London, England. American specialists have gone missing. Intel chatter points to a major terrorist plot in the works. And a familiar keyword links to both Reilly and Malone. The two agents are urgently despatched to London where they discover a plot that’s more personal, and...