And on the Eighth Day God Created Beer. Beer is what separates humans from animals… unless you have too much. Seriously, anthropologists, archeologists, and sociologists seem to think that when humans first emerged on earth as human, they possessed fire, language, a sense of spirituality, and beer. Within these pages are quirky, silly, and downright strange stories sure to delight and entertain the ardent beer lover by authors such as Brenda Clough, Irene Radford, Mark J. Ferrari, Shannon Page, Nancy Jane Moore, Frog and Esther Jones, G. David Nordley, and many more!
“If it feels good, it is good…” Oh, yeah?
Building inspectors have long plagued builders and homeowners. In space, of course, things will be different…
To deal with beings from another culture, you must understand how they think!
Our first close glimpses of our neighbor planets have shown them full of surprises. And the closer we look…
Paradoxically, the ongoing search for better ways to store information makes it harder and harder to read old records. But if the incentive is strong enough…
A wise businessman does not impose prejudices on his customers…
Антология посвящена теме эволюции взаимоотношений человека и космоса в произведениях известнейших англоязычных фантастов конца двадцатого столетия. В ней собраны произведения современных фантастов США и Великобритании 80-х — 90-х годов. Является продолжением антологии «Пришельцы с небес». Содержание: Гарднер Дозуа. Предисловие (перевод М. Левина) Джон Варли. Робинзон Крузо (рассказ, перевод Е. Фрибус) Джордж Мартин. Крест и дракон (рассказ, перевод В. Вебера) Брюс Стерлинг. Рой (рассказ, перевод Г. Корчагина) Майкл Суэнвик. Слепой Минотавр (рассказ, перевод В. Малахова) Вернор Виндж. Болтунья (повесть, перевод М. Левина) Дженет Каган. Возвращение...
Sometimes it’s real important to be able to use the wrong tool for the job…